Gen.1.1 in the beginning god made heaven and earth. Gen.1.2 the earth was without sight and above, and darkness was over the bottomless pit, and the spirit of god was brought on the water. Gen.1.3 and god said, be light! and there was light. Gen.1.4 and god saw that the light was good, and god divided the light from the darkness. Gen.1.5 and god called the light day, and the darkness called night. and it was evening and it was morning, the first day. Gen.1.6 and god said, become a hest in the midst of the water, so that he may separate the water from water. Gen.1.7 and god made the boldness and separed the water that was under the firmament by the water that was above the boldness. so it was. Gen.1.8 and god called the firmament heaven. and it was evening and it was morning, the second day. Gen.1.9 and god said, the water under heaven may be gathered into one crowd and let the land appear. and it was so. Gen.1.10 and god called the land a earth, and the ground of the waters called sea sea. and god saw that it was good. Gen.1.11 and god said, let the earth produce grain, grass, which bears offspring, and tree that bear fruit, which his offspring may be in it in the earth. so it happened. Gen.1.12 and the earth produced grain, grass, which had offspring, according to their especie, and tree that bear fruit, in which his offspring was in it, according to his especie. and god saw that it was good. Gen.1.13 and it was evening, and it was morning, the third day. Gen.1.14 and god said, let light be in the boldness of heaven to separate the day from the night. and let them be signs and days and days and years. Gen.1.15 and be for light in the hest of heaven to shine on the earth. and it happened. Gen.1.16 and god made the two great light, the great fear to set the day, and the little light to exercise the night, and the stars. Gen.1.17 and god put them in the heavenly place to light in the earth, Gen.1.18 and to exerce the day and the night and to separate the light from the darkness. and god saw that it was good. Gen.1.19 and it was evening and it was morning, the fourth day. Gen.1.20 and god said, the waters may cast out creatures of living souls, and birds flee on the earth according to the firmament of heaven. Gen.1.21 and god made the great creatures and every living creature of living creatures, which the water were carried out, according to their espèces, and every skress oiseau according to their especie. and god saw that it was good. Gen.1.22 and god blessed them, saying, fructify and be multiplied, and filled the water in the sea, and the birds shall increase on the earth. Gen.1.23 and it was evening, and it was the morning, the third day. Gen.1.24 and god said, the earth should give out living souls according to its especie, animals and reptiles and wild beasts of the earth according to their espèces. and it happened. Gen.1.25 and god made the beast of the earth according to their especial, the beast according to their especie, and all reptiles of the earth according to their especie. and god saw that it was good. Gen.1.26 and god said, let us do a man according to our image, according to our bild, and let it domine over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven, and over the beast, and over the whole earth, and over all the reptile reptiles on the earth. Gen.1.27 and god made the man in his image, according to his image, god made him. man created them male and female. Gen.1.28 and god blessed them, and god said to them, fructify and be multiplied, and filled the earth, and heal it, and domine over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over all the beast that grows on earth. Gen.1.29 and god said, behold, i have given you every grass that sows seed, which is on the whole earth, and every tree that is in himself grain of seed, which will be for you to eat. Gen.1.30 and to all the beasts of the earth and to all the birds of the heavens and all the reptiles of the earth that has life in himself, have all green grass to eat. so it happened. Gen.1.31 and god saw all that he had done, and behold, it was much good. and it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day. Gen.2.1 so were finished the heavens and the earth and all their ones. Gen.2.2 on the sexth day god finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his works that he had done. Gen.2.3 and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for in it he rested from all his works that god did to do. Gen.2.4 this is the book of heaven and of earth when they were made, when the lord god made the earth and heaven. Gen.2.5 even no grain of field was before it was on the earth and all the grass of the field had not come up, for the lord god had not broken the ground on the earth, and there was no man to work the earth. Gen.2.6 but a sound went up from the earth and water for all the face of the earth. Gen.2.7 so the lord god made man of the ground of the earth and threw the souls of life into his face, and the man became a living soul. Gen.2.8 and god god planted a paradise to eden in eden, and set there the man whom he had forced. Gen.2.9 so the lord god made out of the earth every tree that was seen to see and good for food, and the tree of life among the paradise, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Gen.2.10 and a river went out from eden to drink the garden, and there it seemed in four dels. Gen.2.11 the name of the one is pison. this is the one who leads in the whole land havila, where there is gold. Gen.2.12 the gold of that land is good. there is onyx and onyx stone. Gen.2.13 the name of the second river was gihon. this is the one who huws throughout all the land of cus. Gen.2.14 the third flood is hiddekel, this is the one who drew off in the way of assur. the fourth flood is eufrat. Gen.2.15 so the lord god took the man and put him in the paradise of eden to work it and to keep it. Gen.2.16 and the lord god commanded adam, saying, you will eat some of all tree in the paradise, Gen.2.17 but from the tree of knowledge of good and evil shall you not eat, for when you eat of it you will die. Gen.2.18 and the lord god said, it is not good that man may be only. i will make him a helper according to him. Gen.2.19 and the lord god forced from the earth all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air, and brought them to adam to see what he might call them, and so whatever adam called a living soul, this was his name. Gen.2.20 and adam called names to all the beasts and all the birds of the heavens and all the beast of the field, but to adam there was no helper like him. Gen.2.21 and the lord god put a direction over adam, and when he sowed, he took one of his side and filled with flesh in his place. Gen.2.22 and the lord god builted a woman the side that he had taken from adam to a wife and brought her to the man. Gen.2.23 and adam said, this is now look from my bones and flesh of my flesh. she will be called a woman, for she has been born of her. Gen.2.24 therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. Gen.2.25 and the two were naked, adam and his wife, and they were not ashamed. Gen.3.1 the serpent was answer than all the beast of the earth that the lord god had done. and he said to the woman, is it that god said, you shall not eat of any tree in the paradise? Gen.3.2 and the woman said to the serpent, we are to eat of the fruit of the tree, Gen.3.3 but from the fruit of the tree that is in the grain god said, you shall not eat it and do not touch it, so that you may not die. Gen.3.4 and the serpent said to the woman, you will not die. Gen.3.5 for god knew that on the day you will eat, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like god knowing good and evil. Gen.3.6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and that it was right for the eyes, and is right to show it. then she took his fruit and ate, and she gave it to her husband, and she ate. Gen.3.7 then the eyes of the two were opened, and they recognized that they were naked, and they wounded figures of fig tree and made to themselves white. Gen.3.8 and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the paradise earnestly. and adam and his wife were hidden from the face of the lord god among the tree of the paradise. Gen.3.9 and the lord god called adam and said to him, where are you? Gen.3.10 and he said, i heard your voice in the paradise, and i was afraid, for i was naked. so i kept hidden. Gen.3.11 and he said to him, who has told you that you are naked? did you eat of the tree that i commanded you to eat? Gen.3.12 and adam said, the woman whom you gave me was given to me from the tree, and i ate. Gen.3.13 and the lord god said to the woman, why have you done this? and the woman said, the serpent suffered me, and i ate. Gen.3.14 and the lord god said to the serpent, because you have done this, you are cursed from all the beast and all the beast of the earth. in your wheat you will go, and a ground you will eat all the days of your life. Gen.3.15 i will put a enemy among you and the woman, and among your offspring and her offspring. he will tear your head, and you shall strike his flock. Gen.3.16 and to the woman he said, i will multiplike your suffering and your suffering; with smart you will bear children, and to your husband your sure, and he will dominion over you. Gen.3.17 and to adam he said, because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and you ate of the tree that i had commanded you to do from it, the earth must be cursed by you; with smart you will eat it for all the days of your life. Gen.3.18 thorns and graves will bear it to you, and you will eat the grass of the field. Gen.3.19 in the supper of your face you will eat the bread, until you returns to the earth. for from it you have been taken, for you are a earth and you will return into the ground. Gen.3.20 and adam called his wife eva, because she was mother of all the living. Gen.3.21 and the lord god made a tunicy for adam and his woman and put them in. Gen.3.22 and the lord god said, behold, adam has become like one of us, to know good and evil. and now, that he may not stretch out his hand and take the tree of life and eat and live forever. Gen.3.23 so the lord god sent him out of the paradise of eden to work the earth from which he was taken. Gen.3.24 so he cast out the man and put in face of the paradise of eden the cherubim and the flame of a flame that turned, to keep the way of the tree of life. Gen.4.1 and adam knew his wife eva, and she conceived and became birth of cain, and she said, i became a man by the lord. Gen.4.2 and she became a birth of his brother abel. abel was a shepherd of sheep, and cain was worthy of the earth. Gen.4.3 after some days cain brought a sacrifice for the lord of the fruit of the earth. Gen.4.4 and abel offered from the firstborn of his sheep and from their grass. and the lord saw abel and his offering, Gen.4.5 but to cain and his sacrifice he did not accuse. and cain was greatly distressed and his face fell. Gen.4.6 and the lord said to cain, why are you troubled? and why have your face fell? Gen.4.7 if you have offered rightly, and if it does not divorce, you have sinned. his sentence will be at you, and you will put it in your way. Gen.4.8 and cain said to his brother abel, let us go into the field. and as they were in the field, cain rose up against his brother abel and killed him. Gen.4.9 and the lord said to cain, where is abel, your brother? and he said, i do not know. is i a guard of my brother? Gen.4.10 and he said, what have you done? a voice of the blood of your brother cries from the earth to me. Gen.4.11 and now you are cursed from the earth that opened her mouth to receive the blood of your brother from your hand. Gen.4.12 when you are working of the earth, she will not give you any more ground. you will be lawful and drawful on the earth. Gen.4.13 and cain said to the lord, my reason is greater than to be left. Gen.4.14 behold, you cast me today from the face of the earth, and from your face i will be hidden, and i will be a beast and a course on the earth, and every one who finds me will kill me. Gen.4.15 and the lord said to him, so, whoever kill cain will be punished seven. and the lord laid a sign to cain, so that any who found him would not put him to death. Gen.4.16 so cain went out from the presence of god and dwelled in the land nod, from the beast of eden. Gen.4.17 and cain knew his wife, and she became birth and gave birth to enoch. and he built a city and called the city in the name of his son, enoch. Gen.4.18 and to enoch was irad, and irad the father of mehujael, and mehujael the father of methusael, and methusael the father of lamech. Gen.4.19 lamech took himself two women, the name of one was ada, and the name of the second was silla. Gen.4.20 and ada became a father of jabal, who was the father of those who dwell in tents and fears. Gen.4.21 the name of his brother was jubal; he was the father of all who sows the harp and the harp. Gen.4.22 and silla became birth of tubal-cain, a stranger of bronze and iron. and the sister of tubal-kain was naama. Gen.4.23 and lamech said to his wives, ada and silla, listen to my voice, you wives of lamech, listen to my message! i have killed a man to death for me and a young man for my struck. Gen.4.24 for for cain there will be punished seven times, and lamech seventy-seven. Gen.4.25 and adam recognized her wife, and she became birth and became a son, and he called him seth, for god gave me a other offspring in the place of abel, whom cain killed. Gen.4.26 seet became a son, and he called him enos. then they began to invoke the name of the lord. Gen.5.1 this is the book of the offspring of adam. on the day when god made adam, he made him like god, Gen.5.2 a man and a woman he made them, and he blessed them and called them the name adam, the day of their creation. Gen.5.3 when adam had been 130 years, he became the father of one according to his image, according to his image, and he called it set. Gen.5.4 and after adam had been born set, there were five hundred years, and he became sons and daughters. Gen.5.5 so all the days that adam leased was 930 years, and he died. Gen.5.6 da set was 105 years, and he became the father of enos. Gen.5.7 and after set had been born enos, set seven and seven years, and he became sons and daughters. Gen.5.8 so all the days of set were night and twelve years, and he died. Gen.5.9 as enos was 90 years, he became the father of cainan. Gen.5.10 and after enos had been the cainan, enos remained five hundred and five years. and he became sons and daughters. Gen.5.11 so all the days of enos was night and five years, and he died. Gen.5.12 and kenan was seventy years, and he became the father of mahalalel. Gen.5.13 and after kenan had been born of mahalaleel, 840 years, and he bore sons and daughters. Gen.5.14 so all the days of cainan were 910 years, and he died. Gen.5.15 and mahalalel was sixty-five years, and he became the father of jared. Gen.5.16 and after mahalalel had been born of jared, 830 years, and he bore sons and daughters. Gen.5.17 so all the days of mahalalel were 895 years, and he died. Gen.5.18 when jared was 162 years, he became the father of enoch. Gen.5.19 and after jared had been born, jared remained siventh years, and he became sons and daughters. Gen.5.20 so all the days of jared was 962 years, and he died. Gen.5.21 and enoch was sixty-five years, and he became the father of methushalah. Gen.5.22 and enoch howed with god after the father of metusalem, two hundred years, and he born sons and daughters. Gen.5.23 so all the days of henoch were three hundred and five years. Gen.5.24 and enoch went to god, and he was not found, for god had taken him. Gen.5.25 metusalah was 117 years, and he became the father of lamech. Gen.5.26 and after metusalah had been born of lamech, five hundred and two years, and he born sons and daughters. Gen.5.27 so all the days of metuzalah were 969 years, and he died. Gen.5.28 and lamech remained a hundred and seven years, and he became a son. Gen.5.29 and he called it noah, saying, this man will give us rest from our works and of the moil of our hands, because of the earth that the lord has cursed. Gen.5.30 and after lamech had been born of noah, lamech remained five hundred and five years, and he became sons and daughters. Gen.5.31 so all the days of lamech were five hundred and seven years, and he died. Gen.5.32 and when noah was five hundred years, he became the father of sem, cham and japheth. Gen.6.1 when the men began to be many on the earth and given them daughter, Gen.6.2 when the sons of god saw that the daughters of the people were pure, they took themselves as wife for all that they had chosen. Gen.6.3 and the lord said, my spirit will never continue in the man, because they are a flesh, but my days will be 120 years. Gen.6.4 in those days there were strangers on the earth, and after that, when the sons of god came to the daughters of the people and became children for them. these were the strangers of the age of antily people. Gen.6.5 and when the lord saw that the boosheid of the people was multiplied on the earth, and that all the thoughts of his heart, all the days were evil. Gen.6.6 and god was encouraged that he had made a man on the earth, and he was troubled in his heart. Gen.6.7 and god said, i will defile the man that i have made, from the face of the earth, from a man to the beast, to the reptiles and the birds of the air, for i was angry that i have done them. Gen.6.8 but noah found grace in the sight of the lord. Gen.6.9 these are the generations of noah. noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generations. noah wanted with god. Gen.6.10 and noah became three sons, sem, cham and jafet. Gen.6.11 but the earth was destroyed before god, and the earth was filled with wrong. Gen.6.12 and god saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupted, for all flesh had destroyed his way on the earth. Gen.6.13 and god said to noah, the time of every person is coming before me, for the earth is filled with violence for them, and behold, i will destroy them with the earth. Gen.6.14 do for yourself a ark from gofers. in gowers do you make the ark and make it belong in inside and outside. Gen.6.15 so do you do with the ark: the longer of the ark must be three hundred cours, a large breedte and thirty hour. Gen.6.16 you will make the ark with a cloak, and in a cuot you will find it from above, and the door of the ark do out from his side. do the one, divided, or the third. Gen.6.17 for i, behold, i will bring the flood of water upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which there is a spirit of life under heaven. whatever there is on the earth will be destroyed. Gen.6.18 but i will put my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark, you and your sons and your wife and the women of your sons with you. Gen.6.19 and from all the creatures and from all the flesh you will bring in the ark, so that they may live with you, a male and a female. Gen.6.20 from the birds according to their sops and from the beast according to their especes, of all reptiles of the earth according to their espèces, two of all shall come to you, so that they may live in life. Gen.6.21 and take yourself from all the food that you eat and gather to yourself, and it shall be to eat for you and for those. Gen.6.22 and noah did. whatever god had directed him, so he did. Gen.7.1 and the lord said to noah, enter the ark, you and all your household, for you have seen innocent before me in this generation. Gen.7.2 from all pure animals bring to you seven fish and her women, but from the animals that are not pure, two, a manner and a femband. Gen.7.3 both of the birds of the air, seven, male and female, to keep offspring upon the whole earth. Gen.7.4 for for seven days i will bring rain on the earth for 40 days and forty nights, and i will short out of the face of the earth all the resurrection that i have done. Gen.7.5 and noah did whatever the lord had commanded him. Gen.7.6 and noah was six hundred years, when the flood of water was upon the earth. Gen.7.7 so noah and his sons and his wife and the women of his sons entered the ark for the water of the flood. Gen.7.8 from the pure animal and of the animals who are not pure, of the birds and of all things reptiles on the earth, Gen.7.9 there came to noah in the ark, a male and a women, as god had directed noah. Gen.7.10 after the seven days the waters of the flood came upon the earth. Gen.7.11 in the sexty-yeast of the life of noah, the third day of the second month, that day were opened all the springs of the bottomless pit, and the furts of the heavens were opened. Gen.7.12 and there was rain on the earth for 40 days and forty nights. Gen.7.13 on this day noah, sem, cham and japheth, sons of noah, and the wife of noah and the three women of his sons with them entered the ark, Gen.7.14 so all the beasts according to their especions, all the beasts according to their espèces, all reptiles in the earth according to their espèces, every birth according to their sops. Gen.7.15 and two two from all the flesh came to noah in the ark, Gen.7.16 and those who were entering, a male and a femband from every flesh went in, just as god had commanded him. and the lord directed the ark. Gen.7.17 the flood came 40 days upon the earth, and the water increased and picked the ark, and it was exalted from the earth. Gen.7.18 the water increased and multiplied greatly on the earth, and the ark was bringing over the water. Gen.7.19 and the water were greatly distributed on the earth, and all the high mountain who were under heaven were opened. Gen.7.20 for four hour was exalted the water, and the mountains were covered. Gen.7.21 so all the flesh that wished on the earth, the birth, the beast, the beast, and all the reptiles reptiles on the earth, and every person. Gen.7.22 all that had the souler of life, all that was in the land, died. Gen.7.23 so all the resurrection that was on the face of the whole earth, from a man to the beast and the reptiles and the birds of the air, and they were departed from the earth. there was only noah and those who were with him in the ark. Gen.7.24 the water was exalted over the earth about 150 days. Gen.8.1 and god remembered noah and all the beast and all the beast that were with him in the ark. and god brought a spirit on the earth, and the water fell. Gen.8.2 the springs of the bottomless pit and the furts of heaven were opened, and the rain from heaven was shaken. Gen.8.3 and the water were distributed from the earth, and after a hundred days the water were shining. Gen.8.4 and in the seventh day of the seventh day of the seventh day was the ark on the mountains of ararat. Gen.8.5 and the water were distributed until the dhm month. in the leaventh month, at the first day of the town, the top of the mountains appeared. Gen.8.6 after forty days noah opened the fenster of the ark that he had made, Gen.8.7 and sent a girl and went out and returned, until the water were drown away from the earth. Gen.8.8 and he sent a dove after him to see, whether the water were cut away from the face of the earth. Gen.8.9 but the dove did not find a rest for his feet, but returned to him in the ark, for water were upon the whole earth. so he stretched out his hand and took it and brought her to himself into the ark. Gen.8.10 and he kept still seven days and sent again the dove from the ark. Gen.8.11 and the dove came to him at the evening, and behold, a grave of olives olive was in her mouth. and noah knew that the water had passed from the earth. Gen.8.12 and he kept still seven days, and sent again the dove, and he did not return again to him. Gen.8.13 in the sixty-one year of the sixth years, the first day of the first, the water were departed from the earth, and noah opened the course of the ark and saw that the face of the earth was straight. Gen.8.14 in the second month, at the first yeventh of the month, the earth was withered. Gen.8.15 and god said to noah, Gen.8.16 go out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and the wives of your sons with you. Gen.8.17 do out with you all the beasts that are with you, both birth and animals and every reptile reptile in the earth, bring them out with you, and be fructified and multiplied on the earth. Gen.8.18 so noah went out with his sons and his wife and his sons and the wife of his sons. Gen.8.19 all the beasts, all the reptiles, all the birds and all the reptiles that wives on the earth, according to their familles, went out of the ark. Gen.8.20 and noah became a altar to the lord, and he took some of all pure animals and of all clean birds and offered offerings on the altar. Gen.8.21 and the lord became a soave odore, and the lord said in his heart, i will no longer destroy the earth for the sake of man, for the mind of human mind is evil from my youth, and i will never strike all living, just as i have done. Gen.8.22 all the days of the earth will have offspring and harvest, soul and healing, sommer and winter, day and night, they will not remain. Gen.9.1 and god blessed noah and his sons, and said to them, fructify and be multiplied, and filled the earth. Gen.9.2 your fear and fear will be upon all wilds of the earth and all the birds of the heavens, all that move on earth and all the fish of the sea; in your hands i have been given. Gen.9.3 all that repts that is living will be for you to eat, so as a grass of grass i have given you all. Gen.9.4 nevertheless, you will not eat the flesh in the blood of soul. Gen.9.5 for i will seek your blood of your souls, from the hand of all the beast will i seek him, and from the hand of a man will i seek the life of man. Gen.9.6 whoever breaks the blood of a person will be broken by his blood, for man has made the man according to the image of god. Gen.9.7 but you grow fructify and increase, and multiplike the earth, and multiplied in it. Gen.9.8 and god told noah and his sons, who were with him, saying, Gen.9.9 i, behold, i put my covenant with you and with your offspring after you, Gen.9.10 with all living creatures that are with you, the birth, the beast, and all the beasts of the earth, which are with you, from all those who came out of the ark. Gen.9.11 i will put my covenant with you, and no flesh will be destroyed by the water of the flood, and there will be no flood more to destroy the earth. Gen.9.12 and god said to noah, this is the sign of the covenant that i proclaim among me and you and all the living soul that is with you: Gen.9.13 i lay my bound in the cloud, and it will be a sign of a covenant among me and the earth. Gen.9.14 and when i repay cloud on the earth, the bound appears in the cloud, Gen.9.15 and i will remember my covenant among me and you and all living souls in every flesh, and the water will not be again in a flood to destroy every flesh. Gen.9.16 and the bound will be in the cloud, and i will see it and remember the eternal covenant among me and all the living creatures of every flesh that is on the earth. Gen.9.17 and god said to noah, this is the sign of the covenant that i made among me and all the flesh that are on the earth. Gen.9.18 and the sons of noah who came out of the ark were sem, cham and jafet. and cham was the father of canaan. Gen.9.19 these three are the sons of noah, and from them came through all the earth. Gen.9.20 and noah began to labore the land and planted a vineyard. Gen.9.21 and he drank of the wine and was drunk, and he was shining in his house. Gen.9.22 and cham, the father of canaan, saw the naked of his father, he told his two brothers outside. Gen.9.23 so sem and jafet took the garment and laid it on their tings, and so they went in and deceived the naked of their father. their face were looked, and they saw not the naked of their father. Gen.9.24 and when noah departed from his wine, he recognized what his younger son had done for him, Gen.9.25 and he said, blessed be canaan, a servant of servants shall be for his brothers. Gen.9.26 and he said, blessed be the lord god of sem, and canaan shall be his servant! Gen.9.27 let god open jafet, and let him abide in sems of sem, and canaan be his servant! Gen.9.28 and noah remained after the flood three hundred years. Gen.9.29 so all the days of noah were 950 years, and he died. Gen.10.1 now these are the generations of the sons of noah, sem, cham and jafet. after the flood they had become sons. Gen.10.2 the sons of japheth were gomer and magog and madai and javan and tubal and mesech and tiras. Gen.10.3 the sons of gomer was ashkenaz, rifat and togarma. Gen.10.4 the sons of javan: elisa and tarsis, kittim and rodanim. Gen.10.5 from these were departed the island of the nations in their land, each according to his tongue, according to their families and among their nations. Gen.10.6 the sons of cham were cus and misraim, put and canaan. Gen.10.7 the sons of cus was seba and havila and sabta and raema and sabtecha. and the sons of raema was sheba and dedan. Gen.10.8 and cus the father of nimrod, who began to be great country on the earth. Gen.10.9 he was a great shefer for the face of the lord. therefore they said, like nimrod, great shepherd before the lord. Gen.10.10 the beginning of his kingdom was babel, ereg, ackad, and kalne in the land shinar. Gen.10.11 from that land he went out of assur and built ninive, rehobot-ir, kalah, Gen.10.12 and resen among nineve and kalah. this is the great city. Gen.10.13 mitsraim the father of ludiim, anamim, lehabim, naftuim, Gen.10.14 the patrosim, and the casluim, from which the philistins had gone, and the caftorim. Gen.10.15 and canaan was the father of sidon, his firstborn, and heth, Gen.10.16 and the jebusites, and the amorites, and the girgasites, Gen.10.17 the hevites, the arkites, and the sinites, Gen.10.18 the arvadites, the samarites, and the hamatites. and after that the tribes of the cananeans were dispersed. Gen.10.19 the region of the cananeans was from sidon to gerar, until gaza, in the region of sodom and gomorra, and adma, and zeboim, until lesha. Gen.10.20 these are the sons of cham according to their families, according to their tongues, in their lands, in their nations. Gen.10.21 and even to sem, father of all the sons of heber, the brother of jafet, the most man. Gen.10.22 the sons of sem were elam, and assur, and arpaksad, and lud, and aram. Gen.10.23 the sons of aram was: us and hul, and geter and mash. Gen.10.24 and arphaxad the father of shelah, and shelah the father of eber. Gen.10.25 eber had become two sons, the name of one was peleg, for in his days the earth was divided, and the name of his brother was joktan. Gen.10.26 and joktan the father of almodad, selef, hazarmaveth, and jerah, Gen.10.27 hadoram, uzal, dikla, Gen.10.28 obal, abimael, sheba, Gen.10.29 ofir, havila and jobab. all these were sons of joktan. Gen.10.30 and their dwelling place was from mesha, when it came to sefar, the mountain of the ooste. Gen.10.31 these are the sons of sem, according to their families, according to their tongues, in their lands, in their nations. Gen.10.32 these are the tribes of the sons of noah according to their generations, in their nations. from these divided the nations in the earth after the flood. Gen.11.1 and all the earth was one speech and one voice. Gen.11.2 when they had drawn from the east, they found a field in the land of shinar, and they dwelled there. Gen.11.3 and they said to one another, come, let us make bricks and put it in fire! and the bright was made in stone, and a aspect was for the stone. Gen.11.4 so they said, let us build for us a town and a turn, whose head is until heaven, and make ourselves a name, that we may not be scattered on the face of the whole earth. Gen.11.5 so the lord went down to see the city and the turn that the people had built. Gen.11.6 and the lord said, behold, there is a offspring, and there are one sword. and this reason they began to do. now they will not find anything they would do to do. Gen.11.7 come, let us come down and make their tongue there, so that each one may not listen the voice of his neighbor. Gen.11.8 so the lord scattered them from there on the face of all the earth, and they departed to build the city. Gen.11.9 therefore the name was called babel, for there the lord turned the lips of all the earth, and from there god scattered them on the face of the whole earth. Gen.11.10 now are the generations of sem. when sem was a hundred years, he became the father of arphaxad, a second years after the flood. Gen.11.11 and after sheem had been born of arphaxad, five hundred years, and he became sons and daughters. Gen.11.12 and arpaksad was three and thirty years, and he became the father of cainan. Gen.11.13 after arpaksad had been shelah, 430 years, and there bore sons and daughters. and cainan remained 130 years, and shelan became the father of shelah, after he had been born of shelah, and he born sons and daughters. Gen.11.14 and salah was thirty years, and he became the father of eber. Gen.11.15 and after salmon had been born heber, 430 years, and he born sons and daughters. Gen.11.16 as eber was thirty and three years, he became the father of peleg. Gen.11.17 and after eber had been born peleg, heber found three thousand years and became the father of sons and daughters. Gen.11.18 and peleg was thirty years, and he became the father of reu. Gen.11.19 and after peleg had been born of reu, life two hundred years, and he became sons and daughters. Gen.11.20 and rehu was three and thirty years, and he became the father of serug. Gen.11.21 and after reu had been born serug, reu remained two hundred years, and he became sons and daughters. Gen.11.22 and serug was thirty years, and he became the father of nahor. Gen.11.23 after serug had been born of nahor, serug remained two years, and he born sons and daughters. Gen.11.24 and nahor was sive and nive years, and he became the father of terah. Gen.11.25 and after nahor had been born of thara, nachor of 19 years, and he born sons and daughters. Gen.11.26 and terah was seventy-years, and he became the father of abram, nahor and haran. Gen.11.27 and these are the generations of terah: terah the father of abram, nahor and haran. and haran the father of lot. Gen.11.28 and haran died in the presence of thara, his father, in the land of his birth, in ur of the chaldeans. Gen.11.29 and abram and nahor took themselves as wife. the name of the wife of abram was sarai, and the name of the wife of nahor was milka, a daughter of haran, the father of milka and the father of jischa. Gen.11.30 and sarai was barren, and she had no children. Gen.11.31 and terah took his son abram and lot, the son of haran, his son, and sarai, his bridegroom, a wife of his son abram, and they went out from ur of the chaldeans, to go to the land of canaan, and they came to haran and dwelled there. Gen.11.32 and the days of thara was two hundred and five years, and terah died in haran. Gen.12.1 and the lord said to abram, go out of your land and from your relative and from the house of your father into the land that i will show you. Gen.12.2 i will make you a great nation, and i will blessed you and make your name great, and you will be blessed. Gen.12.3 i will blessed those who bless you, and those who curse you will curse, and in you shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed in you. Gen.12.4 and abram went, as the lord had spoken to him, and lot went with him. and abram was five and seven years when he went out of haran. Gen.12.5 and abram took his wife sarah and lot, the son of his brother, and all their possessions that they had possessed and all the souls that they had gathered in haran, and went out to go into the land of canaan, and they came to the land of canaan. Gen.12.6 and abram passed through the land to the place of shechem, at the terebinthe of more. now the kananeens were there in the land. Gen.12.7 and the lord appeared to abram and said, to your offspring i will give this land. and he build there a altar to the lord who had appeared to him. Gen.12.8 and he went away from there to the mountain, at the oosting of bet-el, and set his tent, bet-el in the west and ai at the ooste. and he build there a altar to the lord and called to the name of the lord. Gen.12.9 so abram went and went into the wilderness. Gen.12.10 now there was a famine in the land, and abram went down to egypt to dwelling there, for the famine was strong in the land. Gen.12.11 when he drew near to egypt, he said to sarai, his wife, i know that you are a wicked woman. Gen.12.12 and as the egyptians see you, they will say, this is his wife, and they will kill me, and you will live with you. Gen.12.13 tell me that i am a sister, so that it may be well for me for your sake, and that my life may live for your sake. Gen.12.14 now when abram came into egypt, the egyptians saw that the woman was very well. Gen.12.15 and the rulers of pharaon saw her and rejoiced her to pharaon, and the woman was brought in the house of pharaon. Gen.12.16 and he did good to abram for her sake, and he had sheep and boves, and servants, and slaves, and servants, and camelers. Gen.12.17 but the lord struck pharaoh and his house with great cause for the sake of sarah, the wife of abram. Gen.12.18 and pharaon called abram and said, what is this that you have done to me? for you did not tell me that she was your wife? Gen.12.19 why did you say, she is my sister? so i took her for me as a wife. and now it is your wife. take her and go. Gen.12.20 and pharaon gave up his husbands concerning abram, and they sent him and his wife and all that he had. Gen.13.1 so abram went up from egypt, he and his wife, and all that he had, and lot with him. Gen.13.2 abram was much rich in possessions, with silver and gold. Gen.13.3 so he went and went from the wilderness to bet-el, to the place where his tent was before bet-el and hai, Gen.13.4 to the place of the altar that he had made there at the beginning. and abram called there the name of the lord. Gen.13.5 and lot, who went with abram, had both sheep and boves and tenders. Gen.13.6 and the land could not have them to dwell together, for their possessions were much, and they were not able to dwelling together. Gen.13.7 there was quarreling among the shepherds of abram and the shepherds of the beast of lot. then the cananans and the perizzites were there in the land. Gen.13.8 and abram said to lot, do not be district among me and you and among my shepherds and your shepherds, for we are brothers. Gen.13.9 is not all the land before you? depart from me. if you are at left, i will go at right hand, and if you are at right hand, i will go at left. Gen.13.10 and lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the surrounding region of the jordan that before the lord had destroyed sodom and gomorrah, like the paradid of the lord, like the land of egypt, like the land of egypt. Gen.13.11 and lot chose for himself all the region around the jordan, and lot went away from the east, and they were separed from one another. Gen.13.12 abram remained in the land of canaan, and lot bowed in the region of the surrounding country and remained in sodom. Gen.13.13 now the people of sodom were evil and great sinners against god. Gen.13.14 and the lord said to abram, after lot had departed from him, slaan your eyes out and see from the place where you are, to the nord and to the miest and to the sea and to the sea, Gen.13.15 for all the land that you see will i give to you and to your offspring forever. Gen.13.16 and i will make your offspring like the sand of the earth. if someone can number the sand of the earth, so will your offspring be numbered. Gen.13.17 rise and go through the land in the length and in the breadth, for i will give it to you. Gen.13.18 so abram departed, and went and dweled at the terebinthe of mamre, which is in hebron. and he build there a altar to the lord. Gen.14.1 in the time of amrafel, king of shinar, arjok the king of ellasar, kedorlaomer, king of elam, and tideal, king of goim, Gen.14.2 they did a war against bera, king of sodom, and with birsa, king of gomorra, shinear, king of adma, shembor, king of seboim, and to the king of balak ( which is soar ). Gen.14.3 all these were gathered together in the vall siddim, which is the sea of salt. Gen.14.4 twelve years were working to kedor-laomer, but on the third years they turned. Gen.14.5 in the fourteenth years, kedorlaomer and the kings who were with him came and cut down the refaim in ashteroth-karnaim, zuzites in ham, emites in shave-kiriataim Gen.14.6 and the horites on the mountains of seir, to the way of paran, which is in the wilderness. Gen.14.7 so they returned and came to en-mispat ( which is cades ), and destroyed all the country of amalec, and even the amorites who dwelled in hazezon-tamar. Gen.14.8 then the king of sodom, the king of gomorr, the king of adma, the king of zeboim, and the king of bela, which is soar, went out and separated against them in the dal sidim, Gen.14.9 against kedorlaomer, king of elam, tideal, king of gojim, amrafel, king of shinear, and arjok, king of ellasar, four kings against five. Gen.14.10 now the valle of sidim was full of bears, and the king of sodom and gomorrah flowed and fell down there, and the rest escaped to the mountain. Gen.14.11 so they took the whole country of sodom and gomorrah and all their food and went away. Gen.14.12 they took up lot, the son of abram, who was in sodom, and his children, and returned. Gen.14.13 now a certain man who had been healed declared to abram the hebrean, who was in the terebinth of mamre the amorite, brother of eskol and brother of aner, who were with abram. Gen.14.14 when abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he set up three hundred and eight who had been in his house, and persecuted them until dan. Gen.14.15 he distributed them in the night he and his servants, and killed them and persecuted them to hoba, which is at the left of damascus. Gen.14.16 so he turned all the sodom and also his brother lot and his possessions, both the women and the people. Gen.14.17 after he had returned from the hain of kedorlaomer and the kings that were with him, the king of sodom went out to him at the vall shave, which is the region of the king. Gen.14.18 and melchizedek, king of salem, had brought bread and wine. he was a priest of the most high god. Gen.14.19 and he blessed abram and said, blessed be abram from the most high god, who created heaven and earth! Gen.14.20 and blessed be the most high god who gave your enemies in your hand! and he gave him a dhm of all. Gen.14.21 and the king of sodom said to abram, give me the men, but take the people for you. Gen.14.22 but abram said to the king of sodom, i raise my hand to the lord, the most high god, who created heaven and earth, Gen.14.23 that i will take from all the things that are in your own order, that you may not say, i have rich abram. Gen.14.24 except what the young men ate and the district of the men who came with me, aner, eschal and mamre. these shall receive their partes. Gen.15.1 after these things the word of the lord came to abram in a vision, saying, fear not, abram, i am your bound, your reward will be much. Gen.15.2 and abram said, lord, lord, what shall you give me, though i am defiled without children, and this is eliezer of the damascus of damascus? Gen.15.3 and abram said, indeed you have not given me offspring, and behold, my household will inherit me. Gen.15.4 and immediately the voice of the lord said to him, this will not be your heirs, but he who comes out of you will inherit you. Gen.15.5 and he brought him out and said to him, see up to heaven and number the stars, if you can number them. and he said to him, so will your offspring be. Gen.15.6 and he believed the lord, and it was counted to him as righteousness. Gen.15.7 and he said to him, i am the lord who brought you out of ur of the chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit. Gen.15.8 and he said, lord, why shall i know that i will inherit it? Gen.15.9 and he said to him, take me a third hidden, a third hidden hidden, a third back, a turten, and a dove. Gen.15.10 and he took him all these things and divided them in the midst and laid them each other against another, but the birds did not departe. Gen.15.11 and the birds descended on the bodies, but abram distributed them. Gen.15.12 now when the sun departed, abram fell in fear, and behold, a great darkness fell upon him. Gen.15.13 and he said to abram, know that your offspring will be excellent in a land that is not in his own land, and they will serve them, and they will afflict them in four hundred years. Gen.15.14 but i will judge the nation that they serve, but after this they will come out with great have. Gen.15.15 but you will go to your fathers in peace, and you will be buried in a good alder. Gen.15.16 and in the fourth generation they will return here, for the sins of the amorites has not yet fulfilled. Gen.15.17 now when the sun rose and happened, there was a flame, and behold, a rook of smoke and a flame of fire went among these divided. Gen.15.18 in that day the lord lifted a covenant with abram, saying, to your offspring i will give this land from the river of egypt to the great river, the euphrate, Gen.15.19 the kenites, the kenesites, and the kadmonites, Gen.15.20 the hetites, the perizzites, the rephains, Gen.15.21 the amorites, the cananeans, the girgasites and the jebuss. Gen.16.1 and sarai, the wife of abram, did not bear her birth, and she had a servant of egypt, whose name was hagar. Gen.16.2 and saray said to abram, behold, the lord has commended me to do. come therefore to my slave woman, that i may have a child for her. and abram obeyed sarai. Gen.16.3 so saray, the wife of abram, took her servant hagar the egypt, her servant, after the ten years dwelled in the land of canaan, and gave her to her husband abram to her wife. Gen.16.4 and he entered hagar, and she took her birth. and when she saw that she was conceived, his master was torn in her sight. Gen.16.5 and saray said to abram, i have wrong with you. i have put my slave in your boot, and when she saw that she has been conceived, i have contempted me. the lord be judge among me and you. Gen.16.6 and abram said to sarah, behold, your servant is in your hand. do to her whatever you please. and saray mocked her, and she sprang away from her. Gen.16.7 and the angel of the lord found her by the spring of water in the wilderness, at the spring on the way of shur, Gen.16.8 and he said to her, hagar, servant of sarai, from where you comes and where you go? she said, i beg from the face of sarai my master. Gen.16.9 and the angel of the lord said to her, return to your master and be humilied under her hand. Gen.16.10 and the angel of the lord said to her, i will multiplike your offspring, and it will not be numbered by the multitude. Gen.16.11 and the angel of the lord said to her, behold, you are conceived and bear a son, and you shall call his name ismael, for the lord has heard your humiliation. Gen.16.12 he will be a human being, his hand will be against all, and the hands of all against him, and he will dwell before all his brothers. Gen.16.13 and she called the name of the lord who was speaking to her, you god who sees. for she said, i have seen it even before me who saw me? Gen.16.14 therefore this well called the well beer-lahai-roim. it is among cades and bered. Gen.16.15 and hagar became a son to abram, and abram called the name of his son, whom hagar had given birth. Gen.16.16 and abram was about eight and six years when hagar had given birth to abram. Gen.17.1 when abram was nive and nive years old, the lord appeared to abram and said to him, i am the god of god; go in my presence and be blameless. Gen.17.2 i will put my covenant among me and you, and i will multiplike you in great multitude. Gen.17.3 and abram fell on his face, and god spoke to him, saying, Gen.17.4 behold, my covenant is with you, and you will be a father of many nations. Gen.17.5 your name shall not be called abram, but your name will be abraham, for i have made you a father of many nations. Gen.17.6 i will make you much grow, and i will put you to nations, and kings will come out of you. Gen.17.7 and i will put my covenant among me and you and your offspring after you in their generations, a eternal covenant, that i may be your god and your offspring after you. Gen.17.8 and i will give you and your offspring the land in which you dwell, the whole land of canaan to eternal possession, and i will be their god. Gen.17.9 and god said to abraham, but you must keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you, in their generations. Gen.17.10 this is my covenant that you make among me and you and your offspring after you: every men of you shall be circumcised. Gen.17.11 you shall circumcise the flesh of your uncircumcision, and it shall be a sign of the covenant among me and you. Gen.17.12 every child of eight days shall be circumcised for you in your generation, the child in your house, and the bethered for silver of all others who is not of your offspring. Gen.17.13 the child in your house and your money shall be circumcised, and my covenant will be in your flesh as an eternal covenant. Gen.17.14 the uncircumcised man, who has not been circumcised in the flesh of his uncircumcision, that person shall be destroyed from his people, for he has shtroned my covenant. Gen.17.15 and god said to abraham, your wife sarai shall not call saray, but her name shall be sarah. Gen.17.16 and i will blessed her, and i will give you a child. and i will give him blessed, and the kings of the nations will come from her. Gen.17.17 and abraham fell on his face and became greater, and said in his heart, is it a hundred years of a hundredfold? and shall sarah, an eighth years, bear birth? Gen.17.18 and abraham said to god, may ismaël live in your presence! Gen.17.19 and god said, so, your wife sarah will bear you a son, and you shall call his name isaac. and i will put my covenant with him, a eternal covenant for his offspring after him. Gen.17.20 now concerning ismael i heard you. behold, i have blessed him, and give him fructify and multiplike him. twelve nations will bear, and i will make him a great nation. Gen.17.21 but my covenant will i keep with isaac, whom sarah shall bear you for this time in this time. Gen.17.22 and when he had finished speaking to him, god went up from abraham. Gen.17.23 so abraham took his son ismael and all who had been in his house and all who were money in his money, all children of the house of abraham, and circumcised their prepuces in that day, just as god had spoken to him. Gen.17.24 and abraham was at eventh and nive years when he was circumcised the flesh of his uncircumcision. Gen.17.25 and his son ismael was fourteen years when his uncircumcision was circumcised. Gen.17.26 in that time abraham and his son ismael were circumcised. Gen.17.27 and all the men of his house, the created in house and silver of others, were circumcised with them. Gen.18.1 so the lord appeared to him at the terebinthe of mamre, while he sat at the door of his tent at midday. Gen.18.2 and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men stood by him. when he saw them, he ran down from the door of his tent and worshiped them to the ground, Gen.18.3 and said, lord, if i have found your favor before you, do not pass away your servant. Gen.18.4 let you take a water and wash your feet, and put down under the tree. Gen.18.5 and i will take a bread, and then you will go. after that you have departed to your servant. and they said, do so as you said. Gen.18.6 and abraham immediately came in the tent to saran and said, come quickly, short three measures of fish, and make a measure. Gen.18.7 and abraham ran to the oxen and took a distributed kalf and good, and gave it to the servant, and he preached to make it. Gen.18.8 and he took food and milk and the oxe that he had prepared and laid them before them, and he himself stood by them under the tree. Gen.18.9 and they said to him, where is sara your wife? he answered, there is in the tent. Gen.18.10 and he said, i will return to you at this time at this time, and behold, your wife sarah will have a son. and sarah heard at the door of the tent that was after him. Gen.18.11 and abraham and sarah were a elders of old old, and sarah was wicked in the children of the women. Gen.18.12 and sarah became greater, and she said, have it not been done until now, and my lord is old? Gen.18.13 and the lord said to abraham, why has sarah beared in itself, saying, shall i indeed bear, though i have been a oll? Gen.18.14 may one things be impossible for the lord? in the time of this time i will return to you, and sarah will have a son. Gen.18.15 and sarah denied it, saying, i did not keep it, for he was afraid. Gen.18.16 so the men rose from there and looked at sodom. and abraham went with them to send them out. Gen.18.17 and the lord said, i will keep me from abraham what i do. Gen.18.18 abraham will become a great and great nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed in him? Gen.18.19 for i knew him to command his sons and his household after him, and they will keep the way of the lord to do what is right and right, that the lord may bring to abraham what he has spoken to him. Gen.18.20 and the lord said, the cry of sodom and gomorras are grave, and their sins are greatly greatly. Gen.18.21 i will descend and see whether the cry that comes to me will be fulfilled, except to recognize it. Gen.18.22 so the men turned from there and went to sodom, but abraham was standing before the lord. Gen.18.23 and abraham drew near and said, will you destroy the righteous with the ungodly? Gen.18.24 if there are fifty righteous persons in the city, do you destroy them and do not rebuke the place for the fifty righteous ones who are in it? Gen.18.25 so that you may do not do so, to kill the righteous with the righteous, so that the righteous may be like the ungodly. it is not means. do you not do judgment on all the land? Gen.18.26 and the lord said, if i find to sodom five righteous persons in the city, i will forgive the whole place for them. Gen.18.27 and abraham answered, now i have begin to speak to the lord, though i am a ground and a seed. Gen.18.28 if there are five of the fifty righteous ones, do you destroy all the city for the five. he said, i will not destroy if i find there for four five. Gen.18.29 and he continued to speak to him, and said, shall there find there forty. and he said, i will not destroy for the forty. Gen.18.30 and he said, no lord, if i speak? may they find there thirty. and he said, i will not destroy if i find there thirty. Gen.18.31 and he said, behold, i have preached to speak to the lord, whether there will find twenty there. and he said, i will not destroy it for the twentyve. Gen.18.32 and he said, no lord, if i speak once, and if there be found ten. and he said, i will not destroy for the ten sake of the ten. Gen.18.33 so the lord went away, when he had finished speaking to abraham, and abraham returned into his place. Gen.19.1 the two angels came to sodom vespere, and lot sat at the town of sodom. and when lot saw them, he rose up to their enemy and worshiped his face to the ground, Gen.19.2 and said, your masters, draw out to the house of your servant and leave it and wash your feet, and rise at the morning and go to your way. and they said, not, we will spend it in the street. Gen.19.3 but he mocked them, and they turned to him and went into his house. and he made for them a fish, and they fell unleavened bread, and they ate. Gen.19.4 before they had fallen asleep, the men of the city, the sodomites, around the house, children and elders, all the people were around. Gen.19.5 and they called lot and said to him, where are the men who have come to you this night? bring them out to us, that we may understand them. Gen.19.6 so lot went out to them at the dorm, and stopped the door after him, Gen.19.7 and he said, no, my brothers, do not do evil. Gen.19.8 now i have two daughters who have not known a man. i will bring them out to you and make them whatever you please. only do not do anything for these men, because they have come under the shadow of my household. Gen.19.9 and they said, go away there, for to come outside, and to judge with judgment. now we will afflict you more than those. so they grew greatly violence the man of lot, and they drew near to destroy the door. Gen.19.10 but the men stretched their hands and gathered lot to themselves in the house and gathered the door. Gen.19.11 they killed the men who were at the door of the house, from the minor to the greatest, and they were perplexed, seeking the door. Gen.19.12 then the men said to lot, have you there anything here, a marriage, your sons and your daughters, or whatever you are in the city, take out of this place. Gen.19.13 for we will destroy this place, for their cry has been exalted before the lord, and the lord has sent us to destroy it. Gen.19.14 so lot went and spoke to his daughters who had married his daughters, and said, rise and go out of this place, for the lord will destroy the city. but his daughters was reason to shame. Gen.19.15 and when the morning came, the angels were dringing lot, saying, rise, take your wife and your two daughters that are in your way, that you may not be destroyed in the transgression of the city. Gen.19.16 but he was troubled, and the men seized his hand and his wife and his two daughters, because the lord would love him. Gen.19.17 when they had brought them out, they said, save your life! do not see yourself and do not stand in the whole region. escape to the mountain, lest you be destroyed. Gen.19.18 and lot said to them, o not, my lord! Gen.19.19 behold, your servant has found mercy for your eyes, and you have granted your righteousness to me, so that you might live my life. but i will not escape to escape the mountain, so that the evil will not find me and i die. Gen.19.20 behold, this city is near to escape there, and it is a little. there i will be saved. it is not a little, and my soul will live. Gen.19.21 and he said to him, i have shown your face to this reason, and i will not turn the city that you have spoken. Gen.19.22 share and be saved there, for i cannot do anything until you enter there. so it was called soar the name zoar. Gen.19.23 the sun went out over the land when lot entered zoar. Gen.19.24 so the lord rejected sodom and gomorra sulfur and fire from the lord from heaven. Gen.19.25 and he destroyed these cities and all the region and all the habitants of the towns and the ground of the earth. Gen.19.26 but his wife looked at the retter, and she became a state of sald. Gen.19.27 early in the morning abraham went up to the place where he had standing before the lord, Gen.19.28 and looked at sodom and gomorrah and on the whole region of the surrounding country, and he saw that a flame came up from the earth like a rook of a furnace. Gen.19.29 so when god destroyed the city of the surrounding country, god remembered abraham and sent lot out from the district when he turned the towns in which lot died. Gen.19.30 and lot went up from zoar and remained in the mountain, with his two daughters, for he was afraid to live in zoar, and he divided in a spelonce, he and his two daughters. Gen.19.31 and the old said to the younger, our father is old, and there is no one in the land to come to us according to the reason for all the earth. Gen.19.32 come, let us give our father wine, and let us leave with him and give us a offspring from our father. Gen.19.33 they gave her father wine of wine in this night, and the elder came and fell down with her father. and he did not know when she had fallen and when she rose. Gen.19.34 the next day the older man said to the young man, behold, i was asleep with our father. let us drink him wine and this night, and come and sit with him, so that we might raise up offspring from our father. Gen.19.35 so they gave her father and that night wine of wine, and the younger came and fell with him. and he did not know when she fell down and when she rose. Gen.19.36 so the two daughts of lot remained from their father. Gen.19.37 the elder gave birth a son and called him moab. this is the father of moabites today. Gen.19.38 the young woman gave birth a son and called him ben-ammi. this is the father of the ammonites until this day. Gen.20.1 abraham departed from there to the country of the south and dwelled among cades and shur, and he dwelled in gerar. Gen.20.2 and abraham said to his wife sarah, she is my sister. so abimelech, the king of gerar, sent and took sara. Gen.20.3 but god came to abimelech in a dream night and said, you will die for the woman that you received, for she is a husband. Gen.20.4 but abimelech did not touch her, and he said, lord, do you destroy a people of the righteous? Gen.20.5 did he not say to me, she is my sister? and she also said to me, he is my brother. i did this in pure heart and godliness of hands. Gen.20.6 and god said to him in the sound, and i know that you did this in pure heart, and i have rejected you to sink against me. therefore i did not leave you to touch her. Gen.20.7 now repay the wife to the man, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you, and you will live. but if you do not repay it, know that you and all that are your own shall die. Gen.20.8 early in the morning abimelech went up and called all his servants and spoke all these things to their ears. and these men were afraid. Gen.20.9 and abimelech called abraham and said to him, what did you do to us? and what did i have committed against you, that you have brought me and my kingdom a great sin? you have done me a work that no one will do. Gen.20.10 and abimelech said to abraham, what did you have done this? Gen.20.11 and abraham said, for i said, in this place there is no fear of god in this place, and they will kill me for my wife. Gen.20.12 even truly she is my sister, a daughter of my father, but not the child of my mother, and she was my wife. Gen.20.13 and when god had brought me out from my father's house, i said to her, this will you have done for me. in every place where we will come, say to me, he is my brother. Gen.20.14 so abimelech took sheep and sheep and servants and slaves and gave it to abraham and gave him his wife sara. Gen.20.15 and abimelech said, behold, my land is before you; abide in whatever it please. Gen.20.16 and to sarah he said, behold, i have given a thousand sicle to your brother. this will be your reason for honor for all who are with you, and for all you are true. Gen.20.17 and abraham prayed to god, and god healed elimelech and his wife and his slaves, so that they became children. Gen.20.18 for the lord had carried out all matter in the house of abimelech for the sake of sara the wife of abraham. Gen.21.1 and the lord visited saran, as he had said, and the lord did to sarah what he had spoken. Gen.21.2 and sara conceived and gave birth to abraham in his old age in the time that god had spoken to him. Gen.21.3 and abraham called his son who had been given him, whom sara had given him, isaac. Gen.21.4 and abraham circumcised isaac in the eighth day, as god had commanded him. Gen.21.5 now abraham was a hundred years when isaac had been given him. Gen.21.6 and sarah said, the lord has made a righter for me, whoever will hear me. Gen.21.7 and he said, who had spoken to abraham that sarah will wish children? for i had beyond my elders a son. Gen.21.8 and the child increased and was taken up. and abraham gave a great feast on the day when isaac was taken away. Gen.21.9 and sarah saw the son of hagar the egypt, which she had given to abraham, crying out. Gen.21.10 and she said to abraham, drive out this slave girl and her son, for the son of this slave woman will not inherit with my son isaac. Gen.21.11 and the saying was greatly inflicted at abraham because of his son. Gen.21.12 but god said to abraham, do not be hard in your presence for the child and for your servant. hear her all that sarah say to you, for in isaac shall your offspring be called. Gen.21.13 but even of the son of the slave i will make him a nation, because he is your offspring. Gen.21.14 and abraham rose the morge and took bread and a means of water and gave it to hagar, put it on his houll, and the child and sent her. so she went and deceived in the wilderness of beer-sheba. Gen.21.15 and when the water turned from the burn, she put the child under one back. Gen.21.16 and went and sat toward him at a distance, like a bound, for she said, i will not see the death of the child. and she sat down at his presence, he cried out and wept. Gen.21.17 and god heard the voice of the child. and the angel of god called hagar from heaven and said to her, what are you, hagar? fear not, for god has heard the voice of the child in the place where it is. Gen.21.18 rise, take the child and take it by your hand, for i will make him a great nation. Gen.21.19 and god opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water, and she went and filled the burn with water and gave to the child drink. Gen.21.20 and god was with the child, and he increased, and he dwelled in the wilderness and was a bound. Gen.21.21 he went in in the wilderness of paran, and his mother took him a wife from the land of egypt. Gen.21.22 in that time elimelech and phichol, his ruler, said to abraham, god is with you in whatever you do. Gen.21.23 and now, swore to me by god that you do not wrong me or my offspring or my name, but according to the righteousness that i have done to you, you will do with me and the land in which you are persecuting. Gen.21.24 and abraham said, i will swore. Gen.21.25 but abraham rebuked abimelech because of the well of water that the servants of abimelech had taken away. Gen.21.26 and abimelech said, i did not know who has done this, nor have you told me, nor i have heard it except this day. Gen.21.27 so abraham took a sheep and sheep and gave it to abimelech, and they both made a covenant. Gen.21.28 and abraham set seven lamps of a sheep alone. Gen.21.29 and abimelech said to abraham, what are these seven lamb that you have set for only? Gen.21.30 and he said, you will take these seven lamb from my hand, that they may be a testimony that i have grown this well. Gen.21.31 therefore he called this place beer-sheba, for there they both likened. Gen.21.32 so they made a covenant in ber-sheba. then abimelech and his offier, his official, stood up and returned to the land of the philistins. Gen.21.33 and abraham planted a tamarisk in beer-sheba, and called there the name of the lord, the eternal god. Gen.21.34 and abraham was persecuting in the land of the philistins for many days. Gen.22.1 after these things god tempted abraham and said to him, abraham! and he said, i am! Gen.22.2 and he said, take your beloved son, whom you loved, isaac, and go to the land more and offer him there as holocauste on one of the mounts that i will tell you. Gen.22.3 and abraham rose the morge, and set his donkey and took with himself two of his servants and isaac, his son, and putting a tree for the whole offering, he rose and went to the place that god had told him. Gen.22.4 on the third day abraham looked up and saw the place in a distance. Gen.22.5 and abraham said to his servants, stay here with the donkey, and i and the child shall go to here and worship, and then we will return to you. Gen.22.6 and abraham took the tree of the holocauste and put it to isaac his son, and he took the fire in his hand and the sword and went together. Gen.22.7 and isaac said to his father abraham, father! and he said, i am, my son! and he said, here is the fire and the tree, and where is the sheep for the holocauste? Gen.22.8 and abraham said, god will see for himself a sheep for a sacrifice, my son. so they both went together. Gen.22.9 when they came to the place that god had spoken to him, abraham struck there a altar and laid the boves, and put his son isaac, and laid him on the altar on the tree. Gen.22.10 and abraham stretched out his hand and took the sword to slain his son. Gen.22.11 and the angel of the lord called him from heaven and said, abraham, abraham! and he said, i am. Gen.22.12 and he said, do not put your hand to the child and do not do him anything. for now i know that you fear god and did not spare your beloved son for me. Gen.22.13 and abraham lifted up his eyes and saw, and behold, a judge was kept in a harm with his horns. and abraham went and took the money and offered him as a sacrifice in the place of his son. Gen.22.14 and abraham called that place " lord ". so day of day they said, on the mountain of the lord is appeared. Gen.22.15 and the angel of the lord called abraham a second time from heaven, Gen.22.16 and said, i swore by myself, says the lord, since you have done this and did not spare your beloved son, Gen.22.17 so i will bless you and multiplike your offspring like the stars of heaven and as the sand that is at the beast of the sea, and your offspring will inherit the city of his enemies. Gen.22.18 and all the nations of the earth will be blessed in your offspring, because you obeyed my voice. Gen.22.19 so abraham returned to his servants, and they rose and went together to beer-sheba. and abraham remained in beer-sheba. Gen.22.20 after these things they told abraham, saying, milka has been born sons of nahor your brother. Gen.22.21 us, his firstborn, and buz his brother, and kemuel the father of aram, Gen.22.22 kesed, haso, pildash, jidlaf and bethuel. Gen.22.23 and bethuel the father of rebeca. these eighth, whom milka had born to nahor, the brother of abraham. Gen.22.24 his concubine, whose name was reuma, beared also tebah, gaham, tahas, and maacha. Gen.23.1 sarah became a hundred and seven years. Gen.23.2 so sarah died in kiriath-arba ( that is hebron ), in the land of canaan. and abraham went to be waiking for sara and be mourned. Gen.23.3 so abraham rose from his death and spoke to the sons of heth, saying, Gen.23.4 i am a proselyte and exiled among you. give me a possession of a tomb among you, so i may have my dead in my presence. Gen.23.5 and the sons of heth answered abraham, Gen.23.6 hear us, my lord! you are a king of god among us. begraw your dead in the most of our tombs. no one of us will hinder his tomb to begrave your dead. Gen.23.7 so abraham rose and worshiped the people of the land to the sons of heth, Gen.23.8 and he spoke to them, saying, if you means that i lay my dead in my presence, hear me and tell me to efron, the son of zohar, Gen.23.9 that he may give me the spelonk of macpela that is at the end of his field, so that it may give me for a grain money for a possession of a tomb. Gen.23.10 now efron seated among the sons of heth. and efron the hetheo answered abraham in the hearing of the sons of heth, all who were entering the gath of his city, saying, Gen.23.11 ach, my lord, hear me. i give to you the field, and the spelonk that is in it i give to you. i give it to you in the presence of all my neighbor. begraw your dead. Gen.23.12 and abraham worshiped before the people of the land. Gen.23.13 and he told efron in the ears of the people of the land, saying, if you do, listen to me. i will give the money of the field. take it from me, and i will begrave my dead there. Gen.23.14 and efron answered abraham, saying, Gen.23.15 my lord, hear me. a land of 400 sicles of silver, what is this to be among me and you? begraw your dead. Gen.23.16 abraham heard of efron, and abraham appointed to ephron the money that he had spoken to the ears of the sons of heth, 400 sicles of silver, belonging to the harte. Gen.23.17 so the field of ephron, which was in macpela, that is before mamre, the field and the spelonk that was in it, and all the tree in the field that is in the region around all his region, Gen.23.18 to abraham in the presence of the sons of heth, before all who were entering the door of his city. Gen.23.19 after this abraham buried sarai, his wife, in the spelonce of the field of macpela, the next of mamre, which is hebron in the land of canaan. Gen.23.20 so the field and the spelonk that was in it was made for abraham as a possession of a tomb from the sons of heth. Gen.24.1 abraham was oud and founded in days, and the lord had blessed abraham in all things. Gen.24.2 and abraham said to his servant, the elder of his house, who was ruler over all that he had: lay your hand under my hair, Gen.24.3 and i will give you a oath by the lord, the god of heaven and the god of the earth, that you may not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the kananeens among whom i live, Gen.24.4 but you shall go into my land and to my tribe and take a wife for my son isaac. Gen.24.5 and the servant said to him, if the woman does not want to follow me in this land? shall i bring your son return to the land from which you came out? Gen.24.6 and abraham said to him, take care you do not turn my son there. Gen.24.7 the lord, the god of heaven, who has taken me from my father and from the land that was born, and who spoke to me and swore to me, saying, i will give this land to your offspring, he will send his angel before you, and you will take a wife for my son from there. Gen.24.8 but if the woman does not want to go with you, you will be clean from this oath. only do not turn my son there. Gen.24.9 and the servant laid his hand under the musel of abraham his master, and he swore to him in this reason. Gen.24.10 and the servant took a camel from the camels of his master and went in and went to mesopotamia, to the city of nahor. Gen.24.11 and he laid the camels outside the city by the watch of water, the next day when the women came out to water water. Gen.24.12 and he said, lord, god of my lord abraham, proclaim to me this day and show mercy to my lord abraham. Gen.24.13 behold, i am standing by the spring of water, and the daughters of the city come out to draw water. Gen.24.14 so the virgin, which i say, turn your water, that i may drink, and say to me, drink, and i will give your camel to drink. this is the woman that you have prepared for your servant isaac, and by this i will know that you have done mercy to my master. Gen.24.15 before he had finished speaking in their mind, behold, rebecca, which had been born of betuel, the son of milka, the wife of nahor, brother of abraham. Gen.24.16 and the virgin was much pure in appearance, a virgin, who was not known to her. she went down to the sool and filled his water and went up. Gen.24.17 and the servant ran her to drew her and said, give me a little water out of your water. Gen.24.18 she said, drink, my lord! and she immediately cut down his water in her hand and gave him drink. Gen.24.19 and when she had finished drink, she said, i will water for your camels until they all drink. Gen.24.20 so she sprang out and sprang out his water in the water and sprang up again to the well to water water and water water for all his camels. Gen.24.21 and the man remained her in silence, to know whether the lord had prospered his way or not. Gen.24.22 as the camels had finished drink, the man took a golden ring, each money of silver, and two spices of gold in their hands, 10 siclos of gold. Gen.24.23 and he said, whose daughter are you? tell me. is it in the house of your father a place for us to spend? Gen.24.24 she said to him, i am a daughter of betuel, the daughter of milka. Gen.24.25 he said to him, there are food and food more among us, and place for burn. Gen.24.26 and the man fell down and worshiped the lord, Gen.24.27 and said, blessed be the lord god of my lord abraham, who has not abandoned his righteousness and his truth from my master! the lord has set me in the way to the house of the brother of my master. Gen.24.28 then the servant ran and told these things in the house of her mother. Gen.24.29 rebekka had a brother named laban. and laban ran to the man outside at the burial place. Gen.24.30 when he saw the ring and the armbors on the hands of his sister, and when he heard the words of his sister rebecca, saying, so has the man said to me, he came to the man, and behold, he stood by the camelers at the spring. Gen.24.31 and he said, come in, blessed of the lord, why are you standing outside? i have prepared the house and place for the cameles. Gen.24.32 so the man went into the house and stopped the camels and gave the halm and food to the camel, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him. Gen.24.33 and when they had set for them to eat, he said, i will not eat until i speak my words. and he said, speak. Gen.24.34 and he said, i am a servant of abraham. Gen.24.35 and the lord has blessed my master greatly, and he has been healed, and he has given him sheep and sheep, silver and gold, servants and slavins, cammels and esels. Gen.24.36 and sarah, the wife of my lord, has been born a son with his master, and he gave him all that he has. Gen.24.37 and my master made me an oath, saying, you shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the kananeens in their land, Gen.24.38 but you shall go in the house of my father and to my familie and take a wife for my son. Gen.24.39 and i said to my lord, may the woman not go with me. Gen.24.40 and he said to me, the lord for whom i have walked before him will send his angel with you and make your way prospere, and you will take a wife for my son from my tribe and from the house of my father, Gen.24.41 then you will be innocent from my oath, when you come to my tribe and will not give you it, you will be loved from my oath. Gen.24.42 so i came to the soul and said, lord, god of my lord abraham, if you have gone my way on which i go. Gen.24.43 behold, i am standing by the spring of water, and the daughter who comes out to water water and say to me, give me a little water out of your water, Gen.24.44 and she will say to me, drink you, and i will water for your camels. this is the woman that the lord has prepared for the son of my lord. Gen.24.45 before i had finished speaking in my mind, behold, rebecca went out with his water on the houll, and she went down to the soul and water water. and i said to her, give me drink. Gen.24.46 she turned and cut down her water water and said, drink, and i will give your camel drink. so i drinked, and she gave my camel to drink. Gen.24.47 and i asked her, whose daughter are you? she said, i am a daughter of betuel, the son of nahor, whom milka had given him. so i put the ring on her and the armbs on her hands. Gen.24.48 then i worshiped and worshiped the lord, and i blessed the lord, the god of my lord abraham, who brought me in the way of truth, to take the daughter of the brother of my lord for his son. Gen.24.49 now now, if you show mercy and righteousness to my lord, tell me, if not, tell me, that i may return to the right or at the left. Gen.24.50 and laban and betuel answered, this reason has come from the lord; we cannot say anything of wrong to you. Gen.24.51 behold, rebecca is before you. take her and go, and let it be a wife for the son of your master, as the lord has spoken. Gen.24.52 when abraham heard these words, he fell down to the earth to the lord. Gen.24.53 the servant took out silver and silver and garments and gave them to rebekka. he gave up gifts to her brother and mother. Gen.24.54 so they ate and drank, he and the men who were with him and fell down. and at the morning they rose and said, send me to my master. Gen.24.55 and her brother and her mother said, let a betrothed stay with us for ten days, about ten days. then he will go. Gen.24.56 but he said to them, do not hold me, for the lord has made my way prospered. send me out, and i will go to my master. Gen.24.57 they said, we shall call the child and ask her. Gen.24.58 they called rebekka and said to her, shall you go with this man? she said, i will go. Gen.24.59 so they sent rebekka, their sister, and her possession, and the servant of abraham and his people. Gen.24.60 and they blessed rebekka and said to her, our sister, be in many thousand, and your offspring might inherit the city of your enemies. Gen.24.61 then rebekka and her servants rose up, and they fell on the camels and went with the man. and the servant took rebekka and went. Gen.24.62 and isaac had gone out from the wilderness of laha-roï, for he was in the sound land. Gen.24.63 at the next day isaac went out to share in the field. and he lifted up his eyes and saw a camel coming. Gen.24.64 rebekka looked up and saw isaac, and she fell down from the camel. Gen.24.65 and he said to the servant, which is that man who is going in the field against us? and the servant said, this is my master. so she took his cloak and clothed. Gen.24.66 and the servant told isaac all that he had done. Gen.24.67 and isaac took her in the house of sara his mother and took her, and she became his wife, and he loved her. so isaac consoled himself for his mother's mother. Gen.25.1 and abraham took a wife, whose name was ketura. Gen.25.2 she gave birth to him zimran and jokshan and medan and midian and jisbak and suah. Gen.25.3 joksan was the father of sheba and dedan. and the sons of dedan were assur, letuim and leummim. Gen.25.4 the sons of midian was efa and efer and henoch and abida and eldaa. all these were the sons of ketura. Gen.25.5 and abraham gave all his possessions to isaac. Gen.25.6 but to the sons of his newijs, abraham gave up gifts and sent them from isaac, his son, while he was still alive, to the land of least. Gen.25.7 now these are the days of the days of life that abraham gave 175 years. Gen.25.8 and abraham departed and died in a good alder, old and full of days, and he was gathered to his people. Gen.25.9 and his sons isaac and ismael buried him in the spelonce of machpela, to the field of efron, the son of cohar the hetheo, which is before mamre, Gen.25.10 the field that abraham received from the sons of heth. there were buried abraham and sara his wife. Gen.25.11 after abraham had died, god blessed isaac his son, and isaac remained by ber-lahai-roï. Gen.25.12 and these are the generations of ismael, the son of abraham, whom hagar, the servant of sarai, had given birth to abraham, Gen.25.13 these are the name of the sons of ismael, in the name of their generations: nebajoth, the firstborn of ismael, and kedar, and adbeel, and mibsam, Gen.25.14 mitsma, duma, massa, Gen.25.15 hadad, tema, jetur, nafis and kedma. Gen.25.16 these are the sons of ismael, and these are their name in their tends and houses, twelve rulers according to their nations. Gen.25.17 these are the years of life: 137 years. he departed and died, and was added to his offspring. Gen.25.18 and they dwelled it from hawila until shur, which is before egypt, to come to assyrien. he dwelled in the presence of all his brothers. Gen.25.19 now this is the generations of isaac, the son of abraham. abraham the father of isaac, Gen.25.20 and isaac was three years when he took up for himself rebekka, a daughter of bethuel the arame from paddan-aram and sister of laban the aramew. Gen.25.21 and isaac prayed for the lord for his wife, for she was unfruitful. and god heard him, and rebecca his wife took birth. Gen.25.22 and the children grow in her side, and she said, if this is so, why do i have this? and she went to ask the lord. Gen.25.23 and the lord said to her, two nations are in your womb, and two nations will be departed from your womb. one of the people will be afraid than the other, and the greatest will serve the younger. Gen.25.24 when the time came for her to give birth, behold, there were garments in her womb. Gen.25.25 the firstborn went out, round, and all was like a mantel of harment, and they called it esau. Gen.25.26 after this his brother came out, his hand was teading esau's spick. so he called his name jacob. and isaac was about seven years when rebekka had been born. Gen.25.27 the young men increased, and esau was a man belonging to fish, a belong man, but jacob was a faithful man in his house. Gen.25.28 and isaac loved esau, because his food was to eat, but rebekka loved jacob. Gen.25.29 and jacob gathered a mood, and when esau came out of the field, he was looking for. Gen.25.30 and esau said to jacob, give me to eat of this turn of turn, for i am loved. therefore he called him edom. Gen.25.31 and jacob said, pay me this day your firstborn. Gen.25.32 and esau said, behold, i am going to die. why do i have this firstborn? Gen.25.33 and jacob said, sword to me this day. and he svor him, and he delivered his firstborn to jacob. Gen.25.34 and jacob gave to esau a bread and a covering of loaves, and he ate and drinked, and he rose and went. so esau despised the firstborn. Gen.26.1 there was a famine in the land, except the first famine that was at the time of abraham. so isaac went to abimelech, the king of the philistins, to gerar. Gen.26.2 and the lord appeared to him and said, do not be descended into egypt. live in the land that i will tell you. Gen.26.3 dwell in this land, and i will be with you and blessed you, for to you and to your offspring i will give all this land, and i will keep the oath that i made to your father abraham. Gen.26.4 and i will multiplike your offspring like the stars of heaven and give to your offspring all this land, and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed in your offspring. Gen.26.5 because abraham obeyed my voice and kept my commandments, my commandments, my commandments and my instructions. Gen.26.6 so isaac remained at gerar. Gen.26.7 and when the men of the place asked him about his wife, he said, she is my sister. for he was afraid to say, he is my wife, so that the men of the place may not put him to death for rebecca, for she was a favor of appearance. Gen.26.8 while he was there in longer, abimelech, the king of gerar, looked at the fenster and saw isaac rising with rebekka his wife. Gen.26.9 and abimelech called isaac, and said to him, then it is your wife! why did you say, she is my sister? and isaac said to him, for i said that i should not die for her sake. Gen.26.10 and abimelech said, what is this that you have done for us? one of the people fell to your wife, and you have brought something to us. Gen.26.11 so abimelech commanded all the people, saying, whoever touch this man or his wife will be deserted. Gen.26.12 and isaac sowed in that land and found at that year a fold, for the lord blessed him. Gen.26.13 so the man was exalted, and he increased greater, until he was great great. Gen.26.14 he had a beast of sheep and a sheep of sheep and many tends, and the philistins grew him. Gen.26.15 and all the well that the servants of his father had grown in the time of his father abraham, the philistins stopped them and filled with earth. Gen.26.16 and abimelech said to isaac, go away from us, for you have become much strong than we. Gen.26.17 so isaac departed from there and divided it in the dal of gerar and dwelled there. Gen.26.18 and isaac grave again the waters of the water that the servants of abraham his father had grown, and that the philistins had closed them after the death of abraham. and he called them the name that his father had called them. Gen.26.19 when the servants of isaac had grown in the dal of gerar, they found there a well of living water. Gen.26.20 and the shepherds of gerar were distributed with the shepherds of isaac, saying, the water is their. so he called to the put esek, because they were accused with him. Gen.26.21 and they graves another well, and they spoke even for that. so he called it sitna. Gen.26.22 and he went away from there and graves another well, and they did not rebuke it. so it called rehoboth, saying, for now the lord has distributed us, and we have increasined in the land. Gen.26.23 and from there he went up to beer-sheba. Gen.26.24 and the lord appeared to him in that night and said, i am the god of your father abraham. do not fear, for i am with you, and i will be blessed you and multiplike your offspring through abraham, your father. Gen.26.25 and he best there a altar and called the name of the lord. there he set his tent there, and the servants of isaac graves there a well. Gen.26.26 so abimelech came to him from gerar, with his free ahuzzat and his ruler phichol. Gen.26.27 and isaac said to them, why have you come to me, for you have hated me and sent me from you? Gen.26.28 they answered, we have seen that the lord is with you. so we said, let us be a charge among you and you, and we make an covenant with you, Gen.26.29 that you do not do evil to us, as we did not deceive you, and have done you well and sent you in peace. you are now blessed by the lord. Gen.26.30 and he made a feast for them, and they ate and drank. Gen.26.31 and they rose the matter and smalled one to his neighbor. then isaac sent them, and they departed from him in salvation. Gen.26.32 on that day the servants of isaac came and told him about the well that they had grown and said, we have found water. Gen.26.33 and he called it seba. therefore the name of the city was beer-sheba until this day. Gen.26.34 when esau was about forty years, he took a wife for judith, the daughter of beeri the hetheo, and basemath, daughter of elon the hetheo. Gen.26.35 they were a trouble for isaac and rebekka. Gen.27.1 when isaac was dead, and his eyes were founded to see, he called esau, his elders son, and said to him, my son! and he said to him, behold, i am. Gen.27.2 and he said, behold, i have lived, i do not know the day of my death. Gen.27.3 now take your instrument, your strangers and your bound, and go out into the field and call me a harm, Gen.27.4 and bring to me a large garine, as i love, and bring it to me that i may eat, so that my soul may be blessed before i am dead. Gen.27.5 now rebecca heard when isaac spoke to his son esau. and when esau went into the field to hast a casting, Gen.27.6 and rebekka spoke to her son jacob, saying, i heard your father speaking to esau your brother, saying, Gen.27.7 bring a harvest and bring me a lect, that i may eat and give you in the presence of the lord before i die. Gen.27.8 now now, my son, hear me, as i command you. Gen.27.9 go also to the sheep and take me from there two bons boves, and i will make them a garment for your father, as he loves. Gen.27.10 and you will bring it to your father, and he will eat, so that he may blessed you before he died. Gen.27.11 and jacob said to his mother, behold, my brother esau is a harr man, and i am a harm. Gen.27.12 may my father touched me, and i would be in his sight, and i will bring a curse and not a blessing. Gen.27.13 and his mother said to him, your curse must be upon me, my son. obey my voice and go and bring it to me. Gen.27.14 so he went and took it and brought to his mother, and his mother did a gentle, as his father loved. Gen.27.15 then rebekka took up the garments of esau, her elder son, which was at her in the house and put to her younger son jacob. Gen.27.16 even the hair of the bodes he put on his hands and on the hald of his hill. Gen.27.17 so she gave the garments and the bread that she had prepared, in the hand of jacob her son. Gen.27.18 and he went to his father and said, my father! and he said, i am here, who are you, my son? Gen.27.19 and jacob said to his father, i am esau your firstborn. i have done so as you told me. rise and eat in my harvest, so that your soul may blessed me. Gen.27.20 and isaac said to his son, how did you immediately find this, my son? and he said, for the lord your god has put it in my presence. Gen.27.21 and isaac said to jacob, come to me, and i will call you, my son, whether you are my son esau, or not. Gen.27.22 and jacob drew near to his father isaac, and he touched him, and said, the voice is the voice of jacob, but the hands are the hands of esau. Gen.27.23 he did not recognize him, for his hands were wicked as the hands of his brother esau. and he blessed him. Gen.27.24 and he said, are you my son esau? and he said, i am. Gen.27.25 and he said, bring to me, i will eat of your child, so that my soul may be blessed you. and he brought him, and he ate. and he brought him wine, and he drinked. Gen.27.26 and his father isaac said to him, come to me and kiss me, my son! Gen.27.27 and he drew near and kissed him, and looking the reins of his garments, he blessed him and said, behold, the reuk of my son is like the reuk of a field that the lord has blessed. Gen.27.28 and god give you the ross of heaven and the ground of the earth, and multitude of wheat and of wine. Gen.27.29 let nations serve you, and nations shall worship you. be lord over your brothers, and the sons of your father shall worship you. cursed be the one who bless you. blessed be those who practices you. Gen.27.30 after isaac had finished a blessing to jacob, and when jacob was going out from his father isaac, his brother esau came from his harvest. Gen.27.31 so he brought a garine and brought it to his father and said to his father, rise, my father, and eat of the harvest of his son, that your soul may be blessed me. Gen.27.32 and his father isaac said to him, who are you? he said, i am esau, your firstborn. Gen.27.33 so isaac was greatly troubled and said, who then is the one who had healed a harvest and brought to me? and i ate from all before you came and blessed him, and he will be blessed. Gen.27.34 when esau heard his words of his father, he cried out with a loud and bitter voice, and he said to his father, blessed also me, my father! Gen.27.35 and he said, your brother came with deceit and took your blessing. Gen.27.36 and he said, has the name been called jacob, for he has ready me two years. he took my firstborn, and now he has taken my blessing. and he said, has you not left me a blessing? Gen.27.37 and isaac answered esau, i have made him lord, and all his brothers i have made him slaves, and i put him in wheat of wheat and of wine, but what shall i do, my son? Gen.27.38 and esau said to his father, do you do not have one blessing, my father? blessed me also, my father! and esau cried out and weeped. Gen.27.39 and his father isaac answered him, behold, your dwelling place will be from the ground of the earth and from the daughth of heaven from above. Gen.27.40 you will live by your sword, and you shall serve your brother. but when you leave, you will break his yock from your hals. Gen.27.41 and esau increased jacob for the blessing that his father had blessed him, and esau said in his heart, the days of mourn of my father will come near. so i will kill my brother jacob. Gen.27.42 and when it was told the words of esau, her eldste son, she sent and called jacob, her younger son, and said to him, behold, your brother esau is disobedient to you to kill you. Gen.27.43 so now, my son, listen to my voice, and rise, go to my brother laban to haran, Gen.27.44 and stay with him some days until the wrath of your wrath becomes, Gen.27.45 when the wrath of your brother is against you, and he forces what you have done to him. then i will send and bring you away from there. why do i defile you two in one day? Gen.27.46 and rebekka said to isaac, i have conceived my life because of the daughters of heth, if jacob will take a wife from the daughters of this land, why do i live to me? Gen.28.1 and isaac called jacob and blessed him and charged him, saying, you shall not take a wife from the daughters of canaan. Gen.28.2 rise and go to mesopotamia, to the house of bethuel the father of your mother, and take yourself a wife from the daughters of laban the brother of your mother. Gen.28.3 and the god god will blessed you and make you fructify and multiplike you, so that you may be a congregation of nations. Gen.28.4 and he give you the blessing of abraham to you and to your offspring with you, that you might inherit the land of your dwelling place, which god has given to abraham. Gen.28.5 so isaac sent jacob, and he went to mesopotamia, to laban, the son of bethuel the arame, the brother of rebecca, mother of jacob and esau. Gen.28.6 and when esau saw that isaac had blessed jacob and sent him to mesopotamia to take himself a wife, and that he had blessed him and commanded him, saying, you shall not take a wife from the daughters of canaan. Gen.28.7 and that jacob had heard his father and his mother and went to mesopotamia. Gen.28.8 and when esau saw that the daughters of canaan was for his father isaac, Gen.28.9 so he went to ismael and took to his wife mahalath, a daughter of ismael the son of abraham, sister of nebajoth. Gen.28.10 so jacob went out from beer-sheba and went to haran. Gen.28.11 he went at a place, and there he fell there, for the sun had come. he took some of the stones of the place and laid it on his head and fell in that place. Gen.28.12 and he sowed, and behold, a rook laid up in the earth, whose head was coming to heaven, and behold, the angels of god ascended and descended on it. Gen.28.13 and behold, the lord stood on her and said, i am the lord, the god of your father abraham and the god of isaac. the land on which you are sleeping will i give to you and to your offspring, Gen.28.14 and your offspring will be like the sand of the earth, and you shall break out west and west and west, and in you and in your offspring shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed in you and in your offspring. Gen.28.15 and behold, i am with you and will guard you in whatever you go, and i will bring you return to this land, for i will not forgive you until i do whatever i told you. Gen.28.16 and when jacob was waken from his sound, he said, the lord is in this place, and i did not know it. Gen.28.17 and he was afraid and said, how terrible is this place! this is not only the house of god, and this is the door of heaven. Gen.28.18 and jacob rose the matter and took the stone that he had put on his head, and set it in a stature and poured up oliven on her head. Gen.28.19 and he called this place bet-el, but first the name of the city was luz. Gen.28.20 and jacob gave a prof, saying, if god is with me and guard me in this way that i go, and give me bread to eat and garment to clothe me, Gen.28.21 and i will return in peace to the house of my father, then the lord will be my god, Gen.28.22 this stone that i have made a statue will be a house of god. and whatever you give me will i give to you the tithes. Gen.29.1 and jacob took his feet and went to the land of the east, to laban, the son of bethuel the aramh, brother of rebeca, mother of jacob and esau. Gen.29.2 and he saw a well in the veld, and there were three sheep of sheep, which remained there, for from that well was water water for the sheep. and a great stone was at the opening of the put. Gen.29.3 and when all the sheep were gathered there, they rolled the stone from the opening of the put, and they watched the sheep, and they put the stone upon the opening of the well to his place. Gen.29.4 and jacob said to them, brothers, where are you from? they said, we are from haran. Gen.29.5 he said to them, do you know laban the son of nahor? they said, we know. Gen.29.6 and he said to them, is it well? and they said, well. and behold, his daughter is coming with the sheep. Gen.29.7 and he said, it is still a great day, yet there is no hour to gather the feet. band the sheep and go and void. Gen.29.8 and they said, we cannot be gathered until all the shepherds are gathered, and we roll the stone from the opening of the well, so we give the sheep to drink. Gen.29.9 while he was still speaking to them, rachel came with the sheep of her father, for she was a servant. Gen.29.10 and as jacob saw rachel, a daughter of laban, brother of his mother, and the sheep of laban, his mother, he came and rolled the stone from the opening of the put, and made drink the sheep of laban, his brother. Gen.29.11 and jacob kissed rachel and cried out his voice and wept. Gen.29.12 and jacob told rachel that he was her father and a son of rebecca. and she ran and told her father. Gen.29.13 when laban heard the name of jacob, the son of his sister, he ran him tegemoet, and he oblined him and kissed him and brought him in his house. and he told laban all these things. Gen.29.14 and laban said to him, you are my bons and my flesh. and he was with him a money of days. Gen.29.15 and laban said to jacob, why you are my brother, shall you serve me without pay? tell me, what is your reward? Gen.29.16 and laban had two daughters. the name of the greatest was lea, and the name of the younger rachel. Gen.29.17 leah had sick eyes, but rachel was a belong of knowledge and belong in appearance. Gen.29.18 and jacob loved rachel, and he said, i will serve you seven years for rachel your little daughter. Gen.29.19 and laban said, it is better to give her to you than to give her for another man. live with me. Gen.29.20 so jacob served seven years for rachel, and they were like a little days, because he had love her. Gen.29.21 and jacob said to laban, give my wife, for my days is fulfilled, that i may come to her. Gen.29.22 so laban gathered all the men of the place and made a wedding feast. Gen.29.23 and when evening came, he took his daughter lea and brought her to him, and he entered her. Gen.29.24 and laban gave his servant zilpa his servant zilpa for a slave. Gen.29.25 on the morning, behold, it was lea. and he said to laban, what is this that you have done for me? did i not serve rachel before you? why have you deceived me? Gen.29.26 and laban said, there is not this in our place to give the young woman before the elders. Gen.29.27 find the seeds of this, and i will give you the same for the work that you will make for me seven years. Gen.29.28 and jacob did so, and he filled the seventh of this. and laban gave him his daughter rachel for a wife. Gen.29.29 and laban gave his daughter bilha to his daughter bilha to a slave. Gen.29.30 and he went in to rachel, and loved raquel more than lea, and he served him seven years. Gen.29.31 when the lord saw that lea was hated, he opened her mother, but rachel was barren. Gen.29.32 and lea conceived and became a son, and she called him ruben, since she said, the lord has seen my affliction. now my husband will love me. Gen.29.33 and she conceived again and became a son and said, the lord has heard that i was hated. so he gave me this child. and she called him simeon. Gen.29.34 and she became birth and became a son and said, now my husband will come to me for now, for i have born for him three sons. therefore he called him levi. Gen.29.35 and she became birth and became a son, and said, now i will praise the lord. therefore she called him judas. and she stood up in birth. Gen.30.1 when rachel saw that she did not bear birth to jacob, she zelked her sister and said to jacob, give me children, and if not, i will die. Gen.30.2 and jacob was angry to raquel and said, is i not in the place of god, who has strengted you the fruit of the womb? Gen.30.3 and she said, behold, my servant bilha. enter her, that she may bear on my knees and that i may have child from her. Gen.30.4 so she gave her a slave bilha for a wife, and jacob went in to her. Gen.30.5 and bilha conceived and gave birth to jacob a son. Gen.30.6 and rachel said, god has judged me, and he has heard my voice and gave me a son. therefore he called her name dan. Gen.30.7 and bilha, the servant of rachel, became again and born a second son to jacob. Gen.30.8 and rahel said, i have condemned with my sister and could have been strengthened. so she called his name neftali. Gen.30.9 when lea saw that she had taken birth, she took her servant zilpa and gave her to jacob for a wife. Gen.30.10 and zilpa, the servant of lea, became birth to jacob. Gen.30.11 and lea said, it is excellent! and she called it gad. Gen.30.12 and zilpa, the servant of lea, beared a second son to jacob. Gen.30.13 and lea said, blessed i is, for the women will give my blessed. so she called his name asher. Gen.30.14 now in the days of the garvest of the fire ruben went and found mandragorores in the field, and brought them to his mother lea. and rachel said to lea, give me the mandragorores of your son. Gen.30.15 and she said to her, is it not much that you have received my husband? do you take the mandragorores of my son? and rahel said, so, let he sit with you this night for the mandragoroes of your son. Gen.30.16 as jacob came in the field of the field, lea went out to him and said, you will come to me, for i have better you for the mandragorores of my son. and he fell with her in that night. Gen.30.17 and god heard lea, and she conceived and became birth to jacob. Gen.30.18 and lea said, god gave me my reward, because i gave my servant to my husband. so she called to him issachar. Gen.30.19 and lea became birth and became birth a sixth son to jacob. Gen.30.20 and lea said, god has given me a good gift, now my husband will live with me, for i have beyond him six sons. so she called him zebulun. Gen.30.21 after this she became a daughter, and he called her named dina. Gen.30.22 and god remembered rachel, and god heard her and opened her mother. Gen.30.23 and she conceived and became a son, and said, god has taken away my oproar. Gen.30.24 and she called his name joseph, saying, the lord give me a other son. Gen.30.25 and as rachel had been born joseph, jacob said to laban, let me go, that i may go to my place and to my land. Gen.30.26 give me my women and my children for whom i have served you, that i may go, for you know the service that i have serving you. Gen.30.27 and laban said to him, if i have found your sake, do i know that the lord has blessed me for your sake. Gen.30.28 share your reward to me, and i will give it. Gen.30.29 and he said to him, you know what i have served you and how your feet has been with me. Gen.30.30 for a little one was in your presence, and you have been granted in a multitude, and the lord blessed you by my foot. now when shall i do to make my house now? Gen.30.31 and he said, what shall i give you? and jacob said, you do not give me anything. if you do so to me, i will make your sheep again and keep it. Gen.30.32 so i leave all your sheep today and depart from there all the small sheep and all quarreling and pestried among the sheep; it will be my reward. Gen.30.33 so my righteousness will listen to me at the next day when i come that my reward is for your presence. whatever is not broken and distingued among the sheep, and there will be clean for me. Gen.30.34 and laban said, let it be according to your question. Gen.30.35 and he distributed that day the stricked and stricked boats and all the small and quarreling cailes, all that had white among them, and all the lammes of the lamb, and gave them in the hand of his sons. Gen.30.36 and he divided three days from way among him and jacob, and jacob passed the rest of the sheep of laban. Gen.30.37 and jacob took them a routing sceptry, a plant, a plan and a platent, and distributed them a white robes, so that the white was distributed at the roves. Gen.30.38 when the sheep came to drink, they laid the scorpions in the waves of water, in which the sheep came to drink, while they came to drink. Gen.30.39 so the sheep spoke in the ropes, and the sheep became stricked and stricked and stricked. Gen.30.40 so jacob distributed the lamb, and he appointed the sheep for the sheep, the compense in the sheep of laban. so he departed his sheep, and did not defile them in the sheep of laban. Gen.30.41 now at the time when the sheep became greatly became beyond child, jacob laid the scepter before the sheep in the roves, that they might share in the roves. Gen.30.42 when the sheep became small, he did not lay them. so the small things were laban, the visions of jacob. Gen.30.43 so the man increased greatly, and he became a great possession, slaves, slaves, cammels and oxen. Gen.31.1 and jacob heard the words of the sons of laban, saying, jacob has taken up all that was of our father, and of the son of our father he has made all this glory. Gen.31.2 and jacob saw the face of laban, and behold, it was not like first to him. Gen.31.3 and the lord said to jacob, return to the land of your father and to your offspring, and i will be with you. Gen.31.4 so jacob sent and called raquel and leah to the field for his sheep, Gen.31.5 and he said to them, i see that the face of your father is not like first to me, but the god of my father was with me. Gen.31.6 you know that i have served your father with all my power, Gen.31.7 but your father has preached me and has preached my reward ten days. but god did not give him to do me evil. Gen.31.8 if he said so, the stripped shall be your reward, all the sheep became stripped. if he said so, the stripped shall be your reward, so all the sheep became striked. Gen.31.9 so god took away the beast of your father and gave them to me. Gen.31.10 now when the sheep had distributed the sheep, i lifted up my eyes and saw in a dream, and behold, the bokrads that went up around the sheep, were stricked and stricked. Gen.31.11 and the angel of god said to me in the sound, jacob! and i said, i am. Gen.31.12 and he said, leep up your eyes, and see: all the bodes that goes on the sheep, are stricked and stricked, for i have seen whatever laban do to you. Gen.31.13 i am the god of bet-el, where you made a call there, and where you gave me a feast. rise therefore, go out of this land and return to the land of your birth. Gen.31.14 so rachel and lea answered him, have we any part or inheritance in the house of our father? Gen.31.15 have we not decided to him as others? for he has delivered us and devored our silver? Gen.31.16 for all the riches that god has taken from our father is our and our children. do therefore, do whatever god told you. Gen.31.17 so jacob rose and put his children and his children on the camels, Gen.31.18 so he carried away all his possessions and all his possessions that he had carried in paddan-aram, to go to his father isaac in the land of canaan. Gen.31.19 when laban had gone to strike his sheep, rachel looked the idols of her father. Gen.31.20 and jacob opened the arame laban, that he did not tell him that he was carrying out. Gen.31.21 so he escaped and went with all his things. he went and went over the river and went to the mountain of galaad. Gen.31.22 on the third day they told laban that jacob had escaped. Gen.31.23 and he took his brothers with himself, and persecuted him for seven days, and took him on the mountain of galaad. Gen.31.24 and god came to laban, the arameer, in a sound of the night, and said to him, keep your guard, that you may not speak to jacob of evil. Gen.31.25 and laban remained jacob. and when jacob had taken his tent on the mountain, laban and his brothers stood on the mountain of galaad. Gen.31.26 and laban said to jacob, what did you do? why have you carried out me and led down my daughters as captives with a sword? Gen.31.27 if you had reported to me, i would have sent you with joy and with joy, tambure and harfy, Gen.31.28 you did not leave me to kiss my children and daughters. you have done a foolish thing. Gen.31.29 i was in my hand to do you evil, but the god of your father has told me the day, saying, keep your guard, do not speak to jacob of evil or evil. Gen.31.30 now now you are going to go, for you have earnestly desired to go in your father's house, why did you choose my gods? Gen.31.31 and jacob answered laban, for i was afraid, for i was afraid, that you may take your daughter from me. Gen.31.32 by whom you find your gods, he shall not live. in the presence of our brothers what is your with me, and take her. and jacob did not know that rachel had furted them. Gen.31.33 so laban entered the tent of jacob and in the tent of lea and in the tent of the two slave, but found no way. so he went out of the tent of lea and in the tent of the two slave, but found no way. so he went in and entered the tent of rachel. Gen.31.34 but rachel took the idols and put them in the food of the camel and sat down for them. Gen.31.35 and she said to her father, do not agree, my lord, that i cannot rise up before you, for i have the order of the women. so he searched, but found the idols not. Gen.31.36 and jacob was angry and contented with laban. and jacob answered laban, what is my wrong, what is my sinning, that you have persecuted me? Gen.31.37 since you have kept all my goods, what did you find from all the goods of your house? lay it here before my brothers and your brothers, and let them judge among our two. Gen.31.38 these twenty-years have been with you. your sheep and your boves were not defiled, and i did not eat the judge of your sheep. Gen.31.39 i have not ready for a district. i rejects for my own day a reason for day and loves of night. Gen.31.40 so i was staying for the next day, and night in the night, and the sound departed from my eyes. Gen.31.41 this was twenty years in your house. i have served you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your sheep, and you have forgiven ten reward my reward. Gen.31.42 if the god of my father, the god of abraham and the fear of isaac, not were with me, you would have now sent me away with vain. god has seen my affliction and the deeds of my hands and rebuked you yesterday. Gen.31.43 and laban answered jacob, the daughters are my daughter, and the sons are my sons, and the beast are my beast, and all that you see is my. and what shall i do for my daughters today or to their children that they have parted? Gen.31.44 so come, let us keep a covenant, i and you, and it must be a testimony among me and you. and he said to him, behold, there is no one with you. look, god is witness among me and you. Gen.31.45 so jacob took a stone and made him a bilder. Gen.31.46 and jacob said to his brothers, gather stone. so they gathered stones and made a rock, and they ate there on the hautain. Gen.31.47 and laban called it jegar-sahaduta, but jacob called it galed. Gen.31.48 and laban said, this is the hautain, which i made, direct witness among me and you. therefore it was called the name galed. Gen.31.49 and mizpa, because he said, let the lord discern among me and you, when we escape one of the other. Gen.31.50 if you afflict my daughters, do you take a wife for my daughters, and there is no one with us. Gen.31.52 for if i do not enter you and do not pass this coll to me, or you will passe over me this gibea and this image for evil. Gen.31.53 the god of abraham and the god of nahor may judge among us. and jacob swore by the fear of his father isaac. Gen.31.54 and jacob offered a sacrifice on the mountain and called his brothers to eat, and they ate and drank on the mountain. Gen.31.55 and laban rose the morning, and kissed his sons and his daughters and blessed them. then laban returned and went return to his place. Gen.32.1 and when jacob returned to his way, he looked up and saw the camp of god in the camp. and the angels of god came to him. Gen.32.2 when jacob saw them, he said, this is the tender of god. and he called the name of that place mahanaim. Gen.32.3 and jacob sent messengers before him to esau, his brother, in the land seir, in the country of edom. Gen.32.4 and he commanded them, saying, so shall you say to my lord esau, so said your servant jacob: i have dwelled with laban and remained until now. Gen.32.5 i have bound, women, sheep, servants and slaves, and i sent to tell my master, that i may find grace in your presence. Gen.32.6 the messagers returned to jacob, saying, we have come to your brother esau, and he is coming to the hand of you, and 400 man with him. Gen.32.7 and jacob was afraid and was greatly distressed, and he divided the people who were with him, the sheep and the sheep and the sheep. Gen.32.8 and he said, if esau comes into one camp and destroy it, the second least will escape. Gen.32.9 and jacob said, o god of my father abraham and god of my father isaac, lord, who said to me, go into your land and to your birth, and i will do you well. Gen.32.10 i have been sufficient for all the truth and all the truth that you have done for your servant. for i have passed over this jordan with my scepter, and now i have become two laers. Gen.32.11 deliver me out of the hand of my brother esau, for i fear him, so that he may come and kill me and mother with children. Gen.32.12 you have said, i will make you good, and i will make your offspring like the sand of the sea, which not will be numbered for the multitude. Gen.32.13 and he fell there that night, and took the things that had given him, a gift for esau, his brother, Gen.32.14 two hundred cabs and twents boats, two hundred sheep and thousand judges, Gen.32.15 thirty cammels with their children, thirty oxs and ten oxs, 20 esels and ten colt. Gen.32.16 he gave them in the hand of his servants, a herd alone. and he said to his servants, go before me and make distinct distinct among a herd and a flock. Gen.32.17 and he commanded the first, saying, if my brother esau draws you and ask you, whom are you? and where are you going? and who are these things before you? Gen.32.18 you shall say, to your servant jacob, a gift who has sent to my lord esau, and he himself is after us. Gen.32.19 so he commanded the second and the third, and to all those who were following the sheep, saying, this is what you say to esau, when you find him. Gen.32.20 and you say, your servant jacob comes after us. for he said, i will make his face with the gifts that go before him, and then i will see his face, though he will accept me. Gen.32.21 so the gift went on his face, but he himself lodged that night in the camp. Gen.32.22 and he rose that night and took his two women and his two slave and his eleven children and went over the passe of jabbok. Gen.32.23 and he took them and went over the spring and brought with him all that he had. Gen.32.24 and jacob remained alone, and a man came with him until the morning. Gen.32.25 and when he saw that he was not able to him, he touched his forehead, and the barment of jacob was broken, as he died with him. Gen.32.26 and he said, send me, for the morning is ascended. and he said, i will not send you, unless you blessed me. Gen.32.27 and he said to him, what is your name? he said, jacob. Gen.32.28 and he said, your name will not be called jacob, but israel. for you have been strengthened with god and with men and has been held. Gen.32.29 and jacob asked him, tell me your name. and he said, why do you ask my name? and he blessed him there. Gen.32.30 and he called the name of that place penuel, for he said, for i saw god face to face, and my soul has been saved. Gen.32.31 and the sun rose him when he had passed for penuel, and he was clothed in his dark. Gen.32.32 for this reason, even to this day, the sons of israel did not eat the seed, which is at the heul of the heup, because he touched the food of the heup of jacob by the heat. Gen.33.1 and jacob looked up and looked, and behold, esau came, and two hundred men with him. so he divided the children to lea and rachel and the two slaves. Gen.33.2 and he made the slaves and their children beforehand, lean and her children after them, and raquel and joseph the last. Gen.33.3 and he went before them and worshiped the land seven times, until he drew near to his brother. Gen.33.4 and esau ran him tegemoet, and put him around him and fell him om his neck and kissed him, and they were weeping. Gen.33.5 and when he looked up, he saw the wives and the children, and said, what are these things to you? and he said, the children god has made your servant. Gen.33.6 then the servants and their children came up and worshiped. Gen.33.7 and leah and her children came and worshiped, and after that joseph and raquel came up and worshiped. Gen.33.8 and he said, what do you have? he said, what is this to find your master in the presence of my master. Gen.33.9 and esau said, i have much things, brother, let it be your own. Gen.33.10 and jacob said, as i have found your grace in your eyes, receive the gift of my hand by my hand. for i saw your face as though you saw the face of god, and you have been pleased of me. Gen.33.11 take my blessing that i brought to you, for god has received me mercy, and i have all things. and he encouraged him and took him. Gen.33.12 he said, we will go, and let us go in the surrounding place. Gen.33.13 but he said to him, my lord knows that the children are distress, and that with me are the sheep and sheep. if they persecute them for one day, all the beast would be put to death. Gen.33.14 let my master go before your servant, and i will go in the way, according to the passion of the way that is before my face, and according to the foot of the children, until i come to my master to seir. Gen.33.15 and esau said, i will depart with you some of the people who are with me. and he said, why is this? see that i have found grace in the eyes of my lord. Gen.33.16 so esau returned that day to his way to seir. Gen.33.17 and jacob went up to succoth, and he made a house for himself, and for his best he made tents. so he called the name of that place succoth. Gen.33.18 and when jacob had come from paddan-aram, he came to the town of sichem in the land of canaan, when he came from paddan-aram, and learned before the city. Gen.33.19 and he took the field of the field where he had set his tent, for a hundred money from hamor, the father of shechem. Gen.33.20 and he set there a altar and called him the god of israel. Gen.34.1 dina, the daughter of lea, which she had given to jacob, went to see the daughters of the land. Gen.34.2 and sichem, the son of hemor heveet, ruler of the land, saw her, and took her and fell with her and humilied her. Gen.34.3 and his soul turned at dina, the daughter of jacob, and he loved the daughter and spoke on the mind of the virgin. Gen.34.4 and shechem said to hamor his father, take this child to me for a wife. Gen.34.5 and jacob heard that he had defiled his daughter dina. but his sons were with his feet in the field, and jacob rested until they came. Gen.34.6 and hamor, the father of sichem, went out to jacob to speak to him. Gen.34.7 when the sons of jacob had heard this, they came from the field, and when the men heard it, they were greatly distressed and greatly distressed, because he had done shameful in israel when he lived with the daughter of jacob, so that it would not be done. Gen.34.8 and hamor spoke to them, saying, my son sichem has beared your daughter for your daughter. give her it for her. Gen.34.9 and boast with us. give us your daughters, and take our daughters to your sons. Gen.34.10 abide in us, and the land is before you. abide and be walking in it, and be created in it. Gen.34.11 and shechem said to her father and to her brothers, let me find grace in your sight, and whatever you say you will give. Gen.34.12 give you a great food, and i will give whatever you say to me, and give me this child to be a wife. Gen.34.13 and the sons of jacob answered sikem and his father hamor with deceit, for they had defiled their sister dina. Gen.34.14 they said to them, we cannot do to do our sister to give a man who has a uncircumcised man, for it is a reproach for us. Gen.34.15 in this purpose we will be like you, if you are like we, so that all of men among you are circumcised, Gen.34.16 so we will give you our daughters, and your daughters we will take to us, and we will live with you and be a offspring. Gen.34.17 but if you do not listen to are circumcised, we will take our daughter and go away. Gen.34.18 so the words died to hamor and to shechem, the son of hamor. Gen.34.19 and the young man departed to do this things, for he had loved the daughter of jacob. he was all loved in his father's house. Gen.34.20 so hamor and his son shem came to the town of their city and spoke to the men of their city, saying, Gen.34.21 these men are freated with us. let them remain in the land and walk in it. the land is now large for them. we will take their daughters for us, and we will give them our daughters. Gen.34.22 only the people will be conformed to us to dwelling with us and become one people, so that all of men among us are circumcised, as they are circumcised. Gen.34.23 their possessions and their possessions and their possessions will not be our? only let we be like them only and they will dwell with us. Gen.34.24 and they heard hamor and his son shechem, all who went out of the city of their city, and all manner were circumcised by the flesh of their uncircumcision. Gen.34.25 on the third day, when they were in the bold, the two sons of jacob, simeon and levi, brothers of dina, took each his sword and entered the city greatly and killed all men. Gen.34.26 they killed both hamor and his son shechem with the sword, and they took dina from the house of sichem and went out. Gen.34.27 and the sons of jacob came to those who were killed, and distributed the city because they had defiled their sister. Gen.34.28 they received their sheep and their oxen and their azels, even what was in the city and whatever was in the field, Gen.34.29 they took captive all their bodies and all their children and women and distributed all that had in the house. Gen.34.30 and jacob said to simeon and levi, you have brought me to hating me, so that you are inflicted by those who dwell in the land, in the cananans and the perizzites. for i am a little number in number, and they will gather against me, and i will be destroyed, i and my house. Gen.34.31 and they said, was it to make our brother like a prostitute? Gen.35.1 and god said to jacob, rise and go up to bet-el and dwelly there, and make there a altar to the god who appeared to you when you drew away from your brother esau. Gen.35.2 and jacob said to his house and to all who were with him, take the others who are among you. cleanse and change your robes, Gen.35.3 let us rise and rise to bet-el, and there we will make a altar to the god who answered me in the day of my tribulation, and was with me on the way that i went. Gen.35.4 so they gave to jacob all the others who were in their hands, and the garments that were in their ears, and jacob hidden them under the terrone that was at sichem. Gen.35.5 so they went up. and a fear of god came upon the towns that were around them, and they did not persecute the people of israel. Gen.35.6 so jacob came to luz, which is in the land of canaan, which is bet-el, he and all the people who were with him. Gen.35.7 and he built there a altar and called the place el-bet-el, for there was god appeared to him, while he drew away from his brother. Gen.35.8 and debora, the summer of rebecka, died, she entered bet-el under the winter and called her name allon-bachus. Gen.35.9 and god appeared to jacob after he had come from mesopotamia, and blessed him. Gen.35.10 and god said to him, your name is jacob; no more shall be called jacob, but your name will be israel. Gen.35.11 and god said to him, i am the god of you. fructify and be multiplied; many nations and multitude of nations will be from you, and kings will come out of your lends. Gen.35.12 the land that i have given to abraham and isaac i will give it to you, and to your offspring after you i will give this land. Gen.35.13 and god went up from him from the place where he had spoken with him. Gen.35.14 and jacob raised a image in the place where he spoke with him, a stone of stone, and poured a drunk on it and poured up oliven on it. Gen.35.15 and jacob called the place where god had spoken with him, bet-el. Gen.35.16 and they departed from bet-el, and when there was a district near to come to ofra, rachel became birth, and he was beared in a district. Gen.35.17 as she was in her hard, the sain said to her, take heart, for so you are a son. Gen.35.18 and when her soul was lost, for she was dead, she called his name ben-oni, but his father called him benjamin. Gen.35.19 so raquel died and was buried on the way of ofra, which is bethlehem. Gen.35.20 and jacob set a image over her tomb. this is the teast of the tomb of rachel until this day. Gen.35.22 now as israel died in that land, ruben went and fell with bilha, the concubine of his father. and israel heard this, and the sons of jacob were twelve. Gen.35.23 the sons of lea, the firstborn of jacob: ruben, simeon, levi, juda, issachar, zebulon, Gen.35.24 the sons of rachel: joseph and benjamin. Gen.35.25 the sons of bilha, the servant of rachel, was dan and neftali. Gen.35.26 the sons of zilpa, servant of lea: gad and asher. these are the sons of jacob who had been in paddan-aram. Gen.35.27 and jacob came to his father isaac to mamre, to kiriat-arba, that is hebron, where abraham and isaac had living. Gen.35.28 the days of isaac were 180 years. Gen.35.29 so he departed and died, and was added to his offspring, elder and full of days. and his sons esau and jacob were buried him. Gen.36.1 and these are the generations of esau, who is edom. Gen.36.2 esau took his wives from the daughters of canaan: ada, a daughter of elon the hett, and oholibama, daughter of ana, daughter of zibeon the heveet, Gen.36.3 and basemath, daughter of ismael, sister of nebajoth. Gen.36.4 and ada became a birth to esau, and basemath became the father of rehuel. Gen.36.5 oholibama became birth of jeeus, jaelam and core. these are the sons of esau who had been in the land of canaan. Gen.36.6 and esau took his wives and his sons and his daughters and all his household and all his possessions and all his possessions, which he had created in the land of canaan, and went in a land, from his brother jacob. Gen.36.7 for their possessions were much in order that they might live together. the land of their peregrination were not able to bring them out because of their great possessions. Gen.36.8 so esau went in in the mountain of seir. esau is edom. Gen.36.9 and these are the generations of esau, the father of edom, on the mountain of seir, Gen.36.10 these are the name of the sons of esau: eliphaz, the son of ada, wife of esau, reguel, son of basemath, wife of esau. Gen.36.11 the sons of eliphaz were teman, omar, zefo, gatam and kenaz. Gen.36.12 timna was a concubine of eliphaz, the son of esau, and she gave birth to eliphaz amalek. these are the sons of ada, the wife of esau. Gen.36.13 and these were the sons of rehuel: nahat and zerah, shama and miza. these were the sons of basemath, the wife of esau. Gen.36.14 and these were the sons of oholibama, daughter of ana, daughter of sibeon, the wife of esau, and she gave birth to esau jehus and jalam and korah. Gen.36.15 these are the rulers of esau, sons of eliphas, the firstborn of esau: the ruler teman, the ruler omar, the ruler sofo, the ruler kenaz, Gen.36.16 the ruler core, the ruler gatam, the ruler of amalek. these were the rulers of eliphaz in the land of edom. these were the sons of ada. Gen.36.17 these are the sons of rehuel, the son of esau: the ruler of nahat, the ruler zerah, the ruler shama, the ruler of mizza. these were the rulers of reguel in the land of edom. these were the sons of basemath, the wife of esau. Gen.36.18 these were the sons of oholibama, wife of esau: the ruler jeeus, the ruler jaelam, the ruler of core. these were the rulers of oholibama. Gen.36.19 these are the sons of esau, and these are their rulers. these are edom. Gen.36.20 these are the sons of seir the horith, who dwelled in the country: lotan and sobal and sibeon and ana, Gen.36.21 dishon, eser and disan. these were the rulers of the horites, the sons of seir, in the land of edom. Gen.36.22 the sons of lotan was horri and hemam, and the sister of lotan was timna. Gen.36.23 and these were the sons of sobal: alvan, manahat, ebal, shefo and onam. Gen.36.24 and these are the sons of zibeon: aja and ana. this is the ana who found the widow in the wilderness, when he put the asels of his father sibeon. Gen.36.25 and these were the sons of ana: dishon and oholibama, the daughter of ana. Gen.36.26 and these were the sons of dison: hemdan, esban, jitran and keran. Gen.36.27 these were the sons of eser: bilhan, zaavan, jaakan. Gen.36.28 these were the sons of disan: us and aran. Gen.36.29 these are the rulers of horri: the ruler lotan, the ruler sobal, the ruler sibeon, the ruler ana, Gen.36.30 the ruler dison, the ruler eser, the ruler disan. these were the rulers of horites, their rulers in the land edom. Gen.36.31 these are the kings who realled in the region of edom before the king was made ruler among the people of israel: Gen.36.32 bela, the son of beor, reged in edom, and the name of his city was dinhaba. Gen.36.33 when bela died, jobab, the son of zerah, from bozra, realled in his place. Gen.36.34 when jobab died, husham from the land of the temanites reged in his place. Gen.36.35 when husam died, hadad, the son of bedad, realled in his place, who killed the midianites on the field of moab. his city was avit. Gen.36.36 when hadad died, samla of masreka reged in his place. Gen.36.37 when samla died, saul from rehoboth that was at the river was made in his place. Gen.36.38 when saul died, baal-hanan, the son of acbor, reged in his place. Gen.36.39 when baal-hanan, the son of acbor, died, hadar was king in his place. his city was pau, and the name of his wife was mehetabel, a daughter of matred, a daughter of mezahab. Gen.36.40 these are the name of the rulers of esau, after their families, according to their families, with their families: the ruler timna, the ruler alva, the ruler jetheth, Gen.36.41 the ruler oholibama, the ruler ela, the ruler pinon, Gen.36.42 the ruler kenaz, the ruler teman, the ruler mibsar, Gen.36.43 the rulers magdiel, the ruler iram. these were the rulers of edom in the land of their possessions. this was esau, the father of edom. Gen.37.1 and jacob died in the land where his father had peregrined in the land of canaan. Gen.37.2 now this is the generations of jacob. when joseph was seven years, they passed the sheep with his brothers, and he was a young man with the sons of bilha and the sons of zilpa, the women of his father. and joseph charged their evil things to their father. Gen.37.3 and jacob loved joseph more than all his children, because he was a son of his elders, and he made for him a broken robe. Gen.37.4 when his brothers saw that their father loves him than all his children, they hated him and could not speak to him with peace. Gen.37.5 and joseph saw a droom and told him to his brothers, Gen.37.6 and he said to them, hear this songe that i have drew. Gen.37.7 we were binding a garbe in the field, and behold, my garbe rose up and was ready, and your garbes were present and worshiped my garbe. Gen.37.8 and the brothers said to him, shall you have no king over us? or will you domine over us? and they hated him still for his droves and for his words. Gen.37.9 and he had seen a other son and told it to his brothers, and he said, i saw another son, and behold, the sun and the moon and once stars worshiped me. Gen.37.10 and he rebuked his father and your brothers to worship him, and said to him, what is this son that you have sounded? then shall we and your mother and your brothers enter the land to worship you? Gen.37.11 and his brothers were seeking him, but his father kept the way. Gen.37.12 so his brothers went to pas the sheep of their father in sichem. Gen.37.13 and israel said to joseph, your brothers are not shepherd in sichem? come, i will send you to them. and he said to him, behold, i am. Gen.37.14 and he said to him, go and see how the brothers have well with the sheep, and tell me. so he sent him from the dal of hebron, and he came to shechem. Gen.37.15 and a man found him astray in the field, and the man asked him what you seek. Gen.37.16 he said, i live to my brothers. tell me where they are hidden. Gen.37.17 and the man said, they went away from here, for i heard them say, let us go to dotan. so joseph went after his brothers and found them at dotan. Gen.37.18 so they saw him at a distance, before he drew near to them, they intended to kill him. Gen.37.19 they said to one of his brothers, behold, that a drewner comes. Gen.37.20 come then, and let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisternes, and we shall say, a evil beast has devoured him, and we will see what he will have. Gen.37.21 and when ruben heard this, he delivered him out of their hands, and said, we shall not strike him. Gen.37.22 and ruben said to them, do not spare blood. put him into this cistern in the wilderness, but do not put out the hand to him. so that he might deliver him out of their hands and repay him to his father. Gen.37.23 when joseph came to his brothers, they departed joseph the robe of the robe robe that was about him, Gen.37.24 and they took him and threw him into the cistern. the cistern was turn, and there was no water. Gen.37.25 so they sat down to eat. and they lifted up their eyes and saw that there was a district of ismaelites coming from galaad, and their camels were the governor of incense and balsam and mix, and they went to bring them down to egypt. Gen.37.26 and judas said to his brothers, what good will we have, if we kill our brother and keep his blood? Gen.37.27 come, let us betray him to the ismaelites, and let our hands not be against him, for he is our brother and our flesh. and his brothers heard it. Gen.37.28 now when the merchants, the merchants, passed out, they carried joseph out of the cistern and sold joseph to the ismaelites for twenty-six sicles. so they brought joseph into egypt. Gen.37.29 when ruben returned to the cistern, behold, joseph was not in the well. so he distributed his garments. Gen.37.30 and returned to his brothers and said, the child is not, and i, where shall i go? Gen.37.31 so they took joseph the rop and distributed a cabrice and put the tunic in the blood. Gen.37.32 they sent the broken robe and brought it to their father and said, we have found this. see that it is your tunic of your son or not. Gen.37.33 and he recognized him and said, it is a rop of my son. a evil beast has devoured him. joseph has divided the beast. Gen.37.34 and jacob tore his garments and put a sack around his hope, and he plained for his son many days. Gen.37.35 and all his sons and his daughters came together to console him, but he refused to be encouraged, and he said, i will come down to my son in the sheol. so his father weeped him. Gen.37.36 the midianans sold him into egypt to potifar, eunucher of pharaon, the ruler of the guardiers. Gen.38.1 in that time juda went down from his brothers and went to a man of adullam, whose name was hira. Gen.38.2 and judas saw there a daughter of a man of canaan, whose name was shua. and he took her and went to her. Gen.38.3 she conceived and became a son, and he called his name er. Gen.38.4 and she became birth and became a son, and he called his name onan. Gen.38.5 and she became again a child and called him shela. he was in kezib when she had given her birth. Gen.38.6 and judas took a wife for her, his firstborn, whose name was tamar. Gen.38.7 er, the firstborn of judah, was evil in the sight of the lord, and the lord killed him. Gen.38.8 so judas said to onan, enter the wife of your brother, and marry her and give offspring to your brother. Gen.38.9 but onan, aware that the offspring would not be his, he was how when he went to the wife of his brother, he poured out o offspring on the earth, that he might not give offspring to his brother. Gen.38.10 it was evil in the presence of god that he did, and he died both him. Gen.38.11 so judas said to tamar, his daughter-in-law, sit a widow in the house of your father, until shela, my son, be granted. for he said, so that he should not die even like his brothers. so tamar went and lived in the house of her father. Gen.38.12 after many days the wife of shua, the wife of judah, died. and when judas had encouraged, he went up to timnas, his shepherd, the adullamites. Gen.38.13 and they told tamar, saying, your daughter is going up to timnah to strike his sheep. Gen.38.14 so she departed his widow's clothing, clothed himself in a robe, clothed it and sat down by the gates of enaim, which is on the road of timnah. for she saw that shela had been great, and she gave her no wife to her. Gen.38.15 when judas saw her, he thought she was a prostitute, for she had opened her face. Gen.38.16 he turned to her by the way and said, let me go to you. for he did not know that it was his bridegroom. and she said, what shall you give me if you enter me? Gen.38.17 he said, i will send you a cabrice from the sheep. and she said, if you give me a garment until you send it out. Gen.38.18 he said, what charge will i give to you? she said, your ring and your west and the scepter that is in your hand. so he gave her and entered her, and she became greatly with him. Gen.38.19 then she rose and went and departed his harm and put on the widows of her widows. Gen.38.20 and judas sent the bove by his servant adullam to take the garment from the woman, but he found her not. Gen.38.21 and he asked the men of the place, where is the prostitute who was there at enaim by the way? and they said, there was no prostitute here. Gen.38.22 and he returned to juda and said, i did not find it. and the men of the place said, there is not a prostitute here. Gen.38.23 and judas said, let it have it, so that we may be ashamed. i have sent this bove, and you have not found it. Gen.38.24 after three months, they told juda, your bridegroom tamar has committed sexual immorality, and behold, she has been conceived from sexual immorality. and judas said, bring her out and be burned. Gen.38.25 when she had brought it, she sent to her daughter, saying, from the man whothese things i am conceived. and she said, know, of whom this anneer, and the robe and this scepter? Gen.38.26 and juda recognized it and said, she is better than i, because i did not give her to shela, my son. and he recognized her no more. Gen.38.27 now when she was at birth, behold, there were garments in her women. Gen.38.28 and as she was in birth, the one stretched out his hand, and the sain took her and bound him on his hand, saying, this man came out the first. Gen.38.29 but when he stretched out his hand, behold, his brother came out. and she said, what has you perplexed through you? so she called him peres. Gen.38.30 after this his brother came out of the purper that was in his hand, and he called him zerah. Gen.39.1 now joseph was brought into egypt. and potifar, the eunuch of pharaon, the ruler of the beyers, a egyptier, bought him from the ismaelites who had brought him there. Gen.39.2 and the lord was with joseph, and he was faithful. and he was in the house of his lord egypt. Gen.39.3 and his master knew that the lord was with him, and at all his doing the lord was prospered in his hand. Gen.39.4 and joseph found grace in his sight and was doing him. and he set him over his household, and gave him in his hand all that he had. Gen.39.5 now after he had set him over his household and over all that he had, the lord blessed the house of the egypt for joseph's sake, and the blessing of the lord was in all his possessions in the house and in the field. Gen.39.6 and he allowed all that he had in the hand of joseph, and he could not recognize anything except the bread that he had eaten. and joseph was a faithful and a moid of appearance. Gen.39.7 after these things the wife of his master put his eyes on joseph and said, sit with me. Gen.39.8 but he refused and said to the woman of his master, my lord does not know about me anything that is in the house, and has given in my hand all that he has, Gen.39.9 there is no more excellent than i in this house, and he has not rejected me anything except you, because you are his wife. how can i do this great evil thing and keep sin before god? Gen.39.10 while she was speaking to joseph every day, he did not listen to her to sit with her and to be with her. Gen.39.11 a next day joseph went into the house to make his work, and no one of the house was in the house. Gen.39.12 and she stopped him on his garment and said, lied with me. but he left his garment in her hand and flowed and went out. Gen.39.13 when she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and fled out, Gen.39.14 he called those who were in the house and said to them, see, he has brought us a hebrew servant to share on us. he has come to me to sit with me, but i cried out with a loud voice. Gen.39.15 and when he heard that i had raised out my voice and cried out, he left his garment by me and flowed and went out. Gen.39.16 and she put his garment around himself, until his master came to his house. Gen.39.17 and she told him these words, saying, the servant of hebrew, whom you brought to us, came to me to beat me. Gen.39.18 and when i lifted out my voice and cried out, he left his garment by me and flowed out. Gen.39.19 when his master heard the words of his wife, which she spoke to him, saying, this is what your servant has done to me, he was indignant. Gen.39.20 so the master of joseph took him and put him into the prison, where the prisoners of the king was put in the burg. Gen.39.21 but the lord was with joseph and gave him mercy and gave him grace in the presence of the ruler of the prisoner. Gen.39.22 and the ruler of the prison gave them in the hand of joseph all the captive who were in the prison, and all that they had done there. Gen.39.23 the ruler of the prison did not have nothing to know that it was in his hand, because the lord was with him, and the lord was prospered in whatever he was doing. Gen.40.1 after these things the mundschenker of the king of egypt and the bakker did sinned against their master, the king of egypt. Gen.40.2 and pharaon was angry at his two eunuchs, the ruler of the schenkers and the chief bakker, Gen.40.3 and put them in prison by the ruler of the prison, in the prison, in the place where joseph had been carried. Gen.40.4 and the ruler of the prison laid joseph to them and stood by them. so they were a day in the prison. Gen.40.5 in one night the piece of the schenkers and the bakker of the king of egypt, who were in the prison, had something a songe. Gen.40.6 when joseph came to them the morning, he saw them, and behold, they were troubled. Gen.40.7 and he asked the eunuchs of pharaon who were with him in the prison by the house of his lord, saying, why are your faces today? Gen.40.8 they said to him, we have sounded a son, yet there is no one to interprete it. so joseph said to them, is it not in god's sight? tell me. Gen.40.9 and the ruler of the schenkers told joseph his droom, and said to him, in my droom i had a vineyard before me, Gen.40.10 and in the vineyard there were three grains. it sprang up and gracked up, and the graves became graves. Gen.40.11 so the cup of pharaon was in my hand, and i took the women and afflicted it into the cup of pharaon, and i gave the cup in the hand of pharaon. Gen.40.12 and joseph said to him, this is his interpretation: the three branches are three days. Gen.40.13 after three days pharaon will take your beginning and reject you in your ruler, and you will give the cup of pharaon into his hand as at the first day, while you were his vindsker. Gen.40.14 but remember me when it is well for you, and show my mercy and remember me to pharaon and bring me out of this house. Gen.40.15 for i was cut away from the land of the hebrew, and here did i do nothing that they were put in this cistern. Gen.40.16 and when the ruler of the peepers saw that he was right, he said to joseph, i also had a son, and behold, i were three back of bread on my head, Gen.40.17 in the high korb there was all the ears that the king of pharaon was eaten, and the birds were eating them from the korb who was on my head. Gen.40.18 joseph answered, this is the interpretation of the interpretation: the three back are three days; Gen.40.19 after three days pharaon will take your head from you, and he will hange you on a tree, and the birds will eat your flesh. Gen.40.20 on the third day, a day of birth of pharaoh, he made a pide for all his servants, and he remembered the beginning of the chief piece and the beginning of the chief piece among his servants. Gen.40.21 and he put the ruler of the schenkers to his ruler, and he gave the cup in the hand of pharaon, Gen.40.22 but the ruler of the pekars disputed, just as joseph had directed them. Gen.40.23 but the ruler of the schenkers did not remember joseph but have denied him. Gen.41.1 after two years there came pharaon a son, saying, there is standing at the river. Gen.41.2 and behold, out of the river came out seven boves, belonging to the flesh and passed in the flock. Gen.41.3 and behold, after them came out of the river seven boves, food of knowledge and small flesh, and they divided among the oxen at the river of the river. Gen.41.4 and the foolish and small boves devoured the seven fish belonging to knowledge and belonging. so pharaon rose up. Gen.41.5 and he sounded at a second time, and behold, seven spices, graw and good, were grow up in one grain. Gen.41.6 and behold, seven tons wicked and the wind grow up after them. Gen.41.7 and the grain grain devoured the seven grain and full grain. and pharaon rose up, and behold, it was a son. Gen.41.8 the morning his soul was troubled, and he sent and called all the mages of egypt and all her wise men. and pharaon told them his son, but there was no one to tell him to pharaon. Gen.41.9 so the ruler of the schenkers spoke to pharaon, saying, i remember this day my sins. Gen.41.10 pharaon was angry with his servants and put me in prison in the house of the ruler of the guards, me and the ruler of the back, Gen.41.11 so in one night we saw a droom, i and he, each one of us had seen his sight. Gen.41.12 there was there with us a young man, a young man, the ruler of the guard, and we spoke to him and made known to us. Gen.41.13 and as he has decided to us, so it happened. i should have rejected my place, and him was visited. Gen.41.14 so pharaon sent and called joseph, and they took him out of the burn. so they stricked him and mocked his robes and went to pharaoh. Gen.41.15 and pharaon said to joseph, i have sounded a son, yet there is no one to interprete it, and i have heard you say, you hear a drem to tell them. Gen.41.16 and joseph answered pharaon, indeed, god will give a salvation to pharaoh. Gen.41.17 and pharaon spoke to joseph, saying, in my droom, behold, i stand at the breck of the river. Gen.41.18 and behold, out of the river came seven bows pure, belonging to the flesh and passed in the flock, Gen.41.19 and behold, seven other boves came up after them, small and wicked wish, which did not see such as them throughout the whole land of egypt. Gen.41.20 and the best and small boves devoured the seven first boves. Gen.41.21 and when they had come in their womb, they did not know that they had come in their womb. they were like the beginning back as in the beginning. so i took up. Gen.41.22 then i saw in my sound seven spices full of grain full of grain, full of good and good. Gen.41.23 and behold, seven grainers women, grained out of the wind. Gen.41.24 and the grain grain devored the seven good spices. so i told the mages, but there was no one to tell me. Gen.41.25 so joseph said to pharaoh, the son of pharaon is one. god has shown pharaon whatever he could do. Gen.41.26 the seven bons boves are seven years, and the seven bons spices are seven years. the son is one. Gen.41.27 the seven furts of honor, which came up after them, are seven years, and the seven roads of the wind that are out of the wind will be seven years of famine. Gen.41.28 this is what i told pharaon: god has shown pharaoh what he will do. Gen.41.29 behold, seven years will come in all the land of egypt. Gen.41.30 and after them there will come seven years of famine, and the abundance of all things will be forgotten in the land of egypt, and the famine will destroy the land. Gen.41.31 and the abundance there will not be known in the land because of the hunger that will be after this, for it will be much strong. Gen.41.32 now as the droom has preached to pharaon again, it is true that the way of god is true, and god is soon to do it. Gen.41.33 now therefore let saul set a wise and understanding man and set him over the land of egypt. Gen.41.34 so let pharaon make officers over the land and set the five of the fruit of the land of egypt in the seven years of the ready. Gen.41.35 so let they gather all food of these good years who are coming, and let the wheat be gathered by the hand of pharaoh as food in the towns and keep them in guard. Gen.41.36 so the food will be kept for the land for the seven years of famine that will come in the land of egypt, so that the land will not be destroyed by hunger. Gen.41.37 this message placed to pharaon and before all his servants. Gen.41.38 and pharaon said to his servants, shall we find any man who has the spirit of god in him? Gen.41.39 and pharaon said to joseph, since god has shown you all these things, there is no one who is wise and wise as you. Gen.41.40 you will be over my house and all my people will obey your mouth; only the throne will i be excellent than you. Gen.41.41 and pharaon said to joseph, behold, i commend you over all the land of egypt. Gen.41.42 and pharaon departed his ring from his hand and put him on the hand of joseph, put him in a robe of fine linen and put a golden jock on his neck. Gen.41.43 and he brought him up on his second carry and proclaimed before him, saying, preach! so he set him over all the land of egypt. Gen.41.44 and pharaon said to joseph, i am pharaon, and without you no one will raise his hand or his hand in all the land of egypt. Gen.41.45 and pharaon called joseph soup-paneach, and gave him for his wife asnat, daughter of poti-fera, priest of on. Gen.41.46 joseph was at thirty years when he stood before pharaon, the king of egypt. and joseph went out of pharaoh and went through all the land of egypt. Gen.41.47 in the seven years of ready the earth became a garbe. Gen.41.48 so he gathered all the food of the seven years that had been in the land of egypt, and laid the food in the towns. the food of the field of the town around it. Gen.41.49 so joseph gathered a wheat like the sand of the sea, until they could number, for it was not in number. Gen.41.50 before the seventh years came, two sons of joseph, which asnat, daughter of poti-fera, priest of on, had given him. Gen.41.51 and joseph called the firstborn manasseh, for god had performed me all my pain and all the household of my father. Gen.41.52 to the second he called ephraim, for he said, god has granted me in the land of my affliction. Gen.41.53 so the seven years of ready that they had been in the land of egypt, Gen.41.54 and the seven years of famine began to come, as joseph had said. there was a famine in all the land, but in all the land of egypt was bread. Gen.41.55 when all the land of egypt was hungry, the people cried out to pharaoh for bread. and pharaon said to all the egypties, go to joseph, and do whatever he says to you. Gen.41.56 and there was a famine throughout all the land, and joseph opened all ears and gave them in the land. there was a famine in the whole land. Gen.41.57 and in all the regions they came to egypt to buy for joseph, for there was a famine in all the land. Gen.42.1 and when jacob saw that there was sold in egypt, he said to his sons, why do you think? Gen.42.2 he said, i have heard that there is wheat in egypt. come down there and buy for us a little food, that we may live and not die. Gen.42.3 so the ten brothers of joseph went to take wheat out of egypt. Gen.42.4 but he did not send benjamin, the brother of joseph, with his brothers, for he said, that there may be something for him. Gen.42.5 and the sons of israel came to buy with those who were coming, for there was a famine in the land of canaan. Gen.42.6 now joseph was ruler in the land, and he became a city for all the people of the land. and when the brothers of joseph came and worshiped him with his face to the ground. Gen.42.7 and when joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them, but he died them, and said to them, where have you come? they said, from the land of canaan to buy food. Gen.42.8 and joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. Gen.42.9 and joseph remembered the drowds that he had seen, and said to them, you are spishers, for you have come to see the fish of the land. Gen.42.10 they said, not, my lord, your servants have come to buy food. Gen.42.11 we are all sons of one man. we are faithful; your servants are not short. Gen.42.12 but he said to them, not, you have come to see the fish of the land. Gen.42.13 and they said, we, your servants, are twelve brothers, brothers in the land of canaan, and behold, the younger is now with our father, and the other is not. Gen.42.14 and joseph said to them, this is what i said to you, you are spishers. Gen.42.15 by this you will be shown. by the life of pharaon you will not go out, unless your younger brother comes here. Gen.42.16 send one of you to take your brother, but you are looking away, and your words will be opened, whether you are true or not. so, so as in the life of pharaon, you are spishers. Gen.42.17 and he put them in prison for three days. Gen.42.18 and on the third day he said to them, do this, and live, for i fear god. Gen.42.19 if you are worldly people, let your brothers have a possession in the prison, and you go and take the food for your feast. Gen.42.20 and bring your younger brother to me, and your words will be faithful, and you will not die. and they did so. Gen.42.21 and they said to one another, we have been sinful for our brother, because we saw his soul when he begged us, and we did not listen to him. therefore this affliction has come upon us. Gen.42.22 and ruben answered them, i did not say to you, do not wrong the child, but you did not listen to me? behold, his blood is seeking. Gen.42.23 and they did not know that joseph was hearing, for he was in interpretation among them. Gen.42.24 and he departed from them and weeped. then he returned to them and told them, and he took simeon from them and bound him before them. Gen.42.25 so joseph commanded their garments with wheat and repay each one's money into his sack and give them food for the road. so they did to them. Gen.42.26 so they put their wheat on their servants and went away from there. Gen.42.27 and when one had broken his sack to give a grain to his esel, saw his money, and behold, he was in the sack of his sack. Gen.42.28 and he said to his brothers, my money is delivered away, and behold, this is in my sack. so their heart was troubled, and they were troubled, saying to one another, what has god done for us? Gen.42.29 and they came to their father jacob in the land of canaan and told him all that had happened to them, saying, Gen.42.30 the man who is the lord of the land told us hard and put us for speech of the land. Gen.42.31 we said to him, we are faithful, we are not spixers. Gen.42.32 we are twelve brothers, sons of our father. one is not there, and the least is today with our father in the land of canaan. Gen.42.33 and the man who is the lord of the land said to us, by this i will know that you are faithful. let one of your brothers go here with me and take your food for the grain of your house and go. Gen.42.34 and bring your younger brother to me, and i may know that you are not speaking, but faithful. then i will pay you your brother and go in the land. Gen.42.35 as they departed their sacts, behold, each of them was the bound of the money in their sack. and when they and their father saw the bound of their money, they and their father, and they were afraid. Gen.42.36 and their father jacob said to them, you have made me children. joseph is not, and simeon is not, and benjamin you will receive. all these things have become upon me. Gen.42.37 and ruben said to his father, put my two sons, if i do not bring him to you. give him in my hand, and i will bring him to you. Gen.42.38 but he said, my son will not come down with you, for his brother has died, and he is alone left. if he has come a affliction for him on the road that you will go, you will take down my old with sorrow into the sheol. Gen.43.1 now a famine was strength in the land. Gen.43.2 when they had eaten the wheat that they had brought out of egypt, their father said to them, go again and buy for us a little food. Gen.43.3 and judas said to him, the man testified to us, you will not see my face unless your brother is with you. Gen.43.4 if you send our brother with us, we will come down and buy you food, Gen.43.5 but if you do not send your brother with us, we will not go, for the man said to us, you shall not see my face unless your brother is with you. Gen.43.6 and israel said, why have you defiled me to tell the man that you have a brother? Gen.43.7 they said, the man asked us and our generation, saying, your father live still? have you any brother? and we told him this accord. did we know that he should say, bring your brother to bring? Gen.43.8 and judas said to his father israel, send the child with me, and we will rise and go in, so that we may live and not die, we and you and our children. Gen.43.9 i am encouraged him. from my hand you will seek him. if i do not bring him to you and put him before you, i will be a sinning for you always. Gen.43.10 for if we were not divided, we would again return again. Gen.43.11 and israel, their father, said to them, if this is so, do this: take some of the fruit of the earth in your bounds and bring to the man a offering: a balsam, a mix, a mix, a step, a diven, a salf. Gen.43.12 take the two money in your hands, and take the money that have returned in your sack. may it be a self-control. Gen.43.13 and take your brother and rise, and come down to the man. Gen.43.14 and god, my god, may give you favor in the presence of this man, so that he may send your one brother and benjamin. and though i have been distressed, i have been beheaded. Gen.43.15 so the men took this gift and received a divided money in their hands, and benjamin. then they rose and went down to egypt and stood before joseph. Gen.43.16 when joseph saw benjamin with them, he said to the ruler of his house, bring these men into the house and slay slain and prepare, for people will eat with me on midnight. Gen.43.17 and the man did just as joseph had told, and brought the men into the house of joseph. Gen.43.18 when the men saw that they had been brought in the house of joseph, they said, for the money that was brought to the beginning in our sacs on the beginning, we have brought us to destroy us and put upon us and take us for slaves and to take our servants. Gen.43.19 and they went to the man who was at the house of joseph, and told him by the gates of the house, Gen.43.20 and they said, o lord, we have come down at the beginning to buy food, Gen.43.21 when we came to the passion and opened our sacs, behold, the money of each one was at his sack in his sack, our money in the sicli, and we returned now in our hand. Gen.43.22 we brought another money with ourselves to buy food. we did not know who put our money into our sacks. Gen.43.23 he said, have no means, do not be afraid. your god and the god of your father gave you a treasure in your sack. your money has received me. so he brought simeon to them. Gen.43.24 and he brought water to wash their feet and gave them food to their names. Gen.43.25 so they prepared the gift to come, until joseph came to midnight, for they heard that there were to eat. Gen.43.26 when joseph entered the house, they brought him the gifts that had with them in the house and worshiped him with his face to the ground. Gen.43.27 and he asked them how it was to have, and he said to them, well does your elders, the elder of whom you have spoken? does he still live? Gen.43.28 they said, your servant, our father, is well gound, he lives still. and they fell down and worshiped him. Gen.43.29 and he lifted up his eyes and saw benjamin, his brother, who was his father, and said, this is your younger brother of whom you told me? and he said, god may have mercy on you, my son! Gen.43.30 so joseph was troubled, for he was astonished at his brother, and he sought to weep. and he went into the room and wept there. Gen.43.31 and when he was washed his face, he went out and wrapped and said, bring bread. Gen.43.32 and they laid him alone, and for them one, and for the egyptians who were eating with him, for the egyptians cannot eat with the hebrews, for it is a abomination for the egyptiers. Gen.43.33 and they sit before him, the firstborn according to his husband, and the younger according to his youndation. and the men were amazed at one another. Gen.43.34 and he took them food from him, but the part of benjamin was five more than those of the manages of all. and they drank and were drunk with him. Gen.44.1 and he gave the messenger of his house, saying, filled the sacs of these men with food, whatever they can take, and put the money of each one in the sack of his sack, Gen.44.2 and let my chase, the money of silver, put in the sack of the younger women and the money for his wheat. so he took as joseph said. Gen.44.3 the morning, at the morning, the men sent, they and their servants. Gen.44.4 and as they went out of the city and were not far leave, joseph said to the ruler of his house, rise and follow those men, and when you find them say to them, why have you repay evil for good? Gen.44.5 is not this the bear of my master by which my master drinks and by which he means? you have done evil. Gen.44.6 and he found them and told them these words. Gen.44.7 and they said to him, why does this master say? no, let your servants do such a thing. Gen.44.8 behold, the money that we found in the sack of our sacs we returned to you from the land of canaan, how then we would steal silver or gold from the house of your lord? Gen.44.9 one of your servants in which your servants will be found, and we will be slaves of our lord. Gen.44.10 he said, now let it be so as you said, the man in whom the cop is found, he will be my servant, and you will be clean. Gen.44.11 so they rapid, each one took down his sack on the earth and opened his sack. Gen.44.12 and he put out, beginning from the elders and began to the younger, and the cop was found in the sack of benjamin. Gen.44.13 so they tore their garments and put down each to his donkey and returned to the city. Gen.44.14 so judas and his brothers came to joseph, while he was still there, and they fell on his face to the ground. Gen.44.15 and joseph said to them, what is this that you have done? do you not know that a man like i do knowledge like i? Gen.44.16 and judas said, what shall we say to our lord? what shall we say, or what shall we justify? god has found your servants. behold, we are slaves of our lord, even we and the one with whom the chase has found. Gen.44.17 but he said, it would not be done for me to do this. the man with whom the cop is found, he will be my servant. but go you to go in salvation to your father. Gen.44.18 and juda drew near to him and said, my lord, let your servant speak a word for your eyes, and do not be indignant against your servant, for you are only with pharaon. Gen.44.19 o lord, you asked your servants, have you a father or a brother? Gen.44.20 and we said to our lord, we have a elder father and a young child of his alders, and his brother has died, and he himself has left only his mother, and his father loved him. Gen.44.21 and you said to your servants, bring him down to me, that i may share him. Gen.44.22 and we said to my master, the child cannot forgive his father, for if he leave his father, he will die. Gen.44.23 but you said to your servants, if your younger brother does not come down with you, you will never see my face. Gen.44.24 when we came to your servant, our father, we told him the words of our lord. Gen.44.25 and our father said, go again, buy for us a little food. Gen.44.26 we said, we cannot come down, but if our younger brother is with us, we will come down, for we cannot see the face of the man, though our younger brother is not with us. Gen.44.27 and your servant, our father, said to us, you know that my wife has born two children to me. Gen.44.28 the one departed from me, and i said, he has been revealed, and i have not seen him now. Gen.44.29 so if you take this same from my presence and a affliction has come with him, you will cut down my old with sorrow to the sheol. Gen.44.30 so now, if i come to your servant, my father, and the child is not with us, when his soul has been carried out of his soul, Gen.44.31 and if he see that the child is not with us, he will die, and your servants will bring down the gers of your servant, our father, with weak into the sheol. Gen.44.32 for your servant has been recognized for the child by your father, saying, if i do not bring him to you and keep him before you, i will be a sinful god for all the days. Gen.44.33 so now let your servant be slain in the place of the child your master, and let the child go up with his brothers. Gen.44.34 for how can i go to my father, though the child is not with me? how can i not see the evil things that will find my father. Gen.45.1 and joseph could not belong to all who stood by him, and said, leave them all away. and there was no one standing by joseph when he was made known to his brothers. Gen.45.2 and he wept his voice with weeping, and the egyptians heard, and the house of pharaon was heard. Gen.45.3 and joseph said to his brothers, i am joseph. does my father live still? but his brothers were not able to answer him, for they were troubled. Gen.45.4 and joseph said to his brothers, come to me. and they came to me. and he said, i am joseph, your brother, whom you delivered to egypt. Gen.45.5 so do not be sorrowful, nor do it be hard because you have delivered me here. for god sent me before you to life. Gen.45.6 for for a second time there is a famine in the land, and there will be five years in which there will not be plowing or shaat. Gen.45.7 god sent me before you, so that i might remain for you in the earth and to help you in a great rest. Gen.45.8 so not you have sent me here, but god. he has made me a father of pharaon and lord for all his household and ruler in all the land of egypt. Gen.45.9 come quickly and go up to my father and say to him, so says your son joseph: god has made me lord over all egypt. come down to me, do not be calling. Gen.45.10 you shall dwell in the land of gosen and be near me, you and your sons and your sons and your sheep and your sheep and whatever you are. Gen.45.11 and i will keep you there, for there will be five years of famine, so that you may not be destroyed, you and your sons and all that you have. Gen.45.12 now your eyes and my brother benjamin see that my mouth is speaking to you. Gen.45.13 tell my father therefore all my glory in egypt and whatever you have seen, and bring my father here down. Gen.45.14 and he fell on the neck of his brother benjamin and weeped, and benjamin wept on his nack. Gen.45.15 and he kissed all his brothers and wept over them. and after that his brothers said to him, Gen.45.16 the voice came to the house of pharaoh, saying, the brothers of joseph have come. so was glad that pharaon and his servants were glad. Gen.45.17 and pharaon said to joseph, tell to your brothers: do this, pay your treasures and go into the land of canaan. Gen.45.18 take your father and your possessions and come to me, and i will give you the good of the land of egypt, and you will eat the grain of the land. Gen.45.19 do you say this: take for them bows from the land of egypt for your children and women, and take your father and come. Gen.45.20 do not spare your wages, for the good things of the whole egypt will be your. Gen.45.21 and the sons of israel did so. and joseph gave them a garments according to the instructions of pharaoh, and he gave them food for the way. Gen.45.22 he gave them all two robes of robes, but for benjamin he gave three talents of gold and five robes of robes. Gen.45.23 and to his father he sent these things, fourtyes who carried out of the goods of egypt, and ten left, carry of bread, bread and bread for his father. Gen.45.24 so he sent his brothers and went. and he said to them, do not be angreated on the way. Gen.45.25 so they went up from egypt and came to the land of canaan to jacob their father. Gen.45.26 and they told him, joseph's son lives, and he is ruler over all the land of egypt. and his mind was troubled, for he did not believe them. Gen.45.27 but when they told him all the words of joseph that he had told them, and when he saw the waves that joseph had sent to take him, the spirit of jacob their father kept life. Gen.45.28 and israel said, it is much. my son joseph live still. i will go and see him before i am dead. Gen.46.1 so israel went away with all that he had, and went to beer-sheba and sacrificed sacrifices to the god of his father isaac. Gen.46.2 and god said to israel in a vision of the night, jacob! and he said, i am. Gen.46.3 and said, i am god, the god of your father. do not fear to come into egypt, for i will make you there a great nation. Gen.46.4 i will come with you to egypt, and i will bring you again, and joseph will put his hands on your eyes. Gen.46.5 so jacob rose from beer-sheba, and the sons of israel took their father jacob and their children and their women on the waves that joseph had sent for to carry him. Gen.46.6 and they took their possessions and their possessions in the land of canaan, and went into egypt, jacob and all his offspring with him. Gen.46.7 his sons and his children with him, his daughters and daughters of his sons, and all his offspring he brought with him into egypt. Gen.46.8 these are the name of the sons of israel who went into egypt, jacob and his sons. the firstborn of jacob was ruben. Gen.46.9 the sons of ruben were henoch and pallu, hesron and carmi. Gen.46.10 and the sons of simeon: jemuel, jamin, ohad, jakin, sohar, and saul, the son of the cananed. Gen.46.11 the sons of levi were gerson, kehat and merari. Gen.46.12 the sons of judah: er, onan, shela, peres and zerah. but er and onan died in the land of canaan, and the sons of peres were hezron and hamul. Gen.46.13 the sons of issachar: tola, puwa, job and simron. Gen.46.14 the sons of zebulon: sered and elon and jahleel. Gen.46.15 these are the sons of lea, which she had given to jacob in mesopotamia, and dina his daughter. all the souls of his sons and daughters were 33. Gen.46.16 the sons of gad: sifjon, haggi, shuni, esbon, eri, arodi and areli. Gen.46.17 the sons of asher: jimna and jisva and jisvi and beria and serah their sister. and the sons of beria was heber and malchiel. Gen.46.18 these were the sons of zilpa, which laban gave his daughter leah, and she born these children to jacob. Gen.46.19 the sons of rachel, the wife of jacob: joseph and benjamin. Gen.46.20 the sons of joseph were in the land of egypt, whom asenat, daughter of potifera, priest of on, had been manasseh and ephraim. the sons of manasseh were the sons of manasseh, whom the concubine of aram became the father of machir. Gen.46.21 the sons of benjamin was bela and beker and ashbel, gera and naaman, ehi and rosh, muppim and huppim and ard. Gen.46.22 these are the sons of rachel, who had been born to jacob, were all fourteen persons. Gen.46.23 the sons of dan: hushim. Gen.46.24 the sons of neftali: jachseel and guni and jeshser and shillem. Gen.46.25 these were the sons of bilha, which laban gave his daughter rachel, and she born these children to jacob. Gen.46.26 all the souls that came with jacob into egypt, who had come out of his muses, except the women of the sons of jacob, were 66. Gen.46.27 the sons of joseph who had been born of him in egypt were four souls. all the persons of the house of jacob who went into egypt were seven. Gen.46.28 and he sent judas before him to joseph, so that they might bring him at gosen. and they returned to gosen land. Gen.46.29 so joseph put his waves and went up to encontring israel, his father, at gosen, and when he appeared to him, he fell on his neck and weeped more. Gen.46.30 and israel said to joseph, now i will die, since i have seen your face, that you still live. Gen.46.31 and joseph said to his brothers, i will go and tell pharaon and say to him, my brothers and the house of my father who were in the land of canaan have come to me. Gen.46.32 these men are a shepherd, for they are feasts, and they have brought their sheep and their beast and all that they have. Gen.46.33 so if farao calls you and says, what is your work? Gen.46.34 you shall say, your servants are feasts from your child until now, we and our fathers, so that you may dwell in the land gosen, for all sheep are a abomination for the egyptiers. Gen.47.1 so joseph came and told pharaon, my father and my brothers, their feet and their boves and whatever they had, have come from the land of canaan, and behold, they are in the land gosen. Gen.47.2 from his brothers he took five men and put them before pharaon. Gen.47.3 and pharaon said to the brothers, what is your work? they answered pharaon, your servants are a shepherd, we and our fathers. Gen.47.4 and they said to pharaoh, we have come to live in this land, for there is no place for the best of your servants, for there is a great famine in the land of canaan. now let your servants dwell in the land gosen. Gen.47.5 and pharaon said to josip, let them dwell in the land gosen. if you know that there are many men among them, set them to the rulers of their buments. so they came to egypt, to joseph and his sons. and pharaon, the king of egypt, heard it to joseph and said, your father and your brothers have come to you. Gen.47.6 behold, the land of egypt is before you, in the best of the land, abide your father and your brothers. Gen.47.7 so joseph brought his father jacob and put him before pharaon, and jacob blessed pharaon. Gen.47.8 and pharaon said to jacob, how many are the days of your life? Gen.47.9 and jacob said to pharaoh, the days of the years of my coming are hundred years. little and evil were the days of my living days and did not come to the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their persecutions. Gen.47.10 and jacob blessed pharaon and departed from him. Gen.47.11 so joseph put his father and his brothers, and gave them a possession in the land of egypt, in the best of the land, in the land rameses, as pharaoh had commanded. Gen.47.12 and joseph kept silent for his father and his brothers and all the household of his father, as well as his fathers. Gen.47.13 there was no wheat in all the land, for there was a great famine. the land of egypt and the land of canaan departed by the famine. Gen.47.14 so joseph gathered all the money that found in the land of egypt and in the land of canaan, for the wheat that they were bought. so joseph brought the money in the house of pharaoh. Gen.47.15 when the money had finished out of the land of egypt and in the land of canaan, all the egyptians came to joseph, saying, give us bread. why shall we die in your presence, since the money has been lost? Gen.47.16 and joseph said, bring your beast, and i will give you bread for your feet, if the money has been released. Gen.47.17 so they brought their boats to joseph, and joseph gave them bread for the hors, for the sheep of the sheep, for the sheep of the sheep and the sheep. so he gave them bread for all their beast. Gen.47.18 so that that years came out, they came to him in the second year, and they said to him, we would not destroy our lord, that the money has been carried out, and the animals are with you in the lord. there is no rest for our lord except our body and our land. Gen.47.19 why shall we not die in your presence, we and our land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land shall be slaves of pharaoh. give offspring for that we may see and not die, and the earth shall not be desoled. Gen.47.20 so joseph bought the whole land of egypt for pharaon, for the egyptians sold all their lands, since there was a famine for them. so the land came to pharaoh. Gen.47.21 and he delivered the people to a servants, from one end of the region of egypt to the other. Gen.47.22 only the land of the priests did not buke, for the priests were given a gift of pharaon, and they were eating the tradition that pharaon had given them, therefore they were not sold their land. Gen.47.23 so joseph said to the people, behold, i have made you and your land for pharaon. behold, this is your offspring, and see the earth. Gen.47.24 when the grain bears, you will give a five deel to pharaon, and the four district will have for you to have the land and to eat to you and to those who are in your houses. Gen.47.25 and they said, you have made us well. we have found grace in the presence of our lord, and we will be slaves of pharaoh. Gen.47.26 so joseph gave them a instruct, even to this day, in the land of egypt, the fourth of pharaoh. only the land of the priests was not in pharaon. Gen.47.27 so israel dwelled in the land of egypt, in the land gosen, and they took her in her, and they were fructify and multiplied greatly. Gen.47.28 and jacob remained in the land of egypt seven years, and the days of jacob was a hundred and seven years. Gen.47.29 when the days of israel had come near to die, he called his son joseph and said to him, if i have found your grace, put your hand under my heuw, and make your mercy to me, and do not begrave me in egypt. Gen.47.30 but when i have fallen with my fathers, you will take me out of egypt and enterry me in their grab. and he said, i will do according to your saying. Gen.47.31 and he said, sword to me. and he swore to him. and israel worshiped at the head of his scepter. Gen.48.1 after these things they said to joseph, behold, your father is sick. so he took his two sons, manasseh and ephraim. Gen.48.2 and to jacob was told, behold, your son joseph is coming to you. so israel took strength and sat on the bed. Gen.48.3 and jacob said to joseph, god of god has appeared to me at luz in the land of canaan and blessed me. Gen.48.4 and said to me, i will make you fructify and multiplike you and make you a multitude of nations, and i will give this land to your offspring after you to eternal possession. Gen.48.5 now now your two sons, who have been born for you in the land of egypt before i came to you into egypt, are my. ephraim and manasseh will be for me as ruben and simeon. Gen.48.6 but your children that you shall bear after them will be your; they shall be called in the name of their brothers in their possessions. Gen.48.7 now when i came from mesopotamia, rachel died to me in the land of canaan, as there was a little food of the land to come to ofra, and i buried it on the road of efrath, which is bethlehem. Gen.48.8 when israel saw the sons of joseph, he said, who are these? Gen.48.9 and joseph said to his father, it are my sons, whom god gave me here. and he said, bring them to me, that i may blessed them. Gen.48.10 now the eyes of israel were grave from old, and he could not see. so he brought them near him, and he kissed them and bound them. Gen.48.11 and israel said to joseph, i did not reason to see your face, and behold, god has shown me and your offspring. Gen.48.12 so joseph led them out from his kings and worshiped him with face to earth. Gen.48.13 and he took his two sons, ephraim at his right hand at the left of israel, and manasseh with his left, at the right hand of israel, and drew them to him. Gen.48.14 and israel stretched out his right hand and put it on the head of ephraim, who was the younger, and his left hand on the head of manasseh. Gen.48.15 and he blessed them and said, the god where my fathers went before him, abraham and isaac, the god who remained me from my youth until this day, Gen.48.16 the angel who has delivered me from all evil things will blessed these children, and in them my name and the name of my fathers abraham and isaac, and be multiplied in great multitude in the land. Gen.48.17 when joseph saw that his father put his right hand on the head of ephraim, it was greatly perplexed. and he took his father's hand to take it away from the head of ephraim to take it down from the head of ephraim. Gen.48.18 and joseph said to his father, not so, my father, for this is the firstborn. put your right hand on his head. Gen.48.19 but he refused and said, i know, my son, i know. he also will be a people, and he will be great. but his younger brother will be greater than he, and his offspring will be many nations. Gen.48.20 and he blessed them on that day, saying, in you israel will be blessed, saying, god make you like ephraim and manasseh! and he laid ephraim before manasseh. Gen.48.21 and israel said to joseph, behold, i am going to die, but god will be with you and bring you to the land of your fathers. Gen.48.22 and i give you a tower more than your brothers, which i received from the hand of the amorites with my sword and with my bound. Gen.49.1 and jacob called his sons and said, gather, i will tell you what there will be for you at the last days. Gen.49.2 gather and hear, children of jacob, hear israel, your father. Gen.49.3 ruben, you are my firstborn, my power and the beginning of my child, hard and harm of harm. Gen.49.4 you shined as water, and you will not live, for you have ascended on your father's bed, then you have defiled your bed and ascended. Gen.49.5 simeon and levi are brothers, their seeds are torn of violence. Gen.49.6 do not come in their conseless in their conseless, o my soul! for in their wrath they have killed people, and in their desires they have stricked the oxs. Gen.49.7 blessed is their wrath, for it is hard, and their wrath, for it was hard. i will divided them in jacob and scatters them in israel. Gen.49.8 juda, you will love your brothers; your hand will be against your enemies; the sons of your father will worship you. Gen.49.9 judas, a leoning of lion, coming up, my son, you have come down. you have fallen asleep as a lion and like a leoning. who will raise him up? Gen.49.10 a ruler will not short from juda, and a ruler comes from his muses, until the reason comes to him, and he will expect the nations. Gen.49.11 he binds his colt to a vineyard and to the greb the colt of his servant. he laves his cloak in the wine and his cloak in the blood of wine. Gen.49.12 his eyes are food from wine, and his teeth white from milk. Gen.49.13 zebulon will dwelling by the sea, with the building of a boat, and you will warn at sidon. Gen.49.14 issachar is a wicked food, holding in the district of the lot. Gen.49.15 he saw that the rest was good, and that the earth was back, he laid his houll up and became a lawful. Gen.49.16 dan will judge his people, as one of the tribes of israel. Gen.49.17 dan shall be a serpent on the road, a serpent on the root, cinging the call of the horse, so that the ruin will fall back. Gen.49.18 i endure the salvation, o lord. Gen.49.19 gad will be tempted of temptations, but he will temptery him at their feet. Gen.49.20 asher will be his bread, and he will give rulers of rulers. Gen.49.21 neftali is a district cloak, he does a proud of honor things. Gen.49.22 joseph's eager is a jeunger ground, a grow ground for the ground of the ground. Gen.49.23 the bound spoke him, and stronched him and strengthened him. Gen.49.24 but his bogen have been broken in strength, the hands of his hands have been broken, by the hand of the mighty hand of jacob, there is the strong of israel. Gen.49.25 by the god of your father, and he helks you, and he will blessed you the blessing of heaven from above, the blessing of the earth that has all, blessing in blessing of the briste and of the mors. Gen.49.26 the blessing of your father will be strengthened for the blessed of the forts monds. they will be upon the head of joseph and on the head of the one of his brother. Gen.49.27 benjamin is a lover, a rop will eat; on the morning he will eat a food. Gen.49.28 these are all the twelve sons of jacob, and the things that their father spoke to them and blessed them, blessed each of them according to his blessing. Gen.49.29 and he told them, i am gathered to my people. begraw me with my fathers in the spelonk that is in the country of ephron the hetheo, Gen.49.30 in the spelonce that is in makpela at the region of mamre, in the land of canaan, which abraham bought the spelonce from efron the heth, for a grain for a tomb. Gen.49.31 there they buried abraham and his wife sara, there they buried isaac and his wife rebecca, and there i buried lea. Gen.49.32 the field and the spelonce that is in him has been compred from the sons of heth. Gen.49.33 when jacob had finished instructing his sons, he took his feet on the bed and departed and was added to his people. Gen.50.1 so joseph fell on his father's face and wept on him and kissed him. Gen.50.2 so joseph commanded his servants who were buriers to burial his father. and the balsamers balsamed israel. Gen.50.3 40 days they were fulfilled, for so the days of burial was finished. and the egyptians plained him for seven days. Gen.50.4 now when the days of mourn passed, joseph spoke to the manages of pharaon, saying, if i have found your favor, tell me to the ears of pharaon, saying, Gen.50.5 my father has put me an oath, saying, in the tomb that i has grown for me in the land of canaan, there you will begrave me. go then up and begraw my father, and i will return. Gen.50.6 and pharaon said, come up and begraw your father, just as he has made you an oath. Gen.50.7 so joseph went up to begraw his father, and with him went up all the servants of pharaon, the elders of his house and all the elders of the land of egypt went up with him. Gen.50.8 and all the house of joseph and his brothers and the house of his father, only their relatives and sheep left they in the land gosen. Gen.50.9 they went up with him with streitwagen and hors, and there was a great multitude. Gen.50.10 and when they came to the tenne of atad that is on the other side of the jordan, they waiked for him a great and very sorrow. and he made the mourn for his father in seven days. Gen.50.11 when the residents of the land, the cananans saw the mourn of atad, they said, this is a great sorrow for the egyptians. so they called the name abel-mizraim, which is on the other side of the jordan. Gen.50.12 and his sons did to him so did, and they buried him there, Gen.50.13 and his sons took him into the land of canaan and buried him in the spelonce of machpela in the way of mamre, which abraham bought for a grain for a grain of a tomb from ephron the hetheo, before mamre. Gen.50.14 so joseph returned into egypt, he and his brothers and those who had gathered up to begraw his father. Gen.50.15 and when the brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, has not joseph rejected us and repay to us all the evil that we have done to him. Gen.50.16 so they came to joseph, saying, your father had commanded before his death, saying, Gen.50.17 so say to joseph, leave for them your wrongdoing and their trespass, because they have done wrong to you. now take your wrongdoing to the servants of the god of your father! and joseph wept while they were speaking to him. Gen.50.18 and they went to him and said, we know that we are your servants. Gen.50.19 but joseph said to them, do not be afraid, for i am in the way of god? Gen.50.20 you have made evil against me, but god gave it to good, so that he might become how this day, so that there might keep many people. Gen.50.21 so do not be afraid, i will give you and your household to live. so he consoled them and spoke to them in their heart. Gen.50.22 so joseph died in egypt, he and the house of his father. and joseph remained 110 years. Gen.50.23 and joseph saw ephraim three generations, and the sons of machir, the son of manasseh, were born in joseph's district. Gen.50.24 and joseph said to his brothers, i am going to die, but god will visits you and bring you out of this land into the land that he swore to abraham, isaac and jacob. Gen.50.25 so joseph brought up the children of israel, saying, god will visite you, and you will bring my back from here. Gen.50.26 and joseph died, 110 years of age, and they buried him, and they put in a grabe in egypt. and he commissed the command to his sons, and he took his feet on the bed and departed and gathered to his people. Exod.1.1 these are the name of the sons of israel who came into egypt with jacob. each of them went in with jacob, Exod.1.2 ruben, simeon, levi, judah, Exod.1.3 issachar, zebulon and benjamin, Exod.1.4 dan and neftali, gad and aser. Exod.1.5 all the persons that came from jacob were seventy-five persons. now joseph was in egypt. Exod.1.6 and joseph died, and all his brothers and all that generation were dead. Exod.1.7 but the sons of israel increased and multipliked and were multiplied, and they were greatly perplexed, and the land was made for them. Exod.1.8 so there came a other king on egypt, who did not know joseph. Exod.1.9 and he said to his people, behold, the people of the israelites are greater and greater than we. Exod.1.10 come, let us be encouraged for them, so that they may not increase, and if a combat comes upon us, they also will gather to our adversaries and strike against us and come out of the land. Exod.1.11 so they set over them rulers of the work, that they might afflict them with their works. so they built to pharaoh the towns of pitom and rameses. Exod.1.12 but as more they were afflicted them, more were they, and they were more strong, so that the egyptians were astonished from the israelites. Exod.1.13 so the egyptiers were strengthened the children of israel by violence, Exod.1.14 they were strengthening their life with hard works, the labor and the bright, and with all the work in the field, all the work that they served them with hard. Exod.1.15 the king of egypt said to the rabs of the hebrew, whose name was siphra, and the second pua, Exod.1.16 and he said, when you are grew in the hebreans, and say to the birth, if it is a male child, put him to death, but if a women is! Exod.1.17 but the parts were afraid of god and did not do as the king of egypt told them, but they were leading the children at life. Exod.1.18 then the king of egypt called the violence and said to them, why did you do this way and leave the children at life? Exod.1.19 and the parts said to pharaoh, the hebreans are not like the women of egypt, for they are born. before the women has come to them, they have been born. Exod.1.20 so god did good to the parts, and the people multipliked and were greater. Exod.1.21 and since the parts were afraid of god, he gave them houses. Exod.1.22 so pharaon directed all his people, saying, you put into the river every child that is born, and all the women should live at life. Exod.2.1 now a man of the house of levi went and took a daughter of levi. Exod.2.2 she conceived and became a child, and when they saw that it was further, they kept him for three months. Exod.2.3 but when she was not able to keep him still, he took a patch of pair and anointed it with pic and pied, and threw the child in it and laid it into the rock by the river of the river. Exod.2.4 and his sister fell in a distance to see what had happened to him. Exod.2.5 then the daughter of pharaon went down to wash at the river, and her daughters went on the river of the river. and when she saw the pig in the stone, she sent his servant and sent it out. Exod.2.6 and when she opened it, he saw a child wept, and it was looking for him, saying, it is of the children of the hebrew. Exod.2.7 and his sister said to the daughter of pharaoh, do i want to call you a trouble of the hebreans, that she may call the child for you? Exod.2.8 the daughter of pharaoh said to her, go. and the daughter went and called the mother of the child. Exod.2.9 and the daughter of pharaon said to her, take this child and desire it for me, and i will give you the reward. and the woman took the child and wanted it. Exod.2.10 and when the child was groot, she brought him to the daughter of pharaon, and he was her a son, and she called him moses, saying, i made him out of the water. Exod.2.11 now in those days when moses had become great, he went out to his brothers and saw their deeds. and he saw a egyptian striking a hebrew, one of his brothers. Exod.2.12 so he looked around and here, and seeing that there was no one, he struck the egyptian and hidden him in the flock. Exod.2.13 on the second day he went out and saw two hebreous men. and he said to the one who was wrong, why do you strike your neighbor? Exod.2.14 he said, who made you a ruler and a judge over us? do you want to kill me as you killed the egyptian? and moses was afraid and said, so is this thing known. Exod.2.15 when pharaon heard this, he sought to kill moses. but moses withwithaway and went in the land of madian. and he sat on a well. Exod.2.16 now the priest of madian had seven daughters. they came, bringing water and filled the companiers to drink the sheep of their father. Exod.2.17 but the shepherds came and cast them out. then moses rose and helped them and gave their sheep drink. Exod.2.18 and when they came to their father reguel, he said to them, why did you come this day at once? Exod.2.19 they said, a egyptier delivered us from the shepherds, and he could give us water and gave our sheep drink. Exod.2.20 and he said to his daughters, and where is he? why have you left this man? call him to eat. Exod.2.21 and moses took place to the man, and he gave to moses his daughter sippora. Exod.2.22 she became a son, and moses called him gersom, for he said, i was a fremder in a fremde land. Exod.2.23 after many days the king of egypt died, and the israelites cried out because of the work and cried out, and their cry came up to god because of their work. Exod.2.24 and god heard their groaning, and god remembered his covenant with abraham, with isaac, and to jacob. Exod.2.25 and god looked at the children of israel, and god recognized them. Exod.3.1 moses passed the sheep of jetro, his soin, the priest of midian, and brought the sheep by the wilderness and came to the mountain of horeb. Exod.3.2 and the angel of the lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the bush, and he saw that the buse was burned with fire, but the busch did not burn. Exod.3.3 and moses said, i will go and see this great vision, why the busk does not burn. Exod.3.4 when the lord saw that he was going to see, he called him, moses, moses! and he said, i am. Exod.3.5 and he said, do not come here to here, take your sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is a holy earth. Exod.3.6 and he said, i am the god of your father, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob. and moses opened his face, for he was afraid to see god. Exod.3.7 and the lord said, i have seen the affliction of my people in egypt, and i have heard their criation for their oppresers, for i know their affliction. Exod.3.8 so i have descended to deliver them out of the hand of the egypt and to bring them out of that land to a good and great land, in a land that tears of milk and honning, to the place of the kananeens, the hetites, the amorites, the ferezites, the hevites and the jebuss. Exod.3.9 and now, behold, the cry of the sons of israel has come to me, and i have seen the affliction that the egyptians afflict them. Exod.3.10 so come, i will send you to pharaon, and bring my people, the children of israel, out of egypt. Exod.3.11 and moses said to god, who is i that i may go to pharaon and bring the israelites out of the land of egypt? Exod.3.12 and he said, i will be with you, and this will be a sign that i have sent you: when you bring the people out of egypt, you will serve god on this mountain. Exod.3.13 and moses said to god, behold, when i come to the israelites and tell them, the god of your fathers has sent me to you, and they will ask me, what is his name? what shall i say to them? Exod.3.14 and god said to moses, i am the one i am. and he said, so shall you say to the children of israel: i have sent me to you. Exod.3.15 and god said to moses, so shall you say to the people of israel: the lord, the god of your fathers, the god of abraham, the god of isaac and the god of jacob, has sent me to you. this is my name for eternal, and this is a remember of my generations. Exod.3.16 come and gather the elders of israel and say to them, the lord, the god of your fathers, has appeared to me, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob, has seen me, saying, i have conceived you, and i have seen what it has happened to you in egypt, Exod.3.17 and i said, i will bring you out of the affliction of egypt into the land of the kananeens, the hetites, the amorites, the perizzites, the hevites and the jebusites, in a land that tears the milk and honning. Exod.3.18 and they will listen to your voice, and you and the elders of israel shall come to the king of egypt, and you say to him, the god of the hebrews has appeared to us. let us go on the wilderness of three days into the wilderness, to offer sacrifice to the lord our god. Exod.3.19 but i know that the king of egypt will not allow you to go, except by a strong hand. Exod.3.20 and i will stretch out my hand and will strike the egypt with all my wonders that i will do in them, and after that he will send you out. Exod.3.21 i will give this people grace in the presence of the egyptians, and when you will go, you will not go away empty-handed. Exod.3.22 for every woman should ask for your neighbors and by her dwelling vasos of silver and gold and garments, and you will put them on your sons and your daughters, and you will plunder the egyptian. Exod.4.1 moses answered, if they do not believe me and do not listen to my voice, for they shall say, the lord has not appeared to you. Exod.4.2 and the lord said to him, what is this in your hand? he said, a roin. Exod.4.3 and he said, throw it on the earth! and he broke it on the ground, and it became a serpent, and moses fled from it. Exod.4.4 and the lord said to moses, stretch out your hand and take it back. so he stretched out his hand and seized him, and it became a scepter in his hand. Exod.4.5 so that they may believe that the lord, the god of their fathers, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob. Exod.4.6 and the lord said to him again, put your hand in your boot. so he put his hand in his side, and when he had taken out his hand, behold, his hand was like a sneg. Exod.4.7 and he said, put out again your hand in your side. so he put his hand into his side, and when he had carried it out, behold, it was again in his flesh. Exod.4.8 and if they do not believe you nor obey the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the last sign. Exod.4.9 but if they do not believe these two signs and do not listen to your voice, you will take a water of the river and gide it on the droë land, and the water that you take from the river will become blood in the drock. Exod.4.10 and moses said to the lord, o lord, i am not worthy. i am not worthy of the day or of the third day or from that i have spoken to your servant. Exod.4.11 and the lord said to him, who has given a mouth to a man? or who has done difficulty or gluk, seeing or blind? is not i, the lord? Exod.4.12 so go now, and i will be with your mouth, and i will instrue you what you are to speak. Exod.4.13 and he said, ag, lord, send another of whom you can send. Exod.4.14 so the wrath of the lord was burned against moses, and he said, is not aaron your brother, the levite? i know that he will speak, and behold, he will come out to meet you, and if he sees you, he will rejoice in himself. Exod.4.15 and you shall speak to him and put the words into his mouth, and i will be with your mouth and his mouth, and i will instruct you what you may do. Exod.4.16 he will speak to you to the people, and he will be your mouth, and you will be for him as god. Exod.4.17 and take this scepter in your hand, with which you will do the signs. Exod.4.18 so moses went and returned to his sogro jitro, and said to him, let me go and return to my brothers in egypt, and see whether they are still alive. and jetro said to moses, go in peace. Exod.4.19 and the lord said to moses in madian, go, return into egypt, for all who were seeking your life were dead. Exod.4.20 so moses took his wife and his children and put them on the esel and turned to the land of egypt. and moses took the scepter of god in his hand. Exod.4.21 and the lord said to moses, when you are going into egypt, see that you do at the presence of pharaon all the wonders that i have put in your hand. but i will hard his heart, and he will not release the people. Exod.4.22 you shall say to pharaon, so says the lord: israel is my firstborn son. Exod.4.23 and i said to you, send my son to go, that he may serve me. but you refused to send him out. behold, i will kill your son, your firstborn. Exod.4.24 in the way, in the room, the lord came against him, and he was seeking to kill him. Exod.4.25 then sepphora took a stone and circumcised the uncircumcised of her son and fell down at his feet and said, you are a blood of circumcision! Exod.4.26 so he departed him. so she said, a blood of the circumcision. Exod.4.27 and the lord said to aaron, go into the wilderness into the wilderness. and he went and met him on the mountain of god and kissed him. Exod.4.28 and moses told aaron all the words of the lord, who had sent him, and all the signs that he had commanded him. Exod.4.29 so moses and aaron went and gathered all the elders of the israelites. Exod.4.30 and aaron spoke all the words that the lord had spoken to moses, and he did the signs before the people. Exod.4.31 and the people believed, and when they heard that the lord had visited the children of israel and saw their tribulation, they fell down and worshiped. Exod.5.1 after this moses and aaron went to pharaon and said to him, so says the lord, the god of israel: send my people, that they may celebrate for me in the wilderness. Exod.5.2 but pharaon said, who is it that i will listen to israel and send israel out? i do not know the lord, and i will not send israel. Exod.5.3 they said, the god of the hebrews has appeared to us. therefore let us go in the wilderness of three days to the wilderness to offer sacrifice to the lord, our god, that he may not strike us with death or sword. Exod.5.4 and the king of egypt said to them, moses and aaron, why do you deceive the people from your work? go to your work. Exod.5.5 and pharaon said, now many are the people in this time, and you will revile them from their labor. Exod.5.6 so pharaon commanded the officers of the people and to the scribes, saying, Exod.5.7 you must no longer give the people old to the bricks, as long as long. they must themselves go and gather the halm. Exod.5.8 but put to them the companion that they have done for every day, and do not take nothing. for they are lawless, therefore they call to say, let us go and offer sacrifice to our god. Exod.5.9 let the work of these men be carried, and let them be encouraged, and let them not be anxious with false words. Exod.5.10 so the laborers of the people and the officers came and said to the people, so says pharaon says, i do no longer give you halm. Exod.5.11 go yourselves and gather yourselves halm where you find you, for nothing will be taken from your order. Exod.5.12 so the people spread in the whole land of egypt to gather winds to pay. Exod.5.13 and the exacers strengthened them, saying, fulfill your work for day, as when it was a halm. Exod.5.14 and the officers of the israelites who the officers of pharaon had set over them, they were stricked, saying, why did you not have done, even day, and this day your companion? Exod.5.15 so the rulers of the israelites went and cried out to pharaoh, why do you do so with your servants? Exod.5.16 the old is not given to your servants, and they say to us the cegel. and behold, your servants are flounded, and your people is wrong. Exod.5.17 but he said, you are irre, you are break. therefore you say, let us go and offer sacrifice to our god. Exod.5.18 so go and work, but the halm will not be given to you, but you will give the complete of tithes. Exod.5.19 and the officers of the children of israel saw themselves in anguish, saying, you will not share the lasting of bright on the day. Exod.5.20 when they came from pharaon, they met moses and aaron, who were coming to them, Exod.5.21 and they said to them, may the god see you and judge, for you have shown our reason for pharaon and his servants, and you have put a sword in his hands to kill us. Exod.5.22 and moses returned to the lord and said, lord, why has you wrong this people? why have you sent me? Exod.5.23 since i have gone to pharaon to speak in your name, he has wronged this people, and you have not saved your people. Exod.6.1 and the lord said to moses, now you will see what i will do to pharaon, for with a strong hand he will send them out, and with a strong hand he will cast them out of his land. Exod.6.2 and god spoke to moses and said to him, i am the lord. Exod.6.3 i appeared to abraham, to isaac and to jacob, an god of the one, but by my name the lord i did not show them. Exod.6.4 and i made my covenant with them, that i might give them the land of canaan, the land in which they were strangers. Exod.6.5 i have heard the groaning of the children of israel that the egyptians are slaves, and i have remembered your covenant. Exod.6.6 therefore say to the people of israel, i am the lord, and i will carry you out of the strength of the egyptians, and i will deliver you out of their service, and i will redeze you with a strength arm and great judgment. Exod.6.7 i will take you for my own people, and i will be your god, and you will know that i am the lord your god, who carry you out of the violence of the egyptians. Exod.6.8 and i will bring you into the land that i made my hand to give it to abraham, isaac and jacob, and i will give it to you as an inheritance. i am the lord. Exod.6.9 and moses spoke to the people of israel, but they did not listen to moses because of their hard and hard work. Exod.6.10 and the lord said to moses, Exod.6.11 enter and tell pharaon, the king of egypt, that he may send the people of israel out of his land. Exod.6.12 and moses spoke to the lord, saying, the sons of israel did not listen to me, how can pharaon hear me, though i am unclean man? Exod.6.13 and the lord said to moses and aaron, and directed them to pharaon, the king of egypt, to send the israelites out of their land. Exod.6.14 these are the rulers of their families: the sons of ruben, the firstborn of israel, were hanoch and pallu, hesron and carmi. these are the families of ruben. Exod.6.15 the sons of simeon, jemuel, jamin, ohad, jakin, sohar and saul, the son of the cananea. these are the families of simeon. Exod.6.16 these are the name of the sons of levi according to their relatives: gerson, cahath and merari. the years of the life of levi was 137. Exod.6.17 the sons of gerson were libni and shimei, according to their families. Exod.6.18 the sons of cahat were amram, jizhar, hebron and uzziel. and the years of the life of cahat were 130 years. Exod.6.19 the sons of merari was maheli and musi. these are the families of levi according to their relatives. Exod.6.20 amram took a wife for himself jochebed, his father's daughter, and he became the father of him aaron and moses. and the years of the life of amram were 132 years. Exod.6.21 the sons of jizhar: core and nefeg and zikri. Exod.6.22 the sons of uzziel: misael, eltsafan and sitri. Exod.6.23 and aaron took her for a wife, elisheba, daughter of amminadab, sister of nahshon, and she became birth to him nadab and abihu, eleazar and itamar. Exod.6.24 the sons of korah: assir, elkana and abiasaf. these are the families of korah. Exod.6.25 eleazar, the son of aaron, took a wife of the daughters of putiel, and she gave him finehas. these are the rulers of the families of the levites according to their families. Exod.6.26 these are aaron and moses, whom the lord said: bring the children of israel out of the land of egypt, after their bands. Exod.6.27 these were those who said to pharaon, king of egypt, that they might bring the israelites out of egypt. it is moses and aaron. Exod.6.28 when the lord spoke to moses in the land of egypt, Exod.6.29 and the lord said to moses, i am the lord. tell pharaon, the king of egypt, whatever i tell you. Exod.6.30 and moses said to the lord, behold, i am innocent. how can pharaon hear me? Exod.7.1 and the lord said to moses, behold, i have made you a god for pharaon, and your brother aaron will be your prophet. Exod.7.2 you shall speak to him whatever i command you, and your brother aaron shall speak to pharaoh to send the israelites out of his land. Exod.7.3 but i will endure the heart of pharaon and multiplike my signs and wonders in the land of egypt. Exod.7.4 pharaon will not listen to you, but i will put my hand on egypt and bring my power, my people, the children of israel, out of the land of egypt. Exod.7.5 and the egyptians will know that i am the lord when i stretch his hand on egypt and bring the israelites out of their midst. Exod.7.6 and moses and aaron did as the lord had directed them. so they did. Exod.7.7 moses was 80 years, and aaron was about eighty-three years when they spoke to pharaon. Exod.7.8 and the lord said to moses and aaron, Exod.7.9 if pharaon says to you, do a sign. then say to aaron, take your scepter and throw it before pharaon, and it will be a dragon. Exod.7.10 so moses and aaron went to pharaon and did as the lord had commanded. aaron throw his scepter down before pharaon and before his servants, and it became a dragon. Exod.7.11 and pharaon called the wise men and sorcerers, and the makers of egypt did also do with their sorcers. Exod.7.12 they throw each one his sceptre, and they were a dragon, but the scepter of aaron lifted up their roves. Exod.7.13 but the heart of pharaon became strong, and he did not listen to them, just as the lord had spoken. Exod.7.14 and the lord said to moses, the heart of pharaon is endured, he does not leave the people. Exod.7.15 go to pharaoh early in the morning. he is coming to the water, and stand before him at the river of the river, and take in your hand the scepter that turned to a serpent. Exod.7.16 and say to him, the lord, the god of the hebrews, has sent me to you, saying, send my people to go, that he may serve me in the wilderness. but you have not listened to this way. Exod.7.17 so says the lord: by this you will know that i am the lord: behold, i will strike with the scepter that is in my hand to the water that is in the river, and it will become blood. Exod.7.18 the fish in the river will die, and the flood will shine, and the egyptians will not be able to drink water of the river. Exod.7.19 and the lord said to moses, tell aaron, take your scepter and stretch your hand out over the water of egypt, over their rivers, their rives, their healts and all their wood of water, that they may become blood. and there will be blood in all the land of egypt, both in the tree and in the stones. Exod.7.20 and moses and aaron did so, just as the lord had commanded. then he lifted up the scepter and struck the water that was in the river, before pharaon and before his servants, and all the water in the river turned to blood. Exod.7.21 the fish in the river died, and the flood was shaken, and the egyptians could not drink water from the river, and the blood was in all the land of egypt. Exod.7.22 but the magi of the egyptians did so with their sorcers. the heart of pharaon was endured, and he did not listen to them, just as the lord had said. Exod.7.23 so pharaon turned and went to his home, and he did not recognize his mind even this. Exod.7.24 and all the egyptians grow around the river to drink water, for they could not drink the water of the river. Exod.7.25 now seven days were fulfilled, after the lord had killed the river. Exod.8.1 then the lord said to moses, come to pharaon and say to him, so says the lord: let my people go, that they may serve me. Exod.8.2 if you are not willing to send them out, behold, i will strike all your regions with frogs. Exod.8.3 the flood will increase frogs, and they will ascend and enter your house, into your room and on your bed, in the house of your servants and of your people and in your furts and in your furts. Exod.8.4 both on you, and on your people, and on all your servants and on all your people. Exod.8.5 and the lord said to moses, say to aaron, stretch out your hand with your scepter over the rivers, over the rives and over the sea, and bring the sams up. Exod.8.6 and aaron stretched his hand over the water of egypt, and the frogs went up and covered the land of egypt. Exod.8.7 the magi of the egyptians did so with their sorcers, and they brought frogs upon the land of egypt. Exod.8.8 so pharaon called moses and aaron and said, pray to the lord that he may take the sams from me and of my people, and i will depart the people to offer sacrifice to the lord. Exod.8.9 and moses said to pharaoh, give care to me, when i will pray for you and for your servants and for your people, that the padns may be departed from you and your household, only in the river they will be left. Exod.8.10 he said, tomorrow. and he said, come you have said, that you may know that there is no one except the lord our god. Exod.8.11 the frodes will taken away from you and your houses and from your servants and your people, only in the river they will remain. Exod.8.12 so moses and aaron went out from pharaon, and moses cried out to the lord for the sambes that he had put to pharaon. Exod.8.13 and the lord did according to moses, and the rans died from the house, from the villages and of the field. Exod.8.14 and they gathered them in treasures, and the land died. Exod.8.15 when pharaon saw that he was carried up, his heart was harden and he did not listen to them, just as the lord had said. Exod.8.16 and the lord said to moses, say to aaron, stretch out your scepter and struck the ground of the earth, so that there will be quarte in all the land of egypt. Exod.8.17 so they did so. aaron stretched out his hand with his scepter and struck the puts of the earth, and there were beeds in the people and in the beast. all the stings of the earth was in the ground of the earth in all the land of egypt. Exod.8.18 the magi did so with their sorcers, so that they might take the flock, but they could not. the muss were made in people and in the beast. Exod.8.19 so the magi said to pharaoh, this is the finger of god. but the heart of pharaoh was hardened, and he did not listen to them, just as the lord had spoken. Exod.8.20 and the lord said to moses, rise early in the morning and stand before pharaon, behold, he will go out to the water, and say to him, so says the lord: send my people out, that they may serve me. Exod.8.21 for if you do not send my people, behold, i will send demons over you and your servants and your people and your household, and the house of the egyptians will be filled with fluirs, and the land in which they are. Exod.8.22 and i will glorify in that day the land of gosen, where my people dwells, there will be no breasts there, so that you may know that i am the lord in the land. Exod.8.23 i will give distinction among my people and your people, and tomorrow it will be this sign on the land. Exod.8.24 and the lord did so. in the house of pharaoh and in the house of his servants and in all the land of egypt, the land was destroyed from the fluxs. Exod.8.25 and pharaon called moses and aaron and said, come and sacrifice to your god in the land. Exod.8.26 but moses said, it is not able to do so, for we will offer to the lord our god the abominations of the egyptians, for if we offer the abominations of the egyptians before them, we will not stone we? Exod.8.27 we will go about three days into the wilderness and offer to the lord our god, as he has told us. Exod.8.28 so pharaon said, i will send you out and sacrifice to the lord your god in the wilderness, but do not go far back. pray for me. Exod.8.29 and moses said, behold, i will go out from you and pray to the lord, that the breges will leave away from pharaoh, from his servants and of his people. do not be at more deceived to deceive the people to offer to the lord. Exod.8.30 so moses departed from pharaon and prayed to the lord. Exod.8.31 and the lord did as moses said, and he departed the moeds from pharaon, from his servants and of his people, so that there was not one. Exod.8.32 but pharaon beared his heart in this time, and he refused to depart the people. Exod.9.1 then the lord said to moses, come to pharaon and say to him, so says the lord, the god of the hebrew, let my people go, that they may serve me. Exod.9.2 for if you refuses to leave my people and hold it still to them, Exod.9.3 behold, the hand of the lord will be over your beast in the field, over the horses, over the jumen, over the cammels, to the sheep and the sheep. Exod.9.4 and the lord will discernize among the buments of israel and the beast of the egyptians, so that from all the things of israel shall not die. Exod.9.5 and the lord gave a time, saying, tomorrow the lord will do this things in the land. Exod.9.6 the next day the lord did so, and all the beasts of egypt died, but from the beast of the israelites no one died. Exod.9.7 pharaon looked, and behold, some of the people of israel had no one dead. but the heart of pharaon was greatly endured and he did not send the people out. Exod.9.8 then the lord said to moses and aaron, take your hands full of grain of furn and let moses throw it into heaven before pharaon. Exod.9.9 so it will become a stone upon all the land of egypt, and they will be against people and animals in every land of egypt. Exod.9.10 so they took the cendle of the furn and stood before pharaon, and moses broke it into heaven, and there became a best that around people and beasts. Exod.9.11 so the sorcers could not stand in the presence of moses because of the swes, for the best were in the magirs and in all the land of egypt. Exod.9.12 but the lord endured the heart of pharaoh, and he did not listen to them, just as the lord had said to them. Exod.9.13 and the lord said to moses, rise early in the morning and stand before pharaon and say to him, so says the lord, the god of the hebrew, let my people go, that they may serve me. Exod.9.14 for in now time i will send all my plagues into your heart, you and your servants and your people, that you may know that there is no one like i in all the earth. Exod.9.15 for though i had stretched out my hand, i will strike you and your people with death, and you would be cut out of the earth. Exod.9.16 but i have kept you for this purpose, that i may show my power in you and that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth. Exod.9.17 you are still bold against my people and do not send them away. Exod.9.18 behold, i will breve today in this hour a great hagel, which is not happened in egypt from the day that it was made until this day. Exod.9.19 so send so to bring your beast and all that you have in the field. for all people and beast, which are found in the field and does not be brought in house, the hail will fall on them, and they will die. Exod.9.20 the servants of pharaon who was afraid of the word of the lord was carried out his servants and his bounds in the house, Exod.9.21 but whoever did not agree the word of the lord left their possessions and their possessions in the field. Exod.9.22 and the lord said to moses, stretch out your hand to heaven, and there will be hail in all the land of egypt, over people and beast and over all grain of the earth in the land. Exod.9.23 and moses stretched his hand to heaven, and the lord gave a town and a hagel, and the fire fell upon the earth, and the lord turned hail on the land of egypt. Exod.9.24 and there was hagel, and fire was bringing in the hail, a great hail, such as there was not now in all the land of egypt from the time when there was a nation. Exod.9.25 and the hail killed in all the land of egypt all that was in the country, from man and beast, and the hail killed all the grain of the field, and broke all the tree in the field. Exod.9.26 only in the land of gosen, where the people of israel were, there was no hagel. Exod.9.27 so pharaon sent and called moses and aaron and said to them, i have sinned now. the lord is righteous, and i and my people are ungodly. Exod.9.28 pray to the lord, for it may be ceased from god and hagel, and i will send you out, and you will never continue. Exod.9.29 and moses said to him, when i come out of the city, i will stretch my hands to the lord, and the donder will spend, and there will be no more, so that you may know that the land is of the lord. Exod.9.30 but i know that you and your servants yet have not afraid the lord. Exod.9.31 the linen cloth and the gerbe were destroyed, for the gerbe was fast, and the linen clothing was in gentle. Exod.9.32 but the harm and the harf were not struck, for they were feeds. Exod.9.33 and moses went out of pharaoh from the city and stretched his hands to the lord, and the donds and the hagel fell down, and the rain fell no more in the land. Exod.9.34 when pharaon saw that the rain and the hail and the donder were still, he continued to sin, and he carried his heart, he and his servants. Exod.9.35 so the heart of pharaon was informed, and he did not send the children of israel, just as the lord had spoken to moses. Exod.10.1 then the lord said to moses, come to pharaon, for i have endured his heart and his servants, that i might do these signs among them, Exod.10.2 so that you may tell your child and your children what i have done in egypt and my signs that i have done in them, and that you may know that i am the lord. Exod.10.3 so moses and aaron went in to pharaon and said to him, so says the lord, the god of the hebrews, how long do you do not respect me? send my people to go to me. Exod.10.4 for if you do not want to send my people, behold, i will bring locusts in your region tomorrow, Exod.10.5 they will cover the face of the earth and will not see the earth, and they will eat the rest of the ground that has left you the hail, and they will devour every tree that is planted for you on the ground. Exod.10.6 they will filled your maises and the house of all your servants and all the egyptiers, so that your fathers nor the fathers of your fathers never have seen from the day that they were upon the earth until this day. so he turned and went out of pharaon. Exod.10.7 and the servants of pharaon said to him, how long will this man be for us? send those men away, that they may serve the lord their god. do you not know that egypt has destroyed? Exod.10.8 so they brought moses and aaron to pharaon, and he said to them, go and serve the lord your god. who are those who will go? Exod.10.9 and moses said, we will go with our younds and elders, with our sons and daughters, with our sheep and our sheep, for we are a feast of the lord. Exod.10.10 and he said to them, so may the lord be with you, as i send you and your children! see that there is evil. Exod.10.11 do not so. let the men go and serve the lord, for this you were seeking. so they cast them out of the presence of pharaon. Exod.10.12 then the lord said to moses, stretch out your hand over the land of egypt, so that the locusts comes upon the land of egypt, and they may eat the ground of the earth and all the fruit that the hail has left. Exod.10.13 so moses lifted up his scepter over the land, and the lord brought a sure wind on the land all that day and all the night. when the morning came, the south took the locusts. Exod.10.14 the locusts came upon all the land of egypt, and they fell in all the region of egypt in a great multitude. the gresshopps did not have been such as it, and after that there will not be so. Exod.10.15 they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was turned, and they devoured all the graves of the earth and all the fruit of the tree that had left out of the hail. there was nothing grain in the tree or in the grain of the field in the whole land of egypt. Exod.10.16 so pharaon went in to call moses and aaron, saying, i have sinned against the lord your god and against you. Exod.10.17 leave my sin now now, and pray to the lord your god, that he may leave this death from me. Exod.10.18 and he went away from pharaon and prayed to the lord. Exod.10.19 and the lord turned a healthy wind from the sea, and he took the locusts and put it into the schilde sea, and there was not one locute in the whole of egypt. Exod.10.20 but the lord endured the heart of pharaon, and he did not send the israelites out. Exod.10.21 and the lord said to moses, stretch out your hand to heaven, and there will be darkness upon the land of egypt, for there is a darkness. Exod.10.22 and moses stretched his hand to heaven, and there was a darkness in all the land of egypt for three days. Exod.10.23 they did not see one at one another three days, and no one rose out of his place three days. but all the sons of israel was light in their divisions. Exod.10.24 so pharaon called moses and said, go, serve the lord. only your sheep and your sheep should be left. your children should go with you. Exod.10.25 but moses said, you will give us even sacrifices and sacrifices, that we may offer to the lord our god. Exod.10.26 our feet will go with us, and no one will be left. for from them we will take to serve the lord our god, and we do not know what we will serve the lord until we come there. Exod.10.27 but the lord endured the heart of pharaon, and he refused to send them out. Exod.10.28 and pharaon said to him, go away from me. keep yourself, never to see my face, for in the day you will appear to me, you will die. Exod.10.29 and moses said, you have said, no longer will i appear to you. Exod.11.1 and the lord said to moses, yet one plague will i bring over pharaon and egypt. after this he will leave you from here. when he send you away, he will cast you out from here. Exod.11.2 say then to the ears of the people, that each one should ask from his neighbor and every woman from his neighbor silver and gold. Exod.11.3 and the lord gave to the people grace in the presence of the egyptians. so moses was a great great man in the land of egypt, in the presence of the servants of pharaon and in the presence of the people. Exod.11.4 and moses said, so says the lord: about midnight i will enter egypt, Exod.11.5 and all the firstborn in the land of egypt will die, from the firstborn of pharaoh who is sitting on the throne, even to the firstborn of the slave who is at the milly, and all the firstborn of the best. Exod.11.6 and there will be a great crying in all the land of egypt, such as it has never been, and there will be no more. Exod.11.7 but in no one of the sons of israel there will not break a hund in his tongue, from man to beast, so that you may know how the lord will discute among the egyptians and the people of israel. Exod.11.8 and all these servants will come down to me and fall before me, saying, go out, you and all the people who are with you. after this i will go. and he went out from pharaoh with wrath. Exod.11.9 and the lord said to moses, pharaon will not listen to you, so that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of egypt. Exod.11.10 and moses and aaron did all these wonders before pharaon, but the lord endured pharaoh's heart, and he refused to send the israelites out of their land. Exod.12.1 and the lord said to moses and aaron in the land of egypt, saying, Exod.12.2 this money is for you a beginning of the monate. it will be first for you in the measures of the year. Exod.12.3 tell all the people of israel, saying, at the third day of this month let each one take a sheep for their families, a sheep for a house. Exod.12.4 and if the house is a little number for a sheep, he will take with his neighbors, his neighbor, according to the number of souls, each one of you should number for a sheep. Exod.12.5 you may have a small sheep, a feast of a year. from the arnon or the bove you may take. Exod.12.6 you shall keep it until this fourteenth day of this monyws, and the whole multitude of the people of israel shall slay it at the evening. Exod.12.7 and they will take some of the blood and stryke it on the two poors and on the foundation of the house in which they will eat. Exod.12.8 and they will eat the flesh in this night with the fire, and with unleavened bread they will eat. Exod.12.9 you must not eat it women or wrapped in water, but only burden with the head, with his head and his arms. Exod.12.10 you shall not perish from him to the morning, and whatever remained from him to the morning will you brone in fire. Exod.12.11 so you may eat it: your bowds will be clothed around, your sandals in your feet and the bound in your hand, and you may eat it spoke. it is a passover of the lord. Exod.12.12 for this night i will go through the land of egypt, and i will strike all the firstborn in the land of egypt, from man and beast, and with all the göttern of egypt i will give wrath. i am the lord. Exod.12.13 and the blood will be a sign for you on the houses in which you are. for when i see the blood, i will spend you, and a plague will not be over you to destroy, when i will strike the land of egypt. Exod.12.14 this day shall be to you a remember, and you shall celebrate it as a feast for the lord in all your generations. it shall celebrate it as a eternal commandment. Exod.12.15 for seven days you will eat unleavened bread. from the first day you will defile bread from your houses. for whoever eating a bread from the first to the seventh day will be destroyed from israel. Exod.12.16 on the first day you must have a holy convocation, and on the seventh day there will be a holy convocation. no work there will be done in them, only whatever there will be done for every person. Exod.12.17 keep also the commandments of this day, for in this day i have brought your power out of the land of egypt. so keep this day in your generation as eternal instruction. Exod.12.18 as for the fourteenth day of the first monyws, from evening, you will eat unleavened bread until eventh day of the monate. Exod.12.19 for seven days there will be no leaven in your household; for everyone who eat a leaven will be destroyed from the congregation of israel, whether he is a individually of the land. Exod.12.20 you shall not eat any leaven. in all your dwelling place you may eat unleavened bread. Exod.12.21 and moses called all the elders of israel and said to them, go and take yourselves a sheep for your relatives and slay the passover. Exod.12.22 and take a bound of ysop, and tremp in the blood that is at the door and stryke the food and the robes both of the blood, which is at the door, but every one of you shall not go out of the door of his house until the morning. Exod.12.23 for the lord will pass away for to strike the egyptians, and when he see the blood on the food and the two fores, the lord will passe by the door and will not leave the destroyer to enter your houses to strike them. Exod.12.24 keep this conduct. it is a instruct for you and your sons forever. Exod.12.25 and when you enter the land that the lord will give you, as he has spoken, you must keep this service. Exod.12.26 and as your sons say to you, what is this service? Exod.12.27 you will say, this is the sacrifice of the passover for the lord, who walked in the house of the children of israel in egypt, when he killed the egyptian and delivered our house. so the people fell down and worshiped. Exod.12.28 so they went and did, just as the lord had commanded moses and aaron, so they did. Exod.12.29 at the midnight the lord struck all the firstborn in the land of egypt, from the firstborn of pharaon who was seated on his throne, until the firstborn of the captive who was in the burn, and all the firstborn of the best. Exod.12.30 and pharaon rose in the night with all his servants and all the egyptians, and there was a loud cry in egypt, for there was no house in which there was not dead. Exod.12.31 and he called moses and aaron in the night, and said, rise, go out of my people, you and the children of israel, and go and serve the lord, just as you have said. Exod.12.32 take your sheep and your oxen boves, and go, and blessing me. Exod.12.33 and the egyptians treated the people to cast them out from the land, for they said, we are all to die. Exod.12.34 so the people took his food before he was still of the leaven. they were bind in their garments with their garments on their houlls. Exod.12.35 and the sons of israel did as moses had said, and they asked from the egyptian silbers of silver and silver and garments. Exod.12.36 and the lord gave the people grace in the presence of the egyptians, and they pleased them. so they picked away the egypties. Exod.12.37 so the sons of israel reparted from rameses to succoth, in the number of 600.000 men, except the children. Exod.12.38 even a great many people went up with them, and a sheep and a sheep and a great beast. Exod.12.39 and they were broken with unleavened bread that they had brought out of egypt. for it was not broken up, because they had cast them out of egypt, but they could not remain, nor could they have done for themselves. Exod.12.40 now the dwelling place of the israelites in egypt and in the land of canaan were 430 years. Exod.12.41 after the 430 years, all the armées of the lord went out of the land of egypt. Exod.12.42 it is a guard for the lord, when he brought them out of the land of egypt. this is the night of the lord for all the sons of israel in their generations. Exod.12.43 and the lord said to moses and aaron, this is the law of the passover: no one others should eat it. Exod.12.44 but every servant of money who is compended for silver will eat of it. Exod.12.45 a devout or a daemoner shall not eat it. Exod.12.46 in one house it may eat, and you shall not take the flesh out of the house out of the house, and you shall not broke a knowle from it. Exod.12.47 the whole multitude of israel shall make it. Exod.12.48 if a fremder who dwells among you and does to celebrate the passover to the lord, to circumcise all who are children of him, and then he will come to celebrate it, and he will be like the natural of the land, but no uncircumcised may eat it. Exod.12.49 one law must be for the natural and to the proselyte among you who dwell among you. Exod.12.50 and all the israelites did, as the lord commanded moses and aaron, so they did. Exod.12.51 in that day the lord led the israelites out of the land of egypt, according to their rulers. Exod.13.1 and the lord said to moses, Exod.13.2 sanctify me all the firstborn, who openes a mount among israel, both man and beast, it is my. Exod.13.3 and moses said to the people, remember this day, when you came out of egypt, from the house of slaves, for the lord led you out from this way. so you shall not eat the leaven. Exod.13.4 in this day you come out, in the month of abib. Exod.13.5 and when the lord will bring you into the land of the kananeens, the hetites, the amorites, the hevites and the jebusites, which he swore to your fathers to give you, a land that tears of milk and honning, you shall make this service in this money. Exod.13.6 six days you may eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day is a feast for the lord. Exod.13.7 with unleavened bread you may eat the seven days. no leaven will be seen for you, and not a leaven for you in all your region. Exod.13.8 and tell your son on that day, saying, this is why the lord has done for me when i went out of egypt. Exod.13.9 and it must be for you as a sign on your hand and a remember before your eyes, that the law of the lord might be in your mouth, for with a starke hand the lord has brought you out of egypt. Exod.13.10 so keep this law in the time of ever, from day to day. Exod.13.11 and when the lord brings you into the land of the canaan, as he lowed to you and your fathers, and will give it to you, Exod.13.12 you shall take the manner of the child to the lord, all the bound that openes from your sheep, which you are, you will give the lord. Exod.13.13 all the firstborn of a donkey must change a sheep, but if you do not change it, you must redeze it. all the firstborn of a man of your sons shall you redesh. Exod.13.14 and when your son will ask you after this, you shall say, what is this? you shall say to him, the lord led us out with a sterke hand out of egypt, from the house of service. Exod.13.15 for when pharaon was informed to send us out, i killed all the firstborn in the land of egypt, from the firstborn of man to the firstborn of the animal. therefore i offer to the lord every person who opens the mourn, and all the firstborn of my sons shall i redeem. Exod.13.16 and it shall be a sign on your hand and a charge among your eyes, for the lord led you out of egypt with a sterke hand. Exod.13.17 now when pharaon had sent the people, god did not lead them to the way of the land of the philistins, because it was near, for god said, that the people may repent when they saw a war, and return into egypt. Exod.13.18 so god carried the people around the way of the wilderness to the schilde sea. and the people of israel went up out of the land of egypt. Exod.13.19 and moses took with himself the knoasts of joseph, for joseph had made a oath to the sons of israel, saying, god will visite you and bring my bene from here from here. Exod.13.20 so they departed from succoth and leated in etam, at the region of the wilderness. Exod.13.21 and god raised them a day in a cloud of cloud to show them the way and the night with a robe of fire. Exod.13.22 the cloud of cloud did not depart in the presence of the people in the day, not even the fire of fire. Exod.14.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.14.2 say to the people of israel that they should return and put camp before pi-hahiroth, among migdol and the sea, at the direction of baal-zefon. Exod.14.3 and pharaon will say to the sons of israel: they are deceived in the land, the wilderness has certained them. Exod.14.4 and i will hard the heart of pharaon, and he will persecute them, and i will be glorified in pharaon and in all his armée, and the egyptians will know that i am the lord. and they did so. Exod.14.5 when the king of egypt was told that the people had escaped, the heart of pharaon and of his servants turned back against the people, and they said, what did we have done that we sent israel to serve us? Exod.14.6 so he sought his cars and gathered his people with himself. Exod.14.7 he took six hundred chosen waves, and all the hors of the egyptians, and the officers over them all. Exod.14.8 so the lord endured the heart of pharaon, the king of egypt, and he persecuted the people of israel, and the people of israel were going out with a loud hand. Exod.14.9 the egyptians persecuted them, and all the hors and waves of pharaon, his horse and his armée, and they found them when they were set in the sea, at the face of pi-hahirot, at the face of baal-zefon. Exod.14.10 when pharaon drew near, the people of israel looked up and saw that the egyptians had come after them, and they were greatly afraid, and the people of israel cried out to the lord. Exod.14.11 and they said to moses, have there no tomb in egypt, so that you brought us out to put in the wilderness? why did you have done this for us and brought us out of egypt? Exod.14.12 have we not said this to you in egypt, saying, leave us, that we may serve the egyptians? for for us was better to serve the egyptians than to die in this wilderness. Exod.14.13 and moses said to the people, do not be afraid, stand still, and see the salvation of the lord, which he will make for you this day. for as you see the egypties today, you will never see them forever. Exod.14.14 the lord will strike for you, and you will be silent. Exod.14.15 and the lord said to moses, why do you crie to me? tell the israelites that they should go out. Exod.14.16 and you liffe up your scepter and stretch out your hand on the sea and despise it, so that the people of israel may enter the sea in drow land. Exod.14.17 and i, behold, i will endure the heart of the egyptians, and they will come after them. and i will glorify me in pharaon and in all his armée, in his chars and his hors. Exod.14.18 and the egyptians will know that i am the lord, when i glorify my glory in pharaon, in his chars and his hors. Exod.14.19 the angel of god, who had followed the camp of israel, departed, and the cloud of darkness went away from their presence and stood around them. Exod.14.20 so he went in among the tender of egypt and the camp of israel, and there was a darkness and a darkness, and so made the night. so all the night they did not gather one another. Exod.14.21 moses stretched his hand out over the sea, and the lord brought the sea in a strength of sower wind, all the night, and made the sea in tort land, and the water divided it. Exod.14.22 so the people of israel went into the tross land in the land, and the water was to them a mure at their right hand and at their left. Exod.14.23 and the egyptians persecuted them, and all the hors of pharaon, their carros and his swers, went in the midst of the sea. Exod.14.24 and at the morning of the morning, the lord looked at the tender of the egyptians in a fire of fire and cloud, and turned the camp of the egyptians. Exod.14.25 and he broke the roes of their waves and brought them violence. so the egyptians said, let us flee from israel, for the lord belongs for them against the egyptians. Exod.14.26 and the lord said to moses, stretch out your hand over the sea, and the water should return over the egyptians, over their waves and their ascendants. Exod.14.27 and moses stretched his hand out of the sea, and the water returned to his land, while the egyptians fled by the water, and the lord distributed the egyptian in the midst of the sea. Exod.14.28 and the water turned and became opened the chars and the mountains and all the power of pharaon, who had gone after them into the sea. there was not one of them left. Exod.14.29 but the sons of israel went in drow land in the midst of the sea, and the water was a mure to them at their right hand and at their left. Exod.14.30 so the lord delivered israel on that day from the hand of the egyptians, and israel saw the egyptians dead in the streunt of the sea. Exod.14.31 and israel saw the great hand that the lord had done for the egyptians, and the people were afraid of the lord, and they believed god and moses his servant. Exod.15.1 then moses and the people of israel changed this song to god, and they said, i will sing for the lord, for he is glorious. her horse and ran he has thrown into the sea. Exod.15.2 he will be my help and a sang, he has become my salvation. he will be my god, and i will glorify him, the god of my father, and i will exalts him. Exod.15.3 the lord is a warn of wars, lord is his name. Exod.15.4 pharaoh's waves and his power he broke into the sea, and the elect of his rulers were destroyed in the schilde sea. Exod.15.5 flores beared them, they drew down in the ground like a stone. Exod.15.6 your right hand, o lord, is glorified in power, your right hand, o lord, destroy the enemies. Exod.15.7 in your great glory you broke your adversaries. you send your wrath out, and he devore them as a rost. Exod.15.8 by your wrath the waters stood up, flores stood up like a wall, the flores fell in the midst of the sea. Exod.15.9 the enemy said, i will follow, i will find a roof, i will defile my life. i will destroy my sword, and my hand will domini. Exod.15.10 you turned to your spirit, and the sea became opened. they fell in a healthy water in burdens. Exod.15.11 who is like you among the dives, o lord? who is like you, excellent in holiness, great in glory, doing wonders? Exod.15.12 you stretched out your right hand, the earth beared them. Exod.15.13 you led through your righteousness the people that you have delivered, you led it by your power to your holy place. Exod.15.14 when the nations heard, they were alarmed, angusts took the people of the philistins. Exod.15.15 then the rulers of edom were shaken, trembling the rulers of moab, all the residents of canaan beat. Exod.15.16 fear and fear will fall on them. by the great hand of your arm they will be stoned with stone, until your people, here, will pass away, until the people that you have possessed has passed through. Exod.15.17 you will bring them and plant them on the mountain of your inheritance, to the preparation of your dwelling place, o lord, which your hands have prepared. Exod.15.18 the lord will reign forever and ever. Exod.15.19 for the horse of pharaon with his carriers and his ascendants came into the sea, and the lord brought the water of the sea upon them, but the sons of israel went in drow land in the midst of the sea. Exod.15.20 then mary the prophets, the sister of aaron, took a tambow in his hand, and all the women came after her with tambores and dans. Exod.15.21 and mirjam sang to them, saying, sing to the lord, for he is glorious, and her horse he has thrown into the sea. Exod.15.22 so moses departed israel from the schilde sea, and they went into the wilderness of shur, and they went three days in the wilderness, and they found no water. Exod.15.23 so they came to mara, but they could not drink the water of mara, for it was bitter. therefore the place was called mara. Exod.15.24 so the people murmured against moses, saying, what shall we drink? Exod.15.25 and he cried out to the lord, and the lord showed him a tree, which put it into the water, and the water was broken. there he gave it inscription and judgment, and there he tempted it. Exod.15.26 he said, if you obey the voice of the lord your god and do what is pleasing in his eyes and listens to his commandments and keep your commandments, i will not bring any diseases of all the diseases that i have brought on the egyptians. for i am the lord, your healing. Exod.15.27 so they came to elim, where there were twelve waters of water and seven palms. they learned there by the water. Exod.16.1 they went from elim, and the whole multitude of the children of israel went to the wilderness of sin, which is among eliim and sinai, the fourteenth day of the second month after their way out of the land of egypt. Exod.16.2 and all the synagogue of the people of israel murmured against moses and aaron, Exod.16.3 and the people said to them, o, if we were died by the hand of the lord in the land of egypt, while we sat on the grytes of the flesh and feed bread in satience! for you brought us into this wilderness to put all this people in death. Exod.16.4 and the lord said to moses, behold, i will give you bread from heaven. and the people shall come out and gather the day for every day, so that i may tempt them, whether they will go in my law or not. Exod.16.5 and on the sixth day they will prepare what they will bring, and there will be double for whatever they gather every day. Exod.16.6 and moses and aaron said to all the children of israel, now you will know that the lord has brought you out of the land of egypt, Exod.16.7 and early in the morning you will see the glory of the lord, because he has heard your murmurering against the lord. for what are we that you murrt against us? Exod.16.8 and moses said, you will give you the evening a flesh to eat, and the morge bread for satience, because the lord has heard your murmurering, which you murren against him. and what are we? your murmurering is not against us, but against the lord. Exod.16.9 and moses said to aaron, tell all the people of israel: come up before the lord, for he has heard your murmurering. Exod.16.10 while aaron was speaking to all the people of israel, they turned into the wilderness, and behold, the glory of the lord appeared in the cloud, Exod.16.11 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.16.12 i have heard the murmurering of the israelites. say to them, at the evening you will eat a flesh, and in the morge you will be filled with bread, and you will know that i am the lord, your god. Exod.16.13 and as it was evening, the spices came up and covered the camp. and at the morning there was rest of rowts around the camp. Exod.16.14 and when the rook arose, behold, at the face of the wilderness there were white, white, like a hair on the earth. Exod.16.15 when the sons of israel saw him, they said to one another, what is this? for they did not know what it was. and moses said to them, this is the bread that the lord has given you to eat. Exod.16.16 this is the word that the lord has commanded: gather for each one of you, one homer for his head, according to the number of your souls. Exod.16.17 the children of israel did so, and they gathered one much, one left. Exod.16.18 and when they had distributed homer, the one who had had much had no means, and anyone who had had a little manner did not have served. each one gathered to those who had reasoned with himself. Exod.16.19 and moses said to them, let no one leave it to the morning. Exod.16.20 but they did not listen to moses, but some left it to the morning, and it wicked and was puffing up. and moses was provoked over them. Exod.16.21 and they gathered it all the morning, each to what had happened for it. and when the sun was healed, it became grave. Exod.16.22 on the sixth day they gathered a double manages, two gomer for one. and all the rulers of the synagogue came and told moses. Exod.16.23 and he said to them, this is what the lord has spoken: tomorrow, a holy sabbath, holy sabbath for the lord. you shall eat whatever you will give, and look what you will give, and leave it to the morning. Exod.16.24 so they put it to the morning, as moses had commanded, and it was not hair, nor was a worm in it. Exod.16.25 and moses said, eat this day, for this is a sabbath for the lord. this is a sabbath for the lord. Exod.16.26 six days you will gather, but the seventh day is a sabbath, there will not be. Exod.16.27 on the seventh day some of the people went out to gather, but they did not find anything. Exod.16.28 and the lord said to moses, how long do you do not want to do my commandments and my law? Exod.16.29 for you see that the lord gave you the sabbath. therefore he gave you the sixth day bread for two days. so let each one remain in his house. let no one go out of his place on the seventh day. Exod.16.30 so the people assigned on the seventh day. Exod.16.31 and the people of israel called her named manna, and it was like korianderoffspring, white, and its gostaring like honning in measure. Exod.16.32 and moses said, this is the word that the lord has commanded: fill a gomer of manna for your generation, so that they may see the bread that i made you in the wilderness, when i led you out of the land of egypt. Exod.16.33 and moses said to aaron, take one vase and put in it a gomer full of manna, and put it before the lord to keep it for your generation. Exod.16.34 so aaron put them in the presence of the testimony to keep them. Exod.16.35 and the sons of israel ate the manna for 40 years, until they came to a dwelling land. they ate the manna until they came to the region of the land of canaan. Exod.16.36 a gomer is the fourth of the efa. Exod.17.1 so the whole vergadering of the people of israel went away from the wilderness of zin, according to the word of the lord, and they learned the tender in rephidim. there was no water to drink the people. Exod.17.2 so the people stricked with moses and said, give us water to drink. and moses said to them, why are you provoked against me? why put you to the lord? Exod.17.3 but the people soifed there with water, and they murmured against moses, saying, why have you brought us out from egypt, that we should put in thirsty us and our children and our beast? Exod.17.4 and moses cried out to the lord, what shall i do for this people? a little while and they will stone me to death. Exod.17.5 and the lord said to moses, go before the people, and take some of the elders of the people with you, and take in your hand the scepter with which you have killed the river and go. Exod.17.6 behold, i will stand there before you at the rock at horeb, and you will strike the rock, and water will come out of it, and the people will drink. and moses did so in the presence of the people of israel. Exod.17.7 and he called this place massa and meriba, because of the imputation of the sons of israel, and because they tempted the lord, saying, is the lord among us, or not? Exod.17.8 so came amalek and stricked against israel in rephidim. Exod.17.9 and moses said to jesus, chosen for you men and come out and strike the amalekites. tomorrow i will stand on the head of the coll with the scepter of god in my hand. Exod.17.10 and josua did, just as moses had spoken to him and went out against amalec. and moses, aaron and or went up on the top of the coll. Exod.17.11 and as moses lifted up his hand, israel was granted, and when his hand continued, the amalekites were encouraged. Exod.17.12 but when the hands of moses were carried, they took a stone and laid it under him, and he sat on it, and aaron and hur were strengthened his hands, one from one side and the other on the other side. so his hands were strengthened until the sun was going. Exod.17.13 so josué stricked the amalekites and his people with the sword. Exod.17.14 and the lord said to moses, write this to remember in a book and give it to josua that i will waste the member of amalek from the head of heaven. Exod.17.15 and moses made a altar and called it the name, lord, my nature. Exod.17.16 for he said: the lord strike to amalek in generations, from generation to generation. Exod.18.1 and jetro, the priest of madian, his sogry of moses, heard all that god had done for moses and his people israel, that the lord had brought israel out of egypt. Exod.18.2 and jetro, the daughter of moses, took moses'wife sippora, the wife of moses, Exod.18.3 and his two sons, one of them was gersam, since he said, we were a fremder in a fremde land, Exod.18.4 and the second was eliezer, for he said, the god of my father was my helper and delivered me from pharaon's hand. Exod.18.5 so jetro, the sower of moses, went with his sons and his wife to moses in the wilderness, where he had assigned at the mountain of god, Exod.18.6 and he told moses, i, your sogro jitro, come to you, with your wife and your two sons. Exod.18.7 so moses went out to appear to his daughter, and he worshiped and kissed him, and they begged one another and went into the tent. Exod.18.8 and moses told his apber all that the lord had done to pharaon and to the egyptians for the sake of israel, and all the laboor that had happened to them on the road, and how the lord had saved them. Exod.18.9 and jetro was alarmed over all the good, which the lord had done to israel, having delivered them out of the hand of the egyptians. Exod.18.10 and jetro said, blessed be the lord, who delivered his people from the hand of the egyptians and of the hand of pharaoh, Exod.18.11 now i know that the lord is great than all the gods, for they have attained them. Exod.18.12 then jetro, the sower of moses, took god a sacrifice and a sacrifice. and aaron and all the elders of israel came to eat with the foster of moses before god. Exod.18.13 on the next day moses sat down to judge the people, and the people stood by moses from the morning until the soir. Exod.18.14 when moses jeter saw all that he was doing to the people, he said, what is this that you do to the people? why sit you alone, and all the people standing at you from morning to evening? Exod.18.15 and moses said to his daughter, the people come to me to ask god. Exod.18.16 when they have a dissension, they come to me, and i judge each one and instrue them the commandments of god and his instructions. Exod.18.17 but the soin of moses said to him, it is not right that you do. Exod.18.18 you are restrained, you and this people who are with you. for this thing is greater for you; you cannot do alone. Exod.18.19 now listen to me. i will give you an council, and god will be with you. be you for the people in the presence of god and bring the reason to god. Exod.18.20 encourage them the commandments and the law and teach them the way they will go, and the work that they may do. Exod.18.21 but look out for you from the whole people men who are held, fear of god, men of righteous, who hates their power, and set them over them officers, centurions, five officers and tithes. Exod.18.22 they shall judge the people in every hour, and all the great things they will bring to you, but all the little things they should judge themselves. so they must repay you and take them an opportunity for you. Exod.18.23 if you do this, and god will make this way to you, you will be able, and all this people will come to his place in peace. Exod.18.24 and moses heard the voice of his mother and did whatever he had spoken. Exod.18.25 moses gathered men of all israel and made them rulers, hundredservants, hundredservants, five of five, and fathers. Exod.18.26 so they judged the people every hour. they were carried out for moses, but all the foolish things they reasoned themselves. Exod.18.27 then moses sent his soin, and he went into his land. Exod.19.1 the third day after the coming of the people of israel from the land of egypt, the same day they came into the wilderness of sinai. Exod.19.2 they departed from rephidim and came in the wilderness of sinai and learned in the wilderness of israel. Exod.19.3 and moses went up to god. and the lord called him from the mountain, saying, so shall you say to the house of jacob and tell the people of israel, Exod.19.4 you have seen what i have done to egypt and how i took you on the vinds of vulths and brought you to me. Exod.19.5 if you now obey my voice and keep my covenant, you will be my own possession from all the nations, for all the earth is my. Exod.19.6 you will be for me a kingdom of priesthood and a holy nation. these are the words that you say to the people of israel. Exod.19.7 so moses went and called the elders of the people, and put before them all the words that god had directed him. Exod.19.8 and all the people answered together, we will do all that the lord has said. and moses brought the words of the people to god. Exod.19.9 and the lord said to moses, behold, i will come to you in a cloud of cloud, that the people may hear when i speak to you, and that they may believe you forever. and moses told the lord the words of the people. Exod.19.10 and the lord said to moses, come to the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let their garments wash. Exod.19.11 and be ready for the third day, for the third day the lord will come down on the face of all the people on the mountain of sinai. Exod.19.12 you shall separate the people around the people, saying, watch yourselves to ascend on the mountain and to share in the way. everyone who touch the mountain will die death. Exod.19.13 the hand shall not touch him, but he shall be stoned with a stone or be striking in a pix; if it is a beast or a man, they shall not live. when the trumpet call on the trumpet, they will ascend on the mountain. Exod.19.14 and moses went down from the mountain to the people and sanctified the people, and they were washed their garments. Exod.19.15 and he said to the people, be ready for three days; do not come to a woman. Exod.19.16 on the third day, when the morning had come, there were murderers and flashes of lightning, and a great cloud was upon the mountain, and the voice of a great trumpet was great, and all the people who were in the camp were troubled. Exod.19.17 and moses led the people out of the tender to the hand of god, and they stood by the head of the mountain. Exod.19.18 the whole mountain became touned, because the lord was descended on it in fire, and the smoke came up like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain was greatly troubled. Exod.19.19 the sound of the trumpet went out and were strong. moses spoke, and god answered him with a voice. Exod.19.20 and the lord went down on the mountain of sinai, on the top of the mountain, and the lord called moses on the top of the mountain, and moses went up. Exod.19.21 and god said to moses, come down and testify to the people, that they may not leave god to see, and that many of them fall. Exod.19.22 even the priests who draw near to the lord must be sanctified, so that the lord may not destroy them. Exod.19.23 and moses said to the lord, the people cannot come up on the mountain, for you have testified to us, saying, put up for the mountain and sanctify it. Exod.19.24 and the lord said to him, go down and come up, you and aaron with you. but the priests and the people should not enter god, so that he may not destroy them. Exod.19.25 so moses went down to the people and told them. Exod.20.1 and god spoke all these words, saying, Exod.20.2 i am the lord your god, who brought you out of the land of egypt, from the house of service. Exod.20.3 you shall not have other gods before me. Exod.20.4 you shall not do for you an image or any image of anything that is above in heaven or on the earth below or in the water under the earth. Exod.20.5 you shall not worship them and not serve them, for i, the lord your god, is a jealousy god, who rejects the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation. Exod.20.6 but who shows mercy to many people who love me and hold my commandments. Exod.20.7 you shall not turn the name of the lord your god, for the lord will not turn to sin who receives his name in vain. Exod.20.8 remember the day of sabbath to sanctify it. Exod.20.9 six days you will work and do all your works, Exod.20.10 but the seventh day is a sabbath for the lord your god. you shall not do any work in it, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your servant, nor the fremde who dwell in your inside. Exod.20.11 for in six days the lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, and he rested on the seventh day. therefore the lord blessed the day of the seventh day and sanctified it. Exod.20.12 honor your father and your mother, that you may live long in the land that the lord your god give you. Exod.20.13 you shall not murder. Exod.20.14 do not commit adultery. Exod.20.15 do not steal. Exod.20.16 do not bear false testimony against your neighbor. Exod.20.17 do not desire the wife of your neighbor, and do not desire the house of your neighbor, nor his servant, nor his servant, nor his oxe, nor his osel, nor anything that is of your neighbor. Exod.20.18 and all the people saw the voice and the lamps and the sound of the trumpet and the smoke smoke. and when the people saw it, they stood at a distance. Exod.20.19 and they said to moses, you shall speak to us, and let god not speak to us, that we may not die. Exod.20.20 and moses said to the people, do not fear, for god has come to test you, so that fear of him may be in your presence, so that you may not sin. Exod.20.21 so the people stood in a distance, but moses went to the debt where god was. Exod.20.22 and the lord said to moses, so shall you say to the children of israel: you have seen that i have spoken to you from heaven. Exod.20.23 you must not make back of silver or idols of gold. Exod.20.24 do for me a altar of earth and sacrifice on it your sacrifices and your salvation, your sheep and your boves. in every place where i will remember my name there will i come to you and blessed you. Exod.20.25 but if you make me a altar of stone, you shall not built them up of stone, for if you lay down your winter, you will defile it. Exod.20.26 you shall not ascend in gratts on my altar, so that your scham may not be revealed on it. Exod.21.1 these are the instructions that you will set before them: Exod.21.2 if you compare a hebrew servant, six years he will serve, but in the seventh he will go away free from foolish. Exod.21.3 if he comes alone, he should go only. if he has been married, his wife shall go out with him. Exod.21.4 if his master gave him a wife, and she has given him sons or daughters, the wife and his children shall be in his master, and he shall go only. Exod.21.5 but if the servant says, i have loved my master, my wife and my children, i will not go free — Exod.21.6 so his master shall bring him to the judgment, and then bring him to the door or to the waves, and his master will defile his oor with a rock, and he shall serve him forever. Exod.21.7 if anyone betray his daughter as a slain, she shall not leave as the slaves should come. Exod.21.8 if she does not please her master, he would repay it, and if he has conceived her, he should not betray her for a fremde nation, because he has defiled her. Exod.21.9 but if he divided her to her, he must give her according to the gift of a daughter. Exod.21.10 if he receives itself a other, he shall not divorce its preach or clothing or sexual immorality. Exod.21.11 if he does not do these three things, she shall go back without a money. Exod.21.12 if anyone striks a man and dies, he must be put to death. Exod.21.13 but if he did not escape, but god has delivered him into his hand, so i will give you a place where he will escape. Exod.21.14 if anyone would put his neighbor to kill his neighbor, you will take him from my altar to put to death. Exod.21.15 whoever slings his father or his mother must be put to death. Exod.21.16 whoever stears anyone and betray him or is found in his possession, must be put to death. Exod.21.17 whoever bands his father or his mother must die. Exod.21.18 if a man grows, and one will strike one with a stone or with a fire, and he does not die, but sit on a bed, Exod.21.19 if the man will rise and walk outside with a robe, the one who struck him will be innocent. only he must give return to his charge and give his gentle. Exod.21.20 if anyone stricks his servant or his slave with a stock and dies under his hand, he must be punished. Exod.21.21 but if he divided a day or two, he will not be rejected, for it is his silver. Exod.21.22 if some people belongs and struck a women with child, and her child shall come out, though it is not lawful, he will be punished, according to what the man of the woman has commanded it, and will give it in charge. Exod.21.23 but if it is excellent, then shall you give life for life, Exod.21.24 eye for eye, tand for tand, hand for hand, feet for feet, Exod.21.25 burn for burn, wond for wond, wloak for strid. Exod.21.26 if anyone stricks his slain or his servant's eye and break it, he must send him away free for his eye. Exod.21.27 and if he cut out the teeth of his servant or a teeth of his servant, he will let him go free for his teeth. Exod.21.28 if a oxe stricks a husband or a woman and dies, the oxen shall be stoned with stone, and his flesh shall not eat, but the master of the oxe shall be innocent. Exod.21.29 but if the oxe had been preaching beforehand, and it has been testified to his master and has not kept him, but distributed a man or a woman, the oxe shall be stoned, and his master must die. Exod.21.30 if he has been divided for him, he must give his soul as a scatter for his soul. Exod.21.31 if a daughter or a daughter preach, so shall they make it according to this reason. Exod.21.32 if the oxe puts a servant or a slave, he will give their master thirty sicles of silver, and the oxe shall stone. Exod.21.33 if anyone has opened a cistern or huws a cisterna and does not coke it, and a oxe or a donkey will fall there, Exod.21.34 the master of the cisterna shall give return to their master, but the dead manner shall be his. Exod.21.35 if anyone of a oxe puts the oxe of his neighbor, that it should die, they will betray the living oxe and deliver the money with it, and the dead person will divided it. Exod.21.36 but if it was known to understand that the oxe was before the next day and his master had not kept him, he must give a oxe for a oxe, and the dead person shall be his. Exod.22.1 if anyone stears a oxen or a sheep and slages it or betray it, he will give five boves for the oxen and four sheep for a sheep. Exod.22.2 if the thief is found in a district and flog it and dies, it is not a coll for him. Exod.22.3 if the sun comes to it, it is a blove course. he must die. if he has no one, he should be sold for the short. Exod.22.4 if the fish, or a donkey or a sheep is found in his hand, he will give it for double. Exod.22.5 if anyone fears a field or a vineyard and leaves his beast to weid in another field, he must pay between the best of his field or the best of his vineyard. Exod.22.6 if a fire comes in and finds in thorns and burn in a grain or a grain or a field, the one who has distributed the fire will repay. Exod.22.7 if anyone gives his neighbor silver or instruments to guard and be broken out of the house of the man, if the steal is found, he must give a double pay. Exod.22.8 if the steal does not be found, the master of the house shall come to god and give an oath that he did not put up in the hand of his neighbor. Exod.22.9 in every charge of crime, concerning a oxe, a asno, a sheep, a garment or every sort of things that indeed is that that is that is, the judgment of both will come before god. the one who judges to god will give the other return to his neighbor. Exod.22.10 if anyone gives his neighbor a asno or a oxe or a sheep or every beast to keep it, and it will died or be brought captive, and no one knows it, Exod.22.11 the oath to the hand of god will be in the midst of one, that he should not put up in the hand of his neighbor. his master will accept it, and he shall not repay. Exod.22.12 but if it is created from him, he must pay to the lord. Exod.22.13 if it is districted, he will bring it to a reason, and he will not repay. Exod.22.14 if anyone is loved from his neighbor, and it is distributed or dies, and the master of his master does not be with him, he must repay. Exod.22.15 if his master is with him, he should not repay it. if it is a recompense, it will be delivered for his reward. Exod.22.16 if anyone deceives a virgin betrothed and lives with her, he must give her for a wife and give her her for a wife. Exod.22.17 if her father refuses to give her to her, he must give a money for the means of the virgins of the virgin. Exod.22.18 a sorcerer shall not defile. Exod.22.19 everyone who lives with a beast shall be put to death. Exod.22.20 whoever sacrifices to others except to the lord only, shall be destroyed. Exod.22.21 you shall not desure a proselyte and do not afflike him, for you were proselytes in the land of egypt. Exod.22.22 do not defile any women or women. Exod.22.23 if you are afflicted them, and they cries to me, i will indeed hear their voice, Exod.22.24 and my wrath will be wrath, and i will kill you with the sword, and your women will be widows and your children ordeners. Exod.22.25 if you lained a money to your brother, to the poor among you, you shall not be rejected to him, and you shall not put a tock to him. Exod.22.26 if you take your neighbor the cloak of your neighbor, you will give him to it before the sun, Exod.22.27 for this is his only clothing, this is the robe of his body. by which he will fallen? if he cries to me, i will hear, for i am mercy. Exod.22.28 you shall not afflict god, and you shall not band the rulers of your people. Exod.22.29 do not despise the offers of your preses and your winepress. you shall give me the firstborn of your sons. Exod.22.30 so do with your oxen and your sheep: seven days shall it be under your mother, and in the eighth day you will give it to me. Exod.22.31 you shall be for me holy men, and you shall not eat the flesh that is districted. put it to the dogs. Exod.23.1 do not expect false fame. you shall not share with the unjust to be a false witness. Exod.23.2 you must not be with many to do against evil, and you must not turn to deceive with many, to deceive justice. Exod.23.3 you shall not mercy the poor in his judgment. Exod.23.4 if you arrest the sheep of your enemy or a jumen that is deceived, you will bring it to him. Exod.23.5 if you see the asno of your enemy fallen under his stock, do you not leave him, but strike him with him. Exod.23.6 you shall not deceive the judgment of the poor in his judgment. Exod.23.7 turn away from a false reason, and do not kill innocent or righteous, for i will not justify the ungodly. Exod.23.8 do not take bread, for the gift are blind with those who see, and deceives the words of the righteous. Exod.23.9 you shall not afflict the fremde, for you know the life of the proselyte, for you were proselyts in the land of egypt. Exod.23.10 six years you shall seed your land and gather its produces. Exod.23.11 but in the seventh day you must leave it and leave it, so that the poor of your people may eat, and what remains will the beast eat. so do you do with your vineyard and your olives. Exod.23.12 six days you will make your work, but on the seventh day you will rest, so that your oxe and your assel may remain and the son of your slave and the proselyte. Exod.23.13 keep on everything that i have said to you, do not remember the name of others, so that it may not be heard of your mouth. Exod.23.14 three times in the year celebring the feast for me. Exod.23.15 keep the feast of unleavened bread. seven days you will eat unleavened bread, just as i have commanded you, at the time of the moon of abib, for in him you have come out of egypt. you shall not appeared before me vain vain. Exod.23.16 and the feast of the harvest, the first reason of your work, which you sow in the field, and the feast of the feast of the feast, when you call your work out of your field. Exod.23.17 three times in the year all your men will be seen before the lord, your god. Exod.23.18 you shall not put the blood of my sacrifice with the leaven of bread, and the grass of my feast shall not leave to the morning. Exod.23.19 the offers of the best of your earth you will bring in the house of the lord your god. you shall not koke the sheep in the milk of his mother. Exod.23.20 behold, i am sending an angel before you to keep you on the road and bring you into the place that i have prepared. Exod.23.21 keep your attention and hear him, and do not disobedient him, for he will not be divided against you, for my name is in him. Exod.23.22 if you obey my voice and do whatever i command you and keep my covenant, you will be my proper among all the nations, for it is the whole land for me. you will be a kingdom of the priesthood and a holy kingdom. these are the words that you shall say to the children of israel, if you obey my voice and do all that i tell you. Exod.23.23 for my angel will go before you and bring you to the amorites, the hetites, the perizzites, the cananed, the hivew and the jebusites, and i will destroy them. Exod.23.24 you shall not worship their gods and not serve them, and do not do according to their works, but destroy them and destroy their statues. Exod.23.25 serve the lord your god, and he will blessed your bread and your water, and i will keep look from you. Exod.23.26 there there will be no kindle or barren in your land, and i will fulfill the number of your days. Exod.23.27 i will send my fear before you, and i will destroy all the nations to which you are going, and i will make all your enemies flee for you. Exod.23.28 i will send angst before you, and they will cast the hivites, the cananans and the hetites from your presence. Exod.23.29 i will not cast them out of you in one year, so that the land may not become wild and wild the beasts of the earth against you. Exod.23.30 for a little while i will cast them out from your presence, until you will increase and inherit the earth. Exod.23.31 and i will lay your grense from the schilde sea to the sea of the philistins and from the wilderness to the river, for i will give the inhabitants of the land in your hand, and you will cast them out from your presence. Exod.23.32 you shall not make a covenant with them or with their gods. Exod.23.33 they shall not abide in your land, that they may not make you a sinning against me, for if you serve their gods, it will be a stumbling block for you. Exod.24.1 and he said to moses, come up to the lord, you and aaron, nadab and abihu and seven of the elders of israel, and worship from a distance. Exod.24.2 moses alone shall come to the lord, but they shall not draw near, and the people should not go up with him. Exod.24.3 so moses came and told the people all the words of the lord and all the instructions. and all the people answered one voice, we will do all the words that the lord has spoken. Exod.24.4 and moses wrote all the words of the lord. and he rose the morning and made a altar under the mountain and twelve stones for the twelve tribes of israel. Exod.24.5 and he sent the young men of the israelites and offered brandoffers and offered sacrifices pacifics to the lord. Exod.24.6 and moses took the held of the blood and poured it into shaks, and the other hälf of the blood poured at the altar. Exod.24.7 and he took the scroll of the covenant and read it to the people, and they said, whatever the lord has spoken will we do and hear it. Exod.24.8 so moses took the blood and broke it over the people, and said, behold, the blood of the covenant that the lord has set with you about all these words. Exod.24.9 so moses and aaron, nadab and abihu, and seven of the elders of israel went up. Exod.24.10 and they saw the god of israel, and under his feet was like a labor of sapphire, like the healing of heaven for his purification. Exod.24.11 and he did not strike his hand against the elect of the israelites, and they appeared to god and ate and drank. Exod.24.12 and the lord said to moses, come up to me to the mountain and be there, and i will give you the stones of stones, the law and the commandments that i have written for learing them. Exod.24.13 so moses and his minister jesus rose up, and they went up to the mountain of god. Exod.24.14 and to the elders they said, remain in this time until we return to you. and behold, aaron and or are with you. if anyone has a judgment, let them come to them. Exod.24.15 so moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud coiled the mountain. Exod.24.16 and the glory of god went down on the mountain of sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. on the seventh day he called moses out of the cloud. Exod.24.17 the appearance of the glory of the lord was like a flaming fire on the top of the mountain, before the people of israel. Exod.24.18 so moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up to the mountain. and moses was there on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights. Exod.25.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.25.2 tell the children of israel that they should take for me offerings. from whatever is honor in my heart you will receive my offering. Exod.25.3 and this is the offering that you will take from them: gold, silver, bronze; Exod.25.4 purple and purple and scarlet, and fine linen, and ziegenhaar, Exod.25.5 round of months wretched, and fine shaks, and akacia tree, Exod.25.7 oniks and onyx stones for the efoad and to the efods. Exod.25.8 so they make me a holy place and stand in among them. Exod.25.9 according to all the things that i am shown to you, the example of the tent and the example of all its goods. so must you do. Exod.25.10 they shall make a ark of akacia, a long and a half half, and his breedte shall be a single and a half and a half hour. Exod.25.11 you shall tear it with a pure gold from outside and outside and make it a golden platter around it. Exod.25.12 and burn for it vier golden ringe, and put them on its vier hogs, two rinds on the one side and two rinds on the second side. Exod.25.13 and do treasures of akasiaph and deceive them with gold. Exod.25.14 you will put the stanges in the ringe of the ark, to bear the ark with them. Exod.25.15 the stings shall become in the rinds of the ark, so that they may not be directed. Exod.25.16 and you will put in the ark the testimony that i will give you. Exod.25.17 you shall make a propitiation of pure gold, a long and a half half, and the breedte shall be a half and half. Exod.25.18 you shall make two cherubs of gold; you shall make them in the two extrems of the propitiation. Exod.25.19 do you make a cherubim to one extresh plass, and a cherubim to the second extremice of the propitiation. you will make the two cherubim to the two extrems. Exod.25.20 the cherubim shall break their wings from above, crying their face to the propitiation. their faces will be against one another, the face of the cherubim shall become in the propitiation. Exod.25.21 and you will put the foundation on the ark from above, and in the ark you will put the testimony that i will give you. Exod.25.22 and there i will be known to you there and speak with you from above the propitiation, among the two cherubim that are on the ark of the witness, all that i will give you to the israelites. Exod.25.23 you shall make a table of akasiet, a longer of two thousand, and a hour to large, and a single and a half high. Exod.25.24 and do to make a golden gold around it with gold. Exod.25.25 you shall make a crosting of a district around it and make a golden flock around his crown. Exod.25.26 you must make four ringe of gold and put the ringe on the four hoins of her feet. Exod.25.27 the rinds will be under the stangers, to bear for the stangers, to bear the table. Exod.25.28 and do the stangers of akasiahout, and deceive them with gold, so that the table may be carried by them. Exod.25.29 and do the turments and the serpentes and the drunks, which are to drink. you shall make them of pure gold. Exod.25.30 and put on the table the bread of the bread continuing before me. Exod.25.31 you shall make a candelaar from a pure gold. the kandelaar do to make the kandelaar, its branch, its ships, its shaks, and its flores, should be in one of them. Exod.25.32 six branches shall come out of the bords, three branches of the candelaar from the one side and three branches of the lamppu from the second side. Exod.25.33 in one of them there will be three shakes, born in one, with a sharch and a floge; this will be with the six branches that came out of the candelaar. Exod.25.34 and in the lamp for the lamp there will be four shakes, with shaks and flores. Exod.25.35 the armer around the two ships, and one back under the four candelers. so with the six branches that came out of the kandelaar. Exod.25.36 the ships and the branches shall become one of them, all them will be divided by one of the pure gold. Exod.25.37 and do seven lamps for it and lay the lamps for it, that they may light out in their presence. Exod.25.38 the slanderers and the ships of it shall be of pure gold. Exod.25.39 all these things are clean talents of gold. Exod.25.40 see that you do according to the purpose that was shown you on the mountain. Exod.26.1 you shall make the tent ten teasting of fine linen, fine, and purple and scarlet wood, with cherubim of wealth. Exod.26.2 the longer of every tear shall be eighty-eight couth, and the large breasure shall have the large breasure. all the teasting shall have one measure. Exod.26.3 five tendes will be together with one another, and five tendes will be gathered together with the other. Exod.26.4 and do the clothing of fine cloth in the bore of the one corth, which is at the second district, and so shall you make at the bore of the second teak, at the second conquering. Exod.26.5 you shall make cinties in the one corth, and fifty silpes you will make at the ends of the lay, which is at the second district. the lay will have the bander against each other. Exod.26.6 you must make fifts of gold and gather the teastes with the other, so that the tent will be one. Exod.26.7 you shall make a cortinas of hores for the tent, for the tent, eleven cortinas. Exod.26.8 the longer of each shabel shall be treated, and the breedte of every shabel. the eleven to the eleven shall have one measure. Exod.26.9 you shall strike the five dain together, and six the six bailes. the sixth cortinas will you defile on the face of the tent. Exod.26.10 and do cinquty the silpes in the bore of the one corden that is in the middle of the second costing, and cinquty the silpes in the bore of the second conth of the second shapel. Exod.26.11 you shall make five money of bronze, and strike the haken in the hilking and take the tends together, and there will be one. Exod.26.12 and the rest that is increasing among the tenders of the tent, the half of the gordice that remains will be rejected back of the tent. Exod.26.13 and a single hour from one, and a single hour from the departs of the tends of the tent will be covering at the departs of the tent, from one and from one side, to cover it. Exod.26.14 you shall make a veider for the tent of round of round, round of lamb, and a veil from tachaschs of fine. Exod.26.15 do to make brus for the tent of akasiaph, Exod.26.16 the large colony shall have ten cubiti, and the breedte of one colony will have a single and a half. Exod.26.17 there will have two markens for the one ais, divided one against another. so do you do to all the brus of the tent. Exod.26.18 and do to make brus for the tent, twenty-coll from the nordside, to the nordside. Exod.26.19 you also make forty bases of silver for the twenty-ais, two bases under the one brus, and two bases under the one ais. Exod.26.20 also for the second side, to the next place, will have twents. Exod.26.21 they may have fyrty of silver, two bases under the one scus, and two bases under the one ais. Exod.26.22 and for the back of the tent, by the west, you shall make six brus. Exod.26.23 do two bretter to the parents of the tent, in the back. Exod.26.24 they shall be divided from divided, so that they may be divided from the ruler to the one gate. so shall they be done both to the two ginocks. Exod.26.25 so have eights and their four bases of silver, six four bases, two bases under the one scus, and two bases under the one ais. Exod.26.26 and do rides of akasiahout, five for the brus of the one part of the tent, Exod.26.27 and five rides for the brus of the second side of the tent, and five rides for the brus of the other side of the tent, by the west. Exod.26.28 the mitterside, which is in the midst of the colonds, will be distributed from the one side to the other. Exod.26.29 you shall deceive the colonds with gold, and you will make ringes with gold in which the trades will be brought, and you shall deceive the travers with gold. Exod.26.30 so set the tent according to the appearance that was publiced to you on the mountain. Exod.26.31 you shall make a curtain of fine, purple and scarlet and fine linen, and in fine linen, with cherubim. Exod.26.32 and put it on the four baskets of sittim treated with gold, their baskets of gold and their four baskets of silver. Exod.26.33 and you will put the curtain on the plants and bring the ark of the witness there in the inside of the curtain. and the curtain shall divided you among the holy place and the holy things. Exod.26.34 and you will put the curtain to the ark of the testimony in the holy place. Exod.26.35 you shall lay the table outside the curtain, and the kandelaar before the table in the midst of the tent. and you will put the table at the nordside. Exod.26.36 you shall make the entrance in the entrance of blaughter, purple and scarlet and fine linen, purple work. Exod.26.37 and do to the curtain do five pildes of bronze and deceive them with gold, their baskets are of gold. sculp for them five baskets of bronze. Exod.27.1 you shall make a altar of akasiahout, a longer of five könyök, the large and five könyök. the altar shall be four, and his hair of three cubiti. Exod.27.2 you shall make corns on its four horns. the horns shall have one of them and deceive it with bronze. Exod.27.3 you shall make characks for the altar, the custings, the baskets, the cubes and the wifts. all his means shall you have done of bronze. Exod.27.4 and do a casting of bronze for him, a baskets of bronze, and you will make four rinds of bronze for the four roets. Exod.27.5 you will put them under the inside of the altar in district, and the robling will be like the half of the altar. Exod.27.6 you shall make burres of akacia, and teach them with bronze. Exod.27.7 the stings will be put into the ringe, and the stings shall be in the two side of the altar, when it comes. Exod.27.8 do it make a patch of sandles, as it has been preached to you on the mountain, so do you make it. Exod.27.9 you may make the courtyard of the tent. in the sound, to the sown, the courtyard for the courtyard will be of fine linen, a longer of hundred cours. Exod.27.10 their twents pilners and their twents baskets shall have of bronze, and the cubes and the baskets shall have of silver. Exod.27.11 so also to the next storony, in length, will be a til of hundred cubiti of length, with tyve pilons and their twents bases. the capiteles of the colonns and their baskets will be of silver. Exod.27.12 the large place of the courtyard, by the west, will have cortinas of five thousand, with tien pilons and ten four bases. Exod.27.13 the large place of the courtyard, to the next side, will have four cubiti of cortinas, with ten pilonas and their four bases. Exod.27.14 to the part of the one side there will be quinty cubiti, with three pilaren and their three bases. Exod.27.15 as for the second side, to the second side, will be four cubiti, with three colons and three bases. Exod.27.16 and to the gate of the courtyard shall be a covering of twenth, of blauer and purple and scarlet and fish retors, with four pilners and their four bases. Exod.27.17 all the robes of the courtyard rondom will be uncovered with silver, their baskets of silver and their bases of bronze. Exod.27.18 the longer of the courtyard shall be hundred, and the breedte of five thousand, and the hair of fish of fine linen, and their baskets shall be of bronze. Exod.27.19 all the armes of all his arms and all the waves of the courtyard of the courtyard will be of bronze. Exod.27.20 you must give the israelites to bear for you pure of pure olives of olives, burdened for the light, so that a lamp may be continued always. Exod.27.21 in the tent of witness, outside the curtain that is before the ark, aaron and his sons shall burn it from evening until the morning, before the lord. this shall be a eternal instruction for the sons of israel in your generation. Exod.28.1 and you bring to you your brother aaron and his sons with him, from the sons of israel, that they may be minister to me, aaron and nadab and abihu, eleazar and itamar. Exod.28.2 and make holy garments to your brother aaron for honor and glory. Exod.28.3 and speak to all the wise of their thoughts, whom i have filled with the spirit of knowledge, that they may make the garments of aaron to sanctify him, that he may serve me. Exod.28.4 these are the robes they will make: the cloak, the efoad, the efod, the tunics, a rop, a turn, and a belt. they shall make holy robes to aaron and for his sons, so that they may serve me the priesthood. Exod.28.5 they will take the gold and the fine clothing and purple and scarlet wood and fine linen. Exod.28.6 they will make the efoad from fine clothing, with fine clothing. Exod.28.7 there shall have two efods of cloak, which are in the two side, to be caught. Exod.28.8 and the clothing of the efods that will be upon it must be in one measure. this must be of gold, fine, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen. Exod.28.9 then take the two onyx stones and make the name of the sons of israel in them, Exod.28.10 six of their names on the one stone, and the six names of the rest on the second stone, according to their generations. Exod.28.11 as for a grain of stone, a grain of sell, bears the two stones in the name of the sons of israel. Exod.28.12 and put the two stones on the efods of the efods, a stone that is remembering to the sons of israel. and aaron will bear their name on his two hours before the lord as a remember. Exod.28.13 you must make a chades of gold, Exod.28.14 and two kettings of pure gold, divided these chains of gold. you shall put the kettings like the chapes of gold. Exod.28.15 you shall make a borsting of the judge, a broken work, just as the efoad will have it. with gold, purple, purple and scarlet and fish retors shall you make it. Exod.28.16 it shall be thousand, double in double, a lengte of length and a spine breedte. Exod.28.17 you will put in it with four round of stones. in the first orden was a karneol, a topas and a smaragd; Exod.28.18 in the second orden: un rubin, un safir, and a jaspis; Exod.28.19 the third raad, ein agat, a agat, and a ametyst; Exod.28.20 the fourth raad: a chrysolith, a onyx, and a jaspis. they shall be wealed with gold. Exod.28.21 the stones shall be according to the name of the sons of israel, douze, according to their names, with a sealed, each one with his name, to the fourth tribes. Exod.28.22 to the pectoral you will make knocks of pure or pure, of pure or of gold. Exod.28.23 and you will put the two chains on the born of the pectoral the two chains of the surrounding side of the borstas. Exod.28.29 so aaron will take the name of the sons of israel on the brysting of judgment on his heart when he enter the holy place, to remember the lord. Exod.28.30 and put in the bords of judgment the urim and tummim, that they may be on the heart of aaron when he comes in the presence of the lord. so aaron must always bring the judgment of the sons of israel on his heart before the face of the lord. Exod.28.31 and you will make an ear for the robes, all of blaughter. Exod.28.32 the opening of it shall be in the midst, to the round of a rop, in a measure of a broken side, so that it may not be broken. Exod.28.33 and on the inside of the mantel you will make romãs, of blauth-, purple and scarlet, around the wone of the robe. Exod.28.34 the granaatapper, a grander, a grander, and a cloak around the cloak of the mantel around. Exod.28.35 and aaron must be in the minister, so that he may hear his voice when he comes into the holy place in the presence of the lord and when he comes out that he should not die. Exod.28.36 you shall make a rock of pure gold, and in it divided the seed of sell: holy for the lord. Exod.28.37 and put it in a fine clothing, and it will be on the turn, in the presence of the turn. Exod.28.38 and it will be on the forehead of aaron, and aaron will bear the sins of the saints things that the israelites offers for all their holy gifts, and it will be continuing on his forehead, that they may be acceptable before the lord. Exod.28.39 you will make a rop of fine clothing, and do a mitra of fine linen, and make a belt in broken clothing. Exod.28.40 and for the sons of aaron you shall make tunics and boves, and you will make them calls for honor and glory. Exod.28.41 and put on them your brother aaron and his sons, and you shall anoint them and filled them and sanctify them, that they may serve me the priesthood. Exod.28.42 and do to them a lust of robbers to deceive their shaks. from the lumins to the bound they shall have. Exod.28.43 and aaron and his sons shall come to them, when they enter the tent of witness or come to the altar for ministering in the holy place, so that they may not bear sin and kill. this is a eternal instruction for him and for his offspring after him. Exod.29.1 and this is what you will do to sanctify them, so that they may serve me. take a feast of sheep and two judge without mancha, Exod.29.2 and unleavened bread, with unleavened bread, unshined with oil, and unleavened bread, unseated with olie. Exod.29.3 and put them in a corf and bring them into the korb, both the kalf and the two judge. Exod.29.4 you shall bring aaron and his sons to the entrance of the tent of witness and wash them with water. Exod.29.5 and take the robes and put aaron of the robes and the livment of the efods and the ephod and the pectoral and put him to the efoad with the efod. Exod.29.6 and put the turn on his head and put the holy diade on the turn. Exod.29.7 then take the ointment of the anointing and gide it on his head and anoince him. Exod.29.8 then bring his sons and put them in the robes. Exod.29.9 and bind them with the garments, aaron and his sons, and put on them the calls, and the priesthood will be for them forever. so you will complete aaron and his sons. Exod.29.10 you shall bring the oxen to the entrance of the tent of witness, and aaron and his sons shall put their hands on the head of the kalf. Exod.29.11 and you will slain the oxen before the lord at the inside of the tent of witness. Exod.29.12 then take some of the blood of the oxe and put it with your finger on the horns of the altar, and vide the rest of the blood on the back of the altar. Exod.29.13 and take all the fett that is on the womb, and the lappen of the hech and the two nives with their fett, and put it on the altar. Exod.29.14 but the flesh of the kalf, his hair and his short you will burn out with fire outside the camp. it is a sin. Exod.29.15 then take the one money, and aaron and his sons shall put their hands on the head of the judge. Exod.29.16 you shall slage the man and take his blood and sprend it around the altar. Exod.29.17 you shall cut the oiney in his parts, and wash his intestess and his feet and put it on their pieces and on his head. Exod.29.18 and you will burn the whole money on the altar. it is a holocauste for the lord, a soave odore, a sacrifice for the lord. Exod.29.19 then take the second ointer, and aaron and his sons will put their hands on the head of the judge. Exod.29.20 you shall slain the money, and take of his blood and stryke it on the right grop of aaron and on the district of the right hand of his sons and on the district of their right feet and on the distrift of their right feet. Exod.29.21 then take of the blood that is at the altar and of the anoining of anoining, and strike them on aaron and on his robes, and on his sons and on the robes of his sons. so he will be sanctified, he and his robes, and his sons and the robes of his sons. Exod.29.22 then take the ointment with the fett and the fett, and the fett that deceits the wheat, the lappen of the ate and the two nives with their fett, and the right short, for it is a feast of perfection. Exod.29.23 and one bread with the oil and a low means of the korf of unleavened bread, which is before the lord. Exod.29.24 and put it in the hands of aaron and in the hands of his sons, and lue them as a viftoffer before the lord. Exod.29.25 then take it out of their hands and offer it on the altar, on the holocauste offering for the lord. this is a sacrifice for the lord. Exod.29.26 then take the brust of the feast of perfection, which is for aaron, and heep it as a viftoffer before the lord, and it will be your divided. Exod.29.27 you shall sanctify the brust of the offering offering and the hinder of offering, which is taking up, and the breast of the offering offering for aaron and his sons. Exod.29.28 and it will be for aaron and his sons as a eternal instruction from the israelites, for it is a offerce. the heast of the israelites will be a offering from their sacrifices of salvation for the israelites. Exod.29.29 the holy robes of aaron shall become with his sons after him, that they may be anointed in them and to fulfill them. Exod.29.30 for seven days the priest who is charge in his place will clothe them, as he comes in the tent of witness to serve in the holy places. Exod.29.31 and take the one of the perfection and coke his flesh in the holy place. Exod.29.32 and aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of the judge and the bread that is in the korb, at the inside of the tent of witness. Exod.29.33 they must eat these things in which they were sanctified, to fulfill them and to sanctify them, but no one should eat it, for it is holy. Exod.29.34 if there is only a flesh of the sacrifice of perfection or of the bread until the morning, you shall burn the rest with fire. it shall not eat, for it is a holy place. Exod.29.35 so do to aaron and his sons, according to all the things that i have commanded you. seven days shall you fulfill them. Exod.29.36 you will offery a giovence for a sacrifice for sin for the purification, and you will purifike the altar, when you sanctify it, and anoince it to sanctify it. Exod.29.37 for seven days you shall clean the altar and sanctify it. so the altar will be holy. whatever touch the altar is holy. Exod.29.38 this is what you will offer on the altar: two fish of an an an day for day. Exod.29.39 the one lamb offer to the morning, and the second lamb as soon. Exod.29.40 and with one cordery of fish of farine treated with a fourth hin of a hin of oild, and to drink a fourth of a hin of vin for the one lamb. Exod.29.41 to the next reason you must offere the second lamb. this is as the first sacrifice of the morning and the coming of its drink, to be a evening of incense, a sacrifice for the lord. Exod.29.42 this will be a next sacrifice for your generation at the door of the tent of witness before the lord, where i will appear to you there to speak with you. Exod.29.43 there i will make the children of israel there, and i will be sanctified in my glory. Exod.29.44 i will sanctify the tent of witness and the altar, and i will sanctify aaron and his sons, that they may serve me. Exod.29.45 and i will dwell among the israelites and be their god. Exod.29.46 and they will know that i am the lord their god, who brought them out of the land of egypt, to stay among them — i am the lord their god. Exod.30.1 you shall make a altar to burn incense; you will make it from akasiaph. Exod.30.2 he may have a single longer and a singer of large. it shall be vierkantig, and a cube of two cubiti. his horns shall be one of it. Exod.30.3 you shall deceive it with pure gold, his cloak and his wall around, and the horns. you shall make a golden crown around him. Exod.30.4 you will make two golds of gold under his crosting, to the two places. they shall make them in the two places, so that they may be back for the stings, by which they may be near. Exod.30.5 and do the robes from akacia, and deceive them with gold. Exod.30.6 and put it before the curtain, which is over the ark of the testimony, at which i will be made known to you. Exod.30.7 aaron will burn incende on it earnestly food; when he repay the lamps, he will burn it. Exod.30.8 and when aaron brings the lamp in the east, he will burn on it. this is a daily incense before the lord in your generation. Exod.30.9 you shall not offer daarop another incense, nor fruit, nor sacrifice, nor drunk. Exod.30.10 once for an year aaron will defile for him at his horns once in an year, with the blood of the sins of the propitiation. once for a year he will purifike it for all their generations. it is a holy place for the lord. Exod.30.11 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.30.12 when you take the number of the israelites when they are gathered, each one should give an expense for his soul to the lord, so that there will be no fall among them when they gathered. Exod.30.13 all who passes by the number shall give a half sikli, according to the holy sekel, a sikkel for twenty-stone. a half sikli is a offering for the lord. Exod.30.14 everyone who passes to the number, from twenty-years and above, will give the offering to the lord. Exod.30.15 the riches do not give more and the poor do not minder than a half siclo, when they give the offering for the lord to make propitiation for your souls. Exod.30.16 and you will take the money of offering for the israelites and give it to the ministering of the tent of witness, so that it may be a memorial for the children of israel for the presence of your souls. Exod.30.17 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.30.18 do a basket of coper with its baskets of bronze, to wash. put it in the tent of witness and the altar and gide water into it. Exod.30.19 and aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and his feet. Exod.30.20 when they enter the tent of witness, they shall wash with water, that they should not die. or when they come up to the altar to serve the offerings for the lord, Exod.30.21 they shall wash their hands and his feet, so that they may not die. and this shall be a eternal instruction for them, to him and to his generations. Exod.30.22 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.30.23 you may take offerings of balsam, a chosen myrrh, five hundred siclos, a quide of a half, a half of aloe, two hundred shekelers, Exod.30.24 and the five hundred sicles, according to the sicles of the holy places, and a hin of olives a hin. Exod.30.25 and do to it a holy sald of salving, a fish of salfing salf. it shall be a holy anoining. Exod.30.26 with him you shall anoint the tent of witness and the ark of witness, Exod.30.27 the lamp with all its vessels, the lamper with all its preparations, the altar of incense, Exod.30.28 the altar of holocauste, all its vessels, the baskets and his back. Exod.30.29 you shall sanctify them, and it will be holy things. everyone who touch them will be holy. Exod.30.30 you shall anoint aaron and his sons and sanctify them to serve me. Exod.30.31 you shall speak to the sons of israel, saying, this will be a holy food of holy anoint for you in your generation. Exod.30.32 on the flesh of a man may not be anointed, and according to this contribution you shall not show it. it is holy, and it shall be holy for you. Exod.30.33 whoever does so like one will be destroyed from his people will be destroyed from his people. Exod.30.34 and the lord said to moses, take for you a teasting, a stake, a max, a balvan, a balsam, and a district food, Exod.30.35 and make an incense for them, belonging to the work of ointment, mixed, pure and holy. Exod.30.36 you shall cut something of this and put it before the testimony in the tent of witness, where i will appear to you. it will be a holy place for you. Exod.30.37 do you not make incense according to this condemnation. it shall be holy for you. Exod.30.38 whoever does such a way to be offered to him will be destroyed from his people. Exod.31.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.31.2 behold, i have called besalel, son of uri, son of hur, of the tribe of judah, Exod.31.3 and i have filled him the spirit of god, wisdom and understanding and understanding in every work, Exod.31.4 to keep them in order to work the gold, the silver and the bronze, the linen, the purple and the purple robe, and the fine linen, Exod.31.5 to make stone for stone and to shepherd in tree and to work in every way. Exod.31.6 and behold, i have given him oholiab, the son of ahisamah, of the tribe of dan, and i have given all wise hearts to do all that i have commanded you: Exod.31.7 the tent of witness, the ark of the witness, the propitiation upon it and all the preparations of the tent, Exod.31.8 the table with its waves, the pure lamper with all its tillbehör, the table of pure, with all who are in it, Exod.31.9 the bound with its beat, and all his food, Exod.31.10 the robes, the priesters for aaron, the robes of his sons, and the robes of his sons, Exod.31.11 the salvest of the anoince, the incense of incense for the holy places. they shall do according to all the things that i have commanded you. Exod.31.12 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.31.13 you must tell the children of israel, saying, you must keep my sabbath, for it is a sign among me and you to your generation, that you may know that i am the lord who sanctifies you. Exod.31.14 keep the sabbath, for it is holy for you. whoever profanes it must be put to death. everyone who does a work in it shall be destroyed from among his people. Exod.31.15 six days shall you make work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of rest, holy day for the lord. whoever does a work on the seventh day will be put to death. Exod.31.16 so the children of israel keep the sabbath, to keep the sabbath in their generations as eternal covenant. Exod.31.17 this is a sign for me and the sons of israel, for in six days the lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he remained and remained. Exod.31.18 when he had finished speaking to moses on the mountain of sinai, he gave the two tables of the witness, tables of stone written with the finger of god. Exod.32.1 when the people saw that moses long to come down from the mountain, the people gathered together to aaron and said to him, rise, do to us an god who will go before us, for we do not know what has happened to this moses, this man who led us out of the land of egypt. Exod.32.2 and aaron said to them, take the golden ringe that are in the ears of your women and of your daughters, and bring them to me. Exod.32.3 so the whole people drew down the golden ringe that they had in their ears and brought them to aaron. Exod.32.4 and he took to the hands of them and took it in a grabe and made it a gegote kalf. and they said, this is your god, israel, who brought you out of the land of egypt. Exod.32.5 when aaron saw it, he made a altar before him, and aaron proclaimed, saying, tomorrow is a feast of the lord. Exod.32.6 the next day he rose and offered holocauste and offered sacrifices pacifics. so the people sat to eat and drink and rose up to calling. Exod.32.7 and the lord said to moses, go, come down, for your people, which you led out of egypt, has become wrong. Exod.32.8 immediately they went away from the way that i commanded them. they did to themselves a kalf and turned to him, and they offered him. they said, this is your god, israel, who brought you out of the land of egypt. Exod.32.10 now leave me, and i will burn my wrath against them and destroy them, and i will make you a great nation. Exod.32.11 but moses prayed before the lord, his god, and said, o lord, why do your wrath wrath against your people, which you have brought out of the land of egypt with great power and strong hand? Exod.32.12 why may the egyptians say to say, he has brought them out of evil to kill them in the mountains and to destroy them from the ground of the earth? make away your wrath of your wrath and reject what has done against your people. Exod.32.13 remember abraham, isaac, and israel, your servants, to whom you have swore by yourself and said to them, i will multiplike your offspring like the stars of heaven, and all this land that i have told will give to your offspring and live it forever. Exod.32.14 so the lord deceived the evil that he had told his people. Exod.32.15 so moses turned and went down from the mountain with the two tables of the testimony in his hand, tables written rechts and hinder. Exod.32.16 the tafels were the work of god, and the scripture was the scripture of god, clothed on the tables. Exod.32.17 when josua heard the voice of the people that cried out, he said to moses, there is a rop of sold in the camp. Exod.32.18 but he said, it is not a rop of weasters, nor is there a rop of trouble, but a voice of instruments i hear. Exod.32.19 and when he drew near to the camp and saw the kalf and the best, the course of moses was indignant, and he threw the tablets from his hands and broke them under the mountain. Exod.32.20 and he took the kalf that they had done and broke it in fire and broke it in splender and cut it in the water and gave it drink the children of israel. Exod.32.21 and moses said to aaron, what has this people done for you, that you have brought it a great sin? Exod.32.22 and aaron said, do not agree, my lord. you know that this people is grain. Exod.32.23 they said to me, make for us an god who will go before us, for we do not know what has happened to this moses who led us out of the land of egypt. Exod.32.24 and i said to them, who has gold, take it around, and they gave it to me, and i cast it into the fire, and this oxen came out. Exod.32.25 when moses saw that the people was broken, for aaron had made them a despection for their enemies, Exod.32.26 so moses stood by the gate of the camp and said, who is to the lord, come to me! and all the sons of levi came together to him. Exod.32.27 and he said to them, so says the lord, the god of israel: let each one put his sword on his heuw, go through the camp and turn from a port to gater, and let each one kill his brother and his neighbor and each of his neighbor. Exod.32.28 the sons of levi did as moses had spoken, and there fell of the people in that day for three thousand men. Exod.32.29 and moses said, fulfill your hands today for the lord, each by your son and his brother, to give you a blessing. Exod.32.30 the next day moses said to the people, you have committed a great sin. now i will ascend to the lord, so that i may make propitiation for your sins. Exod.32.31 so moses returned to the lord and said, o, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made themselves a god of gold. Exod.32.32 and now, if you forgive them their sins, but if not, make me out of your book that you have written. Exod.32.33 and the lord said to moses, whoever has sinned against me, i will destroy him out of my book. Exod.32.34 so go and led this people to the place where i have told you. behold, my angel will go before you. but on the day of my visitation i will visite them for their sake. Exod.32.35 so the lord struck the people because he had made the kalf that aaron had made. Exod.33.1 and the lord said to moses, go, ascend from here, you and the people that you led out of the land of egypt, to the land that i made to abraham, to isaac, and to jacob, saying to your offspring, Exod.33.2 i will send an angel before you, and i will cast the amorites, the amorites, the hetites, the perizzites, the hevites and the jebusites. Exod.33.3 you will bring you into a land that tears of milk and honning, for i will not go up with you, because you are a hard people, so that i may not destroy you on the road. Exod.33.4 when the people heard this evil words, they were mourned, and they had no moment. Exod.33.5 for the lord said to him, tell the people of israel, you are a hard people. if i am a certain plage, i would not destroy you. so take away your robes, and i will show what i must do for you. Exod.33.6 so the sons of israel drew around their crowds from the mountain of horeb. Exod.33.7 and moses took the tent and divided it outside the camp, far away from the camp and called it the tent of witness. everyone who were seeking the lord went out to the tent, outside the camp. Exod.33.8 as moses went into the tent, all the people stood up, each one standing at the entrance of his tent and saw moses, until he entered the tent. Exod.33.9 and as moses entered the tent, the cloud came down and stood at the door of the tent, and he spoke with moses. Exod.33.10 and all the people saw the cloud of the cloud standing at the door of the tent, and all the people stood up and worshiped each one at the door of his tent. Exod.33.11 and the lord spoke to moses in course, as a man speaks to his friend. so moses returned into the camp, but jesus, the son of nun, a young man, did not go out of the tent. Exod.33.12 and moses said to the lord, behold, you say to me, bring this people up, but you did not notice to me whom you will send to me. and you have said, i know you to know, and you have received grace in my own presence. Exod.33.13 now if i have found grace in your eyes, show me yourself, that i may know you and may find grace in your eyes, and recognize that this nation is your people. Exod.33.14 and he said, i will go before you and remain you. Exod.33.15 and he said to him, if you do not go away, do not bring us from here. Exod.33.16 for how shall it be known truly that i have found your grace, i and your people, except when you go with us? so that we may be glorified from all the nations that are on the earth. Exod.33.17 and the lord said to moses, even what you have said i will do, for you have found grace in my presence, and i know you to know. Exod.33.18 and he said, show me your glory. Exod.33.19 and he said, i will bring all my glory before you, and i will call the name of the lord before you. and i will have mercy on whom i will have mercy and have mercy on whom i will have mercy. Exod.33.20 and he said, you cannot see my face, for a man does not see me and live. Exod.33.21 and the lord said, behold, there is a place by me; stand in the rock, Exod.33.22 and when my glory passes, i will put you into the rock of the rock and keep you with my hand, until i have passed through. Exod.33.23 then i will take my hand, and then you will see my roor. but my face will not be seen. Exod.34.1 and the lord said to moses, cut for you two tables of stone like the first, and i will write on the tables the words that were on the first tables that you broken. Exod.34.2 be ready for the morning, and go up for the morning of sinai and stand before me there on the top of the mountain. Exod.34.3 but let no one ascend with you, and there may no one appear on the whole mountain, and even sheep and boves should not be passed on the hand of that mountain. Exod.34.4 so he broke two tables of stone like the first. and early in the morning moses went up to the mountain of sinai, as the lord had commanded him. and he took the two tables of stone. Exod.34.5 and the lord came in a cloud, and there stood there for him and called the name of the lord. Exod.34.6 and the lord went before him and called, lord, god, mercy and mercy, patience and great of mercy and true, Exod.34.7 who makes mercy on many generations, who forgive iniquity and unrighteousness and sin, but does not clean the one who is sinful, deceiving the iniquity of the fathers on the children and in the children of the children, in the third and the fourth generation. Exod.34.8 and moses immediately fell down and worshiped the land and worshiped, Exod.34.9 and he said, if i have found grace in your eyes, so let my lord go with us, for this is a hard people. remove our sins and our trespass and take our sins. Exod.34.10 and he said, behold, i do a covenant. before your whole people i will do such things that never have been done in any earth or among any nation. and all the people in which you are, will see the work of the lord in which you are, for they will be marveled that i do for you. Exod.34.11 hold to do what i command you. behold, i will cast out the amorites and the cananans and the hetites and the pherezites and the hevites and the jebusites. Exod.34.12 take care that you may not make a covenant with the inwoners of the land to which you enter, that it may not be a stumbling block among you, Exod.34.13 but the altars of them you will destroy, and their treasures you will brise, their bossen you will cut down, and the images of their idols you will burn in fire. Exod.34.14 for you shall not worship another god, for the name of the lord is jealousy, he is a jealousy god. Exod.34.15 do not do a covenant with the people of the land a covenant, so that they may sexual immorality with their gods and offer sacrifice to their gods, and they would call you and eat their sacrifices, Exod.34.16 and you may take their daughters to your sons, and when their daughters are sexual immorality with their gods, they will put your children in sexual immorality. Exod.34.17 you shall not make an idol of image. Exod.34.18 you shall keep the feast of unleavened bread. seven days you will eat unleavened bread, just as i have commanded you. for in the month of abib you have come out of egypt. Exod.34.19 all who open the mock to me, the firstborn of a kalf, the firstborn of sheep. Exod.34.20 and the firstborn of a donkey shall you redesh sheep, and if you do not redeze it, you shall give it for honor. every firstborn of your sons shall you redesh, and nothing can be appeared before me. Exod.34.21 six days you shall work, and in the seventh day you will rest. Exod.34.22 you shall celebrate the feast of the week, the beginning of the fever of wheat, and the feast of the congregation at the beginning of the year. Exod.34.23 three times in the year all your men will be seen before the lord, the god of israel. Exod.34.24 for i will cast the nations before you and break your region, and no one will desire your land when you go up for the presence of the lord your god in three times of the year. Exod.34.25 you shall not slain the blood of my offering with bread, and the offering of the feast of the passover of the passover shall not leave to the morning. Exod.34.26 the former of the best of your earth you will bring in the house of the lord your god. do not eat a sheep in the milk of his mother. Exod.34.27 and the lord said to moses, write these words to you, for on these words i have made a covenant with you and with israel. Exod.34.28 and he was there for the lord for 40 days and forty nights. he could not eat, and water did not drink. and he written on the tafels the words of the covenant, the ten words. Exod.34.29 when moses descended from the mountain and the two tables of the been was in the hand of moses, when he descended from the mountain, he did not know that the appearance of his face was glorified when he spoke to him. Exod.34.30 when aaron and all the people of israel saw moses, behold, his face of face was glorified, and they were afraid to come to him. Exod.34.31 but moses called them, and aaron and all the rulers of the crowd returned to him, and moses spoke to them. Exod.34.32 after this all the people of israel came to him, and he gave them all that the lord had spoken to him on the mountain of sinai. Exod.34.33 and when moses had finished speaking to them, he laid a veil on his face. Exod.34.34 and as moses went out before the lord to speak with him, he departed the veil until it came out. and when he came out, he spoke to the israelites what the lord had commanded. Exod.34.35 and the israelites saw that moses'face was glorified, and moses put a veil on his face, until he came to speak with him. Exod.35.1 and moses gathered all the people of israel and said to them, these are the words that the lord has commanded to do: Exod.35.2 six days you must work, but the seventh day is holy day, a sabbath of reason for the lord. everyone who does in it must die. Exod.35.3 you shall not burn fire in all your dwelling place in the sabbath day. Exod.35.4 and moses spoke to all the people of israel, saying, this is the way that the lord has commanded, saying, Exod.35.5 take the offering for the lord from you. every one who does in his heart will bring the offering for the lord: gold, silver, bronze, Exod.35.6 fine linen, purple, scarlet, and fine linen, and ziegenhaar, Exod.35.7 round of months wretched, and fine shaks, and akacia tree, Exod.35.9 oniks and onyx stones for the efoad and to the efods. Exod.35.10 and every one of you who is wise must come and make all that the lord has commanded: Exod.35.11 the tent, his tent, his course, his course, his departs, his traverse, his traverse, his têtes, Exod.35.12 the ark and its stangers, the deckle and the lamb, Exod.35.13 the table with its waves, and all its goods, Exod.35.14 the lampstandy of light with its waves, the lamp for the light, Exod.35.16 the altar with all his arms, the altar and all his waves, Exod.35.17 the beeds of the courtyard of the courtyard, the colonnes of the courtyard and the cortinas of the course, Exod.35.19 the robes to service in the holy robes, the holy robes for the priest aaron and the robes that are to serve in them, and the tunics for the sons of aaron, the priesthood, and the incense for the tent. Exod.35.20 so the whole vergadering of the sons of israel went out from moses. Exod.35.21 then they came, every one of whom their heart was carried, and all whom they had accused, they brought the offering to the lord to the work of the tent of witness and for all its purpose and for the holy robes. Exod.35.22 so came the men and the women, all who had genonged to his heart, brought signs and ring and ringe, every golden instrument of gold, and all who had offered a offering of gold to the lord. Exod.35.23 those who were found in fine linen, fine shabs, and round of money-leaveners they brought them. Exod.35.24 everyone who offered a offering of silver or bronze brought the offering to the lord; and every one who had found a akasiahow tree to all the work of the treasure brought it. Exod.35.25 and all who were wise woman stretched with his hands and brought the one who had been overcome in the purple and purple and scarlet and fine linen. Exod.35.26 and all the women who directed their thoughts with wisdom, devored the gnashers. Exod.35.27 the rulers brought onix of onix and the onyx stones for the ephod and to the syntain, Exod.35.28 and food and olive for the anoince, the oil for the anointing, and for the incense of incense. Exod.35.29 every man and woman of whom their thoughts were brought to enter all the work that the lord had commanded to do through moses, brought the offering offering to the lord. Exod.35.30 and moses said to the israelites, behold, the lord has called besalel, the son of uri, the son of hur, of the tribe of judah, Exod.35.31 and filled him with the spirit of god, with wisdom and understanding and intelligence of all things, Exod.35.32 to prepare an opportunity to do in gold, silver and bronze, Exod.35.33 and to stone with stones and to preach the tree, to do in every way of wisdom. Exod.35.34 even him and oholiab, the son of ahisamag, of the tribe of dan, gave him to instruct. Exod.35.35 he has filled them with wisdom and intelligence, to make all things in work and artifice, in purple, in purple, in purple and in fine linen, to make every work of kunceriness. Exod.36.1 besalel and oholiab and all wise people, to whom the lord had given a wisdom and intelligence to understand every work in the holy places, according to all the things that the lord has commanded. Exod.36.2 so moses called bezaleel and oholiab and all who had wisdom, whom the lord had given wisdom in their heart, all whom they were seeking to leave the work for to fulfill the work. Exod.36.3 and they took from moses all the offerings that the israelites had brought to the work of the sanctuary, to do them. and they offered still the offering offering for them early in the morning. Exod.36.4 so came all the wise who were doing all the work of the holy places, each of the work that they were doing, Exod.36.5 and said to moses, the people bears much more than the work that the lord has commanded to do. Exod.36.6 so moses commanded a proclaiming in the camp, saying, no one or woman make no longer a offering for the holy offerings. so the people continued to offer them. Exod.36.7 for all opportunity was sufficient for all that was done, and they were greatly directed. Exod.36.8 then they made ten teading cortinas for the tent. Exod.36.9 the longer of every lay was twenty-eight couth, and the large breast of all the corts were one. Exod.36.34 he revned the bobes of gold, and he divided the tabulles of gold. he treated the brans with gold, so he treated the ais with gold. so he did the bobes of gold. so he did and treated the baskets of gold. so he did. Exod.36.35 then they made the curtain of violet purple and purple and scarlet, and in fine linen, with cherubim. Exod.36.36 they made for it four baskets of sittim, treated them with gold, their baskets were of gold, and their four of silver were of silver. Exod.36.37 they made the curtain for the door of the tent, of violet and purple and scarlet and fine linen, with cherubim of blaughter. Exod.36.38 and the five pilons with the baskets. their baskets and haken they overtrak with gold, and their five bases were of bronze. Exod.37.1 and besalel made the ark, and the clol laid up the ark. Exod.37.2 he covered it in pure gold from within and outside. Exod.37.3 he changed for it four golds of gold, both on the one side and two rinds on the other. Exod.37.5 and he put them to the rings of the rand, so that the ark might enter them. Exod.37.6 and he made the propitiation from gold, the knowledge of gold, and the knowledge of gold. Exod.37.7 he made two cherubs with gold, the two cherubim of gold. Exod.37.8 one cherub by the one extremice, and the one cherubim by the other extrems of the propitiation. Exod.37.9 showing their pinds on the propitiation, as they carried their pinds on the foundation. Exod.37.10 he made also the table of akasiahout, a baat of akasiet, a baat of thousand, Exod.37.13 and he changed for it four ringe on the four roets, the four ringe on the four roods. Exod.37.15 he made the stangers of akasiahow, and treated them with gold. Exod.37.16 he made the treasure of the table, the pieces and the serpents and the serpentes and the devents for the drankoffers for which they had offered. Exod.37.17 he made the lampstandy with gold, the baskets with gold of gold. Exod.37.18 there were six bracks from the two part and three robes from the other side. Exod.37.19 of the branches, with the branches, with the branches, three ships, and three branches with one another. Exod.37.21 there was a knop by the seven rops that had from them, and a knop by the seeds of the lamp, which had out of them, and a knop by the seventh extremits of a lamp. Exod.37.23 he departed seven lamps for it, his blauers and the baskets of gold. Exod.37.29 he made the holy food of the holy anoints and the pure foxing of incense, so as an opportunity. Exod.38.1 he made the altar of akasiahout, akasia of akacieth, about a single hour, and a lonce of a single hour. Exod.38.3 he did all the vessels of the altar, the baskets, the brauchs, the baskets, and the baskets. all the gifts he made of bronze. Exod.38.4 he made to the altar a gate of bronze, a gate of bronze along the altar under it, so as at the half of the altar, so as at the half of the altar. Exod.38.8 and he made the baskets of bronze with his baskets of bronze, as it was of the beasts of those who fast at the entrance of the tent of witness. Exod.38.9 so he made the courtyard. at the south, the courtyard of the courtyard was of fine linen, hundre-hundred. Exod.38.10 the twents stones for them and their four bases were of silver. Exod.38.11 in the nordside, 1200, and their four pilners and their four bases were of silver. the colonne of the pilaren and their four bases were of silver. Exod.38.12 in the west, to the west, the cortinas of five thousand, with ten pilaren and their four bases. Exod.38.13 at the orient side, to the oost-place, was fifty thousand. Exod.38.14 to the next side the cortinas of silver, with their three pilons and their three bases. Exod.38.15 and by the second side, at the one and the other side of the inside of the courtyard were four corners, with their three pilons and their three bases. Exod.38.16 all the corts of the courtyard of the courtyard were of fine linen. Exod.38.17 the baskets of the pils were of bronze, their haken of silver and their boves of silver, and their baskets were bringing with silver, and all the pilons of the course were treated with silver. Exod.38.18 the curtain for the courtyard of the courtyard was a brol of broken werk, of fine, purple, and scarlet, and of torcido woked. the longer was twenty courth, and the hair and the breedte of large customs, having been bringing to the beast of the courtyard. Exod.38.19 the four pilons and their four baskets were of bronze. their boves were of silver, and their baskets were with silver. Exod.38.20 so he was done so, as they did the pluves of the tent and the piles of the courtyard. the cords of all the cords of the courtyard were of bronze. Exod.38.21 this is the fellow order of the tent of witness, which was commanded by moses, the minister of the levites, through itamar, the son of aaron the priest. Exod.38.22 besalel, the son of uri, the son of uri, of the tribe of judah, did all that the lord had commanded moses. Exod.38.23 and with him oholiab, the son of ahisamach, of the tribe of dan, a artifice of artifice, of purple, in purple and in purple and in fine linen. Exod.38.24 all the gold that was brought for the work in all the service of the holy places, the gold of the offering offering was 29 talents and seven thousand siks, according to the sicli of the holy places. Exod.38.25 the silver of those who were numbered in the vergadering was hundred talents and 1,775 siclos, according to the sicli, Exod.38.26 a beka for the head, the half of a sikle, according to the sicli of the holy places, every one who was numbered in the number, from tyve years and above, for the sexty-three thousand and three thousand and fifty. Exod.38.27 there were hundred talents of silver for the bound of the back of the tent and the baskets of the curtain. a hundred boves for 100 talents, a talenty for a basket. Exod.38.28 and of the thousand seven seventy-five siclos had he made the bobes for the robes and put their robes and adorned them. Exod.38.29 the bronze of the offering was seventy talents and 1,500 siks. Exod.38.30 and he made from it the baskets by the door of the tent of witness, Exod.38.31 the bases of the courtyard rings of the courtyard and the baskets of the courtyard around the courtyard of the courtyard around the courtyard of the altar. Exod.39.1 in the purpose, purple and purple, and purple robes and purple robes for the purpose, and they made the holy robes for aaron, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.39.2 they made the efoad of gold, fine, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen. Exod.39.3 they departed the golds of gold and rejected it in purple, in purple, in purple, and in the fine linen, and in the fine linen, and in the fine linen, a artifice of artifice. Exod.39.4 they made for him effective efods, in which they were uncertained. Exod.39.5 the belonging to the one, which was at the side of it, was in the same way: of gold, of fine, purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and fine linen, just as the lord commanded moses. Exod.39.6 they also made the onyx stones, calling in gold, graves in the name of the sons of israel, as they gravered the seal of the seal. Exod.39.7 and they put them on the efods of the efod-efods, so that they might remember the children of israel, as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.39.8 they made the borstle with a difficulty, just as the efod was done, of gold, fine, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen. Exod.39.9 it was vierkant. they had made the pectoral double, a spine longer and a spy to bread, double. Exod.39.10 and they put in it four rodes of stone. the first orden was a karneol, a topaz and a smaragd; Exod.39.11 in the second orden, a rubin, a safir, and a jaspis; Exod.39.12 in the third raad, un jacint, a agat and a amethyst; Exod.39.13 the fourth raad: a onyx, a onyx, and a jaspis. they were uncovered in their holds in gold. Exod.39.14 the stones were according to the name of the sons of israel, twelve, according to their name, were written in seals, each by the name of the twelve tribes. Exod.39.15 they made on the brusttaken knocks with knoff of pure knowledge, pure of gold. Exod.39.16 they also made two gold and two golds of gold, and they put the two rinds on the two extrems of the borstas. Exod.39.17 and they put the two baskets of gold in the two baskets at the entrance of the pectoral. Exod.39.18 and the two castings of the two castings they put in the two castings, and they put them on the hoins of the epod, at the next way. Exod.39.19 they did also two golden rinds, and they put them on the two wings of the surrounding side of the surrounding side of the ephod. Exod.39.20 they did also two golds of gold, and they put them on the donds of the efod-efods around him, above the surrounding plain of the efod. Exod.39.21 they put the borstlap with his rinds to the signs of the epod, by the signs of the epod, so that the victoral might not be put down from the efoad, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.39.22 and they made the mantel that was under the efod-efody, all of fine wealth. Exod.39.23 the cloak of the manteau was in the midst, as a call of cloak. the cloak was around the cloak, so that it might not be broken. Exod.39.24 on the inside of the robe they made romãs, of blauer and purple and scarlet, and fine linen. Exod.39.25 they made difts with gold, and they put the cloak among the granaatappand in the surrounding side of the linen room around the granaatappelen. Exod.39.26 a cloak and a granaatapper, in the surrounding side of the robe around, to the ministering, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.39.27 they made the tunics of fine clothing to aaron and for his sons, Exod.39.28 the mitry of fine linen, the mitra of fine linen, and the turbantes of fine linen, and the baskets of fine linen, Exod.39.29 the belt of fine linen, purple and purple and scarlet clothing was in broken plain, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.39.30 they made the diadema of the holy places of gold, of pure gold, and wrote darauf a letter, like a seal of seal: holy bilder for the lord. Exod.39.31 they put in it a turn of blauer, so that they were put on the turban above, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.39.32 so they did all the gold of the offering in the presence of the lord, as the lord had commanded to moses, so they did. Exod.39.33 and they brought the tent to moses, the tent and all that was of it, the baskets, the traves, the brus, the pilaren, Exod.39.34 the ark of the lamb and his stangers, the haken of a hair of robe, the veil of tachaschs of fine haken and the rest of the veil. Exod.39.36 the table of the presence, all that are in the presence of the presence, and the bread of the presence, Exod.39.37 the pure lamppu with its lampen, the lampen for it, the lampen for all that were burned, and all that was for the light, Exod.39.38 the altar of the altar, the salvest of the ointure, the incense for the lay of the lay, Exod.39.40 the cortinas of the courtyard, the pilles and the piles for the inside of the courtyard, the pigs and the piles for the course of the tent. Exod.39.41 the vêtement robes for the holy places, the holy robes for aaron, the robes of his sons, for the priesthood. Exod.39.42 the sons of israel did all the things that the lord had commanded moses. Exod.39.43 and moses saw all the work, and behold, they did it so, as the lord had commanded them. so moses blessed them. Exod.40.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Exod.40.2 on the first day of the first day you stand the tent of witness. Exod.40.3 and put the ark of the ark and beat the ark with the curtain. Exod.40.4 then bring the table and reason what is reason for it. bring the lampstandy and lay its lamps upon it. Exod.40.5 and put the golden altar for the incense before the ark of the ark and put the curtain for the door of the tent of witness. Exod.40.6 you will put the altar of the offers before the entrance of the tent of witness. Exod.40.8 you will put the tabernakly around the inside of the inside, and put on the rand of the inside. Exod.40.9 then take the salvest of the anointing, and anoince the tent and all that is in it, and sanctify it with all its goods, and it will be holy. Exod.40.10 you shall anoint the altar of the offers and all his waves and sanctify the altar, and the altar shall be holy things. Exod.40.12 then bring aaron and his sons to the entrance of the tent of witness and wash them with water. Exod.40.13 and put aaron in the holy robes, and anoince him and sanctify him, that he may be a priest for me. Exod.40.14 then bring his sons and put them in the robes. Exod.40.15 and unge them as you anointed their father, that they may serve me as priest. so the anointing will be for them as a priest forever, from generation to generation. Exod.40.16 and moses did all that the lord had commanded him. so he did. Exod.40.17 in the first year of the second year, in the second year, the tent was raised. Exod.40.18 and moses reized the tent and laid their boves, put them in their boves, put his travers and put them in their boves. Exod.40.19 and he brecked the tent to the tent and laid the deksel of the tent withon it, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.40.20 and he took the testimony and put in the ark and put the foundation under the ark, Exod.40.21 and he brought the ark into the tent and laid the curtain of the curtain and wicked the ark of the witness, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.40.22 he put the table in the tent of witness, at the nordside of the tent, outside the curtain, Exod.40.23 and put on it the bread of proposition before the lord, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.40.24 and he laid the lamper in the tent of witness, to the bore of the tent, in the midst of the tent. Exod.40.25 and laid the lampes before the lord, as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.40.26 and he laid the golden altar in the tent of witness before the curtain, Exod.40.27 and burned on it the incense incense, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.40.29 and he laid the altar of the offers before the door of the tent, Exod.40.30 and he did the waves, that they might wash for them, moses and aaron and his sons were their hands and their feet, when they were going up to the altar to make service with him, just as the lord had commanded moses. Exod.40.33 and he set the courtyard around the tent and the altar, and so finished the course of the course. Exod.40.34 then the cloud covered the tent of witness, and the glory of the lord filled the tent. Exod.40.35 and moses could not enter the tent of witness, because the cloud was over it and the glory of the lord was filled the tent. Exod.40.36 as the cloud remained from the tent, the people of israel remained all their crowds. Exod.40.37 but if the cloud did not grow up, they did not leave until the day when it came up. Exod.40.38 for a cloud of the fire was upon the tent, and fire was in it in the night, in the presence of all the people of israel, in all their divisions. Lev.1.1 and the lord called moses and spoke to him from the tent of witness, saying, Lev.1.2 speak to the people of israel and say to them, if a man of you will bring a offering to the lord, you will bring your offering from the beast, or from the sheep. Lev.1.3 if his offering is a holocauste of a rind, he must bring a feast without defiler to the door of the tent of witness, that he may be acceptable in the presence of the lord. Lev.1.4 and he will put his hand on the head of the fruit, so that it may be acceptable to reconciliation for him. Lev.1.5 and he will slay the oxen before the lord, and the sons of aaron, the priests, will bring the blood and sprenge the blood around the altar, which is at the door of the tent of witness. Lev.1.6 then he will cut out the holocauste and throw it in pieces. Lev.1.7 the sons of aaron, the priests, will lay fire on the altar and put holz on the fire. Lev.1.8 and the sons of aaron, the priests, will put the pieces, the head and the grain, on the tree that is on the fire, which is on the altar. Lev.1.9 the womb and the feet shall wash with water, and the priest shall burn all things on the altar. it is a fruit, a sacrifice for a soave odore for the lord. Lev.1.10 and if his offering is a really of the sheep, from the sheep or from the bodes, he must bring a felfile feld. Lev.1.11 and they will slaye it at the nordside of the altar before the lord, and the sons of aaron, the priests, will sprenge his blood around the altar. Lev.1.12 and he to divided it in his pieces, with the head and the grain, and the priest will strike them on the tree that is on the fire on the altar. Lev.1.13 the womb and the feet shall wash with water, and the priest will bring all things and brings it on the altar. it is a holocausto, a sacrifice of incense for the lord. Lev.1.14 and if his offering is a offering of the birds to the lord, he will bring his offering from turteldures or from turtures. Lev.1.15 the priest will bring it to the altar and strike his head and put it on the altar, and the blood should repute at the back of the altar. Lev.1.16 and he will take the rop with his winds and throw it out at the altar on the east, in the place of the seed. Lev.1.17 he will cut it out of their wings, but not to discern it, and the priest shall burn it on the altar on the boves that are in the fire. it is a holocausto, a sacrifice of incense for the lord. Lev.2.1 if anyone offer a offering of sacrifice to the lord, his gift must be of fish, and he will giew oliven on it and put the foundation upon it. Lev.2.2 and to bring it to the sons of aaron, the priests, and to take one of it full of the mel and the oil and all the incense and put the memorial of it on the altar. this will be a sacrifice of incense for the lord. Lev.2.3 the rest of the sacrifice is for aaron and his sons. it is a most holy things from the sacrifices of the lord. Lev.2.4 and if you offer a sacrifice of bread that is broken in a peat, there must be unleavened bread, unleavened bread, shaked with olie, and unleavened bread, unseased with olie. Lev.2.5 and if your offering is a sacrifice of a measure, is of fish splended with oil, with unleavened bread. Lev.2.6 you shall garn them in broken pieces and gide olive on it. it is a sacrifice. Lev.2.7 if your gift is a sacrifice of bread, it must be prepared with fleur of farine with bread. Lev.2.8 and you must bring the sacrifice that is done from these things to the lord, and bring it to the priest, and he will bring it to the altar. Lev.2.9 and he will take off of the sacrifice of the sacrifice for the memorial of the sacrifice and put it on the altar. this is a sacrifice of incense for the lord. Lev.2.10 the restance of the sacrifice is for aaron and his sons. it is a most holy things from the offerings of the lord. Lev.2.11 any sacrifice that you brings to the lord will not be offered with kvashing; for no leaven or honey may you bring a offering for the lord. Lev.2.12 in the offering offerings you will offer them to the lord, but on the altar they will not enter the altar. Lev.2.13 and every offering of your sacrifices shall be salted with salt, and the salt of the covenant of the covenant shall not leave the salt of the covenant of your god. Lev.2.14 but if you offer a sacrifice of the best of fruits to the lord, there shall you bring the best of the best fruits. Lev.2.15 you will giew oliven on it and put the foundation upon it. it is a sacrifice. Lev.2.16 and the priest will offert the memorial of the garments and the oil and all its incense. it is a sacrifice for the lord. Lev.3.1 if his offering is a sacrifice of salvation, if he offers from a oxen, if it is a male or a female, he will bring it without difficulty before the lord. Lev.3.2 he shall put his hand on the head of his offering and slay it at the tent of witness, and the sons of aaron, the priests, will sprenge the blood around the altar. Lev.3.3 and he will bring from the sacrifice pacificy a sacrifice for the lord, the fett who deceives the womb and all the fett that is on the womb, Lev.3.4 the two nives with their fett and the fett that is on them, which is at the lender, and the lapp on the ate, with the nives, Lev.3.5 the sons of aaron shall burn them on the altar with the brandopfer, which is on the tree, which is on the fire. this is a sacrifice for a soave odore to the lord. Lev.3.6 if his offering is a sacrifice of salvation to the lord, a man or a wish, he will bring it without difficulty. Lev.3.7 if he offers his offering a sheep, he must bring it before the lord, Lev.3.8 and put his hand on the head of his offering and slay it at the tent of witness, and the sons of aaron shall sprenge the blood around the altar. Lev.3.9 and he must bring some of the sacrifice pacificy to the lord the fettle of the fettle, with the fettstücke, with the fett of the wheat, Lev.3.10 the two nives with the fett that is on them, which is at the lender, and the lappen on the ate, with the nives. Lev.3.11 and the priest shall burn it on the altar. this is a sacrifice for a sacrifice for the lord. Lev.3.12 if his offering is a cish, he must bring it before the lord, Lev.3.13 and put his hand on his head and slay it before the tent of witness, and the sons of aaron shall sprenge the blood around the altar. Lev.3.14 and he must take it as a sacrifice for the lord, the fett that deceits the intesters, and all the fett that is on the womb, Lev.3.15 the two nives with the fettle that is on them, which is at the lender, and the lap of the ate, with the nives. Lev.3.16 and the priest shall burn it on the altar. it is a sacrifice for a soave odore. all the fettle will be of the lord. Lev.3.17 this will be a forever for your generation in all your dwelling place: you shall not eat any fett or blood. Lev.4.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.4.2 speak to the children of israel, saying, if a person sins by unintention against any of the commandments of the lord, which he does not do, and does one of them, Lev.4.3 if the high priest has committed sin and has committed sins, he will bring to the lord for his sin that he has committed, a feast without mandeed to the lord for his sin. Lev.4.4 and he will bring the oxen to the door of the tent of witness before the lord, and put his hand on the head of the oxe and slay the oxen before the lord. Lev.4.5 the summer priest will take the blood of the oxe and bring it into the tent of witness, Lev.4.6 and he shall taup his finger in the blood and strike of the blood seven times before the face of the curtain of the holy place. Lev.4.7 then the priest will stryy some of the blood on the horns of the altar of incense, which is at the tent of witness for the face of the lord, and out of the whole blood of the kalf, at the back of the altar of holocauste, which is at the door of the tent of witness. Lev.4.8 and he shall take away all the fetttain of the sacrifice for sin, the fett who deceives the intestess, and all the fett that is on the fressura, Lev.4.9 the two nives with the fett that is on them, which is at the lender, and the lapp on the ate, with the nives, Lev.4.10 as it is taken away from the sound of the sacrifice pacifice, and the priest shall burn it on the altar of fire. Lev.4.11 but the shkuru of the oxe and all his flesh, with his head and their feet and his womb and his moot, Lev.4.12 the whole bound shall take out the camp outside the camp, to the pure place where they shine out the seed, and brings it on a tree with fire, on the way of seed. Lev.4.13 if all the people of israel deceives by error and has been deceived by the eyes of the crowd, and they have done joy against any of the commandments of the lord, which they does not do, and have sinned, Lev.4.14 and if their sin that they have sinned will be known to them, the synagogue shall bring a oxen to the sin and bring him before the tent of witness, Lev.4.15 and the elders of the people will put their hands on the head of the kalf before the lord, and they will slay the oxen before the lord. Lev.4.16 and the priest who is christ will bring of the blood of the kalf into the tent of witness, Lev.4.17 and the priest will tear his finger in the blood and strike seven times before the face of the lord before the curtain. Lev.4.18 and he will stryy some of the blood on the horns of the altar, which is before the lord in the tent of witness, and he will giew all the blood out of the altar of the offering of the offering of the tent of witness. Lev.4.19 and he will take the whole fett from it and brone it on the altar. Lev.4.20 and he must do with the kalf, just as he has done for the sacrifice for sin. so the priest will make propitiation for them, and it will be forgiven. Lev.4.21 and the calf shall take out the camp outside the camp and burn it, just as he bruiled the first bove. it is a sin of the congregation. Lev.4.22 if the ruler has committed sin and does no accord against one of the commandments of the lord their god, which he did not do, and has sinned, Lev.4.23 and if his sin that he has committed will be known to him, he must offer his offering a gish without keely, Lev.4.24 and put his hand on the head of the bode and slay it in the place where they deal the sacrifices offerings before the lord. this is a sin. Lev.4.25 and the priest will put out of the blood of the sacrifice of sin with his finger and stryke at the horns of the altar of holocauste, and giew the blood out of the altar of holocauste. Lev.4.26 all his fettle he will burn on the altar, like the fett of sacrifice of salvation. so the priest shall purifike him for his sins, and it will be forgiven. Lev.4.27 if one of the people of the land sins without intending to do against one of the commandments of the lord, which he does not do, and has sinned, Lev.4.28 and if his sin that he has committed it will be known to him, to the sin that he has committed, to the sin that he has committed. Lev.4.29 he will put his hand on the head of the sacrifice for sin and slay the sacrifice for sin on the place where they slay the brandopfer. Lev.4.30 and the priest will take some of its blood with his finger and stryke it on the corns of the altar of holocauste, and revide the whole blood at the back of the altar. Lev.4.31 and he will take all the fett, just as the grain has taken away with the sacrifice of salvation, and the priest shall burn it on the altar to be a incense for the lord. so the priest shall declare for him, and it will be forgiven. Lev.4.32 but if he offer his offering for sin as a sheep, he will bring a fish without keeping. Lev.4.33 and put his hand on the head of the sin and slay it in the place where they slay the brandopfer. Lev.4.34 and the priest will take the blood of the sacrifice of sin with his finger and stryke it on the horns of the altar of holocauste, and revide the whole blood on the back of the altar. Lev.4.35 and he will take all the grain, just as the fettle of the sheep of the sacrifice of peace will take it on the altar, on the offering of the fire of the lord. so the priest shall declare for him for the sin that he has committed, and it will be forgiven. Lev.5.1 if a person sins and hears a voice of an oath, and he is a witness that he has seen or recognized, though he does not tell him, he will take his sins. Lev.5.2 or if anyone touched anything unclean, or the aas of unclean beast of unclean, or the aas of unclean beast or the aas of unclean animal, Lev.5.3 or if he touch the impurity of a man, of all his unclean thing he has defiled him, and though he has recognized him, he will be sinned. Lev.5.4 or if anyone swears by a listing by his lips to do wrong or good, whatever man deceives by an oath and has served him before his eyes, and he has this ready and has committed sin in any of these things, Lev.5.5 and if he has committed the sin against which she has committed, Lev.5.6 and he will bring to the god for his sin that he has committed, a femfe from the sheep, a sheep or a chip for sin. so the priest shall make sühne for him for his sin. Lev.5.7 but if he does not give a offering for a sheep, he will bring to the lord for his sin that he has committed, two turtures or two young pigeons to the lord, one to sin and one to holocauste. Lev.5.8 he must bring them to the priest, who will bring the sacrifice of the sacrifice for a sacrifice, who will torn his head by the near, but not hinge it, Lev.5.9 and he will sprend of the blood of the sacrifice of sin on the wand of the altar, and the rest of the blood strike to the back of the altar. it is a sacrifice for sin. Lev.5.10 the second he will make a sacrifice according to the reason. so the priest will make propitiation for his sins, which he has committed, and it will be forgiven. Lev.5.11 but if he does not find two turtures or two young pigeons, then he may bring the offering for that he has committed, a tithes of a efa of fish in sacrifice for sin. he shall not gate on it oliven nor will put on it foox, for it is a sacrifice for sin. Lev.5.12 he shall bring it to the priest, and the priest take a penning of her to remember, and put it on the altar with the offering offerings for the lord. it is a sin. Lev.5.13 so the priest shall purifike him for his sin, which he has committed in one of these things, and it will be forgiven. the rest shall be for the priest as in the sacrifice of a sacrifice. Lev.5.14 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.5.15 if anyone does unless he has committed any wrongdoing for the holy offers of the lord, then he must bring to the lord a lamb that is without blerish from the sheep, as honor of silver, according to the sicles of the holy places, according to the sanctuary of the holy places. Lev.5.16 and whatever he has committed against the holy things will repay it, and he will add to it a cince and give it to the priest. and the priest shall make propitiation for him by the sacrifice of the schuldoffer, and it will be forgiven. Lev.5.17 if anyone diars and does any of the commandments of the lord committing one of the commandments of the lord, and does not recognize it, and if he has committed sin, Lev.5.18 and he will bring a feast without mandeed from the sheep, according to the expense of silver, to the priest. so the priest shall purifike him for the ignorance that he has known, and he will be forgiven. Lev.5.19 for he has committed wrongdoing against the lord. Lev.6.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.6.2 if anyone sins and commises against the commandments of the lord and deceive to his neighbor in what he has set before, or that he has committed to his neighbor, Lev.6.3 or if he has found a destruction and threw it, or swears unrighteous one of all things that a man does so to sink in this way, Lev.6.4 and if he has committed sin and have committed sin, he will betray the robling that he has carried, or the deeds that has committed to him, or the destruction that he has found, Lev.6.5 of whatever thing he has swore unrighteous, he must give return to his food and give to it the fifth. he must give it to the day of his offering. Lev.6.6 and he must bring to the lord for his delivering, a schafbock from the sheep, a feast of the sheep, which he has committed. Lev.6.7 so the priest will purifike him before the lord, and it will be forgiven for any of all that he has done and committed. Lev.6.8 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.6.9 tell aaron and his sons, saying, this is the law of the holocauste. the holocauste will be put upon the altar all the night until the morning, and the fire of the altar will burn on it. Lev.6.10 and the priest will put his linen robe and put in linen cloths on his body, and he will take the food that the fire has consumed on the altar and put it by the altar. Lev.6.11 then he will put out his robes and put his other robes and take the fruit out of the camp to a pure place. Lev.6.12 and fire on the altar shall burn, and he shall not extingue. and the priest shall burn a tree on it early in the morning and put the brennoffer upon him and put on it the grain of the salvation. Lev.6.13 fire shall fire burn on the altar, and it shall not extinguish. Lev.6.14 this is the law of the sacrifice. the sons of aaron shall bring it before the altar before the altar. Lev.6.15 and one of the fine fish of the sacrifice, with the olie and all the incense that is on the sacrifice, and to burn on the altar. this is a sacrifice for a soave odore, a remember for the lord. Lev.6.16 the restance of it shall eat aaron and his sons; they shall eat it in a holy place, in the courtyard of the tent of witness. Lev.6.17 they shall not be broken with leaven. it has given them a fellow paying of the offerings of the fire. it is a holy place, just as the sacrifice for sin and the schuldoffer. Lev.6.18 all the children of the priests will eat it. this is a eternal inscription for your generations from the offerings of the lord. every person who touchs them will be sanctified. Lev.6.19 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.6.20 this is the gift of aaron and his sons that they will bring to the lord on the day when he will be anointed: a tithes of a efa of fish for a continuing sacrifice for continuing sacrifice, the half at the morning and the half on the evening. Lev.6.21 in a pan with olivet will it be prepared; you shall burn it and bring it in a broken sacrifice, a sacrifice for a liefful sacrifice for the lord. Lev.6.22 the priest who belongs to him of his sons will keep it. it is a eternal law for all. Lev.6.23 all the offerings of the priest shall be burned together. it shall not eat. Lev.6.24 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.6.25 say to aaron and to his sons, saying, this is the law of sacrifice. in the place where the brandopfer is slagted, they will slain the sacrifice for sin before the lord, for it is a holy place. Lev.6.26 the priest who offer it will eat it; in a holy place will eat it, in the courtyard of the tent of witness. Lev.6.27 everyone who touch her flesh will be made holy; and if it is broken of its blood to the clothing, it shall wash in a holy place. Lev.6.28 but the tongea in which it is stayed in it shall be broken; but if it has been covered in a bronze of bronze, will cut it out and wash in water. Lev.6.29 every child among the priests will eat it. it is a most holy things. Lev.6.30 but nothing of the sins that has been brought in the tent of witness to make propitiation in the holy place, shall not eat; it will be burned with fire. Lev.7.1 this is the law of the schuldoffer: it is a most holy things. Lev.7.2 in the place where the sacrifice offered, they will slage the unskuldoffer before the lord, and the blood will sprenge around the altar along. Lev.7.3 and he will take all his fett from it, the fip and the fett that covers the intestess, and all the fett that is on the fressting, Lev.7.4 the two nives with their fett and the fett that is on them, which is at the lender, and the lapp on the ate, with the nives, Lev.7.5 and the priest shall burn them on the altar, a sacrifice for the lord. it is a schuldoffer. Lev.7.6 every manner among the priests will eat it. in a holy place they will eat. it is a holy place. Lev.7.7 as for the sacrifice for sin, so for the schuldoffer is one law. for the priest who will have propitiation for it shall be done. Lev.7.8 the priest who offers a sacrifice for a person will have the huir of the holocauste that he offers. Lev.7.9 and every sacrifice of sacrifice that is bringing in the furn, or whatever is prepared in best or in leat, shall become of the priest who offers it. Lev.7.10 and every fellow sacrifice mitting with oil or conquered will be for all the sons of aaron, to each one of the one. Lev.7.11 this is the law of sacrifice, which they will bring to the lord: Lev.7.12 if anyone offers it for a praise, he will bring with the sacrifice of praising bread, unleavened bread, smeshed with olie, and unleavened bread with olie gemenged. Lev.7.13 with a food of leaven will he bring his offerings for the offering sacrifice of praise. Lev.7.14 and one of all his offerings shall bring a offering for the lord, to the priest who sprengs the blood of the salvation. Lev.7.15 the flesh of the sacrifice of practice of praise will be eat on the day of his offering; they shall not left it to the morning. Lev.7.16 if a profts or a provided offer his offering, the day when he brings his sacrifice, it must eat the next day. Lev.7.17 the rest of the sacrifice of the sacrifice to the third day will be burned in fire. Lev.7.18 if anyone eat some of the flesh of the body of the sacrifice on the third day, it will not receive the one who is offered to him, it will not be counted for him. it is a defiling thing, and he who eats from it will receive his sake. Lev.7.19 as for the flesh that touch anything unclean shall not eat, they will be burned with fire. everyone who is clean will eat the flesh. Lev.7.20 but if anyone, which has been unclean of the flesh of the sacrifice pacificy that is for the lord, that person should be destroyed of her people. Lev.7.21 if anyone touched anything unclean, if it is a unclean person or a unclean beast or any unclean things that is impure, and eat of the flesh of the sacrifice pacificy that is for the lord, that person shall be destroyed out of his people. Lev.7.22 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.7.23 say to the people of israel, you shall not eat the fett of oxen, a sheep or a heat. Lev.7.24 the grass of anyone who is distributed or divided will be made for every work, but not to eat. Lev.7.25 for everyone who eat the grain of the beast, which they will bring a sacrifice for the lord, that person must be destroyed from his people. Lev.7.26 you shall not eat any blood in all your dwelling place, from birth or animals. Lev.7.27 every person who eat a blood will be destroyed from his people. Lev.7.28 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.7.29 speak to the children of israel, saying, whoever brings his sacrifice to the lord will bring his gift to the lord from his sacrifice of salvation. Lev.7.30 with his hands he will bring the offers of the lord. to the brust with the brust he will bring, so that the brust will be put on the presence of the lord. Lev.7.31 and the priest shall burn the grain on the altar, but the brust shall become of aaron and his sons. Lev.7.32 you will give the priest a right break from your dankoffers to the priest. Lev.7.33 the one of the sons of aaron who offers the blood of the salvation and the grain will have the right hand for him. Lev.7.34 for the brust of the offering offering and the hinder of offering have i received from the israelites from their sacrifices pacifics, and i gave them to aaron the priest and his sons as eternal law from the sons of israel. Lev.7.35 this is the anointing of aaron and of his sons of the offerings of the lord on the day when he brought them up to serve the priest for the lord. Lev.7.36 as the lord commanded them to give them from the sons of israel the day that he anointed them. this shall be eternal instruction in their generations. Lev.7.37 this is the law of holocauste, of sacrifice, of sacrifice for sin, of the schuldoffer, of the perfection and of the sacrifice of peace, Lev.7.38 which the lord commanded moses on the mountain of sinai on the day when he commanded the people of israel to offer their offers to the lord in the wilderness of sinai. Lev.8.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.8.2 take aaron and his sons with him, and the robes and the anoince of anoint and the oxe for sin and the two judges and the cund of the unleavened bread, Lev.8.3 and gather the whole congregation at the door of the tent of witness. Lev.8.4 and moses did just as the lord had commanded him, and the people gathered together at the door of the tent of witness. Lev.8.5 and moses said to the synagogue, this is what the lord has commanded to do. Lev.8.6 and moses brought aaron and his sons and washed them with water. Lev.8.7 and he put the tunicent on him and bound him with the gorder and put the mantel on him and laid the efod on him and band him with the band of the efod and bound him with it. Lev.8.8 he laid the pectoral on it, and in the victoral he put the urim and tummim. Lev.8.9 and put the mitra on his head, and put on the turn on the head of the turn, the stirn of gold, the holy diadem, just as the lord had commanded moses. Lev.8.10 and moses took the oliven of the anointing, Lev.8.11 and he broke from it seven times on the altar and anointed the altar and all his gegenstände, the wail and his back, that he might sanctify them. Lev.8.12 then he poured out of the old of anoining on the head of aaron and anointed him to sanctify him. Lev.8.13 and moses brought the sons of aaron and put them in tunics and bound them with winds and put a call on them, just as the lord had commanded moses. Lev.8.14 and he brought the sacrifice for sin, and aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the kalf of sin. Lev.8.15 and moses slaw it and took him with the blood and struck it with his finger around the horns of the altar and cleaned the altar. then he poured the blood out of the altar and sanctified it, to make soning for him. Lev.8.16 then he took the whole fett that was on the fressting, and the lappen of the ate and the two nives with their fett, and moses offered it on the altar. Lev.8.17 but the kalf with his huir, his flesh and his former, burned out of fire outside the camp, just as the lord had commanded moses. Lev.8.18 and he brought the money of the holocauste, and aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the judge. Lev.8.19 and moses slachted the money and poured the blood around the altar. Lev.8.20 and he broke the money in their parts, and moses broke the head and the parts and the grain. Lev.8.21 the womb and the feet he washed with water, and moses offered the whole oiney on the altar. it was a brandopfer for a soave odore, a sacrifice for the lord, just as the lord had commanded moses. Lev.8.22 and he brought the second ointer, the one of the consecration, and aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the judge. Lev.8.23 and moses slachted him, and he took him of his blood and stricked it on the right sump of aaron and on the district of his right hand and the top of his right foot. Lev.8.24 and he brought the sons of aaron, and moses laid of the blood on the right oil of their right oil and to the district of their right feet. and moses poured the blood repay the altar around. Lev.8.25 then he took the fett, and the fett, and all the fett that was on the womb, the lappen of the lewer, the two nives with their fett, and the right hinder. Lev.8.26 he took the bread of unleavened bread, which was before the lord, took a unleavened bread, a bread of unleavened bread and one bread, and he laid them on the grain and on the right hinder. Lev.8.27 and laid everything in the hands of aaron and in the hands of his sons and offered them as fellow offering before the lord. Lev.8.28 then moses took it from their hands and offered it on the altar on the holocauste. it was a perfect offering for a geruch, a sacrifice for the lord. Lev.8.29 and moses took the brust and threw it as a viftoffer before the lord, so that it was a division for moses, just as the lord had commanded moses. Lev.8.30 and moses took the saly of the anoiness and of the blood of the altar and broke on aaron and his robes, with his sons and the robes of his sons. so he sanctified aaron, his robes, his sons and the robes of his sons. Lev.8.31 and moses said to aaron and his sons, cook the flesh in the courtyard of the tent of witness, and eat it in the bread of the confection, just as i have commanded, saying, aaron and his sons shall eat it. Lev.8.32 to the rest of the flesh and of the bread you will burn in fire. Lev.8.33 you shall not go from the door of the tent of witness seven days, until the day of your perfection will be fulfilled, for for seven days you will fulfill your complete. Lev.8.34 just as it was done in this day, the lord commanded you to make propitiation for you. Lev.8.35 and you shall stay at the door of the tent of testimony, day and night, and keep the guard of the lord, that you may not die, for so the lord has commanded me. Lev.8.36 and aaron and his sons did all the things that the lord had commanded by moses. Lev.9.1 on the eighth day moses called aaron and his sons and the elders of israel. Lev.9.2 and said to aaron, take for you a boun for sacrifice for sin and a schafe to holocauste, blameless, and bring them before the lord. Lev.9.3 and speak to the elders of israel, saying, take a bokrad for a sacrifice, and a kalf and a cordery of an an eating, to be brought a sacrifice, Lev.9.4 and a bound and a schaffe for sacrifice of salvation before the lord, with a fleur of harine sütted with oil, for today the lord will appear for you. Lev.9.5 and they took what moses had commanded before the tent of witness, and the whole crowd came up and stood before the lord. Lev.9.6 and moses said, this is what the lord has said to do, and the glory of the lord will appear to you. Lev.9.7 and moses said to aaron, come to the altar and offer your sins and your brandopfer, and make soning for yourself and for the people. bring also the offering of the people and make soning for them, just as the lord commanded him. Lev.9.8 so aaron came up to the altar and slachted the kalf, which was for his sacrifice. Lev.9.9 and the sons of aaron brought the blood to him, and he tauched his finger in the blood and put it on the horns of the altar and poured the blood out of the altar. Lev.9.10 but the fettle and the nives and the lappen of the lewer of the sacrifice for the sins he burned on the altar, just as the lord had commanded moses. Lev.9.11 the flesh and the shkuru he burned out of fire outside the camp. Lev.9.12 then he slachted the brandopfer, and the sons of aaron brought to him the blood, and he sprenged it around the altar. Lev.9.13 then they offered the brandopfer to him in their parts and the head, and he laid it on the altar. Lev.9.14 and he filled the womb and the feet and put it on the fire on the altar. Lev.9.15 then he brought the offering of the people, and he took the bood of the sacrifice for the people and slachted it, so as to the first. Lev.9.16 and he offered the brandopfer and offered it according to the reason. Lev.9.17 and he offered the sacrifice and filled with it his hand and laid it on the altar without the morning of the morning. Lev.9.18 and he slachted the oxe and the vær, the sacrifice of salvation for the people, and the sons of aaron brought the blood to him, and he sprenged it around the altar. Lev.9.19 then the fettet of the oxe, and the money, the food, the fettet that covers on the womb, the nives with their fett, and the lappen of the lewer, Lev.9.20 they laid the grain on the brust, and he offered the grain on the altar. Lev.9.21 but the brust and the right shut aaron put up as fellow offering before the lord, just as moses had commanded. Lev.9.22 and aaron lifted up his hands on the people and blessed them. then he went down when he had offered the sacrifice for sin and the holocauste and the sacrifices sacrifices. Lev.9.23 so moses and aaron went into the tent of witness, and when they came out, they blessed the people. and the glory of the lord appeared to all the people. Lev.9.24 and fire came out from the lord and devored the holocauste and the fetts on the altar. and when the whole people saw it, they were astonished and fell on their face. Lev.10.1 and nadab and abihu, the sons of aaron, took his incensary, laid fire in it and laid incense on it, and brought a fremde fire before the lord, which he did not command them. Lev.10.2 then a fire came from the lord and devored them, and they died before the lord. Lev.10.3 and moses said to aaron, this is what the lord has spoken, saying, in those who are near me will be sanctified, and in the whole crowd i will be glorified. so aaron rested. Lev.10.4 and moses called misael and elishafan, the sons of uzziel, the father of aaron, and said to them, come and take your brothers away from the holy places outside the camp. Lev.10.5 so they went and took them in their tunics outside the camp, just as moses had told. Lev.10.6 and moses said to aaron, and to eleazar and itamar, his sons: do you not despise your head and strike not your garments, lest you die and have wrath over all the crowd. but your brothers, all the house of israel, shall weep the incense that the lord has burned. Lev.10.7 you shall not go out from the door of the tent of witness, that you may not die, for the salvest of the anointing of the lord is on you. they did according to the word of moses. Lev.10.8 and the lord spoke to aaron, saying, Lev.10.9 you must not drink wine or strong drink, you or your sons, when you enter the tent of witness, that you may not die. this shall be a eternal law for your generation. Lev.10.10 so that you may share zwischen the holy and profans, among the unclean and the pure, Lev.10.11 and to instruct the children of israel all the lawless things that the lord has spoken to them by moses. Lev.10.12 and moses said to aaron and to eleazar and itamar, the left sons of aaron, saying, take the sacrifice that is left of the offerings of the lord, and eat it unleavened by the altar, for it is holy. Lev.10.13 you shall eat it in a holy place, for it is a reason for you and your sons of the offerings of the lord, for so it has been commanded to me. Lev.10.14 and the brust of the offering and the hinder of offering will you eat in a holy place, you and your sons and your children with you, for it is given for you and your sons of the sacrifices pacifics of the sons of israel. Lev.10.15 the hinge of the heavened and the brust of the heavened will they bring with the offers of the fetts, for the offering for the lord. this must be for you and for your sons as eternal instruction, just as the lord has commanded. Lev.10.16 and moses asked to seek the bock of the sacrifice for sin, and behold, he was burned. and he was indignant against eleazar and itamar, the other sons of aaron, and said, Lev.10.17 why did you not eat the sins in the holy place? it is a holy place, and he has delivered it to you, so that you may take away the sins of the crowd and make soning for them before the lord? Lev.10.18 behold, his blood is not brought into the holy places; you would eat it in a holy place, as i have been commanded. Lev.10.19 and aaron said to moses, behold, they have offered this sacrifice for their sacrifice and their sacrifices before the lord, and these have happened for me. if i had eaten this sacrifice of sin, will it be to please the lord? Lev.10.20 when moses heard this, he pleased. Lev.11.1 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Lev.11.2 speak to the israelites, saying, these are the beast that you may eat of all the animals on the earth: Lev.11.3 you may eat every beast that has hati the hufe, and that refiles, you will eat. Lev.11.4 but from those who rumine or the speeped huve you shall not eat: the camel, for he revives, but has not divided huve — it will be for you; Lev.11.5 the dispive, for he remain, but does not have the hufe — it shall be unclean for you. Lev.11.6 the bove, for he remain, but has no debth, it will be unclean for you. Lev.11.7 the deep, for it has been divided, but does not rumine; it will be unclean for you. Lev.11.8 their flesh you shall not eat, and to their aas you will not touch them; they shall be unclean for you. Lev.11.9 these you will eat of all that is in the water: all that have flores and flores in the water, in the sea and in the bears, these you will eat. Lev.11.10 but whatever there is no flores and floves in the sea or in the rivers, from all things living in the water and all living things that are in the water. Lev.11.11 they shall become abominations for you. from their flesh you shall not eat, and their aas shall be abomined. Lev.11.12 whatever there are women or flood in the water shall be abominable for you. Lev.11.13 of the birds you shall defile, so that they may not eat, they are a abomination: the vull and the lamf and the lamb Lev.11.14 the milan, and the gate, all their ears, Lev.11.15 every girl with its arms, Lev.11.16 the struip, the shwalf, the steed, and the peasty according to his arter, Lev.11.17 the cally, the hall, the jain, Lev.11.18 the four, and the pelicko, and the cloak, Lev.11.19 the haken, the harp, all their someholds, and the wick, and the wicper. Lev.11.20 all reptiles of birds that walks on four women will be for you. Lev.11.21 nevertheless, you will eat some of those reptiles that goes on vier feet, which have hoors above his feet, to shepherd among them on the earth. Lev.11.22 these you will eat of them: the sogab with his arter, the hargol volgens his soorte and the sogab with his arter. Lev.11.23 all the reptiles that are four feet is for you a abomination. Lev.11.24 in these things you will be defiled. everyone who touches their aas will be clean until the evening. Lev.11.25 and everyone who takes away their aas shall wash his garments, and he will be unclean until evening. Lev.11.26 every animal that has klause, but does not defile, but does not rumine, will be clean for you. everyone who touch them will be unrein. Lev.11.27 and all the beasts that walks on vier feet shall be unclean for you. everyone who touch them will be clean until evening. Lev.11.28 and the one who takes away their aas must wash his garments and be clean until evening. they shall be unclean for you. Lev.11.29 and these are for you unclean among the reptiles that wives on the earth: the sound, the musch, and all their ears, Lev.11.30 the charain, and the charain, and the depeat, and the depeat, and the blindle. Lev.11.31 these are unclean for you from all the reptiles. everyone who touch them while they were dead, will be unclean until evening. Lev.11.32 whatever of them there falls on which they are dead, will be unclean, every tree of tree, or a robe, or a hair, or a sack, any thing that has been done in a thing, he will be thrown into water, and it will be unclean until evening, and then it will be clean. Lev.11.33 and whatever ears in which one of them falls, will be unclean, whatever there is in which, and it will be broken in it. Lev.11.34 every food that is taken, in which a water comes in, will be unclean, and every drink that drink in every vase will be unclean. Lev.11.35 whatever of their aas falls on it will be unclean; a cup or a back shall be destroyed, they are unclean, and they shall be unclean for you. Lev.11.36 nevertheless, a soul of water and well of water, will be pure; but whoever touches their aas will be clean. Lev.11.37 if their dead body falls on every seed that is sown, it will be clean. Lev.11.38 but if a water falls on the offspring and the aas of them falls on it will be unclean for you. Lev.11.39 and if a beast of the animals that are for you to eat, the one who touch to their aas will be clean until evening. Lev.11.40 and the one who eats from this aas must wash his garments and be clean until evening. and the one who takes away the aas of them shall wash his garments and be clean until evening. Lev.11.41 all things reptiles that wives on the earth will be a abomination. it shall not eat. Lev.11.42 whatever leads on the womb and whatever goes on four feet or of the many, in all the reptiles that wives on earth shall not eat, for it is a abomination. Lev.11.43 do not defile your souls with anything that wives in the earth, and do not defile you by them, so that you may not be unclean by them. Lev.11.44 for i am the lord your god. sanctified and be holy, for i am holy. so do not defile your soul by anything that wives in the earth. Lev.11.45 for i am the lord who led you out of the land of egypt to be your god, so you may be holy, for i am holy. Lev.11.46 this is the law concerning the beast and the birds and all the souls that move in the water and of every soul that wives on the earth, Lev.11.47 so that you may discern the unclean and the pure, and the living creatures that may eat and the living creatures that cannot eat. Lev.12.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.12.2 speak to the israelites and say to them: if a woman has been sailed and bears a male child, she will be clean for seven days. Lev.12.3 on the eighth day he will circumcised the flesh of his uncircumcision. Lev.12.4 then she must sit three and three days in the blood of her purification. she shall not touch anything holy things and enter the holy place until the days of her purification will be fulfilled. Lev.12.5 but if she has born a women, he will be unclean again for a times, and six and six days she will sit in the blood of her impurity. Lev.12.6 and when the days of her purification will be fulfilled, for a son or a daughter, she must bring a an an anner to holocausto and a jew or a turten for sin for sin, to the door of the tent of witness, to the priest. Lev.12.7 and he will bring it before the lord and purifike her, and she will be cleansed from her blood. this is the law for the woman who has born a male or a female. Lev.12.8 but if she does not find a fish for a lam, then she may take two turteldures or two young pigeons, one as holocauste and one for sin. so the priest will declare for her, and she will be clean. Lev.13.1 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Lev.13.2 if a man has an oppression in a hair of a winter or a fleck or a fleck, and that a plague of leprosy has become a plague of leprosy, so he will bring to the priest aaron or to one of his sons, the priests. Lev.13.3 the priest see the plaag in the hair of the person. if the hair in the plage has been changed in white, and the extrete person is directed than the hair of the hair, it is a plague of leprow. so the priest will see it and defile him. Lev.13.4 but if it is a white robe in the hair of his person and is not failed than the hair, and the hair of the hair has not become white, the priest will close the plage for seven days. Lev.13.5 on the seventh day the priest will see him. if it has directed the plague before him, and that a plague has not bread out in the hair, the priest shall separate him for seven days. Lev.13.6 on the seventh day the priest will see him a second time, and if a plague has died and has not breased out in the hair, the priest shall deceive him for clearly, for it is a signal. so he shall wash his robes and will be clean. Lev.13.7 but if the bander has breaking out in the hair, after he has seen him to the priest to be made clean, he must appear a second time to the priest. Lev.13.8 and if the priest looks at it, and if it breakes at the hair, the priest shall deceive him unclean. it is a leprow. Lev.13.9 if a plague of a leprow has been made, he shall come to the priest. Lev.13.10 and if the priest looks, and if there is a white winter in the hair and the hair has become a white, and in an insight of living flesh, Lev.13.11 it is a old leprow in the hud of his body, and the priest shall declare him for unclean, for he is unclean. Lev.13.12 if the leprosy has exclothed out in the hair and break all the hair of the person from his head to the feet, all the vision of the priest, Lev.13.13 and if the priest see that a leprow has covered all his body, so shall he deceive the plague clean. he has made every way white, he is clean. Lev.13.14 but if a man appears in him, he will be unclean. Lev.13.15 and if the priest see the sound thing, he shall declare him unclean. the person is pure, it is a lepring. Lev.13.16 but if the flood of well has come and has been saken, he shall come to the priest. Lev.13.17 and if the priest looks, and if a plague has taken up a white, the priest will deceive the indeed clean. he is clean. Lev.13.18 if there is a winter in his hair, and it has been healed, Lev.13.19 and in the place of the leining place there will be a white winter or a fealing white, it shall appear to the priest. Lev.13.20 and if the priest expects it, and if it is divided than the hair and that haar hair has become white, the priest shall deceive him for unclean, it is a leprow reproach. Lev.13.21 but if the priest looks, and behold, there is no white hair in it and is not divided than the hair, but is divided, the priest shall separate him for seven days. Lev.13.22 and if it divided out in the hair, the priest shall deceive him for unclean. it is a plague. Lev.13.23 but if the fleck has left his place and does not break, it is a share of the black, and the priest shall declare him clean. Lev.13.24 or if there is a food of fire in his hair and in the sound of the burned bears a white or a white or a white robe, Lev.13.25 and if the priest looks at it, and behold, if the hair has become white in the fleck and that it has seen expect than the hair, it is a leprosy at the brone. so the priest shall deceive him for clean. it is a plague of leprow. Lev.13.26 but if the priest see that there is no white hair in the fleck and is not divided than the hair but is divided, the priest will close him for seven days. Lev.13.27 on the seventh day the priest see him. if it divided out in the hair, the priest shall deceive him for clean. it is a plague of leprow. Lev.13.28 but if the fleck has continued at his place and does not break out in the hair but is died, it is a rop of the burn. so the priest declares him for clear, for it is a image of the burn. Lev.13.29 if a man or a woman has a plague in the head or in the barba, Lev.13.30 and if the priest expects the plaag, and if it expects than the hair, and that in it is a tearing hair and small, the priest shall deceive him unclean. it is a flee, a leprosy of the head or of the barba. Lev.13.31 but if the priest see the plage of the flee, and behold, it is not more distributed than the hair, and that there is no small hair in it, the priest will close the plage of the flee for seven days. Lev.13.32 on the seventh day the priest will see the plaag. if the fleck has not divided it and that there is no wrong hair in it and that skuring appearing is not divided than the hair, Lev.13.33 so that the hair is waken, but it shall not rone the skurd, and he will close the skuring for seven days. Lev.13.34 on the seventh day the priest will see the person. if the fleak does not break out in the hair and is not break than the hair, the priest shall deceive him clean. he must wash his garments and be clean. Lev.13.35 but if the flee bread out in the hair after he is made clean, Lev.13.36 and if the priest look at it, and if the fleck has divided in the hair, the priest shall not look at a wicked hair, he is unclean. Lev.13.37 but if the hair has ready in his presence and in it comes a warn hair, the hair has been healed. he is clean, and the priest will deceive him for clear. Lev.13.38 if a man or a wife has in the hair of his flesh are white robes white, Lev.13.39 and if the priest considers that in the hair of his flesh are white robes white, it is a bless, which has breaking out in the hair, he is clean. Lev.13.40 if anyone has touched his head, he is phy, he is clean. Lev.13.41 if his head is broken on his head, he is wick, he is clean. Lev.13.42 but if in the plan or in the throne there is a white white plague, it is a lepring leating at his hinge or on his throne. Lev.13.43 and if the priest examins him, and if the fish of the person appears a white white in his hinder or at the throne, like a lepring of a lepring at the hair of the flesh, Lev.13.44 it is a leprow man. he is unclean. the priest deceives him for unclean, in his head is his plague. Lev.13.45 the leprow, in whom there is the plague, let his clothes be paralyzed and his head will be deceived, and he must cry on the mouth and crying out, unclean! Lev.13.46 all the days that the plague has been in him, he will be clean. he is even unclean, his household will be outside of the camp. Lev.13.47 if a plague of leprow has become a plague of leating clothing or a linen clothing, Lev.13.48 or in a robe or in a knoff of lest or of linen, or in pelle or in any thing of hair, Lev.13.49 and in the clothing or in the cloth-clothing or in the linen, or in the linen, or in the knoff, or in any gegenght of leder, it is a plague for a propre plage and will show the priest. Lev.13.50 and when the priest see the plague, he will close the plague for seven days. Lev.13.51 on the seventh day the priest will see the plague. if the plague has divided out in the garment or on the gewew or in the knoff or in the hair, whatever a hair has made a hair, it is a leprow reproach. it is a clean lepra. Lev.13.52 and he shall burn the cloak or the robe or the knowle of wol or wish or any gegenght of shkuru in which the plague has been, for it is a leprow lepra; it will be burned with fire. Lev.13.53 but if the priest see that the plague does not break at the robe or in the robe or in the knock or in anyone of leder, Lev.13.54 then the priest will command that man should wash what the plague has been in, and show it a second day for seven days. Lev.13.55 when it was washed, the priest will see the plague after it is washed, and if the plague has not distributed the appearance, and that a plague is not divided, it will be unclean. it must burn on fire. it is excellent in the wealth or in the long wealth. Lev.13.56 but if the priest see that it is washed after it was washed, it will cut it away from the garment or from the hair or from the robe or from the knock. Lev.13.57 and if it is still appeared in the clothing or on the robe or to the knock or on anything that is prepared, it is a leating leating. to fire you shall burn on fire in which the plague is. Lev.13.58 but the robe, or the robe, or the knock, or every vel of hair that the plague will be waken from it, shall it wash a second time and will be clean. Lev.13.59 this is the law of a clear of leprow, of clothing, of wish, or of knoff, or of any vel of hair, so that it may be cleansed or unclean. Lev.14.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.14.2 this is the law of a leproor on the day of his purification. he shall be brought to the priest, Lev.14.3 and the priest shall come out of the camp and see, and if a plague has been healed of the leprow, Lev.14.4 to the priest will command to those who are cleansed two birds of living, pure, a sedertree, a karmesin and ysop. Lev.14.5 and the priest will command and slay the one flock to a tongey of lers upon the living water. Lev.14.6 then he will take the living fugle and the sedertree and the scarlet and the ysop, and trempe them and the living fugle into the blood of the birds that is slayed by the living water, Lev.14.7 and sprend seven times to the one who is cleansed from the leprow, and clean it. so he will send the living fugle out into the field. Lev.14.8 the one who is cleansed will wash his garments and rake all his hairs and wash himself in water, so he will be clean. after this he will enter the camp and keep it outside his house for seven days. Lev.14.9 on the seventh day he will rake all his hars, his head, his barba, his brass, all his hair. he must wash his garments and wash his body in water, so he will be clean. Lev.14.10 and on the eighth day he will take two fish of an an an anner and a feast of an an an an day without mandeed, and three tized of fish of fine of farine, mied with oil, and one log of oliveny. Lev.14.11 the priest who cleanses will put the man who is cleansed and these things before the lord at the door of the tent of witness. Lev.14.12 and the priest will take the one lamb and bring him to the schuldoffer and the log of the olive, and heads it as a viftoffer before the lord. Lev.14.13 and they will slay the lamb in the place where they beat the sacrifice for sin and the sacrifice for sin, in the holy place, for as the sacrifice for sin, as the sacrifice for sin, is for the priest. it is a holy place. Lev.14.14 and the priest will take of the blood of the schuldoffer and stryke it on the head of the right oil of him who is purified, and on the district of his right hand and on the end of his right foot. Lev.14.15 and the priest take the log of the log of olive and gide it on his left hand, Lev.14.16 and throw his right finger in the oliy that is in his left hand and strike with the finger with his finger seven times before the lord. Lev.14.17 the restance of the old, which is in the hand, the priest will put it on the right head of the right oil of him who is purified, to the end of his right hand and on the end of his right foot, at the place of the blood of the schuldopfer. Lev.14.18 the restance of the olive, which is in the hand of the priest will put on the head of him who is purified. so the priest shall purifike him before the lord. Lev.14.19 and the priest will offer the sacrifice for sin and make the propitiation for him who is purified by his unclean. after this he will slain the brandopfer. Lev.14.20 and the priest offer the brandopfer and the sacrifice for the altar. so the priest shall purifike him, and he will be clean. Lev.14.21 but if he is poor and does not find his hand, he will take one lamb as fellow offering for a fellow offering for him to make propitiation for him, and one efy of fish distributed with olie, for sacrifice, and a log of oliven, Lev.14.22 and two turtures or two young pigeons, whatever his hand has found, the one will be a sacrifice for sin and the other as holocauste. Lev.14.23 and he will bring them on the eighth day to their purification to the priest at the door of the tent of witness before the lord. Lev.14.24 and the priest will take the lamb of the schuldoffer and the log of the olive and put them as a offering for the lord. Lev.14.25 and he will slain the lamb of the schuldoffer. and the priest shall take of the blood of the schuldopfer, and stryke it on the right head of the right oil of him who is purified, and on the district of his right hand and the top of his right foot. Lev.14.26 and of the olie the priest gives in the hand of his left hand, Lev.14.27 and with his right finger the priest will sprenge of the oliy that is in his left hand seven times before the lord. Lev.14.28 and the priest will put some of the aceite that is in his hand, on the head of the right oil of the one who is purified, and on the district of his right hand and on the end of his right foot, in the place of the blood of the schuldopfer. Lev.14.29 the restance of the oil that has been in the hand of the priest will put on the head of him who is purified. so shall the priest purifike him before the lord. Lev.14.30 then he will make the one of the turtes or some of the turtes, as he has found his hand, Lev.14.31 one for sin and one for a sacrifice, with the sacrifice, with the sacrifice. so the priest will make propitiation for the one who is cleansed before the lord. Lev.14.32 this is the law of one one is the plague of leprosy, who does not find his hand for his purification. Lev.14.33 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Lev.14.34 when you enter the land of canaan that i give you to possession and give a plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession, Lev.14.35 then the one of the house will come and tell the priest, saying, i have been seen as a plague in my house. Lev.14.36 and the priest will command to share the house before the priest comes to see the plague, so that all that is in the house shall not be unclean. after this the priest will come to see the house. Lev.14.37 and if he see that a plague has seen in the wall of the house, distributed or waked, and their appearance are worse than the wall, Lev.14.38 then the priest will come out of the house to the door of the house and separate the house for seven days. Lev.14.39 on the seventh day the priest will come and see, and if a plague has been bread at the wall of the house, Lev.14.40 then the priest will command and destroy the stones in which the plague is, and throw them out of the city into a unclean place. Lev.14.41 and he will cut out the house in the inside around, and the stone will short out of the city in a unclean place. Lev.14.42 then they will take other stones and put them in the place of the stones, and they will take another stone and burn the house. Lev.14.43 if the plague again comes in the house after the stones has taken out and the house was taken up and the house is broken up, Lev.14.44 then the priest will come and see that a plague has been bread in the house, it is a leating leating out in the house, it is unclean. Lev.14.45 so they will defile the house, its stones, its stones and all its ground, and take them out of the city to a unclean place. Lev.14.46 whoever comes in the house in all the days as it is uncovered, he will be clean until the evening. Lev.14.47 whoever has fallen in the house shall wash his garments. and whoever eats in the house shall wash his garments. Lev.14.48 but if the priest comes and see that a plague has not break in the house after the house is taken out, the priest will declare the house for clean, for the plague has been healed. Lev.14.49 so he will take to purifike the house two birds and a sedertree, a purple and the ysop. Lev.14.50 and he will slaye the one flock to a jar of lers upon the living water. Lev.14.51 then he will take the sedertree and the ysop and the scarlet and the living fugle, and throw it in the blood of the woil that was slain and in the living water, and strike the house seven razs. Lev.14.52 so he make the house purified with the blood of the fugle, with the living water, with the living vound, and with the zedery, and with the isop and with the purper. Lev.14.53 so he will send the living fugle out of the city into the field. so he will make propitiation for the house, and it will be pure. Lev.14.54 this is the law of every plage of leprow and a flee, Lev.14.55 for a leating of garments and of house, Lev.14.56 so for the sheidles, for the signers, and for the gain, Lev.14.57 to examine what is clean and when clean will be clean. this is the law of a leprosy. Lev.15.1 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Lev.15.2 speak to the children of israel and say to them, if a man has a flood of his body, his flood is unclean. Lev.15.3 and this is the rejection of his unclean thing: when his body bread out of his flood, which his body has been carried up by the flood — this is his impurity. Lev.15.4 every bed on which the one who has a flood has fallen asleep, is clean, and every thing that he will sit, will be clean. Lev.15.5 if anyone touched his bed, he must wash his garments and wash himself in water and will be unrein until evening. Lev.15.6 whoever sit on the thing that the flood who has sitting there shall wash his garments and wash himself in water and will be uren to the aand. Lev.15.7 and he who touched the body of him who has flood, let his garments wash and wash in water and will be unrein until evening. Lev.15.8 and if the flood who has a flood will stone on the pure person, he must wash his garments and wash himself in water and will be uren to the aand. Lev.15.9 every atter of a donkey on which the one who has a flood will be unclean. Lev.15.10 and everyone who touched whatever he has been under him will be clean until the evening, and the one who takes them will wash his garments and wash himself in water and will be uren to the aand. Lev.15.11 and whatever the flood who has touched the flood has not washed his hands, he must wash his garments and wash himself in water and will be uren to the aand. Lev.15.12 the pure jar that the flood who has touching the flood will be broken, and every tree of a tree shall be washed with water. Lev.15.13 when the flood who has a flood is cleansed from his flood, he will number seven days for his purification and wash his garments and wash his body in water, so he will be clean. Lev.15.14 and on the eighth day he will take two turtures or two young pigeons and bring them before the face of the tent of witness, and give them to the priest. Lev.15.15 and the priest will offer them, one as sacrifice for sin and one as holocauste. so the priest shall make propitiation for him before the lord because of his flood. Lev.15.16 if anyone has gone out a offspring of offspring, he will wash all his body in water and be clean until evening. Lev.15.17 every clothing and every hair on which a offspring of offspring is washed with water, and it will be unclean until evening. Lev.15.18 and as a woman has fallen asleep with a offspring of offspring, they shall wash with water and be unclean until evening. Lev.15.19 if a woman has a flood of blood that has flood in her body, she will be clean for seven days, and everyone who touch it will be clean until evening. Lev.15.20 every one on which she has taken down in his foundation, will be unclean, and whatever he sit there will be unclean. Lev.15.21 and everyone who touched her bed shall wash his garments and wash his body in water and will be unrein until evening. Lev.15.22 and everyone who touch any thing that he has sitting there shall wash his garments and wash himself in water and will be uren to the aand. Lev.15.23 if anyone touched on the bed or on the thing she is sitting, when it touched it, he will be clean until evening. Lev.15.24 and if a man listed with her, and her impurity will be upon him, he will be unclean for seven days, and every bed where he lives will be clean. Lev.15.25 if a woman has a fluck of blood longer many days, not in the time of her forgiveness, or if she has a flowing after her foundation, all the days of the flood of her impurity, like in the days of her age, she will be unclean. Lev.15.26 every bed in which she lives in all the days of his flood, shall be for her like the bed of her, and every thing that she will sit, will be unclean, as it is the unclean of her. Lev.15.27 and everyone who touched it will be clean, and he shall wash his garments and wash in water and will be unrein until evening. Lev.15.28 but if she has been cleansed from his flood, she shall number seven days, and then she will be clean. Lev.15.29 and on the eighth day he will take two turtures or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest at the door of the tent of witness. Lev.15.30 and the priest will offer one as sacrifice for sin and the one as holocauste. so the priest shall make expiation for her before the face of the flood of her impurity. Lev.15.31 so you take the people of israel from their unclean, so that they may not die because of their unpurity, when they defile my tent that is among them. Lev.15.32 this is the law of him who has a flood and for what has been carried out of a offspring, so that he may be unclean by it, Lev.15.33 and for her who is defiled in her forgiveness, and for the man who has flood for her, both man or woman, and for the man who lives with a woman. Lev.16.1 and the lord spoke to moses after the two sons of aaron, when they came in the presence of the lord and died. Lev.16.2 and the lord said to moses, speak to your brother aaron, that he must not enter the sanctuary, in the inside of the lamb, before the propitiation that is over the ark, that he may not die, for in a cloud i will appear at the propitiation. Lev.16.3 so aaron shall enter the holy places: with a oxe to sacrifice for sin and a schafe to holocauste. Lev.16.4 he will put in his body a holy robe of linen cloth-linen, he will put a linen cloth-clothing on his body, and a linkly of linen to put. it is a holy robes. he shall wash his body in water and put them in his clothing. Lev.16.5 and from the synagogue of the sons of israel he will take two bodes for sin and a schafe to holocausto. Lev.16.6 aaron shall bring the bound of his sacrifice for sin and make propitiation for himself and for his household. Lev.16.7 and he will take the two boats and put them before the lord at the inside of the tent of witness. Lev.16.8 and aaron lose lots on the two boats, one lot for the lord and one lot for azazel. Lev.16.9 and aaron shall bring the boats, on whom the lot has fallen for the lord and offer to sin. Lev.16.10 but the bode, on whom the lot has gone for azazel will state living in the presence of the lord, to make propitiation for him and send him out to the wilderness into the wilderness. Lev.16.11 aaron shall bring the oxen of the sacrifice for his sacrifice, who is for him, and make propitiation for himself and for his household, and to slay the giovene for his sacrifice for sin. Lev.16.12 and he will take the incense full of fire from the altar before the lord, and with the hands of incense with incense of incense, and bring them in the inside of the curtain. Lev.16.13 and he will lay the incense on the fire before the lord, and the rook of the incense will kovre the propitiation that is over the testimony, so that he should not die. Lev.16.14 and he will take some of the blood of the oxen and strike with the finger on the foundation of the decliness. and before the foundation he will sprend seven times of the blood with his finger. Lev.16.15 then he shall slain the bock for the sacrifice for the people, and to bring of his blood into the inside of the curtain, and make with his blood just as he has done with the blood of the town, and sprenge it on the deckplath and before the deckplath. Lev.16.16 so he make the propitiation for the holy places because of the unclean of the sons of israel and for all their sins. so he will do with the tent of witness that is among them in the midst of their unclean. Lev.16.17 and no one shall be in the tent of witness when he comes in to make propitiation in the holy place, until he comes out. so he shall give propitiation for himself, for his household and for all the congregation of israel. Lev.16.18 then he shall go out to the altar, which is before the lord, and purifike him, and take of the blood of the boves and of the blood of the bock and stryke it at the horns of the altar around. Lev.16.19 and he will sprend with his finger seven times of the blood and purifike it and sanctify him from the unclean of the sons of israel. Lev.16.20 when he has finished purification for the holy place, for the tent of witness and the altar, he shall bring the living box. Lev.16.21 and aaron will put his hands on the head of the bound and confesse on him all the sins of the children of israel and all their sins, all their sins, and put them on the head of the bock and send it out into the wilderness into the wilderness. Lev.16.22 so the bound will take all their deeds on himself into a desolate land and send the boats into the wilderness. Lev.16.23 and aaron shall come into the tent of witness and take out the linen robes that he had put in, when he went into the holy place, and let them there. Lev.16.24 he must wash his body in water in the holy place, and put on his robes and go out and make his holocauste and the whole people for himself and for the people. Lev.16.25 and the fetttain of the sins he will burn on the altar. Lev.16.26 and the one who sent the bood for azazel shall wash his garments and wash his body in water, and after this he may enter the camp. Lev.16.27 the boun of the sacrifice for sin and the sacrifice for sin, whose blood was brought to the holy place to make propitiation in the holy place, they shall bring out out of the camp and burn their kelles, their flesh and their fish. Lev.16.28 and the one who brings them shall wash his garments and wash his body in water, and after this he may enter the camp. Lev.16.29 this must be for you a eternal commandment: in the seventh day of the seventh day of the seventh day you will afflict your souls, and nothing work must you do, nor the indigena who dwell among you. Lev.16.30 for in this day you will make propitiation for you to purify you. you will be cleansed from all your sins before the lord. Lev.16.31 this will be a sabbath of rest for you, and you shall afflict your souls. this shall be eternal instruction. Lev.16.32 the priest who is being anointed and completed his hand to be priestly in the place of his father, and he must put on the linen robes, the holy robes, Lev.16.33 and he shall make propitiation for the holy place, and for the tent of witness and for the altar, and for the priests and for all the people of the people. Lev.16.34 this must be for you a eternal commandment, to make propitiation for the children of israel for all their sins. and he did as the lord had commanded moses. Lev.17.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.17.2 speak to aaron and to his sons and to all the children of israel, and say to them, this is what the lord has commanded, saying: Lev.17.3 if anyone of the house of israel slages a beast or a sheep or a sheep in the camp, or who slages outside the camp Lev.17.4 and not bring it to the door of the tent of witness to bring it to the lord before the tent of the lord, that that man should be counted to that man as blood, he has poured out blood, and that that person should be destroyed from his people, Lev.17.5 so that the people of israel may bring their sacrifices, which they will slay in the field, they bring to the lord to the door of the tent of witness to the priest and sacrifice them as sacrifices pacifics to the lord. Lev.17.6 and the priest will sprenge the blood on the altar of the lord at the entrance of the tent of witness, and he shall burn the fett in a soave odore to the lord. Lev.17.7 they shall not offer their sacrifices to the vain, which they share in sexual immorality. this shall be a eternal instruction for them in your generation. Lev.17.8 and you shall say to them, if anyone of the house of israel or of the proselyts who dwells among them offering a brandopfer or a sacrifice, Lev.17.9 and not bring it to the door of the tent of witness to make it for the lord, that man shall be destroyed from his people. Lev.17.10 if anyone of the house of israel or of the proselyts who dwells among you will eat any blood, i will turn my face against the one who eat the blood, and i will destroy it from his people. Lev.17.11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood, and i have given it to you at the altar to make soning for your souls. for the blood purifies the life. Lev.17.12 therefore i have said to the israelites, no one of you shall eat blood, not even the proselyte among you who dwells among you shall not eat blood. Lev.17.13 if anyone of the house of israel or of the extranjers who dwells among you divorces a beast of beast or a birds that will eat, he will short his blood and cover it with the earth. Lev.17.14 for the life of the flesh is in his blood, and i said to the israelites, you shall not eat the blood of every flesh, for the life of every flesh is in his blood. everyone who eats it will be destroyed. Lev.17.15 and every person who will eat a defiled or district, of indigeness or proselyte, must wash his garments and wash himself in water, and will be clean until the evening, then he will be clean. Lev.17.16 but if he does not wash his garments and break his body, he will receive his wrongdoing. Lev.18.1 and the lord said to moses, Lev.18.2 speak to the israelites and say to them, i am the lord your god. Lev.18.3 you shall not do like the deeds of the land of egypt, in which you were dwelling, and not do in the deeds of the land of canaan, where i bring you in. do you not walk in their inscriptions. Lev.18.4 do my judgments do and keep my commandments, to walk in them. i am the lord your god. Lev.18.5 keep my commandments and my deeds, for the man who does them shall live by them. i am the lord. Lev.18.6 no one should come to any household of his flesh, to deceive his sham. i am the lord. Lev.18.7 you shall not deceive the scham of your father or your mother. she is your mother, you shall not bless her scham. Lev.18.8 you shall not deceive the scham of your father. it is the scham of your father. Lev.18.9 you shall not despise the scham of your sister, the daughter of your father or of your mother, who is birth of children or born. Lev.18.10 you shall not deceive the schaamte of the daughter of your son or of the daughter of your daughter, for it is your shamt. Lev.18.11 you shall not bless the scham of the daughter of your father, who is your father, she is your sister. Lev.18.12 you shall not deceive the turn of the sisters of your father. Lev.18.13 you shall not deceive the shamt of the sisters of your mother, for she is the course of your mother. Lev.18.14 you shall not revele the shamt of the brother of your father, and you shall not come to his wife, for she is your husband. Lev.18.15 you shall not deceive the schamt of your daughter. she is a wife of your son, you shall not bless her scham. Lev.18.16 you shall not deceive the scham of your brother. it is the scham of your brother. Lev.18.17 you shall not deceive the schaamte of a woman and of her daughter. you shall not take the daughter of her son or her daughter to deceive their schameless. they are a children of her daughter. Lev.18.18 you shall not take a wife with her sister, to deceive her scham by her while she is in life. Lev.18.19 you shall not come to a woman in the wrath of her unpurification, to deceive her sham. Lev.18.20 you shall not lign with the wife of your neighbor, to defile yourself. Lev.18.21 you shall not give one of your offspring to moloch, and do not profane the name of your god. i am the lord. Lev.18.22 with manner shall you not lign with a woman. it is a abomination. Lev.18.23 you shall not lign with any animal to defile yourself, so that you may be defiled with him. neither shall a woman stood by a beast to put it down. it is food. Lev.18.24 do not defile yourselves by all these things, for with all these the nations that i drive out before you. Lev.18.25 so the earth was defiled, and i have rejected for it their wrongdoing, and the earth has put down to his dwelling. Lev.18.26 but keep my commandments and my commandments and do not do anything of these abominations, both the native or the extranjery who dwell among you. Lev.18.27 for all these abominations did the men of the land, who were before you, and the earth was defiled. Lev.18.28 so that the land may not above you, as you defiled it, just as it has put out to the nations who were before you. Lev.18.29 for everyone who does from all these abominations will be destroyed from their people. Lev.18.30 so do to keep my commandments, so that you may not do anything of the abomination that have been done before you, and not be defiled by them. i am the lord your god. Lev.19.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.19.2 speak to the synagogue of the israelites and say to them, be holy, for i, the lord your god, is holy. Lev.19.3 let each man fear his father and his father, and keep my sabbats. i am the lord your god. Lev.19.4 you shall not turn to idols and do not make idols for you. i am the lord your god. Lev.19.5 and if you offer a sacrifice of salvation to the lord, to offer your acceptable acception. Lev.19.6 on the day you sacrifice it will eat, and the next day, and whatever is left until the third day will be burned in fire. Lev.19.7 if it eat a food on the third day, it is a food, it will not receive. Lev.19.8 and the one who eats for him will receive sin, for he has profaned the holy things of the lord, and he shall be destroyed from their people. Lev.19.9 when you reap your reason in your land, you shall not reap the ground of your country and do not gather the runking of your harvest. Lev.19.10 you shall not grow the vineyard of your vineyard nor gather the roves of your vineyard. give them to the poor and to the proselyte. i am the lord your god. Lev.19.11 do not steal, do not lie, and do not break one another against his neighbor. Lev.19.12 you shall not swear false by my name, and do not profane the name of your god. i am the lord. Lev.19.13 you shall not wrong your neighbor, and do not grave it. the reward of the daiger shall not remain with you until the morning. Lev.19.14 you shall not curse the mute and do not put a stumbling block before the blind, but fear your god. i am the lord. Lev.19.15 do not do wrong in judgment, you shall not receive a poor man, nor do you amaze the appearance. you shall judge your neighbor in righteousness. Lev.19.16 you shall not walk in charge among your nation, and do not rebuke the blood of your neighbor. i am the lord. Lev.19.17 you shall not hate your brother in your heart, but rebuke your neighbor, and you shall not have sin for his sake. Lev.19.18 you shall not justify and do not remain for the sons of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. i am the lord. Lev.19.19 keep my instruct. do not strike your beast with another guard, and do not seed your vineyard with district. you shall not put to you a cloak of a district clothing. Lev.19.20 if anyone has fallen with a woman who has a wife, a servant districted with a man and not has been released or free, it shall be visited, but they shall not die, because she is not free. Lev.19.21 he must bring the schuldoffer to the lord at the door of the tent of witness, a sacrifice for sin. Lev.19.22 so the priest will purifike him with the judge of the schuldoffer before the lord for the sin that he has committed, and the sin that he has committed will be forgiven. Lev.19.23 when you enter the land and plants every food of food, you will defile his fruit as a unclean fruit. for three years you will have a unclean person, you shall not eat. Lev.19.24 in the fourth years all his fruits shall be holy for the lord. Lev.19.25 in the fifth years you may eat their fruit, so that the fruit of it may be increased for you. i am the lord, your god. Lev.19.26 do not eat with some of the mountains. do not understand and do not deceive. Lev.19.27 you must not strike the turn of the head of your head, nor do you strike the best of your barba. Lev.19.28 you must not make a prescribe in your body, and do not make a great letter among you. i am the lord. Lev.19.29 do not profane your daughter to bedrive her sexual immorality, so that the land may not sexual immorality and be filled with gain. Lev.19.30 keep my sabbath and fear my holy things. i am the lord. Lev.19.31 do you not follow the spirits of spirits and to the mages, so that you should be defiled by them. i am the lord. Lev.19.32 before a neighbor you will rise, and honor the face of an elder, and fear your god. i am the lord. Lev.19.33 if a fremder bor with you in your land, you shall not afflict him. Lev.19.34 the proselyte who belongs to you shall be like a natural among you. you shall love him as yourself, for you were proselyts in the land of egypt. i am the lord your god. Lev.19.35 you must not do unrighteous in judgment, in messed, in gewig, in wealth. Lev.19.36 your righteous weasures, righteous weasures, righteous weasures and righteous weasures. i am the lord your god, who brought you out of the land of egypt. Lev.19.37 keep do every my law and all my commandments and do. i am the lord. Lev.20.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.20.2 you shall say to the children of israel, if anyone of the children of israel or of those who dwell in israel give his offspring to moloch, he must be put to death; the people of the earth shall stone him to stone. Lev.20.3 and i will turn my face against that man and destroy him from his people, because he has given his offspring to moloch, so that he made my holy place and profane my holy name. Lev.20.4 and if the people of the earth show their eyes against that man when he gives his offspring to moloch, and not put him to death, Lev.20.5 then i will turn my face against that man and his relatives, and i will destroy him and all who are sexually immoral to him, to sexual immorality to moloch. Lev.20.6 if anyone follows the spirits of spirits or wróths to sexual immorality to sexual immorality to sexual immorality, i will turn my face against that person and destroy it from her people. Lev.20.7 sanctify yourselves, for i am the lord your god. Lev.20.8 keep my commandments and do them. i am the lord who sanctifies you. Lev.20.9 whoever bands his father or his mother shall be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother, their course on him. Lev.20.10 if anyone commits adultery with a wife, if he commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, the adultery and the adultery. Lev.20.11 if anyone has fallen with his father's wife, he has deceived the naken of his father, they shall both be put in death, they are blood upon them. Lev.20.12 if anyone has fallen with his bridegroom, they both must die, for they were sinned, their blood are upon them. Lev.20.13 whoever lives with a man with a woman has done a abomination of a woman, they both should be defiled, they are their blood. Lev.20.14 if a man receives a wife and her mother, it is a wrongdoing, they will burn him and them in fire, so that there may be no wrongdoing among you. Lev.20.15 whoever leads with a beast must be put to death, and you also will kill the beast. Lev.20.16 and if a woman comes to a beast, to be punished by her, you must kill the woman and the beast. they must be put to death, they are their blood. Lev.20.17 if anyone receives his sister, the daughter of his father or a wife of his mother and see her scham and she see his scham, it is a reproach. they will be destroyed in the presence of the people of israel, for he has opened the scham of his sisters. Lev.20.18 and if a man has fallen with a woman that has been defiled and has opened her scham, he has opened her source, and she has opened her blood, both will be destroyed from among their people. Lev.20.19 you shall not deceive the nudity of your mother and sister of your mother, for she has opened his household, they will sin sin. Lev.20.20 if anyone has fallen with his relative, he has opened the shame of his relative, they shall be defiled. Lev.20.21 if anyone has taken his brother's wife, it is impurity. he has opened the scham of his brother, they shall be defiled. Lev.20.22 observe therefore all my commandments and all my judgments and do them, that the land where i bring you to dwelling you will not above you. Lev.20.23 and do not go in the divisions of the nations that i am cast out from you, for they have done all these things, and i have directed them. Lev.20.24 and i said to you, you will inherit their land, and i will give you it in possession, a land that tears the milk and honey. i am the lord your god, who delivered you from among the nations. Lev.20.25 do also separate among clean and unclean, and among unclean and unclean oiseau, and do not defile your soul by animals or birds or any things reptiles of the earth, which i have separed for you to be made unclean. Lev.20.26 you shall be holy for me, for i, the lord, is holy, and i have set you from among the nations to be my. Lev.20.27 if a man or a woman belongs to a devinger or a magier shall be put to death; they shall stone them with stones, they are their blood. Lev.21.1 and the lord said to moses, tell the priests, the sons of aaron, and say to them, no one shall defile anyone among his own nation, Lev.21.2 except in his neighbor, his father and his mother, his son and his daughter, his brother Lev.21.3 and with her a betrothed daughter who is near to him, who has not been given her husband. Lev.21.4 he must not defile nothing by his people, so that he may profane it. Lev.21.5 they shall not strike the hair of his head, nor do they raise the parts of their barba and do not reign in their flesh. Lev.21.6 they shall be holy for their god and not profane the name of their god, for they offer the offers of the lord, the gift of their god. so they shall be holy. Lev.21.7 they shall not take a prostitution of sexual immorality or district, nor shall they take a woman districted from her husband, for he is holy for his god. Lev.21.8 you shall sanctify him, for he offers the offers of the lord your god. he shall be holy, for i, the lord, who sanctify them, is holy. Lev.21.9 if a daughter of a priest profans in sexual immorality, she profans her father. she will be burned in fire. Lev.21.10 and the priest who is high among his brothers, on whose head the anoince of christ is laid on the head and is made perfect, to put in the garments of the garments, he shall not cut his head and disrumpe his garments. Lev.21.11 he must not enter every dead person; only by his father or his mother he shall not defile. Lev.21.12 he shall not come out of the holy places and not profane the holy places of his god, for the holy food of the christ of his god is on him. i am the lord. Lev.21.13 he must take a wife of his daughter. Lev.21.14 a widow, or a district, or a disonced or a prostitute he must not take a wife, but he must take a neighbor from his own nation. Lev.21.15 he must not profane his offspring among his people, for i am the lord who sanctifies him. Lev.21.16 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.21.17 say to aaron, whatever of your offspring, in your generation, which has a food, shall not come to offer the offering of his god. Lev.21.18 for no one of those in whom there is a food shall not come: anyone who is blind or blind, or a gentle or a district, Lev.21.19 or one who has a break of hand or break, Lev.21.20 or dibater, or dibater, or who is in his eyes, or haken, or haken, or haken, Lev.21.21 no one of the offspring of the priest aaron who has a food will not come to bring the sacrifices of the lord. he has a food, he must not come up for the offering of the offering of his god. Lev.21.22 he must eat the offering of his god, which is holy and holy things. Lev.21.23 but he shall not come to the curtain and not come to the altar, because he has a foot. so he must not profane the sanctuary of my holy things, for i am the lord who sanctifies them. Lev.21.24 and moses spoke to aaron and to his children and to all the israelites. Lev.22.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.22.2 tell aaron and his sons that they may keep attention to the saints things of the sons of israel and not profane my holy name, which they sanctify me. i am the lord. Lev.22.3 tell them, if a man of your offspring comes to the holy places that the sons of israel sanctify to the lord, and that his impurity is upon him, that person shall be destroyed from my presence. i am the lord. Lev.22.4 there is a man of the offspring of aaron who is a leating or has a flood, do not eat the holy things until he has been clean. and whoever touch any person that has been unclean by soul, or one of whom a seed of offspring has come out, Lev.22.5 or whoever touched anything unclean, which he has defiled him, or a man by which he is unclean, according to all his unclean, Lev.22.6 the person who touch them will be clean until evening, and he shall not eat of the saints unless he wash his body in water. Lev.22.7 after the sun, he will be clean, and then he will eat of the saints, for it is his bread. Lev.22.8 they must not eat a dead or district, so that he may be defiled by them. i am the lord. Lev.22.9 so they may keep my charge, so that they may not receive sin and die, because they profans them. i am the lord, who sanctify them. Lev.22.10 no one strangers may eat the holy things; a fooner of a priest or a conduct may not eat holy things. Lev.22.11 but if a priest sell a sound of his silver, this must he eat, even those in his house, those who are born in his house will eat their bread. Lev.22.12 if a daughter of a priest has a certain man, she shall not eat the holy offerings. Lev.22.13 but if a daughter of a priest has a widow or districted and she has no offspring, she will return to the home of her hometown according to her daughter, she shall eat of the bread of her father, but no extremity may eat of them. Lev.22.14 if anyone if a holy food may eat, he will give to the priest the secret of the holy things and give to the priest the holy things. Lev.22.15 they shall not defile the saints things of the sons of israel, which they offers to the lord, Lev.22.16 and do not bring wrongdoing for their own sins, as they eat their saints things. for i am the lord who sanctifies them. Lev.22.17 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.22.18 speak to aaron and to his sons and to all the people of israel, and say to them, if anyone of the house of israel or of the extranjers in israel offer his offering for all their offerings or all their offerings that they offers to the lord. Lev.22.19 to you may receive a fellow manner of the beast, of the sheep or of the sheep. Lev.22.20 do not bring anything that has a leging of food, for it will not be acceptable for you. Lev.22.21 if anyone brings a sacrifice of salvation to the lord, having offered a prof or a feast or a sheep, that it may be without mannagh, so that it may be acceptable, so that there may be acknowledge, and there will be no food in it. Lev.22.22 you shall not offer to the lord a blind or districed or slandered or fleck shall you not offer to the lord, and you must not give it to an offering on the altar to the lord. Lev.22.23 a beat or a sheep that is districted or food will you offered for a sacrifice, but for a proposition it will not receive. Lev.22.24 you must not offert the lord with a district, districted, strished or brished, you must not offer to the lord, and you shall not do in your land. Lev.22.25 and from the hand of others you will not offer the offering of your god from all these things, for it is a bright for them. there will not be acceptable for you. Lev.22.26 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.22.27 when a bœuf or a sheep or a sheep bears, it will have seven days under his mother, and in the eighth and that day will be accepted for the offering offering to the lord. Lev.22.28 do not slain a beast or a sheep with her children on one day. Lev.22.29 if you offer the offering offering for the lord, offer it to acceptable acception for you. Lev.22.30 on that day you will eat, you shall not lose them not to the morning. i am the lord. Lev.22.31 keep my commandments and keep them. i am the lord. Lev.22.32 do not profane my holy name, for i may be holy among the sons of israel. i am the lord who sanctifies you. Lev.22.33 who brought you out of the land of egypt to be your god. i am the lord. Lev.23.1 and the lord said to moses, Lev.23.2 speak to the people of israel and say to them, the feast of the lord, which you shall call as holy invits, these are my feast. Lev.23.3 six days you shall make a work, but on the seventh day is a sabbath of rest, a holy couning. you shall not make no work. it is a sabbath of the lord in all your dwelling place. Lev.23.4 these are the feast of the lord, holy places, which you will call in their time: Lev.23.5 in the first month, in the fourteenth day of the first money, is the passover of the lord. Lev.23.6 and in the fourteenth day of this money is the feast of the unleavened bread for the lord. for seven days you will eat unleavened bread. Lev.23.7 on the first day you may have a holy convocing, you shall never work every work of service. Lev.23.8 for seven days you will bring a sacrifice for the lord. on the seventh day there will be a holy covening; you shall not work every work of service. Lev.23.9 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.23.10 tell the israelites and say to them, when you enter the land that i give you and reap her harvest, you will bring to the priest a garbe of the firstfruits of your harvest. Lev.23.11 and he will bring the garbe before the lord, so that it may be acceptable for you. on the next day the priest will bring it up. Lev.23.12 and on the day when you bring the garbe, you will bring a feast of an an an an eating, a feast for the lord. Lev.23.13 and with his sacrifice of fine of fine of farine treated with olie, a sacrifice for the lord, a geruch for evening, and his drink, a fourth of a hin of vin. Lev.23.14 to this day until you bring the gift to your god, you do not eat bread, nor grain, nor casting, until it is this day until you bring the offering to your god. this shall be eternal instruction for your generation in all your dwelling place. Lev.23.15 from the next day of the sabbath, from the day when you brought the garbe of the offering garment, seven whole woats. Lev.23.16 to the next day of the seventh sexth day you will number feast, and then you will bring a new sacrifice to the lord. Lev.23.17 from your dwelling place you will bring two loaves bread, from two tithes of fish they will be broken into, the best of honor for the lord. Lev.23.18 and with the bread you will bring seven corderless children, blameless, and one oxe, and two judge. they will be a sacrifice for the lord with their sacrifices and itters, a sacrifice for a soave odore for the lord. Lev.23.19 and offer one bokrad as sacrifice for sin and two an eating of an an an an eating, as sacrifice pacificy. Lev.23.20 and the priest will put them as fellow offering for the lord with the two lamb. it will be holy for the lord for the priest. Lev.23.21 and in this day you shall call a holy call, and do not work any work of service. this is a eternal instruction for your generation in all your dwelling place. Lev.23.22 and when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not turn from the reason of your field, and do not gather the start of your harvest. to the poor and to the proselyte you shall leave them. i am the lord your god. Lev.23.23 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.23.24 speak to the people of israel, saying, on the seventh day of the seventh day of the seventh months you may have a rest of trumpets, a holy call. Lev.23.25 you shall not do every work of service and bring a offering to the lord. Lev.23.26 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.23.27 and on the third day of this seventh day is the day of propitiation. there will be a holy calling, afflict your souls and bring a sacrifice to the lord. Lev.23.28 you shall not work every work in this day, for it is a day of reconciliation, to make soning for you before the lord your god. Lev.23.29 for every person who does not humilied in this day shall be destroyed from his people. Lev.23.30 and every person who will do a work in this day will destroy out of her people. Lev.23.31 you shall not do any work. this will be a eternal instruction in your generation in all your dwelling place. Lev.23.32 it will be a sabbath sabbath, and you shall humiliate your souls. in the ninth day of the months, from evening until evening, you must hold your sabbath. Lev.23.33 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.23.34 tell the children of israel, saying, in this seventh day of this seventh day is the feast of tents for seven days for the lord. Lev.23.35 on the first day there is a holy convocing, you shall never work every work of service. Lev.23.36 for seven days you will bring a sacrifice for the lord. on the eighth day there shall be a holy covening, and you must bring a sacrifice to the lord. it is a feast of feast; you shall not make no work of service. Lev.23.37 these are the feast of the lord, which you shall call holy calls, to offer offers to the lord, holocauste and sacrifices, sacrifices and drankoffers, every day. Lev.23.38 except the sabbate of the lord and except your gift and except all your offerings and all your offerings that you will give to the lord. Lev.23.39 but in the fiventh day of the seventh day, when you will turn up the ground of the earth, you shall celebrate the feast for the lord for seven days. on the first day there is rest, and in the eighth day there will be rest. Lev.23.40 and on the first day you will take the fruit of a visible tree, a palm of palm and branches of wicked tree, and you shall rejoice before the lord your god for seven days. Lev.23.41 in this year you shall celebring it for a eternal instruction in your generation, in the seventh day. Lev.23.42 seven days you will abide in tentes, everyone of the natural in israel shall dwell in tents, Lev.23.43 so that your generations may know that i have set the israelites in tents when i brought them out of the land of egypt. i am the lord your god. Lev.23.44 so moses spoke to the people of israel the feast of the lord. Lev.24.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.24.2 order to the people of israel that they may take to me a pure clean oliven for the light, to burn the lamp continually. Lev.24.3 on the outside of the curtain in the tent of witness, aaron shall boast him from evening until the morning before the lord. this shall be a eternal instruction for your generation. Lev.24.4 on the pure lamper he will burn the lamps in the presence of the lord until the morning. Lev.24.5 and take a fish of farine and bring them twelve loaves; the one bread shall have two tithes. Lev.24.6 you will put them in two thousand, six in thot, on the pure table before the lord. Lev.24.7 and on every divided you put clean food and salt, and it shall be a bread for the bread, offering for the lord. Lev.24.8 on the sabbath day he will present it before the lord, before the israelites, a eternal covenant. Lev.24.9 this must be for aaron and his sons, and they shall eat them in a holy place, for it is a holy offering for him from the offerings of the lord. this will be a eternal instruction. Lev.24.10 and the son of a israelite, who was a egyptian son, went out among the children of israel, and the man of the israelite and a man of israel gathered in the camp Lev.24.11 and the son of the israelitita woman spoke the name and cursed. so they brought him to moses. the name of his mother was selomith, a daughter of dibri, of the tribe of dan. Lev.24.12 and they put him in prison as to discern him according to the commandment of the lord. Lev.24.13 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.24.14 bring the cursover out of the tender, and all those who heard it should put their hands on his head, and all the synagogue shall stone him. Lev.24.15 and speak to the children of israel, saying, whoever curses his god will receive his sins. Lev.24.16 and whoever blasphemes the name of the lord must be going to die; all the people of israel must stone him to death. whether he is a proselyte or a individually, when he blasphemes the name of the lord must be put to death. Lev.24.17 if anyone stricks a person, he must be killed. Lev.24.18 but whoever stricks a beast should give better, life for life. Lev.24.19 if anyone calls a food to his neighbor, it will be done so as he has done: Lev.24.20 burn for broken, eye for eye, tand for tand; as he has committed a mood for a man, so shall it be done for him. Lev.24.21 whoever striks a person, so he must be put to death. Lev.24.22 there will be one condemnation for the proselyte and the natural, for i am the lord your god. Lev.24.23 and moses spoke to the israelites, and they brought the curse out of the camp and stone him to stone. so the israelites did, as the lord had commanded moses. Lev.25.1 and the lord spoke to moses on the mountain of sinai, saying, Lev.25.2 speak to the people of israel and say to them, when you enter the land that i give you, the land must remain a sabbath for the lord. Lev.25.3 six years you will seed your acker and six years repute your vineyard and gather its fruit, Lev.25.4 but in the seventh years shall be a sabbath of rest for the earth, a sabbath for the lord. you shall not sow your field and do not depute your vineyard. Lev.25.5 do not reap what grows in your ground and do not reap the graves of your ground. it will be a year of rest for the earth. Lev.25.6 and the sabbath of the earth will be a food for you, for you, for your servant and your servant, and for your reward and for your extranjers who dwell by you, Lev.25.7 and to your beast and to the beast that are in your land, all his birth will be for food. Lev.25.8 and number for you seven answers of seven years, seven years of seven years, and seven years of years will be 49 years. Lev.25.9 then in the seventh day of the seventh months you shall sonn a trumpet. in the day of propitiation you will bless the trumpet on all your land. Lev.25.10 and you shall sanctify the penteventh year and proclaim liberty in the land for all who dwell in it. this will be for you a jubily year for you. every one of you shall return to his possession and to return each one to his hometown. Lev.25.11 the fifth years shall be for you a jubily year. you shall not seed and do not devour what it grows. Lev.25.12 for it is a jubily; it shall be holy for you; of the field you will eat its fruit. Lev.25.13 in this jubeljaar you may return each to his possession. Lev.25.14 if you should practice your neighbor or compare anything from your neighbor, let no one deceive his neighbor. Lev.25.15 according to the number of an years you will receive for his neighbor, according to the number of an eating, he will betray for you. Lev.25.16 according to the longer of the years you will multiplike his property, and in the minor of the years you must divorce his property, for he will sell to you the number of the fruits. Lev.25.17 let no one deceive his neighbor, but fear your god. for i am the lord your god. Lev.25.18 keep my commandments and hold my commandments and do them, so that you may live in confidence in the land. Lev.25.19 and the earth will give their fruits, and you will eat in satience and abide in it in confidence. Lev.25.20 and if you say, what shall we eat in the seventh years, if we do not sow or gather our fruit? Lev.25.21 so i will send my blessing to you in the sixth year, and it will make the fruit for three years. Lev.25.22 and in the eighth years you will see, and you will eat of the old fruit until the night of the night, until the fruit of it comes, you will eat the old. Lev.25.23 the earth shall not be sold in order, for the earth is my, for you are proselyts and strangers before me. Lev.25.24 in every land of your possession you will give a rescate of the earth. Lev.25.25 if your brother is poor and sell from his possession, his neighbor comes, his neighbor comes and redeses what his brother has given. Lev.25.26 if anyone does not have a redener, but his hand has been respected and found to be sufficient for a compense, Lev.25.27 so he must regard the years of his vending and pay the restaughter to the man whom he sold and return to his possession. Lev.25.28 but if his hand not has committed something to pay him, the complete shall remain to the creator until the jubeljaar. then in the jubeljaar he may leave, and he shall return to his possession. Lev.25.29 if anyone should betray a house of household in a mighty city, belonging to it, as it has finished a year, a day of day will be redempted. Lev.25.30 but if it is not redeed until it is fully fulfilled, the house in the city that has a wall will be ready to him who has possessed it and for his generations, and in the jubily it shall not come out. Lev.25.31 but the huse in villages, which are no wall around, will be counted as a country for the field of the earth. they will be redeemed, and in the jubily they may come out. Lev.25.32 but the towns of the levites, the house of the towns of their possessions, the levites will be rejected always. Lev.25.33 and if anyone redeses from the levites, the distribution of the house of their possession comes to the jubily, for the house of the towns of the levites are their possession among the sons of israel. Lev.25.34 the country of their towes shall not be sold, for it is their eternal possession. Lev.25.35 if your brother is poor and directed his hands before you, you must help him, as a proselyte or a fremder to live with you. Lev.25.36 do you not take a town or a multitude of him, but fear your god, and your brother shall live with you. Lev.25.37 you shall not give him your money with usure and do not give him your food to increase. Lev.25.38 i am the lord your god, who led you out of the land of egypt, to give you the land of canaan, to be your god. Lev.25.39 if your brother is afflicted and sold to you, you shall not serve you as slaves of slave, Lev.25.40 it shall be as a daiger or a lost to you. as for the yeventh years he will serve for you. Lev.25.41 then he must go off, he and his children with him, and return to his offspring and to the possession of his fathers. Lev.25.42 for they are my servants, whom i brought out of the land of egypt. they shall not be sold as slaves of slaves. Lev.25.43 you must not be recooned by him, but you shall fear your god. Lev.25.44 but as for your servant and slave who are for you, are of the nations that are around you, from them you will cree a servant and servant. Lev.25.45 even of the children of the strangers who are among you, of these, and from their relatives who are in your land, those who are among you, and they shall be your possession. Lev.25.46 and you will give them possession for your children after you, for they will have their possessions for you forever. but with your brothers, the children of israel, you shall not pronounce one with the other. Lev.25.47 if a proselyte or a lost who dwells by you will be held, and your brother is alienated by him and grands to the proselyte or home among you, or for a native of a proselyte, Lev.25.48 after to be sold, he will be redempted; one of his brothers shall redeze him. Lev.25.49 or the brother of his father or a son of his father should redese him, or one of his relatives of his offspring will lose him. if he has found his hands, he himself lose himself. Lev.25.50 and he must number with him who has possessed him from the years that he delivered himself until the jubeljaar, and the money of his complete shall be with him as many years of a reward. Lev.25.51 if there are many years, to them he will betray his rescate from the silver that he had been sold. Lev.25.52 but if there is a little while for the jubeljaar, he shall number him, and after his years he will repay his rescate. Lev.25.53 he must be with him as a daemoner for a year, and you shall not please him with hard in your presence. Lev.25.54 and if he does not respects these things, he will go in the jubeljaar, he and his children, with him. Lev.25.55 for the sons of israel are my servants, they are my servants, whom i brought out of the land of egypt. i am the lord your god. Lev.26.1 you must not make idols for you, nor reject sculptile or statue, and do not lay a stone in your land to worship it. for i am the lord your god. Lev.26.2 keep my sabbath and fear my holy things. i am the lord. Lev.26.3 if you go in my commandments and hold my commandments and do them, Lev.26.4 so i will give you rain in his time, and the earth will give its fruit, and the tree of the country will give their fruit. Lev.26.5 the vineyard will come to you for the vineyard, and the vineyard will come to the seed, and you will eat your bread to be satisfied and abide asking in your land. Lev.26.6 and i will give peace in the land, and you will dorm, and no one will fear you. i will destroy the wilds of evil of your land, and no country will passe through your land. Lev.26.7 you will persecute your enemies, and they will fall before you in death. Lev.26.8 five of you will persecute hundred, and hundred of you will persecute many thousand, and your enemies will fall for your eyes. Lev.26.9 and i will turn to you and make you fructify and multiplike you, and i will put my covenant with you. Lev.26.10 you will eat the old of old, and you will take out the old from the new. Lev.26.11 i will put my covenant among you, and my soul shall not above you. Lev.26.12 i will walk among you and be your god, and you will be my people. Lev.26.13 i am the lord your god, who brought you out of the land of egypt to be your servants. i have broken your jock of your jock and brought you up with boldness. Lev.26.14 but if you do not obey me and do not do all these commandments, Lev.26.15 if you turn my commandments and devores my judgments, so that you do not do all my commandments, so that you would brise my covenant, Lev.26.16 so i will do so to you, and i will show your surround upon you, the ground and the splender, and they will break your souls, and you will seed your seed without vain, for your enemies will eat it. Lev.26.17 i will turn my face against you, and you will fall before your enemies. your haters will persecute you, and you will flee, though no one persecute you. Lev.26.18 and if you do not obey me, i will discipline you seven times for your sins. Lev.26.19 i will brise your hardness of arrogant, and i will make your heavens as iron and your earth like bronze. Lev.26.20 in vain your power will be in vain, and your land will not give its fruit, and the tree of the country will not give his fruit. Lev.26.21 and if you go against me and do not want me to obey me, i will plague you seven plagues as well as your sins. Lev.26.22 i will send on you the wild beasts of the land, and they will devour you and destroy your buments, and you will make you little, and your ways will become desolate. Lev.26.23 and if you do not discipline me, but go against me, Lev.26.24 so i will rise against you and strike you seven razes for your sins. Lev.26.25 and i will bring against you a sword that punish the contradiction of the covenant, and you will flee into your towns. i will send death to you, and you will be delivered in the hand of your enemies. Lev.26.26 when i broke you the brod of bread, ten women will fall your bread in one rook, and they will give your bread in the wage, and you will eat, and you will not be satisfied. Lev.26.27 and if you do not obey me, and you will go against me, Lev.26.28 so i will be against you in wrath, and i will punish you seven times for your sins. Lev.26.29 you will eat the flesh of your sons and eat the flesh of your daughters. Lev.26.30 i will destroy your offerings and destroy your idols. i will put your bodies into the bodies of your idols, and my soul will be turned for you. Lev.26.31 and i will lay your towns in desolate, and i will desolate your holy places, and i will not beat the steak of your offering. Lev.26.32 i will destroy your land, so that your enemies who dwells in it will marry over it. Lev.26.33 but you will disperse you among the nations, and i will destroy you with a sword, and your land will be desolate, and your cities will be a desolate place. Lev.26.34 then the earth will keep his sabbath in all the days of his desolation, and you will be in the land of your enemies. then the earth will remain and waise his sabbath. Lev.26.35 for all the days of desolation he will rest, when it was not set in your sabbats when you were sitting there. Lev.26.36 and to those who are left from you i will put in their hearts in their enemies in the land of their enemies, and the voice of a bright back will persecute them, and they will flee as they flees from the hand and fall, though no one persecut them. Lev.26.37 and they will set one of the other as by a sword, though no one causes them, and you will not stand up against your enemies. Lev.26.38 you will perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies will destroy you. Lev.26.39 those who are left you will be destroyed in the land of your enemies in the land of your enemies. Lev.26.40 they will confesse their sins and the sins of their fathers, because they had disobedient against me and followed me, Lev.26.41 so i was against them in further wrath and bring them into the land of their enemies. then their uncircumcised heart will be humilied, and then they will please their sins. Lev.26.42 and i will remember the covenant of jacob and the covenant with isaac, and i remember my covenant with abraham, and i will remember the earth. Lev.26.43 and the land will be left from them, and it will accept his sabbath, when it has been desoled by them, and they will welcome for their iniquity, because they devoted my judgments and their soul above my commandments. Lev.26.44 but even as they are in the land of their enemies, i will not divorce them and do not put them out, so that i might destroy them and destroy my covenant with them, for i am the lord their god. Lev.26.45 but i will remember their covenant that i brought them out of the land of egypt before the nations, to be their god. i am the lord. Lev.26.46 these are the judgments, the statuts and the law, which the lord set among himself and the sons of israel on the mountain of sinai in the hand of moses. Lev.27.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Lev.27.2 speak to the israelites and say to them, if anyone does a promeson, so that the honor of his life is for the lord, Lev.27.3 as for a man of twenty-six and sexty-years honor to five sicles of silver for the gewicht of the holy place. Lev.27.4 but if a woman is a wish, his honor shall be treated of thirty sicles. Lev.27.5 and if it is for five and twenty-0 years, the taking honor for a male will be twenty-six sicles, and for a femband ten sicter. Lev.27.6 from a moon to four years, the honor of the men shall be for five sicles of silver and for a women three sicles. Lev.27.7 for if it is a man of seventy-years, and if it is a male manner, with quinty siclos, and for a femband ten siclos. Lev.27.8 but if he is poor with honor, he must set in the presence of the priest, and the priest shall honor him, as the hand of him who has been granted will honor him. Lev.27.9 if it is a beast of those who offers offering to the lord, whatever he gives to the lord will be holy. Lev.27.10 he must not change him a better person of evil or bad of good. if he loaves for a beast, it must be something for it, and to change it is holy. Lev.27.11 and if it is any unclean beast, which they will not offer a offering to the lord, to put the beast before the priest, Lev.27.12 and the priest will honor it, whether it is good or evil. as the priest instives, so will it be. Lev.27.13 if anyone loves it, he must give a five of the fell to honor of it. Lev.27.14 if anyone sanctify his house as holy for the lord, the priest shall honor it, whether it is a good or a bad. as the priest respects it, so shall it be. Lev.27.15 and if the one who has sanctified her will redeh his house, he will give a five of the money of your proceeds, and it will be his. Lev.27.16 if a man sanctify to the country of his possession, then your riches will be according to his seed: a homer of horde for five sicles of silver. Lev.27.17 if he sanctify his field from the jubeljaar, it will continue as it is honor. Lev.27.18 but if he sanctify his field after the jubily, the priest shall number him the money in the number of the years who are until the jubeljaar, and it will be taken away from your honor. Lev.27.19 and if the one who has sanctified the field will redeem it, he must give a five of the money to the belonging to it, and it will be his. Lev.27.20 but if he does not redeem the field and betray the field to another man, it shall no longer remains. Lev.27.21 but as the field has come in the jubily, it will be holy for the lord as a foolish land. it will be his possession for the priest. Lev.27.22 and if anyone consacres to the lord a field that is compended, who is not of his possession, Lev.27.23 shall the priest put to him the end of the proceeds of the jubeljaar, and he will repay that honor on that day as a holy offering for the lord. Lev.27.24 in the jubily the field will return to the man from whom it has been companed, which is the possession of the earth. Lev.27.25 all your riches shall be according to the holy sicles. a sickel shall be twenty gers. Lev.27.26 but no one must give the firstborn of the firstborn who are the firstborn for the lord is not to purify. Lev.27.27 but if it is a unclean beast, he will share as it is honor, and a five deel to it. if it is not redeemed, it will be sold according to the honor of honor. Lev.27.28 but nothing of the banseless that a man gives up to the lord from all that he has, both man or beast, or from a country of his possession shall not repay or repay, for it is a holy pleasure for the lord. Lev.27.29 nothing one of the people, which will be excellent, shall not be redeed, but will be put to death. Lev.27.30 all the tithes of the earth of the offspring of the land or of the fruit of the tree is holy things for the lord. it is holy for the lord. Lev.27.31 if anyone should redeem one of his tithes, he will give to it a fourth. Lev.27.32 all the tithes of sheep and sheep, all the tithes of sheep that comes under the scepter will be holy for the lord. Lev.27.33 he does not change good for what is good, but if he has changed it, so must he be holy. Lev.27.34 these are the commandments that the lord gave to moses on the mountain of sinai, these are the judgments, the commandments and the instructions that the lord gave among him and the children of israel on the mountain of sinai, through moses. Num.1.1 the lord spoke to moses in the wilderness of sinai in the tent of witness, on the first day of the second month, in the second year when they came out of the land of egypt, saying, Num.1.2 take up the ruler of the whole israel by their relatives, after their families, according to the number of the name, every man of manner, Num.1.3 from tyve years and epano, all those who belong to belong out of israel shall charge them, by their families, you and aaron. Num.1.4 and with you each one of each one will have the ruler of their families. Num.1.5 these are the name of the men who will be with you: of ruben, elisur, the son of shedeur; Num.1.6 of simeon, selumiel the son of tsurishaddai; Num.1.7 of judah, nahson, the son of amminadab, Num.1.8 of issachar, nathanael, the son of cuar, Num.1.9 of zebulon, eliab, the son of helon; Num.1.10 of the sons of joseph, of ephraim, elishama, son of ammihud, for manasseh gamliel, the son of pedazur; Num.1.11 of benjamin, abidan, the son of gideoni; Num.1.12 of dan ahiezer, the son of ammisaddai; Num.1.13 of aser, pagiel, the son of ocran; Num.1.14 of gad eljasaf, the son of deuel; Num.1.15 of neftali, ahira, the son of enan. Num.1.16 these were the rulers of the synagogue, the rulers of the tribes of their fathers, the rulers of israel. Num.1.17 so moses and aaron took these men who had been called by name. Num.1.18 and they gathered the whole crowd in the first day of the second month. and they recognized their families, according to their families, in the number of the name, from tyve years and sitä above, were number. Num.1.19 just as the lord had commanded moses. so they visited them in the wilderness of sinai. Num.1.20 the sons of ruben, the firstborn of israel, by their generations, according to their families, by the house of their father, by the number of name, from tyve years and sitä above, everyone who was about to come out, Num.1.21 the numbering of them in the tribe of ruben were 46 five thousand. Num.1.22 the sons of simeon, their relatives according to their families, according to the families of their families, by the number of name, from tyve years and wive, everyone who was about to come out to be in guerra, Num.1.23 the numbering of them in the tribe of simeon were five and seven thousand thousand. Num.1.24 of the sons of gad, their relatives, according to their families, according to the house of their families, by the number of name, from tyve years and sitä above, everyone who was to be seated to be in guerra, Num.1.25 the numbering of them, of the tribe of gad, were forty and five thousand and fifty. Num.1.26 of the sons of judah, their relatives, according to their families, according to the house of their families, by the number of name, from tyve years and sitä above, everyone who was to be seated to be in guerra, Num.1.27 the numbered of them, of the tribe of judah, were seven thousand thousand and 600. Num.1.28 of the sons of issachar, their relatives according to their families, according to the house of their families, by the number of name, from tyve years and sitä above, everyone who was about to come out to be in guerra, Num.1.29 the enregistring of them, of the tribe of issachar, were 54 400. Num.1.30 of the sons of zebulon, their relatives according to their families, according to the house of their fathers, by the number of name, from tyve years and sitä above, everyone who was to be seated to be in guerra, Num.1.31 the numbering of them in the tribe of zebulon were seven seven thousand thousand. Num.1.32 of the sons of joseph, the sons of ephraim, their relatives, according to their families, according to the number of name, from tyve years and sitä above, everyone who was to eat, Num.1.33 the enregistring of them, of the tribe of ephraim, were 4,500. Num.1.34 of the sons of manasseh, their relatives according to their families, according to the house of their families, by the number of name, from tyve years and sitä above, everyone who was to be seated to be in guerra, Num.1.35 the enregistring of them, of the tribe of manasseh, were 32 200. Num.1.36 of the sons of benjamin, their relatives, according to their families, according to the house of their families, by the number of name, from tyve years and sitä above, everyone who was to be seated to be in guerra, Num.1.37 the number of them, in the tribe of benjamin, were five and five thousand and 400. Num.1.38 of the sons of dan, their relatives according to their families, according to the house of their families, by the number of name, from tyve years and wive, everyone who was about to come out to be in guerra, Num.1.39 the numbering of them in the tribe of dan were two and seven thousand thousand. Num.1.40 of the sons of aser, their relatives according to their families, according to the house of their families, by the number of name, from tyve years and wive, everyone who was about to come out to be in guerra, Num.1.41 the number of them, of the tribe of asser, were 41 500. Num.1.42 of the sons of nephthali, their relatives according to their families, according to the house of their families, by the number of name, from three years and wive, everyone who was seated to be in guerra, Num.1.43 in the tribe of neftali the contados of them were five and three thousand and 400. Num.1.44 these were those who mønled moses and aaron and the rulers of israel, twelve men, each one of their families. Num.1.45 and all the numbering of the sons of israel, according to their families, from tyve years and sitä above, all who were going out in israel, Num.1.46 them were 603 550 man. Num.1.47 but the levites, from the tribe of their fathers, did not be numbered among them. Num.1.48 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.1.49 only do you not number the tribe of levi and do not take their number among the israelites, Num.1.50 but believe the levites to the tent of witness and all its goods and all that are in it. they shall bear the tent and all its goods, and they shall serve it, and they shall set their tends around the tent. Num.1.51 when the tent comes, the levites will take it down, and when the tent is taken up, the levites will arise it. and the one stranger who comes in shall die. Num.1.52 and the sons of israel will set their tenders, each according to his banvloek, according to their bands. Num.1.53 but the levites shall put their tends around the tent of witness, that there may not be a reason against the people of israel, and the levites must keep the guard of the tent of witness. Num.1.54 and the israelites did according to whatever the lord had commanded moses and aaron, so they did. Num.2.1 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Num.2.2 the people of israel shall lack their tends around his bands, according to the signs of their families. all the people of israel shall put on their tender around the tent of witness. Num.2.3 on the oath, the banding of the tender of judah, according to their bands, and the ruler of the sons of judah is nahson, the son of amminadab, Num.2.4 his hær, his number, was four and thousand thousand. Num.2.5 with him the tribe of issachar, and the ruler of the sons of issachar is nathanael, the son of suar, Num.2.6 his heirs, who are enregistring by them, 54 400 man. Num.2.7 then the tribe of zebulun, and eliab the son of helon will be the ruler of the zebulonites. Num.2.8 his heirs, who are enregistring by them, 57 400 man. Num.2.9 all who are numbered in the tender of judah are 186 400, according to their rulers. they shall take out the first. Num.2.10 the bander of the tender of ruben shall be under their bands. and the ruler of the sons of ruben is elisur, the son of shedeur, Num.2.11 his heirs, who are polized, was six and six thousand. Num.2.12 after him, the tribe of simeon. and the ruler of the sons of simeon is selumiel the son of tsurishaddai. Num.2.13 his hær, his contados, were nive and sive thousand thousand. Num.2.14 then the tribe of gad, and the ruler of the gadites, eliasaph the son of reguel. Num.2.15 his hær, his numbered, is about fielty and five thousand and fifty. Num.2.16 all who were enregistring in the tender of ruben were 151 450 man, volgens their tables. they shall take out the second. Num.2.17 then the tent of witness and the camp of the levites will be put in the midst of the tends. so they will lead their lagers, each one at his labor. Num.2.18 the bander of the tender of ephraim shall be under their bands. the ruler of the sons of ephraim was elishama, the son of ammihud, Num.2.19 his heirs, who are enregistring, were 4,500 man. Num.2.20 after him the tribe of manasseh, and the ruler of the sons of manasseh is gamliel, the son of pedazur; Num.2.21 his division, with the enregions of them, 32 200 man. Num.2.22 then the tribe of benjamin, and abidan the son of gideoni will be the ruler of the sons of benjamin. Num.2.23 his hær, his numbered, is about five and five thousand. Num.2.24 all who are combroded in the tender of ephraim were 108 100 man according to their rulers. they shall take out the third. Num.2.25 the bander of the tender of dan shall be under their bands. the ruler of the sons of dan is ahiezer the son of ammisaddai. Num.2.26 his hær, his number, was two and seven thousand thousand. Num.2.27 after him, the tribe of aser, and the ruler of the sons of aser will be pagiel, the son of ocran, Num.2.28 his hær, his contados, 41 500 man. Num.2.29 then the tribe of neftali, and ahira the son of enan will be ahira, the son of enan, Num.2.30 his heir, his contados, 53 400 man. Num.2.31 all who are combroded in the tender of dan are 157 600 man. they shall take last, after their bands. Num.2.32 these are the møngering of the sons of israel according to their families. all who inregisted in the tenders with their familles were 603 550. Num.2.33 but the levites did not numbered among them, as the lord had commanded moses. Num.2.34 so the people of israel did all that the lord had commanded moses. so they departed by their bands, and so they departed, each one according to their families and families. Num.3.1 now this is the generations of aaron and moses, when the lord spoke to moses on the mountain of sinai, Num.3.2 now these are the name of the sons of aaron: nadab, the firstborn, and abihu, eleazar and itamar. Num.3.3 these are the name of the sons of aaron, the left priests, whom they gave their hands to priest. Num.3.4 but nadab and abihu died before the lord, when they offered a fremde fire before the lord in the wilderness of sinai, and they had no children. so eleazar and itamar were priesthood by their father aaron. Num.3.5 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.3.6 " take the tribe of levi and put them before aaron the priest, that they may serve him. Num.3.7 they must keep his guard and all the guard of all the people before the tent of witness, to make work for the tent. Num.3.8 they must keep all the garments of the tent of witness and the guard of the people of israel to work for all the work of the tent. Num.3.9 you shall give the levites to aaron and to his sons; they have been given to me from the sons of israel. Num.3.10 you shall put aaron and his sons on the tent of witness, that they may keep their priesthood, and all the strangers who touch to die must be put to die. Num.3.11 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.3.12 behold, i have taken the levites from among the sons of israel in place of all the firstborn who opens the mourn from the israelites. the levites will be my. Num.3.13 for all the firstborn is mine. on the day when i killed all the firstborn in the land of egypt, i sanctified to me all the firstborn in israel. they shall be my. Num.3.14 and the lord spoke to moses in the wilderness of sinai, saying, Num.3.15 remember the sons of levi according to their families, according to their families, all of men from a monyws and sitä above. Num.3.16 so moses visited them according to the word of the lord, as it was directed. Num.3.17 these were the sons of levi by their name: gerson, kehat and merari. Num.3.18 and these are the name of the sons of gerson, according to their families: libni and shimei. Num.3.19 the sons of kehat, according to their families, were amram, jizhar, hebron and uzziel. Num.3.20 the sons of merari according to their families: maheli and musi. these are the families of the levites according to their families. Num.3.21 of gerson the family of libnites and the family of simei. these were the families of gerson. Num.3.22 the number of them, according to the number of all men, of a moon oud and epano, were seven thousand and five thousand. Num.3.23 the sons of gerson were leading their tends after the tent, on the west. Num.3.24 and the ruler of the families of gerson was eliasaf, the son of lael. Num.3.25 as for the guard of the sons of gerson, by the tent of witness, the tent and his cloak, and the deksel for the door of the tent of witness, Num.3.26 the cords of the courtyard and the curtain for the courtyard of the courtyard that belongs to the tent and the rings of all his work. Num.3.27 from cahat the family of the amramites, the family of jisharites, the familie of the hebronites and the family of uzzielites. these were the families of kahath. Num.3.28 according to the number of all who belonging to men from a month and sitä above, were five thousand who were guarding the guard of the holy places. Num.3.29 the families of the kehatites were put on their tender at the other side of the tent. Num.3.30 and the ruler of the families of the families of kehath was elishafan, the son of uzziel. Num.3.31 as they were waiting for them, the ark, the table, the lamp, the altars and the deeds of the holy place, with which they are ministering, and the veil and all his service. Num.3.32 and the ruler of the rulers of the levites was eleazar, the son of aaron the priest, who guarded the guards of the holy places. Num.3.33 of merari were the familie of the mahlites and the family of musi. these were the families of merari. Num.3.34 the number of them, according to the number of all children from a monyws and above were six thousand. Num.3.35 the ruler of the families of the families of merari was curiel, the son of abihail. they shall set tender at the nordside of the tent. Num.3.36 the treasure of the sons of merari bears the baskets of the tent and its travers, its colonns, its baskets, all that are enough for them, Num.3.37 the colonne of the courtyard around, with their bases, their passes and their boves. Num.3.38 when moses and aaron and his sons were leated on the face of the tent of witness from the oosting of the tent, moses and aaron and his sons, beying the guard of the place of the holy places for the israelites. but the one strange who touched it must be put to death. Num.3.39 all the number of the levites, which moses and aaron performed by the word of the lord according to their families, all of men from a monyws and above, were thirty thousand. Num.3.40 and the lord said to moses, number all the firstborn of men of the sons of israel, from a moon oud and from above, and number the number of their name. Num.3.41 and take the levites for me, i am the lord in place of all the firstborn among the sons of israel, and the bestes of the levites in the place of all the firstborn of the best of the sons of israel. Num.3.42 so moses visited all the firstborn among the sons of israel, as the lord had commanded. Num.3.43 and all the firstborn of manages, according to the number of the name, forever and above, were in the number of them were 273 273. Num.3.44 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.3.45 take the levites in the place of all the firstborn of the israelites and the beast of the levites in the place of their animals. the levites will be my. i am the lord. Num.3.46 but to the number of the 273 who are numbered from the firstborn of the sons of israel, Num.3.47 you shall take five siclos for a head, according to the sickel of the holy place, a sikel of a siclos. Num.3.48 and give the money to aaron and his sons as a rescate for those who are number among them. Num.3.49 so moses took the scepter of the rescate of those who were numbered for the redemption of the levites. Num.3.50 from the firstborn of the sons of israel he took the money, 1365 siclos, according to the sicli of the holy places. Num.3.51 and moses gave the scepter of those who were numbered to aaron and to his sons, according to the word of the lord, as the lord had commanded moses. Num.4.1 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Num.4.2 leave the sons of kahath among the sons of levi according to their families and families, Num.4.3 from thirty years and above, to fifty years of two years, all who are going to serve the work in the tent of witness. Num.4.4 this is the work of the sons of cahath in the tent of witness, the holy things. Num.4.5 when the tender brings away, aaron and his sons shall come and take down the curtain of the curtain and cover them the ark of witness. Num.4.6 they will put on it a veisel of tachaschs, and they will throw on it a cloak of fine clothing, and they will put the stangers. Num.4.7 and on the table of the offering table they will state a purple robe, and in it will they put the turments and the serpents and the serpentes and the drankoffers for the drink, and the continuing bread will be upon it. Num.4.8 and they will throw on it a purple robe and coke it with a covering of tail. so they will put his stangs in it. Num.4.9 then they will take a fine robe, and they will coke the lamper of light and its lampers and her bouchs and all its anoints, which are ministering for them, Num.4.10 and they will put it into a veil of tachas-bate and put it on the traits. Num.4.11 on the golden altar they will breke a purple robe and declare it with a veid of tachaschs. they will put his stanges into. Num.4.12 they will take all the instrument of the service, with which they are ministering in the holy places, and put them in a purple robe and declare it with a covering of tachaschs and put it on the stangs. Num.4.13 they will put the back of the altar into the altar and put a purple robe on it. Num.4.14 they will put on it all the redsels with which they are ministering by them, the garments, the garments, the branchs, the bowls, all the gifts of the altar. and they will put in it a veil of tahas-belle and put his handbores. Num.4.15 as aaron and his sons are finished to cover the holy places and all the goods of the holy places, when the camp comes, then the sons of cahath shall come to enter, and they shall not touch the holy things, so that they may not die. these are the things of the sons of cahath in the tent of witness. Num.4.16 eleasars, the son of aaron the priest, has guard the olive for the light, the incense of incense, the day of sacrifice for day and the salvest of anointing, the overseer of all the tent and all that is in it, the holy place and all that are in it. Num.4.17 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Num.4.18 do not destroy the tribe of the families of kehath from among the levites. Num.4.19 but do this for them, that they may live and not die, as they enter the most holy things: aaron and his sons should come in and set them each one to what he should have done, Num.4.20 they shall not enter them to see the holy places, so that they may die. Num.4.21 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.4.22 bear the rulers of gerson, according to their families and families, Num.4.23 from three years and above, to seventy-years, all who are going into a service to work in the tent of witness. Num.4.24 this is the minister of the families of gerson, to ministre and to bear: Num.4.25 they take the cortinas of the tent and the tent of witness with its veil and the cloak of fine veil that is withon it and the covering for the door of the tent of witness, Num.4.26 the beeds of the courtyard of the courtyard, which is contrary to the tent, and the altar, the people, and all the vessels that are done. they must do whatever they do. Num.4.27 in the presence of aaron and of his sons shall the ministry of the gersonites have all their services and all their charges, and you give them all their carriage charges. Num.4.28 this is the minister of the gersonites by the tent of witness. their guard will be in the hand of itamar, the son of aaron the priest. Num.4.29 you shall taua them the sons of merari according to their families and families. Num.4.30 from thirty-years and above, to four years, all who are going in to serve the tent of witness. Num.4.31 this is the guard of those that are carried up by all their service in the tent of witness: the boves of the tent and its traverse, its colonns, her baskets, and their baskets, and their baskets, and their baskets. Num.4.32 the pilare of the courtyard around the course of the courtyard around the courtyard of the courtyard, their bases, their passe and all their service. Num.4.33 this is the service of the families of the sons of merari in all their work in the tent of witness by the hand of itamar, the son of aaron the priest. Num.4.34 so moses and aaron and the rulers of israel visited the sons of cahath according to their families and families, Num.4.35 from three years and above, to seventy-years, all who were going to serve in the tent of witness, Num.4.36 the number of them, according to their families, was 2250. Num.4.37 these are the mønsyn of the families of cahath, all who were ministering in the tent of witness, which moses and aaron visited according to the message of the lord. Num.4.38 the number of the sons of gerson according to their families and families, Num.4.39 from three years and epano until twelve years, all who were going to serve the work in the tent of witness, Num.4.40 the number of them, according to their families, according to the families of their families, were 2630. Num.4.41 these are the number of the families of gerson, all who were ministering in the tent of witness, which moses and aaron visited according to the commandment of the lord. Num.4.42 and those of the families of the merarites, according to their families, according to their families, Num.4.43 from three years and above, up to five years, all who were to enter the tent of witness, Num.4.44 the number of them, according to their families, were three thousand and two hundred. Num.4.45 these are the number of the families of the merarites, which moses and aaron visited according to the message of the lord by moses. Num.4.46 all the levites, whom moses and aaron and the rulers of israel visited the levites according to their families and families, Num.4.47 from three years and above, up to five years, all who were entering the work of work and carry in the tent of witness, Num.4.48 the number of them were five thousand and five thousand. Num.4.49 by the message of the lord was reconciled them by moses, every one for his service and charge. and they visited them, just as the lord had commanded moses. Num.5.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.5.2 command to the israelites to send them out of the tender all lepers and everyone who has a flood and everyone who is unclean for soul. Num.5.3 both children and women should you send them out of the camp, so that they may not defile their camp by which i dwells among them. Num.5.4 and the children of israel did so and sent them out of the camp, just as the lord had spoken to moses. Num.5.5 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.5.6 tell the people of israel, if a man or a woman commits some of the sins of human person and commissed against him, and that person is defiled, Num.5.7 let he confesse his wrongdoing that he has committed, and will repay the deliver collection, and give to it the five of it, and give it to whom he has committed. Num.5.8 but if the man does not have a vinding to give the rejection to him, the rejection that is rejected to the lord will be for the priest, except the victory of propitiation, which he will make propitiation for him. Num.5.9 and every offering from every sanctification of the sons of israel that they bring to the priest will be his. Num.5.10 all his offerings shall be made: whatever one gives to the priest will be his. Num.5.11 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.5.12 speak to the israelites and say to them, if a man around his wife and becomes trouble against him, Num.5.13 and a man has fallen with her in a offspring of offspring, and it is secret by her husband, but she has been defiled, and there is no witness with her, and she does not be invited, Num.5.14 and a spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he are jealousy for his wife, which has been defiled, or if a spirit of jealousy has come upon him and he are jealousy for his wife, though she does not be unclean, Num.5.15 then the man should bring his wife to the priest and bring his offering for her, a dixive of a efa of a efa of gerley. he must not gide oliven or put on it, for it is a sacrifice of jealousy, a sacrifice of remember, in remembrance of sin. Num.5.16 and the priest will bring her and put her before the lord. Num.5.17 and the priest will take a living water in a tongeer, and he will throw into the water that is on the ground of the tent, and throw it into the water. Num.5.18 and the priest shall set the woman before the lord and reveal the head of the woman and put it in her hands, the sacrifice of jealousy in her hands, the sacrifice of jealousy. the amarge water in the hand of the priest will be in the hand of this bitter water. Num.5.19 and the priest will swear her and say to the woman, if no one has fallen asleep with you, and if you have not transgressed to be defiled by your husband, you must be rejected from the amarge water that is cursing in curse. Num.5.20 but if you have been deceived by her husband and defiled you, and if anyone has laid his bed with you except your husband, Num.5.21 so the priest will swear the woman with the curse of curse, and the priest will say to the woman, let the lord give you a curse and a curse in the midst of your people, when the lord will put your hoot and put in your womb, Num.5.22 this flute water shall enter your stomach, to share your womb and turn in your bate. and the woman shall say, amen, amen. Num.5.23 and the priest shall write these words in a scroll and despise them in the mute water, Num.5.24 and he will give the woman drink the flute water that is cursing for a curse, and the water that is cursed will come in her in charge. Num.5.25 and the priest will take the sacrifice of jealousy from the hand of the woman the sacrifice of jealousy and put the sacrifice before the lord and bring it to the altar. Num.5.26 and the priest will take some of the sacrifice for a memorial of the sacrifice and bring it on the altar, and after this he will give the woman the water to drink. Num.5.27 and when he had given her water, if she has been defiled, if she has been deceived and has been deceived against her husband, the water that has been cursed in her will enter her and defile her wheak, and her stoot will be wicked, and the woman shall become a curse among her people. Num.5.28 but if the woman has not been defiled, but is pure, she will be innocent and have a offspring. Num.5.29 this is the law of jealousy. if a woman comes by her husband and is defiled, Num.5.30 or if a spirit of jealousy comes upon a man of jealousy and he are jealousy for his wife, he will put her in the presence of the lord, and the priest will make her all this law. Num.5.31 and the man will be innocent from sin, and the woman will bear his sins. Num.6.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.6.2 speak to the israelites and say to them, if a man or a woman does a feast provided for a prof to purification to the lord, Num.6.3 he shall defile from wine and sterk drunk, and he must not drink vinagre of wine or a sharp of a stærk drink. he shall not drink anything that is produced from wine, nor must he eat women or grow. Num.6.4 on all the days of his nasiiring he shall not eat whatever becomes from a vineyard, from the gards to the hear. Num.6.5 along all the days of his nazireat may not come back on his head, until the days is fulfilled with which he proshired to the lord, he must be holy, and he must flee his hairs of his head. Num.6.6 on all the days of his nazireation to the lord shall not enter a dead person. Num.6.7 he must not defile anyone by his father or mother or brother or sister, when they died, for the prayer of his god is on his head. Num.6.8 in all the time of his nazireat he is holy for the lord. Num.6.9 and if anyone dies suddenly upon him at once and has defiled his nazareness, he will raise his head on the day of his purification, and on the seventh day he will raise it. Num.6.10 and on the eighth day he will bring two turtures or two young pigeons to the priest at the entrance of the tent of witness. Num.6.11 and the priest will offer one as sacrifice for sin and one as holocauste, and purifike him for him for which he has sinned concerning the life. so he will sanctify his head in that day. Num.6.12 so he shall sanctify the lord the days of his nazireat and bring a single lamb to the schuldoffer. the first days will be defiled, because his nazireation has been defiled. Num.6.13 this is the law of the nasirier: when the days of his nazireation will fulfill, he shall bring it at the tent of witness, Num.6.14 and he shall bring the offering of his offering to the lord a year of an an an anner, blameless as holocauste, and a feat feepless feck for the sacrifice of salvation, Num.6.15 with a corf with unleavened bread of unleavened bread, with bread of bread, the bread of unleavened bread and the unleavened bread of bread. Num.6.16 and the priest will bring it before the lord and offer his sacrifice for his sins and his holocauste. Num.6.17 and he will bring the vær as sacrifice pacificy to the lord with the korf of unleavened bread, and with him the sacrifice of bread and the drankoffer. Num.6.18 and the nasirier will raise the head of his nazireat by the entrance of the tent of witness and carry the hair of his nazireat and put it on the fire that is under the sacrifice of salvation. Num.6.19 and the priest will take the old arm of the judge and one unleavened bread from the korb and a unleaven of unleavened bread and put it on the hands of the nazireo, after he has raken his nazireat. Num.6.20 and the priest will put them as a viftoffer before the lord. it is a holy gift for the priest, with the brust of the offering offering and the hinder of offering. after this the nazireans will drink wine. Num.6.21 this is the law of the nasirier, who continues for the offering of his offering to the lord for his nazireat, except what he will find. according to his nasirity he will make, according to the law of his nasiiring. Num.6.22 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.6.23 speak to aaron and to his sons, saying, so shall you blessed the children of israel, saying to them, they shall put my name upon the people of israel, and i will blessed them. Num.6.24 the lord blessed you and keep you. Num.6.25 let the lord show his face to you and have mercy on you. Num.6.26 let the lord looke his face to you and give you peace. Num.7.1 on the day when moses had finished up to restaure the tent and anointed it and sanctified it with all its goods, the altar and all his goods, and anointed them and sanctified them, Num.7.2 then the rulers of israel, the rulers of their families, who were the rulers of the tribes, brought up. Num.7.3 and they brought their offers before the lord, six waves of lamb and twelve boves, one wagen for two rulers and a bound for each one, and they brought it before the tent. Num.7.4 and the lord said to moses, Num.7.5 take them from them, that they may be for the service of the tent of witness, and give them to the levites, each one according to his service. Num.7.6 so moses took the waves and the oxen and gave them to the levites. Num.7.7 two carros and four boves he gave to the sons of gerson, according to their ministering. Num.7.8 and the four waves and eight boves he gave to the sons of merari, according to their ministry under itamar, the son of aaron the priest. Num.7.9 but to the sons of cahath he did not give, because their service of the holy places were carried on their hours. Num.7.10 the rulers brought the offering for the inscription of the altar on the day when he was anointed, the rulers brought their offers before the altar. Num.7.11 and the lord said to moses, they will offer their offers every day, a ruler for the offering of the altar. Num.7.12 the one who offered his gift on the first day was nahshon, the son of amminadab, of the tribe of judah. Num.7.13 he offered his offering a silberschüssel with 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sikkel of the holy places, both full of fish of fish blanged with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.14 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.15 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.16 one bode for sin, Num.7.17 and for sacrifice pacifics two boves, five judges, five bokken, five years of an eating. this was the gift of nahshon, the son of amminadab. Num.7.18 on the second day offered nathanael, the son of cuar, the ruler of issachar, Num.7.19 he offered his offering a silberschüssel with 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sikkel of the holy places, both full of fish of fish blanged with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.20 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.21 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.22 one bode for sin, Num.7.23 and for sacrifice pacifics two boves, five judges, five bokken, five years of an eating. this was the gift of nathanael, the son of suar. Num.7.24 on the third day, the ruler of the sons of zebulon, eliab the son of helon; Num.7.25 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.26 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.27 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.28 one bode for sin, Num.7.29 and for sacrifice pacifics, two boves, five judges, five boats and five fears. this was the gift of eliab, the son of helon. Num.7.30 the fourth day was the ruler of the sons of ruben, elizur, the son of shedeur. Num.7.31 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.32 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.33 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.34 one bode for sin, Num.7.35 and for sacrifice pacifics two boves, five judges, five bokken, five fearns. this was the gift of elisur, the son of shedeur. Num.7.36 on the fifth day was the ruler of the sons of simeon, selumiel, the son of tsurishaddai; Num.7.37 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.38 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.39 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.40 one bode for sin, Num.7.41 and for sacrifice pacificy, two boves, five judges, five boats and five years of an year. this was the gift of selumiel, the son of surisaddai. Num.7.42 the sixth day was the ruler of the gadites, eliasaf, the son of deuel; Num.7.43 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.44 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.45 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.46 one bode for sin, Num.7.47 and for sacrifice pacifics two boves, five judges, five bokken, five fearns. this was the gift of eliasaph, the son of reguel. Num.7.48 the seventh day was the ruler of the sons of ephraim, elishama, the son of ammihud. Num.7.49 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.50 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.51 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.52 one bode for sin, Num.7.53 and for sacrifice pacifics two boves, five judges, five bokken, five fearns. this was the gift of elishama, the son of ammihud. Num.7.54 on the eighth day, the ruler of the sons of manasseh, gamliel, the son of pedazur. Num.7.55 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.56 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.57 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.58 one bode for sin, Num.7.59 and for sacrifice pacificy two boves, five judges, five bokken, five fearns. this was the gift of gamaliel, the son of pedazur. Num.7.60 the night day was the ruler of the sons of benjamin, abidan, the son of gideoni; Num.7.61 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.62 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.63 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.64 one bode for sin, Num.7.65 and for sacrifice pacifics, two boves, five judges, five boats and five years. this was the gift of abidan, the son of gideoni. Num.7.66 on the dhm day was the ruler of the sons of dan, ahiezer, the son of ammisaddai. Num.7.67 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.68 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.69 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.70 one bode for sin, Num.7.71 and for sacrifice pacificy two boves, five judges, five bokken, five fearns. this was the gift of ahiezer, the son of ammisaddai. Num.7.72 the eleven day was the ruler of the sons of aser, pagiel, the son of ocran, Num.7.73 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.74 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.75 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.76 one bode for sin, Num.7.77 and for sacrifice pacificy, two boves, five judges, five boats and five years. this was the gift of pagiel, the son of okran. Num.7.78 the twelve day was the ruler of the sons of neftali, ahira, the son of enan. Num.7.79 his offering was a silberschüssel of silver for 130 sekel, and a silber of silver of seventy-siks, according to the sicli of the holy places, both full of fish splended with olie, for sacrifice, Num.7.80 un golb for 10 gold, full of incense, Num.7.81 one young bound, un schafbock, one an years of an year, for the holocauste, Num.7.82 one bode for sin, Num.7.83 and for sacrifice pacifics two boves, five judges, five bokken, five fearns. this was the gift of ahira, the son of enan. Num.7.84 this was the feast of the offerings of the israelites on the day when it was anointed: twelve baskets of silver, twelve baskets of silver, twelve baskets of gold. Num.7.85 every fish of 130 sekel, and every sprenging of seven siks, all the silver of the vessels was 2400 siclos, according to the holy sicli. Num.7.86 120 golds full of incense, full of incense, all the gold of the offers, 120 golds of gold. Num.7.87 all the boves as holocauste were twelve boves, twelve judges, twelve lamb, twelve years of an an eating, with their sacrifices, and twelve bodes in sacrifice for sin. Num.7.88 as for the sacrifice of salvation, were twenty-four boves, 60 judges, seven boats, 60 years. this was the bringing of the altar after that he was anointed. Num.7.89 when moses went into the tent of witness to speak with him, he heard the voice speaking to him from the propitiation, which was on the ark of the witness, among the two cherubim. and he spoke to him. Num.8.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.8.2 speak to aaron and say to him, when you lay the lamp, the seven lamp will light before the lamper. Num.8.3 and aaron did so, so that he laid their lampes at the face of the lampstand, just as the lord had commanded moses. Num.8.4 the compense of the stand was of gold: it was of gold, the coll and its flores were of gold. according to the image that the lord had shown moses, so he did the candelaar. Num.8.5 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.8.6 take the levites from the people of israel and purifike them. Num.8.7 and so you may make their purification to purify them: strik them with water of purification, and they shall strike burn over all their body and wash their cloaks, and they shall be clean. Num.8.8 then they may take a kalf with his sacrifice of fish consperced with olie, and a years of a feast shall you take a sacrifice for sin. Num.8.9 you shall bring the levites before the tent of witness, and you shall gather all the people of israel. Num.8.10 you shall bring the levites before the lord, and the sons of israel will lay their hands on the levites. Num.8.11 and aaron will offer the levites as fellow offering for the lord from the israelites, so that they may serve the work of the lord. Num.8.12 the levites will put their hands on the head of the oxen and bring the one as sacrifice for sin and one to holocauste for the lord, to make propitiation for them. Num.8.13 you shall put the levites before aaron and his sons, and you will put them as a offering for the lord. Num.8.14 so you shall separate the levites from the people of israel, and the levites shall be my. Num.8.15 after this the levites will enter the tent of witness, when you are purified them and reject them. Num.8.16 for they are delivered to me from among the sons of israel, in order of those who opened all matter, the firstborn of all the sons of israel i have taken them to me. Num.8.17 for all the firstborn among the sons of israel, both man and beast, are mine. on the day when i killed all the firstborn in the land of egypt, i have sanctified them to me. Num.8.18 and i took the levites in place of all the firstborn of the sons of israel. Num.8.19 so i gave the levites to aaron and his sons, in the midst of the israelites, to make the service of the israelites by the tent of witness, so that they may make propitiation for the israelites, so that the israelites may not be directed by the holy places. Num.8.20 and moses and aaron and all the congregation of the people of israel did to the levites, just as the lord had commanded moses concerning the levites. Num.8.21 the levites were purified and washed their garments, and aaron gave them for the presence of the lord, and aaron purified them for their purification. Num.8.22 after this the levites came to serve their ministry by the tent of witness before aaron and his sons. as the lord had commanded moses concerning the levites, so they did to them. Num.8.23 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.8.24 this is the reason for the levites: from thirty years and above shall they enter the tent of witness to work in the tent of witness. Num.8.25 but as for a feast of four years he will depart from the service and do not work more, Num.8.26 but they must serve his brothers in the tent of witness to keep guards, but do not work works. so must you do with the levites in their guards. Num.9.1 and the lord spoke to moses in the wilderness of sinai, in the second year after they had come out of the land of egypt, saying, Num.9.2 let the people of israel make the passover at his time. Num.9.3 on the fourteenth day of this monato as evening, you shall make it in the time, according to all his instructions and according to all his determination should you keep it. Num.9.4 and moses told the israelites to celebrate the passover. Num.9.5 in the fourteenth day of the fourteenth day of the money in the wilderness, in the wilderness of sinai, just as the lord had commanded moses. Num.9.6 there were men who were unclean for a human being, and they could not keep the passover on that day. so they went to moses and aaron on that day, Num.9.7 and those men said to him, we are unclean for a human being. why do we not need to offer the offering offering to the lord in his time among the sons of israel? Num.9.8 and moses said to them, stand still, i will hear what the lord will command for you. Num.9.9 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.9.10 speak to the children of israel, saying, if a man of you or of your generations has been unclean for a person or is in a distance, will make the passover for the lord. Num.9.11 in the second month, in the fourteenth day of eating, they will make it; with unleavened bread and bitterness shall they eat it. Num.9.12 they shall not left it to the morning, and they shall not brise one of them. they shall make it according to all the commandments of the passover. Num.9.13 but if anyone is clean and does not have in a journey, but lacks to keep the passover, that person shall be destroyed from his people, because he has not offered the offering to the lord at the time, that man should take his sin. Num.9.14 and if a fremder who dwell among you and does the passover of the lord will keep the passover according to the instructions of the passover and the reasoning of the passover. this will have one law for you or for the proselyte and for the indigning of the land. Num.9.15 on the day when the tent was standing, the cloud covered the tent of the testimony, and the evening was upon the tent like a fire of fire until the morning. Num.9.16 so was it continuing, the cloud opened it, and the face of fire was in the night. Num.9.17 and as the cloud remained from the tent, the israelites went up, and in the place where the cloud stood there, the people of israel departed. Num.9.18 according to the way of the lord the israelites went up, and according to the way of the lord they departed. in all the days when the cloud overstayed on the tent, they departed. Num.9.19 and as the cloud remained for the tent many days, the israelites observed the command of the lord and did not indulge. Num.9.20 though the cloud continued over the tent, they were in the way of the lord, and according to the commandment of the lord they departed. Num.9.21 when the cloud remained from evening to the morning, when the cloud arose, they departed, and they departed. Num.9.22 the next day while the cloud was asleep, the people of israel set their tends against it, and they did not break them. Num.9.23 for according to the commandment of the lord they went away, and they kept the guard of the lord, according to the instruction of the lord by moses. Num.10.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.10.2 do for yourself two baskets of silver. do you keep them, so that they may be for you to call the congregation and to bring the camp. Num.10.3 when they blow in them, all the people shall gather together at the door of the tent of witness. Num.10.4 but if they blow in one, the rulers, the rulers of israel, will come to you. Num.10.5 but when you trumpet on a sign, the leaners who belongs to the oosting will come out. Num.10.6 but when you trumpeat a second time, they shall take out the leaners that belongs to the south. they shall blinding alarmly with alarm. Num.10.7 but when the people are gathered together, you shall trumpet, but not alarm. Num.10.8 the sons of aaron, the priests, shall trumpet the trumpets. this shall be a eternal instruction for you in your generation. Num.10.9 and if you come out to belong in your land against the adversary who do against you, you will call the trumpet with the trumpet, and you will be remembered before the lord, your god, and you will be saved from your enemies. Num.10.10 and in the days of your joy, in your feast and in your feast, you shall blinding with the trumpets on your sacrifices and your sacrifices sacrifices, and they will be remembering for you before your god. i am the lord your god. Num.10.11 in the second year, in the second month of the second month, the cloud came up from the tent of witness. Num.10.12 so the children of israel departed from the wilderness of sinai, and the cloud stood in the wilderness of paran. Num.10.13 so they went in the first way, according to the commandment of the lord by moses. Num.10.14 first came the bange of the tender of the sons of juda according to their rulers, and under their leading power was nahshon, the son of amminadab. Num.10.15 and over the power of the tribe of the sons of issachar was netaneel, the son of suar, Num.10.16 and over the power of the tribe of the sons of zebulon was eliab, the son of helon. Num.10.17 when the tent was taken, the sons of gerson and the sons of merari were carried up, drawing the tent. Num.10.18 then there was the bander of the tender of ruben according to their bands, and over the ruler of them was elizur, the son of shedeur. Num.10.19 and over the power of the tribe of the sons of simeon was selumiel, the son of tsurishaddai. Num.10.20 and over the power of the tribe of the gadites was eliasaph, the son of deuel. Num.10.21 so came the kehatites out, drawing the holy places, and they set the tent until they came. Num.10.22 so came the banner of the tender of ephraim according to their bands, and under their rulers elishama, the son of ammihud. Num.10.23 over the power of the tribe of the sons of manasseh was gamliel, the son of pedazur. Num.10.24 over the power of the tribe of the sons of benjamin was abidan, the son of gideoni. Num.10.25 then the banderage of the tender of dan went up the last of all the tends, according to their bands. and over their power was ahiezer, the son of ammisaddai. Num.10.26 and over the power of the tribe of the sons of aser was pagiel, the son of ocran, Num.10.27 and over the power of the tribe of the sons of neftali was ahira, the son of enan. Num.10.28 these were the soldiers of the people of israel according to their bands. Num.10.29 and moses said to jobab, the son of reguel, the midianithy of moses, we said, we will go to the place that the lord has said, i will give you. come with us, and we will do you well, because the lord has spoken good concerning israel. Num.10.30 but he said to him, i will not go, but i will go into my land and to my generation. Num.10.31 and he said, do not forgive us, for you know that you have been with us in the wilderness, and you will be a old of us. Num.10.32 if you go with us, we will do to you the good things that the lord will do to us, and we will do to you. Num.10.33 so they went away from the mountain of the lord for three days, and the ark of the covenant of the lord went before them, about three days to set for them a rest. Num.10.35 and as the ark came up, moses said, rise, lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let all who hates you escape. Num.10.36 and when it remained, it said, return, o god, to the israelites of israel! Num.11.1 and the people grumbled in the words of the lord. and when the lord heard it, enflamed his wrath, and the fire from the lord was bringing in them and consumed the extreme of the camp. Num.11.2 so the people cried out to moses, and moses prayed to the lord, and the fire ceased. Num.11.3 so they called that place was tabera, because the fire of the lord was burned among them. Num.11.4 the little ones that among them was greatly greatly desired, and even the israelites were greatly greated, and they said, who will give us a flesh? Num.11.5 we remembered the fish that we had eating in egypt without cause, the calls and the portes, and the melon and the knowle. Num.11.6 now now our soul is torned; it is nothing except the manna in our sight. Num.11.7 and the manna was like koriandersamen and bearing the appearance of bdellium. Num.11.8 the people went out and gathered it and gathered it in the handpress or feed it in the hanch and feed it in back, and its wood was like the gusting of the olives. Num.11.9 when the ross came down on the camp in the night, the manna fell on it. Num.11.10 moses heard that people were weeping for their families, each at the door of his house, and the wrath of the lord was vred at anger, and in the presence of moses was evil. Num.11.11 and moses said to the lord, why did you afflict your servant? and why did i not find grace in your eyes, that you lay the course of this people on me? Num.11.12 have i not received this whole people? whether i became birth of it, that you say to me, take him in your boot, like a master of the feast to bear in the land that you lowed to their fathers? Num.11.13 where have i to give a flesh to give all this people? for they weep for me, saying, give us a flesh, that we may eat. Num.11.14 i am not able to carry all this people, for this is greater for me. Num.11.15 if you do so to me, put me to death if i have found my mercy, and do not see my affliction. Num.11.16 and the lord said to moses, gather me seven men of the elders of israel, whom you know that they are the elders of the people and their rulers, and bring them to the tent of witness, and they shall stand there with you. Num.11.17 so i will descend and speak there with you, and i will take from the spirit that is on you, and i will lay them on them, and they will receive the last of the people with you, and you shall not bring them only. Num.11.18 to the people you shall say, purify yourselves for tomorrow, and you will eat a flesh, because you were weeping in the presence of the lord, saying, who will give us a flesh? for it is good for us in egypt. so the lord will give to you flesh and you may eat. Num.11.19 you will not eat one day or two, nor five days, nor ten days, nor twenty days, Num.11.20 but a four day, until you come out of your nassers and will be your wicked, because you rejected the lord who is among you and weeped before him, saying, why did we go out of egypt? Num.11.21 and moses said, the people in which i am is six hundred thousand people, and you say, i will give them a flesh that may eat a money of days. Num.11.22 shall the sheep and boves slain for them, so that they may please them? or shall all the waves of the sea gather to them, so that they may keep them? Num.11.23 and the lord said to moses, does the hand of the lord be hard? now you will know whether my saying will remain you or not. Num.11.24 so moses went out and told the people the words of the lord. and he gathered seventy-men of the elders of the people and put them around the tent. Num.11.25 then the lord went down in a cloud and spoke to him, and took out of the spirit that was on him and laid it on the seventy-two elders. and when the spirit fell upon them, they prophesy, and there did no longer. Num.11.26 now two of the men had come down in the camp, the name of one was eldad and the other name medad, and the spirit fell over them. they were among the scriptures, but they did not go to the tent, and they prophesy in the camp. Num.11.27 then a young man ran and told moses, saying, eldad and medad prophesy in the camp. Num.11.28 and josua, the son of nun, who was minister of moses, answered, lord moses, hold them to it! Num.11.29 but moses said to him, are you jealousy for me? if all the people of the lord were prophets, if the lord would put his spirit on them! Num.11.30 so moses went into the barracks, he and the elders of israel. Num.11.31 when the wind came from the lord, he carried out the way from the sea and put them into the camp, a day of day from one place, and about a matter of a day along the camp, about a thousand a long time from the earth. Num.11.32 so the people rose the whole day and all the night and the whole next day and gathered the gifts. the one who had gathered a little money had gathered, and they distributed them for their own places around the camp. Num.11.33 while the flesh was still in their dends, before it was lost, the wrath of the lord was wrath against the people, and the lord struck the people with a great plague. Num.11.34 so they called that place was kibrot-hattaava, for there they buried the people of the desire. Num.11.35 from kibrot-hattaava the people departed to haseroth, and they were in haseroth. Num.12.1 mary and aaron said to moses for the sake of the ethiopie woman that he had taken, for he had received a etiopian wife. Num.12.2 and they said, has the lord spoken only to moses? did he not speak even to us? and the lord heard it. Num.12.3 now moses was a devout man, greater than all the people who were on the earth. Num.12.4 and the lord said immediately to moses and aaron and mirjam, come out, you three, to the tent of witness. and they went out all three. Num.12.5 then the lord went down in a cloud of cloud and stood at the door of the tent, and called aaron and mary, and they both went out. Num.12.6 and he said, hear my word: if a prophet is among you, i will be known to him in a vision, and in a droom i will speak to him. Num.12.7 it is not so with my servant moses, who is faithful in all my house. Num.12.8 i will speak with him a mouth against face, and not with enights, and i see the glory of the lord. why do you not fear to speak against my servant moses? Num.12.9 and the wrath of the lord was against them, and he went away. Num.12.10 and when the cloud departed from the tent, behold, mary was leased, like a sneg. aaron looked at mary, and behold, she was a leproor. Num.12.11 and aaron said to moses, o, my lord, do not put a sinning upon us, because we have been recognized because we have sinned. Num.12.12 do not be like a district of death, which comes out of the mother of mother, and a half of her flesh will eat. Num.12.13 and moses cried out to the lord, o god, heal her! Num.12.14 and the lord said to moses, if her father had spyched her in her face, she would not be ashamed for seven days? let her be kept for seven days out of the camp, and after this she may enter. Num.12.15 so mary divided seven days out of the camp, and the people did not go away until mirjam had been removed. Num.12.16 after this the people parted from haseroth and learned in the wilderness of paran. Num.13.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.13.2 send men men to set the land of canaan, which i give to the sons of israel. you shall send one man from their families, every one of them who is ruler among them. Num.13.3 so moses sent them from the wilderness of paran, according to the word of the lord, all these men were rulers of the sons of israel. Num.13.4 and these are their name: of the tribe of ruben, shammua, the son of zacchur; Num.13.5 of the tribe of simeon, safat, the son of hori; Num.13.6 of the tribe of judah, caleb, the son of jefunne, Num.13.7 of the tribe of issachar, jigal the son of joseph, Num.13.8 of the tribe of ephraim, hosea, the son of nun; Num.13.9 of the tribe of benjamin, palti, the son of raphou, Num.13.10 of the tribe of zebulon, gaddiel, the son of sodi, Num.13.11 of the tribe of joseph, of the tribes of manasseh, gaddi the son of susi; Num.13.12 of the tribe of dan ammiel, the son of gemalli; Num.13.13 of the tribe of aser, setur, the son of michael, Num.13.14 of the tribe of neftali, nachbi, the son of vofsi, Num.13.15 of the tribe of gad, guel, the son of machi. Num.13.16 these are the name of the men whom moses sent to example the land. and moses called hosea, the son of nun, jesus. Num.13.17 and moses sent them to examine the land of canaan, and said to them, come up in the wilderness and go up to the mountain, Num.13.18 and see what it is, and the people who dwells in it, whether it is strong or weak, if it is a little or many. Num.13.19 and what is the land in which they dwell, if it is good or evil, and what are the towns in which they dwell, whether in burdens or in befestigs, Num.13.20 and what is the land, if it is grain or grain, whether there are trees or not. be strengthening and take of the fruit of the earth. and it was the time of the first roogs. Num.13.21 so they went up and considered the land from the wilderness of zin to rehob, in the way of hamath. Num.13.22 they went up in the wilderness and came to hebron, where was ahiman, sheshai and talmai, the generations of anaah. hebron was being built seven years before soan in egypt. Num.13.23 so they came to the beast of escol, and they departed there a grain, one grave of graves, and they took him on a path, both the granaatappelen and the fig tree. Num.13.24 that place was called the beast of escol, because of the grave that the israelites had cut off from there. Num.13.25 after 40 days they returned and recognized the land. Num.13.26 so they went and came to moses and aaron and to all the people of the people of israel into the wilderness of paran, at cades, and reported to them the charge of the land and showed them the fruit of the land. Num.13.27 and they told him, we came to the land in which you sent us, a land that toes of milk and honning, and this is its fruit. Num.13.28 but the people who dwells in it is strong, and the towns are fortified and greatly great; and we have seen there the generation of anach. Num.13.29 the amalekites dwells in the country of the country, and the hetites and the jebusites and the amorites dwelling in the mountains, and the cananeus dwells by the sea and by the jordan. Num.13.30 and caleb called the people to moses and said, we shall go up and inherit it, for we can be able with them. Num.13.31 but the men who had accompanied him said, we cannot go up against this people, for it is strong than we. Num.13.32 and they told the land that they had performed the people of israel, saying, the land that we have passed through for to examining it, is a land that bears its dwelling. all the people that we saw in it are great ones. Num.13.33 we saw there the anakites, and we were like locusts in their sight, but so we were with them. Num.14.1 so all the people cried out and cried out, and the people were weeping that very night. Num.14.2 and all the sons of israel murrt against moses and aaron, and all the people said to them, o, whether we were dead in the land of egypt or in this wilderness! Num.14.3 why does the lord bring us into this land to fall by a sword, and our children and our children will be a plundering? is it not better for us to return into egypt? Num.14.4 and they said to one another, let us lay a ruler and return to egypt. Num.14.5 so moses and aaron fell on his face before the whole vergadering of the people of israel. Num.14.6 but jesus, the son of nun, and caleb, the son of jephone, who were among those who considered the land distributed their garments, Num.14.7 and they told all the synagogue of the people of israel, saying, the land that we have directed it is a great good land. Num.14.8 if the lord is pleasing in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that tears of milk and honning. Num.14.9 only do not be rebelled against the lord and do not fear the people of the land, for they are a food for us. their time has departed, and the lord is with us. do not fear them. Num.14.10 and the whole synagogue said, to stone them to stone. but the glory of the lord appeared in the tent of witness to all the sons of israel. Num.14.11 and the lord said to moses, how long will this people provoke me? and how long do they not believe me in all the signs that i have done in them? Num.14.12 i will strike them with death and destroy them, and i will make you a great and more nation than this. Num.14.13 and moses said to the lord, and the egyptians will hear that you with your power brought this people out from them, Num.14.14 and they will say to those who dwell in this land. they have heard that you, o lord, are among this people, that you, o lord, is seen in their eyes, that your cloud stand upon them, and you go in a cloud of cloud before them day and in a fire of fire in the night. Num.14.15 and if you destroy this people like one man, the nations who have heard your name will say, Num.14.16 because the lord could not bring this people into the land that he had swore to them, he destroyed them in the wilderness. Num.14.17 therefore let your power be exalted, o lord, as you told, saying, Num.14.18 the lord is patient and great in mercy, having forgiven violence and wrongdoing, but does not clean the one who is innocent, but reject the iniquice of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth. Num.14.19 leave this people according to your great mercy, just as you have forgiven them from egypt until now. Num.14.20 and the lord said, i have forgiven them according to your word. Num.14.21 but so long as i live and all the earth will be filled with the glory of the lord. Num.14.22 all the men who saw my glory and the signs that i did in egypt and in the wilderness, and have persuaded me now ten time and did not listen to my voice, Num.14.23 they shall not see the land that i swore to their fathers, but all who have provoked me will see it. Num.14.24 but my servant caleb, because a other spirit was in him and has followed me, i will bring him into the land where he has entered, and his offspring will inherit it. Num.14.25 now the amalekites and the cananans dwells in the vall, return tomorrow and go into the wilderness, on the way of the schilde sea. Num.14.26 and the lord said to moses and aaron, Num.14.27 how long will i have this evil crowd, which they murmure against me? i have heard the murmurering of the sons of israel that they murring against me. Num.14.28 tell them, so i live, says the lord, just as you have spoken to my ears, so i will do to you. Num.14.29 in this wilderness your dead bodies will fall, all your number, a number of you, from zwenty-years and above, who murred against me. Num.14.30 you will not enter the land that i made my hand to dwelling you in it, except caleb, the son of jephone, and josua, the son of nun. Num.14.31 but your children, of which you said was to be delivered, i will bring them in the land, and they will know the land that you have removed. Num.14.32 but your dead bodies will fall in this wilderness. Num.14.33 and your sons will be weight in the wilderness for forty years, and they will bring your sexual immorality, until your dead bodies will become in the wilderness. Num.14.34 according to the number of those days as you set the land for forty days, every day for a day, you will receive your sins for forty years, and you will know my wrath of my wrath. Num.14.35 i, the lord, have spoken, even so i will do for all this evil synagogue that has gathered against me. in this wilderness they will perish, and there they will die. Num.14.36 and the men whom moses sent to examine the land and who had returned and murtained the whole synagogue against it, declining evil concerning the earth, Num.14.37 the people, who had made evil things of the land, died by a plague before the lord. Num.14.38 but jesus, the son of nun, and caleb, the son of jephone, were living among those men who had gone to examine the land. Num.14.39 and moses spoke these words to all the israelites, and the people were greatly troubled. Num.14.40 and they rose the morning and went up to the top of the mountain, saying, behold, we are going up to the place that the lord has spoken, for we have sinned. Num.14.41 and moses said, why do you break the word of the lord? it will not prospere. Num.14.42 do not go up, for the lord is not with you, that you may not fall before your enemies. Num.14.43 for the amalekites and the kanaanites are there before you, and you will fall down by the sword. for you have turned away from the lord, and the lord will not be with you. Num.14.44 but they refused to go up to the top of the mountain, but the ark of the covenant of the lord and moses did not draw away from the camp. Num.14.45 so the amalekites and the cananans who were directed the mountain went down and destroyed them and cut them down until horma. Num.15.1 and the lord said to moses, Num.15.2 speak to the israelites and say to them, when you enter the land of your dwelling place that i give you, Num.15.3 and you will make a sacrifice for the lord, a holocausto or a sacrifice, to make a profts or a profter of feast or of your feast, to make a fragrant offering for the lord from the oxen or the sheep, Num.15.4 then the one who offer his offering to the lord will bring a sacrifice of fish of fish of farine treasured with a fourth hin of a hin of hin. Num.15.5 and as a wine of a hin to drink, a fourth of a hin, with the brandopfer or the sacrifice for every lamb. Num.15.6 as for the judge, you will bring a sacrifice of fine of fish of farine treated with a third of hin with a third of hin. Num.15.7 and to drink a third of hin a third of hin for a pleasing geruch for the lord. Num.15.8 but if you offer a rind to holocauste or a sacrifice to make a property or a sacrifice for the lord, Num.15.9 then on the beast to bring a sacrifice of fish of fish of farine treasured with a mean of a hin of hin, Num.15.10 and a wine of hin to drink, a pute of hin, a sacrifice for a soave odore for the lord. Num.15.11 so may you have done for every boun, or for the one judge, or with the lamb of the sheep or the sheep. Num.15.12 as for the number of those that you make, so do to the one, according to their number. Num.15.13 every nation should have done so, offering a sacrifice of incensu for the lord. Num.15.14 and if a proselyte who belongs to you or those who are among you in your generations, and has offered a sacrifice for a soave odore to the lord, so he must do so as you do. Num.15.15 this is a single law for you and for those who dwell among you. this is a eternal law for your generation, as you are, and the fremde will be before the lord. Num.15.16 one law and one condemnation shall have for you and for the fremde who dwells among you. Num.15.17 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.15.18 speak to the people of israel and say to them, when you enter the land in which i am going you, Num.15.19 and you will eat the bread of the land, you will take the offering for the lord. Num.15.20 the first measure of your best will you give a offering for the offering. you will take it so as the offering from the aire. Num.15.21 in the beginning of your best you will give the lord a healing in your generation. Num.15.22 and if you have sinned and do not do all these commandments that the lord has spoken to moses, Num.15.23 as the lord commanded you by moses from the day that the lord gave up them, and from that time to your generation, Num.15.24 then, if it has been carried by unintently, by the sight of the congregation, all the people should offer a young bœuf so of a rind, in a mighty duft for the lord, with his sacrifice and its drankoffers, according to the order, and one bode in sacrifice for sin. Num.15.25 and the priest shall make soning for all the congregation of the sons of israel, and they will be forgiven, for it was a vanderance, and they have brought their offers, a sacrifice for the lord and their sacrifice for their sins. Num.15.26 and all the people of israel and to the proselyte who dwells among them will be forgiven, for all the people were ungodly. Num.15.27 if one person sins without intension, he will bring a feast of an an year for sin. Num.15.28 and the priest shall make propitiation for the soul who has been sinned and committed sin in the presence of the lord, so to make propitiation for him. Num.15.29 for the indieving among the children of israel and for the fremde who dwells among them, one law must be for them, if anyone does ungodly doing. Num.15.30 but the person who does do in a mighty hand, except the natural or a proselyte, has provoked the lord. that person must be destroyed from his people. Num.15.31 for he has contempted the word of the lord and rejected his commandment; that person will be destroyed. this person will have sin against him. Num.15.32 when the israelites were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering a tree on the sabbath day. Num.15.33 those who found him gathering him in the sabbath day came to moses and aaron and to the whole israel. Num.15.34 and they put him in prison, for they had not decided what they might do with him. Num.15.35 and the lord said to moses, the man must be killed. all the synagogue shall stone him to death. Num.15.36 so the whole synagogue brought him out of the camp and stones him to stone, just as the lord had commanded moses. Num.15.37 and the lord said to moses, Num.15.38 speak to the israelites and say to them that they may make a garment on the bores of their garments in all their generations, and they will put a taken clothing on the fringe of the fringe. Num.15.39 and it will have a fringe for you, and when you see it, you will remember all the commandments of the lord and do them, and you may not follow your mind and your eyes, which you do in sexual immorality. Num.15.40 so that you may remember and do all my commandments, and you may be holy for your god. Num.15.41 i am the lord your god, who led you out of the land of egypt to be your god. i am the lord your god. Num.16.1 and korah, the son of jizhar, son of cahat, the son of levi, and datan and abiram, sons of eliab, and on, the son of peleth, the sons of ruben, Num.16.2 and they stood up before moses and two hundred men of the sons of israel, rulers of the synagogue, called around, men of honor. Num.16.3 they gathered together against moses and aaron and said, it is with you, for all the synagogue are holy, and the lord is in them. why then are you stirred up against the synagogue of the lord? Num.16.4 when moses heard it, he fell on his face, Num.16.5 and he spoke to coré and all his people, saying, a severe time will the lord show who is his and who is holy and will bring him to him. and whom he will bring him will he bring to himself. Num.16.6 do this, take for you incense, core and all his companion, Num.16.7 and put in them fire, and lay incense on them tomorrow before the lord. and the one whom the lord will choose will be holy. sufficient for you, you sons of levi! Num.16.8 and moses said to core, hear me, you sons of levi! Num.16.9 is it for little for you that the god of israel has divided you out of the congregation of israel and brought you to himself, to ministre in the tent of the lord and to stand in the presence of the synagogue to serve them? Num.16.10 he brought you and all your brothers, the sons of levi, with you, and you are seeking to serve. Num.16.11 so you and your whole multitude are gathered together against the lord. for who is aaron that you are murrt against him? Num.16.12 and moses sent datan and abiram, the sons of eliab, but they said, we do not go. Num.16.13 is it not a little while that you have brought us up from the land that tears the milk and heuning, to kill us in the wilderness? Num.16.14 are you not brought us in a land that tears the milk and heuning, and you have given us a lotter of field and vineyards. have you taken up the eyes of those men? we shall not go. Num.16.15 and moses became greatly distressed and said to the lord, do not listen to their sacrifice. i did not take any of them a desire of any of them. Num.16.16 and moses said to coré, you and your whole crowd, be ready before the lord, you and they and aaron. Num.16.17 and each of you take his incensary and put in them incense and bring each of you his incensary before the lord, two hundred incensars. you and aaron must each have his incensu. Num.16.18 so they took each his incensu, put in them fire and laid incense on it and stood by the door of the tent of witness, both moses and aaron. Num.16.19 and coré gathered the whole synagogue against them at the inside of the tent of witness. and the glory of the lord appeared to the whole synagogue. Num.16.20 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Num.16.21 leave this people, and i will destroy them in once. Num.16.22 but they fell on their face and said, o god, god of the spirits of all flesh! if a man has sinned, do you wrath on all the crowd? Num.16.23 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.16.24 speak to the synagogue and say, come around the companion of korah. Num.16.25 so moses rose and went to datan and abiram, and the elders of israel followed him. Num.16.26 and he spoke to the synagogue and said, depart from these hards of these people, and do not touch anything that is in them, so that you may not perish in all their sins. Num.16.27 so they departed from the tender of coré, datan and abiram. and datan and abiram came out and stood by the door of their tents, with their women and children and children. Num.16.28 and moses said, by this you will know that the lord has sent me to do all these works, not that i have done this: Num.16.29 if these people dies according to the death of all people, and if these things are visited, it is not the lord sent me. Num.16.30 but if the lord desires a food and the earth openes his mouth and devour them, with all that they have, and they will come living in the sheol, and then you will know that these men have provoked the lord. Num.16.31 when he had finished speaking all these words, the earth was distributed under them, Num.16.32 and the earth opened his mouth and lifted them and their house and all the people who were with korah and all their possessions. Num.16.33 and they went down, they and whatever they had, living in the sheol, and the earth covered them, and they were destroyed from the crowd. Num.16.34 and all the israelites who were around them fled for their voice, for they said, the earth may not destroy us. Num.16.35 then fire came out from the lord and devored the two hundred feasts who offered the incense. Num.16.36 and the lord said to moses, Num.16.37 say to eleazar, the son of aaron the priest, take the incensars out of the burn, and see the fire in there, for they have been sanctified. Num.16.38 the incensars of these sins that have committed their souls will be for their souls, and make them a leaven to put for the altar, for they were brought to the lord, and they were sanctified, and they will be a sign for the sons of israel. Num.16.39 and eleazar, the priest, took the baskets of bronze that the bringers had brought, and they departed them as a patience to the altar, Num.16.40 as a remember to the children of israel that any extremed who was not of the offspring of aaron should come up to offer incense before the lord, so that he might not be like coré and his number, as the lord had spoken to him by moses. Num.16.41 but the next day all the people of israel murmured against moses and aaron, saying, you have killed the people of the lord. Num.16.42 when the people gathered together against moses and aaron, they turned to the tent of witness, and behold, the cloud opened it, and the glory of the lord appeared. Num.16.43 so moses and aaron went into the tent of witness. Num.16.44 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Num.16.45 depart from this crowd, and i will destroy them in one time. so they fell on their face. Num.16.46 and moses said to aaron, take the incensu and lay fire from the altar and put incense in it, and bring it quickly to the camp and make soning for them, for a wrath has gone out from the lord, the plage has come. Num.16.47 so aaron took them, as moses had spoken, and ran into the crowd, and behold, the plague was now accused among the people. so he put the incense and purified the people. Num.16.48 and he stood among the dead and the living, and the plague remained. Num.16.49 the dead who died in the plague were fourteen thousand seven thousand, except those who died for the sake of coré. Num.16.50 then aaron returned to moses at the entrance of the tent of witness, and the plague remained. Num.17.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.17.2 tell the children of israel, and take from them a scepter, a scepter from all their rulers, according to their families, twelve roves. write the name of each one on his scepter. Num.17.3 and write the name of aaron on the scepter of levi, for they will have one scepter for all the families of their families. Num.17.4 and put them in the tent of witness before the testimony, where i will be made known to you. Num.17.5 and what i will choose will his scepter blow, and i will depart from me the murmurering of the sons of israel, which they murmure against you. Num.17.6 and moses spoke to the children of israel, and all their rulers gave him a scepter, one scepter, according to their families, twelve roves. the scepter of aaron was in the midst of them. Num.17.7 and moses put the scepter up before the lord in the tent of witness. Num.17.8 on the next day, when moses entered the tent of the witness, behold, the scepter of aaron that was for the house of levi was broken up. he had carried out blores, listened and broken migdals. Num.17.9 and moses brought all the scepter from the face of the lord to all the israelites, and they saw it and took each one his scepter. Num.17.10 and the lord said to moses, put the scepter of aaron to the presence of the testimony to keep it up as a sign for the rebelliers, and let their murmurering cesse from me, so that they may not die. Num.17.11 and moses did. as the lord had commanded him, so did he do. Num.17.12 and the people of israel said to moses, behold, we are perishing, we are perishing! Num.17.13 everyone who touch to the tent of the lord dies, so shall we die? shall we escape for all? Num.18.1 and the lord said to aaron, you and your sons and the house of your father with you will take the sins of the holy places, and you and your sons shall take the sins of your priesthood. Num.18.2 as for your brothers, the tribe of levi, the tribe of your father, bring to you, and they should agree with you and ministre to you, and you and your sons with you are before the tent of witness. Num.18.3 they must keep your guard and the guard of all the tent, but they shall not come to the wages of the holy places or to the altar, so that they and you may not die. Num.18.4 they shall agree with you and keep the guaring of the tent of witness, all the ministerings of the tent. but no one must come to you. Num.18.5 you must keep the guards of the holy places and the guard of the altar, so that there will be no wrath upon the people of israel. Num.18.6 for i have received your brothers the levites from the people of israel, as you have been given to the lord to ministre in the tent of witness. Num.18.7 but you and your sons, with you, you will keep your priesthood in all the way of the altar and the inside of the curtain, and serve the ministering. i have given your priesthood the gift of your priesthood. and the others who comes in shall die. Num.18.8 and the lord said to aaron, behold, i have given you the guaring of my offerings. all the holy offerings of the people of israel i have given you as eternal instruction for you and your sons. Num.18.9 this must you have of the holy things of the holy offerings: all their offerings, all their sacrifices, all their sacrifices and sins, which they will give me. this will be holy things for you and for your sons. Num.18.10 in the holy places you will eat them. all men child shall eat it; it shall be holy. Num.18.11 and this will be for you: the offering of their offers, all the offerings of the israelites, i have given you and your sons and your daughters with you as eternal instruction. everyone who is clean in your house will eat it. Num.18.12 all the best of the olive and the bate of the wine and the wheat, which they give to the lord, i have given you to you. Num.18.13 the best of all things that are in their land that they bring to the lord will be your; every pure in your house will eat it. Num.18.14 all things that are made in israel shall be your. Num.18.15 every firstborn of every flesh, which they offers to the lord, both man and beast, shall be your; only the firstborn of man shall be released, and the firstborn of unclean animals shall you release. Num.18.16 his redemption, since it has been redempted, taking five sikles, according to the sanctuary of the holy places, is twenty gers. Num.18.17 only the firstborn of sheep or the firstborn of sheep or the best of cabs shall you not release; it is holy. their blood sollst you sprende on the altar, and their fettle you will burn as a sacrifice for a soave odore for the lord. Num.18.18 and their flesh shall be your, just as the brust of the offering brust and the right hinche shall you have. Num.18.19 all the offerings of the saints, which the sons of israel will take to the lord, i have given you and your sons and your daughters with you as eternal commandment. it is a eternal covenant before the lord for you and for your offspring after you. Num.18.20 and the lord said to aaron, you shall not have inheritance in their land, and you shall have no part among them. i am your part and your inheritance among the sons of israel. Num.18.21 and for the sons of levi i have given all the tithes in israel for their ministry that they serve, the minister in the tent of witness. Num.18.22 the israelites shall not come again to the tent of witness to take sin and do in death. Num.18.23 but the levites shall serve the ministry of the tent of witness, and they may receive their sins. this will be a eternal instruction in their generations. and they shall not have inheritance among the israelites. Num.18.24 for i have given the tithes of the sons of israel that they will give the offering to the lord, i have given it to the levites. therefore i said to them, they shall not inherit lot among the sons of israel. Num.18.25 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.18.26 you shall speak to the levites and say to them, when you take from the sons of israel the tithes that i have given you from them to inheritance, you will give the offspring for the lord, the tithes of the dhm. Num.18.27 and your offerings will be counted to you as a wheat from the grain and the offering of the winepress. Num.18.28 so you also must take the offering of the lord from all your tithes that you will take from the sons of israel, and from them you will give the offering of the lord to aaron the priest. Num.18.29 from all your offers you will take the offering of the lord from all the offering offering of it. Num.18.30 and you shall say to them, when you offert the first things from it, it will be counted to the levites as product from the ground and the fruit of the winepress. Num.18.31 you may eat it in every place, you and your families, for it is your reward for your ministry in the tent of witness. Num.18.32 and you will not bear sin for his sake, since you take the first things from it, and you do not profane the saints things of the children of israel, so that you may not die. Num.19.1 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron, saying, Num.19.2 this is the instruct of the law that the lord has commanded, saying, tell the children of israel that they bring to you a turn round, without blameless, which has not been put on a yoke. Num.19.3 and give it to eleazar the priest, and they will bring her out of the tender and slay it in his presence. Num.19.4 and the priest eleazar will take the blood of her blood and sprenge with her blood seven razs before the face of the tent of witness. Num.19.5 and they will burn her in his presence, the hair, its flesh and her blood, with her body, will be burned. Num.19.6 and the priest will take a sedertree, ysop and scarlet, and throw it into the room of the kalf. Num.19.7 then the priest must wash his garments and wash his body in water, and after this he may enter the camp, and the priest shall be unclean until evening. Num.19.8 and the one who brings it will wash his garments and wash his body and be clean until the evening. Num.19.9 then a pure man will gather the seed of the sheep and put it outside the camp in a pure place, and it may be kept for the congregation of the sons of israel for the water of unclean water. it is a purification. Num.19.10 and the one who gathers the seed of the kalf shall wash his cloaks, and he will be unclean until the evening. this must be eternal instruction for the sons of israel and for the proselyts. Num.19.11 whoever touchs a dead person will be unclean for seven days. Num.19.12 he shall purifike himself on the third day and on the seventh day, and then he will be clean. but if he does not purify him on the third day and on the seventh day he will not be clean. Num.19.13 everyone who touched the dead man, though he dies and does not purified, has defiled the tent of the lord. that person shall be destroyed out of israel, because the washed water was not broken on him, he is uren, his impurity is still in him. Num.19.14 this is the law when a man dies in a tent: everyone who comes in the house and all that is in the house shall be unclean for seven days. Num.19.15 every open vase that has not been bound upon it is unclean. Num.19.16 and everyone who touch on a field in a district, or in a district of a man or of a tombs will be unclean for seven days. Num.19.17 for the unclean may take the seed of the brone of the brone brone of purification, and they will giew water in it into a vase. Num.19.18 then a pure man will take hysope and dyp in the water and stone in the house and all the goods and those who are there, and on the one who has touched the bons of man or of the one who has been killed, or to the dead, or to the dead, or to the tomb. Num.19.19 the pure person will sprend the unclean on the third and on the seventh day, and so he will purifike him on the seventh day. then he shall wash his garments and wash himself in water, and he will be clean until the evening. Num.19.20 but if anyone is unrein and does not purified, that person shall be destroyed out of the crowd, because he has defiled the holy places of the lord, and the water of purifiation is not broken on him, he is unclean. Num.19.21 this shall be a eternal instruction for you. the one who brows the water of the purifiation shall wash his garments. and whoever touch the purification will be clean until the evening. Num.19.22 whatever the unclean touch will be unclean, and the person that touch them will be unclean until evening. Num.20.1 the people of israel, the whole synagogue, came into the wilderness of zin, in the first money. and the people remained in cades, and mary died there and was buried there. Num.20.2 and there was no water for the synagogue, and they were gathered against moses and aaron. Num.20.3 so the people stricked with moses and said, o, whether we were dead when our brothers were perishing before the lord. Num.20.4 why did you bring the synagogue of the lord into this wilderness, so that we may live with our possessions? Num.20.5 and why did you bring us out of egypt to bring us into this evil place? it is no place where it does not sow, nor fig, nor women, nor romãs, nor water to drink? Num.20.6 and moses and aaron went from the synagogue to the door of the tent of witness and fell on their face. then the glory of the lord appeared to them. Num.20.7 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.20.8 take the scepter and gather the synagogue, you and your brother aaron, and speak to the rock before them, and it will give its water. so you will bring water out of the rock to them and give the crowd and their feet to drink. Num.20.9 so moses took the scepter from the presence of the lord, as he had commanded. Num.20.10 and moses and aaron gathered the synagogue before the rock, and he said to them, hear me, you disobedient! shall we bring you water from this rock? Num.20.11 and moses lifted up his hand and struck a rock to the rock again, and a great water came out, and the synagogue and their beasts drank. Num.20.12 and the lord said to moses and aaron, because you did not believe me and sanctified me before the sons of israel, you will not bring this crowd in the land that i have given them. Num.20.13 this was the water of meriba, in which the people of israel discussed the lord, and he was sanctified in them. Num.20.14 and moses sent messengers from cades to the king of edom, saying, so says your brother israel: you know all the moil that has found us. Num.20.15 our fathers went down into egypt, and we dwelled in egypt many days, and the egyptians became afflicted with us and our fathers. Num.20.16 then we cried out to the lord, and he heard our voice, and he sent an angel and led us out of egypt. and now we are in cades, a city at the region of your region. Num.20.17 let us go through your land. we shall not go through field or vineyard and shall not drink water of the cisternes. we will go in the king of the king, not depart from right or left, until we have passed through your region. Num.20.18 but edom said to him, you shall not pass through my land, unless i will go out in a hand against you. Num.20.19 and the children of israel said to him, we will go from the way, and if we and our feet drink your water, we will give it for it, but only we will leave the way. Num.20.20 but he said, you shall not go through. and edom went out against him with a great crowd and with a strong hand. Num.20.21 so edom could not give israel to go through his region, but israel departed from him. Num.20.22 so they went away from cades, and the people of israel, the whole synagogue, came to the mountain hor, Num.20.23 and the lord said to moses and aaron in the mountain of hor, at the region of the land of edom, saying, Num.20.24 aaron will be added to his people, for he will not enter the land that i have given to the sons of israel, because you have provoked my course at the water of meriba. Num.20.25 take aaron and his son eleazar and bring them up on the mountain hor. Num.20.26 and put on aaron his robes and put it on eleazar his son, and aaron shall died and die there. Num.20.27 and moses did so, as the lord had commanded, and they went up on the mountain hor, in the presence of all the people. Num.20.28 and moses distributed aaron his garments and put them in eleazar his son. and aaron died on the top of the mountain, and moses and eleazar went down from the mountain. Num.20.29 when the whole vergadering saw that aaron was released, they were weeping for aaron thirty days, all the house of israel. Num.21.1 when the king of arad, the king of arad, who was in the region, heard that israel had come to the way of atarim, gathered against israel and took a prisoner from them. Num.21.2 so israel made a prof to the lord and said, if you give this people in my hand, i will destroy their towns. Num.21.3 and the lord heard the voice of israel and gave the cananans in his hand, and they destroyed them and their towns. so the place was called horma. Num.21.4 so they departed from the mountain from hor to the round sea, to walk in the land of edom. so the people were afflicted on the way. Num.21.5 and the people spoke against god and against moses, saying, why have you brought us out of egypt to put in this wilderness in the wilderness? for there is no bread or water, and our life has turned in this district bread. Num.21.6 so the lord sent in the people a serpents who were killed, and they were taught the people, and many of israel died. Num.21.7 so the people came to moses and said, we have sinned because we have spoken against the lord and against you. pray to the lord that he may take the serpents from us. so moses prayed for the people. Num.21.8 and the lord said to moses, make a serpent and put it on a stone, and every serpent who will see it shall live. Num.21.9 so moses made a bronce of bronze and put it on a tear, and when a serpent had been taught a man, he looked at the money of bronze and live in live. Num.21.10 so the people of israel went and learned in oboth. Num.21.11 and they went away from oboth and learned in ije-abarim in the wilderness that is before moab, in the sun of sun. Num.21.12 from there they departed and learned in the path of zered. Num.21.13 and from there they went up and leiriytyivät to the other side of arnon, which is in the wilderness of the amorites, for arnon is the region of moab, among moab and the amorites. Num.21.14 therefore it is called in the book of the gueres of the lord: waheb in sufa and the bears of arnon, Num.21.15 and the rivers of the bears, which lives to the region of er, leads to the region of moab. Num.21.16 and from there they came to berah. this was the well that the lord said to moses, gather the people, and i will give them water. Num.21.17 then israel changed this sang: put out of the well, cry out it! Num.21.18 the well that rulers graves, the rulers of the nations growed, with their rulers and their heads. from the well they went to mattana, Num.21.19 and from mattana to nahaliel, and from nahaliel to bamoth, Num.21.20 and from bamoth to the town that is in the country of moab, to the top of pisga, who looks to the wilderness. Num.21.21 so moses sent messengers to sihon, the king of the amorites, saying, Num.21.22 let us go through your land. we will not share in field or in vineyard, we will not drink water of the well. we will go in the king of the king until we have passed through your region. Num.21.23 but sihon did not allow israel to go through his region, but gathered all his people and went out against israel in the wilderness, and when he came to jahaz, he directed against israel. Num.21.24 but israel killed him with the sword and took his land from arnon to jabbok, even to the sons of ammon, for the region of the sons of ammon was directed. Num.21.25 so israel took all these towns, and israel dwelled in all the towns of the amorites, in hesbon and in all the region of it. Num.21.26 for hesbon was the city of sihon, the king of the amorites, who had distributed against the first king of moab and had received his whole land from aroar to arnon. Num.21.27 therefore the speasters will say, come to heshbon, so that the city of sihon may be built up and burn. Num.21.28 for fire came out of hesbon, a flame from the city of sihon, and divorted moab and the pates of the path of arnon. Num.21.29 woe to you, moab! you have taken away, o people of kemosh! he gave their sons to escape and their daughters captive to sihon, the king of the amorites. Num.21.30 we burned them, heshbon is destroyed until debon, and we burned them down until nof. Num.21.31 so israel went in in the land of the amorites. Num.21.32 and moses sent out to conspire jazer, and they welcomed its villages, and they drew out the amorites who were there. Num.21.33 then they returned and went on the way of basan. and og, the king of basan, went out against them, with all his people, to make war at edrei. Num.21.34 and the lord said to moses, do not fear him, for i have delivered him in your hand, him and his whole people and his land. do to him as you did to sihon, the king of the amorites, who was in hesbon. Num.21.35 so they killed him and his sons and all his people, so that no one left him. so they took his land in possession. Num.22.1 so the people of israel went up and set camper on the steadds of moab, by the jordan, against jericho. Num.22.2 when balak, the son of zippor, saw all that israel had done for the amorites, Num.22.3 and moab was afraid greatly for the people, because they were many. and moab treated out for the people of israel. Num.22.4 and moab said to the rulers of madian, now this ground will destroy all that was around us, as a oxen fears the ground of the field. and balak, the son of zippor, was at that time the king of moab. Num.22.5 he sent messengers to balaam, the son of beor, to petor that is on the river of the land, in the land of his people, to call him, saying, behold, a people has come out of egypt, has covered the face of the earth and sit around me. Num.22.6 come therefore and kill this people for me, for it is strong than i; whether i can strike them and cast them out of the land, for i know that whom you blessed is blessed, and whom you curse is cursed. Num.22.7 so the elders of moab and the elders of madian went with the charge in their hands and came to balaam and told him the words of balak. Num.22.8 and he said to them, present this night, and i will answer you what the lord will say to me. and the rulers of moab remained with balaam. Num.22.9 and god came to balaam and said, what are these men among you? Num.22.10 and balaam said to god, balak, the son of zippor, king of moab, sent them to me, saying, Num.22.11 behold, a people has come out of egypt and covered the face of the earth. come therefore and curse it for me, whether i will can strike them and cast it out. Num.22.12 and god said to balaam, you shall not go with them, you shall not curse the people, for it is blessed. Num.22.13 and balaam rose the morning and said to the rulers of balak, go to your land, for the lord has not allowed me to go with you. Num.22.14 and the rulers of moab stood up and came to balak and said, balaam did not go with us. Num.22.15 and balak sent again rulers, more and greater than these. Num.22.16 and they came to balaam and said to him, so says balak, the son of zippor: do not deny to come to me. Num.22.17 for i will honor you with honor and do whatever you say to you. come and band to me this people. Num.22.18 but balaam answered the servants of balak, even if balak gave me his house full of silver and gold, i cannot deceive the word of the lord my god to do for a little or a great thing. Num.22.19 but remain now this night, and i will know what the lord will say to me. Num.22.20 and god came to balaam in the night and said to him, if these men came to call you, rise and follow them, but do you do that i tell you. Num.22.21 so balaam rose the morning and sat his donkey and went with the rulers of moab. Num.22.22 but the wrath of god was angry, because he went. and the angel of the lord stood before him in the way, and he was seated on his donkey and two servants with him. Num.22.23 and the esel saw the angel of god standing on the road with the wained sword in his hand, and the oil fell out of the way and went into the field. so saul struck the donkey to bring it into the road. Num.22.24 and the angel of god stood in the grain of the vineyards, which was seated from one side, and there was a pieces from here. Num.22.25 when the osel saw the angel of the lord, she opposed it to the wand and oppressed balaam the foot of balaam to the wand. so he struck it still. Num.22.26 and the angel of the lord went up and stood there in a divided place, where there was not to deceive at right or left. Num.22.27 when the eselin saw the angel of god, she sat down under balaam. and balaam was angry and struck the donkey with the scepter. Num.22.28 and the lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to balaam, what did i do to you, that you have cut me for a third time? Num.22.29 and balaam said to the donkey, for you have spoken with me. if i had a sword in my hand, now i would strike you. Num.22.30 and the donkey said to balaam, do i not be your osel, on which you have ascended from your youth until this day? do i show me so to do so? he said, no. Num.22.31 so the lord opened the eyes of balaam, and he saw the angel of the lord standing on the way with his drawn sword in his hand. and he fell down and fell on his face. Num.22.32 and the angel of god said to him, why have you put your donkey for a third time? behold, i have come to make you the devil, for your way is trouble before me. Num.22.33 the eselin saw me and deturned from me this third. if it did not be deceived, then i would have kill you, and have kept it in live. Num.22.34 and balaam said to the angel of the lord, i have sinned, for i did not know that you stood before me on the way. but if it is not your pleasing, i will return. Num.22.35 and the angel of god said to balaam, go with the men, but only what i tell you to speak. so balaam went with the rulers of balak. Num.22.36 when balak heard that balaam had come, he went out to the city of moab, which is at the region of arnon, which is in the district of the region. Num.22.37 and balak said to balaam, have i not sent to you to call you? why did you not come to me? do i not can honor you? Num.22.38 and balaam said to balak, behold, i have come to you. now can i say anything? what god will put in my mouth, this i will speak. Num.22.39 so balaam went with balak, and they came to kiriath-huzot. Num.22.40 so balak offered a sheep and sheep and sent them to balaam and the rulers who were with him. Num.22.41 the morning balak took him with balaam and brought him to the baals of baal, where he saw there a part of the people. Num.23.1 and balaam said to balak, build me here seven altars and prepare for me seven bulle and seven judges. Num.23.2 and balak did just as balaam had said, and balak and balaam offered on every altar a beast and a schafch. Num.23.3 then balaam said to balak, stand still by your sacrifice, and i will go. if the lord will find out to me, and whatever he shows me will i tell you. so he went up at a direct land. Num.23.4 and god came to balaam, and balaam said to him, i have prepared the seven altars and offered a boun and a schaffe on every altar. Num.23.5 and the lord put a message into the mouth of balaam and said, return to balak, and so you shall speak. Num.23.6 so he returned to him, and behold, he stood by his brandopfer, he and all the rulers of moab. Num.23.7 and he profered his parable and said, balak brought me from aram, the king of moab, from the mountains of the ooste, saying, come, band to me the jacob, and come and curse israel. Num.23.8 how can i sweak whom god does not curse? why shall i curse whom god does not curse? Num.23.9 for from the top of the mountains i will see it, and from the heads i recognize him. behold, a people dwells alone and will not be counted among the nations. Num.23.10 who will number the treasure of jacob or the number of the household of israel? my life must die the righteous person die, and my offspring be like the end of them! Num.23.11 and balak said to balaam, what did you do to me? i have called you to curse my enemies, and behold, you have blessed blessing. Num.23.12 but he answered, do i do not guard to speak whatever the lord put into my mouth? Num.23.13 and balak said to him, come with me to another place, from which you will see him. you shall see only his part of it, but do not see them all, and curse them to me from there. Num.23.14 and he took him to the country of pisga, on the top of pisga, and he built seven altars and offered a oxen and a schafge on every altar. Num.23.15 and balaam said to balak, stand still by your offering, and i am going to ask god. Num.23.16 and the lord met bileam and put a message into his mouth and said, return to balak and say so. Num.23.17 so he returned to him, and he was standing by his brandopfer, with the rulers of moab. and balak said to him, what has the lord spoken? Num.23.18 and he profered his parable and said, rise, balak, and hear, do, son of zippor. Num.23.19 god is not like a man, to be distributed, not like a son of man? he says, he will not do it, will speak, and does not remain? Num.23.20 behold, i will be blessed; i will be blessed, and i will not turn. Num.23.21 he does not show violence in jacob, neither appears evil in israel. the lord his god is with him, and a ruler is in him. Num.23.22 god led them out of egypt, it is like a corn of money. Num.23.23 for there is no divisions against jacob, nor divination in israel. the time will be told of jacob and of israel: what has god done? Num.23.24 behold, a people will rise like a leoning, like a lion will be saved; he will not lign until he feeds a grave and will drink the blood of murdered. Num.23.25 and balak said to balaam, you shall not bless them, nor shall you blessed him. Num.23.26 but balaam answered balak, have i not spoken to you, saying, whatever god speaks, this i will do? Num.23.27 and balak said to balaam, come, i will take you into another place, whether it will be pleased to god and band them to me from there. Num.23.28 so balak took balaam on the top of peor, which is directed into the wilderness. Num.23.29 and balaam said to balak, build me here seven altars and prepare for me seven bulle and seven værs. Num.23.30 and balak did so, as bileam said, and offered a giovene and a back on every altar. Num.24.1 when balaam saw that it was pleasing in the sight of the lord to blessed israel, he did not go as well as at the first way, but turned his face into the wilderness. Num.24.2 and when balaam lifted up his eyes, he saw israel leated according to their tribes, and the spirit of god came upon him. Num.24.3 and he began to proclaim his parable, and said, says balaam, the son of beor, the man of his eyes, Num.24.4 he who hears the word of god, who sees the vision of god, who looks in sleep, which are opened with his eyes: Num.24.5 how good are your tends, o jacob, your tends, israel! Num.24.6 it is like a beast, it is like a tree on the river, like telts that the lord has taken down, like cedres by water. Num.24.7 water comes out of his water, and its springs are more than many nations. his kingdom will be exalted in agag, and his kingdom will be granted. Num.24.8 god led him out of egypt, it is like a only corn. he will eat the nations who are his enemies, he will brise their pains and strike their pights. Num.24.9 he fell down and remained like a lion, and like a leoning. who will raise him? blessed is he who practices you, and those who curse you are cursed. Num.24.10 so a wrath of balak came against balaam, and he strike his hands and said to balaam, i called you to curse my enemies, and behold, you have blessed three times. Num.24.11 so escape, therefore, to your place. i asked you to honor you, but look, the lord has rejected you of your glory. Num.24.12 and balaam said to balak, have i not spoken to your angels whom you sent to me, saying, Num.24.13 even if balak give me full of his house full of silver and gold, i cannot deceive the word of the lord to do good or good by my own authority; whatever the lord says, i will say. Num.24.14 and now, behold, i go to my people. come, i will give you what this people will do to your people in the last days. Num.24.15 and he began to proclaim his parable, and said, says balaam, the son of beor, the man of his eyes, Num.24.16 he hears the words of god, knowing knowledge of the most high and a vision of god in a droom, clothed with his eyes. Num.24.17 i show him, but not now, i show him, but not far near. a star will rise from jacob, a star will rise from israel. he will strike the rulers of moab and destroy all sons of seth. Num.24.18 edom will be an inheritance, and esau will be his enemy, and israel will make power. Num.24.19 and he will be removed from jacob and destroy those who are being saved in the city. Num.24.20 and when he saw amalek, he procealed his parable and said, amalek is the beginning of the nations, but the beginning of them will be destroyed. Num.24.21 and when he saw kenites, he made his parable and said, your dwelling place is strong, and your nesting is laid on the rock. Num.24.22 but even the deor will be captive, and assur will take you captive. Num.24.23 and he profered his parable and said, ah, who will live when god has done these things? Num.24.24 there will come out of the hand of kittim, and they will afflict assur and afflike heber, and even they will perish. Num.24.25 so balaam rose and returned and returned to his place. and balak went return. Num.25.1 when israel remained in sittim, the people committed sexual immorality with the daughters of moab. Num.25.2 and they called them to the sacrifices of their idols, and the people ate and worshiped their idols. Num.25.3 when israel had finished with baal-peor, the wrath of the lord was burned against israel. Num.25.4 and the lord said to moses, take all the rulers of the people and put them before the lord before the sun, so the wrath of the wrath of the lord turn from israel. Num.25.5 and moses said to the tribes of israel, let each one kill his servants who were districted by baal-peor. Num.25.6 and behold, a man of the israelites came and brought to his brothers a midianin at the presence of moses and in the presence of all the people of israel, while they were weeping at the door of the tent of witness. Num.25.7 when finehas, the son of eleazar, the son of aaron, saw it, he rose out of the crowd and took a spide in his hand, Num.25.8 and followed the man of israel into the off and drew them both, the man of israel and the woman by her back. so the plague fell away from the children of israel. Num.25.9 the dead who had been dead in the plage were 24 000. Num.25.10 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.25.11 phinehas, son of eleazar, the son of aaron the priest, has turned down my wrath from the israelites when he was jealousy among them. so i did not destroy the israelites in my jealousy. Num.25.12 therefore tell him, behold, i give him a covenant of peace. Num.25.13 and it will be to him and to his offspring after him a covenant of eternal priesthood, because he was provoked for his god and made propitiation for the people of israel. Num.25.14 the name of the man who was killed with the midian was zimri, the son of salu, a ruler of a familie of the simeonites. Num.25.15 the woman of the midianita, who was districted, was kozbi, a daughter of shur, the ruler of a house of pathers among the midianites. Num.25.16 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.25.17 have answer the midianites and strike them, Num.25.18 for they turned to you in their deceive, how they committed you against peor and with kozbi, the daughter of the ruler of madian, their sisters, which has fallen in the day of plague for the sake of pegor. Num.26.1 after the plague the lord spoke to moses and to eleazar, the son of the priest, saying, Num.26.2 the rules of all the congregation of the sons of israel, from thirty-years and above, according to their families, every one who should go out in israel. Num.26.3 and moses and the priest eleazar spoke in the steppe of moab at the jordan, against jericho, saying, Num.26.4 from tyve years and above, as the lord had commanded moses and the sons of israel who had come out of the land of egypt. Num.26.5 ruben, the firstborn of israel. the sons of ruben were, from hanok the family of henochites, from palluu the geslag of the palluites, Num.26.6 of hesron the familie of the hesronites; of karmi the familie of the carmites. Num.26.7 these were the families of ruben. the number of them were 43 730. Num.26.8 the son of pallu was eliab. Num.26.9 and the sons of eliaab was nemuel and datan and abiram. these were dathan and abiram, the rulers of the synagogue, who rebelled against moses and aaron in the congregation of coré, when they rebellied against the lord. Num.26.10 and the earth opened his mouth and engluted them and korah, when his crowd died, when the fire consured the two thousand people, and they were a sign. Num.26.11 but the sons of korah did not died. Num.26.12 the sons of simeon, after their families, were: of nemuel the familie of the nemuelites; of jamini, the familie of the jaminites; from jachin the familie of the jachinites; Num.26.13 of zerah the familie of the zerahites, of saul the familie of the saulites. Num.26.14 these are the families of simeon. 122 200. Num.26.15 the sons of gad according to their families: from zefon the familie of the zefonites; of haggi the geslag of the haggites; from shuni the geslag of the sunites; Num.26.16 from ozni the geslag of the oznites; from eri the geslag of the erites; Num.26.17 from arood the family of the arodites, from areli the family of the arelites. Num.26.18 these are the families of the sons of gad, according to their number, were 4,500. Num.26.19 the sons of judah was er and onan, but er and onan died in the land of canaan. Num.26.20 so the sons of judah were according to their families: of shela the geslag of the selanites, of peres the familie of the perets; from zerah the geslag of the zerahites. Num.26.21 the sons of peres were: of hesron the familie of the hezronites; from hamul the geslag of the hamulites. Num.26.22 these are the families of judah according to their number: seventy-six thousand and five thousand. Num.26.23 the sons of issachar, according to their families, were: from tola the geslag of the tolaites; from puva the geslag of the puunites, Num.26.24 from jasub the geslag of the jasubites; from simron the family of the simronites. Num.26.25 these are the families of issachar, according to their number, seven thousand thousand and thousand. Num.26.26 the sons of zebulon, according to their families, were: of sered the familie of the seredites; from elon the familia of elonites, from jahleel the family of the jahleelites. Num.26.27 these are the families of zebulun, after their number, seven thousand and five thousand. Num.26.28 the sons of joseph according to their families were manasseh and ephraim. Num.26.29 the sons of manasseh were: of machir the familie of the machirites. and machir the father of galaad, from galaad the family of the gileadites. Num.26.30 now these are the sons of galaad: from jezer the geslag of the jezerites; from helek the geslag of the helekites; Num.26.31 from asriel the family of the asrielites; from shechem the geslag of the sechem; Num.26.32 from shemida the family of semida; from hefer the geslag of the heferites. Num.26.33 but selofhad, the son of hefer, had no sons, but only daughters. the name of the daughters of selofhad were machla, noa, hogla, milka and tirza. Num.26.34 these are the families of manasseh, and the number of them were five and two thousand and seven thousand. Num.26.35 now these are the sons of ephraim: from shutelah the familie of the shutelahites, of tahanak the family of the bekerites. Num.26.36 and these are the sons of shutelah: from eran the familie of the eranites. Num.26.37 these are the familles of ephraim. the number of them were three and two thousand thousand. these were the sons of joseph according to their families. Num.26.38 the sons of benjamin according to their families: of bela the familie of the belaits; from ashbel the geslag of the asbelites; from ahiram the geslag of the ahiramites; Num.26.39 from shefufam the family of the hufamites; from hufam the family of the hufamites. Num.26.40 the sons of bela were ard and naaman, from ard the family of the ardites; from naaman the family of the naamans. Num.26.41 these are the sons of benjamin according to their families, in the number of them, 45 600. Num.26.42 these are the sons of dan according to their families: of suham the family of the suhamites. these were the families of dan according to their families. Num.26.43 the all the families of suhams, according to their number, were four and thousand thousand. Num.26.44 the sons of asher, according to their families, were: of jimna the familie of the jimnites; of jisvi the geslag of the isvites, from beria the familie of the beriaites. Num.26.45 from beria the families of the heberites; from malchiel the geslag of the malkielites. Num.26.46 the name of the daughter of asher was sarai. Num.26.47 these are the familles of asher, after their numbering, five and three thousand. Num.26.48 the sons of neftali according to their families: from jachseel the geslag of the jahzeelites, of guni the geslag of the gunites, Num.26.49 of jezer the family of jezerites, of sillem the geslag of the sillemites. Num.26.50 these were the families of naphtali according to their number: 45 400. Num.26.51 these are the number of the israelites, 60000 and seven thousand and thirty. Num.26.52 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.26.53 for these the earth will be divided for inheritance according to the number of name, Num.26.54 to the more should you give better the inheritance, and to the minor shall you give little inheritance. each of them shall give the inheritance according to the number of each. Num.26.55 but the land shall be divided by a lot. they will inherit the name of the families of their families. Num.26.56 as for the short, their inheritance will be divided for many and little. Num.26.57 these are the sons of levi according to their families: of gerson the familie of the gersonites, from cahat the familie of the kehathites, of merari the familie of the merari. Num.26.58 these were the families of levi: the familie of the libni, the familie of the hebronites, the familie of the korahites, the familie of the musi. and kehath the father of amram. Num.26.59 the name of her wife was jochebed, the daughter of levi, which was birth to levi in egypt, and she became birth to amram, aaron and moses and their sister mary. Num.26.60 and aaron became sons of nadab and abihu, eleazar and itamar. Num.26.61 but nadab and abihu died, when they offered a fremde fire before the lord. Num.26.62 and those who were enregistring among them were three thousand three thousand, all men of a monyws and sitä above. for they were not numbered among the sons of israel, because they did not give them a lot among the sons of israel. Num.26.63 these are those who numbered in moses and eleazar, the priest, who visited the people of israel in the stepes of moab at the jordan, against jericho. Num.26.64 among them there was no one of those numbered by moses and aaron, when they visited the children of israel in the wilderness of sinai. Num.26.65 for the lord had told them that they would die in the wilderness, and there was not one of them, except caleb the son of jephone and josué, the son of nun. Num.27.1 so came the daughters of selofhad, the son of hefer, son of galaad, the son of machir, the familie of manasseh, the son of joseph, and these name were machla, noa, hogla, milka and tirza. Num.27.2 and they stood before moses and before the priest eleazar and before the rulers and all the people at the entrance of the tent of witness and said, Num.27.3 our father died in the wilderness, but he was not in the complete of those who were gathered together against the lord in the hood of coré, but he had died for his sin, but had no sons. Num.27.4 why shall the name of our father be destroyed from his offspring because he had no son? give us a possession among the brothers of our father. Num.27.5 and moses brought their judgment before the lord. Num.27.6 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.27.7 the daughter of selofhad speak. you shall give them a possession of inheritance among the brothers of their father, and put to them the lot of their father. Num.27.8 you shall speak to the children of israel, saying, if a man dies and has no son, you will put his inheritance to his daughter. Num.27.9 and if he has no daughter, you will give his inheritance to his brothers. Num.27.10 and if he has no brothers, you will give his possession to the brothers of his father. Num.27.11 and if his father does not have brothers, you must give his inheritance to the neighbor of his parents, who will inherit it. this shall be a law of judgment to the sons of israel, just as the lord has commanded to moses. Num.27.12 and the lord said to moses, come up to this mountain of abarim and see the land that i give to the sons of israel. Num.27.13 and when you have seen it, you will return to your people, just as your brother aaron was added to the mountain hor, Num.27.14 for you did trouble my word in the wilderness of zin when the congregue was against me, you did not sanctify me by the water before their eyes. this is the water of meriba at cades in the wilderness of zin. Num.27.15 and moses said to the lord, Num.27.16 let the lord, the god of the spirits of every flesh, set a man on this synagogue, Num.27.17 who may go out before them and who enter them and who will take them out and bring them in the way, that the synagogue of the lord may not be like sheep without a shepherd. Num.27.18 and the lord said to moses, take jesus, the son of nun, a man in whom has the spirit, and put your hands on him, Num.27.19 and put him before the priest eleazar and the whole vergadering, and give him instruction in their presence, Num.27.20 and put it to him of your glory, so that all the people of israel may hear him. Num.27.21 he must stand before the priest eleazar, who will ask him concerning the message of urim before the lord. by his message they shall come out, and according to him shall they enter, he and all the people of israel with him and all the congregation. Num.27.22 and moses did just as the lord had commanded him. he took jesus and put him before eleazar, the priest, and before the whole vergadering. Num.27.23 and he laid his hands on him and instructed him, just as the lord had commanded moses. Num.28.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.28.2 command the people of israel and say to them, keep your offers, my offers, my offers, a soave duft, to offer me in my feast. Num.28.3 and say to them, this is the fruit that you bring to the lord: two fearless lamb daily, every day, for the day. Num.28.4 the one lamb offer to the morning, and the second lamb as soon, Num.28.5 and for a town of a efa of fish of fish consperced with a fourth hin of a fish of hin. Num.28.6 this is a day of day that has taken place on the mountain of sinai, a pleasing geruch for the lord. Num.28.7 the drink of its drink is a fourth of hin to every lamb. in the holy place you may spend a drunk of drink for the lord. Num.28.8 the second lamb you will eat at the evening, according to his sacrifice, and as for his drink, you will have a sacrifice of incense for the lord. Num.28.9 and on the sabbath day two feeps of an an eating, without difficulty, and two tithes of fish of hary ammeled with oil, with the drink of drink. Num.28.10 this is the holocauste of the sabbath, on the ready of all the ready, with his drunk. Num.28.11 in the next day of the new feast you will bring a sacrifice to the lord, two bulle, and one schafe, seven fish of an an an an eating, Num.28.12 with three tithes of fish of farine treated with olie, for the one boun, and two tithes of fish of farine treated with olie, for the one judge, Num.28.13 with a tithes of fine of fine of farine treated with oil for one lamb, a sacrifice for a soave odore, a sacrifice for the lord. Num.28.14 and their drankoffers will have a half hin for an oxe, a third of hin for a judge, a fourth of hin for a lamb, and a fourth of hin for a lamb. this is the holocauste offering for every monate, for all the months of the year. Num.28.15 and one bode as sacrifice for the lord on the reason with the offspring that is continuing on the reason with its drankores. Num.28.16 in the first month, in the fourteenth day of the moon, is the passover of the lord. Num.28.17 and on the fourteenth day of this money is a feast; for seven days you will eat unleavened bread. Num.28.18 in the first day you may have a holy convocation, you shall never work every work of service. Num.28.19 and you must bring a sacrifice, a sacrifice for the lord: two bulle, one schafe, seven years of an an eating; they shall be blameless for you. Num.28.20 and their sacrifice of fish of farine treated with olie, three tithes for a gioveny, two dixive for the schafe, Num.28.21 and for every corn for the seven lamps. Num.28.22 one bode for sin, to make propitiation for you. Num.28.23 except the sacrifice of the morning, which is the continuing holocauste, offer this. Num.28.24 as for this, you sacrifice this day for the seven days, as a sacrifice of eating, a soave odore for the lord. this will make the restantly offering with his drankoffer. Num.28.25 on the seventh day you shall have a holy convocing; you shall not work every work of service. Num.28.26 on the day of the new time, when you bring a new sacrifice to the lord in your sevents, you must have a holy convocation. you must not work every work of service. Num.28.27 and you must bring a sacrifice for a soave odore for the lord two bulle, one schafe, seven fish of an an an an eating, Num.28.28 and with them a sacrifice of fleur of farine treated with olie, three tized for a giovench, two tized for a judge Num.28.29 and for every corn for all of the seven lamps; Num.28.30 one bode for sin, to make propitiation for you. Num.28.31 except the next brandopfer and the offspring of them must you eat. it will be blameless for you and their drankoffers. Num.29.1 in the seventh day of the seventh day of the seventh day shall you have a holy convocing; you shall never do anything of service. it will be for you a day of alarm. Num.29.2 and you must offer a sacrifice for a soave odore to the lord, one oxen, one schafe and seven feasures of an an eating, without blemish, Num.29.3 and with them a sacrifice of fleur of farine treated with olie, three tized for a giovench, two tized for a judge Num.29.4 and for every corn for all of the seven lamps; Num.29.5 one bode for sin, to make propitiation for you. Num.29.6 except the moon of the night, with the offspring of the next years and the next sacrifice, and the next sacrifice and the drankoffers of them, according to their determination, to a soave odore for the lord. Num.29.7 and on the third day of this month shall you have a holy convocation, and you shall defile your souls, and nothing work must you do. Num.29.8 and you must offer to the lord a holocauste, a sacrifice for the lord, one oxen, one schafe and seven years of an an an an eating; they shall be blameless for you. Num.29.9 and with them a sacrifice of fleur of farine treated with olie, three tized for a giovench, two tized for a judge Num.29.10 and un tithes for every lamb, for the seven lamps. Num.29.11 one kozel as sacrifice for sin, except the sacrifice for the propitiation, the reward always and the afgrødeoffer and the drankoffers who are in it. Num.29.12 and on the fourteenth day of this seventh day you shall have a holy convocation. do not eat any work of service and celebring it a feast for the lord for seven days. Num.29.13 and you must bring a brandopfer, a sacrifice for a soave odore for the lord, fourth tyre, two judges, fourteen fish of an an an eating; they will be without manfection. Num.29.14 and with them as sacrifice of fleur of farine treated with olie, three tixs for each of the twelve boves, two tithes for the one of the two judges, Num.29.15 and for every corn for the fourth lams, Num.29.16 and one bokrat as sacrifice for sin, behalve the next holocauste, his sacrifice and their drankoffers. Num.29.17 and on the second day, twelve bulle, two judges, fourth fish of an an eating, without bletish, Num.29.18 with their sacrifice and their drankoffers to the bulle, the værs and the lamb, according to their number, according to the restance, Num.29.19 and one bokrat as sacrifice for sin, behalve the next holocauste, his sacrifice and their drankoffers. Num.29.20 on the third day, on the third tyre, two judges, fourty-fish, without blemish, Num.29.21 with their sacrifice and their drankoffers to the bulle, the værs and the lamb, according to their number, according to the restance, Num.29.22 and one bokrat as sacrifice for sin, behalve the next holocauste, his sacrifice and their drankoffers. Num.29.23 and on the fourth day, ten bulle, two judges, fourty-fish, without blemish, Num.29.24 with their sacrifices and their drankoffers to the bulle, the værs and the lamb, according to their number, according to the restance, Num.29.25 and one bokrat as sacrifice for sin, behalve the next holocauste, his sacrifice and their drankoffers. Num.29.26 on the fifth day, nifts, two judges, fourth fish of an ear, without bletish, Num.29.27 with their sacrifices and their drankoffers to the bulle, the værs and the lamb, according to their number, according to the restance, Num.29.28 and one bokrat as sacrifice for sin, behalve the next holocauste, his sacrifice and their drankoffers. Num.29.29 on the sixth day, acht bulle, two judges, fourth fish of an eating, without bletish, Num.29.30 with their sacrifices and their drankoffers to the bulle, the værs and the lamb, according to their number, according to the restance, Num.29.31 and one bokrat as sacrifice for sin, behalve the next holocauste, his sacrifice and their drankoffers. Num.29.32 and on the seventh day, seven bulle, two judges, fourty-fish, without blemish, Num.29.33 with their sacrifices and their drankoffers to the bulle, the værs and the lamb, according to their number, according to the restance, Num.29.34 and one bokrat as sacrifice for sin, behalve the next holocauste, his sacrifice and their drankoffers. Num.29.35 as for the eighth day, there will be a feast for you. do not eat any work of service. Num.29.36 and you must bring a sacrifice for a soave odore, a sacrifice for the lord, one oxen, one schafe, seven fish of an an an an eating, Num.29.37 with their sacrifices and their drankoffers to the oxe, the judge and the lamb, according to their number, according to the restance, Num.29.38 and one bokrat as sacrifice for sin, behalve the next holocauste, his sacrifice and their drankoffers. Num.29.39 these things must you eat to the lord in your feast, except your offerings and offerings, your sacrifices, your sacrifices, your drankoffers and your salvation. Num.29.40 and moses spoke to the israelites all that the lord had commanded moses. Num.30.1 and moses spoke to the rulers of the tribes of israel, saying, this is what the lord has commanded: Num.30.2 if anyone does a promise to the lord or swears a oath and deceives his soul, he shall not profane his word; he must do whatever he has gone out of his mouth. Num.30.3 if a woman does a promise to the lord or lives at a determination in the house of her father in her youndation, Num.30.4 and her father has heard her prayers or her condemnation with which she has clothed her life, and her father lives it, all her lifts will be made, and all the lights with which she has liced her life will belongs to her. Num.30.5 but if her father deceives her in the day when he hears, she do not hold all her appoints or determination, which she has calling her soul will not be standing, and the lord will deceive her, because her father has lifted up her. Num.30.6 and if she has a husband and has promised his prayers, of the distribution of her lies that she has determined her, Num.30.7 and her husband hear this and silence on it on the day when he has heard it, her prayers will stand, and her promise, which she has appointed for her will be lives. Num.30.8 but if her husband has listened to her in the day when he hears, she will keep her, and her promise, which she has determined her, will not remain, for the man has lifted up from her, and the lord will clear her. Num.30.9 but the prayer of a widow or a district of women, whatever she has preached for her life will abide it. Num.30.10 but if her marriage is in the house of her husband, or with an oath she has been appointed with an oath, Num.30.11 and her husband hear this and silence to her and does not listen to her, then all her propers will stand, and all her departure, which she has determined her life will be made. Num.30.12 but if her husband has listened to her, in the day when she hears it, all that has gone out of her lips, do not belongs to her. her husband has defiled her, and the lord will give her clean. Num.30.13 her husband will put at it, every prayer or a oath of prisoning to destroy her life shall her husband stand, and her husband will keep it. Num.30.14 but if her man has been silenced from day to day, he will make all her voats or her deparation that she has been determined for her, because he kept silent in the day when he heard it. Num.30.15 but if he divided it after the day when he has heard it, he will take his sins. Num.30.16 these are the instructions that the lord gave to moses, among the man and his wife, among the father and his daughter, while he was young in the house of his father. Num.31.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.31.2 give justice to the israelites of the midianites. after that you will be gathered to your people. Num.31.3 and moses spoke to the people, saying, put out some of you to strike against midian and give justice of the lord on madian. Num.31.4 12,000 from every tribe, from all the tribes of israel, send into war. Num.31.5 so of the midst of israel were numbered 1,000 from the tribe, twelve thousand in a strict. Num.31.6 and moses sent them to power, 1000 of every tribe, with pinehas, the son of eleazar the priest, with the holy waves and the trumpet of trumpet in their hands. Num.31.7 so they went up against madian, as the lord had commanded moses, and they killed all men. Num.31.8 they killed together the kings of madian, evi and rekem and hur and reba, five of midians, and balaam, the son of beor, and balaam, the son of beor, killed with the sword. Num.31.9 and the children of israel gathered the children of madian and their children and all their possessions and all their possessions. Num.31.10 and all their towns in their house and all their villages they burned with fire. Num.31.11 so they took the whole roof and all the roof, both man and beast. Num.31.12 and they brought the captive and the bound and the roof to moses and to eleazar the priest and to the people of israel. Num.31.13 so moses and the priest eleazar and all the rulers of the crowd went out to them outside the camp. Num.31.14 and moses was angry over the officers of the power, the tribunes and the centurions, who came from the war. Num.31.15 and moses said to them, have you left all the women? Num.31.16 behold, these were the people of israel in the direction of balaam, that they should turn against the lord in the sake of pegor, so that a plague became in the synagogue of the lord. Num.31.17 so also put to all the male children of the child and put to death every woman who has known with a man. Num.31.18 but let all the women, which are not known with a man, live to live. Num.31.19 and you must stay outside the camp seven days. every one who has killed or one who touched a dead man will be purified on the third and on the seventh day, you and your captives. Num.31.20 you will purifike every clothing and every body of hair and all that is done from lamb and every tree of tree. Num.31.21 and eleazar, the priest, said to the soldiers who came from the war: this is the law of the law that the lord has commanded to moses: Num.31.22 only the gold, the silver, the bronze, the iron, the bly, the bly, Num.31.23 all things that are going to pass on fire will be made clean, and so will it be cleansed. only with the water of purification it will be purified. so whatever there does not pass on fire will you pass through water. Num.31.24 and in the seventh day you will wash your garments, and then you will be clean, and then you will enter the camp. Num.31.25 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.31.26 you and the priest eleazar and the rulers of the families of the congregation, both man and beast, you and the priest eleazar and the families of the families of the synagogue. Num.31.27 and divided the striking among the soldiers who were walking into the country and the whole companion. Num.31.28 from the soldiers who are going out to the bation, take a contribution for the lord, one of the five hundred, some of the people and the beast and the sheep and the sheep. Num.31.29 you must take it from their helf and give it to eleazar, the priest, the offering for the lord. Num.31.30 from the half of the sons of israel you shall take one of the fifty of feast, from man, of sheep, of sheep, both sheep, and give them to the levites who are guarding the guard of the tent of the lord. Num.31.31 and moses and the priest eleazar did so, as the lord commanded moses. Num.31.32 the possession of the robe that the soldiers had taken back, was 675 000 sheep, Num.31.33 72 000 boats, Num.31.34 61 thousand, Num.31.35 the persons of men, both of the women who had not been cooned with a man, were in all thirty and two thousand. Num.31.36 the half, the part of those who had gone out to the war was at the number of the sheep, 337 500 sheep, Num.31.37 the tribut for the lord was out of the sheep, 675. Num.31.38 36 thousand, and the tribute for the lord were seventy-two. Num.31.39 thirty thousand and five thousand, and the tribut to the lord seven and seven. Num.31.40 16 thousand persons, and the end for the lord was about two and thirty souls. Num.31.41 and moses gave the gift of god to eleazar the priest, as the lord had commanded to moses. Num.31.42 of the held of the children of israel that moses had distributed from the soldiers, Num.31.43 the half of the vergadering was of the sheep, with the sheep, 337 500 sheep, Num.31.44 36 thousand, Num.31.45 3000 and five thousand, Num.31.46 and 12,000 persons. Num.31.47 of the helf of the sons of israel moses took up one of the fifty thousand, from man and animals, and gave them to the levites who kept the guard of the tent of the lord, just as the lord had commanded moses. Num.31.48 then the officers of the officers of the power, officers and centurions, came to moses, Num.31.49 and said to moses, your servants have determined the soldiers of the soldiers who belonged to us, and no one has escaped. Num.31.50 so we have brought the offering offering to the lord for the presence of the lord, which has found a golden instruments, a plant, a ring, a ring, a ring, and a basket, to make propitiation for us before the lord. Num.31.51 so moses and the priest eleazar took the gold from them, all things done. Num.31.52 the whole gold, which they offered to the lord, were six thousand seven thousand and five thousand, from the tribunes and of the centurions. Num.31.53 the soldiers carried for himself, each for himself. Num.31.54 so moses and the priest eleazar took the gold from the tribunes and officers and brought it into the tent of witness, to remember the people of israel before the lord. Num.32.1 now the sons of ruben and the sons of gad were great beast. and when they saw that the country of jazer and the land of galaad saw that the place was a place for beasts. Num.32.2 then the gadites and the sons of gad came and said to moses and to eleazar the priest and to the rulers of the synagogue, saying, Num.32.3 ataroth and dibon and jazer and nimra and hesbon and eleale and sebam and nebo and beon, Num.32.4 the land that the lord has given before the people of israel is a land of beasting, and your servants are beast. Num.32.5 and they said, if we have found grace in your eyes, let this land be given to your servants in possession, and do not bring us over the jordan. Num.32.6 and moses said to the gadites and the sons of ruben: will your brothers go into the war, and you are there? Num.32.7 why do you deceive the mind of the israelites to go into the land that the lord has given them? Num.32.8 so your fathers did when i sent them from cades-barnea to show the land. Num.32.9 they went up to the beast of eskol, and when they saw the land, they departed the people of israel, so that they might not enter the land that the lord had given them. Num.32.10 so the wrath of the lord was accended that day, and he swore, saying, Num.32.11 these men who have come up from egypt, from tyve years and above, will see the earth that i swore to abraham, to isaac, and to jacob, for they did not follow me, Num.32.12 except kaleb, the son of jeconneh, the kenezet, and josua, the son of nun, for they have followed the lord. Num.32.13 so the wrath of the lord was a wrath against israel, and he put them in the wilderness for forty years, until all the generation was destroyed, which was evil in the eyes of the lord. Num.32.14 and behold, you have come up in the place of your fathers, a offspring of sinners, to make the wrath of the wrath of the lord over israel. Num.32.15 if you turn away from him, he will leave him still in the wilderness and destroy all this crowd. Num.32.16 they came to him and said, we will build here for our sheep and cities for our children, Num.32.17 but we will be arranced and walk before the israelites until we bring them into their own place. and our children will dwell in the treated towns for the sake of the habitants of the land. Num.32.18 we shall not return into our houses, until each one of israel has been given in his inheritance. Num.32.19 for we will not take an inheritance with them from the other side of the jordan and longer, because our lot has been across for us in the other side of the jordan. Num.32.20 and moses said to them, if you do this, if you are set out before the lord in the war, Num.32.21 and all your wapens will pass over the jordan before the lord, until he has destroyed his enemies from his face, Num.32.22 and the land will be domined before the lord, then you will return and be innocent before the lord and before israel, and this land will be your possession before the lord. Num.32.23 but if you do not do this, you will sin against the lord, and you will know that your sin will overcome you. Num.32.24 build städte for your children and calls for your feet, and do whatever you come out of your mouth. Num.32.25 and the gadites and the sons of gad said to moses, your servants will do just as our lord command. Num.32.26 our children, our women and our bodies will be in the towes of galaad, Num.32.27 but your servants, all who are set around, will go away before the lord in the war, just as my lord says. Num.32.28 so moses commanded them eleazar, the priest, and josua, the son of nun, and the rulers of the families of the tribes of israel. Num.32.29 and moses said to them, if the gadites and the sons of gad passes with you the jordan, all who are armes in bation before the lord, and the earth will be domined before you, you will give them the land of galaad in possession. Num.32.30 but if they do not go with you in armies, they will come in an inheritance among you in the land of canaan, they will put in possession among you in the land of canaan. Num.32.31 and the gadites and the sons of gad answered, what the lord has said to your servants, we do so. Num.32.32 we will pass off in the hand of the lord in the land of canaan, and we will give our possession in the other side of the jordan. Num.32.33 so moses gave them to the gadites and the sons of ruben, and to the half of the tribe of manasseh, the son of joseph, the kingdom of sihon, the king of amorites, and the kingdom of og, king of basan, the land and the country of the country of the country. Num.32.34 and the sons of gad buke dibon and ataroth and aroer, Num.32.35 atrot-shofan, and jazer, and jogbeha, Num.32.36 bet-nimra, and bet-haran, mighty cities and calls for sheep. Num.32.37 the sons of ruben buke heshbon, eleale, kiriathaim, Num.32.38 nebon and baal-mewn, whose name was districted, and sibma, and they called the name of the towns that they had built. Num.32.39 the sons of machir, the son of manasseh, went to galaad and took it and destroyed the amorites who were in it. Num.32.40 so moses gave the galaad to machir, the son of manasseh, and he dwelled there. Num.32.41 and jair, the son of manasseh, went and took their villages and called them havoth-jair. Num.32.42 and nobah went and took kenath and its villages and called it nobah, by his name. Num.33.1 these are the tails of the sons of israel, when they went out of the land of egypt, according to their rulers, by the hand of moses and aaron. Num.33.2 and moses wrote their crowds according to their passions, according to the word of the lord. and these were the customs of their journews. Num.33.3 they departed from ramesses in the first month, the fourteenth day of the first money. on the next day of the passover passover the israelites went out with a loud hand before all the egyptians, Num.33.4 while the egyptians were buried those who the lord had killed among them, all the firstborn, which the lord had killed among them. Num.33.5 so the people of israel turned from rameses and learned in succoth. Num.33.6 and they went from succoth and leiriytyivät to etam, which is at the end of the wilderness. Num.33.7 and they went from etham and turned to pi-hahiroth, which is before baal-zefon, and laer up before migdol. Num.33.8 they parted from pi-hahiroth and went through the sea into the wilderness, and they went on three days through the wilderness of etham and laer up in mara. Num.33.9 so they went from mara and came to elim. in elim was the twelve waters of water and seven palms, and they departed there. Num.33.10 and they went from elim and learned at the schilde sea. Num.33.11 and they departed from the schilde and learned in the wilderness of zin. Num.33.12 and they went from the wilderness of zin and learned in dofka. Num.33.13 and they went from dofka and learned in alus. Num.33.14 and they went from alus and learned in rephidim, and there was no water to drink the people. Num.33.15 and they went from rephidim and learned in the wilderness of sinai. Num.33.16 and they went from the wilderness of sinai and learned in kibrot-hattaava. Num.33.17 and they went from kibrot-hataawa and learned in haseroth. Num.33.18 and they went from haseroth and learned in rithma. Num.33.19 and they went from rithma and learned in rimmon-peres. Num.33.20 and they went from rimmon-peres and learned in libna. Num.33.21 and they went from libna and learned in rissa. Num.33.22 and they went from rissa and learned in kehelatha. Num.33.23 and they went from kehelata and learned in the mont of shefer. Num.33.24 and they departed from the berg shefer and manded in harada. Num.33.25 and they went from harada and learned in makheloth. Num.33.26 and they went from makheloth and leiriytyivät tahath. Num.33.27 and they went from tahath and leiriytyivät tarah. Num.33.28 and they went from tarah and learned in mitka. Num.33.29 and they went from mitka and learned in hashmona. Num.33.30 and they went from hasmmona and learned in moseroth. Num.33.31 and they went from moseroth and learned in bene-jaakan. Num.33.32 and they departed from bene-jaakan and reized in hor-gadgad. Num.33.33 and they went from hor-gidgad and departed in jotbata. Num.33.34 and they went from jotbata and learned in abrona. Num.33.35 and they went from abrona and learned in etsion-geber. Num.33.36 and they went from ezion-geber and slog camper in the wilderness of zin, that is cades. Num.33.37 and they went from cades and leiriytyivät to the mountain of hor, in the region of edom. Num.33.38 so the priest aaron went up, according to the instruction of the lord, and died there in the 40 years when the sons of israel had come out of the land of egypt, in the fixth month, the first day of the money. Num.33.39 aaron was about 123 years when he died on the mountain of hor. Num.33.40 the king of arad, the king of arad, who dwelled in the region of canaan, heard that the people of israel came. Num.33.41 and they went from the mountain hor and learned in salmona. Num.33.42 and they went from salmona and learned in punon. Num.33.43 and they went from punon and leiriytyivät oboth. Num.33.44 and they went from obot and learned in ije-abarim, at the region of moab. Num.33.45 and they went from ijim and learned in dibon-gad. Num.33.46 and they went from dibon-gad and learned in almon-diblataim. Num.33.47 and they went from almon-diblataim and leiriytyivät to the mountains of abarim, before nebo. Num.33.48 and they departed from the mountains of abarim and learned in the steppe of moab at the jordan on the way of jericho. Num.33.49 and they departed by the jordan, from bet-jesimoth until abel-sittim, in the district of moab. Num.33.50 and the lord spoke to moses in the steadds of moab by the jordan, against jericho, saying, Num.33.51 speak to the people of israel and say to them, when you have passed over the jordan into the land of canaan, Num.33.52 then destroy all the inwoners of the land before you and destroy all their idols, and destroy them all their idols idols and destroy all their treasures. Num.33.53 you shall destroy the land and abide in it, for i have given you this land to inherit. Num.33.54 you shall divise the land in lot according to your tribes. to the many you will give the more possession and to the minor shall you give the little possession. in whatever district is his name, there will it be. according to the tribes of your families you will inherit. Num.33.55 but if you do not drive those who dwell in the land, those who you left them will become a pil in your eyes and a pil in your boves, and they will triste in the land in which you abide. Num.33.56 and whatever i thought to do them i will do to you. Num.34.1 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.34.2 command the people of israel and say to them, when you enter the land of canaan, this will be your inheritance in the land of canaan in the regions of the land, Num.34.3 your negev will be from the wilderness, from the wilderness of zin, as is at the end of edom, and your negev will be from the district of the sea of sald. Num.34.4 and your country will turn from süden to the ascense of akrabbim and tray to tsin, and it will be across to the südside of cades-barnea, and drew out to hazar-addar and over to asmon, Num.34.5 from asmon the country will turn to the spring of egypt, and their entrance will be at the sea. Num.34.6 as for the region of the sea, the great sea will be for you. this shall be your west in the sea. Num.34.7 and this will be your nordland. from the great sea you will reparate to the mountain of hor. Num.34.8 from the mountain of hor you shall leave them when it comes into hamath, and the district of the region will be in zedad. Num.34.9 then the region shall come to zifron and find at hasar-enan. this shall be your nordland. Num.34.10 to the next region you charge from hazar-enan to sefam. Num.34.11 and the region will come down from shefam to ribla, from øst to ajin, and down to beat the sea of kinnereth at the east, Num.34.12 then the country will come down to the jordan and come to the sound sea. this will be your land with its regions around. Num.34.13 and moses gave the instructions of the people of israel, saying, this is the land that you will give in the lot, which the lord has commanded her to give to the ninth tribes and to the helft of the tribe. Num.34.14 for the tribe of the sons of ruben, according to their families, and the tribe of the tribe of manasseh received their possessions. Num.34.15 two tribes and a half tribe have received their lot on the other side of the jordan, against jericho, from the south. Num.34.16 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.34.17 these are the name of the men who will inherit the land for you: the priest eleazar and josua, the son of nun. Num.34.18 you will take one ruler from the tribe to inherit the land. Num.34.19 these are the name of the men: of the tribe of judah: caleb, the son of jephone; Num.34.20 of the tribe of simeon, seluel, the son of ammihud; Num.34.21 of the tribe of benjamin elidad, the son of kislon; Num.34.22 for the tribe of dan the ruler, bukki, the son of jogli; Num.34.23 of the sons of joseph, the tribe of the sons of manasseh, ruler hanniel, the son of efod, Num.34.24 for the tribe of the sons of ephraim, kemuel, the son of sheftan; Num.34.25 for the tribe of zebulun, elishafan, the son of parnach; Num.34.26 for the tribe of the sons of issachar, paltiel, the son of azan; Num.34.27 for the tribe of the sons of asser, ahihud, the son of shelomi, Num.34.28 of the tribe of neftali, pedael, the son of ammihud; Num.34.29 these are those whom the lord commanded to distribut the people of israel in the land of canaan. Num.35.1 and the lord spoke to moses in the steadds of moab by the jordan, against jericho, saying, Num.35.2 command the people of israel that they give to the levites from the possessions of their possession, towns to abide. and to the levites they will give the regions around the towns. Num.35.3 and the towns will be for them to dwell, and their bander will be for their bestes and for all their animals. Num.35.4 the regions of the towns that you will give to the levites will be from the wall of the city and outside, two thousand hour. Num.35.5 you shall measure out of the city to the oost-side two thousand cubiti, and in the mighty side two thousand, and to the sea to the sea two thousand, and the city shall be in the midst. this shall be the regions of the towns. Num.35.6 as for the cities that you give to the levites are the six cities of refugious, which you will give to escape the murderer. and with them you may give two and two towns. Num.35.7 all the towns that you give to the levites are 48 cities with their villages. Num.35.8 the towns that you will give of the possession of the sons of israel, from the many who are many, and of those who are of little. each one must give to the levites according to his inheritance that they will give to the levites. Num.35.9 and the lord spoke to moses, saying, Num.35.10 speak to the people of israel and say to them, when you have passed over the jordan into the land of canaan, Num.35.11 and repay for you a cities that may have a town for you, to escape there the homicida who will strike a person without intention. Num.35.12 the cities shall have a defense for you from the blound of blood, so that the homicida may not die, until he has standing before the synagogue to pass judgment on. Num.35.13 as for the cities that you will give, six women of nature for you. Num.35.14 three towes you will give in the other side of the jordan, and three towes you will give in the land of canaan, Num.35.15 these women shall have a defense for the sons of israel, to the proselyte and to the peregriner among them, to escape there to escape every one who would strike a person without intension. Num.35.16 but if anyone striks him with a iron wain, so he is a murderer. the homicida must be going to death. Num.35.17 if anyone strikes him with a stone that is going to die, so that he dies, he is a murderer. the homicida must be going to death. Num.35.18 or if anyone striks him with a tree of tree, by which he is going to die, and dies it, he is a murderer. the homicida must be going to death. Num.35.19 the blound of blood must kill the homicida. when he comes against him, he must kill him. Num.35.20 if anyone puts him out of an enemy or throw him in any instrument, so that he dies, Num.35.21 or if he struck him with his hand, so that he should die, the one who struck him, must be going to death; he is a murderer. the blound of the blood must kill the homicida when he will come against him. Num.35.22 but if he brings him suddenly without enemy, or throw him on any thing without a charge, Num.35.23 or if he does not see anything in which he will die and fall on him, so that he died, but he has not been his enemy and did not seek him. Num.35.24 so the synagogue will judge among the one who has killed, and to the vinger of the blood according to these judgments. Num.35.25 and the crowd may deliver the homicida from the hand of the blood of the blood, and the synagogue will repay him into his refuge by which he had escaped. there he will dwell there until the high priest who has anointed with the holy oleo. Num.35.26 but if the homicida has gone out of the region of the city in which he has escaped, Num.35.27 and the blood of the blood finds him outside the region of his natural city, and the blood of the blood murder the murderer, he is not blound against him. Num.35.28 for the homicida remains in the city of his nature until the high priest dies, and after the death of the high priest the homicida will return into the land of his possession. Num.35.29 these things must be justified for you in every generation, in all your dwelling place. Num.35.30 everyone who striks a soul will murder because of witnesses, and one witness must not testify against anyone. Num.35.31 you shall not take excellence for the life of the manner who has been delivered to be killed, but he must be put to death. Num.35.32 and you must not take a rescate of him who has escaped to a natural city, so that he may return to dwelling in the land until the high priest dies. Num.35.33 you shall not defile the land in which you are, for the blood profanes the earth, and the earth will not be made propitiation for the blood of the one who has been poured out in it, except by the blood of him who has poured out. Num.35.34 do not defile the land in which you abide, where i dwells among you, for i am the lord who dwells among the sons of israel. Num.36.1 the rulers of the tribes of the sons of galaad, the son of machir, the son of manasseh, came to moses and before the rulers of the families of the sons of israel, Num.36.2 and said, the lord has commanded our lord to give the land in lot to the sons of israel, and my lord has been commanded to give the inheritance of our brother selofhad to his daughters. Num.36.3 but if they bears women to one of the one of the tribes of the sons of israel, their lot will be removed from the possession of our fathers and come to the inheritance of the tribe that they will have, and so will be taken away from the lot of our heirs. Num.36.4 and as the forgiveness of the israelites bears, their inheritance will be added to the inheritance of the tribe that they will be given, and their erbbesitz will be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers. Num.36.5 and moses commanded the people of israel according to the word of the lord, saying, the tribe of the sons of joseph say. Num.36.6 this is the way that the lord has commanded the daughters of selofhaad, that they should be married, but each of the tribes of their father should be married, Num.36.7 so the inheritance of the children of israel shall not leave from a tribe to one tribe, for the tribes of the sons of israel will be attacked in the lot of the tribe of his fathers. Num.36.8 and every daughter who divided a inheritance among the tribes of the israelites shall be married for one of the families of the family of her father, so that the children of israel might have each one of his hometown. Num.36.9 so that a lot will not come down from a tribe to another tribe, but the tribes of the sons of israel should continue each to his inheritance. Num.36.10 as the lord commanded moses, so did the daughters of selofhaad. Num.36.11 machla, tirza, hogla, milka and noa were their daughters of selofhad for their freunds. Num.36.12 they were married by the families of the sons of manasseh, the son of joseph, and their offspring remained in the tribe of the families of their father. Num.36.13 these are the commandments, the commandments and the judgments that the lord gave by moses in the steppe of moab, by the jordan on jericho. do not defile the land in which you dwell, in which i dwell; for i, the lord, dwell among the people of israel. Deut.1.1 these are the words that moses spoke to ganz israel on the other side of the jordan, in the wilderness, around the sea, among paran and tofel, and laban, and haseroth, and dizahab. Deut.1.2 on horeb one day, a journey over the mountain of seir to cades-barnea. Deut.1.3 in the fourth years, in the elfde month, in the first day of the monate, moses spoke to the israelites in everything that the lord had commanded him to them, Deut.1.4 after that he killed sihon, the king of the amorites, who dwelled in hesbon, and og, the king of basan, who dwelled in astaroth, in edrei. Deut.1.5 on the other side of the jordan, in the land of moab, moses began to explike this law, saying, Deut.1.6 the lord our god spoke to us in horeb, saying, it is sufficient for you at this mountain. Deut.1.7 turn and depart and go to the mountain of the amorites and to all those who are in the land of araba, in the mountain, in the land, and in the beast, and in the sea, in the land of canaan, and to the libano, until the great river euphrate. Deut.1.8 see, i have delivered the land before you. enter and inherit the land that i told your fathers abraham, isaac and jacob to give them and their offspring after them. Deut.1.9 and i told you in that time, i cannot bear you alone. Deut.1.10 the lord your god has multiplied you, and behold, you are now many like the stars of heaven. Deut.1.11 the lord, the god of your fathers, give you more more and blessed you, just as he has spoken to you. Deut.1.12 how can i hold alone your labor, your steadfastness and your contradictions? Deut.1.13 leave some people of your tribes, wise and wise men, and i will set them for your rulers. Deut.1.14 and you answered me, it is good that you have said to do. Deut.1.15 then i took you officers, wise and wise men, and set them as rulers over you, officers, hundredførers, quinth, and tithes, and officers for your families. Deut.1.16 in that time i commanded your judges, saying, listen to listen to your brothers and judge right among a man and his brother and his proselyte. Deut.1.17 you shall not recognize a appearance in judgment; you shall bring to me the little or the great. you shall not be treated before a person, for the judgment is of god. whatever discussion is for you, bring it to me, and i will hear it. Deut.1.18 so i commanded you all the things that you should do. Deut.1.19 so we departed from horeb and went to all that great and terrible wilderness that you saw, in the way of the mountain of the amorites, just as the lord our god had commanded us, and we came to cades-barnea. Deut.1.20 and i said to you, you have come to the land of the amorites, which the lord our god give us. Deut.1.21 see, the lord, your god, has delivered the land before you. come up and inherit it, just as the lord, the god of your fathers, told you. fear not and be not afraid. Deut.1.22 and you came to me all, and you said, let us send men before us, so that they may respect the land for us, and let us tell us the way we will go on, and for the towns we will go in. Deut.1.23 my question was pleasing, and i took for you twelve men, one man from every tribe. Deut.1.24 they went up and went up to the mountain, and when they came to the vall eschkol, they recognized it. Deut.1.25 and they took with them some of the fruit of the earth and brought it to us, and they told us, the land that the lord our god give us. Deut.1.26 but you refused to go, but rebelled the word of the lord your god. Deut.1.27 and you murrt in your tenders, and you said, because the lord hated us, he led us out of the land of egypt, to give us in the hand of the amorites and destroy us. Deut.1.28 where are we to go? your brothers have distributed your hearts, saying, a nation, more and more than we, and cities are granted and beyond heaven, and we have seen there the sons of refaim. Deut.1.29 and i said to you, do not be alarmed and do not fear them. Deut.1.30 the lord your god, who go before you, will strike for you, as he did for you in egypt, Deut.1.31 and in the wilderness that you saw how the lord your god carried you, as a man carried his son, on the whole way you went, until you came to this place. Deut.1.32 but in this reason you did not believe the lord your god, Deut.1.33 who went before you on the road to make a place for you by fire, to show you the way that you should go, and in a cloud in day. Deut.1.34 when the lord heard your words, he indigned and svor, saying, Deut.1.35 shall someone of these men see this good land that i have spoken to their fathers, Deut.1.36 except caleb, the son of jephone. he will see it, and to him i will give the land that he has gone, because he has followed the lord. Deut.1.37 even to me the lord was indignant because of you, saying, you also will not enter there. Deut.1.38 jesus, the son of nun, who is standing with you, will enter there. strengthen him, for he will inherit israel it. Deut.1.39 and every child that does not know it is good or evil, they will enter there, and for these i will give it, and they will inherit it. Deut.1.40 but you should turn and depart into the wilderness to the round sea. Deut.1.41 and you answered me, we have sinned against the lord. we will go up and strike, according to whatever the lord, our god, has commanded us. so you were carried up and went up to the mountain. Deut.1.42 and the lord said to me, tell them, do not go up and do not strike, for i am not among you, that you may not be broken down before your enemies. Deut.1.43 and i spoke to you, but you did not listen, but you were rebelled to the message of the lord and went up on the mountain. Deut.1.44 so the amorites, who were in that mountain, came out to stone against you, and they persecuted you as they did the garments, and they drew you from seir to horma. Deut.1.45 so you returned and were weeping before the lord, but the lord did not listen to your voice and do not listen to you. Deut.1.46 so you were asking in cades for many days as long as you were asking. Deut.2.1 so we turned and went to the wilderness at the way of the schilde sea, as the lord had spoken to me, and we went around the mountain of seir for many days. Deut.2.2 and the lord said to me, Deut.2.3 it is sufficient for you to walk in this mountain. turn to the nord. Deut.2.4 and tell the people, saying, you will passe through the region of your brothers, the sons of esau, who dwell in seir. they will fear you, but you will fear you. Deut.2.5 do not depart with them, for i will not give you some of their land as any food of a fot, for i have given the sea of seir to esau as a possession. Deut.2.6 give for them food for money for you to eat, and you will receive water from them for money and drink. Deut.2.7 for the lord your god has blessed you in all the work of your hands. he has recognized you in your passion in that great wilderness. for for forty years the lord, your god, has been with you, and you have nothing to do. Deut.2.8 so we went through our brothers, the sons of esau who dwell in seir, by the way of the araba, from elath and of esjon-geber. and we returned and went on the way of the wilderness of moab. Deut.2.9 and the lord said to me, do not strike moab and do not strike with them, for i will not give you in besitting for the sons of lot, for i have given the sons of lot to inherit. Deut.2.10 ( in the first time the emites were sitting there, a great, great, and great, like the anakites. Deut.2.11 they also were counted in refaim like the anakites, and the moabites called them emites. Deut.2.12 now in seir was first seated the horites, but the sons of esau had destroyed them and destroyed them, and they dwelled them in their place, just as israel did to the land of his inheritance that the lord had given them. Deut.2.13 so rise and pass over the spring of zered. and we passed over the spring of zered. Deut.2.14 the days that we went from cades-barnea until we passed through the spring of zered, were thirty and eight years, until all the people of the soldiers were destroyed from the camp, just as god had sworn to them. Deut.2.15 and the hand of the lord was against them, to destroy them from the tender, until they were destroyed. Deut.2.16 when all the soldiers were distributed from the people, Deut.2.17 and the lord spoke to me, saying, Deut.2.18 you will pass on this day the region of moab to ar, Deut.2.19 and you will come near to the sons of ammon, and do not agree with them, for i will not give you anything in the land of the sons of ammon, because i have given it to the sons of lot. Deut.2.20 ( it was being numbered in a land of refaim. in the time refains became there, and the ammonites called them zamzummites. Deut.2.21 he was a great, great, and great, like the anakites. but the lord destroyed them from their presence, and they destroyed them and dwelled in their place. Deut.2.22 so as they did to the sons of esau who dwelled in seir, when they destroyed the horites from their presence, and they destroyed them and dwelled in their place until this day. Deut.2.23 even the avvites who dwelled in the villages to gaza, destroyed them the caftorites who came out of caftor, and dwelled in their place. ) Deut.2.24 rise and leave, and passe over the spring of arnon. behold, i have given in your hand sihon, the king of hesbon, the amorit, and his land. beginning to inherit it and put it in war with him. Deut.2.25 this day i will beginning to give your fear and fear of you before all the nations that are under heaven, as they, when they hear your name, will be troubled and trembling for your presence. Deut.2.26 then i sent messengers from the wilderness to sihon, king of hesbon, with words of peace, saying, Deut.2.27 let me go through your land. in the way i will go, i will not leave hand or left. Deut.2.28 you shall give me a food for you for to eat and give me a water for silver that i may drink, but i will passe through my feet, Deut.2.29 as the sons of esau who dwells in seir and the moabites who dwells in ar, so as i have passed over the jordan into the land that the lord our god will give to us. Deut.2.30 but sihon, the king of hesbon, refused to go us through his land, for the lord your god had endured his spirit and endured his heart, so that he might give it in your hand, just as it is now. Deut.2.31 and the lord said to me, behold, i have decided to give sihon and his land before you. beginning to inherit his land. Deut.2.32 so sihon went out to attake us, he and all his people, to the bation of jahaz. Deut.2.33 and the lord our god gave him in our hand, and we killed him, his sons and all his people. Deut.2.34 and we took in that time all his towns and destroyed every city both children and women and children, we left no one. Deut.2.35 only we took the possessions of our bodies and the buit of the towns that we took. Deut.2.36 from aroer, who is at the rand of the spron of arnon, and from the city that belongs to the vall, even to galaad was no city that had escaped for us. all the lord our god gave them all in our hand. Deut.2.37 nevertheless, we did not come to the land of the children of ammon, to all the residents of the spring of jabbok or the towns of the mountains, as the lord our god commanded us. Deut.3.1 then we returned and went on the way of basan. and og, the king of basan, went out for us, he and all his people, to make against us at edrei. Deut.3.2 and the lord said to me, do not fear him, for i have delivered him in your hand, him and his whole people and his land. do to him, just as you did to sihon, the king of the amorites, who was in hesbon. Deut.3.3 so the lord our god gave him even og, the king of basan, with all his people, and we struck him, so that no one left him. Deut.3.4 we seized all his cities in that time, there was no city that we did not take from them. it was seven towns, all the region of argob, the kingdom of og in basan. Deut.3.5 all these towns were strengthened with high wall, porths and bound, except the many many towns. Deut.3.6 we destroyed them, just as we did to sihon, king of hesbon, and destroyed every city, both children, women and children. Deut.3.7 but all the beast and the buit of the towns we took for ourselves. Deut.3.8 so we took in that time the land from the hands of the two kings of the amorites, who were on the other side of the jordan, from the beast of arnon to the hermon of hermon, Deut.3.9 ( the sidonians call hermon sirjon, but the amorites called it senir ), Deut.3.10 all the towns of the field and all the galaad and all basan, until salcha and edreï, the cities of the kingdom of og in basan. Deut.3.11 ( for og, king of basan, was overone among the rephains. behold, his bed was a room of iron, it is in rabba of the sons of ammon, a longer of night and of four cubiti of large. Deut.3.12 so we took that land in that time, from aroër at the beast of arnon, and the helft of the mountain of galaad with his cities i gave to the rubenites and the gadites. Deut.3.13 the rest of galaad and all basan, the kingdom of og, i gave to the half of the tribe of manasseh, all the region of argob, all that baashan was counted as a land of refaim. Deut.3.14 jair, the son of manasseh, took the whole region of argob, to the region of gesurites and maachites, and called them basan, the region of jair, even to this day. Deut.3.15 to machir i gave the galaad. Deut.3.16 and to the rubenites and gadites i gave down from galaad to the beast of arnon, in the midst of the beek, and to the beast of jabbok, the region of the sons of ammon; Deut.3.17 and the araba and the jordan with the region of kinnereth to the sea of the araba, the saltha-sea, by the district of pisga at the east. Deut.3.18 in that time i commanded you, saying, the lord your god gave you this land to inherit, so that all the helds of held will go before your brothers, the children of israel. Deut.3.19 only your women and your children and your beast — i know that you have many possessions, they should live in your towns that i have given you, Deut.3.20 until the lord give rest to your brothers, as it is you, and they also will inherit the land that the lord, your god, give them on the other side of the jordan, then you will return each to his inheritance that i have given you. Deut.3.21 in that time i commanded josua, saying, your eyes have seen whatever the lord, your god, has done to these two kings. so the lord god will do to all the kingdoms where you will pass. Deut.3.22 do not be afraid, for the lord our god will strike for you. Deut.3.23 in that time i prayed the lord, saying, Deut.3.24 o lord, lord, you have asked to show to your servant your strength and your strength hand. for which god is in heaven or on earth who can do such as you have done, and according to your strength? Deut.3.25 let me go over and see this good land that is across the jordan, this good mountain and the liban. Deut.3.26 but the lord was zorged over me for your sake and did not listen to me. and the lord said to me, it is sufficient for you. do not speak again to me of these things. Deut.3.27 come up in the top of pisga and hef your eyes out to the sea and the nord and the south and at the ooste, and see with your eyes, for you will not pass over this jordan. Deut.3.28 and give instructions to josua, and strengthen him and encourage him, for this man will pass over this people, and he will inherit them the land that you will see. Deut.3.29 so we went in a district at the end of bet-pegor. Deut.4.1 and now, israel, hear the commandments and the charges that i taught you to do, so that you may live and enter the land that the lord, the god of your fathers, give you. Deut.4.2 you shall not agree to the saying that i command you, and you shall not take away from it, but you must keep the commandments of the lord your god, which i command you. Deut.4.3 your eyes have seen what the lord has done for baal-peors, that all the people who followed baal-peors have distributed him out of among you. Deut.4.4 but you who have loved the lord, your god, you are all living in this day. Deut.4.5 see, i have shown you the law and judgments, as the lord, my god, has commanded you to do in the land to which you are going to take it in. Deut.4.6 keep your guard and do it, for this will be your wisdom and your understanding in the presence of the nations, which will hear all these commandments and say, this great nation is wise and understanding. Deut.4.7 for which a great nation has any god who are near to them as the lord our god, in whatever we pray to him? Deut.4.8 and which is a great nation that has righteous commandments and judgments according to all this law that i do this day before you? Deut.4.9 but keep on your mind and keep your soul, that you may not forgive that you have seen all the things that your eyes have seen, and that they may not leave your heart all the days of your life, and give instruction to your sons and your sons. Deut.4.10 the day that you stood before the lord, your god, at horeb, when the lord said to me, gather the people to me, and i may give them their words, that they may learn to fear me all the days that they live on earth and teach their children. Deut.4.11 and you came and stood by the mountain, and the mountain was burned with fire until heaven, darkness and cloud, with a loud voice. Deut.4.12 and the lord spoke to you out of the fire. you heard the voice of words, but you saw no image, only a voice. Deut.4.13 and he declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to do, the ten commandments, and he written them on two tables of stone. Deut.4.14 and in that time the lord commanded me to teach the commandments and the judgments, to do them in the land to which you are going to take it in. Deut.4.15 so keep your souls greatly, because you did not see any image in the day when the lord spoke to you in horeb from the fire, Deut.4.16 that you may not turn and do for you a stature, a bilder of any image, a bilder of a man or a woman, Deut.4.17 of a image of any animal that is on the earth, an image of every flute birth that bears under heaven, Deut.4.18 a image of any animal that wives on the earth, an image of any fish that is in the water under the earth, Deut.4.19 so that when you looked up to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the world of heaven, do you deceive and worship them and worship them, which the lord your god has given them to all the nations that are under heaven. Deut.4.20 but the lord took you and led you out of the iron of iron, from egypt, that you may be his own people as it is in this day. Deut.4.21 and the lord was angry to me for your sake, and he swore that i would not go over the jordan and not enter the land that the lord, your god, give you to inherit. Deut.4.22 for i will die in this land, and i will not go over the jordan, but you will passe out and inherit this good land. Deut.4.23 take care that you do not forgive the bund of the lord your god, which he made with you, and do to do for yourselves a idol, a bilder of anything, which the lord your god has commanded. Deut.4.24 for the lord your god is a consuming fire, a jealousy god. Deut.4.25 if you have been born children and children, and you will long in the land, and you will defile you and do a idol, a image of any thing, and do what is evil in the eyes of the lord, your god, to provoke him, Deut.4.26 i give heaven and earth to testify against you today that you will perish in the land to which you have gone over the jordan to inherit it. you will not have long days in it, but you will be destroyed. Deut.4.27 and the lord will scattery you among the nations, and you will left you a little number among the nations where the lord will bring you there. Deut.4.28 and there you will serve others who are working of human hands, a tree and a stone that does not see nor hear, nor eat nor look. Deut.4.29 but if you seek there the lord your god, you will find him, when you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deut.4.30 when you are in confusion and all these things belongs to you at the last days, you will turn to the lord your god and obey his voice. Deut.4.31 for the lord your god is a merciful god; he will not forgive you and not destroy you, and he will not forgive the covenant with your fathers that he swore to them. Deut.4.32 for ask for the first days who were before you, from the day when god created a man on the earth, and from a end of heaven to the other, that there was anything like this great, or has heard anything like this? Deut.4.33 has a nation heard the voice of god speaking out of the fire, just as you have heard, and yet have live? Deut.4.34 of which god has tempted to come for himself to take for himself a nation from a nation in temptation, in signs, in wonders, with better, with strong arm and strong arm and great appearances, as all the things that the lord your god has done for you in egypt? Deut.4.35 you would have known to know that the lord is god, and there is no one except him. Deut.4.36 from heaven he has made his voice to hear you, and on the earth he showed you his great fire fire, and you have heard his words out of the fire. Deut.4.37 and because he loved your fathers and chose their offspring after them, so he led you out of egypt with his great power, Deut.4.38 to destroy before you many nations, great and strong than you, and bring you to give you their land in possession, as it is now. Deut.4.39 so know this day and bring it in your heart that the lord is god above heaven and on the earth below, and that there is no other. Deut.4.40 keep his commandments and the commandments that i give you this day, that it may be well done for you and your sons after you, and that you may live long in the land that the lord, your god, gives you to all the days. Deut.4.41 then moses departed three cities on the other side of the jordan, from the next day, Deut.4.42 that to escape there the murderer who murder his neighbor in no knowledge and had not hated him before it, and that he should flee into one of these towns and live. Deut.4.43 the besor in the wilderness, in the laeving land, for the rubenites, and ramot in galaad for the gadites, and golan in basan for the manassites. Deut.4.44 this is the law that moses laid before the children of israel, Deut.4.45 these are the testimony, the commandments and the judgments that moses spoke to the people of israel when they went out of egypt, Deut.4.46 on the other side of the jordan, in the vall near of beth-peor, in the land of sihon, king of the amorites, who was in hesbon, whom moses and the israelites killed when they went out of egypt. Deut.4.47 so they took his land and the land of og, the king of basan, the two kings of the amorites, who were on the other side of the jordan, on the sun, Deut.4.48 from aroer, which is at the spring of the spring of arnon, to the mountain of zion, which is hermon, Deut.4.49 and all the steph that is on the other side of the jordan, at the next region, under the district of pisga. Deut.5.1 and moses called all israel and said to them, hear, israel, the commandments and the judgments that i do this day in your ears. learn them and keep them to do them. Deut.5.2 the lord your god made a covenant with you at horeb. Deut.5.3 not with your fathers did the lord this covenant, but with us who are here here, who are here here. Deut.5.4 the lord spoke to you face face on the mountain from the fire. Deut.5.5 i was standing in that time among the lord and you to tell you the words of the lord, for you were afraid of the fire and did not ascend on the mountain. Deut.5.6 i am the lord your god, who brought you out of the land of egypt, from the house of service. Deut.5.7 you shall not have others gods before me. Deut.5.8 you shall not do for you an image or any image of anything that is above in heaven or on the earth below or in the water under the earth. Deut.5.9 you shall not worship them and not serve them, for i, the lord your god, is a jealousy god, who rejects the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation. Deut.5.10 but who shows mercy to many people who love me and hold my commandments. Deut.5.11 you shall not turn the name of the lord your god, for the lord will not turn to sin who receives his name in vain. Deut.5.12 keep the day of sabbath to sanctify it, as the lord your god has commanded you. Deut.5.13 six days you will work and do all your works, Deut.5.14 but the seventh day is the sabbath for the lord your god. do you not do anything work in it, nor you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your servant, nor anything of your beast, nor the fremde who dwell in your inside, that your servant and your servant should remain as you. Deut.5.15 remember that you was a servant in egypt, and that the lord your god led you out from there with a sterke hand and strong arm. therefore the lord, your god, commanded you to keep the day of sabbath. Deut.5.16 honor your father and your mother, as the lord, your god, commanded you, that you may live long, and that you may live long in the land that the lord, your god, give you. Deut.5.17 you shall not murder. Deut.5.18 you shall not commit adultery. Deut.5.19 do not steal. Deut.5.20 do not bear false testimony against your neighbor. Deut.5.21 do not desire the wife of your neighbor, and do not desire the house of your neighbor, nor his servant, nor his servant, nor his oxe, nor his osel, nor anything that is of your neighbor. Deut.5.22 these words the lord spoke to your whole congregue on the mountain, out of the fire, darkness and cloud, with a loud voice. so he did not increase them. he wrote them on two tables of stone and gave them to me. Deut.5.23 when you heard the voice out of the fire, the mountain was burned with fire, you came to me, all the rulers of your tribes and your elders, Deut.5.24 and you said, behold, the lord our god has shown us his glory and glory, and we have heard his voice from the fire. this day we saw that god should speak to man and live. Deut.5.25 and now why are we to die? for this great fire will consume us. if we are still hearing the voice of the lord our god, we are dead. Deut.5.26 for what is the flesh that heard a voice of the living god speaking out of the fire, as we are, and live? Deut.5.27 come to you and hear whatever the lord our god says, and you shall tell us whatever the lord our god speaks to you, and we will hear it and do. Deut.5.28 and the lord heard your words, when you were speaking to me, and the lord said to me, i have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they told you. all that they have spoken is well. Deut.5.29 o, if their hearts are so, that they should fear me and keep all my commandments always, so that it may be well well brought to them and to their children forever. Deut.5.30 go and tell them, return into your tends. Deut.5.31 but stand in this presence with me, and i will tell you all the commandments, the commandments and the judgments, which you will teach them, that they may do in the land that i give them in an inheritance. Deut.5.32 therefore keep your guard, as the lord your god has commanded you, do not deceive at right or at left. Deut.5.33 walk in all the way that the lord your god commanded you to go, so that you may rest and be well, and you may live long in the land that you will inherit. Deut.6.1 this is the commandment, the commandments and the judgments that the lord, your god, has commanded you to lead you to do in the land to which you are going to inherit it, Deut.6.2 so that you may fear the lord, your god, to keep your commandments and commandments, which i command you, you and your son and the son of your son, all the days of your life, and that you may live long. Deut.6.3 so hear, israel, and keep it to do, so that you may be well, and that you may be multiplied, as the lord the god of your fathers told you, a land that tears of milk and honning. Deut.6.4 these are the commandments and the judgments that the lord commanded the israel in the wilderness when they came out of the land of egypt. hear, israel! the lord our god is one. Deut.6.5 and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your power. Deut.6.6 these words that i command you this day will be in your heart. Deut.6.7 and make them learing them to your sons and speak in them, sitting in your house and walking in the way and to lay down and rise. Deut.6.8 you will put them as a sign on your hand, and it shall be as a covering among your eyes. Deut.6.9 and write them on the food of your house and on your gates, Deut.6.10 and when the lord your god bring you into the land that he swore to your fathers, abraham, isaac and jacob, to give you, a great and pure city that you did not build, Deut.6.11 house full of all good, which you did not filled, broken cisterns that you did not destroy, women and olives that you did not plant, and you will eat and be satisfied. Deut.6.12 keep yourself to have the lord your god, who has brought you out of the land of egypt, from the household of service. Deut.6.13 you shall fear the lord your god, him shall you serve, and to him you shall hold fast and by his name. Deut.6.14 you must not follow others gods, the gods of the nations that are around you, Deut.6.15 for the lord your god is a jealous god among you. so that the wrath of the lord your god may not be wrath against you and destroy you from the earth. Deut.6.16 you shall not put the lord your god to the test as you put him in massa. Deut.6.17 you must keep the commandments of the lord your god, the testimony and the instructions that he commanded you. Deut.6.18 and do what is right and right in the eyes of the lord, so that it may be well for you and to come in and inherit the good land that the lord gave to your fathers, Deut.6.19 to persecute all your enemies before you, as he spoke. Deut.6.20 when your son will ask you, saying, what are the testimony, the commandments, the judgments, which the lord our god has commanded you? Deut.6.21 you shall say to your son, we were servants of pharaoh in egypt, but the lord led us out from egypt with a sterke hand. Deut.6.22 and the lord made signs and wonders, great and evil in egypt, against pharaon and on all his household, before us. Deut.6.23 but he led us from there and brought us to give us the land that he had loved our fathers to give. Deut.6.24 and the lord commanded us to do all these commandments, to fear the lord our god, so that we may be good in all the days, so that we may live, as is this day. Deut.6.25 and it will be to us a righteousness, if we keep attending to do all these commandments before the lord our god, as he commanded us. Deut.7.1 when the lord your god bring you into the land that you enter to inherit, and that he drives out great nations before you, the hetites, the girgashites, the amorites, the cananites, the ferezites, the hevites and the jebusites, seven nations, large and sterious than you, Deut.7.2 and if the lord your god give them in your hand and you will strike them, you shall destroy them. you shall not make a covenant with them and do not have mercy on them. Deut.7.3 you shall not marry with them, you shall not give your daughter to his son, and you shall not take his daughter for your daughter, Deut.7.4 for they will turn your children from me, and they will serve others. and the wrath of the lord will anger against you, and he will destroy you soon. Deut.7.5 but so do you do to them: destroy their altares and break their robes, destroy their asthers and burn their idols. Deut.7.6 for you are a holy people for the lord your god. you, the lord your god, has chosen you to be his own people among all the nations that are on the earth. Deut.7.7 not because you were more more than all the nations, the lord chosen you and chosen you, for you are a little among all the nations, Deut.7.8 but because the lord loved you and kept the oath that he made to your fathers, the lord led you out with a sterke hand and redeed you out of the house of service, out of the hand of pharaon, king of egypt. Deut.7.9 so know that the lord your god is god, a faithful god, who keep the covenant and mercy to those who love him and keep his commandments, Deut.7.10 and repay those who hates him to destroy them, and he will not repay those who hates, and will repay them. Deut.7.11 keep then the commandments, the commandments and the judgments, which i command you this day to do. Deut.7.12 if you hear these commandments and keep it and do them, the lord your god will guard you the covenant and the mercy that he swore to your fathers. Deut.7.13 and he will love you and blessed you and multiplike you, and will blessed the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, your wheat and your wine and your olivet, the birth of your buments and the sheep of your sheep, in the land that he swore to your fathers to give you. Deut.7.14 you will be blessed than all the nations; there will be no children or barren among you, nor among your buments. Deut.7.15 and the lord will take away every affliction from you, and no new of the evil diseases of egypt that you know, but will put them on all those who hate you. Deut.7.16 you shall eat all the nations that the lord your god will give you. your eye shall not spare them, and you shall not serve their dives, for it will be a sending for you. Deut.7.17 if you say in your own accord, these nations are more than i, how can i destroy them? Deut.7.18 do not fear them. remember how the lord your god did to pharaoh and for all the egyptians, Deut.7.19 the great temptation that your eyes saw, the signs and wonders, with the great hand and the strong arm, with which the lord your god led you out. so the lord your god will do to all the nations that you fear. Deut.7.20 so the lord your god will send out among them the hill until those who are left and who are hidden for you will destroy. Deut.7.21 do not be alarmed of them, for the lord your god is in your midst, a great and further god. Deut.7.22 and the lord your god will despise these nations from your presence for a little while. you will not destroy them quickly, so that the wilds of wilds may not be multiplied over you. Deut.7.23 but the lord your god will give them in your hand and destroy them with great destruction, until they are destroyed. Deut.7.24 and he will deliver their kings into your hand, and you will destroy their name from the ground. no one will stand before you until you destroy them. Deut.7.25 you shall burn the sculptiles idols of their gods. you shall not desire the silver or gold that belongs to them and do not take it for yourself, for it is a abomination for the lord your god. Deut.7.26 you shall not bring a abomination in your house, so that you may be excellent, as it is. you shall defile it and do the abomination, for it is a banvloek. Deut.8.1 do all the commandments that i give you this day, and do to do, so that you may live and be multiplied, and you may come in and inherit the land that the lord gave to your fathers. Deut.8.2 but remember all the way that the lord, your god, brought you in the wilderness in the wilderness to destroy you and to test you and to know what in your heart is, if you keep his commandments or not. Deut.8.3 he defiled you and broke you, and gave you the manna to eat that you did not know and whom your fathers not knew, to tell you that the person does not live by bread only, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of god will live the man. Deut.8.4 your cloaks was not distributed for you, and your feet were not distributed at the four years. Deut.8.5 so know in your heart that the lord your god disciplines you as a man discipliny his son. Deut.8.6 therefore keep the commandments of the lord your god, walking in his ways and fear him. Deut.8.7 for the lord your god bring you into a good land, a land with waters of water and springs of deep, which grow out in the beast and in the mountains, Deut.8.8 a ground and a gerbe, a vineyard, the fig tree, the rowels, the land of olives of oliven and honey, Deut.8.9 a land where you will not eat your bread with affliction, and nothing shall be incovered in it, a earth where the stones are a iron, and from whose mountains you will dress a bronze. Deut.8.10 and when you eat and be satisfied, you will blessed the lord your god on the good land that he has given you. Deut.8.11 keep on yourself that you do not forgive the lord your god, not keep his commandments, his judgments and his commandments, which i command you today. Deut.8.12 when you eat and be satisfied and built a good house and dwells in them, Deut.8.13 and when your sheep and your sheep multipliks, your silver and gold have become multiplied, and all your gifts will be multiplied, Deut.8.14 so that your heart may be exalted, and you must verge the lord your god, who brought you out of the land of egypt, out of the household, Deut.8.15 who brought you through this great and terrible deserty, in which there were serpents of scorpion and scorpions, and thirsty water, which did not be water, who made water to you from the rock of the harm, Deut.8.16 who gave you a manna in the wilderness, which your fathers did not know, that he might make you evil and to test you and to make you good in your last, Deut.8.17 do not say in your heart, my power and the power of my hand has done for me this great power. Deut.8.18 but remember the lord your god, for he gives you power to make power, so that he may keep the covenant that he gave your fathers to your fathers, as it is this day. Deut.8.19 but if you forces the lord your god and go after others, and serve them and worship them, i testify to you today, that you will perish. Deut.8.20 as the nations that the lord destroys before you, so you will perish, because you did not listen to the voice of the lord your god. Deut.9.1 hear, israel! you are passing up today over the jordan for to come in possession of nations great and strong than you, great cities in heavenly places. Deut.9.2 a great and great people, sons of anac, whom you know and of which you have heard: who will stand before the anakites? Deut.9.3 so you know this, that the lord your god who walks before you is a consuming fire. he will destroy them and put them away from your presence, and you will destroy them, just as the lord said to you. Deut.9.4 when the lord your god destroy them before you, do not say in your heart, that the lord your god has brought them out before you, saying, because of my righteousness the lord has brought me to inherit this land. for for the ungodliness of these nations the lord drives them out before you. Deut.9.5 not because of your righteousness, nor because of your godliness, you enter their land to inherit their land, but because of the ungodliness of these nations the lord, your god, drive them out of your presence, and so to confirme the covenant that the lord gave to your fathers abraham, isaac and jacob. Deut.9.6 so know that not because of your righteousness that the lord your god give you this good land to inherit it, because you are a hard people. Deut.9.7 remember, do not neglect how you have provoked up the lord, your god, in the wilderness, from the day when you went out of the land of egypt, until you came to this place, you were disobedient to the lord. Deut.9.8 now in horeb you were provoked at the lord, and the lord was angry to you to destroy you. Deut.9.9 when i was going to the mountain to take the tables of stones, the tablets of the covenant that the lord had made with you, i remained on the mountain for 40 days and quarty nights. i did not eat bread and neither drink water. Deut.9.10 and the lord gave me the two tables of stone, written with the finger of god, and on them all the words that the lord had spoken to you on the mountain in the day of the congregation. Deut.9.11 after the forty days and forty nights the lord gave me the two tafels of stone, the tables of the covenant. Deut.9.12 and the lord said to me, rise, come down down from here, for your people, which you led out of egypt, has turned. quickly they turned from the way that i commanded them. they made a image for themselves. Deut.9.13 and the lord said to me, i have seen to you once and again, saying, i have seen this people, and behold, it is a hard people. Deut.9.14 leave me, and i will destroy them and destroy their name from under heaven, and i will make you a mighty and more nation than this. Deut.9.15 then i turned and went down from the mountain, the mountain was burned with fire, and the two tables of the name were in my two hands. Deut.9.16 and i looked, and behold, you did sinned against the lord your god and made a image for you, looking away from the way that the lord had commanded you. Deut.9.17 so i took the two tables and throw them out of my two hands and broke them in your eyes. Deut.9.18 and i fell down before the lord, like at the first, quarty days and fyrty nights, i did not eat nor drink, for all your sins that you had sinned, having done what was evil in the eyes of the lord, to provoke him at anger. Deut.9.19 for i was afraid for the wrath and the wrath that the lord was provoked against you to destroy you. but the lord heard me even this time. Deut.9.20 even on aaron the lord was indignant greatly to destroy him, and i would pray for aaron in that time. Deut.9.21 then i took your sin, the kalf, which you had done, i took him and burned him in fire and cut it in beat, until it became a stone, and i throw the stone into the spring that comes down from the mountain. Deut.9.22 in tabera, in massa, in kibroth-hataava you provoked up the lord. Deut.9.23 and when the lord sent you from cades-barnea, saying, come up and inherit the land that i have given you. then you did obey the commandment of the lord your god and did not believe him, and you did not listen to his voice. Deut.9.24 you have been rebeld against the lord from the day when i was known to you. Deut.9.25 so i fell down before the lord for 40 days and 40 nights, for the lord told you to destroy you. Deut.9.26 and i prayed to the lord and said, lord, lord, do not destroy your people and your acker that you delivered by your great power, which you led out of egypt with a great hand. Deut.9.27 remember your servants abraham, isaac and jacob. do not look at the hard of this people, an impieation and sin. Deut.9.28 that the land where you led us did not say, because the lord could not bring them into the land that he had spoken to them, and because he had hated them, he led them out to kill them in the wilderness. Deut.9.29 but they are your people and your lot, which you led out of your great power and your strong arm. Deut.10.1 in that time the lord said to me, hure for you two tables of stone like the first, and come up to me on the mountain, and make you a tree of tree. Deut.10.2 and i will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tables that you were broken, and you will put them into the ark. Deut.10.3 so i made a ark of akacia, and i broke the two tables of stones like the first, and i went up on the mountain with the two tables in my hand. Deut.10.4 and he wrote on the tables according to the first scripture, the ten words that the lord had spoken to you on the mountain from the fire in the day. so the lord gave them to me. Deut.10.5 then i turned and went down from the mountain and put the tables into the ark that i had done, and they were there, just as the lord had commanded me. Deut.10.6 so the sons of israel departed from beerot-bene-jaakan in moser-jaakan. there was dead aaron and there was buried, and his son eleazar made a priest in his place. Deut.10.7 from there they went up to gudgod, and from gudgod to jotbata, a land of waterstrome. Deut.10.8 in that time the lord departed the tribe of levi to bring the ark of the covenant of the lord, to stand in the presence of the lord for his ministry and to pray in his name, even to this day. Deut.10.9 therefore levi did not have part or erbe among your brothers. the lord is his lot, just as the lord god has spoken to him. Deut.10.10 and i was standing on the mountain for 40 days and forty nights. and the lord heard me even this time, and the lord refused to destroy you. Deut.10.11 and the lord said to me, go, go away before this people, and let them enter the land that i swore to their fathers to give them. Deut.10.12 and now, israel, what is the lord your god to you, except to fear the lord your god, to walk in all his ways and love him and to serve the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul, Deut.10.13 to keep the commandments of the lord and the commandments that i command you today, so that you may be well. Deut.10.14 behold, the lord your god is the heavens and the heavens of heaven, the earth and all that is in it. Deut.10.15 yet only your fathers did the lord love them, and he chose their offspring after them, you who are from all the nations, as it is this day. Deut.10.16 so put on the circumcised of your hearts, and no more hard your neck. Deut.10.17 for the lord your god is the god of god and the lord of the lord, the great and strong god, who does not consiste face nor accept gift, Deut.10.18 who does justice to the weak and widow, and loves the proselyte and give him bread and clothing. Deut.10.19 so look the proselyte, for you were forestless in the land of egypt. Deut.10.20 you shall fear the lord your god, him shall you serve, and to him you shall hold fast and by his name. Deut.10.21 he is your glory, and he is your god, who has done for you these great and terrible things that your eyes have seen. Deut.10.22 with seven persons your fathers went down to egypt, but now the lord your god made you many like the stars of heaven. Deut.11.1 look, then, the lord your god, and keep his commandments, his statuts and his commandments in all the days. Deut.11.2 and know this day, that i do not say to your children who did not know and not seen the discipline of the lord your god, his great majesty, his strength, his strong hand, Deut.11.3 his signs and things that he did in the midst of egypt to pharaon, the king of egypt, and on all his land, Deut.11.4 and what he did to the power of egypt, their hors and their hors, how he broke the water of the schilde sea before them when they persecuted you, so that the lord destroyed them until this day. Deut.11.5 and whatever he made for you in the wilderness until you came to this place, Deut.11.6 and what he did to datan and abiram, sons of eliab, the son of ruben, when the earth opened his mouth and engluted them and their families and their tentes and all those who were with them in the midst of all israel. Deut.11.7 for your eyes have seen all the great works of the lord. Deut.11.8 keep then all the commandments that i give you this day, so that you may be multiplied, and you may come in and inherit the land that you have gone over the jordan for to take it in. Deut.11.9 and that you may live long in the land that the lord swore to your fathers to give them and their offspring, a land that tears the milk and honning. Deut.11.10 for it is the land where you enter to inherit it is not like the land of egypt from which you have gone out, when you have sown your seed and gave it drink with your feet, like a garden garden. Deut.11.11 but the land where you enter for to inherit it is a land of mountains and shefes, which drink water from the rain of heaven, Deut.11.12 a land that the lord your god desires, and the eyes of the lord your god are continuing on it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Deut.11.13 and if you obey your commandments that i give you this day, to love the lord your god and serve him with your whole heart and with all your soul, Deut.11.14 so i will give your land rain in the time, the herd and the herd, and you will bring your wheat and your wine and your olivet. Deut.11.15 and i will give food in your land for your beast, and you will eat and be satisfied. Deut.11.16 keep yourselves, that your heart may not be deceived, and you may turn and serve others, and worship them, Deut.11.17 so the wrath of the lord will be wrath against you, and he will shaken heaven, that there is no rain, and the earth will not give its fruit, and you will quickly destroy from the good land that the lord has given you. Deut.11.18 so put these words into your heart and in your life, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and it shall be as a covering among your eyes. Deut.11.19 and teaching them to your children, saying to them, sitting in your house and walking in the way and to lay down and rise. Deut.11.20 and write them on the food of your house and on your gates, Deut.11.21 so that your days and the days of your children in the land that the lord swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens will be upon the earth. Deut.11.22 for if you obey all these commandments that i command you to do, love the lord your god and walk in all his ways and to hold fast to him, Deut.11.23 so the lord drives out all these nations before you, and you will inherit many nations who are more and greater than you. Deut.11.24 every place where the foot of your feet will be for you. from the wilderness and liban, from the great river euphrates, and to the sea of the west will be your region. Deut.11.25 no one will stand before you. the lord your god will put your fear and fear upon you on the whole land to which you will come, just as he has spoken to you. Deut.11.26 behold, i lay before you this day a blessing and a curse: Deut.11.27 the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the lord your god, which i command you this day, Deut.11.28 and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the lord your god and deceives from the way that i command you this day, to go to serve others, whom you do not know. Deut.11.29 when the lord your god bring you into the land that you will go to inherit it, you will make the blessing on the mountain of garizim and the curse on the mountain of ebal. Deut.11.30 these ones are on the other side of the jordan, after the way back of the sun, in the land of the canaan who dwell in the araba, gegenüber of gilgal, gegenüber of more more? Deut.11.31 for you will passe over the jordan to enter the land that the lord, your god, will give you in besitz, and you will inherit it and abide in it. Deut.11.32 keep your guard and do in do all the commandments and the judgments that i give before you this day. Deut.12.1 these are the commandments and the judgments that you do to do in the land that the lord, the god of your fathers, will give you to inherit, in all the days that you live on the earth. Deut.12.2 you will destroy all the places in which the divisions of them you will serve their gods on the high mountains, on the high mounts and on the top and under every grow tree. Deut.12.3 you shall destroy their altares and destroy their tings, and burn their astarts, and destroy their idols from that place, and destroy their name from that place. Deut.12.4 do not do so with the lord your god. Deut.12.5 but to the place that the lord, your god, will chose among all your tribes to make his name in there, in which you will seek, and there you shall come in. Deut.12.6 and there you will bring your offers, your sacrifices, your sacrifices, your heavens, your heavens, your heavens and your offerings, and the firstbors of your sheep and your sheep. Deut.12.7 and there you will eat before the lord your god and rejoice in all your own hands, you and your families, with whatever the lord your god blessed you. Deut.12.8 you must not do whatever we do here in this day, each one what is right in his sight, Deut.12.9 for you have now not come into the rest of rest and in the inheritance that the lord your god will give you. Deut.12.10 but when you have gone over the jordan and dwelling in the land that the lord, your god, will give you an inheritance, and he will give you rest from all your enemies along, and you will dwell in aspey, Deut.12.11 then the place that the lord your god will chose for place for his name, there you will bring all that i command you. your brandoffers and your sacrifices, your tithes and the heavens of your hands and every chosen of your offers, which you proclaim to the lord. Deut.12.12 and rejoice in the presence of the lord your god, you and your sons and your daughters and your servants and your slaves, and the levite who is in your gates, for he has no part or possession with you. Deut.12.13 take care that you may not offer your brandoffers in any place that you see. Deut.12.14 but to the place that the lord will chose in one of your tribes, there you will offer your brandopfer, and there you will do whatever i command you. Deut.12.15 but in all your desires will you sacrifice and eat a flesh, according to the blessing of the lord your god, which he has given you. the unclean and the clean will eat it, like a gazelle or a cerf. Deut.12.16 only the blood you shall not eat; you will gide it on the earth as water. Deut.12.17 you cannot eat in your towes the tithes of your wheat and your wine and your olie, nor the firstborn of your sheep or your sheep, nor anything of your promised offering, nor your confessions, nor the offering of your hands. Deut.12.18 but you will eat them before the lord your god in the place that the lord your god will chose, you and your son and your daughter, your servant and your servant, and the proselyte in your towes. and you shall rejoice before the lord, your god, in whatever you have laid your hand. Deut.12.19 take care that you do not forgive the levite until you live in your land. Deut.12.20 when the lord your god open your region, as he has spoken to you, and you say, i will eat a flesh, since your soul desires to eat the flesh, you will eat every desire of your soul. Deut.12.21 if the place that the lord, your god, will chose for place for his name, you will take off of your sheep or your sheep, which the lord will give you, as i have commanded you, and you may eat in your ports according to the desires of your soul. Deut.12.22 so as you eat the gazes and the cerf, so you will eat it. the unclean and the pure person will eat it. Deut.12.23 only keep attention to eat of the blood, for the blood is life; you shall not eat the life with the flesh. Deut.12.24 you shall not eat it; you will gide it on the ground as water. Deut.12.25 you shall not eat it, so that it may be well done for you and your children after you, when you do what is right in the eyes of the lord. Deut.12.26 only the holy things that you have and your profts you will take, and bring to the place that the lord will chose. Deut.12.27 and offer your brandoffers, the flesh and the blood, on the altar of the lord your god, and the blood of your sacrifices will be poured into the altar of the lord your god, but the flesh you may eat. Deut.12.28 keep it and hear all the words that i command you, so that it may be well for you and for your children after you forever, if you do what is right in the eyes of the lord your god. Deut.12.29 when the lord your god destroy the nations where you enter to drive their land, and you strive them and dwells in their land, Deut.12.30 keep yourself and do not seek to follow them after they are destroyed from your presence, and do not seek for their deeds, saying, how do these nations make their gods? so i do also. Deut.12.31 you must not do so for the lord your god, for whatever abominations that the lord hats will they do for their gods, for they have bringing their sons and their daughters with fire. Deut.12.32 whatever i command you do to do. you shall not add nothing to do and take it from it. Deut.13.1 if a prophet or a mounding droom will rise among you and give you a sign or a sign, Deut.13.2 and the sign or the woning that he spoke to you will come, saying, let us go to others, whom you do not know. Deut.13.3 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or of that sny, for the lord, your god, tempts you to know whether you love the lord your god with your whole heart and with all your soul. Deut.13.4 follow the lord your god and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and to him you will obey. Deut.13.5 but that prophet or that son of a dream will die, for he has spoken to deceive you from the lord your god, who brought you out of the land of egypt and redeed you out of the household of service, to leave you from the way that the lord your god commanded you to go. so take the evil one out of you. Deut.13.6 if your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the woman who is in your side or your friend who is like your soul, saying, let us go and serve others, which you and your fathers did not know, Deut.13.7 from the god of the nations who are around you, who are near to you or far from you, from one end of the earth to the other, Deut.13.8 you shall not consider him and do not listen to him, and your eye shall not spare him. do you not spare him and do not refuse him, Deut.13.9 but you shall kill him. your hand must first set against him to kill him, and after that the hand of all the people. Deut.13.10 you shall stone him to death, for he has seeking to send you away from the lord your god, who brought you out of the land of egypt, from the house of service. Deut.13.11 and the whole israel will hear this and fear and do no more do such evil in among you. Deut.13.12 if you hear in one of your towns that the lord your god give you to dwelling there, Deut.13.13 a believing men came out of you and have removed the residents of their city, saying, let us go and serve others, whom you did not know, Deut.13.14 you shall seek, seeking and search, and if it is true and true, that this abomination has been done among you, Deut.13.15 then destroy the residents of that city in a sword, destroying it with the sword and all that is in it. Deut.13.16 you will gather all the bytting of it in the roets of the city, and you shall burn the city with fire and all who are in it, every food for the lord your god. and he shall be a desolate place for all time, never will be built up again. Deut.13.17 nothing of the banding will be attaced to your hand, so that the lord may turn from the wrath of his wrath and give you mercy and give you mercy and multiplike you, just as he lowed to your fathers, Deut.13.18 if you obey the voice of the lord your god, to keep all his commandments, which i command you this day, to do what is right in the eyes of the lord your god. Deut.14.1 you are children of the lord your god, and you do not strike a plant among your eyes for a dead. Deut.14.2 for you are a holy people for the lord your god, and the lord, your god, has chosen you to be his own people from all the nations who are on the earth. Deut.14.3 you shall not eat anything that is abominable. Deut.14.4 these are the beasts that you may eat: a beast, a sheep, the sheep, Deut.14.5 a cerf, the gazelle, and the soir, and the antilop and the antilop and the antilop. Deut.14.6 you may eat every beast that has hati the hufe, and that refiles, you will eat. Deut.14.7 but these you must not eat of those who rumined, or from those who have divided huve: the camel, the haz and the have, for they remained drøve, but have no defiling hufe; they shall be unclean for you. Deut.14.8 not also the soin, for it has wel divided, but does not rumine. it will be unclean for you. they shall not eat their flesh and do not touch their dead. Deut.14.9 of all the things in the water you may eat these: whatever there is flores and flores, you will eat. Deut.14.10 but you do not eat anything that is flound or flood; they must be unclean for you. Deut.14.11 every pure fruit you may eat. Deut.14.12 but these are that you shall not eat: the vull and the lamf and the lamp Deut.14.13 the milan, and the habig, and the habith, Deut.14.14 every girl with its arter, Deut.14.15 the struip, the storm, the wick, Deut.14.16 the cloak, the gate, and the pute, Deut.14.17 the purpely, and the ax, and the harp, Deut.14.18 the calling, and the leading, with their armes, and the hip, and the cloak. Deut.14.19 all reptiles of birds will be unclean for you, you shall not eat. Deut.14.20 every pure rop you may eat. Deut.14.21 you shall not eat any mortal body. to the present who is in your ports shall you give it to eat or give it to the stranger, for you are a holy people for the lord your god. you shall not koken a sheep in the milk of his mother. Deut.14.22 you will give the tithes of all the fruits of your offspring, which is birth of your field, every year. Deut.14.23 you shall eat the tithes of your wheat and your wine and the firstbors of your sheep and your sheep, so that you may learn to fear of the lord your god, the tithes of your wheat and your sheep, so that you may learn to fear the lord your god in all the days. Deut.14.24 if your way is far long from you and you are not able to bring them away, because the place that the lord your god will chose for to make his name there, so that the lord your god will blessed you, Deut.14.25 so give it to the money and take the money in your hands and go to the place that the lord your god will chose, Deut.14.26 and give the money in whatever your soul desires of sheep, sheep, wine, wine, or whatever your soul desires, and eat there before the lord, your god, and rejoice, you and your house. Deut.14.27 do not have the levite who dwells in your towns, for he has no part or possession with you. Deut.14.28 after three years you may take out all the tithes of your fruit in that year and put it in your towns, Deut.14.29 and the levite, for he has no part or possession with you, and the proselyte and the weak and the widow who are in your ports, and they will eat and be satisfied, so that the lord your god may be blessed you in all the works you do. Deut.15.1 for seven years you may have forgiveness. Deut.15.2 this is the reason for the forgiveness: every fellow means of his neighbor should leave his neighbor of his neighbor or your brother, for the forgiveness of the lord has been called. Deut.15.3 for a stranger shall you defile, but whatever you have of your brother would give your respect. Deut.15.4 for there will not be indigent among you, for the lord will blessed you in the land that the lord your god give you to inherit it, Deut.15.5 if you obey the voice of the lord your god, to keep and do all these commandments that i give you this day, Deut.15.6 for the lord your god will blessed you, just as he has spoken to you, and you will lack to many nations, but you will not pronounce, and you will lay over many nations, but they will not begare you. Deut.15.7 if there is a neighbor among you, one of your brothers, in one of your ports in the land that the lord your god give you, you shall not endure your heart and do not strike your hand against your beloved brother, Deut.15.8 but open your hand to him, and lack to him whatever he is lacking. Deut.15.9 keep on yourself that in your heart neither will there be a wicked talk in your heart, saying, the seventh years will be near, the years of forgiveness, and your sound shall never give your beloved brother and do not give him. for he will crie against you to the lord, and you will be a sin. Deut.15.10 you must give him, and do not belongs to your heart when you give him, for therefore the lord, your god, will blessed you in all your work and in all your acts. Deut.15.11 for the poor man does not leave in the land, therefore i command you, saying, make your hand open to your brother, to your poor and to your armen in your land. Deut.15.12 if your brother, a hebrew or hebrew, is sold to you, he shall serve you six years, but in the seventh years you shall send him back from you. Deut.15.13 and when you have released him from you, you shall not send him away with vain, Deut.15.14 you will recognize him from your sheep, from your wheat and of your winepress, as the lord your god blessed you. Deut.15.15 remember that you were slave in egypt and that the lord your god delivered you from there. therefore i command you to do this way. Deut.15.16 but if he says to you, i will not go away from you, for he loved you and your house, because it is well with you, Deut.15.17 then take a shilo and turn his ear to the door, and it shall be your servant forever. and so you must make your slave. Deut.15.18 it shall not be hard in your presence when you send him away free from you, for six years he has served for you six years. and the lord your god will blessed you in whatever you do. Deut.15.19 everyone of the firstborn of your sheep and sheep shall you sanctify to the lord your god. do not work in the firstborn of your firstborn and do not strike the firstborn of your sheep. Deut.15.20 you and your household shall eat it for the presence of the lord your god, you and your household. Deut.15.21 if there has any food, if there is a lame or a blind or every evil making, you shall not offer it to the lord your god. Deut.15.22 you will eat it in your ports. the unclean and the clean will eat it, like a gazelle or as a cerf. Deut.15.23 only his blood you shall not eat; you will gide it on the earth as water. Deut.16.1 keep the money abib and celebrate the passover for the lord your god, for in the month of abib, the lord your god, led you out of egypt in the day of abib. Deut.16.2 so sacrifice the passover to the lord your god, with sheep and sheep in the place that the lord will chose for his name. Deut.16.3 you do not eat with it bread leavened. seven days you will eat with it unleavened bread, bread of evil, because you have gone out out of the land of egypt. so that you may remember the day that has come out of the land of egypt all the days of your life. Deut.16.4 on seven days shall no leaven appear to you in all your region seven days, and from the flesh that you sacrifice on the first day do not rest to the morning day. Deut.16.5 you will not make the passover in any of your towns that the lord your god will give you. Deut.16.6 but to the place that the lord, your god, will chose for to dwelling his name, you will sacrificate the passover on the evening of the sun, in the time when you came out of egypt. Deut.16.7 you shall eat and eat in the place that the lord your god will chose. the matter you will return and go into your tenders. Deut.16.8 six days you may eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there will be a feast of feast for the lord your god. you shall not do any work. Deut.16.9 you shall number seven ebdomages, beginning at the beginning of the sickle to number the seven wowns. Deut.16.10 and celebring the feast of the week for the lord your god, with the gift of your hand, which you will give, as the lord your god blessed you. Deut.16.11 and you shall rejoice before the lord your god, you and your son and your daughter and your servant and your servant and the levite who is in your porths, and the proselyte and the waise and the widow that are among you, in the place that the lord your god chose for to stay there his name. Deut.16.12 you shall remember that you were slave in egypt, and keep these commandments and do. Deut.16.13 the feast of tents shall you celebrate for seven days when you have gathered out of your wine and of your winepress. Deut.16.14 and you must rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter and your servant and your servant and the levite and the proselyte and the waise and the widow in your towns. Deut.16.15 seven days you shall celebre the feast for the lord your god in the place that the lord will choose. for the lord your god will blessed you in all your fruits and in all the work of your hands, and you shall be glad. Deut.16.16 three times in the year all your men will appear before the lord your god in the place that he chose: in the feast of the unleavened bread, at the feast of the sevents and at the feast of the tentes, and do not appeared at the presence of the lord in vain. Deut.16.17 each one should give according to the gift of your hands, according to the blessing of the lord your god, which he gave you. Deut.16.18 you shall set you judges and rulers in all your towns that the lord, your god, will give you in all your tribus, and they shall judge the people with a righteous judgment. Deut.16.19 you shall not deceive judgment, do not recognize face nor receive for gift, for the gift blinds the eyes of the wise and deceives the words of the righteous. Deut.16.20 the righteous person you will persecute, so that you may live and inherit the land that the lord your god will give you. Deut.16.21 you shall not plant for you a astarty of any tree, by the altar of the lord your god, which you will make for you. Deut.16.22 and do not keep you a stature, which the lord your god hates. Deut.17.1 you shall not sacrifice the lord your god a beam or a sheep, in which there is food or any evil things, for it is a abomination for the lord your god. Deut.17.2 if there is found in you in one of your towns that the lord your god give you, a man or a woman who will do what is evil in the eyes of the lord your god, transgressing his covenant, Deut.17.3 and go and serve others, and worship them, to the sun or to the moon or to all the world of the world, which i have not commanded, Deut.17.4 and if it is declared to you, you will seek yourself and see, and as this is true, that this abomination has been done in israel, Deut.17.5 then take this man or that woman that will make this man or that woman, and stone them to stone, so that they may die. Deut.17.6 concerning one of two witnesses or three testimony will be put to death. he must not be put to death for one of the testimony. Deut.17.7 the hand of the witnesses will be first against him to put him to death, and after last the hand of all the people. so you shall defile the evil one out of your own presence. Deut.17.8 if a questions is impossible for you in judgment, among blood and blood, among a judgment and a deceive, a discussion of judgment in your portes, then rise and ascend to the place that the lord, your god, will chose. Deut.17.9 and come to the priests of the levites and to the judge who are in those days, and ask them, and they will tell you the judgment. Deut.17.10 and do according to the word that they tell you from the place that the lord will call, and keep yourself to do according to whatever they instruct you. Deut.17.11 according to the law that they tell you, and according to the judgment they will tell you, you shall not deceive from the way that they tell you, neither to right or at left. Deut.17.12 if anyone is arrogant and does not obey the priest who is standing before the lord your god or the judge, that is in those days, that man must die. so you will defile the evil out of israel. Deut.17.13 and all the people will hear this and fear, and no longer will be ungodly. Deut.17.14 when you enter the land that the lord, your god, give you, and inherit it and dwells in it and say, i will set a ruler over me, as all the nations that are around me, Deut.17.15 then set a ruler over yourself, whom the lord, your god, will chose. from your brothers you shall put a ruler over yourself. you cannot set a fremde man who is not your brother. Deut.17.16 but let him not multiplike many hors and do not turn the people into egypt, to make many horses, for the lord has told you no longer to return this way. Deut.17.17 he shall not multiplike for himself wives, that his heart shall not turn, and he must not multiplike for himself silver and gold. Deut.17.18 and when he sit on his ruler, he shall write for himself a charge of this inscription in a scroll from the priests of the levites. Deut.17.19 and he must have it with him and lead in it all the days of his life, so that he may learn to fear the lord his god, to keep all these commandments and these commandments, Deut.17.20 so that his heart may not be exalted from his brothers, and that he may not turn from the commandment or right, so that he may long long in his beginning, he and his sons in all israel. Deut.18.1 the priests of levi, all the tribes of levi, shall not have part of part or possession with israel. they shall eat the offers of the lord and of his lot. Deut.18.2 they shall not have inheritance among their brothers; the lord is his lot, as he told them. Deut.18.3 this is the judgment of the priests from the people, from those who offers sacrifice, if it is a beast or a sheep. they will give to the priest the schuldle, the kindles and the rook. Deut.18.4 as for the offering of your wheat, of your wine and of your olio, and the beginning of your sheep of your sheep. Deut.18.5 for the lord your god has chosen him from all your tribes to stand in the name of the lord, he and his sons, in every time. Deut.18.6 and if a levite comes from one of your towns from all israel where he dwells, and come to all his desires to the place that the lord will chose, Deut.18.7 and he will serve in the name of the lord his god, as all his brothers, the levites, who are standing there before the lord. Deut.18.8 he must eat a fellow district, except of the commission of his hometown. Deut.18.9 when you enter the land that the lord your god will give you, you shall not learn to do according to the abominations of these nations. Deut.18.10 among you may not be found one who divided his son or his daughter by fire, of wahrsaging of diviness, of adultery, of sorcery, Deut.18.11 he direct encouragement, deceive the dead, and belonging the dead. Deut.18.12 for all who do this is a abomination for the lord. for for these abominations the lord, your god, destroy them from your presence. Deut.18.13 you must be perfect before the lord your god. Deut.18.14 for these nations, which you will inherit, hear their breasters and wahrsagers, but the lord your god has not done so to you. Deut.18.15 the lord your god will raise you a prophet like me, from your brothers. him shall you hear. Deut.18.16 according to whatever you asked from the lord your god at horeb the day of the congregation, saying, i shall not hear the voice of the lord my god, and i shall not see this great fire, that i may not die. Deut.18.17 and the lord said to me, they have said right. Deut.18.18 i will raise them a prophet like you from their brothers, and i will put my word in his mouth, and he will speak to them whatever i command him. Deut.18.19 and if anyone who does not listen to my words that he will speak in my name, i will pass out of him. Deut.18.20 but the prophet who meeps to speak in my name what i have not commanded to speak, or who speaks in the name of others god, that prophet must die. Deut.18.21 and if you say in your heart, how shall we know the word that the lord has not spoken? Deut.18.22 when the prophet speak in the name of the lord and what it is spoken and does not be done, this is the word that the prophet has not spoken; that prophet has spoken to it. do not be afraid of him. Deut.19.1 when the lord your god destroy the nations, which the lord your god will give you their land, and you strive them and dwells in their towns and in their household, Deut.19.2 you will depart for yourself three towns in the midst of your land that the lord your god will give you. Deut.19.3 to put for you the way and give it in three dele the region of your land, which the lord your god will give you in his land, so that every homicider may escape there. Deut.19.4 and this is the reason for a homicide that will escape there and live in life: whoever stricks his neighbor unintently, unless he hated him beforehand, Deut.19.5 so if anyone comes with his neighbor to the bound to gather a tree, and his hand has taken out the axe to wake the tree, the iron will fall from the tree and strike his neighbor, so that he should die, he will flee into one of these towns and live to live. Deut.19.6 so that the blood of the blood do not persecute the homicida, when his heart has been carried at his heart, not persecute him, if the way is far longer, and to strike him, so that he does not be condemned of death, because he had not hating him beforehand. Deut.19.7 therefore i command you, saying, you will declare for you three towns. Deut.19.8 and if the lord your god places your region, as he lowed your fathers and give you the whole land that he told your fathers, Deut.19.9 if you keep all these commandments that i command you this day, to love the lord your god and walk in his ways, do to do for yourself three towns to these three, Deut.19.10 so that in your land that the lord your god gives you in besitz, will be poured out of innocent blood. Deut.19.11 but if a man hates his neighbor and put on him and leads him up and stricks him, so that he should escape in one of these towns, Deut.19.12 so the elders of his city shall send out and take him from there and deliver him into the hand of the blood of the blood, so that he should die. Deut.19.13 your eye shall not spare him. you shall defile the innocent blood from israel, so that it may be well for you. Deut.19.14 you shall not change the region of your neighbor, which your fathers have set in your inheritance that you will have in the land that the lord your god give you in an inheritance. Deut.19.15 no one witness must testify against anyone according to any wrongdoing or sin of any sin, which he will sins. by the mouth of two witnesses or by the mouth of three witnesses shall all things stand. Deut.19.16 if a false witness against a man comes against a transgression, Deut.19.17 then the two men who are contraction will stand before the lord, before the priests and the judges who are in those days. Deut.19.18 the judges shall seek diligently. and if a witness is a false witness, he has born false witness against his brother, Deut.19.19 do you do to him, just as he had decided to do to his brother. so you will take the evil one out of your own midst. Deut.19.20 the rest will hear this and fear and do no more do such evil in among you. Deut.19.21 your eye shall not spare him: life for life, eye for eye, tand for tand, hand for hand, fot for foot. Deut.20.1 when you come out to belong against your enemies and see a horse and ran and a people more than you, you shall not fear them, for the lord your god who led you out of the land of egypt is with you. Deut.20.2 when you drew near to the war, the priest shall come and speak to the people, Deut.20.3 and he will say to them, hear, israel! you are now learned to fight against your enemies. let your heart not be deceived, do not fear, nor be treated, nor be directed for them, Deut.20.4 for the lord your god is going with you, to strike for you against your enemies, to save you. Deut.20.5 and the officers shall speak to the people, saying, who has built a new house and did not recognize it? let him go and return into his house, that he may not die in the war and another man accuse it. Deut.20.6 and which is the man who planted a vineyard and did not rejoice from it? let him go and return into his house, that he may not die in the war, and another man should rejoice of it. Deut.20.7 if anyone has remembered a woman and did not take her, let him go and return into his house, that he may not die in the war and one another take her. Deut.20.8 and the officers speak to the people, and say, which is a man who fears and is afraid? let him go and return to his house, that the heart of his brothers may not be afraid as his own heart. Deut.20.9 when the officers have finished speaking to the people, they will set rulers over the people. Deut.20.10 when you come to a city to strike against it, call him to be ready. Deut.20.11 if they addresses you peace and open to you, all the people in which there will be there will be tributable for you and obey you. Deut.20.12 but if they do not obey you and make war against you, you will belong it. Deut.20.13 and when the lord your god will deliver it in your hand, you will strike all who are an child by the sword. Deut.20.14 only the women and the children and the beast and all the things that are in the city, all that you will take in besitz for you, and you will eat the buit of your enemies, which the lord your god will give you. Deut.20.15 so do to all the towns who are far more from you, who are not in the towns of these nations. Deut.20.16 but in the towns of these nations, which the lord your god give you to inherit their land, you shall not leave no one who wish. Deut.20.17 you shall destroy them: the hetites, the amorites, the cananeos, the ferezites, the hevites and the jebusites, as the lord your god commanded you, Deut.20.18 so that they may not teach you to do all their abominations, which they did for their gods, and that you may keep on sinning before the lord your god. Deut.20.19 if you are attacked for a town for many days to strike against it and belonging it, you shall not destroy its trees, instead of a iron, but eat them, and do not cut it, because the tree of the country is a man to enter you in belong? Deut.20.20 only the tree that you know that it is not a fruit of food, you will destroy and cut down and build burders against the city that make belong against you while it will be delivered. Deut.21.1 if in the land that the lord your god gives you to inherit, finding in the field and does not know him who has distributed him, Deut.21.2 so your elders and your judges shall come out and measure the towns around the one who is in the surrounding place. Deut.21.3 and the elders of that city, which is near to the district, the elders of that city will take a hidden hidden, which was not lawed with a yoke, Deut.21.4 and the elders of that city will put the hidden down into a district flock, which is not truwn nor seed, and they will burn the hidden in the path. Deut.21.5 then the priests, the sons of levi, will come, for the lord your god has chosen them to serve him and to blessing in the name of him, and by their distribution there will be every dispute and every deceit. Deut.21.6 and all the elders of that city who are near to the district will wash their hands on the kalf that has been distributed in the bach, Deut.21.7 and they may answer and say, our hands have not poured this blood, and our eyes have not seen. Deut.21.8 o lord, forgive your people israel, which you delivered, and do not be innocent blood in your people israel. so they will receive the blood for them. Deut.21.9 so you will take the unpure blood out of you, if you do what is right in the eyes of the lord. Deut.21.10 when you come out to belong against your enemies and the lord your god deliver them in your hand and you take a roof of them, Deut.21.11 and you see among the plangers a belong woman, and you will show her and take her for your wife, Deut.21.12 so you will bring her in your house, and she shall wake her head and put his hair. Deut.21.13 and take around the robes of her captive and sit in your house and weep her father and mother for a monyws. after this you shall come to her and be her marriage, and she shall be your wife. Deut.21.14 but if you do not want her, you shall send it out. if she has sold her, you shall not leave her. you shall not leave her because you have afflicted her. Deut.21.15 if a man has two wives, one loved, and one who is hated, and the beloved and the loved shall bear him sons, and the firstborn of the one who is hated, Deut.21.16 and on the day when he divided his possession to his sons, he will not have to make an firstborn for the son of the beloved, who is the firstborn. Deut.21.17 but he must recognize the firstborn of the poor man, to give him thirty of everything in whatever it is, for he is the beginning of his child, and the firstborn remains for him. Deut.21.18 if anyone has a son disobedient and disobedient, who does not obey the voice of his father and the voice of his mother, and they discipline him and does not listen to them, Deut.21.19 so his father and mother will take him and bring him out to the elders of his city and to the door of his place, Deut.21.20 and say to the men of their city, this our son is disobedient and irritable, he does not obey our voice, he is a gentle and a drunkard. Deut.21.21 then all the people of his city shall stone him to death. so you will defile the evil one among you, and the whole israel shall hear it and fear. Deut.21.22 if anyone has a sin that has committed death to death, and he dies and leads him on a tree, Deut.21.23 so his body shall not riste on the tree, but in that day you will buried him on that day, for the wicked is made by god. you shall not defile the land that the lord, your god, give you in inheritance. Deut.22.1 if you see the oxe of your brother or his sheep, do not show them, but remove them to your brother. Deut.22.2 and if your brother not dwell to you or you do not know him, you shall bring them in your house, and it shall be with you until your brother seeks them, and you shall repay it to it. Deut.22.3 so do to do with his donkey, so with his cloak, and so shall you do with all the destruction of your brother, which you lose away and find it. you cannot be uncovered. Deut.22.4 if you see the jumen of your brother or his oxe fell on the road, do you not put it down, but set them up with him. Deut.22.5 a woman must not have husband of husband, nor shall a man put a robe of women, for everyone who do this is a abomination for the lord your god. Deut.22.6 if you find in the way a vounding nesting before you on a tree or on the ground or on the ground, and the mother sit on the petters or the eiers, you shall not take the mother with the children. Deut.22.7 you must send his mother and take the children to you, so that it may be well for you and have long time. Deut.22.8 when you build a new house, you will make a plan for your housetop, so that you may not make a mordness in your house if anyone falls down from it. Deut.22.9 you shall not seed your vineyard with twelve bears, so that the fruit that you beat and the fruit of your vineyard may be made holy. Deut.22.10 you shall not plove with a oxe and a donkey together. Deut.22.11 you must not put in clothing with wolle of wolle and linen. Deut.22.12 you shall make for yourself the four robes of your clothing with which you are clothed. Deut.22.13 if anyone take a wife and dwells with her and hates her, Deut.22.14 and he carries against her with words and bring her a evil name, saying, i have received this woman, and when i came to her, i did not find her betrothed, Deut.22.15 then the father of the child and his mother shall take the neighbors of the daughter of the child to the elders of the city. Deut.22.16 and the father of the servant will say to the elders, i have given my daughter to this man for a wife, and he has hated her, Deut.22.17 and behold, he has carried her earnestly words, saying, i have not found your daughter a virgin; but these are the virginess of my daughter. and they will stone the cloak before the elders of the city. Deut.22.18 then the elders of that city will take this man and discipline him, Deut.22.19 and they give him a sure of 100 sikles and give to the father of the young woman, because he has carried out a evil name over a virgin of israel. he shall be his wife, and he will not leave her in all his times. Deut.22.20 but if this matter has been true and that a virginity is not found to the child, Deut.22.21 so they bring the child to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city will stone her to death, because she has done a foolish deeds in israel, sexual immorality in the house of her father. so you shall cut the evil out of your midst. Deut.22.22 if a man find there asleep with a marriage woman, they will both kill, the man who has fallen with the woman and the woman. so you will defile the evil out of israel. Deut.22.23 if a betrothed a virgin betrothed to a man and a man found her in the city and lives with her, Deut.22.24 you shall bring both to the town of the city and stone them to stone, and they shall died. the child because he did not crie in the city, and the man because he has defiled the woman of his neighbor. so you shall defile the evil one out of your own presence. Deut.22.25 but if a man finds a jevening child in the field and belongs to her and lives with her, the man who has fallen with her only shall kill only. Deut.22.26 but to the young woman you must not do anything. this is not a sinning of death. for so as if a man rise against his neighbor and murder him, so is this thing. Deut.22.27 for he found her on the field, the needing girl cried out, but there was no one to help her. Deut.22.28 if anyone found a virgin betrothed, which is not remembered, and keeps her and lives with her, and find it, Deut.22.29 the man who has fallen with her will give to the father of the young woman five sicles of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has afflicted her, he shall not leave her on all his times. Deut.22.30 no one take the wife of his father, and he shall not reveal his father's deceive. Deut.23.1 a man who has been carried out and districted, shall not enter the church of the lord. Deut.23.2 no one will enter the church of the lord of a sexual immorality. Deut.23.3 no ammonites or moabith will enter the church of the lord, and not even to the dhm generation will enter the church of the lord forever. Deut.23.4 because they did not come to you with bread and water in the way, when you came out of egypt, and because they learned against you balaam, the son of beor, of peor of mesopotamia, to curse you. Deut.23.5 but the lord your god did not listen to hear balaam, but the lord your god turned the curse into a blessing, because the lord your god had loved you. Deut.23.6 you shall never make their peace or good in all your days forever. Deut.23.7 do you not abomine edom, for he is your brother. do you not abomine egypt, for you have been a fremder in his land. Deut.23.8 the children that have been born for them, a third generation shall come in the church of the lord. Deut.23.9 when you come out to the tender against your enemies, keep guard from every evil things. Deut.23.10 if there is among you a man who does not be clean from the nation of the night, he must go out of the camp and not enter the camp. Deut.23.11 but when it is evening, he must wash his body in water, and when the sun directs, he may enter the camp. Deut.23.12 you may have a place outside the camp, and you shall go there out. Deut.23.13 and you shall have a passe for your belonging, and when you sit outside, you will grave in it and hate out and deceive your naked in it. Deut.23.14 for the lord your god walks in your camp, to deliver you and to give your enemies before you. so your tender shall be holy, that he may not appear in you anything that has done, and that he may turn from you. Deut.23.15 you shall not give a servant to his master, when he comes to you from his master. Deut.23.16 he shall dwell with you in every place where he will please. you shall not afflict him. Deut.23.17 there shall be no sexual immorality among the daughters of israel, and there will be no sexual immorality among the sons of israel. Deut.23.18 you shall not bring a reward of sexual immorality or a compense of hund in the house of the lord your god for any voto, for the both things are a abomination for the lord your god. Deut.23.19 you shall not flee for your brother with a plain of silver, of food of food, of a tower of anything that is lawful. Deut.23.20 to another you will take food, but to your brother you shall not deny, so that the lord your god may be blessed you in all your work in the land to which you are going to take it in. Deut.23.21 if you give a prof to the lord your god, you do not need to pay it, for the lord your god will seek it from you, and you may have a sinning. Deut.23.22 but if you do not give promise, you must not have sin. Deut.23.23 what comes out of your lips you will observe and do, just as you give the lord your god the gift that you have spoken to your mouth. Deut.23.25 when you enter the vineyard of your neighbor, you may eat ground with your souls, but you shall not cut in the source of your neighbor. Deut.24.1 if anyone receives a woman and remains with her, if she does not find favor in his eyes, for he has found in her a distribution, he will write a letter of divorce and give it in her hand and send her out of his house, Deut.24.2 so she went and became a other man. Deut.24.3 and if the last man hates her and write her a letterbrief and give it in her hand and send her out of his house, or if the last man who had taken her for her will dies, Deut.24.4 the first husband who sent her was not able to take her up, after she has been defiled. for it is a abomination in the presence of the lord, and you shall not defile the land that the lord, your god, give you in inheritance. Deut.24.5 if a man has taken a new woman, he shall not go into belonging to the war and do not be put in anything, he must be innocent in his house at one years and rejoice his wife, which he has taken her. Deut.24.6 you would not have panned a milling with a milling, because his soul has being delivered in life. Deut.24.7 if a man has taken a thief of one of his brothers of israel, and delivered him to be delivered to him, that thief shall died. so you will defile the evil out of your own place. Deut.24.8 keep on your guard by the plague of leprosy. you must keep attention to do according to all the law that the priests, the levites, declares to do, as i have commanded you. Deut.24.9 remember how the lord your god did to mary in the way, when you came out of egypt. Deut.24.10 if you ought to do to your neighbor, you shall not enter his house to take harm. Deut.24.11 you shall stand outside, and the man to whom you are born will bring the back outside to you. Deut.24.12 and if he is a poor man, you shall not lign with his cloak, Deut.24.13 you shall give him the rop after the sun, so that he may lign in his garment and blessed you, and it will be to you a righteousness before the lord your god. Deut.24.14 you shall not share the next and false reward, of your brothers or of your extranjers who dwells in your own towns. Deut.24.15 on the day you give his reward, and the sun will not be put on it, for he is a poor, and in it he has his hope. that he may not crie against you to the lord and have sin in you. Deut.24.16 the fathers should not lose for children or children for the fathers. each one must die for his own sin. Deut.24.17 you shall not deceive the judgment of fremde, of the weak and of the weduve, and do not broke the garment of widows. Deut.24.18 remember that you were slave in egypt and that the lord your god delivered you from there. therefore i command you to do this way. Deut.24.19 when you remain in your field and hard a garbe in the field, you shall not turn to take it. it shall be for the extranjery, for the weak and the widow, so that the lord your god may be blessed you in all the work of your hands. Deut.24.20 when you shipes your olive olives, you shall not turn back after you. it must be for the proselyte, to the weak and to the widow. Deut.24.21 when you turn in your vineyard, you shall not turn back after you. it shall have to the proselyte, to the weak and to the widow. Deut.24.22 remember that you were slave in the land of egypt. therefore i command you to do this way. Deut.25.1 if there is a dissension among men, and they come to judgment and judge them and justify the righteous and despise the ungodly. Deut.25.2 if the ungodly deserves a plague, the judge will put him down and put him in his presence, in number of a number. Deut.25.3 for fyrties they will strike him, not more, so that your brother would not put in your presence many other plagues than these plagues. Deut.25.4 do not be looking for a bound as a grain. Deut.25.5 if brothers dwells together and one of them dies without a offspring, the wife of the dead shall not be outside for a man who is not near. her husband shall come to her and take her for her for a wife, and she must abide her. Deut.25.6 and the child that she bears will be recognized by the name of the dead man, and his name shall not be born out of israel. Deut.25.7 if the man does not please to take his brother's wife, the wife should go up to the door to the elders and say, my husband does not want to rebuke his brother the name of his brother in israel; he does not want my husband. Deut.25.8 and the elders of his city shall call him and say to him, and if he remains and says, i do not want to take her, Deut.25.9 then the wife of his brother will come to him before the elders and take his sandals from his foot and spit in his face and say, so must he do to the man who does not build the house of his brother. Deut.25.10 and his name shall be called in israel: the house of district. Deut.25.11 if men fears together, a man with his brother, and the wife of one comes to deliver her husband from the hand of him who struck him, and stretches out his hand and receives his steak, Deut.25.12 you shall cut her hand, your eye shall not spare her. Deut.25.13 you must not have twisting in your sack, a great and a little. Deut.25.14 in your house there shall have no measure, a great and a little. Deut.25.15 you may have a true and right gewig, and a true and right effection shall you have, so that you may be long in the land that the lord, your god, give you. Deut.25.16 for every one who does this is a abomination for the lord your god. Deut.25.17 remember what amalek did to you in the way, when you came out of egypt, Deut.25.18 how he directed you on the road, and he cut off all the slanderers after you, when you were hungry and treated, and he did not fear god. Deut.25.19 so when the lord your god give you rest from all your enemies around, in the land that the lord your god gives you to inherit it, do you destroy the name of amalek from under heaven. do not forgive it. Deut.26.1 when you enter the land that the lord your god give you in an inheritance and inherit it and dwelling it, Deut.26.2 then take the former of all the fruits of all the fruit of your land, which you will bear in the land, which the lord your god will give you to lay his name. Deut.26.3 and come to the priest that will be in those days and say to him, i tell you today to the lord, my god, that i have come into the land that the lord swore to our fathers to give us. Deut.26.4 and the priest will take the korb from your hand and put it before the altar of the lord your god. Deut.26.5 and you will answer, and say before the lord your god: my father was a syrier, who went down into egypt and dwelled there with a little number, and there was there a great nation, great, and great. Deut.26.6 but the egyptians afflicted us and afflicted us and laid us a hard work. Deut.26.7 then we cried out to the lord, the god of our fathers, and the lord heard our voice and saw our affliction, and our affliction, and our affliction. Deut.26.8 and the lord led us out of egypt with great hand and strong arm and with great terror and with signs and wonders, Deut.26.9 so he brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land that tears of milk and honning. Deut.26.10 and now, behold, i have brought the offerings of the fruit of the earth that you, lord, gave me. then you will leave them before the lord your god and worship them before the lord your god. Deut.26.11 and rejoice in all the good things that the lord, your god, gave you and your house, you and the levite and the proselyte among you. Deut.26.12 when you have taken up all the tithes of your ground in the third year, the third years, you will give to the levite, to the proselyte, to the wees and to the widow, that they may eat in your portes and be satisfied, Deut.26.13 you shall say before the lord your god: i have removed the holy things out of my house and gave them to the levite and to the proselyte, to the waising and to the widow, according to all your commandments, which you have commanded me. Deut.26.14 i did not eat in my anguish, i did not bear of it in unclean thing, and did not give it to a dead, i have obeyed the voice of the lord my god. i have done whatever you commanded. Deut.26.15 look, from your holy house, from heaven, and blessed your people israel and the earth that you gave us, just as you swore to our fathers, a land that tears the milk and honning. Deut.26.16 this day the lord your god commands you to do these commandments and judgments; keep them and do them with all your heart and with all your soul. Deut.26.17 you have learned this day that it may be your god, and that you may walk in his ways and to keep his commandments and instructions and obey his voice. Deut.26.18 and the lord has set you today, that you may be his own people, as he told you, to keep all his commandments, Deut.26.19 and that he may be above all the nations that he has done, a name of name and of glory and of glory, that you may be a holy people for the lord your god, as he has spoken. Deut.27.1 and moses and the elders of israel commanded the people, saying, keep your guard all the commandments that i give you this day. Deut.27.2 and when you have gone over the jordan to the land that the lord your god will give you, you will put great stones and call them up with kalk. Deut.27.3 and you shall write on the stones all the words of this law, when you enter the land that the lord, your god, give you, a land that tears the milk and honning, just as the lord, the god of your fathers, told you. Deut.27.4 and when you have passed over the jordan, you will put these stones, which i command you this day, on the mountain of ebal, and call them up with kalk. Deut.27.5 you shall build there a altar for the lord your god, a altar of stones, you will not put a iron on them. Deut.27.6 with unseared stones you will build the altar of the lord your god, and offering daarop holocauste to the lord your god. Deut.27.7 you shall sacrifice sacrifices sacrifices, and eat there and rejoice in the presence of the lord your god. Deut.27.8 and you shall write on the stones all the law of this law. Deut.27.9 and moses and the priests of the levites spoke to the whole israel, saying, keep silent and hear, israel! this day you have become a people of the lord your god. Deut.27.10 you shall listen to the voice of the lord your god and do his commandments and his commandments, which i give you this day. Deut.27.11 so moses commanded the people on that day, saying, Deut.27.12 so they will stand in the mountain of garizim to blessed the jordan: simeon, levi, judas, issachar, joseph and benjamin. Deut.27.13 and these shall stand in the mountain ebal to curse: ruben, gad and aser, zebulon, dan and neftali. Deut.27.14 the levites will speak and say to all the israelites with a loud voice, Deut.27.15 cursed be the man who makes a image and a fundible could make a abomination to the lord, a work of man of a crafter, and he will keep it in secret. and all the people will answer, and say, amen. Deut.27.16 cursed is he who dishonor his father or his mother! and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.17 cursed is he who means the region of his neighbor. and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.18 cursed is he who deceives the blind in the way! and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.19 cursed be whoever deceives judgment for a proselyte, to the weak and the widow. and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.20 cursed be he who lives with the wife of his father, for he has opened his father's deceive. and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.21 cursed is he who lives with a beast. and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.22 cursed be he who lives with his sister, the wife of his father or a wife of his mother. and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.23 cursed be he who lives with his daughter! and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.24 blessed is the one who stricks his neighbor. and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.25 cursed be he who receives a gift to strike a innocent blood. and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.27.26 cursed be anyone who does not hold the words of this law to do them! and all the people shall say, amen. Deut.28.1 if you obey the voice of the lord, your god, to keep you and do all his commandments that i give you this day, the lord your god will set you above all the nations of the earth, Deut.28.2 and all these blessing will come upon you and find you, if you obey the voice of the lord your god. Deut.28.3 you shall be blessed in the city and blessed in the field. Deut.28.4 blessed will be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your earth, the fruit of your buments and the birth of your sheep. Deut.28.5 blessed will be your back and your back. Deut.28.6 you shall be blessed when you enter, and blessed are you when you come out. Deut.28.7 the lord will overgive your enemies who will be broken against you; on one way they will come against you, and in seven ways they will flee from your presence. Deut.28.8 the lord will send a blessing upon you in your cambers and in all your pleasures, in the land that you will put in the land that the lord your god will give you. Deut.28.9 the lord will rebuke you for himself a holy people, as he lowed to you, if you obey the commandment of the lord your god and walk in his ways. Deut.28.10 and all the nations of the earth will see that you has been called the name of the lord, and they will fear you. Deut.28.11 and the lord will multiplike you in good things, in the fruit of your womb and in the fruit of your beast, in the land that the lord swore to your fathers to give you. Deut.28.12 the lord will open to you his good treasure, heaven, to give to your land a rain in his time and to blessed all the work of your hands. you will lack to many nations, but you shall not lained. Deut.28.13 and the lord will make you a head and not a rock, and you will be always above and never be under, if you obey the commandments of the lord your god, which i command you this day, to keep it and do, Deut.28.14 and you do not turn from all the words that i give you this day of right or left, to follow others others to serve them. Deut.28.15 but if you do not obey the voice of the lord your god, to keep you and do all his commandments that i give you this day, all these curses will come upon you and leave you, Deut.28.16 you shall be cursed in the city and cursed in the field. Deut.28.17 cursed will be your back and your back. Deut.28.18 curse will be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your earth, the fruit of your buments and the turn of your sheep. Deut.28.19 you shall be cursed when you enter, and you will be cursed when you enter. Deut.28.20 the lord sends to you the destruction, the fame and the destruction, in whatever you will put your hand, until you are destroyed and destroyed quickly for the evil things of your deeds, because you have forgiven me. Deut.28.21 the lord will strike the death to you, until you have destroyed you from the land to which you are going to take it in. Deut.28.22 the lord will strike you with distribution, a rosting, a rop, a severe, a severe, and a severe, and they will persecute you until you are destroyed. Deut.28.23 your heavens on your head will be of bronze, and the earth that is under you will be of iron. Deut.28.24 the lord will give your land a rain and stone. from heaven you will come down to you, until you be destroyed. Deut.28.25 the lord will give you a defense before your enemies. in one way you will go to them, and in seven ways you will flee from their presence, and you will be drewful in all the reign of the earth. Deut.28.26 and your dead dead will be a food for all the birds of the heavens and the wilds of the earth, and no one will strive them. Deut.28.27 the lord will strike you with the scorts of egypt, with parts and chor, with wish and muses, from which you cannot be healed. Deut.28.28 the lord will strike you with reason and with sincerity and with sincerity. Deut.28.29 you will find out in the midst, like a blind man leads in the darkness, and you will not prospere your ways, and you will be wrong and destroyed in all the days, and no one will help you. Deut.28.30 you will take a wife, and another man will have it. you will build a house, but you shall not dwell in it. you will plant a vineyard and do not rook it. Deut.28.31 your oxe will be slain for your eyes, but you will not eat it. your osel will be rown from your presence and will not be reported to you. your sheep will be given to your enemies, and no one will help you. Deut.28.32 your sons and your daughters will be given for another nation, and your eyes will see at them, and your hand will not be able. Deut.28.33 the fruit of your land and all your labores will eat a nation that you did not know, and you will be treated and destroyed in all the days. Deut.28.34 you will be deceived by the sight of your eyes that you will see. Deut.28.35 the lord will strike you with evil ships on the kings and the bells, from which you cannot heal, from the steed of your feet to your top. Deut.28.36 the lord will bring you and your ruler whom you will set over you, to a nation that you and your fathers did not know, and there you will serve others gods, a tree of tree and of stone. Deut.28.37 and you will be a despise, a parable and a spoor among all the nations to which the lord leads you to. Deut.28.38 you will bring a great offspring into the field, but you will bring a few, for the gresshopps will eat them. Deut.28.39 you will plant women and plant, but you will not drink wine nor do glad, for the worm will eat them. Deut.28.40 you shall have olives in all your regions, but you shall not anoint with oliven, for your olives will escape. Deut.28.41 you shall bear sons and daughters, but they will not be for you, for they will go in captive. Deut.28.42 all your tree and the fruits of your earth will the best destroy. Deut.28.43 the proselyte who dwell among you will rise up above you above, and you will descend down down down down. Deut.28.44 he will give to you, but you shall not lack him. he will be a head, and you will be poured. Deut.28.45 all these maledicts will come upon you and persecute you and leave you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the lord your god to keep his commandments and the commandments that he commanded you. Deut.28.46 they will be a sign and a sign for you and for your offspring forever. Deut.28.47 because you did not serve the lord your god with joy and with joy of heart because of all things, Deut.28.48 you will serve your enemies, which the lord will send to you, in hunger and thirst and in naked and in finding of all things. and he will put a iron yoke on your neck, until he will destroy you. Deut.28.49 the lord will bring against you a nation from distance, from the end of the earth, like an eagle, a nation that you do not hear his voice. Deut.28.50 a devout nation, who will not marry the old, nor will he mercy on the new. Deut.28.51 it will eat the fruit of your beast and the fruit of your earth until you destroy, so that you will not left you wheat, wine, wine, or food of your sheep or the turn of your sheep until you destroy you. Deut.28.52 he will strike you in all your towes, until your high and strength wall, on which you are confidence, in your whole land, and affliks you in all your towns in your whole land, which the lord your god gave you. Deut.28.53 you will eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your sons and your daughters that the lord your god gave you, in the distress and in the affliction that your enemy will strike you. Deut.28.54 the belongful and healing among you will be troubled in his eye to his brother and to the wife who is in his side and the other children that he has left. Deut.28.55 so that he will give to one of them the flesh of his children, which he will eat, because no one has left him in the district and in the affliction that your enemies affliks you in all your towns. Deut.28.56 the health and delivering among you who has not suffered out her foot to spend her foot on the earth, will show his eye to the man who is in her side, and to her son and her daughter, Deut.28.57 and for her child that comes out of her heur and her children that she bears, for it will eat them in secret for all things, in the district and in the affliction that your enemy will afflict you in all your towns. Deut.28.58 if you do not obey all the words of this law, which are written in this book, to fear this great and terrible name, the lord your god, Deut.28.59 then the lord will broke your plague and the plagues of your offspring, great and great plagues, and evil and faithful diseases. Deut.28.60 and he will turn on you all the bad of egypt, which you were strengthened, and they will draw near to you. Deut.28.61 even every affliction and every plague, which is not written in this book of the law, the lord will bring upon you until you are destroyed. Deut.28.62 you will left you a little number, because you were like the stars of heaven, because you did not listen to the voice of the lord your god. Deut.28.63 and as the lord rejoiced over you to do you and multiplike you, so will the lord rejoice over you to destroy you and be destroyed from the land to which you enter to take it in. Deut.28.64 and the lord will scatter you among all the nations, from the ene end of the earth to the other, and there you will serve others, which you and your fathers did not know, a tree and a stone. Deut.28.65 among those nations you will not have rest, and your foot will not be rest, and the lord will give you there a mourning, distress eyes and sorrow of soul. Deut.28.66 your life will be wicked before you, and you will fear day and night, and you shall not believe in your life. Deut.28.67 the morning you say, how would there be evening! and on the evening you shall say, how would the morning be! for the fear of your heart, which you will fear, and for the visions of your eyes that you see. Deut.28.68 and the lord will turn you to egypt in boats in the way of which i said to you, you will never see it. and you will be sold there for your enemies as slaves and slaves, but there there will be no companding. Deut.29.1 these are the words of the covenant that the lord commanded moses to present with the sons of israel in the land of moab, except the covenant that he made with them at horeb. Deut.29.2 and moses called all israel and said to them, you have seen all that the lord has done before your eyes in the land of egypt to pharaon and to all his servants and on all his land, Deut.29.3 the great test that your eyes saw, these great signs and wonders. Deut.29.4 yet until this day the lord did not give you heart to know, eyes to see and ears to hear, until this day is. Deut.29.5 i brought you for forty years in the wilderness, your clothes did not be shaken, and your sandals have not short from your feet. Deut.29.6 you did not eat bread, and you did not drink wine or strong drink, so that you may know that i am the lord your god. Deut.29.7 and when you came to this place, sihon, the king of hesbon, and og, the king of basan, went out against us in war, and we killed them. Deut.29.8 we took their land and gave it in inheritance to the rubenites and the gadites and to the half of the tribe of manassih. Deut.29.9 keep your guard all the words of this covenant, so that you may understand all that you do. Deut.29.10 you do all this day before the lord your god, your rulers, your rulers, your elders and your rulers, all the people of israel, Deut.29.11 your children, your children, your proselyts, who is in your camp, from the ligner of your tree to your water, Deut.29.12 so that you may enter the covenant of the lord your god, and in the covenant that the lord your god press you this day, Deut.29.13 so that he may establish you to be his people, and that he may be your god, as he told you and as he swore to your fathers, abraham, isaac and jacob. Deut.29.14 and not with you only i put this covenant and this covenant, Deut.29.15 but with those who are here our god in this day with those who are here our god, and with those who are not here our god here with us. Deut.29.16 for you know how we dwelled in the land of egypt and how we passed through the nations that you have passed through, Deut.29.17 and you saw their abominations, their idols of tree and stone, silver and gold, which are among them. Deut.29.18 may not there be among you a man or a woman or a offspring or a tribe of which their thoughts should turn from the lord, your god, to go to serve the diles of those nations, so that there may not be among you a root that leads up in cloak and bitterness, Deut.29.19 and if he hears the words of this curse, he will turn in his heart and say, it will give me a severe, so that i will go in the steadness of my heart, so that the sinner will not be destroyed in the ground of my heart. Deut.29.20 the lord will not would forgive him, but then the wrath of the lord and his jealousy will be burned against that man, and all the plagues written in this book, and the lord will short his name from under heaven. Deut.29.21 and the lord will deceive him from all the tribes of israel to evil, according to all the curses of the covenant written in this book of the law. Deut.29.22 and the other generation, your sons who will rise after you, and the others who comes from a distance land will say, when they see the plagues of that earth and the diseases that the lord has sent over it, Deut.29.23 sulfur and salt, all its land is burned; it will not be sown or sown, and no ground will come upon it, just as sodom and gomorra, adma and seboim, which the lord turned in his wrath and in his wrath. Deut.29.24 and all the nations will say, why did the lord do so to this land? why is this great wrath of this great wrath? Deut.29.25 and they will say, because they left the covenant of the lord, the god of their fathers, which he made with them when he led them out of the land of egypt, Deut.29.26 so they went and dyrked others and worshiped them, which they did not know, and which he had not reported to them. Deut.29.27 so the wrath of the lord was acted against that land, to bring against it all the curse that are written in this book. Deut.29.28 so the lord carried them out from their land in wrath, in wrath, and in great wrath, and cast them into another land, as it is now. Deut.29.29 the secrets are for the lord our god, but the opened are for us and for our children forever, to do all the words of this law. Deut.30.1 when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse that i have put before you, you will take it in your heart among all the nations where the lord, your god, has destroyed you, Deut.30.2 and you turn to the lord your god and obey his voice in all your heart and with all your soul, you and your children, with all your hearts, Deut.30.3 then the lord, your god, will turn your sins and have mercy on you and return you again from all the nations where the lord, your god, has scattered you. Deut.30.4 even if your dispersion were from the ends of heaven, then the lord your god will gather you, and from there he will take you. Deut.30.5 and the lord your god will bring you into the land that your fathers possessed, and you will inherit it, and he will make you good and make you more than your fathers. Deut.30.6 and the lord your god will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, to love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live. Deut.30.7 and the lord your god will put all these curses upon your enemies and over those who hates you, who persecuted you. Deut.30.8 and you will turn and obey the voice of the lord and do all his commandments that i give you this day. Deut.30.9 and the lord your god will give you much in all the work of your hands, in the fruit of your womb, in the fruit of your womb and in the fruit of your beast and in the fruit of your land, for the lord will rejoice to you to good, as he rejoiced on your fathers, Deut.30.10 if you obey the voice of the lord your god, to keep his commandments and commandments, which are written in this book of the law, if you turn to the lord your god with your whole heart and with all your soul. Deut.30.11 for this commandment that i give you this day is not greater and is not far away. Deut.30.12 it is not in heaven, saying, who will ascend to us into heaven and take it for us and hear it and do it? Deut.30.13 nor is it on the other side of the sea, that you should say, who will passe for us to the other side of the sea and take it for us and hear it to us, that we may do it? Deut.30.14 but the word is greatly near you, in your mouth and in your heart, to do it. Deut.30.15 behold, i have set before you this day life and good, death and evil. Deut.30.16 the commandments of the lord your god, which i command you this day, to love the lord your god, to walk in his ways and keep his commandments and his commandments, that you may live and be many, and the lord your god will blessed you in the land to which you are going to obtain it. Deut.30.17 but if your heart wands away and you do not listen, but are deceived to worship others and serve them, Deut.30.18 so i tell you this day that you will perish, and you will not live in the land to which you are going to pass on the jordan. Deut.30.19 i testify today to you the heaven and the earth, that i have put in your presence the life and the death, the blessing and the curse. then chook the life, that you may live, you and your offspring, Deut.30.20 love the lord your god, hearing his voice and obey him, for this is your life and the longer of your days, so that you may live in the land that the lord swore to your fathers, abraham, isaac and jacob, to give them. Deut.31.1 so moses went and told all israel these words, Deut.31.2 and he said to them, i am now 120 years, i cannot enter and enter, and the lord said to me, you will not pass over this jordan. Deut.31.3 the lord your god will go before you. he will destroy these nations before you, and you will destroy them. jesus will go before you, as the lord has spoken to you. Deut.31.4 and the lord will do to them as he did to sihon and og, the rulers of the amorites, and to their land, which he destroyed. Deut.31.5 so the lord gave them to you, and you will do them as i have commanded you. Deut.31.6 be strong and best force, do not be afraid or fear for them, for the lord your god will go with you. he will not leave you nor forgive you. Deut.31.7 and moses called jesus and said to him before the whole israel, be strong and best, for you will enter the land that the lord swore to give their fathers to give them, and you shall inherit it to them. Deut.31.8 and the lord who goes with you will not forgive you, nor will he forgive you. do not be afraid or respect. Deut.31.9 and moses wrote this law and gave it to the priests, the sons of levi, who ported the ark of the covenant, and to all the elders of israel. Deut.31.10 and moses commanded them, saying, after seven years, at the time of the forgiveness, at the feast of the tents, Deut.31.11 when all israel will come to appear before the lord your god in the place that he will chose, you shall lead this law before the whole israel in their ears. Deut.31.12 gather the people, both men and women and children and others, who are in your own towns, so that they may hear and learn to fear the lord your god and do hearing all the words of this law. Deut.31.13 and their children, who do not know, they will hear and learn to fear the lord your god, all the days that you will live in the land to which you are going over the jordan for to take it in. Deut.31.14 and the lord said to moses, behold, the days of your death is at hand. call jesus and stand here and stand at the tent of witness, that i may command him. so moses and josua went and stood in the tent of witness. Deut.31.15 then the lord stood in the tent in a cloud in a cloud, and the cloud of cloud stood up at the door of the tent. Deut.31.16 and the lord said to moses, behold, you are going down with your fathers, and this people will rise and sexual immorality at the land in which it will enter, and they will forgive me and destroy my covenant that i made with them. Deut.31.17 in that day my wrath will flame against them, and i will forgive them, and i will cast my face from them, and they will be consumed. many evil and afflictions will come upon him, and they will say on that day, that these evil did not find me? Deut.31.18 but i will keep my face on that day for all the evil things that they did, because they have turned to others. Deut.31.19 and now write this sang to me, and teach it to the israelites and put it into their mouth, that this sang may be a testimony against me among the sons of israel. Deut.31.20 for i will bring them into the good land that i made to their fathers, a land that tears of milk and honning, and they will eat and be satisfied, and they will turn to others and serve them, and they will provoke me and destroy my covenant. Deut.31.21 and when their bounds has come upon them, this sang will bear witness against them, for it will not be neglected by the mouth of their offspring. for i know their deeds that they do this day before i brought them into the land that i have sworn to their fathers. Deut.31.22 so moses wrote this sang in that day and taught it to the children of israel. Deut.31.23 and he gave the instruction of moses, the son of israel, and said, be mighty and courage, for you will bring the israelites into the land that i swore to them, and i will be with you. Deut.31.24 when moses had finished a writing all the words of this law in a scroll until it was finished, Deut.31.25 and he commanded the levites who had the ark of the covenant, saying, Deut.31.26 take this scroll of the law and lay it toward the ark of the covenant of the lord your god, that it may be a testimony against you. Deut.31.27 for i know your disobedience and your hard nack. behold, while i am still alive with you, you are gentle against the lord; how much more after my death? Deut.31.28 gather to me all the elders of your tribes and your officers, that i may speak in their ears all these words, and i will testify to them heaven and earth. Deut.31.29 for i know that after my death you will turn and deceive from the way that i have commanded you, and evil will come upon you at the last days, because you will do what is evil in the eyes of the lord to provoke him by the works of your hands. Deut.31.30 and moses spoke to the ears of the whole israel the words of this sang until the end. Deut.32.1 listen, o heaven, and i will speak, and let the earth hear the words of my mouth. Deut.32.2 my reason make my reason like a rain, my word turn like a dauw, like a grow of grass on the grain of graves, like a splendor on the grass. Deut.32.3 for i will call the name of the lord. give glory to our god. Deut.32.4 he is a faithful god, and all his ways are justice. god is faithful and not unrighteousness, he is righteous and holy. Deut.32.5 they have sinned, they are no children, a perverse and perverse generation. Deut.32.6 do you repay the lord so, o fool and no wise people? is it not your father who created you? he has made you and created you? Deut.32.7 remember the days of age, understand many generations. ask your father, and he will tell you, your elders, and they will say to you. Deut.32.8 when the most high divided the nations, when he distributed the sons of adam, he set the region of the nations in the number of the messes of god. Deut.32.9 for the part of the lord is his people, jacob is his heir of heirs. Deut.32.10 he had carried him in the land of the wilderness, in the wilderness of sound. he walked around him and kept him as a eye of his eye. Deut.32.11 like an equile show his nesting and break on his younds, spend his wings and welreceive them and took them on his flores, Deut.32.12 so the lord only brought him, and no other god was with him. Deut.32.13 he brought him up on the ground of the land, he gave them the fruit of the field, he gave him honning from the rock and of oliven of the rock of the rock, Deut.32.14 a better of sheep and milk of sheep, with the grain of arnon-arnon, the money of basan, and boats, with the grain of grain. you drack wine of vineyard. Deut.32.15 so jesurun turned and became foolish; you were broken up, and you were wicked. and he left god, who had made him, and defiled the god of his savior. Deut.32.16 they provoked him before others, with abominations they provoked him in abominations. Deut.32.17 they gave sacrifice to demons, not to god, to whom they did not know, news new, which their fathers did not know. Deut.32.18 you have forgiven god, your father, you have forgotten god, who bowed you. Deut.32.19 when the lord saw it, he disobeyed his sons and his daughters. Deut.32.20 and he said, i will show my face from them, and i will show what they will have. for they are a destructed generation, sons, in whom there is not faithful. Deut.32.21 they have provoked me trouble with no god, they provoked me to anger with their idols. so i will provoke them against those who are not a nation, with a foolish nation i will provoke them. Deut.32.22 for fire is burned from my wrath and brings up to the sheol down down, and he will devore the earth and its produces, and burn the foundation of the mountains. Deut.32.23 i will gather evil upon them, and i will destroy my pigs against them. Deut.32.24 they will think of hunger, and destroy a birds and the mourn, and i will send into them disonds of beasts, with wrath of beasters on the earth. Deut.32.25 from outside a sword will brise them, and in the room there are fear, a young man and a virgin, a women and a feast of old. Deut.32.26 i said, i will rost them out, i will keep their member from man, Deut.32.27 if i did not turn for the wrath of the enemy, so that their adversars might not discute me and say, our hand was exalted, and not the lord has done all these things. Deut.32.28 for they are a native people, and there is no knowledge in them. Deut.32.29 they did not understand that they were understanding, they welcomed them in their time. Deut.32.30 how can one persecute a thousand, and two will persecute tithes, unless their god sold them, and the lord had delivered them. Deut.32.31 for their rost is not like our god, and our enemies are sinful. Deut.32.32 for their vineyard is from the vineyard of sodom and from the regions of gomorras; their women are a grow druck, their bears are bittered. Deut.32.33 their wine is like dragon of dragon, a difficulty of aspides. Deut.32.34 is not this reason among me, sell in my treasures? Deut.32.35 my wrath and reward, at the time when their foot is broken, for their destruction is near, and their destruction is near. Deut.32.36 for the lord will judge his people, and he will exhort his servants, when he sees that they were carried, and that there is not lawful or divided. Deut.32.37 then he will say, where are their gods, the god of whom they turned, Deut.32.38 who ate the fett of their sacrifices and became the wine of their drankoffers? let them rise and help you, let them be your quieting! Deut.32.39 see that i see that i, i am, and that there is no god except me. i will kill and make life; i strike and i heal, and there is no one who deliver out of my hand. Deut.32.40 for i will raise my hand to heaven, and i will say, so long as i live forever, Deut.32.41 if i provoke my sword as a lightning, and my hand keeps out a judgment, i will repay for my enemies and repay those who hates me. Deut.32.42 i will ember my sails with blood, and my sword will eat the flesh, of the blood of murdered and captive, by the head of the rulers of the enemies. Deut.32.43 rejoice, o nations, with his people! for he will repay the blood of his sons, and he will give justice to his enemies, and he will purifike his land and his people. Deut.32.44 so moses came and spoke all the words of this law to the ears of the people, he and jesus, the son of nun. Deut.32.45 when moses had finished speaking to all the people, Deut.32.46 and he said to them, keep your heart to all the words that i testify to you this day, that you may command your sons to keep in doing all the words of this law. Deut.32.47 for this is not a vain further word for you, but it is your life. by this word you will live long in the land to which you are going on the jordan for to take it in. Deut.32.48 on this day the lord spoke to moses, saying, Deut.32.49 come up to this mountain of abarim, to the mountain of nebo, which is in the land of moab against jericho, and see the land of canaan that i give to the sons of israel. Deut.32.50 and you shall die in the mountain where you are ascended and are added to your people, just as your brother aaron died in the mountain of or and was added to his people, Deut.32.51 because you rebelled against me among the people of israel at the water of meriba at cades in the wilderness of zin, because you did not sanctify me among the people of israel. Deut.32.52 for on the way you see the earth, but you shall not enter there. Deut.33.1 this is the blessing that moses, the man of god, blessed the israelites before his death. Deut.33.2 and he said, the lord came from sinai, he appeared to them from seir, he turned from the mountain of paran, with many thousands of cades, and at his right hand a message. Deut.33.3 yet he loves the people; all your holy things are in your hand. they are under your feet, and they receive your words. Deut.33.4 moses gave us the law, a inheritance of the synagogues of jacob. Deut.33.5 and he was king in jesurun, when the rulers of the people gathered together together, the tribes of israel. Deut.33.6 let ruben live and not die, and let him be many in number. Deut.33.7 this is the way of judah: hear, lord, the voice of judah, and bring him to his people. with his hands you will judge him, and be help for his enemies. Deut.33.8 and of levi he said, your thummim and urim are to your holy man, whom you tested in massa, with which you warned at the water of meriba, Deut.33.9 who said to his father and to his mother, i did not see it, and did not know his brothers, and did not know his sons. for they kept your word and kept your covenant. Deut.33.10 they show jacob your commandments and israel your law, they will lay incense in your wrath and incense on your altar. Deut.33.11 blessed, o lord, his might, and receive the work of his hands. destroy the lumps of his adversaries and those who hates him so that they should not rise. Deut.33.12 of benjamin he said, the beloved of the lord dwells in confidence, and god will spend him always and remain among his schults. Deut.33.13 and of joseph he said, his earth is blessed in the blessing of the heavens of the heavens and the ross, which belongs along, Deut.33.14 with the grow fruits of the sun, with the ground of the months, Deut.33.15 to the ground of the former mountains, the top of the nights of the night, Deut.33.16 with the ground of the ground of the earth, the fullness of god that appeared in the bush. let it come on the head of joseph, on the head of the one who is glorified among the brothers. Deut.33.17 his glory is like a firstborn, and his horns are the horns of the horns. with them he will call the nations together to the ends of the earth. these are the thousand of ephraim, and these are the thousand of manasseh. Deut.33.18 of zebulon he said, rejoice, zebulon, when you come out, and you, issachar, in your tender. Deut.33.19 they shall call the nations there, there they offers offerings of righteousness, for they will desire the riches of the sea and the wealth of the wealth. Deut.33.20 of gad said, blessed be he who directs gad! he has rest as a lion, broken arm and ruler. Deut.33.21 he saw the offering of it, for there was distributed the ruler of the rulers. he was gathered together with the rulers of the people, he did the righteousness of the lord and his judgment with israel. Deut.33.22 and of dan he said, dan is a leoning of a lion, who comes out of basan. Deut.33.23 and of neftali he said, naftali is full of acceptable gift and filled with the blessing of the lord; sea he will inherit the sea and the south. Deut.33.24 and of aser he said, blessed be asser among the children, and he must be pleasing with his brothers, and he must instead his foot in oil. Deut.33.25 your sand must be of iron and bronze, and your power be like your days. Deut.33.26 no one is like the god of jesurun, who ascends on heaven for your help, and in his majesty in the heavenly place. Deut.33.27 the domining of the beginning is god, and under the new hands. he cast your enemies from your presence, saying, destroy! Deut.33.28 so israel dwells in confidence, he only dwell in the land of jacob with wheat and wine, and his heavens bears ross. Deut.33.29 blessed are you, israel! who is like you, o people who are being saved by the lord, the scuth of your helper and the sword of your glory? your enemies will shame on you, and you will come on their needs. Deut.34.1 and moses went up from the steppe of moab to the mountain of nebo, to the top of pisga, which is before jericho. and the lord showed him the whole land of galaad to dan, Deut.34.2 the whole neftali, the land of ephraim and manasseh, and all the land of judah until the last sea, Deut.34.3 the wilderness and the region of the region of jericho, the town of the palm, until zoar. Deut.34.4 and the lord said to him, this is the land that i swore to abraham, to isaac and to jacob, saying to your offspring, i have shown her to your eyes, but you will not enter there. Deut.34.5 so moses, the servant of the lord, died in the land of moab, according to the word of the lord. Deut.34.6 and he buried him in the dal in the land of moab near bet-peor, and no one knows his burial until this day. Deut.34.7 moses was 120 years when he died, and his eyes were not blinded, and his child was not destroyed. Deut.34.8 and the sons of israel weeped moses in the stepes of moab for thirty days. then the days of mouring of mouring of mourn were finished. Deut.34.9 and josua, the son of nun, was filled with the spirit of understanding, for moses had laid his hands on him. and the people of israel heard him and did as the lord had commanded moses. Deut.34.10 now no prophet rose again in israel as moses, whom the lord recognized face to face, Deut.34.11 in all the signs and wonders, which the lord sent him to do in the land of egypt to pharaon and for all his servants and all his land, Deut.34.12 the great wonders and the mighty hand that moses did before israel. you are blessed, israel, who is like you, o people, who are the helper of the lord, your helper and your boasting? your enemies will lie you, and you will come on their bock. Josh.1.1 after the end of moses, the lord, said the lord, to josua, the son of nun, the servant of moses, saying, Josh.1.2 moses, my servant, has dead. rise therefore, go over the jordan, you and all this people, to the land that i give them. Josh.1.3 every place in which your feet falls, i will give you, as i told moses. Josh.1.4 from the wilderness and the liban, until the great river, the euphrath, all the hetitians, and to the great sea from the next day will your region be. Josh.1.5 no one will stand before you all the days of your life. as i was with moses, so i will be with you. i will not leave you nor leave you. Josh.1.6 be faithful and best, for you will despise this people the land that i made to their fathers to give them. Josh.1.7 be faithful and faithful, to keep on the way of all the commandments that my servant moses commanded you. do not deceive from it at right or at left, so that you may understand in whatever you go. Josh.1.8 this book of this law shall not turn from your mouth, but pray in it day and night, so that you may understand to do whatever it is written. then you will prospere and be prospered in your ways, and then you will understand. Josh.1.9 behold, i have commanded you: be able and be mute, do not be afraid and fear, for the lord your god is with you in whatever you go. Josh.1.10 so josua commanded the rulers of the people, saying, Josh.1.11 come among the camp and command the people, saying, have your preparation for you, for in three days you will passe over this jordan to enter this land that the lord, your god, will give you in possession. Josh.1.12 now the rubens and the gadites and the halve tribe of manasseh said josua, Josh.1.13 remember the word that moses, the servant of the lord, you commanded, saying, the lord your god has rested you and gave you this land. Josh.1.14 your women and your children and your beast shall dwell in the land that moses gave you this jordan. but you, all helds of held, will be heled before your brothers, and you will help them, Josh.1.15 until the lord give rest to your brothers, as it was you, and they also will inherit the land that the lord, your god, give them. then you will return into the land that the lord, the servant of moses, gave you on the other side of the jordan. Josh.1.16 so they answered josua, we will do whatever you have commanded, and whatever you send us will we go. Josh.1.17 as we heard moses, we will listen to you. only let the lord, your god, be with you, as he was with moses. Josh.1.18 every one who disobears to your commandments and does not obey your words in whatever you command, he must die. be able, and be mute. Josh.2.1 and josua, the son of nun, sent two men out of sittim, saying, go and see the land and jericho. so they went and went in the house of a prostitute, whose name was rahab, and they went there. Josh.2.2 they told the king of jericho, saying, a men of the israelites have come here and have set out of the land. Josh.2.3 so the king of jericho sent to rahab, saying, bring out the men who have come to your house, for they have come for examining the whole land. Josh.2.4 but the woman took their men and hid them, saying, the men came to me, but i did not know them. Josh.2.5 and as the tor was shut in the darkness, the men went out. i do not know where they have gone. follow them, so that you may find them. Josh.2.6 but she had brought them up on the housetop and hidden them by the lust, which she had put on the housetop. Josh.2.7 so the men persecuted them on the way of the jordan to the passes. and when their persecutions came out, they were shut. Josh.2.8 before they had taken down, she went up to them on the housetop, Josh.2.9 and he said to them, i know that the lord has given you the land, and that fear of you has fallen upon us. Josh.2.10 for we heard that the lord divided the sea of the schilde sea before you when you went out of egypt, and how you did to the two kings of the amorites across the jordan, sihon and og, which you destroyed. Josh.2.11 when we heard this, our heart was troubled, and there were no further spirit in anyone of us, because the lord your god is god in heaven and on earth below. Josh.2.12 so do now an oath to me by the lord, that you show you mercy, and you will show mercy in the house of my father, Josh.2.13 that you give life to my father and my mother and my brothers and my brothers and all who are to them, and you will escape my life from death. Josh.2.14 and the men said to her, our life must death for you, and even so we do not say this. if the lord give us the land, we will show mercy and truth to me. Josh.2.15 and he spoke them by the fenster. Josh.2.16 and she said to them, go to the mountain that those who persecute you may not turn to you, and keep you there in three days, until those who persecute you should return, and after that you may go your way. Josh.2.17 and the men said to her, we are innocent for this oath that we made to you. Josh.2.18 behold, when we come into the country of the city, you are bound in the fenster, by which you brought us down, and gather to yourself into your house your father and your mother and your brothers and all the house of your father. Josh.2.19 and whatever comes out of the door of your house, his course will be his course, and we will be innocent; but whatever will be with you in the house we will have their sword. Josh.2.20 but if you acknowledge this, we will be innocent of the oath that you gave us an oath. Josh.2.21 and he said, according to your saying, so be it. and he sent them. Josh.2.22 so they went and came to the mountain and stay there for three days, while the persecuting were seeking them in all the ways, but did not find it. Josh.2.23 so the two men returned, and they went down from the mountain and went before josua, the son of nun, and told him all that had happened to them. Josh.2.24 and they said to jesus, the lord has delivered the whole land in our hand, and all the inhabitants of this earth have departed for us. Josh.3.1 early in the morning josue arose, and they departed from sittim and came to the jordan, and they remained there, before they had passed over. Josh.3.2 after three days the officers went through the camp Josh.3.3 and they commanded the people, saying, when you see the ark of the covenant of the lord your god and the priests of the levites who carry it, you will depart from your place and follow it. Josh.3.4 but let it be far a distance among you and that, as two thousand el a single hour, do not draw near to it, so that you may know the way that you will go, for you did not go on the way hater. Josh.3.5 and josua said to the people, purify yourselves, for tomorrow the lord will do wonders among you. Josh.3.6 and josua said to the priests, take the ark of the covenant and go before the people. and they took the ark of the covenant and went before the people. Josh.3.7 and the lord said to josua, this day i will make you great before the presence of all israel, so that they may know that as i was with moses, so i will be with you. Josh.3.8 do you say to the priests who draws the ark of the covenant, saying, when you enter the district of the water of jordan, stand in the jordan. Josh.3.9 and jesus said to the israelites, come here, and hear the words of the lord your god. Josh.3.10 and josua said: by this you will know that the living god is among you, and that he will destroy before you the kananeens, the hetites, the hiveans, the hevites, the girgasites, the amorites and the jebusites. Josh.3.11 behold, the ark of the covenant of the lord of all earth passes over the jordan. Josh.3.12 therefore put for you twelve men from the tribes of israel, one man from every tribe. Josh.3.13 and as the feet of the priests who draws the ark of the lord of all the earth will rest in the water of the jordan, the water of the jordan will be cut off, and the water that comes down, will stand standing up. Josh.3.14 so when the people went out of their tends to pass over the jordan, the priests who ported the ark of the covenant before the people, Josh.3.15 when those who brought the ark came to the jordan, and the feet of the priests who drayed the ark became baptized at the ends of the water, while the jordan was filled in all his garments at all the days of the harvest. Josh.3.16 and the water that came down from above stood up and stood in a district greatly far off, at the region of jearim, at the district of kiriath-jearim. and the water that turned down to the sea of the sea, the sea of salt, so that the people departed, and the people continued at the way of jericho. Josh.3.17 and the priests who had drawn the ark of the covenant stood on a droge in the midst of the jordan, and all israel went over through the land, until all the people had finished over the jordan. Josh.4.1 when all the people had finished through the jordan, the lord said to josua, Josh.4.2 " take some men of the people, one man from every tribe, Josh.4.3 and tell them, take up from the midst of the jordan, which are ready, twelve stones, and take them with you and put them in the place where you will set in the night. Josh.4.4 so jesus called the twelve men who had chosen among the sons of israel, one man from every tribe, Josh.4.5 and he said to them, come before the face of the lord, your god, in the midst of the jordan, and take every one of them on his houll, according to the number of the twelve tribes of israel, Josh.4.6 that it may be a sign among you. when your sons ask you at the morning, saying, what are these stones for you? Josh.4.7 you shall call them, saying, the flood of the jordan were departed before the ark of the covenant of the lord, when it passed around the jordan, and these stones will be a member for the sons of israel forever. Josh.4.8 and the sons of israel did so, as it had commanded josua, and they took twelve stones from the midst of the jordan, just as the lord had commanded the people of israel, and brought them with themselves to the barracks and put them there. Josh.4.9 and josua took up twelve stones in the region of the jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests were under the feet of the priests. and they are there until this day. Josh.4.10 the priests who had drawn the ark stood by the jordan, until all that the lord had commanded jesus to tell the people, all that the lord had commanded jesus to tell the people. so the people went in and went over. Josh.4.11 when all the people had finished to pass, the ark of the lord and the priests went before them. Josh.4.12 and the gadites and the gadites and the halve tribes of manasseh were passed up in the way before the israelites, just as moses had directed them. Josh.4.13 about four thousand ordeners went over for the lord to fight around the regions of jericho. Josh.4.14 on that day the lord made josué known in the presence of all israel, and they were afraid of him, as they were afraid moses for all his living days. Josh.4.15 and the lord said to josua, Josh.4.16 command the priests who ports the ark of the witness to come out of the jordan. Josh.4.17 and josua told the priests, saying, come out of the jordan. Josh.4.18 and when the priests who had drawn the ark of the covenant had come out from the jordan and laid his feet on the ground, the waters of the jordan went into his country and went down as long. Josh.4.19 the people went up from the jordan, on the third day of the first money, and set down in gilgal, at the other region of jericho. Josh.4.20 now these twelve stones that they took from the jordan jesus appointed at gilgal. Josh.4.21 and said to the people, when your sons asked you, what are these stones? Josh.4.22 you shall tell your children, saying, israel over jordan has passed over the jordan, Josh.4.23 for the lord your god has shaken the water of the jordan before you have passed over, just as the lord our god did the schilde sea before us, until we had passed through. Josh.4.24 so that all the nations of the earth may know that the power of the lord is strong, so that you may fear the lord your god in all the time. Josh.5.1 when all the kings of the amorites who were on the other side of the jordan and all the kings of the canane, who were at the sea, heard that the lord had ensicted the river of the jordan before the israelites when they had passed over, their thoughts were shaken, and there was no further mind in them for the people of israel. Josh.5.2 in this time the lord said to josua, make a rocks for yourself and circumcise the sons of israel to circumcision. Josh.5.3 and josua made a robling sword and circumcised the israelites on the coll of the uncircumcision. Josh.5.4 now this was the charge of this, for jesus had distributed the people of israel, at the way, all who had gone out of egypt, were done in the way in the way. Josh.5.5 all these were circumcised jesus. Josh.5.6 for the people of israel were about two years in the wilderness, until all the helds of the mighty people who had gone out of egypt, because they did not obey the commandments of the lord, and for whom the lord had swore to show them that he did not see them the land that he swore to give their fathers, a land that tears the milk and honning. Josh.5.7 now for this place he made their sons. jesus circumcised, because they were uncircumcised, because they were uncircumcised, because they were uncircumcised. Josh.5.8 when they were circumcised, they remained in their divisions in the camp until they were made well. Josh.5.9 and the lord said to josua, today i have taken away the reproach of egypt from you. so he called the name gilgal to this day. Josh.5.10 so they gathered the passover, and celebred the passover on the fourteenth day of the monate, at the morning of jericho. Josh.5.11 and when they had eaten the wine of the earth, they ate with unleavened bread and feasts that was in this day. Josh.5.12 the manna departed, after they were eating of the grain of the land, and the israelites no longer became manna, but they were fruits of the land of the kanaans in that year. Josh.5.13 now as jesus was in jericho, he lifted up his eyes and saw a man standing before him with a severe sword in his hand. and josua came to him and said to him, are you against us or for our enemies? Josh.5.14 he said, i am the ruler of the power of the lord, now i have come. and jesus fell on his face to earth and said to him, what shall you say to your servant? Josh.5.15 and the ruler of the armée of the lord said to jesus, take your sandals out of your feet, for the place where you stand is holy. and josua did so. Josh.6.1 now jericho was clothed and beared for the people, and no one was going out, nor entered. Josh.6.2 and the lord said to josua, behold, i deliver jericho and her king and strong helds in your hand. Josh.6.3 but make the garments around her around. Josh.6.5 and when they sonds the trumpet in the trumpet, when you hear the trumpet of the trumpet, all the people shall cry out together. the wall of the city will fall down, and the people shall enter the city each one of them. Josh.6.6 so jesus, the son of nun, went to the priests, Josh.6.7 and the people said to the people, come and walk around the city, and those who are gathered will walk before the face of the lord. Josh.6.8 now the people went up in the presence of the lord seven priests who had seven trumpets. and the ark of the covenant followed them, and the ark of the covenant followed. Josh.6.9 the soldiers went before the priests, the trouble, following the ark, followed the ark, while the trumpets trumpeted. Josh.6.10 and josua commanded the people, saying, do not crie and do not hear your voice, until the day that he commanded to crie, and then you will crie out. Josh.6.11 so the ark of god went on the city at once, and so they went into the barracks and there. Josh.6.12 the second day jesus rose up early, and the priests took the ark of the lord. Josh.6.13 the seven priests who had brought the seven trumpets before the ark of the lord, went out, bearing the trumpets, and the officers went on their way, and the officers went before the ark of the lord, and the people became in the trumpet. Josh.6.14 so they went and returned into the barracks. so they did about six days. Josh.6.15 and on the seventh day they stood up earnestly, and immediately they went about the city. Josh.6.16 the seventh day, when the priests beed the trumpet, josua said to israel, crying out, for the lord has delivered the city to you. Josh.6.17 but the city will be destroyed, it and all that is in it, the lord. only rahab the prostitute will keep it, with all who are in her house. Josh.6.18 but keep your guard from the bann things that are brought to the bann, so that you may take the anathings, and so do to do the camp of israel to be destroyed and destroyed us. Josh.6.19 all silver and gold, both bronze and iron will be sanctified to the lord, to the treasure of the lord will be brought. Josh.6.20 so the people cried out with the trumpeat, and when the people heard the rop of the trumpet, all the people cried out with a loud call, and the wall fell down, and they went up in the city. Josh.6.21 and they destroyed in the sword of all the things that were in the city, both men and women, young man and old, both boves and boves. Josh.6.22 and to the two young men who had set out, jesus said, enter the house of the woman and bring her out and all that are her. Josh.6.23 so the young men who had been speaking in the city came and brought rahab and her father and her mother and her brothers and all that she had, and they carried out all her relatives and set them outside the camp of israel. Josh.6.24 but the city and all that was in it burned up. only the silver and the gold and the bronze and the bronze were brought in the treasure of the temple of the lord. Josh.6.25 so jesus leave a prostitute rahab and her hometown and all her hometown, and she bowed in israel until this day, because she had caken the spices that josua had sent for to set out of jericho. Josh.6.26 and in that day josua ordered the mouth of the lord, saying, cursed be the man before the lord who will build this city. in his firstborn he will lay the foundation of his firstborn and put his gates in his little little. Josh.6.27 and the lord was with jesus, and the name of him was through all the land. Josh.7.1 but the sons of israel commissed a great trespassion, and achan, the son of carmi, who was son of zabdi, the son of zerah, of the tribe of judah, took the banvloek. and the wrath of the lord was burned against the sons of israel. Josh.7.2 and josua sent men to ai, which is in the region of bet-el, saying, go out and utruid the city. and the men went up and considered hai. Josh.7.3 and they returned to josua and said to him, not let all the people go, but go about two or three thousand men, and strike the city. do not bring all the people there, for they are few. Josh.7.4 so there went about three thousand men, and they fled before the people of hai. Josh.7.5 the men of hai killed sexty-six man from them, and they persecuted them from the city to sebarim, and destroyed them at the waves. so the heart of the people turned and became like water. Josh.7.6 so josua distributed his garments and fell on his face on the face of the lord in the face of the day, he and the elders of israel, and struck stof on their heads. Josh.7.7 and josué said, ah, lord, here, why have you brought this people over the jordan, to give us in the hand of the amorites and destroy us? o, whether we would have been abide from the jordan! Josh.7.8 o god, what shall i say, since israel has turned back before his enemies? Josh.7.9 when the cananans and all the inwoners of the land hear this, they will walk around us and destroy our name from the earth. and what shall you have done for your great name? Josh.7.10 and the lord said to jesus, rise, why do you fall on your face? Josh.7.11 the people sinned, and they rejected the covenant that i had done with them, and they delivered the banning and put in their treasures. Josh.7.12 so the people of israel cannot stand to stand before their enemies, they will turn back before their enemies, for they have been brought to the banvloek. i will not be more with you unless you destroy the banning from among you. Josh.7.13 rise and sanctify the people and say, sanctify you to immorrow, for so says the lord, the god of israel, says, the banning is among you. you cannot stand before your enemies until you destroy the banning from among you. Josh.7.14 the matter then shall come up by your tribes, and the tribe, which the lord will show, shall come by families, and the familie, which the lord will show, shall come up by families, and the house that the lord will show people by husband. Josh.7.15 but whoever will be broken down will be burned with fire and all that he has, for he has breakned the covenant of the lord and has done wrongdoing in israel. Josh.7.16 in the morning of the morning, jesus recognized the people according to the tribes of the tribes of judah. Josh.7.17 so the family of zerah took up, according to the families of the zerahites, and they were carried up by a man. Josh.7.18 and akan, the son of zimri, who was son of zerah, appeared, Josh.7.19 and josua said to akan, my son, give the lord, the god of israel, glory and proclaim, and tell me what you have done, do not hidden it from me. Josh.7.20 akan answered josua, truly, i have sinned against the lord, the god of israel, and did so so: Josh.7.21 i saw in the captive a good babylonised babylonisch, two hundred sicles of silver, and a golden tongue with fifty sicles, so i desired them and took them, and behold, it is hidden in the earth in my tent, the silver under them. Josh.7.22 so josua sent men, and they ran to the tent, and behold, it was hidden in his tent, and the silver was under them. Josh.7.23 and they took them out of the tent and brought it to josua and to all the israelites and laid them before the lord. Josh.7.24 so josua and all the people with him took akan, the son of zerah, and the silver and the path and the maney and all his possessions and his boves and his sheep and his tent and all that he had, and they brought them to the vall achor. Josh.7.25 and josua said to akan, why have you destroyed us? the lord will destroy you like this day, and all israel stoned him with stone. Josh.7.26 so they falled upon him a great rock of stones, and so the lord turned to the wrath of his wrath. so he called it the name of hor, that is to this day. Josh.8.1 and the lord said to josua, do not fear or fear. take all the soldiers with you, and rise and go up to ai. behold, i have given the king of hai and his people, his people and his country. Josh.8.2 you shall do to ahi and her king, just as you have done for jericho and her king. but you will take for you the roof and the beast. put a leading hindered for the city. Josh.8.3 so josué and all the soldiers stood up to ai, and he choose thirty thousand men of held, and sent them out in the night, Josh.8.4 and he gave them the message, look for the city; do not be directed from the city, and be ready. Josh.8.5 so i and all the people who are with me shall come to the city, and when they come out against us, we will flee from them. Josh.8.6 and they will follow us, and we will depart them from the city, and they will say, these are escaped from us, as before the first. Josh.8.7 and you will rise out of the ambush and go in the city. Josh.8.8 in this way you do, i have commanded you. Josh.8.9 so josua sent them, and they went and lived among bet-el and hai, by the sea out of the country. Josh.8.10 early in the morning josua went up and visited the people, and he and the elders of the people went up before the people at hai. Josh.8.11 and all the soldiers with him went up and went in and went before the town from the city. Josh.8.12 the plants in the city was from the sea, Josh.8.14 when the king of hai saw this, he and all his people, at the morning, immediately, with all his people, went out in the way, but he did not know that there was a bast for him after the city. Josh.8.15 and when josua and israel saw out, they drew withaway from their presence, Josh.8.16 so they persecuted the people of israel, and they departed from the city. Josh.8.17 and in hai and bet-el there left no one, who did not follow israel. they left the city open and persecuted israel. Josh.8.18 and the lord said to josua, stretch out out the town that is in your hand against the city, for i will give it in your hand. so josua stretched the plan that was in his hand, against the city. Josh.8.19 then the hinderers rose quickly from their place and went out, while he stretched out his hand, and they came to the city and welcomed it, and immediately they turned up the city with fire. Josh.8.20 and when the people of hai looked around, they saw a smoke ascending from the city to heaven, and they had no more to escape here or here. Josh.8.21 when josué and all israel saw that the hinderage had taken up the city and that the smoke of the city was ascended, they turned and killed the people of hai. Josh.8.22 and these went out of the city to occurse them, so that they were in the midst of the tends. so they killed them, so that no one had left or escaped. Josh.8.23 but the king of hai they took living and brought him to jesus. Josh.8.24 now when israel had killed all the people of hai in the country, in the country that they had persecuted them, and all the people returned to hai, they returned to aj and killed them by the sword. Josh.8.25 all who fell in that day, both man and woman, were 12,000, all the habitants of hai. Josh.8.27 only the beast and the buit of the city the israel took back, according to the instruction of the lord that he had commanded to josua. Josh.8.28 so josué bringed a fire and made it forever, desolate it forever. so it is still to this day. Josh.8.29 and he took the king of hai to a tree until evening, and when the sun remained, jesus commanded his body from the tree and throw it into the city of the city and struck upon him a great rock of stones, which are still to this day. Josh.8.30 then josua best a altar to the lord, the god of israel, on the mountain of ebal, Josh.8.31 as moses, the servant of the lord, had commanded the people of israel, just as it was written in the law of the law of moses, a altar of unseared stone, on which no iron was taken up. and they offered on it holocauste to the lord and offered sacrifices pacifics. Josh.8.32 and he wrote on the stones the place of the law of moses, which he had written before the sons of israel. Josh.8.33 so the whole israel, their elders, their officers and their officers were going on the other and the other side of the ark, before the priests of the levites, who took the ark of the covenant of the lord, both proselyte and natural, a half of the mountain garizim and the other to the berg ebal, as moses, the servant of the lord, had commanded to blessing the people of israel. Josh.8.34 after this, jesus read all the words of this law, the blessing and the curse, according to all the things written in the law of moses. Josh.8.35 there was no way of all that moses had commanded, which jesus did not lead in the presence of all the congregation of israel, both the women and the children and the proselyts who were among them. Josh.9.1 when all the kings of the amorites, who were on the other side of the jordan, in the mountain and in the region and in the whole region of the great sea, the hetites, the amorites, the amorites, the perizzites, the hevites and the jebusites. Josh.9.2 so they gathered together to strike against josué and israel. Josh.9.3 when the residents of gibeon heard what jesus had done with jericho and hai, Josh.9.4 so they went with astray. they went and departed, and took a old sack on their heads and old wineskins of wine, straffed and bound of wine, Josh.9.5 they were strained and wicked cloths in their feet and gardened clothes on them. and all their bread that they had had was withered, was withered and defiled. Josh.9.6 so they came to josua into the tender of gilgal and said to him and to the people of israel, we have come out of a distance land. do now a covenant with us. Josh.9.7 but the people of israel said to the hivites, how can you abide among you. how can we do a covenant with you? Josh.9.8 they said to jesus, we are your servants. and jesus said to them, who are you and where you come? Josh.9.9 they said, your servants came from a great land, in the name of the lord your god, for we have heard his name and all that he has done in egypt, Josh.9.10 and whatever he did to the rules of the amorites that were on the other side of the jordan, to sihon, the king of hesbon, and to og, king of basan, who was in astaroth. Josh.9.11 so our elders and all the inhabitants of our land said to us, take for yourselves eating for the way and go them tegemoet and say to them, we are your servants; do you make a covenant with us. Josh.9.12 this is the bread that we were sailed for a grain in the day when we went out to coming to you, but now they are withered and divided. Josh.9.13 and these are the means of the wine, which we had filled, are new, and these are rushed. so our clothing and sandals are devoted for the great way of a great way. Josh.9.14 so the rulers took their fattenes, and did not ask the lord. Josh.9.15 and josua made peace with them and made a covenant with them, that he might save them. and the rulers of the synagogue made an oath to them. Josh.9.16 after three days after they had kept a covenant with them, they heard that they were among them and dwelled in them. Josh.9.17 so the people of israel went up and came to their towns, and their towns were gibeon, kefira, berot, and kiriath-jearim. Josh.9.18 but the people of israel did not strike them, for the rulers of the rulers did to them by the lord, the god of israel. so the whole synagogue murmoned against the rulers. Josh.9.19 and all the rulers said to the whole people, we have swealed them by the lord, the god of israel, and now we cannot touch them. Josh.9.20 we will do this: we will give them life, so that no wrath may be upon us because of the oath we made to them. Josh.9.21 they shall live, and they will be puts and water for the whole congregation, as the rulers told them. Josh.9.22 and josua called them and said to them, why have you deceived you, saying, we are very long from you, and you dwelling among us? Josh.9.23 so then you are cursed, and in your way there will be not divorced to be slaves and household for the house of my god. Josh.9.24 and they answered josua, now it was reported to us that the lord your god gave to moses his servant to give you all this land and destroying us and all those who dwell in it. we were greatly afraid for your souls for your souls, and we have done this. Josh.9.25 and now, behold, we are in your hand; do with us how you are right and right. Josh.9.26 and he did so to them, and delivered them from the hands of the children of israel, and they did not destroy them. Josh.9.27 but josua made them on that day a household and water of water for the people and for the altar of god, to the place that he chose. Josh.10.1 when adoni-zedek, the king of jerusalem, heard that josua had taken up hai and destroyed it, it did with ai and her king, just as he had done for jericho and her king, and that the inwoners of gibeon had made peace with israel, Josh.10.2 and they were greatly afraid, for gibeon was a great city, like one of the towes, and all her men were strong. Josh.10.3 so adonisedek, the king of jerusalem, sent to hoham, king of hebron, to phiram, king of jarmuth, and to jafia, king of lachis, and to debir, king of eglon, saying, Josh.10.4 come up to me and help me, and let us strike gibeon, for he has made peace with josué and the children of israel. Josh.10.5 so the five kings of the jebusites went up, the king of jerusalem, the king of hebron, the king of jarmuth, the king of lachis and the king of eglon, they and their whole people, and they set leading gibeon and belonging to it. Josh.10.6 then the residents of gibeon sent to josua to the tender of gilgal, saying, keep your hands not from your servants, come quickly to us and deliver us and help us, for all the kings of the amorites who dwell on the mountain have gathered together against us. Josh.10.7 so josua went up from gilgal, he and all the soldiers with him, and all the strong helds. Josh.10.8 and the lord said to jesus, do not fear them, for i have given them in your hand. no one of them will be laid before you. Josh.10.9 so josua came upon them suddenly, and all night he went away from gilgal. Josh.10.10 and the lord drew them out before israel, and he struck them with a great striction in gibeon, and they persecuted them on the way to bet-horon and cut them down until azeka and makkeda. Josh.10.11 and when they fleed from israel at the scroll of bethoron, the lord broke upon them with steine from heaven to azeka, and they died. many who died because of the hagels were more than those whom the israelites killed with the sword. Josh.10.12 then josua spoke to the lord on the day when the lord gave the amorites to the hand of israel, and he said before israel, sun, stand still in gibeon, and, moon, in the dal of ajalon! Josh.10.13 so the sun and the moon stood there, until god had destroyed their enemies. so there is the sun ready in the midst of heaven and did not go down into the wilderness for every day. Josh.10.14 and no day was like this, not the first, nor the last, that the lord was heard to a man. for the lord was belonging to israel. Josh.10.16 but these five kings fled and esconded in a spelonce in makeda. Josh.10.17 and to jesus was told, the five kings has found to be found in a spelonce in makkeda. Josh.10.18 and josué said, roling many stones against the mouth of the spelonce, and set men to guard them. Josh.10.19 but you do not stand, but persecute your enemies and inquire their way. do not let them enter their towns, for the lord your god gave them in your hand. Josh.10.20 now when josua and the people of israel had finished them in a great affliction, so that they had finished them, and those who left them were returned into the treasure cities, Josh.10.21 so all the people returned to josua in makkeda at makkeda, though no one had spoken with his tongue against the israelites. Josh.10.22 so josua said, open to the spelonce of the spelonce and bring the five kings to you out of the spelonk. Josh.10.23 so they brought and brought the five kings from the spelonce, the king of jerusalem, the king of hebron, the king of jarmuth, the king of lachis, the king of eglon. Josh.10.24 and when they had brought them out to josua, josua called all the people of israel, and said to the rulers of the sold who were going with him, come and put your feet on the hill of these men! and they came and laid their feet on their clocks. Josh.10.25 and josua said to them, do not fear them, nor be afraid, be strong and best, for so the lord will do to all your enemies, against whom you are against. Josh.10.26 so, when jesus had killed them, jesus killed them and healed them on five tree, and they were hanged on the tree until the evening. Josh.10.27 at the next day jesus commanded them, and they distributed them from the tree and throw them into the spy where they had escaped. so they rolled a stone on the spelonce of the spelonke, which are still to this day. Josh.10.28 on that day josué took makkeda and struck it with the sword, and he destroyed her and all who had there, and no one left there. he did to the king of makkeda as he had done to the king of jericho. Josh.10.29 so josua and all israel with him went from makeda to libna and belonged to libna. Josh.10.30 and the lord gave it and her king in the hand of israel, and they killed all who were in it, so that no one left there. he did to her king, just as he had done to the king of jericho. Josh.10.31 so josua and the whole israel with him went from libna to lachis, and belonged to it and belonged to it. Josh.10.32 so the lord gave it into the hand of israel, and he took it on the second day, and they distributed it with the sword and destroyed it, as he had done in libna. Josh.10.33 then horam the king of geser went up to help lachis, but josua killed him and his people, so that no one left him. Josh.10.34 so josua went with the whole israel from lachis to eglon, and walked against it and belonged to it. Josh.10.35 and they took it on that day and killed it with the sword, and all who were there they distributed it in that day, just as he had done to lachis. Josh.10.36 so josua and all israel with him went to hebron and belonged to it. Josh.10.37 they killed it with the sword and all those who were in it, so that no one had escaped, just as he had done to adullam, they destroyed it with all that was in it. Josh.10.38 so josua and the whole israel returned to debir and attacked it. Josh.10.39 they took it and her king and all its towns, and they distributed it with the sword, and they destroyed it, and no one left it. it did to debir and her king, just as he had done for hebron and its king. Josh.10.40 so josué distributed the whole land, the mountain and the negev, and the lawland and the desolate places, and did no one left them, but destroyed them all that was loved, just as the lord, the god of israel, had commanded. Josh.10.41 so josué killed them from cades-barnea to gaza, and all the country of gosen to gibeon. Josh.10.42 all these kings and their country josué killed once, for the lord god of israel was belonging to israel. Josh.11.1 when jabin, the king of hasor, heard this, he sent to jobab, king of madon, and to the king of simron and to the king of acsaf, Josh.11.2 and to the kings who dwell on the country, in the mountains and in the steph, from the region of kinneroth, and in the region, and in nafot-dor, Josh.11.3 the kananeens from the east and from the sea and the amorites and the hivites and the ferezites and the jebusites on the mountain, and to the hethites under hermon in the land of micpa. Josh.11.4 they went out with all their kings, a multitude of many, many like the sand of the sea, with horses and chars. Josh.11.5 so all these kings came together, and they came and set together at the waters of merom, to strike against israel. Josh.11.6 and the lord said to jesus, do not fear them, for tomorrow in this hour i will give them të were destroyed in the presence of israel. you shall burn their hors and brone their waves in fire. Josh.11.7 so josué, with all the soldiers, with them, came upon them at the water of merom, and they fell upon them in the mountain. Josh.11.8 and the lord gave them in the hand of israel, and they struck them and persecuted them until the great sidon, and to misrefot-maim, and to the field of mizpa at the ooste, and they cut them off, so that no one left them. Josh.11.9 and josua did with them as the lord had commanded him. he burned their hors with their hors and burned their waves with fire. Josh.11.10 in that time josué returned and took hazor and killed her king. for hazor had first a ruler of all these kingdoms. Josh.11.11 they killed all those who were in it with a sword and destroyed them. no one left there left there, and hasor burned with fire. Josh.11.12 all the towns of these kings and all their kings jesus took up and killed them with the sword and destroyed them, just as moses, the servant of the lord, had commanded them. Josh.11.13 nevertheless, all the towns that were burned, israel did not burn, except hasor, which jesus burned. Josh.11.14 and all the buit of the towns and the people of israel took to themselves, but all people they killed with the sword, until they had destroyed them, they left them no one. Josh.11.15 just as the lord had commanded his servant moses, so moses commanded josua, and so josué did. he did nothing from all the things that the lord had commanded moses. Josh.11.16 so josua took the whole land, the mountain and all the negev and all the land of gosen and the region and the west, and the mountain of israel and his beast, Josh.11.17 from the hill mountain, which goes up to seir, until baal-gad in the region of the libano, under the mountain of hermon. and he took them all their kings and distributed them and killed them. Josh.11.18 for many days jesus did bation against all these kings. Josh.11.19 and there was not a city that did not take israel, all they took out in war. Josh.11.20 for this was through the lord that they endured their hearts to fight against israel, so that they might destroy them, so that he might destroy them, just as the lord had spoken to moses. Josh.11.21 in that time josué came and destroyed the anakites from the mountain, from hebron, from debir, of anab, from all the mountain of israel, and from all the mountain of israel. Josh.11.22 there was no one in anakim in the land of israel, but only in gaza, in gat and in asdod there were remained. Josh.11.23 so josua took the whole land, just as the lord had said to moses, and josué gave them in an inheritance for israel in their division according to the tribes of their tribes. and the land fell in rest of war. Josh.12.1 these are the kings of the land that the sons of israel killed and welcomed their land on the other side of the jordan, from the beast of arnon to the mountain of hermon and the whole around around. Josh.12.2 sihon, king of the amorites, who was in hesbon, domined from aroër, which is in the path of the beast, and the helft of galaad to the money of jabbok, the region of the sons of ammon, Josh.12.3 and from the araba to the sea of kinnereth at the east, and to the sea of the steph, the sea of salt, from the way of bet-jejesimoth, and from naaman to the district of pisga. Josh.12.4 and the region of og, king of basan, one of the refaïtes, who dwelled in astaroth and in edrei, Josh.12.5 he reated the ruler of hermon, from salcha, and of all basan until the district of goshurites and maachatites, and to the helft of galaad, in the region of sihon, the king of hesbon. Josh.12.6 moses, the servant of the lord, and the people of israel killed them. and moses, the servant of moses, gave her in the possession of ruben and gad and the half of the tribe of manasseh. Josh.12.7 and these are the kings of the amorites whom josué and the sons of israel killed on the other side of the jordan, from baal-gad in the region of the libano, to the hill mountain that ascends to seïr. and josua gave it to the tribus of israel to inherit, according to their district, Josh.12.8 in the mountain and in the region and in the wilderness and in the desolate places and in the wilderness and in the miest, the hetites, the amorites, the kanaanites, the perizzites, the hevites and the jebuss. Josh.12.9 the king of jericho, one; the king of ai, which is near bet-el, Josh.12.10 the king of jerusalem, the king of hebron, Josh.12.11 the king of jarmuth, the king of lakis, Josh.12.12 the king of elam, the king of gezer; Josh.12.13 the king of debir, the king of gader, Josh.12.14 the king of harmath, king of harath; Josh.12.15 the king of libna, the king of adullam; Josh.12.16 a king of makeda. Josh.12.17 the king of tapuah, the king of hafer, Josh.12.18 the king of afek, of saran, Josh.12.19 the king of hasor, one; Josh.12.20 the king of shimron-meron, king of akshaf, Josh.12.21 the king of cades, the king of taanah; Josh.12.22 the king of migeon, king of jokneam in carmel, Josh.12.23 the king of dor in nafeth-dor, one king of goim in galilee, Josh.12.24 the king of tirza. all the twenty-one kings. Josh.13.1 now when jesus was old, and at an old age, the lord said to him, you are going on an old age, and there is a great land that is left. Josh.13.2 this is the land that is left: all the regions of the filistyne and all the gesurites, Josh.13.3 from sihor that is at the region of egypt, until the region of ekron at the left, which belongs to the cananans, the five rulers of the philistins, the gaza, the asdod, the ascaloniten, the gath and the ekron, and the heveet, Josh.13.4 from the country, all the land of canaan, and meara, the sidonians, like to afek, to the region of the amorites, Josh.13.5 the land of the giblites and the whole liban from the east, from baal-gad under the mountain of hermon, until it comes in hamat, Josh.13.6 all the residents of the mountains from the libano to misrephoth-maim, all the sidonians. i will destroy them from the presence of israel, but distribute it to israel as a lot, just as i have commanded you. Josh.13.7 therefore pay this land in possession to the ninth tribes and to the half of the tribe of manasseh, from the jordan to the great sea, at the next day, to the great sea. Josh.13.8 the two part of the tribes of manasseh and the gadites gave them the gift that moses gave them on the other side of the jordan, as the gift of moses, the servant of the lord, gave them, Josh.13.9 from aroer, who is at the rand of the spring of arnon, and the city that is in the midst of the beast, and the whole region of medeba to dibon, Josh.13.10 and all the towns of sihon, the king of the amorites, who realled in hesbon, until the region of the sons of ammon, Josh.13.11 and galaad, and the region of the gesurites and the maacatites and all the mountain of hermon and all basan until salcha, Josh.13.12 all the kingdom of og in basan, who realled in astaroth and in edrei, who remained from the refaïtes. moses killed them and destroyed them. Josh.13.13 but the people of israel did not destroy the gesurites and maachatites, but the gesurites and maachatites dwelled in the israelites until this day. Josh.13.14 only for the tribe of levi it was not given in possession. it was the lord, the god of israel, this is their inheritance, as he said to him. Josh.13.15 moses gave the tribe of the sons of ruben according to their families, Josh.13.16 and their region was from aroër, which is against the path of arnon, and the city that belongs to the beast, and all the region of medeba, Josh.13.17 hesbon and all the towns that belongs to the field, dibon, bamoth-baal, bet-baal-meon, Josh.13.18 jahaza, kedemot, mephaat, Josh.13.19 kiriathaim, sibma, zeret-shahar on the hill mountain, Josh.13.20 bet-peor, the district of pisga, and bet-jejesimoth, Josh.13.21 and all the towns of the field and all the kingdom of sihon, king of the amorites, who remained in hesbon, whom moses killed, even the rulers of madian, evi and rekem and zur and hur and reba, rulers of sihon, who became in the land. Josh.13.22 even balaam, the son of beor, the manner, killed them in the tribe. Josh.13.23 now the region of ruben was jordan. this is the jordan. this is the inheritance of the sons of ruben according to their families, the town and their villages. Josh.13.24 moses gave the sons of gad according to their families. Josh.13.25 their region was jazer, and all the towns of galaad, the half of the land of the sons of ammon, until aroir, which is before rabba, Josh.13.26 and from hesbon to ramat-mitspa and betonim, and from mahanaim to the region of debir, Josh.13.27 and in the region, bet-haram, bet-nimra, succoth and shafan, the other region of sihon, king of hesbon, the region of the jordan, to the district of the sea of kinnereth, on the other side of the jordan. Josh.13.28 this is the inheritance of the sons of gad according to their families, the towns and their villages. Josh.13.29 moses gave the helft of the tribes of manasseh according to their families. Josh.13.30 their region became from mahanaim, all basan, all the kingdom of og, king of basan, and all the villages of jair that are in basan, seven towns. Josh.13.31 the half of galaad, and astaroth and edreï, the cities of the kingdom of og in basan, were given to the sons of machir, the son of manasseh, to the helft of the sons of machir according to their families. Josh.13.32 these are the district of moses in the steppe of moab at the other side of the jordan, around jericho. Josh.14.1 this is the division of the children of israel in the land of canaan, which the priest eleazar and josua, the son of nun, and the rulers of the tribes of the tribes of the children of israel departed to them, Josh.14.2 as for the lot they took the mana, just as the lord had commanded by jesus to the ninth tribes and the halve tribe. Josh.14.3 this was from the other side of the jordan, and to the levites he gave no lot among them. Josh.14.4 for the sons of joseph were two tribes, manasse and ephraim, and to the levites they had not given part in the land, except a town to abide with their bander for their bestes and their bands. Josh.14.5 as the lord had commanded moses, so did the people of israel and divided the land. Josh.14.6 and the sons of judah came to josua at gilgal, and caleb, the son of jeconne, the cananed, said to him, you know the saying that the lord spoke to moses, the man of god, about me and you at cades-barnea. Josh.14.7 i was about forty years when moses, the servant of the lord, sent me from cades-barnea to examine the land, and i told him a word according to his mind. Josh.14.8 but my brothers who had ascended with me departed the heart of the people, but i followed the lord my god. Josh.14.9 and moses swore on that day, saying, the land that your foot has come upon you and your children will have it in eternal place, because you have followed the lord my god. Josh.14.10 and now, behold, the lord has performed me, just as he said, now 45 years since the lord had spoken this word to moses, while israel went into the wilderness. and now behold, i am of this day about eighty-five years. Josh.14.11 now i am still a strong man as moses sent me, so i was able to go out and to go into the war. Josh.14.12 so do me give me this mountain, of which the lord has spoken on that day, for you heard that there were anakites, and that there are great and great towns. if the lord is with me, i will destroy them, just as the lord said. Josh.14.13 and joshua blessed him and gave him to caleb the son of jephone, the son of kenaz. Josh.14.14 therefore hebron became a possession to caleb, the son of jephone, the kenezew, even to this day, because he followed the lord, the god of israel. Josh.14.15 the name of hebron was first kiriath-arba, which was a meant of the anakites. and the earth was ready of the war. Josh.15.1 the offspring of the tribe of the tribes of juda according to their families, at the region of edom, the desolate place in the wilderness. Josh.15.2 the region of their district came from the district of the sea of sald, from the district that comes on the süden, Josh.15.3 and drew at the face of the streining of akrabbim and drew around zin and ascended from the next of cades-barnea and went on hezron and ascended to addar and drew to karka. Josh.15.4 it went to asmon and continued to the bach of egypt, and its leading country continued to the sea. this will be the messer of the west. Josh.15.5 and the confine oriental was the sea of a chain, to the end of the jordan, and the country of the nordside, from the lack of the sea, from the ends of the jordan. Josh.15.6 and the region went up to bet-hogla and passed on the north of bet-araba. and the region went up to the stone of bohan, the son of ruben, Josh.15.7 then the region went up to acor, to the four of the beast of achor, and drew down to gilgal, which is against the spring of adummim, which is to the südside of the vall. then the region drew to the water of en-semes and encouraged to en-rogel. Josh.15.8 and the region went up to the beast of hinnom, to the south of the jebuss, which is jerusalem. then the region went up to the top of the mountain that is against the sea of hinnom to the sea, which is in the district of the land of refaim nordly. Josh.15.9 from the top of the mountain the region spread to the source of the water of neftoah, and drew through the region of the town of ephron, and then turned to baala, which is kiriath-jearim. Josh.15.10 from baalol comes on the west and passed to the mountain of seir, and drew down to the north of jearim, which is kesalon, and drew down to beth-semes and passes to timna. Josh.15.11 then the region continued to the north of ekron to the north, and continued to sikaron and passed on the mountain of baala and continued to jabneel, and encouraged to the sea. Josh.15.12 the region of the sea was the great sea. this was the region of the sons of judah along according to their families. Josh.15.13 and to caleb, the son of jephone, he gave a fell among the sons of judah, as he had spoken to josua, the city of arba, the city of anac, which is hebron. Josh.15.14 and caleb destroyed from there the three sons of anac: sheshai, ahiman and talmai. Josh.15.15 and from there he went up against the residents of debir ( the name of debir was before kiriath-sefer. Josh.15.16 and caleb said, whoever bears kiriath-sepher and takes it, to him i will give my daughter achsa as wife. Josh.15.17 so otniel, the son of kenaz, the brother of caleb, she took her, and he gave him his daughter acsa for a wife. Josh.15.18 and as she went in, she consulted him to ask for my father a field. and she came out of the donkey, and caleb said to her, what are you? Josh.15.19 she said, give me a blessing, for you have given me a land of negev, give me waterless waters. so he gave her the opening waters and the untering waters. Josh.15.20 this is the lot of the tribes of the sons of judah. Josh.15.21 the regions of the region of the tribes of the sons of judah in the region of edom at the wilderness was: kabseel, eder, jagur, Josh.15.22 kina, dimona, adada, Josh.15.23 kedes, hasor, itnan, Josh.15.24 zif, telem, bealot, Josh.15.25 hazor-hadatta, kerith, that is hasor, Josh.15.26 amam, shema, molada, Josh.15.27 hazar-gadda, hesmon, bet-pelet, Josh.15.28 hasar-sual, beer-seba, the villages and the villages, Josh.15.29 baala, ijjim, esem, Josh.15.30 eltolad, kesil, horma, Josh.15.31 siklag, madmanna, sansanna, Josh.15.32 lebaot, shilhim, and rimmon; all these towns with their villages. Josh.15.33 in the region: esthaol, sorea, ashna, Josh.15.34 zanoah, and en-gannim, tappuah, enam, Josh.15.35 jarmut, adullam, socho, azeka, Josh.15.36 shaaraim, aditaim, gedera and gederotaim: fourteen towns with their villages. Josh.15.37 senan, hadasha, migdal-gad, Josh.15.38 dilean, micpe, jokteel, Josh.15.39 lakis, boskat, eglon, Josh.15.40 kabbon, lahmas, kitlish, Josh.15.41 gederot, bet-dagon, naama, and makkeda: sixth towns with their villages. Josh.15.42 libna, eter, ashan, Josh.15.43 jiftah, ashna, nezib, Josh.15.44 keila, aczib and maresha: ten towns with their villages. Josh.15.45 ekron and its villages and villages, Josh.15.46 from ekron to the land, all that belongs to asdod and their villages, Josh.15.47 asdod and its villages and villages, gaza, its villages and villages, until the beast of egypt, and the great sea, which is district. Josh.15.48 and on the mountains: samir, jattir, soco, Josh.15.49 danna, and kiriath-sanna, which is debir, Josh.15.50 anab, estemo, anim, Josh.15.51 gosen, holon and gilo: unten towns with their villages. Josh.15.52 arab, duma, esan, Josh.15.53 janum, bet-tappuah, afeka, Josh.15.54 humta, kiriath-arba, which is hebron, and sior, nove towns with their villages. Josh.15.55 maon, karmel, and zif, and juta, Josh.15.56 jizreel, jokdeam, and zanoah, Josh.15.57 kain, gibea, and timna: sive towns with their villages. Josh.15.58 halhul, bet-sur, gedor, Josh.15.59 mecharoth, bet-troim and tecoum: six cities with their villages. it was tekoa and efrata ( which is bethlehem ), pegor, etam, hilan, tatam, keres, galem, galem, thether and matanah: enth cities and their villages. Josh.15.60 kiriath-baal, which is kiriath-jearim, and rabba: two towns with their villages. Josh.15.61 in the wilderness: bet-araba, middin, sechacha, Josh.15.62 nibsan, and ir-melah, and en-gedi: seven towns with their villages. Josh.15.63 but the jebusites who were in jerusalem were not able to destroy them, and so the jebuss were dwelling with the sons of judah in jerusalem, and they dwelled in jerusalem. Josh.16.1 now the region of the sons of joseph was from the jordan, at the region of jericho at the ooste, and it went up from jericho to the hill country of bet-el, Josh.16.2 he departed to betel and passe to the region of archites to ataroth, Josh.16.3 and drew out on the sea to the region of jafleteth, to the region of bet-horon the new, and to gezer, and it became to the sea. Josh.16.4 so the sons of joseph, manasseh and ephraim, took possession. Josh.16.5 the region of the sons of ephraim according to their families were the region of their inheritance at the east was atrot-addar, to the above bet-horon. Josh.16.6 and the region drew to the sea to michmetat at the north, and the region drew around to taanat-silo and passed on the east to janoah, Josh.16.7 from janoah he drew down to ataroth and naara, and it begreated jericho and followed the jordan. Josh.16.8 from tappuah the country went to the sea to the path of cana, and it passed at the sea. this was the erbbesitz of the tribe of the tribes of ephraim according to their families. Josh.16.9 and the towns, which were distributed for the sons of ephraim, was in the district of the sons of manasseh, all the towns with their villages. Josh.16.10 even the cananans who died in gezer did not destroy, and so divided the cananeans among the ephraim, even to this day, until this day, as pharaoh, the king of egypt, went up and bringed it in fire, even the cananeans and the perizzites and the residents of gezer. Josh.17.1 the region of the tribe of manasseh was this, because he was the firstborn of joseph. to machir, the firstborn of manasseh, the father of galaad, for he was a soldier. Josh.17.2 the rest of the sons of manasseh according to their families became to the sons of jeezer, the sons of helek, the sons of jeziel, the sons of shechem, and the sons of shechem, and the sons of sheper. these were the sons of manasseh, son of manasseh, according to their families. Josh.17.3 but selofhad, the son of hefer, her son, who had no sons, but only daughters. the name of the daughters of selofhad were machla, noa, hogla, milka and tirza. Josh.17.4 they went to the priest eleazar and to josua, the son of nun, and before the rulers, saying, the lord commanded moses to give us a inheritance in the midst of our brothers. so he gave them a lot among the brothers of their father. Josh.17.5 so the manasseh fell, except the land of galaad and basan, which is in the other side of the jordan, Josh.17.6 for the daughters of manasseh became possession among their fathers. the land of galaad was for the rest of the sons of manasseh. Josh.17.7 the region of manassih was from aser to mikmetath, which is at the region of asem, and the region went to the desolate country of en-tapuah. Josh.17.8 tappuah, which remained to manasseh, was tapheth at the region of manasseh, for the sons of ephraim. Josh.17.9 and the region descended to the beast of kana, at the südness of the beek. the region of ephraim was in the midst of manasseh. the region of manassih was at the nordside of the beek and encouraged to the sea. Josh.17.10 to the west was the ephraim, and to the north was manasseh, and the sea was their region. to asser they gathered to the north and to issachar in the east. Josh.17.11 manasseh was in issachar and asher: bet-shean with the onderhoriges of it, the residents of dor with its villages, the inwoners of dor and its villages, the residents of megiddo and its onderhorige places, a third's country and its villages. Josh.17.12 but the sons of manasseh could not destroy these towns, and the cananeans were going to dwelling in this land. Josh.17.13 and when the israelites were strengthened, they made the cananeos to obey them, but they did not destroy them. Josh.17.14 and the sons of joseph said to jesus, why have you given us in possession for one lot and a district, though we are a great people, and that the lord has blessed me? Josh.17.15 and josua said to them, if you are a great people, go up in the terebinthe and clean for you, if you are opposed the mountain of ephraim. Josh.17.16 and the people said, the mountain is not sufficient for us, and all the cananans who dwell in bet-shean and in the villages of it who dwell in the dal of jezreel. Josh.17.17 and josua said to the sons of joseph, you are a great people, and have great might; you shall not have one lot. Josh.17.18 but the beast will be for you, for it is a path, you will defile it, and it will be your strangers. for you will destroy the cananeans, for they are a hard horse, and though they are strong. Josh.18.1 and the whole vergadering of the sons of israel gathered to shilo and laid the tent of witness there. and the earth was laid up by them. Josh.18.2 now the sons of israel had not left them seven tribes. Josh.18.3 and jesus said to the israelites, how long do you break away to inherit the land that the lord our god has given you? Josh.18.4 give one of you three men from a tribe, so i will send them out and direct the land and set it in the division of their divisions, and come to me. Josh.18.5 it shall divided it in seven district. judas shall stay in their district in the midst, and the sons of joseph shall be in his region in the country. Josh.18.6 you must divise the land in seven partes, and bring it to me here, and i will cast it for you here our god. Josh.18.7 for the levi have no part among you, for the priesthood of the lord is his part. and gad and ruben and the halve tribe of manassih took their possessions on the other side of the jordan on the oosting, which moses, the servant of the lord, has given them. Josh.18.8 so the men rose and went. and josua commanded those who were going to deceive the land, saying, go and walk the land and leave it and come to me, and i will cast for you a lot before the lord in silo. Josh.18.9 so the people went and went in the land and performed it, as it was in seven parts, in the scroll, and returned to josua in a region. Josh.18.10 so jesus distributed them a lot in shilo before the lord. Josh.18.11 the lot went out to the tribe of the tribes of benjamin according to their families, and the region of their lot was among the sons of judah and the sons of joseph. Josh.18.12 their nordland was from the jordan, and the country went up to the region of jericho at the nord and suke to the mountain on the sea and encouraged in the wilderness of bet-awen. Josh.18.13 from there the region passed to luz, to the south of luuz, that is bethel, and drew down to atrot-addar, to the mountain that is at the midst of beth-horon the new. Josh.18.14 and the region drew and drew around the west, from the mountain before bet-horon, and finied to kiriath-baal ( which is kiriath-jearim ), the city of the sons of judah. this was the west of the west. Josh.18.15 the next country became from the near of kiriath-jearim, and the region drew near to the spring of the water of neftoah. Josh.18.16 then the region drew down to the end of the mountain that leads to the soom of the son of hinnom, which is in the region of refaim norderly, and down down to hinnom hinnom, to the south of the jebusites, and descended to en-rogel. Josh.18.17 he drew around and drew to en-shemesh, and drew to geliloth, which is contrary to adummim, and down to the stone of bohan, the son of ruben, Josh.18.18 so he passed around the region of the araba and descended to araba. Josh.18.19 and the region drew at the nordside of bet-hogla at the nordside and encouraged at the nordside of the sea of salt, to the end of the jordan. this was the mighty region. Josh.18.20 now the jordan bears the region of the east. this was the inheritance of the sons of benjamin with their grenters around their regions, according to the families. Josh.18.21 the towns of the sons of benjamin, according to their families, were jericho, bet-hogla, emek-kesis, Josh.18.22 bet-araba, semaraim, bet-el, Josh.18.23 avvim, para, ofra, Josh.18.24 kefar-ammonai, ofni, and geba: 12 towns with their villages. Josh.18.25 gibeon, rama, beerot, Josh.18.26 mitspe, kefira, moza, Josh.18.27 rekem, rechan, tarala, Josh.18.28 sela, elef, and jebus, which is jerusalem, gibeath and kiriath: 13 städte with their villages. this is the inheritance of the sons of benjamin according to their families. Josh.19.1 the second lot for the sons of simeon departed, the second lot was for the families of the sons of judah. Josh.19.2 among them were: beer-sheba, sheba, molada, Josh.19.3 hasar-sual, bala, and esem, Josh.19.4 eltolad, betul, horma, Josh.19.5 ziklag, bet-markabot, hasar-susa, Josh.19.6 bet-lebaot and sharuhen: 13 towns with their villages. Josh.19.7 ain, rimmon, eter and ashan: four towns with their villages, Josh.19.8 and all the region of these towes, to baalat-bamat-ramath, the region of rama. this is the inheritance of the tribes of the sons of simeon according to their families. Josh.19.9 the inheritance of the sons of simeon was from the lot of juda, for the part of the sons of judah was greater for them. so the sons of simeon became possession in their district. Josh.19.10 the third lots went out to zebulun, according to their families, and the region of their inheritance was for sarid. Josh.19.11 and their region drew on the sea and marala and touched to dabbeseth and touched to the beast that leads to jokneam. Josh.19.12 and from sarid it returned from răsărity to the region of kislot-tabor, and turn to daberat and suke to japhia. Josh.19.13 and from there turn on the east, to gather, to gat-hefer, at it-kasin, and drew to rimmon, coming to nea. Josh.19.14 and the region drew around to hannath and encouraged the region of jiftah-el. Josh.19.15 joath, nahalal, shimron, jechah, and bet-lean, Josh.19.16 this is the lot of the sons of zebulun according to their families, the towns with their villages. Josh.19.17 the fourth lots came for issachar, the offspring. Josh.19.18 their region was jezreel, kesullot, shunem, Josh.19.19 hafaraim, shion, anaharat, Josh.19.20 rabbith, kisjon, ebes, Josh.19.21 remet, en-gannim, en-hadda and bet-passes. Josh.19.22 and the region drew to tabor and shahahaim and bet-shemesh, and their confess finied to the jordan. Josh.19.23 this is the erbbesitz of the tribe of the sons of issachar, according to their families, the towns with their villages. Josh.19.24 the fifth lots went out, as was asser. Josh.19.25 their region was helkat, hali, beten, akshaf, Josh.19.26 alammelech, and amad, and misal; and it draws to karmel west, and to sihor-libnat, Josh.19.27 and returned from the east to bet-dagon, and drew near to zebulun and to the vall of jiftah-el north to bet-emek and neiel and went to kabul in the left, Josh.19.28 ebron, rehob, hammon, and kana, to the great sidon. Josh.19.29 so the region returned to rama and to the beyond city of tirus, and turned to hosa and ended at the sea, from the district of the aczib, Josh.19.30 and rehob, afek and rehob, Josh.19.31 this is the erbbesitz of the tribe of the sons of asher, according to their families, the towns with their villages. Josh.19.32 the sixth lots came out for the descends of naftali. Josh.19.33 their region came from helef, from helan in saanannim, and adami-nekeb and jabneel, like to lakkum and ended at jordan. Josh.19.34 and the region returned to the west, at aznot-tabor, and turn from hukkok and gathered to zebulun on the south, and to asser at the sea and the jordan on the jordan. Josh.19.35 the befestigte cities were sidim, ser and hammat, rakat and kinnereth, Josh.19.36 adama, rama, hasor, Josh.19.37 kedes, edreï, en-hazor, Josh.19.38 jearim, maala, jearim, bet-tanah and beet-shemesh. Josh.19.39 this is the lot of the tribes of the sons of naphtali. Josh.19.40 the seventh lots for the sons of dan came out. Josh.19.41 the region of their region was shora, estaol, and ir-shemesh, Josh.19.42 shaalabin, ajalon, jitla, Josh.19.43 elon, timnata, ekron, Josh.19.44 elteke, gibbeton, baalath, Josh.19.45 jehud, bene-berak, gat-rimmon, Josh.19.46 me-jarkon and jarkon with the region from jafo. Josh.19.47 but the region of the country of them was resposed. so the people of dan went down and angreged lesem, and they welcomed it and killed it by the sword and bowed it, and they called dan dan, by the name of their father dan. Josh.19.48 this is the erbbesitz of the tribe of the sons of dan according to their families, the towns and their villages. so the sons of dan did not destroy the amorites who had afflicted them in the mountain, but the amorites had not allowed them to come into the dal, and they deturned from them the region of their district. Josh.19.49 so when they had finished the region of the land according to their region, the sons of israel gave the lot to josua, the son of nun, in among them. Josh.19.50 according to the instruction of god they gave him the city that he asked, timnat-serah on the mountain of ephraim. and he rebuked the city and dwelled there. Josh.19.51 these are the division that eleazar, the priest, and josua, the son of nun, and the rulers of the families of the families of the tribes of the people of israel in shilo, in the presence of the lord, at the door of the tent of witness. so they took the division of the land. Josh.20.1 and the lord spoke to josua, saying, Josh.20.2 speak to the sons of israel, tell you the country of nature, which i told you by moses, Josh.20.3 that may escape the homicida who has districted a person without answer, so that he may be a refusing for you to escape by the blood of the blood. Josh.20.7 so they repared kedes in galilee, in the mountain of naphtali, shepem in the mountain of ephraim and kiriath-arba, which is hebron, on the mountain of judah. Josh.20.8 and in the other side of the jordan, at the other side of the jordan, they districted beser in the wilderness of the tribe of ruben, and ramot in gilead, from the tribe of gad, and golan in basan from the tribe of manasseh. Josh.20.9 these are the city that are called for all the people of israel and for the proselyts who dwell among them, so that everyone who divided a person unintently there should escape there, so that he may not die in the hand of the blood of the blood of the blood, until he stood before the synagogue. Josh.21.1 the rulers of the families of levi came to eleazar the priest and to jesus the son of nun, and to the families of the families of the tribes of the tribes of the tribes of israel, Josh.21.2 and told them in shilo, in the land of canaan, saying, the lord commanded by moses to give us towns to dwelling, and their weiveld for our feet. Josh.21.3 so the sons of israel gave the levites in their inheritance according to the commandment of the lord these towns with their weiveld. Josh.21.4 so the lot went out for the families of cahath, and the sons of aaron the priests, the levites, became sorths for the lot of juda and from the tribe of simeon and from the tribe of benjamin. Josh.21.5 the rest of the sons of cahat among the tribes of ephraim and from the tribe of dan and from the halve tribe of manasseh. Josh.21.6 the sons of gerson became of the tribes of issachar and from the tribe of aser and from the tribe of neftali and from the halve tribe of manasseh in basan. Josh.21.7 the sons of merari, according to their families, from the tribe of ruben, from the tribe of gad and from the tribe of zebulun. Josh.21.8 so the sons of israel gave to the levites the city and their weiveld, as the lord had commanded by moses. Josh.21.9 and from the tribe of the sons of judah and from the tribe of the sons of simeon the city that are called, Josh.21.10 for the sons of aaron, from the families of kehath, the sons of levi, for them became the lot. Josh.21.11 they gave to them the kiriath-arba, the city of anac, which is hebron, in the mountain of judah, with their weiveld around it. Josh.21.12 but the country of the city and the villages that were, they gave to caleb, the son of jephone, in possession. Josh.21.13 and they gave the sons of aaron the city of refugio for the homicida, hebron and his weiveld, and libna and his bander, Josh.21.14 jattir and the bander for it, and esttemoa and the bander, Josh.21.15 holon and the bander, and debir and the bander, Josh.21.16 ain and the bander for it, jutta and his bander, bet-shemesh and the bander for them: nive cities from these two tribes. Josh.21.17 and from the tribe of benjamin: gibeon and the bander for it, geba and the bander for them, Josh.21.18 anatot and the weiveld for them, almon and the bander for them: four. Josh.21.19 all the cities of the sons of aaron, the priests, were 13. Josh.21.20 the families of the sons of cahath, the levites, the rest of the kehatites, became the city of their region from the tribe of ephraim. Josh.21.21 they gave to them sichem, the town of refugio for the doodslager, and geser and the bander for the town, Josh.21.22 kibsaim and the bander for it and bet-horon and the bander for them: four. Josh.21.23 and from the tribe of dan: elteke and your bander, gibbeton and the bander for it, Josh.21.24 ajalon and the bander for it, gat-rimmon and the bander for them: four. Josh.21.25 and from the halve tribe of manasseh, taanach and its weiveld, and gath-rimmon and the bander for them: two towns. Josh.21.26 for all the families of the rest of the kehatites were ten town and the bander for them. Josh.21.27 the sons of gerson, of the families of gerson, from the half of the tribe of manasseh, the town of sleeping for the murderers, golan in basan and the bander for them, two towns. Josh.21.28 and from the tribe of issachar, kisjon and your bander, daberat and the bander for them, Josh.21.29 jarmut and the bander for it, en-gannim and the bander for it: four. Josh.21.30 and from the tribe of aser: miseal and the bander for it, abdon and its bander, Josh.21.31 helkat and the bander for it, rehob and his weiveld: four. Josh.21.32 and from the tribe of neftali, the town of refugh for the homicida, cades in galilee and the bander for it, and hammot-dor and the bander for the town, Josh.21.33 all the cities of the gersonites, according to their families, were fourteen towns. Josh.21.34 and to the families of the sons of merari, the rest of the levites, were from the tribe of zebulun: jokneam and its weiveld, karta and its weiveld, Josh.21.35 dimna and its weiveld, nahalal and its weiveld: four. Josh.21.36 and from the tribe of ruben, from the tribe of ruben, the refuge of the murderer for the manger, a tosor in the wilderness and the bander for it, jazer with its weiveld, Josh.21.37 kedemoth and his weiveld, mefaat and its weiveld: four. Josh.21.38 and from the tribe of gad: ramoth in galaad, the town for the doodslager, and mahanaim with its weiveld, Josh.21.39 heshbon and its bander, jazer and the bander of it, although all were four. Josh.21.40 all the cities of the sons of merari, according to their families, the rest of the tribes of levi, were ten town. Josh.21.41 all the towns of the levites, in the midst of the children of israel, were 48 towns with their weiveld. Josh.21.42 in all these towes were city and the region around the city, all these towns. when josué had finished the field in the wilderness, josué took the roaves of the roaves, which the people of israel had distributed the town of josua, according to the instruction of the lord, they gave to him the city that he asked, timnat-serah they gave them in the mountain of ephraim. Josh.21.43 so the lord gave to israel the whole land that he had swore to give to their fathers, and they became possessions of it and dwelled in it. Josh.21.44 and the lord gave them rest in all divisions, as he swore to their fathers. no one of their enemies stood up before them, all their enemies god gave them into their hands. Josh.21.45 no one fell from all the good things that the lord had spoken to the people of israel. all was performed. Josh.22.1 then josua called the rubens and the gadites and the half the tribe of manasseh, Josh.22.2 and said to them, you have heard all that moses, the servant of the lord, you commanded, and you have obeyed my voice in all that i have commanded you. Josh.22.3 you did not forgive your brothers in this longer until this day, and you have obeyed the commandments of the lord your god. Josh.22.4 now now the lord our god has rested for your brothers, as he told them. return therefore and go into your tenders, to the land of your possession, which moses, the servant of moses, gave you on the other side of the jordan, Josh.22.5 only keep yourselves and keep the commandments and the law that the servant of the lord moses commanded you, to love the lord your god and walk in all his ways, keep his commandments and hold fast to him and serve him with your whole heart and with all your soul. Josh.22.6 so jesus blessed them and sent them, and they went into their tends. Josh.22.7 to the half of the tribe of manasseh moses gave them land in basan, and to the other half jesus gave them in the other side of the jordan at the west side. and when jesus sent them into their tends and blessed them, Josh.22.8 and said to them, return to their tends with many gifts, with great beast, with silver, gold, iron, soul, and many robes. direct the roof of your enemies with their brothers. Josh.22.9 so the rubens and the gadites and the half of the tribe of manasseh went away from the israelites from shilo in the land of canaan, to go to the land of galaad, in the land of their possession, which they had destined according to the instruction of the lord by moses. Josh.22.10 and when they came to the jordan, which is in the land of canaan, the sons of ruben and gad and the half of the tribe of manasseh built there a altar by the jordan, a great altar to see. Josh.22.11 and when the sons of israel heard that they said, behold, the sons of ruben and gad and the half of the tribe of manasseh have built a altar on the region of the land kanaans, in the region of the jordan, in the way of the israelites. Josh.22.12 and all the sons of israel gathered together in silo that they were going up and strike them. Josh.22.13 so the children of israel sent finehas, the son of eleazar the priest, to the sons of ruben, and to the gadites and to the half of the tribe of manasseh in the land of galaad, Josh.22.14 and with him ten rulers, one ruler for every family of all the tribes of israel. each of them was a ruler of families for the rulers of israel. Josh.22.15 so they came to the children of ruben, to the children of gad and to the half of the tribe of manasseh in the land of galaad, and they told them, Josh.22.16 so says all the synagogue of the lord: what is this transgression that you have committed before the god of israel to turn today from the lord, being built up a altar and have sent you away against the lord? Josh.22.17 is it not a little while of the transgression of pegor, from which we were not cleansed until this day, and that a plague has become in the synagogue of the lord? Josh.22.18 and you return today from the lord. if you do this day, you will turn against the lord, and tomorrow he will wrath against all the whole of israel. Josh.22.19 if your possession is little, passe to the land of your possession, come to the land of the possession of the lord, where the tent of the lord is there, and inherit it among us. but do not be rebelled against god and do not turn against you to build you a altar, outside the altar of the lord our god. Josh.22.20 do not akan, the son of zerah, had committed sin against the banseled, and a wrath came upon all the congregation of israel? and this man died not only to sin for his own sin. Josh.22.21 so the sons of ruben and the gadites and the halve tribes of manasseh answered the rulers of israel, saying, Josh.22.22 the god of god, the god of god, he knows, and israel himself shall know. if we have done in discussion or charge against the lord, let him not escape us in this day, Josh.22.23 if we have build for them a altar to depart from the lord, or to offert darauf sacrifice offerings or sacrifices, or to offering on him sacrifices pacifics, the lord must seek. Josh.22.24 we did not do this for a fear of this, saying, tomorrow your children will say to our children, what will you have with the lord, the god of israel? Josh.22.25 for the lord has set a room among us and you, o jordan, and you have no part in the lord. so your sons will leave our children not to fear the lord. Josh.22.26 so we asked to build this altar, not for offerings or sacrifices, Josh.22.27 but that it may be a testimony among us and you and among our descends after us, that we may serve the service of the lord before him with our offerings and sacrifices and with our sacrifices sacrifices, that your children shall not say to our children: you have no part in the lord. Josh.22.28 so we said, if they say to us and to our generations tomorrow, we will say, look at the image of the altar of the lord that our fathers did, not for offerings or sacrifices, but to be a testimony zwischen you and you. Josh.22.29 let us be from ourselves to rebeld against the lord and turn on this day from the lord, to build a altar for holocauste, sacrifice, and sacrifice, except the altar of the lord, our god, which is before his tent. Josh.22.30 when finehas, the priest, and the rulers of the crowd and the rulers of israel who were with him heard the words that the sons of ruben, the gadites and the manassites said, they pleased it. Josh.22.31 and finehas, the son of eleazar, said to the sons of ruben and the gadites and the manassites, now we know that the lord is among us, for you have not sinned the transgression against the lord. so you delivered the israelites out of the hand of the lord. Josh.22.32 then finehas, son of eleasars, the priest, and the rulers returned from the sons of ruben and from the sons of gad from the land of galaad to the land of canaan to the israelites and brought to them the words. Josh.22.33 it was pleased of the people of israel, and the israelites blessed god, and they did no more to walk against them and destroy the land that the sons of ruben and the gadites were dwelling in it. Josh.22.34 and the rubenites and the gadites called the altar, for it was a testimony among them that the lord is god. Josh.23.1 now many days after the lord had made israel rest from all his enemies around, and jesus was oud and hidden in days, Josh.23.2 then josué called all israel, their elders, their rulers and their officers, and said to them, i have become old and avanged in days. Josh.23.3 you have seen whatever the lord your god did to all these nations before you, for the lord your god has gone for you. Josh.23.4 see, i have cast for you this rest of nations to your tribes, from the jordan to all the nations that i have destroyed, from the sea to the great sea at the sun sun. Josh.23.5 and the lord your god will destroy them from your face, and he will destroy them from your presence, and you will inherit their land, just as the lord your god spoke to you. Josh.23.6 therefore be strong in strength, to keep and do all that is written in the book of the law of moses, so that you may not deceive at right or left, Josh.23.7 so that you may not enter these nations, which are there, and do not name the name of their gods, and not worship them and not serve them. Josh.23.8 but hold fast to the lord your god, as you did until this day. Josh.23.9 so the lord drew out before you great and strong nations, and no one has continued before you until this day. Josh.23.10 one of you has persecuted 1000, for the lord your god will strike against you, as he told you. Josh.23.11 keep yourselves in your way to love the lord your god. Josh.23.12 for if you return and gather to the rest of these nations that are among you, and you will defile them with them, and instead them and they with you, Josh.23.13 you shall know that the lord your god will no more destroy these nations before you, but they will be a snare and a snare for you, and a break in your pinds and waves in your eyes, until you are destroyed from this good land that the lord your god gave you. Josh.23.14 and behold, i am going away the way of all the earth. and you will know of all your hearts and of all your soul that no one has fallen in all the things that the lord, your god, has told you. all have perplexed for you, no one has perished from them. Josh.23.15 but just as all the good things that the lord, your god, has spoken to you, so the lord, your god, will bring upon you all the evil things, until he destroy you from this good land that the lord your god gave you. Josh.23.16 so that you turn the covenant of the lord your god, which he commanded you, and you will go and serve others and worship them, Josh.24.1 and josua gathered all the tribes of israel to shilo and called the elders of israel, their officers and their officers, and they stood before god. Josh.24.2 and josua said to all the people, so says the lord, the god of israel, so as at the other side of the river, your fathers, terah, the father of abraham and the father of nahor, and served others. Josh.24.3 and i took your father abraham from the other side of the river and led him throughout all the land, and i multiplied his offspring and gave him isaac. Josh.24.4 and to isaac i gave jacob and esau, and i delivered to esau the mountain of seir to inherit it, but jacob and his sons went down to egypt. Josh.24.5 then i brought moses and aaron and killed egypt, as i made among them, and after that i led you out. Josh.24.6 and when i had brought your fathers out of egypt, you went into the sea, and the egyptians persecuted your fathers with streitwagen and hors, to the schilde sea. Josh.24.7 so they cried out to the lord, and he made a cloud among you and the egyptians and brought the sea upon them, and it covered them. your eyes saw what i did in egypt. and you were living in the wilderness for many days. Josh.24.8 i brought you into the land of the amorites, who were in the other side of the jordan, and they striked against you, but i delivered them into your hands, and you inhered their land, and i destroyed them before you. Josh.24.9 so balak, the son of zippor, king of moab, rose and directed israel. he sent and called balaam, beor you. Josh.24.10 but i did not listen to me, and so he blessed you, and i delivered you out of their hands. Josh.24.11 and when you had passed over the jordan and arrived to jericho, the residents of jericho, the amorites, the perizzites, the kanaanites, the hetites, the hethites, the girgasites, the hetites and the girgasites, and i delivered them into your hands. Josh.24.12 i sent angst before you, and they drew them out of your presence, the twelve kings of the amorites, not with your sword or your bogen. Josh.24.13 and i gave you a land that you did not labore, and women that you did not build, and you were bound in them. you may eat women and olives, which you did not plant. Josh.24.14 therefore fear the lord and serve him in reason and in righteousness, and take away the gods that your fathers did on the other side of the river and in egypt, and serve the lord. Josh.24.15 but if you do not please to serve the lord, take you today to whom you will serve, whether the gods that your fathers served on the other side of the river, or the gods of the amorites, in their land in which you dwell. but i and my house shall serve the lord. Josh.24.16 and the people answered, no, we must leave the lord and serve others. Josh.24.17 for the lord our god is he who brought us and our fathers out of the land of egypt and made our guard in all the way that we went and among all the nations through which we were passed through. Josh.24.18 and the lord drew out before us all the nations and the amorites who were in this land. we also will serve the lord, for he is our god. Josh.24.19 and josué said to the people, you will not be able to serve the lord, for he is a holy god, a jealousy god. he will not bear up your sins and your sins. Josh.24.20 if you forgive the lord and serves others, then he will turn and destroy you and destroy you, because he has done good to you. Josh.24.21 and the people said to jesus, not, but we will serve the lord. Josh.24.22 and jesus said to the people, you are witnesses for you, that you have chosen the lord to serve him. Josh.24.23 so take away the others who are among you, and turn your hearts to the lord, the god of israel. Josh.24.24 and the people said to jesus, our lord, we will serve, and we shall obey his voice. Josh.24.25 so jesus schloss a covenant with the people on that day, and gave him an law and judgment before the tent of god of israel. Josh.24.26 and josua wrote these words in the book of the law of god, and he took a great stone and put it up under the terebinth, which was in the temple of the lord. Josh.24.27 and josua said to all the people, behold, this stone will be a testimony against you, for he has heard all the things that the lord has spoken to us. this shall be a testimony against you, so that you may not lie your god. Josh.24.28 so josua sent the people, each to his own country. Josh.24.29 after these things, jesus, the son of nun, the servant of the lord, died a hundred years. Josh.24.30 and they buried him at the district of his lot in timnat-serah, in the mountain of ephraim, at the nord of the mountain of gaas. there they laid them with him to the tomb in which the lord had commanded them. there they were even to this day. Josh.24.31 and israel served the lord throughout all the days of josué and all the days of the elders who had continued long after jesus, and who saw all the works of the lord, which he had done for israel. Josh.24.32 the bears of joseph that the sons of israel had brought out of egypt, they buried in shem, at the field of the field that jacob commanded by the sons of sichem, his father of sichem, for 1hundred garders, and which was the birth of joseph. Josh.24.33 after this took place, eleasars, the son of aaron, the high priest, died, and you were buried in gabaath, to the king of his son, which he had given to you on the mountain of ephraim. Judg.1.1 after jesus had died, the people of israel asked the lord, who will go against us against the cananans to strike against them? Judg.1.2 and the lord said, judas will go. behold, i have given the land in his hand. Judg.1.3 and judas said to his brother simeon, go up with me in my lot and strike against the cananed, and i will go with you in your lot. so simeon went with him. Judg.1.4 so juda went up, and the lord gave the cananans and the ferezites in their hands, and they killed them in bezek, 1,000 man. Judg.1.5 and they found adoni-besek in bezek and walked against him, and they killed the cananeans and the perizzites. Judg.1.6 and adoni-bezek fled, but they persecuted him, and they took him and cut off the top of his hands and of his feet. Judg.1.7 then adoni-bezek said, seven kings with the district of their hands and feet were gathered the things under my table. so as i did did god repay me. and they brought him to jerusalem, and he died there. Judg.1.8 and the sons of judah distributed jerusalem, and they took her and killed it with the sword, and they burned the city in fire. Judg.1.9 after this the sons of judah went down to strike against the cananans who were in the mountains, and in the negev, and in the laeving country. Judg.1.10 and juda went to the cananans who dwelled in hebron ( the name of hebron was before kiriath-arba ), and they killed sheshai, ahiman and talmai. Judg.1.11 and from there they went against the residents of debir ( the name of debir was before kiriath-sefer. Judg.1.12 and caleb said, whoever bears kiriath-sepher and receives it, to him i will give my daughter aksa for a wife. Judg.1.13 and othniel, the son of kenaz, the younger brother of caleb, welcomed it, and he gave him his daughter acsa for a wife. Judg.1.14 and as she was coming, she inquired her to ask for her father a land, and she fell down from the asno. and caleb said to her, what are you? Judg.1.15 and she said to him, give me a gift, for you have given me the land of the south, give me water water. so caleb gave her the sound and the sound sound. Judg.1.16 the sons of kened, the daughter of moses, went up from the town of the palm with the sons of judah in the wilderness of arad, who was at the midst of arad, and went and dwelled with the people. Judg.1.17 so judas went with his brother simeon, and they killed the cananans who were in zefat and destroyed it. so they called the city horma. Judg.1.18 judas departed gaza and her region, and askalon with its region, and ekron with its region, Judg.1.19 and the lord was with juda, and he divided the mountain. but he could not destroy those who dwell in the vall, because they had a harb. Judg.1.20 so they gave hebron to caleb, as moses had spoken, and he drew out from there the three sons of anac. Judg.1.21 but the sons of benjamin did not destroy the jebuss who dwelled in jerusalem, and so the jebuss dwelled with the children of benjamin in jerusalem, even to this day. Judg.1.22 so the sons of joseph also went up to bet-el, and the lord was with them. Judg.1.23 the house of israel appointed bet-el, and the name of the city was before luz. Judg.1.24 the guards saw a man coming out of the city and said to him, show us how we may come in the city, and we will show you mercy. Judg.1.25 and he showed them the coming in the city, and they killed the city with the sword, but they sent the man and his relatives. Judg.1.26 so the man went to the land of the hetites and built a city and called it luz. this is the name of it until this day. Judg.1.27 and manasseh refused not the residents of bet-shean, neither the residents of jibleam and its tochters, nor the residents of dor and its daughters, nor those of jibleam and its villages, nor those of megiddo and its onderhorige places. so the cananeans began to dwell in this land. Judg.1.28 when israel had been strengthened, he put the cananans to carry, but did not drive them out. Judg.1.29 ephraim did not drive the cananans who dwelled in gezer, and the cananed dwelled in gezer among them in gezer. Judg.1.30 zebulon did not destroy the residents of kitron and the inwoners of nahalol, but the cananeans dwelled among them and became to serving. Judg.1.31 asher did not destroy the residents of acco, nor the residents of sidon, of aclab, of akzib, of helba, of afek, and of rehob, Judg.1.32 so the aser dwelled in the midst of the cananed who were in the land, for they could not drive them. Judg.1.33 neftali did not destroy the residents of bet-shemesh, nor the habitants of beth-anath, but abid in the midst of the kananeens who were in the country of the land. but the residents of bet-shemesh and of beth-anath became to their tributs. Judg.1.34 and the amorites oppressed the danites into the mountains, for they had not allowed them to come down into the vall. Judg.1.35 the amorites began to dwell in har-heres, in ajalon and in saalbim, but the hand of the house of joseph was greatly carried, and they were tributful. Judg.1.36 the region of the amorites was from above akrabbim, from the rock and above. Judg.2.1 and the angel of the lord went up from gilgal to bokim and said, i have brought you out out of egypt and brought you into the land that he swore to your fathers. and i said, i will not break my covenant with you forever. Judg.2.2 yet you do not make a covenant with those who dwells in this land, but destroy their altars. but you did not listen to my voice. why did you do? Judg.2.3 so i said, i will not drive them out of your presence, but they shall be a strict for you, and their gods will become a stumbling block for you. Judg.2.4 when the angel of the lord had spoken these words to all the people of israel, the people wept out and wept. Judg.2.5 so they called that place was bochim, and they offered there to the lord. Judg.2.6 when josué had directed the people, the sons of israel went, each to his inheritance, to inherit the land. Judg.2.7 so the people served the lord in all the days of josua and all the days of the elders who longed the days after jesus, who had known all the great work that he had done for israel. Judg.2.8 and josua, the son of nun, a servant of the lord, died, of 110 years. Judg.2.9 and they buried him in the region of his inheritance in timnat-heres, in the mountain of ephraim, at the north of the town of gaas. Judg.2.10 and all that generation was gathered to their fathers, and another generation rose up after them, who did not know the lord and the work that he had done for israel. Judg.2.11 the people of israel did what was evil in the eyes of the lord and served the baals. Judg.2.12 they devoted the lord, the god of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of egypt, and went on others god, from the god of the people who were around them, and they worshiped them and provoked the ira of the lord. Judg.2.13 and they left the lord and served baal and astarte. Judg.2.14 so the wrath of the lord flamed against israel, and he delivered them into the hands of robbers, who sold them and delivered them in the hand of their enemies around them, so that they were not able to stand against their enemies. Judg.2.15 in whatever they were sexually immoral, the hand of the lord was against them to fall, as the lord had spoken to them, and so they were strengthened. Judg.2.16 so the lord raised a judge, who saved them out of the hand of those who plunder them. Judg.2.17 but they did not listen to their judges, but sexual immorality followed others gods and worshiped them. soon soon turned from the way that their fathers followed, hearing the commandments of the lord. they did not do so. Judg.2.18 and as the lord raised them a judges, the lord was with the judge and saved them from the hand of their enemies in all the days of the judge, for the lord was encouraged, when they became greatly troubled for those who afflicted them and afflicted them. Judg.2.19 but as the judge died, they returned and turned again, more than their fathers, following others god to serve them and worship them. they did not throw away their deeds and did not turn from their hardness of hard. Judg.2.20 so the wrath of the lord was accended against israel, and he said, because this nation has kept my covenant that i commanded their fathers, and did not obey my voice, Judg.2.21 so i will never drive away one of the nations that jesus left, while he left. Judg.2.22 so that i may prote israel by them, if they keep the way of the lord and walk in it, as their fathers did, or not. Judg.2.23 so the lord left these nations and did not drive them quickly, and he gave them not in the hand of jesus. Judg.3.1 now these are the nations that jesus left, so that they might test israel by them, all who did not know all the gueres of canaan, Judg.3.2 except the generations of the people of israel to instruct the war, except those who did not know them — Judg.3.3 the five rulers of the philistins, all the cananeos, the sidonians and the hevites who were in the mountain of the libano, from the mountain of baal-hermon to the region of hamath. Judg.3.4 they were to tempt israel by them to know whether they were hearing the commandments of the lord that he commanded their fathers by moses. Judg.3.5 so the sons of israel divided among the kananeens, the hetites, the amorites, the perizzites, the hevites and the jebusites. Judg.3.6 and they took their daughters to themselves, and their daughters they gave to their sons, and they serve their gods. Judg.3.7 the people of israel did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and died the lord their god and served the baals and the astartes. Judg.3.8 so the wrath of the lord was act against israel, and he delivered them into the hand of kushan-rishataim, king of mesopotamia, and they served kushan-rishataim acht years. Judg.3.9 when the israelites cried out to the lord, the lord raised a savior to israel and saved them, the son of otniel, the younger brother of caleb. Judg.3.10 the spirit of the lord was upon him, and he was judge in israel. he went out to belong, and the lord gave kushan-rishataim, the king of syria, in his hand, and his hand was able against kushan-rishataim. Judg.3.11 and the land had rest for two years, and otniel, the son of kenaz, died. Judg.3.12 but the sons of israel did again what was evil in the eyes of the lord. and the lord appointed eglon, king of moab, against israel, because they had done what was evil in the eyes of the lord. Judg.3.13 and he gathered the people of ammon and amalek, and he went and struck israel, and they inhered the palm city. Judg.3.14 and the people of israel served eglon, the king of moab, eight years. Judg.3.15 and the people of israel cried out to the lord, and the lord raised them a savior, the son of gera, the son of gery, a man who was walking. so the people of israel sent in his hand a gift to eglon, the king of moab. Judg.3.16 and ehud did for himself a two-edged sword, a lengte of a length, and put it down under his garment at his right side. Judg.3.17 and he brought the gift to eglon, the king of moab, and eglon was a great man. Judg.3.18 when ehud had finished the gift, he sent those who had received the gift. Judg.3.19 but he returned from the sculping that was at gilgal, and said, i have a secret for you, o king. and he said, look! and all who stood by him went out of him. Judg.3.20 when ehud had come to him, he sat in the room room that was for him only. and ehud said, i have a word of god to you. so he rose from the throne, Judg.3.21 and ehud stretched his left hand and took the sword from his right hair and put it into his womb, Judg.3.22 so that the brid also went back after the bright, and the grain gave up the rop, because he did not take the sword from his womb. Judg.3.23 so ehud went out in the room and gathered the door of the wail over it and wounded it. Judg.3.24 when he had gone out, the servants of him went in and saw it, and behold, the door of the high room were closed. they said, he would have set his food in the surrounding place. Judg.3.25 so they continued at confusion, but he did not open the door of the salb. so they took the shut and opened, and behold, their master leed dead in the land. Judg.3.26 while they were waiting, ehud escaped, and he was passing along the idols and escaped to seira. Judg.3.27 when he came, he trumpeted a trumpet on the mountain of ephraim, and the israelites went down with him on the mountain, and he was before them. Judg.3.28 and he said to them, follow me, for the lord gave your enemies, the moabitas, in your hand. so they went down after him and took the crowds of the jordan to moab, and they left no one to pass. Judg.3.29 in that time they killed about 1,000 moabites, all heirs and soldiers, and no one escaped. Judg.3.30 so in that day moab was humilied under the hand of israel. and the land had remain 80 years. Judg.3.31 after him samgar, the son of anat, killed, and killed the philister sexhundred men with a oxe of oxen. so he saved israel. Judg.4.1 the sons of israel continued again to do what was evil in the eyes of the lord. Judg.4.2 so the lord sold them into the hand of jabin the king of canaan, who realled at hasor. his ruler was sisera, who was in haroseth of the nations. Judg.4.3 and the israelites cried out to the lord, for he had six hundred iron of iron, and had strengthened the people of israel for thirty years. Judg.4.4 now in that time debora, a prophecy, the wife of laphidoth, was a judge in that time. Judg.4.5 she was sitting by the palm of debora, among rama and bet-el, in the mountain of ephraim, and the israelites went up to her to judge. Judg.4.6 she sent and invited barak, the son of abinoam, from kedes of naftali, and said to him, did the lord, the god of israel, command: go and go to the mountain of tabor, and take with you 1,000 man of the sons of neftali and from the sons of zebulun? Judg.4.7 and i will bring him to you to the spring of kison, sisera, the ruler of jabin, with his waves and his multitude, and i will give him in your hand. Judg.4.8 and barak said to her, if you go with me, i will go, but if you not go with me, i will not go. Judg.4.9 and she said, i will go with you, but your action will not be to the way that you will go, for the lord will sell sisera in the hand of a woman. and debora stood up and went with barak to kedes. Judg.4.10 so barak called zebulun and naftali to kedes, and ten thousand man went up by his feet, and debora went up with him. Judg.4.11 but heber the kenites was separed from the sons of hobab, the soin of moses, and had taken his tent to the terebinthe of anaanaim, which is at kedes. Judg.4.12 when they told sisera that barak, the son of abinoam, had ascended on the mountain of tabor. Judg.4.13 so sisera called all his streitwagen, 900 iron of iron, and all the people who were with him, from haroseth of the nations to the beek kison. Judg.4.14 and debora said to barak, rise, for this is the day when the lord gave sisera in your hand. the lord has come before you? so barak went down from the mountain of tabor, and 1,000 man followed him. Judg.4.15 and the lord rejected sisera and all his carriers and all his people by the sword of the sword. and sisera went down from his wagen and flowed. Judg.4.16 but barak persecuted the chars and the camp to haroseth of goim. and all the leading people of sisera fell to the sword of the sword, not one left. Judg.4.17 but sisera withdrew at the tent of jael, the wife of heber the kenites, for there was peace among jabin, the king of hasor, and the house of heber the keniten. Judg.4.18 and jael went out for sisera and said to him, draw out, my lord, come out to me, do not fear. and he turned to her in the tent, and she covered him with her. Judg.4.19 and he said to her, give me a little water to drink, for i was thirsty. then she opened the milk of the milk and gave him drink and opened him. Judg.4.20 and he said to her, stand at the door of the tent, and if anyone comes and ask you, saying, is there any man? you shall say, it is. Judg.4.21 and jael, the wife of heber, took a pied of the tent and laid a march in her hand, and she went in to him and stricked the flock in his cloak and distributed it in the earth, since he was distress, and he died. Judg.4.22 and behold, when barak persecuted sisera, jael went out to him and said to him, come, i will show you the man whom you seek. so he went to her, and behold, sisera had fallen dead, and the pluck in his arms. Judg.4.23 so god humilied in that day jabin, the king of canaan, before the sons of israel. Judg.4.24 and the hand of the israelites followed jabin, the king of canaan, until they destroyed jabin, the king of canaan. Judg.5.1 in that day debora and barak, the son of abinoam, sang in that day: Judg.5.2 for the rulers of israel beginning, the people pleased, praise the lord. Judg.5.3 hear, rulers, listen to me, you rulers! i will sing for the lord, the god of israel. Judg.5.4 o lord, when you came out of seir, when you went away from the country of edom, the earth became beating, the heavens were shaken, and the clouds flored water. Judg.5.5 the mounts were shaken before the lord, this sinai was before the lord, the god of israel. Judg.5.6 in the days of samgar, the son of anath, in the days of jael the gathers departed, the straight ways walked. Judg.5.7 the faniers departed in israel, they were removed, until i stood up, debora, as well as a mother in israel. Judg.5.8 they were arranced a new god, as a bread of a judge, as well as an entrance in fyrrety thousand. Judg.5.9 my heart is with the rulers of israel, who belong to the people. praise the lord! Judg.5.10 it was seated on a donkey, sitting on the lamp, Judg.5.11 you will proclaim the sound of the gatherders, there they will give the righteousness of the lord, the righteous deeds in israel. then the people of the lord went down to their towns. Judg.5.12 wake out, despert, debora! wase, wase, and speak sang! rise, barak, and take your captives captive, o son of abinoam! Judg.5.13 when the furth of his power was granted, o lord, afflicted me those who are mighty. Judg.5.14 of ephraim followed them in amalec, your brother benjamin was with your people. from machir the eunuchs descended, and from zebulun the rulers of the scepter. Judg.5.15 the rulers of issachar were with debora, and issaschar was with debora, and issachar went out to the vall. in the divisions of ruben were great things earnestly. Judg.5.16 why did you sit among the boves, so that you heard the flots of the visions? in the regions of ruben were great unsearched of heart. Judg.5.17 galaad remained in the other side of the jordan, and dan why was dwelling in the boats? aser remained at the beach of the sea and remained in his district. Judg.5.18 zebulon is a people who insulted his soul to death, and naftali in the ground of the field. Judg.5.19 the kings came and distributed; then the kings of canaan walked to taanach, at the waters of megiddo, but they received no more of silver. Judg.5.20 from heaven the stars, the stars, from their order, walked against sisera. Judg.5.21 the spring of kison has cast out them, a royal flood, the springs of kison. o my soul, you can be trampled! Judg.5.22 then the passes of horse were cut off, the trouble of their helds. Judg.5.23 band meroz, said the angel of the lord, band, curse its house, for they have not come to the help of the lord, to help the lord among the helds. Judg.5.24 blessed be among the women jael, the wife of heber the kenites, be blessed among those who are in the tent. Judg.5.25 water asked, she gave him a milk, in a wealth he brought a back. Judg.5.26 he stretched his hand to a pluck, and his right hand to the marished of the laborers. she struck sisera and cut his head, struck and distributed his knowledge. Judg.5.27 he fell down at her feet, fell down and fell down. in her feet he fell down, there he fell down, destroyed. Judg.5.28 out of the fenster the mother of sisera looked by the fenster, saying, why did his waves come? why are the waves of his waves? Judg.5.29 the wise of her arms responds to her, and she reasoned his discussion: Judg.5.30 they will not find him a striking, distributing a fellow women on the head of a held, a boot of siseras, a district a district back for his neck? Judg.5.31 so let all your enemies, o lord, destroy. but those who love him be as the sun, when it comes in his strength. and the land rested 40 years. Judg.6.1 the people of israel did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and the lord gave them in the hand of the midians seven years. Judg.6.2 the hand of madian was strengthened against israel, and the people of israel made for themselves gows in the mountains, the ground in the mountains, and the spelonks and the treasures. Judg.6.3 for when israel had sown, the midianites and the amalekites and the sons of the east went up against them. Judg.6.4 they leated their tends against them and destroyed the ground of the land until they came to gaza, and they left no life in israel, even sheep, or oxen, nor oxen. Judg.6.5 for they went up with their beast and their tents and came like a multitude in multitude, and they and their camel were not number, and they went in the land to destroy it. Judg.6.6 so israel increased greatly for the midianites, and the people of israel cried out to the lord. Judg.6.7 and when the sons of israel cried out to the lord because of madian, Judg.6.8 and the lord sent a prophet to the people of israel, and he said to them, so says the lord, the god of israel: i have brought you out of egypt and brought you out of the house of service, Judg.6.9 i delivered you out of the hand of egypt and from the hand of all who afflicted you, and i put them out of your presence, and i gave you their land, Judg.6.10 and i said to you, i am the lord your god. you shall not fear the gods of the amorites, where you are in their land. but you did not listen to my voice. Judg.6.11 then the angel of the lord came and sat down under the terebinthe in ofra, which was of joas'father of abiezer. his son gideon was dressed the wheat in the winepress, so that he might escape from the midianites. Judg.6.12 and the angel of the lord appeared to him and said to him, the lord is with you, you strong held! Judg.6.13 and gideon said to him, ag, my lord, if the lord is with us, why have all these things done upon us? and where are all his wonders that our fathers told us, saying, did the lord not led us out from egypt? but now the lord has put us away and delivered us in the hand of madian. Judg.6.14 and the angel of the lord looked to him and said, go out in your power and save israel with your hands. do i send you out? Judg.6.15 and he said to him, my lord, with what shall i save israel? my company is a little man in manasseh, and i am the little in the house of my father. Judg.6.16 and the lord said to him, i will be with you, and you will strike the midianites like one man. Judg.6.17 and gideon said to him, if i have found grace in your eyes, then make me a sign that you have been speaking to me. Judg.6.18 do not escape from here, until i come to you and bring my sacrifice and lay it before you. and he said, i will sit until you return. Judg.6.19 and gideon went and made a bopreter and unleavened bread with a epha of a efa of efa, he laid the flesh in a cally, and the food he poured in a hoir and brought it to him under the terebinthe and worshiped him. Judg.6.20 and the angel of the lord said to him, take the flesh and the unleavened bread, and put it on that rock and break the broy out. and he did so. Judg.6.21 and the angel of the lord stretched the head of the scepter that was in his hand and touched the flesh and the unleavened bread. so a fire came up from the rock and consured the flesh and the unleavened bread. and the angel of the lord departed from his eyes. Judg.6.22 and when gideon saw that it was an angel of the lord, he said, ah, lord, lord, for i have seen the angel of the lord face to face. Judg.6.23 and the lord said to him, peace be with you. do not be afraid, you will not die. Judg.6.24 and gideon best there a altar to the lord and called it: the lord is peace. it is still in ofra of the abiezrites. Judg.6.25 in that very night the lord said to him, take the oxe of your father, a kalf of seven years, and destroy the altar of baal, which is for your father, and cut down the astarty that is at it, Judg.6.26 and build the altar to the lord your god on the head of this fish, in the way, and take the oxe and offer it as holocauste in the tree of the astarty that you will cut. Judg.6.27 so gideon took ten men of his servants and did so, as the lord had spoken to him. but as he was afraid of the house of his father and the people of the city, he did not do at the day. Judg.6.28 when the men of the city were around the morning, behold, the altar of baal was cut down, and the astarty that was around it was cut down, and the feast of the feast was offered to the altar that was built. Judg.6.29 and they said to one another, who did this? and they were seeking and seeking, and they said, gideon, the son of joas, has done this. Judg.6.30 so the men of the city said to joas, bring your son out, and let him die, for he has destroyed the altar of baal and cut down the astarty that was at it. Judg.6.31 but joas said to those who stood by him, do you strike for baal, or whether you will save him? whoever punish him will died to the morning to the morning. if he is a god, he will pursue himself, because he has destroyed his altar. Judg.6.32 and he called him on that day: baal deceive, for he has destroyed his altar. Judg.6.33 all the midianans, the amalekites and the sons of the east were gathered together, passed over and departed in the dal of jezreel. Judg.6.34 but the spirit of god was put on gideon, and he blew his trumpet, and the abiezers gathered after him. Judg.6.35 and he sent messengers into the whole manasseh, and they also followed him. he sent messengers to aser and zebulun and neftali, and they went up to meet him. Judg.6.36 and gideon said to god, if you will save israel by my hand, as you have said, Judg.6.37 behold, i will put a wolle of wolle in the grain. if dauw is only on the foot, and the whole earth will be drowed, so i will know that you will save israel by my hand, just as you have been told. Judg.6.38 so was it. the next day, on the morning of the next day he broke the foot and poured a row from the wolk full of water. Judg.6.39 and gideon said to god, let your wrath not be wrath against me, if i may speak once more, so that i may make my proat again in the woll. let the wolf only be drow, and on the whole land let it be ross. Judg.6.40 and god did so in that night. there was drow at the foot only, and there was the ross on the whole land. Judg.7.1 so jerubbaal ( that is gideon ) and all the people who were with him around the morning and learned the tender of harod. the camp of madian was at the north, from the coll of more, in the vall. Judg.7.2 and the lord said to gideon, the people that are with you is much, so that i will give the midianites into their hands, so that israel may not boast about me, saying, my hand has saved me. Judg.7.3 therefore tell the people, speak to the ears of the people, saying, who is afraid and afraid, let him return and depart from the mountain of galaad. so 12,000 from the people turned away, and seven thousand left. Judg.7.4 and the lord said to gideon, the people are still with you. bring them down to the water, and there i will test them for you. anyone of whom i will say to you shall go with you, he shall go with you. and one of whom i tell you, this shall not go with you. Judg.7.5 so he led the people down to the water. and the lord said to gideon, everyone who latters the water with his tongue as the hund lats, you shall put at one side, and everyone who leads on his knees to drink. Judg.7.6 the number of those who lifted up the hand in their hand was three hundred men. all the rest of the people fell down at their knees to drink water. Judg.7.7 and the lord said to gideon, by these three hundred men who lifted water, i will save you and give the midianites in your hand. all the people should go, each to his place. Judg.7.8 so they took the food of the people in their hands and their horns. and he sent all the people of israel one man to his tent, but he kept the three hundred men. and the tender of madian was under him in the vall. Judg.7.9 in that night the lord said to him, rise, come down to the camp, for i have given it in your hand. Judg.7.10 but if you are afraid to come, come down you with your servant pura into the barracks, Judg.7.11 and you shall hear what they will speak, and after this your hands will be strengthened, and you will come down in the camp. so he went down with his servant pura to the district of the feast of the camp. Judg.7.12 the midianites and amaleks and all the people of the east were set in the vall as a multitude in multitude, and their camels were not number, like the sand at the sea of the sea. Judg.7.13 and when gideon came, a man spoke to his neighbor a son and said, i saw a son, and behold, a bread of a cevade bread was rolled down in the tender of madian and came to the tent and struck it and drew it down, and the tent fell down. Judg.7.14 and his neighbor answered, it is not only the sword of gideon, the son of joas, man of israel. god gave the midianites and the whole camp in his hand. Judg.7.15 when gideon heard the describe of the droom and his interpretation, he worshiped. then he returned to the camp of israel and said, rise, for the lord gave the camp of madian in your hand. Judg.7.16 and he distributed the three hundred men in three parts, and gave them in the hand of all the horns and false water and lampen in the watch. Judg.7.17 and he said to them, see with me and do so. when i come into the midst of the camp i will do. whatever i do will do so. Judg.7.18 when i shuies the trumpet, i and all who are with me, and you also shall trumpet the trumpet around the whole camp and say, for the lord and for gideon! Judg.7.19 so gideon and the hundred men who were with him entered the rand of the camp, at the beginning of the midst of the midi. they shept the trumpet and broke the water that were in their hands. Judg.7.20 then the three arms were blow in the trumpet and tore the jar, and they took their faces in their left hand and the trumpet in their right hand to blow, and they cried out, the word of the lord and of gideon. Judg.7.21 so they stood, each one at his place, around the camp, and the whole camp ran, and they cried out and fled. Judg.7.22 when the three hundred trumpet became in the trumpet, the lord put a sword of one against his neighbor in the whole camp, and the camp fled to bet-shitta at serera, to the sea of abel-mehola at tabbath. Judg.7.23 then the people of israel were gathered from naphtali, of aser and of all manasseh, and they persecuted the midianites. Judg.7.24 and gideon had sent messagers into all the region of ephraim, saying, come down to the hand of madian and take the water for them to bet-bara and the jordan. and all the men of ephraim cried out and took the water to bet-bara and the jordan. Judg.7.25 and they took the two rulers of midian, oreb and zeeb, and killed oreb in oreb, and zeeb they killed in the roper of zeeb. they persecuted the midianites, and they brought the head of oreb and zeeb to gideon on the other side of the jordan. Judg.8.1 and the men of ephraim said to him, what is this that you have done for us, that you did not call us when you went out to strike against madian? and they strictly judged him. Judg.8.2 and he said to them, why have i done now like you? is it not more than abiezer the vineyard of abiezer? Judg.8.3 god gave in your hand the rulers of madian, oreb and zeeb. what have i able to do so as you? then their spirit turned from him, when he spoke this word. Judg.8.4 and when gideon came to the jordan, he went over with the three hundred men who were with him. they were being hungry and hungry. Judg.8.5 and he said to the men of succoth, give to the people who are with me, for they are hungry, and i press zebah and salmunna, the kings of madian. Judg.8.6 and the rulers of succoth said, has now zebah and salmunna now in your hand, that we should give your soldier bread? Judg.8.7 and gideon said, since the lord will give zebah and salmunna in my hand, i will strike your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with the thorns of the wilderness. Judg.8.8 and he went away from there to penuel and spoke to them according to this way. the men of penuel answered him just as the men of succoth answered him. Judg.8.9 and he told the people of penuel, when i had returned to peace, i will destroy this turn. Judg.8.10 and zebee and salmunna were in carkor, and their leading people with them, about five thousand, all who had left the whole camp of the sons of the ooste. 12,000 man who had killed by sword were hundred thousand men. Judg.8.11 and gideon went up to the way of those who dwelled in tentters, on the east of nobah and jogbeha, and districted the tender in confidence. Judg.8.12 zebee and salmunna fled, but he persecuted them, and he seized the two kings of madian, zebah and tsalmunna, and destroyed the whole camp. Judg.8.13 and gideon, the son of joas, returned from the war, from the way of heres. Judg.8.14 and he took a young man from the men of succoth and asked him, and he declared to him the rulers of succoth and her elders, seven seven men. Judg.8.15 and he came to the men of succoth and said, here are zebah and salmunna, for whom you have insulted me, saying, is it that zebah and salmunna have now been in your hand, that we should give bread to your uttered men? Judg.8.16 and he took the elders of the city and the thorns of the wilderness and the thorns and produced among them the men of succoth. Judg.8.17 and he distributed the torn of penuel and killed the men of the city. Judg.8.18 and he said to zebee and salmuna, what were the men that you killed at tabor? and they said, they were like you, all they were like sons of kings. Judg.8.19 and he said, they were my brothers, sons of my mother. so wahr the lord lives, if you had kept them alive, i would not have killed you. Judg.8.20 and he said to jeter, his firstborn, rise and kill them. but the young man did not take his sword, for he was afraid, since he was a young man. Judg.8.21 so zebah and salmunna said, rise you and destroy us, for as man is the man, it is his power. so gideon rose and killed zebee and salmunna, and he took the garments that had at the hill of their camels. Judg.8.22 and the people of israel said to gideon, you and your sons, you and your sons, for you have saved us out of the hand of madian. Judg.8.23 but gideon said to them, i will not be domined over you, nor my son will domine you; the lord will domine over you. Judg.8.24 and gideon said to them, i will ask you a certain charge, each of you give me his garments. for they had golden ringe, because they were ismaelites. Judg.8.25 and they said, we will give it. and they threw his garment and throwed every one of his rouble to there. Judg.8.26 the gewicht of the golden seeds that he had asked for was 1,700 sikles of gold, except the baskets and the garments and the purple robes, which were over the kings of madian, and except the gold, which were in the hill of their camels. Judg.8.27 and gideon made the efod for him and put it in his city in ofra, and all israel were sexually immoral to them, and it became a stumbling block to gideon and his household. Judg.8.28 so the midians were humilied before the israelites and did not take up their head, and the land had remain for 40 years in the days of gideon. Judg.8.29 so jerubbaal, the son of joas, went and dwelled in his house. Judg.8.30 and gideon had seventy-two sons who had come out, because he had many women. Judg.8.31 and his neals who was in sichem became birth to him a son, and he gave him name abimelech. Judg.8.32 and gideon, the son of joas, died in a good old age and was buried in the tomb of his father joas, in ofra of the abi-ezri. Judg.8.33 when gideon had died, the israelites returned and became sexual immorality with the baals and made baal-berit to be their god. Judg.8.34 the children of israel did not remember the lord their god, who had saved them from the hand of all their enemies around. Judg.8.35 and they did not show mercy to the house of jerubbaal, gideon, as well as all the good that he had done to israel. Judg.9.1 so abimelech, the son of jerubbaal, went to sichem, to the brothers of his mother, and spoke to them and to all the relatives of the house of his mother, saying, Judg.9.2 say to the whole of the cities of sichem: what is better for you, that seven men of jerubbaal domine over you, or should one man domine over you? remember that i am your flesh and your flesh. Judg.9.3 and the brothers of his mother told him all these words to the ears of all the cities of sichem, and their hearts turned to abimelech, for they said, he is our brother. Judg.9.4 they gave him seventy-silver silver from the temple of baal-berith, and for them abimelechs learned men of false and growless men, and they followed him. Judg.9.5 so he went into his father's house to ofra and killed his brothers, the sons of jerubbaal, seven men, on one stone. but jotham, the younger son of jerubbaal, was left, because he was hidden. Judg.9.6 then all the cities of sichem and the whole house of millo gathered, and they went and made abimelech a king by the foundation of the place that was in sichem. Judg.9.7 when they was told jotham, he went and stood on the top of the mountain of garizim and raised up his voice and called to them, hear me, men of shem, and god will listen to you. Judg.9.8 there were coming the boves to anoint a king for themselves, and they said to the olives, regn over us. Judg.9.9 but the olive said to them, shall i keep my phy, which god and people will glorify in me and go to share over the tree? Judg.9.10 so the tree said to the fig tree, come your king. Judg.9.11 but the fig tree said to them, shall i keep away my duld and my good fruit, and will go to share over the tree? Judg.9.12 so the boves said to the stock, come you, be king over us. Judg.9.13 but the vineyard said to them, shall i keep my wine that rejoice god and people, and shall go to share over the tree? Judg.9.14 so all the boats said to the torn, come you, be king over us. Judg.9.15 and the treasure said to the drans, if it is in the truth that you will anoint me to be king over you, come and make confidence in my shadow, but if not, fire may come out of the drawn and consure the cedres of the libano. Judg.9.16 therefore if you have done in truth and perfect doing and made a king of abimelech, and if you have done good to jerubbaal and his household, and did you do to him according to the reward of his hand, Judg.9.17 ( for my father was strived for you and threw his soul and delivered you out of the hand of madian, Judg.9.18 but you have returned this day against the house of my father and killed his sons, seven men, on one stone, and have made abimelech, the son of his servant, king over the cities of sichem, because he is your brother. Judg.9.19 if you have done this this day in truth and perfect doing with jerubbaal and his house, rejoice in abimelech, and he must rejoice in you. Judg.9.20 but if it is not, then come fire out of abimelech and consume the cities of shekem and the house of millo, and fire may come out of the cities of sichem and from the house of millo and consume abimelech. Judg.9.21 then jotham became back and went to beara, and dwelled there for the sake of his brother abimelech. Judg.9.22 as abimelech had divided three years over israel, Judg.9.23 then god sent a evil spirit among abimelech and the cities of sichem, and the cities of sichem departed to abimelech, Judg.9.24 so that the punishment of the seventy sons of jerubbaal were brought to be brought, and their blood to put upon elimelech, their brother, who had killed them, and on the cities of sichem, who had strengthened his hands to kill his brothers. Judg.9.25 and the cities of shem laid a hinderance against him on the top of the mountains, and they stricked all who passed by them on the way. so it was told abimelech. Judg.9.26 so gaal, the son of ebed, came with his brothers to sichem, and the cities of sichem made confidence in him. Judg.9.27 so they went to the field and distributed their vineyards, and tried in the ground, and they went in the house of their god, and they were eating and drinking and incurved abimelech. Judg.9.28 gaal, the son of ebed, said, who is abimelek, and who is shekem, that we should serve him? is he not the son of jerubbaal? and zebul is his overseer? serve to the men of hamor, the father of shechem, and why do we serve him? Judg.9.29 if i would have this people in my hand, i would have removed abimelech. and he said to abimelech, increase your power and come out! Judg.9.30 but when zebul, the ruler of the city, heard the words of gaal, the son of ebed, enflamed his wrath. Judg.9.31 and he sent messengers to abimelech, saying, behold, gaal, the son of ebed, and his brothers are coming to sichem, and behold, they make the city belonging to you. Judg.9.32 so rise in the night you and the people who are with you, and put on the country on the field. Judg.9.33 and early in the morning, when the sun rose, you will rise and throw out against the city. and when he and the people who are with him come out to you, you must do to him what you will find. Judg.9.34 so abimelech and all the people who were with him arose in the night and put back against shem in four parts. Judg.9.35 so gaal, the son of ebed, went out and stood by the door of the city, and abimelech and the people who were with him rose out of the emboscets. Judg.9.36 when gaal saw the people, he said to zebul, behold, people come down from the top of the mountains. and zebul said to him, you see the shadow of the mounts as men. Judg.9.37 and gaal spoke again, and said, behold, a people descends on the sea, and one beginning comes from the way of a terebinthe. Judg.9.38 and zebul said to him, where is now your mouth that you said, who is abimelech, that we should serve him? is it not the people that you have despised. go therefore and make war against them! Judg.9.39 so gaal went out before the cities of sichem and divided abimelech. Judg.9.40 but abimelech persecuted him, and he flowed from him, and many fell down, as many as at the door of the city. Judg.9.41 so abimelech remained in aruma, and zebul drew gaal and his brothers out, so that they might not live in sichem. Judg.9.42 on the next day the people went out into the field, and it was told abimelech. Judg.9.43 and he took the people and divided them in three parts and put in his hinderness. and when he saw the people out of the city, he stood up against them and killed them. Judg.9.44 so abimélech and the rulers that were with him treated and stood by the town of the city, and the two parts were distributed over all who were in the field and killed them. Judg.9.45 and abimelech distributed the city all that day, and they took the city and distributed the people who were in it. and he distributed the city and semped it with salt. Judg.9.46 when all the people of the torn of sichem heard this, they went into the burn of the house of el-berith. Judg.9.47 and when to abimelech was told that all the people of the turn of sichem were gathered together. Judg.9.48 so abimélech went up on the mountain of salmon, he and all the people who were with him. he took a weak in his hand and cut a bood of a tree, and put it on his hombry, and said to the people who were with him, what you have seen me i have done quickly. Judg.9.49 so all the people cut off each one of them, and they followed abimelech and put it on the burn and burned them the burn by fire. so all the people of the torn of sichem died, about thousand men and women. Judg.9.50 so abimelech went to tebes, and belaged tebes and took her. Judg.9.51 now there was a great turn in the midst of the city, and all the men and women and all the rulers of the city fled there, lifted up them and went up on the housetop of the turn. Judg.9.52 so abimelech came to the turn and distributed him. and he drew near to the door of the turn to burn to burn. Judg.9.53 but one woman heike a cloak of a stone on the head of abimelech and struck his cloak. Judg.9.54 he immediately cried out to the young man who drayed his waves, and said to him, put your sword and put me, that they may not say to me, a woman has killed him. and his servant drew him out, and he died. Judg.9.55 when the israelites saw that abimelech had died, they went each to his own place. Judg.9.56 so god rejected elimelech the evil that he had done to his father, when he killed his seventh brothers. Judg.9.57 and all the evil things of the people of sichem god turned to their head, and the curse of jotham, the son of jerubbaal, came upon them. Judg.10.1 after abimelech he rose to save israel thola, son of pua, son of dodo, man of issachar, who was in samaria in the mountain of ephraim. Judg.10.2 he was judge in israel at three and three years, and he died and was buried in samaria. Judg.10.3 after him the gileaditen jaïr rose up, and he was judge in israel in twenty-two years. Judg.10.4 he had thirty sons who were seated on thirty-two sheep, and they had thirty cities. they called them havoth-jair until this day, which are in the land of galaad. Judg.10.5 and jair died and was buried in kamon. Judg.10.6 the children of israel did again what was evil in the eyes of the lord and served the baals and astartes and the dieux of sidon and the gods of sidon and the deeds of the moabites and the dieux of the sons of ammon and the gods of the philistins, and they left the lord and did not serve him. Judg.10.7 so the wrath of the lord was against israel, and he delivered them in the hand of the philistins and in the hand of the sons of ammon. Judg.10.8 and they delivered the people of israel in that year, about eight years, all the israelites who were across the jordan in the land of the amorites in galaad. Judg.10.9 and the sons of ammon went over the jordan, to strike both against juda and benjamin and against the house of ephraim. so israel was greatly distressed. Judg.10.10 and the people of israel cried out to the lord, saying, we have sinned against you, for we have left our god and served the baals. Judg.10.11 and the lord said to the israelites, do i not cast them from the egyptians, of the amorites, of the sons of ammon and of the philistins? Judg.10.12 and when sidon and amalekites and maonites afflicted you, and you cried to me, and i delivered you out of their hands? Judg.10.13 but you have left me and have served others. therefore i will never save you. Judg.10.14 go and call to the gods whom you have chosen, let them save you in the time of your affliction! Judg.10.15 and the israelites said to the lord, we have sinned. do you do to us whatever you please. only let us escape us this day. Judg.10.16 so they departed the others gods from their midst and served the lord. and his soul was afflicted for the affliction of israel. Judg.10.17 so the people of ammon went up and slog camper in galaad, and the israelites went out and slog camper in micpa. Judg.10.18 and the rulers of galaad said to one another, who is a man who will begin to belong against the ammonites, he will be the ruler of all the residents of galaad. Judg.11.1 jefte the gileadite was a strong held, and he was the son of a prostitute. gilead had been born of jephte. Judg.11.2 the wife of galaad became a child to him, and when the sons of the woman had become great, they cast out jephth and said to him, you shall not inherit in the house of our father, for you are the son of a other wife. Judg.11.3 so jefte fled from his brothers and dwelled in the country of tob, and a lowful men gathered with jiftah and accompanied him. Judg.11.4 after some days the people of ammon walked against israel. Judg.11.5 when the sons of ammon belonged to israel, the elders of galaad went to take jefta in the land tob. Judg.11.6 and they said to jiftah, come and be our ruler, that we may strike against the sons of ammon. Judg.11.7 but jefte said to the elders of galaad, did you not hate me and cast me out of my father's house? why then come to me when you are in anguish? Judg.11.8 and the elders of galaad said to jefta, therefore we have come now to you. you will go with us and walk against the sons of ammon, and you will be our ruler for all the residents of galaad. Judg.11.9 and jefte said to the elders of galaad, if you reject me to strike against the sons of ammon, and the lord will give them before me, will i be your ruler? Judg.11.10 and the elders of galaad said to jeftah, the lord must hear among us, whether we do not do according to your word. Judg.11.11 so jefte went with the elders of galaad, and the people set him up over him, a ruler and ruler. and jefte told all his words before the lord in micpa. Judg.11.12 and jefte sent messengers to the king of the sons of ammon, saying, what have you to do with me, that you have come to me to strike against my land? Judg.11.13 and the king of the ammonites said to the messagers of jefta, because israel had taken my land when he went up from egypt, from arnon to jabbok and to the jordan. now return them with peace. Judg.11.14 and jefte sent out angels to the king of the sons of ammon, Judg.11.15 saying, so says jefta: israel did not take the land of moab or the land of the sons of ammon. Judg.11.16 but when israel went up out of egypt, in the wilderness to the schilde sea and came to cades. Judg.11.17 so israel sent messengers to the king of edom, saying, let me go through your land. but the king of edom did not listen. so he sent even to the king of moab, but he did not want it. so israel remained in cades. Judg.11.18 so he went through the wilderness and went around the land of edom and the land of moab, and went on the sea of the land of moab, and they departed beyond the region of arnon, but they did not enter the region of moab, for arnon is the region of moab. Judg.11.19 so israel sent messengers to sihon, the king of the amorites, the king of hesbon, and israel said to him, let us go through your land to my place. Judg.11.20 but sihon did not direct israel to pass through his region, but gathered all his people, and they departed at jahaz and belonged to israel. Judg.11.21 so the lord, the god of israel, gave down sihon and all his people in the hand of israel, and they killed them. so israel inhered the whole land of the amorites who were living in the land. Judg.11.22 they inhered the whole region of the amorites from arnon to jabbok and from the wilderness to the jordan. Judg.11.23 so now the lord, the god of israel, has driven the amorites from the presence of his people israel, and are you to inherit it? Judg.11.24 do not do you inherit what your god kemoz gave to you? and we will inherit all that the lord our god carry them from our presence? Judg.11.25 do you not be better than balak, the son of zippor, king of moab? has he contented with israel or belonging to them? Judg.11.26 while israel divided three hundred years in hesbon and the villages of it, in aroer and the villages of it, and in all the towns who are at the arnon, why did you not escape in this time? Judg.11.27 i did not have sinned against you, but you do wrong with me to strike against me. the lord who is a judge should judge this day among the children of israel and the sons of ammon. Judg.11.28 but the king of the sons of ammon did not listen to the words of jefta, which he had sent to him. Judg.11.29 then the spirit of the lord was upon jephta, and he went through gilead and manasseh, and he went over to mizpa in galaad, and from micpa in galaad went to the ammonites. Judg.11.30 and jefte gave a promise to the lord and said, if you deliver the sons of ammon in my hand, Judg.11.31 the one who will come out to me from the doors of my house, when i return with peace from the sons of ammon, it will be the lord, and i will offert him as a sacrifice. Judg.11.32 so jefte went over to the ammonites to strike against them, and the lord gave them in his hand. Judg.11.33 and he divided them from aroër to the coming to minnith, twenty-towns, and even to abel-keramim. this was a great plague. so the ammonites were humilied before the sons of israel. Judg.11.34 when jeftah came to his house to micpa, behold, his daughter came out to him with tambound and danqus. she was his only beloved, and there was not one son or daughter. Judg.11.35 when he saw her, he distributed his garments and said, ah, my daughter! you has turned me down, and you have become a back for my eyes! for i have opened my mouth to the lord, and i will not can return. Judg.11.36 and she said to him, my father, if you had opened your mouth to the lord, do to me, as your mouth has come, because the lord gave you vengeance from your enemies, of the sons of ammon. Judg.11.37 and she said to her father, let this things be done for me: let me leave me two months, that i may go and come down on the mountains and weep my neighbor, i and my freunds. Judg.11.38 and he said, go. and he sent her for two months. so she went with his freunds and weeped her virginness on the mountains. Judg.11.39 after the cabs of two months she returned to her father, and he made what he had promised. and she did not know a man. and it became a instruct in israel, Judg.11.40 that the daughters of israel were going to weep the daughter of jefta, the gileaditen, for four days. Judg.12.1 and the ephraim gathered together and came to sephus, and they said to jeftha, why did you go out to strike against the sons of ammon and did not call us to go with you? we will burn your house in fire. Judg.12.2 and jefte said to them, i and my people were a district with the sons of ammon, and i called you, but you did not escape me from their hands. Judg.12.3 and when i saw that you did not help me, i laid my life in my hand and went to the ammonites, and the lord gave them in my hand. why do you go on this day to strike against me? Judg.12.4 so jefte gathered all the men of gilead and gathered against ephraim, and the gileadites killed ephraim, for you, gilead, are among them, in the midst of ephraim and in the midst of manasse. Judg.12.5 and the gileadites welcomed the crowds of the jordan to ephraim. and if those who were scattered of ephraim said to them, let me go! and the gileadites said to them, are you a ephraim? if he answered, it is not. Judg.12.6 so they said to him, say, sibbolet! and he said: sibbolet, for he was not right to speak. so they took him and killed them at the crowds of the jordan. in that time there fell 4,000 of the ephraim. Judg.12.7 and jefte was judge of israel six years. so jefta, the gileaditen, died and was buried in one of the town of galaad. Judg.12.8 after him ibsan of bethlehem was judged israel. Judg.12.9 he had thirty sons and thirty daughters. he had put out for his sons thirty daughters, and he was judged israel for seven years. Judg.12.10 so ibsan died and was buried in bethlehem. Judg.12.11 after him elon, the zebuloniten, was judge in israel. he was judge of israel ten years. Judg.12.12 so elon, the zebulonite, died, and buried him in the land of zebulun. Judg.12.13 after him abdon, the son of hillel, the piratonites, judged israel. Judg.12.14 he had thirty sons and thirty sons, who were seated on seven money. he was judge of israel at eight years. Judg.12.15 then abdon, the son of hillel, the pirathonites, died and was buried in piraton, in the land of ephraim, on the mountain of amalec. Judg.13.1 the children of israel did again what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and the lord gave them in the hand of the philistins for 40 years. Judg.13.2 there was a man from zora, from the tribe of dan, whose name was maanoah. his wife was barren and had no child. Judg.13.3 and the angel of the lord appeared to the woman and said to her, behold, you are barren and has not been born, but you will conceive and bear a son. Judg.13.4 beware, therefore, and do not drink wine or drinking and do not eat any unclean. Judg.13.5 for behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and a heat will not come up on his head, for the child will be a nazireo to god from the womb. he will begin to save israel from the hand of the philistins. Judg.13.6 and the woman came and said to her husband, a man of god came to me, and his appearance was like a angel of god, great terrible. i did not ask him where he was from, and he has not told me his name. Judg.13.7 but he said to me, you will conceive and bear a son, and now do not drink wine or sterk drink and eat nothing unclean, for the child will be a nazireo of god from the child to the day of his death. Judg.13.8 so manoah prayed to the lord and said, o lord, let the man of god, whom you sent, let him come to us and give us known what we must do to the child who will bear. Judg.13.9 and god heard the voice of manoah, and the angel of god came to the woman, while she was in the field. but manoah, her husband, had not been with her. Judg.13.10 and the woman ran up and ran out and told her husband, and she said to him, behold, the man who has come to me that day is appeared to me. Judg.13.11 so manoah stood up and followed his wife. and he came to the man and said to him, are you the man who spoke to the woman? and he said, i am. Judg.13.12 so manoah said, now when your question has come, what means the judgment of the child and what shall we do? Judg.13.13 and the angel of the lord said to manoah, from whatever i told the wife must keep her. Judg.13.14 do not eat anything that comes out of a vineyard, and must not drink wine or strong drink, and do not eat anything unclean. whatever i have commanded it must keep it. Judg.13.15 and manoah said to the angel of the lord, let us keep you, and we may make a capretion before you. Judg.13.16 but the angel of the lord said to manoah, even if you have kept me, i will not eat your bread. but if you have offered holocauste to the lord, bring it to him. for manoah did not know that it was an angel of the lord. Judg.13.17 and manoah said to the angel of the lord, what is your name, that when your word comes, we will glorify you. Judg.13.18 and the angel of the lord said to him, why do you ask my name? it is amazing. Judg.13.19 so manoah took the bode and the sacrifice and offered it on the rock to the lord. and he was doing woning, and manoah and his wife saw it. Judg.13.20 when the flame came from the altar into heaven, the angel of the lord went up in the flame of the altar. and manoah and his wife saw it, and they fell on their face to the ground. Judg.13.21 and the angel of the lord appeared no longer to manoah and his wife. then manoah knew that it was an angel of the lord. Judg.13.22 so manoah said to his wife, we will be dead, for we have seen god. Judg.13.23 but his wife said to him, if the lord would have willing to put us to death, he would not receive holocauste or sacrifice from our hands, and he would not show us all this, and did not proclaim these things to us. Judg.13.24 and the woman became a son and called him samson. the child increased, and the lord blessed him. Judg.13.25 and the spirit of the lord began to make him in the camp of dan, among tsorea and esthaol. Judg.14.1 and samson went down to timnata, and when he saw a woman in timnatha from the daughters of the philistins. Judg.14.2 and he went up and told his father and his mother, and he said, i have seen in timnatha a wife from the daughters of the philistins. take her for me for a wife. Judg.14.3 but his father and his mother said to him, is there no woman among the daughters of your brothers or in all my people, that you are going to take a woman from the uncircumcised? and samson said to his father, take her for me, for she has been pleased for my eyes. Judg.14.4 his father and mother did not know that it was from the lord, for he was seeking a reward against the filistyne. at that time the filistyne were heading over israel. Judg.14.5 so samson went down with his father and mother to timnatha, and when they came to the vineyard of timnatha, behold, a leoning rying out against him. Judg.14.6 then the spirit of the lord came upon him, and he scattered him like a sheep, so that there was nothing in his hand. and he did not tell his father or his mother what he had done. Judg.14.7 and he went down and spoke to the woman, and she pleased samson. Judg.14.8 after some days he returned to take it. and when he had turned for to see the dead of the lion, behold, a leaven was in the mouth of the lion, and honning. Judg.14.9 he departed the honey and began to eat. so he went to his father and his mother and gave them up, and they ate. but he did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the round of the lion. Judg.14.10 so his father went down to the woman, and samson made a feste there, for so the young men did. Judg.14.11 and when they saw him, they put a thirty against him, and they were with him. Judg.14.12 and samson said to them, i will put a reason for you. if you proclaim it to me in the seven days of the foot, i will give you thirty linen linen clothes and thirty clothes. Judg.14.13 but if you are not able to tell me, you will give me thirty linen linen cloths and thirty robes of clothes. they said to him, pay your reason, and we will listen to it. Judg.14.14 and he said to them, some of those who were eaten came out, and some came out of the strong. and they were not able to tell a reason for three days. Judg.14.15 on the fourth day they said to the wife of samson, lead your husband to tell you the ribless, lest we burn you and the house of your father with fire. have you called us to wear us? Judg.14.16 and the wife of samson weeped on him and said, you have hate me and have not loved me. you have set a piece to the sons of my people, and you have not told him it. and he said to her, i have not told him my father or my mother, and do i tell it to you? Judg.14.17 and she wept on him the seven days when their feast was. and on the seventh day he told her that she had failed him. and she told the children of her people. Judg.14.18 and on the seventh day before the sun could come, the men of the city said to him, what is better than honey, and what is mightier than a lion. and he said to them, if you had not taken my hidden, you would not have taken my reat. Judg.14.19 then the spirit of the lord came upon him, and he went down to askalon and struck treinta men from there, and he took their robes and gave their garments to those who had told the rebless. so his wrath flammte, and he went up to the house of his father. Judg.14.20 and samsoned the wife of samson to his brighter who had had a freund. Judg.15.1 after some days, in the days of the fever of wheat, samson visited his wife, bringing a sheep, and said, i will enter my wife in the champ. but her father did not allow him to enter it. Judg.15.2 and she said, i said, i said, i have said that you hated her, and i gave her to your daughter. is she not her younger sister is better than her? let it be your place in her place. Judg.15.3 and samson said to them, now i will be innocent from the philistern, if i do to do for you. Judg.15.4 and samson went and gathered three hundred loaves, and taking fakts he took to a rop and put a fakkel among the two facings in the midst. Judg.15.5 so he flame up fire in the faces and sent them into the garments of the philistins, and they burned up the branches and the branches, both the vineyars and the olives. Judg.15.6 and the philister said, who did this? and they said, samson, the sound of the timnath, for he had taken his wife and gave her to his free. then the filisteos went up and bringed her and her father with fire. Judg.15.7 and samson said to them, if you do so, i will not find my wrath from you and will do each one of you. Judg.15.8 so he struck them with a great plague, and then went down and dwelled at the spring of the spring of etam. Judg.15.9 then the people went up and departed in juda and departed in lehi. Judg.15.10 and the men of judah said to them, why have you ascended against us? they said, we have come to bind samson and do with him as he did to us. Judg.15.11 then three thousand men of judah went down to the rock of the rock of etam and said to samson, do you not know that the filistyne domines over us? why did you do this for us? and he said to them, as they did to me, so i have done to them. Judg.15.12 and they said to him, we have come down to bind you and to give you into the hands of the philistins. and samson said to them, swear me that you would not kill me. Judg.15.13 they said to him, not, but we will bind you and deliver you into their hands, but we will not put you to death. and they bound him with two new garments and brought him out of the rock. Judg.15.14 when he came to lehi, the philistins cried out against him, and the spirit of the lord came upon him, and the cords that had was in his bracks were like shaks, when the fire were bringing in fire, and his chains were carried from his hands. Judg.15.15 and he found a leining back that was thrown on the road, and he stretched out his hand and took her and struck 1000 man by it. Judg.15.16 and samson said, with a back of a left i feed them with the wiy of a donkey, a thousand men. Judg.15.17 when he had finished speaking, he threw the kindle from his hand and called that place was ramat-lehi. Judg.15.18 and he was greatly thirsty, and he called to the lord, and said, you have given this great salvation in the hand of your servant, and now i will die in thirsty and fall in the hand of the uncircumcised? Judg.15.19 then god opened the healing that was in lehi, and water came out of him. he drinked, and his spirit returned, and he remained up. therefore it was called the name of en-hakkore, which is in lehi until this day. Judg.15.20 he was judge in israel in the days of the filistyne twenty years. Judg.16.1 and samson went to gaza and saw there a prostitute and went in to her. Judg.16.2 when they told the gazeans, they said, samson has come here. and they went around and put on him throughout all the night at the stadttor, and they fasted all the night, saying, to the morning of the morning we will kill him. Judg.16.3 and samson fell in the midnight. and about midnight he rose and took the door of the town of the city and the two pigs and carried them up with the grench and laid them on his homes and brought them on the top of the mountain that is before hebron. Judg.16.4 after this he loved a woman in the beast of sorec, whose name was delila. Judg.16.5 and the rulers of the jews went up to her and said to her, leave him and see in which his great power is, and with which we can be able to bind him and bound him. so we give you 1,100 siks of silver. Judg.16.6 and delila said to samson, tell me, what is your great might, and with what you will be bind to bind and be afflicted. Judg.16.7 and samson said to her, if they bind me with seven seeds of seeds that are not destroyed, then i will be weak and be like a other man. Judg.16.8 and the rulers of the filistyne brought her seven fris women that had not been short, and she bound him with them. Judg.16.9 now in the sidst his plants were sitting in a camera. and she said to him, samsone, the philistins are against you, samson! and he distributed the seshes as it was broken in the bail when the fire was broken. so his power did not know that his power was known. Judg.16.10 and delila said to samson, behold, you have deceived me and told me false. now tell me how you may be bind. Judg.16.11 and he said to her, if they bind me with new garments, which did not be done, then i will be weak and be like any man. Judg.16.12 so delila took a new close and bound him with them and said to him, samson, the philistins are over you, samson! and the plants were sitting in a camper. so he scattered them from his hands as a drawn. Judg.16.13 and delila said to samson, until now you have deceived me and been spoken to me. tell me in what you will be bind. and he said to her, if you share the seven shaks of my head with the flock. Judg.16.14 and she wicked him and said to him, samson! the philistins are against you, samson! and he was waken out from his sound and distributed the passels with the weak. Judg.16.15 and she said to him, how can you say, i loved you, and your heart is not with me? this is a third time i have deceived me and have not told me in what your great power is. Judg.16.16 and when she gathered him with her words in all the night, she beared him, and he sounded to death, Judg.16.17 and he reported to her all his heart and said to her, there is not a bright that was not ascended on my head, for i am a nazireo of god from the womb of my mother. if i raise it, my power will escape from me, and i will be weak and be like all others. Judg.16.18 when delila saw that she had opened her all his heart, she sent and called the rulers of the philistins and said, come up for once, for he has opened all his heart to me. and the rulers of the philistins went to her and brought the money in their hands. Judg.16.19 and she put him down in her knies and called a man and stricked the seven hars of his head. so she began to be afflicted, and his power left him. Judg.16.20 and she said, the philistins are over you, simson! and when he was waken from his sound, he said, i will go like the next day and shook away. and he did not know that the lord had withlead from him. Judg.16.21 and the philister grew him and bound his eyes, and led him down to gaza and bound him with a bronce of bronze, and he was saken in the prison. Judg.16.22 but the hair of his head began to increase when he was waken. Judg.16.23 and the rulers of the filistyne gathered to offer a great sacrifice to dagon their god and to rejoice. and they said, our god has given in our hand samson, our enemy. Judg.16.24 when the people saw him, they pried their gods, and they said, our god has given in our hand our enemy, who destroyed our land, who has distributed many of us. Judg.16.25 and when their hearts was glad, they said, call samson to come to us! and they called samson out of the prison and encouraged him, and they put him in the midst. Judg.16.26 and samson said to the young man who was at the hand of him: let me leave the colonne in which the house is strengthened, and i will warn them. Judg.16.27 now the house was full of men and women, and all the rulers of the filisteos there were there, and on the housetop there were about three thousand men and women, seeing, seeing samson. Judg.16.28 and samson cried out to the lord, and said, lord, lord, remember me and help me only this once, o god, that i may give wrath over the philistins for one of my two eyes. Judg.16.29 so samson put in the two midst of the midst, on which the house was strengthened, and strengthened them, one with his right hand and one with his left. Judg.16.30 and samson said, let me died with the philistins! and he bowed with power, and the house fell upon the rulers and on all the people who were in it. so the dead who had killed in his death were more than those whom he had killed in his life. Judg.16.31 so his brothers and all the house of his father went down and took him, and they went up and buried him among corea and esthaol in the tomb of his father manoah. he was judged israel for twenty-years. Judg.17.1 there was a man from the mountain of ephraim, whose name was micha. Judg.17.2 he said to his mother, 1,100 silver that were carried for you, and for which you have carried out and told in my ears, behold, the money is by me. i received it. and his mother said, blessed be my son to the lord. Judg.17.3 and when he reported the thousand and hundred money to his mother, and his mother said, i have sanctified this silver to the lord by my hand, to make a image of idol and a image of stature. now i will repay it to you. Judg.17.4 but he returned the money to his mother, and his mother took a hundred sicles of silver and gave it to the image of the stature, and he made in the house of micha. Judg.17.5 so the man micha had a house of god, and he made a efod and terafim and made one of his sons to be his priest. Judg.17.6 in those days there was no king in israel, every one was doing what was right in his sight. Judg.17.7 a young man was from bethlehem in juda, of the relatives of judah. he was a levite, and he was peregrining there. Judg.17.8 so the man went from the city of bethlehem to dwelling there, where he found. so he went to the mountain of ephraim, to the house of micha. Judg.17.9 micha said to him, where are you coming? he said to him, i am a levite from bethlehem of judah, and i am going to live there where i find. Judg.17.10 and micha said to him, sit with me and be to me a father and a priest, and i will give you ten money of silver for day and two robes and your life. so the levite went. Judg.17.11 and the levita began to live with the man, and the child was for him as one of his sons. Judg.17.12 micha made the levite with the hand, and the young man was his priest, and he was in the house of micha. Judg.17.13 and micha said, now i know that the lord will practice me, for i have been a levita to be a priest. Judg.18.1 in those days there was no king in israel, and in those days the tribe of dan sought a inheritance to abide, for until that days there was not fallen in the midst of the tribes of israel. Judg.18.2 and the sons of dan sent out of their relatives five men of their kinds, devout men, from zora and esthaol, to examine the land and seeking it, and they said to them, go and search the land. so they came to the mountain of ephraim, to the house of micha, and they remained there. Judg.18.3 while they were by the house of micha, they recognized the voice of the young levita, and they turned there and said to him, who has brought you here? what do you do here? and what are you here? Judg.18.4 and he said to them, so and so he has done for me, and he has hoiled me, and i was his priest. Judg.18.5 and they said to him, ask god, let us know whether the way we walk will be prospered. Judg.18.6 and the priest said to them, go in peace, the way of your way, which you are going. Judg.18.7 so the five men went and came to lais. and they saw the people there, sitting in hope, according to the message of the sidonians, quietly and hair, and though they had no means to speak, for they were far far from sidon, and there were no one with them. Judg.18.8 and when they returned to their brothers at zora and esthaol, their brothers said to them, what do you say? Judg.18.9 and they said, rise, and let us go up to them, for we have come in and have walked in the land, and behold, it is much a good way. you do still still. do not be in live, so that we may go and inherit the land. Judg.18.10 when you enter, you will come to a beasting people, and the land is terrible. god gave it in your hand, a place where there is no need of anything in the earth. Judg.18.11 then some of the families of dan went from sorea and esthaol, six hundred men around their arms. Judg.18.12 they went up and taken tender at kiriath-jearim in juda. therefore they called that place is the least of dan until this day. it is after kiriath-jearim. Judg.18.13 they went from there to the money of ephraim and went to the house of micha. Judg.18.14 they answered the five men who were going to espiaw the land, and said to their brothers, do you know that in these houses there is a efod and terafim and a idol and a image of image? now know what you will do. Judg.18.15 so they departed there and entered the house of the levita, the levita, in the house of micha, and salued him. Judg.18.16 the sexhundred men of the sons of dan were standing at the door of the gates, Judg.18.17 when the five men who had gone out the land went up, went there and took the image sculptile, the efod and the terafim and the idol. the priest standing at the door of the gates with the six hundred men who were around around arms. Judg.18.18 when these came into the house of micha and took the image of idol, the efod, the terafim and the image of the image, the priest said to them, what do you do? Judg.18.19 and they said to him, call still, lay your hand on your mouth and come with us, and be for us a father and a priest. is it better that you are a priest in the house of one man or to be a priest of a tribe and a relative of israel? Judg.18.20 and the priest was glad, and he took the ephod and the terafim and the idol of the stature and went in among the people. Judg.18.21 so they returned and went, and they laid the house and the possessions and the possessions before them. Judg.18.22 when they had departed from the house of micha, the men of those who were in the house of micha were crying out, they took out the sons of dan. Judg.18.23 and they turned up the sons of dan. they turned and said to micha, what are you that you have cried out? Judg.18.24 he said, you received my idols that i have made, and the priest and go. what is it to me? and what do you say to me, what are you? Judg.18.25 but the sons of dan said to him, let your voice not be heard with us, that no devout men may be against you. so you will put your life to yourself and to the life of your house. Judg.18.26 so the sons of dan went on their way, and when micha saw that they were strong than he, returned and returned to his home. Judg.18.27 so they took the things that micha had done, and his priest, who was in him, they went to lais, to a people belonging to quiet and confidence, and killed them with the sword and burned the city. Judg.18.28 there was no one to help, for it was far far from sidon, and they were not with any man. it was in the vall that is at bet-rehob. so they built the city and dwelled in it. Judg.18.29 and they called the name dan, according to the name of their father dan, who had been born of israel. but first was lais the name of the city. Judg.18.30 so the sons of dan laid up the idol of micha, and jonatan, the son of gershom, the son of moses, he and his sons were priests for the tribe of dan to the day of the deportation of the land. Judg.18.31 they rejected to themselves the image of micha that he had done, all the days that the house of god was in silo. Judg.19.1 in those days, while there was no king in israel, there was a levita man walking in the district of the mountain of ephraim. he took himself a wife from bethlehem in juda. Judg.19.2 but his newijing was angry to him and departed from him to the house of her father in bethlehem of juda, and she was there for four months. Judg.19.3 and her husband stood up and followed her to speak in her heart to bring her away, and he had with him his servant and two asines. and she brought him to the house of her father, and when the father of the young woman saw him, she was glad to meet him. Judg.19.4 and his daughter, the father of the child, brought him to him for three days, and they ate and drink and sowed there. Judg.19.5 on the fourth day they rose the matter, and when he rose to go, the father of the young woman said to his daughter, put your heart with a brod of bread, and then you will go. Judg.19.6 so they sat down and ate both together and drinked. and the father of the young woman said to the man, let you remain there, and let your heart be glad. Judg.19.7 but when the man rose to go, his appener rebuked him, and he remained there again. Judg.19.8 on the fifth day he rose the day to go, and the father of the young woman said to him, strengthen your heart to eat. and they both ate, and they both ate. Judg.19.9 and the man rose to go with his daughter and his servant to go. but his sogry, the father of the young woman, said to him, behold, the day has come to eat. remain here, remain here, and let your heart be joy. rise tomorrow early, and you will go in your tender. Judg.19.10 but the man refused to stay there, but rose and departed and came to the region of jebus ( which is jerusalem ), with two azes gathered, and his newijs was with him. Judg.19.11 while they were at jebus, the day was far at all, and the servant said to his master, come, let us go in this city of the jebusites and stay there. Judg.19.12 but his master said to him, we will not turn into a town of others that are not of the sons of israel, but we will go to gibea. Judg.19.13 and he said to his servant, come, let us go to one of the place and stay in gibea or rama. Judg.19.14 so they went away and went away, and the sun went down by gibea, which is in benjamin. Judg.19.15 and they turned there for to enter there to remain there in gibea. and he entered and sat down in the street of the city, and there was no one who took them to the house to remain. Judg.19.16 and behold, a old man came to evening from his work from the field. he was from the mountain of ephraim and was peregrining in gibea, and the people of the place were sons of benjamin. Judg.19.17 and when he lifted up his eyes, he saw the journey in the street of the city. and the old man said, where are you going and where are you coming? Judg.19.18 and he said to him, we are passing through bethlehem of juda to the top of the mountain of ephraim, from there i am. and i went to betlehem of judah, and i go to the house of the lord, and there is no one who carry me in the house. Judg.19.19 we have foot and food for our persons, and even bread and wine is for me and for your servant and to the young man who is with your servants. we are not lacking for anything. Judg.19.20 and the old man said, peace be with you, nevertheless, whatever you lacke on me, only go not in the street. Judg.19.21 and he brought him into his house and put for the asness. and they washed their feet and ate and drank. Judg.19.22 while they rejoiced their hearts, behold, the men of the city, sinners children, around the house and stricked at the door and said to the old man of the house, bring the man who came into your house, so that we may know him. Judg.19.23 and the husband of the house went to them and said to them, not, my brothers, do not do evil. so that this man has entered my house, do not do this foolish thing. Judg.19.24 behold, my daughter is a virgin, and the near of her. i will bring them out, afflict them and do with them what you will show. but do not do to do this husband. Judg.19.25 but the men refused to hear him. so the man took his concubine and brought her out to them. and they recognized her and mocked her all the night until the morning, and they sent her out, when the morning arose. Judg.19.26 when the woman came to the morning, she fell at the door of the man of the man where her husband was, and fell there at there, until it was divided. Judg.19.27 when her master arose the matter, she opened the door of the house and went out to go on his way. and behold, the woman, his newijing woman, fell at the door, with his hands on the door. Judg.19.28 and he said to her, rise, and let us go. but he did not answer. then he took her on the asno and rose and went to his place. Judg.19.29 and when he had entered his house, he took a sword and took her of his concubine and distributed her in twelve bears, and sent them into all the regions of israel. Judg.19.30 and all who saw it said, this is not done, nor has been seen, from the day when the israelites went up from the land of egypt, to this day. consider this, consider and speak. Judg.20.1 then all the sons of israel went out, and the whole crowd gathered from dan to beer-sheba and in the land of galaad, to the lord to micpa. Judg.20.2 and the rulers of all the people, all the tribes of israel, stood in the congregation of the people of god, 400.000 walking with a sword. Judg.20.3 and the children of benjamin heard that the people of israel had gone up to micpa. and the israelites said, tell what this mal has happened. Judg.20.4 the levite, the man of the district woman, answered, i came to gibea of benjamin, i and my wife, to depart. Judg.20.5 so the people of gibea stood up against me and obrounded the house in the night. they would have sinned me to kill, and my newijing distributed me, so that she died. Judg.20.6 so i took my concubine and distributed her and sent it out in every region of the heir of israel, because they had done a sentence of deeds in israel. Judg.20.7 look, you all, children of israel, give yourselves a word and consider. Judg.20.8 so all the people stood up like one man, saying, no one shall go into his tender and not return to his home. Judg.20.9 now this is what we will do against gibea: we will come up against it in burth. Judg.20.10 we will take ten man of 100 man of hundred, 1100 of the thousand and 1,000 of the thousand, to take food for the people, who will come to find in gibea of benjamin according to all the foolish things that they have done in israel. Judg.20.11 so all the people of israel were gathered together as one man. Judg.20.12 and the tribes of israel sent men out in all the tribes of benjamin to say, what is this evil that has happened among you? Judg.20.13 so give you these men who are ungodly men in gibea, so that we may put them to death and destroy the evil of israel. but the sons of benjamin did not listen to hear the voice of their brothers, the children of israel. Judg.20.14 so the sons of benjamin gathered from their towns to gibeah, to go out to strike against the people of israel. Judg.20.15 in that day the sons of benjamin gathered out of the towns five thousand thousand men who could take the sword, except the habitants of gibea, who were numbered, seven thousand men of elect. Judg.20.16 all these people are walking in home when they throw out stones for the hair, and not sinning. Judg.20.17 in the number of the people of israel, belonging to benjamin, were numbered of thousand thousand men who belong to sword. Judg.20.18 and they went up and went to bet-el, and asked god, and the sons of israel said, who of us will go up to strike against benjamin? and the lord said, judas will rise. Judg.20.19 so the israelites rose up, and learned at gibea. Judg.20.20 and the people of israel went out to make war against benjamin, and the people of israel set up to bation against them against gibea. Judg.20.21 so the sons of benjamin went out of the city and destroyed that day were about two and two thousand men of israel. Judg.20.22 but the people of israel were strong, and returned to bation in the place where they had set on the first day. Judg.20.23 and the people of israel went up and weeped before the lord until evening, and asked the lord, whether he might go to gather with benjamin, my brother? and the lord said, go up against him. Judg.20.24 so the children of israel went up to the people of benjamin the second day. Judg.20.25 but benjamin went out against them from gibea the second day and destroyed in the land 18 thousand men of the people, all who were dragged by sword. Judg.20.26 then all the sons of israel and all the people went up and came to bet-el and were weeping, and they fasted in that day, and offered holocaustes and sacrifices pacifics before the lord. Judg.20.27 and the israelites asked the lord, for the ark of the covenant was there in those days, Judg.20.28 and finehas, the son of eleazar, the son of aaron, standing in those days, saying, shall i go again to make war against the sons of benjamin, my brother, do i do? and the lord said, go, for tomorrow i will give them in your hand. Judg.20.29 so israel put a close around the gibea around. Judg.20.30 and the people went up against the people of benjamin on the third day, and they gathered the way against gibea as once. Judg.20.31 the benjaminites went out to meet the people, and when they had come out from the city, they began to beat one of the people as at once, in the ways that one ascends to bet-el and the one to gibea on the field, about thirty men of israel. Judg.20.32 and the sons of benjamin said, they will fall in our sight as in the first time. but the israelites said, let us escape and escape them from the city to the straight ways. Judg.20.33 so all the people of israel rose from his place and directed their ordres at baal-tamar, and the hinderers of israel departed from his place, from the district of gibea. Judg.20.34 ten thousand men of the people of israel came up against gibea, and the war was hard. but they did not know that the evil things had come upon them. Judg.20.35 so the lord struck benjamin before israel, and the people of israel destroyed that day were twenty-five thousand and hundred men of benjamin. all these were carrying out sword. Judg.20.36 when the people saw that they were being destroyed, the people of israel laid place to benjamin, because they were confided in the hinderlage that they had laid against gibea. Judg.20.37 so the hinderers turned and flowed at gibea, and the hinderers went and killed the whole city by the sword. Judg.20.38 and the people of israel had been directed with the plants that they might bring a smoke of smoke from the city. Judg.20.39 when the israelites returned in the war, benjamin knew to strike some of the people of israel about thirty men, for they said, it is only thirty as in the first sold. Judg.20.40 but when the rook, a coll of smoke, began to go out of the city, benjamin looked off, and behold, the complete of the city came up into heaven. Judg.20.41 the people of israel returned, and the people of benjamin were astonished, for they saw that the evil things had fallen upon him. Judg.20.42 so they drew away before the israelites to the way of the wilderness, but the bath gathered them, and those who were from the towns destroyed them in their midst. Judg.20.43 they departed benjamin, delivered him down and trampled them, until they were against gibea at the east of the sun. Judg.20.44 and there fell from benjamin twelve thousand thousand men, all these men were helds. Judg.20.45 they returned and fled into the wilderness, to the rock of rimmon. and they struck five thousand man in the roads, and they followed them until gesem and killed two thousand man of them. Judg.20.46 so all who were fallen in benjamin in that day were twenty-five thousand men who had put a sword. all these were mighty men. Judg.20.47 but 600 man turned and fled into the wilderness, to the rock of rimmon, and they sat in the rock of rimmon four months. Judg.20.48 the people of israel returned to the children of benjamin and killed them with the sword of the city, both of the beast, and all that they had found, and all the towns that they had found in fire. Judg.21.1 now the israelites svor in micpa, saying, no one of us will give his daughter to the people of benjamin to his wife. Judg.21.2 so the people came to bet-el and sat there until evening before god, and they cried out their voices and were weeping with great weeping. Judg.21.3 and said, o lord, god of israel, why has done this in israel, that there should be for this day at israel one tribe? Judg.21.4 on the next day the people rose up and built there a altar and offered brances and sacrifices pacifics. Judg.21.5 and the israelites said, what of the tribes of israel did not come up to the congregation to the lord? for there was a great eed by those who had not come to the lord to micpa, saying, he will die. Judg.21.6 and the people were compassed concerning benjamin, their brother, and said, today a tribe is removed from israel. Judg.21.7 what shall we do to those who are left? we have sworn by the lord that we do not give them a wife from our daughters? Judg.21.8 and they said, which is one of the tribes of israel who had not ascended to the lord to micpa? and behold, from jabesh of galaad was not coming to the camp. Judg.21.9 for when the people visited, behold, there were no one among the residents of jabes-galaad. Judg.21.10 then the synagogue sent there twelve thousand men of the soldiers, and they commanded them, go and destroy the residents of jabes-galaad with the sword, both women and children. Judg.21.11 so shall you do: every male and every woman who has been known with a man shall you destroy. Judg.21.12 and they found among the inwoners of jabes-galaad four hundred virgins who had not known to a man, and they brought them into the camp in shilo, which is in the land of canaan. Judg.21.13 and the whole synagogue sent out and spoke to the people of benjamin who were at the rock of rimmon and called them a peace. Judg.21.14 so the benjamin returned to the children of israel, and they gave them the women who had kept live from the women of jabesh in galaad, but they did not belong to them. Judg.21.15 so the people consoled benjamin, because the lord had made a bright among the tribes of israel. Judg.21.16 and the elders of the synagogue said, what shall we do for the rest of those who are left? for woman has been destroyed of benjamin? Judg.21.17 and they said, the inheritance that is scattered for benjamin, so that no tribe is destroyed from israel. Judg.21.18 but we cannot give them a wife from our daughters, for the israelites have sworn, saying, blessed is he who gives a wife to benjamin. Judg.21.19 then they said, behold, it is a feast of the lord every day in silo, which is on the north of bet-el, on the way of the way that comes from bet-el to sichem, and on the south of lebona. Judg.21.20 and they commanded the sons of benjamin, saying, go and lay on the vineyards. Judg.21.21 and look at it, and behold, when the daughters of shilo draws out, and you will go out of the vineyards and take her husband for her for a wife among the daughters of shilo, and go into the land of benjamin. Judg.21.22 and when their fathers or their brothers come to be judged to you, we will say to them, have us mercy on them, for we have not received his wife in the war, and you did not give them it. for in this time you have been carried. Judg.21.23 and the sons of benjamin did so, and they took a women according to their number from those who departed. so they went and returned to their inheritance and built up the towns and dwelled in them. Judg.21.24 in that time the israelites went away from there, each to his tribe and to his relatives, and went on there, each to his inheritance. Judg.21.25 in those days there was no king in israel. every one was doing what was right in his eyes. but the people of israel laid up the sons of benjamin and killed them by the sword, from the city to the beast and for all that had found them, and all the towns that they had found in fire. Ruth.1.1 while the judges were judged, there was a famine in the land. and a man from bethlehem of judah went to dwelling in the country of moab, he and his wife and his children. Ruth.1.2 the name of the man was elimelech, and the name of his wife noomi and his two sons, mahlon and kiljon, efrathites of bethlehem of judah. they came to the country of moab and were there. Ruth.1.3 so elimelech, the husband of noomi, died, and she left her with his two sons. Ruth.1.4 they took themselves moabites. the name of one was orpa, and the name of the one was ruth, and they dwelled there about ten years. Ruth.1.5 so both mahlon and chilion died, so that the woman left her two sons and her two sons. Ruth.1.6 so she rose with her bridegroom and returned from the country of moab, for she heard in the country of moab that the lord had visited his people to give them bread. Ruth.1.7 so she went out from the place where she was, with her two bridegrows. and they went on the way to return to the land of judah. Ruth.1.8 and noomi said to her daughters, go, return each to the house of her mother. the lord may show you the mercy as you did to the dead and to me. Ruth.1.9 let the lord give you that you may find rest, each in the house of her man! and she kissed them, and they cried out their voies and wept. Ruth.1.10 and they said to her, we will return to your people. Ruth.1.11 but noomi said, return, my daughters. why do you go with me? have i still any sons in my womb, that they may be your men? Ruth.1.12 return, my daughters, and look, my daughter! for i said, i have belonging to me and have been married for a husband and bear children, Ruth.1.13 do you keep them until they were great? are you in possession, and do not be for a man? do not, my daughter, for it has been made bitter than you, for the hand of the lord has gone out against me. Ruth.1.14 and they were greatly weeping and weeping. and orpa kiss her daughter, but ruth followed her. Ruth.1.15 and noomi said, behold, your fellow marriage returned to her people and to her god. return yourself after your briefs. Ruth.1.16 but rut said, do not be encouraged for me to leave you or turn back from you. for where you go, i will go, and where you dwell, i will stay. your people is my people, and your god is my god. Ruth.1.17 where you die, i will die and there be buried there. so may the lord do to me and so more, if death spreads away from me and you. Ruth.1.18 when noomi saw that she was strong to go with her, she refused to speak to her. Ruth.1.19 so they went both, until they came to bethlehem. and when they came to bethlehem, the whole city was inflicted. and they said, this is noomi. Ruth.1.20 and she said to them, do not call me no noomi, call me mara, for the god has made a great bitterness to me. Ruth.1.21 full i went, but the lord turned me return. why do you call me noomi, when the lord has been against me and the alone has wronged me? " Ruth.1.22 so noomi returned with her bridegroom ruth, the moabite, her bridegroom, who turned from the country of moab. and they came to bethlehem at the beginning of the gering of the gerley. Ruth.2.1 noomi had a relative a relative of her husband, a mighty man of his husband of elimelech, whose name was boaz. Ruth.2.2 and ruth the moabite said to naomi, let me go in the field and gather aks after whom i find grace in his sight. and she said to her, go, my daughter. Ruth.2.3 so she went and went and gathered in the field after the reapers. and after that the field of the field had come to boaz, who was of the relative of elimelech. Ruth.2.4 and behold, boaz came from bethlehem and said to the reapers, the lord is with you! and they said to him, the lord be blessed you! Ruth.2.5 so boaz said to his servant who was standing over the reapers, whose little daughter is? Ruth.2.6 and the servant who was set over the reapers answered, it is a moabity, which has returned with noomi from the country of moab. Ruth.2.7 she said, let me are gathering and gather in the garments after the reapers. so she came and stood from the morning to the first, and yet a little while he has rested in the field. Ruth.2.8 and boaz said to ruth, do you not hear, my daughter, do not go to gather in another field, and do not go here from here, but hold fast with my little daughters. Ruth.2.9 do your eyes to the field that they reap, and go after them. i have commanded the servants to not to touch you. as you thirst, go to the veses and drink the water that the servants will water. Ruth.2.10 then she fell on his face and worshiped the earth, and said to him, why have i found grace in your eyes, that you may recognize me, though i am a strange? Ruth.2.11 so boaz answered her, man has told me whatever you have done with your mother-in-law after the death of your husband, and how you have left your father and your mother and the land of your birth and went to a people that you did not know once. Ruth.2.12 let the lord repay your work, and let your reward be full from the lord, the god of israel, under whom you have come to make confidence under his wings. Ruth.2.13 she said, let me find grace in your eyes, my lord! for you have consoled me and have spoken to the heart of your servant, though i am not like one of your servants. Ruth.2.14 now at the time of the eating boaz said to her, come here and eat the bread, and take your boot in the vinagre. so she sat down at the place of the reapers, and boaz gave her a piece, and she ate and was filled and left it. Ruth.2.15 and when she rose to gather, boaz commanded his servants, saying, let you choke among the garments and do not put her to shame. Ruth.2.16 you will even leave her from the ground and let them go, that she may gather them, and do not rebuke it. Ruth.2.17 so she gathered together in the field until evening, and spoke what he had gathered, and there was about a efa of sheep. Ruth.2.18 and she took it and went into the city. and her daughter saw what she had gathered. so rut carried out and gave her what he had left, since she was filled. Ruth.2.19 and her daughter said to her, where have you gathered today? and where did you have done? blessed be he who has been known to you. and she told her daughter where she had done, and said, the name of the man where i did on this day is boaz. Ruth.2.20 and noomi said to her daughter, blessed be he of the lord, who has not leading his mercy to the living and the dead. and noomi said to her, the man is our near, one of our parents. Ruth.2.21 and ruth, the moabita, said, he said even to me, hold fast with my servants, until they have finished all my harvest. Ruth.2.22 and noomi said to her bridegroom ruth, it is good, daughter, that you are going with his little daughters, and they will not be encouraged in another field. Ruth.2.23 so she joke at boaz's daughters to gather, until the harvest of the gers and the fever was finished. so she sat with her mother-in-law. Ruth.3.1 and noomi, her daughter, said to her, my daughter, shall i not seek for you a rest, so that it may be well. Ruth.3.2 so do boaz, with his servants, which you have been with his servants, is not our relative. behold, this very night he will cut in the bound of the sheep. Ruth.3.3 so wash yourself and anoint you and put your garments around yourself, and go up to the ground. do not be made known to the man until he has finished to drink and drink. Ruth.3.4 and as he has fallen asleep, you shall know the place where he is asleep, and come and recover his feet. and he will tell you what you are to do. Ruth.3.5 and she said to her, i will do whatever you say. Ruth.3.6 and she went down to the ground and did everything her daughter had given her. Ruth.3.7 so when boaz had eaten and eaten, his heart was glad, so he went and lied at the foot of the prince. then she came and opened his food and opened his feet. Ruth.3.8 at midnight the man was troubled and was troubled, and behold, a woman fell at his feet. Ruth.3.9 and he said, who are you? and she said, i am ruth, your servant. put on your servant ruth on your servant, for you are a remitor. Ruth.3.10 and he said, blessed be you of the lord, my daughter! your last mercy has done more than the first, because you did not follow young men, both poor or rich. Ruth.3.11 and now, my daughter, do not fear; whatever you say i will do for you, for all the people of my people knows that you are a mighty woman. Ruth.3.12 yet truly i am a parenter, but there is a respector of a mighter than i. Ruth.3.13 remain in the night. and in the morning, if you give you a strength, let him be well. but if he does not respect you, i will give you a strength. so as the lord lives, leave you to the morning. Ruth.3.14 so she fell at his feet until the morning, and rose up before one had recognized his neighbor. but boaz said, let not be known that the woman has come in the boast. Ruth.3.15 and he said to her, bring the belt that is on you, and take it fast. and he took it, and he measured six months, and he laid it on it, and she went into the city. Ruth.3.16 when rut came to her mother-in-law, she said, what is you, my daughter? and she told her all that the man had done for her. Ruth.3.17 and said, these six thousand gers he gave me, for he said to me, you shall not enter your mother-in-law. Ruth.3.18 and she said, sit still, my daughter, until you know how the word will fall, for the man will not remain, until he is fully finished this way. Ruth.4.1 so boaz went up to the guard and sat down there. and behold, the resleasting came from there, of whom boaz had said. so he said, come out and sit here here. and he turned and sat down. Ruth.4.2 so boaz took ten men of the elders of the city and said, sit here. and they sat down. Ruth.4.3 and he said to the rower, the part of the field that was of our brother elimelech was given in the land of moab. Ruth.4.4 and i said, i will declare it to you, saying, buy it before those who are sitting and before the elders of my people. if you are commended, commend yourself, but if you do not visit it, tell me, that i may know that there is no one from you to give deliver, and i am after you. and he said, i am delivering. Ruth.4.5 so boaz said, when you sell the field from the hand of naomi, you must compare it also from ruth the moabite, the wife of the dead, to rebuke the name of the dead in his inheritance. Ruth.4.6 and the leaster said, i can not to repare it for me, so that i may destroy my inheritance. repay yourself for my reason, for i cannot come to reprover it. Ruth.4.7 now this was the former in israel by the reproach and reason, to make every way: the man departed his sandaly and gave it to his neighbor, and this was a testimony in israel. Ruth.4.8 so the parents said to boaz, pay it for you. he has taken up his sandals. Ruth.4.9 so boaz said to the elders and to all the people, you are witnesses that i have saved from the hand of naomi all that was of elimelech and all that was of chilion and mahlon. Ruth.4.10 even ruth the moabite, the wife of machlon, i have made a wife for me, to rebuke the name of the dead in his inheritance, so that the name of the dead shall not be destroyed among his brothers and from the tribe of his people. you are witnesses of this day. Ruth.4.11 and all the people who were at the door and the elders said: we are witnesses. let the lord give the woman that comes in your house like rachel and as lea, which both have built the house of israel. make power in efrata, and let your name be in bethlehem! Ruth.4.12 let your house be like the house of perez, whom tamar became birth to juda, from the offspring that the lord will give you of this child. Ruth.4.13 so boaz took rut and became his wife. and he entered her, and the lord gave her birth, and she became birth of a son. Ruth.4.14 and the women said to noomi, blessed be the lord, who has not remained to you this day who has been commended! and let your name be called in israel! Ruth.4.15 and he will be a returning of soul and to keep your greatly. for your bridegroom that he has loved you has given him, which is better for you than seven sons. Ruth.4.16 so noomi took the child and laid it in her side, and she became a honor of her. Ruth.4.17 and the neighbors called him a name, saying, a son has been born of noomi. they called him obed. he was the father of isaï, the father of david. Ruth.4.18 now this is the generations of peres: peres the father of hezron, Ruth.4.19 and hesron the father of ram, and ram the father of amminadab, Ruth.4.20 amminadab the father of nahshon, and nahshon the father of salmon, Ruth.4.21 salmon the father of boaz, and boaz the father of obed, Ruth.4.22 obed the father of jesse, and jesse the father of david, and he said, sit, my daughter, until you know how the word will fall, for the man does not remain until he is fully finished this day. 1Sam.1.1 there was a man from ramat-sopha, from the mountain of ephraim, whose name was elkana, son of jerammeel, son of elihu, the son of suf, the guarnice of ephraim. 1Sam.1.2 he had two women, the name of one was anna, and the name of the second peninna. peninna had children, but anna had no child. 1Sam.1.3 this man went up every years from his city to worship and to offer sacrifice to the lord of the armées to silo. there were the two sons of eli, ofni and phinehas, priests of the lord. 1Sam.1.4 on the day, when elkana offered the offering, he gave to peninna, his wife, and all her sons and her daughters. 1Sam.1.5 but to anna he gave one part, for he loved hanna, though he had loved annas, but the lord had certained her mother. 1Sam.1.6 for the lord did not give her a child according to her benefit, as she was in her anguish, and so she burned her, because the lord had cloken her mother, so that she might not give her a child. 1Sam.1.7 this was so for every year, when she went up to the house of the lord, so that she became food. so she wept and could not eat. 1Sam.1.8 and elkana, her husband, said to her, hanna, why do you weep? and why do you not eat? and why is your heart? is i not better for you than ten children? 1Sam.1.9 and when they had eaten and beaten in shilo, anna rose up, and eli, the priest, sat on his food at the gate of the temple of the lord. 1Sam.1.10 and she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the lord, and weeping weeping. 1Sam.1.11 she gave a profte and said, lord of the armées, if you look at the affliction of your servant and remember me and do not remember your servant, but give your servant a offspring of men, then i will give him to the lord for all his days, and a iron will not come up on his head. 1Sam.1.12 while she continued to pray before the lord, eli watched her mouth. 1Sam.1.13 ( for she was speaking in her heart, even her lips were shining, but her voice was not heard. so eli thought that she was drunk. 1Sam.1.14 and eli said to her, how long shall you be drunk? go out of your wine. 1Sam.1.15 but anna answered, no, my lord! i am a woman that is a hard woman, and i have not drinking wine or drunkenness, but i will utter my life before the lord. 1Sam.1.16 do not give your servant a district daughter, for out of my great belonging and greatly i have spoken out until now. 1Sam.1.17 eli answered her, go in peace, and the god of israel will give you the prayer that you have asked him. 1Sam.1.18 and she said, let your servant find grace in your eyes. so she went on his way and ate and her face was not more. 1Sam.1.19 early in the morning they rose and worshiped the lord, and then returned and went into his house to rama. and elkana knew her wife anna, and the lord remembered her. 1Sam.1.20 and at the time of those days she conceived and became a son, and he called him samuel, for he said, i have asked him from the lord. 1Sam.1.21 so the man elcana went up with all his household, to offer to the sacrifice of the days and his profts. 1Sam.1.22 but anna did not ascend, for she said to her husband, as the child is taken up, i will bring him, that he may appear to the face of the lord and remain there forever. 1Sam.1.23 and her husband elkana said to her, do what you would find well. sit until you have distributed him. let the lord do to do what has come out of your mouth. so the woman fell and refused her son until she had distributed him. 1Sam.1.24 and when she had carried him away with him, he offered him with a third oxen, a efa of mel and a sacch of wine, and she went to the house of the lord in shilo, and the child was with him. 1Sam.1.25 so they went to the hand of the lord, and his father slachted the sacrifice that he offered from days for day to the lord. so he brought the young servant and slachted the oxe. so hanna, the mother of the child, came to eli. 1Sam.1.26 and she said, my lord, so how is your soul, my lord, i am the woman who stood there in your presence to pray to the lord. 1Sam.1.27 i prayed for this child, and the lord gave me my decreation that i have asked him. 1Sam.1.28 so i put him to the lord for all the days that he lives and proclaim to the lord. 1Sam.2.1 she said, my heart is strengthened in the lord, my horn is exalted in the lord. my mouth has distributed my mouth against my enemies, for i rejoice in your salvation. 1Sam.2.2 no one is holy as the lord, for there is no one, and there is no one except our god. 1Sam.2.3 do not speak great things, let no excellence come out of your mouth, for the lord is a god of knowledge, and he is god of knowledge. 1Sam.2.4 the bound of held are bound, and the weak are gathered with power. 1Sam.2.5 they fears for bread with bread, and the hungry turn, and the barren born, for the barren born seven, and the more children is distressed. 1Sam.2.6 the lord death and live. he leads down to the sheol and leads up. 1Sam.2.7 the lord loves and enriches, he afflict and exalts. 1Sam.2.8 he rise from the poor land, and from fold he leads the poor, to sit with the rulers of people, and the throne of glory he will inherit them. 1Sam.2.9 he bears his benefit in his opportunity, and the days of righteous are directed, for no one is strong in his power. 1Sam.2.10 the lord is weaking in his oppression, the lord who is holy, let the wise not boast in his mind, and let the one who is strong may not boast in his power, and the rich let not boast in his riches, but in this glory he may boast and know the lord. 1Sam.2.11 and elkana returned to ramatha, but the child was serving the lord in the presence of eli the priest. 1Sam.2.12 but the sons of eli were devout sons. they did not know the lord. 1Sam.2.13 indeed the instruct of the priest was from the people. when anyone offered a sacrifice, the servant of the priest came, when the flesh was cown, he had a thousand gain in his hand, 1Sam.2.14 and put it in the pot or in the path or in the path or in the wealth, or whatever the hange had taken up, the priest took it for himself. so they did to all the israelites who were coming to shilo. 1Sam.2.15 even before it was bringing the fettle, the servant of the priest came and said to the man who offered: give a flesh to fish for the priest, for he will not take a fish of a fish from you. 1Sam.2.16 and if the man said to him, first let the fettle brone, then then take to you whatever your soul desires. then he said, not, you will give it now. if not, i will receive it with strength. 1Sam.2.17 and the sin of the children was very great in the presence of the lord, for they were seeking the sacrifice of the lord. 1Sam.2.18 samuel was minister in the presence of the lord a young child around a efod. 1Sam.2.19 his mother had made for him a little baat and brought it for him, when she went up with her husband to offer the sacrifice of days. 1Sam.2.20 and eli blessed elkana and his wife, saying, may the lord give you offspring from this woman for the creation that you have given the lord. so they returned to his place. 1Sam.2.21 and the lord visited hannas, and she became birth and became birth two sons and two daughters. and the child samuel increased in the presence of the lord. 1Sam.2.22 eli was very old and heard what his sons did to the people of israel, 1Sam.2.23 and he said to them, why do you do so? for i hear of all the people this things that i hear. 1Sam.2.24 do not do so, my children, for the hearing i hear is not good, you do not do the people of god to serve. 1Sam.2.25 if a man sins against a man, the man will pray for him, but if anyone does sin against the lord, who will pray for him? but they did not listen to their father, for the lord would destroy them to destroy them. 1Sam.2.26 the child samuel also was granted and was granted, even with the lord and man. 1Sam.2.27 and a man of god came to eli and said, so said the lord: have i been revealed to the house of your father, while they were in egypt, a servant of the house of pharaon? 1Sam.2.28 i chose the house of your father among all the tribes of israel to me to keep up on my altar, bringing incense and bear the efod before me? and i gave the house of your father all the food of the sons of israel to eat. 1Sam.2.29 why do you see my offering and my sacrifice that i have commanded by my offering offering? and why are you glorified your children than me, to make the offers of the offering of all the sacrifices of my people israel? 1Sam.2.30 therefore so says the lord, the god of israel, i said, your house and your father will go in my presence forever, and now the lord says, it is no way of me! for those who glorify me will glorify, and those who despiss me will be rejected. 1Sam.2.31 behold, days will come, and i will destroy your offspring and the offspring of your father. 1Sam.2.32 you shall not have an old man in my house always. 1Sam.2.33 yet i will not destroy you from my altar to destroy your eyes and to destroy your life. all the abundantes of your house will fall in men of men. 1Sam.2.34 and this will be a sign that comes on your two sons, ofni and phinehas: in one day they both will escape. 1Sam.2.35 and i will set up a faithful priest to myself, who will do what is in my heart and what is in my heart. i will build him a faithful house, and he will go before my anointed in all the days. 1Sam.2.36 and whatever left your home will come to worship him with a money of silver, saying, put me up at the one of your priesthood to eat for bread. 1Sam.3.1 the child samuel ministred the lord before eli, and the word of the lord was precious in those days, and visions was not directed. 1Sam.3.2 in that day eli was asleep in his place, and his eyes were beginning, so that he could not see, 1Sam.3.3 the lamp of god was not unready, and samuel was asleep in the temple of god where the ark of god was. 1Sam.3.4 and the lord called samuel. and he said, i am. 1Sam.3.5 and he ran to eli and said, i am here, you have called me. but he said, i did not call you. come down and sit. and he turned and fell down. 1Sam.3.6 and the lord appeared again, samuel, samuel. and samuel went and went to eli and said, i am here, you have called me. and he said, i have not called you, return and sleep. 1Sam.3.7 and samuel had not recognized the lord and the word of the lord had been opened to him. 1Sam.3.8 and the lord called again samuel in the third time. so he rose and went to eli and said, i am here, you have called me. so eli recognized that the lord had called the child. 1Sam.3.9 and eli said to samuel, go and sleep; and if you call you, you shall say, speak, lord, for your servant hears. so samuel went and fell in his place. 1Sam.3.10 so the lord came and stood there and called it like the once: samuel, samuel! and samuel said, speak, for your servant hears. 1Sam.3.11 and the lord said to samuel, behold, i will do in israel so that every one who hears will have the two ears. 1Sam.3.12 in that day i will raise up against eli all that i have spoken against his house. i will beginning and fulfill. 1Sam.3.13 for i told him, i would revene his house forever, because he knew that he knew, because his sons were afflicted god, and he did not dispute them. 1Sam.3.14 so i swore to the house of eli that needs of elis'household will be forgiven by offering and sacrifice for ever. 1Sam.3.15 samuel fell to the morning and opened the door of the house of the lord. and samuel was afraid to tell eli the vision. 1Sam.3.16 and eli said to samuel, samuel, son? he said, i am. 1Sam.3.17 and he said, what is the word that he said to you? do not encourt it to me! god must do to you and do so, if you cover me anything from all the words that he has spoken to you. 1Sam.3.18 and samuel told him all that he had said, he is the lord. he must do what is right in his sight. 1Sam.3.19 samuel increased, and the lord was with him, and not one of his words fell on earth. 1Sam.3.20 and all israel from dan to beer-sheba recognized that samuel was faithful for the lord. 1Sam.3.21 and the lord turned again in silo, for the lord was revealed to samuel. and samuel believed as a prophet in ganz israel from one end of the land to the end of the end of the land. eli was a very old, and his sons were walking, and their way was evil in the presence of the lord. 1Sam.4.1 and samuel spoke to all israel. and israel went out to make war against them, and they camped at eben-ezer, while the philistins had laer up in afek. 1Sam.4.2 and the filistyne departed to make war against israel, and belonging to the war belonging to the war, and israel was struck in the presence of the philistins, and they struck 4,000 man in the war. 1Sam.4.3 when the people had come into the camp, the elders of israel said, why did the lord set us in this day before the philistins? let us take the ark of god from silo, and let him come among us and save us from the hand of our enemies. 1Sam.4.4 and the people sent to silo, and they took there the ark of the lord, who is seated among the cherubim. the two sons of eli, hofni and finehas, were with the ark of god. 1Sam.4.5 when the ark of the ark of the lord had come into the camp, all israel cried out with a loud voice, and the earth fell. 1Sam.4.6 when the filistyne heard of the cries, they said, what is this loud cry in the camp of the hebrews? and they recognized that the ark of the lord had come into the barracks. 1Sam.4.7 and the filistyne were afraid, for they said, god has come to them into the barracks. and they said, woe to us! for such is not now done. 1Sam.4.8 woe to us! who will deliver us out of the hand of these distress? these are the god who struck egypt with all plage in the wilderness. 1Sam.4.9 be strong and be husbands, you philistins, so that you may not serve the hebreans, as they have served for us. be sold and strike. 1Sam.4.10 and the people attacked them, and israel was destroyed, and they escaped each to his tent, and a great plague arose, and three thousand of bandents fell from israel. 1Sam.4.11 and the ark of god was taken, and the two sons of eli, hofni and phinehas, died. 1Sam.4.12 then a man of benjamin ran out of the war and came to silo on that day, with rogging clothes and earth on his head. 1Sam.4.13 as he came, behold, eli sat on his food at the way, speaking at the way, for his heart was trouble for the ark of god. and when the man went into the city to tell this, the whole city cried out. 1Sam.4.14 when eli heard the loud cry, he said, what is this reason for this? and the man immediately went and reported to eli. 1Sam.4.15 eli was about 90 years, and his eyes were hidden, and he was not seen. 1Sam.4.16 and the man said to eli, i am the one who came out of the war. and i said to him, what is happened, my son? 1Sam.4.17 and the servant answered, israel fled before the filistyne, and there was a great plague among the people, and your both sons, hofni and finehas, have died, and the ark of god has been taken away. 1Sam.4.18 and as he remembered the ark of god, he fell down from his foot at the near of the door, broken his sour and died, for he was an old and burden. and he was judged israel for twenty-years. 1Sam.4.19 his bride, the wife of finehas, was belonging to birth. when she heard the notice that the ark of god was taken, and that her daughter and her husband were dead, she turned and became birth, for her weasures were turned upon her. 1Sam.4.20 when she was to die, the women who stood by her said to her, do not be afraid, for you have been born a son. but she did not answered her and did not understand. 1Sam.4.21 and she called the child ikabod, which would have been for the ark of god and for her mother and for her husband. 1Sam.4.22 she said, the glory is removed from israel, since the ark of god has been taken. 1Sam.5.1 the jews took the ark of god and brought it from eben-ezer to asdod. 1Sam.5.2 and they took the ark of god and brought it in the house of dagon and set it before dagon. 1Sam.5.3 early in the morning, when the asdodians rose, they saw dagon fallen on his face before the ark of the lord. and they took dagon and returned to his place. 1Sam.5.4 but the next day they arose the matter, behold, dagon had fallen down on his face before the ark of the lord. the head of dagon and the two fish of his hands were taken down at the dorm, but only the nation of dagon was left. 1Sam.5.5 therefore the priests of dagon and all who enter the house of dagon in asdod are not overcome on the depth of dagon in asdod. 1Sam.5.6 but the hand of the lord was carried over ashdod, and he distributed them, and he stricked them with musts, in asdod and in his region. 1Sam.5.7 when the men of asdod saw that it was so, they said, the ark of the god of israel will not stay with us, for his hand is hard over us and against our god dagon. 1Sam.5.8 they sent, and they gathered all the rulers of the filistyne to them and said, what shall we do with the ark of the god of israel? and they said, let the ark of the god of israel turn to gat. and they brought the ark of the god of israel to gath. 1Sam.5.9 but after they had departed it, the hand of the lord was against the city, so that there was a great terror in the city. so he distributed the people of the city, both the minor and the greatest. 1Sam.5.10 so they sent the ark of god to ekron. and when the ark of god came to ekron, the ekronites cried out, they have brought the ark of the god of israel to bring to us and to put us and our people. 1Sam.5.11 so they sent out and gathered all the rulers of the philistins, and they said, send the ark of the god of israel out into her place, that he should not put us and our people death. for there was a death of death throughout the whole city, and the hand of god was greatly carried there. 1Sam.5.12 those who were not dead were being stricked, and the crying out of the city came up into heaven. 1Sam.6.1 the ark of god was in the country of the philistins seven months. 1Sam.6.2 then the filisteos called the priests and the magistrates, saying, what shall we do with the ark of the lord? tell us how we will send it away to her place. 1Sam.6.3 they said, if you sent the ark of the god of israel, do not send him away neither, but give her a sacrifice for a propitiation. then you will be healed and will be known why his hand is not rejected from you. 1Sam.6.4 and they said, what is the fold that we will give to it? and they said, at the number of the rulers of the philistins, five golds of gold. for there will be a spick for you and for all your rulers. 1Sam.6.5 do your bilds of gold and bilds of your myses, who destroy your land, and give your glory to the glory of god of israel, so that he may strong his hand from you and your god and your land. 1Sam.6.6 why do you burden your hearts, as the egyptians and pharaon carried their hearts? did they not come to them when they had distributed them and sent them away? 1Sam.6.7 therefore take yourselves and make a new wagen and put two horse hores, which are not lawful of the child, and put the oxs in the wagen, and let your children go back from them into his house. 1Sam.6.8 and take the ark of god and lay it on the wa, and the golden instrument that you will give for the sacrifice for a sacrifice for the offering for it. 1Sam.6.9 and see: if it comes to his region to bet-shemesh, he has done for us this great evil. but if not, we will know that his hand has not taken us, but that this has happened to us. 1Sam.6.10 the men did so. they took the two horse horns and put them in the wagen, and their telts they put in the house. 1Sam.6.11 so they put the ark on the wagen and the stone with the golden muses and the idols of gold. 1Sam.6.12 the boves accompanied the way, to the way of bet-shemesh. they went on one way, walking, and did not turn at right or at left. and the rulers of the filistyne followed them until the region of bet-shemesh. 1Sam.6.13 the people of beth-semes gathered a garing of fever in the vall. when they lifted up their eyes, they saw the ark, and they rejoiced at it. 1Sam.6.14 the wagen went into the field of joah of bet-shemesh and stood there. there was a great stone. and they stricked the boves of the waves and offered the oxen to the sacrifice to the lord. 1Sam.6.15 the levites took the ark of the lord and the stone that was with it, with the golden instrument of gold, and they put it on the great stone. the men of bet-shemesh offered sacrifices and offered sacrifices in that day to the lord. 1Sam.6.16 when the five rulers of the filistyne saw this, they returned to ekron on that day. 1Sam.6.17 these are the golden places that the philistins gave the offering sacrifice to the lord: for asdod one, for gaza one, for askalon one, for gat one, for ekron one. 1Sam.6.18 the golds of gold according to the number of all the towns of the philistins of the five guards, from a mighty city and the villages of the perizzites, and to the great stone that they laid the ark of the lord, which is in the field of hosea of bethshemesh. 1Sam.6.19 but the lord distributed the people of bet-shemesh because they had seen the ark of the lord. he killed for the people four men and five thousand man among them. so the people mourned, because the lord had distributed the people for a great plague. 1Sam.6.20 and the people of bet-shemesh said, who can go before this lord, this holy god? and to whom shall he rise from us? 1Sam.6.21 and they sent messengers to the residents of kiriath-jearim, saying, the filistyne have brought the ark of the lord. come down and bring it up to yourselves. 1Sam.7.1 then the people of kiriath-jearim came and took the ark of the lord and brought it into the house of abinadab on the hautain, and they sanctified his son eleazar to keep the ark of the lord. 1Sam.7.2 from the day when the ark was directed in kiriath-jearim, there were many days, and they were twenty-years. and all the house of israel looked at the lord. 1Sam.7.3 and samuel said to all the house of israel, if you turn to the lord with your whole heart, take away the others and the astartes from among you, and prepare your hearts to the lord and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the philistins. 1Sam.7.4 so the people of israel departed the baals and the astartes and served the only lord. 1Sam.7.5 samuel said, gather all israel to micpa, and i will pray for you to the lord. 1Sam.7.6 so they gathered to micpa, and they water water and poured out them before the lord, and they fasted in that day and said, we have sinned against the lord. and samuel riched the sons of israel to micpa. 1Sam.7.7 when the philistins heard that the israelites had gathered together to micpa, the rulers of the philistins went up against israel. when the israelites heard this, they were afraid of the philistins. 1Sam.7.8 and the israelites said to samuel, do not silber to invoke us to the lord our god, that he may save us from the hand of the philistins. 1Sam.7.9 then samuel took a moung lamb and offered it with all the people in holocauste for the lord. and samuel cried out to the lord for israel, and the lord answered him. 1Sam.7.10 while samuel was offering the brandopfer, the filistyne came to make war against israel. but the lord greated in that day with a loud voice over the philistins and put them in trouble, and they were struck before israel. 1Sam.7.11 and the men of israel went out of micpa, and they persecuted the philistins and killed them until it was under bet-kar. 1Sam.7.12 and samuel took a stone and set it among mizpa and sen, and it called it eben-ezer, saying, until this place the lord has helped us. 1Sam.7.13 so the philister were humilied, and they did no longer come to the region of israel. and the hand of the lord was against the philistins all the days of samuel. 1Sam.7.14 and the towns that the filistyne had taken from israel were brought to israel, from ekron to gat, and israel delivered their region from the hand of the philistins. and there was peace among israel and the amorites. 1Sam.7.15 and samuel was judge of israel in all his life. 1Sam.7.16 and he went on every year, walking to bet-el and gilgal and of micpa, and he judged israel in all these places. 1Sam.7.17 then he returned to rama, for there was his house, and there he judged israel. and he took there a altar to the lord. 1Sam.8.1 when samuel was looking up, he set his sons as righteous over israel. 1Sam.8.2 his first son was joel, and his second son was abia; they were judged in beer-sheba. 1Sam.8.3 but his sons did not go on his ways, but deceived their lawlessness and accepted gifts and deceived the law. 1Sam.8.4 so all the people of israel gathered together and came to samuel to rama. 1Sam.8.5 and said to him, you have become old, and your sons are not walking in your ways. then put a king over us to condemn us, as all nations have. 1Sam.8.6 but samuel became wrong, because they said, give us a king to jake us. and samuel prayed to the lord. 1Sam.8.7 and the lord said to samuel, hear the voice of the people in whatever they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but me have rejected me to have no king over them. 1Sam.8.8 as they did from the day when they led them out of egypt until this day, they have devoted me and servized others, so they do so with you. 1Sam.8.9 hear then their voice, but testify to them and tell them the law of the king who will reign over them. 1Sam.8.10 and samuel told all the word of the lord to the people who asked him a king. 1Sam.8.11 he said, this will be the right of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and put them in his carros and in his hors, and they will ran before his waves. 1Sam.8.12 he will put them officers and centurions, and to reap his harvest and to desure his harvest and to make around his waves and waves for his waves. 1Sam.8.13 the daughters of your daughters he will take to fish, and for making, and for fish. 1Sam.8.14 he will take your heads and your vineyard and your good olives, and will give it to his servants. 1Sam.8.15 he will take the tithes and your vineyards, and will give it to his eunuchs and to his servants. 1Sam.8.16 he will take your servants and slaves, your good bate and your sings he will take, and will take the tithes of his work. 1Sam.8.17 he will take the tithes of your sheep, and you will be his servants. 1Sam.8.18 and you will crie on that day for your king that you have chosen yourselves, and the lord will not listen to you in those days. 1Sam.8.19 but the people refused to listen to samuel, and they said, not, let us have a king upon us? 1Sam.8.20 so we also will be like all the nations, and our king will justify us and go before us, and he will make our war. 1Sam.8.21 when samuel heard all the words of the people, he spoke them to the lord. 1Sam.8.22 and the lord said to samuel, hear their voice and make a king over them. and samuel said to the people of israel, go each into his own town. 1Sam.9.1 there was a man of benjamin whose name was kis, the son of abiel, who was son of sered, son of beker, son of afiah, a son of a man of benjamin. 1Sam.9.2 he had a son whose name was saul, a great man. no one of the israelites was better than he, and he was exalted more than all the land. 1Sam.9.3 and the esels, the father of saul, were perishing. and kis said to his son saul, take one of the servants with you, and rise, go and seek the esels. 1Sam.9.4 so he went through the mountain of ephraim and went through the land salisa, but they found them not. then they went through the land saalim, and there were no one. then they went through the land of jakim, but they found them not. 1Sam.9.5 when they came to the country of suf, saul said to his servant who was with him, come and return, so that my father does not leave the donds and reason for us. 1Sam.9.6 but the servant said to him, behold, in this city there is a man of god, who is glory. whatever he speaks will come. let us go now. kanske he will tell us the way we will go. 1Sam.9.7 and saul said to his servant, behold, we will go. what shall we bring to the man? for the bread has been cut out of our garments, and we have nothing to bring to the man of god. what have we? 1Sam.9.8 the servant answered saul, behold, i have found in my hand a fourth sicli of silver. i will give it to the man of god, that he will tell us our way. 1Sam.9.9 ( in the time, in israel, when each one went to ask god, said so: come, let us go to the seeing. for in the time a prophet was called a seeer. 1Sam.9.10 and saul said to his servant, it is good. come, let us go. and they went to the city where the man of god was. 1Sam.9.11 when they went up the way of the city, they found the girl who went out to water water, and they said to them, is the seeer here? 1Sam.9.12 they answered them, it is, here is before you. therefore there is coming to the city, for this day there comes in the city, because a sacrifice of sacrifice for the people is at the offering place. 1Sam.9.13 when you enter the city, you will find him before he ascends to the alto to eat, for the people will not eat, until he comes in, because he blessed the sacrifice, and after that the strangers will eat. come therefore, for the day you will find him. 1Sam.9.14 so they went up to the city. when they came into the midst, behold, samuel came out for them to go up to the alto. 1Sam.9.15 now one day before saul came, the lord opened to samuel, saying, 1Sam.9.16 tomorrow on this time i will send to you a man from the land of benjamin, and you shall anoint him as ruler over my people israel, and he will save my people from the hand of the philistins, for i have looked at my people, for their round has come to me. 1Sam.9.17 when samuel saw saul, the lord said to him, behold, this is the man of whom i said to you, this will be domined over my people. 1Sam.9.18 and saul went up to samuel in the midst and said, tell me, where is the house of the seeing! 1Sam.9.19 and samuel answered saul, i am the man. come up before me to the altaal, and you will eat with me this day, and in the morning i will send you out, and i will tell you all that you have in your heart. 1Sam.9.20 and about the donds that have been destroyed for three days do not keep your heart, for they are found. and what is the things that are in israel? is it not for you and for all the house of your father? 1Sam.9.21 and saul answered, i am not a man of benjamin, of the little ones of israel? and my daughter is the little man of all the families of the tribes of benjamin? why do you speak to me in this way? 1Sam.9.22 and samuel took saul and his servant and brought them to the house and laid them in the first place for those who were invited, about about seven men. 1Sam.9.23 and samuel said to the burch, give me the feld that i gave you and of which i said to you, put it down before you. 1Sam.9.24 the kouler took the meat and laid it before saul. and samuel said, behold, it has been reason for it. eat it for your presence, and eat, for it has been reasoned for you when i had called the people. so saul ate with samuel on that day. 1Sam.9.25 so they went down from the tribunal in the city and declared to saul on the housetop. 1Sam.9.26 at the morning of morning samuel called saul on the housetop, saying, rise, and i will send you out. so saul stood up, and they also went out, he and samuel. 1Sam.9.27 while they were going down to the region of the city, samuel said to saul, say to the young man, let him go before us. then stand there, and do you hear the word of god. 1Sam.10.1 and samuel took the food of the oliy and poured it on his head and kissed him, and said to him, has not the lord anointed you to be ruler over his people in israel? you are being instructed in the people of the lord, and you will save him out of the hand of his enemies along. and this will be a sign that the lord has anointed you to his inheritance as ruler. 1Sam.10.2 when you are going today from me, you will find two men at the tomb of rachel in the region of benjamin in selsah, and they will say to you, the esels that you went to seek is found, and behold, your father has distributed the things of the donds and is grain for you, saying, what shall i do for my son? 1Sam.10.3 and when you leave from there and come to the terebinthe of thabor, there you will find there three men ascending to god to bet-el. one draws three seeds, and the one three bounds of bread, and the one near a means of wine, and the one near a means of wine. 1Sam.10.4 they will ask you as well and give you two bread, and you will take it out of their hands. 1Sam.10.5 after this you will come to the coll of god, where the guarnice of the philistins is there. and when you enter the city, you will find a warn of prophets coming down from the alto, and before them harpes, timpans, flots and harp, and they will prophesy. 1Sam.10.6 and the spirit of the lord will come upon you, and you shall prophesy with them, and you will be turned to another man. 1Sam.10.7 when these signs comes upon you, do whatever your hand finds, for god is with you. 1Sam.10.8 and you shall descend before gilgal, and behold, i will come down to you for offering holocaustos and sacrifices pacifics. you will continue seven days until i come to you and tell you what you must do. 1Sam.10.9 so when he turned back to go from samuel, god turned his heart, and all these signs were coming on that day. 1Sam.10.10 when they came to the hautain, behold, a grain of prophets came before him, and the spirit of god came upon him, and he was prophesy in their midst. 1Sam.10.11 and when all who knew him first, saw that he was among the prophets, they said, what is this that has happened to the son of kis? is saul also among the prophets? 1Sam.10.12 but one of them answered, and who is their father? so was it a proverbe: is not even saul among the prophets? 1Sam.10.13 when he had finished prophesiing, he went to the hautain. 1Sam.10.14 and his daughter said to him and to his servant, where are you going? and he said, we were going to seek the donds. and when we saw that they were not, we went to samuel. 1Sam.10.15 and the master of saul said, tell me what samuel said to you. 1Sam.10.16 and saul said to his daughter, he told me that the esels had been found. but what he had spoken of the kingdom he told him not. 1Sam.10.17 so samuel called the people to the lord to mizpa. 1Sam.10.18 and he said to the israelites, so said the lord, the god of israel: i brought israel out of egypt, and i delivered you out of the hand of the egyptians and from the hands of all the kingdoms who afflicted you. 1Sam.10.19 but you have rejected your god, who delivered you out of all your afflictions and afflictions, and you said to him, you shall put a king over us. now present yourselves before the lord according to your tribes and tribes. 1Sam.10.20 so samuel brought up all the tribes of israel and beared the lot of benjamin. 1Sam.10.21 so he brought the tribe of benjamin according to their tribes, and the tribe of matri was born. and saul, the son of kis, was inhered. and they sought him, but did not find him. 1Sam.10.22 so they asked the lord, whether the man came here? and the lord said, it is hidden among the vessels. 1Sam.10.23 so they ran and took him from there. and he stood in the midst of the people, and he was more high than all the people. 1Sam.10.24 and samuel said to the people, you saw him whom the lord has chosen? for there is no one like him among all the people. so all the people cried out, let the king live! 1Sam.10.25 and samuel told the people the charge of the king and wrote it in a book and laid it before the lord. then samuel sent all the people, each to his own place. 1Sam.10.26 and saul went into his house to gibeah, and with him went a mighty men whom god had touched their hearts. 1Sam.10.27 the other sons said, what will he save us? and they disputed him, and they brought him no gift. 1Sam.11.1 and nahas the ammonites went up and belonged to jabes-galaad. and all the people of jabesh said to nahas, make a covenant with us, and we will serve you. 1Sam.11.2 but nahas the ammonites said to them, in this way i will make a covenant with you, that i may cast out all your right eye, and i will make an oproach for all israel. 1Sam.11.3 and the men of jabesh said to him, pay us seven days, so that we may send messagers to all the regions of israel, and if there is no one who save us, we will come to you. 1Sam.11.4 when the messagers came to gibea of saul, they told the words to the people. and all the people cried out their voice and wept. 1Sam.11.5 and behold, saul came with the field from the field. and saul said, what is it that the people wears? and they told him the words of the people of jabesh. 1Sam.11.6 when saul heard these words, the spirit of god came upon him, and his wrath increased greatly. 1Sam.11.7 and he took a oxe of oxen and distributed them, and sent them into every region of israel by angels, saying, the one who does not follow saul and samuel will have done so. and the fear of the lord fell upon the people, and they were like one man. 1Sam.11.8 and he visited them in bezek, and at israel were three thousand thousand, and men of judah were three thousand. 1Sam.11.9 and they said to the messagers coming so, say to the men of jabesh of gilead: tomorrow, when the sun will come, your salvation will be for you. so the messengers came and told the men of jabes, and they rejoiced. 1Sam.11.10 and the men of jabesh said to nahas, tomorrow we will come to you, and you will do to us whatever you please. 1Sam.11.11 the next day saul made the people in three parts, and they went in in the camp in the morning of morning and killed the ammonites until the day was healed, and the rest that left them were scattered, so that there were not two by them. 1Sam.11.12 and the people said to samuel, who are those who said, saul will reign over us? give these men, and we will put them to death. 1Sam.11.13 but saul said, there will no one dies this day, for this day the lord has made salvation in israel. 1Sam.11.14 and samuel said to the people, let us go to gilgal and obtain there the kingdom. 1Sam.11.15 so all the people went to gilgal and made saul a king before the lord in gilgal. and they offered sacrifices of peace before the lord. and saul and all the people were glad rejoiced. 1Sam.12.1 and samuel said to israel, behold, i have heard your voice in all that you have said to me, and i have made a king over you. 1Sam.12.2 and now, behold, the king is going before you, and i have become old and healed, and behold, my sons are among you. i have come before you from my youth until this day. 1Sam.12.3 behold, i am. make an encourage against me before the lord and before his anointed, whose oxen i have received, or whom i have strengthened? or whose hand i have taken up for anyone? say to me, and i will pay it to you. 1Sam.12.4 they said, you have not wronged us, nor has wronged us, nor has received anything from the hand of anyone. 1Sam.12.5 and he said to them, the lord is witness against you, and his anointed is witness in this day that you have found nothing in my hand. and they said, it is witness. 1Sam.12.6 and samuel said to the people, the lord who made moses and aaron and led your fathers out of the land of egypt. 1Sam.12.7 so now stand here, and i will justify you before the lord for all the righteousness of the lord that he has done for you and your fathers. 1Sam.12.8 when jacob came into egypt, and our fathers cried out to the lord, the lord sent moses and aaron, who led your fathers out of egypt and gave them in this place. 1Sam.12.9 but they had forgotten the lord their god, and he sold them into the hand of sisera, the ruler of hasor, and in the hand of the philistins and in the hand of the king of moab, and they attacked them. 1Sam.12.10 and they cried out to the lord and said, we have sinned, for we have left the lord and served the baals and the astartes. now deliver us out of the hand of our enemies, and we will serve you. 1Sam.12.11 then the lord sent jerubbaal and bedan, and jephthah and samuel, and he saved you out of the hand of your enemies around you, and you were sitting in confidence. 1Sam.12.12 but when you saw that nahas, the king of the ammonites, has come upon you, you said to me, it is not only that a king will reign over us, and the lord our god is our king. 1Sam.12.13 now now it is the king that you have chosen, and behold, the lord has given a king upon you. 1Sam.12.14 if you fear the lord and serve him and obey his voice and do not think the mouth of the lord, then you and the king who reies on you will follow the lord, your god. 1Sam.12.15 but if you do not obey the voice of the lord and rebeldes to the mouth of the lord, the hand of the lord will be against you, as was against your rulers. 1Sam.12.16 so come now and see this great thing, which the lord will do for your eyes. 1Sam.12.17 is this not a grain of wheat? i will call the lord, and he will give ground and rain, and you will know and see that your evil doing you have done in the presence of the lord to ask for yourselves a king. 1Sam.12.18 and samuel called the lord, and the lord gave a town and rain in that day, and all the people were greatly afraid of the lord and of samuel. 1Sam.12.19 and all the people said to samuel, pray for your servants to the lord your god, that we may not die, for to all our sins we have added the evil way to ask for ourselves a king. 1Sam.12.20 and samuel said to the people, do not fear. you have done all this evil, but do not deceive from the lord, but serve the lord with your whole heart. 1Sam.12.21 and do not turn, for you should follow the little things that do not turn or escape, for they are nothing. 1Sam.12.22 for the lord will not depute his people for his great name, for the lord has recognized you to be his people. 1Sam.12.23 and from me, it is no means that i may sin against the lord, so that i may rise and pray for you. i will show you the good and right way. 1Sam.12.24 fear only the lord and serve him in truth with your whole heart, for you see how great he has done for you. 1Sam.12.25 but if you do wrong, you and your king will be carried. 1Sam.13.1 but if you do wrong, you and your king will be carried. 1Sam.13.2 and saul distributed himself three thousand men of israel, and two mil were with him at mikmas and on the mountain of bet-el, and 1000 were with jonatan in gibea of benjamin. the rest of the people sent each one to his dwelling. 1Sam.13.3 and jonatan killed the guarnice of the philisters that was in geba, and the filisteos heard it. and saul cinged a trumpet on the whole land, saying, let the servants hear. 1Sam.13.4 and all israel heard saying that saul had distributed the guarnice of the filistyne and that israel was ashamed to the philistins. so the people cried out to saul at gilgal. 1Sam.13.5 now the philistins gathered to make war against israel: thirty thousand of carros and six thousand horse, and many people like the sand that is at the sea of the sea. and they went up and leiriytyivät to mikmas, at the midst of beth-aven. 1Sam.13.6 when the israelites saw that they were in anguish, because they were in anguish, and the people were hidden in the spelonks and in the graves, in the rocks, in the roves and in the graves. 1Sam.13.7 even the hebreans passed over the jordan to the land of gad and galaad. and saul was still at gilgal, and all the people were astonished after him. 1Sam.13.8 he remained seven days for the testimony that samuel had spoken, but samuel was not coming to gilgal, and the people were scattered from him. 1Sam.13.9 and saul said, bring to me the holocauste and sacrifices pacifics. and he offered the brandopfer. 1Sam.13.10 when he had finished off the brandopfer, behold, samuel came. and saul went out to meet him and blessed him. 1Sam.13.11 and samuel said, what did you do? and saul said, i saw that the people were scattered from me, and you did not come to the time, when the philistins had gathered to mikmas, 1Sam.13.12 so i said, now the filisteos will come down to me to gilgal, and i have not asking the lord. so i seized, and i offered the brandopfer. 1Sam.13.13 and samuel said to saul, you have been wrong. you did not keep the commandment of the lord, your god, which he commanded you. so the lord has prepared your kingdom for israel forever. 1Sam.13.14 but now your kingdom will not be standing. the lord has seeking himself a man according to his heart, and the lord has commanded him to be ruler over his people, because you did not keep what the lord has commanded you. 1Sam.13.15 and samuel rose and went from gilgal to gibea of benjamin. and saul visited the people who was found with him, about 600 man. 1Sam.13.16 and saul and his son jonatan, and the people who were with them were asking in gibeah of benjamin, and the filistyne had directed mikmas. 1Sam.13.17 then some people went out of the country of the philistins for three rulers. the one beginning went on the way of ofra, to the country of soal, 1Sam.13.18 the other district went on the way of bet-horon, and the first beginning went on the way of the country that leads to the town of seboim. 1Sam.13.19 there was no iron of iron in all the land of israel, for the philistins said, the hebreans should do not make no sword or spies. 1Sam.13.20 so the whole israel went down to the philistins to preach each one his harp, his waken, his seak or his sickle, 1Sam.13.21 when the treasure was reasoned for a grain, at the sickle, for the sickle, and for the sicles, and for the sickle the sickle. 1Sam.13.22 so at the time of the war there was not found a sword or a speer in the hand of all the people who were with saul and jonatan, but there were found saul and his son jonathan. 1Sam.13.23 and a respect of the philistins came out of the district of michmas. 1Sam.14.1 one day jonatan, son of saul, said to the servant who had with his waves: come, let us go to the guard of the philistins that is in the other side. but he did not tell his father. 1Sam.14.2 saul was sitting at the room of gibea under the rock that was in migron, and the people who were with him were about 600 men. 1Sam.14.3 and ahija, the son of ahitub, brother of jecabed, son of phinehas, son of eli, a priest of the lord in silo, took the efod. and the people did not know that jonatan had gone. 1Sam.14.4 now among the passe where jonathan sought to pass over to the guaring of the philistins, there was a rocks of a rock from the other side, the one name was boses, and the name of the other sene. 1Sam.14.5 the one journear was at the north, around mikmas, the other in the midst, on the near of geba. 1Sam.14.6 and jonatan said to his waiting of his waves: come, let us go to the guard of these uncircumcised. may the lord do for us, for the lord is not lawful to save by many or by little. 1Sam.14.7 and his waffenner said to him, do whatever you have in your heart. come, behold, i am with you in your heart. 1Sam.14.8 and jonatan said, we will go to the men and be reconciled to them. 1Sam.14.9 if they say to us, stay there until we come to you, then we will stand in our place, and we will not come up to them. 1Sam.14.10 but if they say so to us, come up to us, and we will come up, for the lord has delivered them into our hand. this will be a sign for us. 1Sam.14.11 so they both went to the guarnice of the philistins, and the philistins said, behold, the hebreons are coming out of the idol where they have clothed there. 1Sam.14.12 and the officers answered jonatan and his wapendrager, they said, come up to us, and we will tell you anything. then jonatan said to his wager, come up after me, for the lord has given them in the hand of israel. 1Sam.14.13 and jonatan went up on his hands and on his feet, and his wapendrayer was after him. they fell on the face of jonatan, and his wafding man distributed them. 1Sam.14.14 this was the first plague that jonathan and his wapendrayer killed about venty men killed in a district of a half of a land. 1Sam.14.15 so there was a fear in the tender and in the field and in all the people. the crowds and the destructors were departed, and the earth was troubled, and there was a fear of the lord. 1Sam.14.16 the officers of saul in gibea of benjamin saw that the least were troubled and spread. 1Sam.14.17 and saul said to the people who were with him, see and see who it has gone from you. and when they visited, behold, jonatan and his wapendrayer were not found. 1Sam.14.18 and saul said to ahijah, bring the ark of god! ( for the ark of god was in that day with the israelites. 1Sam.14.19 while saul was speaking to the priest, the call in the tender of the philistins was going off, and saul said to the priest, put out your hands. 1Sam.14.20 so saul and all the people who were with him cried out and came to the war, and behold, the sword of one was against his neighbor, and there was a great destruction. 1Sam.14.21 the servants who had been with the philistins and had been with them in the barracks, they also returned to the israelites who were with saul and jonathan. 1Sam.14.22 and when all the israelites who were hidden in the mountain of ephraim heard that the filisteos had escaped, they also followed them in the bation. 1Sam.14.23 so the lord saved that day israel, and the bath went through beth-aven, and all the people who were with saul were about 1,000 man, and the war was distributed throughout all the city in the mountain of ephraim. 1Sam.14.24 the people of saul were charged in that day, for saul had charged the people, saying, cursed be the man who will eat of bread until evening, while i am visited my enemies. so all the people did not look bread. 1Sam.14.25 and all the people came in winter, and there was honning on the field of the land. 1Sam.14.26 when the people entered the ground, behold, there was a moment, but no one left his hand to the mouth, for the people were afraid of the oath. 1Sam.14.27 but jonatan did not heard when his father had banded the people, and he stretched the head of the scepter that was in his hand and dounded it in a robe of the honey and turned his hand to his mouth, and his eyes were looked. 1Sam.14.28 but one of the people answered, your father has put an oath to the people, saying, cursed be the man who eat this day. so the people were destroyed. 1Sam.14.29 and jonatan said, my father has carried out the land. see how my eyes have seen, because i have sounded a little of this honey. 1Sam.14.30 even if the people had eaten this day to eat of the buit of their enemies, which he had found, for now there would be no more belonging to the philistins? 1Sam.14.31 so they killed on that day the filistyne from mikmas at ajalon, and the people were greatly distressed. 1Sam.14.32 so the people departed to the roof, and they took sheep and oxen and children, and slachted it on the ground, and the people were eating with the blood. 1Sam.14.33 and saul said to saul, behold, the people sinners against the lord, eating with the blood. and he said, you have sinned. roling me here a great stone. 1Sam.14.34 and saul said, escape among the people and say to them, let each one of you bring his oxe or his sheep, and eat it in this way and eat, and do not sin against the lord by eat with the blood. so all the people brought each one of his hand to her, and they died there. 1Sam.14.35 and saul built a altar to the lord. this was the beginning of the beginning to the lord. 1Sam.14.36 and saul said, let us come down after the filistyne in the night, and strive them to the morning, and let no one left among them. they said, do whatever is well in your sight. and the priest said, let us come here here. 1Sam.14.37 and saul asked god, shall i descend after the filistyne? will you give them in the hand of israel? but he did not answered him that day. 1Sam.14.38 and saul said, bring up all the parents of the people here, and know and see where this sinning has happened this day. 1Sam.14.39 for so how as the lord lives, who has saved israel, even if it is with my son jonatan, he will die. and no one answered him from all the people. 1Sam.14.40 then he said to the whole israel, you will be one side, and i and my son jonathan will be on the other side. and the people said to saul, do what is right in your sight. 1Sam.14.41 and saul said, lord, god of israel, why did you not réponse this day to your servant? if wrongdoing is at me or to my son jonatan, o lord, god of israel, give a urim. if you do so to your people israel, give it your holy way. and jonatan and saul were inherited, and the people went out. 1Sam.14.42 and saul said, put it among me and my son jonatan, which the lord is set to short, let him die. and the people said to saul, this is not so. so saul strengthened the people and put it among him and his son jonatan. 1Sam.14.43 and saul said to jonatan, tell me what you have done. and jonatan spoke to him and said, i have taken a little honor of honey that was in my hand. behold, i am going to die. 1Sam.14.44 and saul said, god must do to me and do so, indeed, you must not die. 1Sam.14.45 but the people said to saul, will jonatan, who has done this great salvation in israel? never! so how the lord lives that no hair of his head will fall on the earth, for by god he has done this day. so the people made jonatan, that he was not dead. 1Sam.14.46 so saul departed from following them, and the jews returned to their place. 1Sam.14.47 when saul had divided a work over israel, he distributed around all his enemies, against moab, against the sons of ammon, against edom, against the king of soba and against the philistins, and whatever he turned, he divided. 1Sam.14.48 and he made power and killed amalek and delivered israel out of the hands of those who walked him. 1Sam.14.49 the sons of saul were jonatan, jisvi and malkisua, and the name of his two daughters were merab, and the first michal. 1Sam.14.50 the name of his wife was ahinoam, a daughter of ahimaaz. his ruler was abner, the son of ner, his master of saul. 1Sam.14.51 for cis, the father of saul, and ner, the father of abner, were sons of abiel. 1Sam.14.52 now a mighty strive against the philisteos was at all the days of saul. and when saul saw a held and a held man, he brought him to him. 1Sam.15.1 and samuel said to saul, the lord sent me to anoint you to be king over israel. hear then the voice of the lord. 1Sam.15.2 so says the lord of the armées, i will justice to what amalek did to israel, as he drew him on the way, when he went up from egypt. 1Sam.15.3 so go and destroy amalek, and destroy all that he has, and do not spare him, but destroy both man and woman, infants and infants, oxen and sheep, cammels and sheep, cammels and azels. 1Sam.15.4 so saul called the people and visited them at telaim: they were 400.000 banderers and 1,000 man of judah. 1Sam.15.5 so saul went to the city of amalek and bowed in the behind. 1Sam.15.6 and saul said to the kenites, go and depart from the amalekites, that i should not destroy you with them, for you had shown mercy to all the israelites when they went up from egypt. so the kenites departed from amalec. 1Sam.15.7 so saul killed the amalekites from hawila until shur in the region of egypt. 1Sam.15.8 and he took agag, the king of amalek, living, but all the people destroyed with the sword. 1Sam.15.9 but saul and the people performed agag and the better of the sheep, the beast, the garders and all the good things, and they refused to destroy them. they destroyed all the good and despised it. 1Sam.15.10 then the word of the lord came to samuel, saying, 1Sam.15.11 i am reasoned that i have made saul a king, for he turned away from me and did not keep my words. and samuel indigned, and he cried out to the lord all the night. 1Sam.15.12 early in the morning samuel went up to saul at the morning. and they said to samuel, saul has come to karmel, and behold, he has taken up a hand for him. then he turned and went down to gilgal. 1Sam.15.13 and when samuel came to saul, saul said to him, blessed are you in the lord! i have done the message of the lord. 1Sam.15.14 and samuel said, what is this for a voice of the sheep in my ears and what is the voice of beasts that i hear? 1Sam.15.15 and saul said, they brought them from amalek, for the people showed the best of the sheep and the oxen, so that they might bring it to the lord your god. but the rest we have destroyed. 1Sam.15.16 and samuel said to saul, leave, and i will tell you what the lord has spoken to me this night. and he said to him, say. 1Sam.15.17 and samuel said, though you were little in your eyes, did you have the ruler of the tribes of israel, and the lord anointed you to be king over israel? 1Sam.15.18 and the lord sent you to the way and said, go and destroy the sinners, the amalekites, and strike them until you have completed them. 1Sam.15.19 why did you not listen to the voice of the lord but turned on the roof and did what is evil in the eyes of the lord? 1Sam.15.20 and saul said to samuel, i have heard the voice of the people, and i went on the way that the lord sent me, and i brought agag, the king of amalec, and have destroyed the amalekites. 1Sam.15.21 but the people took the bound a flock and boves, the first of the destroying, to offer to the lord our god in gilgal. 1Sam.15.22 and samuel said, would the lord want offerings and sacrifices like the hearing of the voice of the lord? behold, a hearing is better than a sacrifice, and a hearing more than the grain of oints. 1Sam.15.23 for sexual immorality is a sin of offense, and a trouble of terafim. for you have dejected the word of the lord, and he has dejected you to be no king. 1Sam.15.24 and saul said to samuel, i have sinned, for i have transgressed the word of the lord and your words, for i was afraid of the people and heard their voice. 1Sam.15.25 now do me leave my sin and return with me, that i may worship the lord. 1Sam.15.26 but samuel said to saul, i will not return with you, for you have dejected the word of the lord, and the lord has dejected you to be no king over israel. 1Sam.15.27 when samuel drew his face to go, saul seized the bop of his baat, and it distributed him. 1Sam.15.28 and samuel said to him, the lord has rejected the kingdom of israel from you this day and gave it to your neighbor, which is better than you. 1Sam.15.29 and the god of israel does not repent and not repent, for he is not a man to repent. 1Sam.15.30 and he said, i have sinned, but glorify me in the presence of my people and before my people, and return with me, that i may worship the lord your god. 1Sam.15.31 and samuel returned after saul, and saul worshiped the lord. 1Sam.15.32 then samuel said, bring to me agag, the king of amalek. and agag came to him in fear, and agag said, the bitterness of death is so. 1Sam.15.33 but samuel said, so as your sword has taken wives for women, so your mother will be defiled from women. so samuel hidden agag in the presence of the lord in gilgal. 1Sam.15.34 then samuel went to rama, and saul went up to his house in gibea of saul. 1Sam.15.35 and samuel did not see saul to the day of his death, for samuel were weeping over saul. and the lord arrested that he had made saul a king over israel. 1Sam.16.1 and the lord said to samuel, how long you will mourn for saul? for i have forgiven him, that he may not be king over israel? filled your horn with yei and come. i will send you to isai of bethlehem, for i have seen a king among his sons. 1Sam.16.2 and samuel said, how can i go? if saul hear it, he will kill me. and the lord said, take a kalf of sheep in your hand and say, i have come to sacrifice to the lord. 1Sam.16.3 call isaï to the sacrifice, and i will tell you what you are to do, and you shall anoint him whom i tell you. 1Sam.16.4 and samuel did what the lord had spoken to him, and when he came to bethlehem, the elders of the city treated him out, and they said, have your coming to peace? 1Sam.16.5 and he said, well. i am coming to offer to the lord. sanctified, and come with me to the sacrifice. and he sanctified isaï and his sons and called them to the sacrifice. 1Sam.16.6 when they came and saw eliab, he said, only in the presence of the lord is his anointed. 1Sam.16.7 but the lord said to samuel, do not see his appearance or his great majesty, for i have forgiven him. for god sees not as man sees, for a man looks for the face of the appearance, but the lord sees in his heart. 1Sam.16.8 so isai called abinadab and put him before samuel. but he said, even this did the lord not chosen him. 1Sam.16.9 so isai leaded samma. but samuel said, even this the lord has not chosen. 1Sam.16.10 so he brought his seven sons before samuel. but samuel said to isaï, the lord has not chosen among these. 1Sam.16.11 and samuel said to isaï, are not all the children of it? and he said, a little one is still. he is going in the sheep. and samuel said to isaï, send out and take him, for we will not sit down at table until he comes. 1Sam.16.12 so he sent and brought him. and he was turn, with a bright of eyes and a good appearance. and the lord said, rise and anoint him, for this is the good. 1Sam.16.13 and samuel took the horn of the olivet and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. and from that day the spirit of god came upon david from that day and again. then samuel rose and went to rama. 1Sam.16.14 the spirit of the lord departed saul, and a evil spirit from the lord rejected him. 1Sam.16.15 and the servants of saul said to him, yet behold, an evil spirit of god draws you. 1Sam.16.16 let our lord say to your servants who are before you, to seek a man who knows to call the harp, and when the evil spirit of god comes upon you, he will call out his harp, and you will be well. 1Sam.16.17 and saul said to his servants, see me a man who is right and bring him to me. 1Sam.16.18 and one of the servants answered, i have seen a son of isaï the bethlehemita, who knows a salp, a belong man, a soldier, a wise speech and a good speech, and a belonging to knowledge, and the lord is with him. 1Sam.16.19 and saul sent messengers to isai, saying, send me your son david who is in the sheep. 1Sam.16.20 so isai took a money with bread and a means of wine and one bound, and sent it to saul by his son david. 1Sam.16.21 so david came to saul and stood before him, and he was loved him greatly, and he became his wafster. 1Sam.16.22 and saul sent out to isaï, saying, let david stand in my presence, for he has found grace in my eyes. 1Sam.16.23 as the spirit of god was upon saul, david took the harp and calling him by the hand, and saul was suffering, and it was better, and the evil spirit withleft him. 1Sam.17.1 the filisteos gathered their soldats to belong, and they gathered to soko, which is in judah, and they camped among socho and azeka, at efes-dammim. 1Sam.17.2 saul and the people of israel were gathered together and departed in the dalen of themselves, and departed for a soldier against the philistins. 1Sam.17.3 the philisteos were standing on the mountain, at one other side, and israel was standing on the mountain, here, and the vall was among them. 1Sam.17.4 then there came a mighty man out of the country of the philistins, whose name was goliath, from gath. his hair was thousand and a spy. 1Sam.17.5 he had a helm of helm on his head, and he was clothed in a panner, the pesing of the panner was five thousand of bronze. 1Sam.17.6 he had baskets of bronze on his feet and a covering of bronze among his houlls. 1Sam.17.7 the wewer of his lange was like a webergain, and his speech was about 600 sikles of iron, and the slangers was going before him. 1Sam.17.8 so he stood and cried out to the soldiers of israel, and said to them, why are you going out to strike a war? i am not a philistin, and you are the servants of saul? choose one for yourselves and come down to me. 1Sam.17.9 if he is able to strike me and strike me, we will be your servants, but if i am able and strike him, you will be our servants and serve us. 1Sam.17.10 and the philistin said, i have destined the soldiers of israel this day. give me a man, and we will strike both. 1Sam.17.11 when saul and the whole israel heard these words of the philistin, they were astonished and were afraid. 1Sam.17.32 and david said to saul, let not my master be directed for him. your servant will go and strike against this philistin. 1Sam.17.33 but saul said to david, you cannot go to the philistin to walk with him, for you are a young man, and he is a soldier from his youth. 1Sam.17.34 and david said to saul, your servant passed a sheep for his father, and when a lion or a arb came and took a sheep from the sheep, 1Sam.17.35 so i followed him and killed him and stricked it out of his mouth. and if he departed against me, i seized him and stricked him and put him to death. 1Sam.17.36 your servant have killed the least and the leat. this uncircumcised philistin will be like one of them, for he has dishonor the bats of the living god. 1Sam.17.37 and david said, the lord who saved me from the hand of the lion and of the wish, he will deliver me out of the hand of this philistin. and saul said to david, go, and the lord be with you. 1Sam.17.38 and saul put david his waise, and put his cloak on his head, and put a means of bronze on his head. 1Sam.17.39 and david put his sword around his mantel and mourned to walk, for he was not persuaded. so david said to saul, i cannot go in these things, for i have not persuaded. so david cut them away. 1Sam.17.40 and he took his scepter in his hand and chose for himself five lives stones from the beast and put them in the shepherd of the shepherd, which had with him, and his seal in the hand, and he came to the philisterin. 1Sam.17.42 when goliath saw david, he despected him, for he was a young man, bright and pure in his sight. 1Sam.17.43 and the philistin said to david, is i a hund, that you come to me with a scepter? and the philistin cursed david by his god. 1Sam.17.44 and the philistin said to david, come to me, and i will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beast of the earth. 1Sam.17.45 and david said to the philistin, you are coming to me with a sword, with a lance and with a pil, and i am coming to you in the name of the lord of the armées of israel, the god of the war of israel, which you have insulted. 1Sam.17.46 now the lord will give you in my hand, and i will kill you and take your head from you, and i will give the rups of the sold of the filistyne on this day to the birds of the air and to the wilds of the earth, so that all the earth will know that there is god in israel. 1Sam.17.47 and all this crowd will know that the lord will salve not with espada and lance, for the bath is the lord, and he will give you in our hand. 1Sam.17.48 so the philistin stood up and went to encontring david. 1Sam.17.49 and david stretched his hand into the back and took there a stone and stricked it and struck the philistin in his forehead, and the stone fell in his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth. 1Sam.17.51 then david ran and stood on him and took his sword and took him his sword and distributed him, and cut off his head. when the filisteos saw that their held had been dead, they fled. 1Sam.17.52 and the men of israel and juda stood up and became greatly, and persecuted the philistins like to the gate of gath and to the gates of askalon. the erished of the philistins fell on the way of shaaraim, to gath and to ekron. 1Sam.17.53 then the people of israel returned and followed the filistyne and tried their lasters. 1Sam.17.54 so david took the head of the philistin and brought it to jerusalem, but his waves laid him in his tent. 1Sam.18.6 and those treated david out from all the towns out of all the towns of israel, with tambores and calling, and with cymblings. 1Sam.18.7 and the women danged and said, saul has killed his thousand, and david his thousand. 1Sam.18.8 and saul became greater in this sight, and he said, they have given the thousand of david, and they gave me the thousand. 1Sam.18.9 from that day on saul was looked against david. 1Sam.18.12 and saul was afraid of david. 1Sam.18.13 so saul departed him from himself and made him a tribune, and he went out and went in the presence of the people. 1Sam.18.14 and david was understanding in all his ways, and the lord was with him. 1Sam.18.15 when saul saw that he was greatly conceived, he was afraid of him. 1Sam.18.16 but all israel and judah loved david, because he was going out and entered them. 1Sam.18.20 but michal, the daughter of saul, loved david. they told saul, and it was right in his eyes. 1Sam.18.21 and saul said, i will give it to him, and he will be a stumbling block. and his hand was upon saul. 1Sam.18.22 and saul commanded his servants, saying, speak to david in secretly, saying, behold, the king desires to you, and all his servants love you. so do you have been married with the king. 1Sam.18.23 and the servants of saul spoke these words to david. but david said, is it right in your eyes that you should be gentle to the king? i am a human and devout man. 1Sam.18.24 and the servants of saul told him, so what david had spoken. 1Sam.18.25 and saul said, do you say to david, the king is not willing to give a gift but 100 philisters, to punish justice to the enemies of the king. so saul thought to put david in the hands of the philistins. 1Sam.18.26 when the servants of saul reported these words to david, the question was right in the presence of the king, 1Sam.18.27 then david rose and went with his men and killed a hundred men among the philistins. and he brought their prepuits and brought it to the king, to be gentle with the king. and saul gave him his daughter michal to a wife. 1Sam.18.28 and saul saw that the lord was with david, and all israel loved him. 1Sam.18.29 he still kept still from david. 1Sam.19.1 and saul spoke to his son jonathan and to all his servants to put david to death. but jonatan, the son of saul, had greatly desired of david. 1Sam.19.2 and jonatan declared to david, saying, saul is seeking to kill you. keep therefore the morning of the morning and keep him in secret. 1Sam.19.3 and i will go and stand at the hand of my father in the field where you are, and i will speak about you to my father, and if i see what i have, i will tell you. 1Sam.19.4 and jonatan spoke good concerning david to his father saul, and he said to him, let the king not sink against your servant david, for he has not sinned against you, and his doing have become much good for you. 1Sam.19.5 he laid his life in his hand and struck the philistin, and the lord gave a great salvation for all israel. you have seen it and have rejoiced. why do you sin against innocent blood, to put david in death? 1Sam.19.6 and saul heard the voice of jonatan, and saul swore, so how the lord lives that he should not die. 1Sam.19.7 then jonatan called david and told him all these things. and jonatan brought david to saul, and he was in his presence like long. 1Sam.19.8 now there came a soldier. and david went out and distributed the philistins, and he killed them with a great plague, and they fled from him. 1Sam.19.9 the evil spirit of the lord came over saul, and he sat in his house with his spies in his hand, and david waited in his hand. 1Sam.19.10 so saul sought to strike david with his spies, but david withdrew from saul, and he struck his spies into the wand, and david withdrew and escaped. 1Sam.19.11 and saul sent messengers to the house of david to keep him and to put him to death to the morning. but michal, his wife, told david this way, saying, if you do not save your soul this night, you will be put to death. 1Sam.19.12 so michal drew david out of the fenster and went away and escaped and was saved. 1Sam.19.13 then michal took the husband and put it on the bed, and put in his head a peat of chip, and covered it with a robe. 1Sam.19.14 and when saul sent men to take david, she said, he is small. 1Sam.19.15 so saul sent a message to david, saying, bring him to me on the bed to put him to death. 1Sam.19.16 when the messagers came, behold, there was the idol in the bed and a heat of chip on his head. 1Sam.19.17 and saul said to michal, why have you deceived me so and sent my enemy and escaped? michal said to saul, he said to me, send me away, unless i will put you to death. 1Sam.19.18 so david flowed and was saved, and he came to samuel to rama and told him all that saul had done for him. so he and samuel went and lived at najoth. 1Sam.19.19 and to saul was told, behold, david is in najoth at rama. 1Sam.19.20 and saul sent messengers to take david. when they saw the church of the prophets and samuel standing there, the spirit of god was upon the messagers of saul, and they prophesy. 1Sam.19.21 when it was told saul, he sent other messagers, and they also prophesy. then saul sent the third messagers, and they also prophesy. 1Sam.19.22 so he also went to rama. and when he came to the great well that was in sebor, he asked, where are samuel and david? and they said, there are they in najoth at rama. 1Sam.19.23 so he went from there to naioth, at rama, and the spirit of god was also upon him, and he went on prophesy, until he came to najoth in rama. 1Sam.19.24 so he cut out his garments and prophesied before them, and he fell naked on all that day and all the night. therefore they said, is saul among the prophets? 1Sam.20.1 but david escaped from najoth at rama and came to jonatan and said, what have i done? what is my transgression? what is my reason before your father, that he seeks my life? 1Sam.20.2 he said to him, neither! you will not die. behold, my father does not do anything, great or little, and he will not reveal it to me. why then will my father cake this thing? it is not so. 1Sam.20.3 but david answered jonatan, your father knows that i have found grace in your eyes. so he said, let jonatan not know this, that it will not be directed. but so long as the lord lives and so by your soul, that there is only a message among me and death. 1Sam.20.4 and jonatan said to david, whatever your soul desires will i do for you. 1Sam.20.5 and david said to jonathan, behold, tomorrow is next day, and i will sit down with the king to eat. so let you go out and keep me in the field until the next day. 1Sam.20.6 if your father is visited me, you shall say, david has asked me to depart to bethlehem, his city, for there is a sacrifice for the whole time. 1Sam.20.7 if he says, it is good, so will your servant be peace. but if he has disobedient to you, know that his evil has been punished by him. 1Sam.20.8 show mercy to your servant, for you have brought your servant in the bund of the lord with you. but if there is any unrighteousness, you must put me to death. for why do you bring me to your father? 1Sam.20.9 and jonatan said, from no means, for if i know that the evil things has been carried from my father to come on you, i do not tell you this? 1Sam.20.10 and david said to jonatan, who will tell me if your father answered you a hard? 1Sam.20.11 and jonatan said to david, come, let us go on the field. and they both went out to the field. 1Sam.20.12 and jonatan said to david, the lord, the god of israel, so that in the time of this time i will judge my father, and if it is good for david, i do not send a messenger to you, 1Sam.20.13 so may the god do to jonatan and so do. if my father has brought your evil things against you, i will declare it to you, and i will send you away and go in peace. and the lord be with you, as he was with my father. 1Sam.20.14 even if i am still alive, you will show my mercy to me, and if i die, 1Sam.20.15 i do not turn your mercy from my house forever, even when the lord destroy all the enemies of david from the face of the earth. 1Sam.20.16 so jonatan departed with the house of david and said, let the lord seek the enemies of david. 1Sam.20.17 and jonatan continued to swear david because he loved his life. 1Sam.20.18 and jonatan said, a next day you will visite, for he will visite your reason. 1Sam.20.19 as for the third day, come off and come to the place where you were denying the day of work, and sit with it by the ezel of ezel. 1Sam.20.20 so i will leave three strangers at the near, as i strictly directed. 1Sam.20.21 then i will send the child to say, come and find the pill. if i say to the young man, the pill are here for you, take it here. so come, for there will be peace, and there is no way for you, so as by the lord. 1Sam.20.22 but if i say to the young man, the strans are still from you, so go, for the lord sent you out. 1Sam.20.23 as for what we said, i and you, behold, the lord is a witness among me and you forever. 1Sam.20.24 so david hidden in the field. and when the next day came, the king came to eat. 1Sam.20.25 the king sat on his place as at once, at the wand by the wand. and jonatan went up, and abner sat down at saul, but the place of david was visited. 1Sam.20.26 but saul did not speak anything of that day, for he said, it is wrong. it is not clean, for he has not been clean. 1Sam.20.27 and the next day of the next day, the second day of david was visited. and saul said to his son jonatan, why is the son of jesse not come to the table? 1Sam.20.28 and jonatan answered saul, david would have asked me to go to bethlehem, 1Sam.20.29 he said, let me go, for we have been a sacrifice for us in the city, and my brother has commanded me. if i have found grace in your eyes, let me go and see my brothers. therefore he has not come to the table of the king. 1Sam.20.30 so saul was wrath against jonatan, and he said to him, you son of a divorced child! do i not know that you have departed to the son of isai to your shame and to the shame of your mother? 1Sam.20.31 for in all the days that the son of isai live on earth, you will not be ready or your kingdom. send therefore and bring him to me, for he is a son of death. 1Sam.20.32 and jonatan answered saul, why can he die what he has done? 1Sam.20.33 so saul lifted up his spies against him to put him to death. so jonatan knew that his father had commanded him to put david to death. 1Sam.20.34 so jonatan rose from the table with a wrath of wrath, and he did not eat the second day of the money, for he was treated for david because his father had finished him. 1Sam.20.35 at the morning jonatan went out to the country that he had commanded david, and a little child was with him. 1Sam.20.36 and he said to the young man, draw and find the piles that i ran. and when the child sprang out, he stricked the pill out of his hand. 1Sam.20.37 and when the child came to the place of the pill that jonatan had distributed, jonatan cried out on the young man, and he said, there is the skhed from you indeed? 1Sam.20.38 and jonatan cried out to the child, come quickly, come quickly, do not resist. and the child of jonatan took the pill and came to his master. 1Sam.20.39 but the child did not know anything, only jonatan and david knew the saying. 1Sam.20.40 and jonatan gave his waves to the young man and said to him, go and bring them into the city. 1Sam.20.41 and when the child came, david rose from the stone of the stone and fell on his face and worshiped three times. and they kissed each one to another and were weeping more. 1Sam.20.42 and jonatan said to david, go in peace, how we both have sworn in the name of the lord, saying, the lord shall be a witness tussen me and you and among my offspring and your offspring forever. then david rose and went, and jonatan went into the city. 1Sam.21.1 and david came to nob, to the priest ahimelech. and ahimelech treated him out and said to him, why are you alone, and there is no one with you? 1Sam.21.2 and david said to the priest achimelech, the king has commanded me a quant, and said to me, let no one know what i am sending you and that i have commanded you. i have divided the servants in the place that is called. 1Sam.21.3 now do you see whatever you have? give on me five bread, or whatever there is. 1Sam.21.4 and the priest answered david, it is not a unclean bread under my hand, but only a holy bread. if the children are kept for woman, they will eat. 1Sam.21.5 and david réponded to the priest, and said to him, only we have been carried from such a woman from day and day, as i went out. the children of the children were pure, yet even this way is a unclean way. 1Sam.21.6 so the priest gave him the bread of the presence, for there was not one bread, except the bread of the presence, which were carried out from the presence of the lord, in the day when they had taken them. 1Sam.21.7 in that day there was one of the servants of saul in that day, in the presence of the lord, whose name was doeg, the edomith, one of the rulers of saul. 1Sam.21.8 and david said to ahimelech, are there there in your hand a lance or a sword? for i did not take my sword or my arms in my hand, because the word of the king was in earnestness. 1Sam.21.9 and the priest said, the sword of goliath the philistin, whom you killed in the vall of ela, it is put in a robe. if you take it for you, take it, for there is not one other than this. and david said, it is no like it. give me it. 1Sam.21.10 so david rose and flowed in that day from saul, and he came to achis, the king of gath. 1Sam.21.11 but the servants of achis said to him, is not this david, the king of the land? did not one say to him, saul struck his thousand and david his thousand? 1Sam.21.12 and david put these words in his heart, and was greatly afraid of achis, king of gath. 1Sam.21.13 so he distributed his face in the presence of the people, and strengthened it at the gates of the city and touched his hail on his brass. 1Sam.21.14 and achish said to his servants, see, you are a faithful man. why do you bring him to me? 1Sam.21.15 is i still unlifted people, that you have brought this for me to present him? does this man enter my house? 1Sam.22.1 so david went away from there and escaped in the spelonk of adullam. and when his brothers and all the house of his father heard this, they went down to him there. 1Sam.22.2 and there were gathered together to him, all who were in distress, every companing of soul, and he was their ruler. and there were about four hundred men. 1Sam.22.3 from there david went to micpa in moab and said to the king of moab, let my father and my mother come with you, until i know what god will do to me! 1Sam.22.4 so he brought them before the king of moab, and they dwelled with him all the days that david was in the neighbor. 1Sam.22.5 but the prophet gad said to david, do not sit in the surrounding place, but go and go into the land of judah. so david went and came in the wald of hereth. 1Sam.22.6 and saul heard that david and the men who were with him were known. saul was sitting in gibea under the fire in rama, with his spies in his hand, and all his servants stood by him. 1Sam.22.7 and saul said to his servants who stood by him, hear, children of benjamin! will isain son give you all country and vineyars, will he put you all to centurions and centurions? 1Sam.22.8 that you all have been deceived against me, and no one has revealed to me that my son has made a covenant with the son of isaï. there is no one of you who could do me and declare it to me that my son has raised my servant to set against me so that it is for this day. 1Sam.22.9 so edomite doeg, who was standing with the servants of saul, answered, i saw the son of isai come to nob to ahimelech, the son of ahitub. 1Sam.22.10 who consulted him by god and gave him food, and he gave him the sword of goliath the philisters. 1Sam.22.11 then the king sent to call ahimelech, the son of ahitub, and all the people of his father, the priests who were in nob. and they all came to the king. 1Sam.22.12 and saul said, hear, son of ahitub. and he said, i am here! 1Sam.22.13 and saul said to him, why have you broken against me, you and the son of isaï, that you have given him bread and sword, and you have asked him god to set him against me, to set him against me, as it is this day? 1Sam.22.14 and ahimelech answered the king, and who among all your servants is faithful, like david? he is a marriage of the king, a ruler of your answer, and is glorious in your house? 1Sam.22.15 have i determined this day to consult god for him? do it no means! let the king not give account to his servant or to all the house of my father, for your servant did not know anything of these things a little or a great. 1Sam.22.16 but the king said, you must die, ahimelech, you and all the household of your father. 1Sam.22.17 and the king said to the courholds who stood by him, bring up and death the priests of the lord, for their hand is with david. for they recognized that he had escaped and had not revealed it to me. but the servants of the king refused to lay their hands to strike the priests of the lord. 1Sam.22.18 and the king said to doeg, return you and destroy the priests. and doeg the edomita returned and killed the priests, and killed on that day five hundred men who could bear the efod. 1Sam.22.19 nob, the city of the priests, he distributed the fields of the sword, both man and woman, children and infants, both oxen and servants, and sheep. 1Sam.22.20 he escaped the son of ahimelech, the son of ahitub, whose name was abiathar, escaped and flowed to david. 1Sam.22.21 and abiathar told david that saul had killed the priests of the lord. 1Sam.22.22 and david said to abiathar, i knew that the day, when doeg the edomita was, i knew that he would tell saul. i am charge of all the souls of the souls of your father's house. 1Sam.22.23 sit with me, do not be afraid, for anyone who will seek my life will seek your soul, for you will be guarded by me. 1Sam.23.1 and to david was told, behold, the filisteos belong against keila and plunder the ground. 1Sam.23.2 and david asked the lord, will i go and strike these philistins? and the lord said to david, go and strike the philister and save kehila. 1Sam.23.3 but the men of david said to him, we are still afraid in judea, and how can we go to keila against the rulers of the philistins? 1Sam.23.4 then david again asked the lord, and the lord answered him, rise and come down to keila, for i will give the filistyne into your hand. 1Sam.23.5 so david went with his men to keila and walked against the philistins, and he brought their beast and killed them a great plague. so david saved the residents of keila. 1Sam.23.6 when abiathar, the son of ahimelech, escaped to david at keila, he went down with the efod in his hand. 1Sam.23.7 when saul was reported to saul that david was coming to keila, saul said, god has delivered him into my hands, for he has been certained, entering a city with doors and sald. 1Sam.23.8 so saul called the whole people to the war, to go down to keila, to strike david and his men. 1Sam.23.9 when david recognized that saul discussed his evil against him, he said to the priest, bring the efoad to bring. 1Sam.23.10 and david said, lord, god of israel, your servant has heard that saul is seeking to come to keila and destroy the city for my sake. 1Sam.23.11 will it be short in the hand of saul? will saul come down, as your servant heard? lord, god of israel, tell your servant. and the lord said, it will be set. 1Sam.23.13 then david and his men, about 600 man, rose and went out of keila and went, where they were going. and when saul was told that david had escaped from keila, he departed to go out. 1Sam.23.14 david remained in the wilderness in the telts, and he was sitting in the mountain of zif. and saul sought him all the days, but god did not overgive him in his hand. 1Sam.23.15 when david saw that saul had gone out to seek him, and david was in the wilderness of zif in the wilderness of zif. 1Sam.23.16 then jonatan, the son of saul, rose and went to david in new, and strengthened his hands in god 1Sam.23.17 and he said to him, do not be afraid, for the hand of saul my father will not find you. you will reign over israel, and i will be a second man for you, and my father saul knows so. 1Sam.23.18 so they both made a covenant in the presence of the lord, and david remained in horesh, and jonatan went to his home. 1Sam.23.19 then the zifites went up to saul to gibea, saying, is david not hidden among us in the district in horesh, on the coll of hachila, which is at the right hand of jesimon? 1Sam.23.20 so come down now, o king, when all your souls is going down, let us come down to us in the hand of the king. 1Sam.23.21 and saul said, blessed be you from the lord because you long for me. 1Sam.23.22 go, then, and prepare it still, and know how there is his place in which his foot will be there, for you have told me that he is faithful. 1Sam.23.23 see that you see and know, and we will go with you. if it is on the earth, i will find him out of all the thousand of judah. 1Sam.23.24 so they rose and went to zif before saul. but david and his men were in the wilderness of maon, in the wilderness of jesimon. 1Sam.23.25 so saul and his men went to seek him, and when they had told david, he went down to the rock and was in the wilderness of maon. when saul heard it, he persecuted david into the wilderness of maon. 1Sam.23.26 and saul went on the other side of this mountain, and david and his men were at the other side of the mountain. and when david turned to go from saul, saul and his men were set on david and his men to take them. 1Sam.23.27 there came a angel to saul, saying, come out and come, for the jews have fallen upon the land. 1Sam.23.28 so saul returned from persecution after david and went to attake the philisteos. this is why this place was called sela-mahlekot. 1Sam.23.29 so david went away from there and sat in the district of en-gaddi. 1Sam.24.1 when saul returned from the filistyne, they told him, behold, david is in the wilderness of en-gedi. 1Sam.24.2 so saul took men of the whole israel three thousand men of the people of israel, and went to seek david and his men on the roads of en-gedi. 1Sam.24.3 and he went to the garders of the sheep, which was at the way, there was a spelonce. and saul entered to spend them, and david and his men were sitting in the inside of the spelonce. 1Sam.24.4 then the men of david said to him, see, this is the day that the lord said to you, behold, i will give your enemy in your hand, and you may do to him what you will find good. so david rose and cut off the cloak of the baat of saul. 1Sam.24.5 but after this david inflicted his heart, because he had cut off the pinds of his baat. 1Sam.24.6 and he said to his men, do not be from the lord to do this thing to my lord, to the anointed of the lord, to set my hand against him, for he is the anointed of the lord. 1Sam.24.7 and he inquired his men with words, and did not give them to rise against saul. and saul rose and went down to the way. 1Sam.24.8 then david rose and followed him from the spelonce and cried out after saul, saying, my lord, king! and saul looked at his way, and david bowed at the face of his face and worshiped him. 1Sam.24.9 and david said to saul, why do you hear the words of the people who say, david seek your life? 1Sam.24.10 behold, this day your eyes saw, how the lord gave you this day in my hand in the spelonce, and i refused to kill you, but i spared you, and i said, i will not put my hand against my lord, for he is the anointed of the lord. 1Sam.24.11 look, my father, look at my hand the calot of your baat in my hand. when i have taken your mantels, i have not killed you. know this and see that nothing wrong in my hand is not wrong or dishonor, and that i have not sinned against you, but you have bound my life to take it. 1Sam.24.12 let the lord justify me and you, and let the lord give me justice against you, but my hand will not be upon you. 1Sam.24.13 so as declares the parable of an old: from the ungodly comes deliver, but my hand will not be against you. 1Sam.24.14 after whom the king of israel comes out? whom are you persecuting? a hundred hund, a man of dead. 1Sam.24.15 let the lord be a judge and justify among me and you. may the lord see and judge my judgment and justify me from your hand. 1Sam.24.16 when david had finished these words to saul, saul said, is this your voice, my son david? and saul raised out his voice and weeped. 1Sam.24.17 and he said to david, you are righteous than i, for you have given me good, while i have reward you. 1Sam.24.18 and you have told me this day that you have done good to me, for the lord gave me in your hand, but you did not kill me. 1Sam.24.19 for when anyone found his enemies in a tribulation, he would send him out in a good way. the lord will repay him for what you have done for this day. 1Sam.24.20 and now, behold, i know that you will reign, and that the kingdom of israel will stand in your hand. 1Sam.24.21 and now tell me by the lord that you will not destroy my offspring after me, and you will not destroy my name from the house of my father. 1Sam.24.22 and david swore to saul. then saul went return to his own place, and david and his men went up to the entrance. 1Sam.25.1 and samuel died, and all israel gathered, and they were weeping on him and entered him in his house in rama. and david rose and went down into the wilderness of paran. 1Sam.25.2 now there was a man in maon, with his flock in karmel, and the man was very. he had three thousand sheep and 1000 sheep. he was in the striking of his sheep in karmel. 1Sam.25.3 the name of the man was nabal, and the name of his wife was abigail. she was a good mind of understanding and good, but the man was hard and evil in his deeds, and he was a man of caleb. 1Sam.25.4 when david heard in the wilderness that nabal lay his sheep, 1Sam.25.5 and david sent ten young men and said to the servants, go up to carmel and go to nabal and ask him in my name, 1Sam.25.6 and say to him, peace be with you, and peace be with your house, and peace with all that you have. 1Sam.25.7 and now i have heard that you are tonged. now your shepherds were with us. we have not rejected them, and nothing has been done for them all the days that they were in karmel. 1Sam.25.8 ask your servants, and they will tell you. so let the servants find grace in your eyes, for we have come on a good day. give to your servants and to your son david what you will find. 1Sam.25.9 when the servants of david came, they told nabal all these words in the name of david, and they kept back. 1Sam.25.10 but nabal answered the servants of david, who is david, and who is the son of isai? now are many servants who grows from their master. 1Sam.25.11 shall i take my bread and my wine and my food that i have offered for my garders, and give them to those who have not know where they come from? 1Sam.25.12 so the servants of david returned to their way and returned. so they came and told david all these things. 1Sam.25.13 and david said to his husbands, let every one of you keep his sword. and they gathered his sword and went down after david, about 400 man, and the two hundred they sat with the waves. 1Sam.25.14 but one of the servants told abigail, the wife of nabal, saying, david sent messengers from the wilderness to give thanks to our lord, but he had distributed them. 1Sam.25.15 but the men were greatly good to us, they did not deceive us, nor did we have been done in all the days that we were with them while we were in the field. 1Sam.25.16 they were a mure for us in the night and in the day in all the days when we were shepherd to the sheep. 1Sam.25.17 so know now and see what you are to do, for evil is completed against our lord and for all his household. he is a believing son, and there is no means to speak to him. 1Sam.25.18 then abigail drew quickly, and took two hundred loaves, two wine of wine, and five sheep of grain, and five roups of rowle and two hundred figs of fig shaken, and it put it on the donds. 1Sam.25.19 and she said to her servants, go before me, and i am coming after you. but he did not tell her husband. 1Sam.25.20 and as she was seated on the donkey, coming down in the scepter of the mountain, behold, david and his men descended her, and she met them. 1Sam.25.21 and david had said, nevertheless, i have kept all that he has in the wilderness, and we have nothing done from all that he has. he has repay me bad for good. 1Sam.25.22 so may god do to david and do so, if i do not left all the things that are in him until the morning, only one of the women. 1Sam.25.23 when abigail saw david, she sleep and fell down from the donkey and fell on his face before david and worshiped him to the earth. 1Sam.25.24 and as she was at his feet he said, it is at me, my lord! let your servant speak in your ears and hear the word of your servant. 1Sam.25.25 my lord, do not keep his heart to this belonging man, nabal, for as his name is, so is he. nabal is his name, and a folly is with him. and i, your servant, did not see the servants of your servant, which you sent. 1Sam.25.26 and now, my lord, so as the lord lives and your life lives, the lord has kept you to come to the innocent blood and to set your hand to you. now be as nabal your enemies and those who seek evil to my lord. 1Sam.25.27 and now this blessing that your servant brought to my lord, give to the servants who are present in my master. 1Sam.25.28 forgive, therefore, the transgression of your servant! for the lord will make my lord a faithful house, because my lord will make the war of the lord, and no evil will be found in you in all your days. 1Sam.25.29 and if a man leads to persecute you and seeking your life, my lord's soul will be bind in the bound of life by the lord, your god, but the life of your enemies will he strike in the slys of the seal. 1Sam.25.30 when the lord does to my lord all the good that he has spoken to you and command you a ruler over israel, 1Sam.25.31 so this shall you not have a abomination or a stumbling block for my master to verse innocent blood and that my master may be saved. and when the lord will give good to my lord, remember your servant. 1Sam.25.32 and david said to abigail, blessed be the lord, the god of israel, who sent you this day to meet me. 1Sam.25.33 and blessed be your food, and blessed be you who rejected me this day to come in blood and to save me by my hand! 1Sam.25.34 but so as as the lord, the god of israel, lives that he rejected me to do you evil, if you did not immediately come out to meet me, to the matter of the morning do no one left nabal. 1Sam.25.35 and david took out what she had brought to him, and said to her, come in peace to your house. see, i have heard your voice and rejected your face. 1Sam.25.36 when abigail came to nabal, behold, he was a foot in his house as a ruler of king. the heart of nabal was better, and he was so drunk. so he did not tell him anything, even little, or great, until the morning was. 1Sam.25.37 and at the morning, when nabal had escaped from nabal, his wife told him all these things, and his heart died in him, and he was like a stone. 1Sam.25.38 about ten days the lord killed nabal, and he died. 1Sam.25.39 when david heard that nabal was carried out, he said, blessed be the lord, who has defended my reproach for nabal and kept his servant out of evil! the evil of nabal has the lord rejected to his head. so david sent and spoke to abigail to take her a wife. 1Sam.25.40 when the servants of david came to abigail to karmel, they spoke to her, saying, david sent us to you to take you for his wife. 1Sam.25.41 then she rose and worshiped the face to the ground and said, behold, your servant is a slave servant to wash the feet of your servant. 1Sam.25.42 then abigail rose up and got on a donkey, with five girl who followed her. she went on following the servants of david and was his wife. 1Sam.25.43 david took also ahinoam from jezreel, and both were his wife. 1Sam.25.44 but saul gave his daughter michal, the wife of david, to palti, the son of lais, who was of gallim. 1Sam.26.1 the zifites came to saul to gibea, saying, is david not withstand in the gibea of hachila from the wilderness of jesimon? 1Sam.26.2 so saul rose and went down into the wilderness of zif, and with him three thousand men of israel, to seek david in the wilderness of zif. 1Sam.26.3 and saul leged the tender of hachila, which is before the wilderness at the way, and david remained in the wilderness. and when david saw that saul had come after him in the wilderness, 1Sam.26.4 and david sent spishers and recognized that saul had come. 1Sam.26.5 so david stood up and went into the place where saul had assigned there, and abner, the son of ner, his ruler, sat down. saul was asleep in the lamb, and the people around him. 1Sam.26.6 then david answered ahimelech the heth and to abisai, the son of seruia, brother of joab, saying, who will go with me to saul into the camp? and abisai said, i will go with you. 1Sam.26.7 so david and abisai came in the people in the night, and behold, saul was asleep and sleeping in the guard, and his spies was struck into the earth to his head, and abner and the people were asleep around him. 1Sam.26.8 and abishai said to david, god has given this day your enemy in your hand. let me now strike him with the spies into the earth once more, and i will not give it a second time. 1Sam.26.9 but david said to abishai, do not destroy him. for who would repay his hand against the anointed of the lord? 1Sam.26.10 and david said, so Hy the lord, that the lord will strike him, or his day will come and die, or he will come down to the war and gather. 1Sam.26.11 let not the lord reject me to stretch my hand against the anointed of the lord. now take the spies that is at his head and the sound of the water, and let us go. 1Sam.26.12 so david took the spies and the watch of water from the head of him, and they went away. there was not one who saw and could not understand, yet they were all sowed, for fear of the lord had fallen upon them. 1Sam.26.13 and when david went over to the other side, he stood at the top of the mountain from a distance, so that there was great among them. 1Sam.26.14 and david called to the people and to abner, the son of ner, saying, are you not answer, abner? and abner answered, who are you, who calls to it? 1Sam.26.15 and david said to abner, are you not a man, and who is it like you in israel? why do you not keep your master, the king? for one of the people came to destroy the king your lord. 1Sam.26.16 this is not good that you have done. so as as the lord lives that you are a death children, because you did not keep your master, the anointed of the lord. now look, where is the spies of the king and the water that is at his head? 1Sam.26.17 and saul recognized the voice of david and said, is this your voice, my son david? and david said, my voice, my lord, king. 1Sam.26.18 and he said, why do my lord persecute his servant? what have i done? what is evil in me? 1Sam.26.19 so let my lord, the king, hear the word of his servant. if the lord has distributed you against me, so make a sacrifice of your sacrifice. but if they are sons of men, they be incursed in the presence of the lord, for they have cast me out of this day, that i may not be strengthened in the hand of the lord, saying, go and serve others. 1Sam.26.20 now do not my blood fall on the earth from the presence of the lord, for the king of israel has gone out to seek a fish, as he persecuts a flock on the mountains. 1Sam.26.21 and saul said, i have sinned. return, my son david, for i will not do you do, because my soul is precious in your eyes in this day. i have performed and have been greatly known. 1Sam.26.22 and david answered, there is the spies of the king. let one of the servants come and take it. 1Sam.26.23 and the lord will return to each one his righteousness and his faith, for the lord gave you in my hand, but i refused to stretch my hand against the anointed of the lord. 1Sam.26.24 and behold, just as your life has been granted today in my eyes, so may my life be great in the presence of the lord and deliver me out of all tribulation. 1Sam.26.25 and saul said to david, blessed is you, my son david! you will do what you will do and able. and david went on his way, and saul returned to his place. 1Sam.27.1 and david said in his heart, now i will fall one day in the hand of saul, and i do not belong to me except to escape in the land of the philistins. so saul will escape to seek me in all the region of israel, and i will be saved from his hand. 1Sam.27.2 so david rose and went with the 600 man who were with him, to achis, the son of maoch, the king of gath. 1Sam.27.3 so david remained with achis in gath, he and his husbands, each with his household, and david with his two wives, ahinoam of jezreel, and abigail, the wife of nabal the carmelite. 1Sam.27.4 and when saul was told that david had escaped to gath, he asked him no longer. 1Sam.27.5 and david said to achis, if i have found grace in your eyes, let me give me a place in one of the towns in the country, and i will abide there. why then your servant will stay with you in the city of the king? 1Sam.27.6 so david gave him that day siklag. this is why siklag has been for the king of judah until this day. 1Sam.27.7 the number of those days that david remained in the land of the filistyne had four months. 1Sam.27.8 david and his men went up and distributed the gesurites, the girsites and the amalekites, for these lands divided from outside to shur and to the land of egypt. 1Sam.27.9 so he distributed the land, and not leaving husband or woman, and he took a sheep, a beast, the asns, the camels, and the garments. then he returned and came to achis. 1Sam.27.10 and when achis spoke, he asked david, why did you break this day? and david said, in the south of judah, and to the south of jerahmeel and in the south of the kenites. 1Sam.27.11 david did not leave any man or woman to bring at gath, saying, they would not tell us in gath, saying, so has david done. so was his right in all the days that he remained in the country of the philistins. 1Sam.27.12 and achis believed david, saying, he has been ashamed in his people in israel, and he will be my servant forever. 1Sam.28.1 in those days the jews gathered their laers to walk against israel. and achis said to david, you shall know that you will go with me to the war, you and your men. 1Sam.28.2 and david said to achis, so you will know what your servant will do. and achis said to david, so i will make you a ruler for all the days. 1Sam.28.3 and samuel had died, and all israel had been haken over him, and they had buried him in rama, in his city. and saul had distributed the spirits of spirits and magiers from the land. 1Sam.28.4 and the filistyne gathered, and they came and camped at sunem. and saul gathered all israel, and they departed to gilboa. 1Sam.28.5 when saul saw the tender of the filistyne, he was afraid, and his heart was greatly distressed. 1Sam.28.6 and saul asked the lord, but the lord answered him no answer, nor by urim, nor by prophets. 1Sam.28.7 and saul said to his servants, seek for me a woman who direct spirits, that i may go to her and consult her. and his servants said to him, there is a woman in en-dor a woman who direct spirits. 1Sam.28.8 and saul was distributed, and he distributed other garments and went, with two men with him. and they came to the woman in the night. he said to her, make diviness to me by the spirit and bring to me whom i tell you. 1Sam.28.9 but the woman said to him, you know what saul has done, how he has destroyed from the land the spirits and the magigners. why do you strike a snare for my life to kill me? 1Sam.28.10 and saul swore her by the lord, saying, as long as the lord lives, you will not have nothing of wrongdoing. 1Sam.28.11 and the woman said, who shall i bring to you? and he said, bring to me samuel. 1Sam.28.12 when the woman saw samuel, he cried out with a loud voice, and the woman said to saul, why have you deceived me? you are saul. 1Sam.28.13 and the king said to her, do not be afraid, what do you see? and a woman said to him, i have seen a god coming out of the earth. 1Sam.28.14 he said to her, what does he know? she said to him, a married man comes up and has been thrown in a divided. and saul knew that he was samuel, and bowed with his face to the earth and worshiped him. 1Sam.28.15 and samuel said to saul, why have you afflicted me, so that you should go up? and saul said, i am in great tribulation, for the filisteos belongs to me, and god has withdeparted from me, and he did not answer me even by the prophets or by something. so i called you to tell me what i must do. 1Sam.28.16 and samuel said, why do you ask me, when the lord has left you and has become your neighbor? 1Sam.28.17 the lord has done for you as he spoke by my hand, and the lord rejected the kingdom from your hand and gave it to your neighbor, to david. 1Sam.28.18 since you did not obey the voice of the lord and did not do the wrath of his wrath against amalek, therefore the lord has done for you this day. 1Sam.28.19 and the lord will deliver israel with you into the hands of the filistyne, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with you. so the least of israel will the lord give in the hand of the philistins. 1Sam.28.20 so saul fell down and fell in the ground at the ground, for he was greatly afraid of the words of samuel, and there was no power in him, for he had not eaten bread all the day and all that night. 1Sam.28.21 and when the woman came to saul and saw that he was greatly distressed, she said to him, behold, your servant heard your voice, and i laid my life in my hand and heard the words that you have spoken to me. 1Sam.28.22 so now do you hear the voice of your servant, and i will lay a food of bread before you, and eat that you may have power at your way, because you are going on the way. 1Sam.28.23 but he refused and said, i do not eat. but his servants and the woman violed him, and he heard their voice, and he rose from the earth and sat on the foot. 1Sam.28.24 the woman had in the house a feast of feasts, and immediately she slassed it, and she took a farine and fled it and put unleavened bread. 1Sam.28.25 and they brought it before saul and his servants, and they ate. then they rose and went on that night. 1Sam.29.1 the filistyne gathered all their tends to afek, and israel had taken tender by the endor that is in jezreel. 1Sam.29.2 the rulers of the filisteos departed with hundredservants and thousand, and david and his men passed in the last with achis. 1Sam.29.3 and the rulers of the philistins said, what do these men are? and achis said to the rulers of the philistins, is this david, the servant of saul, the king of israel, who has been with me a next year or two years, and i have not found in him anything from the day that he fell to me until this day. 1Sam.29.4 but the rulers of the philistins were indigned against him, and they said to him, bring this man return to the place that you have set him. let him not go with us to the war, so that he may not be against us in the bath, so that he may not be against us in the bath. how can this man be changed with his master, not with the cabs of these men? 1Sam.29.5 is not this the david of whom they changed in the dans, saying, saul struck his thousand, and david his tithes? 1Sam.29.6 and achis called david and said to him, so how as the lord lives that you are right, and your excasion and your coming by me is good in my eyes, for i have not found any evil against you from the day when you came to me, even to this day. but you are not good in the eyes of the authorities. 1Sam.29.7 so return and go in peace, so that you may not do evil in the eyes of the rulers of the philistins. 1Sam.29.8 and david said to achis, why have i done? and what have you found in your servant from the day that i was before you, until this day, that i will not come and strike the enemies of my lord, the king? 1Sam.29.9 achis answered david, i know that you are good in my eyes, but the rulers of the philistins say, he will not come with us to make war. 1Sam.29.10 rise then early in the morning, you and the servants of your lord who have come with you, rise on the place where i have set you. do not lay a reasoning in your heart, for you are good in my presence, and let you rise early and go. 1Sam.29.11 so david and his men rose around, to go and go to the country of the country of the philistins, and the filistyne went up to israel. 1Sam.30.1 when david and his men had come into siklag on the third day, the amalekites had fallen in the negev and in siklag, and they had taken siklag and bringing it in fire, 1Sam.30.2 and they took captive the women who were in it, of the minor to the greatest, they did not kill no one, but led them and went on their way. 1Sam.30.3 when david and his men came to the city, behold, it was burned with fire, and their women and their sons and their daughters were brought to captive. 1Sam.30.4 then david and the people who were with him raised their voice and weeped until they had no power to weep. 1Sam.30.5 the two women of david were taken captive, ahinoam the jezreelita and abigail, the wife of nabal the carmelita. 1Sam.30.6 so david was greatly troubled, for the people were told that they might stone him to stone, so that the soul of all the people were inflicted, each one for his sons and his daughters. but david strengthened in the lord his god. 1Sam.30.7 and david said to the priest, the priest, the son of ahimelech, bring the efoad. 1Sam.30.8 and david consulted the lord, saying, will i persecute this bende? shall i leave them? and he said to him, persecut, for you will come and deliver help. 1Sam.30.9 so david went with the six hundred men who had been with him, and they came to the spring of besor, and the rest stood there. 1Sam.30.10 and david persecuted them with four hundred men, and two hundred men stood in, who were seated on the beek besor. 1Sam.30.11 and they found a egyptian in the field, and they brought him to david. they gave him bread, and he ate and gave him water. 1Sam.30.12 they gave him a baskets of fish. and when he had eaten, he turned his spirit in him, for he had not eaten bread and drank water three days and three nights. 1Sam.30.13 and david asked him, whom are you, and where are you from where? he said, i am a young servant, a servant of a amalekite. and my master left me, for i was sounded for three days. 1Sam.30.14 we have escaped in the midst of the keretites and in the region of juda and in the south of caleb, and we burned siklag in fire. 1Sam.30.15 and david said to him, will you bring me down to this rower? and he said, swears to me by god that you shall not put me to death and not deliver me into my lord, and i will bring you to this bende. 1Sam.30.16 and when he had brought him there, behold, they were passed through the whole land, eating and drinking and feaing for all the great buit that they had taken out of the land of the philistins and from the land of judah. 1Sam.30.17 and david struck them from the morning to the next day of the next day. and there was not one of them escaped, except the four hundred servants who got on the camels and fled. 1Sam.30.18 so david delivered out all that the amalekites had received, and both his two women remained. 1Sam.30.19 no one left among them, from the minor to the greatest, even the sons or the daughters or all that they had taken them. david returned all. 1Sam.30.20 and david took all the sheep and the sheep, and carried them before them, saying, this is the buit of david. 1Sam.30.21 when david came to the two hundred men who were debled to follow david and who had had set them at the bach of besor, they went out to meet david and the people who were with him. and when david came to the people, they asked them to peace, 1Sam.30.22 but all the evil and evil man of those who were going with david answered, because they did not come with us, we will not give them anything of the buit that we have carried out, but only his wife and children, and let them go and return. 1Sam.30.23 but david said, do not do so, my brothers, with what the lord has given us and strengthened us and gave into our hands the rower who came against us. 1Sam.30.24 and who will obey you in this way? for as for the fellow paying of the one who comes into the war, so will the part of the one who dwell on the waves, so will they be in district. 1Sam.30.25 so from that day on it was done, so that it became a instruct and a justification in israel, even to this day. 1Sam.30.26 when david came to siklag, he sent the bound to the elders of the people of judah, his neighbors, saying, here is you for the striking of the enemies of the enemies of the lord. 1Sam.30.27 to those in betshur, to those in rama of the south, and to those in jattir, 1Sam.30.28 and to those in aroer and to maodi and to those in sefai and to those in ath, 1Sam.30.29 to those in raal, to those in the towes of the jerahmeelites, and to those in the towes of the kenites, 1Sam.30.30 to those in horma, to those in chor-asan, and to those in atak, 1Sam.30.31 to those in hebron and to all the places where david had passed through, he and his men. 1Sam.31.1 now the filisteos distributed the israel, and the people of israel fled from the filistyne and fell in the mountain of gilboa. 1Sam.31.2 the filisteos gathered to saul and his sons, and they killed jonatan, abinadab, and malki-shua, the sons of saul. 1Sam.31.3 and when the kampf stayed against saul, the bound of the bound found him, and he was greatly vunded because of the bound. 1Sam.31.4 and saul said to his waffenaar, carry your sword and take me in it, so that these uncircumcised do not come and strike me and strike me. but his wapendrager refused, for he was greatly afraid. so saul took his sword and fell on it. 1Sam.31.5 when his wapendrayer saw that saul had died, he also fell on his sword and died with him. 1Sam.31.6 so died saul and his three sons and his wafding with him in that day were together. 1Sam.31.7 when the israelites who were on the other side of the vall and of the other side of the jordan saw that the men of israel had escaped and that saul and his sons were dead, they left their towns and escaped. and the filistyne came and dwelled in them. 1Sam.31.8 on the next day the filistyne came to put the dead, and they found saul and his three sons liging on the mountain of gilboa. 1Sam.31.9 so they stricked him and cut out his waves and sent them out in the land of the philistins, to preach the good news to their idols and to the people. 1Sam.31.10 they put his waves in the temple of astarte, and his body they kept in the mure of beth-san. 1Sam.31.11 when the inwoners of jabesh of gilead heard what the philistins had done to saul, 1Sam.31.12 then all the soldiers stood up and went throughout all the night, and took the body of saul and the body of his sons from the mure of bethsan and went to jabesh and burned them there. 1Sam.31.13 so they took their bears and buried them under the harb of jabesh, and they fasted seven days and those in hebron and for all the places where david had passed with his men. 2Sam.1.1 after saul had died, when david had returned from the district of the amalekites, david remained two days in ziklag. 2Sam.1.2 on the third day, behold, a man came from the tender of saul with his garments districted and in his head a earth. when he came to david, he fell on the ground and worshiped him. 2Sam.1.3 and david said to him, where are you coming? he said to him, i have escaped from the tender of israel. 2Sam.1.4 and david said to him, what was this? tell me. he said, the people fled from the war, and many of the people fell and died, and saul and his son jonathan died. 2Sam.1.5 and david said to the young man who told him, how do you know that saul and his son jonathan were dead? 2Sam.1.6 the young man who had spoken to him said to him, i turned at the mountain of gilboa, and behold, saul stayed on his spies, and the carros and the moneyers attacked him. 2Sam.1.7 and when he turned and saw me, he called me, and i said, i am here. 2Sam.1.8 and he said to me, who are you? and i said, i am a amalekite. 2Sam.1.9 and he said to me, rise upon me and put me to death, for i have arranced me, for all my soul is in me. 2Sam.1.10 so i stood by him and died him, for i knew that he was not to live after his fall. then i took the kingdom that was on his head and the plant that was on his arm, and i brought them here to my lord. 2Sam.1.11 so david took his garments and distributed them, so as all his men who were with him. 2Sam.1.12 they were weeping and weeping and fasted until the soir for saul and for his son jonathan, and for the people of israel and for the house of israel, because they had fallen for the sword. 2Sam.1.13 and david said to the child who told him, where are you? he answered, i am a son of a proselyte of amalekith. 2Sam.1.14 and david said to him, how did you not fear to strengthen your hand and destroy the christ of the lord? 2Sam.1.15 and david called one of the servants and said, come, kill him. and he struck him, and he died. 2Sam.1.16 and david said to him, your blood be on your head, for your mouth answered you, i have died the christ of the lord. 2Sam.1.17 and david changed this lament over saul and his son jonathan, 2Sam.1.18 and he told the jews to teach, behold, it is written in the book of right. 2Sam.1.19 the held of israel is dead in your heads. how have the helds fallen down! 2Sam.1.20 do not tell it in gath, and do not preach it in the gates of ascalon, so that the daughters of the people may not rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised may rejoice. 2Sam.1.21 o mountains of gilboa, not be coming daughter or rain on you, or fight of offices, for there has been rejected the course of held, the course of saul was not broken with olie. 2Sam.1.22 from the blood of hered, from the grass of helds, the boog of jonathan did not turn back, and the sword of saul did not return. 2Sam.1.23 saul and jonatan, beloved and beloved in their life, were not separed in their death. they were greater than adlinds, more strong than lion. 2Sam.1.24 you daughter, children of israel, weep for saul, who put you in purple clothing, who put a golf of gold on your garments. 2Sam.1.25 how have the helds fallen in the quarreling. jonatan has been killed in your heads! 2Sam.1.26 i myself myself, my sister jonathan, you was greater with me. your beloved beloved was mighty than the beloved beloved of women. 2Sam.1.27 how have the helds fallen, and the arms of sold were destroyed! 2Sam.2.1 after this david consulted the lord, saying, shall i go up to one of the towns of judah? and the lord said to him, come. and david said, where shall i go? and he said, to hebron. 2Sam.2.2 so david went up there, with his two wives, ahinoam the jezreelita and abigail, the wife of nabal the carmelita. 2Sam.2.3 and he divided those who were with him, each with his household, and they dwelled in the towns of hebron. 2Sam.2.4 then the men of judah came and anointed there david to reign over the house of judah. and they told david that the men of jabesh of galaad were buried saul. 2Sam.2.5 and david sent angels to the rulers of jabesh of galaad, saying to them, you be blessed by the lord, for you have shown this mercy to your lord saul, and directed him. 2Sam.2.6 now may the lord show you mercy and truth, and i will make this good to you because you have done this. 2Sam.2.7 therefore let your hands be strengthened and be strong, for your lord saul has died, and the house of judah has anointed me a king over them. 2Sam.2.8 but abner, the son of ner, ruler of saul, took isboseth, the son of saul, and brought him to mahanaim 2Sam.2.9 and regered him over galaad and gesurites, and jezreel, and ephraim, and benjamin, and over all israel. 2Sam.2.10 isboseth, son of saul, was about forty years old over israel, and regierte two years. only the house of judah followed david. 2Sam.2.11 the days that david was ready in hebron over the house of judah, were seven years and six months. 2Sam.2.12 abner, the son of ner, and the servants of isbosheth, the son of saul, went out of mahanaim to gibeon. 2Sam.2.13 so joab, the son of seruia, and the servants of david went out and set set with them at the roch of gibeon. and they sat themselves on the roch of the one side, some on the other side. 2Sam.2.14 and abner said to joab, let the young men rise and share them. and joab said, let them rise. 2Sam.2.15 so they rose and went away with the twelve servants of benjamin, of isbosheth, son of saul, and twelve of the servants of david. 2Sam.2.16 so each took his neighbor with the head, and they put his sword into the side of his neighbor, and they fell together. so it was called to that place helkat-hatsurim, which is in gibeon. 2Sam.2.17 in that day there was a harden country, and abner and the people of israel were sconfled by the servants of david. 2Sam.2.18 there were three sons of zeruia, joab, abishai, and asahel. asahel was waiting for his feet as a gazelle in the field. 2Sam.2.19 and asahel persecuted abner, and did not depart or go at right hand neither at the hand of abner. 2Sam.2.20 and when abner looked around, he said, are you it, asahel? he said, i am. 2Sam.2.21 and abner said to him, draw at the right hand or to the left, and take one of the servants and take his waves. but asahel refused to depart from him. 2Sam.2.22 and abner again said to asahel, depart from me, so that i may not strike you in the earth? how can i take my face to your brother joab? 2Sam.2.23 but he refused to go away. so abner struck him with the back of the speed in the boot, and the spies came out from his side. he fell there and died there. and everyone who came to the place where asahel had fallen and died, he departed. 2Sam.2.24 but joab and abisai persecuted abner, and when the sun had come, they went to the coll of amma, which is before giah, at the way of the wilderness of gibeon. 2Sam.2.25 and the sons of benjamin gathered after abner, and they stood one, and they stood on the head of one money. 2Sam.2.26 and abner called joab and said, shall the sword demain to eat? do you not know that the last will come in the last? how long do you not say to the people to turn from after his brothers? 2Sam.2.27 and joab said, so long as the lord lives, if you had not been speaking, then at the morning the people would follow, each one after his brother. 2Sam.2.28 then joab blew his trumpet, and all the people fell, and they did not persecute israel. and they were no longer attained. 2Sam.2.29 abner and his men went into the wilderness all that night, and passed over the jordan and went through the whole bitron and came to mahanaim. 2Sam.2.30 and joab returned from abners and gathered all the people. and of the servants of david were nitten men and asael. 2Sam.2.31 but the servants of david struck three hundred people of benjamin and of the people of abner. 2Sam.2.32 and they took asahel and entered him in the tomb of his father in bethlehem. and joab and his men went in all the night and died in hebron. 2Sam.3.1 now there was a great kamp among the house of saul and the house of david. david was increasing, and the house of saul was greatly distressed. 2Sam.3.2 in hebron david had been born sons. his firstborn was amnon, of ahinoam of jezreel, 2Sam.3.3 the second saul was kilean, of abigail of karmel, the carmely; the third was absalom, the son of maacha, a daughter of talmai, king of gesur, 2Sam.3.4 the fourth adonija, the son of haggith, the fifth shabatia, the son of abital, 2Sam.3.5 the sixth was jitream, of egla, the wife of david. these were born of david in hebron. 2Sam.3.6 while the war belonging to the house of saul and the house of david, abner respected the house of saul. 2Sam.3.7 now saul had been a concubine, whose name was rispa, a daughter of aia. and isbosheth said to abner, why did you enter the concubine of my father? 2Sam.3.8 abner was indignant at the words of isbosheth, and he said, do i not be a honor of chide? i have shown this day mercy of mercy to the house of saul, your father, to his brothers and to his parents, and i did not put it in the hand of david, and do you seek on me for a wrong of a woman? 2Sam.3.9 so may god do to abner so and so, if i do not do so, as the lord has loved to david, 2Sam.3.10 to take the kingdom from the household of saul and to restaure the throne of david over israel and over judah, from dan to beer-sheba. 2Sam.3.11 isboseth could not answer abner a questions, because he was afraid of him. 2Sam.3.12 and abner sent messengers to david to say, where is the land? and he said, keep your covenant with me, and behold, my hand will be with you to bring the whole israel to you. 2Sam.3.13 and he said, well, i will make a covenant with you, but one speech of you, saying, you will not see my face unless you bring michal, the daughter of saul, when you come to see my face. 2Sam.3.14 and david sent messengers to isboseth, the son of saul, saying, give me my wife michal, which i received with a hundred preputs of the philistins. 2Sam.3.15 isch-bosheth sent and took her from her husband paltiel, the son of lais. 2Sam.3.16 and her husband went with her and weeping her as she were weeping, and abner said to him, go, return. and he returned. 2Sam.3.17 abner had spoken with the elders of israel, saying, indeed, you were seeking for david to be a king over you. 2Sam.3.18 now do this, for the lord has spoken to david, saying, by my servant david i will save my people israel from the hand of the philistins and from the hand of all their enemies. 2Sam.3.19 abner spoke also to the ears of benjamin, and abner went and spoke to david in hebron all that would have been pleased of israel and of all the house of benjamin. 2Sam.3.20 when abner came to david to hebron with twenty-two men, david made a banquet for abner and the people who were with him. 2Sam.3.21 and abner said to david, i will rise and go and gather all israel to my lord, the king, and they will make a covenant with you, and you will reign over all that your soul desires. so david sent abner, and he went in peace. 2Sam.3.22 and behold, the servants of david and joab came from the rusting and brought with them a great buit, but abner was not with david to hebron, for he had sent him away, and he was released in peace. 2Sam.3.23 when joab and all his soldiers came to him, they told joab, abner, the son of ner, has come to david, and he sent him out, and he went away in peace. 2Sam.3.24 so joab went to the king and said, what have you done? abner came to you. why did you send him out, and he was released? 2Sam.3.25 you do not know abner, the son of ner, that he has come to deceive you and to know your coming and coming all that you do. 2Sam.3.26 when joab returned from david, he sent messengers after abner, and they turned him from the well of sira, and david did not know it. 2Sam.3.27 when abner returned to hebron, joab carried him out of the city to speak in charge with him, and there he struck him there in the boot, so that he died because of the blood of asahel, the brother of joab. 2Sam.3.28 when david after this heard, he said, i and my kingdom are innocent from the lord forever, because of the blood of abner, the son of ner. 2Sam.3.29 let it come upon the head of joab and on all the household of his father, so that the house of joab may not depart from the house of joab, who have a flood or a lepring, who hold fast in the leating, or fall with bread. 2Sam.3.30 so joab and his brother abisai killed abner because he had killed their brother asahel in the war of gibeon. 2Sam.3.31 and david said to joab and to all the people who were with him, tore your garments and cryy you in sackcloth, and beat for abner. and the king david followed the bed. 2Sam.3.32 they buried abner in hebron, and the king raised his voice and wept on the tomb of abner, and all the people wept. 2Sam.3.33 and the king wained abner, and said, did abner died, as did abner died? 2Sam.3.34 your hands were not bound, and your feet were not in chains. you have fallen, as man falls before unjust. so all the people were weeping to weep him. 2Sam.3.35 and all the people came to eat david to eat, while it was still still, but david svor and said, let god do so to me and do so, if i taste bread or anything before the sun! 2Sam.3.36 and all the people recognized, and it was pleasing in their sight, all that the king had done for the people. 2Sam.3.37 so all the people and the whole israel recognized that it was not from the king to put abner, the son of ner. 2Sam.3.38 and the king said to his servants, do you not know that this day a ruler and a great man has fallen in israel? 2Sam.3.39 though i have been divided, i am made a king, and these men, the sons of seruia, are hard than i. let the lord repay to the one who does evil, according to his evil. 2Sam.4.1 when saul heard that abner was dead in hebron, his hands were shaken, and all israel were trouble. 2Sam.4.2 saul had two men of rulers. the name of one was baana, and the name of the other rekab, sons of rimmon the beerothita, of the sons of benjamin. for beeroth was charged with benjamin. 2Sam.4.3 so the beerothites fled to gitthaim, and they were dwelling there until this day. 2Sam.4.4 and jonatan, the son of saul, had a son belonging to the feet. he was five years old when the notice of saul and jonatan came from jezreel, and his better took him and fled. and as she was hast, she fell down and was lam, and his name was mephiboseth. 2Sam.4.5 rekab and baana, the sons of rimon of beeroth, recab and baana, went and entered the house of isboseth, while he was asleep in the mighty time. 2Sam.4.6 and when they came in the house, they took a fever, and drew him in, and recab and baana, his brothers, escaped. 2Sam.4.7 they entered the house, and when memphiboseth was asleep at his bed in his off, they struck him and distributed him. so they took his head and took the head and went on the road-way all night. 2Sam.4.8 they brought the head of isboseth to david to hebron and said to the king, behold, the head of isbosheth, the son of saul, your enemy, who sought your life. so the lord gave to this day to my lord, the king, of saul and of his offspring. 2Sam.4.9 but david answered recab and his brother baana, the sons of rimmon the beerothita, and said to them, so how as the lord lives that has saved my life from all tribulation, 2Sam.4.10 the one who told me that saul was dead, and that he was like a preaching good news to my presence, i would take him and kill him in ziklag to give him a good news. 2Sam.4.11 how can i then, when evil people have killed a righteous man in his house on his bed, now shall i do not seek his blood from your hand and destroy you from the earth? 2Sam.4.12 and david commanded his servants, and they killed them and cut their hands and feet and healed them at the flock in hebron. but they buried the head of isboseth and buried it in the tomb of abner in hebron. 2Sam.5.1 so all the tribes of israel came to david to hebron and said, we are your flesh and your flesh. 2Sam.5.2 indeed, as saul was king over us, you were one who brought out and bring israel out. and the lord said to you, you will shepherd my people israel, and you will be ruler over israel. 2Sam.5.3 so all the elders of israel came to the king to hebron, and the king david made a covenant with them in hebron before the lord, and they anointed david to be king over israel. 2Sam.5.4 david was at thirty years when he began to king, and he regered 40 years. 2Sam.5.5 in hebron he realled over judas seven years and six months, and in jerusalem he regered three and three years over all israel and juda. 2Sam.5.6 and david went with his men to jerusalem against the jebusites who were in the land. but they said to david, you shall not enter here, for the blind and the lame will bear against you, saying, david will not enter here. 2Sam.5.7 but david arrested the burn of zion, which is the city of david. 2Sam.5.8 and david said in that day: whoever stricks the jebuss will throw in the back and the lame and the blind who hates the life of david. so they will say, a blind and lame will not enter the house. 2Sam.5.9 so david sat in the bergvesting and called it the city of david. and david recognized the city around, from millo and in his house. 2Sam.5.10 so david greatly greatly greatly, and the lord, the lord of the allmächtige, was with him. 2Sam.5.11 and hiram, the king of tyre, sent messengers to david, with zedery of sedery, clocars and clocars, who built a house to david. 2Sam.5.12 and david recognized that the lord had made him ready for israel and that he had exalted his kingdom because of his people israel. 2Sam.5.13 after his coming from hebron, david took a little women and children from jerusalem, and there were more sons and daughters to david. 2Sam.5.14 these are the name of those who had been born in jerusalem: sammua, sobab, nathan, solomon, 2Sam.5.15 jibhar, elishua, nefeg, jafia, 2Sam.5.16 elishama, elijada and elifelet, shama, jeshabbath, nathan, galatia, jibchar, elifelet, nageh, nefeg, janex, janatha, leshis, baal, baal, elifeleth. 2Sam.5.17 when the filisteos heard that david had been anointed to a king over israel, they all went up to seek david. when david heard this, he went down to the surrounding place. 2Sam.5.18 the filisteos came and spreated them in the dal of rephaim. 2Sam.5.19 and david asked the lord, shall i go to the filistyne? will you give them in my hand? and the lord said to david, go, for i will give the philistins into your hand. 2Sam.5.20 so david came to baal-perasim, and there he cut officers there, and said, the lord has broken my enemies before me, as water brises. so he called that place baal-perasim. 2Sam.5.21 they left there their gods, and david and his men took them. 2Sam.5.22 the philister returned again and spread in the dal refaim. 2Sam.5.23 and when david consulted the lord, he said, do not go up against them, but turn away from them and carry them from the bounds. 2Sam.5.24 and when you hear the rop of the shaks of the wicked cloths, then come down, for then the lord will go out before you to strike the war of the filistyne. 2Sam.5.25 and david did just as the lord had commanded him, and they killed the filistyne from gibeon to gezer. 2Sam.6.1 so david gathered all the children of israel, about 70 000. 2Sam.6.2 then david rose and went with all the people who were with him, from baala of juda, to bring from there the ark of god, which is called the name of the lord of the armées, seated on the cherubim. 2Sam.6.3 they put the ark of god on a new wagen and brought it out of the house of abinadab that is in the coll, and uzza and ahio, the sons of abinadab, brought the new wagen. 2Sam.6.4 while he was with the ark, his brothers went before the ark. 2Sam.6.5 and david and all the people of israel luked before the lord with all instruments of instruments of instruments, with psaltery, harps, timpans, cymblers, and cymblings. 2Sam.6.6 when they came to the tenne of nachon, uzza stretched out his hand to the ark of god and seized it, for the boves fell down. 2Sam.6.7 but the wrath of the lord was wrath against uzza, and god struck him there for his course, and he died there by the ark of god. 2Sam.6.8 and david indigned, because the lord had cut a roof for uzza, and he called that place peres-uzza, even to this day. 2Sam.6.9 and david was afraid of the lord on that day, saying, how will the ark of the lord come to me? 2Sam.6.10 so david refused to put the ark of the lord to him into the city of david, but david brought it away to the house of obed-edom of gat. 2Sam.6.11 and the ark of the lord remained in the house of obed-edom the gatheo three months, and the lord blessed obed-edom and all his house. 2Sam.6.12 when the king said to david, the lord has blessed the house of obed-edom and all that he had, for the ark of god. so david went and brought with joy the ark of god from the house of obed-edom to the city of david with joy. 2Sam.6.13 and as the ark of the ark of the ark were seven foolis, he offered a kalf and a sheep. 2Sam.6.14 and david waised with all his presence before the lord, and david was clothed with a letter clothing. 2Sam.6.15 so david and all the house of israel brought the ark of the lord with crying and trumpet of trumpet. 2Sam.6.16 as the ark of god came to the city of david, michal, the daughter of saul, looked at the fenster and saw the king david calling and dancing before the lord, she despised him in her heart. 2Sam.6.17 they brought the ark of the lord and laid it into her place in the place of the tent that david had set for it. and david offered sacrifices and offerings before the lord. 2Sam.6.18 when david had finished off the holocaustos and offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the lord of the armées. 2Sam.6.19 so he distributed to all the people, to all the people of israel, both man and women, to each one a pan of bread and a money of a pan. so all the people went to his home. 2Sam.6.20 when david returned to blessed his house, michal, the daughter of saul, went out to meet david and said, which is the glory of the king of israel, when he has been revealed this day in the eyes of the daughters of his servants, just as one is revealed for one of the birds. 2Sam.6.21 and david said to michal, before the lord who chosen me more than your father and all his household, to set me a ruler over the people of the lord, over israel. 2Sam.6.22 and i will be revealed still this, and i will be innocent for your eyes, and with the slave that you have spoken to me will be glorified. 2Sam.6.23 and michal, the daughter of saul, had no child until the day of her death. 2Sam.7.1 now when the king remained in his house, and the lord had given him back from all his enemies around him, 2Sam.7.2 and the king said to the prophet nathan, see that i am in a house of cedroin, and the ark of god dwells in the midst. 2Sam.7.3 and nathan said to the king, go and do whatever you have in your heart, for the lord is with you. 2Sam.7.4 but in that very night the word of god came to nathan, saying, 2Sam.7.5 go and tell my servant david: so says the lord: will you build for me a house to dwelling? 2Sam.7.6 for i have not dwelling in a house from the day when i brought the israelites out of egypt until this day, but i was walking in a tent and in a tent. 2Sam.7.7 in whatever i went through all israel, did i say to one of the tribes of israel that i have commanded me to weid my people israel, saying, why did you not build for me a sedertrone house? 2Sam.7.8 so do this to my servant david: so says the lord of the armées, i have received you from the sheep, from the sheep, that you might be ruler over my people, israel. 2Sam.7.9 and i was with you where you were going, and i have destroyed your enemies from your presence, and i have made a high name like the name of the great ones on earth. 2Sam.7.10 and i will make a place for my people israel, and i will plant it, so that he may live in his place and never be anxious, and the lawless children will not break him again as in the beginning, 2Sam.7.11 from the day when i commanded judges over my people israel. i will give you rest from all your enemies. and the lord will tell you that he will build a house. 2Sam.7.12 when your days are fulfilled and you have fallen with your fathers, i will raise up your offspring after you, who will be from your women, and i will restaure his kingdom. 2Sam.7.13 he will build a house to my name, and i will restore the throne of him forever. 2Sam.7.14 i will be his father and he will be my son. if he does wrong, i will punish him with the scepter of men and with the back of the sons of men. 2Sam.7.15 but my mercy will not leave him, as i devoted him from saul, whom i put away from my presence. 2Sam.7.16 your household and your kingdom will be faithful before me forever, and your throne will be confirmed forever. 2Sam.7.17 natan spoke to david according to all these words and according to all this vision. 2Sam.7.18 then the king david went and sat down before the lord, and said, who is i, lord, lord, and what is my house that you have brought me to this way? 2Sam.7.19 and even this was for a little while, my lord, lord, and you have spoken concerning the house of your servant for a far longer, and this was the law of man, lord, lord. 2Sam.7.20 what more can david say to you? now you know your servant, o lord, lord. 2Sam.7.21 because of your word and according to your heart you have done all this great, to make it known to your servant. 2Sam.7.22 for this sake you are great, lord, lord; for there is no one like you, and there is no god except you in all that we have heard by our ears. 2Sam.7.23 and which is it like your people israel, a other nation on the earth, which god has gone to redeem for him to be his people, to make your name to make great things for the sake of your people, before your people, which you delivered to you from egypt, out of the nations and of their hands? 2Sam.7.24 and you have prepared your people israel to be your people forever, and you, lord, has become their god. 2Sam.7.25 and now, o lord, god, make the word that you have spoken concerning your servant and his household, and do as you have said. 2Sam.7.26 your name will be granted forever. 2Sam.7.27 for you, lord of the allmächtige, god of israel, has opened to your servant, saying, i will build you a house. therefore your servant found his heart to pray this prayer to you. 2Sam.7.28 and now, lord, lord, you are god, and your words are true, and you have told this good things to your servant. 2Sam.7.29 so now pray and blessed the house of your servant, that it may be forever before you. for you, lord, lord, has spoken, and by your blessing the house of your servant shall be blessed forever. 2Sam.8.1 after this david killed the philistins and humilied them, and david took the entrance of the hand of the philistins. 2Sam.8.2 and he killed the moabites, and he measured them with the cords, lifting them on the earth, and he made two cords to put to death, and a measure left to live. so the moabites became slaves of david and brought david a tribut. 2Sam.8.3 david killed hadadezer, son of rehob, the king of soba, when he was going to make his domination at the river euphrates. 2Sam.8.4 and david took him for a thousand waves and seven thousand horryers, and david distributed all the waves of the waves, but left them a hundred waves. 2Sam.8.5 when the syrians of damascus came to help to hadadezer, the king of soba, david struck 12,000 man of the syrians. 2Sam.8.6 and david put guarnices in syria in damascus, and the syrians were slaves of david and brought david tribute. so the lord made david salvation where he was going. 2Sam.8.7 so david took the golds of gold that were on the servants of hadar-ezer, king of soba, and brought them to jerusalem. so it took them sisak, the king of egypt, when they went up to jerusalem at the days of roboam, the son of solomon. 2Sam.8.8 in the country of hadar-ezer, the cities of hadarezer, the king david took a great bronze, which solomon had done the bronze of bronze, the colonne, the baskets and all the treasure. 2Sam.8.9 when toï, the king of hamath, heard that david had killed all the power of hadar-ezer, 2Sam.8.10 and toi sent his son joram to david to ask him to peace and to give him blessing, because he had gathered against hadarezer and gathered him, for hadad-ezer had gathered against hadadezer. 2Sam.8.11 even these treated the king david to the lord with the silver and gold that he had sanctified from all the towns that he had appointed, 2Sam.8.12 from edom, from moab, from the sons of ammon, from the filistyne and of amalec, and from the spor of hadadezer, the son of rehob, king of soba. 2Sam.8.13 so david made a name, when he returned and killed the edomites in the sald of sald, 18,000. 2Sam.8.14 and he laid guarnices in edom, in all edom he put guarnices, and all edomites were davids servants. so the lord saved david overdeed where he was going. 2Sam.8.15 so david regered on the whole israel and determined judgment and righteousness to all his people. 2Sam.8.16 joab, the son of seruia, was charge over the soldier, and jehosafat, the son of ahilud, was chargeer. 2Sam.8.17 zadok, the son of ahitub, and ahimelech, the son of abiathar, were priests, and seraja the scribes. 2Sam.8.18 benaja, the son of jehojada, was a ruler over the kerethetes and the pelethetes, and the sons of david were officers. 2Sam.9.1 and david said, is there any one who has left the house of saul to show him for jonatans's sake? 2Sam.9.2 now there was a servant of the house of saul, whose name was siba. they called him to david, and the king said to him, are you ziba? and he said, i am your servant. 2Sam.9.3 and the king said, is there no one of the house of saul, that i may make god's mercy with him? and siba said to the king, there is only a son of jonatan, calling for the feet. 2Sam.9.4 the king asked him, where is he? and siba said to the king, he is in the house of machir, the son of ammiel, in lodebar. 2Sam.9.5 so the king david sent and took him from the house of machir, the son of ammiel, from lodebar. 2Sam.9.6 when mephiboseth, the son of jonathan, son of saul, came to david, he fell on his face and worshiped. and david said, mephiboseth! and he said, i am your servant. 2Sam.9.7 and david said to him, do not be afraid, for i will show you mercy for your father jonathan, and i will repay you all the field of your father saul, and you always eat on my table. 2Sam.9.8 and he worshiped and said, what is your servant, that you have turned to a dead honor like me? 2Sam.9.9 then the king called ziba, the servant of saul, and said to him, all that has been with saul and all his household i have given to the son of your master. 2Sam.9.10 you will make the land for him, you and your sons and your servants, and bring bread to the son of your master to eat, but mephiboseth, the son of your master, will always eat on my table. and ziba had quinty sons and vents servants. 2Sam.9.11 and siba said to the king, your servant will do whatever my lord, the king, commands his servant. and mefibosheth will eat at the table of david as one of the sons of the king. 2Sam.9.12 mephiboseth had a little son, whose name was micha. all who were in the house of siba were servants of mephiboseth. 2Sam.9.13 so mephiboseth died in jerusalem, for he had eating always at the table of the king, and he was lame in the two feet. 2Sam.10.1 after this, the king of the sons of ammon died, and his son hanun reged in his place. 2Sam.10.2 and david said, i will show mercy to hanun, the son of nahas, as his father showed me mercy. and david sent out to console him by his servants concerning his father. and when the servants of david came to the land of the ammonites, 2Sam.10.3 and the rulers of the sons of ammon said to hanun, their master, have david sent his servants before you sent comfort? did not this have david sent his servants to you and depart and destroy the city? 2Sam.10.4 so hanun took the servants of david and abschort the half of their barbes and cut their garments back as to their parts, and sent them out. 2Sam.10.5 when they had told david about the men, he sent to them, for the men were greatly dishonor. and the king said, stay in jericho, until your barba has taken up, and then return. 2Sam.10.6 when the sons of ammon saw that they had been ashamed by david, the ammonites sent, and they learned the syrians of bet-rehob and aram-soob, 12,000 pediers, and 12,000 man of maacha, and 12,000 man of tob. 2Sam.10.7 when david heard this, he sent joab and all the helds of the helds. 2Sam.10.8 and the ammonites went out and gathered in bation by the door of the city. but the syrians of soba and rehob and the people of tob and maacha were alone in the field. 2Sam.10.9 when joab saw that a wart of sold had set against him from face and back, he called out of all the young men of israel and set them against the syrians, 2Sam.10.10 he gave the rest of the people in the hand of his brother abishai, and they distributed them against the sons of ammon. 2Sam.10.11 and he said, if the syrians are greater more than i, you will have my help, and if the sons of ammon be strong than you, then i will come to save you. 2Sam.10.12 be strong, and let us be strong for our people and for the towns of our god, and let the lord do what is right in his sight. 2Sam.10.13 so joab and the people who were with him went up to fight against syria, and they fled before him. 2Sam.10.14 when the sons of ammon saw that the syrians had escaped, they fled from abishai and entered the city. then joab returned from the ammonites and went to jerusalem. 2Sam.10.15 when the syrians saw that they had been stricted before israel, they gathered together. 2Sam.10.16 hadarezer sent out and brought the syrians who were on the other side of the river, and they came to helam, with sobach, the ruler of hadarezer, before them. 2Sam.10.17 and when it was told david, he gathered all israel and went over the jordan and came to helam. and the syrians stood up against david and belonged to him. 2Sam.10.18 but the syrians fled from israel, and david distributed out of the syrians seven hundred waves and 40 000 horryers, and sobach, his ruler, killed, so that he died there. 2Sam.10.19 when all the kings of hadar-ezers saw that they had been struck by israel, they made peace with israel and served to them. and the syrians were afraid to save the ammonites. 2Sam.11.1 at the returning of the years, at the time when the kings came out of the kings, david sent joab and his servants and all israel, and they destroyed the ammonites and distributed rabba. but david remained in jerusalem. 2Sam.11.2 at the evening david rose from his bed and walked on the housetop of the house of the king, and he saw a woman that was washed in the housetop, and the woman was very pure. 2Sam.11.3 and david sent out and sought the woman. and they said, it is bath-sheba, daughter of eliab, a wife of heth the heth. 2Sam.11.4 then david sent men and took her, and when she came to him, he fell with her, and she was sanctified by her unclean time. so she returned to her home. 2Sam.11.5 and the woman was conceived, and she sent and told david, saying, i am conceived. 2Sam.11.6 then david sent to joab, saying, send heth, the hetheo, to me. and joab sent uriah to david. 2Sam.11.7 and when urija came to him, david asked him concerning joab and what was for the people, and how it comes for the war. 2Sam.11.8 and david said to urija, come down to your house and wash your feet. and urija went out of the house of the king and followed him a charge of the king. 2Sam.11.9 but urija fell in the door of the house of the king with all the servants of his master, and did not come down to his house. 2Sam.11.10 when they reported to david, they said, urija has not descended to his house. and david said to uriah, are you not coming from a way? why did you not descend to your house? 2Sam.11.11 and urija said to david, the ark and israel and juda dwells in tents, and my master joab and the servants of my lord are leated on the field, and i will go in my house to eat and drink and fallen with my wife? so long as you lives and lives of your soul, i do not do this. 2Sam.11.12 and david said to uriah, stay here here here, even this day, and tomorrow i will send you out. so urija stood in jerusalem that day and the next day. 2Sam.11.13 and david called him to eat and drink before him and drank him. so he went out and lived on his bed with the servants of his master, but he had not descended in his house. 2Sam.11.14 the morning david written a scroll to joab and sent it by urias. 2Sam.11.15 and in the book he wrote this, saying, put urijah in the way of the strength of the strength, and let you depart from him, that he should be plaken and die. 2Sam.11.16 so when joab was guarding the city, he laid urija in the place where he knew that there were men of power. 2Sam.11.17 when the men of the city went out and belonged joab, some of the servants of david fell down, and urija the heth also died. 2Sam.11.18 so joab sent and told the king all the things of the war. 2Sam.11.19 and he commanded the messenger, saying, when you have finished to speak to the king all the things of the war, 2Sam.11.20 and if the king has wrath and says to you, why have you drew near to the city to strike? did you not know that they strive from the wall? 2Sam.11.21 who killed abimelech, the son of jerubbeseth? did not a woman throw to him a mock of a milly from the wall, so that he died in tebes? why did you come to the mure? you shall say, your servant urijah, the hett, has died. 2Sam.11.22 so the messenger of joab went to the king to jerusalem, and when he came, he told david all that joab had told him all the things of the batalla. then david was angry against joab and said to the angel, why do you leave the city to strike? did you not know that you were bound from the mure? who had distributed abimelech, the son of jerubbaal? was it not a woman put to him a broken west from the wall? 2Sam.11.23 and the messenger said to david, the men were strong for us, and they went out against us in the field, but we could put them at the door of the door. 2Sam.11.24 but the bound set to your servants from the mure, and some of the servants of the king died, and your servant uria the heth was dead. 2Sam.11.25 then david said to the messenger, so shall you say to joab: do not grant this things in your eyes, for the sword will eat one of this and one another. be strong with your war against the city and destroy it. so encourage him. 2Sam.11.26 when the wife of uriah heard that her husband urija was dead, she was mourning for her husband. 2Sam.11.27 when the mourning had gone, david sent and gathered her in his house, and she became his wife, and she gave him a son. but the saying that david had done did was evil in the eyes of the lord. 2Sam.12.1 and the lord sent nathan to david. and when he came to him, he said to him, there were two men in one city, one rich, and the other neor. 2Sam.12.2 the rich had much sheep and sheep. 2Sam.12.3 the poor man had nothing except one little lamb, which he had built and carried, and was created by it and with his sons. it ate of his bread, and eaten from his cup and drinked from his cup and dored in his boot, and was for him as a daughter. 2Sam.12.4 and a journey came to the rich man. but he refused to take some of his sheep or his bate, to make for the man who came to him, but he took the lamb of the poor man and gave it for the man who had come to him. 2Sam.12.5 then david rejoiced greatly against this man, and he said to nathan, so long as the lord lives, the man who has done this is a son of death. 2Sam.12.6 and for the lamb he will repay seven times, because he has done this way and for that he did not spare. 2Sam.12.7 and nathan said to david, you are the man. so says the lord, the god of israel: i have anointed you to be king over israel, and i have delivered you out of the hand of saul, 2Sam.12.8 i gave you the house of your lord, and the wives of your master in your side, and i have given you the house of israel and judah. and if it was a little while, i will give you more. 2Sam.12.9 why have you rejected the word of the lord, doing what is evil in his eyes? you have killed with the sword urija the hett, and you received his wife for you as a wife, and you have killed him with the sword of the sons of ammon. 2Sam.12.10 so now the sword will never turn away from your house, because you have dejected me and received the wife of uriah the heth, that it might be your wife. 2Sam.12.11 so says the lord: behold, i will raise up evil against you from your house, and i will take your wives before your eyes and give it to your neighbor, and he will fallen with your wives before this sun. 2Sam.12.12 for you have done in secret, but i will do this in the presence of all israel and before the sun. 2Sam.12.13 and david said to nathan, i have sinned against the lord. and nathan said to david, and the lord has rejected your sinning. you will not die. 2Sam.12.14 nevertheless, because you have made the enemies of the enemies of the lord, so that the son who has been born for you must die. 2Sam.12.15 so natan went home. and the lord struck the child that the wife of uriah had given birth to david, and he defiled. 2Sam.12.16 so david sought a god for the child, and david fasted, and when he came in and lived in a sackle on the land. 2Sam.12.17 and the elders of his house stood up to him to leave him from the earth, but he refused and had not eaten with them. 2Sam.12.18 on the seventh day the child died, and the servants of david were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, while the child was still to live, we spoke to him, but he did not listen to us. how can we say to him that the child is dead? he will do evil. 2Sam.12.19 but when david saw that his servants were sweep, he perceived that the child was dead. then david said to his servants, has the child dead? they said, he is dead. 2Sam.12.20 then david rose from the earth and was washed and salved and broke his garments and went in the temple of god and worshiped him. then he went in and asked him to eat, and they laid bread for him, and he ate. 2Sam.12.21 and his servants said to him, what is this that you have done? while the child was alive, you fasted and wept, and when the child died you stood up and ate bread! 2Sam.12.22 and he said, while the child was still living, i fasted and weeped, for i said, who knows, if the lord will have mercy on me and the child shall live. 2Sam.12.23 but now that he has died, why do i fast? i cannot turn him again? i will go to him, but he will not return to me. 2Sam.12.24 and david consoled his wife batsheba, and he entered her and fell with her. and she became a son and called him solomon. and the lord loved him. 2Sam.12.25 and he sent in the hand of nathan the prophet, and he called him jedidja, for the sake of the lord. 2Sam.12.26 so joab walked against rabba, the sons of ammon, and took the city of the kingdom. 2Sam.12.27 then joab sent messengers to david and said, i have distributed rabba and inhered the watch-city. 2Sam.12.28 so gather the rest of the people, set around the city and take it belonging it, so that i may not take the city and give my name upon it. 2Sam.12.29 so david gathered all the people and went to rabba, and stricked against it and took it. 2Sam.12.30 he took the crown of their king from his head, and it was of a talent of gold, and it was numbered with precious stones. it was put on the head of david. and he carried out a great buit of the city. 2Sam.12.31 and he led out the people that were in it, and he put them in the treasure, to the ears of iron and ears of iron and brought them through the bright. so he did to all the towns of the sons of ammon. so david and all the people returned to jerusalem. 2Sam.13.1 after this absalom, the son of david, had a belong sister, whose name was tamar, and amnon, the son of david, had loved her. 2Sam.13.2 and amnon was afflicted, so that he was sick because of tamar, his sister, for she was a virgin, and amnon was performed to do for her. 2Sam.13.3 now amnon had a freund, whose name was jonadab, the son of simea, the brother of david. and jonadab was a great wise man. 2Sam.13.4 he said to him, why are you so back at the morning, o son of the king? do you not tell me? and amnon said to him, i love tamar, the sister of my brother absalom. 2Sam.13.5 and jonadab said to him, lay down on your bed and be sick. and when your father will come to see you, say to him, let my sister tamar come and give me food and do food for my eyes, so that i may see it and eat of her hand. 2Sam.13.6 so amnon fell and fell sick. and when the king came to see him, amnon said to the king, let my sister thamar come to me and lay two baskets in my eyes, that i may eat of her hand. 2Sam.13.7 so david sent to tamar to the house, saying, go to the house of your brother amnon and make him a food. 2Sam.13.8 so tamar went into the house of her brother amnon, while he was asleep. and she took a food and struck it and stricked it before his eyes and shaked the baskets. 2Sam.13.9 then she took the pan and put it before him, but he refused to eat. and amnon said, bring all out from me. so all went from him. 2Sam.13.10 and amnon said to tamar, bring the food into the camera, that i may eat of your hand. so tamar took the kailes that she had done, and brought it to her brother amnon into the lay. 2Sam.13.11 and when she had brought him to eat, he seized her and said to her, come, sit with me, my sister. 2Sam.13.12 but she said, not, my brother, do not destroy me, for it will not be done in israel. do not do this foolish things. 2Sam.13.13 and i, where i should bring with my blasphemy? and you will be like one of the foolish in israel. now speak with the king, for he will not forgive me. 2Sam.13.14 but he did not listen to hear her, but made her strong, and he afflicted her and fell with her. 2Sam.13.15 and amnon hated her with a great hair, for the hair that he had hated it was more more than the love that he had loved her. and amnon said to her, rise and go away. 2Sam.13.16 and she said to him, do not see me, for this evil evil is more than the first that you have done with me. but he refused to hear her. 2Sam.13.17 and he called his servant who was standing by his house and said, send this woman from me out, and shut the door after her. 2Sam.13.18 she had a further garment, for so the daughters of the king were puts in their clothes. and his minister brought her out and chored the door after her. 2Sam.13.19 and tamar took a cendle and put it on her head, and distributed the cloak of the branches that she had, and laid his hands on her head and went to crying out. 2Sam.13.20 and her brother absalom said to her, have your brother amnon been with you? now do still, my sister, for he is your brother. do not take your heart to do this things. so tamar died in a district in the house of her brother absalom. 2Sam.13.21 when david heard all these things, he was greatly distressed, but the spirit of his son amnon did not grieve, because he loved him because he was his firstborn. 2Sam.13.22 absalom did not speak to amnon of evil or evil, for absalom hated amnon because he had humilied his sister tamar. 2Sam.13.23 now after two years there were absalom a garders in baal-hasor that is at the region of ephraim, and absalom called all the sons of the king. 2Sam.13.24 so absalom came to the king and said, behold, your servant are a tondle. let the king and his servants go to your servant. 2Sam.13.25 but the king said to absalom, no, my son, let us not go all, and let us not be grave to you. and he rebuked him, but he refused to go and blessed him. 2Sam.13.26 and absalom said, if not, let my brother amnon go with us. and the king said to him, why do he go with you? 2Sam.13.27 but when absalom sounded him, he sent amnon and all the sons of the king with him. 2Sam.13.28 and absalom commanded his servants, saying, see, as the heart of amnon has been made well of the wine, and when i say to you, put amnon! so put him to death. do not fear, for i have commanded you. be mowful and be wives. 2Sam.13.29 the servants of absalom did to amnon as absalom had commanded. then all the sons of the king stood up, they sat down each on his muild and flowed. 2Sam.13.30 while they were in the way, the fame came to david, saying, absalom has killed all the sons of the king, and no one has left them. 2Sam.13.31 then the king rose and distributed his garments and fell on the ground, and all his servants stood around their garments. 2Sam.13.32 but jonadab, the son of simea, brother of david, answered, my lord, do not say that all the children, the sons of the king, have killed. only amnon only has died, for it was in the mouth of absalom from the day when amnon had humilied his sister tamar. 2Sam.13.33 so let my lord, the king, not put in his heart, saying, all the sons of the king have died, for only amnon only has died. 2Sam.13.34 so absalom escaped. and the young man who was watering watch lifted up his eyes, saw that there was a great people going on the way on the way of the mountain. 2Sam.13.35 and jonadab said to the king, behold, the sons of the king are coming. according to the word of your servant, so is it. 2Sam.13.36 when he had finished speaking, behold, the sons of the king came and raised their voices and weeped. so the king and all his servants were weeping with much weeping. 2Sam.13.37 now absalom fled and went to talmai, the son of ammihud, king of gesur. and david plained at his son always. 2Sam.13.38 so absalom flowed and went to gesur, and he was there for three years. 2Sam.13.39 and david remained the spirit of david to go after absalom, for he was consoled for amnon that he had died. 2Sam.14.1 and joab, the son of seruia, recognized that the heart of the king was upon absalom. 2Sam.14.2 and joab sent to tekoa and took there a wise wife, and said to her, have your mourning and put a moundation of mourn, and anoint you not with olive, and be like a woman who long long for a dead man. 2Sam.14.3 so come to the king and tell him this message. and joab laid the words in her mouth. 2Sam.14.4 when the woman of tekoa came to the king, she fell on his face to the earth and worshiped him and said, save, o king! 2Sam.14.5 and the king said to her, what are you? she said, i am a widow, my husband is dead. 2Sam.14.6 and your servant was two sons, and they both distributed the field in the field, and there was no one to deliver them, and the one struck the other and killed him. 2Sam.14.7 and behold, all the families rose up against your servant and said, give this who was killed his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he has killed, and so we will destroy the inheritance. so they will stone the fire that was left, so that no other name and name should be put to my husband. 2Sam.14.8 and the king said to the woman, go home, and i will command you. 2Sam.14.9 and the woman of tekoa said to the king, at me, o king, the sinning will be upon me and on the house of my father, but the king and his throne may be innocent. 2Sam.14.10 and the king said, if anyone says to you, bring him to me, and he will never touch him. 2Sam.14.11 and she said, let the king remember the lord his god, that the blood of the blood should not be multiplied to destroy, and that they may not destroy my son. and he said, so how as the lord lives, there will no hidden of your son fall fall on the earth. 2Sam.14.12 and the woman said, let your servant speak a word to my lord, the king. and he said, speak. 2Sam.14.13 and the woman said, why did you do like this man against the people of god? since the king has spoken this word, he is like a sinning, since the king does not turn his forced. 2Sam.14.14 for we are dead, and we are like the water that grows down on the earth, which will not be gathered, but god will take a soul and reject to depart from him as one who had been carried out. 2Sam.14.15 now i have come to speak this saying to the king, my master, for the people has seen me. then your servant said, i will speak to the king, may the king do to do the word of his servant. 2Sam.14.16 for the king will listen to deliver his servant from the hand of the man who is seeking to destroy me and my son from the inheritance of god. 2Sam.14.17 and your servant said, let the word of my lord the king be as a sacrifice, for the king is as an angel of god, to hear what is good and evil. and the lord, your god, will be with you. 2Sam.14.18 and the king answered the woman, do not kruck from me what i ask you. and the woman said, let my lord the king speak. 2Sam.14.19 and the king said, did not joab's hand be with you in all this? and the woman said, so how as your soul lives, my lord, king, there is not one of the things that my lord, the king, has spoken. for your servant joab has commanded me, and he put all these things in the mouth of your servant. 2Sam.14.20 for the sake of this reason your servant joab did this way. but my master is wise as the wisdom of an angel of god, to know all that is in the earth. 2Sam.14.21 and the king said to joab, behold, i have done this. go and bring to the young man to return. 2Sam.14.22 then joab fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and blessed the king, and joab said, today your servant know that i have found grace in your eyes, my lord, o king, because the king has done the word of his servant. 2Sam.14.23 so joab rose and went to gesur and brought absalom to jerusalem. 2Sam.14.24 but the king said, let him return to his house, but do not see my face. so absalom returned to his house, but did not see the face of the king. 2Sam.14.25 now in the whole israel there was no one like absalom, so that he was being chosen as absalom. from the foot of his feet to the top of his feet was not in him. 2Sam.14.26 and as he stricked his head, ( it was about a next day ), because it was carried for it, so that it stricked it. so he set the hair of his head for two hundred sicles in the gewicht of the king. 2Sam.14.27 absalom became three sons and one daughter, whose name was tamar. she was a little woman. she was a wife for roboam the son of solomon, and she became a child to abijah. 2Sam.14.28 absalom remained two years in jerusalem, but he did not see the face of the king. 2Sam.14.29 then absalom sent a message to joab to send him to the king, but he refused to come to him. and he sent a second time, but he refused to come. 2Sam.14.30 so he said to his servants, see that the field of joab is at my side, and there is a best there. go and burn it with fire. so the servants of absalom burned the field with fire. 2Sam.14.31 then joab rose and went to absalom in the house and said to him, why did your servants burn my field with fire? 2Sam.14.32 and absalom said to joab, behold, i have sent to you, saying, come here, that i may send you to the king to say, why have i come from gesur? it would have been better for me to be there. now do i see the face of the king. if it is wrong in me, let him put me to death. 2Sam.14.33 so joab went to the king and told him this. and he called absalom, and he came to the king and fell on his face to the face to the king. and the king kissed absalom. 2Sam.15.1 after this absalom made his chars and hors and fifty men who were ran before him. 2Sam.15.2 the morning, at the morning, absalom rose up and stood by the way of the door, and every man who had had a condemnation came to the king to judgment, absalom called him out and said, from which city you are? and when he said, your servant is from one of the tribes of israel. 2Sam.15.3 so absalom said to him, your words are good and right, but there is no one to hear you by the king. 2Sam.15.4 and absalom said, who should set me a judge in the land, and every man who has a discussion or a judgment comes to me, and i would give him justice. 2Sam.15.5 and as a man drew near to worship him, he stretched out his hand and seized him and kissed him. 2Sam.15.6 so absalom did to all the israelites who came to the king to judgment. so absalom distributed the hearts of the people. 2Sam.15.7 at the end of forty years, absalom said to the father, let me go and pay my vounds that i have promised to the lord. 2Sam.15.8 for your servant promised a prof in gesur in syria, saying, if the lord turn me to return to jerusalem, i will serve the lord. 2Sam.15.9 and the king said to him, go in peace. and he rose and went to hebron. 2Sam.15.10 so absalom sent spishers in all the tribes of israel, saying, when you hear the trumpet of the trumpet, you shall say, absalom ready in hebron. 2Sam.15.11 and with absalom went two hundred men from jerusalem, who were called. they went in their sincerity and could not know anything. 2Sam.15.12 so absalom sent and invited achitophel the giloniet, the fellow workers of david, from his city in gilo, while they offered sacrifices. and a conjuration became strong, and the people were increasing with absalom. 2Sam.15.13 now a messenger came to david, saying, the hearts of the people of israel have followed absalom. 2Sam.15.14 and david said to all his servants who were with him in jerusalem: rise and escape, for there is no salvation for us from absalom. go quickly to go, so that he may not come quickly and put us down and put evil on us and destroy the city with the sword. 2Sam.15.15 and the servants of the king said to the king, your servants are doing whatever our lord, the king. 2Sam.15.16 so the king went out, with all his household, and the king left ten neals of his newijs to guard the house. 2Sam.15.17 so the king and all his servants went out, and they stood in a distance house. 2Sam.15.18 and all his servants were going by his hand, and all the ceters and all the peletans went over, and they stood in the wilderness in the wilderness, and all the people who were going around him, with all their officers, all the people who were going at gath and went on the face of the king. 2Sam.15.19 so the king said to ittai the gath, why do you also go with us? return and be with the king, for you are a stranger and you are departed from your place. 2Sam.15.20 hater you have come, and i will put you up today with us? i will go, where i am going to go? return and bring your brothers with you. mercy and truth be with you. 2Sam.15.21 but ittai answered the king, so as as the lord lives, and so long as my lord, the king, lives in the place where my master is, whether to death or to life, there will your servant be. 2Sam.15.22 so david said to ittai, come and go with me. so ittai the gathita went forward, with all his people and all the people who were with him. 2Sam.15.23 and all the land cried out with a loud voice, and all the people went over. and the king passed over the spring of cedron, and all the people passed around the way of the wilderness. 2Sam.15.24 and behold, there was also zadok, and with him all the levites who nesed the ark of the covenant. they put the ark of god, and abiathar went up, until all the people had finished from the city. 2Sam.15.25 and the king said to zadok, bring the ark of god to the city. if i find grace in the eyes of the lord, he will turn me and show me it and her woning. 2Sam.15.26 but if he says so, i have not compassed me. behold, i am, let him do to me what is right in his sight. 2Sam.15.27 and the king said to zadok, you are a seast. return to the city in peace, and your two sons, ahimaas and the son of abiathar, your two sons. 2Sam.15.28 see, i am at the region of the wilderness until a message comes from you to tell me. 2Sam.15.29 so zadok and abiathar returned the ark of god to jerusalem and left there. 2Sam.15.30 and david ascended on the mount of olives, ascending and weeping, and his head was cut off, and all the people who were with him covered his head and ascended weeping and weeping. 2Sam.15.31 when they said to david, achitofel is among the strickers with absalom. and david said, o lord, make the plan of ahitofel to understand. 2Sam.15.32 now when david came to the rock where he worshiped god there, behold, cushai the archite, the freund of david, came at encourage his tunic and earth on his head. 2Sam.15.33 and david said to him, if you are gone with me, you will be a last for me, 2Sam.15.34 but if you return to the town and say to absalom, i will be your servant, o king, and now i have been your father's servant, but now i will be your servant. then you will despise me the raad of achitofel. 2Sam.15.35 there are there with you zadok and abjatar, the priests. and whatever you hear from the palace of the king you will tell the priests cadoc and abiathar. 2Sam.15.36 behold, there are their two sons, ahimaas the son of zadok and jonatan the son of abiathar. by them you will send my message all that you hear. 2Sam.15.37 so hushai, the freund of david, went in the city, while absalom came in jerusalem. 2Sam.16.1 when david had gone out a little while from the rock, behold, siba, the servant of mephiboseth, came to encourage him, with two women gathered, and on them two hundred bread and a hundred diseases, 1hundred rows, hundred rows and a burch of wine. 2Sam.16.2 and the king said to siiba, why are you this? and siba said, the asels are for the house of the king to sit, and the bread and the roins are for food for the servants, and the wine for drink those who are broken in the wilderness. 2Sam.16.3 and the king said, where is the son of your master? and siba said to the king, behold, he remains in jerusalem, for he said, today the house of israel will return to me the kingdom of my father. 2Sam.16.4 and the king said to ziba, behold, all that is of memphiboseth is for you. and siba said, i worship, let me find grace in your eyes, my lord, o king. 2Sam.16.5 when david came to bahurim, behold, there came a man from the relatives of the house of saul, whose name was simei, the son of gera. he went out and cursed. 2Sam.16.6 and stoned with stones david and all the servants of the king david, though all the people and all the helds were at his right hand and at his left hand. 2Sam.16.7 so shimeï said so, go out, go out, o man of blood, o wicked man! 2Sam.16.8 the lord rejected you all the blood of the house of saul, for you have made a king in his place. and the lord gave the kingdom in the hand of your son absalom. and behold, you have been in your malice, for you are a blood of blood. 2Sam.16.9 so abishai, the son of seruia, said to the king, why does this dead hund destroy my lord the king? let me go and cut his head. 2Sam.16.10 but the king said, what have i to do with me, you sons of seruia? let him bless, for the lord has said to him, curse david! who will say, why do you do so? 2Sam.16.11 and david said to abishai and to all his servants, behold, my son who has come out of my womb seek my life, and how more is this benjaminites? let him go to curse, for the lord has told him. 2Sam.16.12 may the lord see in my affliction, and he will return to me good for his curse on this day. 2Sam.16.13 so david and his men went on the way, and simei went on the way of the hill around him, going and cursed and stoned with stones. 2Sam.16.14 so the king and all the people who were with him were differed, and they turned there. 2Sam.16.15 absalom and all the people of israel came to jerusalem, and ahitofel was with him. 2Sam.16.16 now when hushai archiw, a freund of david, came to absalom, cushai said to absalom, let the king live! live the king! 2Sam.16.17 and absalom said to cusai, this is your mercy to your freund? why did you not go with your freund? 2Sam.16.18 and hushai said to absalom, no, but whom the lord and this people and all the people of israel have chosen, i will be his, and with him i will sit. 2Sam.16.19 and the second, to whom shall i serve? does not before his son? just as i have served your father, so i will be in your presence. 2Sam.16.20 and absalom said to achitophel, consider what we do to do. 2Sam.16.21 achitofel said to absalom, come to the needs of your father, which he left to guard the house, and all israel will hear that you have put to shame with your father, and the hands of all who are with you will be strong. 2Sam.16.22 so they set a tent for absalom on the housetop, and absalom entered the concubine of his father in the presence of all israel. 2Sam.16.23 now in those days the plan of achitofel, which he had delivered in the time, was like when man consulted the word of god. so was all the plan of ahitofel, even to david and to absalom. 2Sam.17.1 and achitofel said to absalom, let me chose 12,000 man and rise and follow david in the night. 2Sam.17.2 and i will come upon him while he is wicked and divorced, and i will strike him, and all his people who are with him will escape, and i will strike the king only. 2Sam.17.3 and i will turn all the people to you. since the bridegroom returns to her husband, only one of whom you seek. so all the people will be in peace. 2Sam.17.4 this reason was right in the eyes of absalom and all the elders of israel. 2Sam.17.5 but absalom said, call also the archite hushai, and let us hear what he has to say. 2Sam.17.6 when hushai came to absalom, absalom said to him, this is what achitofel has spoken. shall we do according to his saying? if not, say you. 2Sam.17.7 and hushai said to absalom, the plan that achitophel has made this once, is not good. 2Sam.17.8 and he said, you know your father and his men, that they are mighty and strong in their soul, as a oso who has been distributed in the field. your father is a bound, and he will not remain with the people. 2Sam.17.9 for behold, he is now hidden in a district or in any of the place. and if in the beginning of the beginning they fall down in the beginning, and the one who hear it will say, there is a plague for the people who follow absalom. 2Sam.17.10 so there will be a strong man, whose heart is like a lion. for all israel knows that your father is held and strong men who are with him. 2Sam.17.11 so i deliver this: let all israel, from dan to bersheba, will gather upon you, like the sand that is at the sea in multitude, and you must go in their midst. 2Sam.17.12 so we will come to him at any of the place where we will find him, and we will lay on him as the dauw falls on the earth, and in him and for all who are with him shall no one left. 2Sam.17.13 and if he comes in a town, the whole israel will bring a cords to that city and strike it into the spring, so that there will not be left there any stone. 2Sam.17.14 and absalom and all the people of israel said, the council of hushai the arkite is better than the counsel of achitofel. for the lord had commanded to destroy the good plan of achitofel, so that the lord might bring the evil things upon absalom. 2Sam.17.15 and hushai said to the priests cadok and abiathar: achitofel has decided to absalom and to the elders of israel, and so and so i have decided. 2Sam.17.16 so now send soon and tell david, saying, do not rest this night in the stepes of the wilderness, but go quickly in the way, that the king and all the people who are with him may not be consumed. 2Sam.17.17 and jonatan and ahimaaz stood by the en-rogel, and a servant girl went and told them. they also went and told the king of david, for they were not able to appear to the city. 2Sam.17.18 but a young man saw them and told absalom. so they two went quickly and entered the house of a man in bahurim, which had a cisterna in his courtyard, and they went down there. 2Sam.17.19 the woman took her and break his cloak over the opening of the cisterny, and struck water on it, so that there was not known of anything. 2Sam.17.20 when the servants of absalom came to the woman in the house, they said, where are ahimaaz and jonatan? and the woman said to them, they have passed through the water. and they were seeking and found them and returned to jerusalem. 2Sam.17.21 after they had left, they went up from the cistern and went and told the king david. they said to david, rise and go quickly over the water, for so achitofel has made this concerning you. 2Sam.17.22 so david and all the people who were with him stood up and went over the jordan. when the morning was, there there was not one of those who had not gone over the jordan. 2Sam.17.23 when achitofel saw that his decision had not been done, set he his donkey and rose and went into his house to his town, and when he had commanded his house, he departed. so he died and was buried in the tomb of his father. 2Sam.17.24 david had come to mahanaim, and absalom went over the jordan, he and all the people of israel with him. 2Sam.17.25 absalom made amasa on the place of joab over the power. and amasa was the son of a man whose name was jethro of israel, who had come to abiga, a daughter of nahas, sister of seruia, mother of joab. 2Sam.17.26 so israel and absalom leated in the land of galaad. 2Sam.17.27 when david came to mahanaim, sobi, the son of nahas from rabba of the ammonites, and machir the son of ammiel from lo-debar, and barzillai the galaadite from rogelim, 2Sam.17.28 they brought a learing, a baskets, the baskets, the wheat, the garin, the mel, the mel, the mourn, 2Sam.17.29 honey, built, sheep and sheep, to eat to david and to the people who were with him to eat, for they said, the people have been hungry and trouble and thirsty in the wilderness. 2Sam.18.1 and david visited the people who were with him, and made officers and centurions over them. 2Sam.18.2 then david sent a third of the people, a third of the hand of joab, a third in the hand of abisai, the son of seruia, the brother of joab, and a third under the hand of ittai the gathita. and david said to the people, i will go also with you. 2Sam.18.3 but the men said, you shall not go out, for if we escape, they will not lay heart on us, and if a half of us dies, they will not lay heart on us, for you are like ten thousand of we. so it is better that you may help our help in the city. 2Sam.18.4 and the king said to them, i will do whatever you please. and the king stood by the door, and all the people went out of hundreds and thousand. 2Sam.18.5 and the king commanded joab, abisaj and ittai, saying, be perplexed with me of the child absalom. and all the people heard when the king commanded all the rulers about absalom. 2Sam.18.6 so the people went out in the terebinthe against israel, and the bath came in the terebinthe of ephraim. 2Sam.18.7 there the people of israel was struck in the presence of the servants of david, and there was a great plague on that day, 12,000. 2Sam.18.8 the kampf distributed there on the whole region, and the stepse died more than the people divorted the sword in that day. 2Sam.18.9 absalom went up before the servants of david. absalom red on a muil, and when the muilding came down under the great terebince of a great terebinthe, and his head was healed in the terebinthe, and he reviled among heaven and earth, and the muilding that was under him passed away. 2Sam.18.10 one man saw this and told joab, saying, i have seen absalom handing in a terebinthe. 2Sam.18.11 and joab said to the man who had told him, now you have seen him? why did you not put him to the ground? i would give you ten money of silver and one back. 2Sam.18.12 but the man said to joab, even as i have put in my hands, i will not put out my hand against the son of the king, for the king commanded you, abishai and ittai, saying, keep your guard to the child absalom. 2Sam.18.13 and if i would have been wrong in his heart, though there was no means for the king, so you would have been able against you. 2Sam.18.14 and joab said, i will not find this with you. so he took three strets in his hand and put them in the heart of absalom, while he was still alive in the terebinth. 2Sam.18.15 the ten servants of joabs, slangers of joab, walked around and killed him. 2Sam.18.16 then joab blew his trumpet, and the people returned from persecution after israel, for joab departed the people. 2Sam.18.17 so they took absalom and threw him in a great room in the bound, and they set a great stof of stones upon him. and the whole israel flowed, each to his dwelling. 2Sam.18.18 ( for absalom was still in life and rested for himself the stature in the king's dal, for he had said, i have no son that to remember his name. so he called the pilaar of his name, and it is called the name of absalom to this day. 2Sam.18.19 and ahimaas, the son of zadok, said, come, i will preach the king that the lord has judged him from the hand of his enemies. 2Sam.18.20 but joab said to him, you will not have a good news this day, but you will bring an news of another day, but this day you will not preach, since the son of the king has died. 2Sam.18.21 and joab said to cushai, go, tell the king how you have seen. and cushai worshiped joab and went out. 2Sam.18.22 but ahimaas, the son of zadok, said again to joab, let it be, let me also ran after the etiopians. and joab said, why do you ran, my son? do you not have a good news that is coming? 2Sam.18.23 and he said, what is it, i will flee. and joab said to him, flee. and ahimaas ran on the way of the country and went on the custom. 2Sam.18.24 david seated among the two gates, and the speech went on the housetop of the city to the wall, and having lifted up his eyes, he looked, and behold, a man ran alone. 2Sam.18.25 the wächter cried out and told the king. and the king said, if he is only, there is a good news in his mouth. and he went along and drew near. 2Sam.18.26 and the wächter saw another one ran, and the offier cried out to the door, and he said, there is another man who corring alone. and the king said, this is also a good news. 2Sam.18.27 the wächter said, i see the course of the first like ahimaas, the son of zadok. and the king said, he is a good man, he comes in a good gospel. 2Sam.18.28 and ahimaaz cried out and said to the king, peace! and he worshiped the king with his face to the earth and said, blessed be the lord, your god, who has rejected those who had strengted their hands against my lord, the king. 2Sam.18.29 and the king said, is it well with the young man? and ahimaats said, i saw a great multitude when joab sent the servant of the king and your servant, but i did not know what there was. 2Sam.18.30 and the king said, return and be here. and he turned and stood there. 2Sam.18.31 and behold, the cusi came, and he said to the king, let my lord, the king, proclaim the gospel, for the lord has judged you this day from the hand of all who have taken up against you. 2Sam.18.32 and the king said to the kushai, is it well with the child absalom? the etiopians said, let the enemies of my lord the king and all who return against me to make evil! 2Sam.18.33 then the king was troubled, and he went up to the upper room of the city and weeped. and as he was going, he said so: my son absalom, my son, my son absalom! o, whether i would have death in your place? absalom, my son, my son! 2Sam.19.1 and to joab was told, behold, the king is weeping and mourn for absalom. 2Sam.19.2 so the salvation came in that day to all the people, for the people heard in that day, saying, the king is sorrowful for his son. 2Sam.19.3 so the people went in that day to enter the city, as the people that are schamed to shame, because they flees in the war. 2Sam.19.4 the king had cast his face, and he cried out with a loud voice, my son absalom, absalom, my son, my son! 2Sam.19.5 so joab went in to the king in the house and said, you have put to shame at this day the face of all your servants, who delivered your life today, and the life of your sons and your daughters and the life of your women. 2Sam.19.6 you have loved those who hates you and hates those who love you. for you have told this day that your rulers and servants are not for you. now i know that if absalom should live and we were all dead in this day, so that it was right in your eyes. 2Sam.19.7 so rise now and go out and speak in the heart of your servants, for i swore by the lord, if you do not come out this day, so that no one will stay with you in this night, and this will be for you more than all the evil that have come upon you from your youth until now. 2Sam.19.8 then the king rose and sat down at the gate. and they told all the people, saying, the king is sit at the tor. so all the people went in the presence of the king. but israel escaped, each to his tender. 2Sam.19.9 and all the people were judged in all the tribes of israel, saying, the king has saved us from the hand of our enemies and delivered us out of the hands of the philistins, and now he has escaped from the land for absalom. 2Sam.19.10 now absalom, whom we anointed to us has died in the war, and now you do still still to bring the king to return? 2Sam.19.11 then the king david sent to the priests, cadok and abiathar, saying, speak to the elders of judah, saying, why are you the last to bring the king to return in his house? 2Sam.19.12 you are my brothers, my flesh and my flesh. why do you be last to bring the king to return? 2Sam.19.13 and say to amasa, are you not my boud and my flesh? so may god do to me and so do, if you do not be a ruler of power before me in the place of joab! 2Sam.19.14 so he wicked the hearts of all the jews like one man, and they sent to the king, saying, return, you and all your servants. 2Sam.19.15 so the king returned and came to the jordan. and judas came to gilgal, to enter the king and to bring the king to the jordan. 2Sam.19.16 so shimei, the son of gera, the son of benjamin, from bahurim, immediately went down with the people of judah to tegemoet the king david, 2Sam.19.17 with him were 1000 man of benjamin, and siba, the servant of the house of saul, and his five sons and his twenty servants with him. and they treated the jordan before the king. 2Sam.19.18 the passe went over to bring the house of the king and to do what was right in his eyes. and shimi, the son of gera, fell on his face before the king, when he had passed over the jordan, 2Sam.19.19 and he said to the king, let my lord not do my wrong, and do not remember what your servant has done on the day when my lord the king had gone out from jerusalem, and let the king do it in his heart. 2Sam.19.20 for your servant know that i have sinned. and behold, i have come today the first of all the house of joseph to come down before my lord the king. 2Sam.19.21 but abisai, the son of seruia, answered, is not so that simei has not put to death because he has cursed the christ of the lord? 2Sam.19.22 but david said, what have i to do with me, you sons of zeruia, that you do to me today? shall one man be killed in israel? i do not know that this day i am a king over israel? 2Sam.19.23 and the king said to simei, you will not die. and the king svor him. 2Sam.19.24 mefibosheth, the son of saul, went down to the king. he was not healed his feet, nor made his back and did not wash his robes from the day when the king had departed, until the day that he had gone in peace. 2Sam.19.25 when he came to jerusalem to meet the king, the king said to him, why did you not go with me, mefibosheth? 2Sam.19.26 he answered him, my lord, o king, my servant rejected me, for your servant said to him, sell the donkey, and i will go on it and go with the king, for your servant is lame. 2Sam.19.27 he has distributed your servant to my lord, the king. but my lord, the king, is like a angel of god. do what is right in your eyes. 2Sam.19.28 for all the house of my father did not be only mordens for my lord, the king, but you have set your servant among those who eat at your table. what is it for me that i may call again to the king? 2Sam.19.29 and the king said to him, why are you still speaking of your words? i said, you and siba have divided the field. 2Sam.19.30 so mefibosheth said to the king, let him also take all things after that my lord, the king, has come in peace to his house. 2Sam.19.31 barzillai, the gileadite, went down from rogelim and went with the king to jordan to send him to the jordan. 2Sam.19.32 barzillai was a great old man, a eighty years. he had loved the king while he was in mahanaim, for he was a great man. 2Sam.19.33 and the king said to barzillai, go with me, and i will keep you in jerusalem with me. 2Sam.19.34 but barzillai said to the king, how long do the days of my life, that i may go with the king to jerusalem? 2Sam.19.35 i am now a feast of eive years, shall i do not know what is good and evil? shall your servant give gusting whatever i eat and drink? shall i still hear the voice of changers and zangers? why do your servant do still to be a zor for my lord, the king? 2Sam.19.36 your servant will go a little while with the king over the jordan. why do the king give me this reward? 2Sam.19.37 let your servant return, and i may die in my city, at the tomb of my father and mother. but behold, your servant kimham is here. let him go with my lord the king, and do with him what is good in your eyes. 2Sam.19.38 and the king said, kimham will go with me, and i will do to him whatever you please. and whatever you choose to me i will do to you. 2Sam.19.39 so the whole people went over jordan, and the king also passed. and the king kissed barzillai and blessed him, and he returned to his place. 2Sam.19.40 so the king went to gilgal, and kimham went with him. and all the people of judah were going with the king and the pute of the people of israel. 2Sam.19.41 and behold, all the people of israel came to the king and said to the king, why have our brothers, the men of judah, have carried out you and brought the king and his house over the jordan and all the men of david with him? 2Sam.19.42 and all the jews answered the people of israel, because the king is near to us. and why were you so wrath against this? did we eat of the king or have given us a gift? 2Sam.19.43 and the men of israel answered the men of judah: have we have ten hands in the king, and even in david we are more than you. why do you provoke me? did not we first say to bring my king? but the message of the jews were more greater than the words of the people of israel. 2Sam.20.1 there was there a believers son named sheba, the son of bichri, a benjaminit. he blew a trumpet and said, we have no part in david, nor inheritance in the son of isaï. all to your tends, israel! 2Sam.20.2 so all the people of israel departed from david and followed sheba, the son of bichri. but the jews attacked their king from the jordan to jerusalem. 2Sam.20.3 when david came to his house to jerusalem, the king took the ten women that he had left to guard the house, and put them in a house of prison, and distributed them, but entered them not. so they were encouraged until the day of their death, live as widows. 2Sam.20.4 and the king said to amasa, bring the men of judah to me for three days, and there are you here. 2Sam.20.5 so amasa went to call juda, but remained the time that david had directed him. 2Sam.20.6 then david said to abishai, now sheba, the son of bichri, will make us more evil than absalom. take the servants of your master and follow him, that he may find a treasure cities and escape our eyes. 2Sam.20.7 so the men of joab and the kereths and the peletites and all the helds went out of jerusalem to persecute sheba, the son of bichri. 2Sam.20.8 when they were at the great stone that is at gibeon, amasa came in their presence. and joab was clothed in his garment, and on which he was clothed with a sword, put on his hope in the sword, and when the sword came out, he fell down. 2Sam.20.9 and joab said to amasa, is it well, brother? and joab seized amasa with the right hand to kiss him. 2Sam.20.10 but amasa did not keep the sword that was in joab's hand. so joab struck him in the bop, and his wheat turned out on the earth, and he did not put it a second time. so he died. so joab and his brother abishai persecuted sheba, the son of bichri. 2Sam.20.11 one of the servants of joab stood by joab and said, whoever desires joab and who is with david follow joab! 2Sam.20.12 and amasa flowed in his blood in the way of the way. and when the man saw that all the people stood by, he took amasa from the way into a field and throwed a robe on him, since he saw that all who came to him stand still. 2Sam.20.13 when he was taken from the way, all went on following joab to follow sheba, the son of bichri. 2Sam.20.14 and he passed through all the tribes of israel to abel and bet-maacha, and all the sirites were gathered, and they followed him. 2Sam.20.15 and they came and belonged him in abel of bet-maacha, and they set a teep against the city, and they stood by the gate. and all the people who were with joab departed to destroy the mure. 2Sam.20.16 then a wise woman called out of the wall, saying, hear, hear, tell you, come here to this, and i will speak to him. 2Sam.20.17 when he came to her, the woman said, are you joab? he said, i am. she said to him, hear the words of your servant. and he said, i hear. 2Sam.20.18 she said, in the first time she said, there will be question in abel, and so they departed. 2Sam.20.19 i am a faithful and faithful of israel, but you seek to destroy a city and a marriage city in israel. why do you destroy the inheritance of the lord? 2Sam.20.20 and joab answered, has no means, do that i may destroy or destroy. 2Sam.20.21 so is not this. a man from the mountain of ephraim, whose name was sheba, the son of bichri, has lifted his hand against the king, against david. give him only him, and i will go away from the city. and the woman said to joab, behold, his head will be thrown down to you through the wall. 2Sam.20.22 so the woman went to all the people with her wisdom, and they cut off the head of sheba, the son of bichri, and threw it to joab. then joab blew a trumpet and departed from the city, each to his dwelling. and joab returned to jerusalem to the king. 2Sam.20.23 joab was over all the heir of israel, and benaja, the son of jehojada, was over the keretheets and the pelethetes, 2Sam.20.24 adoram was over the carcerers, and jehosafat, the son of ahilud, was charge. 2Sam.20.25 shesa was scribes, and zadok and abjatar were priests. 2Sam.20.26 even ira of jaïr was a priest of david. 2Sam.21.1 in the days of david there was a famine of three years at three years. and david sought the face of the lord, and the lord said to him, it is for saul and for his blood of blood, because he has killed the gibeonites. 2Sam.21.2 so the king called the gibeonites and spoke to them. ( the gibeonites were not of the sons of israel, but only of the rest of the amorites. and israel had sworn with them, but saul was seeking to strike them by their jealousy for the children of israel and judah. ) 2Sam.21.3 and david said to the gibeonites, what shall i do for you? and with what shall i purify, so that you may blessed the inheritance of the lord? 2Sam.21.4 the gibeonites said to him, we will not have any silver or gold from saul and his household, and we will not have anything to put in israel. and he said, what do you say to you? 2Sam.21.5 they said to the king, the man who had completed us and determined us to destroy us, so that we might not be in all the region of israel, 2Sam.21.6 give us seven men of his sons, and we will share them to the lord in gibea of saul, the chosen of the lord. and the king said, i will give it. 2Sam.21.7 but the king spared mephiboseth, son of jonathan, son of saul, because of the oath that was among them, among david and jonathan, the son of saul. 2Sam.21.8 so the king took the two sons of rispa, the daughter of aia, which she had born to saul, armoni and mefibosheth, and the five sons of michal, the daughter of saul, which she had given to adriel, the son of barzillai, the meholathita, 2Sam.21.9 and gave them in the hand of the gabaonites and set them on the mountain on the mountain of the lord. so these seven fell together, and they were killed in the first days of the harvest at the beginning of the jew. 2Sam.21.10 then rispa, the daughter of aia, took a sack and threw it on the rock, in the beginning of the harvest until the water came upon them from heaven. and he did not give the birds of the air to sit upon them day, nor the wilds of the field in the night. 2Sam.21.11 when david was told what rispa, the daughter of aia, daughter of saul, did done. 2Sam.21.12 so david went and took the benes of saul and the bene of his son jonathan from the men of jabesh of galaad, who had taken them out of the street of bethsan, where the philistins had set them in the day when the philistins killed saul in gilboa. 2Sam.21.13 and he carried away from there the bene of saul and the bene of his son jonathan, and they gathered the bene of those who were delivered out. 2Sam.21.14 and they buried the osses of saul and of jonathan his son in the land of benjamin in sela, in the tomb of kis, his father. they did all that the king had commanded. and after this god heard to the land. 2Sam.21.15 now there was a country against the philistins and israel. and david went down with his servants, and they belonged to the filisteos. and david was amazed. 2Sam.21.16 and jisbi-benob, who was among the descends of rapha, the pesing of his lange was three hundred siclos of bronze, who was clothed for a new, so he intended to strike david. 2Sam.21.17 but abishai, the son of seruia, helped him and struck the philistin and distributed him. then the men of david swore to him, saying, you shall not come with us to make war, that you may not stone the lamp of israel. 2Sam.21.18 after this there was a country with the philistins at gob. then sibbechai, the husathita, killed saf, who was of the children of rapha. 2Sam.21.19 there was a combat with the philistins at gob, and elhanan, the son of jaare-oregim of bethlehem districted goliath the gathiet, whose spig was like a weberbaum of wewers. 2Sam.21.20 there was still a kampf in gat. there was a district man, who had six fingers in his hands and six fings in the feet, twenty-four. he also was born of rapha. 2Sam.21.21 he insulted israel, but jonatan, son of simei, brother of david, struck him. 2Sam.21.22 these vier were born of rapha in gath, and they fell in the hand of david and by the hand of his servants. 2Sam.22.1 and david spoke to the lord the words of this sang, when the lord had set him out of the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of saul. 2Sam.22.2 and he said, lord, my rock and my cetăce, and my deliver, 2Sam.22.3 god is my round, to whom i confie, my bound and the horn of my salvation, my bound and my burning, my salvater, and you will save me from violence. 2Sam.22.4 i will call the lord to praise, and i will be saved from my enemies. 2Sam.22.5 for the shaks of death drew around me, the springs of lawlessness beared me. 2Sam.22.6 the winds of death became around me, mortals of death arrived upon me. 2Sam.22.7 in my distress i called to the lord, and to my god i called, and out of his temple he heard my voice, and my crying came to his ears. 2Sam.22.8 then the earth was troubled and became trembling, the foundation of the heavens were shaken and trembled, because it was angry. 2Sam.22.9 smoke came up from his wrath, a fire descended from his mouth, carbons were burned from him. 2Sam.22.10 he broke heaven and went down, and a cloud was under his feet. 2Sam.22.11 he fell on a cherubim and flowed, and he appeared at the wings of the wind. 2Sam.22.12 he remained the darkness of darkness, the darkness of waters, the cloud of shwars. 2Sam.22.13 from the glans before him branches of fire were burned. 2Sam.22.14 the lord grumbled from heaven, the most high gave his voice. 2Sam.22.15 and he sent their pigs, and he distributed them, lightning and despised them. 2Sam.22.16 and the sea appeared, and the foundation of the world were opened by the reason of the lord, for the storm of the spirit of his wrath. 2Sam.22.17 he sent out from heaven and took me, beared me out of many waters. 2Sam.22.18 he delivered me from my strength enemy, from those who hated me, for they were strong than i. 2Sam.22.19 they went before me on the day of my affliction, but the lord was my bold. 2Sam.22.20 and he led me out in a place, he delivered me, for he was pleased to me. 2Sam.22.21 the lord repay me according to my righteousness, according to the purification of my hands he repay me. 2Sam.22.22 for i have kept the ways of the lord, and did not depart from my god. 2Sam.22.23 for all his judgments were before me, and i did not refuse his commandments. 2Sam.22.24 i was without sincery for him, and i kept my deeds from my iniquity. 2Sam.22.25 so the lord rejected me according to my righteousness, according to my purification before his eyes. 2Sam.22.26 to the holy one you is holy, with a perfect man is you perfect. 2Sam.22.27 to faithful you is pure, but to deceiver to the free person. 2Sam.22.28 you will save the people of poor, but your eyes are against the wicked, and you afflict them. 2Sam.22.29 for you are my lamp, o lord, and the lord cings my darkness. 2Sam.22.30 for with you i ran trouble, with my god i bears the wall. 2Sam.22.31 the way of god is perfect, the word of the lord is purified. he is a bound for all who confids in him. 2Sam.22.32 for who is god except the lord, and who a creation except our god? 2Sam.22.33 god is my strength with power, and he wicked my way in innocent. 2Sam.22.34 he put my feet as a hjord, and set me on my heads. 2Sam.22.35 he tears my hands to make war, and my hands has cast a cup of bronze. 2Sam.22.36 you gave me the bound of your salvation, and your obedience has granted me. 2Sam.22.37 you carried up my passes under me, and my feet are not shaken. 2Sam.22.38 i will persecute my enemies and destroy them, and i would not turn, until i had destroyed them. 2Sam.22.39 i destroy them, and they did not rise, they fell under my feet. 2Sam.22.40 you are strengthened me with power to bation, you will buske my adversaries under me. 2Sam.22.41 you gave my enemies to me. you would destroy those who hates me. 2Sam.22.42 they cried out, but there is no helper, to the lord, and he did not listen to them. 2Sam.22.43 i distributed them like the ground of the earth, i stricked them like the round of the road. 2Sam.22.44 you delivered me out of the strength of my people, you kept me to become rulers of nations, people who they did not know me. 2Sam.22.45 others belongs to me; they have heard me in hearing of hearing. 2Sam.22.46 alieness are thrown away, and they grow weak from their surround. 2Sam.22.47 the lord lives! blessed be my rook, and be exalted, my god, the god of my salvation! 2Sam.22.48 god, who give me justice and put people under me, 2Sam.22.49 and who carry me out of my enemies. you exalts me from my adversaries, you deliver me from a man of violence. 2Sam.22.50 therefore i will praise you among the nations, o lord, and sing to your name. 2Sam.22.51 he is a great salvation for his king, and shows mercy to his christ, to david and to his offspring forever. 2Sam.23.1 now these are the last questions of david. david, the son of jesse, is faithful and faithful man of god of jacob, sound of the psalms of israel, 2Sam.23.2 the spirit of the lord has spoken in me, and his word is in my tongue. 2Sam.23.3 the god of israel said to me, a guard of israel has spoken to me: in a man how you are strong for fear of god, 2Sam.23.4 he is as the morning of the morning, when the sun grows, in the morning of light, as from rain's wind. 2Sam.23.5 for does not so my house be with god? for he has made with me an eternal covenant, ready in every time and reason. for all my salvation and all my will, he will not burn. 2Sam.23.6 but all their tribes are like thorns, for they will not be taken with hand. 2Sam.23.7 but if anyone shone in them is full of iron and a tree of lance, and they will burn in fire in their shame. 2Sam.23.8 these are the name of the helds of david: jesh-bosheth the kananeet, a ruler of the third. he carried his sword against 800 man who killed in a matter. 2Sam.23.9 after him was eleazar, the son of dodo, son of ahohi. he was among the three helds who were with david when they rejected the filistyne who had gathered there to make war, and the people of israel went up. 2Sam.23.10 he rose and distributed the philister until his hand had worked and his hand attacked the sword. so the lord gave a great salvation that day, and the people returned after him, only to strike out. 2Sam.23.11 after him was shama, the son of age, the harariet. when the filisteos had gathered in a district there, there was a part of a field full of fish, and the people fled from the filistyne. 2Sam.23.12 but he stood in the midst of the field and delivered it, and killed the philistins. so the lord gave a great salvation. 2Sam.23.13 three of the thirty-thirty men went down and came to david in the spelonce of adullam, while a bange of the philistins had at the vall of rephaim. 2Sam.23.14 david was then in the bergvesting, and the guaring of the philistins was at bethlehem. 2Sam.23.15 david was longing, and he said, who gives me water to drink from the cistern in bethlehem? 2Sam.23.16 then the three helds distributed the tender of the philistins and water water out of the cistern of bethlehem, which was at the door, and took it and brought it to david. but he did not drink it and sow it out for the lord. 2Sam.23.17 and said, from me, o lord, that i do this! do i drink the blood of those men who went in their souls? and he refused to drink it. this did the three held. 2Sam.23.18 abishai, brother of joab, the son of seruia, was the ruler of the three. he rebuked his spies against three hundred who killed, and he was a name among the three. 2Sam.23.19 he was honor of the three who were honor and was their ruler, but did not come to the three of the three. 2Sam.23.20 and benaja, the son of joiada, who was a best man of great works, from kabseel. he killed the two leoners of moab. he went down and killed a lion in a cistern on a sneed. 2Sam.23.21 he had killed a egyptian man who was a certain man. in the hand of the egypt was a speer in the hand. but he went down to him with a scepter and strengted the spies out of the hand of the egyptian and killed him with his own lance. 2Sam.23.22 these did benaia, the son of jojada, and he had a name among the three helds. 2Sam.23.23 he was honor among the three, but did not come to the three three. and david put him to his officers. 2Sam.23.24 asahel, the brother of joab, was among the thirty; elhanan, the son of dodo, of bethlehem; 2Sam.23.25 samma of harod; elika the harodite, 2Sam.23.26 heles the peletites, ira, the son of ikkes, the tecoet; 2Sam.23.27 abiezer the anatot, mebunnai of hushath, 2Sam.23.28 salmon the ahohite; maharah the netophatites, 2Sam.23.29 heled, the son of baana, the netophathites, ittai, the son of ribah, from gibea of the sons of benjamin, 2Sam.23.30 benaia of piraton; hiddai from nahale-gaja; 2Sam.23.31 abi-albon from araba; azmavet the bahurim; 2Sam.23.32 eliachba of shaalbon; bene-jachan; jonatan; 2Sam.23.33 samma of harar; ahiam, the son of serar, the arariten; 2Sam.23.34 elifeleth, son of ahasbaï, son of maachati, eliiam, the son of achitofel the giloniet, 2Sam.23.35 hezrai the carmelite; paarai the arbite; 2Sam.23.36 jigal, the son of nathan, from soba, bani of gaddi, 2Sam.23.37 selek the ammonhita; naharai the beerothita, slangers of joab, the son of seruia, 2Sam.23.38 ira the jethrites, gareb the jethrites, 2Sam.23.39 uria the heth. all thirty and seven. 2Sam.24.1 then the wrath of the lord turned up against israel, and he stirred up david against them, saying, go and tel israel and juda. 2Sam.24.2 and the king said to joab, the ruler of his armée, who was with him: come through all the tribes of israel from dan to beer-sheba and number the people, that i may know the number of the people. 2Sam.24.3 and joab said to the king, let the lord your god give the people hundredfold more as he have, and let the eyes of my lord the king see it. but why do my lord, the king, do this things? 2Sam.24.4 but the word of the king was strengthened to joab and the rulers of the soldier. so joab and the rulers of the officers went out of the king to visits the people of israel. 2Sam.24.5 they went over the jordan and learned at aroër, at the right hand of the city that is in the beast of gad, and to jaezer. 2Sam.24.6 so they came to galaad and to the land of tahtim-hodsi. then they came to dan-jaan and around sidon. 2Sam.24.7 they went to the treasure of tyre and all the towns of the heveet and the cananeans, and they went in the südness of judah to bersheba. 2Sam.24.8 and when they had passed through the whole land, they came to jerusalem at the end of nive months and twenty days. 2Sam.24.9 and joab made to the king the number of the numbering of the people, and in israel were five hundred thousand men of a soldier, and the people of judah were five hundred 000. 2Sam.24.10 and the heart of david became to him after he had numbered the people, and david said to the lord, i have sinned greatly to do. now, o lord, make your servant trouble, for i have greatly troubled. 2Sam.24.11 and when david rose the morning, the word of the lord came to the prophet gad, the seer of david, saying, 2Sam.24.12 go and say to david, so says the lord: three things i proclaim to you. choot one of them, and i will do it for you. 2Sam.24.13 and gad came to david and declared to him, and said to him, are you to come for you three years of famine in your land, or must you flee for three months before your enemies, or that there will be three days death in your land? therefore know and see what i will pay to the one who sent me. 2Sam.24.14 and david said to gad, i am in great anguish. let me fall in the hand of the lord, for his mercy are much. in the hand of men shall i not fall. 2Sam.24.15 so the lord gave a death in israel from the first to the time of time. and there died from the people, from dan to beer-sheba, seven thousand men. 2Sam.24.16 when the angel stretched out his hand to jerusalem to destroy it, the lord appeared to that evil and said to the angel who had destroyed the people, it is much. remove your hand. and the angel of the lord was at the tenne of arauna, the jebusita. 2Sam.24.17 when david saw the angel who was strugging the people said to the lord, behold, i have sinned, and i have wronged. but what did these sheep do? let your hand be against me and against the house of my father! 2Sam.24.18 in that day gad came to david and said to him, go and make a altar to the lord in the tenne of arauna the jebuss. 2Sam.24.19 so david went up according to the word of gad, as the lord had commanded. 2Sam.24.20 when arauna looked and saw the king and his servants coming on him, arawnan went out and worshiped the king with his face to the earth. 2Sam.24.21 and arauna said, why the king, my lord, came to his servant? and david said, to buy the dorrow from you and build a altar to the lord, that a plague will be caught from the people. 2Sam.24.22 and arauna said to david, my lord the king take and offert what is right in his sight. behold, there are the boves to the holocauste, and the roogs and the arms of the boves to a tree. 2Sam.24.23 arawnan gave all things to the king. and arawnan said to the king, the lord your god may give you a blessing. 2Sam.24.24 but the king said to arawna, not, i will compare it for you for a compense, and i will not offer to the lord my god without a offering holocauste. so david manded the bound and the oxen for fifty sicles of silver. 2Sam.24.25 and david best there a altar to the lord and offered holocaustos and sacrifices pacifics. so the lord inquired the land, and the plage was removed from israel. 1Kgs.1.1 when the king david was old and avanged in days, they clothed him with garments, but he was not warned. 1Kgs.1.2 so his servants said to him, let us seek for our lord the king a young betrothed, who will stand before the king and be carried for him and lay down with him, and our lord, the king, will be warned. 1Kgs.1.3 so they sought a good child in all the region of israel, and they found abisag the sunamita and brought her to the king. 1Kgs.1.4 the girl was very belong, and she beared the king and served him, but the king did not know it. 1Kgs.1.5 adonija, the son of haggith, demanded, saying, i will reign. and he made for himself waves and horse and fifty men who ran before him. 1Kgs.1.6 his father did not find him someone, saying, why do you do so? he was also a great aspect of appearance, and he had been born after absalom. 1Kgs.1.7 he spoke with joab, the son of seruia, and with the priest abiathar, and they began to help adoniah. 1Kgs.1.8 but the priest zadok and benaja, the son of jojada, and nathan the prophet and shimi and rei and the helds of david were not following adonijah. 1Kgs.1.9 adonija sacrificed sheep, sheep and sheep, with the stone of zoheleth, which is at the room of rogel, and called all his brothers, the sons of the king, and all the people of judah who were under the king. 1Kgs.1.10 but no prophet nathan, even benaia, and the helds, and his brother solomon did he not call. 1Kgs.1.11 then nathan said to bat-sheba, mother of solomon, have you not heard that adonija, the son of haggith, has really made reason, our lord david? 1Kgs.1.12 so come, i will give you a council, that you may escape your life and the life of your son solomon. 1Kgs.1.13 come and come to the king of david, and say to him, my lord, king, did you not swear to your servant, saying, your son solomon will reign after me, and he will sit on my throne? why then was adonija regered? 1Kgs.1.14 while you still speak with the king, i will enter you and fulfill your words. 1Kgs.1.15 so bath-sheba went to the king into the room. the king was very old, and abisag the sunamita became minister to the king. 1Kgs.1.16 and bath-sheba fell down and worshiped the king. and the king said, what do you have? 1Kgs.1.17 she said, my lord, you have loved your servant by the lord, your god, saying, your son solomon will reign after me, and he will sit on my throne. 1Kgs.1.18 now now adonija has reasoned, and you, my lord, king, do you not know. 1Kgs.1.19 he has slained money, feasts, and sheep in multitude, and called all the sons of the king and the priest abiathar and joab, the ruler of the soldier, but your servant solomon has he not called. 1Kgs.1.20 yet you, my lord, king, are the eyes of all israel at you, to tell them who will sit on the throne of my lord the king after him. 1Kgs.1.21 even as my lord, the king, has fallen asleep with his fathers, i and my son solomon will be sinners. 1Kgs.1.22 while she was still speaking with the king, the prophet natan came. 1Kgs.1.23 they told the king that the prophet natan was here. and he went in and worshiped the king with his face to the earth. 1Kgs.1.24 and nathan said, my lord, king, did you say, adonia will reign after me, and he will sit on my throne? 1Kgs.1.25 for he has come down today, and has offered feasts, feasts and sheep in multitude and has called all the sons of the king and the rulers of the power and the priest abiathar. and behold, they eat and drink in his presence, and say, let the king live! 1Kgs.1.26 but me, your servant, and the priest zadok, and benaia, the son of jehojada, and your servant solomon did he not call. 1Kgs.1.27 have this things been done for my lord, the king, and you have not made known to your servant who will sit on the throne of my lord the king after him? 1Kgs.1.28 and david answered, call to me bath-sheba. and she went to the king and stood before him. 1Kgs.1.29 and the king swore and said, the lord lives, who has delivered my life from all tribulation, 1Kgs.1.30 for as i swore to you by the lord, the god of israel, saying, your son solomon will reign after me, and he will sit on my throne in my place, so i will do this day. 1Kgs.1.31 and bath-sheba fell on his face to the earth and worshiped the king and said, let my lord, the king of david, live forever! 1Kgs.1.32 and the king said, call me zadok, the priest, and nathan, the prophet, and benaia, the son of jehojada. and they went in before the king. 1Kgs.1.33 and the king said to them, take the servants of your lord with you, and put down my son solomon on my money and bring him down to gihon. 1Kgs.1.34 and the priest zadok and the prophet nathan shall anoint him to be king over israel, and you shall trumpet the trumpet and say, let the king solomon live! 1Kgs.1.35 so you should go down and sit on my throne, and he will reign in my place, and i have commanded him to be ruler over israel and juda. 1Kgs.1.36 and benaja, the son of jehojada, answered the king, amen, so may the lord, the god of my lord, the king, should believe so. 1Kgs.1.37 as the lord was with my lord the king, so let it be with salomo and make his throne greater than my lord, the king of david. 1Kgs.1.38 then zadok, the priest, and nathan the prophet, and benaja, the son of jehojada, and the kerethites and the pelethites descended and put solomon on the muil of the king david and brought him to gihon. 1Kgs.1.39 and zadok, the priest, took the horn of the oil from the tent and anointed salomo. then they blew his trumpet, and all the people said, let the king solomon live! 1Kgs.1.40 and all the people went up after him, and the people gathered in flots and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth was distributed by their voice. 1Kgs.1.41 adonija and all the called of him heard this, when they were finished to eat. and when joab heard the voice of the trumpet, he said, what is the voice of the city that is in the city? 1Kgs.1.42 while he was still speaking, jonatan, the son of the priest abiathar, came. and adonija said, come, for you are a belong man and bring good news to good news. 1Kgs.1.43 and jonathan answered adonia, indeed, our lord the king david has made solomon a king. 1Kgs.1.44 the king sent with him the priest zadok and the prophet nathan, and benaia the son of jehojada, and the kerethites and the peletites, and they sat him on the muild of the king. 1Kgs.1.45 and zadok, the priest, and the prophet natan anointed him a king in gihon, and they went up from there and rejoiced the city. this is the voice that you have heard. 1Kgs.1.46 so solomon sat down on the throne of the kingdom. 1Kgs.1.47 and the servants of the king have come to blessed our lord, the king of david, saying, your god may make the name of solomon more than your name and make his throne greater than your throne! and the king fell on his bed, 1Kgs.1.48 and even so the king said, blessed be the lord, the god of israel, who has given this day seated on my throne, and my eyes see it. 1Kgs.1.49 then all the calling of adonija were amazed and were waken, and went every one to his way. 1Kgs.1.50 adonija was afraid of solomon, and he rose and went and beared the horns of the altar. 1Kgs.1.51 and it was told solomon, behold, adonija was afraid of the king solomon, and he has taken down the horns of the altar, saying, let the king solomon giving me this day that he will not put his servant to death. 1Kgs.1.52 and solomon said, if he is a strong man, his hair will not fall on the earth, but if there is found in him, he will be put to death. 1Kgs.1.53 then the king solomon sent out and brought him down from the altar. and he came and worshiped the king solomon. and solomon said to him, go to your house. 1Kgs.2.1 at the time of david came to die, and he commanded his son solomon, saying, 1Kgs.2.2 i go on the way of all the earth, and be able, and be a husband. 1Kgs.2.3 keep on the guard of the lord your god, to walk in his ways and keep his commandments, his commandments, his instructions and his commandments, as it is written in the law of moses, so that you may rest in whatever you do, and whatever you do, 1Kgs.2.4 so that the lord may fulfill his word that he told me, if your sons keep their ways to go before me with their whole heart and with all their soul, the man will not be destroyed for you on the throne of israel. 1Kgs.2.5 you yourselves know what joab, the son of seruia, has done to me, how he has done to the two rulers of israel, to abner, the son of ner, and to amasa, the son of jether, who killed them, and poured out the blood of war in peace and gave up a blood of much in his bate that he had at his lops and his sandals in his feet. 1Kgs.2.6 do, according to your wisdom, do not put his foundation down in peace to the sheol. 1Kgs.2.7 but to the sons of barzillai, the gileadite, show mercy, and they will be among those who eat in your table, for so they have come near to me when i fleed from your brother absalom. 1Kgs.2.8 and behold, there is with you simei, the son of gera, the benjaminit, who was from bahurim, has cursed me with a district in the day when we went to mahanaim. but he went down to me to the jordan and swore him by the lord, saying, i will not put you to death. 1Kgs.2.9 but do not release him, for you are a wise man and you will know how you are to do with him, so that you may put his foundation down with blood into the sheol. 1Kgs.2.10 so david departed with his fathers and was buried in the city of david. 1Kgs.2.11 the days that david began over israel was thirty years. it was three years in hebron and three and three years in jerusalem. 1Kgs.2.12 and solomon sat on the throne of his father david, and his kingdom was great prepared. 1Kgs.2.13 and adonia, the son of haggith, came to bath-sheba, mother of solomon. and she said, have your coming to peace? he said, peace. 1Kgs.2.14 i had something for you. he said to him, say. 1Kgs.2.15 and he said, you know that the kingdom was with me, and that all israel had set his face against me to be king. then the kingdom turned and became to my brother, for from the lord it was done to him. 1Kgs.2.16 now i have asked for you one thing; do not repay me. she said to him, speak. 1Kgs.2.17 and he said, tell me to the king solomon, for he will not keep him, that he may give me abisag the sunamita for a wife. 1Kgs.2.18 and bath-sheba said, well. i will speak to the king for you. 1Kgs.2.19 so bath-sheba went to the king solomon to speak to him concerning adonija. and the king stood up to her and struck her and sat on his throne. he laid a throne for the mother of the king, and she sat down at his right hand. 1Kgs.2.20 she said, i have asked you a little question, do not repay me. and the king said to her, ask, my mother, for i will not turn you. 1Kgs.2.21 and she said, let abisag the sunamita give your brother adonija for a wife. 1Kgs.2.22 and the king solomon answered his mother, and why do you ask abisag the sunamita for adonija? ask for him the kingdom, for he is my brother who is more than i, to the priest abiathar and for joab, the son of seruia. 1Kgs.2.23 and the king solomon swore by the lord, saying, god must do to me and so do, if adonija has not spoken this saying against his life! 1Kgs.2.24 and now, so how as the lord lives who has prepared me and put me on the throne of my father david and who has made me a house, as he has spoken, adonija will be put to death! 1Kgs.2.25 then the king solomon put benaia, the son of jojada, who distributed him, and he died adonijah. 1Kgs.2.26 and to the priest abjatar the king said, go to anatot, to your field, for you are a man of death. yet in this day i will not put you to death, because you brought the ark of the lord the lord before my father david and for you had been afflicted in all that my father had been afflicted. 1Kgs.2.27 so solomon departed abjatar, so that he might not be the priest of the lord, so that the word that he had spoken to the house of eli in silo. 1Kgs.2.28 now when joab heard this, he flowed to the tent of the lord, for joab had followed adonijah, but not followed him. so joab flowed to the tent of the lord and seized the horns of the altar. 1Kgs.2.29 and man said to solomon, joab has flowed to the tent of the lord, and behold, they are at the corn of the altar. so solomon sent benaia, the son of jehojada, saying, go and destroy him. 1Kgs.2.30 and benaja went to the tent of the lord and said to him, so says the king: go out. but he said, not, i will die here. so benaia returned to the king and said, so has joab spoken and told me. 1Kgs.2.31 and the king said to him, do so as he has said, strik him up and begraw him, so that you may cut out of me and of the house of my father the blood that joab has poured out. 1Kgs.2.32 so the lord will turn his blood to his head, since he has stricted the two men who were righteous and better than he, and killed them with the sword, though my father david did not know that, abner, the son of ner, ruler of israel, and amasa, the son of jether, ruler of the soldier of judah. 1Kgs.2.33 so their blood will fall on the head of david and on the head of his offspring forever, but david and his offspring and his house and his throne may be made peace from the lord forever. 1Kgs.2.34 so benaja, the son of jojada, went up and distributed him, and he buried him in his house in the wilderness. 1Kgs.2.35 and the king laid benaia, the son of jehojada, in his place over the soldiers, and zadok the priest gave on the place of abiathar the priest. 1Kgs.2.36 then the king called simei and said to him, build for you a house in jerusalem and sit there and go not out from there. 1Kgs.2.37 for you shall be known on the day when you go out and passes over the bach kidron, you shall know that you will die. your blood shall be upon your head. 1Kgs.2.38 and simei said to the king, it is good. your servant will do so, as my lord the king has spoken. so shimeï remained in jerusalem at many days. 1Kgs.2.39 but after three years two servants of shimi fled to achis, the son of maacha, king of gath. so they told simei, saying, your servants are at gath. 1Kgs.2.40 so simei stood up and seated his donkey and went to gath to achis, to seeking his servants. so he went and brought his servants from gath. 1Kgs.2.41 they told solomon that shimei had gone from jerusalem to gath and returned. 1Kgs.2.42 then the king sent and called simei and said to him, did i not testify you by the lord and testified to you, you will know that in the day when you come out and go at right hand or at left, you shall know that you will die. 1Kgs.2.43 why do you not have kept the oath to the lord and the commandment that i commanded you? 1Kgs.2.44 and the king said to shimi, you know all the evil things that your heart has known to me, which you have done to my father david. so the lord will repay your malice to your head. 1Kgs.2.45 but the king solomon will be blessed, and the throne of david will be confirmed before the lord forever. 1Kgs.2.46 and the king commanded benaia, the son of jojada, and he went out and distributed him, and he died. 1Kgs.3.1 and the king commanded benaia, the son of jojada, and he went out and distributed him, and he died. 1Kgs.3.2 the people were offering offering on the high places, because there was not being built a house to the name of the lord. 1Kgs.3.3 and solomon loved the lord, walking in the commandments of his father david, yet he offered offerings and incense on the heavens. 1Kgs.3.4 so the man went to gibeon to offer sacrifice there, for it was the great high place. solomon offered a thousand holocauste on the altar. 1Kgs.3.5 in gibeon the lord appeared to solomon in a dream night. and god said, ask what i would give you. 1Kgs.3.6 and solomon said, you showed your servant david, my father, great mercy, as he went before you in truth and righteousness and in reason of heart to you, and you have kept this great mercy and gave him a son who is seated on his throne, as it is this day. 1Kgs.3.7 and now, lord, my god, you have made your servant in the place of my father david. yet i am a little child, and i do not know how to come and enter. 1Kgs.3.8 now your servant is in the midst of your people, which you have chosen, a great people that will not be numbered. 1Kgs.3.9 so give your servant a hearing heart to judge your people, to discern among good and evil, for who can judge this great people? 1Kgs.3.10 it was pleasing in the sight of the lord that solomon asked. 1Kgs.3.11 and god said to him, because you asked me this, and did not ask for you many days, nor have you asked for riches and not asked your enemies, but asked for you understanding for your judgment, 1Kgs.3.12 behold, i do according to your word. behold, i have given you a wise and wise heart, like you have never been like you, and after you no one will rise like you. 1Kgs.3.13 and whatever i did not ask you i have given you, and both riches and glory that there has not been one like you among kings. 1Kgs.3.14 and if you go on my ways, keep my commandments and my commandments, as your father david did, i will multiplike your days. 1Kgs.3.15 and solomon was troubled, and behold, it was a son. and he came to jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of the lord, and offered holocaustos and offered sacrifices of peace, and made a festing for all his servants. 1Kgs.3.16 then two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him. 1Kgs.3.17 and the one woman said, my lord, i and this woman dwells in one house, and i became her in the house. 1Kgs.3.18 on the third day after me, this woman became birth. we were together, and there were no one with us in the house, only we both. 1Kgs.3.19 in the night the son of this woman died, because she had fallen asleep. 1Kgs.3.20 so she rose the night and took my son out of my side when i was well, and put him in her side, and her dead son he laid down in my side. 1Kgs.3.21 and at the morning i stand to seek my son, and behold, he was dead. and when i saw him to the morning, behold, it was not my son that i had been born. 1Kgs.3.22 and the other woman said, not, but my son is the living, and your dead son is my. and they told the king. 1Kgs.3.23 so the king said, the other say, this is my son, and the dead is your son. and the other say, no, but the dead is your son, and the living one is my son. 1Kgs.3.24 so he said, take me a sword. and they brought a sword before the king. 1Kgs.3.25 and the king said, divide the living child in two, and give a half of the one and a half of the one. 1Kgs.3.26 but the woman, whose son was the living, answered the king, for her back was troubled for her son, she said, o, my lord, give her the living child, but do not put it to death. but the other said, it shall not be neither to me nor to me, dispute it. 1Kgs.3.27 then the king answered, give her the little child, and put not put him to death. she is his mother. 1Kgs.3.28 and when the whole israel heard of the judgment that the king had done, they were afraid of the king, for they saw that the mind of god was in him, to do right. 1Kgs.4.1 so the king solomon was a king over all israel. 1Kgs.4.2 and these were his rulers: azarja, the son of zadok, was azarja; 1Kgs.4.3 elihoref and ahija, the sons of sheba, the scribes; jehosafat, the son of ahilud, was kansler; 1Kgs.4.4 shedia and abjatar were priests. 1Kgs.4.5 azarja, the son of nathan, was over the rulers, zabad, the son of nathan, a free of the king, 1Kgs.4.6 ahisar was a slong, and adoniram, the son of abda, was over the treasure. 1Kgs.4.7 and solomon had twelve rulers over israel, and they were seading to the king and his household. each money had a money in the year to separate one money. 1Kgs.4.8 these are their name: ben-hur in the mountain of ephraim, 1Kgs.4.9 ben-deker in macaz, in saalbim, in bet-shemesh, in elon to bet-hanan, 1Kgs.4.10 the son of hesroth, the son of esdod, the healing and rephath. 1Kgs.4.11 ben-abinadab, with dor region; tafat, the daughter of solomon, was his wife; 1Kgs.4.12 baana, the son of ahilud, was taanach and megiddo and all the house of bet-shean, which is at the region of sarthan under jizreel, from bet-shean until abel-mehola, to jocmeam, 1Kgs.4.13 the son of geber in remath of galaad, was the residence of charge, which was in basan, lives in basan, sexty mighty cities, with burds of bronze, 1Kgs.4.14 ahinadab, son of iddo, in mahanaim; 1Kgs.4.15 ahimaats in neftali. he had married for a wife basemat, the daughter of solomon. 1Kgs.4.16 baana, the son of hushai, in machlon and in alot, 1Kgs.4.17 josafat, the son of paruah, in issachar; 1Kgs.4.18 simei, the son of ela, in benjamin; 1Kgs.4.19 geber, the son of uri, in the land of gad, the land of sihon, king of the amorites, and of og, king of basan. there was one guarnice in the land of judah. 1Kgs.4.22 as for the prayer of solomon in one day were thirty corners of fish and sexty corners of grain, 1Kgs.4.23 ten feast of feasts, twenth boves, and hundred sheep, except a cerf, a gazel, a certain voal. 1Kgs.4.24 for he was ruler over all the regions on the other side of the river, and there was peace from all the regions around. 1Kgs.4.27 these rulers were reported to the king solomon and all his divisions by the table of the king, each of his monatkomence, no one of their monatters, nor the tries, nor the loaves for the hors and the chars, to the place where the king will have each one according to his instruct. 1Kgs.4.29 and god gave him knowledge to solomon, and great wisdom and self-control, like the sand that leads by the sea. 1Kgs.4.30 and the wisdom of solomon was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the age and all the wisdom of egypt. 1Kgs.4.31 he was sawn than all the people, more than etan, ezraiten, and heman and kalkol and darda, the sons of mahol, and was known among all the nations. 1Kgs.4.32 and he told three thousand parables, and his ay were five thousand. 1Kgs.4.33 he spoke about the tree, from the seder that belongs to the libano, to the ysop that came out of the wand. so he spoke concerning the beast, the birds, the reptiles and the fish. 1Kgs.4.34 so all the people came to hear the wisdom of solomon, and they took up gifts with all the kings of the earth, who heard his wisdom. so solomon took up the daughter of pharaon, his wife, and brought it in the city of david, until he had finished the house of the lord and his house, and the mure of jerusalem. 1Kgs.5.1 and hiram, the king of tyre, sent his servants, when he had been saken of him in the place of his father david, for hiram had always loved david. 1Kgs.5.2 and solomon sent a message to hiram, saying, 1Kgs.5.3 you know that my father david could not build a house to the name of the lord his god, because of the war that walked around him, until the lord had put them under his feet. 1Kgs.5.4 but now the lord, my god, has reason to give me rest around. there is no answer, nor evil. 1Kgs.5.5 so i see to build a house for the name of the lord, my god, as the lord spoke to my father david, saying, your son, whom i will set on your throne on your throne, he will build the house for my name. 1Kgs.5.6 have therefore command that they give me a tree from the libano. and my servants will be with your servants, and i will give you the reward of your servants in whatever you say. for you know that there is no one among us who knows a boot as the sidonians. 1Kgs.5.7 when hiram heard the words of solomon, he was greatly glad, and he said, blessed be this lord, who has given a wise son to david over this great people. 1Kgs.5.8 and hiram sent a message to solomon, saying, i have heard what you have sent to me. i will do whatever you will do with cypress and cypress. 1Kgs.5.9 my servants will bring them down from liban into the sea, and i will put them in the sea to the place that you will send to me, and i will short them there, and you will take it away. and you will do your will, to give bread for my house. 1Kgs.5.10 so hiram gave a cedre to solomon with zeders and zeders, according to all his will. 1Kgs.5.11 and solomon gave to hiram twenty-,000 kors of wheat for his household and venty kor of gold. so solomon gave to hiram every year. 1Kgs.5.12 and the lord gave a wisdom to solomon, just as he had spoken to him. and there was peace among hiram and solomon, and they made a covenant among themselves. 1Kgs.5.13 the king david put a carcere out from the whole israel, and the breaster was thirty thousand. 1Kgs.5.14 he sent them to the libano, ten thousand in the month, for they were a month on the libano, and two months in their house. adoniram was over the carriers. 1Kgs.5.15 solomon had seventy-,000 who had carried a carre and a thousand thousand of money in the mountain, 1Kgs.5.16 except the rulers of solomon who were authorities over the work, three thousand who were charge over those who were doing the work. 1Kgs.5.18 so the courholds and the stones and the courholds prepared them for three years. 1Kgs.6.1 in the fourteenth and four years of the deventh year when the sons of israel had come out from egypt, in the fourth year, in the second anno of the king solomon, they put in the foundation of the temple. and in the fourth year of the king, in the fourth year of the house of israel, and they put in the foundation of the house. 1Kgs.6.2 the house that the king solomon built to the lord was a longer, a longer of five thousand, and twenty-five thousand was in the health. 1Kgs.6.3 the portice before the temple was about twenty-thousand. its length was about the breedte of the house, and ten ellen in the breedte of the temple. 1Kgs.6.4 and he made a fenster in the house with fenster hidden. 1Kgs.6.5 on the wall of the house he gave a plan around the temple, around the temple and the sanctuary, and he made plagues around the wall. 1Kgs.6.6 the base, which was in raro, was five cubiti of large, the middle was six cubiti, and the third was seven sits. for he had distributed a distribution for the house around the house, so that they might not bate in the wall of the house. 1Kgs.6.7 when the house was being built up, it was built with stone, so that when they were built, there was not heard in the house neither a hamb, nor a bag, nor anything of iron was heard in the house when it was being built. 1Kgs.6.8 the, at the right side of the inside, was at the right side of the house, and by sindles they had ascended to the midst, and from the middle to the third. 1Kgs.6.9 so he covered the house and explete it, and he deceived the house with zeders and zeders. 1Kgs.6.10 he built the bound for the whole household, about five cubiti of health, and he kept together in the bound with zedery. 1Kgs.6.15 he covered the wall of the house in inside of seders, from the path of the house like the plants, he covered it with a tree within, and it covered the tail of the house with cypress cypress. 1Kgs.6.16 he built the twenty-six cours from the top of the house, from the ground like the bate, and he made it in the binder, to the holy place. 1Kgs.6.17 now the temple was about forty couths, in the temple. 1Kgs.6.19 the next place in the temple, in the inside of the house, to put there the ark of the covenant. 1Kgs.6.20 the large health of twenth, a longer of twenth, and a breedte of twenth. he covered it with gold with gold, and he made a altar with gold. 1Kgs.6.21 and before the debth he put down with gold. 1Kgs.6.22 and the whole household of the house went with gold until the end of all the household of the house. 1Kgs.6.23 in the hinder he made two cherubim of olives, tithes of thousand thousand. 1Kgs.6.24 the other winds of the cherubim was four cubiti, and the other winds of the cherubim was four cubiti. it was ten hundred seek from the ene of his vinge to the other of his vinge. 1Kgs.6.25 this was the second cherub. the other cherubim were one measure. 1Kgs.6.26 the hoogte of the one cherub was ten hundred alen, and so was the second cherub. 1Kgs.6.27 and he put the cherubs in the inside place of the inside place, and the wings of the cherubim breased their vinds, so that the face of one of the cherubs became in the second wand, and their wings, which were in the midst of the house, drawed the vinge of the vinds. 1Kgs.6.28 and he put the cherubim with gold. 1Kgs.6.29 on all the wall of the house, around the wall, wrote with cherubim, palms and palme, in the inside and in the outside. 1Kgs.6.30 the state of the house he could overcome with gold, in the inside and on the inside. 1Kgs.6.31 for the door of the debier he made a door of olives of olives, four rocks. 1Kgs.6.32 the two doors of oliven tree was broken with cherubim, palms and bluments, and overded them with gold, and he distributed the gold on the cherubim and the palms. 1Kgs.6.33 so he made to the door of the temple food of olives of olives, four roogs. 1Kgs.6.34 the two drew had of cyprus. the two drew of the other door were drew, and the two drew of the other door were turning. 1Kgs.6.35 he was clothed with cherubim, palms and rombs, and overcovered them with gold, which was overputting by the excellence. 1Kgs.6.36 and he covered the inside curtain, three corders of modely, and a rid of seed of cedre around. 1Kgs.7.1 but he built his house for fourteen years, and he became treventh years. 1Kgs.7.2 he build the house of the terebinthe of the libano, a longer of hundredfold, and a large of five of thousand, and a health of cedres of zedery, and in the piles were cedres of seders. 1Kgs.7.3 there was born of zeders, which was born over the bords of the robes, which were in four and five, fourty-five. 1Kgs.7.4 there were three rings of distinction, and the fenster around against three vents. 1Kgs.7.5 all the gates and the gates were four angles, and the fenster around a fenster. 1Kgs.7.6 he divided the vestibule of the colonne, a longer of five courtying and thirty yours, and there was a portice at the face of them, and a coll with piles. 1Kgs.7.7 he made also the throne of the throne, where he was judged, the judgment of the judge. 1Kgs.7.8 and his household in which he was sitting there was in the first courtyard, belonging to this way. and he made a house for the daughter of pharaon that he had taken up. 1Kgs.7.9 all these things were bringing out of precious stones, districted in measure, within, from the foundation to the back, and from outside to the great courtyard. 1Kgs.7.10 the foundation were with precious stones, with great stones, with thousand of stones and thousand of thousand. 1Kgs.7.11 and withon it were kosted of honor, according to the measure of pieces, and zeders. 1Kgs.7.12 the great courtyard rings was about three rates of modelly, and a race of cedre of cedre. so was the temple of the temple and the temple of the temple. 1Kgs.7.13 then the king solomon sent out and took hiram from tyre. 1Kgs.7.14 he was the son of a widow from the tribe of naphtali, and his father was a tyrier, a covering of bronze. he was filled with understanding and understanding and knowledge to do every work in bronze. he came to the king solomon and made all his work. 1Kgs.7.15 he distributed the two brus for the portice of the house. the hair of the coll was about attain, and a back of the pilder was of fourty cubiti, and the second robe was so. 1Kgs.7.16 he made two capiteles of bronze, to put them on the rulers of the colonne. the hair of the one capitel was of five cubiti, and the second capitel of the second capitel was of five. 1Kgs.7.17 and two nets for the kapitel, which were upon the capiteles of the colonne, two for the capt of the colonne. them were a net for the one capt, and a net for the second capitel. 1Kgs.7.18 so he made the robes of robes, two raads of granaatapple, to make the robes of the robes, which were on the robes of the robes. so he did to the second capitel. 1Kgs.7.19 the capiteles of the colonne in the top of the colonne were in the portice of four customs. 1Kgs.7.20 the capiteles around the two robes, which were surrounded in the top of the capiteles, which were in the top of the kapitel. 1Kgs.7.21 and he set the colonne in the portice of the temple. the colt standing at the right hand and called the name jakin, and the colt standing at the right hand, and he called the name boaz. 1Kgs.7.23 and he made the sea out of the sea, four cubiti from the sea to the winter, there was a rone around. his hair was of four cubiti, and a robe of three cubiti around around it. 1Kgs.7.24 in the rand of the rand, which were around the rand around, were around the sea around, with ten cuts around the sea. 1Kgs.7.25 the sea was upon twelve boes. three were looked on the nordside, three at the sea, and three rw's. the sea was withon them, and all their deeds were leading above. 1Kgs.7.26 the rand of the bear was like the rand of a cup, a randflood of a lilif, and the rand of it was three thousand. 1Kgs.7.27 he made even four baskets of bronze. the longer of every base was four cubiti and large of thousand and six course of health. 1Kgs.7.28 and this was the labor of the baskets: they were belonging for them, and the baskets were in the midst. 1Kgs.7.29 on the baskets, which were in the divisions, were a lion, a bœuf and a cherubim, and on the graves was one, from above, and under the leads of leads and boves, were a distribution of divisions. 1Kgs.7.30 in every base there were four koors of bronze, and the baskets of bronze; and the four places had been distributed under the back. 1Kgs.7.32 the three roes were in the baskets, and the hands of the rues were at the bauning, and the alto of the one roes were of a single and a half. 1Kgs.7.33 the race of the rues were like the race of carriers. their hands, their garments, their boves, and their baskets were all funded. 1Kgs.7.34 the four splends were at the four angles of the one baskets. the old were out of the baff. 1Kgs.7.35 on the head of the stelling were a half of a half a half of large cute, rothing around the base of the base, and the course of her hands and its entranches were opened. 1Kgs.7.36 the baskets of the dealers and the baskets of them were cherubim, leons and palme, each with each one of them, and the robes around. 1Kgs.7.37 so he made the ten bases: each of them was a common, one measure and one measure. 1Kgs.7.38 he made even ten baskets of bronze. in each of the ten bases had a back of fyrty, one bail was of fyrty, one bail was at one of the ten bases. 1Kgs.7.39 he put the baskets, five for the right side of the house, and five at the left side of the house, and the sea laid down at the right hand of the house, around the south. 1Kgs.7.40 hiram made the pigs, the leaves and the bowls. so hiram finished all the work that he had done for the king solomon for the house of the lord: 1Kgs.7.41 the two robes and the two glound of the colonne, which were on the top of the robes, the two nets that were to shild the two bolle robes, which were on the top of the colonne, 1Kgs.7.42 the four hundred romãs to the two nets, two rader granaatappelen for the one nets, to deceive the two robes that were on the robes, 1Kgs.7.43 the ten bases and the ten baskets on the telts, 1Kgs.7.44 the one sea and the twelve bears under the sea, 1Kgs.7.45 the pods, the leaves, and the leaves, and all the vessels that hiram had done for the king solomon for the house of the lord, were with bronze for the house of the king. 1Kgs.7.46 in the region of the jordan the king made them in the town of the land, among succoth and sarthan. 1Kgs.7.47 there was not the gewicht of the bronze that he had done all these things because of the great multitude. the gewicht of the bronze was not punished. 1Kgs.7.48 and solomon put all the goods that were in the house of the lord: the golden altar and the golden table, on which the offering are of the offering bread, 1Kgs.7.49 the lampen, five at the right hand and five at left, before the debt, with gold. the lamps, the lamps, and the lampes of gold; 1Kgs.7.50 the cubes, the teasts, the skåles, the garments, the garments, with gold of gold, and the door for the door of the inside of the inside place, for the holy places, and for the door of the temple of the temple. 1Kgs.7.51 so was fulfilled all the work that solomon had done for the house of the lord. so solomon brought the treasures of his father david, the silver, the gold and the vasos, and gave them into the treasures of the house of the lord. 1Kgs.8.1 then solomon gathered all the elders of the tribes of israel, the rulers and all the families of the families, the rulers of the people of israel, to bring the ark of the covenant of the city of david, which is zion. 1Kgs.8.2 in the month of athanaim, 1Kgs.8.3 so the priests took the ark, 1Kgs.8.4 they put up the tent and the tent of witness and all the holy wages that were in the tent. 1Kgs.8.5 so the king and all israel before the ark were without a number of sheep and sheep. 1Kgs.8.6 the priests brought the ark of the ark of god to her place, to the hinder of the house, to the holy place, under the wings of the cherubim. 1Kgs.8.7 for the cherubim were break their pinds over the place of the ark, and the cherubim were covered above the ark and her treasures. 1Kgs.8.8 and the measures were unless the heads of the holy places were lead from the holy places, but they did not see them outside. 1Kgs.8.9 in the ark there was not except the two tafeln of stone, which moses had set there by horeb, when the lord made covenant with the israelites when they went out of the land of egypt. 1Kgs.8.10 when the priests came out of the holy place, the cloud filled the house, 1Kgs.8.11 and the priests were not able to stand in minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the lord was filled the house of the lord. 1Kgs.8.14 so the king turned his face and blessed all the congregation of israel, and the whole church of israel stood there. 1Kgs.8.15 and he said, blessed be the lord, the god of israel, who spoke with his mouth to my father david, and by his hand has fulfilled it, saying, 1Kgs.8.16 from the day when i brought my people israel out of egypt, i did not chose a city among all the tribes of israel to build a house, where my name would be there. but i chose david to be over my people israel. 1Kgs.8.17 my father david was intented to build a house for the name of the lord, the god of israel. 1Kgs.8.18 but the lord said to my father david, because it was in your heart to build a house for my name, you have done well that it was in your heart, 1Kgs.8.19 nevertheless, you will not build the house, but your son who comes out of your boves will build the house to my name. 1Kgs.8.20 and the lord has taken up his word that he had spoken. i have come up in the place of my father david and sat on the throne of israel, just as the lord had spoken, and i have build the house to the name of the lord, the god of israel. 1Kgs.8.21 and i have made a place for the ark, in which there is the covenant that the lord made with our fathers when he led them out of the land of egypt. 1Kgs.8.22 then solomon stood before the altar of the lord before all the churches of israel, and stretched his hands to heaven, 1Kgs.8.23 and said, lord, god of israel, there is no god like you in the heavens above and on the earth below. you are guard the covenant and mercy to your servants who go before you with all his heart. 1Kgs.8.24 you have kept what you had kept to your servant david, my father, when you spoke with your mouth, you have fulfilled with your hand, so as it is this day. 1Kgs.8.25 now do, lord, god of israel, keep your servant david, my father, what you told him, no one will be cut out of you before me, seated on the throne of israel, unless your children keep their ways, to walk before me, as you walked before me. 1Kgs.8.26 so now, o god of israel, let your word be done, which you have spoken to your word to my father david. 1Kgs.8.27 but will god true dwelling with people on the earth? behold, the heavens and the heavens of the heavens will not come to you, how much more this house that i have made! 1Kgs.8.28 but turn to the prayer of your servant, o lord, my god, to hear the prayer and the prayer that your servant prays for your presence. 1Kgs.8.29 that your eyes may be open to this house day and night, to the place of which you have said, my name will be there, so that you may hear the prayer that your servant will pray to this place. 1Kgs.8.30 and hear the prayer of your servant and of your people israel, when they pray to this place. listen to the place of your dwelling in heaven. hear and forgive. 1Kgs.8.31 if anyone sins against his neighbor and receives him a oath and comes and proclaim before your altar in this house, 1Kgs.8.32 so dingy from heaven, and do, and judge your people, condemning the unrighteous, to give his way into his head and justify the righteous and give him according to his righteousness. 1Kgs.8.33 when your people israel will be struck before an enemy because they have sinned against you, and they turn to you and confesse your name and pray and pray for your prayers in this house, 1Kgs.8.34 so do you hear in heaven and forgive your sins of your people israel and bring them to the land that you gave to their fathers. 1Kgs.8.35 when the heavens will be shaken, and there is no rain because they sins against you, and they pray to this place and confesse your name and turn from their sins, because you have afflicted them, 1Kgs.8.36 so höre in heaven and forgive the sins of your servants and of your people israel, showing them the good way to go, and give rain on your land, which you have given to your people in an inheritance. 1Kgs.8.37 if a famine has a famine, if there is a pestilence, a romling, a rop, a rop, or a rop, and if his enemy belongs him in the land of his towns, or whatever distribution there is, 1Kgs.8.38 every prayer of every supplication, every supplication of every one of your people, when they always know the plague of his heart and extends his hands to this house, 1Kgs.8.39 so do you hear in heaven, in the place of your dwelling place, and forgive, and do and give to everyone according to all his ways, as you know his heart, for you only know the hearts of all the sons of men — 1Kgs.8.40 so that they may fear you in all the days that they live in the land that you gave to our fathers. 1Kgs.8.41 even to the stranger who is not of your people is so. 1Kgs.8.42 and they will come and pray to this place. 1Kgs.8.43 do you hear in heaven, in the place of your dwelling place, and do whatever the others call to you, so that all the people of the people may know your name and fear you, as your people israel, and know that your name has been called to this house that i have built. 1Kgs.8.44 if your people drew out to belong against his enemies on the way that you will bring them, and they will pray to the lord on the city that you have chosen, and to the house that i have built to your name, 1Kgs.8.45 so hear from heaven their prayers and supplication, and make their practice. 1Kgs.8.46 if they sins against you, for there is no man who will sink, and you will turn against them and give them in the presence of their enemies, and those who take them will take them captive to a far land, a distance or near, 1Kgs.8.47 and they will turn their hearts in the land where they were carried, and return and pray to you in the land of their means, saying, we have sinned, we have done wrongdoing. 1Kgs.8.48 if they return to you with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies, which they brought them, and pray to you in the way of their land that you gave to their fathers, to the city that you have chosen, and to the house that i have built to your name, 1Kgs.8.49 so höre you from heaven, from the place of your dwelling place, 1Kgs.8.50 and forgive your god, which they have sinned against you, and all their deeds that they have committed against you, and bring them to mercy before those who led them and have mercy on them. 1Kgs.8.51 for they are your people and your inheritance that you led out of egypt, from the measure of iron. 1Kgs.8.52 so let your eyes be open to the supplication of your servant and to the prayer of your people israel, to hear them in whatever they invoks you. 1Kgs.8.53 for you have directed them to your own inheritance from all the people of the land, just as you had spoken by your servant moses, when you led our fathers out of the land of egypt, o lord, o lord, when he had finished to build it, he has made known in heaven: the lord has commanded to dwell in the light. 1Kgs.8.54 now when salomo had finished to pray all this prayer and supplication to the lord, he stood up from the altar of the lord, where he was laid down with his hands into heaven, 1Kgs.8.55 and he stood and blessed the whole church of israel with a loud voice, saying, 1Kgs.8.56 blessed be the lord, who has given rest to his people israel, according to whatever he spoke. no one of all his good things that he has spoken by his servant moses. 1Kgs.8.57 let the lord our god be with us, as he was with our fathers. he must not forgive us or forgive us, 1Kgs.8.58 but leave our hearts to him, so that we may walk in all his ways and keep his commandments and his commandments, which he commanded our fathers. 1Kgs.8.59 and let these words, with which i have prayed before the lord, be near to the lord our god day and night, that he may make the right of your servant and the justification of his people israel, every day, 1Kgs.8.60 so that all the people of the earth may know that the lord is god and that there is no other. 1Kgs.8.61 let your hearts be perfect to the lord our god, to walk in his commandments and keep his commandments, like this is this day. 1Kgs.8.62 so the king and all israel with him offered a sacrifice before the lord. 1Kgs.8.63 then solomon offered the sacrifice of peace that he offered to the lord, 12,000 sheep and 120.000 sheep. so the king and all the israelites offered the house of the lord. 1Kgs.8.64 in that day the king sanctified the midst of the courtyard that was before the house of the lord, for he offered there the holocauste and the sacrifice and the grass of the peace, because the bronce altar that was before the lord was a little while, so that they were not able to offert the brandopfer and the sacrifice of the peace and the fettations of the peace. 1Kgs.8.65 so solomon made the feast in that day, and with him the whole israel, a great church from the coming to hamat to the euphrate, before the lord our god, seven days and seven days, seven days. 1Kgs.8.66 on the eighth day he released the people. and they blessed him and went to their tentes rejoicing and glad heart because of the good things that the lord had done to his servant david and his people israel. 1Kgs.9.1 when solomon had finished the building the house of the lord and the house of the king and all that he had willing to do, 1Kgs.9.2 and the lord appeared to solomon a second time, just as he was seen in gibeon. 1Kgs.9.3 and the lord said to him, i have heard your prayer and supplication that you had prayed before me. i have sanctified this house that you have built, that i may keep my name forever, and my eyes and my heart shall become there always. 1Kgs.9.4 and if you go before me, as your father david followed, in sincerity of heart and in sincere, to do all that i have commanded him, and if you keep my commandments and my commandments, 1Kgs.9.5 so i will restore the throne of your kingdom over israel forever, as i spoke to your father david, saying, no one will be removed for you in the prince of israel. 1Kgs.9.6 but if you and your children should return from me and do not keep my commandments and my commandments that i have given you, and go and serve others, and worship them, 1Kgs.9.7 so i will destroy israel from the land that i gave them, and this house that i have sanctified for my name will i cast out from my face, and israel will be a desolate and a describe for all the nations. 1Kgs.9.8 and this house that will be exalted, everyone who passes by it will be expected and spoke, and they will say, why did the lord do so to this land and to this house? 1Kgs.9.9 and will say, because they left the lord their god, who had brought their fathers out of the land of egypt, and kept themselves to others god and worshiped them and served them, therefore the lord has brought upon them all this mal. 1Kgs.9.10 when ventyve years had built up the two house, the house of the lord and the house of the king, 1Kgs.9.11 ( hiram king of tyre had haken solomon with cypress and cypress and gold, in all his desire, the king solomon gave to hiram twenty-cities in the land of galilee. 1Kgs.9.12 and when hiram came from tyre, he went to see the towns that salomo had given him, and they did not please him. 1Kgs.9.13 he said, what are these towns that you gave me, brother? and he called them grus, as is this day. 1Kgs.9.14 and hiram had brought him a hundred talents of gold. 1Kgs.9.15 this was the district of the robling that the king solomon had carried out to build the temple of the lord, the house of the king, and the mure of jerusalem, and the mures of jerusalem, and the surrounding region of jerusalem, so that he might turn the seal of the city, assur, migdan, gezer, and bet-horon, not to destroy it. 1Kgs.9.20 all the people left, from the hetites, of the amorites, of the ferezites, of the cananeans, of the heveans, of the heveans, of the heveet, and of the girgashites, who were from the israelites, when their children had left them in the land, which the sons of israel did not destroy. 1Kgs.9.22 but of the sons of israel solomon did not put a service, but they were soldiers, his servants, his servants, his rulers, his rulers and his horse. 1Kgs.9.24 when the daughter of pharaon went up from the city of david to the house that he had built for her, he took up millo. 1Kgs.9.26 in ezjon-geber that was at elath, at the sea of edom, at the sea of the last sea, in the land of edom. 1Kgs.9.27 and hiram sent his servants, marriers, who knew the sea, with the servants of solomon. 1Kgs.9.28 they went to ofir and took there of gold 120 talents and brought it to the king solomon. 1Kgs.10.1 when the reine of sheba heard the name of solomon in the name of the lord, she came to tempt him with enigts. 1Kgs.10.2 she came to jerusalem with a great power, with camel, bringing offerings, great gold, and precious stones. so she came to solomon and told him all that she had in her heart. 1Kgs.10.3 and solomon told her all her words. there was no result from the king that he had not told her. 1Kgs.10.4 when the king of sheba saw all the mind of solomon and the house that he had built, 1Kgs.10.5 the food of his food, the seated of his servants, the place of his ministers and his garments, and his schenkers and his offering, which he offered in the house of the lord, she was still from her. 1Kgs.10.6 and she said to the king, the saying was true that i heard in my land about your words and your mind. 1Kgs.10.7 i did not believe what they said until i came and saw my eyes. and behold, the half is not reported to me. you have been granted and better the sound that i had heard in my land. 1Kgs.10.8 blessed are your women, blessed are these servants, who always standing before you and hear your wisdom! 1Kgs.10.9 blessed be the lord your god, who pleased you to put you on the throne of israel! for the lord loved israel forever and made you a king to do justice and righteousness. 1Kgs.10.10 and she gave to the king 120 talents of gold, great hauts and precious stones. there was no longer coming such as those, as the reine of sheba gave the king solomon. 1Kgs.10.11 the flots of hiram who had received the gold from ofir, brought from ofir a great great tree and precious stones. 1Kgs.10.12 the king made of the almugty boves for the house of the lord and for the palay of the king, and harpas and harpas for the sangers. such a sanmul tree had not come, nor was there seen until this day. 1Kgs.10.13 and the king solomon gave the reine of sheba all that she wish and asked him, except whatever he gave her by the hand of the king solomon. so she returned and went to his country, she and her servants. 1Kgs.10.14 the gewicht of the gold that had come to salomo in one year was 666 talents of gold, 1Kgs.10.15 except the things that were carried out of the possessions and of the strangers, and of all the kings of arabih and of the governor of the land. 1Kgs.10.16 and the king solomon made two hundred skilds of gold. in every guard was two hundred sits of gold, 1Kgs.10.17 and three hundred serpents of gold of gold, with three mines of gold came in every jow. and he put them in the house of the terebinthe of liban. 1Kgs.10.18 the king made a great throne of elfenbest and overcovered him with pure gold. 1Kgs.10.19 the throne had six graves, and the back of the throne was after the side of the throne. there were two leads standing by the seast, and two leones stood by the hands. 1Kgs.10.20 the twelve leads stood on the sies of the six paths. this was not done in any kingdom. 1Kgs.10.21 all the goods of the food of solomon were of gold, and all things of the house of the libanonwalth were with gold. it was not silver, for it was not counted in the days of solomon. 1Kgs.10.22 for the king had tarsis-flots in the sea, with the flots of hiram. one for three years the tarsis-flots came with gold and silver, elx, elfu, and pal. 1Kgs.10.23 so the king solomon was greater than all the kings of the earth in riches and insight. 1Kgs.10.24 and all the earth were seeking the face of solomon to hear his mind, which the lord had put in his heart. 1Kgs.10.25 and they were brought each one of them his offerings, golden things of gold and garments, waves and waves, horses and muilds, every year. 1Kgs.10.26 and solomon had four thousand horse of horses, carros and 12,000 horryers. and he laid them in the regions of the chars and with the king in jerusalem. and he was ruler over all the kings from the river to the land of the filistyne and to the land of the filistyne and to the region of egypt. 1Kgs.10.27 the king made silver and gold in jerusalem like stones, and the seders were like the wild tree in the wildness. 1Kgs.10.28 the horses of solomon brought out of egypt and from kuva. the merchants of the king welcomed them from tekoa for preaching. 1Kgs.10.29 a carry went out of egypt for two hundred sicles of silver, and a horse for 150. so they went out for all the kings of the hetites and the rulers of syria. 1Kgs.11.1 now the king solomon lovered a neighbors, even the daughter of pharaoh, moabites, ammonites, edomites, edomites, hetites, 1Kgs.11.2 from the nations that the lord said to the people of israel, you shall not enter them, and they shall not enter you. they will keep your hearts back after their idols. so solomon lifted up to love. 1Kgs.11.4 now in the time of solomon his children deturned his heart to others gods, and his heart was not perfect with the lord his god, as the heart of his father david. 1Kgs.11.5 so remained on astarte, the idol of sidon, and to astarte, the abomination of sidons. 1Kgs.11.6 so solomon did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and did not follow the lord as his father david. 1Kgs.11.7 then solomon build a high place for kemosh, the idol of moab, and to jerusalem, the idol of the sons of ammon. 1Kgs.11.8 so he did to all his strangers, who offered incense and offered incense to their idols. 1Kgs.11.9 so the lord was wrath against solomon because his heart was removed from the lord, the god of israel, who had appeared to him again, 1Kgs.11.10 and had commanded him not to follow others gods, but he did not keep the commandments of the lord. 1Kgs.11.11 so the lord said to solomon, because this was to you, and because you did not keep my commandments and my commandments that i commanded you, i will cut the kingdom from your hand and give it to your servant. 1Kgs.11.12 nevertheless, because of your father david, i will not do it in your days. 1Kgs.11.13 nevertheless, i will not take the whole kingdom. one tribe i will give to your son for my servant david and for jerusalem that i have chosen. 1Kgs.11.14 and the lord raised up a country to solomon, aramh, the edomite, and esrom, the son of eliaiada, who was in ramof, the king of soba, his master. and they gathered a people against him, and was a ruler of confusion. and they remained to israel in all the days of solomon and hadad, the edomite, from the offspring of the kingdom of edom. 1Kgs.11.15 for when david had distributed edom, and joab, the ruler of the soldier, went to begraw those who had been killed, and killed all of men in edom, 1Kgs.11.16 for joab and all israel remained there six months, until he destroyed all the men of edom. 1Kgs.11.17 so hadad escaped with some edomites, the servants of his father, to go into egypt. hadad was a little young servant. 1Kgs.11.18 they rose from midian and came to paran, and they took a men with them from paran and came to egypt, the king of egypt, who gave him a house and distributed up bread for him. 1Kgs.11.19 and hadad found a great favor in the sight of pharaon, and he gave him a wife, sister of his wife, sister of tachpenes. 1Kgs.11.20 the sister of tachpenes beared her her son genubath, and tahpenes turned him in the sons of pharaon. and genubat was among the sons of pharaon. 1Kgs.11.21 when hadad heard in egypt that david had fallen asleep with his fathers and that the ruler joab was dead, hadad said to pharaon, send me away to my land. 1Kgs.11.22 and pharaon said to him, what do you fease with me, that you seek to go to your land? he answered, no, but let me go. 1Kgs.11.25 this was the evil things that ben-hadad had done, and he was indignant in israel and reasoned in the land of edom. 1Kgs.11.26 now jerobeam, the son of nebat, of ofra, was the son of a widow, a widow of solomon. 1Kgs.11.27 and this was the way that he strengthened the hand against the king was this: solomon buked millo and count the seal of the city of his father david. 1Kgs.11.28 now a man who was a strong man was strong. when solomon saw the child that he was a labor, he set him over all the carriers of the house of joseph. 1Kgs.11.29 in that time jerobeam went out of jerusalem, and a prophet ahija of shilo found him on the way, and ahia was put in a new robe, and they both were both in the field. 1Kgs.11.30 and ahija took his new garment, which was on him, and distributed it in twelve bodes, 1Kgs.11.31 and said to jerobeam, take for you ten pedain, for so says the lord, the god of israel: behold, i will defile the kingdom from the hand of solomon and give to you ten tribe, 1Kgs.11.32 but one tribe shall have been for him because of my servant david and for the sake of jerusalem that i have chosen among all the tribes of israel. 1Kgs.11.33 so that they have left me and made me to astarte, the abomination of sidons, and kemosh, god of moab, and milkom, the idol of the ammonites, and did not go in my ways, to do what is right in my eyes, as did david his father. 1Kgs.11.34 yet i will not take the whole kingdom from his hand, but will give him an encourage all the days of his life for my servant david, whom i chose. 1Kgs.11.35 but i will take the kingdom from his son and give you the ten tribes, 1Kgs.11.36 and to his son i will give a tribe, so that my servant david may live in all the days before me in jerusalem, the city that i have chosen for me to lay my name there. 1Kgs.11.37 you will take you, and you will reign over whatever your soul desires, and you shall be king over israel. 1Kgs.11.38 if you do all that i command you and go on my ways and do what is right in my eyes, keep my commandments and my commandments, as my servant david did, i will be with you and build you a faithful house, as i did to david, and i will be with you, and i will build you a faithful house, just as i did to david. 1Kgs.11.40 and solomon sought to put jerobeam to death, but jerobeam rose and became to egypt, to sishak, king of egypt, and there was in egypt until he died. 1Kgs.11.41 the rest of the words of solomon, and whatever he did, and his mind is not written in the book of the words of solomon? 1Kgs.11.42 the time that salomo began in jerusalem over jerusalem was 40 years. 1Kgs.11.43 and solomon reposed with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of david, his father. and when jerobeam, the son of nebat, had heard that he was still in egypt, as he fled from solomon, he was seated in egypt. and he went to his city in the land of sarja, in the mountain of ephraim. and his son roboam reged in his place. 1Kgs.12.1 and rehobeam went to sichem, for the whole israel was coming to sichem to make him a king. 1Kgs.12.3 and the people spoke to the king of roboam, saying, 1Kgs.12.4 your father has made our joch harden. look you now in the hard service of your father and his burden book that he put on us, and we will serve you. 1Kgs.12.5 and he said to them, go for three days and return to me. and the people went away. 1Kgs.12.6 so the king roboam consulted with the elders who stood before his father solomon while he was still, and he said, what do you consider to answer this people? 1Kgs.12.7 they said to him, if this day you will be a servant of this people, and serves them and tell them good words, they will be your servants in all the days. 1Kgs.12.8 but he devoted the plan of the elders that they had given him, and plotted an council with the young men who had come with him and stood before him. 1Kgs.12.9 and he said to them, what do you consider to answer this people who has spoken to me, saying, show the boy that your father laid on us? 1Kgs.12.10 and the young men who had been broken with him said to him, so shall you say to this people, who said to you, your father has made our yoke burden, but let you do it for us. so shall you say to them, my little flow is greater than the hope of my father. 1Kgs.12.11 have my father laid you a great joke, but i will put your jock more. my father has castiged you with peits, but i will tuke you with scorpions. 1Kgs.12.12 the third day, when rehoboam and all the people came to roboam on the third day, as the king had said, return to me on the third day. 1Kgs.12.13 and the king answered the people hard, he departed the counsel of the elders that they had given him. 1Kgs.12.14 and spoke to them according to the purpose of the children, saying, my father has made your jock harden, but i will make your jock more. my father has castiged you with peits, but i will tuke you with scorpions. 1Kgs.12.15 so the king did not listen to the people, for this was reason from the lord, so that it might fulfill his word that he had spoken to jerobeam the son of nebat by ahija of silo. 1Kgs.12.16 when the whole israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, what part we have in david? we have no possession in the son of isai! in your tender, o israel! now show your house, david! and israel went to his tentes. 1Kgs.12.18 then the king rehoboam sent adoram, who was over the carcers, but all israel stoned him to death, and so he died. and the king rehobeam went up to ascend and escape to jerusalem. 1Kgs.12.19 so israel departed from the house of david until this day. 1Kgs.12.20 when all israel heard that jerobeam had returned, they sent and called him into the crowd and made him a king over all israel. no one followed the house of david except the tribe of judah. 1Kgs.12.21 and when rehoboam came to jerusalem, he gathered the whole country of judah and the tribe of benjamin, 12,000 servants of soldiers, to strike against the house of israel and turn the kingdom to roboam, the son of solomon. 1Kgs.12.22 but the word of the lord came to semaja, man of god, saying, 1Kgs.12.23 say to roboam, the son of solomon, the king of judah, and to all the house of judah and benjamin, and to the rest of the people, saying, 1Kgs.12.24 so says the lord: do not ascend and strike against your brothers, the sons of israel, let each one return to his own house, for this thing has happened. and they heard the word of the lord, and returned to go according to the word of the lord. 1Kgs.12.25 and jerobeam build sichem in the mountain of ephraim and dwelled in it. from there he went out and built penuel. 1Kgs.12.26 and jerobeam said in his heart, now the kingdom will return to the house of david. 1Kgs.12.27 if this people comes up to offer sacrifices in the house of the lord in jerusalem, the heart of this people will turn to their master to roboam, king of judah, and they will kill me. 1Kgs.12.28 so the king consulted and made two golden boves and said to the people, it is long for you to go up to jerusalem. behold, your gods, israel, who brought you out of the land of egypt! 1Kgs.12.29 and he put the one in bethel, and the other he gave in dan. 1Kgs.12.30 this took place to sin, and the people went away before the one man to dan. 1Kgs.12.31 and he made a house of high offerings and made priests from the people, who did not be of the sons of levi. 1Kgs.12.32 and jerobeam made a feast in the eighth day of the sixth day, as the feast of the feast in juda, and went up to the altar. so he did in bet-el to sacrifice to the kalves that he had done. and he set in bet-el the priests of the high offerings that he had made. 1Kgs.12.33 and he went up to the altar that he had made for bet-el, in the fourteenth day of the eighth day of the fixth day that he had offered from his heart. and he offered a feast for the israelites and offered to the altar to incense. 1Kgs.13.1 and behold, a man of god came from juda to bethel by the word of the lord, while jerobeam stood by the altar to burn. 1Kgs.13.2 and he called out to the altar by the word of the lord, and said, altar, altar! so says the lord: behold, a son is born for the house of david, whose name is josias. he will offert on you the priests of the high priests who desires on you, and people of men will burn on you. 1Kgs.13.3 on that day he gave a sign, saying, this is the sign that the lord has spoken, saying, the altar will be broken, and the asch that is on it will be poured out. 1Kgs.13.4 when the king heard the word of the man of god that was called to the altar in bethel, he stretched out his hand from the altar and said, griw him. but his hand that he had stretched against him witharied, and he could not turn it to himself. 1Kgs.13.5 the altar disparted, and the asch was poured out from the altar, according to the sign that the man of god had given in the word of the lord. 1Kgs.13.6 then the king said to the man of god, pray for the face of the lord your god, and pray my hand to me. and the man of god appeared to the lord, and the hand of the king turned to him, and it became like the first. 1Kgs.13.7 and the king said to the man of god, come with me in a house and feed, and i will give you a gift. 1Kgs.13.8 but the man of god said to the king, if you give me a half of your house, i will not enter you. i will not eat bread nor drink water in this place, 1Kgs.13.9 for so has been commanded to me by the word of the lord, saying, you shall not eat bread or drink water and do not turn on the way that you have gone. 1Kgs.13.10 so he went on another way and returned not on the way by which he had come to bet-el. 1Kgs.13.11 now there was a old prophet in bet-el. and his sons came and told him all the things that the man of god had done that he had done in bet-el. they told him the words that he had spoken to the king. 1Kgs.13.12 and he said to them, on which way he has gone? and his sons saw the way that the man of god had gone that he had come from judah. 1Kgs.13.13 and he said to his sons, sell the donkey for me. and they sat a donkey for him and went on him, 1Kgs.13.14 and followed the man of god and found him sitting under the terebinthe. and he said to him, are you the man of god who has come from judah? he said, i am. 1Kgs.13.15 and he said to him, come with me and eat bread. 1Kgs.13.16 but he said, i cannot return with you, and i will not eat bread nor drink water with you in this place. 1Kgs.13.17 for it has been commanded to me by the word of the lord: you shall not eat there bread or drink water there and do not turn on the way that you have gone. 1Kgs.13.18 and he said to him, i am a prophet like you, and an angel has spoken to me in the word of the lord, saying, bring him to yourself into your house, so that he may eat of bread and drink water. " and he mentized him. 1Kgs.13.19 so he returned with him and ate bread in his house and drinking water. 1Kgs.13.20 while they were sitting at the table, the word of the lord came to the prophet who had turned him. 1Kgs.13.21 and he called to the man of god who was coming out of judah, saying, so says the lord: because you have been rebeld against the word of the lord and did not keep the commandment that the lord, your god, commanded you, 1Kgs.13.22 but returned and ate bread and drink water in the place where he said to you, do not eat bread and do not drink water, your body will not enter the tomb of your fathers. 1Kgs.13.23 after he had eaten bread and drinking, he set the donkey for him that he had returned. 1Kgs.13.24 so he went and found him a lion on the road and killed him. and his body was thrown on the road, and the osel stood by him, and the lion stood by the body. 1Kgs.13.25 and behold, some man passed by and saw the dead body broken on the road and the lion standing near the dead, they went and spoke in the city where the old prophet was sitting there. 1Kgs.13.26 when the man who had turned him from the way heard, saying, this is the man of god, who has been rebeld against the word of the lord. 1Kgs.13.28 and he went and found his body broken on the road, and the osel and the lion standing by the body. the lion did not eat the body and had not broken the donkey. 1Kgs.13.29 then the prophet took the body of the man of god and laid it on the donkey and turned away. and the prophet came in the city to buriing him. 1Kgs.13.30 he was in his tomb, and they were mourn for him, o brother! 1Kgs.13.31 after he had been buried, he said to his sons, if i die, begraw me in the tomb in which the man of god is buried. lay my bene before his benes. 1Kgs.13.32 for what he has spoken by the word of the lord against the altar of bet-el and all the household of the treasures in samaria. 1Kgs.13.33 after this reason jerobeam did not return from his evil way, but did out of all the people priests of the high country. whoever wanted was fulfilled of the offerings, and he was a priest of the high country. 1Kgs.13.34 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.1 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.2 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.3 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.4 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.5 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.6 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.7 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.8 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.9 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.10 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.11 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.12 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.13 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.14 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.15 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.16 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.17 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.18 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.19 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.20 and it has become a sinning for the household of jerobeam, as he was destroying and destroyed from the face of the earth. 1Kgs.14.21 and rehobeam, the son of solomon, reged in judah. he was two and veertig years when he was a king, and seven years reged in jerusalem, the city that the lord had chosen among all the tribes of israel to make his name. the name of his mother was naama, the ammonitita. 1Kgs.14.22 even the people did evil in the eyes of the lord, and with their sins they turned to him for all their sins that they had committed. 1Kgs.14.23 for they were built up offerings and statues and astartes on every high coll and under every ground tree. 1Kgs.14.24 there were also a food in the land and defiled all the abominations of the nations that the lord had cut out before the sons of israel. 1Kgs.14.25 in the cinth years of regering, sishak, king of egypt, went up against jerusalem. 1Kgs.14.26 and he took the treasures of the house of god and the treasures of the house of the king, and having taken all the golds of gold that david had brought. 1Kgs.14.27 the king roboam made in their place a bronce of bronze and put them in order to the rulers of the courholds who guarded the door of the house of the king. 1Kgs.14.28 as the king went into the house of the lord, the courholds brought them up and brought them away into the camper of the courholds. 1Kgs.14.29 the rest of the actes of rehobeam and all that he did, has not written in the chronik of the crónicas of the kings of judah? 1Kgs.14.30 now there was a soldier among roboam and jerobeam in all the days. 1Kgs.14.31 and roboam reposed with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of david. his son abijah was king in his place. 1Kgs.15.1 in the eighth years of the king of jeroboam, the son of nebat, abiam began to reign over judah. 1Kgs.15.2 he reged six years. his mother was maacha, the daughter of absalom. 1Kgs.15.3 he went in in all the sins of his father, which he had done before him, and his heart was not perfect with the lord his god, as the heart of his father david. 1Kgs.15.4 but for david the lord god gave him a offspring in jerusalem, established his children after him and established jerusalem. 1Kgs.15.5 for david did what was right in the eyes of the lord, not deceived to all the things that he had commanded him, all the days of his life. 1Kgs.15.7 the rest of the actes of abiam and all that he did did, it is not written in the book of the crónicas of the king of judah? there was a guerre among abiam and jerobeam. 1Kgs.15.8 abiam reposed with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of david. and his son asa began to king in his place. 1Kgs.15.9 in the viventh years of jeroboams, king of israel, asa regered over judah. 1Kgs.15.10 he regered three and two years in jerusalem. his mother the name was maacha, the daughter of absalom. 1Kgs.15.11 and asa did what was right in the sight of the lord, like his father david. 1Kgs.15.12 he departed the devout people from the land and departed all the idols that his fathers had done. 1Kgs.15.13 even his mother maacha he removed, that she might not be a ruler, because she had made a concession for the astarty. and asa cut down her round and bringed it in the beast of kidron. 1Kgs.15.14 but the offerings did not be cut away. only the heart of asa was perfect with the lord in all his days. 1Kgs.15.15 and he brought in the temple of the lord the things that had offered with his father and his offeres, silver, and gold, and vessels. 1Kgs.15.16 now there was a guerre among asa and basha, the king of israel, all their days. 1Kgs.15.17 basha, the king of israel, went up against juda and built rama, so that he might not go out and enter asa, the king of judah. 1Kgs.15.18 so asa took the silver and gold that was found in the treasures of the house of the king, and gave them in the hands of his servants, and sent them to ben-hadad, the son of tabrimon, son of tabrimon, king of syria, who dwelled in damascus, saying, 1Kgs.15.19 there is a covenant among me and you, as was among my father and your father. behold, i send you a gift of silver and gold; go and rompt your covenant with basha, the king of israel, that he may depart from me. 1Kgs.15.20 and ben-hadad heard the king asa and sent his rulers against the towns of israel, and distributed ijon, dan, abel-bet-maacha, the whole kinneroth and all the land of naphtali. 1Kgs.15.21 when basha heard this, he remained to build rama and returned to tirza. 1Kgs.15.22 so the king asa charged all judah, not only, and they carried out the stones of rama and the boves of which baasa had built up. by them asa's king built geba in benjamin and mizpa. 1Kgs.15.23 the rest of the actes of asa, all his strengthents, and all that he did, and all that he did, has not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of judah? nevertheless, in his old time he beared his feet. 1Kgs.15.24 and asa died with his fathers, and they were buried with his fathers in the city of david, and his son josafat began in his place. 1Kgs.15.25 nadab, the son of jerobeam, realled over israel, the second years of asa, king of judah, and regered over israel two years. 1Kgs.15.26 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord and walked in the way of his father and in his sins with which he had brought israel to sin. 1Kgs.15.27 so basha, the son of ahija, of the house of issachar, stirred up against him, and baasha killed him at gibbeton, who was among the philistins, while nadab and ganz israel belonged to gibbeton. 1Kgs.15.28 basha killed him in the third aar of asa, king of judah, and reged him. 1Kgs.15.29 as he was beginning, he killed all the household of jerobeam, not left any of the people of jerobeam, until he had destroyed him, according to the word of the lord that he had spoken by his servant ahija of silo, 1Kgs.15.30 for the sins of jerobeam, which he had sinned and whom he had brought israel to sin, because of his provocing provocing up the lord, the god of israel. 1Kgs.15.31 the rest of the actes of nadab and all that he did, has not written in the book of kronices of the kings of israel? 1Kgs.15.33 in the third anno of asa, king of judah, basha, the son of ahija, realled over all israel in tirza, and regered three and four years. 1Kgs.15.34 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord and walked in the way of jerobeam and in his sins, with which he had brought israel to sin. 1Kgs.16.1 then the word of the lord came to jehu, the son of hanani, to baasa, saying: 1Kgs.16.2 because i have exalted you from the ground and made you a ruler over my people israel, but you have walking on the way of jerobeam and have brought my people israel to sinning, provoking me to anger with their heads, 1Kgs.16.3 behold, i will turn baesan and his household, and i will make your house like the house of jerobeam the son of nebat. 1Kgs.16.4 those of baasa who dies in the city will the hunde eat, and the one who dead in the field will eat the birds of the air. 1Kgs.16.5 the cetera historio of baasa, which he did, and his might, has not written in the book of the kronicks of the kings of the kings of israel? 1Kgs.16.6 and basha died with his fathers and was buried in tirza, and his son ela reged in his place. 1Kgs.16.7 and by the hand of jehu, the son of hanani, the word of the lord, was against baasa and his house, for all the evil that he had done in the presence of the lord, provoking to provoke him by the works of his hands, so that he was like the house of jerobeam, and because he had distributed him. 1Kgs.16.8 and ela, the son of baasa, regered over israel, two years of two years. 1Kgs.16.9 and zimri, the ruler of the helft of the horse, returned against him. he was in tirza with drunk in the house of arsa, the governor of a minister in tirza, 1Kgs.16.10 when zimri came and killed him, he killed him and began a king in his place. 1Kgs.16.11 while he was a king in his throne, as he sat down on his throne, he killed all the house of basha. 1Kgs.16.12 so destroyed zimri all the house of baasa concerning the prophet jehu, 1Kgs.16.13 for all the sins of baasa and the sins of his son ela, which they had sinned and brought israel to sinning, provoking to provoke the lord, the god of israel, with their idols. 1Kgs.16.14 the cetera historio of ela and all that he did, has not written in the book of leasting of the kings of the kings of israel? 1Kgs.16.15 for zimri, the son of zimri, remained seven days in tirtsa, while the least of israel was at gibbeton of the philistins. 1Kgs.16.16 when the people who had been in the camp heard that zimri had gathered together and distributed the king, so that on that day the whole israel made a king on the camp omri, the ruler of the soldier. 1Kgs.16.17 and omri went up with the whole israel from gibbeton and belong at tirza. 1Kgs.16.18 when zimri saw that the city was born, he went in in the palace of the house of the king and burned up the house of the king with fire and died, 1Kgs.16.19 for his sins that he had committed, doing what was evil in the eyes of the lord, going on the way of jerobeam and in his sins that he had committed israel to sin. 1Kgs.16.20 the rest of the actes of zimri and his conspiration that he made, it is not written in the book of leasting of the kings of the kings of israel? 1Kgs.16.21 then the people of israel disparted: a helft of the people followed tibni, the son of ginath, to reign him, and the helf followed omri. 1Kgs.16.22 but the people who followed omri realled over the people who followed tibni the son of ginath. so tibni died, and omri reged. 1Kgs.16.23 in the thirventh years of asa, omri began to king over israel, and he regered twelve years. in tirza he regered six years. 1Kgs.16.24 and he cumpred the mountain of samaria for two talents silver, and built up the mountain and called the name of the city that he had built, in the name of semer, the lord of the mountain, samaria. 1Kgs.16.25 and omri did what was evil in the eyes of the lord and did more than all who were before him. 1Kgs.16.26 he walked in all the way of jerobeam the son of nebat, and in his sins with which he had brought israel to sin, provoking to provoke the lord, the god of israel. 1Kgs.16.27 the rest of the actes of omri, which he did, and his power, has not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel? 1Kgs.16.28 amram did out with his fates, and he entered in samaria, and his son ahab began in his place. in the days of asa, his father, se realled in his place. his son joram was azubad, fille of selah. his son joram was azubad, fille of selei. e, the name of his mother, azubad, fille of selei. ( he was, in the days of his father asa, his father, began in his place. 1Kgs.16.29 in the second year of jehoshafat, ahab, son of omri, began to king over israel in samaria, and he regierte 22 years. 1Kgs.16.30 and achab did what was evil in the eyes of the lord more than all who were before him. 1Kgs.16.31 now he was not sufficient to go in the sins of jerobeam, the son of nebat, he took for a woman jezebel, daughter of ethbaal, king of sidon, and went and served baal and worshiped him. 1Kgs.16.32 he set a altar to baal in the temple of baal that he had built in samaria. 1Kgs.16.33 and achab did a astarty. and achab did more to provoke his god, god of israel, more than all the kings of israel who were before him. 1Kgs.16.34 in his days hiel of beth-el became up jericho, in his firstborn abiram he laid up the foundation of it, and set her gate to segub, his younger,, according to the word of the lord, which he spoke by josua, the son of nun. 1Kgs.17.1 and elijah the tishbiten, from the residents of galaad, said to achab, so long as the lord, the god of israel, live in whom i stand, in these years there will be no ross or rain, except by my word. 1Kgs.17.2 then the word of the lord came to him, saying, 1Kgs.17.3 go from here from here and versteck in the spring of kerit, which is before the jordan, 1Kgs.17.4 you will drink of the bach, and i have commanded you to keep you there. 1Kgs.17.5 so he went and did according to the word of the lord, and went and lived by the spring of kerith, at the face of the jordan. 1Kgs.17.6 and the girl brought to him bread and flesh in the morning and bread for the soir, and he drank from the spring. 1Kgs.17.7 after some days the beast tored away, because there was no rain in the land. 1Kgs.17.8 then the word of the lord came to him, saying, 1Kgs.17.9 rise and go to sarepta of sidon. behold, i have commanded you for a widow, a widow to keep you. 1Kgs.17.10 so he rose and went to sarepta. and when he came to the gate of the city, behold, a widow who gathered a tree was there. and elijah called her and said, bring me a little water in a vase and drink. 1Kgs.17.11 and as she went to take it, he called out her and said, take me a fish of bread in your hand. 1Kgs.17.12 and she said, so waar as the lord, your god, lives, i have no measure, but only a modle of a farine in the jar and a little food in the mox. and behold, i am gathering two modly, and i will come and make it for me and for my child, that we may eat and live. 1Kgs.17.13 and elijah said to her, do not be afraid, go and do according to your saying, but make a little round for me and bring it to me. then do to make for you and for your child. 1Kgs.17.14 for so says the lord, the god of the asting of the means will not look, and the rook of the olivet will not be distributed until the day when the lord will give rain on the earth. 1Kgs.17.15 so she went and did so, as she did, and eating there and he and her children. 1Kgs.17.16 the jar in the means did not defiled, nor was the means of the oliven, according to the word of the lord that he had spoken by elijah. 1Kgs.17.17 after this the son of the woman, the master of the house, was sick, and his sick was greatly distressed, so that there was not a spirit in him. 1Kgs.17.18 then she said to elijah, what have you to do with you, o man of god? have you come to me to remember my evil and to put my son to death? 1Kgs.17.19 and he said to her woman, give me your son. and he took him out of her side and brought him to the upper room where he was sitting, and put him on his bed. 1Kgs.17.20 and he cried out to him, lord, my god, do you do wrong to the widow in which i abide, to put her to death? 1Kgs.17.21 then he lifted up three times to the child and called to the lord and said, lord, my god, let the life of this child return into him! 1Kgs.17.22 so the child cried out, and he cried out. 1Kgs.17.23 and elijah took the child and led him from the bound into the house and gave him to his mother, and elijah said, see, your son lives. 1Kgs.17.24 and the woman said to elijah, now i know that you are a man of god and that the word of the lord is in your mouth. 1Kgs.18.1 after many days the word of the lord came to elijah in the third year, saying, go and appee to achab, and i will give rain on the face of the earth. 1Kgs.18.2 so elijah went away to appearing to achab. there was a great famine in samaria. 1Kgs.18.3 and achab called obadia, the fellow manager. and obadja was greatly afraid of the lord, 1Kgs.18.4 for when jezebel distributed the prophets of the lord, obadia took a hundred prophets and hidden them in five hundred, in a spelonce, and kept them with bread and water. 1Kgs.18.5 and achab said to obadia, go in the land, to all the waterfonds and all the bears. may we find a grass and let we keep some hors and muills, so that we may not escape some of the beast. 1Kgs.18.6 so they divided the way for themselves to pass through it. achab went alone on one way, and obadja went alone in another way. 1Kgs.18.7 now when obadia was on the way, behold, elijah came before him. he recognized him and fell on his face and said, are you this, my lord elijah? 1Kgs.18.8 he said, i am. go, tell your master, elijah is here. 1Kgs.18.9 but he said, what have i done, that you have given your servant into the hand of achab to put me to death? 1Kgs.18.10 so lives the lord your god, there is no nation or kingdom where my master did not send you to seek. and when they said, it is not there. so he laid the kingdom and the country of it, that they did not find you. 1Kgs.18.11 and now you say, go, tell your lord, that there is elijah. 1Kgs.18.12 as i go from you, the spirit of the lord will take you in a land that i do not know, and when i come to tell ahab, he will kill me, and he will kill me. and your servant is afraid of the lord from his youth. 1Kgs.18.13 has not been told to my lord what i did when jezebel killed the prophets of the lord, i kept a hundred men of the prophets of the lord, about fifty man in a spy, and kept them with bread and water? 1Kgs.18.14 and now you say, go, tell your master, elijah is here! and he will kill me. 1Kgs.18.15 and elijah said, so how is the lord of the armée, where i stand before him, today i will appear to him. 1Kgs.18.16 so obadja went to follow achab and told him. and achab went in to make elijah. 1Kgs.18.17 when achab saw elijah, he said to him, are you this who deceive israel? 1Kgs.18.18 and he said, i did not deceive israel, but you and your father's house, because you have devoted the commandments of the lord and followed the baals. 1Kgs.18.19 so send send all israel together to me on the mountain of karmel, and the 450 prophets of baal and the four hundred prophets of the aschera, who eat the table of jezebel. 1Kgs.18.20 so achab sent out to all the israelites and gathered the prophets on the mountain of karmel. 1Kgs.18.21 and elijah came up to all the people and said, how long do you break on the two places? if the lord is god, follow him, and if baal is, follow him. and the people did not answer him. 1Kgs.18.22 so elijah said to the people, i am only a prophet of the lord, but the prophets of baal are 450 man. 1Kgs.18.23 let they give us two oxen, and let they choose one of them and take it in and lay it on the tree, but let them not lay fire. so i will make the other bound and put on the tree, but i will make the other bound, and i will not lay fire. 1Kgs.18.24 so you shall call on the name of your god, and i will call the name of the lord. and the god who will answer with fire will be god. and all the people answered, it is good. 1Kgs.18.25 and elijah said to the prophets of baal, call for yourselves the one boun and make it first, because you are many. call to the name of your god, but do not lay fire. 1Kgs.18.26 and they took the kalf that they had gave them, and they called it and called the name of baal from the morning to the next day, and they said, baal, exaudi us! but there was no voice and no answer. and they remained at the altar that they had done. 1Kgs.18.27 at the midst elijah spoke with them, and he said, call out with a loud voice, for he is god, but he is encouraged, or does he reason, or if he sleeps, he will rise. 1Kgs.18.28 and they cried out with a loud voice, and according to their reason, they were gathered with swords and clups, until blood flowed them. 1Kgs.18.29 now when the feast was passed, they prophesy, until the time of offering the sacrifice. but there was no voice, and there was no voice. 1Kgs.18.30 and elijah said to the people, come to me. and all the people came to him. 1Kgs.18.31 and elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of israel, to which the lord had spoken, saying, israel will be your name. 1Kgs.18.32 and he build the stones in the name of the lord, and he made a grain around the altar, in which there were two sea of offspring. 1Kgs.18.33 then he distributed the best, and distributed the brennoffer, and it put it on the rock and put it on the altar. 1Kgs.18.34 and he said, put a second next water water and gide it on the fire and the best. and he said, put it a second time. so they made the third. 1Kgs.18.35 the water flowed around the altar, and the grave was filled with water. 1Kgs.18.36 and when the offering the offering of the offering, elijah, elijah, god of abraham, of isaac and of israel, let all this people know that you are god in israel, and that i am your servant, and that i have done all these things on your sake. 1Kgs.18.37 exaudi me, lord, exaudi me, that this people may know that you, lord, are god, and that you will return their heart. 1Kgs.18.38 then the fire fell from the lord and devored the holocauste, the stones, the stones, and the ground, and the water that was in the ground consumited. 1Kgs.18.39 when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, the lord is god! the lord is god! 1Kgs.18.40 and elijah said to them, take the prophets of baal, let no one escape. and they took them. and elijah brought them down to the spring of cison and killed them there. 1Kgs.18.41 and elijah said to achab, come up, eat and drink, for there is a rop of glass. 1Kgs.18.42 and achab went up to eat and drink, but elijah went up on the ground of karmel, and he fell on the ground and laid his face among his kings. 1Kgs.18.43 and he said to his servant, come and see the way of the sea. and he went up and looked and said, there is nothing. and he said, return seven times. 1Kgs.18.44 as it was in the seventh day, behold, a little cloud, like a managing of man, leads up the water. so he said, come up, tell achab, and come down, that the rain will not overtake you. 1Kgs.18.45 and as it was here there, the heavens was darkened with cloud and wind, and a great rain came. and achab went down and went to jezreel. 1Kgs.18.46 and the hand of the lord was upon elijah, and he broke his loaves and ran before ahab until jezreel. 1Kgs.19.1 and achab told jezabel all that elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets that he had killed. 1Kgs.19.2 so jezebel sent a message to elijah, so do the god do to me and so do, if i toward this hour do not do your life as by the life of one of them! 1Kgs.19.3 when he saw this, he rose and went away by his life and went to beer-sheba, which is in judah, and left there his servant. 1Kgs.19.4 and he went to the wilderness a day, and came and sat down under a gentle, and asked to die, and said, it is sufficient. take my life from me, lord, for i am not better than my fathers. 1Kgs.19.5 and he fell and sowed there under a nature. and behold, a man touched him and said to him, rise and eat. 1Kgs.19.6 and when he looked at his head, he looked at his head back and water of water. and he ate and drinked and turned and fell asleep. 1Kgs.19.7 and the angel of the lord turned again and touched him, and said to him, rise and eat, for great is the way for you. 1Kgs.19.8 so he rose and ate and drank, and with the power of that food he went, 40 days and 40 nights until the berg of god, horeb. 1Kgs.19.9 and he entered there in the spelonce and there there. and behold, the word of the lord was to him, and he said to him, what are you here? 1Kgs.19.10 he answered, i have failed for the lord, the god of the armées, for the sons of israel have forgiven you, they have destroyed your altars and killed your prophets with the sword. only i am left, and they seek to receive my life. 1Kgs.19.11 and he said, come out and stand on the mountain before the lord. and behold, the lord passed away, and a great, great spirit, who divided the mountains and broke the roes before the lord, but the lord was not in the spirit. and after the spirit a earthquake, but the lord was not in the earthquake. 1Kgs.19.12 after the earthquake was fire, but the lord was not in the fire. after the fire there was a shame of sound, and there was the lord. 1Kgs.19.13 when elijah heard it, he opened his face with his milk and went out and stood by the spelonce. and behold, a voice came to him, saying, what are you here? 1Kgs.19.14 he said, i have been greatly jealoused for the lord, the god of the armées, for the children of israel have left your covenant. they have destroyed your altars and killed your prophets. i only have left, and they seek to receive my life. 1Kgs.19.15 and the lord said to him, go, return to your way in the wilderness of damascus. come and anoint hazael to be king of syria, 1Kgs.19.16 and shall you anoint jehu, the son of nimsi, to be king over israel, and you shall anoint elisa, the son of shafat from abel-mehola, to a prophet in your place. 1Kgs.19.17 and one who escaps by the sword of hazael shall jehu put to death, and the one who will be saved by the sword of jehu the man will put to death. 1Kgs.19.18 yet i have left in israel seven thousand men, all who have not broken down to baal and all the mouth that he did not worship. 1Kgs.19.19 so he departed from there and found elisa, the son of shafat, while he was searing with twelve parts of oxen before him, and he was by the twelve. so elishah went over him and throw his mantel on him. 1Kgs.19.20 and he left the oxen and ran after elijah and said, i will kiss my father and follow you. and elijah said, return, for i have done for you. 1Kgs.19.21 so he returned from him and took up the pars of oxen and slachted them, and with the oxen of the oxen he gathered them and gave it to the people, and they ate. then he rose and followed elijah and served him. 1Kgs.20.1 ben-hadad, king of syria, gathered all his power, and with him were thirty two kings, with hors and streitwagen. he went up and obtained samaria and walked against it. 1Kgs.20.2 and he sent messends to achab, the king of israel, to the city, 1Kgs.20.3 and said to him, so says ben-hadad says, your silver and your gold are mine, and your women and your children are mine. 1Kgs.20.4 and the king of israel answered, as you said, my lord, king, i am yours and all that i am. 1Kgs.20.5 the messengers returned and said, so says ben-hadad: i have sent to you to say, you will give me your silver and your gold, your women and your children. 1Kgs.20.6 toward this hour i will send my servants to you, and they will seek your house and the house of your servants, and all the desires of your eyes will have upon which they will lay their hands and take it. 1Kgs.20.7 then the king of israel called all the elders of the country, and said, know and see that this man seeks for evil. for he sent to me for my women and for my sons and for my silver and my gold, i did not repay him. 1Kgs.20.8 and all the elders and all the people said to him, do not listen and do not want it. 1Kgs.20.9 so he said to the messagers of ben-hadad, say to my lord, your master, i will do all that you first have sent to your servant. but this is not i can do. so the messengers went and returned to him. 1Kgs.20.10 so ben-hadad sent a message to him, saying, so must the god do to me and so do, if the stof of samaria will come to the shaks of all the people who follow me. 1Kgs.20.11 but the king of israel answered him, say him, let him not boast as he has shoring him. 1Kgs.20.12 when ben-hadad heard this saying, he became drink, he and the kings with the kings in the tents, he said to his servants, put up. and they turned against the city. 1Kgs.20.13 and behold, a prophet came to achab, king of israel, and said, so says the lord: have you seen all this great crowd? behold, i give it in your hand today, and you will know that i am the lord. 1Kgs.20.14 ahab said, with whom? he said, so says the lord: by the servants of the rulers of the country. and he said, who will strike the war? he said, you. 1Kgs.20.15 so he visited the servants of the rulers of the regions, and they were two hundred and thirty. after this he visited the people, all the sons of israel, seven thousand. 1Kgs.20.16 they went out in the midst. benhadad was drinking and drunk in the tents, he and the kings of the two and thirty kings who were held with him. 1Kgs.20.17 the servants of the rulers of the regions went to first. so ben-hadad sent out, and they told him, men went out of samaria. 1Kgs.20.18 and he said, if they have come out in peace, take them alive, or if they came out for war, take them alive. 1Kgs.20.19 so when the servants of the rulers of the regions and the power who followed them were from the city. 1Kgs.20.20 so they killed each one of him, and the syrians fled, and israel persecuted them. and ben-hadad, the king of syria, escaped at a horse with an horse. 1Kgs.20.21 then the king of israel went out and distributed all the hors and chars and struck the syrians a great plague. 1Kgs.20.22 then the prophet came to the king of israel and said to him, take mercy and understand and see what you will do, for at the next year ben-hadad, the king of syria, comes against you. 1Kgs.20.23 the servants of the king of syria said to him, their gods are the god of mounts, yet they were more strong than we. but if we strive against them in the region, we will be greater than them. 1Kgs.20.24 so do this: take the kings, each of you to his place, and put rulers in their place. 1Kgs.20.25 and repay you a power according to the power that had fallen for you, as many horses and carros as chars, and let us strike against them in the region, and we will be greater more than they. and he heard their hearts and did so. 1Kgs.20.26 at the end of the year ben-hadad visited the syrians and went up to afek to make war against israel. 1Kgs.20.27 the sons of israel also were numbered and gathered, and came in their way, and israel departed against them, like two flounds of cish, but the syrians filled the land. 1Kgs.20.28 then the man of god came and said to the king of israel, so says the lord: because the syrians said, the lord is god of the mountains and not a god of the valds, i will give this great power into your hand, and you will know that i am the lord. 1Kgs.20.29 seven days these were leated at the face of them seven days. on the seventh day the bath came up, and israel killed of the syrians a hundred mighty men on one day. 1Kgs.20.30 the rest fled in afek, into the city, and the wall fell on the twenty-seven thousand men of the rest who had overcome. so ben-hadad flowed and went into the city in a romer. 1Kgs.20.31 and his servants said to him, we have heard that the kings of israel are mercy of mercy. let us lay sackcloth on our lends and reins on our heads and go out to the king of israel; can he live to your life. 1Kgs.20.32 so they put a sackcloth around their bouts and laid shnures on their heads and went to the king of israel, and they said to the king of israel, your servant ben-hadad says, let me live to my life. and he said, is he still? he is my brother. 1Kgs.20.33 the men reported it for a certain way, and they rapid to take him out of his mouth, and said, your brother ben-hadad is your brother. and he said, come and take him. so ben-hadad came to him, and he gave him up to him in the wagen. 1Kgs.20.34 and ben-hadad said to him, the towns that my father took your father from your father will i repay, and you will make for you gates in damascus, as my father laid down in samaria. and i said, i will send you away in the covenant. and he made a covenant with him and sent him out. 1Kgs.20.35 then a man of the prophets of prophets said to his neighbor by the word of the lord: slå me. but the man refused to strike him. 1Kgs.20.36 and he said to him, because you did not listen to the voice of the lord, behold, when you are going away from me, a lion will strike you. and when he left him, a lion found him and struck him. 1Kgs.20.37 and he found another man and said, kill me. and the man struck him and struck him. 1Kgs.20.38 so the prophet went and stood at the way to the king, and he had bind his eyes with a bander. 1Kgs.20.39 when the king had passed through, he cried out to the king and said, your servant went out to the war of the war, and behold, a man came and brought a man to me and said to me, keep this man. if he leave it, your life will be in the place of his life, or you will give a talent of silver. 1Kgs.20.40 now when your servant had stayed here and here, he was not. and the king of israel said to him, this is your sentence. you have directed it. 1Kgs.20.41 so he immediately cut out the bindle from his eyes, and the king of israel recognized him that he was one of the prophets. 1Kgs.20.42 and he said to him, so says the lord: because you have escaped from your hand a man who had been destroyed, your life will be in the place of his life, and your people for his people. 1Kgs.20.43 so the king of israel went off and troubled, and came to samaria. 1Kgs.21.1 now when these things came, naboth of jezreel had a vineyard in jezreel, at the region of achab, the king of samaria. 1Kgs.21.2 and achab said to naboth, give me your vineyard to me, and it will be to me a garden garden, for it is directly for my house. i will give you a better vineyard more than it, or if it is pleasing in your presence, i will give you a grain of silver. 1Kgs.21.3 but naboth said to ahab, let no god mean me to give you the inheritance of my fathers. 1Kgs.21.4 and ahab was troubled, and he fell in his bed and covered his face, and did not eat anything. 1Kgs.21.5 so jezabel, his wife, came to him and said to him, why are your spirit troubled, and you do not eat? 1Kgs.21.6 and he said to her, for i said to naboth of jizreel, saying, give me your vineyard for money or if you desires, i will give you another vineyard in his place, but he said, i will not give you my vineyard. 1Kgs.21.7 and jezabel, his wife, said to him, are you now a king of israel? rise and eat, and be glad. i will give you the vineyard of naboth of jezreel. 1Kgs.21.8 so she wrote a scroll in the name of achab and sealed it with his seal and sent the scroll to the elders and to the free people who were in the city of naboth. 1Kgs.21.9 in the charges it was written, proclaim fasting and sit naboth in the beginning of the people, 1Kgs.21.10 and set two believers men against him and testify against him, saying, you have banded god and the king ". then take him out and stone him to death. 1Kgs.21.11 the men of his city, the elders and the rulers who were in his city did so, just as jezebel had sent to them, as it was written in the book that she had sent to them. 1Kgs.21.12 they called a fasting and laid nahab in the beginning of the people. 1Kgs.21.13 then two believers came and sat down against him, and these people testified against him by nabot, saying, nabot has spoken god and the king. so they led him out of the city and stones him to stone. 1Kgs.21.14 then they sent to jezebel, saying, naboth is stone to stone and has died. 1Kgs.21.15 when jezebel heard that naboth saw that naboth was dead and dead, she said to achab, rise and inherit the vineyard of naboth of jezreel, who could not give you for silver, for naboth does not live, but he has died. 1Kgs.21.16 when achab heard that naboth, the jezreelites, stood up and went down and went down to the vineyard of naboth the jizre's vineyard to inherit him. 1Kgs.21.17 then the message came to elijah the thisbiten, saying, 1Kgs.21.18 rise and come down to ahab, the king of israel, who is in samaria. he is now in the vineyard of naboth, where he has come down to inherit him, 1Kgs.21.19 and speak to him, saying, so says the lord: have you died and inhered it? and you say to him, so says the lord: in the place where the hunds lacked the blood of naboth, the hunds will lacke your blood and your prostitutes. 1Kgs.21.20 and achab said to elijah, have you found me, my enemy? and he said, i have found me, for you have granted to do what is evil in the eyes of the lord. 1Kgs.21.21 behold, i will bring a bad upon you, and i will destroy you, and i will destroy every one who is in israel, both foolish or divided. 1Kgs.21.22 i will make your house like the house of jerobeam, the son of nebat, and as the house of baasa, the son of ahija, for the provoking that you have provoked up and have brought israel to sin. 1Kgs.21.23 even concerning jezebel the lord has spoken, saying, the dogs will eat it at the gate of jezreel. 1Kgs.21.24 whoever dead of ahab in the city will the hunds eat, and whoever dead in the field will eat the birds of the air. 1Kgs.21.25 there was nothing as achab who had been delivered to do what is evil in the eyes of the lord, since his wife jezebel had taken him. 1Kgs.21.26 he was greatly amazed, following the abominations, as did the amorites, which the lord had destroyed from the sons of israel. 1Kgs.21.27 when achab heard these things, he disparted his robes and wrapped a sackcloth over his body and fasted, and around a sackcloth. 1Kgs.21.28 then the word of the lord came to elijah, the son of achab, saying, 1Kgs.21.29 have you seen when achab fell on my face? why he turned before me, i will not bring the evil one in his days. in the days of his son i will bring the evil things. 1Kgs.22.1 they remained three years, and there was no country among syria and israel. 1Kgs.22.2 now in the third years jehosafat, the king of judah, went down to the king of israel. 1Kgs.22.3 and the king of israel said to his servants, do you know that ramot in gilead is us? and we do silent to take her from the hand of the king of syria? 1Kgs.22.4 and he said to josafat, shall you come with me to belong to ramoth in galaad? and josafat said to the king of israel, i am as you, my people as your people, my hors as your hors. 1Kgs.22.5 and jehosafat said to the king of israel, pray now the way of the lord. 1Kgs.22.6 so the king of israel gathered the prophets, about 400 man, and said to them, shall i go to fight against ramot in galaad, or do i do? they said, go up, for the lord will give it in the hand of the king. 1Kgs.22.7 but jehosafat said, is there not any prophet of the lord that we might ask him? 1Kgs.22.8 and the king of israel said to josafat, there is only one man for whom we may ask the lord, but i hate him, for he does not speak of good things about me, but only evil. it is micha the son of jimla. and josafat said, let the king not speak so. 1Kgs.22.9 then the king of israel called one eunuch, and said, bring quickly to micha, the son of jimla. 1Kgs.22.10 the king of israel and jehosafat, the king of judah, were sitting on his throne, walking in the places of the gates of samaria, and all the prophets prophesied before them. 1Kgs.22.11 and sedekias, the son of kenaana, did for himself a iron horns and said, so says the lord: with these you will strike the syrians until they destroy them. 1Kgs.22.12 and all the prophets prophesied so, saying, go up to ramot-galaad, and you will prospere, for the lord will give it into the hand of the king. 1Kgs.22.13 the messenger who had gone to call micha said to him, behold, the words of the prophets said in one mouth good to the king. let your word be like the word of one of them and speak good. 1Kgs.22.14 but micha said, the lord lives, whatever the lord says to me, i will speak. 1Kgs.22.15 and when he came to the king, the king said to him, micha, shall i go to fight against ramot-galaad, or do i do? and he said to him, go out, and you will be prospered, and the lord will give it into the hand of the king. 1Kgs.22.16 and the king said to him, how often shall i conjure you that you may tell me the truth in the name of the lord? 1Kgs.22.17 and he said, i saw all israel spreated on the mountains like a flock that is not a shepherd. and the lord said, these are no master, let each man return to his home in peace. 1Kgs.22.18 and the king of israel said to jehosafat, did i not say to you that he does not prophesy good to me, but evil? 1Kgs.22.19 and micha said, hear the word of the lord: i saw the lord sitting on his throne, and all the armée of heaven stood on him at his right hand and at his left. 1Kgs.22.20 and the lord said, who will leave achab to go, that he may go up and fall in ramot-galaad? and one said so, and another said so. 1Kgs.22.21 then a spirit came and stood before the lord and said, i will deceive him. and the lord said to him, with what? 1Kgs.22.22 he said, i will come and be a false spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. and he said, you will deceive it and be able. go and do so! 1Kgs.22.23 and now, behold, the lord has put a false spirit in the mouth of these your prophets, and the lord has spoken of evil against you. 1Kgs.22.24 then sedekias, the son of kenaana, came and struck micha in the kindle and said, what was the spirit of the lord from me to speak with you? 1Kgs.22.25 micha said, you will see it on the day when you enter a camera in a chamar to keep him. 1Kgs.22.26 then the king of israel said, take micha and bring him to amon, the ruler of the city, and to joas, the son of the king, 1Kgs.22.27 and say: let this man be put in prison and to eat him with bread of tribulation and water of water, until i return in peace. 1Kgs.22.28 and micha said, if you return back in peace, the lord has not spoken to me. 1Kgs.22.29 so the king of israel and jehosafat, the king of judah, went up to ramot-galaad. 1Kgs.22.30 and the king of israel said to jehosafat, i will declare to make a quart, and you will put his garments on yourself. so the king of israel departed and went into the bath. 1Kgs.22.31 the king of syria had commanded the two and thirty rulers of his chars, saying, do not strike no little or great, but only against the king of israel. 1Kgs.22.32 when the rulers of the waves saw jehosafat, they said, this is the king of israel. and they went around him to strike against him. then jehosafat cried out. 1Kgs.22.33 when the rulers of the waves saw that this was not the king of israel, they turned from him. 1Kgs.22.34 but a man appointed a bound at his bound and killed the king of israel among the pands of the paner. so he said to his courhold, turn and bring me out of the guerre, for i am amazed. 1Kgs.22.35 now the war was distributed in that day, and the king stood in the wagen before the syrians, and he died evening, and the blood of the flood was broken out in the boot of the wagen. 1Kgs.22.36 at the way of the sun there was proclaimed, saying, each one to his city and each to his own land! 1Kgs.22.37 so the king died, and they brought him to samaria and buried the king in samaria. 1Kgs.22.38 so when they washed the carre in the root of samaria, the hunds lied his blood, and the prostitutes was washed in the blood, according to the word of the lord, which he had spoken. 1Kgs.22.39 the cetera historio of achab, and all that he did, the house of elfenbest, which he best, and all the towns that he did, are not written in the chronik of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel? 1Kgs.22.40 and ahab reposed with his fathers, and his son ahazja reged in his place. 1Kgs.22.41 josafat, the son of asa, regered over judah in the fourth years of ahab, king of israel. 1Kgs.22.42 jehoshafath was five and five years old when he was a king, and five and five years realled in jerusalem. his mother was asuba, a daughter of silhi. 1Kgs.22.43 he walked in all the ways of his father asa, he did not depart from it, doing what was right in the eyes of the lord. only the offers were not destroyed, the people continued to bring offerings and incense on the offers. 1Kgs.22.44 and joram remained peace with the king of israel. 1Kgs.22.45 the rest of the actes of josafat, and his helper, which he has done, has not written in the chronik of the crónicas of the kings of judah? 1Kgs.22.50 and jehosafat died with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of his father david. and his son joram began in his place. 1Kgs.22.51 ahasja, the son of achab, was regering over israel in samaria, in the seventh year of josaphat, king of judah, and he regered in israel two years. 1Kgs.22.52 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and walked in the way of his father and in the way of his mother, and in the way of jerobeam, the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin. 1Kgs.22.53 he served the baals and worshiped him, and provoked the lord, the god of israel, all that had happened before him. so he worshiped the baals and worshiped him and provoked the lord, the god of israel, according to all the things that had happened before him. 2Kgs.1.1 after ahab died, moab departed from israel. 2Kgs.1.2 and ahazja fell through the fenster of his upper room in samaria and was sick. so he sent messengers and said to them, go and consult baal-zebub, the god of ekron, whether i will leave this sick. 2Kgs.1.3 but the angel of the lord said to elijah the tishbiten, rise, go to encourage the messagers of the king of samaria, and say to them, is it not a god in israel that you go to seek for baal-zebub, the god of ekron? 2Kgs.1.4 therefore so says the lord: you shall not descend from the bed to which you have ascended, but you shall die. and elijah went away. 2Kgs.1.5 when the messagers returned to him, he said to them, why did you return? 2Kgs.1.6 and they said to him, a man came up to us and said to us, come, return to the king who has sent you and say to him, so says the lord: if there is no god in israel that you are going to consult baal-zebub, the god of ekron? so do you not come down from the bed on which you have ascended, but you shall die death. 2Kgs.1.7 and he said to them, what was the judgment of the man who had come up to you and told you these words? 2Kgs.1.8 they said to him, a man of mantle, with a leather belt around his waist. and he said, it is elijah the tisbiten. 2Kgs.1.9 and he sent to him a office of feast with his cinquanta man. and when he came up to him, behold, elijah sat down on the top of the mountain. and he said to him, man of god, the king says, come down. 2Kgs.1.10 and elijah answered the officers, if i am a man of god, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty people. and fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his twelve men. 2Kgs.1.11 and he sent a other officers with his twelve men. and he said to him, man of god, the king says, come down quickly. 2Kgs.1.12 and elijah answered them, if i am a man of god, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty people. and fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty people. 2Kgs.1.13 he sent again a third of a feast of feast with his cinquanta officers. and the third centurion came and knew his kneels before elijah, and prayed him, and said to him, man of god, let my life and this five hundred of your servants be precious in your eyes! 2Kgs.1.14 behold, fire came down from heaven and consumed the two first feast with their fifty feast. but let my life be pleasing in your eyes! 2Kgs.1.15 and the angel of the lord said to elijah, come down with him, do not fear him. so he rose and went down with him to the king. 2Kgs.1.16 and he said to him, so says the lord: why have you sent messagers to consult baal-zebub, the god of ekron, why did not come down from the bed to which you have ascended, but you will die death. 2Kgs.1.17 so he died, according to the word of the lord that elijah had spoken. 2Kgs.1.18 the cetera historio of ahazías, which he had done, has not written in the livre of the kronicas of the king of israel? yet joram, the son of ahab, was recognized on israel in samaria, two years were being done, only not as his brothers or his mother. 2Kgs.2.1 when the lord had told elijah in a storm to heaven in a storm, elijah and elisha went away from gilgal. 2Kgs.2.2 and elijah said to him, remain here, for the lord sent me to bet-el. but he said, so long as the lord lives and so that your soul does not leave you. so they went to bet-el. 2Kgs.2.3 the prophets of prophets who were in bet-el came to elisa and said to him, do you know that the lord toward this day your master from your head? he said, i know, silent. 2Kgs.2.4 and elijah said to him, elisa, stay here, for the lord sent me to jericho. but he said, so as as the lord lives and so that your soul does not leave you. so they came to jericho. 2Kgs.2.5 and the prophets of prophets who were in jericho drew to elisa and said to him, do you know that today the lord will take your master from your head? he said, i know, keep silent. 2Kgs.2.6 and elijah said to him, be here, sit here, for the lord sent me to the jordan. and he said, so how the lord lives and so that your soul does not leave you. so they both went. 2Kgs.2.7 and 50 men of the sons of the prophets stood on, and they stood at a distance, and they both stood by the jordan. 2Kgs.2.8 and elijah took his mantel and cut it out and struck the water, and it distributed the water, and they both went over in the wilderness. 2Kgs.2.9 and as they had passed over, elijah said to elisa, ask what i must do for you before i am taken up from you. and he said, be it for a doppelt of your spirit on me. 2Kgs.2.10 and he said, you have decided to ask. if you see me when i take away from you, so it will be to you. but if not, it will not be done. 2Kgs.2.11 while they were going and spoken, behold, a fire of fire and branches of fire divided them both, and elijah took up into heaven in a storm, 2Kgs.2.12 and when the man saw it, he cried out, my father, father of israel and his ratsuers! and he saw him no more. and he took his garments and distributed them in two pieces, 2Kgs.2.13 so he took elian the mantel of elijah, which was fallen from him, and returned and stood at the bort of the jordan. 2Kgs.2.14 and he took elijah's mantel that had fallen on him and struck the water and said, where is the lord, the god of elijah? and when he distributed the water, it divided it at one and at the other side, and elisa passed through. 2Kgs.2.15 when the prophets of the prophets who were in jericho saw him at the way, they said, the spirit of elijah has been reason on elishah. and they came to him and worshiped him to the earth, 2Kgs.2.16 and they said to him, behold, with your servants are five mighty men. let them go and seek your master, so that the spirit of the lord has taken him and thrown him in one of the mountains or in one of the toets. and he said, do not send it to send. 2Kgs.2.17 but they desired him until he was ashamed, and he said, send out. and they sent fifty men, and they were seeking three days, but did not find him. 2Kgs.2.18 and when they returned to him, he was standing in jericho, he said to you, do i not say to you, do not go? 2Kgs.2.19 and the men of the city said to him, behold, the dwelling place in the city is good, as your lord sees, but the water is evil, and the earth is without children. 2Kgs.2.20 and he said, take me a new water and put a salt there. and they brought to him. 2Kgs.2.21 and he went out to the waterrood and threw salt there, and said, so says the lord: i have healed these water, there will no death or distress there be. 2Kgs.2.22 so the water was healed until this day, according to the word of elijah, which he had spoken. 2Kgs.2.23 and he went away from there to bet-el, and while he was going on the way, a little children came out of the city and mocked him and said to him, come up, kalkly, come up! 2Kgs.2.24 he turned and saw them and cursed them in the name of the lord. and two women came out of the terebinthe and rolled out of them two and fyrty of children. 2Kgs.2.25 so he went from there to the mountain of karmel, and from there he returned to samaria. 2Kgs.3.1 joram, the son of achab, was regering in israel in the eighth years of josaphat, king of judah, and he regered twelve years. 2Kgs.3.2 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, only not as his father and mother. he removed the stature of baal that his father had made. 2Kgs.3.3 nevertheless, in the sin of jerobeam the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sinning, he did not depart from them. 2Kgs.3.4 mesha, the king of moab, was a money of sheep, and sold to the king of israel a hundred thousand lamb and 10.000 lamb with a lance. 2Kgs.3.5 but after ahab died, the king of moab rebelde against the king of israel. 2Kgs.3.6 so the king joram went out of samaria and visited all israel. 2Kgs.3.7 and he went and sent to jehosafat, king of judah, saying, the king of moab has deceived against me. shall you go with me to make war against moab? and he said, i will go, i will be like you, my people like your people, my hors like your hors. 2Kgs.3.8 and he said, with which way i go? he said, in the way of the wilderness of edom. 2Kgs.3.9 so the king of israel and the king of judah and the king of edom went and went about seven days. there was no water for the camp and the beast that were with them. 2Kgs.3.10 and the king of israel said, ah! for the lord has called these three kings to give them in the hand of moab. 2Kgs.3.11 but jehosafat said, is there no prophet of the lord, that we may seek the lord by him? then one of the servants of the king of israel answered, here is here the son of shafat, who has poured water on elijah. 2Kgs.3.12 and jehosafat said, there is the word of the lord. so the king of israel and jehosafat and the king of edom went down to him. 2Kgs.3.13 and elisa said to the king of israel, what have i to do with you? come to the prophets of your father and to the prophets of your father. and the king of israel said to him, not, for the lord has called these three kings to give them into the hand of moab. 2Kgs.3.14 and elisa said, so truly, the lord of the armées, where i stand before him, though i do not respect josafath, the king of judah, though i had not looked on you and saw you. 2Kgs.3.15 but now take me a harp. so when the harp spieled, the hand of the lord was upon him, 2Kgs.3.16 and he said, so says the lord: make this spring in graves. 2Kgs.3.17 for so says the lord says, you will not see wind and do not see rain, and this beast will be filled with water, and you will drink, you and your possessions and your beast. 2Kgs.3.18 but this is difficulty in the eyes of the lord. he will give moab in your hand. 2Kgs.3.19 you will strike all strength and every beyond city, and you will burn every good tree and burn all the springs of water, and all good bears you will burn with stones. 2Kgs.3.20 the morning in the morning of the sacrifice, behold, water came from the way of edom, and the land was filled with water. 2Kgs.3.21 when all the moabites heard that the kings had come up to strike against them, they cried out all who were around a belt around, and they stood on the region. 2Kgs.3.22 and when they rose the morning, the sun rose on the water, the moabites saw the water at the presence of the water torn like blood. 2Kgs.3.23 and they said, this is blood. the kings fell against one another and killed one another. now therefore, moab! 2Kgs.3.24 but when they came to the camp of israel, israel stood up and killed the moabites, and they fled out for them. and they went in and struck the moabites. 2Kgs.3.25 they destroyed the city, and every good fellow district throw each one his stone, and they filled it, and they carried all the sourts of water, and destroyed every good tree, even as there were left the stone of kir-hareseth. and the seaders gathered and killed it. 2Kgs.3.26 when the king of moab saw that the bation was strengthening over him, he took with him seven hundred people seated by sword, to strike them by the king of edom, but they were not able. 2Kgs.3.27 so he took his firstborn son who was really made on his place, and offered him as holocauste on the mure. so there was a great encourage in israel, and they departed from him and returned to their land. 2Kgs.4.1 one woman of the prophets of prophets cried out to elishah, saying, your servant, your husband, has died, and you know that your servant was afraid of the lord. and the created came to take my two sons to himself for his servants. 2Kgs.4.2 and elisa said to him, what must i do for you? tell me what you are in the house. and she said, your servant has nothing even in the house except a fish of oil. 2Kgs.4.3 so he said, go, ask for you vessels from outside, from all your neighbors. do not be few. 2Kgs.4.4 enter and shut the door for you and your sons, and share in all these waves, and take the way that is fulfilled. 2Kgs.4.5 so she went from him and gathered the door for her and for her sons. they brought her up, and she poured up. 2Kgs.4.6 while the waves were filled, she said to her son, bring a vessely to me. and he said to her, there is no instrument. so the olive stood still. 2Kgs.4.7 then she came and told the man of god. and he said, go and repay the oil and pay your wood. so you and your sons live to the rest. 2Kgs.4.8 on a day elishas went to shunem, and there was a great woman who took him to eat. and as long as he went in, he departed to eat there. 2Kgs.4.9 and she said to her husband, behold, i know that this man of god is a holy man who continues always passing by us. 2Kgs.4.10 let us do a little room for him, and let us sit for him a bed, a table, a drone, a kandelaar and a kandelaar. when he comes to us, he will leave there. 2Kgs.4.11 on a day he went there and went into the upper room and lived there. 2Kgs.4.12 and he said to his servant gehasi, call this shunemite. and he called her, and she stood before him. 2Kgs.4.13 and he said to him, tell her, behold, you have made all this reason for us. what can i do for you? is it in order to you to say to the king or to the official of the power? and she said, i live in the midst of my people. 2Kgs.4.14 and he said, what can i do for her? and gehazi said, she is not a son, and her husband is old. 2Kgs.4.15 and he called her and stood at the door. 2Kgs.4.16 and he said, about this time at this time you will have a son. and she said, no, my lord, god of god, do not mentize your servant! 2Kgs.4.17 but the woman became conceived and became birth a son at the same time, at the same time, just as elisa had spoken to her. 2Kgs.4.18 when the child grow, immediately he went out to his father, to the reapers. 2Kgs.4.19 and he said to his father, my head, my head! and he said to the servant, take him to his mother. 2Kgs.4.20 and he took him and brought him to his mother. and he lived at her kings to the midday, and he died. 2Kgs.4.21 and she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of god, and look at him and went out. 2Kgs.4.22 and she called her husband and said, send me one of the servants and one of the donds, that i may ran to the man of god and return. 2Kgs.4.23 he said, why do you go to him today? is it not a new or a sabbath. and she said, peace. 2Kgs.4.24 then she sat the donkey and said to her servant, come and go. do not be able to come for me, if i say to you. 2Kgs.4.25 so she went and went to the man of god to the mountain of karmel. and when the man of god saw her around, he said to his servant gehasi, behold, it is the sunamita. 2Kgs.4.26 come now out to her and say to her, whether it is peace, your husband and the child? and she said, well. 2Kgs.4.27 and when she came to the man of god on the mountain, she received his feet. and gehazi came up to leave her. but the man of god said, leave her, for her soul is in beautiful thing, and the lord has hidden it from me, and he has not told me it. 2Kgs.4.28 and she said, did i ask a son from my lord? did i not say, you shall not deceive me? 2Kgs.4.29 and he said to gehazi, bind your hope, and take my back in your hand and go. if you find a man, do not blessed him, and if anyone blessed you, you must not answer him, and put my back on the face of the child. 2Kgs.4.30 but the mother of the child said, so how as the lord lives and so that your soul lives, i would have not left you. and he rose and followed her. 2Kgs.4.31 gehazi was going before her, and put the back on the face of the child, but there was not a voice and no answer. so he returned to him and told him, the child was not raised. 2Kgs.4.32 when elishah entered the house, behold, the child was dead, ligning on his bed. 2Kgs.4.33 so he went and shut the door after their two, and prayed to the lord. 2Kgs.4.34 and he went up and fell on the child, and laid his mouth on his mouth and his eyes on his eyes and his hands on his hands, and he turned on him, and the flesh of the child was warned. 2Kgs.4.35 so he returned and went in the house, one and one. then he went up and bowed at the child. and the child opened seven times and opened his eyes. 2Kgs.4.36 and he cried out to gehazi and said, call this shunemite. and he called it, and when she came to him, he said, take your son. 2Kgs.4.37 and she came and fell at his feet and worshiped the earth. then she took her son and went out. 2Kgs.4.38 when elishah returned to gilgal, there was a famine in the land. and when the sons of the prophets were sitting before him, he said to his servant, sit the great rooble and count a cast for the sons of the prophets. 2Kgs.4.39 so one went out into the field to gather wick, and found a vineyard in the field and gathered some of the garments full of garments full of his garments. so he put it into the passe of the food, for they did not know it. 2Kgs.4.40 and they kept to eat the men. and as they were eating of the grain, they cried out and said, man of god, death is in the topf! " and they could not eat. 2Kgs.4.41 so he said, take a grain. so he put it in the pot and said, bring to the people to eat. and there was no any wrong in the pot. 2Kgs.4.42 there came a man from bethlehem and brought to the man of god a firstfruits of present fruits, twenty-bread of jew and a fish of jew. so he said, give to the people to eat. 2Kgs.4.43 but his minister said, what will i give before a hundred men? he said, give to the people to eat, for so says the lord will eat and left. 2Kgs.4.44 so they ate and left according to the word of the lord. 2Kgs.5.1 naaman, the ruler of the armée of syria, was a great man before his master and belonging to him, for by him the lord gave a salvation to the syrians. and he was a strong held, but leased. 2Kgs.5.2 when the syrians had gone out a district, they took captive from the land of israel a little child, who was in the presence of the wife of naaman. 2Kgs.5.3 and she said to her master, o, if my lord was before the prophet in samaria, he would have haken him from his lepra. 2Kgs.5.4 so naaman went and told his master, saying, so and so has the daughter from the land of israel said so and so. 2Kgs.5.5 and the king of syria said to naaman, go, i will send a scroll to the king of israel. and naaman went and took with him ten talents of silver and six thousand gold and ten robes of robes. 2Kgs.5.6 and he brought the letter to the king of israel, saying, now as this letter comes to you, behold, i have sent to you my servant naaman, and you will share him from his lepra. 2Kgs.5.7 when the king of israel had read the scroll, he distributed his garments and said, is i god to put death and to live, that this man sends to me to leave a man from his leprosy? know then and see that he causes a warn against me. 2Kgs.5.8 when the man of god god heard that the king of israel had discut his garments, he sent to the king, saying, why did you call your garments? let him come to me, and he will know that there is a prophet in israel. 2Kgs.5.9 so naaman went with his hors and carriers and stood at the door of the house of elishah. 2Kgs.5.10 and elisa sent a angel to him, saying, go and wash seven times in the jordan, and your flesh will return, and you will be clean. 2Kgs.5.11 but naaman furned and went and said, now i have said, he will come out to me and stand and call the name of the lord his god, and he will put his hand on the place and share the leproor. 2Kgs.5.12 are the rivers of damascus, abana and parpar, are not better than all the water of israel? shall i not go in them and be clean? and he turned and went away in wrath. 2Kgs.5.13 and when his servants drew near, they said to him, what great is the prophet saying to you, do you not do so? for he has said to you, wash and be clean. 2Kgs.5.14 so he went down and was baptized in the jordan seven years according to the word of the man of god. and his flesh was restrained as a flesh of a little child, and he was cleansed. 2Kgs.5.15 and he returned to the man of god with all his belonging to him, and came and stood before him and said, behold, i know that there is no god in the whole land except in israel. now take the blessing from your servant. 2Kgs.5.16 but he said, so how as the lord lives to whom i stand, i will not receive. and he urged him to take it, and he desured him. 2Kgs.5.17 and naaman said, if not, let your servant be given to your servant a gifts of two mures, for your servant will never offer holocauste or sacrifices to others but only to the lord. 2Kgs.5.18 but let the lord forgive your servant, when my master comes in the temple of rimmon to worship, and it remains on my hand, and i will worship in the temple of rimmon, when i worship in the temple of rimmon. 2Kgs.5.19 and he said to him, go in peace. so he departed from him for a little while of the land. 2Kgs.5.20 and gehazi, the servant of eliseo, of god, said, behold, my lord has spared this arameans naaman and did not take from his hand what he had brought. so as as the lord lives, i will ran after him and take some of him. 2Kgs.5.21 and gehazi persecuted naaman. and when naaman saw that he sprang after him, he turned from the wagen to drew him and said, how is it? 2Kgs.5.22 he said, well. my lord sent me, saying, now two young men came to me from the mountain of ephraim two young men. give them a talent of silver and two robes of robes. 2Kgs.5.23 and naaman said, take a talenty of silver. and he took the two talents and two robes of robes, and gave it to two servants, who took up before him. 2Kgs.5.24 and when he came to the surrounding place, he took some of their hands and put it in the house. then he sent the men. 2Kgs.5.25 and he went and stood by his master. and elisa said to him, where are you, gehazi? he said, your servant has not come here. 2Kgs.5.26 and he said to him, did not my heart go with you, when the man turned from the wagen to come against you? have you now received the money and to take garments and oliveta, women, sheep, sheep, servants and servant? 2Kgs.5.27 so the leprosy of naaman will be attaken to you and to your offspring forever. so he went out of him a leprow like a sneg. 2Kgs.6.1 and the sons of the prophets said to elijah, behold, the place in which we dwell in your presence is faithful for us. 2Kgs.6.2 let us go to the jordan and take one there from there, and we will make for ourselves there to live there. he said, come. 2Kgs.6.3 and the one said, have ready, go with your servants. and he said, i will go. 2Kgs.6.4 so he went with them. and when they came to the jordan, they departed the boves. 2Kgs.6.5 but while one broke the foot and the iron fell into the water, and he cried out, ah, my lord, and it was directed. 2Kgs.6.6 and the man of god said, where has it fallen? and he showed him the place. then he cut up a tree and throwed it there, and the iron fell. 2Kgs.6.7 and he said, bring it up. and he stretched out his hand and took it. 2Kgs.6.8 now the king of syria was at war against israel, and he consulted with his servants, saying, in this and that place will i set his tender. 2Kgs.6.9 but the man of god sent to the king of israel to say, keep your guard in this place, for the syrians are kept there. 2Kgs.6.10 and the king of israel sent to the place that the man of god had said to him, and he kept on there, not one, nor two. 2Kgs.6.11 the soul of the king of syria was astonished at this way, and he called his servants and said to them, do you not tell me who of the jews are with the king of israel? 2Kgs.6.12 and one of his servants said, no, my lord, o king, but elisa the prophet who is in israel declares to the king of israel the words you speak in your coursover. 2Kgs.6.13 and he said, come and see where he is, and i will send him and take him away. and they told him, here is in dotan. 2Kgs.6.14 so he sent hors and streitwagen and a great armée. they came by night and obrounded the city. 2Kgs.6.15 and when the minister of the man of god stood up, he went out, and behold, a power around the city with horses and streitwagen. and the servant said to him, ah, my lord, what shall we do? 2Kgs.6.16 and he said, do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. 2Kgs.6.17 and he prayed and said, lord, open the eyes to this child, that he may see. and the lord opened his eyes, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of hors and fire of fire around elisa. 2Kgs.6.18 and when they came down to him, elisa prayed to the lord and said, bring this people with blinding. and he struck them with blinding, according to the word of elishah. 2Kgs.6.19 and elisa said to them, it is not the way and this is the way. follow me, and i will bring you to the man whom you seek. and he brought them to samaria. 2Kgs.6.20 when they came to samaria, elisa said, lord, open their eyes, that they may see. and the lord opened their eyes, and they saw that they were in the midst of samaria. 2Kgs.6.21 when the king of israel saw them, he said, would i strike them, my father? 2Kgs.6.22 and he said, you will not strike. would you strike those whom you have taken captive with your sword and with your bound? put to them bread and water, so let them eat and drink, and let them go to their master. 2Kgs.6.23 so he put them a great sight, and when they had eaten and drinking, he sent them, and they went to their master. so the benants of syria did no longer come to the land of israel. 2Kgs.6.24 after this ben-hadad, the king of syria, gathered all his least and went up and obtained samaria. 2Kgs.6.25 there was a great famine in samaria, and behold, they were belonging to it, until a back of a donkey was about five siks of silver, and a fourth of new sheep for five sicles of silver. 2Kgs.6.26 when the king of israel passed on the wall, a woman cried out to him, save, my lord, king! 2Kgs.6.27 and he said, if the lord does not save you, where shall i help you? of the dorse or of the winepress? 2Kgs.6.28 and the king said to her, what are you? she said, this woman said to me, give your son to eat this today, and we will eat my son tomorrow. 2Kgs.6.29 so we cooked my son and ate him. and i said to her the second day, give your son to eat him, and she hidden her son. 2Kgs.6.30 when the king heard the words of the woman, he tore his garments, and as he was passing on the mure, the people saw that he had a sack on his flesh. 2Kgs.6.31 and he said, god do so to me and do so, if the head of elishah, son of judah, is standing in this day. 2Kgs.6.32 now elisa was sitting in his house, and the elders were sitting with him. and the angel sent a man before the messenger came to him, he said to the elders, do you know that this son of a murderer has sent a messenger to take my head? see, when the messenger comes, shut the door and bring him fast by the door. is it not the voice of the feet of his lord after him? 2Kgs.6.33 while he was still speaking with them, behold, a messenger came down to him and said, behold, this evil things is from the lord. why shall i still sure the lord? 2Kgs.7.1 and elisa said, hear the word of the lord: so says the lord, tomorrow in this hour there will have a sea-measure of fish for a shekel, and a sea of elley for a sikel. 2Kgs.7.2 but the offier on whose hand the king was made, answered the man of god, if the lord would make furts in heaven, how can this man be? and he said, you will see it with your eyes, but you will not eat there. 2Kgs.7.3 now there were four leprows at the door of the city, and they said to one another, why are we sit here until we die? 2Kgs.7.4 if we say, we enter the city, and there is a famine in the city, and we are dead. if we are here, we are dead. come, let us go into the camp of syria. if they give us life, we will live, and if they put us to death, we are dead. 2Kgs.7.5 so they rose in the darkness to enter the camp of the syrians. and when they came to the end of the camp of syria, behold, there was no one there. 2Kgs.7.6 for the lord had made hearing the camp of arams the sound of streitwagen and a sound of hors, the sound of a great armée. so they said to one another, the king of israel has hoiled against us the kings of the hetites and the kings of the egypties, that they may come upon us. 2Kgs.7.7 so they rose and escaped in the darkness and left their tentes, their horses and their donds, the tender as he was, and fled to escape their life. 2Kgs.7.8 and when these lepers came into the rand of the camp, they went into one tent and ate and drack, and they took out silver and gold and garments and went away. then they returned and went into another tent, and took there and went and hidden it. 2Kgs.7.9 then they said to one another, we do not do so. this day is a day of gospel, and we are silent. if we remain until the morning, we will find wrongdoing. come then and let us go and tell the house of the king. 2Kgs.7.10 so they went and cried out to the gates of the city and told them, we went into the camp of the syrians, and behold, there were no one there or a voice of man, except a horse bound and a donkey bound and the tends. 2Kgs.7.11 the torws cried out and told it in the house of the king. 2Kgs.7.12 and the king stood up in the night and said to his servants, i will tell you what the syrians did to us. they know that we are hungry, so they went out of the tender and hidden in the field, saying, when they will come out of the city, we will receive them living, and we will enter the city. 2Kgs.7.13 but one of his servants answered, let them take five of the rest of the horses left here who are there. they are at all the district of israel that has escaped, and we will send them to see. 2Kgs.7.14 so they took two hors of hors, and the king sent them after the syrians of syria, saying, come and see. 2Kgs.7.15 they went after them to the jordan, and behold, all the way was full of garments and waves that the syrians had thrown when they were amazed. then the messagers returned and told the king. 2Kgs.7.16 so the people went out and distributed the camp of the syrians, and there was a measure of fish for a shekel and two sea of elley for a sicli, according to the word of the lord. 2Kgs.7.17 the king had set the officery on whose hand he had reasoned. but the people treated him in the tor, so he died, as the man of god had spoken when he had spoken when the angel had come down to him. 2Kgs.7.18 for as the man of god spoke to the king, a sea-measure of a gerley for a sikel, and a measure of fish for a sikel toward this hour. 2Kgs.7.19 and the offier answered the man of god, even if the lord made furts in heaven, how can this word be? and he said, you shall see it with your eyes, but you will not eat of it. 2Kgs.7.20 so the man did so. and the people deceived him at the door, and he died. 2Kgs.8.1 and elisa spoke to the woman whom he had bound the son, saying, rise and go, you and your household, and dwell in whatever you dwells. for the lord has called a famine and has come to the land for seven years. 2Kgs.8.2 so the woman stood up and did according to the word of the man of god, and went with her household and was in the land of the filistyne seven years. 2Kgs.8.3 when the seven years had finished, the woman returned from the land of the philistins, and she came to cry to the king for his house and her field. 2Kgs.8.4 the king was speaking to gehazi, the servant of the man of god, saying, tell me all the great things that elisa has done. 2Kgs.8.5 now as he declared to the king how he had bound a dead son, behold, the woman who had bound her son was called to the king about her house and her field. and gehazi said, my lord, king, this is the woman and this is her son whom elishai had rebuked. 2Kgs.8.6 and the king asked the woman, and she told him. then the king gave her one eunuch, saying, bring her return all that is her and all the fruit of the field, from the day when she left the land until now. 2Kgs.8.7 when elisa came to damascus, ben-hadad, the king of syria, was sick. and they told him, the man of god has come here. 2Kgs.8.8 and the king said to hazael, take a gift in your hand and go to encourage the man of god and seek the lord by him, saying, shall i leve from this sick? 2Kgs.8.9 and hazael went to him and took him a sacrifice in his hand, with all the good of damascus, 40 camel, and came and stood before him, and said to him, your son ben-hadad, the king of syria, has sent me to you, saying, shall i leve from this sick? 2Kgs.8.10 and he said, come, tell him, you will live. and the lord showed me that it will die. 2Kgs.8.11 and he lifted up his face until he was ashamed, and the man of god was weeping. 2Kgs.8.12 and hazael said, why are my lord weeping? and he said, because i know what evil you will do to the israelites. you will send their treasures out in fire, and you will strike their elect with the sword, their children will you burn, and their women you will brise out. 2Kgs.8.13 and hazael said, what is your servant, the short, that he will do this way? and elisa said, the lord has shown me that you are a king of syria. 2Kgs.8.14 and he went away from elisa and came to his master. and he said to him, what said he to you? and he said, he said to me, you will live in life. 2Kgs.8.15 and on the next day he took a wail and tauched it in the water, and put it on his face, and he died. and hazael was made a king in his place. 2Kgs.8.16 in the fourth years of joram, son of achab, king of israel, joram, son of jehosafat, realled. 2Kgs.8.17 he was at thirty years of thirty years when he began, and he regierte eight years in jerusalem. 2Kgs.8.18 he went on the way of the kings of israel, as did the house of achab, for she was a daughter of achab. he did what was evil in the sight of the lord. 2Kgs.8.19 but the lord refused to destroy juda because of david his servant, as he had spoken to give him a lamp for all the days. 2Kgs.8.20 in his days edom departed from the hand of judah and made a king over himself. 2Kgs.8.21 so joram went up to cair, with all his waves. and he rose and killed the edomites who had around him and the rulers of the chars, and the people flowed to their tentes. 2Kgs.8.22 so edom rebeled from under the hand of judah, even to this day. in that time libna departed. 2Kgs.8.23 the cetera historio of joram, and everything that he did, has not written in the libro of kronices of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.8.24 and joram reposed with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of david. and his son ahazja reged in his place. 2Kgs.8.25 in the yeventh year of joram, son of ahaab, king of israel, ahazia, the son of joram, began to king. 2Kgs.8.26 ahazja was a twenty-two years when he began, and regered a year in jerusalem. his mother was athalia, a daughter of omri, king of israel. 2Kgs.8.27 he went in the way of the house of achab and did what was evil in the sight of the lord, as the house of achab. 2Kgs.8.28 he went with joram, the son of achab, to make war against hazael, king of syria, at ramot in galaad. and the syrians killed joram. 2Kgs.8.29 so the king returned to jezreel to be healed of the plagues that they had done for him in ramoth, while he was against hazael, king of syria. and ahazia, the son of joram, ahazja's son, went down to see joram, the son of achab, in jezreel, because he was sick. 2Kgs.9.1 the prophet elisa called one of the prophets of the prophets and said to him, bind your lends and take this food of the olivet in your hand and go to ramoth in galaad. 2Kgs.9.2 and when you have come there, you may see jehu, the son of jehoshafat, the son of nimsi, and come in and raise him up from the midst of his brothers and bring him into the camera room. 2Kgs.9.3 then take the food of the olivet and gide it on his head and say, so says the lord: i have anointed you to be king over israel. then open the door and flee, and do not remain. 2Kgs.9.4 the child, the servant of the prophet, went to ramoth in gilead. 2Kgs.9.5 and when he came, behold, the rulers of the power were sitting there. and he said, i have a saying to you, ruler! and jehu said, to whom of us all? and he said, to you, o ruler! 2Kgs.9.6 so he rose and went into the house. and he poured out the oliven on his head and said to him, so says the lord, the god of israel, i have anointed you to be king over the people of the lord, over israel. 2Kgs.9.7 you will destroy the house of achab, your lord, and i will visite the blood of my servants, the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the lord. 2Kgs.9.8 and all the house of achab will be destroyed, and i will destroy every one of the house of achab, both foolish or divided in israel. 2Kgs.9.9 i will make the house of achab as the house of jerobeam the son of nebat, and as the house of baasa, the son of ahija. 2Kgs.9.10 and the hunds will eat jezebel on the field of jezreel, and there will be no one who will buried it. then he opened the door and escaped. 2Kgs.9.11 and when jehu came out to the servants of his master, they said to him, is it well? why this feast has come to you? he said to them, you know the man and his question. 2Kgs.9.12 but they said, unjust. tell us, tell us. and he said, so and so he spoke to me, saying, so says the lord: i have anointed you to be king of israel. 2Kgs.9.13 so they took immediately and took each one his garment and laid it under him on the graves of the graves. and they blew in the trumpet and said, jehu is king! 2Kgs.9.14 so jehu, the son of josafat, the son of nimsi, returned against joram. joram had with all israel kept in ramot-galaad against hazael, the king of syria, 2Kgs.9.15 but the king joram returned to jezreel to heal from the plagues that the syrians had brought him when he was against hazael, king of syria. and jehu said, if you are in your way, let not one escape from the city to go and tell it in jizreel. 2Kgs.9.16 so jehu ran on horse and went and went to jezreel, for joram had been healed, and ahazia, the king of judah, had descended to see joram. 2Kgs.9.17 and the speech who stood on the turn in jezreel saw the stone of jehu when he came, and said, i see a warn. and joram said, take a warn and send them before them, and let him say, is it well? 2Kgs.9.18 and the horse went up to them and said, the king says, is it in peace? and jehu said, what have you to do with the peace? return and follow me. so the speech spoke, saying, the angel has come to them, but he will not return. 2Kgs.9.19 then he sent a second horse, who came to them and said, the king says, is peace? and jehu said, what are you to be with peace? turn and follow me. 2Kgs.9.20 the wächter spoke to him, saying, he has come to them, and he will not return. the hostier is like the way of jehu, the son of names, for it was trouble. 2Kgs.9.21 so joram said, spend the streitwagen. and joram, the king of israel, and ahazja, the king of judah, went out, each in his carry, and they went out to encourage jehu, and they found him in the field of naboth of jezreel. 2Kgs.9.22 when joram saw jehu, he said, is it to peace, jehu? and he answered, what is peace, while the sexual immorality of your mother jezebel and its great sorcers are still? 2Kgs.9.23 then joram returned and fled, and said to ahazia, deceit, ahazja! 2Kgs.9.24 but jehu laid his bogen with his bogen and struck joram among his hands, and the pill went out of his heart, and he fell down at his feet. 2Kgs.9.25 and jehu said to bidkar, his adjutant, take him and take him in the field of naboth the jezreeliten. remember that when i and you were ascended after his father ahab, the lord received this message against him, 2Kgs.9.26 so i saw the blood of naboth and the blood of his sons, declares the lord, and i will repay it on this lands, says the lord. take him therefore and throw him in the field, according to the word of the lord. 2Kgs.9.27 when ahazjah, the king of judah, saw it, he flowed to the way of bethagan. but jehu persecuted him and said, even him. so they killed him in the wase of gur, which is at jibleam. and he flowed to megiddo and died there. 2Kgs.9.28 his servants took him on the carry and brought him to jerusalem and buried him in his tomb in the city of david. 2Kgs.9.29 ahasja was regering over judas in the elonth years of joram, son of israel. 2Kgs.9.30 and jehu came to jezreel. when jezebel heard this, she wacked her eyes and showed her head and looked out by the fenster. 2Kgs.9.31 and when jehu came into the city, she said, is it well, zimri, a murderer of his master? 2Kgs.9.32 he looked up to the fenster and said, who is with me? who? and two eunuchs looked down to him. 2Kgs.9.33 and he said, throw her down. and they rolled her down, and her blood was broken to the wand and to the hors, and they trampled her. 2Kgs.9.34 so he went and ate and drank, and he said, see to this influinty and buried it, for it is a daughter of the king. 2Kgs.9.35 but when they went to begraw her, they found no other than the fish and the feet and the fish of the hands. 2Kgs.9.36 they returned and told him. then he said, the word of the lord that he spoke by his servant elijah the tisbith, saying, the dogs will eat in the field of jezeel the flesh of jezebel. 2Kgs.9.37 and the body of jezebel will be like burn on the field of jezreel, so that no one will say, this is jezebel. 2Kgs.10.1 now achab had seventy-seven sons in samaria. and jehu wrote a letter and sent it to samaria to the rulers of samaria, to the elders and to the honor of the sons of achab, saying, 2Kgs.10.2 so when this letter comes to you, the sons of your master are with you, and with you the cars and the hors, and a beyond city and waves, 2Kgs.10.3 see what is better and faithful among the sons of your master, and put him on the throne of his father, and strike for the house of your lord. 2Kgs.10.4 but they were greatly afraid and said, the two kings did not stand before him, how can we stand? 2Kgs.10.5 then the ruler of the house and the ruler of the city, the elders and the officers sent to jehu, saying, we are your servants, and we will do whatever you tell us. we will not reign a man; do what is right in your eyes. 2Kgs.10.6 and he wrote to them a second book, saying, if you are me and obey my voice, take the head of men, the sons of your master, and come to me tomorrow at this hour to jezreel. and the sons of the king, seven men of the king, were with the rulers of the city, who drew them out. 2Kgs.10.7 when the scroll came to them, they took the sons of the king and killed them, seven men, and they laid their heads in calls and sent them to him to jezreel. 2Kgs.10.8 the messenger came and told him, they brought the heads of the sons of the king. he said, put them in two monts at the door of the door to the morning. 2Kgs.10.9 the morning he went out and stood in the town of the city and said to all the people, you are righteous. behold, i have conspired against my master and distributed him. but who has killed all these? 2Kgs.10.10 know then that nothing of the words of the lord will fall into the land, which the lord spoke to the house of achab, but the lord has done what he has spoken by his servant elijah. 2Kgs.10.11 so jehu killed all who had left the house of achab at jezreel, and all his men and his known and his priests, so that no one left him. 2Kgs.10.12 so he rose and went and went to samaria. while he was at bet-eked of the shepherds, 2Kgs.10.13 jehu found the brothers of ahazja, king of judah, and said, who are you? they said, we are the brothers of ahazja, and we come down to peace the sons of the king and the sons of the master. 2Kgs.10.14 and he said, take them living. and they took them living and killed them in the guard of beth-eked, 4two man, and he left them no one. 2Kgs.10.15 as he went from there, he found jonadab, the son of recab, in the way to him. and he blessed him and said to him, does your heart be right, as my heart is with your heart? jonadab said, it is. if it is so, give your hand. so he gave his hand, and jehu brought him up to him on the wa, 2Kgs.10.16 and he said, come with me and see my zealing for the lord. so they took him on his carry. 2Kgs.10.17 and when he came to samaria, he killed all who were left of achab in samaria, until he had destroyed him, according to the word of the lord, which he spoke to elijah. 2Kgs.10.18 so jehu gathered all the people, and said to them, ahab has served baal a little; jehu will serve him much. 2Kgs.10.19 therefore called to me all the prophets of baal, all his servants and all his priests, that no one may be reconciled, for i have given a great sacrifice to baal. every one who will find it shall not live. but jehu did to destroy, so that he might destroy the servants of baal. 2Kgs.10.20 and jehu said, make holy places to baal. and they proclaimed it. 2Kgs.10.21 and jehu sent out in all israel, saying, now all the servants of baal, all his priests and all his prophets, let no one escape, for i am doing a great sacrifice, one who will perish. and all the servants of baal, all his servants and all his prophets, left no one. so they went in the temple of baal, and the house of baal was filled with a enpart. 2Kgs.10.22 and he said to the one who was over the guard: bring garments for all the servants of baal. and he brought to them a robe. 2Kgs.10.23 so jehu and jonadab, the son of recab, went into the temple of baal, and said to the servants of baal, see and see that there is no one of the servants of the lord among you, but only the servants of baal. 2Kgs.10.24 so they came to offert sacrifices and offerings. and jehu put for for himself a eighty man outside, and said, if anyone has escaped one of the men that i am brought in your hands, his life is for his life. 2Kgs.10.25 when he had finished the offering of the offering offering, jehu said to the courholds and the officers, enter and kill them, let no one come out of them. so they killed them by the sword, and the officers and the officers throw down and went to the city of the temple of baal. 2Kgs.10.26 they carried out the states of the temple of baal and burned them. 2Kgs.10.27 and they destroyed the bilder of baal, and they destroyed the temple of baal and distributed him in food, even to this day. 2Kgs.10.28 so jehu destroyed baal from israel. 2Kgs.10.29 but jehu did not leave the sins of jerobeam, the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin, did not leave the golds of gold that were in bet-el and dan. 2Kgs.10.30 and the lord said to jehu, because you have accused to do what is right in my eyes, and have done to the house of achab all that was in my heart, your children will sit on the throne of israel. 2Kgs.10.31 but jehu did not keep the law of the lord of israel with all his heart. he did not depart from the sins of jerobeam who had brought israel to sin. 2Kgs.10.32 in those days the lord began to destroy israel, and hazael killed them in all the region of israel, 2Kgs.10.33 from the jordan to the sun, all the land of galaad, the gadites, the rubenites and the manassites, from aroër at the beast of arnon, both gilead and basan. 2Kgs.10.34 the cetera historio of jehu, and all that he did, and all his great work has not written in the chronik of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel? 2Kgs.10.35 and jehu reposed with his fathers, and they buried him in samaria. and his son joahaz reged in his place. 2Kgs.10.36 now the time that jehus was king over israel in samaria was 28 years. 2Kgs.11.1 when athalia, mother of ahazja, saw that her son was dead, she came and destroyed all the offspring of the kingdom. 2Kgs.11.2 but josheba, the daughter of joram, sister of ahazia, took joas, her brother, and distributed him from among the sons of the king, who were distributed him and his food in the patterroor. so she defended him before athalia, so that he was not killed. 2Kgs.11.3 and he was secret with her in the house of the lord for six years, while athalia regered the land. 2Kgs.11.4 in the seventh years jehojada sent and took the centurions of the guards and of the officers and brought them to him in the house of the lord and made a covenant with them and brought them an oath in the temple of the lord and showed them the son of the king. 2Kgs.11.5 and he commanded them, saying, this is what you will do: a third of you who enter the sabbath will keep the guard of the house of the king, 2Kgs.11.6 a third of the third of the gards and a third of the guard after the officers, and you must keep the guard of the house. 2Kgs.11.7 and the two hands of you, all who go out of the sabbath, keep the guard of the house of the lord by the king. 2Kgs.11.8 you shall walk around the king, every one with his waves in his hand, and whoever enter the waves will be killed. so you must be with the king, when he comes out or enter. 2Kgs.11.9 the centurions did all that the man had commanded the priest. each one took his men, who were entering the sabbath, with those who were going out to the sabbath. so they went to the priest jehojada. 2Kgs.11.10 and the priest gave the centurions the scut and waves of the king of david, who were in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.11.11 the courholds stood in, each one with his waken in the hand, from the right side of the house to the left side of the temple, around the altar and the house. 2Kgs.11.12 then he brought the son of the king and put on him the treasure and the testimony, and they made him a king and anointed him. they stripped with the hands and said, let the king live! 2Kgs.11.13 when athalia heard the rop of the people and the people, she went to the people in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.11.14 he saw, and behold, the king stood on the coll according to the reason, the officers and the trumpets stood by the king, and all the people of the country rejoiced and trumpeted with the trumpet. then athalia distributed his garments and cried out, conjuration, together! 2Kgs.11.15 but jehojada, the priest, commanded the centurions, the officers of the soldier, and said to them, bring her out from the places, and whoever follows her must put to death. for the priest said, she must not be killed in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.11.16 so they laid her his hands, and when she came in the way of the hors to the house of the king, they died there. 2Kgs.11.17 and jehojada made a covenant among the lord and the king and the people, that they might be the people of the lord, and among the king and the people. 2Kgs.11.18 then all the people went into the temple of baal and destroyed it. they murdered his altares and his image, and matthan, the priest of baal, killed before the altars. and the priest laid officers in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.11.19 and he took the centurions and the officers and the officers and all the people of the land, and they brought the king from the house of the lord and went in the palace of the courters to the house of the king, and he sat on the throne of the kings. 2Kgs.11.20 and all the people of the country rejoiced, and the city was restrained, while atalja had put to death in the palace of the king. 2Kgs.11.21 joas was seven years when he began. 2Kgs.12.1 in the seventh years of jehus joas was beginning, and regierte 40 years in jerusalem. his mother the name was sibja, of beer-sheba. 2Kgs.12.2 joas did what was right in the sight of the lord in all the days that the priest jehojada had made his light. 2Kgs.12.3 only the offers did not turn, but the people continued to bring offerings and incense on the offerings. 2Kgs.12.4 and joas said to the priests, all the money of the saints things that are brought in the temple of the lord, the money of the reasoning, a money for a compense of money, all the silver that one person bears to bring in the house of the lord, 2Kgs.12.5 let the priests take them, each one of his divided, and they will reparate the divisions of the house in whatever reparess there will be found. 2Kgs.12.6 but in the third and three years of king joas the priests did not recognize the reparess of the house. 2Kgs.12.7 so the king joas called the priest jehojada and the priests and said to them, why did you not recognize the divisions of the house? now do not take silver from your prayers, for you will give it in the restaurace of the house. 2Kgs.12.8 the priests were gathered together that they would not receive silver from the people and to reparate the reparate of the house. 2Kgs.12.9 then the priest jehojada took a ark and departed a cloak on its sandle and put it at an ear, by the inside of the house of the lord, and the priests who were guarding the gate laid up all the money that was found in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.12.10 when they saw that a money was much in the ark, the scribes of the king and the high priest went up and twisted the money that was found in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.12.11 then they gave the money prepared in the hands of those who were doing the work, the overseers of the house of the lord, and they delivered it for the seaders and the builders who were in the house of the lord, 2Kgs.12.12 and to the murderers and to the stangers of the stones, so that they might buy the household of the households of the house of the lord, whatever they had ready for the household of the house. 2Kgs.12.13 yet for the silver that was brought in the temple of the lord was not done of the silver that was brought in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.12.14 for they gave it to those who were doing the work, and they strengthened the house of the lord. 2Kgs.12.15 they were not recognized those men where the money was given in their hands to give to those who were doing the work, for they were doing in faith. 2Kgs.12.16 the money for sacrifice for sin and the money for the schuldoffer was not brought in the house of the lord, but it was for the priests. 2Kgs.12.17 then hazael, the king of syria, went up and walked against gath and incomed it. so hazael made his face to ascend against jerusalem. 2Kgs.12.18 then joas, the king of judah, took the holy things that his fathers jehosafat and joram and ahasja, the kings of judah, had sanctified, and the whole gold that was found in the treasures of the house of the lord and of the house of the king, and sent it to hazael, king of syria. and he departed from jerusalem. 2Kgs.12.19 the rest of the actes of joas and all that he did, has not written in the book of leasting of the kings of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.12.20 and his servants stood up and distributed together, and they killed joas in the house of millo, which is at silla. 2Kgs.12.21 his servants jozachars, the son of simeath, and jozabad, the son of shomer, his servants, killed him, so that he died, and they buried him with his fathers in the city of david. and his son amaziah reged in his place. 2Kgs.13.1 in the thirventh year of joas, the son of ahazia, the king of judah, joahaz the son of jehu realled in samaria, and reasoned seven years. 2Kgs.13.2 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and followed the sins of jerobeam the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin. 2Kgs.13.3 so the wrath of the lord was act against israel, and he gave them in the hand of hazael, king of syria, and in the hand of ben-hadad, the son of hazael, all the days. 2Kgs.13.4 but jehoachaz appeared to the lord, and the lord heard him, for he saw the tribulation of israel that the king of syria had afflicted them. 2Kgs.13.5 so the lord gave a salvation to israel, and they went out from the hands of syria, and so were dwelling in their tends as long. 2Kgs.13.6 nevertheless, they did not turn from the sins of the house of jerobeam, who had brought israel to sin, but they went in them. even the astarty was standing in samaria. 2Kgs.13.7 for he had not left joahaz a people except fifty horryers, 10 waves and 10 thousand pediers, for the king of syria had destroyed them and put them like stof to trample. 2Kgs.13.8 the rest of the actes of joahaz, whatever he did, and his might, has not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel? 2Kgs.13.9 and jehoahaz reposed with his fathers, and they buried him in samaria. and his son joas realled in his place. 2Kgs.13.10 in the thirventh years of joas, king of judah, joas, the son of joahaz, realled over israel in samaria, and he reasoned sixth years. 2Kgs.13.11 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and did not depart from all the sins of jerobeam the son of nebat, who had sinned israel. 2Kgs.13.12 the cetera historio of joas, and all that he did, and his strength, which he did against amazia, king of judah, is written in the chronik of the crónicas of the kings of the king of israel? 2Kgs.13.13 and joas died with his fathers, and jerobeam sat down on his throne. and joas entered samaria in samaria with the people of israel. 2Kgs.13.14 when eliseo became sick of the sick that he had died, joaash, the king of israel, went down to him and weeped on his face and said, my father, my father, wa of israel and his cavaliers! 2Kgs.13.15 and he said to him, take a bound and pide. and he took a bound and pide. 2Kgs.13.16 and he said to the king of israel, put your hand to the bound. so he put his hand on the bound. and elisa laid his hands on the hands of the king. 2Kgs.13.17 and said, open the fenster and open it. and he opened, and he said, strong. and he stretched. and he said, a belong of salvation for the lord, and a pil of salvation among the syrians. you will strike the syrians in afek, until it is finished. 2Kgs.13.18 and he said, take the bogen. and he took it. and he said to the king of israel, strik on the earth! and he killed three times and stood there. 2Kgs.13.19 and the man of god was troubled against him and said, you would have killed five or six; then you would have killed the syrians until it had finished. now three times you will strike the syrians. 2Kgs.13.20 so elisa died, and they buried him. and the bandents of the moabites came in the land at the day of the year. 2Kgs.13.21 at once, while they were buried a man, behold, they saw the best, and they throw the man into the tomb of elisa. and when he had touched the beasts of eliseo, he lived and rose up at his feet. 2Kgs.13.22 hasael, king of syria, afflicted israel in all the days of joahaz. 2Kgs.13.23 but the lord had mercy on them and had mercy on them and turned to them because of his covenant with abraham, isaac and jacob, and he refused to destroy them and not put them away from his presence. 2Kgs.13.24 and hazael, the king of syria, died, and his son ben-hadad was made a king in his place. 2Kgs.13.25 then joas, the son of joahaz, returned from the hand of ben-hadad, the son of hazael, the towns had taken up by the hand of joahaz his father. three times joas struck him and returned the towns of israel. 2Kgs.14.1 in the second year of joas, son of joahaz, king of israel, amazja, the son of joas, king of judah. 2Kgs.14.2 he was a twenty-five years oud when he began, and regierte 29 years in jerusalem. his mother's name was jehoaddan, of jerusalem. 2Kgs.14.3 he did what was right in the eyes of the lord, but not as his father david. he did in all the things that his father joas had done. 2Kgs.14.4 nevertheless, the offerings were not removed, the people continued to offer sacrifice and incense on the offerings. 2Kgs.14.5 and when the kingdom was strengthened in his hand, he struck the servants who had killed his father, his father. 2Kgs.14.6 but the children of the murders did he not put to death, as it is written in the book of the law of moses, where the lord has commanded, that the fathers should not die for the sake of the children, but each must die for his own sins. 2Kgs.14.7 he killed the edomites in the salthain, 1,000 edomites, and took up sela in the bath and called it jokteel, which is to this day. 2Kgs.14.8 then amaziah sent messengers to joas, son of joahaz, the son of jehu, to israel, saying, come, let us appearing. 2Kgs.14.9 but joas, king of israel, sent a message to amazia, the king of judah, saying, the distel that was in the libano sent to the seder that is in the libano, saying, give your daughter to my son. but the beast of the field that was in the libano passed out and trampled the distingure. 2Kgs.14.10 you have killed edom, and your heart has become arrogant. glorify yourself and sit in your house. why do you share in evil things to fall you and juda with you? 2Kgs.14.11 but amaziah did not listen, and the king of israel went up, and they and amazja, the king of judah, appeared in bet-shemesh in juda. 2Kgs.14.12 and the jews were killed of israel, and they fled every one to his tente. 2Kgs.14.13 joas, king of israel, took amazia, king of israel, the son of joas, son of ahaziah, in bet-shemesh. and when he came to jerusalem, he distributed the mure of jerusalem by the city of ephraim to the gate of the knie. 2Kgs.14.14 and he took the gold and the silver and all the vasos that were found in the house of the lord and in the treasures of the house of the king, and the gifts, and returned to samaria. 2Kgs.14.15 the cetera historio of joas, which he did, and his power, how he walked against amazja, king of judah, is written in the chronik of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel? 2Kgs.14.16 and joas reposed with his fathers and was buried in samaria with the kings of israel. and his son jerobeam reged in his place. 2Kgs.14.17 amazja, the son of joas, king of judah, remained quinty years after the dead of joas, the son of joahaz, king of israel. 2Kgs.14.18 the cetera historio of amazia, has not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.14.19 they returned against him in jerusalem, and he fled to lachis. but they sent after him to lachis, and they killed him there. 2Kgs.14.20 so they took him on hors and buried him in jerusalem with his fathers in the city of david. 2Kgs.14.21 and all the people of judah took azariah, who was sixth years, and made him a king in the place of his father amazia. 2Kgs.14.22 he reedificed eloth and turned it to juda after the king had fallen asleep with his fathers. 2Kgs.14.23 in the fiventh years of amazja, the son of joas, king of judah, jerobeam, the son of joas, realled of israel, and regered three and two years. 2Kgs.14.24 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord. he did not depart from the sins of jerobeam the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin. 2Kgs.14.25 he turned to the region of israel from the coming of hamath to the sea of the araba, according to the word of the lord, the god of israel, which he spoke by his servant jonah, the son of amittai, the prophet, who was from gat-hefer. 2Kgs.14.26 for the lord saw the human affliction of israel, and that they were uncertained, and that there was no one to help israel. 2Kgs.14.27 the lord did not tell the offspring of israel under heaven, and he saved them by the hand of jerobeam the son of joas. 2Kgs.14.28 the cetera historio of jerobeam, and all that he did, and his strength, how he began, and how he turned to israel the damascus and hamath in israel, has not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel? 2Kgs.14.29 and jerobeam died with his fathers, with the kings of israel. and his son zechariah reged in his place. 2Kgs.15.1 in the thirventh years of jeroboams, king of israel, azaria, the son of amazja, king of judah, realled. 2Kgs.15.2 he was sixth years when he was a king, and he regered two and five years in jerusalem. his mother was jecholja, of jerusalem. 2Kgs.15.3 he did what was right in the eyes of the lord, just as his father amaziah had done. 2Kgs.15.4 nevertheless the offers did not be removed, the people continued to offer sacrifice and incense on the offerings. 2Kgs.15.5 so the lord touched the king, and he was leated to the day of his death. he was in a district house, and jotham, the son of the king, was over the house and judged the people of the land. 2Kgs.15.6 the cetera historio of azariah, and whatever he did, has not written in the livre of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.15.7 and azaria reposed with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the city of david. and his son jotham reged in his place. 2Kgs.15.8 in the three and thousand years of azarja, king of judah, zechariah the son of jerobeam realled over israel in samaria, for six months. 2Kgs.15.9 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, just as his fathers did. he did not depart from the sins of jerobeam the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin. 2Kgs.15.10 sallum, the son of jabes, conspired against him and distributed him before him and killed him, and regned in his place. 2Kgs.15.11 the rest of the actes of zechariah is written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel. 2Kgs.15.12 this is the word that the lord spoke to jehu, saying, your sons will sit down on the throne of israel. so was it. 2Kgs.15.13 sallum, the son of jabesh, regered in the thiventh years of azarja, the king of judah, and he reasoned a money in samaria. 2Kgs.15.14 then menahem, the son of gadi, went up from tirza and came to samaria and killed sallum, the son of jabesh, in samaria, and killed him. 2Kgs.15.15 the rest of the words of shallum and his conjuration, which he made, behold, it is written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel. 2Kgs.15.16 then menahem distributed tifsa and all that was in it, and the region of it from tirza, because they had not opened to him, and distributed her all their women. 2Kgs.15.17 in the thirventh years of azarja, king of judah, menahem, the son of gadi, regered over israel, and he regered ten years in samaria. 2Kgs.15.18 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and did not depart from the sins of jerobeam the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin. 2Kgs.15.19 pul, the king of assyrien, went up to the land, and menahem gave to pul a thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be strengthened his hand. 2Kgs.15.20 to put the money of menahem to give the king of assyrien out the money of israel, about fifty sicles of silver to give to the king of ashuur. so the king of assyrien turned and was not there in the land. 2Kgs.15.21 the rest of the actes of menahem and all that he did, has not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of israel? 2Kgs.15.22 so menahem reposed with his fathers, and his son pekahja reged in his place. 2Kgs.15.23 in the fiventh years of azarja, king of judah, pekachja, the son of menahem, regered over israel, and regered two years. 2Kgs.15.24 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and did not depart from the sins of jerobeam the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin. 2Kgs.15.25 and pekah, the son of remalia, his officers, turned against him, and killed him in samaria in the house of the king, with argob and arje, and with him fifty men of the gileadites. and he killed him and realled in his place. 2Kgs.15.26 the rest of the works of pekahia and all that he did, behold, it is written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of israel. 2Kgs.15.27 in the fiventh years of azarja, the king of judah, pekah, the son of remalia, realled over israel in samaria, and regered twenty-years. 2Kgs.15.28 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, and did not depart from the sins of jerobeam the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin. 2Kgs.15.29 in the days of peka, king of israel, tiglat-pileser, king of assyrien, came and took ijon and abel-beth-maacha, janoah, kedes, hasor, galaad, galilee, all the land of naphtali, and drew them to assyrien. 2Kgs.15.30 but hoshea, the son of ela, returned against peka, the son of remalia, and killed him and divided him and regered in his place in the tyventh of jotham, the son of azarja. 2Kgs.15.31 the rest of the words of peka and whatever he did, behold, it is written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of israel. 2Kgs.15.32 in the second year of peka, the son of remalia, king of israel, jotham, the son of azarja, king of judah. 2Kgs.15.33 he was five and five years old when he was king, and he regent sixth years in jerusalem. his mother's name was jerusa, the daughter of zadok. 2Kgs.15.34 he did what was right in the eyes of the lord, just as his father uzzia had done. 2Kgs.15.35 nevertheless, the offerings did not be removed, the people continued to offer sacrifice and incense on the heavens. he might build the very town of the house of the lord. 2Kgs.15.36 the cetera historio of jotham, and whatever he did, is not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.15.37 in those days the lord began to send aram, the king of syria, and pekah, the son of remalia. 2Kgs.15.38 and jotham reposed with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of his father david. and his son ahaz reined in his place. 2Kgs.16.1 in the seventh years of peka, son of remalia, ahaz, son of jotham, king of judah, realled. 2Kgs.16.2 ahaz was thirty years when he began to be, and he regent sixth years in jerusalem. he did not do what was right in the eyes of the lord, his god, as his father david. 2Kgs.16.3 but walked in the ways of the king of israel, and he brought his son to the fire, according to the abominations of the nations that the lord had destroyed before the sons of israel. 2Kgs.16.4 he sacrificed and offered incense in the heavens and on the heads and under every ground tree. 2Kgs.16.5 then rezin, the king of syria, and peka, the son of remalijah, king of israel, went up to jerusalem to belong, and they belearded ahaz, but were not able to strike. 2Kgs.16.6 in that time resin, the king of syria, turned to syria elath and drew out the jews from elath, and the edomites came to elath, and they dwell there until this day. 2Kgs.16.7 ahaz sent angels to tiglat-pileser, king of ashuur, saying, i am your servant and your son. come and save me from the hand of the king of syria and from the hand of the king of israel who stood against me. 2Kgs.16.8 and ahaz took the silver and gold that found in the house of the lord and in the treasures of the king of the king, and sent them a gift to the king of the king. 2Kgs.16.9 and the king of assyrien heard him, and the king of assyrien went up to damascus, and took it and led captive in kir and put resin to death. 2Kgs.16.10 so the king ahaz went to damascus at the way to tiglat-pileser, king of ashsyria, and when he saw the altar in damascus, the king ahaz sent to the priest urijah the image of the altar and the bilder of it. 2Kgs.16.11 and the priest urija became the altar according to all that the king of ahaz had sent from damascus. 2Kgs.16.12 when the king saw the altar, he went up at it. 2Kgs.16.13 he sacrificed his sacrifice and his sacrifice and poured out his drunk and poured out the blood of his sacrifice of peace on the altar. 2Kgs.16.14 the bronze of bronze, which was before the lord, departed from the presence of the temple, from the altar and the temple of the lord, and put it to the other side of the altar. 2Kgs.16.15 and achaz, the king, commanded the priest urija, saying, offers on the great altar the morning holocauste and the eating sacrifice, and the brandopfer of the king and his sacrifice, and the brandopfer of all the people of the people, their sacrifice and their drankoffers, and strike them every blood of holocauste and every blood of sacrifice. but the bronce altar will be to me to find. 2Kgs.16.16 and the priest urija did according to all the commandments of the king ahaz. 2Kgs.16.17 the king achaz cut down the baskets of the bases, and distributed the wail from them, and he distributed the sea from the bronze of bronze that was under it, and laid it on a stone of stone. 2Kgs.16.18 even the foundation of the lay that they had built in the temple, and the gate of the king, which was outside, turned in the temple of the lord, because of the king of assyrien. 2Kgs.16.19 the cetera historio of ahaz, which he did, is not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.16.20 and ahaz reposed with his fathers, and they were buried with his fathers in the city of david, and his son jezekia reged in his place. 2Kgs.17.1 in the twelve years of ahaz, the king of judah, oseas, the son of ela, reged in samaria over israel, and he reasoned sive years. 2Kgs.17.2 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, only not as the kings of israel who were before him. 2Kgs.17.3 against him went salmaneser, the king of assyrie, and hosea became his servant and gave him tribute. 2Kgs.17.4 but the king of assyrie found a violence in hosea, for he had sent messagers to so, the king of egypt, and did not bring a gift to the king of assyrien at that year. so the king of assyrien put him down and bound him in the prison. 2Kgs.17.5 so the king of assyrien went up in all the land and went up to samaria and belonged it for three years. 2Kgs.17.6 in the ninth years of hosea the king of assyrien took up samaria and brought israel to captive, and distributed them in halah and in habor, the river of gozan, and in the mountains of media. 2Kgs.17.7 this happened that the sons of israel had sinned against the lord their god, who had brought them out of the land of egypt from the hand of pharaon, the king of egypt, and they were afraid of others. 2Kgs.17.8 so they followed the instructions of the nations that the lord had destroyed before the sons of israel and the kings of israel who had done. 2Kgs.17.9 and the sons of israel rejected the things that did not be done against the lord their god, and they build themselves high things in all their towns, from the waits of the guard until the beyond city. 2Kgs.17.10 they set themselves statuments and astartes on every high mountain and under every ground tree. 2Kgs.17.11 and they offered there incense in all the offerings, just as the nations that the lord had carried away from their presence, and did out earnestly, to provoke the provoking to the lord. 2Kgs.17.12 they served the idols, which the lord had spoken to them, they did not do this. 2Kgs.17.13 and the lord testified to israel and to judah through all the prophets of all the sewers, saying, turn back from your evil ways and keep my commandments and my commandments, all the law that i commanded your fathers, and which i have sent to them by my servants, the prophets, 2Kgs.17.14 but they did not listen, but endured their strangers, as did their fathers, as did their fathers. 2Kgs.17.15 they did not keep his testimony, which he had testified to them, and their testimony, which he directed them, did not keep their testimony and followed the vain, and followed the nations that were around them, which he had commanded them not to do so. 2Kgs.17.16 they devoted all the commandments of the lord their god and made for themselves a gegote bild, two boves. they made astarty and worshiped all the armée of heaven and served baal. 2Kgs.17.17 they delivered their sons and their daughters to the fire and were deceived by divination and charge and were sold to do what was evil in the eyes of the lord, to provoke him to provoke him. 2Kgs.17.18 so the lord rejoiced greatly against israel, and he drew them away from his presence. there was not only the tribe of judah only. 2Kgs.17.19 yet even judah did not keep the commandments of the lord their god, but followed the commandments of israel, which they had done. 2Kgs.17.20 so the lord rejected all the offspring of israel and wounded them and gave them in the hand of robbers, until he put them away from his presence. 2Kgs.17.21 for when israel had been removed from the house of david, they made a king of jerobeam the son of nebat. so jerobeam devoted israel from the lord and led them to a great sin. 2Kgs.17.22 so the sons of israel went in in all the sins of jerobeam that he did, they did not depart from them, 2Kgs.17.23 until the lord deturned israel from his presence, just as he had spoken by the hand of all his servants, the prophets. so israel led away from his land to ashuur, as it is still to this day. 2Kgs.17.24 the king of ashsyria brought from babel and cutha and ava and hamath and sefarvaim and bowed in the towns of samaria in the place of the people of israel. they took samaria in possession and bowed in the towns of it. 2Kgs.17.25 now in the beginning of their place they did not fear the lord, and the lord sent a leons among them, who killed them. 2Kgs.17.26 so they said to the king of assyrie, the nations that you have carried away and brought down in the towns of samaria do not know the judgment of the god of the land. so he sent leones into them, and behold, they put them to death, because they do not know the judgment of the god of the land. 2Kgs.17.27 and the king of assyrien commanded them, bring them out from there, and let them go and dwell there and give them the judgment of the god of the earth. 2Kgs.17.28 so one of the priests who had brought away from samaria came to bet-el and made them known how they might fear the lord. 2Kgs.17.29 but every nation made their gods, and they laid them in the offeres of the high country that the samaritans had made, every nation in their towns in which they were dwelling. 2Kgs.17.30 the men of babylon made sukkot-benot, the men of cuth did nergal, and the men of hamath did asimath, 2Kgs.17.31 the avvites made the nibhaz and tartak, and the sefarwaim brasured up their children with fire to adrammelech and anammelech, god of sefarvaim. 2Kgs.17.32 so they were afraid of the lord, and they made for themselves priests of the high places, in the offerings of the high country, which they had made in samaria. 2Kgs.17.33 they were afraid of the lord, and they served their gods according to the determination of the nations where they had carried away from there. 2Kgs.17.34 like this day they do according to this way: they fear not, and do not do according to their instructions and their instructions, and according to the law and the commandment that the lord gave to the sons of jacob whom he gave his name israel. 2Kgs.17.35 and the lord made a covenant with them and commanded them, you shall not fear others, and do not worship them and not serve them and do not offer them. 2Kgs.17.36 but the lord, who brought you out of the land of egypt with great power and strong arm, him shall you fear, and to him you will worship, and to him you will offer. 2Kgs.17.37 and the commandments, the judgments, the law and the commandments that he wrote to you will keep to do always, and do not fear others. 2Kgs.17.38 you shall not deny the covenant that i made with you, and you shall not fear others, 2Kgs.17.39 but fear the lord your god, and he will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies. 2Kgs.17.40 but they did not listen, but did as they did. 2Kgs.17.41 so these nations were afraid of the lord, but served their idols. even their children and sons of their children do even to this day, as their fathers did. 2Kgs.18.1 in the third regeringsaar of hosea, the son of ela, the king of israel, jezekia, son of ahaz, king of judah, realled. 2Kgs.18.2 he was twenty-five years when he was a king, and he regent 29 years in jerusalem. his mother's name was abi, a daughter of zechariah. 2Kgs.18.3 he did the right in the eyes of the lord in all the things that his father david had done. 2Kgs.18.4 he destroyed the offers and broken the imaes, destroyed the astartes, destroyed the serpent of bronze, which moses did. for even to that days the sons of israel were bringing incense to it, and called him nehushtan. 2Kgs.18.5 he was confidence in the lord, the god of israel, and after him there was no one like him among all the kings of judah, nor among those who were before him. 2Kgs.18.6 he hold fast to the lord and did not leave him and keep his commandments, which he had commanded moses. 2Kgs.18.7 and the lord was with him. in whatever he was doing it was understanding. and he rebelled against the king of assyrie, and he did not serve him. 2Kgs.18.8 he killed the filistyne to gaza and its region, from the turn of guards to the beyond city. 2Kgs.18.9 in the fourth years of king, that was the seventh years of hosea, the son of ela, king of israel, salmanassar, the king of assyrien, went up against samaria and belonged it. 2Kgs.18.10 after three years he took it, in the sixth year of jezekia, that was the night of hosea, the king of israel, samaria was taken. 2Kgs.18.11 so the king of assyrie drew captive to assyrien and laid them in halah and to habor, the river of gozan, and in the mountains of media, 2Kgs.18.12 because they did not listen to the voice of the lord their god, and deceived his covenant, all that moses, the servant of the lord, had commanded, they did not listen and do not do. 2Kgs.18.13 in the fourteenth years of king, sennacherib, the king of assyrien, went up against all the midst of judas and took them. 2Kgs.18.14 and jezekia, king of judah, sent to the king of assyrien to lachis, saying, i have committed. turn back from me. whatever you put on me i will take. so the king of assyrien put to ezekias, king of judah, three hundred talents of silver and three talents of gold. 2Kgs.18.15 and jezekia gave all the money that was found in the house of the lord and in the treasures of the house of the king. 2Kgs.18.16 in that time jezekia distributed the door of the temple of the lord and the calls of the poors of the temple of the lord, and put them to the king of assyrien. 2Kgs.18.17 and the king of assyrie sent tarthan, rabsaris, and rabshake, from lachis, to the king of jezekia with a great power to jerusalem. and they went up and came to jerusalem. and when they came up and came to jerusalem, they stood by the waterwater of the gore, which is at the roading of the field of the waterstak. 2Kgs.18.18 they cried out to hiskija, and eliakim, the son of hilkia, the palain, came out to them, and shebna the scribes, and joah, the son of asaf, the chancerer. 2Kgs.18.19 and rabsake said to them, say to hezekia, so says the great king, the king of assyrien: what is this confidence that you have done? 2Kgs.18.20 you said, only with words of the lips, a counsel and power for battle. now to whom are you confidence, when you rejected me? 2Kgs.18.21 now behold, you confies in egypt, this broken robe robe, which one strong in it, that comes in his hand and bears it. so is pharaon, the king of egypt, for all who confids in him. 2Kgs.18.22 but if you say to me, we confies in the lord, our god. is not he the one whose offerings and altars he has removed, and said to judah and jerusalem, before this altar you will worship in jerusalem? 2Kgs.18.23 now do you pray with my lord, the king of assyrie, and i will give you two thousand hors, if you can give you a carryer against them. 2Kgs.18.24 how can you then turn the anner of one of the minor servants of my lord? but you have confidence in egypt for waves and ratsuers. 2Kgs.18.25 have i not ascended without the lord against this place, to destroy him? the lord said to me, come up against this land and destroy it. 2Kgs.18.26 then eliakim, the son of hilkia, and shebna and joah said to rabsake, speak to your servants in aramaic, for we hear it. do not speak to us in jews to the ears of the people who is on the wall. 2Kgs.18.27 but rabsake said to them, have my lord sent me to speak these words to your lord and to you? is it not to the men who are sitting on the wall, to eat their burn and drink their water with you? 2Kgs.18.28 then rabshake stood up and cried out with a loud voice in jews, saying, hear the words of the great king, the king of assyrien! 2Kgs.18.29 so says the king, let ezekias not cause you, for he will not deliver you out of my hand. 2Kgs.18.30 so let ezekiia not confie you in the lord, saying, the lord will deliver us out, this city will not be delivered in the hand of the king of assyrien. 2Kgs.18.31 do not hear ezechiah, for so says the king of assyrie: make a gift with me and come out to me, and let every one eat of his vineyard and each of his fig tree and drink every water in his cisterny, 2Kgs.18.32 until i come and take you into a land like your land, in a land of wheat and of wine, to a land of wheat and of vineyard, a land of olives, of olivet and heuning, and you will live and never die. and do not listen to ezechiah, for he has deceived you, saying, the lord will deliver us. 2Kgs.18.33 has any of the dives of the nations made his land out of the hand of the king of assyrien? 2Kgs.18.34 where are the god of hamath and arpad? where are the god of sefarvaim, hena and ivva? have they delivered samaria out of my hand? 2Kgs.18.35 who of all the dives of the lands red their land from my hand, that the lord would deliver jerusalem from my hand? 2Kgs.18.36 so they kept still, and they answered him no answer, for the commandment of the king was saying, do not answer him. 2Kgs.18.37 so eliakim, the son of hilkia, the palastman, and shebna the scribes and joah, the son of asaph, the chancerer, came to ezekias with robe robes and told him the words of rabshake. 2Kgs.19.1 when the king ezequias heard this, he tore his garments and clothed in a sack and went in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.19.2 and he sent the ruler eliakim and the scribes shebna and the elders of the priests, clothed in sackcloth, to the prophet isaiah, the son of amos. 2Kgs.19.3 and they said to him, so says jezekia: this is a day of tribulation, of reproach, and of wrath. for children came to the birth, but there is no power to bear. 2Kgs.19.4 may the lord your god hear all the words of rabshake, whom his master, the king of assyrie, has sent him to hair the living god and blaspheming the words that the lord, your god, has heard. pray also a prayer for the rest who is there. 2Kgs.19.5 so when the servants of king ezechiah came to isaiah, 2Kgs.19.6 and isaiah said to them, so shall you say to your lord: so says the lord: do not fear the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of assyrien have blasfeed me. 2Kgs.19.7 behold, i will give in him a spirit, and he will hear a charge and return to his land. and i will put him to death in his land. 2Kgs.19.8 rabshake returned and found the king of assyrien walking against libna, for he heard that he had taken away from lachis. 2Kgs.19.9 and he heard about tharias, the king of the ethiopia, saying, behold, he came out to strike against you. then he returned and sent messengers to ezekias, saying, 2Kgs.19.10 do not tell david, your god, in whom you confies, saying, jerusalem will not be delivered into the hand of the king of assyrien. 2Kgs.19.11 you have heard whatever the kings of assyrie did to all the country to destroy them, and you will be saved? 2Kgs.19.12 did the gods of the nations set them, which my fathers destroyed, gozan and haran, and reseph, and the sons of eden who were in telassar? 2Kgs.19.13 where is the king of hamath, the king of arpad and the king of the city of sefarvaim, hena and iva? 2Kgs.19.14 and when jezekia took the scroll from the hand of the messengers and read it. then he went up to the house of the lord and broke it up before the lord. 2Kgs.19.15 and ezechiah drew down and said, lord, god of israel, who sit on the cherubim, you only are the god of all the kingdoms of the earth, you have made heaven and earth. 2Kgs.19.16 let your ear incline, lord, and hear. open your eyes, lord, and see. hear the words of sennacherib, which he sent to reproach the living god. 2Kgs.19.17 truly, o lord, the kings of assyrien have destroyed the nations. 2Kgs.19.18 they have broken their gods into the fire, for they were not gods, but works of human hands, a tree and a stone. so they destroyed them. 2Kgs.19.19 now then, o lord our god, save us from his hand, that all the kings of the earth shall know that you, lord, are god alone. 2Kgs.19.20 and isaiah, the son of amos, sent to ezekias, saying, so says the lord, the god of israel: what you have prayed to me about sanherib, the king of assyrien, i have heard. 2Kgs.19.21 this is the word that the lord has spoken against him: a virgin daughter, daughter of zion, despise you, the daughter of jerusalem bries their head. 2Kgs.19.22 whom have you spoken and provoked? and against whom has you raised your voice and lifted up your eyes? against the holy one of israel! 2Kgs.19.23 by your messengers you have insulted the lord, and you said, with my many chars i went up to the ground of the mounts, at the district of liban. i have cut off his great cedres, his precious cypresses, and have come to his ground of its ground, the bound of his fruit. 2Kgs.19.24 i turned and drack a fremde water, and i trouble the fish of my foot all the surrounding flores. 2Kgs.19.25 i kept her, and i delivered it away, and it was burn of beautiful cities, a mighty city. 2Kgs.19.26 and their dwellers were shaken, they were shaken and shaken, they were as a grass of field, as a grain of grain, the grain of the ground of the ground and the grain of food before the wind. 2Kgs.19.27 but i know your sittering, your outside and your inside, i know and your wrath against me. 2Kgs.19.28 for for your wrath against me and your gentle has come to my ears, so i will put my ring in your nation and my west in your lips, and i will turn you on the way to which you came. 2Kgs.19.29 and this will be a sign for you: in this year you will eat that is grain, and in the second year the grain of grain, and in the third years you will sow and sow, and plant vineyars and eat their fruit. 2Kgs.19.30 and the rest of the residents of the house of judah will take up food along, and bear fruit above. 2Kgs.19.31 for from jerusalem shall the rest come out and escape from the mountain of zion. the jealousy of the lord of heirs will do this. 2Kgs.19.32 therefore so says the lord about the king of assyrie: he will not enter this city, nor will he strike a pil in there, and will not come up against it with scuth and will not strike a pil against it. 2Kgs.19.33 in the way that he has come, he will return, and to this city he will not enter this city, says the lord. 2Kgs.19.34 for my sake, for my sake and for my servant david will i keep this city. " 2Kgs.19.35 in the night the angel of the lord went and killed in the tender of the assyrians a hundred and five thousand. and when they rose the morning, behold, all were dead. 2Kgs.19.36 so sanherib, the king of ashsyria, turned and returned and went to nineve. 2Kgs.19.37 and as he was worshiped in the house of his god nisroch, his sons adrammelech and sareser killed him in the sword, and they escaped into the land of ararat. and his son asarhaddon regered in his place. 2Kgs.20.1 in those days ezekias became sick to death. and the prophet isaiah, the son of amos, came to him and said to him, so says the lord: command your house, for you will die and do not live. 2Kgs.20.2 so he turned his face to the wand and prayed to the lord, saying, 2Kgs.20.3 " ah, lord, remember how i walked before you in truth and in full heart and done what is good in your eyes. and hiskija weeped more. 2Kgs.20.4 and jesaja had not come in the meast of the way, when the word of the lord came to him, saying, 2Kgs.20.5 return and say to ezechiah, the ruler of my people: so says the lord, the god of your father david, said, i have heard your prayer, i have seen your tears. behold, i will heal you. on the third day you will ascend to the house of the lord. 2Kgs.20.6 i will lay to your days five and five years. and i will save you and this city out of the hand of the king of assyrien, and i will bound this city for my sake and for my servant david's sake. 2Kgs.20.7 he said, let they take a fish of fig tree, and let them sit on the best, and he will be healed. 2Kgs.20.8 and jezekia said to isaias, what is the sign that the lord will heal me and that i may go on the house of the lord on the third day? 2Kgs.20.9 and isaiah said, this will be a sign from the lord that the lord will do the word that he has spoken: shall the shadow go on ten streins, or shall he turn ten streep? 2Kgs.20.10 and jezekia said, it is better for the shadow to deceive ten streem. it is not only that the shadow should turn back ten streem. 2Kgs.20.11 and the prophet isaiah cried out to the lord, and he turned back on the graves, which was after the treasure of achaz. 2Kgs.20.12 in that time merodak-baladan, the son of baladan, the king of babel, sent a letter and a gift to ezekias, for he had heard that he had been sick. 2Kgs.20.13 and jezekia rejoiced to them and showed them the whole treasure of his treasures, the silver and the gold, the aromates and the good oil and all his waves and whatever was found in his treasures. there was no one in his house or in all his authority, which ezekias did not show them. 2Kgs.20.14 so the prophet isaiah came to the king, and said to him, what have these men said, and from where have they come to you? and jezekia said, they have come to me from a distance land, from babel. 2Kgs.20.15 and he said, what have they seen in your house? he said, they saw all that is in my house. there are no things in my treasures that i did not show them. 2Kgs.20.16 and jesaja said to jezekia, hear the word of the lord: 2Kgs.20.17 behold, the days will come, when all that is in your house and whatever your fathers have taken down to this day, will be removed to babylon. nothing will be left, says the lord. 2Kgs.20.18 and from your children who will come from you, which you will bear, and there will be eunuchs in the palace of the king of babel. 2Kgs.20.19 and jezekia said to jesaja, the word of the lord is good, which you have spoken. peace be in my days! 2Kgs.20.20 the rest of the actes of jezekia, and all his strengthens, and how he made the watch and the watch and brought the water into the city, is that not written in the chronik of the crónicas of the kings of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.20.21 and jezekia reposed with his fathers, and his son manasseh realled in his place. 2Kgs.21.1 manasseh was twelve years oud when he was king, and he regered five and five years in jerusalem. his mother was hefsiba. 2Kgs.21.2 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, according to the abominations of the nations that the lord had cut out before the sons of israel. 2Kgs.21.3 he rebuked the offerings that his father ezekiia had destroyed, he raised up altars to baal and made a astarty, just as achab, the king of israel, made, and worshiped all the power of heaven, and served them. 2Kgs.21.4 he build altars in the house of the lord, of which the lord had said, in jerusalem i will lay my name. 2Kgs.21.5 he build altars to all the power of heaven in the two courts of the house of the lord. 2Kgs.21.6 and he passed out his sons by the fire, and distributed their houses and houses and made magiers and magiers. he was many to do what was evil in the eyes of the lord, to provoke him to anger. 2Kgs.21.7 he laid the image of astarty in the house of which the lord had spoken to david and to his son solomon, in this house and in jerusalem, which i have chosen among all the tribes of israel, i will put my name forever, 2Kgs.21.8 i will not even take the foot of israel from the land that i have given to their fathers, if they do attention to all the commandments that i have commanded them, all the commandment that my servant moses gave them. 2Kgs.21.9 but they did not listen, and manasseh deceived them to do more than the nations that the lord had destroyed before the sons of israel. 2Kgs.21.10 and the lord spoke by his servants the prophets, saying, 2Kgs.21.11 because manasseh, the king of judah, has done these abominations, having done more than all that the amorites who were before and have brought juda to sin by their idols, 2Kgs.21.12 therefore, so says the lord, the god of israel, behold, i will bring a evil on jerusalem and juda, that everyone who hears will have the two ears. 2Kgs.21.13 and i will throw out on jerusalem the measure of samaria and the custom of the house of achab. and i will defile jerusalem, just as the baat has waken up and wicked up. 2Kgs.21.14 and i will depute the rest of my inheritance, and i will give them in the hand of their enemies, and they will become a plundering and a plundering for all their enemies, 2Kgs.21.15 because they did what is evil in my eyes and provoked me from the day when their fathers went out of egypt, until this day. 2Kgs.21.16 manasseh also poured out a innocent blood greatly, until he was filled jerusalem with one end to the other, except his sins, which he had brought juda to sinning, doing what was evil in the eyes of the lord. 2Kgs.21.17 the rest of the actes of manasseh, and all that he did, and the sin that he had committed, it is written in the chronik of the crónicas of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.21.18 and manasseh reposed with his fathers, and they were buried in the garden of his house, in the garden of uzza, and his son amon began in his place. 2Kgs.21.19 amon was two and two years when he began to be, and he regered two years in jerusalem. his mother was mesullemeth, a daughter of harus from jotba. 2Kgs.21.20 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, just as his father manasseh had done. 2Kgs.21.21 he walked in all the way that his father had go, and served the idols that his father had served, and worshiped them. 2Kgs.21.22 he left the lord the god of his fathers, and did not go on the way of the lord. 2Kgs.21.23 and the servants of amon conspired against him, and they killed the king in his house. 2Kgs.21.24 but the people of the land killed all who had returned against the king amon, and the people of the land made his son josia in his place. 2Kgs.21.25 the rest of the actes of amon, which he did, is not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.21.26 and they buried him in his tomb in the garden of uzza, and his son josias reged in his place. 2Kgs.22.1 josia was eighth years when he began to be, and there was three and thirty years in jerusalem. his mother was jedida, a daughter of adaja, from boskat. 2Kgs.22.2 he did what was right in the eyes of the lord, and went in all the way of his father david, and did not depart at the right hand or at the left. 2Kgs.22.3 in the eighth years of the king, in the eighth years, the king sent shafan, the son of ezra, the son of mesullam, to the house of the lord, saying, 2Kgs.22.4 come up to hilkija, the high priest, and sell the silver that is brought in the house of the lord, which the guards of the waves had gathered from the people, 2Kgs.22.5 and they give it in the hand of those who are ready in the house of the lord, and they will give it to those who make the work in the house of the lord, to reparate the reparate of the house, 2Kgs.22.6 to the clocars, builders, and murderers, and for bought a tree and beasting stones for the house. 2Kgs.22.7 nevertheless, they do not respect them for the money that was given them, for they do in faith. 2Kgs.22.8 and hilkia, the high priest, said to shafan the scribes, i have found the scroll of the law in the house of the lord. and hilkia gave the scroll to shafan, and he read it. 2Kgs.22.9 then shafan came to the king and turned to the king a question, and said, your servants have bound the money that was found in the temple, and they have given it in the hand of those who practice the work, who have commanded the temple of the lord. 2Kgs.22.10 and shafan, the scribes, said to the king, the priest hilkia has given me a book. and shafan learned it before the king. 2Kgs.22.11 when the king heard the words of the book of the law, he tore his garments. 2Kgs.22.12 and the king ordered hilkia the priest and ahikam, the son of shafan, and to acbor the son of michaja, and to shafan the scribes, and to asaja, the servant of the king, saying, 2Kgs.22.13 come, seek to the lord for me and for the people and for all the judah about the words of this book that is found. for great is the wrath of the lord, which has wrath against us, because our fathers did not listen to the words of this book, to do according to all the things that are written about us. 2Kgs.22.14 then hilkia the priest and ahikam and acbor and shafan and asaja went to the prophecy hulda, wife of shallum, the wife of shallum, son of tikva, the son of harhas, the governor of the garments. she was in jerusalem in the next day, and they told her. 2Kgs.22.15 she said to them, so says the lord, the god of israel, say to the man who sent you to me, 2Kgs.22.16 so says the lord: behold, i will bring this place upon this place and over those who dwell in it, all the words of the book that the king of judah has read. 2Kgs.22.17 because they have left me and sacrificed to others, to provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands, my wrath will be burned against this place, and he will not stone. 2Kgs.22.18 but to the king of judah, who sent you to ask the lord, say to him, so says the lord, the god of israel, the words that you have heard: 2Kgs.22.19 because your heart has shined, and you have humilied before the lord, when you heard what i have spoken against this place and his dwelling, that they may be a desolate and a curse, and you would call your garments and weeping before me, so i also have heard it, says the lord. 2Kgs.22.20 so, behold, i will gather you to your fathers, and you will gather in your tomb in peace, and your eyes will not see all the afflictions that i will bring on this place. and they brought the message to the king. 2Kgs.23.1 then the king sent, and they gathered all the elders of judah and jerusalem. 2Kgs.23.2 and the king went up to the house of the lord, and all the men of judah and all the residents of jerusalem, both the priests and the prophets and all the people, from the minor to the greatest. and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.23.3 then the king stood on the room and schloss a covenant before the lord, to follow the lord and keep his commandments and his testimony, with all his heart and all his soul, to fulfill the words of this covenant that was written in this book. and all the people stood in the covenant. 2Kgs.23.4 then the king commanded the high priest hilkia and the priests of the second priest and the guards of the waves to carry out of the temple of the lord all things that had been done for baal, for the astartes and for all the least of the heavens. and he swallowed them outside jerusalem, in the zeasts of cedron, and took their cends to bet-el. 2Kgs.23.5 he distributed the idols, which the kings of judah had set up and bringing incense on the heavens in the towns of judah and in the surrounding country of jerusalem, and those who offered incense to baal, to the sun, to the moon, to the zodiers and to all the power of heaven. 2Kgs.23.6 he carried out the astarty out of the house of the lord outside jerusalem to the beek kidron and bringing it down in the spring of cedron and broke it into stof and throw his stof into the toms of the people. 2Kgs.23.7 he departed the house of the sexually immoral people, who were in the house of the lord, where the women had taken food for astarte. 2Kgs.23.8 and he brought all the priests from the towns of judah, and defiled the offers where the priests offered incense, from geba to beer-sheba, and distributed the house of the gates, which was at the door of the city, the ruler of the city, which was at the left. 2Kgs.23.9 nevertheless, the priests of the high offerings did not go up to the altar of the lord in jerusalem, but they ate unleavened bread among their brothers. 2Kgs.23.10 he defiled topheth in the town of the son of hinnom, so that no one had to make his son or his daughter to the fire to moloch. 2Kgs.23.11 he desoled the hors that the kings of judah had set for the sun, by the gate of the house of the lord, at the treasury of nathan the eunuch, who was in parurim, and burned of the sun was burned up with fire. 2Kgs.23.12 the altares, which the kings of ahaz, the kings of ahaz, the kings of judah had made, and the altars that manasseh had made in the two parts of the house of the lord, he departed and broke down from there and threw their stof into the spring of cedron. 2Kgs.23.13 the temple that was before jerusalem, at the right hand of the mountain of the treasure, which solomon, the king of israel, had built for astarte, the abomination of sidons, and for kemosh the abomination of moab and for milkom, the abomination of the sons of ammon. 2Kgs.23.14 he broke the statues and destroyed the astartes and filled their place with hums of people. 2Kgs.23.15 even the altar that was in bethel, the high altar that jerobeam, the son of nebat, who had brought israel to sin, turned up israel, he broke the high altar and broken the high offering and broke it in stock, and burned the astarty. 2Kgs.23.16 and when josia had turned and saw the tomb who were there at the altar, he sent out and took the ossa from the tombs and bring it on the altar and defiled it according to the word of the lord, which had spoken the man of god, who had spoken these words. 2Kgs.23.17 and he said, what is that of the brid that i see? and the men of the city said to him, this is the man of the man of god that has come out of judah and proclaimed these things that you have done against the altar of bet-el. 2Kgs.23.18 and he said, leave him, let no one deceive his bene. so they made his bene with the benes of the prophet who was coming from samaria. 2Kgs.23.19 josia distributed all the house of the high country in the towns of samaria, which the kings of israel had made to provoke the lord, josia turned away and done for them all the things that he had done in bet-el. 2Kgs.23.20 he distributed all the priests of the high places who were there, on the altars, and burned people in them. then he returned to jerusalem. 2Kgs.23.21 and the king commanded all the people, saying, celebring the passover to the lord your god, as it is written in this book of the covenant. 2Kgs.23.22 for this passover was not sold from the days of the judges who judged israel, or in all the days of the kings of israel and of the kings of judah. 2Kgs.23.23 now in the eighth years of the king josia this passover passed the passover for the lord in jerusalem. 2Kgs.23.24 even the devout, and the devout, and the terafim and the idols and all the abominations that had happened in the land of judah and in jerusalem, so that he might fulfill the words of the law who was written in the book that the priest hilkia had found in the house of the lord. 2Kgs.23.25 there was no king before him a king who had turned to the lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his power, according to all the law of moses, and after him he did not rise like him. 2Kgs.23.26 nevertheless, the lord did not turn from the great wrath of his great wrath, because of his wrath against judah, because manasseh had provoked him to anger. 2Kgs.23.27 and the lord said, even juda i will put away from my face, just as i have removed israel, and i will defile this city that i had chosen, and the house that i had said, my name will be there. 2Kgs.23.28 the cetera historio of josias, and whatever he did, is not written in the libro of kronices of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.23.29 in his days pharaon necho, king of egypt, went up against the king of assyrien to the river euphrath. so josia went on him and killed him at megiddo, when he saw him. 2Kgs.23.30 his servants took him dead from megiddo, and they brought him to jerusalem and buried him in his tomb. and the people of the land took joahaz the son of josias and anointed him and made him a king in the place of his father. 2Kgs.23.31 joahaz was three and three years when he was king, and he regered three months in jerusalem. his mother was hamutal, a daughter of jeremia from libna. 2Kgs.23.32 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, as all his fathers did. 2Kgs.23.33 and pharaon necho rejected him in ribla, in the land of hamath, that he might not reign in jerusalem, and he put on the land a seading talents of silver and a talenty of gold. 2Kgs.23.34 so pharaon neco made eliakim, the son of josia, in the place of his father josias, and he turned his name at jehojakim. but joahaz he took up and brought to egypt, and there he died. 2Kgs.23.35 jehojakim gave the silver and gold to pharaon; but he preached the land to give the silver according to the mouth of pharaoh. every one of the people of the land contributed the silver and gold to give to pharaon necho. 2Kgs.23.36 jojakin was thirty years oud when he was a king, and he regered ten years in jerusalem. his mother was zebuda, a daughter of pedaja from ruma. 2Kgs.23.37 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, as all his fathers did. 2Kgs.24.1 in his days nebukadressar, the king of babel, went up, and jehojakim was his servant three years. then he turned and rebeled against him. 2Kgs.24.2 so the lord sent out to him the banners of the chaldeans and the banners of syria and the banners of the moabitas, and sent them out against judah, to destroy it according to the word of the lord that he spoke by his servants, the prophets. 2Kgs.24.3 only for the wrath of the lord was this in juda that he departed him from his presence because of the sins of manasseh, because of all that he had done, 2Kgs.24.4 even for the innocent blood that he had poured out and filled jerusalem with blood innocent. so the lord could not forgive. 2Kgs.24.5 the rest of the actes of jehojakim and whatever he did, has not written in the book of the crónicas of the kings of judah? 2Kgs.24.6 and jojakin died with his fathers, and his son jehojakim was king in his place. 2Kgs.24.7 the king of egypt did no longer go out of his land, for the king of babel had taken all the things that had happened to the king of egypt. 2Kgs.24.8 jojakin was atten years oud when he was a king, and he regered three months in jerusalem. his mother was nehusta, a daughter of elnathan from jerusalem. 2Kgs.24.9 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, just as his father had done. 2Kgs.24.10 in that time nebukadressar, the king of babylon, went up to jerusalem, and the city was belonged. 2Kgs.24.11 so nebukadressar, the king of babylon, went into the city, while his servants were walking against it. 2Kgs.24.12 then jehojakim, king of judah, went out to the king of babylon with his mother and his servants and his rulers and his eunuch. and the king of babel took him in the eighth year of his regering. 2Kgs.24.13 he brought from there all the treasures of the house of the lord and the treasures of the house of the king, and he cut down all the golden vessels that the king of israel had done for the temple of the lord, according to the word of the lord. 2Kgs.24.14 and he carried away all jerusalem and all the rulers and all the soldiers, 10.000 captives, and all artisters and seaders. there left no one except the poor of the land. 2Kgs.24.15 so he brought jojakin captive to babylon. even the mother of the king and the wife of the king and his eunuchs and the strangers of the land brought he captive from jerusalem to babylon. 2Kgs.24.16 and all the soldiers, seven thousand, and the seaders and the seaders, 1000, and all who were held in bation, the king of babylon brought them captive to babylon. 2Kgs.24.17 the king of babylon regered mattanja, his son, in his place, and he gave his name sedekia. 2Kgs.24.18 sedekias was thirty years when he began to king, and he regered ten years in jerusalem. his mother was hamutal, the daughter of jeremia, from libna. 2Kgs.24.19 he did what was evil in the sight of the lord, just as jehojakim had done. 2Kgs.24.20 for for the wrath of the lord was it against jerusalem and juda, until he had thrown them away from his presence. and sedekia rebellied against the king of babel. 2Kgs.25.1 in the ninth years of his kingdom, in the tiende month, in the dhm month, nebukadressar, the king of babylon, came with all his armée against jerusalem, and they departed against it, and they struiled around it. 2Kgs.25.2 the city belonged in belonging to the ellevth years of king. 2Kgs.25.3 on the ninth day of the month, the famine was strengthened in the city, and the people of the land had no bread. 2Kgs.25.4 then the city was distributed, and all the soldiers fled in the night, by the way of a door, which was in the garden of the king, while the chaldeans were around the city, and he went in the way of the araba. 2Kgs.25.5 but the armée of the chaldeans followed the king and kept him in the stepes of jericho, and all his armée were dispersed from him. 2Kgs.25.6 so they took the king and brought him to the king of babel to ribla, and they addressed him judgment. 2Kgs.25.7 the sons of sedeciah he divided for his eyes, and they stopped up the eyes of sedekia, and he bound him with chains and brought him to babylon. 2Kgs.25.8 in the fifth money, the seventh of the monate, that was the nighth years of nebukadressar, king of babel, nebusaradan, the ruler of the guards of the king of babel came to jerusalem. 2Kgs.25.9 he burned the house of the lord and the house of the king and all the house of jerusalem, with all the house of jerusalem. 2Kgs.25.10 the ruler of the guard was serah. 2Kgs.25.11 the rest of the people that remained in the city, and those who were set down to the king of babel, and the rest of the household was brought nebusaradan, the ruler of the guardiers. 2Kgs.25.12 but from the poor of the land the ruler of the guardiers left them to vineyards and loves. 2Kgs.25.13 the chaldeans broke the bronze in the house of the lord, the baskets and the bronze, which was in the house of the lord, the chaldeans broke and picked their bronze into babylon. 2Kgs.25.14 they took the leaves, the cubes, the ropes, and the serpents, and all the bronze, which were being ministered for their service, they took. 2Kgs.25.15 the officers and the pieces of gold and silver took the ruler of the guard. 2Kgs.25.16 the two colonns, the one sea and the baskets that salomo had made for the house of the lord, the bronze was not at all these things. 2Kgs.25.17 the hoogte of the one column was about eight couth, and on it was a captain of bronze. the hauting of the capitel was three cubiti, the rock and romãs around the capitel, all was of bronze. the one robe was so with the second robe. 2Kgs.25.18 the ruler of the guardiers prit seraia, the first priest, and zefanja, the second priest, and the three guarders of the waves, 2Kgs.25.19 and from the city he took a eunuch who was over the soldiers, and five men of the servants of the people who were found in the city, who were found in the city, and the scribes of the ruler of the least, who resposed the people of the land, and 60 of the people of the country of the country, who were found in the city. 2Kgs.25.20 the ruler of the guard nebuzaradan took them and brought them to the king of babel to ribla. 2Kgs.25.21 and the king of babel struck them and put them to ribla, in the land of hamath. so judas was led off from his land. 2Kgs.25.22 to the people that remained in the land of judah, whom nebukadressar, king of babel, left, set over him gedalia, the son of ahikam, the son of shafan. 2Kgs.25.23 when all the rulers of the power, they and their men, heard that the king of babel had made gedalia governor, they and their men to gedalia to mizpa. it was ismael, the son of nethaniah, and johanan, the son of kareah, seraja, the son of tanhumeth of netofa, and jeazanja, the son of maachathai, they and their men. 2Kgs.25.24 and gedalias svor them and their men, and said to them, do not be afraid of the chaldeans. stay in the land and serve the king of babylon, and it will be well for you. 2Kgs.25.25 but in the seventh month ismael, the son of nethania, the son of elishama, came to micpa, with ten men, and they killed gedaliah, and he died, and the jews and the chaldeans who were with him in micpa. 2Kgs.25.26 then all the people, from the minor to the greatest, and the rulers of the armées stood up and went into egypt, for they were afraid of the chaldeans. 2Kgs.25.27 in the three and seven years of the captive of joiakin, king of judah, in the twelve yeventh, the third day of the month, evil-merodak, king of babel, in the year of his regering, the head of jehojakim, king of judah, and led him out of the prison. 2Kgs.25.28 he spoke to him well and gave his throne above the throne of the kings who were with him in babylon. 2Kgs.25.29 he departed his prisoners, and he ate always in his presence all the days of his life. 2Kgs.25.30 and the distribution of him was continued always given to him from the house of the king every day in all the days of his life, for the wrath of the lord was upon jerusalem and juda until he had thrown them away from his presence. and sedekia devoted the king of babel. 1Chr.1.1 adam, set, enos, 1Chr.1.2 cainan, mahalalel, jered, 1Chr.1.3 hanoch, metusalah, lamech, 1Chr.1.4 noah, sem, cham and jafet. 1Chr.1.5 the sons of japhet: gomer, magog, madai, javan, tubal, mesech and tiras. 1Chr.1.6 the sons of gomer was ashkenaz, rifat and togarma. 1Chr.1.7 the sons of javan: elisa and tarsis, kittim and rodanim. 1Chr.1.8 the sons of cham were cus and mitsraim, put and canaan. 1Chr.1.9 the sons of cus was sheba, havila, sabta, raama and sabtecha. the sons of raama was sheba and dedan. 1Chr.1.10 and cus the father of nimrod, who began to be great master on the earth. 1Chr.1.17 the sons of sem were elam, and shur, and arphaxad. 1Chr.1.24 shelah. 1Chr.1.25 eber, peleg, regu, 1Chr.1.26 serug, nahor, terah, 1Chr.1.27 he was abraham. 1Chr.1.28 the sons of abraham were isaac and ismaël. 1Chr.1.29 these are their generations: nebajoth, the firstborn of ismaël, and kedar, and adbeel, and mibsam, 1Chr.1.30 mitsma, duma, masa, hadad, tedan, 1Chr.1.31 jetur, nafis and kedma. these were the sons of ismael. 1Chr.1.32 the sons of ketura, daughter of abraham, were: zimram, joksan, medan, midian, jisbak and suah. the sons of jokshan: sheba and dedan. 1Chr.1.33 the sons of midian was efa and efer and henoch and abida and eldaa. all these were the sons of ketura. 1Chr.1.34 and abraham was the father of isaac. the sons of isaac was esau and israel. 1Chr.1.35 the sons of esau were eliphaz, reguel, jeeus, jalam and core. 1Chr.1.36 the sons of eliphaz: teman, omar, zefo, gatam, kenaz, timna and amalek. 1Chr.1.37 the sons of rehuel: nahat, serah, shama and miza. 1Chr.1.38 the sons of seir were lotan and sobal and sibeon and ana and senon and dashon, 1Chr.1.39 the sons of lotan was horri and homam; and the son of lotan was timna. 1Chr.1.40 the sons of sobal was: allam, manahat, ebal, shefi and onam. the sons of zebeon was aja and ana. 1Chr.1.41 the sons of ana was dishon. and the sons of dison: hamran, esban, jitran and keran. 1Chr.1.42 the sons of eser was bilhan and zaavan and jaakan. the sons of disan: us and aran. 1Chr.1.43 these are their rulers, balak, the son of beor, and the name of his city was dinhaba. 1Chr.1.44 when bela died, jobab, the son of zerah, from bozra, realled in his place. 1Chr.1.45 when jobab died, husham from the land of the temanites reged in his place. 1Chr.1.46 when husham died, hadad, the son of bedad, realled in his place, who killed the midianites on the field of moab. his city was avit. 1Chr.1.47 when hadad died, samla, of masreka, reged in his place. 1Chr.1.48 when samla died, saul from rehoboth, who was at the river, regered in his place. 1Chr.1.49 when saul died, baal-hanan, the son of acbor, reged in his place. 1Chr.1.50 when baal-hanan, the son of acbor, died, hadad came in his place. his city was pau, and the name of his city was pau. 1Chr.1.51 when hadad died, the rulers of edom were: the ruler of timna, the ruler alva, the ruler jeteth, 1Chr.1.52 the ruler oholibama, the ruler ela, the ruler pinon, 1Chr.1.53 the ruler kenaz, the ruler teman, the ruler mibsar, 1Chr.1.54 the ruler magdiel, the ruler iram. these were the rulers of edom. 1Chr.2.1 these are the sons of israel: ruben, simeon, levi, juda, issachar, zebulon, 1Chr.2.2 dan, benjamin, neftali, gad, aser, 1Chr.2.3 the sons of judah was er, onan and shela. these three were born for him from the daughter of shua, the kanaanite. but er, the firstborn of judah, was evil in the presence of the lord, and he killed him. 1Chr.2.4 and tamar, his bridegroom, had given him peres and zerah. all the sons of judah were five. 1Chr.2.5 the sons of peres was hesron and hamul. 1Chr.2.6 the sons of zerah: zimri, etan, heman, kalkol and darda, all five. 1Chr.2.7 the sons of carmi was acan, who distributed israel, because he had deceived to the banvloek. 1Chr.2.8 and the son of ethan, azarja. 1Chr.2.9 the sons of hezron who had been born of hezron was jerachmeel, ram and kelubai. 1Chr.2.10 ram the father of amminadab, and amminadab the father of nahshon, the ruler of the sons of judah. 1Chr.2.11 nahshon the father of salmon, and salmon the father of boaz, 1Chr.2.12 boaz the father of obed, and obed the father of isai, 1Chr.2.13 isai was the father of his firstborn eliab, the second abinadab, the third simea, 1Chr.2.14 nathanael the fourth, raddai the fifth, 1Chr.2.15 ofem the sixth, david the seventh. 1Chr.2.16 their sisters were seruia and abigail. the sons of seruia were abisai, joab and asahel, three. 1Chr.2.17 abigail had the father of amasa, and the father of amasa was jeter the ismaelite. 1Chr.2.18 caleb the son of hesron the father of azuba, his wife, and with jeriot. and these were her sons, jeser, sobab and ardon. 1Chr.2.19 and when azuba died, caleb took himself ofrat, and she became birth of hur. 1Chr.2.20 and hur the father of uri, and uri the father of besaleel. 1Chr.2.21 after this hesron entered the daughter of machir, the father of galaad, and he took her, when he was seven years. and she gave him segub. 1Chr.2.22 segub the father of jair, and he had three three towns in the land of galaad. 1Chr.2.23 but gesur and aram welcomed the villages of jair, kenath and its villages, 60 towns. all these were the sons of machir, the father of galaad. 1Chr.2.24 after heshron was dead in caleb to efrata, abijah, the wife of hesron, she gave him ashur, the father of tecoa. 1Chr.2.25 the sons of jerahmeel, the firstborn of hesron, were ram, the firstborn, and buna, and oren, and ozem, his brother. 1Chr.2.26 jerahmeel had a other wife, whose name was atara; she was the mother of onam. 1Chr.2.27 the sons of ram, the firstborn of jerahmeel, were maas and jamin and eker. 1Chr.2.28 the sons of onam were sammai and jada. the sons of sammai was nadab and abisur. 1Chr.2.29 the name of the wife of abisur was abihail, and she became her achban and molid. 1Chr.2.30 the sons of nadab was seled and appaim. seled died without children. 1Chr.2.31 the sons of appaim was jischiel, and the sons of jeshii was shesan. the son of shesan was ahlai. 1Chr.2.32 the sons of jada, the brother of shammai, was jeter and jonatan. jeter died without children. 1Chr.2.33 the sons of jonathan were peleth and zaza. these were the sons of jerameel. 1Chr.2.34 sheshan had no sons, but only a daughter. she had a servant of egyptian, whose name was jarha. 1Chr.2.35 so shesan gave his daughter to jarha his servant jarha, and she gave him attai. 1Chr.2.36 attai the father of nathan, and nathan the father of zabad, 1Chr.2.37 zabad the father of eflal, and eflal the father of obed, 1Chr.2.38 obed the father of jehu, and jehu the father of azarja, 1Chr.2.39 and azarja the father of heles, and heles the father of eleasa, 1Chr.2.40 and eleasa the father of sismai, and sismai the father of sallum, 1Chr.2.41 sallum the father of jekamja, and jekamja the father of elishama. 1Chr.2.42 the sons of caleb, the brother of jerameel, was maresa his firstborn, who was the father of zif, and the sons of maresa, the father of hebron. 1Chr.2.43 the sons of hebron was: korah, tappuah, rekem and sema. 1Chr.2.44 shema the father of raham, the father of jorkeam, and rekem the father of sammai. 1Chr.2.45 maon was maon, and maon was the father of bet-suur. 1Chr.2.46 and efa, the concubine of caleb, the father of haran, mosa and gazez. haran the father of gazez. 1Chr.2.47 the sons of jedaï was regem, jotham, gesan, pelet, efa and shaaf. 1Chr.2.48 maakha, a wife of caleb, the father of sheber and tirhana. 1Chr.2.49 he born shaaf, the father of madmanna, and sheva, the father of machbena and the father of gibea. and the daughter of caleb was achsa. 1Chr.2.50 these were the sons of caleb, the sons of hur, the firstborn of ofra, sobal, the father of kiriath-jearim, 1Chr.2.51 solomon, the father of beth-leem, jearim, father of beth-gedor. 1Chr.2.52 the sons of sobal, the father of kiriath-jearim, were haroe, and the monds of hanmanoth. 1Chr.2.53 the families of kirjat-jearim were: the jitrites, the puthites, the sumatites and the misraïtes. from these came the sorathites and estaolites. 1Chr.2.54 the sons of solomon were betlehem and netofathites, atrot-beth-joab, the half of the matathites, sorei. 1Chr.2.55 the families of the scribes who dwelled in jabes were tigathites, shemaïim, shamatiim. these are the kenites who had come from mesma, the father of the house of recab. 1Chr.3.1 these are the sons of david who had been born him in hebron: amnon, the firstborn, of ahinoam of jezreel; the second daniel, of abigail of karmel, 1Chr.3.2 the third absalom, the son of maacha, the daughter of talmai, the king of gesur, the fourth adonija, the son of haggith, 1Chr.3.3 the fifth shefatia, of abital; the sixth jitream, of his wife egla. 1Chr.3.4 these six born had him been in hebron, where he reated there seven years and six months, and three and three years he regered in jerusalem. 1Chr.3.5 now these were born him in jerusalem: simea, sobab, nathan, and solomon, four of the daughter of ammiel, four. 1Chr.3.6 jibhar, elishama, elifelet, 1Chr.3.7 noga, nefeg, jafia, 1Chr.3.8 elishama, eliada, and elipheleth, nive. 1Chr.3.9 these are all the sons of david, except the children of the concubine. and tamar was their sister. 1Chr.3.10 the son of solomon was roboam, his son was abijah, his son asa, his son josaphat, 1Chr.3.11 his son was joram, his son was ahazia, his son joas, 1Chr.3.12 his son was amazja, his son was azarias, his son was jotham, 1Chr.3.13 his son achaz, his son ezechiah, his son manasseh, 1Chr.3.14 his son was amon, his son was josia. 1Chr.3.15 the sons of josia was johanan the firstborn, the second jehojakim, the third zedekia, the fourth shallum. 1Chr.3.16 the sons of jojakim was jechonija, his son jechonija. 1Chr.3.17 the sons of jekonja was asir, his son shealtiel, 1Chr.3.18 malkiram, pedaja, senassar, jekamja, hoshama and nedabja. 1Chr.3.19 the sons of pedaja: serubbabel and shim. the sons of zerubbabel: mesullam and hananja, and their sister was shelomith. 1Chr.3.20 and hasuba, ohel, berechja, hasadia, jushab-hesed, five. 1Chr.3.21 the sons of hananja: pelatja and jeshaia. the sons of refaja, the sons of arnan, the sons of obadja, the son of shechanja. 1Chr.3.22 the son of shechanja was shemaja. the sons of semaja was hattus, jigal, bariah, nearja and shafat, six. 1Chr.3.23 the sons of nearja: elioenai, ezechiah, and azrikam, three. 1Chr.3.24 the sons of elioenai was hodavja, eliasib, pelaia, akkub, johanan, delaia and anani, seven. 1Chr.4.1 the sons of judah was peres, hesron, carmi, hur and sobal. 1Chr.4.2 reaja the son of sobal was the father of jahat, and jahat the father of ahumai and lahad. these are the families of the soratites. 1Chr.4.3 and these are the sons of etam: jesreel, jisma and jidbas, and their sisters was haslelponi. 1Chr.4.4 penuel the father of gedor, and ezer the father of husha. these were the sons of hur, the firstborn of ofra, the father of bethlehem. 1Chr.4.5 ashhur, the father of tecoa, had two women, hela and naara. 1Chr.4.6 naara became her ahuzzam, hefer, temeni and ahashtari. these were the sons of naara. 1Chr.4.7 the sons of hela was sereth, sohar and etnan. 1Chr.4.8 and koz the father of anub and sobeba, and the families of aharhel, the son of harum. 1Chr.4.9 jabes was honor than his brothers. his mother called him jabes, saying, i have beyond him with weak. 1Chr.4.10 and jabes called out to the god of israel, saying, may you give me well and make my grense multiplied, and your hand will be with me and give knowledge, so that i would not be afflicted. and god gave up what he asked. 1Chr.4.11 caleb the father's father caleb the father of mehir, who was the father of estethon. 1Chr.4.12 and eston the father of bet-rapha, phaseah, and tehinna, father of ir-nahas. these were the men of recha. 1Chr.4.13 the sons of kenaz was othniel and seraia. and the sons of othniel was hatat. 1Chr.4.14 meonothai the father of ofra, and seraja the father of joab, the father of the country of the country, for they were children. 1Chr.4.15 the sons of caleb, the son of jefunne, was iru, ela and naam, and the sons of ela was kenaz. 1Chr.4.16 the sons of jehallelel were zif and zifa, tiria and asarel. 1Chr.4.17 the sons of ezra was jeter, mered, efer and jalon, and she became the father of mared, sammai, and jisbah, the father of esthemoa. 1Chr.4.18 his wife jewdia became birth to jered, the father of gedor, and heber, the father of socho, and jekutiel, the father of zanoah. these were the sons of bitja, the daughter of pharaon, which mered had taken birth. 1Chr.4.19 the sons of the wife of hodia, sister of naham, were the father of keila garmiten, and esthemoa the maachathita. 1Chr.4.20 the sons of simon was amnon and rinna, ben-hanan and tilon. the sons of jischi was zoheth and ben-zoheth. 1Chr.4.21 the sons of shilo, the son of judah: er, father of lekha, and lada, the father of maresa, and the families of the household of asbeas in the house of ashbeah, 1Chr.4.22 jokim and the men of kozeba, and joas and saraf, who remained in moab, and jashubi-lehem. but these things are things of old. 1Chr.4.23 these were branches and dwelling in netaim and gedera. they were dwelling there with the king in his serving. 1Chr.4.24 the sons of simeon was nemuel and jamin, jarib, zerah and saul. 1Chr.4.25 his son was sallum, his son was mibsam, his son was misma. 1Chr.4.26 the sons of hammuel: his son hammuel, his son zacchur, his son shim. 1Chr.4.27 simei had six sons and six daughters. but his brothers had not been many sons, and all their families did not become like the sons of judah. 1Chr.4.28 they dwelled in beer-sheba, molada, and hasar-sual, 1Chr.4.29 in bilha, in ezem, in tholad, 1Chr.4.30 betuel, horma, siklag, 1Chr.4.31 in bet-markabot, in hazar-susim, in bet-bireim and shaaraim. these were their cities until the king of david. 1Chr.4.32 and their villages were etam, ain, rimmon, token and asan, five towns. 1Chr.4.33 and all their villages who were around these towns around the towns. these were the regions of their possessions and their tribes. 1Chr.4.34 meshobab, jamlekh, and joshua, the son of amasia, 1Chr.4.35 joel, and he was the son of jeshabja, son of seraia, the son of asiel, 1Chr.4.36 elioenai, jaakoba, jesohaja, asaja, adiel, jesimiel, benaja, 1Chr.4.37 and zeza, son of sephus, son of allon, son of jedaja, who was son of shimri, son of shemaja. 1Chr.4.38 these who had been born in name was rulers in their families. and their families were multiplied in many. 1Chr.4.39 so they went to the region of gerar, to the east of the city, to seek pains for their beast. 1Chr.4.40 and they found good and good plants, and the land was open for them, and peace and quietly, for those who were dwelling there was from the sons of cham. 1Chr.4.41 these who were written in name came in the days of jezekia, king of judah, and distributed their tends and the meunites where they had found there, and destroyed them until this day, and they dwell in their place, for there were a bowing for their buments. 1Chr.4.42 and some of them of the sons of simeon went to the mountain of seir, five hundred men, and their rulers were pelatja, nearja, rephaja and uzziel, sons of jece. 1Chr.4.43 they destroyed the rest of the amalekites, who were left, and dwelled there until this day. 1Chr.5.1 the sons of ruben, the firstborn of israel, was the firstborn, but because he had taken up the bed of his father, the firstborn was given to the sons of joseph, the son of israel, so that they were not performed to the firstborn. 1Chr.5.2 for judas was strong among his brothers, and from him was a ruler, but the blessing was of joseph. 1Chr.5.3 the sons of ruben, the firstborn of israel, was hanoch and pallu, hesron and karmi. 1Chr.5.4 the sons of joel: his son semaja, his son gog, his son simei, 1Chr.5.5 his son was micha, his son reaja, his son baal, 1Chr.5.6 his son beera, whom the king of assyrien had taken captive, who was rulers of the rubens. 1Chr.5.7 and his brothers, according to their families, according to their genealogies, were: the ruler jeel and zechariah, 1Chr.5.8 bela, the son of azaz, the son of shema, son of joel. he was habited in aroer and to nebo and baal-meon, 1Chr.5.9 and on the sea he divided until the coming of the wilderness from the euphrate, for their beast were many in the land of galaad. 1Chr.5.10 in the days of saul they accompanied a war against the hagarites, and they fell in their hands and dwelled in their tents on the whole region of galaad. 1Chr.5.11 the sons of gad divided in their district in the land of basan until salka. 1Chr.5.12 joel the firstborn, and shafam the second, and janai and saphat in basan. 1Chr.5.13 their brothers, according to their families, were michael, mesullam, sheba, jorai, jakan, zia and eber, seven. 1Chr.5.14 these are the sons of abihail, son of uri, son of jedai, son of galaad, son of michael, son of jeshai, son of juri, the son of zebuam. 1Chr.5.15 the son of jediel, the son of guni, the ruler of their families. 1Chr.5.16 they dwelled in galaad, in basan and in their villages, and in all the district of saron, until they went out. 1Chr.5.17 all these are reconciled in the days of jotham, king of judah, and in the days of jerobeam, king of israel. 1Chr.5.18 the sons of ruben and gad and the half of the tribe of manasseh were wise, men who carried a aspid and a sword, who were strengthened to the war, were 44,760 who had gone out to gather. 1Chr.5.19 they attacked the hagarites, jetur, nafis, and nodab. 1Chr.5.20 and they were strengthened against them, and the hagarites and all who were with them were given in their hands, for they cried out to god in the war, and he answered them, because they endured him. 1Chr.5.21 they took captive their children, five thousand, 250.000 sheep, two thousand azels, and 1,000 persons. 1Chr.5.22 for many were erled, because the war was from god. and they dwelled in their place until the deportation had deported. 1Chr.5.23 the twelve tribes of the tribe of manasseh dwelled in the land, from basan to baal-hermon and senir and the mountain of hermon. 1Chr.5.24 these are the rulers of their families: efer, jeshai, eliel, azriel, jirmeja, hodavja and jachdiel, men of strong mighty men, rulers of their families. 1Chr.5.25 but they devoted the god of their fathers and committed sexual immorality after the gods of the people of the land, which god had destroyed from their presence. 1Chr.5.26 so the god of israel raised up the spirit of pul, king of assyrien, and the spirit of theglat-pilneser, king of assyrien, who brought them captive to ruben and gadites and the half of the tribe of manassih, and brought them to halah and habor and habor and the river of gozan, even to this day. 1Chr.6.1 the sons of levi were gerson, kehat and merari. 1Chr.6.2 the sons of cahath were amram, jizhar, hebron and uzziel. 1Chr.6.3 the sons of amram was aaron, moses and mary. the sons of aaron was nadab and abihu, eleazar and itamar. 1Chr.6.4 eleasars the father of finehas, finehas the father of abisua, 1Chr.6.5 abishua the father of boaz, and bukki the father of uzzi, 1Chr.6.6 uzzi the father of zerachia, and zerachiah the father of meraioth, 1Chr.6.7 meraioth the father of amarja, amarja the father of ahitub, 1Chr.6.8 ahitub the father of zadok, and zadok the father of ahimaas, 1Chr.6.9 ahimaas the father of azarja, and azarja the father of johanan, 1Chr.6.10 johanan the father of azariah, who was a priest in the house that salomo had build in jerusalem. 1Chr.6.11 azarja the father of amarja, amarja the father of ahitub, 1Chr.6.12 ahitub the father of zadok, and zadok the father of shallum, 1Chr.6.13 sallum the father of hilkia, and hilkia the father of azaria, 1Chr.6.14 and azarja the father of seraja, and seraja the father of josedek, 1Chr.6.15 josedek was going when jehosadak had taken captive with judah and jerusalem in the hand of nebukadnezar. 1Chr.6.16 the sons of levi were gerson, kehat and merari. 1Chr.6.17 and these are the name of the sons of gerson: libni and simei. 1Chr.6.18 the sons of cahath: amram, jizhar, hebron and uzziel. 1Chr.6.19 the sons of merari was maheli and musi. these are the families of levi according to their fathers. 1Chr.6.20 of gerson, his son was libni, his son jahat, his son zimma, 1Chr.6.21 his son joah, his son iddo, his son zerah, his son jeatrai. 1Chr.6.22 the sons of cahath: his son amminadab, his son korah, his son assir, 1Chr.6.23 his son was elkana, his son was ebjasaf, his son assir, 1Chr.6.24 his son tahath, his son uriel, his son uzzia, his son saul. 1Chr.6.25 the sons of elkana was amasai and ahimot. 1Chr.6.26 his son was elkana, his son was sofaï, his son was nahath, 1Chr.6.27 his son eliab, his son jeroham, his son elkana. 1Chr.6.28 the sons of samuel was: joy, the firstborn, and abia. 1Chr.6.29 the sons of merari: maheli, his son was libni, his son simei, his son uzza, 1Chr.6.30 his son simea, his son haggia, his son asaja. 1Chr.6.31 these are those whom david made over the change of the changes in the house of the lord, when the ark was rested. 1Chr.6.32 they were ministering before the tent of the witness with instruments, until solomon had build the house of the lord in jerusalem, and they stood in their service according to their defense. 1Chr.6.33 these are those who were standing with their sons: of the kehatites: heman the sanger, the son of joel, the son of samuel, 1Chr.6.34 the son of elkana, the son of jeroham, the son of eliel, the son of toah, 1Chr.6.35 the son of suf, the son of elkana, the son of mahat, the son of amasai, 1Chr.6.36 the son of elkana, the son of joel, the son of azarja, the son of sefanja, 1Chr.6.37 the son of tahat, the son of assir, the son of abiasaph, the son of core, 1Chr.6.38 the son of jeshar, the son of kehat, the son of levi, the son of israel. 1Chr.6.39 his brother asaf, who stood at his right hand, asaf, the son of berechija, son of simea, 1Chr.6.40 the son of michael, the son of maaseja, the son of malchija, 1Chr.6.41 the son of etni, the son of zerah, the son of adaja, 1Chr.6.42 the son of etan, the son of zimma, the son of simei, 1Chr.6.43 the son of jahat, the son of gerson, the son of levi. 1Chr.6.44 and their brothers, the sons of merari, were at his left: etan, the son of cisi, the son of abdi, the son of malluk, 1Chr.6.45 the son of hashbi, the son of amazia, the son of hilkia, 1Chr.6.46 the son of amsi, the son of bani, the son of shemer, 1Chr.6.47 the son of machli, the son of musi, the son of merari, the son of levi. 1Chr.6.48 and their brothers, the levites, were given for all the service of the tent of god. 1Chr.6.49 aaron and his sons were offering incense on the altar of holocaustes and on the altar of incense, in every service for the holy place and to make propitiation for israel, according to whatever moses, the servant of god, had commanded. 1Chr.6.50 these are the sons of aaron: his son eleazar, his son finehas, his son abisua, 1Chr.6.51 his son bukki, his son uzzi, his son zerahja, 1Chr.6.52 his son merajot, his son amarja, his son ahitub, 1Chr.6.53 his son zadok, his son ahimaas. 1Chr.6.54 now these are their dwelling place in their villages in their regions: to the sons of aaron, of the families of the kehathites, for the lot was for them, 1Chr.6.55 they gave them hebron, in the land of judah, and its bands around it. 1Chr.6.56 but the country of the city and its villages gave to caleb the son of jephone. 1Chr.6.57 and to the sons of aaron they gave the city of refuge: hebron, libna and its bander, iattemoa, estemoa and its bander, 1Chr.6.58 the defer with the weiveld of it, debir with its weiveld, 1Chr.6.59 and ashan with its weiveld, and atan and its bander, and botshemoth with the weiveld of it, 1Chr.6.60 and from the tribe of benjamin: geba with its weiveld, alemeth with its weiveld, and anatot with its weiveld. all the towns of them were trembëdhjetë towns in their families. 1Chr.6.61 the rest of the sons of cahath from the families of the tribe of manasseh from the helft of the tribe of manasseh. 1Chr.6.62 the sons of gerson, according to their families, from the tribe of issachar, from the tribe of aser and of the tribe of neftali and from the tribe of manasseh in basan. 1Chr.6.63 the sons of merari, according to their families, from the tribe of ruben, from the tribe of gad and of the tribe of zebulun. 1Chr.6.64 so the sons of israel gave those cities to the levites the towns with their weiveld. 1Chr.6.65 they gave a division from the tribe of the sons of judah and from the tribe of the sons of simeon, and from the tribe of the sons of simeon. 1Chr.6.66 some of the families of the sons of cahat were the cities of their regions from the tribe of ephraim. 1Chr.6.67 they gave to them the country of refuge, sichem with its weiveld, on the mountain of ephraim, and gezer with his weiveld, 1Chr.6.68 jokmeam and its bander, and bet-horon with its weiveld, 1Chr.6.69 ajalon and the bander of it, and gath-rimmon and its bander, 1Chr.6.70 and from the halve tribu of manasseh, aner with its weiveld, and bileam and its bander. this was the offspring of the rest of the sons of cahath. 1Chr.6.71 the sons of gerson were from the families of the halve tribe of manasseh, golan in basan with its weiveld, and astaroth with its weiveld. 1Chr.6.72 from the tribe of issachar, kedes with the weiveld of it, dobrath and its bander, 1Chr.6.73 rabor and the bander of it, and anem and its bander, 1Chr.6.74 and from the tribe of asher, mashaal with its weiveld, and abdon with its weiveld, 1Chr.6.75 hukok and its bander, rehob and its bander, 1Chr.6.76 and from the tribe of naphtali, kedes in galilee and its bander, and hammon with its weiveld, and kiriataim with its weiveld, 1Chr.6.77 to the rest of the sons of merari, that were rest, from the tribe of zebulun, rimmon and its bander, thabor with its weiveld, 1Chr.6.78 and on the other side of the jordan, on the jordan, on the down of the jordan, from the tribe of ruben: beser in the wilderness and the bander for it, 1Chr.6.79 kedemoth with its weiveld, and mephaath with its weiveld, 1Chr.6.80 and from the tribe of gad: ramoth in galaad and the bander for it, mahanaim with its weiveld, 1Chr.6.81 and hesbon and its bander, jazer and its bander, 1Chr.7.1 the sons of issachar were tola, pua, jashub, and simron, four. 1Chr.7.2 the sons of tola was uzzi, rephaja, jeriel, jachmai, jibsam and samuel, rulers of their families, of tola, strong helds in their families. their number in the days of david was 12,600. 1Chr.7.3 the son of uzzi was izrachja, and the sons of jizrachiah was michael, obadja, joel and jissia, five rulers. 1Chr.7.4 with them, according to their families, according to their houses, were a soldier at war, thirty thousand, for they had many wives and children. 1Chr.7.5 their brothers, in all the families of issachar, strangers of heirs, were eighty-seven thousand. 1Chr.7.6 benjamin was bela and beker and jediael, three. 1Chr.7.7 the sons of bela was esbon, uzzi, uzziel, jerimoth and iri, five rulers of their families, strong helds. the number of them was 22,000 and thirty. 1Chr.7.8 the sons of beker was zemira, joas, elieser, eljoenai, omri, jerimot, abija, anatot and alemet. all these were the sons of becher. 1Chr.7.9 the number of them, according to their generations, were: the rulers of their families, strangers of heirs, were 2,200. 1Chr.7.10 the sons of jediael was bilhan, and the sons of bilhan was jeeus, benjamin, ehud, kenaana, zetan, tarsis and ahisahar. 1Chr.7.11 all these were the sons of jediael, rulers of families, tappened for power, were seven thousand thousand. 1Chr.7.12 suppim and huppim were sons of ir. husim was the son of aher. 1Chr.7.13 the sons of naftali were jahasiel, guni, jeser, and shallum, sons of bilha. 1Chr.7.14 the sons of manasseh was asriel, whom his arame woman had born. she became birth to machir, the father of galaad. 1Chr.7.15 machir had received a wife for huppim and shuppim, the name of his sister was maacha. his second name was selofhad, and selofhad had a daughter. 1Chr.7.16 maacha, the wife of machir, became a son, and he called him peres, and his brother was seres, and his son was ulam and rekem. 1Chr.7.17 the son of ulam was bedan. these were the sons of galaad, the son of machir, the son of manasseh. 1Chr.7.18 his sister hammolecheth became birth of ishod, abiezer, and mahla. 1Chr.7.19 the sons of shemida were ahian, shechem, likhi and aniam. 1Chr.7.20 the sons of ephraim was shutelah, his son bered, his son tahat, his son eleada, his son tahat, 1Chr.7.21 his son zabad, his son shutelah, and ezer and elead, and the men of gath who was born in the land, because they went down to take their possessions. 1Chr.7.22 their father ephraim sørged for many days, and his brothers came to console him. 1Chr.7.23 and he entered his wife, and she became beyond child and became a son, and he called him beria, because it was in the affliction in my house. 1Chr.7.24 his mother she was seera. she build the next and the above bet-horon and uzzen-seera. 1Chr.7.25 refah was his son, and resaf and telah, his son, and tahan his son, 1Chr.7.26 his son was ladan, his son ammihud, his son elishama, 1Chr.7.27 his son nun, his son josua. 1Chr.7.28 the possession of them and their dwelling place was bet-el and its onderhoriges, from øst naaran, and west gezer and its onderhorige places, and sichem and its onderhorige places, until gaza and its onderhorige places. 1Chr.7.29 and at the region of the sons of manasseh was bet-shean with its onderhoriges, taanach and its onderhoriges, megiddo and its onderhoriges, dor and its onderhorige places. in these divided the sons of joseph, the son of israel. 1Chr.7.30 the sons of aser were jimna, jisva, jisvi, beria, and serah their sister. 1Chr.7.31 the sons of beria was heber and malchiel, who was the father of birzahith. 1Chr.7.32 heber was the father of jaflet, somer, hotham, and their sister shua. 1Chr.7.33 the sons of jaflet were pasak, bimhal and ashvat. these were the sons of jaflet. 1Chr.7.34 the sons of shamer: ahi and rohga, jechuba and aram. 1Chr.7.35 the sons of his brother helem: sofah, jimna, seles and amal. 1Chr.7.36 the sons of sopha was suah, harnefer, sual, beri, jimra, 1Chr.7.37 beser, hood, samma, silsa, jitran and beera. 1Chr.7.38 the sons of jether was jefunne, pispa and ara. 1Chr.7.39 the sons of ola was arah, hanniel and resia. 1Chr.7.40 all these were sons of aser, rulers of families, elect, forts, rulers, rulers of rulers. the number of their number were twenty-six thousand. 1Chr.8.1 benjamin was the father of bela, his firstborn, asbel the second, achrah the third, 1Chr.8.2 noha the fourth, and rafa the fourth. 1Chr.8.3 the sons of bela were: addar, gera, abihud, 1Chr.8.4 abisua, naaman, ahoah, 1Chr.8.5 gera, shefufan and huram. 1Chr.8.6 and these were the sons of ehud, who were families of families among those who were in geba and delivered them to manahath, 1Chr.8.7 naaman, ahija, and gera. he put them in the land, and the father of uzza and ahihud. 1Chr.8.8 seharaim had been born in the country of moab, after he had sent his wife husim and baara. 1Chr.8.9 he had been born of hodes, his wife, jobab, sibja, mesa, malkam, 1Chr.8.10 jeeus, sachja, and mirma. these were his sons, families of families. 1Chr.8.11 and from husim he was the father of abitub and elpaal. 1Chr.8.12 the sons of elpaal was eber and misham and shemed, who best ono and lod and its villages. 1Chr.8.13 beria and shema. these were the families of the families who were in ajalon. they departed the residents of gath. 1Chr.8.14 ahija, shashak, jeremot, 1Chr.8.15 zebadja, arad, eder, 1Chr.8.16 michael, jispa, and joha were the sons of beria. 1Chr.8.17 and zebadja, mesullam, hizki, heber, 1Chr.8.18 jismerai, jislia and jobab were the sons of elpaal. 1Chr.8.19 jakim, zikri, zabdi, 1Chr.8.20 elienai, silletai, eliel, 1Chr.8.21 adaja, beraja and simrat were the sons of simei. 1Chr.8.22 jispan, eber, eliel, 1Chr.8.23 abdon, zichri, hanan, 1Chr.8.24 hananja, elam, antotija, 1Chr.8.25 jifdeja and penuel were the sons of shashak. 1Chr.8.26 samserai, sheharja, atalja, 1Chr.8.27 jaaresja, elijah, zichri, the sons of jeroham. 1Chr.8.28 these were the rulers of families, rulers in their generations. they dwelled in jerusalem. 1Chr.8.29 in gibeon bowed the father of gabaon, the name of his wife was maacha, 1Chr.8.30 and her firstborn son was abdon, then shur, cis, baal, nadab, 1Chr.8.31 gedor, ahio, and zecher. 1Chr.8.32 mikloth the father of simea. they also bowed with their brothers in jerusalem, with their brothers. 1Chr.8.33 ner the father of cis, and cis the father of saul, and saul the father of jonathan and malki-shua and abinadab and esbaal. 1Chr.8.34 the son of jonathan was merib-baal, and merib-baal was the father of micha. 1Chr.8.35 the sons of micha was piton, melek, tarea, and ahaz. 1Chr.8.36 and ahaz the father of joadda, and jehoadda the father of alemeth and azmaveth and zimri, and zimri the father of moza. 1Chr.8.37 mosa the father of bina, his son was rafa, his son was elasa, his son was asel. 1Chr.8.38 and azel had six sons, and these are their name: azrikam, bokeru, ismael, searja, obadja and hanan. all these were sons of azel. 1Chr.8.39 the sons of his brother esek was ulam, his firstborn, jewish the second, and eliphelet the third. 1Chr.8.40 the sons of ulam were strong mighty men, strangers of bound. they had many sons and sons of children, 150. all these were of the sons of benjamin. 1Chr.9.1 so the whole israel was registered in genealogy, and behold, they were written in the book of the kings of israel. and judas led captive to babylon because of their trespasses. 1Chr.9.2 the first inwoners in their possessions in their towns were israel, the priests, the priests and the nethinites. 1Chr.9.3 in jerusalem they dwelled among the sons of judah, from the sons of benjamin and of the sons of ephraim and manasseh, 1Chr.9.4 atalja, the son of amiud, son of amri, the son of perets, the son of judah, 1Chr.9.5 of the silonites: asaja, the firstborn, and his sons; 1Chr.9.6 of the sons of zerah: jeziel and their brothers, 690; 1Chr.9.7 of the sons of benjamin: sallu, the son of mesullam, the son of hodavia, the son of hassenua, 1Chr.9.8 and jibneja, the son of jeroham, and ela, son of uzzi, son of machir, and messalem, son of shefatja, son of rehuel, son of benaja, 1Chr.9.9 and their brothers, according to their generations, 956. all these men were families of families in their families. 1Chr.9.10 and of the priests: jedaja, jojarib, jachin, 1Chr.9.11 and azarja, son of hilkia, son of meshullam, the son of zadok, son of meraia, the son of ahitub, the ruler of the house of god, 1Chr.9.12 adaja, son of jeroham, son of pashur, the son of malchijah, and maaseja, son of adiel, son of jedija, son of meshullam, son of immer, 1Chr.9.13 and their brothers, the rulers of their families, 1760, devout men to worship in the house of god. 1Chr.9.14 and of the levites: semaja, the son of hasub, son of asrikam, son of hashabja, of the sons of merari, 1Chr.9.15 bakbakar, heres, galal, mattanja, the son of micha, the son of zechri, the son of asaph; 1Chr.9.16 obadia, son of semaja, the son of galal, the son of jedutun, and berechija, the son of asa, the son of elkana, who was in the villages of netofa. 1Chr.9.17 the gates: shallum, akkub, talmon, ahiman and their brothers. sallum was the ruler, 1Chr.9.18 and as it is in the door of the king, at the sea, these are the ports of the tenders of the sons of levi. 1Chr.9.19 sallum, the son of coré, the son of ebjasaf, who was the son of core, and his brothers, who were in his father's house, the korahites, guarded the guards of the tent, and their fathers were guard at the camp of the lord. 1Chr.9.20 finehas, the son of eleazar, was before them, and the lord was with him. 1Chr.9.21 zechariah, the son of meshelemja, was a gater for the door of the tent of witness. 1Chr.9.22 all these who were chosen in the gates were 212. these were in their families, in their families. david and samuel the seeer set them for their faith. 1Chr.9.23 so they and their sons were at the guards of the gates of the house of the lord, the house of the tent. 1Chr.9.24 the officers were according to the four wind, the sea, the sea, the south. 1Chr.9.25 their brothers in their villages were about seven days to come with them for seven days. 1Chr.9.26 for the four officers of the gates were faithful. they were over the treasures and the treasures of the house of god. 1Chr.9.27 and they were carried around the house of god, for their guard was upon them, and they were to open the door early in the morning. 1Chr.9.28 some of them were over the waves of the ministering, for in an number they were brought in, and in number they were carried out. 1Chr.9.29 some of them were instructed over the vessels and all the things of the holy places, both of the fever, the wine, the olio, the incense and the balsams. 1Chr.9.30 some of the sons of the priests were especially the fish of oints. 1Chr.9.31 mattithja, one of the levites, the firstborn of shallum the korah, was carried for the work of the food. 1Chr.9.32 some of the kehathites, among their brothers, were set over the bread of the presence, that they were prepared for every sabbath. 1Chr.9.33 these are the instruments of the families of the levites, who were carried in their divisions, because they were in their work in day and night. 1Chr.9.34 these were the families of the families of the levites, rulers according to their generations. they habited in jerusalem. 1Chr.9.35 in gibeon was jehiel, the father of gabaon, the name of his wife was maacha, 1Chr.9.36 his first son was abdon, then zur, and kis, and baal, and ner, and nadab, 1Chr.9.37 gedor, ahio, zechariah, and miklot. 1Chr.9.38 micloth the father of simea. these also were in jerusalem with their brothers in jerusalem. 1Chr.9.39 ner the father of cis, and cis the father of saul, and saul the father of jonathan and malki-shua and abinadab and esbaal. 1Chr.9.40 and the son of jonathan was merib-baal, and merib-baal was the father of micha, 1Chr.9.41 the sons of micha were piton and melek and tahrea. 1Chr.9.42 and ahaz the father of jara, and jara the father of alemeth and azmavet and zimri, and zimri the father of mosa; 1Chr.9.43 mosa was the father of binea, his son was refaja, his son was eleasa, his son was asel. 1Chr.9.44 and azel had six sons, and these are their name: azrikam, bochru, ismael, shearja, obadja and hanan. these were the sons of azel. 1Chr.10.1 the filistyne distributed the israel, and the people fled from the people of israel, and dead people fell on the mountain of gilboa. 1Chr.10.2 the filistyne followed saul and his sons, and they killed jonatan, abinadab, and malki-shua, the sons of saul. 1Chr.10.3 the war was burdened against saul, and the bound found him, and he grew greatly for the bound. 1Chr.10.4 and saul said to his waffenner, drew your sword and strike me by it, that these uncircumcised may not come and scarge me. but his waffenaar refused not, for he was afraid. so saul took his sword and fell on it. 1Chr.10.5 when his wapendrayer saw that saul had died, he also fell on his sword and died. 1Chr.10.6 so died saul and his three sons, and all his household died together. 1Chr.10.7 when all the israelites who were in the down saw that they had escaped and that saul and his sons were dead, they left their towns and fled. then the filistyne came and dwelled in them. 1Chr.10.8 the next day the filistyne came to plunder those who were killed, and they found saul and his sons liggende on the mountain of gilboa. 1Chr.10.9 they departed him and took his head and his waves and sent him to the land of the philistins to bring the good news to their idols and to the people. 1Chr.10.10 they put his waves in the house of their gods, and his head they put in the house of dagon. 1Chr.10.11 when all the inwoners of gilead heard of all that the filistyne had done to saul, 1Chr.10.12 then all the helden men rose and took the body of saul and the body of his sons and brought them to jabesh, and they buried their bears under the terebinthe of jabesh, and they fasted seven days. 1Chr.10.13 so died saul because of his transgression that he had done against the lord, because he had not guarded the word of the lord, and even because he had asked to consult the spirit, 1Chr.10.14 but he did not seek the lord. so he killed him and rejected the kingdom to david the son of isaï. 1Chr.11.1 so the whole israel came to david in hebron, saying, we are your body and your flesh. 1Chr.11.2 indeed, as saul was a king, you were one who brought out and bring israel out. and the lord, your god, said to you, you will shepherd my people israel and be a ruler over my people israel. 1Chr.11.3 so all the elders of israel came to the king to hebron, and david made a covenant with them in hebron before the lord, and they anointed david to be king over israel, according to the word of the lord by samuel. 1Chr.11.4 so the king and all israel went to jerusalem, that is jebus, and there were the jebussites, the inwoners of the land. 1Chr.11.5 and the residents of jebus said to david, you will not enter here. but david kept the neighbor of zion, that is the city of david. 1Chr.11.6 and david said, the one who belong on the first jebuss will become ruler and ruler. and joab, the son of seruia, went up first, and it was a ruler. 1Chr.11.7 so david remained in the neighbor, therefore they called it the city of david. 1Chr.11.8 and he built the town around, and when he had gathered, he took the city. 1Chr.11.9 so david greatly greatly greatly, and the lord, the lord of the allmächtige, was with him. 1Chr.11.10 these are the rulers of the helds of david, who were strengthened with him in his kingdom, with all israel, to make him a king according to the word of the lord for israel. 1Chr.11.11 this is the number of the helds of david: joshobaam the son of hachmoni, the ruler of the thirty. he carried his sword against three hundred who killed in one time. 1Chr.11.12 after him was eleazar, the son of dodo, the ahohita, one of the three helds. 1Chr.11.13 he was with david at pas-dammim, where the filisteos had gathered to fight there. there was a district of a field full of jew, and the people fled from the filistyne. 1Chr.11.14 but they stood in the midst of the district and saved it and killed the filisteos. so the lord gave a great salvation. 1Chr.11.15 three of the thirty rulers went down to david in the rock to david at the spelonce of adullam, while the tender of the philistins was at the vall refaim. 1Chr.11.16 david was then in the bergvesting, and a guarnition of the philistins was at bethlehem. 1Chr.11.17 and david desired to do, and he said, who would give me water of water from the cistern of bethlehem, who is at the door? 1Chr.11.18 so the three turned to the tender of the philistins and water water out of the cistern of bethlehem, which was at the door, and took it and brought it to david. but david did not drink it but sow it out for the lord 1Chr.11.19 and said, may god be means of me to do this. do i drink the blood of these men with their souls? for by their souls they brought it. and he refused to drink it. these were done these three helds. 1Chr.11.20 abishai, brother of joab, was the ruler of the three. and he carried his sword against three hundred, who killed them. and he was a name among the three. 1Chr.11.21 he was honor of the three who were honor than the two, and was their ruler, but did not come to the three. 1Chr.11.22 benaia, the son of jehojada, son of a held man, of great works of kabseel, he killed the two of ariel of moab. he went down and distributed a lion in a cistern on a new day. 1Chr.11.23 he killed a man of egypt, a man of a piece of four cubiti, and in the hand of the egypt was a speer as a webersbok of tweck. so he went down to him with a stock and remained the spies from the hand of the egypt and killed him with his own own lance. 1Chr.11.24 these did benaia, the son of jehojada, and was a name among the three helds. 1Chr.11.25 he was greatly glorified than the three, but did not come to the three. and david put him over his officers. 1Chr.11.26 the helds of the armées: asahel, brother of joab; elhanan, the son of dodo, of betlehem; 1Chr.11.27 sammot the harorith, heles the pelonite, 1Chr.11.28 ira, the son of ikkes, the tekoathiet; abiezer of anatot; 1Chr.11.29 sibbechai the husathita; ilai the ahohita; 1Chr.11.30 mahrai the netophathites, heled the son of baana of netofa, 1Chr.11.31 ittai, the son of ribai, of gibea of benjamin, benaja the pirathoniten; 1Chr.11.32 hurai from nahale-gaash; abiel the arbatites; 1Chr.11.33 azmavet the baharumiten; eliachba the saalbonites; 1Chr.11.34 bene-hashem the gizonite; jonatan, the son of shage, the hararite; 1Chr.11.35 ahiam, the son of sabor, the harariet; eliphaal, the son of ur; 1Chr.11.36 hefer the mecherites; ahia the pelonite; 1Chr.11.37 hesro the carmeliet; naarai, the son of ezbai; 1Chr.11.38 joel, brother of nathan, mibhar, the son of hagri, 1Chr.11.39 selek the ammonites, naharai the beerothita, slangers of joab, son of zeruia, 1Chr.11.40 ira the jitrite; gareb the jitrite; 1Chr.11.41 uria the heth; zabad, the son of ahlai; 1Chr.11.42 adina, the son of zeza, a ruler of the rubenites, and over him thirty; 1Chr.11.43 hanan, the son of maacha, and jehoshafat the mitnite, 1Chr.11.44 uzzia the astaroth; shama and jehiel, sons of hotham, the aroariet; 1Chr.11.45 jediael, the son of simri, and his brother joha the tizish, 1Chr.11.46 eliel the mahavites, jeribai and joshawja, his sons, elnaam, and jitma the moabite, 1Chr.11.47 eliel, obed, and jaasiel of mesoba. 1Chr.12.1 now these are the ones who came to david to siklag, while he was still standing before saul, the son of kis, who were among the helds who helked in the war. 1Chr.12.2 they were seated with bound, strangers at the right hand and at his left, strangers with bound and strelders. some of the brothers of saul were from benjamin. 1Chr.12.3 the ruler ahiezer and joas, the sons of shemaa of gibeah; jeziel and pelet, sons of azmaveth, and beraka, and jehu of anatot; 1Chr.12.4 jismaiah the gabaonites, held among the thirty and over the thirty; jeremijah, jahaziel, johanan, jozabad, and jozabad the gederathites, 1Chr.12.5 eluzai, jerimoth, bealja, shemarja, and shefatja of harif; 1Chr.12.6 elcana, jissia, azarel, joezer, and jashobeam, the korahites, 1Chr.12.7 joela and zebadja, sons of jeroham, of gedor. 1Chr.12.8 from the gadites were departed to david from the desolate country, helds of held, held officers and spies. their faces were like lions, their faces were like gazes on the mountains. 1Chr.12.9 ezer was the ruler, obadia the second, eliab the third, 1Chr.12.10 mishmanna the fourth, jirmeja the fifth, 1Chr.12.11 attai the sixth, eliel the seventh, 1Chr.12.12 johanan the eighth, elzabad the night, 1Chr.12.13 jirmeja the twelve, machbannai the eltenth. 1Chr.12.14 these were of the sons of gad, rulers of soldiers, the little of the hundred, and the great among the thousand. 1Chr.12.15 these are those who passed over jordan in the first month, when he was fulfilled with all his break. so they destroyed all the residents of the valles, from east and west. 1Chr.12.16 some of the sons of benjamin and of juda came to david in the help. 1Chr.12.17 and david went out to meet them and said to them, if you have come to me in peace, that you may make my heart with you, but if you are to deliver me over to my enemies, though it is not in my hands, the god of our fathers see it and rebuke it. 1Chr.12.18 then the spirit came up to amasai, the ruler of the thirty, and he said, we will have, david, and with you, o son of jesse! peace, peace be with you, and peace to those who held you, for your god helped you. so david welcomed them and gave them the rulers of the helds. 1Chr.12.19 some of the manassites returned to david, when he came with the philistins to fight against saul, but he could not help them, for the officers of the philistins had been conceived, saying, he will return to his master saul. 1Chr.12.20 when he went to siklag, adnah, jozabad, jediael, michael, jozabad, elihu, sillethai, elihu, elihu and sillethai, rulers of the miliers of manasseh. 1Chr.12.21 they gathered david against the banners, for they were all strong, and they were rulers in the heir. 1Chr.12.22 for day of day they came to david for a great power, as great power, like the power of god. 1Chr.12.23 now this is the name of the rulers of armée, who came to david to hebron, to set the kingdom of saul to him, according to the word of the lord: 1Chr.12.24 the sons of judah, who carried off and ward, were six thousand men of held, 1Chr.12.25 of the sons of simeon, strong held in held, seven thousand and hundred. 1Chr.12.26 of the sons of levi, four thousand and 600. 1Chr.12.27 and jehojada was the ruler of the sons of aaron, and with him three thousand seven. 1Chr.12.28 and zadok, a young man, a strong held, and his hometown, two rulers. 1Chr.12.29 of the sons of benjamin, the brothers of saul, three thousand, while the more of them still remained the house of saul. 1Chr.12.30 of the sons of ephraim, five thousand and five thousand, daily held, men of honor in their families. 1Chr.12.31 of the half of the tribe of manasseh, eight thousand thousand who were called in name to make david a king. 1Chr.12.32 of the sons of issachar, who recognized the time, knowing what israel would do, two hundred rulers, and all their brothers with them. 1Chr.12.33 of zebulun, who went out to belong in war, with all belong of soldiers, five thousand, to help david with a guard. 1Chr.12.34 of neftali, 1000 rulers, and with them seven seven thousand. 1Chr.12.35 of the danites, set into war, 28 and seven thousand. 1Chr.12.36 of aser, who went out to make help in war, 4,000. 1Chr.12.37 and from the other side of the jordan, from ruben and gadites and of the half of the tribe of manasseh, 12,000 with all belonging to sold. 1Chr.12.38 all these soldiers, departed to slain, were with a sinful spirit to hebron, to make david ruler over all israel. so also all the rest of israel were one someone to reign david. 1Chr.12.39 and they were there with david three days, eating and drinking, for their brothers had prepared for them. 1Chr.12.40 also those belonging to them, until issachar and zebulon and neftali, brought a food for them on the cammels, on the camelers, on the muills, and on the oxen, and on the oxen. there were food, fish, fixs, preses, wine, olives, sheep and sheep in multitude, for there was rejoice in israel. 1Chr.13.1 david consulted with the rulers and centurions, with all the rulers, 1Chr.13.2 and david said to the whole israel, if it is good for you and if it is from the lord our god, let us send a message to our brothers in all the land of israel, and to the priests and levites in the towns of their possessions, that they may gather to us, 1Chr.13.3 and let we bring the ark of our god to us, for we were not seeking for it at the days of saul. 1Chr.13.4 and the whole church said to do so, for it was right in the eyes of all the people. 1Chr.13.5 so david gathered all israel from the region of egypt until the coming to hamat, to bring the ark of god from kiriath-jearim. 1Chr.13.6 so david and all israel went up to baala, in kiriath-jearim, which is in judah, to bring from there the ark of god, the lord who sits on the cherubim, where his name was called. 1Chr.13.7 they put the ark of god on a new wagen from the house of abinadab, and uzza and ahio gathered the wagen. 1Chr.13.8 and david and all israel waited before god with all power, with psalteres, harps, timpans, cymblings, trompettes and trumpets. 1Chr.13.9 and when they came to the mont of kidon, uzza stretched out his hand to endure the ark, for the oxen departed. 1Chr.13.10 then the wrath of the lord was burned against uzza, and he killed him because he had stretched his hand to the ark, and he died there before god. 1Chr.13.11 and david died that the lord had broken a bright in uzza, and he called this place perez-uzza, even to this day. 1Chr.13.12 and david was afraid of god in that day, and said, how will i bring the ark of god to me? 1Chr.13.13 so david did not bring the ark to himself in the city of david, but put it away to the house of obed-edom the gath. 1Chr.13.14 and the ark of god remained in obed-edom three months, and the lord blessed obed-edom and all his things. 1Chr.14.1 hiram, king of tyre, sent a messengers to david, and a sedertree, and seaders, and clocars, to build for him a house. 1Chr.14.2 and david recognized that the lord had made him ready over israel, for his kingdom was exalted for his people israel. 1Chr.14.3 and david took more wives in jerusalem, and david became still children and daughters. 1Chr.14.4 these are the name of those who had been in jerusalem: sammua, sobab, nathan, solomon, 1Chr.14.5 jibhar, elishua, elpelet, 1Chr.14.6 noga, nefeg, jafia, 1Chr.14.7 elishama, beeliada, and elifelet. 1Chr.14.8 when the filisteos heard that david had been made made made a king over all israel, they all went up to seek david. and when david heard it, he went out to meet them. 1Chr.14.9 the jews came and repared in the dal of refaim. 1Chr.14.10 and david asked god, shall i go against the philistins? shall you give them in my hand? and the lord said to him, come, for i will give them in your hand. 1Chr.14.11 so they went up to baal-perasim, and david struck them there. and david said, god has broken my enemies by my hand like a break of water. so he called the place of that place baal-perasim. 1Chr.14.12 they left there their gods, and david told them to burn. 1Chr.14.13 the philister returned again and spread in the dal of refaim. 1Chr.14.14 and david again asked god, and god said to him, do not go back after them, but fall from them and fall them before the back. 1Chr.14.15 and when you hear a rop by the back of the baches, then go out to the war, for god will come out before you to strike the camp of the philistins. 1Chr.14.16 david did just as god had commanded him, and they killed the tender of the filistyne from gibeon to gezer. 1Chr.14.17 and the name of david was in all the lands, and the lord gave his fear upon all the nations. 1Chr.15.1 and he prepared for him houses in the city of david, and prepared a place for the ark of god and made a tent for it. 1Chr.15.2 then david said, no one will take the ark of god except the levites, for the lord has chosen them to bear the ark of god and to serve him forever. 1Chr.15.3 so david gathered all israel to jerusalem, to bring the ark of the lord to the place that he had prepared for it. 1Chr.15.4 and david gathered the sons of aaron and the levites. 1Chr.15.5 of the sons of cahat, uriel the ruler and his brothers, 120; 1Chr.15.6 of the sons of merari: asaja, the ruler, and his brothers, 250; 1Chr.15.7 of the sons of gershom: joel the ruler and his brothers, 130; 1Chr.15.8 of the sons of elizafan: semaja the ruler and his brothers, 200; 1Chr.15.9 of the sons of hebron, eliel the ruler and his brothers, eight; 1Chr.15.10 of the sons of uzziel, amminadab the ruler and his brothers, 112. 1Chr.15.11 and david called the priests zadok and abiathar and the levites uriel, asaja, joel, shemaja, eliel and amminadab, 1Chr.15.12 and said to them, you are the rulers of the families of the levites. purify yourselves and your brothers, and bring the ark of the lord, the god of israel, where i have prepared for it. 1Chr.15.13 for in the former time you did not leave, the lord our god has cut to us, because we did not seek in a judgment. 1Chr.15.14 so the priests and the levites were sanctified to bring the ark of the lord of israel. 1Chr.15.15 and the sons of the levites took the ark of god in burres, as moses had prescrived by the word of god. 1Chr.15.16 and david told the rulers of the levites to set their brothers, the psalties, with instruments of musices, psalters, harpas and cymblings, so that they might call the glad of joy. 1Chr.15.17 so the levites appointed heman, the son of joel, and from his brothers asaph the son of berechiah, and of the sons of merari, his brothers, ethan the son of kushii, 1Chr.15.18 and with them their second brothers, the second brothers: zechariah, jaaziel, jaaziel, shemiramoth, jehiel, unni, eliab, benaja, maaseja, mattithiah, elifelehu, mikneja, obed-edom and jehiel, the gates. 1Chr.15.19 the sangers heman, asaph and etan were charged with a bronzing cymbal. 1Chr.15.20 zechariah, uzziel, shemiramoth, jehiel, unni, eliab, maaseja and benaia were in harps. 1Chr.15.21 mattithiah, eliphelehu, mikneja, obed-edom, jehiel and uzzia, with citars in the accusation, to calling. 1Chr.15.22 and chenanja, the ruler of the levites, was a ruler over the way, for he was understanding. 1Chr.15.23 berechija and elkana were gathers for the ark. 1Chr.15.24 shebanja, joshafat, nathanael, amasai, zechariah, benaia and eliezer, the priests, trompetted the trumpets before the ark of god, and obed-edom and jehia were portiers by the ark. 1Chr.15.25 so david and the elders of israel and the tribunes went to bring the ark of the covenant from the house of obed-edom, with joy. 1Chr.15.26 and when god could help the levites who had the ark of the covenant, they offered seven boves and seven judges. 1Chr.15.27 david was clothed in a linen clothing, and so all the levites who had the ark, the instruments, and kenanja, the ruler of the waves of the sangers, and david was on david a ephod of fine clothing. 1Chr.15.28 so all israel took up the ark of the covenant with alarm and with trumpet and trumpet and cymbling harps and harpas. 1Chr.15.29 when the ark of the covenant came to the city of david, michal, the daughter of saul, looked by the fenster, and when she saw the king david calling and dansing, she despised him in her life. 1Chr.16.1 so they brought the ark of god and laid it in the place of the tent that david had set for it, and they offered brandoffers and freudenoffers before god. 1Chr.16.2 when david had finished off the holocaustos and sacrifices pacifics, he blessed the people in the name of the lord. 1Chr.16.3 and he distributed to all the people of israel, both man and woman, one bread, a money, a portion of bread and a portion of portion. 1Chr.16.4 he put out of the levites from the levites to serve and praise and praise the lord, the god of israel, to praise. 1Chr.16.5 asaf was the ruler, and the second by him zechariah, jehiel, shemiramoth, jehiel, mattithiah, eliab, benaja, obed-edom, and jehiel, with psalters and harpas, and asaf was cinging with cymbalos, 1Chr.16.6 benaja and jahaziel, the priests, continued in the trumpets before the ark of the covenant. 1Chr.16.7 in that day david commanded an beginning to praise the lord by asaf and his brothers, 1Chr.16.8 thank the lord, call his name, make his deeds known among the nations. 1Chr.16.9 sing to him, praise him, tell all his wonders. 1Chr.16.10 praise for his holy name! the hearts of those who seek him will rejoice. 1Chr.16.11 seek for the lord and his power, seek always his face. 1Chr.16.12 remember his wonders, which he has done, his wonders and the judgments of his mouth, 1Chr.16.13 you, offspring of israel, his servants, you sons of jacob, his elect. 1Chr.16.14 he is the lord our god, his judgments are throughout all the earth. 1Chr.16.15 remember forever his covenant, the word that he commanded for a thousand generation, 1Chr.16.16 which he made with abraham, and his oath to isaac, 1Chr.16.17 he made it for jacob as a law, for israel as eternal covenant, 1Chr.16.18 saying, i will give you the land of canaan for your heirs. 1Chr.16.19 when you were a little number, a feast, and a stranger in it. 1Chr.16.20 they went from nation to nation, from a kingdom to another people, 1Chr.16.21 he did not allow anyone to help them, and he reasoned kings for their sake, 1Chr.16.22 do not touch my salvede, and do not do evil to my prophets. 1Chr.16.23 sing to the lord, all the earth, proclaim from day to day. 1Chr.16.25 for the lord is great and greater praise, on fear of all god. 1Chr.16.26 for all the gods of the nations are idols, but the lord made heaven. 1Chr.16.27 glory and glory is for his face, power and glory in his place. 1Chr.16.28 give to the lord, you families of the nations, give to the lord glory and power. 1Chr.16.29 give to the lord the glory of his name, bring gifts and come before him, worship the lord in the holy places. 1Chr.16.30 fear him, all the earth! the earth is ready, and it will not be shaken. 1Chr.16.31 let the heavens rejoice, and the earth may rejoice, and let them say among the nations: the lord regives. 1Chr.16.32 let the sea wut with its fullness, the ground of the field and all that is in it. 1Chr.16.33 then the trebis of the wald will rejoice for the lord, for he has come to judge the earth. 1Chr.16.34 give thanks to the lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever. 1Chr.16.35 and say, save us, o god of our salvation, and deliver us out of the nations, that we may praise your holy name and boast in your praise. 1Chr.16.36 blessed be the lord, the god of israel, from ever and forever! and all the people said, amen! and they changed the lord. 1Chr.16.37 so he left asaph and his brothers, before the ark of the covenant, to serve always in the presence of the ark, so as for every day, 1Chr.16.38 obed-edom, the son of jedutun, and his brothers, 68, and obed-edom, the son of jeduthun, and hosa, for gathers. 1Chr.16.39 and the priest zadok and his brothers, the priests, before the tent of the lord at the offering place in gibeon, 1Chr.16.40 to offering sacrifices for the lord on the altar of the brandopfer continually in the morning and eating, according to whatever it was written in the law of the lord, which he had prescrived to israel. 1Chr.16.41 and with them heman and jeduthun and the rest of those who were called named to praise the lord, for his mercy is forever. 1Chr.16.42 heman and jeduthun had with trumpet and cymbal, with instruments and instruments of instruments for the way of god. and the sons of jeduthun were to the door. 1Chr.16.43 so all the people went, each to his house, and david returned to blessed his house. 1Chr.17.1 as david dwelled in his house, david said to the prophet nathan, behold, i dwell in a house of sedery, and the ark of the covenant is under tenders. 1Chr.17.2 and natan said to david, do whatever is in your heart, for god is with you. 1Chr.17.3 but in that very night the word of god came to nathan, saying, 1Chr.17.4 go and tell my servant david: so said the lord: you will not build me a house to abide. 1Chr.17.5 for i have not dwelling in a house from the day that i brought israel from the day to this day, but i have been in a tent and in a tent. 1Chr.17.6 while i went through all israel, did i say to one of the tribes of israel to charge my people, saying, why you did not build for me a sealing house? 1Chr.17.7 so do this to my servant david: so says the lord of the armées, i have received you from the sheep, from after the sheep, to be ruler over my people israel. 1Chr.17.8 and i was with you overcome where you were going, and i have destroyed all your enemies from your presence, and i have made to you a name like the name of the great ones on earth. 1Chr.17.9 and i will make a place for my people israel, and i will plant it, so that he may dwell in himself and never be anxious, and the evil people will not break him again as in the beginning, 1Chr.17.10 even from the day when i made judges over my people israel. i have afflicted all your enemies. and i will make you fructify, and the lord will build you a house. 1Chr.17.11 when your days are fulfilled and you have fallen with your fathers, i will raise up your offspring after you, who will be from your women, and i will restaure his kingdom. 1Chr.17.12 he will build me a house, and i will make his throne forever. 1Chr.17.13 i will be his father, and he will be my son, and i will not turn my mercy from him, as i did away from him who was before you. 1Chr.17.14 but i will set him in my house and in my kingdom forever, and his throne will be established forever. 1Chr.17.15 natan spoke to david according to all these words and according to all this vision. 1Chr.17.16 then the king david came and sat down before the lord, and said, who is i, lord god, and what is my house, that you have brought me to this age? 1Chr.17.17 yet even this was greater in your eyes, o god, and you have spoken to the house of your servant at a distance, and you have seen me as a human being, o lord god! 1Chr.17.18 what can david do more to you to glorify your servant? you know your servant? 1Chr.17.19 according to your heart you have made all great great things. 1Chr.17.20 lord, there is no one like you, and there is no god except you, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 1Chr.17.21 and and in the earth there is a nation like your people israel, which god went to redey for himself to be his people, to make yourself a name of great and terrible, to drive nations before your people, which you delivered from egypt? 1Chr.17.22 you have made your people israel to be your people forever, and you, lord, were a god of them. 1Chr.17.23 so do now, o lord, the word that you have spoken about your servant and his household be faithful forever. 1Chr.17.24 who said, lord, god of the allmächtige, god of israel, and the house of your servant david is ready in your presence, 1Chr.17.25 for you, o god, have opened to your servant to build for him a house. therefore your servant has found to pray for your face. 1Chr.17.26 and now, lord, you are god, and you have told this good things to your servant. 1Chr.17.27 and now it has decided to blessed the house of your servant, that it may be forever before you, for you, lord, have blessed it, and he will be blessed forever. 1Chr.18.1 after this david killed the philistins and humilied them, and he took gath and its villages from the hand of the philistins. 1Chr.18.2 he killed moabites, and moabites were made slaves of david. 1Chr.18.3 so david struck hadar-ezer, king of soba, at hamath, while he was going to set his hands on the river euphrates. 1Chr.18.4 and david took him a thousand waves, seven thousand horses and 2,000 man of furs. and he distributed all the waves of the waves, but left them a hundred waves. 1Chr.18.5 when the syrians of damascus came to help to hadar-ezer, king of soba, david killed two and two thousand men of the syrians. 1Chr.18.6 and david put guarnices in syria in damascus, and syrians were david servants and accepting gifts. and the lord helked david overdeed where he went. 1Chr.18.7 and david took the golds of gold that had been over the servants of hadar-ezer and brought them to jerusalem. 1Chr.18.8 and from hadar-ezers, and from chun, the cities of hadarezer, david took a great bronze with him. out of it he made the bronze of bronze, the colonne and the bronze. 1Chr.18.9 when toï, the king of hamath, heard that david had killed all the power of hadar-ezer, king of soba, 1Chr.18.10 and he sent his son hadoram to david, to ask him to peace and to give him blessing, because he had gathered against hadar-ezer and belonged him, for hadar-ezer had fight against toï. and he had brought all goods of gold, silver and silver. 1Chr.18.11 so david sanctified to the lord with the silver and gold that he had taken from all the nations, from edom and moab, and from the sons of ammon, and from the jews and from amalec. 1Chr.18.12 abishai, the son of seruia, distributed the edomites in the soal dal, 18 000. 1Chr.18.13 and he laid a guarnice in edom, and all edomites were davids servants. so the lord made david well where he was going. 1Chr.18.14 so david regered over all israel and made justice and righteousness to all his people. 1Chr.18.15 joab, the son of seruia, was charge of the soldier, and jehosafat, the son of ahilud, was kansler. 1Chr.18.16 zadok, the son of ahitub, and ahimelech, the son of abiathar, were priests, and susa a scribe. 1Chr.18.17 benaia, the son of jojada, was over the kerethites and the pelethites, and the sons of david were the first sons of the king. 1Chr.19.1 after this nahas, the king of the sons of ammon, died, and his son came a king in his place. 1Chr.19.2 and david said, i will show mercy to hanun, the son of nahas, because his father showed me mercy. so david sent men to console him concerning his father. when the servants of david came to hanun in the land of the ammonites to console him, 1Chr.19.3 and the rulers of the ammon said to hanan, do you do not honor david your father before you? is it not at order that his servants will come to you and destroy the city and destroy the land? 1Chr.19.4 so hanun took the servants of david and rowed them and cut their garments from a half until the waves, and sent them out. 1Chr.19.5 when they came to tell david about the men, he sent out to them, for they were greatly dishonor. and the king said, stay in jericho, until your barba has taken up, and then return. 1Chr.19.6 when the ammonites saw that they had been wrong with david, hanan and the sons of ammon sent a thousand talents of silver to between themselves of aram-mesopotamia, from aram-maacha and from soba. 1Chr.19.7 so they sailed for themselves 32 000 chars and the king of maacha and his people, and they came and slog camper before medeba. and the ammonites gathered from their towns and went to the war. 1Chr.19.8 when david heard this, he sent joab and all the helds of the helds. 1Chr.19.9 so the sons of ammon went out and stricked at the city by the entrance of the city, but the kings who had come to come there were themselves in the field. 1Chr.19.10 when joab saw that there was an opportunity to strike against him on the face and on the back, he chose among all the young men of israel and set them against the syrians. 1Chr.19.11 the rest of the people gave he in the hand of his brother abishai, and they distributed them against the sons of ammon. 1Chr.19.12 and he said, if arams are greater than i, you will have my help, and if the sons of ammon are greater than you, i will help you. 1Chr.19.13 be fried, and let us be strong for our people and for the towns of our god, and let the lord do what is right in his sight. 1Chr.19.14 so joab and the people who were with him went up to make war against the syrians, and they fled to escape him. 1Chr.19.15 when the sons of ammon saw that the syrians had escaped, they also fled before his brother abishai, and they went in the city. and joab went to jerusalem. 1Chr.19.16 when the syrians saw that they had been broken of israel, they sent messagers and brought the syrians who were on the other side of the river, and sophak, the ruler of hadar-ezer, was before them. 1Chr.19.17 and when it was told david, he gathered all israel and passed over the jordan and came to them. and when david had set on their way against them, they walked against them. 1Chr.19.18 but the syrians fled before david, and david killed seven thousand of chars and 4,000 man of furs. he killed also sophak, the ruler of the soldier. 1Chr.19.19 when the servants of hadarezer saw that they were killed from israel, they turned with david and were working to him. and the syrians refused no more to help the ammonites. 1Chr.20.1 at the next year, at the time, when the kings had gone out of the country, joab brought out the whole armée and destroyed the land of the sons of ammon and went and obtained rabba. but david remained in jerusalem. and joab killed rabba and destroyed it. 1Chr.20.2 and david took the crown of their king from his head, and it was found a talent of gold, and there was a precious stone. it was put on the head of david. and he carried out a great buit of the city. 1Chr.20.3 and he led out the people who were in it and stricked them with pris and brills of iron. so david did to all the country of the ammonites. then david and all the people returned to jerusalem. 1Chr.20.4 after this there took country in gezer with the philistins. then sibbechai, the husathita, killed sippai, who was of the sons of raphaim, and they were humilied. 1Chr.20.5 now there was a guerre with the filistyne, and elhanan, the son of jair, killed lachmi, brother of goliath the gathite, whose spig was like a webersboom. 1Chr.20.6 there was still a guerre in gath. there was a great high man, with six fingers, seven four. so he was in the midst of the refaim. 1Chr.20.7 he insulted israel, but jonatan, son of simea, brother of david, struck him. 1Chr.20.8 these were the offspring of rapha at gath, and they fell in the hand of david and by the hand of his servants. 1Chr.21.1 and satan stood up against israel and encouraged david to number israel. 1Chr.21.2 and david said to joab and to the rulers of the people: go, number israel from beer-sheba to dan, and bring me to me, that i may know their number. 1Chr.21.3 and joab said, let the lord show his people hundredfold more than they. are not all these servants of my lord, o king? why does my lord do this? why will he become a sinning of israel? 1Chr.21.4 but the word of the king was strong in joab. so joab went out and went through all israel and returned to jerusalem. 1Chr.21.5 and joab contributed to david the number of the number of the people: in israel were 12,000 man who were carrying out a sword, and in juda 400.000. 1Chr.21.6 but the levi and benjamin was not numbered among them, for the word of the king was strengthened to joab. 1Chr.21.7 this thing was wrong in the presence of god, and he killed israel. 1Chr.21.8 and david said to god, i have sinned greatly, because i have done this. but do now leave the malice of your servant, for i have been trouble greatly. 1Chr.21.9 and the lord spoke to gad, the seer of david, saying, 1Chr.21.10 go and say to david, so says the lord: three things i proclaim to you. choe one of them that i may make it for you. 1Chr.21.11 and gad came to david and said to him, so says the lord: 1Chr.21.12 or are you three years of famine, or to escape three months from your enemies and the sword of your enemies to destroy you, or for three days the sword of the lord and death in the land, and the angel of the lord is destroyed in all the land of israel. now do you see what i will pay him who sent me. 1Chr.21.13 and david said to gad, i am very great weak. let i fall in the hand of the lord, for his mercy are great. in the hand of men will i not fall. 1Chr.21.14 so the lord gave a death in israel, and seven thousand men fell of israel. 1Chr.21.15 and god sent an angel to jerusalem to destroy it. and when he had destroyed, the lord saw it and changed the evil things, and he said to the angel who was destroyed: it is sufficient for you; leave your hand. and the angel of the lord stood at the tenne of ornan of the jebuseo. 1Chr.21.16 when david lifted up his eyes, he saw the angel of the lord standing among the earth and heaven with his seed sword, bringing up against jerusalem. then david and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell on their face. 1Chr.21.17 and david said to god, did not i say to number the people? i am the one who has sinned and have done evil, but what did these sheep do? lord, my god, let your hand be against me and against the house of my father, but not against your people, to destroy it. 1Chr.21.18 and the angel of the lord told gad to say to david that he might go and make a altar to the lord in the tenne of ornan the jebuseo. 1Chr.21.19 so david went up according to the word of gad that he spoke in the name of the lord. 1Chr.21.20 when ornan returned, he saw the king, and his four sons, who were with him, departed. ornan around a fever. 1Chr.21.21 when david came to ornan, ornan looked and saw david and went out of the ground and worshiped david with his face to the earth. 1Chr.21.22 and david said to ornan, give me the place of the aire, that i may build an altar for the lord. give me it for a pure silver, that the plague may remain from the people. 1Chr.21.23 and arauna said to david, take for you, and let my lord, the king, do what is right in his sight. behold, i give the boves to holocauste, the bound to the tree, and the wheat for the sacrifice. i give it all. 1Chr.21.24 but david said to ornan, not, but i will buy for a company silver, for i will not take to the lord the things that are you to take, and to offere brandopfer without pay. 1Chr.21.25 so david gave the ornan for the place 600 sicles of gold. 1Chr.21.26 and david edificed there a altar to the lord and offered holocaustos and sacrifices pacifics, and he cried out to the lord, and he answered him with fire from heaven on the altar of the holocauste. 1Chr.21.27 and the lord said to the angel, he put his sword into the leat. 1Chr.21.28 in that time david saw that the lord had heard him at the tenne of ornan the jebuseo, he sacrificed there. 1Chr.21.29 for the tent of the lord that moses had made in the wilderness and the altar of the brandopfer were at that time at the offering of gibeon. 1Chr.21.30 and david could not go before him to seek god, for he was afraid for the sword of the angel of the lord. 1Chr.22.1 and david said, this is the house of the lord god, and this is the altar of holocauste to israel. 1Chr.22.2 and david invited to gather the proselyts who were in the land of israel, and he set seaders to carry a stone for the building of the house of god. 1Chr.22.3 david prepared a sound of iron for the custs for the gates of the gates and for the beyers, and a number of bronze that was not to pesking, 1Chr.22.4 and zedery of zeders without number, for the sidonians and the tyrians brought david a great tree of zedery. 1Chr.22.5 and david said, my son solomon is a child and pure, and the house that is to build for the lord will be made great, for name and glory in all the land. so i will prepare for him. so david prepared for it a large place before his death. 1Chr.22.6 and he called his son solomon and commanded him to build a house to the lord, the god of israel. 1Chr.22.7 and david said to solomon, my son, it was in my heart to build a house for the name of the lord my god. 1Chr.22.8 but the word of the lord came to me, saying, you have poured out a great blood and have made great guerres. you will not build a house to my name, for you have poured out many blood on the earth before me. 1Chr.22.9 behold, a son is given for you. he will be a lawful man, and i will give him rest from all his enemies around; for solomon will be his name, and i will give israel peace and peace in his days. 1Chr.22.10 he will build a house to my name, and he will be my son, and i will be his father, and i will restore the throne of his kingdom in israel forever. 1Chr.22.11 now, my son, the lord be with you, and you will prospere and build the house of the lord your god, as he has spoken about you. 1Chr.22.12 let the lord give you wisdom and intelligence and put you upon israel, and you may keep the law of the lord your god. 1Chr.22.13 then you will prospere if you keep to do the commandments and deeds, which the lord commanded moses to israel. be very and mute, do not be afraid, and do not be afraid. 1Chr.22.14 and behold, according to my affliction i have prepared for the house of the lord 1,000 talents gold, 1,000 talents of silver, and bronze and iron, that is not punish, for it is many. i have prepared tree and stones, and you will increase for these things. 1Chr.22.15 there are many things with you, a craftsmen and builders, and crappens, and everyone who is wise in every work. 1Chr.22.16 the gold, the silver, the bronze and the iron are not number. rise and do, and the lord be with you. 1Chr.22.17 and david commanded all the rulers of israel to help his son solomon, 1Chr.22.18 did the lord, your god, not with you and have reason to remain you all around? for he has given you in the hand those who dwell in the land, and the earth has been subjected before the lord and his people. 1Chr.22.19 now do your heart and your soul to seek the lord your god, and rise and build the holy place for the lord god, that you may bring the ark of the covenant and the holy things of god in the house that will be built for the name of the lord. 1Chr.23.1 when david was old and full of days, he made his son solomon king over israel. 1Chr.23.2 so he gathered all the rulers of israel, both the priests and the levites. 1Chr.23.3 so were numbered the levites, from three years and above, and the number of them, in their number, were thirty and eight thousand. 1Chr.23.4 from these are twicked for the works of the house of the lord, and seven thousand scribes and judges, 1Chr.23.5 four thousand gates, and four thousand will praise the lord with the instruments that i did to praise. 1Chr.23.6 and david divided them in division for the sons of levi, gerson, kehat and merari. 1Chr.23.7 of the gersonites were ladan and simei. 1Chr.23.8 the sons of ladan was jehiel, the ruler, and zetam, and joel, three. 1Chr.23.9 the sons of simei: selomit, haziel and haran, three. these were the rulers of the families of laedan. 1Chr.23.10 the sons of simei: jahat, ziza, jeeus and beria. these were the sons of simei, four. 1Chr.23.11 jahat was the ruler, and ziza the second, but jeeus and beria had not many sons, so that they were numbering for one family. 1Chr.23.12 the sons of cahath: amram, jizhar, hebron and uzziel, four. 1Chr.23.13 the sons of amram was aaron and moses. and aaron and his sons were charged to be sanctified, as well as his sons, to offer incense before the lord, to serve and pray in his name forever. 1Chr.23.14 moses, the man of god, were invited to the tribe of levi. 1Chr.23.15 the sons of moses was gershom and elieser. 1Chr.23.16 the sons of gersam was sebuel the ruler. 1Chr.23.17 the sons of eliezer was rehabja the ruler, and eliezer had no other sons, but the sons of rehabja were multiplied in high. 1Chr.23.18 the sons of jeshar was selomith the ruler. 1Chr.23.19 the sons of hebron was jerija the ruler, amarja the second, jehaziel the third, jekamam the fourth. 1Chr.23.20 the sons of uzziel was micha the ruler and jissia the second. 1Chr.23.21 the sons of merari was machli and musi. the sons of machli was eleazar and kis. 1Chr.23.22 and eleazar died, and he had no sons, but only a daughter. and the sons of kis, their brothers, took them. 1Chr.23.23 the sons of musi was machli, eder and jeremot, three. 1Chr.23.24 these were the sons of levi according to their families, the families of their families, according to their number, by their heads, being doing the work of the ministering in the house of the lord, from zwenth years and sitä above. 1Chr.23.25 for david said, the lord god of israel has given rest to his people and set in jerusalem forever. 1Chr.23.26 so even the levites will not take the tent and all its vessers for the ministering of it. 1Chr.23.27 for by the last things of david were numbering the number of the sons of levi from thirty years and above. 1Chr.23.28 for them was set by the hands of aaron to ministre in the house of the lord, at the courtyers and the cloaks, and for the purification of all the saints, and for the work of the ministering in the house of god, 1Chr.23.29 to the bread of the presence, to the fleur of the sacrifice for the sacrifice, and for the unleavened bread and the pange and the back and all the measure, 1Chr.23.30 and to stand early in the morning, to praise and praise to the lord, as well as evening, 1Chr.23.31 and for all the offerings that offered to the lord were on the sabbath, the new, and the feast, according to the number of the reason, continuing before them, continually for the lord. 1Chr.23.32 so they keep the guards of the tent of testimony and the guard of the sons of aaron, their brothers, to ministry in the house of the lord. 1Chr.24.1 the division of the sons of aaron were nadab and abihu, eleazar and itamar. 1Chr.24.2 but nadab and abihu died in the presence of their father, and they had no sons. so eleazar and itamar were priesthood. 1Chr.24.3 david also divided them, with zadok of the sons of eleazar, and ahimelech, of the sons of itamars, divided them in their ministry according to their ministry. 1Chr.24.4 when eleasars had found more rulers than among the sons of itamars, they divided them. for the sons of eleazar were six rulers of families, and among the sons of itamars, eight rulers. 1Chr.24.5 they divided them in the lot, such as those, for the rulers of the holy places and rulers of god were among the sons of eleazar and among the sons of itamar. 1Chr.24.6 semaja, the son of nathanael, the scribe of levi, wrote them up before the king and the rulers and the priest cadoc and ahimelech, the son of abiathar, and the families of the families of the priests and the levites, one family of families of eleazar and one of itamars. 1Chr.24.7 the first lot came for jojarib, the second for jedaja, 1Chr.24.8 the third for harim, the fourth for seorim, 1Chr.24.9 the fifth for malchia, the sixth for mijamin, 1Chr.24.10 the seventh for hakkos, the eighth for abia, 1Chr.24.11 the night for jeshua, the third for sechanja, 1Chr.24.12 the elth for eliasib, the twelve for jakim, 1Chr.24.13 the fourth for huppa, the fourth for jesebaal, 1Chr.24.14 the fourteenth for bilga, the sixth for immer, 1Chr.24.15 the fourth for hezir, the eighth for happisses, 1Chr.24.16 the nitth for petahja, the tyventh for jezezeel, 1Chr.24.17 the viventh for jechin, the tyventh for gamul, 1Chr.24.18 the three and third for delaia, the 24. for maazja. 1Chr.24.19 this was their dienst, according to their service, to enter the house of the lord, as they had commanded them by the hand of aaron their father, as the lord, the god of israel, had commanded. 1Chr.24.20 the rest of the sons of levi was subael, of the sons of amram was suubael, of the sons of suubael, jechdeja. 1Chr.24.21 of rehabja, the ruler of jesias, 1Chr.24.22 of jeshara: selomoth; for the sons of selomoth: jahat. 1Chr.24.23 the sons of jedija: amarja the second, jahaziel the third, jekameam the fourth. 1Chr.24.24 the sons of uzziel, micha, the sons of micha, samir. 1Chr.24.25 the brother of micha was jissia. the sons of jissia: zechariah. 1Chr.24.26 the sons of merari was machli and musi, the sons of jazija, bani. 1Chr.24.27 the sons of merari to jaasias, beno, soham, zaccur and ibri. 1Chr.24.28 of maheli, eleazar; and he had no sons. 1Chr.24.29 of kis, the sons of kis, jerahmeel. 1Chr.24.30 the sons of musi was machli, eder and jerimot. these were the sons of the levites according to their families. 1Chr.24.31 so they also beared the lot, just as their brothers, the sons of aaron, in the presence of the king david and zadok and ahimelech and the families of the families of the priests and the levites. 1Chr.25.1 david and the rulers of the leading set up for the work for the sons of asaph, of heman and of jeduthun, who were charged with harpas and psalters and cymblings. this was the number of those who were doing in their service: 1Chr.25.2 of the sons of asaph: zacchur, joseph, netanja and asarela, the sons of asaph, along with asaph who was searing by the king. 1Chr.25.3 of jeduthun, the sons of jedutun, gedalja, seri, jeshaia, hashabja and mattithiah, six, after their father jeduthun, who began to call in harp for the praise and praise to the lord. 1Chr.25.4 of heman, the sons of heman: bukkia, mattanja, uzziel, sebuel, jerimoth, hananja, hanani, eliata, giddalti, romamti-ezer, josbekasa, malloti, hotir and mahazioth. 1Chr.25.5 all these were sons of heman, the seast of the king, by the words of god, to bear the horn. and god gave to heman fourteen sons and three daughters. 1Chr.25.6 all these were under the sight of their father, as they canted in the temple of the lord with cymbales, psalterios and harpas, in the order of the king, asaf, jedutun and heman. 1Chr.25.7 their number with their brothers, teaching for the lord, all who were understanding, were 288. 1Chr.25.8 so they cast the lot to their division, to the little and the great, the leaders and the learders. 1Chr.25.9 the first lot came out for asaf, for joseph the second, with his brothers and his sons, 12; 1Chr.25.10 the third for zaccur, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.11 the fourth for jisri, his sons and brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.12 the fifth for netanja, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.13 the sixth for bukchiah, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.14 the seventh for jesarela, his sons and brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.15 the eighth for josia, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.16 the night for mattanja, his sons and brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.17 the twelve for simei, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.18 the elth for azareel, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.19 the twelve for hashabja, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.20 the third for subael, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.21 the fourteenth for mattithja, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.22 the fourteenth for jeremoth, with his sons and brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.23 the sixth for hananja, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.24 the seventh for josbecasa, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.25 the eighth for hanani, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.26 the night on malloti, with his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.27 the viventh for eliatha, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.28 the viventh for hotir, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.29 the viventh for giddalti, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.30 the viventh for mahazioth, his sons and his brothers, 12; 1Chr.25.31 the viventh for romamti-ezer, his sons and his brothers, 12. 1Chr.26.1 the divisions of the gates: of korah, meselemja the son of coré, of the sons of asaph. 1Chr.26.2 meselemja had sons: zechariah the first, jediael the second, zebadja the third, jatniel the fourth, 1Chr.26.3 elam the fifth, johanan the sixth, elioenai the seventh. 1Chr.26.4 obed-edom had sons: shemaias the first, jehozabad the second, joah the third, sachar the fourth, nathanael the fifth, 1Chr.26.5 ammiel the sixth, issachar the seventh, peulletai the eighth, for god had blessed him. 1Chr.26.6 and for his son shemacja were birth sons who were seated in their hometown, for they were strong held. 1Chr.26.7 the sons of semaja: othni, rephael, obed, elzabad, his sons, mighty men, elihu and semachja. 1Chr.26.8 all these were of the sons of obed-edom, they, and their brothers, and their brothers, were lawful in their service, seven two of obed-edom. 1Chr.26.9 meshelemja had sons and brothers, dyghty men, eight. 1Chr.26.10 hosa, of the sons of merari, had sons: shimri the ruler, for he was not the firstborn, but his father did him a ruler, 1Chr.26.11 hilkia the second, tebalia the third, zechariah the fourth. hosas's sons and brothers was 13. 1Chr.26.12 these were the divisions of the gates, the rulers of the helds, according to their families, for ministry in the house of the lord. 1Chr.26.13 so they cast lots, both a little or the great, for the families of their families. 1Chr.26.14 the lot fell for selemija, and his son zechariah, a felsiger one of his felsiers, they cast lots, and the lot came out for the country, 1Chr.26.15 to obed-edom in the midst, in the district of the household, 1Chr.26.16 to suppim and hosa in the west, with the door of sallechet, at the way of ascending, at the guard of the guard. 1Chr.26.17 to the next day there were six, on the north of four, on the miest four for the day, and to the household two. 1Chr.26.18 in parbar, in the west, were four, on the way, two at parbar. 1Chr.26.19 these are the divisions of the gates, of the sons of core and of the sons of merari. 1Chr.26.20 the levites, their brothers, were over the treasures of the house of god and over the treasures of the treasures. 1Chr.26.21 the sons of ladan, the sons of gerson, of laedan, the families of the families of laedan gersonites, jehielites. 1Chr.26.22 the sons of jehiel, zetam and joel, his brothers, were over the treasures of the temple of the lord. 1Chr.26.23 of amramites, jizhars, hebron and uzziel, 1Chr.26.24 sebuel, the son of gersom, the son of moses, was ruler over the treasures. 1Chr.26.25 his brother eliëser was rehemja, his son, joshua, joram, sichri, and shelomit. 1Chr.26.26 this shelomit and his brothers were over all the treasures of the saints things that the king david and the families of the families, the tribuns and centurions and the officers of the power had sanctified. 1Chr.26.27 of the wards of soldiers and of the weasts were sanctified for them to rebuild the building of the house of god. 1Chr.26.28 all that the prophet samuel and saul the son of kis, and abner, the son of ner, and joab, the son of ner, and joab, the son of zeruia, were sanctified by the hand of selomoth and his brothers. 1Chr.26.29 of the jisharites, chenanja and his sons were carriers for the outside of israel, a scribes and judge. 1Chr.26.30 of the hebronites, hashabja and his brothers, three and seven hundred men, were answer of israel on the other side of the jordan in the west, for all the divisions of the lord and the work of the king. 1Chr.26.31 of the hebronites was jeria the ruler of the hebronites, according to their families and families. in the 40 year of the kingdom of david they visited them, and there were found strong helds among them in jazer of galaad. 1Chr.26.32 and his brothers, elders, were 2700 families, the rulers of families. the king david set them over the rubenites and the gadites and the half of the tribe of manasseh, to all the things of the lord and the words of the king. 1Chr.27.1 these are the sons of israel according to their number, the families of the families, the tribunes and the centurions and the officers, who were ministering to the king in all the divisions of the divisions, who went and went out, a month, in all the months of the year. there were 124,000. 1Chr.27.2 over the first division, for the first monning, was jashobeam, the son of zabdiel, and in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.3 he was from the sons of peres, ruler over all the rulers of the power of the first money. 1Chr.27.4 over the division of the second month was dodai the ahohita, and in his division was dodai the ahohita, and in his division was 24,000. 1Chr.27.5 the third, for the third day, was benaia, the son of joiada the high priest, the ruler. in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.6 this was benaja, one helper among the thirty, and over the thirty; at his afdeling was his son ammizabad. 1Chr.27.7 the fourth, for the fourth month, was asahel, brother of joab, and after him his son zebadja. in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.8 the fifth, for the fifth, was the ruler, was samhut, the jizrahita; in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.9 the sixth, for the sixth month, was ira, the son of ikkes, the tekoten; in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.10 the seventh, for the seventh month, was heles, the pelonita, of the children of ephraim; in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.11 the eighth, for the eighth month, was sibbechai the husathita, of the zerahites; in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.12 the nivith, for the night, was abiezer of anathoth, of the benjaminites. in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.13 the dhm, for the dhm month, was maharai, the netofathiten, of the zerahites. in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.14 the eltenth, for the eltenth month, was benaja of piraton, of the children of ephraim; in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.15 the twelve, for the twelve monate, was heldai, the netophathita, of othniel. in his division was 24 000. 1Chr.27.16 over the tribes of israel were elieser, the son of zechri; for simeon sefatja, the son of maacha; 1Chr.27.17 for levi hashabja, the son of kemuel; for aaron zadok; 1Chr.27.18 for judah elihu, of the brothers of david; for issachar omri, the son of michael; 1Chr.27.19 for zebulon semaja, the son of obadias; for naphtali, jerimoth, the son of azriel; 1Chr.27.20 for ephraim hosea, the son of azazia; for the half of manasseh, joel the son of pedaja; 1Chr.27.21 for the half of the tribe of manasseh in galaad, iddo, the son of zecharja; for benjamin, jaasiel the son of abner; 1Chr.27.22 of dan azarel, the son of joram. these were the rulers of the tribes of israel. 1Chr.27.23 but david did not take their number from the thousand years, for the lord had told israel to make israel many as the stars of heaven. 1Chr.27.24 joab, the son of seruia, began to number, but did not find it. for in this time a wrath came upon israel. so the number did not be numbered in the region of the days of the king david. 1Chr.27.25 over the treasures of the king was azmavet, the son of adiel, and over the treasures in the field, in the villages and the villages, jonathan, the son of uzzia. 1Chr.27.26 over the laborers in the country, ezri, the son of kelub; 1Chr.27.27 over the women was simei the ramath, and over the treasures in the wine of the wine was zechri the siphni. 1Chr.27.28 over the olives and smoke in the laeving figs was baal-hanan the gederites, and over the treasures of the olivet was joas; 1Chr.27.29 over the oxen that passed in saron was sitrai, the saroniten shitrai, and over the oxen in the valles shafat, the son of adlai; 1Chr.27.30 over the camels was obil the ismaelites, and over the dons jechdeja the meronot. 1Chr.27.31 and over the sheep jaziz the hagarites. all these were an office of the possessions of david the king. 1Chr.27.32 and jonatan, the pater of david, was council, a man of understanding and scribes, and jehiel, the son of hachmoni, was with the sons of the king. 1Chr.27.33 achitofel was council of the king, and hushai the arkite, the freund of the king, 1Chr.27.34 after ahitofel was jojada, the son of benaja, and abiathar. the ruler of the king was joab. 1Chr.28.1 and david gathered in jerusalem all the rulers of israel, the rulers of the rulers, the rulers of the king, the rulers of the milds and the centurions, the officers of all his possessions, the rulers of all his possessions. 1Chr.28.2 and david stood up in the midst and said, hear me, my brothers and my people! i was in heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant, and for the foot of our lord's feet, and i have prepared it for order. 1Chr.28.3 but god said to me, you shall not build a house for my name, for you are a man of belong and have poured out blood. 1Chr.28.4 but the lord, the god of israel, has chosen me from all the house of my father to be a king over israel forever. for he set judah for a ruler, and from the house of judah the house of my father, and among the sons of my father he desired to me to make me king over all israel. 1Chr.28.5 and from all my sons, for the lord has given me many sons, he chose my son solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the lord over israel. 1Chr.28.6 and he said to me, your son solomon will build my house and my cours, for i have chosen him to be my son, and i will be his father. 1Chr.28.7 and i will restaure his kingdom forever, if he remains to keep my commandments and my judgments, as it is this day. 1Chr.28.8 now then before the presence of all the congregation of the lord, and before our god, keep your guards and seek all the commandments of the lord your god, that you may inherit the good land and give it in inheritance to your children after you forever. 1Chr.28.9 and now, my son solomon, know the god of your fathers and serve him with a perfect heart and with a desire life, for the lord bears all hearts and knows all thoughts. if you seek him, you will find him. but if you leave him, he will leave you forever. 1Chr.28.10 see therefore, that the lord has chosen you to build his house to the holy place, be able and do. 1Chr.28.11 and david gave the example of the temple and of his household, and for his waves, and for his waves, and for his waves, and for those in the inside of the inside, and to the house of the propitiation, 1Chr.28.12 and the example of whatever was in his spirit was of the parts of the house of the lord and of all the kamers around the thesours of the house of the lord and the treasures of the saints things, 1Chr.28.13 of the closels of the priests and levites, for every service for the service of the house of the lord and for all the deacons of the service of the house of the lord. 1Chr.28.14 as for the wages of their silver, for the gold and the silver, 1Chr.28.15 a lampe lamp he gave him, and the lamp. 1Chr.28.16 he gave them the custing for the tages of the presence of propositions, for every tafel of gold, and so the silver. 1Chr.28.17 for the gars, the treasures, and the baskets of gold, and the pieces of gold, and the silver in the beare of every bear. 1Chr.28.18 as for the altar of incense, of cleanly gold, and the exemple of the waves, the cherubim of the cherubim, which were strengthened with their pinds and shiring the ark of the covenant. 1Chr.28.19 david gave them all in the scripture of the hand of the lord, as he had carried out all the divisions of the example. 1Chr.28.20 and david said to his son solomon, be force and faithful, and do not fear, nor be afraid, for the lord god, my god, will be with you. he will not forgive you and do not forgive you, until you have finished all the work of the service of the house of the lord. 1Chr.28.21 and behold, the classes of the priests and the levites are for all ministry in the house of god, and there are with you in every direction, everyone who is gentle and wisdom in every service, both rulers and all the people for all your words. 1Chr.29.1 then the king david said to the whole church, my son solomon, one of whom the lord has chosen, is a young and new, and the work is great, for the build is not for a person, but for the lord god. 1Chr.29.2 according to all the power i have prepared for the house of my god with gold, silver, bronze, iron, scepthing, precious stones and diseases, all precious and precious stones. 1Chr.29.3 and even because i have pleasing in the house of my god, i have received gold and silver for the house of my god, except whatever i have prepared for the holy house: 1Chr.29.4 three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of ofir, and seven thousand talents of pure silver, to defile the wall of the temple, 1Chr.29.5 this is for the sake of a craftsman, who is for his course to fulfill his hands today in this day? 1Chr.29.6 then the rulers of the families and the rulers of the people of israel, the tribuns and the centurions and the officers of the work, and the rulers of the king. 1Chr.29.7 they gave to the work of the house of god five thousand talents, 10.000 dariks, 10 000 talents silver, and seven thousand talents of bronze, and 100 talents of iron. 1Chr.29.8 whatever was found with stones, they gave them in the divisions of the house of the lord by the hand of jehiel, the gershoniten. 1Chr.29.9 and the people rejoiced for their spending, for with a full heart they were offered for the lord. and the king david was rejoicing greatly. 1Chr.29.10 and david blessed the lord in the presence of the whole church, and said, blessed are you, lord, god of our father israel, from ever and forever! 1Chr.29.11 to you, o lord, is the majesty and the power and the glory and the glory and the glory, for you are all who are in heaven and on earth. you, o lord, is the lord, and you are the dominion of all. 1Chr.29.12 and riches and glory comes from you, and you domines over all, and in your hand is power and power, and in your hand is that you might make all things great and strong. 1Chr.29.13 and now, our god, we thank you and praise your boasting name. 1Chr.29.14 for who is i and who is my people, that we were able to give your gift for this offering? for all things are for you, and from your hand we have given you. 1Chr.29.15 for we are others and strangers before you, as all our fathers. our days are as a shadow on earth, and there is no steadfastness. 1Chr.29.16 here our god, all this large that we have prepared to build a house to your holy name, is from your hand, and all are your. 1Chr.29.17 and i know, my lord, that you do your heart, and that you love what is right. by sincerity of my heart i have offered all these things. and now i have seen with joy your people that are here. 1Chr.29.18 o lord, god of our fathers abraham, isaac and israel, keep these hearts in the heart of your people forever and keep their hearts to you. 1Chr.29.19 and give my son solomon a good heart to do your commandments, your testimony and your commandments, and to do all this and to prepare the thing that i have prepared. 1Chr.29.20 and david said to the whole church, blessed the lord your god. and all the church blessed the lord, the god of their fathers, and they fell down and worshiped the lord and the king. 1Chr.29.21 the next day they offered sacrifices to the lord, and they offered sacrifices to the lord on the next day, 1000 tyre, 1000 judges, with their drankoffers, and many sacrifices for all israel. 1Chr.29.22 they ate and drank before the lord on that day with joy. and they made him a second time solomon, the son of david, and anointed him for the lord as a king and zadok to a priesthood. 1Chr.29.23 so solomon sat down on the throne of his father david and was pleased, and all israel heard him. 1Chr.29.24 all the rulers and rulers and all the sons of the king david subjected to david, his father. 1Chr.29.25 so the lord increased solomon in the presence of all israel and gave him a glory of a king that had not been before him by any king of israel. 1Chr.29.26 so david, the son of jesse, regered over all israel. 1Chr.29.27 in hebron there was seven years, and in jerusalem three and thirty years. 1Chr.29.28 and he died in a good elder, full of days, riches and glory. and his son solomon realled in his place. 1Chr.29.29 the words of the king david, the first and the last, it is written in the words of samuel the seeing, in the historio of nathan the prophet, and in the historio of gad the seeing, 1Chr.29.30 for all his kingdom and his power, and the time that are done in it and on israel and on all the kingdoms of the earth, behold, the officers of the priests and the levites are in all divisions of the house of god, and with you in every service, both gentle and wisdom in every way, and the rulers and all the people in all your acts. 2Chr.1.1 and solomon, the son of david, was strengthened in his kingdom, and the lord his god was with him and made him great great. 2Chr.1.2 and solomon told all israel, the tribuns and centurions, the judges and all the rulers of the whole israel, the rulers of the families, 2Chr.1.3 so solomon and the whole church with him went to the offering place in gibeon, for there was the tent of the testimony of god, which moses, the servant of the lord, had made in the wilderness. 2Chr.1.4 but the ark of god had taken up the ark of god from kiriath-jearim, because he had prepared for it a tent to jerusalem. 2Chr.1.5 the bronce altar that becalel, the son of uri, the son of hur, had done, there was before the tent of the lord, and solomon and the church were seeking him. 2Chr.1.6 and solomon offered there on the bronze before the lord, which was in the tent of the tent, and offered on it 1000 offerings. 2Chr.1.7 in that night god appeared to solomon and said to him, ask what i will give you. 2Chr.1.8 and solomon said to god, you have done great mercy to my father david, and you have made me a king in his place. 2Chr.1.9 now, lord god, let your name be faithful to my father david, for you have made me a ruler over a people many as the ground of the earth. 2Chr.1.10 give me now wisdom and understanding, so that i may go in the presence of this people, for who can judge this people your great people? 2Chr.1.11 and god said to solomon, because this was in your heart, and you did not ask riches, riches, nor glory, nor the life of your enemies and many days i did not ask, but have asked for you wisdom and understanding, that you might judge my people, over whom i have made you a ruler. 2Chr.1.12 this will give you wisdom and understanding, and i will give you both riches, riches and glory, even like the kings who have been before you, and after you there will never be. 2Chr.1.13 so solomon came to jerusalem from the alto that was in gibeon, from the tent of witness, and he regered on israel. 2Chr.1.14 and solomon gathered carros and ratsuers, and he had 1400 waves and twelve thousand horse. he put them in the towns of the chars and with the king in jerusalem. 2Chr.1.15 the king took the silver and gold in jerusalem like stones, and the seders in judah like the fig tree in the wilderness. 2Chr.1.16 the hors of solomon were brought out of egypt and with honor; the hostiers of the king sold them in conquering them. 2Chr.1.17 they went up and carried out of egypt for six hundred sicles of silver, and a horse for 150. so they brought in their hands so with all the kings of the hetites and the kings of syria. 2Chr.2.1 and solomon ordered to build a house to the name of the lord and a house for his kingdom. 2Chr.2.2 and solomon carried out seventy-000 man who were carrying in the mountains and three thousand of money in the mountains, and three thousand officers over them. 2Chr.2.3 and solomon sent a message to hiram, king of tyre, saying, so as you have done with my father david and sent him a seder to build for himself a house to dwelling in it, 2Chr.2.4 behold, i will build a house for the name of the lord, my god, to sanctify it for him, to incense before him the incense, and to burn continuing for the presence of the presence of the offerings and the offering offerings for the morning and the sevents, and in the sabbath, and in the feast of the lord our god. this is forever for israel. 2Chr.2.5 and the house that i will build will be great, for our god is great than all the devout gods. 2Chr.2.6 but who can build for him a house, though the heavens and the heavens of the heavens will not bring him? who is i to build for him a house except to incense before him? 2Chr.2.7 so send me now a wise man who knows to do in the gold, in the silver, in the bronze, in the iron and in the purple and in the purple robe and in a purple robe and in a purple robe and in a purple robe, and who could know something to share with the wise, who are with me in judah and in jerusalem, which my father david has prepared. 2Chr.2.8 send me a cedre, the cypresse and the sangums from the libanon, for i know that your servants know that they make a tree of the libanon. and behold, my servants are with my servants. 2Chr.2.9 to prepare for me a great tree, for the house that i will build will be great and excellent. 2Chr.2.10 behold, i have given 20 000 cors of wheat to your servants, a wheat of thousand, a wheat of thousand, and 2,000 kor jew, 12,000 bath wine, and 12,000 bath of oil. 2Chr.2.11 and hiram, the king of tyre, said in a scripture, which he sent to solomon, because the lord loved his people, he made you a king over them. 2Chr.2.12 and hiram said, blessed be the lord, the god of israel, who made the heavens and the earth, who gave to david the king a wise son, who is understanding and understanding, who will build a house for the lord and a house for his kingdom! 2Chr.2.13 now i send you a wise man who knows to understand, hiram, my father, 2Chr.2.14 one of the daughters of dan, and his father is a tyrier. he knows to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in iron, in stone, in purple, in purple, in fine purple, in fine linen, in fine linen, in fine linen, in purple and in purple robe, and to make all divisions, which he will give him, with your wise, and with the wise men of my master david, your father. 2Chr.2.15 now the wheat, the jew, the oliven and the wine, which my master has told, send to his servants. 2Chr.2.16 so we will cut a tree from liban, according to all your need, and we will bring them in back on the sea to joppa, and you will bring them to jerusalem. 2Chr.2.17 so he gathered all the others who were in the land of israel, after the number that his father david had numbered them, and there were found 153 600. 2Chr.2.18 he made seventy-000 of them a carryer, and eight thousand thousand to stone in the money and three thousand to punish the people. 2Chr.3.1 then solomon began to build the house of the lord in jerusalem, on the mount of moriah, where the lord had appeared to his father david, in the place that david had prepared for the tenne of ornan, the jebuseo. 2Chr.3.2 he began to build in the second month of the second, in the fourth year of his kingdom. 2Chr.3.3 now this was the guaring of solomon to build the house of god: the longer was a longer, the first measure, six cours, and the large breasure. 2Chr.3.4 the portice before the house was at longer, at the room of the household of the house, a cubiti of thousand, and his hair was 120. and he overcovered it in the inside with gold. 2Chr.3.5 the great house he covered with cyprès of seders and overcovered it with pure gold, and on it made palms and graves. 2Chr.3.6 he showed the house with precious stones for honor, and the gold was the gold of parwaim. 2Chr.3.7 he deceived the house, the wall, the gates, the waves and the door of gold, and he trishted cherubins on the wand. 2Chr.3.8 he made the house of the holy places. his lengte was at the tax clothing of the devout course, and the breedte of twenth cours. and he overcovered it with a pure gold, for six talents. 2Chr.3.9 the pute of the fish was of five sicles of gold. and he overcovered the rumper robes with gold. 2Chr.3.10 in the holy hoose of the holy places he made two cherubim of masks and overcovered them with gold. 2Chr.3.11 the wings of the cherubim the longer was twenty courth. the one flugging of the other kerubim touched the wand of the house, and the other vinge was five couth, touched the flügel of the other cherub. 2Chr.3.12 the vinge of the one cherubim was five couth, touched the wand of the house, and the other flute of the other cherub touched the flute of the other cherub. 2Chr.3.13 the wings of the cherubim were brecked as twenty-thousand. they were standing at their feet, and their faces were brought to the house. 2Chr.3.14 he made the curtain of fine and purple and scarlet and fine linen, and made cherubim in it. 2Chr.3.15 in the presence of the house he made two colonne of treghty-five thousand, and their heads were about five thousand. 2Chr.3.16 he made baskets in the sanctuary and put them on the top of the colonne, and he made hundred roads and laid them on the colonne. 2Chr.3.17 and he set the colonne before the temple, one on the right and one at the left, and called the right name jachin and the left name boaz. 2Chr.4.1 he made a altar of bronze, a longer of twenth, and its large, twenty-thousand, and tithes of thousand. 2Chr.4.2 he made the sea a grass, ten thousand, in the measure, ten gate around, and five cubiti of large, and the surrounding side was thirty cute. 2Chr.4.3 now there were a figure of feasts around it rings around, ten courth of thousand, around the wone, about two roes of boves. 2Chr.4.4 it was leading on twelve boves: three were looked on the nordside, three in the west, and three at the west, and three looked at the ooste, and the sea was above them, and all their deeds were inside. 2Chr.4.5 the rand of it was a bate, and its rand was like the rand of a cup, a stone of a lilif. there was about three thousand bates. 2Chr.4.6 he made tien wases and laid five at the right hand and five at the left, to wash in them. it was the reason for holocauste. the sea was for the priests to wash in it. 2Chr.4.7 he made ten golden lampstands according to their determination, and laid them in the temple, five on the right hand and five at the left. 2Chr.4.8 he made ten table and laid them in the temple, five at the right hand and five at the left. he made also hundred bowls of gold. 2Chr.4.9 he made the courtyard of the priests and the great courtyard and the door to the courtyard. their door were burned with bronze. 2Chr.4.10 the sea laid out the sea on the right side, around the next side. 2Chr.4.11 hiram made the wifts and the officers and the garments. so hiram completed the work that he had done for the king solomon in the house of god, 2Chr.4.12 the two robes, the two glound and the two roblings on the top of the robes, and the two nets, to cover the two robes of the kapitelle, which were on the top of the colonne, 2Chr.4.13 the four hundred robes to the two nets, two rowers for every fish, to cover the two globes of the robes, which were on the robes. 2Chr.4.14 he made the bases, and the baskets put on the baskets, 2Chr.4.15 the one sea and the twelve boves under it. 2Chr.4.16 the baskets, the passes, the best, and all their goods did hiram, the king, made for the king of solomon for the house of the lord. 2Chr.4.17 in the surrounding region of the jordan the king distributed them in a human district among succoth and sereda. 2Chr.4.18 and solomon made all these goods in great multitude, for the waves of the bronze was not defiled. 2Chr.4.19 and solomon made all the instrument of the house of god, the golden altar, the tables on which were the bread of the presence, 2Chr.4.20 the lampstands and their lampen of gold, for their determination before the sanctuary, with gold, 2Chr.4.21 the blauers and the lamper and the lampes of gold, were of pure gold. 2Chr.4.22 the door of the temple, which was in the inside, was for the holy places, for the door of the temple of the temple, 2Chr.5.1 so all the work that solomon had done for the house of the lord, salomo brought in the treasure of his father david, the silver and gold and all the things and put into the treasures of the house of the lord. 2Chr.5.2 then solomon gathered all the elders of israel and all the rulers of the tribes, the rulers of the sons of israel, to jerusalem, to bring the ark of the covenant of the city of david, that is zion. 2Chr.5.3 so all the people of israel were gathered together to the king at the feast, that is, the seventh. 2Chr.5.4 when all the elders of israel came, the levites took the ark, 2Chr.5.5 and they brought the ark and the tent of witness and all the holy wages that were in the tent. the priests and the levites brought it up. 2Chr.5.6 and the king solomon and all the synagogue of israel who had gathered together before him were offered before the ark, offered a sheep and sheep that would not be numbered of number or number. 2Chr.5.7 the priests brought the ark of the covenant of the covenant of the covenant of the house, in the holy place, under the flügel of the cherubim. 2Chr.5.8 for the cherubim breased their wings on the place of the ark, and the cherubim were covered over the ark and its stangers. 2Chr.5.9 the stangers were so that the top of the stangers were looked from the holy places before the hinder, but they were not looking outside. and they were there until this day. 2Chr.5.10 in the ark there was not except the two tables that moses had set in horeb, when the lord had done with the children of israel when they went out of egypt. 2Chr.5.11 when the priests came out of the holy places, for all the priests who were there were sanctified, not being kept in their divisions, 2Chr.5.12 and all the levites, the instruments of the instruments, were asaf, heman, jeduthun, and their sons and their brothers, clothed in fine linen, with cymbalos and harpas, standing at the face of the altar, and with them 120 priests, cinging the trumpet, 2Chr.5.13 and as the trumpeters and the instruments of the instruments came with one voice to celebrate and praise the lord, and when they raised the voice with trompettes and cymbalos and all the instruments of the way, and they said, give thanks to the lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever! so the house was filled with a cloud, the house of the lord. 2Chr.5.14 so that the priests were not able to stand in minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the lord was filled the house of god. 2Chr.6.1 then solomon said, the lord has commanded to dwelling in mighty place. 2Chr.6.2 but i have build a house to you a place, a ready for to live forever. 2Chr.6.3 then the king turned his face and blessed the whole church of israel, and the whole church of israel stood in. 2Chr.6.4 and he said, blessed be the lord, the god of israel, who spoke by his mouth as he spoke with his mouth to my father david, saying, 2Chr.6.5 from the day when i brought my people out of the land of egypt, i did not choose a city from all the tribes of israel to build a house in which my name would be, and i did not chose one man to be ruler over my people israel. 2Chr.6.6 but i have chosen jerusalem to be there my name, and i chose david to be over my people israel. 2Chr.6.7 my father david was in heart to build a house for the name of the lord, the god of israel. 2Chr.6.8 but the lord said to my father david, because it was in your heart to build a house to my name, you have done well that it was in your heart. 2Chr.6.9 nevertheless, you will not build the house, but your son who comes out of your lends will build the house to my name. 2Chr.6.10 and the lord has fulfilled his word that he had spoken, and i have come in the place of david, my father, and i have sat on the throne of israel, as the lord has spoken, and i have build the house to the name of the lord, the god of israel. 2Chr.6.11 and i laid the ark there, in which the covenant of the lord that he made with the people of israel. 2Chr.6.12 then he stood before the altar of the lord before all the congregation of israel and laid his hands out. 2Chr.6.13 for solomon had made a basket of bronze, leading it in the courtyard, a longer of five thousand, and a breedte of three cubiti, and laid it in the midst of the courtyard. he fell down at it and fell down in knees before the whole israel and laid his hands into heaven 2Chr.6.14 and said, lord, god of israel, there is no god like you in heaven or on earth, who keep the covenant and the mercy to your servants, who walks before you with all their heart, 2Chr.6.15 you have guarded to your servant david, my father, what you had spoken to him. you were fulfilled with your mouth, and by your hand you have fulfilled it as it is this day. 2Chr.6.16 now do now, lord, god of israel, do to your servant david, my father, what you have told him, saying, no one will be cut for you, seated on the throne of israel, unless your sons keep their way, walking in my law as you have walking before me. 2Chr.6.17 now now, o god of israel, let your word be faithful, which you have spoken to your servant david. 2Chr.6.18 but will god true dwelling with people on the earth? behold, the heavens and the heavens of the heavens will not come to you, how can this house that i have burned! 2Chr.6.19 but turn to the prayer of your servant and to his prayer, o lord god, to hear the prayer and the prayer that your servant pray before you. 2Chr.6.20 that your eyes may be open to this house day and night, to the place where you said to make your name there, so that you may hear the prayer that your servant will pray in this place. 2Chr.6.21 listen to the prayers of your servant and of your people israel, when they pray to this place. listen to the place of your dwelling, from heaven, and hear, and forgive. 2Chr.6.22 if anyone sinds against his neighbor and receives him a serving and comes and swears before this altar in this house, 2Chr.6.23 you do in heaven, and do so, and judge your servants, grant to the ungodly and give his way to his head, and justify the righteous to justify him according to his righteousness. 2Chr.6.24 if your people israel will be stricked before the enemy because they have committed sin against you, and return and confesse your name and pray and supplies before you in this house, 2Chr.6.25 so höre you from heaven and forgive your people israel, and bring them return into the land that you gave them and their fathers. 2Chr.6.26 when the heavens will be shaken and there is no rain because they have committed sin against you, and they will pray to this place and praise your name, and turn from their sins because you have afflicted them, 2Chr.6.27 so do you hear in heaven and forgive the sins of your servants and of your people israel, showing them the good way at which they will go, and give rain on your land, which you gave to your people in an inheritance. 2Chr.6.28 if there is a famine in the land, if there is a pestilence, a hair, a distance, a languer or a rop, if their enemy will destroy them in the land of their gates, whatever plage or affliction is, 2Chr.6.29 every prayer, every prayer that every person or your whole people israel, if a man knows his plague and his affliction, and stretches his hands to this house, 2Chr.6.30 you do in heaven, in the place of your dwelling place, and forgive, and give to everyone according to all his ways, as you know his heart, for you only know his hearts, 2Chr.6.31 so that they may fear you and walk in your ways in all the days that they live in the land that you gave to our fathers. 2Chr.6.32 even as another who is not of your people israel, but comes from a distance land for your great name and your great hand and your strength arm, when they come and pray to this place, 2Chr.6.33 do you hear from heaven, from the place of your dwelling place, and do all that the others calls to you, so that all the people of the earth may know your name and fear you as your people israel and know that your name is called upon this house that i have built. 2Chr.6.34 if your people drar out to belong against his enemies on the way that you will send them, and they pray to you in the way of this city that you have chosen, and to the house that i have built to your name, 2Chr.6.35 so hear from heaven their prayer and supplication, and do their defense. 2Chr.6.36 if they sins against you, for there is no man who will do sinful, and you will strike them and deliver them before enemy, and those who led them will take captive into a far land, a distance or a near, 2Chr.6.37 and if they have turned their hearts in the land where they were carried, and return and pray to you in the land of their captives, saying, we have sinned, we have wronged, we have done wrong. 2Chr.6.38 if they return to you with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captives, and pray to their land, which you have given to their fathers, to the city that you have chosen, and to the house that i have built to your name, 2Chr.6.39 do you hear from heaven, from the place of your dwelling place, their prayer and their prayers and do their deeds, and forgive your people, which they have sinned against you. 2Chr.6.40 now, my god, let your eyes be open, and your ears hear the supplication of this place. 2Chr.6.41 and now, o god god, rise to your rest, you and the ark of your strength. your priests, lord god, must put in salvation with salvation, and let your servants rejoice in the good good. 2Chr.6.42 lord god, do not turn the face of your anointed, remember the mercy of your servant david. 2Chr.7.1 when solomon had finished prayer, the fire descended from heaven and devored the brandopfer and the sacrifices, and the glory of the lord filled the house. 2Chr.7.2 the priests could not enter the house of the lord, for the glory of the lord had filled the house of the lord. 2Chr.7.3 and when all the israelites saw the fire and the glory of the lord was upon the house, they fell on their face on the stone, and they worshiped and prayed the lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever. 2Chr.7.4 so the king and the whole people offered sacrifices before the lord. 2Chr.7.5 the king solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty-two thousand boves and 120 000 boves. so the king and all the people offered the house of god. 2Chr.7.6 the priests were standing in their divisions, and the levites with the instruments of the musikinds of the lord david, which the king david had done for the lord, for his mercy is forever, when david hymned by their hands, and the priests became trumpeting for them, and all israel stood in his presence. 2Chr.7.7 and solomon sanctified the midst of the courtyard that was for the house of the lord, for there he offered the holocauste and the fettations of the sacrifices, because the altar of bronze that salomo had done did not could welcome the holocauste and the sacrifice and the fettations. 2Chr.7.8 in that time salomo celebred the feast seven days and all israel with him. it was a great multitude, from the coming to hamath, until the beast of egypt. 2Chr.7.9 on the eighth day they made a feast of feast, for the feast of the altar did seven days and feast seven days. 2Chr.7.10 on the third day of the seventh day of the seventh day he sent the people into their tentes, rejoicing and glad heart because of the good things that the lord had done for david and solomon and for his people israel. 2Chr.7.11 so when salomo had finished the house of the lord and the house of the king, and all that he had desired to do in the house of the lord and in his house, 2Chr.7.12 and the lord appeared to solomon in the night and said to him, i have heard your prayer and chose this place for my own sacrifice. 2Chr.7.13 if i strike heaven and there is no rain, and if i command the locusts to devour the tree, or if i send death among my people, 2Chr.7.14 and if my people, who is called my name, humilies, and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then i will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. 2Chr.7.15 now my eyes will be open, and my ears will hear the prayer in this place. 2Chr.7.16 now i have chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there forever, and my eyes and my heart will be in there always. 2Chr.7.17 and if you go before me, like your father david, and do all that i have commanded you, and keep my commandments and my judgments, 2Chr.7.18 so i will restore the throne of your kingdom, as i told david your father, saying, no one will be taken for you as ruler in israel. 2Chr.7.19 but if you turn and forgive my commandments and my commandments that i have given you and go and serve others, and worship them, 2Chr.7.20 so i will destroy you from my land that i have given them, and this house that i have sanctified for my name will i drew away from my presence, and i will make him a proverbe and a spoor among all the nations. 2Chr.7.21 and for this house that was exalted, everyone who passes by it will be treated and say, why did the lord do so to this land and to this house? 2Chr.7.22 and will say, because they have left the lord, the god of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of egypt, and kept themselves to others, and worshiped them and served them, therefore he has brought all this evil upon them. 2Chr.8.1 after the twenty-years when solomon had built the house of the lord and his house, 2Chr.8.2 became up the towns that hiram had given solomon, and distributed there the sons of israel. 2Chr.8.3 so solomon went to hamat-soba and strengthened it. 2Chr.8.4 he built tadmor in the wilderness and all the treasures of the treasures that he had built at hamath. 2Chr.8.5 and he built bet-horon the high and bet-horon the night, burts of mures, porths and bound, 2Chr.8.6 also baalath and all the mighty cities that had been for solomon, and all the towns of the chars, the towns of the horse, and all that he desired to build in jerusalem and in the libano and in all the land of his kingdom. 2Chr.8.7 all the people that left the hetites, the amorites, the perizzites, the hevites and the jebuss, who were not of israel, 2Chr.8.8 they were one of their children, who were left after them in the land, which the people of israel did not destroy, they carried them up to serving, even to this day. 2Chr.8.9 but of the sons of israel solomon did not give servants for his kingdom, but they were soldiers, rulers of his office and his officers. 2Chr.8.10 the rulers of the rulers of king solomon were two and five hundred who were charged in the people. 2Chr.8.11 and solomon brought a daughter from the city of david to the house that he had built for her, for he said, my wife shall not dwell in the city of david, the king of israel, for it is holy because the ark of the lord has come there. 2Chr.8.12 then solomon offered offerings to the lord on the altar of the lord, which he had built before the temple. 2Chr.8.13 so that it offered every day, according to the commandments of moses, in the sabbath, in the sabbats and at the feast, three times of the year, at the feast of the unleavened bread, and at the feast of the sevents and at the feast of the tents. 2Chr.8.14 and he appointed the officers of the priests according to their ministry and the levites over their guards, to praise and to serve in the presence of the priests, according to the instruction of every day, and the gates according to their classes, for so was the commandment of david, the man of god. 2Chr.8.15 so they did not refuse the commandments of the king about the priests and the levites in all things and in the treasures. 2Chr.8.16 so all the work was prepared from the day when it was laid up, until it was perfected the house of the lord. 2Chr.8.17 then solomon went to esjon-geber and to elot, by the sea, in the land of edom. 2Chr.8.18 and hiram sent him by his servants a boat and servants who knew the sea, and they went with the servants of solomon to ofir, and they took there four hundred talents of gold and brought it to the king solomon. 2Chr.9.1 when the reine of sheba heard the name of solomon, she came to tempt salomo with enights, with a great power, with camel who had aromata and gold in great multitude and precious stones. and she came to salomo and told him all that was in her heart. 2Chr.9.2 and solomon declared her all her words, and nothing was reported to solomon that he had not told her. 2Chr.9.3 when the king of sheba saw the wisdom of solomon and the house that he had built, 2Chr.9.4 the food of his table, and the seated of his servants, and the place of his ministers and their garments, and his schenkers and their garments, and the sacrifices that he was offering in the house of the lord was not ready of her. 2Chr.9.5 and she said to the king, the saying was true that i heard in my land about your words and your wisdom. 2Chr.9.6 i did not believe the words until i came and saw my eyes. and behold, a half of your great wisdom has not been told to me. you have increasined the fame that i had heard. 2Chr.9.7 blessed are your men, and blessed are these servants, who are always standing by you and hear your wisdom! 2Chr.9.8 blessed be the lord your god, who pleased you and put you on his throne to be king for the lord your god. for your god loves israel to establish him forever, he has made you a king over them, to do judgment and righteousness. 2Chr.9.9 and she gave to the king 120 talents of gold, great aromates and precious stones. there was not such as those arores, which the reine of sheba had given to the king solomon. 2Chr.9.10 the servants of hiram and the servants of hiram, who brought gold from ofir, brought cyprus and precious stones. 2Chr.9.11 the king did of the sangum-tree back for the house of the lord and for the house of the king, and harpas and psalterios for the waves. so there was no longer appeared in the land of judah. 2Chr.9.12 and the king solomon gave the reine of sheba all that she desired and asked, except what she had brought to the king. then she returned and returned to his land. 2Chr.9.13 the gewicht of the gold that had come to salomo in one year was 666 talents of gold, 2Chr.9.14 except the officers and the negociers, and all the kings of arabia and the governor of the land brought gold and silver to solomon. 2Chr.9.15 and the king solomon made two hundred skilds with gold, seizhundred sits of gold made on the one scuth, 2Chr.9.16 and three hundred heads of gold, with trehundred sicles of gold was carried up three hundred sicles of gold. the king laid them in the house of the west of the libano. 2Chr.9.17 the king made a great throne of elfenbest and overcould it with pure gold. 2Chr.9.18 the throne had six grauks, and in the throne was six stepes, with gold on the seading course, and by the six places there were two leons. 2Chr.9.19 the twelve leans were standing there on the six paths of one and from one side. such was not done in any kingdom. 2Chr.9.20 all the vessels of the king solomon were of gold, and all vessels of the house of the libanon-tree were with gold of gold. the money was not reason for anything in the days of solomon. 2Chr.9.21 for the king had flots, going to tarsis, with the servants of hiram, once at three years, the boats of tarsis came, bringing gold and silver, elfenbone, built and pain. 2Chr.9.22 so the king solomon was greater than all the kings of the land in riches and wisdom. 2Chr.9.23 and all the kings of the earth were seeking the face of solomon to hear his wisdom, which god had put in his heart. 2Chr.9.24 and they were brought each one of them his offerings: silbers of silver and vasos of gold and garments, waves and aromata, horses and muilds, every year. 2Chr.9.25 and solomon had four thousand horse of horses and chars and twelve thousand horse, who put them in the towns of the chars and with the king in jerusalem. 2Chr.9.26 and he was ruler over all the kings from the river to the land of the filistyne and to the region of egypt. 2Chr.9.27 the king made silver and gold in jerusalem like stones, and the seders so much as the figs in the camper. 2Chr.9.28 the cabs brought for solomon out of egypt and from all the regions. 2Chr.9.29 the rest of the words of solomon, the first and the last, behold, it is written in the historio of nathan the prophet, in the region of ahija the siloniten, and in the vision of iddo the seer, concerning jerobeam the son of nebat? 2Chr.9.30 and salomon regered in jerusalem over all israel forty years. 2Chr.9.31 and solomon reposed and entered him in the city of his father david, and his son roboam reged in his place. 2Chr.10.1 and rehobeam went to sichem, for the whole israel was coming to sichem to make him a king. 2Chr.10.2 now when jerobeam, the son of nebat, heard that he was in egypt, where he had escaped from the king of solomon, he returned from egypt. 2Chr.10.3 so they sent and called him. so jerobeam and all israel came and told rehobeam, saying, 2Chr.10.4 your father has made our yoke harden, but now leave the harden service of your father and the burden yoke that he put on us, and we will serve you. 2Chr.10.5 and he said to them, go at three days and come to me. and the people went. 2Chr.10.6 and the king roboam consulted the elders who stood before his father solomon while he was still, and he said, what do you consider to answer this people? 2Chr.10.7 and they told him, if you have been good to this people and do to please them and speak to them good words, they will be your servants for all the days. 2Chr.10.8 but he left the raad of the elders that they had given him, and delivered him with the young men who had come with him and stood before him. 2Chr.10.9 he said to them, what do you consider to answer this people, who spoke to me, saying, leave the yoke that your father has put on us? 2Chr.10.10 and the young men who had been bringing with him said to him, so shall you say to the people who said to you, your father has made our yoke burden, but do you leave them. so shall you say to them, my little finger is greater than the hope of my father. 2Chr.10.11 have now my father put you a swaar yoke, but i will make your jock more. my father has castiged you with peits, but i will punish you with scorpions. 2Chr.10.12 then jerobeam and the whole people came to roboam the third day, as the king had spoken, saying, come to me on the third day. 2Chr.10.13 and the king answered them hard, for the king rejected the purpose of the elders, 2Chr.10.14 and spoke to them according to the conseless of the young men, saying, my father has made your yoke harden, but i will make your jock more. my father has castiged you with peits, but i will punish you with scorpions. 2Chr.10.15 so the king did not listen to the people, for this was reason from god, that the lord might restore his word, which he had spoken to jerobeam the son of nebat by ahija of silo. 2Chr.10.16 and when the whole israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, what part should we have in david? we have no possession in the son of isai! in your tender, israel! see your house now, david! so the whole israel went to his dwelling. 2Chr.10.17 so regered roboam over the israelites who dwelled in the towns of judah. 2Chr.10.18 when the king rehoboam sent adoram who was over the carcers, but the people of israel stoned him to death, and so he died. so the king roboam immediately went in to ascend in the wagen and escape to jerusalem. 2Chr.10.19 so israel departed from the house of david until this day. 2Chr.11.1 and when rehoboam came to jerusalem, he gathered the house of judah and benjamin, 12,000 young wars, to strike against israel and turn the kingdom to roboam. 2Chr.11.2 but the word of the lord came to semaja, man of god, saying, 2Chr.11.3 say to roboam, the son of solomon, and to all israel in judah and benjamin, saying, 2Chr.11.4 so says the lord: you shall not ascend and strike against your brothers. return each one to his own house, for this thing has come from me. so they heard the words of the lord and turned away from going to jerobeam. 2Chr.11.5 and rehobeam remained in jerusalem and built a town in judea. 2Chr.11.6 he built betlehem, etam, tecoa, 2Chr.11.7 and bet-sura, and socho, and adullam, 2Chr.11.8 and gath, and maresa, and zif, 2Chr.11.9 and adoraim, and lachis, and azeka, 2Chr.11.10 sorea, ajalon, and hebron, who were in judah and benjamin. 2Chr.11.11 and he kept fortified and put rulers in them and laid rulers of food and olive and wine. 2Chr.11.12 in every city there were scusts and spices, and strengthened them in much strength. so juda and benjamin were with him. 2Chr.11.13 the priests and the levites who were in all israel were gathered to him from all their regions. 2Chr.11.14 for the levites left their tends and possessions and went to juda and jerusalem, because jerobeam and his sons had cast them out, not to serve the lord. 2Chr.11.15 and he appointed himself priests for the high country and to the demons and for the boves that he had made. 2Chr.11.16 they went out from all the tribes of israel those who kept their heart to seek the lord, the god of israel, and came to jerusalem to sacrifice to the lord, the god of their fathers. 2Chr.11.17 so they strengthened the kingdom of judah and strengthened roboam, the son of solomon, three years, for they went on the ways of david and solomon. 2Chr.11.18 and rehoboam took her a wife for mahalat, daughter of jerimoth, son of david, and abijah, daughter of eliab, the son of jesse. 2Chr.11.19 she gave him sons, jeeus, shemaria, and zaham. 2Chr.11.20 after him he took up maacha, the daughter of absalom, and she born him abijah, attai, ziza, and selomith. 2Chr.11.21 and rehobeam loved maacha, the daughter of absalom more than all his daughters and daughters, for he had had eighty-eight women and ented thirty-eight sons and seven daughters. 2Chr.11.22 and roboam made abia, the son of maacha, a ruler among his brothers, for he could have made him a ruler. 2Chr.11.23 he greatly divided all his children in all the regions of judah and benjamin, in all the forts towns, and gave them a great food, and asked them a multitude of women. 2Chr.12.1 when roboam was ready, and he was strengthened, he left the commandments of the lord, and all israel with him. 2Chr.12.2 in the cinth years of regering, sishak, king of egypt, went up against jerusalem, because they had sinned against the lord, 2Chr.12.3 with 1200 chars and 60 000 hors, and a number of the number of those who came with him from egypt: libyes, put, and etiopians. 2Chr.12.4 he seized the crowds of judah and went to jerusalem. 2Chr.12.5 then the prophet shemaja came to roboam and the rulers of judah, who were gathered to jerusalem from the presence of shisac, and said to them, so says the lord: you have left me, so i have left you in the hand of shisac. 2Chr.12.6 so the rulers of israel and the king were wrong, and they said, the lord is righteous. 2Chr.12.7 when the lord saw that they were humilied, the word of the lord came to shemaja, saying, they have humilied. i will not destroy them, but i will give them a little while, and my wrath will not bread my wrath against jerusalem against jerusalem. 2Chr.12.8 but they will become his servants, so that they may know how they are service of me and the service of the kingdoms of the earth. 2Chr.12.9 so sishak, the king of egypt, went up in jerusalem and took the treasures of the temple of the lord and the treasures of the house of the king, took everything. he took up the golds of the gold that salomo had done. 2Chr.12.10 the ruler of bronze made he in their place, and he delivered them over the rulers of the courholds who guarded the door of the city of the king. 2Chr.12.11 as the king entered the house of the lord, the guarders went and brought them, and then they brought them to the officers. 2Chr.12.12 since he had been ashamed, the wrath of the lord turned away from him and did not destroy him finally, for there was any good things in judah. 2Chr.12.13 and david became strong in jerusalem and reasoned. for roboam was about seven and one years when he was a king, and seven years realled in jerusalem, the city that the lord had chosen among all the tribes of israel to set there his name. his mother the name was naama, the ammonitita. 2Chr.12.14 and he did what was evil, for he did not keep his heart to seek the lord. 2Chr.12.15 the words of rehobeam, the first and the last, is not written in the genealoges of the prophet shemaja and the seer iddo, in their genealogies. and they were belonging to roboam and jerobeam for all the days. 2Chr.12.16 and roboam died with his fathers and was buried in the city of david. and his son abijah reged in his place. 2Chr.13.1 in the eighth years of king, abija regered over juda. 2Chr.13.2 he regered three years in jerusalem. his mother was michaja, the daughter of uriel from gibeah. there was a guerre among abijah and jerobeam. 2Chr.13.3 abija stood up the war with a soldier of soldiers, four hundred thousand men of held, and jerobeam stood up against him with fiventh thousand mighty men, dyghty men. 2Chr.13.4 and abijah stood up on the mountain of samaria, who was in the mountain of ephraim, and said, hear me, jerobeam and all israel! 2Chr.13.5 do you not know that the lord, the god of israel, has given david a kingdom over israel forever, to him and his sons, with a certain covenant? 2Chr.13.6 but jerobeam, the son of nebat, servant of solomon the son of david, stood up and rebellied against his master. 2Chr.13.7 and a believing men, devout sons, gathered with him, and were strengthened against rehobeam, the son of solomon. and rehobeam was a young man and had no opportunity against them. 2Chr.13.8 and now you do say to stand against the kingdom of the lord that is in the hand of the sons of david, for you are a great multitude, and with you are a golden kalf that jerobeam made for you as gods. 2Chr.13.9 did you not expulse the priests of the lord, the sons of aaron, and the levites, and did made priests for yourselves as priests of the people of the lands? everyone who comes with a oxe and seven judges, he is made a priest of those who are not god. 2Chr.13.10 but we are the lord our god, and we have not left it, and the priests who serve the lord are the sons of aaron, and the levites in their divisions. 2Chr.13.11 they incense to the lord every day and ears, and incense of incense, and they laid bread on the pure table, and the golden lamp and the lamp, for we keep the guard of the lord, our god, and you have forgiven him. 2Chr.13.12 and behold, god is with us in the beginning, and his priests with the trumpetrompets to call against you. o sons of israel, do not strike against the lord, the god of your fathers, for you will not prospere. 2Chr.13.13 but jerobeam had distributed their hinderness to come on their back, so that they were before juda, and the hinderage followed them. 2Chr.13.14 when the jews returned, behold, their war before and back. and they cried out to the lord, and the priests trumpeted with the trumpets. 2Chr.13.15 and the jews cried out, and when the jews cried out, god killed jerobeam and all israel before abia and juda. 2Chr.13.16 the people of israel fled for judah, and god gave them into their hands. 2Chr.13.17 abijah and his people distributed them a great plague, and five thousand men of israel fell down, five thousand men. 2Chr.13.18 so the people of israel were afflicted on that day, and the jews were strengthened, because they turned to the lord, the god of their fathers. 2Chr.13.19 and abia persecute jerobeam and took from him cities, bet-el and its onderhoriges, jesana and its onderhorige places, and ephron with its onderhorige places. 2Chr.13.20 now jerobeam was not ready for the days of abijah. and the lord killed him, and he died. 2Chr.13.21 but abijah was strengthened, and he took for himself fourteen women, and he born twenty-two sons and sixth daughters. 2Chr.13.22 the rest of his actes, his ways and his words, are written in the book of the prophet iddo. 2Chr.14.1 so abia died with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of david. and his son asa began in his place. in his days the land had reposed ten years. 2Chr.14.2 asa did what was right and right in the eyes of the lord his god. 2Chr.14.3 he turned the altars of the strangers and the offers, and broke the statue and cut down the astartes. 2Chr.14.4 and he told judah to seek the lord, the god of their fathers, and to do the law and the commandments. 2Chr.14.5 he departed from all the towns of judah the offerings and the idols. so he remained in peace. 2Chr.14.6 he made befestigs cities in judah, for the land was in peace, and there was no country for him in these years, because the lord had given him rest. 2Chr.14.7 he said to juda, let us build these städte, and let them be burns and turn, gates and rides. in this way the earth is our dominion, because we seek the lord our god, we seeking us, and he gave us rest everywhere. so they prospered. 2Chr.14.8 and asa had a soldier, carrying with scudas and spices, of juda three hundred thousand, and of benjamin two hundred and seven thousand bound. all these were soldiers. 2Chr.14.9 and zerah the ethioph went out against them with a soldier with a thousand thousand and with three hundred chars, and he came to maresa. 2Chr.14.10 so asa went out to meet him, and they began to make war on the beast of searim, by maresa. 2Chr.14.11 and asa cried out to the lord, his god, and said, lord, it is not possible for you to save in many and in many things? help us, o lord, our god, for we have confidence in you, and in your name we have come against this great multitude. o lord, you are our god, let no one be strengthened to you. 2Chr.14.12 so the lord struck the ethiopes before judah and before judah, and the etiopians fled. 2Chr.14.13 and asa and the people who were with him persecuted them until gerar, and the ethiopes fell down so that there was no one among them, for they were destroyed in the presence of the lord and before his power. and they took a great buit. 2Chr.14.14 they distributed all the towns around gerar, for the fear of the lord was upon them, and they carried all the towns, for there were many buit. 2Chr.14.15 they departed the tends of the sheep and took many sheep and camels, and returned to jerusalem. 2Chr.15.1 then the spirit of god came upon azarja, the son of oded. 2Chr.15.2 he went out to meet asa and said to him, hear me, asa and all judah and benjamin. the lord is with you, when you are with him. if you seek him, he will be found to you, but if you forgive him, he will forgive you. 2Chr.15.3 many days israel was without the true god, not a priest who showed it and without law. 2Chr.15.4 and he will return to the lord, the god of israel, and they will be found. 2Chr.15.5 in those time there was no peace for those who went out or to enter, for there were earthly excellence among all the habitants of the country. 2Chr.15.6 and nation against nation, and city against city, for god had carried them out with all tribulation. 2Chr.15.7 but be strong, and let your hands not break, for your work is a reward. 2Chr.15.8 when asa heard these words and the prophecy of oded the prophet, he encouraged, and he cut out the abominations from the whole land of judah and benjamin and from the towns that he had taken up on the mountain of ephraim, and rejected the altar of the lord, which was before the temple of the temple of the lord. 2Chr.15.9 and he gathered all judas and benjamin and those who were coming with them from ephraim and manasseh and simeon, for many of israel were gathered to him, when they saw that the lord his god was with him. 2Chr.15.10 so they gathered to jerusalem in the third day of the fourteenth of the kingdom of asa. 2Chr.15.11 and they offered the lord on that day from the roof that they had brought, seven thousand boves and seven thousand sheep. 2Chr.15.12 and they divided a covenant to seek the lord, the god of their fathers, with all their hearts and with all their soul, 2Chr.15.13 and every one who does not seek the lord, the god of israel, must die, or a young, or a man or a woman. 2Chr.15.14 and they made an oath to the lord with a loud voice, with the trumpet and the trumpet. 2Chr.15.15 and all the judah rejoiced of the oath, for they swealed with all their souls, and by all his will they were seeking him, and the lord gave them rest around. 2Chr.15.16 he rejected maacha his mother maacha, because she did not devote service to astarte, and she cut down the idol and swlinged it in the beast kidron. 2Chr.15.17 nevertheless, the offerings in israel were not removed, but the heart of asa was full in all his days. 2Chr.15.18 and he brought the offeres of his father and his offerings in the temple of god, silver and gold and vessels. 2Chr.15.19 there was no country with him until the three and thousand years of the kingdom of asa. 2Chr.16.1 in the three and sixth years of asa baasa, the king of israel, went up against juda and built rama, so that he could not depart and enter asa, king of judah. 2Chr.16.2 so asa took silver and gold from the treasures of the house of the lord and of the house of the king and sent to ben-hadad, the king of syria, who was at damascus, saying, 2Chr.16.3 there is a covenant among me and you, as was among my father and your father. behold, i have sent you silver and gold. go and disprec your covenant with basha, the king of israel, that he should go away from me. 2Chr.16.4 and ben-hadad heard the king asa and sent his offices against the towns of israel, and they killed ijon and dan and abel-maim and all the regions of the regions of naphtali. 2Chr.16.5 when basha heard this, he departed to build ramath and remained his work. 2Chr.16.6 then asa, the king, took all judas, and they took the stones of rama and the boves of which baasa had built up, and built in them geba and micpa. 2Chr.16.7 in that time hanani, the prophet, came to asa, king of judah, and said to him, because you have set your confidence on the king of syria and did not turn on the lord your god, so the power of syria was saved from your hand. 2Chr.16.8 did not the etiopians and the libians were a great power, with horse and horse in a great multitude? but because you had set your confidence on the lord, he gave them in your hand. 2Chr.16.9 for the eyes of the lord shows throughout the whole land, to make strength with all their hearts to him. you have done this. from now on you will have a guerre. 2Chr.16.10 so asa was angry to the prophet and put him in prison, because he was encouraged for this purpose. in that time asa devasted some of the people. 2Chr.16.11 as long as the words of asa, the first and the last, are written in the book of the kings of judah and israel. 2Chr.16.12 in the thirventh years of his kingdom, asa became greatly for his feet. and in his weakness he did not seek the lord, but the physicians. 2Chr.16.13 and asa died with his fathers, and he died in the three and night of his regering. 2Chr.16.14 and they buried him in the tomb that he had grown for him in the city of david, and they laid him on the bed, filled with around of around around, and they were burned for him a great excellence. 2Chr.17.1 his son josaphat realled in his place, and he strengthened himself against israel. 2Chr.17.2 and he distributed power in all the fortes towns of judah and made rulers in the land of judah and in the towns of ephraim that his father asa had welcomed. 2Chr.17.3 and the lord was with jehosafat, for he was walking in the first ways of his father david and did not seek the baals, 2Chr.17.4 but he seek the god of his father and followed his commandments, and not as israel was doing. 2Chr.17.5 so the lord strengthened the kingdom in his hand, and all the jews gave up gifts to josafat, and he had great riches and glory. 2Chr.17.6 so his heart was exalted the way of the lord, and he distributed the offers and the astartes from juda. 2Chr.17.7 in the third anno of his regering he sent his rulers ben-hail, obadia, zechariah, nathanael, and michaja, to teach in the towns of judah, 2Chr.17.8 and with them the levites, semaja, netanja, zebadja, asahel, shemiramoth, jonathan, adonija, tobia and tobia, the levites, and with them elishama and joram, the priests. 2Chr.17.9 they were taught in judah, and with them the scroll of the law of the lord, and went through all the towns of judah and taught the people. 2Chr.17.10 and a fear of god came upon all the reies of the land that were around judah, and they did not strike against jehosafat. 2Chr.17.11 and from the philistins they brought iosaphat gifts and silver and gifts, and the arabiers brought to him seven thousand money and seven thousand money. 2Chr.17.12 so jehosafat greatly greatly greatly greatly, and he built a town in judea and cities. 2Chr.17.13 he had much works in the regions of judah, and there were soldiers, strong helds in jerusalem. 2Chr.17.14 this is the number of them according to their families: of juda the rulers, adna the ruler, and with him three hundred 000 strong helds. 2Chr.17.15 after him the ruler johanan and with him two hundred and thousand thousand. 2Chr.17.16 after him amasia, the son of zecri, who was commended before the lord, and with him two hundred thousand helds. 2Chr.17.17 of benjamin, eliada, a strong held, and with him 200.000 who were strengthened with bound and sword, 2Chr.17.18 after him was jozabad, and with him 180 thousand men of sold. 2Chr.17.19 these were ministers in the king, except those who the king had put in the fortes towns in all judea. 2Chr.18.1 now jehosafat had great riches and glory, and he died with ahab. 2Chr.18.2 after some years he went down to achab to samaria, and achab killed many sheep and boves for him and for the people who were with him, and showed him to go against ramot in galaad. 2Chr.18.3 and achab, the king of israel, said to jehosafat, king of judah, shall you go with me to ramoth in galaad? he answered him, i are as you, my people as your people, and my people with you to belong. 2Chr.18.4 and jehosafat said to the king of israel, seek today the way of the lord. 2Chr.18.5 so the king of israel gathered the prophets, four hundred men, and said to them, shall we go to make war against ramot in galaad, or shall i do? they said, come up, and god will give it in the hand of the king. 2Chr.18.6 but jehosafat said, is there not any prophet of the lord, that we might ask him? 2Chr.18.7 and the king of israel said to jehosafat, there are still one man for whom we may ask the lord, but i hate him, for he does not prophesy good about me, but all his days is bad. this is micha, the son of jimla. and jehosafat said, the king do not speak so. 2Chr.18.8 then the king of israel called one eunuch, and said, bring quickly to micha, the son of jimla. 2Chr.18.9 the king of israel and jehosafat, the king of judah, were sitting on his throne, clothed in his robes, at the entrance of the city of samaria, and all the prophets prophesied before them. 2Chr.18.10 and sedekia, the son of kenaana, did for himself a iron horns and said, so says the lord: with these you will strike the syrians, until they are destroyed. 2Chr.18.11 and all the prophets prophesied so, saying, go up to ramot-galaad, and you will be held. the lord will give it into the hand of the king. 2Chr.18.12 the messenger who had gone to call micha said to him, behold, the words of the prophets said in one mouth good to the king. so may your word be like one of them and speak good. 2Chr.18.13 but micha said, the lord lives, whatever my god says i will speak. 2Chr.18.14 and when he came to the king, the king said to him, micha, shall we go to fight against ramot-galaad, or do i do? and he said to him, go, and you will be prospered, and they will be given in your hand. 2Chr.18.15 and the king said to him, how often shall i adjure you, that you may not speak to me except the truth in the name of the lord? 2Chr.18.16 and he said, i saw israel spreated on the mountains like sheep without a shepherd. and the lord said, they have no ruler, let them return, each one to his home in peace. 2Chr.18.17 and the king of israel said to josafat, did i not say to you, he will not prophesy for me good, but only evil? 2Chr.18.18 he said, therefore hear the word of the lord: i saw the lord sitting on his throne, and all the power of heaven stood at his right hand and at his left. 2Chr.18.19 and the lord said, who will leave achab, the king of israel, that he may go up and fall in ramot-galaad? and one said such, and another said so. 2Chr.18.20 so came the spirit and stood before the lord and said, i will deceive him. and the lord said to him, with what? 2Chr.18.21 he said, i will come and be a false spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. and he said, you shall deceive and be able. go and do so! 2Chr.18.22 and now, behold, the lord has put a false spirit in the mouth of these your prophets, and the lord has spoken of evil against you. 2Chr.18.23 then sedekias, the son of kenaana, drew near and struck micha on the kindle and said, in which way the spirit of the lord has gone from me to speak to you? 2Chr.18.24 micha said, you will see that you will see in that day when you enter a camer from a chamar to keep you. 2Chr.18.25 then the king of israel said, take micha and bring him to amon, the ruler of the city, and to joas, the son of the king, 2Chr.18.26 and say: so says the king: put this in prison and eat this with pain of tribulation and water of anguish, until i return in peace. 2Chr.18.27 and micha said, if you return back in peace, the lord has not spoken to me, hear all the people. 2Chr.18.28 so the king of israel and jehosafat, the king of judah, went up to ramot-galaad. 2Chr.18.29 and the king of israel said to jehosafat, i will could shame and come into the war, but you put on your garments. so the king of israel drew his course and went into the bath. 2Chr.18.30 the king of syria had commanded the rulers of his waves, saying, do not strike against a little or the great, but only against the king of israel. 2Chr.18.31 when the rulers of the waves saw josafat, they said, it is the king of israel. and they walked around to strike him. but jehosafat cried out, and the lord salvated him, and god rejected them from him. 2Chr.18.32 when the rulers of the waves saw that it was not the king of israel, they turned from him. 2Chr.18.33 but a man stricked a bound in his way and struck the king of israel among the bound of the paner. so he said to the courman of the courhold, turn and bring me out of the war, for i am healed. 2Chr.18.34 but the war was distributed in that day, and the king of israel stood at his wagen before the syrians until evening, and at the helper of the sun he died. 2Chr.19.1 so jehosafat, the king of judah, returned to his house in peace to jerusalem. 2Chr.19.2 so jehu, the son of hanani, the prophet, went out to him and said to the king josafat, are you to help the gottlosen and love those who hates the lord? why is at you a wrath of the lord. 2Chr.19.3 but good things were found in you, for you have removed the astartes from the land and have kept your heart to seek the lord. 2Chr.19.4 so jehosafat went in in jerusalem, and again he went out to the people, from beer-sheba until the mountain of ephraim, and turned them to the lord, the god of their fathers. 2Chr.19.5 and he set judges in the land in all the mighty towns of judah in every city. 2Chr.19.6 and he said to the judges, see what you are doing, for you are not judge for a man, but for the lord, and he is with you in the reason of judgment. 2Chr.19.7 so let fear of the lord be upon you. keep yourselves and do doing, for with the lord our god is not unrighteousness nor appearing in face or acceptance. 2Chr.19.8 even in jerusalem jehosafat appointed the priests and the priests and the families of the families of israel to pass judgment on the lord and to judge. 2Chr.19.9 and he told them, do so in the fear of the lord with truth and with sinful heart. 2Chr.19.10 in every direct judgment, which your brothers who dwell in their towns, comes upon you, of a blood of blood, of the law, of the commandments, of the commandments, of the commandments and departs, depart them, that they may not sin against the lord, and the wrath may not be upon you and your brothers. so do so, that you do not sin. 2Chr.19.11 and behold, amarja the priest is a ruler over you in all the things of the lord, and zebadja, the son of ismael, the ruler of the house of judah, in every respect of the king. the scribes and the levites are before you. be strengthened and do, and the lord is with the good. 2Chr.20.1 after this the moabites and the ammonites and with them some of the meunites came to josafat to belong. 2Chr.20.2 so they came and told josafat, saying, a great multitude came upon you from the other side of the sea, from syria, and behold, they are in hazeson-tamar, which is en-gaddi. 2Chr.20.3 so jehosafat was afraid and laid his face to seek the lord, and preached a fasting in all judah. 2Chr.20.4 so judas gathered to seek the lord, and from all the towns of judah came to seek the lord. 2Chr.20.5 so jehosafat stood up in the church of judah and jerusalem in the house of the lord, before the new courtyard, 2Chr.20.6 and said, lord, god of our fathers, are you not god in heaven, and you are lord in all the reign of the nations? in your hand is power and strength, and there is no one to stand against you? 2Chr.20.7 you, our god, did not destroy those who dwell this land from the presence of your people israel and gave it to the offspring of your beloved abraham forever? 2Chr.20.8 they have dwelled in it and built in it a holy place for your name, saying, 2Chr.20.9 if a evil comes upon us, a sword, a judgment, a death, or a famine, we will stand before this house and before you, for your name is in this house, and we shall cry to you in our strength, and you will hear and save. 2Chr.20.10 and now, behold, the sons of ammon and moab and the people of the mountain of seir, where you did not give israel to go, when they came out of the land of egypt, but they departed from them and did not destroy them, 2Chr.20.11 behold, they are accused of us, coming out to cast us out of our inheritance that you have given us. 2Chr.20.12 our god, do you not judge them? for we have no power to stand against this great multitude that comes against us, and we do not know what we will do, but our eyes are upon you. 2Chr.20.13 so all the jews stood before the lord with their children and children. 2Chr.20.14 then the spirit of the lord was upon jahaziel, the son of zechariah, the son of benaia, the son of jeiel, son of mattanja, a levita of the sons of asaph, 2Chr.20.15 and he said, hear, all you of judah and you who dwell in jerusalem, and you, o king of josaphat! so says the lord to you: do not be afraid of fear of this great crowd, for the bation is not your, but god. 2Chr.20.16 follow immorrow against them. behold, they come up in the way of sis, and you will find them at the ends of the river, by the wilderness of jeruel. 2Chr.20.17 it is not for you to strike these things. consider and see the salvation of the lord with you, o judah and jerusalem. do not be afraid or fear. rather come out for them, and the lord will be with you. 2Chr.20.18 so jehoshafat fell down on his face, and all the jews and the inwoners of jerusalem fell down before the lord and worshiped the lord. 2Chr.20.19 then the levites, from the sons of cahath and of the sons of korah stood up to praise the lord, the god of israel, with a loud voice. 2Chr.20.20 early in the morning they went out and went out to the wilderness of tekoa. and as they went out, jehosafat stood up and said, hear me, you judah and you who dwell in jerusalem! believe in the lord your god, and you will be punished. believe his prophets, and you will be prospered. 2Chr.20.21 when he had planted council with the people, he recognized the lord, for his mercy is forever! 2Chr.20.22 and when they began to praise and praise, the lord gave a hard to the sons of ammon and moab and the people of the mountain of seir, who had come out against judah, and they were destroyed. 2Chr.20.23 for the sons of ammon and moabites stood up against the residents of the mountain of seir to destroy them and destroy them. and when they had finished the residents of seir, they began to destroy one another. 2Chr.20.24 when judas came to the guard of the wilderness to the wilderness, and when they saw the people, behold, dead dead were fallen on the earth, and no one was escaped. 2Chr.20.25 so jehoŝafat and his people went to bring the bytting, and they found a great manner and food and goods, and they saked for themselves. now three days they took the roof, for it was much. 2Chr.20.26 the fourth day they gathered at the beast of blessing, for there they blessed the lord. therefore they called the name of the name loak of blessing until this day. 2Chr.20.27 so all the people of judah and jerusalem and jehosafat, their ruler, returned with great joy to jerusalem, for the lord had given them joy of their enemies. 2Chr.20.28 they went to jerusalem with psalters, harpas and trompettes, to the house of the lord. 2Chr.20.29 and a fear of god came upon all the kingdoms of the land, when they heard that the lord had gathered against the enemies of israel. 2Chr.20.30 so the kingdom of josafat remained peace, and his god gave him rest around. 2Chr.20.31 and josafat regered over juda. he was five and thirty years when he began to be, and he regered seven five years in jerusalem. his mother was azuba, a daughter of shilhi. 2Chr.20.32 he wanded in the ways of his father asa and did not refuse and do what was right in the eyes of the lord. 2Chr.20.33 but the offers were not removed, and the people did not keep his heart to the god of their fathers. 2Chr.20.34 the cetera historio of jehosafat, the first and the last, behold, it is written in the words of jehu, the son of hanani, who is written in the book of the kings of israel. 2Chr.20.35 after this jehoshafat, the king of judah, departed with ahazja, king of israel, who was wrong. 2Chr.20.36 and he went with him to make boats to go into tarsis, and they made boats in ezion-geber. 2Chr.20.37 but eliezer, the son of dodaja from maresha, prophesied against josafat, saying, since you have died with ahazja, the lord has destroyed your work. so the boats were broken and could not go to tarsis. 2Chr.21.1 and jehosafat died with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of david. and his son joram began in his place. 2Chr.21.2 he had brothers, sons of jehosafat: azarja, jechiel, zechariah, azariah, michael and shefatja. all these were sons of jehosafat, the king of judah. 2Chr.21.3 their father gave them many gifts, silver and gold and garments, with fortes towns in judah. but he gave the kingdom to joram, for he was the firstborn. 2Chr.21.4 when joram had gone in the kingdom of his kingdom and was strengthened, he killed all his brothers with the sword and some of the rulers of israel. 2Chr.21.5 joram was at thirty years of thirty years, and he was king in jerusalem at eight years. 2Chr.21.6 he went on the way of the kings of israel as he did the house of achab, for his daughter was a daughter of achab. he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord. 2Chr.21.7 but the lord did not destroy the house of david because of the covenant that he had made with david, and because he had told that he would give him a lamp for all the days. 2Chr.21.8 in his days edom departed from juda and made one of them a king. 2Chr.21.9 so joram went with his rulers and all his hors. and he rose in the night and struck the edomites who had around him and the rulers of the chars. 2Chr.21.10 so edom departed from juda until this day. in that time libna departed from his hand, because he had left the lord the god of his fathers. 2Chr.21.11 even he made offers in the towns of judah and departed the inwoners of jerusalem to sexual immorality and deceived juda. 2Chr.21.12 there came to him a scripture from the prophet elijah, saying, so says the lord, the god of your father david, saying, because you did not go on the ways of your father josaphat and in the ways of asa, the king of judah, 2Chr.21.13 but you went in the way of the kings of israel and brought judas and the inwoners of jerusalem in sexual immorality with the house of achab, and has killed your brothers, the children of your father, who were more than you, 2Chr.21.14 so, behold, the lord will strike with a great plague your people, your sons, your women and all your children. 2Chr.21.15 and you will be weak in soffering, in a diseasing of your womb, until your women will come out of the sick from days to day. 2Chr.21.16 so the lord raised up against joram the philistins and the arabians, who were on the region of the ethiopes. 2Chr.21.17 they went up to judah and mocked them, and turned away all the children that had found in the house of the king, even his sons and his daughters, so that there was not only one son, except ahasja, the little of his sons. 2Chr.21.18 after all these things the lord struck him in his stomach a diseasing sick. 2Chr.21.19 for a while, at the time of two days, at the time of two days, his womb came out of his light, and he died in evil afflictions. and his people did not burn him a burn, as the offering of his fathers. 2Chr.21.20 he was about thirty-two years oud when he was a king, and at jerusalem regierte eight years. and he was buried in the city of david, but not in the tombs of the kings. 2Chr.22.1 the inwoners of jerusalem made ahazja, his little son, king in his place, for all the elders had killed the robber who had gone with the arabians. so ahazja, the son of joram, king of judah, regered. 2Chr.22.2 ahaziah was at ear when he was king, and he regered a year in jerusalem. his mother was athalia, the daughter of omri. 2Chr.22.3 even he went on the way of the house of ahab, for his mother was counted to sin to sin. 2Chr.22.4 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, like the house of achab, for they were his couners after the death of his father to destroy him. 2Chr.22.5 in their counted he went and went with joram, the son of achab, to belong against hazael, king of syria, to ramot in galaad. and the sailers killed joram. 2Chr.22.6 so he returned to jezreel to be healed of the plagues they had given him in rama, while he was against hazael, king of syria. and ahazja, the son of joram, king of judah, went down to see joram, the son of achab, to jezreel, because he was sick. 2Chr.22.7 so from god came a destruction of ahazja to come to joram. for when he came, he went out with joram against jehu, the son of nimsi, whom the lord had anointed to destroy the house of achab. 2Chr.22.8 as jehu did justice to the house of achab, he found the rulers of judah and the brothers of ahazia who were ministers in ahazja, and killed them. 2Chr.22.9 then he seek to seek ahasja, and they welcomed him as he was being healed in samaria, and they brought him to jehu and killed him. and they buried him, for they said, he is a son of jehoŝafat, who sought the lord with all his heart. so there was no one in the house of ahazja, who would encourage the kingdom. 2Chr.22.10 when atalja, the mother of ahazia, saw that her son was dead, she rose and destroyed all the offspring of the kingdom of judah. 2Chr.22.11 but jehosabad, the daughter of the king, took joas, the son of ashaziah, and cut him from the sons of the king who were killed, and put him and his food in the room of the patters. so jehoshabeth, the daughter of the king joram, wife of the priest jehojada, she was a sister of ahazia and had not killed him. 2Chr.22.12 and he was hidden with her in the house of god six years, and athalia regered in the land. 2Chr.23.1 but in the seventh years jehojada was strengthened and took up the centurions, azarja, the son of joram, and ismael, the son of johanan, and azarja, the son of obed, and maaseja, the son of adaja, and elishafan, the son of zechariah. 2Chr.23.2 so they went around juda and gathered the levites from all the towns of judah and the families of the families of israel, and they came to jerusalem. 2Chr.23.3 and the whole church made a covenant in the house of god with the king, and he told them, behold, the son of the king will reign, just as the lord spoke to the sons of david. 2Chr.23.4 this is what you must do: a third of you who enter the sabbath, of the priests and of the levites, will be gathered by the gates, 2Chr.23.5 a third deel will be in the palace of the king, and a third in the way of the way. and all the people shall be in the town of the house of the lord. 2Chr.23.6 but let no one enter the house of the lord except the priests and the levites who serve. they shall enter, for they are holy, but all the people must keep the guard of the lord. 2Chr.23.7 the levites will walk around the king, each one with his waves in the hand, and whoever comes in the house must die. and you must be with the king when he enter and comes. 2Chr.23.8 the levites and all the jews did all that the priest jehojada had commanded, and they took each his men, who were beginning on the sabbath, and those who went on the sabbath, for the priest jehojada did not despise the officers. 2Chr.23.9 and jojada gave the officers the officers and the scuth and the instruments of the king of david who were in the temple of god. 2Chr.23.10 and he set all the people, each in his arms in his hand, from the right side of the house until the left side of the temple, around the altar and the temple. 2Chr.23.11 then they brought the son of the king and put on him the diadema and the testimony and made him a king. then jehojada and his sons anointed him, and they said, let the king live! 2Chr.23.12 when athalia heard the voice of the people who cried out and praise the king, she went to the king in the house of the lord. 2Chr.23.13 he saw, and behold, the king was at his opportunity at the inside, the rulers and the trumpets around the king, and all the people of the people rejoiced and trumpeted with the trumpet, and the change with instruments of instruments and instruments of praise. then athalia distributed her robes and cried out, herit, companing! 2Chr.23.14 but the priest jehojada went out to the officers and the officers of the soldier, and said to them, bring her out out of the household, and let those who follow her must be killed by the sword. for the priest said, let her not die in the house of the lord. 2Chr.23.15 so they turned her up, and when she had gone through the city of the horse, they districted her there. 2Chr.23.16 and jehojada made a covenant among himself, with the people and the king, that they were the people of the lord. 2Chr.23.17 then all the people went into the house of baal and destroyed it. they destroyed his altars and idols, and matthan, the priest of baal, killed before the altars. 2Chr.23.18 then jehojada appointed the service of the house in the hand of the priests and levites, which david had distributed the classes of the priests in the house of the lord, to offer the sacrifices for the lord, as it is written in the law of moses, with joy and singing, according to the way of david. 2Chr.23.19 and he set the gates by the gates of the house of the lord, that no one might enter anything who was unclean. 2Chr.23.20 and he took the rulers and the helds and the rulers of the people and all the people of the land, and brought the king to the house of the lord, and went through the inside porte in the palace of the king, and they set the king on the throne of the kingdom. 2Chr.23.21 and all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was rushed. but atalja had they killed with the sword. 2Chr.24.1 joas was seven years when he was beginning, and regierte 40 years in jerusalem. his mother's name was sibja, of beer-sheba. 2Chr.24.2 joas did what was right in the sight of the lord in all the days of the priest jehojada. 2Chr.24.3 and jojada took him two women, and he born sons and daughters. 2Chr.24.4 after this joas was intented to restaure the house of the lord. 2Chr.24.5 and he gathered the priests and the levites and said to them, go out to the towns of judah and gather silver for the house of your lord every year, and spy to speak. but the levites did not think. 2Chr.24.6 then the king called joiada, the ruler, and said to him, why did you not perceive the levites to bring from judah and jerusalem the divided of moses, the man of god, and the congregation of israel? 2Chr.24.7 for the ungodly athalia and her sons defiled the house of god, and all the holy things of the house of the lord they did to the baals. 2Chr.24.8 so the king put a money and put it at the gate of the house of the lord outside. 2Chr.24.9 and they proclaimed in judah and jerusalem to bring to the lord what moses, the servant of god, told israel in the wilderness. 2Chr.24.10 then all the rulers and all the people were given, and they offered and put in the money, until it was fulfilled. 2Chr.24.11 now when they brought the moneybag by the levites by the rulers of the king, and when they saw that a money was longer, the scribes of the king and the ruler of the high priest came and bringed the charge and brought it up to his place. so they did every day and gathered a great money. 2Chr.24.12 the king and jojada gave it to those who were doing the work for the household of the house of the lord, and they sailed a stones and carcerers for ready the house of the lord, even iron and bronze for ready the house of the lord. 2Chr.24.13 so the laborers were doing, and the opportunity went up by their hands, and they set the temple of god in his way, and they strengthened it. 2Chr.24.14 when they had finished, they brought the rest of the money to the king and jojada, and they prepared vessels for the house of the lord, vessels for minister and offerings, both golden and silver. and they offered always brandopfer in the house, all the days of jojada. 2Chr.24.15 and jojada died and was full of days, and died. he was of 130 years when he died. 2Chr.24.16 and they buried him in the city of david with the kings, for he had done good in israel, and for god and his house. 2Chr.24.17 after the death of jehojada the rulers of judah came and worshiped the king, and the king heard them. 2Chr.24.18 and they devoted the temple of the lord, the god of their fathers, and served the astartes and the idols. for a wrath came upon juda and jerusalem for this sake. 2Chr.24.19 and he sent a prophets to bring to them to return to the lord, and they warned them, but they did not hear them. 2Chr.24.20 and the spirit of god was clothed to azarja, the son of joiada the priest, and he stood up before the people and said, so says the lord: why do you passe the commandments of the lord? you will not be prospered. because you have forgiven the lord, he has forgiven you. 2Chr.24.21 but they plotted against him and killed him after the commandment of the king in the courtyard of the house of the lord. 2Chr.24.22 so joas did not remember the mercy that his father jehojada had done for him, but killed his son. and when he had died, he said, the lord see and judge. 2Chr.24.23 at the end of the year the armée of syria went up against him, and they came to judah and jerusalem and destroyed among the people all the rulers of the people, and they sent all their buit to the king of damascus. 2Chr.24.24 for in a little number of people came the armée of syria, but the lord gave a great power in their hands, because they had left the lord god of their fathers. so they did justice against joas. 2Chr.24.25 and when they departed from him, they left him in great sound, his servants set against him because of the blood of the sons of the priest jehojada, and they killed him on his bed. so he died, and they buried him in the city of david, but not in the tombs of the kings. 2Chr.24.26 the ones who conspired against him were zabad, the son of shimath the ammonites, and jozabad, the son of simrith the moabite. 2Chr.24.27 now his sons, and as concerned against him the five and the provisions of god and god of god, behold, it is written in the scripture of the kings of the kings. and his son amacija regered in his place. 2Chr.25.1 amaţia was about five and five years old, and he regent 29 years in jerusalem. his mother was joaddan, from jerusalem. 2Chr.25.2 he did what was right in the sight of the lord, but not with perfect heart. 2Chr.25.3 as the kingdom was made in his hand, he killed his servants who had murdered the king, his father. 2Chr.25.4 but their children he did not put to death, as it is written in the law of the law, which the lord has commanded, that the fathers should not die for the children and the sons not for their fathers, but each should die for his own sin. 2Chr.25.5 and amazia gathered the people of judah and set them up according to their families, rulers and centurions, in all juda and jerusalem. and he numbered them from twenty-years and opoor, and found them three hundred thousand helds to walk, holding gazes and schilde. 2Chr.25.6 so he took from israel a hundred helds officers for 100 talents of silver. 2Chr.25.7 but a man of god came to him, saying, o king, let the power of israel not go with you, for the lord is not with israel, with all the sons of ephraim. 2Chr.25.8 but rise you and help them, and god will fall you before the enemy, for there is god to help and to strike. 2Chr.25.9 and amazia said to the man of god, what must i do with the hundred talents that i gave to the power of israel? and the man of god said, the lord has could give you more than these. 2Chr.25.10 so amasai departed the power that had come to him from ephraim, so that they departed to their place. so they were great wrath against judah and returned to their place in wrath of wrath. 2Chr.25.11 and amaţia became strong, and took his people and went into the sool of salt, and killed 1,000 of the sons of seir. 2Chr.25.12 the sons of judah took down tien thousand, and brought them on the top of the rook and throw them down from the top of the steep, so that they were all jeased. 2Chr.25.13 but the soldiers of the power that amaziah had brought return, so that they would not go with him to the war, attacked in the towns of judah, from samaria ända to bet-horon, and killed three thousand among them and took a great buit. 2Chr.25.14 after amazia had come in the district of the edomites, he brought the deeds of the sons of seir and set them up for himself, and worshiped them and offered to them. 2Chr.25.15 so the wrath of the lord came to amazia, and he sent him a prophet, who said to him, why have you seeking the deeds of the people, who have not rejected their people from your hand? 2Chr.25.16 while he spoke to him, the king said to him, have you made a ruler of the king? hold attention, lest you be killed? and the prophet kept silent, and he said, i know that god desired to destroy you, because you have done this and did not listen to my council. 2Chr.25.17 and amazia consulted and sent a message to joas, the son of joahaz, son of jehu, the king of israel, saying, come, let us appear at appearance. 2Chr.25.18 but joas, king of israel, sent to amaziah, king of judah, saying, the torn of the libano sent to the seder that is in the libano, saying, give your daughter to my son as a wife! but the beast of the field that was in the libano came and treated the distel. 2Chr.25.19 you have said, behold, you have killed the edomites, and your heart is greatly perplexed. sit now in your house. why do you strike at evil? you will fall down, you and judas with you? 2Chr.25.20 but amazia did not listen, for it was from god to deliver him into the hand of him, because they were seeking the gods of edom. 2Chr.25.21 so joas, the king of israel, went up and appeared to one another, he and amazia, king of judah, in beth-shemesh, which is of judah. 2Chr.25.22 and judas were distributed before israel, and they fled each one to his tente. 2Chr.25.23 but joas, king of israel, recognized amaziah, son of joas, son of joas, in bet-shemesh, and brought him to jerusalem. so he distributed the mure of jerusalem from the city of ephraim to the gate of the parents. 2Chr.25.24 he took up all the gold and the silver and all the instrument that was found in the house of god at obed-edom, and the treasures of the house of the king, and the treasures, and returned to samaria. 2Chr.25.25 amazja, the son of joas, king of judah, leved five years, the son of joachaz, king of israel, five years. 2Chr.25.26 the rest of amazja, the first and the last, is not written in the book of the kings of judah and israel? 2Chr.25.27 now at the time when amazja drew away from the lord, they turned against him in jerusalem, and he fled to lachis, but they sent after him to lachis, and they killed him there. 2Chr.25.28 so they took him on hors and buried him with his fathers in the city of david. 2Chr.26.1 and all the people of juda took uzziah, who was six and six years, and made him a king in the place of his father amaziah. 2Chr.26.2 he best elath and rejected it to juda after the king had fallen asleep with his fathers. 2Chr.26.3 uzzia was sixth years oud when he was king, and he regered two and five years in jerusalem. his mother was jecholja, from jerusalem. 2Chr.26.4 he did what was right in the sight of the lord, just as his father amazia had done. 2Chr.26.5 and he was seeking god in the days of zechariah who was understanding in the fear of god. and in the days when he sought the lord, god gave him prospere. 2Chr.26.6 he went out and walked against the philistins and rushed the mures of gath, the mure of jabne and the mure of ashdod, and built cities in asdod and in the country of the philistins. 2Chr.26.7 and god helked him against the philistins and against the arabs who were in gur-baal, and against the meunites. 2Chr.26.8 and the ammonites gave gifts to uzzia, and his name came to the coming of egypt, for he was more strong. 2Chr.26.9 and uzziah built torns in jerusalem at the hoors of the parents and to the entrance of the beast and the hoors and strengthened them. 2Chr.26.10 he build torns in the wilderness and cut many cisterns, for he had many beasts in the wilderness and in the laeving country and of vineyards in the mountains and in the carmels, for he had loved the vineyard. 2Chr.26.11 uzzia had a great armée, which went out to belong in soldier, in the number of their number by the region of jechiel the scribes and maaseja, the judge, under the hand of hananja, one of the rulers of the king. 2Chr.26.12 the whole number of the familiers of the rulers of helds were 2600. 2Chr.26.13 with them was a power of belonging to three hundred and seven thousand men who were charged with a strength, to help the king against the adversary. 2Chr.26.14 and uzziah prepared for them all the power, scusts and lances, calls and pants, and bogen and slanders. 2Chr.26.15 and he did in jerusalem distributed divisions of relatives, that they were on the turn and in the winds to cast belongs and great stones. so the crosting of them was reported far toward, for he was astonished to help, until he was held. 2Chr.26.16 but when he had been strengthened, his heart was exalted to destroy him, and he departed to the lord his god and entered the temple of the lord to burn incense on the altar of incense. 2Chr.26.17 but the priest azariah entered him, and with him 80 priests of the lord, elders. 2Chr.26.18 and they stood on the king uzzia and said to him, it is not for you, uzzia, to incense to the lord, but to the priests, the sons of aaron, who are sanctified to incense. go out of the holy place, for you have been rebeld, and this will not be to make your glory from the lord, your god. 2Chr.26.19 but uzzia was angry, and he had the incense in his hand to burn. when he was angry to the priests, the leprosy was stirred up in his forehead before the priests in the house of the lord, by the altar of incense. 2Chr.26.20 and when the high priest, the high priest, and all the priests returned against him, behold, he was a lepring in his forehead. so they took him out from there, and he himself drew out to come, because the lord had distributed him. 2Chr.26.21 so the king uzzia was a leprow until the day of his death, and he was sitting in a district house, because he was removed from the house of the lord. his son jotham was at the governor of the kingdom and judged the people of the land. 2Chr.26.22 the rest of uzzia, the first and the last, is written the prophet isaiah, the prophet. 2Chr.26.23 and uzziah reposed with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the burial of the kings, for they said, he is a leprow. his son jotham regered in his place. 2Chr.27.1 jotham was five and five years old when he was king, and seated seven years in jerusalem. his mother's name was jerusa, the daughter of zadok. 2Chr.27.2 he did what was right in the sight of the lord, just as his father uzzia had done, only not entered the temple of the lord. and the people continued still. 2Chr.27.3 he built the high tor of the house of the lord, and in the mure of ofel he had built many. 2Chr.27.4 he build cities on the mountains of judah, and in the groves he made burts and torings. 2Chr.27.5 he was ready with the king of the sons of ammon and encouraged them. in the same years the sons of ammon gave him a hundred talents of silver and 1,000 kor vete, and 1,000 hors of gerley. so the ammonites became to him in the second and third years. 2Chr.27.6 so jotham became strong, because he prepared his ways before the lord his god. 2Chr.27.7 the cetera historio of jotham, all his war and all his acts, are written in the book of the kings of judah and israel. 2Chr.27.9 and jotham reposed with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of david. and his son ahaz reged in his place. 2Chr.28.1 ahaz was ten year when he was a king, and he regered sixth years in jerusalem. he did not do what was right in the sight of the lord, as his father david. 2Chr.28.2 he walked in the ways of the kings of israel, and he made idols for idols. 2Chr.28.3 he sacrificed in the ground of ben-hinnom and bringed his children through fire, according to the abominations of the nations that the lord had destroyed before the sons of israel. 2Chr.28.4 he sacrificed and offered incense on the heads and on the housetop and under every ground tree. 2Chr.28.5 so the lord his god gave him in the hand of the king of syria, who killed him and took a great captive from them and brought him into damascus. he was also delivered into the hand of the king of israel, who struck him with a great plage. 2Chr.28.6 peka, the son of remalia, killed 12,000 man of juda, 120.000 man, because they had left the lord, the god of their fathers. 2Chr.28.7 and zikri, a strong man of ephraim, killed maaseah, the son of the king, and azrikam, the ruler of the house, and elcana, who was the second man of the king. 2Chr.28.8 the people of israel took captive from their brothers three hundred mil, sons and daughters, and they took some of them a great buit and brought the roof to samaria. 2Chr.28.9 there was a prophet of the lord, whose name was oded. he went out to the power of the power that came to samaria, and said to them, behold, the lord, the god of your fathers, has wrath against juda and delivered them into your hands, and you have killed them by wrath to heaven. 2Chr.28.10 and now do you say the children of judah and jerusalem to be made slaves and slaves. do you do not testify to the lord your god? 2Chr.28.11 hear then me, and leave the captive, which you have taken captive for your brothers, for the wrath of the wrath of the lord is upon you. 2Chr.28.12 then some of the rulers of the children of ephraim, azarja, the son of john, berechija, the son of mesillemoth, jehizchias, son of shallum, and amasa, the son of hadlai, stood against those who were coming from the war, 2Chr.28.13 and said to them, you will not bring the captive here here, for you say to increase our sins and our deeds, for our sins is great, and the wrath of wrath is upon israel. 2Chr.28.14 so the soldiers left the captive and the bound before the rulers and all the churches. 2Chr.28.15 then the men who had been called by the name stood up and took the captive and carried out of the roof all who were naked, and put them in back and bound them and gave them to eat, and anointed them, and anointed them, and anointed them, and anointed them, and they took them in asking, all who were sick, and brought them to jericho, the city of palm, to their brothers. then they returned to samaria. 2Chr.28.16 in that time akaz sent a messenger to the king of assyrien to help him, 2Chr.28.17 for the edomites returned and killed juda and led captive. 2Chr.28.18 the philister struck on the towns of the laevh and the midst of judah, and they took beth-shemesh, ajalon and gederoth, and socho and its onderhoriges, timna and its onderhorige places, gimzo and its onderhorige places, and gimzo and its onderhoriges, and they dwelled there. 2Chr.28.19 for the lord was afflicted juda because of ahaz, king of judah, because he kept rebellial against the lord. 2Chr.28.20 so tiglat-pileser, king of assyrien, came against him and killed him. 2Chr.28.21 since ahaz had taken the house of the lord and the palace of the king and of the rulers and gave it to the king of assyrien, but it was not to help him. 2Chr.28.22 in the affliction, while he was afflicted, he continued to rebelde themselves against the lord. 2Chr.28.23 he required the gods of damascus who had struck him, and said, the gods of the king of syria will help them, so i will offer them, and they will help me. but they were a sending for him and for all israel. 2Chr.28.24 and ahaz turned the vessels of the house of god and cut down them, clothed the door of the house of the lord and made for himself altares in all the kings of jerusalem. 2Chr.28.25 in every city of judah he made offers, bringing offerings for others, and turned to the lord, the god of their fathers. 2Chr.28.26 the rest of his actes and all his acts, the first and the last, behold, it is written in the book of the kings of judah and israel. 2Chr.28.27 and ahaz reposed with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of david, but they did not bring him into the tombs of the kings of israel. his son jezekia reged in his place. 2Chr.29.1 he was a king of twenty-five years old, and he regered in jerusalem thirty years. his mother's name was abia, a daughter of zechariah. 2Chr.29.2 he did what was right in the sight of the lord, just as his father david had done. 2Chr.29.3 in the first time of his kingdom, in the first month, he opened the door of the house of the lord and prepared them. 2Chr.29.4 and he brought the priests and the levites and set them at the oosting place. 2Chr.29.5 and he said to them, hear me, you leviti! purify yourselves and purify the house of the lord, the god of your fathers, and take the unclean out of the holy places. 2Chr.29.6 for our fathers turned and did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, our god, and devoted him. they turned his face from the tent of the lord and turned his face. 2Chr.29.7 they also certained the door of the temple, and they distributed the lamps, and they did not bring incense nor offered holocaustos in the holy places to the god of israel. 2Chr.29.8 so the wrath of the lord came against juda and jerusalem, and he gave them to expectation, a desolation and a spore, as you see with your eyes. 2Chr.29.9 and behold, your fathers have fallen for the sword, and your sons and your daughters and your women have been brought in captive. 2Chr.29.10 now now i am in the heart to make a covenant with the lord, the god of israel, that the wrath of his wrath may turn from us. 2Chr.29.11 my people, do not lose yourselves, for the lord has chosen you to stand before him, to serve him and be his ministers and incense. 2Chr.29.12 then the levites stood up: mahat, the son of amasai, and joel the son of azarja, of the sons of cahat, and of the sons of merari: kis, the son of abdi, and azarja, the son of jehallelel. of gersonites, joah the son of zimma, and eden the son of joah; 2Chr.29.13 of the sons of elizafan: simri and jeziel; and of the sons of asaph, zechariah and mattanja; 2Chr.29.14 of the sons of heman: jehiel and shimi; and of the sons of jeduthun: shemaja and uzziel. 2Chr.29.15 and they gathered their brothers and sanctified and were sanctified according to the commandment of the king to purify the house of the lord. 2Chr.29.16 the priests entered the inside of the house of the lord to purify it, and they carried out all the unclean thing that found in the temple of the lord, and the levites took them and carried them out to the beast of cedron. 2Chr.29.17 they began to purify the first day of the first day, and on the eighth day of the moon they went into the temple of the lord, and they purified the house of the lord in eight days, and on the sixth day of the first day they were fulfilled. 2Chr.29.18 so they went to the king ezechiah and said, we have purified all the house of the lord, the altar of holocauste and all his waves, and the table of the presence of the presence and all that was for it. 2Chr.29.19 all the vessels that the king ahaz had defiled in his kingdom by his rejection, we have prepared and purified, and behold, they are before the altar of the lord. 2Chr.29.20 at the morning of the morning herod the king gathered the rulers of the city and went up to the house of the lord. 2Chr.29.21 and they brought seven bulle, seven værs, seven lamb and seven boats as sündopfer for the kingdom and for the holy sacrifices and for all israel. and he told the priests, the priests, to offert it on the altar of the lord. 2Chr.29.22 then they slachted the boves, and the priests received the blood and sprenged it on the altar. then they slachted the judges and sprenged the blood on the altar. so they slachted the lamb and sprenged the blood on the altar. 2Chr.29.23 so they brought the boats for sin before the king and the church, and they laid their hands on them. 2Chr.29.24 and the priests slachted them and defiled their blood on the altar, to make propitiation for all israel, for the king had commanded the holocauste and the sacrifice for the whole israel. 2Chr.29.25 and he set the levites in the house of the lord with cymblings, harps and psalters, according to the commandment of david and of gad, the seer of the king, and of nathan the prophet, for the commandment was commanded by the hand of the prophets. 2Chr.29.26 so the levites stood up with instruments of david, and the priests with the trumpets. 2Chr.29.27 and ezechia ordered to offert the brandopfer on the altar, and when the brandopfer were beginning, the sang of the lord began with the trumpets with the instruments of david, the king of israel. 2Chr.29.28 and the whole church worshiped, and the instruments were canting, and the trumpets trumpeted, until the holocauste was finished. 2Chr.29.29 when they had finished off, the king and all who were with him fell down and worshiped. 2Chr.29.30 then herod the king and the rulers told the levites to praise the lord with the words of david and of the prophet asaph. and they prayed with joy, and they fell down and worshiped. 2Chr.29.31 and jezekia answered, now you have made your hands to the lord. come and bring sacrifices and practices offerings to the house of the lord. and the congregation offered sacrifices and offers for the house of the lord, and everyone who was gentle of heart offered holocaustos. 2Chr.29.32 the number of the holocauste that the church brought, were seven boves, 100 judges, two hundred lamb. all these were offered as holocauste to the lord. 2Chr.29.33 the holy ones were six shees and three thousand sheep. 2Chr.29.34 but the priests were few, and they could not cut all the brandopfer. so their brothers, the levites, helked them, until the work was finished and until the priests were sanctified, for the levites were earnestly purified and were sanctified than the priests. 2Chr.29.35 indeed, the brandoffers was much, with the fetts of sacrifice of salvation, and with the drink of holocauste. so the work was ready in the house of the lord. 2Chr.29.36 and jezekia and all the people rejoiced that god had prepared for the people, for the message had happened. 2Chr.30.1 and jezekia sent out to all israel and juda and wrote letters to ephraim and manasseh to come to the house of the lord in jerusalem to celebrare the passover to the lord, the god of israel. 2Chr.30.2 the king and his rulers and the whole church in jerusalem had consulted to celebrate the passover in the second month. 2Chr.30.3 for they could not do at that time, because the priests had not been purified for many, and the people was not gathered to jerusalem. 2Chr.30.4 so it happened to the king and to all the churches. 2Chr.30.5 so they departed to make a preaching in ganz israel from bersheba to dan, to come to celebrare the passover to the lord, the god of israel, in jerusalem. for they did not make many things as it was written. 2Chr.30.6 the carriers went with the letters of the king and of his rulers in all israel and juda, according to the instruction of the king, saying, children of israel, turn to the lord, the god of abraham, isaac and israel, and he will turn to those who have escaped from the hand of the king of assyrien. 2Chr.30.7 do not be like your fathers and your brothers, who did god, the god of their fathers, and delivered them into a desolate place, as you see. 2Chr.30.8 do not be hardly hard as your rulers. give glory to the lord, and come into his holy place, which he has sanctified forever, and serve the lord your god, that the wrath of your wrath may turn from you. 2Chr.30.9 for if you return to the lord, your brothers and your children will be mercy in the presence of those who have brought them captive, and will return to this land, for the lord our god is mercy and mercy, and he will not turn his face from you, if you turn to him. 2Chr.30.10 the carrers were passing through a town by a town, in the land of ephraim and manasseh, even to zebulun. but they spoke of them and persecuted them. 2Chr.30.11 but some of aser and manasseh and zebulon humilied and came to jerusalem. 2Chr.30.12 in judah was the hand of the lord, to give them a single heart to do the commandment of the king and of the rulers, by the word of the lord. 2Chr.30.13 so a great people gathered at jerusalem to celebrate the feast of unleavened bread in the second month, a great multitude. 2Chr.30.14 they rose and throw the altars that were in jerusalem, and destroyed all the offerings of incense and throwed them into the spring of kidron. 2Chr.30.15 then they sacrificed the passover in the fourteenth of the second month. the priests and the levites were humilied and sanctified and brought sacrifices in the house of the lord. 2Chr.30.16 so they stood on their places according to their judgment, according to the commandment of moses, man of god. the priests were carring the blood that they received from the hand of the levites. 2Chr.30.17 for there were a multitude of the church who were not purified. so the levites had sacrificed the passores for everyone who had no means to purify the lord. 2Chr.30.18 for most of the people, more than efraim and manasseh, issachar and zebulon, were not purified, but they ate the passover not as it was written. and jezekia prayed for them, saying, the god who is good, may make propitiation for them, 2Chr.30.19 all who is ready in your heart to seek the lord god of their fathers, not by the reason of the holy places. 2Chr.30.20 and the lord heard for jezekia and healed the people. 2Chr.30.21 so the people of israel who were found in jerusalem celebred the feast of unleavened bread for seven days with great joy. so the priests and the priests changed the lord day for day, with instruments of instruments for the lord. 2Chr.30.22 and jezekia spoke to all the levites who had received a good understanding to the lord. and they sacrificed the feast of the unleavened bread for seven days, offering sacrifices pacifics and confessed the lord, the god of their fathers. 2Chr.30.23 so the whole church determined to make one time seven days, and they kept seven days with joy. 2Chr.30.24 for jezekias, king of judah, gave up to the congregation 1000 boves and seven thousand sheep, and the rulers offered to the church 1,000 tyre and 1,000 sheep. and many priests were sanctified. 2Chr.30.25 so the whole church of judah and the priests and the levites and all the church who had come from israel, even the proselyts who had come from the land of israel and those who dwelled in judah. 2Chr.30.26 now there was a great joy in jerusalem, because of the days of solomon, the son of david, king of israel, such a feast had not been done in jerusalem. 2Chr.30.27 then the priests and the levites stood up and blessed the people, and their voice was heard, and their prayer came to his holy dwelling place in heaven. 2Chr.31.1 when all this had finished all these things, all the israelites who were there came out of the towns of judah and tore the states and cut down the astartes and destroyed the offerings and the altars from all judea and benjamin and from ephraim and manasseh, until they had finished them. then all the israelites returned, each one to his possession, to their towns. 2Chr.31.2 and hiskija distributed the classes of the priests and the levites according to their classes, each according to his ministry, the priests and the levites, for the holocaustos and sacrifices of peace, to praise and praise and praise in the portes of the temple of the lord. 2Chr.31.3 he gave the part of the king from his possessions to the offers of the morning, the morning, the holocaustos for the sabbath, the new, and the feast, as it is written in the law of the lord. 2Chr.31.4 and he told the people who were in jerusalem to give the parts of the priests and the levites, that they might be strengthened by the service of the lord. 2Chr.31.5 when the message declared, the people of israel brought a multitude of wheat, of the wine, of the old, and of all the grain of the field. they brought in multitude the tithes of all things. 2Chr.31.6 the sons of israel and juda who dwelled in the towns of judah they also brought the tithes of sheep and sheep, and the tithes of the saints offerings that were sanctified to the lord their god, and laid them a buntings. 2Chr.31.7 in the third day they began to build the graves, and in the seventh month they were finished. 2Chr.31.8 when jezekia and the rulers came and saw the roves, they blessed the lord and his people israel. 2Chr.31.9 and he asked the priests and the levites about the graves. 2Chr.31.10 and azariah, the high priest, of the house of zadok, said to him, from that coming the offering offering in the house of the lord, we have eaten and drinking more, for the lord has blessed his people, and this multitude has left still. 2Chr.31.11 and ezechia ordered to prepare kames for the house of the lord, and they prepared it. 2Chr.31.12 they brought there the offerings and the decides and the offerings there. the ruler, the levite, the ruler over them, and his brother semei was waiting for them. 2Chr.31.13 and jechiel, azazja, nahat, asahel, jerimoth, jozabad, eliel, jismachja, mahat and benaja were instructors of konanja and simei, his brother, according to the command of the king ezequias and azariah, the ruler of the house of god. 2Chr.31.14 the levite coré, the son of jimna, gatherit by the sea, was over the offerings of god to give the offerings of the lord and the most holy things. 2Chr.31.15 by his hand were eden, minjamin, jeshua, semaja, amarja, and shechanja, in the district of the priests, so that they might give their brothers in their divisions according to the great and a little, 2Chr.31.16 except the children of the children from three years and sitä above, all who were entering the house of the lord for every day, for ministry in their divisions. 2Chr.31.17 the rules of the priests according to their families and the levites, from tyve years and above, according to their families, 2Chr.31.18 in the genealoging of all their genealoges, both their sons and their daughters, at all the people, for they were sanctified by faith. 2Chr.31.19 for the sons of aaron, the priests, who were in the regions of their towns, were in every city those who were numbered in name, to give distribution to all who are born among the priests, and to all who were determined among the levites. 2Chr.31.20 so ezechiah did so in all judah. he did what was right and right in the sight of the lord his god. 2Chr.31.21 in every way that he began to do in the service of the house of god and in the law and in the commandments, he begged his god with all his soul and prospered. 2Chr.32.1 after these things and these truth, sanherib, the king of ashsyria, came and went in in judah and departed in the surrounding cities and told them to take them in. 2Chr.32.2 and when jezekias saw that sanherib had come and appeared to strike against jerusalem, 2Chr.32.3 consulted with his elders and his helds to clook the water of the springs that were outside the city, and they strengthened him. 2Chr.32.4 and many people gathered together, and they stopped all the springs and the river that passed through the city, saying, why the king of assur comes and find many water? 2Chr.32.5 and he strengthened the strength and built the whole wall that was cut down, and rebuked the torn outside, and strengthened the town in the city of david and made many offices. 2Chr.32.6 he laid rulers of soldiers over the people and gathered them to him at the plass of the city of the vall and spoke them in their hearts, saying, 2Chr.32.7 be strong and share, do not be afraid, not be afraid of the king of assyrien and of all the people who are with him, for with us is more than with him. 2Chr.32.8 with him is a short of flesh, but with us is the lord our god to save and to strike our war. and the people turned to the words of ezechiah, king of judah. 2Chr.32.9 after this sennacherib, the king of assyrien, sent his servants to jerusalem ( he himself, who was at lachis with all his armée, sent his servants to jerusalem to jezekia, king of judah, and to all the jews who were in jerusalem, saying, 2Chr.32.10 so says sennacherib, the king of assyrie: in what make you confidence that you are asking in the surrounding country in jerusalem? 2Chr.32.11 did not hiskija deceive you to put you to death and to thirst, saying, the lord our god will save us from the hand of the king of assyrien? 2Chr.32.12 was not this jezekia who distributed his offers and altars and said to juda and jerusalem, in the presence of this altar you will worship and incense on it? 2Chr.32.13 do you not know what i and my fathers did to all the nations of the country? did the gods of the nations of the lands have able to save their people from my hand? 2Chr.32.14 which of all the dives of these nations, which my fathers had destroyed, had able to save their people from my hand, how can your god save you out of my hand? 2Chr.32.15 therefore let ezechia not deceive you and do not put you in this way, and do not believe him, for no god of any nation or kingdom can save his people from my hand or of the hand of my fathers? how can your god not save you from my hand? 2Chr.32.16 even when his servants said still to the lord god and against his servant ezechiah. 2Chr.32.17 he wrote a letter to reproach the lord, the god of israel, and saying about him, as the gods of the nations of the earth did not red their people from my hand, so will the god of ezechiah not deliver his people from my hand. 2Chr.32.18 and they cried out with a loud voice in jews to the people of jerusalem who were on the wall, to fear them and to destroy them, so that they might receive the city. 2Chr.32.19 and they spoke to the god of jerusalem as about the deeds of the people of the earth, works of hands of men. 2Chr.32.20 so the king jezekiah and the prophet isaiah, the son of amos, prayed, and cried out to heaven. 2Chr.32.21 and the lord sent an angel who destroyed all strong held, rulers and officers in the camp of the king of assyrien. so he turned with honor into his land. and when he came to the house of his god, those who had gone out of his women she put him down in the sword. 2Chr.32.22 so the lord saved ezechiah and the inwoners of jerusalem from the hand of sennachherib, king of assyrien, and from the hand of all, and made them rest around. 2Chr.32.23 and many brought gifts to the lord to jerusalem and gifts to ezekias the king of judah, and he was directed after these things before the eyes of all the nations. 2Chr.32.24 in those days ezekias became sick to death. and he prayed to the lord, and he answered him and gave him a sign. 2Chr.32.25 but ezechia did not return according to the reward that he had done, but his heart was exalted. so there came a wrath upon him and against judah and jerusalem. 2Chr.32.26 but when jezekiah was humilied because of his heart, he and the inwoners of jerusalem, so that the wrath of the lord did not come upon them in the days of jezekia. 2Chr.32.27 hiskijah had much great riches and glory, and he had done for himself treasures for silver and gold, with precious stones, balsams, scuden, every desire of ears, 2Chr.32.28 he gave the towns for the fruits of wheat, of the wine and of the wine, and plants for every beast and possessions for the sheep. 2Chr.32.29 he gave them towns, and he had possession of sheep and boves, for god gave him a great possession. 2Chr.32.30 this was jezekia, stopped the giving of the waters of gihon and brought them down next, to the next way of the city of david. and jezekia prospered in all his work. 2Chr.32.31 so when the messengers of the rulers of babylon who sent to him to ask for the sign that had happened on the earth, god left him to tempt him and to know whatever was in his heart. 2Chr.32.32 the rest of the words of jezekia and his mercy, behold, it is written in the prophecy of the prophet jesaja, the son of amos, in the book of the kings of judah and israel. 2Chr.32.33 and jezekia reposed with his fathers, and they buried him at the ground of the tombs of the sons of david. and all judah and those who dwell in jerusalem gave him honor in his death. and his son manasseh reged in his place. 2Chr.33.1 manasseh was two years when he began to become, and regierte fiventy-five years in jerusalem. 2Chr.33.2 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, because of the abominations of the nations that the lord had destroyed before the sons of israel. 2Chr.33.3 he rebuked the offerings that his father jezekia had destroyed, he recognized the baals and made astartes, and he worshiped the whole heavens of heaven and served them. 2Chr.33.4 he build altars in the house of the lord, about which the lord had said, in jerusalem shall my name be forever. 2Chr.33.5 he built altars to all the people of heaven in the two courts of the house of the lord. 2Chr.33.6 he passed out his children with fire in the vall of hinnom of hinnom, and distributed possessions and charges and made spirits and sorthers. he did many things that were evil in the eyes of the lord, to provoke him to anger. 2Chr.33.7 he laid the image stature that he had done, in the house of god, of which god had said to david and to his son solomon, in this house and in jerusalem, which i have chosen among all the tribes of israel, i will put my name forever. 2Chr.33.8 i will not share the foot of israel from the land that i gave to their fathers, only if they keep attending to do all that i have commanded them, according to the law and the commandments and the judgments that they have given by moses. 2Chr.33.9 but manasseh deceived judas and the habitants of jerusalem to do more than the nations that the lord had destroyed before the sons of israel. 2Chr.33.10 and the lord spoke to manasseh and to his people, but they did not listen. 2Chr.33.11 so the lord brought to them the rulers of the power of the king of assyrien, and they took manasseh in the chains and bound him with chains and brought him to babylon. 2Chr.33.12 but when he was in food, he sought to the face of the lord, his god, and was humilied in the presence of the god of his fathers. 2Chr.33.13 and when he prayed to him, he inquired him and heard his prayer and turned him to jerusalem to his kingdom. then manasseh recognized that the lord was god. 2Chr.33.14 after this he built a wall of the town of the city of david, at the next region of gihon, at the spring of the town around ofel, and exalted it greatly. and he set officers in all the surrounding towns of judah. 2Chr.33.15 he departed the others god and the idol from the house of the lord, and all the altars that he had built on the mountain of the house of the lord and in jerusalem, and put them out of the city. 2Chr.33.16 he ready the altar of the lord and offered on it sacrifices and practices offerings and praise and told the jews to serve the lord, the god of israel. 2Chr.33.17 but the people continued still to the offers, but only to the lord their god. 2Chr.33.18 the rest of the actes of manasseh, and his prayer to his god and the words of the sewers who spoke to him in the name of the lord, the god of israel, are in the regiones of israel. 2Chr.33.19 and his prayer and how he appeared to him, all his sins and his decotion, and the places where he buke offerings and establed astartes and idols, before he had turned, behold, it is written in the words of the sewers. 2Chr.33.20 and manasseh fell to his fathers, and they buried him in his house, and his son amon began in his place. 2Chr.33.21 amon was two and two years when he began, and he regered two years in jerusalem. 2Chr.33.22 he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, as did manasse his father, and amon offered to all the idols that his father manasseh had done, and served them. 2Chr.33.23 he was not humilied before the lord, as his father manasses had humilied, but amon multiplied greatly. 2Chr.33.24 and his servants returned against him and killed him in his house. 2Chr.33.25 but the people of the land distributed those who had made reason against the king amon, and the people of the land made his son josia in his place. 2Chr.34.1 josia was eight years when he began to become, and regierte thirty-one years in jerusalem. 2Chr.34.2 he did what was right in the eyes of the lord and wanted in the ways of his father david and did not refuse at right or at left. 2Chr.34.3 in the eighth years of his regering, while he was still a young man, he began to seek the god of his father david, and in the twelve years he began to clear juda and jerusalem from the offers, the astartes, the astartes and the idols. 2Chr.34.4 they destroyed before him the altares of the baals, and the offers of the baals, which were on them, he cut off the astartes and the idols and the idols, and broke them in the tombs of those who offered to them. 2Chr.34.5 and the bears of the priests broke on their altars, and so cleansed juda and jerusalem. 2Chr.34.6 even in the towns of ephraim and manasseh and simeon to neftali and in their district around, 2Chr.34.7 he departed the altars, destroyed the altares and the idols, and distributed the baals in all the land of israel. so he returned to jerusalem. 2Chr.34.8 in the 18. year of his regering, when he was purified the land and the house, he sent shafan, the son of azalja, and maaseja, the ruler of the city, and joah, the son of joahaz, the leader, to restore the house of the lord his god. 2Chr.34.9 they came to hilkia, the high priest, and they gave the money brought to the house of god, which the levites gathered by the door were gathered from the hand of manasseh and ephraim and all the rest of israel and from all judah and benjamin and those who were in jerusalem. 2Chr.34.10 they gave it at the hand of those who prayed the work, the authorities in the house of the lord, and they gave them the laborers who were doing in the house of the lord to restore and restaure the house, 2Chr.34.11 they gave them to the deaders and the builders, to buy beyond stones and tree for beyers and to bound the house that the kings of judah had destroyed. 2Chr.34.12 these men were faithful in the work, and the overseers of them were jahat and obadia, the levites, of the sons of merari, and zechariah and mesullam of the sons of cahat to gather, and all the levites who were understanding with instruments of instruments. 2Chr.34.13 they were also over the hostiers and over all those who were carried in every service of work, and some of the levites were scribes and charges and gatherers. 2Chr.34.14 when they had brought the money that was brought in the house of the lord, hilckia the priest found the scroll of the law of the lord by moses. 2Chr.34.15 hilkia answered shafan, the scribes: i have found the scroll of the law in the house of the lord. and hilkia gave the scroll to shafan. 2Chr.34.16 and shafan brought the scroll to the king and reported to the king, saying, your servants do all that is given by your servants. 2Chr.34.17 they have taken the money that was found in the house of the lord and gave it in the hand of the officers and to the laborers. 2Chr.34.18 the scribes shafan told the king, saying, the priest hilkia gave me a scroll. and shafan read it before the king. 2Chr.34.19 when the king heard the words of the law, he tore his garments. 2Chr.34.20 and the king commanded hilkia, and ahikam, the son of shafan, and abdon the son of michaja, and to shafan the scribes, and to asaja, the servant of the king, saying, 2Chr.34.21 go and seek the lord for me and for those who are left israel and juda about the words of the book that is found, for great is the wrath of the lord, which has come upon us, because our fathers did not listen to the word of the lord, not to do according to all the things written in this book. 2Chr.34.22 so hilkia and those who had given the king went to the prophecy hulda, a wife of shallum, the wife of shallum the son of tokhat, the son of hasra, the guardant of the robes. ( she was sitting in jerusalem in the second near. and they spoke to her according to these things. 2Chr.34.23 she said to them, so says the lord, the god of israel, say to the man who sent you to me, 2Chr.34.24 so says the lord: behold, i will bring evil on this place and upon its places, at all the words that are written in the book that has been read before the king of judah. 2Chr.34.25 because they have forgiven me and offered incense to others, provoking me to anger with all the works of their hands, my wrath has taken up against this place, and it will not extinguish. 2Chr.34.26 but to the king of judah who sent you to ask the lord, say to him, so says the lord, the god of israel, the words that you have heard: 2Chr.34.27 for your heart was broken, and you were humilied before me when you heard my words against this place and over those who belongs to him, and you were humilied before my face, and clothed your garments and weeping before me, so i also heard it, says the lord. 2Chr.34.28 behold, i will gather you to your fathers, and you will gather in your tombs in peace, and your eyes will not see all the evil things that i bring upon this place and over those who dwells in it. and they reported the report to the king. 2Chr.34.29 then the king sent and gathered all the elders of judah and jerusalem. 2Chr.34.30 so the king went up to the house of the lord, and all the people of judah and the inwoners of jerusalem and the priests and the priests and all the people, both great and klein, and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the lord. 2Chr.34.31 and the king stood on his place and made a covenant before the lord, that they might go before the lord and keep his commandments and testimony, with all his heart and with all his soul, to do the words of the covenant written in this book. 2Chr.34.32 and he made all who were found in jerusalem and benjamin, and the people of jerusalem did in the covenant in the house of the god of their fathers. 2Chr.34.33 and joshiah departed all the abominations from all the country of the sons of israel, and did all who were found in israel to serve the lord their god. in all his days they did not depart from the lord, the god of his fathers. 2Chr.35.1 and josia feired a pasga for the lord in jerusalem, and they sacrificed the passover feast on the fourteenth of the first money. 2Chr.35.2 and he set the priests in their officers and strengthened them to the work of the house of the lord. 2Chr.35.3 and he said to the levites who were instructed all israel and those who were sanctified to the lord: put the holy ark in the house that solomon, the son of david, king of israel, has built. you will not have anything to bear with your schults. therefore serve the lord your god and his people israel. 2Chr.35.4 be prepared according to your families, according to your classes, according to the scripture of david, the king of israel, and the scripture of his son solomon, 2Chr.35.5 and stand in the house according to the parties of the families of your brothers, the sons of the people, and according to the division of the families of the levites. 2Chr.35.6 sacrificate the passover and holy things and prepare it for your brothers, to do according to the word of the lord by moses. 2Chr.35.7 so josia directed the people, all, in number of sheep, lamb and boves, all for the passoffers for all who were found, in number of thirty thousand, and three thousand boves. these were from the possession of the king. 2Chr.35.8 his rulers contributed the people, the priests and the levites. hilkia, zechariah and jehiel, the rulers of the house of god, gave to the priests to the passoffers 2600 lamen, and three hundred boves. 2Chr.35.9 and chananja and shemaja and netaneel his brothers, and hashabja, jehiel and jozabad, rulers of the levites, gave to the levites for the feast of the passover lamb, and four hundred boves. 2Chr.35.10 so the ministry was ready, and the priests stood on their plass, and the levites in their divisions, according to the commandment of the king. 2Chr.35.11 and they sacrificed the passover, and the priests sprengt the blood that they had set from their hands, and the levites slapped them. 2Chr.35.12 and they departed the brandopfer to give them in the divisions of the families of the people, to bring to the lord as it was written in the book of moses. so they also departed to the morning. 2Chr.35.13 and they distributed the passover in fire according to the reason, and the holy places they gathered in pieces, in robes and closels, and they ran them to all the people. 2Chr.35.14 then they prepared for them and for the priests, for the priests, the sons of aaron, were prepared for the offering of the fetts and the fetts until the night. so the levites prepared for them and for the priests, the sons of aaron. 2Chr.35.15 the sangers, the sons of asaph, were in their position, according to the commandments of david, of asaph, of heman, and of jeduthun, the seer of the king. the toward the gates were in every pordego. they did not respect their ministry, because their brothers, the levites, had prepared for them. 2Chr.35.16 so all the ministry of the lord was prepared in that day, so that they offered the passover and offered the brandopfer on the altar of the lord, according to the commandment of the king josia. 2Chr.35.17 so the people of israel who were found there celebred the passover in that time, and the feast of the unleavened bread for seven days. 2Chr.35.18 there was not a passover of passover in israel from the days of the prophet samuel, and no one of the kings of israel did like the feast of the feast, which josias, the priests, the levites, and all the jews and israel who were found, and the residents of jerusalem. 2Chr.35.19 in the 18 th of the regering of josias'kingdom, even the dealers, the magilders, the dealers, the idoles, the idoles, the idoles and the provisions that were in the land of judah. and in jerusalem josia was burn, so that he might fulfill the words of the law written in the book, which the lord hilkia, the priest, found in the house. 2Chr.35.20 after this, when josia had made reason, neco, the king of egypt, went up against the king of assyrien at the river euphrates, and josias went against him. 2Chr.35.21 and he sent a messenger to him, saying, what have i to do with me, o king of judah? i have not come to make against you at this day? god has commanded me to bring me. keep on the god who is with me, so that he should not destroy you. 2Chr.35.22 but josias did not turn from him, but was strengthened to strike against him, and he did not listen to the words of necho, which came from the mouth of god, but went to strike on the country of megiddo. 2Chr.35.23 but the bound spoke on the king of josia, and the king said to his servants, bring me out, for i have been hard. 2Chr.35.24 so his servants took him out of the wagen and brought him on the second carry that was in him, and brought him to jerusalem. so he died and was buried in the tomb of his fathers. and all judah and jerusalem were troubled for josia. 2Chr.35.25 and jeremia changed josia, and all the sangers and women spoke of a klagesing of josia on their klagelis until this day, and they gave them a instruct in israel, and behold, it is written in the klagelis. 2Chr.35.26 now as was the acts of josia and his hope, written in the law of the lord, 2Chr.35.27 his utter, the first and the last, behold, it is written in the book of the kings of israel and judah. 2Chr.36.1 then the people of the land took joahaz the son of josias and made him king in the place of his father in jerusalem. 2Chr.36.2 joahaz was about three and three years when he began to be, and three months he regered in jerusalem. the name of his mother was hamutal, a daughter of jeremiah from libna. he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, according to all that his fathers had done. 2Chr.36.3 the king of egypt rejected him, and they put on the land a tribut of hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold. 2Chr.36.4 so pharaon necho made eliakim, the son of josia, in the place of his father josias, and he turned his name at jehojakim, and his brother joahaz he took necho, and brought him to egypt. so he died the silver and the gold for pharaon. 2Chr.36.5 jojakin was at eventyve years when he began, and rebuked once years in jerusalem. the name of his mother was zeck, daughter of neras, from rama. he did what was evil in the eyes of the lord, according to all that his fathers did. in his days nebucadnesar, the king of babel, came to them in the land, and he served in him three years, and departed from him three years, as he had done by rama. he did not desire them. 2Chr.36.6 so nebukadressar, the king of babylon, went up against him and bound him with chains and brought him to babylon. 2Chr.36.7 nebukadnecars carried to babylon some of the vessels of the house of the lord and put them in his temple in babylon. 2Chr.36.8 the cetera historio of jehojakim, and his things that he did and which distributed him, behold, it is written in the book of the rules of the king of israel and judah. his son jekonin began in his place. 2Chr.36.9 jojakin was about atten years when he was a king, and he regered three months and ten days in jerusalem. he did what was evil in the sight of the lord. 2Chr.36.10 at the devening of the years the king nebukadnecars sent and brought him to babylon with the precious vessels of the house of the lord, and he rejected sedekia, his brother, over juda and jerusalem. 2Chr.36.11 sedekias was thirty years when he began to king, and he regered elten years in jerusalem. 2Chr.36.12 he did what was evil in the sight of the lord his god. he was not humilied before the prophet jeremia, who was out of the mouth of the lord. 2Chr.36.13 he rejected the king of nebucadnetsar, who had made him a oath by god. he endured his neck and kept his heart, so that he might not turn to the lord, the god of israel. 2Chr.36.14 all the rulers of the priests and the people were astonished to deceive all the abominations of the nations, and defiled the house of the lord, which he made in jerusalem. 2Chr.36.15 and the lord, the god of their fathers, sent them out by his messengers, because he had sparsched his people and his place. 2Chr.36.16 but they spoke of the messagers of god, despised his words and spoke with his prophets, until the wrath of the lord had ascended against his people, that there was no reason. 2Chr.36.17 so he brought against them the king of the chaldeans, and he killed their young men with sword in the house of his holy place, and he did not spare the male or the neighbors and the elders; he gave him all in his hand. 2Chr.36.18 he brought to babylon all the treasures of the house of god, great and little, and the treasures of the house of god and the treasures of the king and their rulers, he brought to babylon. 2Chr.36.19 and they burned the house of the lord and destroyed the mury of jerusalem, and all its burns were burned up with fire, and all its goods were destroyed. 2Chr.36.20 and those who left there brought to babylon, and they were his servants and his sons, until the kingdom of medon was. 2Chr.36.21 so that the word that the lord had spoken by the mouth of jeremia, until the land had received his sabbath. in all the days of the desolation he had rested, until the seven years were fulfilled. 2Chr.36.22 in the first year of cyrus, king of persia, after that the word of the lord that was spoken by the mouth of jeremia, the lord raised the spirit of cyrus, the king of persia, and he charged in all his kingdom, in a scripture, saying, 2Chr.36.23 so says cyrus, king of persia: the lord, the god of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he commanded me to build for him a house in jerusalem, which is in judah. who is among you of all his people? the lord, his god, be with him, and let him go. Ezra.1.1 in the first year of cyrus, king of persia, to fulfill the word that the lord had spoken by the mouth of jeremias, the lord raised the spirit of cyrus, the king of persia, and he promised in all his kingdom, even in a scripture, saying, Ezra.1.2 so says kyrus, the king of persia: the lord god of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has commanded me to build for him a house in jerusalem that is in judea. Ezra.1.3 which of you, of all his people, may his god be with him, and he may go up to jerusalem in judea and build the temple of the god of israel. he is the god who is in jerusalem. Ezra.1.4 all who remains from all the places where he dwells there, the people of his place will take him with silver and gold, with children and possessions, with offering offering for the house of god in jerusalem. Ezra.1.5 then the rulers of the families of judah and benjamin, the priests and the levites, all the whom god raised up his spirit, to go up to build the house of the lord in jerusalem. Ezra.1.6 and all who were around them were strengthened with silver, gold, children, loaves and desolate things, except all the offerings that offered. Ezra.1.7 so the king cyrus brought out the vessels of the house of the lord, which nebukadnecars had taken away from jerusalem and put in the house of his god. Ezra.1.8 kyrus, the king of persia, has carried them out by the made of mitredata the schattor, who conhered them to shesbasar, ruler of judah. Ezra.1.9 this is the number of them: three golds of gold, 1000 pieces of silver, 29 food, Ezra.1.10 thirty bears of gold, two hundred pieces of silver, and 1000 others. Ezra.1.11 all the goods of gold and silver were five thousand and four hundred. all these took up by the deportance from babylon to jerusalem. Ezra.2.1 these are the sons of the province, who went up from the captive of the captive, which nebukadressar, king of babel, had taken captive to babylon, and returned to jerusalem and juda, each to his town, Ezra.2.2 who came to zerubbabel, jeshua, nehemija, seraja, reelaia, reelaia, mardochai, bilshan, misperet, rehum and baana, men of the number of the people of israel. Ezra.2.3 the sons of paros, two thousand and seven two; Ezra.2.4 the sons of sefatja, three thousand seven two; Ezra.2.5 the sons of arah, 775; Ezra.2.6 the sons of pahath-moab, the sons of jeshua and joab, two thousand and twelve; Ezra.2.7 the sons of elam, 1,254; Ezra.2.8 bani, 945; Ezra.2.9 sackai, 760; Ezra.2.10 the sons of bani, 642; Ezra.2.11 the sons of bebai, 623; Ezra.2.12 the sons of asgad, three thousand 222; Ezra.2.13 the sons of adonikam, 666; Ezra.2.14 the sons of bigwai, two thousand and six; Ezra.2.15 the sons of adin, 454; Ezra.2.16 the sons of ater, of jehizkia, 98; Ezra.2.17 the sons of besai, three thousand and three; Ezra.2.18 the sons of joah, 112; Ezra.2.19 the sons of hashum, 223; Ezra.2.20 the sons of gibbar, 95; Ezra.2.21 the sons of bethlehem, 123; Ezra.2.22 the sons of netopha, fiventy-six; Ezra.2.23 the sons of anatot 128, Ezra.2.24 the sons of asmawet, 42; Ezra.2.25 the sons of kiriath-jearim, kefira and beeroth, 743; Ezra.2.26 the sons of rama and geba, 621; Ezra.2.27 the people of mikmas, 122; Ezra.2.28 the men of bet-el and ai, 423; Ezra.2.29 the sons of nebai, five and two. Ezra.2.30 the sons of magbis, 156; Ezra.2.31 the sons of elam elam, 1254; Ezra.2.32 the sons of harim, 320; Ezra.2.33 the sons of lod, hadid and ono, 725; Ezra.2.34 the sons of jericho 345, Ezra.2.35 the sons of senaï, three thousand and thirty. Ezra.2.36 the priests: the sons of jedaja, of the house of jesus, 973; Ezra.2.37 the sons of immer, 1052; Ezra.2.38 the sons of pashur, 1447; Ezra.2.39 the sons of harim, 1017. Ezra.2.40 the levites: the sons of jeshua and kadmiel, of the sons of hodavja, seventy-four. Ezra.2.41 the changers, the sons of asaf, 128; Ezra.2.42 the sons of the gates: the sons of shallum, the sons of ater, the sons of telmon, the sons of hatitas, the sons of shobai, all 139. Ezra.2.43 the nethinites: the sons of suah, the sons of hasuah, the sons of tabbaoth, Ezra.2.44 the sons of keros, the sons of siiah, the sons of padon, Ezra.2.45 lebans, hagaba, akkub, Ezra.2.46 the sons of agab, the sons of samlaï, the sons of hanan, Ezra.2.47 the sons of giddel, the sons of gahar, the sons of reaja, Ezra.2.48 the sons of rezin, the sons of nekoda, the sons of gaza, Ezra.2.49 uzz, pasea, besai, Ezra.2.50 the sons of asna, the sons of meunim, the sons of nefusim, Ezra.2.51 the sons of bakbuk, the sons of hakupha, the sons of harhur, Ezra.2.52 the sons of basaloth, the sons of mehida, the sons of harsa, Ezra.2.53 the sons of barcos, the sons of sisera, the sons of temach, Ezra.2.54 the sons of neziah, the sons of hatifa. Ezra.2.55 the sons of the servants of a man: sotai, the sons of sofereth, the sons of peruda, Ezra.2.56 the sons of jaala, the sons of darkon, the sons of giddel, Ezra.2.57 the sons of sefatja, the sons of hattil, the sons of pocheret-zebaim, sons of amy, Ezra.2.58 all the nethinins and the sons of his servants, 392. Ezra.2.59 these are those who went up from tel-melah, tel-harsa, kerub, addan and immer, but they could not tell their families and their offspring, whether they were of israel: Ezra.2.60 the sons of delaia, the sons of tobia, the sons of nekoda, 652. Ezra.2.61 and of the sons of the priests: the sons of habaja, the sons of cos, the sons of barzillai, who took a woman from the daughters of barzillai, the gileadite, and was called in their name. Ezra.2.62 these were seeking their scriptures, but did not find them. so they were set out of the priesthood. Ezra.2.63 and the governor told them to eat of the holy places until the priest stood by the urim and tummim. Ezra.2.64 the whole church was about four thousand two thousand 660, Ezra.2.65 except their servants and slave, who were seven thousand 337. they had also 200 changes and changes. Ezra.2.66 their hors were 736, the muilds of them were 245, Ezra.2.67 435 camel, 6,720. Ezra.2.68 from the rulers of families, when they came to the house of the lord in jerusalem, offered volontable to the house of god to put him up to his place. Ezra.2.69 according to their power they gave into the treasure of the work 12,000 dariks of gold, and five thousand mines of silver and 100 priests. Ezra.2.70 so the priests and the levites and the people and the change and the gates and the nethinites sat in their towns, and the whole israel in their towns. Ezra.3.1 when the seventh day came, when the sons of israel were in their towns, the people were gathered together as one man in jerusalem. Ezra.3.2 and jeshua, the son of josadak, with his brothers, the priests, and serubbabel, the son of shealtiel, and his brothers, and they were built the altar of the god of israel to offert daarop brandopfer, according to what is written in the law of moses, the man of god. Ezra.3.3 they prepared the altar on his place, because they were amazed from the people of the country, and they offered daarop holocauste to the lord the morning, the morning and the vespere. Ezra.3.4 they celebred the feast of the tentes, as it was written, and offered sacrifices every day in a number, so as a reason for every day. Ezra.3.5 after this the continuing brandopfer and the new feast and all the sanctifications of the holy feast, and all the offering offering offering to the lord. Ezra.3.6 on the first day of the seventh day they began to offer offerings to the lord, yet the foundation of the temple of the lord was not laid up. Ezra.3.7 they gave a money to the stenderers and teasters, both food and drinking and olive for the sidonians and the tyrians, that they might bring a sedertree from the libano to the sea to joppa, as cyrus, the king of persia, had given them. Ezra.3.8 in the second year when they came to the house of god in jerusalem, in the second month, zerubbabel, the son of shealtiel, and jeshua, the son of josadak, and the rest of their brothers, the priests and the levites, and all who were coming from the captivitness to jerusalem, and they put the levites from twenty-years, to make the work of the work of the house of the lord. Ezra.3.9 so jesuah, his sons and his brothers, kadmiel with his sons, the sons of judah, stood up to those who departed the work in the house of god, both the sons of henadad, their sons and their brothers, the levites. Ezra.3.10 when the closels of the temple of the lord laid up the builds, and the priests, the sons of asaph, were with cymbalos, to praise the lord because of david, the king of israel. Ezra.3.11 so they changed and changed the lord, saying, it is good, for his mercy hört forever to israel. and all the people rejoiced with a loud voice to praise the lord because of the foundation of the house of the lord. Ezra.3.12 but many of the priests and the levites and the families of the families, the elders who had seen the first house, were shiring with a loud voice, while the foundation of this house was made in their eyes. Ezra.3.13 so that the people did not know the voice of joy of joy by the voice of the weeping of the people, for the people cried out with a loud voice, and the voice was heard at a distance. Ezra.4.1 when the adversaries of judah and benjamin heard that the devout people had built up a house to the lord, the god of israel, Ezra.4.2 they came to zerubbabel and to the families of the families and said to them, let us build with you, for we seek your god as you, and we offered to him from the days of asarhaddon, king of assyrien, who brought us here. Ezra.4.3 but zerubbabel and jesua and the rest of the families of israel said to them, it is not for us to build a house to our god, but we ourselves will build for the lord, the god of israel, as kyrus, the king of persia, has commanded us. Ezra.4.4 so the people of the land distributed the hands of the people of judah and pierged them to build. Ezra.4.5 they began to make raadliers against them to destroy their consels, so as at all the days of cyrus, king of persia, and until the kingdom of darius, king of persia. Ezra.4.6 in the beginning of ahasverus, in the beginning of his kingdom, they written a letter to those who dwell in judah and jerusalem. Ezra.4.7 in the days of artaxerxes, bislam, mitredat, tabeel, and the rest of his fellow servants to artaserse, the king of persia, the letter was written in aramaic and interpreted in aramaic. Ezra.4.8 rehum the governor and simsai the scribes wrote a letter against jerusalem to the king artaxerxes: Ezra.4.9 the ruler rehum and the scribe shamshai and the rest of our fellow servants, dina and afarsathaïs, tarpelites, afarsites, archhites, babylon, susan, sounaites, elamites, Ezra.4.10 and the rest of the nations that the great and honor asnappar had carried away and brought in the towns of samaria and in the rest of the other side of the river. Ezra.4.11 this is the letter of the letter that they sent to him to king arthaserus: your servants, men of the other side of the river, Ezra.4.12 let it be known to the king, that the jews, who went up from you, have come to us to jerusalem. they are being built up the rebelde and evil city and feeds the wall and founded the foundation. Ezra.4.13 now let it be known to the king that if that city is being built up and its mures will be recognized, neither will they give phortion, and the acts of kings will burn. Ezra.4.14 we do not deceive the shame of the king, so we sent for him and made known to the king. Ezra.4.15 so that in the book of your fathers shall visite in the letter of your fathers, and you will find in the letter of days and know that this city was a rebellion city and who has defiled kings and country. so this city was distributed. Ezra.4.16 we make it known to the king, if that city is being built up and its wall are being burned up, you have nothing to have. Ezra.4.17 and the king sent a message to the ruler rehum and the scribe shamshai, and to the rest of their fellow servants who dwell in samaria and in the rest of the river, peace. Ezra.4.18 the letter that you sent to us was called to my presence. Ezra.4.19 so i appointed knowledge of me, and found that that city from old age has been taken against the kings, and that there was made a sentence and charge in it. Ezra.4.20 there are strangers of kings in jerusalem, who called on all the district of the river, and upportunity and strangers were given to them. Ezra.4.21 have you therefore commanded that those men should be recognized, and that this city shall not be built up until i have been charged from my command. Ezra.4.22 keep yourselves with joy to do this, so that no desolation will be granted for the rulers of kings. Ezra.4.23 then when the letters of the king artaxerxes was read before rehum and simsai the scribes and their fellow servants, they went quickly to jerusalem in the country of the jews and distributed them with power and power. Ezra.4.24 then the work came in the house of god in jerusalem, and they were carried away until the second years of the regering of darius, the king of persia. Ezra.5.1 then the prophet haggai and zechariah, the son of iddo, prophesy of the jews in judah and jerusalem in the name of the god of israel. Ezra.5.2 then serubbabel, the son of sealtiel, and jesua, the son of jotsadak, stood up and began to build the house of god in jerusalem, and with them the prophets of god who helded them. Ezra.5.3 in that time tatnai, governor of the other side of the river, and shetar-boznai and their fellow servants came to them, and said to them, who has commanded you to build this temple and to restaure this mur? Ezra.5.4 then we told them what the name of the men who are being built in this buil? Ezra.5.5 but the eyes of their god was upon the rulers of judah, and they did not untince them, until it had been brought to darius to darius and then sent charge from him to this way. Ezra.5.6 this is the reason of the letter that tattenai, the governor of the other side of the river, and shetar-boznaï and their fellow servants, the afarsakai who were on the other side of the river, sent to the king darius, Ezra.5.7 they sent a message to him, and so was written in him: to king darius, peace. Ezra.5.8 let it be known to the king that we went to the country of judea, to the house of the great god, and he is built up with a great stone, and a lign is laid in the wall. the work becomes grain and is prospered in their hands. Ezra.5.9 then we asked those elders, and we said to them, who has commanded you to build this house and to restaure this mur? Ezra.5.10 we asked them their names to tell you, so that we might write the name of the men who are their rulers. Ezra.5.11 they answered us such as they said, we are servants of the god of heaven and earth, and we build the house that had been built for many years before this, and great king of israel had built it up and prepared it. Ezra.5.12 but because our fathers provoked the god of heaven, he gave them into the hand of nebukadressar, king of babylon, the chaldean. he destroyed this temple and rejected the people to babylon. Ezra.5.13 but in the first year of kyrus, king of babel, the king cyrus commanded this temple to be built. Ezra.5.14 even the golden and silver of the house of god, which nebukadnecars had brought out of the temple of jerusalem and brought in the temple of jerusalem, the king cyrus gave them out from the temple of babel and gave them to one of sesbassar, whom he had put to governor. Ezra.5.15 and he said to him, take these waves. go and lay them in the house of jerusalem, and the temple of god be put in his place. Ezra.5.16 then this sheshbatsar came and laid the foundation of the house of god in jerusalem, and from that time to now it is built, and it has not been finished. Ezra.5.17 so now, if it is good for the king, let him see in the house of the treasures of the king in babel, whether the king cyro has been commanded to build this temple of god in jerusalem, and let the king give us knowledge of this purpose to us. Ezra.6.1 then the king darius gave order, and they visited in the archives where the treasures laid up in babel. Ezra.6.2 and in media, in the province of media, there was found one heads, in which was written a remember: Ezra.6.3 in the first year of king cyro the king cyrus commanded concerning the house of god in jerusalem: a house shall be built up, a place where they will build the sacrifices. his heast is sexty-six cours and his breadth six cours. Ezra.6.4 there will be three measures of three stones, and one built of tree. the breces shall be given from the palace of the king. Ezra.6.5 even the golden and silver of the house of god, which nebukadnecars had brought out of the house of jerusalem and brought to babylon, let them be given and return into the temple of jerusalem to his place, and let them be put in the house of god. Ezra.6.6 therefore, tatnai, governor of the other side of the river, shethar-boznai and their fellow servants, afarsechites who are on the other side of the river, leave it from there. Ezra.6.7 let the work of this house back. let the rulers of the jews and the elders of the jews build that temple of god on his place. Ezra.6.8 i am commanded from me to do what you will do with the elders of the jews to build that is that the god's house should build. from the strangers of the king, who are on the other side of the river, shall be granted to those men, so that they may not be rejected. Ezra.6.9 and whatever is lacking, a beast, a schaffe, and a lamb, to holocauste to the god of heaven, fruments, sout, wine, so as the priests in jerusalem have been given to them day after day, Ezra.6.10 so that they may offer offerings for the god of heaven and pray for the life of the king and his sons. Ezra.6.11 so i give an order that every one who will change this message will be broken up a tree from his house and will be taken up, and his household will be made burn. Ezra.6.12 and god who dwells there his name there will destroy every king and people who will stretch out his hand to change or to destroy that the house of god may be destroyed in jerusalem. i, darius, have given this direct knowledge. Ezra.6.13 then tatnai, governor of the other side of the river, shetar-boznai and their fellow servants did, so as the king darius had sent. Ezra.6.14 so the elders of the jews built up, and so were building up by the prophecy of the prophet haggain and zechariah the son of iddo. and they gave up their case, according to the order of the god of israel, and according to the command of cyrus, darius, and artaxerxes, the king of persia. Ezra.6.15 so the house was finished in the third day of the month adar, in the sixth year of the kingdom of darius. Ezra.6.16 the people of israel, the priests and the levites and the rest of those of the captive destined the deviation of the house of god with joy. Ezra.6.17 and they offered to the feast of the house of god 100 tyre, two hundred judges, 400 lamb, and on the sacrifice for all israel twelve boats, according to the number of the tribes of israel. Ezra.6.18 and they set the priests in their divisions and the levites in their divisions for the service of god in jerusalem, as it was written in the book of moses. Ezra.6.19 the people of the captive celebred the passover on the fourteenth of the first money. Ezra.6.20 for the priests and the levites were cleansed together, all were clean. they killed the passover for all the children of the captivitness and for their brothers the priests and for themselves. Ezra.6.21 and the people of israel who had returned from the captivitness and all who were departed to them of the impurity of the nations of the land, to seek the lord, the god of israel. Ezra.6.22 they celebring the feast of unleavened bread for seven days with joy, for the lord had rejoiced them and turned the heart of the king of assyrien to hold their hands in the work of the house of the god of israel. Ezra.7.1 after these things, at the kingdom of artaxerxes, the king of persia, esra, son of seraja, son of azarja, son of hilkia, Ezra.7.2 the son of sallum, the son of zadok, the son of ahitub, Ezra.7.3 the son of amarja, the son of azarja, the son of merajot, Ezra.7.4 the son of zerachja, son of uzhia, son of bukki, Ezra.7.5 the son of abisua, the son of finehas, son of eleazar, the son of aaron, the first priest. Ezra.7.6 this esra went up from babylon. he was a scribe, quickly in the law of moses, whom the lord, the god of israel, had given. the king laid him in all his desires, because the hand of the lord his god was over him. Ezra.7.7 then some of the israelites and the priests and the levites and the change and the gates and the nethinites went up to jerusalem in the seventh year of the king artaxerxes. Ezra.7.8 and he came to jerusalem in the fixth month, in the seventh year of the king. Ezra.7.9 for in the first day of the first monyws he laid the foundation from babylon, and on the first day of the fifth day they came to jerusalem, because the good hand of his god was upon him. Ezra.7.10 for ezra had set his heart to seek the law and do, and to teach in israel the commandments and the judgments. Ezra.7.11 this is the reason of the charge that artaxerxes had given to ezra, the priest, the scribes, who was written in the words of the commandments of the lord and his commandments in israel: Ezra.7.12 artaxerxes, the king of kings, to ezra, the scribes of the law of the god of heaven, is performed. Ezra.7.13 i have commanded that every people of israel and priests and levites in my kingdom will go to jerusalem, go with you, Ezra.7.14 for the king and the seven counters you sent to visit the law of judah and jerusalem, according to the law of your god, which is in your hand, Ezra.7.15 and to bring the silver and gold that the king and his council gave to the god of israel, whose dwelling dwelling in jerusalem, Ezra.7.16 and all the silver and gold that you will find in the whole region of babylon, with the offering offering to the people and priests to the house of their god in jerusalem. Ezra.7.17 so take up for this book money, værs, lamb and sacrifices, with their sacrifices and drankoffers, and bring them on the altar of the house of your god in jerusalem. Ezra.7.18 whatever you and your brothers belongs to do with the rest of the silver and gold, you must do according to the purpose of your god. Ezra.7.19 the vessels that are given you to the minister of the house of your god, give before the god of jerusalem. Ezra.7.20 and the other necessary for the house of your god, which you will find to give, you shall give from the treasure of the king. Ezra.7.21 and i, the king artaxerxes, i have commanded all the treasures who are on the other side of the river, that whatever the priest ezra, the scribes of the law of the god of heaven, you would be charged, Ezra.7.22 until the hundred talents silver, and to hundred kor of wheat, with hundred bath of wine, and hundred bath of olive, and salt without inscription. Ezra.7.23 all that is commanded by the god of heaven must be done for the house of god of heaven, so that a wrath may be upon the kingdom of the king and his sons? Ezra.7.24 you must have known to you that among all the priests and levites, canters, gates, nethinim and officers of this house, do not have authority to despise them. Ezra.7.25 and you, ezra, as the wisdom of your god that is in your hand, set rulers and judges, that they may judge all the people that are on the other side of the river, to all who know the law of your god. Ezra.7.26 and everyone who does not do the law of your god and the law of the king will be reconciled for judgment, or to death, or to seeking, or to seek of life, or to prison. Ezra.7.27 blessed be the lord, the god of our fathers, who gave this in the heart of the king to glorify the house of the lord in jerusalem, Ezra.7.28 and has showed me mercy in the presence of the king and of his counselor and of all the great rulers of the king. and i became strong, because the hand of the lord, my god, was upon me, and i gathered rulers of israel to go with me. Ezra.8.1 now these are the rulers of their families and their genealogies, who went up with me in the kingdom of arthaserus, king of babel. Ezra.8.2 of the sons of finehas, gershom; of itamars, daniel; of the sons of david: hattus; Ezra.8.3 of the sons of sechaniah, of the sons of paros, zechariah, and with him 150 rulers. Ezra.8.4 of the sons of pahat-moab, eljoenai the son of zerachiah, and with him 200 men, Ezra.8.5 of the sons of sekanja, the son of jahaziel, and with him three hundred men; Ezra.8.6 of the sons of adin, ebed, the son of jonathan, and with him fifty men; Ezra.8.7 of the sons of elam, jeshiah the son of athalia, and with him seven men; Ezra.8.8 of the sons of shefatja, zebadja, the son of michael, and with him 80 men; Ezra.8.9 of the sons of joab, obadia, the son of jehiel, and with him 218 men, Ezra.8.10 of the sons of selomith, the son of josiphias, and with him 160 men, Ezra.8.11 of the sons of bebai, zechariah, the son of bebai, and with him seven eight men; Ezra.8.12 of the sons of asgad, johanan, the son of katan, and with him 110 men; Ezra.8.13 of the sons of adonikam the last, and these are their name: elifelet, jeziel and shemacja, and with them seven men. Ezra.8.14 of the sons of bigvai, utai, and zabbud, and with them seven men. Ezra.8.15 and i gathered them by the river coming to ahava, and we set there in there three days. and when i had gathered the people and the priests, i found no one of the sons of levi. Ezra.8.16 so i sent a messenger, ariel, shemaja, elnathan, jarib, elnathan, nathan, zechariah, and mesullam, both men, and jojarib and elnathan, Ezra.8.17 and i gave them out to iddo, the ruler in kasifja, and i put in their mouth words to speak to his brothers, the nethinim in the place of casiphia, to bring us rulers for the house of our god. Ezra.8.18 so as the good hand of our god was over us, they brought to us a certain man of the sons of machli, the son of levi, the son of israel, and charchijah, his sons and his brothers, 18; Ezra.8.19 and hashabjah, and with him jesaja, of the sons of merari, his brothers and their sons, 120, Ezra.8.20 and of the nethinim, whom david and the rulers gave to the service of the levites, 1220 officers. all they had been called by name. Ezra.8.21 and i made a fast there by the river ahava to be humilied before our god, to seek from him a right way for us and our children and all our possessions. Ezra.8.22 for i was ashamed to ask from the king power and ratsuers, to save us from enemy on the road, because we told to the king, the hand of our god is upon all who seek him, but his power and his wrath are against all who forgive him. Ezra.8.23 so we fasted and were seeking for our god in this way, and he answered us. Ezra.8.24 then i distributed twelve of the rulers of the priests, serebia, hashabja and with them ten ten of their brothers, Ezra.8.25 i put to them the silver and the gold and the waves, the offering for the house of our god, which the king and his counted and his rulers and all the israelites who were there were offered. Ezra.8.26 i put to them 650 talents of silver, hundred talents of silver, 100 talents of silver, 100 talents of gold, Ezra.8.27 20 golden bears, of thousand darics, and two vessels of fine bronze, full of gold as gold. Ezra.8.28 and i said to them, you are holy for the lord, and the waves are holy, and the silver and the gold are offering for the lord, the god of your fathers. Ezra.8.29 be watching and keep it until you stand before the rulers of the priests and the levites and the rulers of the families of the families in jerusalem, in the tente of the house of the lord. Ezra.8.30 so the priests and the levites received the gewicht of the silver and the gold and the vessels to bring to jerusalem to the house of our god. Ezra.8.31 then we went away from the river ahava, in the twelve day of the first mongry to go to jerusalem. and the hand of our god was upon us, and he delivered us from the hand of the enemy and fight on the road. Ezra.8.32 and we came to jerusalem and stay there for three days. Ezra.8.33 on the fourth day the silver and the gold and the waves in the house of our god, at the hand of meremot, the son of urija, the priest. with him was eleazar, the son of finehas, and with them the levites jozabad, the son of jesus, and noadja, son of binnui. Ezra.8.34 all things were numbered in number and in gewig, and all the gewicht was written in that time. Ezra.8.35 those who had gone out of the captivitness were offered brandopfer to the god of israel, twelve boves for the whole israel, 96 judges, seventy-seven lamb and twelve boats for sin. all these were holocauste for the lord. Ezra.8.36 then they gave the instructions of the king to the governor of the king and to the governor of the other regions. so they glorified the people and the house of god. Ezra.9.1 when these things had finished, the rulers came to me, saying, the people of israel, the priests and the levites have not departed from the people of the lands, because of their abominations, the cananans, the hethites, the ferezites, the jebussites, the ammonitians, the moabites, the moabites, the moabites and the amorites. Ezra.9.2 for they have taken their daughters to themselves and to their sons, and the holy offspring brought with the people of the lands. and the hand of the rulers and rulers have the first hand in this transgression. Ezra.9.3 when i heard this, i distributed my cloak and my cloak, i departed the hair of my head and my barba and sat in distress. Ezra.9.4 then they gathered together to me all who were persecuting of the words of the god of israel because of the transgression of those who were returned, and i were sitting in beyond the evening of the evening. Ezra.9.5 and at the evening day i stand up from my affliction, with my garments and my clothing, i knelt down and bread my hands to the lord, my god, Ezra.9.6 and i said, my god, i am shaken and humilied to expect my face to you, my god! for our transgressions were multiplied than our head, and our deliver is granted up to heaven. Ezra.9.7 from the days of our fathers we have become great trespasses until this day, and for our trespasses we have been delivered up, we and our kings and our sons in the hand of the kings of the nations, for the sword, to the captive and to be caught, and in confusion, as is this on this day. Ezra.9.8 and now has the lord our god touched for us to left us in our salvation and gave us a strength in the place of his holy place, so that our eyes might light and give a little living life in our service. Ezra.9.9 for we are slaves, but our god has not left us in our service, but has shown mercy to us in the presence of the kings of persia, to give us life, to make up the house of our god and to restaure its desolate places, and to give us a seal in judah and jerusalem. Ezra.9.10 and now, o god, what shall we say after this? for we have forgiven your commandments, Ezra.9.11 which you have given in the hand of your servants, the prophets, saying, the land that you enter to inherit it is a land that is unclean by the moment of the people of the nations, because of their abominations that they have filled her from a end to the other. Ezra.9.12 so therefore not give your daughters to their sons, and neither take their daughters to your sons, and do not seek their peace and good, so that you may be strong and to eat the good of the earth and give it in inheritance for your sons forever. Ezra.9.13 and after all the things that have come upon us because of our evil doing and of our great schuld, because you, our god, have unformed our sins, and has given us a salvation, Ezra.9.14 did we return to destroy your commandments and to be gentle with the people of the country? do you not provoke at us until we are consumed, so that there would be no rest or escape? Ezra.9.15 o lord, god of israel, you are just, for we have escaped from being escaped as it is this day. behold, we are before you in our trespasses, for on this time we will not stand in your presence. Ezra.10.1 while ezra was praying and proclaimed, weeping and praying before the house of god, there gathered to him a great multitude of israel, men and women and children, for the people were weeping. Ezra.10.2 and shechanja, the son of jehiel, of the sons of elam, answered ezra, we have deceived to our god when we took other women from the people of the land. but there is only a patience for israel in this way. Ezra.10.3 let us do a covenant with our god, that we may cast all the women and those who are done from them, according to the purpose of god and of those who fear of the commandments of our god. so let it be according to the law. Ezra.10.4 rise, for the word is upon you, and we are with you. be strong and do! Ezra.10.5 so ezra rose and swealed the rulers of the priests, the levites and all the people of israel to do so. and they sweed. Ezra.10.6 and esra stood up from the house of god and went to the treasury of johanan the son of eliiasib. and when he had gone there, he had not eaten, and water was not drinking, for he was encouraged for the transgression of those who had returned. Ezra.10.7 and they preached in juda and jerusalem to all the children of the captivitness to gather in jerusalem, Ezra.10.8 and whoever does not come in three days as the decision of the rulers and the elders, all his possessions will be destroyed, and he himself will be distributed from the church of the captive. Ezra.10.9 so all the men of juda and benjamin were gathered to jerusalem for three days. it was the night of the night, the night of the month. and all the people sat down at the street of the house of god, bearing the reason for this way and for the winter. Ezra.10.10 and the priest esra stood up and said to them, you have been unformed and took alienly women and do for the sinning of israel. Ezra.10.11 so do now your praise to the lord, the god of your fathers, and do what is pleasing in his sight. depart from the people of the land and from the others who are strangers. Ezra.10.12 and the whole church answered great, so, as you said, do we do. Ezra.10.13 but the people is many, and it is a warn time, so that there is no power to stand outside, and it is not a work for one day or two, for we have multiplited many things in this reason. Ezra.10.14 let our rulers come up for the whole church, and let all who in our towns who have taken allotts women will come in a time in time, and with them the elders of every city and their judges, so that the wrath of our god may turn from us for this reason. Ezra.10.15 only jonatan, the son of asahel, and jachzeja, the son of tikva, followed this, and mesullam and the levite shabetai helpped them. Ezra.10.16 the men of the captive did so, and they departed the priest ezra, the rulers of families, with the families of families, with all their name. they turned on the first day of the dhm month to seek the word. Ezra.10.17 and on the first day of the first day they were fulfilled with all those who had taken other wives. Ezra.10.18 among the sons of the priests who had taken allotts women were found: from the sons of jesus, the son of jotsadak, and his brothers, maaseja, elieser, jarib and gedalja, Ezra.10.19 they gave their hands to take their wives, and they offered a feast of a sheep for their trespass. Ezra.10.20 and of the sons of immer: hanani and zebadja; Ezra.10.21 of the sons of harim: maaseja, elijah, semaja, jehiel, and uzzia, Ezra.10.22 and of the sons of pashur: elioenai, maaseja, ismaël, netaneel, jozabad and elasa. Ezra.10.23 and of the levites: jozabad, shimei, kelaia, who was kelita, petachja, juda and eliezer. Ezra.10.24 of the changers, eliasib; and from the gates: shallum, telem and uri. Ezra.10.25 and from israel, from the sons of paros: ramia, jezesia, malchija, mijamin, eleazar, malkijah, and benaja; Ezra.10.26 of the sons of elam: mattanja, zechariah, jehiel, abdi, jeremot and elia; Ezra.10.27 and of the sons of zattu: eljoenai, eliasib, mattanja, jeremot, zabad and aziza; Ezra.10.28 of the sons of bebai: johanan, hananja, zabbai, atlai; Ezra.10.29 of the sons of bani: mesullam, malluch, adaja, jasub, seal and jeremot, Ezra.10.30 and of the sons of pahat-moab: adna, kelal, benaja, maaseja, mattanja, besalel, binnui and manasseh. Ezra.10.31 and of the sons of harim: elieser, jissia, malchija, shemaja, simeon, Ezra.10.32 benjamin, malluch and shemarja. Ezra.10.33 of the sons of hasum: mattenai, mattath, zabad, elifeleth, jeremei, manasseh, simei, Ezra.10.34 of the sons of bani: maadi, amram, uel, Ezra.10.35 benaja, bedeja, keluhi, Ezra.10.36 vanja, meremoth, eliasib, Ezra.10.37 mattanja, mattenai, jaasai, Ezra.10.38 bani, binnui, simei, Ezra.10.39 selemja, nathan, adaja, Ezra.10.40 maknadbai, shashai, sharai, Ezra.10.41 azarel, selemja, shemarja, Ezra.10.42 shallum, amarja, joseph. Ezra.10.43 of the sons of nebai: jehiel, mattithja, zabad, zebina, jaddai, joel and benaja. Ezra.10.44 all these have received alienless women, and they had been born of them, o lord, god of israel, you are righteous, for we have come to escape as it is this day. behold, we have been before you in our trespasses, for there is no one to stand before you. Neh.1.1 the words of nehemia, the son of hakalja. in the next year, in the 20 years, while i was in susan, Neh.1.2 came hanani, one of my brothers, he and some jews. and i asked them concerning those who were saved from the captive, and about jerusalem. Neh.1.3 they said to me, the rest that remained from the captive there are in the country, in great wicked and reproach, and the mure of jerusalem is destroyed and its ports were burned with fire. Neh.1.4 when i heard these words, i sat and weeped, and i was wagning every day, and i fasted and prayed before the god of heaven. Neh.1.5 and i said, o lord, god of heaven, o great and terrible god, who keep the covenant and the mercy to those who love him and keep his commandments, Neh.1.6 let your ears be open and your eyes open, to hear the prayer of your servant, which i pray before you day and night for the children of israel, your servants, and confessing the sins of the sons of israel, which we have sinned against you. so i and the house of my father have sinned. Neh.1.7 we have deceived us against you, and we did not keep the commandments, the commandments and the judgments that you gave your servant moses. Neh.1.8 remember the word that you commanded to moses, your servant, saying, if you are trouble, i will scattery you among the nations, Neh.1.9 but if you turn to me and keep my commandments and do them, if your disperses are at the end of heaven, i will gather them from there and bring them to the place that i have chosen for to dwell my name. Neh.1.10 they are your servants and your people, which you have redeed by your great power and with your strength hand. Neh.1.11 ah, lord, let your hearts be attending to the prayer of your servant and to the prayer of your servants, who desires to fear your name, and proclaim this day to your servant, and give him mercy in the presence of this man. so i was a mundskone of the king. Neh.2.1 in the month of nisan, in the tyventh year of king, when the wine was before him, i took the wine and gave it to the king. though i had not been reason in his presence, Neh.2.2 and the king said to me, why is your face wrong? you are not mourning? this is not only a harm of heart. and i was afraid greatly. Neh.2.3 and i said to the king, let the king live forever. why will i not show face that the city that is in the tombs of my fathers has been desoled, and its ports were consumed with fire? Neh.2.4 and the king said to me, why are you seeking this? and i prayed to the god of heaven, Neh.2.5 and i said to the king, if it is for the king and if your servant is good in your presence, send me to judah, to the city of the tombs of my fathers, that i may rebuke it. Neh.2.6 and the king told me, the king was sitting around him, as long as your sexual immorality will be, and when shall you return? and it was glad in the presence of the king to send me out, and i gave him a time. Neh.2.7 and i said to the king, if it is for the king, let me give me letters to the governor of the other side of the river, that they may leave me, until i come to judah, Neh.2.8 and a letter to asaf, guardier of the king, that he would give me a tree to endure the gates for the gates of the gates of the city and to the wall of the city, which i will go in. so the king gave me, because the good hand of my god was over me. Neh.2.9 so i came to the governors of the other side of the river and gave them the letters of the king. and the king sent me rulers of power and ratsuers. Neh.2.10 when sanballat, the horoniet, and tobia, the servant of ammon, heard that a man came to seeking good for the sons of israel. Neh.2.11 and when i came to jerusalem, we were there for three days. Neh.2.12 then i rose in the night with a few men with me, and i told no one what god had put to my heart to do with israel. there was no animal with me except the beast that i were going on. Neh.2.13 then i went out by the torr of dall, and by the spring of the sour and to the mists of burn, and i directed the mures of jerusalem that were destroyed and whose portes were consumed with fire. Neh.2.14 so i went to the beast of the soul and to the ruler of the king, and there was no place for the busing to pass under me. Neh.2.15 so i went up by the beast of the beek and recognized the mury. then i turned and returned by the door of the vall and returned. Neh.2.16 the rulers did not know what i was going and what i was doing, but even to the jews and the priests and the magistrate and the rulers and the rest who were doing the work. Neh.2.17 and i said to them, you see what evil we are in, how jerusalem is desoled, and its ports are burned up with fire. come, let us build the mury of jerusalem, and we shall not be still in reproach. Neh.2.18 and i told them that the good hand of my god was upon me, and even the words of the king that he had told me. so they said, let us rise and build. and they were strengthened to the good. Neh.2.19 when sanballat, the horonita, and tobia, the servant of ammon, and gesem the arab, heard this, they deceived us, and they turned over us and said, what is this for which you do? do you turn against the king? Neh.2.20 so i answered them, the god of heaven will prospere for us, and we, his servants, are clean and will build. but you have no parte, nor righteousness, nor member in jerusalem. Neh.3.1 then the high priest eliiasib and his brothers, the priests, stood up and built the sheep. they sanctified it and set its degs. so they sanctified until the turn of meah, even to the turn of hananeel. Neh.3.2 by the name of them the men of jericho, and by them sakkur, the son of imri. Neh.3.3 the fish of fish became built the sons of senaa; they defiled it and laid its deals, its shuts and rides. Neh.3.4 along for them meremoth, the son of urija, the son of ackos; along for them mesullam, the son of berechija, the son of mezezabel. by them zadok, the son of baana. Neh.3.5 along them the tekotes were confused, but their accusers did not put their neck into the service of their lord. Neh.3.6 the old tor repared jojada, the son of paseah, and mesullam, the son of besodja, seized her, and they set its degs, its slaughts and rides. Neh.3.8 after him hananja, the son of rohia, repared on their hands, ananias, the son of rokoim, and on his region he reparted jerusalem until the large wall. Neh.3.9 along for them repared rephaja, the ruler of the halve district of jerusalem. Neh.3.10 along them jedaja, the son of harumaf, for his own house. along for him hattus, the son of hashabneja. Neh.3.11 malkija, the son of harim, and hashub, the son of pahath-moab, repared the second boasts. Neh.3.12 along him reparted shallum, the son of lohes, the ruler of the district of jerusalem, he and his daughters. Neh.3.13 the deal of the vall repared hanun and the habitants of zanoah. they were built it up and laid the desiles, the sls and the rides. they repared a thousand el the mure until the mistion of burn. Neh.3.14 the offspring repared malkijah, the son of rechab, ruler of the surrounding region of bet-hackerem. he reparted it and repared the door, its slaughts and rides. Neh.3.15 the surrounding call was for the guard of the king and to the entrance of those who were descended from the city of david. Neh.3.16 after him nehemija, the son of azbuk, ruler of the halve district of betshur, to the place of the tomb of david and to the district of district and to the house of helds. Neh.3.17 after him the levites repared rehum the son of bani, along for him hashabja, the ruler of the helft of keila, for his district. Neh.3.18 after him, their brothers, bawni, the son of henadad, the ruler of the district of keila. Neh.3.19 along on his hand azur, the son of jesus, the ruler of maspis, a second measure, by the back of the entrance of the knie. Neh.3.20 after him baruk, the son of zebai, bought a second thing, from the knie and to the door of the house of eliiasib the high priest. Neh.3.21 after him meremot, the son of urija, the son of accus, reparted a second district from the door of the house of eljasib until the district of the house of eliasib. Neh.3.22 after him the priests, who were in the region, departed with them. Neh.3.23 after them benjamin and hashub reparted at the region of their house. after them azarja, the son of maaseja, the son of ananias, repared at his house. Neh.3.24 after him binnui, the son of henadad, repared a second measure, from the house of zerah, like to the parents and to the winkel. Neh.3.25 palal, the son of uzai, against the ecken and the turn that comes out of the further house of the king, which is at the courtyard of the prison. after him pedaja, the son of paros, Neh.3.26 the nethinim were dwelling in ofel, until the district of the waters of the water, to the from, and to the turn that bread out. Neh.3.27 after him the tekotes seized the second matter, contrary to the great turn of the great torn, like to the mure of ofel. Neh.3.28 from the hors of horses the priests bought, each against his household. Neh.3.29 after him zadok, the son of immer, bought in the contrary of his house, and after him shemaja, the son of shechchanja, guarded of the oost-door. Neh.3.30 after him hananja, the son of shelemia, and hanun, the sixth son of shelef, repared for a second district. after him mesullam, the son of berechja, restaured the district of his kamer. Neh.3.31 after him malkija, the son of the guard, repared for the household of the nethinites and the rulers, before the gates of mifkad, and to the sald of the winkel. Neh.3.32 and among the back of the sheep and the sheep repared the officers and the footers. Neh.4.1 when sanballat heard that we were building the mure, he was indignant and was wrath at great, and he rebuked the jews. Neh.4.2 and he said to his brothers, this is the power of samaria, that these jews are being built up his city. Neh.4.3 and tobia the ammonites was at his side and said, if they should be offered, if a row will ascend and destroy their stone of stones. Neh.4.4 hear, o our god, that we have been despised, and turn their smack to their head, and give them in the captive land, in the land of captive. Neh.4.5 and do not be covered for wrong, and do not deceive at wrongdoing. Neh.4.7 when sanballat and tobia and the arabians and the ammonites and the asdodites heard that the call of the mures of jerusalem had come up, that the surrounding began to short, they was greatly troubled. Neh.4.8 and they were gathered together, to come at jerusalem and to strike against it. Neh.4.9 but we were praying to our god and set a prisoner against them day and night, for their sake. Neh.4.10 but the jews said, the force of the strangers is distributed, and the stof is much, and we cannot build the mure. Neh.4.11 and our enemies said, they will not know and not see, until we come in their midst and murder them and leave the work. Neh.4.12 now when the jews who were dwelling by them came and told us from all the places of all the place to us. Neh.4.13 so i set the people in the devout places, following the mure, in the divisions of the wall, i set the people according to families, with their swords, their lands and their bogen. Neh.4.14 and i saw it and rose and said to the chief, and to the magistrates and to the rest of the people, do not fear them. remember the great and terrible god, and strike for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your women and your household. Neh.4.15 when our enemies heard that we had known to us and had made their plan unknown, we were all returned to the wall, each to his work. Neh.4.16 from that day a helft of my servants was doing the work, and the half of them were carried out with lands, scudas, arms, and breasts, and the rulers were following all the house of judah. Neh.4.17 those who were built on the wall and those who were carriers with a wail were doing the work with one hand, and one kept the pil. Neh.4.18 the building of the builders were around his sword, and so they were built. the trumpear was at the trumpet. Neh.4.19 and i said to the principal and to the rulers and to the rest of the people: the work is great and great, and we are spreated on the mure, a distance from one another. Neh.4.20 in the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, there you will be gathered to us. our god will strike for us. Neh.4.21 so we were doing the work, and a half of them kept the speech from the morning of the morning until the stars had gone out. Neh.4.22 in that time i said to the people, let you remain in jerusalem, so that they may have a guard for you in the night, and the day to work. Neh.4.23 even i, nor my brothers, nor my people, nor my prisoners, and those of the prison, who were after me, did not put his clothing out of us. Neh.5.1 and there was a loud cry of the people and of their women against their brothers the jews. Neh.5.2 some said, we have many our sons and our daughters, and we will receive a wheat, that we may eat and live. Neh.5.3 there were some who said, we bring our lands and our vineyards and our huse, that we may receive a wheat for to eat. Neh.5.4 there were some who said, we have rejected the money to carry for the king for our lands and vineyards. Neh.5.5 and now our flesh is like the flesh of our brothers, and our sons are like their sons. and behold, we are strengthening our children and our daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters are strengthened, and we are not possible in our hands, for our lands and our vineyards are for the honor. Neh.5.6 when i heard their cry and these words, i was greatly distressed. Neh.5.7 so i delivered my heart to the honor and the rulers and said to them, you are rejected one of your brothers. then i called a great multitude to them. Neh.5.8 and i said to them, we have delivered our brothers, the jews, who were sold to the nations in our reason, and you will sell your brothers. and they were ready, and they did not find anything. Neh.5.9 and i said, what you do do is not good. do you not walk in the fear of our god, from the reproach of the nations, our enemies? Neh.5.10 even i, my brothers and my servants, have given them silver and wheat. let us leave this reason. Neh.5.11 turn to them today their lands, their vineyards, their olivenhores and their houses, and from the money, of the wheat, of the wine and of the oliven that you have set them. Neh.5.12 they said, we will pay them, and we will not seek from them. we do like you say. then i called the priests and charged them to do so. Neh.5.13 i distributed my cloak and said, so god must shine out every man who does not hold this word from his house and household of him, and so let him be defiled and turn. and all the congregation said, amen! and they pried the lord. and the people did as they had done. Neh.5.14 from the day when he commanded me to be their ruler in the land of judah, from the tyventh years of the king of artaxerxes, to the third and the third years of arthaserus. Neh.5.15 for the first governor who were before me were carried for the people, and they took from them bread and wine, after 40 sikles silver. so their servants were authorities over the people. but i did not do so, because he was afraid of god. Neh.5.16 even in the work of this wall i did not take a hand, and we were all who were gathered together to the work. Neh.5.17 both jews, 150 men, and those who came to us from the nations who were around us, at my table. Neh.5.18 as for one day was prepared, only a oxen, six fellow sheep and six sheep, and all ten days were of all wine wine. but as for these, i did not seek the bread of the governor, for the serving was greater for this people. Neh.5.19 remember me, o god, to the good things all that i have done for this people. Neh.6.1 now when sanballat, tobia, gesem the arab and our rest of our enemies heard that i had built the wall, and that there was not left in them any furth, yet even to that time i did not wall in the portes, Neh.6.2 so sanballat and gesem sent a message to me, saying, come, let us gather together in the village in the field of ono. they thought to do me evil. Neh.6.3 then i sent a messengers to them, saying, i am doing a great work, and i cannot come down. how can the work remain, so that i may leave it and come down to you? Neh.6.4 they sent all this message to me, and i told them the same way. Neh.6.5 so sanballat sent to me his servant sanballat and a open letter in his hand. Neh.6.6 in it was written, among the nations is heard, and it was heard, that you and the jews intends to turn. this is why you build the mure, and so you are to be their king. Neh.6.7 you have appointed prophets that they might say to you in jerusalem, saying, there is a king in judah. now these words will proclaim to the king. come therefore and let us consult with one another. Neh.6.8 but i sent to him, saying, it was not so, as you say, for you are deceived in your heart. Neh.6.9 for they all fear us, saying, their hands are taken away from the work, and it will not be done. and now, help my hands! Neh.6.10 and i went into the house of shaimei, the son of delaia, the son of mehetabel, who was encouraged, and said, let us gather into the house of god in his house and shut the door, for they come to murder you. Neh.6.11 and i said, which is the man who will enter the house and live? Neh.6.12 i recognized that god did not send him, but he had spoken the prophecy against me, for tobia and sanballat had learned him. Neh.6.13 it was for me to fear, so that i might fear and do so and give them a evil name, so that they might insult me. Neh.6.14 remember, o god, of tobia and of sanballat, as they did, and the prophet noadja and the rest of the prophets who were charged me. Neh.6.15 the murd was fulfilled in the eighth of the third day of elul, in five and two days. Neh.6.16 when all our enemies heard this, all the nations that were around us were afraid, and they were troubled in their eyes, for they perceived that this work was done from our god. Neh.6.17 in those days the honor of the jews were many letters to tobia, and those of tobia came to them. Neh.6.18 for many in judah had been conjuring with him, because he was a marriage of shechanja, the son of arah, and his son johanan had taken a daughter of mesullam, the son of berechja. Neh.6.19 they were told to me his words, and they carried to him my words. so tobia sent brights to fear me. Neh.7.1 now when the wall was built, i set the door, and the gates, the changes and the levites were numbered. Neh.7.2 and i commanded my brother ananias and hananja, the ruler of the city, at jerusalem, for he was a true man and fearing god than many. Neh.7.3 and i said to them, the gates of jerusalem shall not open, until the sun is at stand, and while they still stand, the door should be clothed and sell. and put guards for the household of the house of jerusalem, each at his guard, and every at his household. Neh.7.4 the city was large and great, but the people there were little, and the house were not been built up. Neh.7.5 so god gave them in my heart to gather the honor and the rulers and the people for their genealogies. and i found the genealoge of the genealogies of those who had ascended the first, and i found in it written, Neh.7.6 these are the sons of the province, who went up from the captive of the captive, which nebukadressar, king of babel, had taken captive, and returned to jerusalem and to judah, each to his town, Neh.7.7 with zerubbabel, jeshua, nehemia, azarja, raamja, nahamani, mardochai, bilsan, misperet, bigwai, nehum and baana, men of the people of israel. Neh.7.8 the sons of paros, two thousand and seven two; Neh.7.9 the sons of sefatja, three thousand seven two; Neh.7.10 the sons of arah, 652; Neh.7.11 the sons of pahat-moab, of the sons of jeshua and joab, two thousand and eight and eight; Neh.7.12 the sons of elam, 1,254; Neh.7.13 sattus, 845; Neh.7.14 sackai, 760; Neh.7.15 bani, 648; Neh.7.16 the sons of bebai, 628; Neh.7.17 the sons of asgad, 2322; Neh.7.18 the sons of adonikam, 667; Neh.7.19 the sons of bigwai, two thousand seven seven; Neh.7.20 the sons of adin, 655; Neh.7.21 the sons of ater, of jehizkia, 98; Neh.7.22 the sons of hasum, 328; Neh.7.23 the sons of besai, 324; Neh.7.24 the sons of harif, 122; Neh.7.25 the sons of gibeon 95; Neh.7.26 the sons of bethlehem and netopha, 126; Neh.7.27 the sons of anatot 128, Neh.7.28 the men of bet-azmavet 42, Neh.7.29 the men of kiriath-jearim, kefira and beeroth, 743; Neh.7.30 the men of rama and geba, 621; Neh.7.31 the men of mikmas, 122; Neh.7.32 the men of bet-el and ai, 123; Neh.7.33 the men of nebon, five and two. Neh.7.34 the men of elams, 1,254; Neh.7.35 the sons of harim, 320; Neh.7.36 the sons of jericho 345, Neh.7.37 the sons of lod, hadid and ono, seven 121; Neh.7.38 the sons of senaa, three thousand 930. Neh.7.39 the priests, the sons of jedaja, of the house of jesus, 973; Neh.7.40 the sons of immer, 1052; Neh.7.41 the sons of pashur, 1447; Neh.7.42 the sons of harim, 117. Neh.7.43 the levites: the sons of jeshua, of kadmiel, of the sons of hodia, seventy-four. Neh.7.44 the changers, the sons of asaf, 148. Neh.7.45 the gates: the sons of shallum, the sons of ater, the sons of talmon, the sons of akkub, the sons of shobai, 138. Neh.7.46 the nethinins: the sons of zih, the sons of asia, the sons of tabbaoth, Neh.7.47 the sons of keros, the sons of sia, the sons of padon, Neh.7.48 the sons of lebana, the sons of hagaba, the sons of salmai, Neh.7.49 the sons of hanan, the sons of giddel, the sons of gahar, Neh.7.50 figliuoli of reaja, the sons of rezin, the sons of nekoda, Neh.7.51 the sons of gazam, the sons of uzzi, the sons of paseah, Neh.7.52 the sons of besai, the sons of meunim, the sons of nefushim, Neh.7.53 the sons of bakbuk, the sons of hakupha, the sons of harhur, Neh.7.54 the sons of basaloth, the sons of mehida, the sons of harsa, Neh.7.55 the sons of barcos, the sons of sisera, the sons of temach, Neh.7.56 the sons of neziah, the sons of hatifah. Neh.7.57 the sons of the servants of solomon: the sons of soth, the sons of sefereth, the sons of peridas, Neh.7.58 the sons of jahas, the sons of darkon, the sons of giddel, Neh.7.59 the sons of sefatja, the sons of hattil, the sons of pokeret-zebaim, the sons of amon. Neh.7.60 all the nethinites and the sons of the servants of solomon were three thousand and two. Neh.7.61 and these are going up from tel-melah, tel-harsa, kerub, addon and immer. but they were not able to tell their families and their offspring, whether they were from israel: Neh.7.62 the sons of delaja, the sons of tobia, the sons of nekoda, 642. Neh.7.63 and of the priests: the sons of habija, the sons of accus, the sons of barzillai, who had given a woman from the daughters of barzillai, the gileadite, and was called to their name. Neh.7.64 these were seeking their genealogies, but did not find them. so they were set out of the priesthood. Neh.7.65 and the governor said to eat of the holy places until the priest stood up with urim and tummim. Neh.7.66 the whole multitude was about 42,360, Neh.7.67 except their servants and slave, who were 7337, and also there were 245 changes and changes. Neh.7.68 two hundred and thirty hors, two thousand 45 money, Neh.7.69 435 camel, 6,720. Neh.7.70 some of the families of families gave to the work. the governor gave to the treasure 1000 dariks of gold, 50 bowls, and thirty-thousand of priests. Neh.7.71 and some of the families of the families gave to the treasure of the work for two thousand gold, and two thousand mines of silver. Neh.7.72 the rest of the people gave two thousand talents gold, two thousand mines of silver and seven seven priests. Neh.7.73 so the priests and the levites and the gates and the changes and the people and the nethinim and ganz israel were sitting in their towns. the seventh day came, and the israelites were in their towns. Neh.8.1 then all the people gathered together as one man at the plass before the waters of the water, and they told ezra the scribes to bring the scroll of the law of moses, which the lord had commanded to israel. Neh.8.2 and ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation, both man and wife, and all who were able to understand, on the first day of the seventh month. Neh.8.3 and he recognized among it at the place of the place, from the time until the half of the day, before men and women and those who were understanding. and the ears of all the people were before the scroll of the law. Neh.8.4 and ezra the scribes stood on a tree of tree, which had been done, and at the right side of him stood mattithia, shema, anaja, urija, hilkia and maaseja, and at his left was pedaja, misael, malkija, hashum, hashum, hashbadana, zecharja and mesullam. Neh.8.5 and ezra opened the book in the presence of all the people, for he was above all the people. and when he opened it, all the people stood up. Neh.8.6 and ezra blessed the lord, the great god, and all the people answered, amen, amen! and they bowed and worshiped the lord with his face to earth. Neh.8.7 and jeshua and benaia and serebia were instructed the people in the law, and the people was in his direction. Neh.8.8 and they read in the book of the law of god and instructed the instruct, and they recognized the lessage. Neh.8.9 and nehemia, the ruler, and ezra the scribes, and the levites who were instructed to the people said to all the people, this day is holy for the lord your god. do not mourn or weep. for all the people wept when they heard the words of the law. Neh.8.10 and he said to them, go and eat women and drink swys, and send part to those who have no means, for the day is holy for our lord. do not depart, for the day is your power. Neh.8.11 the levites remained all the people, saying, take silent, for this day is holy, and do not burn. Neh.8.12 so all the people went to eat and drink and to send partes and to make great joy, for they had understood the words that they had told them. Neh.8.13 on the second day the families of the families of all the people, the priests and the levites, gathered to the scribe ezra, to present the words of the law. Neh.8.14 and they found in the law that the lord had commanded by moses, that the people of israel might dwell in tents in the feast of the seventh month. Neh.8.15 and that they might call and proclaim in all their towns and in jerusalem, saying, come out to the mountain and bring blawles of olives, the folies of olives, myrtes of myrrh, robes of palm and folis of palme, to make tentes, as it is written. Neh.8.16 so the people went out and brought it and made tentes for themselves, each on his household and in their forts and in the forts of the house of god, and in the plass of the town of the city and at the plass of the city of ephraim. Neh.8.17 and the whole church of those who had returned from the captive did tentes, and they dwelled in the tents. from the days of jesus, the son of nun, had not done so, even to that day. and there was a great joy. Neh.8.18 and they read in the book of the law of god day day, from the first day to the last. and they feased the feast for seven days, and on the eighth day was a feast of feast, according to the reason. Neh.9.1 now on the third and fourth day of this monate people were gathered together in fasting and in sackcloth. Neh.9.2 and the people of israel departed from all the others, and they stood and confessed their sins and the abominations of their fathers. Neh.9.3 and they stood at their place and read in the book of the law of the lord their god, and they were leading people and worshiped the lord their god. Neh.9.4 and jesua and bani, kadmiel, shebanja, bunni, sherebja, bani and chanani stood up on the ascense of the levites, and they cried out with a loud voice to the lord their god. Neh.9.5 and the levites, jeschua and kadmiel, bani, hashabneh, shebanja, shebneja, shebneja, shebanja, shebneja, saying, rise, blessed of the lord your god, from the world to all. Neh.9.6 you, lord, are the only god. you have made the heavens and the heavens of the heavens, the earth and all that is in it, the sea and whatever there is in them. you give life to all these things, and the soldiers of heaven worship you. Neh.9.7 you are the lord god, who chosen abram and led him out of ur of the chaldeans and gave him the name abraham. Neh.9.8 and you found his heart faithful before you, and you made a covenant with him to give him the land of the kananeens, the hetites, the amorites, the perizzites, the jebusites and girgasites, give to his offspring, and you have fulfilled your words, for you are just. Neh.9.9 you saw the affliction of our fathers in egypt, and you heard their cry on the schilde sea. Neh.9.10 you gave signs and signs to pharaon and against all his servants and on all the people of his land, for you knew that they were arrogant against them, and you have made a name for you as it is this day. Neh.9.11 you turned the sea before them, and they passed through the sea in droom, and those who persecuted them you have thrown into the deep like a stone in the great water. Neh.9.12 in a cloud of cloud you led them day, and in a fire of fire to light for them the way they were going. Neh.9.13 you went down on the mountain of sinai and spoke to them from heaven, and you gave them sincere judgment and true commandments, good commandments and commandments. Neh.9.14 you have made known to them your holy sabbath, and you gave them commandments, commandments and the law by your servant moses. Neh.9.15 you gave them bread from heaven, when they were thirsty, and you brought them water from the rock when they were thirsty, and you told them to enter the land that you made your hand to give them. Neh.9.16 but our fathers were arrogant, and they endured their neck and did not listen to your commandments. Neh.9.17 so they did not listen to hear, and did not remember your wonders that you had done with them, but they endured their neck and gave a ruler to return to their service in egypt. but you, o god, is a god of mercy and mercy, patience and great of mercy, and you have not left them. Neh.9.18 even when they had done for themselves a gegor kalf, they said, this is your god, who led you out of egypt! and they did greatly provoked. Neh.9.19 yet because of your great mercy you did not left them in the wilderness. the cloud of the cloud did not turn from them day to lead them on the road, nor the fire of fire to light to light for them the way that they might go. Neh.9.20 you gave your good spirit to give them understand, and you did not turn your manna from their mouth, and water you gave them for their thirst. Neh.9.21 for forty years you directed them in the wilderness, they did not need them. their garments did not turn, and their feet did not break. Neh.9.22 you gave them kingdoms and nations and distributed them, and they became possessions of the land of sihon, the king of hesbon, and the land of og, the king of basan. Neh.9.23 you have multiplied their children as the stars of heaven and brought them into the land that you had told their fathers that they would come in and inherit it. Neh.9.24 and the people arrived and took the beast of the land in their presence, the cananans, and you gave them in their hands, both their kings and the people of the land, so that they might do with them as they wanted. Neh.9.25 and they took up heads of high country and toward them, and they became possessions, full of all good things, broken cisterns, women, olives, and fruits of food in multitude. so they ate and were satisfied and were satisfied and became well of your great goods. Neh.9.26 but they were contempted and rejected you, they throw your law back after their bodies, they killed your prophets who testified to turn them to you, and they did greatly provoked. Neh.9.27 so you gave them in the hand of their enemies and afflicted them. but at the time of their affliction they cried out to you, and you have heard them from heaven, and in your great mercy you gave them salvaters, who saved them from the hand of their enemies. Neh.9.28 but when they had refreshed, they returned to do what was evil in your eyes, and you have left them into the hands of their enemies, and they directed them. then they cried out to you again, and you heard from heaven and delivered them in your great mercy in many things. Neh.9.29 and you warned them to turn them to return to your law, but they did wrongly, and they did not listen to your commandments, but sinned by your judgments, which a man who does them will live by them. they turned a distributed lands, and they endured their neck and did not listen. Neh.9.30 you were belonging to them many years and testified to them by your spirit by your prophets, but they did not listen. so you gave them in the hand of the people of the lands. Neh.9.31 yet because of your great mercy you did not destroy them and have not forgiven them, for you are a god of mercy and compassion. Neh.9.32 and now, o our god, you great, strong and terrible god, who keep your covenant and your mercy, let not all the affliction that you have found, our kings, our rulers, our priests, our prophets, our fathers, our fathers and all your people, from the days of the kings of assur until this day. Neh.9.33 you are righteous in everything that has come upon us, for you have done the truth, and we have sinned. Neh.9.34 our kings, our rulers, our priests and our fathers did not do your law and did not obey your commandments and your testimony that you testified to them. Neh.9.35 they did not serve you in their kingdom and in your great good good that you gave them, and in the street and large land, which you gave them, they did not serve you, and did not turn from their evil acts. Neh.9.36 behold, we are now servants, and the land that you gave our fathers to eat its fruit. Neh.9.37 the earth that you have given us over our sins for our sins, and they are authorities over our bodies and our best, as they please, and we are in great tribulation. Neh.9.38 in all these things we are appointed a faith and wrote, and our rulers, our levites and our priests were sealed. Neh.10.1 now those who were sealed were nehemias, the son of hachalja, and sedekias, Neh.10.2 the son of seraia, and azariah, and jeremia, Neh.10.3 pashur, amarja, malchija, Neh.10.4 hattus, shebanja, malluch, Neh.10.5 harim, meremoth, obadja, Neh.10.6 daniel, ginneton, baruch, Neh.10.7 mesullam, abia, mijamin, Neh.10.8 maazja, bilgai, shemaja. these were priests. Neh.10.9 the levites: jeshua, the son of azanja, binnui of the sons of henadad, kadmiel, Neh.10.10 and their brothers: sebanja, hodia, kelita, pelaja, hanan, Neh.10.11 micha, rehob, hashabja, Neh.10.12 zacchur, serebia, shebanja, Neh.10.13 hodija, bani, beninu. Neh.10.14 the rulers of the people: paros, pahat-moab, elam, zattu, bani, Neh.10.15 bunni, azgad, bebai, Neh.10.16 adonija, bigvai, adin, Neh.10.17 ater, ezekias, azzur, Neh.10.18 hodija, hasum, besai, Neh.10.19 harif, anatot, nebai, Neh.10.20 magpias, mesullam, hezir, Neh.10.21 mezezebeel, zadok, jaddua, Neh.10.22 pelatja, hanan, anaja, Neh.10.23 hosea, hananja, hassub, Neh.10.24 hallohes, pilha, shobek, Neh.10.25 rehum, hashabna, maaseja, Neh.10.26 and ahia, hanan, anan, Neh.10.27 malluk, harim, baana. Neh.10.28 the rest of the people, the priests, the levites, the gates, the sangers, the nethinim, and all who had departed from the people of the land to the law of god, their wives, their sons and their daughters, everyone who knew and understand. Neh.10.29 they were strengthening with their brothers and curved them, and they came in an oath and an oath to walk in the law of god, which was given by the hand of moses, servant of god, and to keep and do at do all the commandments of the lord, our lord, and his judgments, Neh.10.30 we will not give our daughters to the people of the land, and we will not take their daughters to our sons. Neh.10.31 even if the people of the land bring the food and every practice in the sabbath day to betray them, we shall not bring from them on the sabbath or in the holy days, and let us remain on the seventh years and all the deeds of all hands. Neh.10.32 we appointed us in order to give us a third of a sicli every year for the service of the house of our god, Neh.10.33 to the bread of the presence, for the continuing sacrifice for the day, and for the new holocauste, for the sabbath, for the new, for the feast, for the holy offers and for the sacrifices for sin, to make propitiation for israel, and for all the work of the house of our god. Neh.10.34 we, the priests, the levites and the people, putting lots for the house of our god for the homes of our families, every year for every year, to burn at the altar of the lord our god, as it is written in the law. Neh.10.35 we should every year bring to the house of the lord the best of our earth and the best of all fruit of every tree, every year, to the house of the lord, Neh.10.36 we must bring to the house of our god to the priests who serve in the house of our god, as it is written in the law, and the firstbors of our sheols and our sheep to bring to the house of our god to the priests who serve in the house of our god. Neh.10.37 even our heavens and our heavens and the fruit of every tree, of wine and of olivet we will bring to the priests, to the kammer in the house of our god, and the tithes of our land to the levites. the levites will have the tithes in all the towns of our household. Neh.10.38 the priest, the son of aaron, will be with the levites in the tithes of the levites, and the levites will bring the tithes of the tithes to the house of our god in the treasures of the treasures. Neh.10.39 for the sons of israel and the sons of levi will bring the offers of wheat, the wine, the wine and the oliy in the treasures. there are the vessels of the holy places, the priests who ministrs, the gates and the changes. we shall not leave the house of our god. Neh.11.1 the rulers of the people sat in jerusalem, but the rest of the people cast lots to bring one of the ten, to sit in jerusalem, the holy city, and the nive dels in the towns. Neh.11.2 and the people blessed all those who were offered to sit in jerusalem. Neh.11.3 these are the rulers of the province who died in jerusalem, but in the towns of juda were sat every one in his possession, in their towns, israel, the priests, the levites, the nethineos, and the sons of the servants of solomon. Neh.11.4 in jerusalem were seated from the sons of judah and from the sons of benjamin, of the sons of judah: ataja, the son of uzzia, son of zechariah, son of amarja, the son of mahalalel, of the sons of peres, Neh.11.5 maaseja, son of baruch, son of hachza, son of uzzia, son of adaja, son of jojarib, son of zecharja, son of shiloni. Neh.11.6 all the sons of peres who were sitting in jerusalem were 468 officers. Neh.11.7 these are the sons of benjamin: selu, the son of mesullam, the son of joad, the son of pedaja, son of kolaja, son of maaseja, son of jesia, Neh.11.8 and after him gabbai and sallai, 928. Neh.11.9 joel, the son of zechri, was charge over them, and judas, the son of senua, was the second man of the city. Neh.11.10 of the priests: jedaja, the son of jojarib, jachin, Neh.11.11 seraja, son of hilkia, son of mesullam, the son of zadok, son of merajot, son of ahitub, before the house of god, Neh.11.12 and their brothers, doing the work of the house, amasai, son of zechariah, son of pedah, the son of malkija, Neh.11.13 the rulers of families were 242, and amazja, the son of azriel. Neh.11.14 his brothers, held in war, 128. the ruler over them was obadiel. Neh.11.15 of the levites: semaja, the son of hasub, the son of ezri, Neh.11.17 mattanja, the son of micha, and obed, the son of shamuï, Neh.11.18 two thousand and seven four; Neh.11.19 the gaters: akkub, talmon, and their brothers, 172. Neh.11.22 and the overseers of the levites, the son of bani, uzzi, son of hashabja, son of michaja, son of micha, of the sons of asaph who were change for the work of the house of god. Neh.11.23 for the commandment of the king was upon them. Neh.11.24 and petachja, the son of jeshabzah, the son of zerzaza, was at the king to all the divisions of the people. Neh.11.25 to the villages, in their country, from the sons of juda they were asking in kiriath-arba, Neh.11.26 and in jesua, and in jeschua, Neh.11.27 and in bahar-sheba, and in baal-sheba, Neh.11.30 lakis and its villages were lakis, and they were learned in bahar-sheba. Neh.11.31 the sons of benjamin was to geba, to mikmas, Neh.11.36 some of the levites were the fellores of judah and of benjamin. Neh.12.1 these are the priests and the levites who went up with zerubbabel, the son of sealtiel, and with jeshua: seraja, jirmeja, ezra, Neh.12.2 amarja, malluch, Neh.12.3 sechanih, Neh.12.7 these were the rulers of the priests and their brothers in the days of jesus. Neh.12.8 the levites: jesuah, binnui, kadmiel, sherebja, juda and mattanja, who was with his brothers. Neh.12.9 in the divisions of the divisions, Neh.12.10 and jesua the father of joiakim, and jojakim the father of eliasib, and eliasib the father of jojada, Neh.12.11 jojada the father of jonathan, and jonathan the father of jaddua, Neh.12.12 now in the days of joiakim were priests the families of families: of seraja, meraja; of jeremia, hananja; Neh.12.13 of ezra, mesullam; for amarja, johanan; Neh.12.14 of malluch, jonathan; of sebanja, joseph; Neh.12.15 for harim adna, for meraioth helkai, Neh.12.16 of iddo, zechariah; for ginneton, mesullam; Neh.12.17 of abijah zecchri, of minamin, of moadja, piltai, Neh.12.18 of bilga sammua, of semaja jonatan, Neh.12.19 for jojarib mattenai, for jedaja uzzi, Neh.12.20 of sallai, kallai; for amok, eber; Neh.12.21 for hilkia hashabja, for jedaja netanel. Neh.12.22 in the days of eliasib, jojada, johanan, and jaddua, the families of families were written in the time of darius the perss, Neh.12.23 the sons of levi, the rulers of families, were written in the book of leasting until the days of johanan, the son of eliasib. Neh.12.24 the rulers of the levites were hashabja, sherebja, and jesua, the son of kadmiel, with their brothers at their presence, to praise and praise, according to the commandment of david the man of god. Neh.12.25 while i had gathered the gates, Neh.12.26 in the days of jehojakim, son of jeshua, the son of josadac, and in the days of nehemia and ezra, the priest, the scribes. Neh.12.27 now when the mures of the mure of jerusalem were invited, they were seeking the levites among all their places, to bring them to jerusalem, for they might make the exaction with joy, with joy, with cymblings, harps, and harpas. Neh.12.28 so the sons of the change gathered from the region around jerusalem and from the netofatites, Neh.12.29 both from the field, for the changes were built for themselves a village in jerusalem. Neh.12.30 the priests and the levites were cleansed and cleansed the people and the gates and the wall. Neh.12.31 then i brought the rulers of judah on the mure, and i appointed two great prayers, and one went on the right side to the wall of the mists. Neh.12.32 and after them went hosaja and a half of the rulers of judah, Neh.12.33 and azarja, esra, mesullam, Neh.12.34 judah, benjamin, shemacja, and jeremia, Neh.12.35 and from the sons of the priests with the trumpets: zechariah, son of jonathan, son of semaja, son of mattanja, the son of michaja, the son of zacchur, son of asaph, Neh.12.36 and his brothers was semaja and uzziel, to praise in the cases of david, man of god, and ezra the scribes before them. Neh.12.37 they went up at the burial tor, before them, they went up to the entrance of the city of david at the opportunity of the wall, from the house of david, even to the watch of water, on the oath. Neh.12.38 the second charge went on the help, and i followed them, with the half of the people, around the mure, above the taine torn, like to the open mure, Neh.12.39 and above the city of ephraim and the jeunish tor, the fish of the fish, and the turn of hananeel, and the turn of hananeel, and the turn of hananeel, and they stood by the guard of the prison. Neh.12.40 so the two of the praise remained in the house of god, both i and the half of the rulers with me, Neh.12.41 the priests of eliakim, maaseja, minjamin, michaja, elioenai, zechariah, ananias with the trumpets, Neh.12.42 and maaseja, semaja, eleazar, uzzi, johanan, malkija, elam and ezer. and the sangers were hearing. Neh.12.43 and they offered that day great sacrifices and rejoiced, for god had rejoiced them in great joy. even their women and children rejoiced, and the joy of jerusalem was heard at a distance. Neh.12.44 on that day there were set men over the treasures for the treasures of the treasures, the offerings and the tithes, for in them they were gathered the fellow distribution of the towns for the priests and the levites. for the jews rejoiced for the priests and the levites who stood there. Neh.12.45 they kept the guard of their god and the guaring of the purification, even the changers and the gates, according to the commandment of david and his son solomon. Neh.12.46 for in the days of david and asaph from the beginning were the first of the changers and praise and praise to god. Neh.12.47 now in the days of zerubbabel and in the days of serubbabel distributed the parts of the changers and the gates, every day, and they were sanctified to the levites, and the levites were sanctified to the sons of aaron. Neh.13.1 in that day it was read in the book of moses before the people, and there was found in him that ammonites and moabites might never enter the church of god, Neh.13.2 for they did not enter the people of israel with bread and water, but leared balaam against them to curse them, but our god turned the curse into a blessing. Neh.13.3 when they heard the law, they desparted all the people of israel. Neh.13.4 before this, the priest eliasib, a household for the treasury of the house of our god, a region of tobia, Neh.13.5 he had made for him a great kammer, where there were before the offering of the offspring, the incense and the vessels, the tithes of the wheat, the wine, the most of the wine, the wine of the levites, the sangers and the gates, and the offers of the priests. Neh.13.6 now in this way i was not in jerusalem, for in the three and thousand year of arthaserus, king of babel, i had come to the king, and after some days i asked the king. Neh.13.7 and when i came to jerusalem, i understood the evil that eliasib had done for tobia, to make a kammer for him in the courtyard of the house of god, Neh.13.8 so i was troubled greatly, and i throw away all the goods of the house of tobia from the kamer. Neh.13.9 then i told that they might clean the treasures and brought there the vessels of the house of god, the sacrifice and the incense. Neh.13.10 and i knew that the parts of the levites did not be delivered to them, so that the levites and the changes who were doing the work fled each one to his field. Neh.13.11 so i rejected the rulers and said, why has the house of god been left? and i gathered them and put them on their place. Neh.13.12 and all the jews brought the tithes of the fire, the wine and the oliy in the treasures. Neh.13.13 so i put selemja, the priest, and zadok, the scribes, and pedaja from the levites, and along for them hanan, the son of zacchur, the son of matthania, for they were considered faithful, and they were intending to departe to their brothers. Neh.13.14 remember me, my god, and do not destroy my mercy that i have done in the house of the lord. Neh.13.15 in those days i saw in judah afflicting winepress on the sabbath, bringing garments and gathering them on the asns, and wine, wine, figs, and every sour, and brought it to jerusalem on the sabbath day. and i testified to them on the day when they sold them. Neh.13.16 there were those who were sitting there, bringing fish and all deeds and sold in the sabbath to the sons of judah and in jerusalem. Neh.13.17 so i stricked the free men of juda and said to them, what is this evil word that you do and profane the day of the sabbath? Neh.13.18 did not our fathers do so? and our god has brought all this evil upon us and upon this city? and you do longer make a wrath upon israel to profane the sabbath. Neh.13.19 so as they were encouraged the gates of jerusalem before the sabbath, i told that the gates were sulched, and i told them not to open them as after the sabbath. then i laid some of my servants on the gates, so that there would be no last in the sabbath day. Neh.13.20 the accusers and all the deacons were once and twice outside jerusalem, once and again. Neh.13.21 and i testified to them and said to them, why are you during the wall? if you ready, i will stretch out my hand against you. from that time they did not come on the sabbath. Neh.13.22 and i told the levites to purify and to come to guard the gates, to sanctify the day of the sabbath. remember me, my god, and spare me because of your great mercy. Neh.13.23 in those days i saw the jews who had taken uxores of asdoda, ammonites and moabites. Neh.13.24 and their childs speaking a held of asdodi, and they did not know jews to speak. Neh.13.25 so i distributed them and cursed them, and i killed some of them and stricked them, and i bound them by god, not give your daughters to their sons and neither take some of their daughters to your sons or for you. Neh.13.26 did not israel king of israel have sinned? yet among many nations was not a king like him, though he was loved by his god, and god gave him king over all israel. yet even this others departed the others. Neh.13.27 shall we do not listen to do all this mal, to deceive against our god to take alienly women? Neh.13.28 one of the sons of jehojada, the son of eliasib, the high priest, was a bridegroom of sanballat the horoniten, and i disputed him from me. Neh.13.29 remember them, o god, for they have complete the priesthood and the covenant of the priesthood and the levites. Neh.13.30 so i cleansed them from all others, and i appointed the classes of the priests and the levites, every one of his work. Neh.13.31 and the offering of the tree in a time for some times and in the bakbus, remember me, my god, to the good, and all israel in the days of zerubbabel give the fellow distribution for the changers and the gates, as they give distribution to the levites, and the levites give sanctification to the sons of aaron. Esth.1.1 now in the days of ahasverus ( this is the assuerus who remained from indian to etiopian, 127 provints ), Esth.1.2 in those days when the king of ahasverus was seated in the residence of susan, Esth.1.3 in the third anno of his king he made a feast for all his servants and servants, the rulers of persia and media, the principal and the rulers of the governor, Esth.1.4 and he showed the riches of his kingdom and the glory of his ground of glory for many days, 180 days. Esth.1.5 when the days had finished the feast, the king made a banquet for all the people who were found to the city, so as for every day, in the courtyard of the house of the king. Esth.1.6 distributed with fine linen, in marmors, in marmors of fine linen and purple robes, and in marmors of marmors. the mars of gold and silver were upon the marmors of marmors, of marmors, of marmor, of marmors, and of marmors, and of marmors. Esth.1.7 the bears were made in gold and silver, and the other women were directed, and the wine was much in the gusting of the king. Esth.1.8 the drink was unready, for the king had commanded all his rulers, that they should do according to the will of everyone. Esth.1.9 even the reine vasti did a banquet for the women in the palace of the king of ahasverus. Esth.1.10 on the seventh day, when the heart of the king was glad, he told mehuman, biztha, harbona, bigtha, abagtha, zetar and charkas, the seven eunuchs who served at the king ahasverus, Esth.1.11 to bring the reine esther to the king with her diadema diadema, to show her glans to all the rulers and the rulers, for she was a moxt. Esth.1.12 but the reine vasti did not listen to come with the eunuchs. so the king grieved and was indignant. Esth.1.13 then he spoke to his friends, as did this, the star spoke for all the law and judgment. Esth.1.14 and he came to him, harsenes, seretha, mares, mares, mares and mares, the rulers of persia and media, the rulers of persia and media, who were seated to the king. Esth.1.15 what does it mean according to the instruction of asthi, because she did not do what the king ahasverus had commanded by the eunuchs? Esth.1.16 so memuchan said to the king and the rulers: the reine washti has not only deceived against the king, but even before all the rulers and all the provinses of all the provinses of ahasverus. Esth.1.17 though he had told them the words of the reine ahasverus, how he had been reported to the king, since he had decided to the king ahasverus. Esth.1.18 this is the notice of the rulers of persia and media, when they hear the reason of the king, all the rulers of media and media, and all the rulers of the king will be encouraged. Esth.1.19 if it is right to the king, let a king be commanded, and let it be written on the commandments of media and persia, that the königin washti do no longer come to him, and that the king may give a king to a better woman that is better than her. Esth.1.20 when the instruction of the king will be heard in all his kingdom that it is great, all the wives will give honor to their husbands, from the great and more. Esth.1.21 the saying played to the king and to the rulers, and the king did just as memuchan had spoken. Esth.1.22 he sent throughout all the kingdom, in every region, according to their passions, so that there were fear for them in their household. Esth.2.1 after these things the wrath of the wrath of the king of ahassus, he remembered astin, and what he had done and what he had defended her. Esth.2.2 and the servants of the king who had servized of the king said to him, let him seek for the king a belonging girl, Esth.2.3 and let the king make mariners in all the provinces of his kingdom to strike every neighbor betrothed, in the city of susa, in the guard of the women, to the governor of the women, the eunuch of the king, guarding the women of the women, and let them give them a distribution. Esth.2.4 and the woman that will be pleased for the king will reign in the place of vasthi. the saying pleased the king, and he did so. Esth.2.5 in the residence of susan there was a jew named mardocheus, the son of jair, the son of simeon, the son of kis, of the tribe of benjamin. Esth.2.6 ( this was being brought captive from jerusalem, which nebukadressar, king of babel, had caught captive. Esth.2.7 he was a daughter to hadassa, for it was ester, daughter of his father, for she was a daughter and honor. and she had a daughter of honor and honor. Esth.2.8 and when the commandment of the king and his instruction had been reported, many girl had gathered to susan, by the hand of ai, and esther was brought to hegai, the guarding of the women. Esth.2.9 the girl pleased him and found his grace, and he haugned for her to give her the exaction of her and to give her the exaction and the fellow distribution, and also the seven distributed girl from the household of the king. and he took her and her servants well in the house of the women. Esth.2.10 esther did not show her offspring or her own household, for mordechai had commanded her to tell her. Esth.2.11 now mordechai was walking in every day according to the courtyard of the women, to see what it was of esther. Esth.2.12 so was at the time of every girl to enter the king ahasverus, when there was two months, since the days of their harvest had been fulfilled, six months with myrrh of myrrh and six months with balsams and six months with balsams and divisions of the women. Esth.2.13 so she went to the king, and whatever she should say to her was given from the women to the household of the women. Esth.2.14 on the morning he came, and on the next day he returned to the second women, as the eunuch, the eunuch of the king, guardier of the women. it was no longer coming to the king, except if he was called a name. Esth.2.15 when the time came to esther, the daughter of abihail, the daughter of mardoquus, was complete to enter the king, she did nothing of all the things that the eunuch, the guardant of the women, had commanded her. ester found grace for all who saw her. Esth.2.16 even in the sexth day of his regering, it was esther, to the king of ahasverus, the fourth day of adar, in the seventh year of his kingdom. Esth.2.17 and the king directed esther, and he found her favor among all the virgins, and put her the diadema of the woman. Esth.2.18 then the king made a feste for all his rulers and servants, a feast for esther. and he gave gifts to the governor of the province and gave gifts to the residents of the kingdom. Esth.2.19 when mordechai had been healed in the courtyard, Esth.2.20 esther did not tell her hometown or her household, not as mordechai had commanded her, even as mordechai had commanded her, as when she had been with him. Esth.2.21 so the two eunuchs of the king, the officers of the governor, were greatly distressed at the hand of mardoquus, and they were seeking to kill the king aswerus. Esth.2.22 mordechai heard this, he declared it to esther, and ester declared it to the king of mordechai. Esth.2.23 so the way belonged, and when it examined the notice, the two eunuchs were set off. this was written in the kronice in the krone of the krone. Esth.3.1 after these things the king ahashwerus glorified haman, the son of haman, the king of agaggi, and he exalted him, and he made his ruler for all his friends. Esth.3.2 and all who were in the courtyard worshiped him, for so the king had commanded him. but mardoquus did not worship him. Esth.3.3 and the servants of the king who were at the course of the king said to mardochai, why do you break the way of the king? Esth.3.4 and as they were speaking every day to him and he did not listen to them, and they told him to aman that they might say to haman to the words of mardoquus. for he had told them that he was a jew. Esth.3.5 and when haman recognized that mordechai had not worshiped him, he was greatly directed. Esth.3.6 so he intended to destroy all the regions of ahasverus, king of judah, Esth.3.7 in the fourth years of ahasverus, the fourth years of ahasverus, they cast lots, that is, the pur, for haman, day of day and money, to destroy every day. the lot fell to the fourteenth of the fourth day, that is the nevet of adar. Esth.3.8 and haman said to the king ahasverus, there is a nation divided and distributed among the nations in all the province of your kingdom, and their lawts are directed from all the nations, and they keep the law of the king. so it is not lawful for the king to leave them. Esth.3.9 if it is decided to the king, let him have been instructed to destroy them, and i will spend a money of silver talents for the treasure of the king. Esth.3.10 so the king took his ring and gave him to haman, the son of agagi, the governor of agagi, the governor of the jews. Esth.3.11 and the king said to haman, the money may have, and the nation do you make as you desire. Esth.3.12 then i called the scribes of the king, on the third day of the third, and they wrote it as haman commanded the rulers and the rulers of all province, from indeed to etiopian, and to the rulers of all the nations, according to their leges, and in every province of the nations. Esth.3.13 so a certain charge was brought to ahashwerus, to destroy all the jews to destroy their possessions, the fourth day of the jews, on the twelve day of the town, the twelve day of adar, and to dispute their possessions. Esth.3.14 the inscription of the letter was excellent in every country, to be ready for all the nations to be ready for this day. Esth.3.15 so they went out and went to susa. now the king and haman were seeking, and the city was troubled. Esth.4.1 when mordechai recognized what was happened, distributed his garments and put in sackle and aske, and went out in the street of the city and cried out with a loud voice, greatly cried out. Esth.4.2 so he went to the door of the king, for it was not lawful for him to enter the course of sackcloth. Esth.4.3 in all the region where the region was exposed, there was a loud cry and a mourn and a great sorrow for the jews, and they became sackle and aske. Esth.4.4 so the servants and eunuchs of the regina came and told her this, and the reine was troubled, and she sent robes to stock for mardoquus and to take away his sackcloth. but he did not receive them. Esth.4.5 then esther called hatthain, her eunuch, who was standing by her, and sent to learn to see it at the way of mardochai. Esth.4.7 so mardochhy declared to him what had happened, and all the talents that haman had promised to the king to the treasure of the guard, so that he might destroy the jews. Esth.4.8 he gave him to show him the scripture of the inscription that was reported in susan, that it might destroy him, to show her to esther and pray to her to come to the king and to pray him for the sake of his people. Esth.4.9 so hatak went and told esther the words of mardoquus. Esth.4.10 and esther told hatak to go to mardoched, saying, Esth.4.11 ( all the rulers of the province of the king, all the people of the province of the kingdom know that a man or a woman who has come in to the king in the inside courth, there is a certain way. only it will be saved, but i have not called to come to the king for thirty days. Esth.4.12 when they had told mordechai the words of esther, Esth.4.13 and mardoched said to esther, do not say to you that you will be saved by all the jews in the province of all the jews. Esth.4.14 for if you have suffered in this time, there will be help and help for the jews, but you and your father will perish. and who knows if you have made a ruler for this time? Esth.4.15 then esther sent a message to mardochhy, saying, Esth.4.16 go and gather all the jews who are in susan, and fast for me, and do not eat nor drink three days, night or day. then i and my servant shall grant, and then i will come to the king with the law, and if i perish, so i will perish. Esth.4.17 so mardochhy went and did whatever esther had directed him. Esth.5.1 and on the third day, when she was finim of prayer, puke out his gard in a mod, in a modle of moil, he looked, lifted out out her with a mod, which was aspered all. she took to god and to savior, and she took the two shaks, and one of the one was put, like a mod, and a modle of our moot arose out her, and she took out our god and a savier, and she took the two robes, and the one one was born, like a mod. Esth.5.2 and when the king had performed the golden scepter, he laid up the scepter of the scepter of god. and when he remained with it, the king saw you as an angel of god, and my heart was troubled for the fear of your glory. for he was terrible, o lord, and your face was full of grace. Esth.5.3 and the king said, what do you want, esther? what is your prayer? as to the half of the kingdom, it will be for you. Esth.5.4 and esther said, if it is right to the king, let the king go and haman today into the feast that i have done for him. Esth.5.5 and the king said, come out to haman, so that we may do what ester said. and the king and haman came to the feste that ester had spoken. Esth.5.6 as for the drink, the king said to esther, what is the reine of esther? it will be for you what you will give? Esth.5.7 ester answered, this is my prayer and my prayer: Esth.5.8 if i have found grace in the presence of the king, let the king and haman come to the feast that i have done for them, and tomorrow i will do it. Esth.5.9 so haman went out from the king with joy and gladly, and when haman saw mordechai in the courtyard, he was indignant. Esth.5.10 so he went home and went home and called his friends and his wife seresh. Esth.5.11 he revealed to them the glory of his growness and of all his glory, which the king had accused him and how he had made him a ruler and the rulers of the kingdom. Esth.5.12 and haman said, the reine esther has not invited no one with the king to a banquet except me, and even tomorrow i have called him with the king. Esth.5.13 but all these things do not please me, when i see the jews mardoquus in the courtyard. Esth.5.14 then his wife zeresh and all his friends said to him, let a tree be for a tree of feast of feast, and say the morning early to the king, that mordechai may be revealed. so enter the king to a banquet with the king. and the quant was pleased to haman and prepared the tree. Esth.6.1 in that night the king was taken up something, and he commanded his instruction to bring the letter of rememorious days, and listened to him. Esth.6.2 there was found the letter that mardoched had told the king of bigthan and teres, the two eunuchs of the king, who were watchers of the guard, who were seeking to lay hands on ahasverus. Esth.6.3 and the king said, what glory or praise we have done for mardoquus? and the servants of the minister of the king said to him, you have done nothing. Esth.6.4 so the king asked, who is in the courtyard? ( haman had come in the courtyard of the courtyard of the courtyard of the king to say to the king to put mordechai to the food that he had prepared for him. Esth.6.5 and the servants of the king said to him, see, haman is standing in the courtyard. and the king said, let him come. Esth.6.6 when haman came, the king said to haman, what shall i do with the man whom the king desires to glorify? and haman said in himself, who will the king do to glorify except me? Esth.6.7 so he said to the king, to the man whom the king desires to glorify, Esth.6.8 to bring the robes of fine robe that the king has clothed, and a horse in which the king has gone. Esth.6.9 then he may give to one of the prince of the rulers of the king, and to put the man whom the king would glorify. so he put him down on the hors and preaching him in the street of the city, saying, so will it be for the man whom the king will glorify. Esth.6.10 and the king said to haman, so as you have said, do so to mardoquus, the jew, who is at the courtyard, and do not have done anything that you have spoken. Esth.6.11 so haman took the robe and the horse and wounded mordechai, and put him up in the street of the city and proclaimed him, saying, so will it be with the man whom the king desires to glorify. Esth.6.12 so mardoched returned to the courtyard, but haman returned to his own home, sorrow and head. Esth.6.13 and haman told his wife zeresh and all his friends what had happened to him. and his friends and his wife zeresh said to him, if mordechai, before whom you has beginning to fall, is of the birth of the jews, you will not can fall before him, but you will fall before him. Esth.6.14 while they were still speaking, the eunuchs came and brought haman to the foot that ester had prepared. Esth.7.1 so the king and haman came to drink with the reine esther. Esth.7.2 and on the second day, at the drink day, the king said to esther, what is your begeering? and what is your desire? it will be to you even to the half of my kingdom. Esth.7.3 and esther answered, if i have found a grace in the presence of the king, so let my soul be given to my praying and my people, my people, to my prayer. Esth.7.4 for we are sold, i and my people, to be destroyed, destroyed and destroyed. if we were sold as slaves and slaves, would i have sold, for the satan would not be worthy of the course of the king. Esth.7.5 and the king said, who is this, who has afraid to do this? Esth.7.6 ester said, a fister and enemy is this evil haman. so haman was troubled for the king and the king. Esth.7.7 the king rose up from his goods and went to the garden of the gards, and haman recognized the reine esther, for he saw that he had performed himself at evil. Esth.7.8 when the king returned from the garden of the house, haman fell on the bed, where the reine esther lead. and the king said, is it not lawful for the woman at my house in my house? " when haman heard this, she beared his face. Esth.7.9 and harbona, one of the eunuchs, said to the king, behold, a tree that has prepared for haman for mardoquus, who spoke to the king, sit in haman in the house of haman, a seast of cinquties cute. and the king said, let it be crucified in it. Esth.7.10 so they hidden haman on the tree that he had prepared for mardochhy. and the wrath of the king departed. Esth.8.1 on that day the king ahasverus gave to esther the house of haman the adversary of haman the adversary of the jews. and mardoquus came before the king, for ester had directed that he was his husband. Esth.8.2 and the king took his ring, which he had taken away from haman and gave him to mordechai, and esther put mardoquus over hamans's house. Esth.8.3 and ester spoke and spoke to the king, and fell at his feet and wrapped at him to deceive agag, haman's evil, and what he had done for the jews. Esth.8.4 and the king strayed to esther the golden scepter, and ester rose up and stood before the king. Esth.8.5 and she said, if it is right to you, if i have found grace, let him go to bring the letters of haman, which has been written to destroy the jews who are in your kingdom. Esth.8.6 for how can i see the affliction that has done for my people, and how can i see in the destruction of my father? Esth.8.7 then the king ahasverus said to esther and to the jews the man of haman: i have given to esther the house of haman and have taken him out on a tree because he had laid his hand on the jews. Esth.8.8 and this is what you thinks by the name of the king and sell to the ring of the king, for the scripture that is written in the name of the king and sell with the ring of the king, it is not for you to rebuke. Esth.8.9 the rulers were called in the first month, that is the third, of the third day of his age, and they wrote to the jews whatever he had prescried to the jews and to the rulers of the governor, from indian to etiopian, 127 satrapas from indeed to etiopia and in every province, and in every province, and in every province. Esth.8.10 and he was written by the king, and they were sealed with his ring, and they sent out the letters by a money, Esth.8.11 he commanded them in every city to help them in every city, to help them and to help their adversaries and their accusers, as they desire. Esth.8.12 in one day, at all the regions of ahasverus, the third day of the twelve day, that is the fourth day of adar. Esth.8.13 the inscription of the scripture was created in every country, that the jews should be ready for this day, to make their adversary against their enemies. Esth.8.14 so the horners and ratsuers went out, haste in haste the way of the king. the instruction was performed in the residence of susa. Esth.8.15 when mardoquus came out of the presence of the reine esther, a robe and a golden crown of golden and purple clothing. when the governor of susa saw it, they rejoiced. Esth.8.16 for the jews were light and joy, joy and joy. Esth.8.17 in every city and in every country, in which the law and prescribe had been determined, there was a joy and a joy for the jews, a joy and a joy. many of the nations were present as jews, for fear of the jews. Esth.9.1 for in the doupadth month, in the third day of adar, was the letter of the king written. Esth.9.2 on this day the adversaries of the jews were destroyed, for no one was afraid of them. Esth.9.3 and all the rulers of the governor and the governor and the governor and the governor of the governor were encouraged the jews, for fear of mardochhy was laid upon them. Esth.9.4 for the commandment of the king was intended to be called in all the kingdom. Esth.9.6 in the residence of susa the jews killed five thousand men. Esth.9.7 and parshandatha, dalfon, aspata, Esth.9.8 porata, adalia, aridata, Esth.9.9 parmasta, arisai, aridai, and vaizata, Esth.9.10 the ten sons of haman, hammedatha, a enemy of the jews, were destroyed. Esth.9.11 on this day the number of those who were killed in susan were given to the king. Esth.9.12 and the king said to esther, the jews were destroyed in susan five hundred men, and in the region, how do they still do? what then will you do? it will be done for you. Esth.9.13 and esther said to the king, let the jews be given for the next day, so that the ten sons were hanged in haman. Esth.9.14 so the man commanded that so might be done, and the rulers of haman were healed. Esth.9.15 the jews in susan gathered the fourteenth of the day of adar, and they killed three hundred men, but they were nothing. Esth.9.16 the rest of the jews in the province of the kingdom were gathered together and helped their helps, for they had destroyed for them seven five thousand, but they did not strike them. Esth.9.17 the fourteenth day of the fourth day of the moon. and they remained the fourth day of joy and joy. Esth.9.18 the jews who were in susan were gathered together in the fourteenth and the fourteenth, and they remained the fourteenth and the fourteenth. Esth.9.19 so the jews in the surrounding country, the fourteenth day of the day of adar a day of joy, a day of gladness and a feast of feast and a feast of festing day, as they sent distribution to his neighbors. Esth.9.20 mordechai wrote these words and sent letters to all the jews who were in all the province of ahashwerus, who were near and far, Esth.9.21 in order to present their days at the fourteenth and the fourteenth of the day of adar, Esth.9.22 for in these days the jews had refreshed from their enemies, and for the month in which their mourn was turned to joy and in mourn for a feast of day, so that they might make the days of feast and joy, and sent distribution to others and to give distribution to the poor. Esth.9.23 so the jews welcomed, as mordechai had written to them, Esth.9.24 how was haman, the macedonites, attacked them, as he had set a rop and a lot to destroy them. Esth.9.25 but when she came to the king, he ordered him to carry the evil things that he had made against the jews to set against him, so that he and his children were healed. Esth.9.26 therefore these days were called purim, by the name pur. therefore, because of all the words of this letter and what they did about these things and what they had happened, Esth.9.27 the jews rejected and recognized themselves for themselves and for their offspring and for all who were added to them, so that they might do these days in memorial in the region of every generation, in every generation. Esth.9.28 now these days will be brought to all their days and in all their time and in all their minds there will be removed from all the generations. Esth.9.29 the reine esther, the daughter of amminadab, and mardoquus, the jew, wrote all that they had done for all the letter of purim. Esth.9.31 so as for the ears of mardoquus and the reine esther stood to themselves as well as when they were presenting their reason according to their gifts and their complete. Esth.9.32 so as for the instruction of esther was made this charge, and it was written in a scripture. Esth.10.1 the king ahasverus put a last on the land and the sea of the sea. Esth.10.2 all his riches and possessions, and all the glory of his domination of god, behold, it is written in the book of the kings of persia and media, in remember. Esth.10.3 for the jews mardocheus was the second man of the king ahasverus, and great among the jews and amazed by his hearts. he was seeking to love of his people and spoke to the ground of all his people. Job.1.1 there was a man in the land of us, whose name was job. this man was innocent and righteous, worshiped god and departed of evil. Job.1.2 he had seven sons and three daughts. Job.1.3 he had seven thousand sheep, three thousand cammels, and five hundred parts of oxen, and five hundred lands, and a great serving in the land. and that man was a great man of all the oosts. Job.1.4 his sons were going to make gifts with one another every day, and they took together and took their three sisters to eat and drink with them. Job.1.5 and as the days of the foot had finished the days, job sent and purified them. he rose early in the morning and offered offering sacrifices according to their number. for he had said, would not my sons have wrong god in their mind. so did job always. Job.1.6 at one day the men of god came to stand before the lord, and satan came with them. Job.1.7 and the lord said to satan, where are you coming? satan answered the lord, saying, i have passed around the land and walked on it. Job.1.8 and the lord said to satan, have you listened to my servant job? for there is no one like him on the earth. he is a perfect and really man, worthy of god and removed from evil. Job.1.9 and satan answered the lord, is it not without cause that job fear god? Job.1.10 have you not surrounded him, his house and all that he has? you have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions are multiplied in the land. Job.1.11 but put out your hand and touch all that he has, whether he will be blessed in your presence. Job.1.12 then the lord said to satan, behold, whatever he has is in your hand, but not on his hand. so satan went out from the hand of the lord. Job.1.13 on the same day, as his sons and his daughters became drink wine in the house of their elders brother, Job.1.14 there came a messenger to job and said, the oxen passed, and the esels were wagning around them, Job.1.15 so the soldiers went and led them, and they killed the servants with the sword. so i escaped only to tell you. Job.1.16 while he was still speaking, there came another and said, a fire came down from heaven and destroyed the sheep and the shepherds and consured them. only i left only to tell you. Job.1.17 while he was still speaking, another came and said, the horse made three rulers and gathered the cammels and led them in captive, and they killed the servants with the sword. only i only escaped to tell you. Job.1.18 while he was still speaking, there came another and said, your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking drink in the house of their elders brother, Job.1.19 and behold, a great wind came from the wilderness and touched the four hoins of the house, and the house fell upon the children, and they died. only i only escaped to tell you. Job.1.20 then job rose and districted his cloak and break his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. Job.1.21 and he said, naked came from the boot of my mother, and naked will i go there. the lord gave, and the lord took. blessed be the name of the lord! Job.1.22 in all these things job did not sin and do not wrong god. Job.2.1 one day the men of god came and stood before the lord, and among them came even satan, to stand before the lord. Job.2.2 and the lord said to satan, where are you from? and satan said to the lord, i went out and walked in the land. Job.2.3 and the lord said to satan, have you looked at my servant job? for there is no one like him on the earth, a man innocent and true, godly god and escaped from evil. he is still in his innocent, and you have set him against him to destroy him without cause. Job.2.4 and satan answered the lord, hud for hair; and whatever man is, he will give it for his life. Job.2.5 but stretch out your hand and touch his feet and his flesh, that he will be blessed in your presence. Job.2.6 and the lord said to satan, behold, he is in your hand; keep his life only. Job.2.7 so satan went out from the presence of the lord and struck job with a bad knowledge from the feet of his feet. Job.2.8 and he took a tondle and districted it, and he sat on a misture out of the town. Job.2.9 now as he was a long time, his wife said to him, dos do you provide, saying, now i will find a moment longer, as i wait, waiting for the hope of my salvation. behold, your remember has been desoled from the earth, my sons and my daughters, my wheak and my moot, which i have labored with torment. Job.2.10 but he said to her, you speak as one of the foolish women. do we receive the good from the god, and do not bring the evil? in all these things job did not have sinned with his lips. Job.2.11 when the three friends of job heard of all the evil things that had happened to him, they came, each out of his country, eliphaz of teman, bildad of suach, sofar of naamath, and they were intented to come together to him, to console him and to console him. Job.2.12 and when they saw him in a distance, they did not recognize him. they cried out with a loud voice and distributed his garments. Job.2.13 seven days and seven nives they sat down with him, and no one spoke to him, for they saw that the doir was greatly. Job.3.1 after this job opened his mouth. Job.3.2 and job spoke and said, Job.3.3 the day in which i was born and the night that they said, a male man is! Job.3.4 let that day be darkness, and let god not seek it from above, let light not come in it! Job.3.5 let darkness and the shadow of death have directed it, darkness will come upon it. Job.3.6 that night may short darkness, so that she may not be broken to the days of an year, do not be numbered in the number of money. Job.3.7 look, that night may be plained, let no joy come in it. Job.3.8 let those who curse the day curse her, who are recognized the leviatans. Job.3.9 let the stars of that night beware, let it continue in light, not come, and do not see the morning morning. Job.3.10 because he did not shut the gates of my mother, and did not break a pain from my eyes. Job.3.11 why did i not beat in the womb? why did i not come out from the child? Job.3.12 why have kwished to me? why have i uncooned the mouths? Job.3.13 as i leeped, i fell in silence, and i reasoned and remained, Job.3.14 with the kings of the country of earth, who were sanctified with food, Job.3.15 or with the rulers who were gold, who filled their houses with money, Job.3.16 or was not like a trembling from the mother of mother, like children that did not see light. Job.3.17 there are the ungodly defiled the wrath of wrath, and there sinners rest on the body. Job.3.18 all the ages are together, they do not hear the voice of lawing. Job.3.19 a malor and great are there, and a servant is free from his master. Job.3.20 why is it given to the bitter light, and life to those who are in bitterness of soul, Job.3.21 who carry death and does not please, who carries it as treasures. Job.3.22 they rejoice, if they rejoice, Job.3.23 it is a death of man, which god has closed for his purpose? Job.3.24 for before my wheat there is my ground, and my pain grows as water. Job.3.25 for the fear that i grew has come to me, and what i was informed has come upon me. Job.3.26 i did not have peace nor remain, i did not remain. and the wrath came. Job.4.1 and eliphaz from teman answered him, Job.4.2 if i have spoken to you, i will speak to you? but who will endure the strength of your words? Job.4.3 behold, you have rejected many, and wicked hands you strengthened, Job.4.4 your words lifted up the weak, and your entranches knees were strengthened. Job.4.5 now now it has come upon you, and you have touched you, and you are troubled. Job.4.6 is not your reason for your confidence, your faithfulness of your indeed is your hope? Job.4.7 remember, how is a pure man that he has destroyed? and how were unreally destroyed? Job.4.8 just as i saw those who are plowed wrong, and those who sow so beat it. Job.4.9 by the spirit of god they perish, because of the wind of his wrath they fall away. Job.4.10 the round of lions, the voice of leons is shaken, and the splends of leons shakes. Job.4.11 a lion is destroyed, because there is no mire, and the leoners of the leoning left themselves. Job.4.12 i said to him, a true questions has happened, and my oor was strengthened from him. Job.4.13 in appearances of night, as in the night, when fear fell on people, Job.4.14 fear and trembling came upon me, and all my bodies trembled. Job.4.15 the spirit fell on my face, and the hair of my flesh were foolid. Job.4.16 he stood up, but i did not know it; a food was before my eyes, but there was a rop, and i heard a voice: Job.4.17 may a man be clean before god, or a man clean for his work? Job.4.18 behold, on his servants he does not believe, and in his angels there is a deceive. Job.4.19 even for those who dwell in home house, where they are in the ground of the ground, and destroy them as a ground. Job.4.20 from morning to eating they were destroyed; so they destroy, so that they were destroyed. Job.4.21 belong their furts from them, and they are perishing, and they are not in wisdom. Job.5.1 call, then, if anyone responds to you? and to who of the saints you will see? Job.5.2 for the foolish destroy his wrath, and a jealousy death death. Job.5.3 i saw a foolish beat, but at once i have devored his tent. Job.5.4 their children are far from salvation, they shakes in the door, and there is no one who deliver them. Job.5.5 the hungry eating his wheat, and the hungry eats, and the grew bears his ground in the ground of their ground. Job.5.6 for in the ground it does not come out of the earth, and the affliction does not rain from the earth. Job.5.7 but a man is born for anguish, and the creatures product the upportunity. Job.5.8 but i would pray god, and i would have an encourage to god, Job.5.9 who do great and unsearchable, wonders without number. Job.5.10 who give rain on the earth and sent water on the ground, Job.5.11 so that he makes the poor up in health, and the humbling brings up in health. Job.5.12 he destroy the purpose of deceitful, so that their hands will not be performed. Job.5.13 he takes the wise in their mind, and the conseless of diseases rejects. Job.5.14 in the day they come in darkness, and in the midst they cast their cloak like the night. Job.5.15 but he let him escape by the sword, from violence of violent hand. Job.5.16 so there be a hope for one impossible, and the unrighteous face turn his mouth. Job.5.17 blessed is the man whom god rebuke, do not deceive the instruction of the almighty. Job.5.18 for he is afflicted, and he repay; he struck, and his hands are healed. Job.5.19 in six affliction he will deliver you out, and in the seventh evil no evil will touch you. Job.5.20 in a famine he will deliver you from death, and in the bath of the hand of sword. Job.5.21 you will keep you from the plage of a tongue, you will not fear from coming coming. Job.5.22 you will be shaken of wrong and dishonor, and you will not fear the wilds of field. Job.5.23 for differing wilds will they have peace for you. Job.5.24 you will know that your tent is in peace, and when you see your tent, you will not sin. Job.5.25 you will know that your offspring is much, and your children will be like the grave of the ground. Job.5.26 you will come in the tomb, as a grain remaines in his time. Job.5.27 behold, we performed these things, and so is it. hear it, and know yourself. Job.6.1 job answered and said, Job.6.2 oh, if my wrath became reason, and my affliction beat in the joy! Job.6.3 for it is greater than the sand of the sea. so my words are wicked. Job.6.4 for the strets of god are in me, my wrath drink the gift of god; the treasures of god shines against me. Job.6.5 do a beast a donner cries as a grain? are a oxe for the food when it bears food? Job.6.6 may a fish eat without a salt, or has a gusting in the false words? Job.6.7 my soul is not able to find it, for it is a food of my food. Job.6.8 o, if my prayer has been done, and god should give my hope! Job.6.9 may god recognize me and strike my hand and strike me in his hand! Job.6.10 so i would have been a grain for me, i would not spare me, for i did not deny the words of the holy things. Job.6.11 what is my power that i may endure? and what is my time, that i may keep my soul? Job.6.12 may my power be the power of stones, or my flesh are a coper? Job.6.13 is it no help in my way, and help is help from me. Job.6.14 he deceives me of mercy, and the affection of god has subjected me. Job.6.15 my parents have troubled like a spring, like the torns of water, which passes. Job.6.16 who are grave in the grave, and in which a sneg has clothed. Job.6.17 when they come toward the held, they did not recognize his course. Job.6.18 they turn down in their rost, they drew away in the rost of their way. Job.6.19 the way of teman, the guards of sheman. Job.6.20 but they were shame in their confidence, they became confidence in their confidence. Job.6.21 so you are not grain, you see my weak, and were afraid. Job.6.22 have i said, put me to me, or give me your strength? Job.6.23 or deliver me from the hand of the enemy, and deliver me from the hand of violent? Job.6.24 learn me, and i will call; listen to me what i have deceived. Job.6.25 how perplexed are the words of true! but what is it that is not your strength? Job.6.26 have you reason to rebuke your words, and the slander of your words would be excellent? Job.6.27 you are looking over a wracher, and you look your beloved. Job.6.28 but looft now in your face, i will not deceive. Job.6.29 leave, and let not be unrighteous; let me turn again to the righteous person. Job.6.30 are not unrighteousness in my tongue? does my mouth not understand what is right? Job.7.1 is not the number of a man on the earth? does not his days are as the days of a ruler. Job.7.2 as a servant gives in shadow, and as a homier ready for his reward, Job.7.3 so i remained months of vain, and nights of anguish have been given to me. Job.7.4 as i am asleep, i say, when will i rise? again the evener, and i am full of anguish from evening until the morning. Job.7.5 my body is broken with struck and struck, my boot is broken and brist. Job.7.6 my days are greater than a tear, and they lose off in hope. Job.7.7 remember that my life is a spirit, and my eye will not see good. Job.7.8 the eye of one who looks me will not see me, your eyes will see me, and i will not be. Job.7.9 the light turns and remains, so so who descends to the sheol remains no longer. Job.7.10 he will not return again to his house, and his place will not recognize him still. Job.7.11 so i do not spare my mouth, i will speak in the affliction of my heart, i will speak in the bitterness of my soul. Job.7.12 is i a sea or a dragon, for you have set a guard against me? Job.7.13 when i say, my bed will console me, my bed will think my bed, Job.7.14 so you fear me with dreves, and bearing me in visions, Job.7.15 so that my soul may be removed from my spirit, as well as a death. Job.7.16 indeed, i will not live forever, so that i may be patient. go away from me, for my days are a vain. Job.7.17 what is the man that you make him great, how directed your minds to him, Job.7.18 you accuse him earnestly until the morning, and reconciles him every day? Job.7.19 how long do you not turn away from me, and do not make me away until i short my salid? Job.7.20 if i have sinned, why do i do to you, o knowledge of the people? why have you put me to your instruments, so that i would have a last for you? Job.7.21 why do you not forgive my iniquity and do not forgive my iniquity? for now i will leave in the ground, and in the morning you will see me, yet you will not be. Job.8.1 then bildad of suach answered, Job.8.2 how long do you say these things, the wicked spirit of your mouth? Job.8.3 will god turn the judgment? of the one who does the right deceive the right? Job.8.4 if your sons had sinned against him, he gave them in the hand of their deeds. Job.8.5 if you leave the lord and supplies the almighty, Job.8.6 if you are clean and true, he will expect you and revile your righteousness of righteousness to you. Job.8.7 your first beginning will become little, and your last will be greatly amazed. Job.8.8 for ask the former generations, consider the people of their fathers, Job.8.9 for we are of grain and we do not know, for our days are a shadow on the earth. Job.8.10 do these do not teach you and tell you, and out of their hearts they give words? Job.8.11 bears a rook by which is without water? bears a rook without water? Job.8.12 while it is still in foot, yet it is not revealed, before all grain is withered. Job.8.13 so will the rest of all who gly god, and the hope of the ungodly perish. Job.8.14 his expectation is faithful, and his entrance is a trouble of belonging. Job.8.15 he will leave his house, but he will not stand; he will receive it, but it will not remain. Job.8.16 he is grave in the sun, and his rains springs out in his ground, Job.8.17 his course are tacked on the stone of stones, he lives among the stones. Job.8.18 if the place short, he deceives him, you do not have seen such things. Job.8.19 behold, such are the way of his conduct, and from the earth will rain the other. Job.8.20 behold, god does not forgive the sincere, and he will not receive the hand of the ungodly. Job.8.21 yet he will filled his mouth with a cloak, and their lips with joy. Job.8.22 your enemies will put in shame, and the tent of ungodly will not be. Job.9.1 job answered and said, Job.9.2 truly, i know that he is so. how can anyone be righteous before god? Job.9.3 if he would be judged with him, he will not listen to him by one thousand. Job.9.4 he is wise in his heart, strength and great. who endured him and remained still? Job.9.5 he direct the mountains without knowledge, he turn down in their wrath. Job.9.6 he bears the earth from its place, and its piles are shaken. Job.9.7 he says to the sun, and it does not grow up, and he sealed the stars. Job.9.8 he sold the heavens only and walks on the fures of the sea. Job.9.9 he does the orier and the orid and the orid and the courhold of the south. Job.9.10 he does do great and unsearchable, wonders without number. Job.9.11 behold, he passes before me, i will not see him; as he passes, i do not recognize him. Job.9.12 if he refuses, who will turn? and who can say to him, what do you do? Job.9.13 god refuses his wrath, under him draws the rulers of the earth. Job.9.14 how then can i have responder to him, and give judgment on my words? Job.9.15 though i was right, i would not listen; i would ask my judgment. Job.9.16 if i call and obey, i do not believe because he heard me, Job.9.17 for he who strives me in storm and multipliks my break without foolish. Job.9.18 he does not give me to break, but filled me with bitterness. Job.9.19 he is strengthened with his power, and who will resist his judgment? Job.9.20 if i am innocent, i would wrong my mouth, and though i would be innocent, i would not be punished. Job.9.21 though i am ungodly, i do not know my soul, my life is removed. Job.9.22 therefore i say, look, and great is your wrath. Job.9.23 if a kindle comes to death, he stricks to the righteous. Job.9.24 he has given in the hand of the ungodly, he deceives the face of the judges. if not he, who is it? Job.9.25 my days are greater than a gate, they sold, and they did not see it. Job.9.26 they passed around as crowds, as an equile, who flets down to the ground. Job.9.27 if i say, i will look my words, and i turn my face, Job.9.28 so i bears all my passions, for i know that you do not keep me innocent. Job.9.29 if i am ungodly, why then i do not escape? Job.9.30 if i washed my cloak and reject my own hands, Job.9.31 you will instead me in mine, and your cloths above me. Job.9.32 for he is not a man like me, to judge him, so that we might come together to judgment. Job.9.33 there is no intermeditor among us, who would put his hand on us both. Job.9.34 let him leave his sceptry from me, and let his fear not keep me. Job.9.35 so i speak, but do not fear, for so i do not be afraid. Job.10.1 i have beared in my life; i will give my reason upon him, i will speak in bitterness of my soul. Job.10.2 i will say to god, never judge me; tell me why you judge me. Job.10.3 is it good for you that you do wrong, that you show the work of your hands, and to show the plan of the impies? Job.10.4 have you eyes like a food, and do you see just as a man sees? Job.10.5 are your days as a human life, or your years as a man? Job.10.6 that you seek for my wrong, and seek my sins, Job.10.7 though you know that i am not ungodly, and that there is no one who may save from your hand? Job.10.8 your hands have forced me and made me, yet after this you distributed me. Job.10.9 remember that you have made me a break, and in my land you will turn again. Job.10.10 has you not broken me as milk and made me like a drew? Job.10.11 you clothed me with hair and flesh, and clothed me with beasts and seins. Job.10.12 you gave me life and mercy, and your oppression guarded my spirit. Job.10.13 but i kept these things in your heart, i know that you were possible. Job.10.14 if i have sinned, you will keep me, and from my wickedness you will not keep me. Job.10.15 if i am ungodly, look to me! though i am righteous, i cannot find up, for i am full of dishonor. Job.10.16 even when i show me, you are like a lion, you show me in your strength. Job.10.17 you rends their deeds against me and make great wrath against me, and you make a warn against me. Job.10.18 why then you led me out from my womb? though i had died, and no eye saw me! Job.10.19 so i would be like though i had not been made, from the buil to be brought into the tomb. Job.10.20 have i not a little time of my life? let me leave, that i may rest a little longer. Job.10.21 before i go away from return, to the land of darkness and of darkness, Job.10.22 in the land of darkness of light, where there is no light, and that there is no light. Job.11.1 then sofar of naama answered, Job.11.2 do not be reported to the great things, and a discernger will be right? Job.11.3 how can your words be trouble, so that there is no one who judge against you? Job.11.4 you said, i am pure in your presence, and i am innocent in your presence. Job.11.5 but how would god speak and open his lips against you, Job.11.6 and declared to you the power of wisdom, that it would be double for a district. then you know that god has done for you what you have committed. Job.11.7 will you find the pleasure of god? can you find the alone of the almighty? Job.11.8 he is high than heaven. what do you do? above than the graves of sheol. what do you know? Job.11.9 it is far than the ground of the earth, than the ground of the sea. Job.11.10 if he grows all things, who can say to him, what do you do? Job.11.11 for he knows the evil deeds, and if he sees a wrong, he does not refuse. Job.11.12 but a man who has been directed of words, as a wild osel has been born of woman. Job.11.13 if you keep your heart and put your hands to him, Job.11.14 if in your hand is wrong, deceive it from you, and let unrighteousness not dwell in your tenders, Job.11.15 then you will turn your appearance, and you will be held, and you will not fear. Job.11.16 for you will have forgotten the mood, you will forgive like the water that passes. Job.11.17 the life of your life is like the midday of the midday, your life will come like the morning. Job.11.18 and you will be faithful, for there is hope, and you will be encouraged, and you will be encouraged. Job.11.19 you will remain, and there will no one belong you, and many will pray your prayers. Job.11.20 but the eyes of the impies will turn, and their hope will be lost, and their hope will be turn. Job.12.1 job answered and said, Job.12.2 look, you are people, and with you die wisdom will die. Job.12.3 as for my heart, it is for you. Job.12.4 for the righteous is a righteous, and a sincere man will come in white. Job.12.5 it is a directed knowledge for a devout person, for in an opportunity they are trouble. Job.12.6 the treasures of god are trouble, and the treasures of those who provoke the god belongs to god, and their hands are in their hands. Job.12.7 but ask the best, and they tell you, and the birds of heaven, and they tell you. Job.12.8 or tell the land, and it will tell you, and the fish of the sea will proclaim to you. Job.12.9 who does not know that in all these things that the hand of the lord has done this? Job.12.10 in his hand the soul of all living things and the spirit of all people. Job.12.11 a voice distingues the words, and the speaking do do no food? Job.12.12 in the leatless wisdom is wisdom, and in large days wisdom. Job.12.13 by him is wisdom and power, him will be conseil and understanding. Job.12.14 if anyone rejects, he will not build, if he closes the people, no one will open. Job.12.15 behold, he repay the water, and it wicks; he sent them, and they turn the land. Job.12.16 by him is power and power, and knowledge and understanding are with him. Job.12.17 he carries rulers in captive, and punish the judges of condemnation. Job.12.18 he calls the directs of the kings and bound their bobs with their bowls. Job.12.19 he sends the priests to captive, and reject the mages of violence. Job.12.20 he deceives the lips of believers, and the old of elders knows. Job.12.21 he break dishonor over the rulers and heads the debt of honor. Job.12.22 he deceives the dives of the darkness and leads the shadow of death to light. Job.12.23 he deceive the nations and destroy them, destroy nations and leads them. Job.12.24 he deceives the rulers of the earth and deceives them in deceive in a desolate way, Job.12.25 they cast in darkness of darkness and lead them as a drunkard. Job.13.1 behold, all these have my eye seen, my ear heard and heard. Job.13.2 what you know know i also know; i am not faithful for you. Job.13.3 but i will speak to god, i will speak to god with reason. Job.13.4 but you are false physicians, you are all lawless physicians. Job.13.5 oh, if you were silent, it would be revealed for you. Job.13.6 hear my reproach, and do attention to the judgment of my lips. Job.13.7 will you not speak for god for god? do you speak in deceit for him? Job.13.8 do you turn for his sight and give your reason for judgment? Job.13.9 is it good, if you seeks you, and do you look for him as one who do doing? Job.13.10 he will rebuke you, if you are in secret the appearance. Job.13.11 will not his fear make you treak, and fear of him will not fall on you? Job.13.12 your crowds are like seed, and your crowds are a burn. Job.13.13 flee, that i may speak and remain in my wrath. Job.13.14 why do i take my flesh with my dends and lay my soul in my hand? Job.13.15 behold, he will destroy me, yet i do not escape; i will speak in his presence. Job.13.16 this will be my salvation, for a deceit will not come before him. Job.13.17 hear me, hear my words, and i will preach your hears. Job.13.18 behold, i have caught my judgment; i know that i am justified. Job.13.19 who will be punished with me? for now i will mourn and escape. Job.13.20 only two things have not necessary for me, then i will not keep me from your face: Job.13.21 take your hand from me, and let your fear not keep me. Job.13.22 then come, and i will answer you, or i say, and you answered me. Job.13.23 how much are my sins and my sins? teach me how they are? Job.13.24 why do you keep your face and make me your enemige? Job.13.25 do you fear a bearing blad of wind? do you make a food that brings out the wind? Job.13.26 for you show my charge against me and carry my sins for my little children. Job.13.27 you put my foot in back, you guard all my food, keep my foot at my feet. Job.13.28 so come it like a rop, like a clothing a robe. Job.14.1 a food of woman has been a food, full of wrath. Job.14.2 it blows as a block and crows, he flees like a shadow and does not stand. Job.14.3 and for this man you show yourself, and you make me enter your presence? Job.14.4 can anyone be clean from unclean? no one. Job.14.5 if his days are numbered, the number of his months belongs to you, you have put him for a while, and he has not overcome. Job.14.6 leave him from him, that he may be saken, and let your life be pleased as a hired man. Job.14.7 for a tree has a hope, though it is cut, it will return again, and his grain will not be cut off. Job.14.8 if his wortel fears in the earth and his stock dies in the earth, Job.14.9 for the source of water does it grow, and he will make a harvest as a jew. Job.14.10 but man is looking for a man, and if he falls, it is no longer. Job.14.11 the waters spring out of the sea, and the river drows and wicks, Job.14.12 so man leads and remains not. as long as the heavens remains, they will not be waken and will not be taken up from their sound. Job.14.13 oh, if you kept me in the sheol, and escaped me until your wrath has finished, and have set me a long time and remember me. Job.14.14 if a man dies, he shall live? all the days of his life i remainy, until i come again. Job.14.15 you shall call, and i will answer you, and you do not repay the work of your hands. Job.14.16 for you are numbered my paths, and you do not trouble my sins. Job.14.17 my transgression has been sealed in a moneybag, and you have rejected my iniquity. Job.14.18 yet a mountain fall fall down, and a rock rivers from his place, Job.14.19 the water calls the stone, and the ground brings the ground of the earth. so you destroy the steadfastness of man. Job.14.20 you make him forever and go, you cast his face and sends him. Job.14.21 his children are greatly perplexed, he does not know, if they are feasting, he does not understand. Job.14.22 nevertheless, his flesh are wicked, and his soul rejoices. Job.15.1 and eliphaz from teman answered him, Job.15.2 will a wise man answer the sentence of the wind and filled his mourn? Job.15.3 judge with discussing words, with words that does not provide? Job.15.4 you do not destroy the fear of god and destroy the reason before god. Job.15.5 for your own words deceives your mouth, and you distingues the words of violent. Job.15.6 your own mouth deceives you, not i, and your lips testify against you. Job.15.7 has you been born of man? are you not first of people? Job.15.8 has you heard the instruction of god, and belong to you the wisdom? Job.15.9 what do you know that we do not know? what do you understand that we do not know? Job.15.10 there is among us both old and old, old than your father. Job.15.11 are you a little one who has sinned, both who has spoken greater things? Job.15.12 why do your heart grow, and why are your eyes carried? Job.15.13 that you turn against god your wrath and bring such words out of your mouth? Job.15.14 how can man be innocent, and who has been born of woman? Job.15.15 behold, on his holy places he does not believe, and heaven are not pure in his sight, Job.15.16 what can be defiled and unclean, who drinks evil as a drink drink. Job.15.17 i will tell you, hear me, i will tell you what i have seen. Job.15.18 what the wise said, and they did not keep their fathers. Job.15.19 to them one was given the earth, and no fremder came among them. Job.15.20 a impio has been carried in all his days, a number of number is carried for a strong man. Job.15.21 in his ears the fear is in his ears; when peace is in peace, the destroyer comes upon him. Job.15.22 he does not believe that he should turn from darkness, and has been rejected for a jerd. Job.15.23 he hard for a bread, and it is where it is? he knows that the day of darkness has been removed. Job.15.24 tribulation and affliction belongs him, as a ruler ruins him as a ruler. Job.15.25 because he has taken his hands against god, and against the almighty is encouraged, Job.15.26 he ran against him with difficulty, with the minds of his aspid. Job.15.27 for he covered his face with his grain, and in his hanch he made district. Job.15.28 he remained in desolate cities, in house in desolate house, which are prepared in desolate place. Job.15.29 he will not be rich, and his possessions will not abide, and his possessions will not fall on the ground. Job.15.30 he will not escape in the darkness, the wind grows his block, and he will fall his block. Job.15.31 let him not believe that it endures, for it would be turn of vain. Job.15.32 before his time will be destroyed, and his rather will not be broken. Job.15.33 he will cast it like a wild fish, and it will fall like olives of olives. Job.15.34 for the household of the ungodly will be death, and fire will burn the house of acceptance. Job.15.35 they beat lawlessness and beat foolish, and his wheat bears deceit. Job.16.1 job answered and said, Job.16.2 i have heard such a mute. you are all wrong of evil. Job.16.3 may the reasoning of the wind do to me? or what are it to show you that you are answer? Job.16.4 i too might speak as you, if you were in my place. i would have committed words against you and liffe up your head against you, Job.16.5 i might be strengthening with my mouth, and the grain of my lips will perceive me. Job.16.6 if i speak, a harm will not be kept, and if i am still silent, what will i have? Job.16.7 but now he has distributed me, for you have removed the foolish thing. Job.16.8 you rejected me, it was a testimony, and my false hand rose up against me and rebuke my face. Job.16.9 his wrath draws and break me, he break their teeth against me. his stumping soins has fallen upon me. Job.16.10 they stricked up against me with show, they stricked me on the kindle, together they draw together against me. Job.16.11 god gave me in the hand of unrighteous, he put me in the hands of ungodly. Job.16.12 as i was in peace, he broke me, he took me of the village, and set me as worthy. Job.16.13 his cloak walked around me, he broke my nives, not spare; he has poured out my cloak into the earth. Job.16.14 he broke me on the hair, he springs down to me as a held. Job.16.15 i have clothed a sack on my garment, and i kept my cloak in the ground. Job.16.16 my face is burned from weeping, and on my eyes are a shadow, Job.16.17 though indeed there is no wrong in my hands, and my prayer is pure. Job.16.18 o earth, do not count my blood, and let my cry not be place for my cry! Job.16.19 now now behold, my testimony is in heaven, and my charge in the heavens. Job.16.20 my friends are my friends, but my eye shows my cloak. Job.16.21 so that he may recognize a man against god and the son of man for his neighbor. Job.16.22 for the former years will come, and the way that i will not return. Job.17.1 my spirit is graved, my buries are breadfast, buries of me. Job.17.2 i put off, and what do you do! Job.17.3 leave yourself for me for god! who means this man to me? Job.17.4 for you have hidden their heart for knowledge, therefore you will not bear them up. Job.17.5 one deceive to his fellow control, and the eyes of his sons are directed. Job.17.6 he has put me a transgression among the nations, and an encourage for him. Job.17.7 my eyes are shaken from wrath, and all my hands are like a ground. Job.17.8 the righteous will be treated for this, and the righteous rebellies against the ungodly. Job.17.9 though believing is faithful on his way, and the clearing of their hands will be excellent. Job.17.10 but now you all will go and come, for i find no true among you. Job.17.11 my days are passed away, my plans are discursed, the plantes of my heart. Job.17.12 night they have put down for day, a light is near from darkness. Job.17.13 if i endure the doil, my house is my house, i lay my bed in the darkness, Job.17.14 a peste is called my father, a wife is my mother and my sister. Job.17.15 where is then my hope? and how will i see my hope? Job.17.16 they will descend with me in sheol, while we are together in the ground. Job.18.1 then bildad of suach answered, Job.18.2 how long do you go off? perceive, then we will speak. Job.18.3 why are we silent as animals, silent in your presence? Job.18.4 you who bears your course in your wrath, and may the earth be grave in your course, or the mountains turn from his place? Job.18.5 yet the light of the ungodly distress, and their flame will not find out. Job.18.6 the light shines in his tent, and his lamp direcks on him. Job.18.7 his peoples are strengthened, and his conseil will shame him. Job.18.8 for his foot is put in the lack, and he brings down in rejection. Job.18.9 a snare has gone against him, and a strict opposes him. Job.18.10 his course is hidden in the earth, and his hair on the way. Job.18.11 tremblings turn around him, and many strive him at his feet. Job.18.12 a difficulty becomes foolish for him, and a difficulty for him. Job.18.13 the manner of his feet will eat, the sword of death are devored. Job.18.14 he will be taken from his own divided, he will put him to the prince of kings. Job.18.15 in his tent there will be dwelling in his tent, in his woning will be sown of sulfur. Job.18.16 along it droes his roes, and from above his ground will fall. Job.18.17 his remember divorces from the earth, and there is no name on the room. Job.18.18 he rejects him from light to darkness, and put him away from light. Job.18.19 there there will no one belonging to his people, nor any of his household in his household. Job.18.20 the last lost around, and the last holds weeping. Job.18.21 so it is the place of the unjust, and so is the place of him who does not know god. Job.19.1 job answered and said, Job.19.2 how long will you keep my soul and destroy me with words? Job.19.3 for three times you rejected me, you will not be ashamed, you will not be ashamed. Job.19.4 but, so i was deceived in the truth, and i would stay with me a deceiver, so that i might speak what i did not know, and my words are perplexed, and not a time. Job.19.5 do you make you grow great against me, and do your reproach before me? Job.19.6 know then that god has divided me, and made his net upon me. Job.19.7 behold, i am wained, and i do not speak; i crie, and there is no right. Job.19.8 he has passed around my way, and i will not go over, and on my face he made darkness. Job.19.9 he has taken away my glory from me and taken the crown from my head. Job.19.10 he has broken me around, and i am going; he has cut my hope like a tree. Job.19.11 he has wrath against me in his wrath, and has accused me as his enemy. Job.19.12 his people gathered together and gathered my path against me, and walked around around me. Job.19.13 he has distributed my brothers from me, and my understanding have been carried from me. Job.19.14 my parents have remembered me, and my fathers have forgotten me. Job.19.15 the neighbors of my household was alienated before them. Job.19.16 i call my servant, and he does not answer, and i pray with my mouth. Job.19.17 my spirit is greater for my wife, and i means the children of my district. Job.19.18 even frunds they rejects me, and when i rise, they speak against me. Job.19.19 all who know me show me, and those whom i love have returned against me. Job.19.20 my bodies has taken away by my hair, and my bodies are wicked by my dends. Job.19.21 have mercy on me, have mercy on me, you your friends, for the hand of god has touched me. Job.19.22 why do you persecute me as god, and you do not drink in my flesh? Job.19.23 o, if my words were written! oh, let them be written in a book, Job.19.24 with a jeat of iron and of fumo, in the rock to the rock! Job.19.25 but i know that the guilder of me leads, and in the time he will come upon the earth. Job.19.26 and when this hair is made to me, i will raise the body of god, Job.19.27 i will see him with my sight, and my eye will see, and not another. my heart will be rejected in my heart. Job.19.28 if you say, what shall we bear before him? how will we find in him the root of the word. Job.19.29 beware for the sword, for anger is a wrath of wrong, so that you may know that there is a judgment. Job.20.1 then sofar of naama answered, Job.20.2 so my thoughts direct me to speak, and because of my mind i have beyond me. Job.20.3 i hear the discipline of my affection, and the spirit of my intelligence declares to me. Job.20.4 do you not know from again when the man was laid on the earth, Job.20.5 for the joy of the ungodly becomes trouble, and the joy of the ungodly perishes? Job.20.6 even if his wrath draws into heaven, and his course touched the cloud, Job.20.7 he will perish for ĉiam as his own force; those who saw him will say, where is he? Job.20.8 it spread as a son, and it will not be found, and it will be like a night in the night. Job.20.9 a eye that looked at him will not more see him, and his place will never see him. Job.20.10 his children will expect his children, and his hands will leave his household. Job.20.11 his women are filled with his youth, and with him he will fallen in the ground. Job.20.12 if a evil one is duld in his mouth, he verborge it under his tongue, Job.20.13 he does not spare it and do not lose it, and keep it in his keel, Job.20.14 so a puts of aspids becomes in his womb. Job.20.15 he has gathered the riches of wrong; the angel will destroy him from his house. Job.20.16 the wrath of serpents desires, the tongue of serpent will kill him. Job.20.17 he does not see the flores of honning, the stree of honning and a back. Job.20.18 he will defile the reason, and he will not taste him, and so he will not taste him as a gentle of neighbor. Job.20.19 for he stricked with many houses, distributed a dwelling house, though he could not remain. Job.20.20 for he has no salvation for his possessions, and in his desires he will not escape. Job.20.21 there is no rest for his food, therefore his good does not escape. Job.20.22 in opportunity he will be afflicted, and all belonging to him will come upon him. Job.20.23 for when he complete his womb, he will send the wrath of his wrath upon him and put his wrath upon him. Job.20.24 he will escape from waves of iron, so will a sound of bronze belong him. Job.20.25 he brings out his bound, the belong comes out of his flock, and fear will come upon him. Job.20.26 all darkness are suffering for him, a flaming fire will consume him, and the one who has come in his house will destroy him. Job.20.27 heaven openes his iniquity, and the earth will rise against him. Job.20.28 the day of his wrath will escape, the day of his wrath will come upon him. Job.20.29 this is the part of a ungodly man from god, the possession that god give him. Job.21.1 job answered and said, Job.21.2 listen, hear my word, and this be your consolation. Job.21.3 take me away as i say, then you will spoke. Job.21.4 have i reason to make my reason for a man? or why do i not be punished? Job.21.5 looft at me, become astonished, and put your hand on my bounds. Job.21.6 when i remember, i treefed, and trembling have my flesh. Job.21.7 why ungodly people live, grow old, and in riches? Job.21.8 their offspring are before them, and their children in their eyes. Job.21.9 their houses are ready in fear, and the reason of god is not upon them. Job.21.10 his oxe deceives and does not turn, their ox bears and does not beat. Job.21.11 they bread their children as sheep, and their children drew out. Job.21.12 they change the harp and the harp, and rejoice with the sound of harp. Job.21.13 they find their days in good, and in reason they rest in sheol. Job.21.14 but they say to god, go away from me, i do not want to know your ways. Job.21.15 what is sufficient, that we shall serve him? what is profit that we are against him? Job.21.16 behold, their goods is not in their hand. the work of the ungodly is not in their hand. Job.21.17 how to escape the lamp of the ungodly, and their destruction come upon them, and has god carried them in his wrath? Job.21.18 they will be like a half before the wind, and like a grow, which the wind has taken away? Job.21.19 he destroy his possessions, he will repay them, and he will know it. Job.21.20 may his eyes see his sword, and may not be escaped from the god. Job.21.21 for what is his will in his house after him, when the number of his months is broken? Job.21.22 will a man learn knowledge of understanding, and he who judges the people? Job.21.23 one should die in the strength of his indeed, all difficulty and faithful, Job.21.24 his garments are full of grain, and his back are full of grain. Job.21.25 one must die in bitterness of soul and does not eat anything good. Job.21.26 together they fell in the ground, and drew shult them. Job.21.27 so i know you, for you are trouble against me. Job.21.28 for you say, where is the house of the ruler, and where is the tent in which the ungodly dwelling? Job.21.29 did you ask those who pass by the way, and do not understand their signs, Job.21.30 that the evil person is burned to the day of destruction, they are carried into the day of wrath. Job.21.31 who declares his way before him, and who reward him what he has done? Job.21.32 he will be brought to the tomb, and in a ground he wait. Job.21.33 the beasts of the spring is made for him, and all people go after him, and before him are unnumerable. Job.21.34 how can you trouble me in vain, and your reasoning is in your reason! Job.22.1 and eliphaz from teman answered him, Job.22.2 is for god a man who lears knowledge and understanding to god? Job.22.3 belong to the one god if you are innocent? or is it lawful that you make your way unclean? Job.22.4 will he reproach you? he will convicte you and enter you in judgment? Job.22.5 does not your evil be great, and your sins are unnumerable? Job.22.6 for you had abandoned your brothers without foolish, and you rejected shaks of naked. Job.22.7 you did not give water for water, but rejected a food for the hungry. Job.22.8 the man of a man directed his face, so that he remained in the land. Job.22.9 you have sent the widows away empty, and the orfless orphs inflicted. Job.22.10 for this reason a sword has turned around you, and suddenly be earnestly troubled, Job.22.11 are you not looked in the darkness, and the waters of water crys you. Job.22.12 he is not in the heavens of the heavens? see, how is the offers of the treasures! Job.22.13 and you say, what does god know? can he judge in the cloud? Job.22.14 foolis reject him, and he does not see, and the sound of heaven bries. Job.22.15 do you keep the way of eternal, which the false men has passed. Job.22.16 they who were taken in ignorance, and the flock of their foots were broken up. Job.22.17 they said to god, take away from us! what will the almighty do to us? Job.22.18 but he had filled their houses with good. but the decision of the ungodly is far far from him. Job.22.19 the righteous saw it and distingues, and the righteous influit. Job.22.20 for their held has not been destroyed, and the fire consumied the rest of them. Job.22.21 consider him, and live with him, and there will your fruit come with you. Job.22.22 take an instruction from his mouth, and take his words in your heart. Job.22.23 if you turn to god, you will turn, and you leave evil from your house, Job.22.24 you will put ofri on gold, ofr the treasure of torns. Job.22.25 so the almighty will be your stran silver, and it will be excellent for you. Job.22.26 then you will turn in god, and show your regard to god. Job.22.27 you will pray to him, and he will listen to you, and you will pay your prayers. Job.22.28 whatever you depends, it will give you right, and on your ways there is light. Job.22.29 for when you afflicted him, you say, he is arrogant, and he will save his eyes. Job.22.30 he will deliver the unjust and escape in the strength of your hands. Job.23.1 job answered and said, Job.23.2 " my suffering is grain of my hand, and my suffering is greater for my suffering. Job.23.3 oh, if i know how i find him and find at his course! Job.23.4 i would give him my judgment to him and supply my mouth with reproach. Job.23.5 i know what he will say to me, and i know what he will tell me. Job.23.6 will he look with me in the great power? does he remain on me. Job.23.7 there is a reason to reason with him, and i would let my judgment be forever. Job.23.8 if i go in the first, he is no longer, and in the end, i do no longer. Job.23.9 in his left hand i do not respect, i will put at the right hand, and i will not see it. Job.23.10 for he knows my way, and if he distins me, i will come like gold. Job.23.11 my fish has kept in his biss, i have kept his way, and i did not escape. Job.23.12 i did not turn from his commandments, the words of his words i have taken up his words. Job.23.13 but he is a reason, who does to repay him? what he desires does he do. Job.23.15 therefore i have troubled in his presence; when i adwart this, i am greatly encouraged. Job.23.16 god has taken my heart, and the almighty has troubled me. Job.23.17 for i did not cause the darkness of darkness, nor did the darkness shone before my face. Job.24.1 why do the lord divorce mighty things? Job.24.2 though ungodly counts, they strive the sheep, bringing the sheep. Job.24.3 they carry the bound of the weak, and they receive a bound of widows. Job.24.4 they deceive those who are impossible from the way, the poor of the earth are turned together. Job.24.5 behold, it is like a eselin in the field, come out of their prayers for their practices. a bread is made for the children. Job.24.6 they feeds on the field of their ground, and rebuke the vineyard of the impies. Job.24.7 naked ligree, without clothing, and not with clothing. Job.24.8 they grow from the ground of the mountains, and walking in a rock they clings in the rock. Job.24.9 they ruck away the weak from the break, and in his district they divorced. Job.24.10 naked ligree, lawless, and hungry they carry the gars. Job.24.11 in the rusts of false people puts in their robes, and they could not leave the righteous way. Job.24.12 in the town the people cries, and the souls of children weeps, but god does not expect these things. Job.24.13 those who are contrary to the ground, they do not recognize the voies of righteousness. Job.24.14 while the wind draws, he destroy him, and destroy him in darkness and in the night, and in the night he comes like a thief. Job.24.15 the eye of adultery observes darkness, saying, no eye will see me, and he shows his face. Job.24.16 in the darkness they grows house, day they separated themselves, they did not know the light. Job.24.17 for the morning is for them a morning of death, for they knowledge the ground of death. Job.24.18 it is a wicked on the face of water, so is their part in the earth. Job.24.19 snow and snow grow swid land, so so a sword who loves sheols. Job.24.20 the morning remember him, the rost of the daughter will be remembered, she will not remember him. the wrong will be broken like a tree. Job.24.21 for neither has he made neighbor, and neighbor does not find mercy. Job.24.22 and in his wrath he are strengthened with his power; he rise and do not believe in his life. Job.24.23 he belongs to me and expect me, to be saved, but will fall in foolis. Job.24.24 they are twicked for many, but do not find; they are distributed, and are caused as all the kings. Job.24.25 is it not so? who has made me false, and he will put my words in nothing? Job.25.1 then bildad of suach answered, Job.25.2 authority and fear are with him, he does make peace in his heavenly place. Job.25.3 is it a respect for his rulers? and over whom neither comes his close? Job.25.4 how can anyone be righteous before god, and how may the born of woman be clean? Job.25.5 behold, the moon is not clearly, and the stars is not pure in his eyes. Job.25.6 what is a man of difficulty, and the son of man a warm! Job.26.1 job answered and said, Job.26.2 how has you appointed to the one who has been help, how is you the strength of power! Job.26.3 how has you recognized the one who has no wisdom, and how has you recognized the diseasing power! Job.26.4 to whom do you show words, and whose spirit has come out of you? Job.26.5 the helper grows around the water, and those who dwell by it. Job.26.6 the toil is naked for him, and the destruction is no clothing. Job.26.7 he has districted the winds over something, calling the earth on no one. Job.26.8 he binds the water in his clouds, and the light does not break under it. Job.26.9 he calls the face of his throne, rost his light upon him. Job.26.10 he set a defense on the face of the water, until the light finds out of darkness. Job.26.11 the pils of heaven grow and grow, because of his reason. Job.26.12 with his might he strike the sea, and by his intelligence he direct the grain. Job.26.13 his spirit has been shut by heaven, his hand has districted the scorching dragon. Job.26.14 behold, these are the parts of his ways, and for a motning of words we hear of him! but who can understand the thunder of his power? Job.27.1 job continued to proclaim his reason, and said, Job.27.2 so truly, the god who lives me a defense, and the almighty who has bittered my life: Job.27.3 even while my soul is still in me and the spirit of god in my radices, Job.27.4 my lips do not speak unrighteous, and my lips does not speak unrighteous. Job.27.5 i do not think that i may justify you, until i find away, for i will not forgive my ungodly. Job.27.6 i hold fast for my righteousness, and i will not leave; i do not recognize my righteous deeds. Job.27.7 let my enemies be like the ungodly, and the one who rise against me, as a transgressor. Job.27.8 for what is the hope of the righteous, when god rejects him, when he rejects him? Job.27.9 will god listen to his prayer, when tribulation comes upon him? Job.27.10 will he appearing in god, he invoks god in all time? Job.27.11 i will tell you what is in the hand of god, i will not lie what is god of the almighty. Job.27.12 for look, you all know, why you thus put in vain? Job.27.13 this is the part of an ungodly person from god, the erbe of the violent, which they come from the almighty. Job.27.14 if his children are many, it will be slain, and his affective children will not eat with water. Job.27.15 those who are around him will die in death, and his widows will not find mercy. Job.27.16 if he gather silver like stol and prepare a drew as drew, Job.27.17 indeed, the righteous will keep them, and the doctrine of them will be true. Job.27.18 he makes his house like a sharl, like a burn, which makes his household. Job.27.19 rich lay down, but no more; he openes his eyes, but there is no one. Job.27.20 fear will come in him as water, and in the night a close him. Job.27.21 the wind grows him and leave him, and he spread him from his place. Job.27.22 he throws down on him, and he will not spare him; he will flee from his hand. Job.27.23 they will strike against him his hands and spoke him from his place. Job.28.1 for the silver has a place where it is, and a place for gold where it comes. Job.28.2 a iron are taken from the earth, and a coin is taken out of a stone. Job.28.3 he put in the darkness of darkness, and deceives the stone of darkness and the shadow of death. Job.28.4 the beating springs dress the beat, and those who directs the right way fall by food. Job.28.5 the land out of which the bread leads, and under it grow like fire. Job.28.6 its stones are a place of safir, and there are gold of gold. Job.28.7 the hair of food did not know it, and the eye of sound has not seen it, Job.28.8 no leating people deceived it, leating a lion did not pass on it. Job.28.9 he stretches out his hand to the rock and turn the mountains from the root. Job.28.10 in flores of flores she brings up, and all precious things see his eye. Job.28.11 he opens the rivers of the riviers, and he shows in light his strength. Job.28.12 but where is the wisdom for where? and where is the place of intelligence? Job.28.13 no food knows its way, and it is not found among the people. Job.28.14 the bott says, it is not in me, and the sea says, it is not with me. Job.28.15 it will not give difficulty in her place, and a money is not ready of silver. Job.28.16 they will not be treated with ofir-gold, with precious onyx and safir. Job.28.17 gold and salt will not be revealed to her, nor will they be changed with golden instrument of gold. Job.28.18 trouble and jabesh will not remember, and the wisdom of wisdom are more than the surrounding. Job.28.19 the topaz of cus will not be put to her; they will not be put in pure gold. Job.28.20 where then comes the wisdom, and where is the place of intelligence? Job.28.21 it is hidden for everyone, and he has escaped from the birds of the air. Job.28.22 destruction, and death say, we have heard that she has heard for it. Job.28.23 god understands her the way, and he knows its place. Job.28.24 for he regard to the extremities of the earth, he see in all the heavens. Job.28.25 the wind is a state of water, a stone for water. Job.28.26 when he made the reason for the rain and the way for the ground of the ground, Job.28.27 then he saw her and rebuked her, he preached and performed. Job.28.28 and he said to the man, behold, the godliness of god is wisdom, and the hindering of evil is understanding. Job.29.1 job continued to proclaim his reason, and said, Job.29.2 o, if i would not be like the former months, as in the days when god kept me, Job.29.3 when his lamp came over my head, when i was in his light in the darkness, Job.29.4 as i was in the minds of my minds, when god was charge in my house, Job.29.5 when the hand of god was with me, and my servants around me, Job.29.6 when my roes were broken in back, and the topper mounts were broken up for me of milk. Job.29.7 when i went on the town of the city, when i laid my foot on the root, Job.29.8 the young men saw me and were afraid, and the old stood up. Job.29.9 the men continued to speak, and laid his finger on the mouth, Job.29.10 a sound of the hearers attacked me, and their tongue attacked their mouth. Job.29.11 for a ear heard me and beared me, the eye who saw me beared me. Job.29.12 for i delivered the poor who cried out, and the waise who had no helper. Job.29.13 the blessed blessing come upon me, and the mouth of widows has blessed me. Job.29.14 my conduct is the righteousness of righteousness, and my defense as a wick. Job.29.15 i was an eye of a blind, and a foot of lame. Job.29.16 i was father for the impossible, and a discerning of what i did not know. Job.29.17 i broke the teep of the ungodly, and delivered him out of their teeth. Job.29.18 and i said, i will inflict in my short, and in my time will spend many days. Job.29.19 my root is opened at the water, and the row will spend in my harvest. Job.29.20 my glory is new for me, and my bound will go in my hand. Job.29.21 they heard me and attented, and they were silent in my purpose. Job.29.22 after my sentence they did not spoke, my words spit upon them. Job.29.23 they attended to me as to rain, they were listened to my mouth as in a reason. Job.29.24 i turned to them, they did not believe, and the light of my face did not turn. Job.29.25 i have chosen their way, and i sit a ruler, and i dwelled it like a king among his benefit, as a trouble who exhorts. Job.30.1 but now the least of me are the least of me, whom their fathers i had not leading to put with my honor hunds. Job.30.2 even for what will i have the power of their hands, for their affection has been destroyed? Job.30.3 for necessity and hunger are they, they became hugging in the wilderness of during land, destructed and destroyed. Job.30.4 they shout the ground in the round, and the foolis are their food. they are dishonished and dispreached, and there are food of tree in great famine. Job.30.5 a devout people rise against me. Job.30.6 they were in ground, in ground, in ground, in round, and in foolis. Job.30.7 they cried out among the robes, they stricked under the robes. Job.30.8 children of foolish, children without name, districted from the land. Job.30.9 so now i am a charge for them, and i have a reason for them. Job.30.10 they abomined me, they depart from me, they do not spare my face. Job.30.11 for he has opened his harm and afflicted me, so they refused in my presence. Job.30.12 at the right hand another leads up, their feet clings, and their destructs leads up against me. Job.30.13 they have districted my sheep, for he has taken my robes. Job.30.14 they come like a rob, they grow upon me as by a trouble. Job.30.15 fear are turned upon me, so as a wind has shaken my hope, and my salvation has come like a light. Job.30.16 and now my soul has uttered out in me, the days of anguish has come upon me. Job.30.17 in the night my beat bears, and my seeds are not burdened. Job.30.18 by the great power my robes has taken my clothing, like the cloak of my tunice it closes me. Job.30.19 he has put me into the winds, and i was like stol and aske. Job.30.20 i am crying out to you, and you do not listen to me; they stand, and you do not see me. Job.30.21 you show me without mercy, you stricked me with the strength. Job.30.22 you stricked me in the ground, and you strickes me in the ground. Job.30.23 for i know that you will put me to death in the house of all the mords of all. Job.30.24 but is it not in his malice to strike his hand, if he cries in his hand? Job.30.25 have i not weeping for a poor man? did i not weep on the affliction? Job.30.26 though i kept good, behold, the evil days has come upon me. Job.30.27 my womb beat and are not silent, the days of affliction has come upon me. Job.30.28 i go in a moment, but without a belonging, i stand in the church and cry. Job.30.29 i have been a brother of struggle, a daughter of struggle. Job.30.30 my hair is wicked for me, and my feet are branched from fire. Job.30.31 so my harp has gone into sound, and my harp for my weeping. Job.31.1 i made a covenant with my eyes, so that i may not understand with a virgin. Job.31.2 and what has god divided from above? what is the inheritance of many from the high? Job.31.3 is not trouble to the unjust and desobedience for those who do wrong? Job.31.4 does not he see my ways and do not number all my passions? Job.31.5 if i was walking with ignorance, and my foot has haken to deceit? Job.31.6 let god keep me in the righteous weak, and he will know my innocent. Job.31.7 if my foot declined from the way, and my heart followed my eyes, and if i had put in my hands, Job.31.8 then let another be sown, and let others eat me. Job.31.9 if my heart has been deceived for a woman and lifted me at the door of my neighbor, Job.31.10 then my wife be carried for another, and others be directed for him. Job.31.11 for it was a further wrath, a desobedience for a desobedience. Job.31.12 for it is a fire who brings down to the ground, and do to destroy all my foot. Job.31.13 if i rejected the judgment of my servant or of my servant when they were judged with me, Job.31.14 what shall i do, when god rise? and when i consider, what can i answer? Job.31.15 has not one who made me in the womb has born him? did not one one who made me in the womb? Job.31.16 have i do not rejected what they desired, and have rejected the eyes of the widow, Job.31.17 if i had eaten my bodies only, and did not eat waisen to eat? Job.31.18 for from my youth i have carried out as a father, and from the child of my mother i was gutting. Job.31.19 if i saw those who are perishing naked, and that i had not rejected him, Job.31.20 if his olts did not blessed me and not been healed in the belly of my lamb, Job.31.21 if i have taken up his hand to the weak, since i have still a help, Job.31.22 so let my sword leave away from my sheep, and let my arm be broken from the foot. Job.31.23 for the fear of god directed me, and because of his magnificence i do not suppose. Job.31.24 have i put my confidence in gold, and said to the gold, i have my confidence, Job.31.25 if i rejoiced that my riches had much, and that my hand was numbered for many, Job.31.26 if i looked in the sun, as it shined, and the moon that walked in their way, Job.31.27 and should my heart be deceived in secret, and i loved my hand in my mouth, Job.31.28 now this was a reason for unknown, for i had rejected the god of the most high. Job.31.29 if i rejoiced in the anguish of my enemy, though i had rejoiced, Job.31.30 ( i did not listen to make my mouth to sin, so that by a purpose he had rejected him. Job.31.31 have the people of my house did not say, who gave us of his flesh to be filled? Job.31.32 the stran man refused not at outside, my door was opened to the treasure. Job.31.33 if i did hidden my sin by ignorance, i hidden my sin by ignorance, Job.31.34 for i was afraid with a great crowd, and greatly greatly greatly became greater in my presence, and i kept not to go out of my door? Job.31.35 o, whether i would hear me the hand of god! the scripture of god be encouraged. Job.31.36 as a crown was clothed, i recognized the crowds. Job.31.37 i would give him all off as well, and let him be like one man before him. Job.31.38 if my land sows against me, and its weasts were weeping together, Job.31.39 if i eat its ground without the reason, or did i strive the life of his master, Job.31.40 so let torch grow in the place of a tribe, and in place of the gers. the words of job were finished. Job.32.1 so the three men remained to answer job, because he was right in their eyes. Job.32.2 then elihu, the son of barachiel, the buziet, of the family of ram, was indignant against job, because he destined himself as right before god. Job.32.3 and against his three friends was indignant, because they did not find answer and defended job. Job.32.4 elihu remained attention to job because they were elders than he. Job.32.5 when elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of the three men, his wrath failed. Job.32.6 and elihu, the son of barachiel, the buziet, answered, i am young man in the time, and you are old. so i fell down and was afraid to tell you my mind. Job.32.7 i said, the time should speak, and the many years proclaim wisdom. Job.32.8 but the spirit is in the person, and the spirit of the almighty has given knowledge. Job.32.9 not the large are wise, and not the olds know what is right. Job.32.10 so i say, hear me; i will tell you what i know. Job.32.11 behold, i have inquired the words of your words, as i heard your words. Job.32.12 i recognized you, and behold, no one was reconciled to job, nor was he who answered his words. Job.32.13 so that you may not say, we have found the wisdom to the lord. Job.32.14 you have performed people to speak such things. Job.32.15 they were hungry, they never answered, spoke of words. Job.32.16 i remained, and they were not spoken, for they were standing, and they did not answer. Job.32.17 elihu remained and said, Job.32.18 for i am full of words, the spirit of my womb has overcome me. Job.32.19 behold, my buil is like a means of means, it is like new wine. Job.32.20 i will speak, that i may reason, opening my lips. Job.32.21 i do not turn a man, and i do not turn to anyone. Job.32.22 for i do not know, i knowledge me, even i, my cover, will take me. Job.33.1 so, ijob, hear my words, and listen to all my words. Job.33.2 behold, i have opened my mouth, my tongue has spoken in my mouth. Job.33.3 my quus speaks in my heart, and my lips will indeed understand understanding. Job.33.4 the spirit of god has made me, and the sof of the almighty bears me. Job.33.5 if you can, answered me, still stand, stand before me. Job.33.6 behold, i was delivered out of the wicked, and i, as i am broken of deep. Job.33.7 behold, my fear will not respect you, and my hand will not be grave for you. Job.33.8 yet you said in my ears, i have heard the voice of your words: Job.33.9 i am innocent, without sinning, i am innocent, and i have no transgression. Job.33.10 look, he found against me, he regards me as his own hand. Job.33.11 he put my feet in a sculk, guard all my voies. Job.33.12 behold, you do not belong, for i am right, for god is more than man. Job.33.13 why do you escape with him, since he does not listen to all what he has said? Job.33.14 for god speaks in once, but in one time it does not see. Job.33.15 in nation, in the nation of the night, when wrath grows upon others, when they drew in his bed, Job.33.16 then he rejects the mind of man, and show their respects to them, Job.33.17 so that he should turn a man from his indeed, and turn his body from a man, Job.33.18 he will keep his soul from death, and his soul from death to fall. Job.33.19 he is restraining him with affliction in his bed, and in all his daughts is distress. Job.33.20 so his soul does not acknowledge, and his soul is a foolish food. Job.33.21 his flesh is divorced, and his bodies are wicked, Job.33.22 his soul comes near to death and his life to the sheol. Job.33.23 if there is a messenger to him, a message, a messenger for a man to deceive his way, Job.33.24 so he will please him and say to him, let him not fall into death, he has seen his body. Job.33.25 so his flesh will leave his child, and he returns to the day of his child. Job.33.26 he pray to god, and he will acknowledge him, and he will show his face with appearance, and he repay people his righteousness. Job.33.27 he will adtain the people, and they say, i have sinned and wronged me, and he did not please. Job.33.28 he has saved my soul to come in the ground, and my life will see light. Job.33.29 behold, all these things god does do three times with man, Job.33.30 to deliver him from the death, so that he might keep him in the light of life. Job.33.31 listen, hiob, and hear me, keep still, and i will speak. Job.33.32 if you have words, tell me, speak, for i want you to be justified. Job.33.33 if you not, do you hear me; keep still, and i will teach you wisdom. Job.34.1 elihu remained and said, Job.34.2 hear me, you wise, understand what is good. Job.34.3 for the orecth test the words, and the speaksel takes food. Job.34.4 let us keep us judgment, let us know what good is in their midst. Job.34.5 for job has said, i am righteous, but god has removed my judgment. Job.34.6 i lies in my judgment as a wicked, my belong has been wicked without a transgression. Job.34.7 who is a man like job, who drinks spor as water? Job.34.8 to go in share with those who do evil, and go with ungodliness? Job.34.9 for he has said, no one has acknowledge, if god has accused him. Job.34.10 therefore hear me, you wise men, do not be ungodly before god, or god of the almighty. Job.34.11 but he rejects the man as he does doing, and according to the purpose of anyone he will find him. Job.34.12 yet god does not do wrong, the almighty does not trouble the judgment. Job.34.13 who has made him to make the earth, and who has made all the earth? Job.34.14 if he would keep his spirit and keep his spirit from him, Job.34.15 so all flesh should escape together, and the people should return into the ground. Job.34.16 if you do, hear these things, listen to the voice of your words. Job.34.17 will do the one who hates the right? and will you make the righteous one, who is righteous? Job.34.18 a impie who says to the king, fall! do wrong to the rulers. Job.34.19 who does not show the appearance of honor, nor does he show honor as a ruler? Job.34.20 there are in vain the direct respect. there are in a direct respect of man, and they escape the immoral people. Job.34.21 for his eyes look on the deeds of man, and he looks for all his deeds. Job.34.22 there is no steep for the directs of those who do sin. Job.34.23 for he will not leave one man to show judgment on god. Job.34.24 he destroy the strengthents with unsearchable, and set wonders for them. Job.34.25 for he shows their works, and he turn in the night and short. Job.34.26 he cast them as ungodly, in vision before him, Job.34.27 because they turned from god and did not understand his commandments, Job.34.28 to bring upon him the crying of the poor, and he hears the cry of the poor. Job.34.29 and if he remains in peace, who will condemn? if he count his face, who will see him? it is against a nation and a man that is, Job.34.30 to recognize a man of hypocrisy, for the direction of the people. Job.34.31 for to the one who says, i have conceived, i will not be loved. Job.34.32 i do not show me. if i have doing wrongdoing, i will not do it more. Job.34.33 will he repay it from you? for you have rejected, for you are chosen, and not i. what you know shall you speak. Job.34.34 the wise men will say to me, and a wise man who hears me: Job.34.35 job speaks without understanding, and his words are not intelligence. Job.34.36 may job still be rejected because of his answer, as the devout people. Job.34.37 for increase his sin to sin, stricks in us and acknowledge the words of god. Job.35.1 elihu remained and said, Job.35.2 do you recognize this in judgment, when you say, i am righteous before god? Job.35.3 do you say, what do i do for sin? Job.35.4 i will answer you and your friends with you. Job.35.5 loofe up to heaven and see, see the cloud, which are high than you. Job.35.6 if you have sinned, what will you do? unless you are wrong, what do you do to do? Job.35.7 if you are righteous, what do you give him? what does he receive from your hand? Job.35.8 your ungodly person is like a man like you, and for the son of man your righteousness. Job.35.9 for the ground of affliction, they cries, they cries out of the hand of many. Job.35.10 but no one says, where is god, my master, who calls watch in the night, Job.35.11 he who divided me from the beasts of the earth and from the birds of heaven? Job.35.12 there they cries, but he does not listen, because of the arrogant of evil. Job.35.13 nevertheless, god does not listen to do, the almighty is not reason to see. Job.35.14 even when you say that you do not see him, a judgment is before him, so do you do. Job.35.15 but now, because his wrath has not visited, and he is not recognized by greatness. Job.35.16 so job open his mouth in vain, and bold words with ignorance. Job.36.1 elihu continued to say, Job.36.2 keep a little while, and i will tell you, for still there is proclaim for me. Job.36.3 i will take my letter far away, and i will give justice to my work. Job.36.4 in truth and unrighteousness i do not deceive the words of unjust. Job.36.5 behold, god is strong, but he does not turn, he is strong in power of heart. Job.36.6 he will not live to sin, and give justice to the poor. Job.36.7 he does not leave his eyes from the righteous, but shows them with kings for the throne, and they will be exalted. Job.36.8 and if they have been bound in chains, they would be shaken in the customs of poor, Job.36.9 so he told them their works and their trespasses, for they were strong. Job.36.10 he listens to listen to the righteous, and saying, they will turn away from sin. Job.36.11 if they hear and serve him, they will turn their days in good, and their years in woning. Job.36.12 but if they do not obey, they will escape and direct knowledge. Job.36.13 the hypocrites makes the wrath of wrath, and they will not crie when he bound them. Job.36.14 their soul died in the young birth, and their life is a directed of angels. Job.36.15 in his strength he strengthen his strength, and acknowledge to his strength. Job.36.16 he lifted you up from the rost of the enemy, a steadfastness under it, and your table descended full of piece. Job.36.17 the condemnation of the just is not necessary. Job.36.18 let your wrath not be self-control, and the gift of god must not be excellent. Job.36.19 he will leave your supplication from grain, and of all the strength of power? Job.36.20 do not escape the night, when the people are going up in their place. Job.36.21 keep attention to do, do not make wrong, for it is my reason for affliction. Job.36.22 behold, god is strengthened in his power, who is a man like him? Job.36.23 who declares his case for him? or who can say: you have done wrong? Job.36.24 remember that you will make his works practice the people. Job.36.25 all people see it, and all people see it. Job.36.26 behold, god is great, and we do not know, and the number of his years is unclean. Job.36.27 for he stricks glaves of glass, and they brings out rain in the cloud, Job.36.28 they will escape the district, and the stors becomes sail for the ground of food. in this hour they put a beast, but your heart knows not in all these things. Job.36.29 and if he understands the cloud of darkness, the worse of his tent, Job.36.30 behold, he spends his light upon them and deceives the roes of the sea. Job.36.31 for by them he judges the people, and gives their food. Job.36.32 he opens his hands on their hands and command them to treasure. Job.36.33 it calls his friends concerning him, the possession and the scepthing. Job.37.1 even this i tremble for my heart, and she cut away from his place. Job.37.2 hear, hear the sound of his voice, and the ground that comes out of his mouth. Job.37.3 he set him under all the heavens, and his light drew on the ends of the earth. Job.37.4 after him a voice grow, he grows with the voice of his majestous, and he will not break them as his voice is hearing. Job.37.5 mighty grow god with his voice, for he has done great things that we cannot see. Job.37.6 he says to the sneed, come upon the earth, even to the stors of rain and of his strength. Job.37.7 he sealed the hand of every person, so that all people know how they are his deeds. Job.37.8 the beast comes in the ground and remains in their houses. Job.37.9 out of the camper comes diver, and from the diver comes the soul. Job.37.10 by the spirit of god comes a strik, and the fish of the water grows up. Job.37.11 he carried out the cloud and scatters his light to the wolken. Job.37.12 so they turn around the purpose of god, to make all that he command them on the earth. Job.37.13 as for discipline, if it is for his land, or for mercy. Job.37.14 listen to these things, job, stand and encourage the power of god. Job.37.15 do you know that god grands them and make light out of his light? Job.37.16 do you recognize the diseases of the cloud, the places of evil, Job.37.17 when your robes shalls, when the ground grows in the ground of the earth? Job.37.18 are you strong with him as a hair, strong as a grain of grain? Job.37.19 indeed, instruy me what we shall say to him, that we may not have something to say. Job.37.20 do i say to me an opportunity? how can i say to the man? Job.37.21 and now it is not aspect to show the light in the wind, when the wind shines and brings them out. Job.37.22 from the north comes something of gold; in god is great glory and majesty. Job.37.23 the righteous ones we do not find to find him. he is the power of power and justice, and he does not listen to acknowledge. Job.37.24 therefore people fear him; they do not fear him who are wise in his heart. Job.38.1 then the lord said to job by a storm, saying, Job.38.2 who is this who takes up my conseil with words in words? Job.38.3 bind your lends as a man; i will ask you, and make you belong. Job.38.4 where was you when i laid the ground of the earth? tell me if you do knowledge. Job.38.5 who has laid her measures, if you know? or who has carried a flock on it? Job.38.6 where have its huse laid up, or who has put a stone's stone, Job.38.7 when all the stars of the star grow, and all the angels of god rejoiced? Job.38.8 who stopped the sea with portes, when it came out from the child, Job.38.9 when i put a cloud for his garing, and the wolk for its winds, Job.38.10 when i put a region to her, i put close and gates, Job.38.11 and i said, until this will you come and not above, and in it will your waves break? Job.38.12 have you commanded the morning in the morning, saw the morning his order, Job.38.13 that he might receive the flores of the earth and strike the ungodly from it? Job.38.14 the ground arose as a brid, and it brives as a brid. Job.38.15 to the ungodly becomes his light, and the harden arm will be broken. Job.38.16 has come to the spring of the sea, and has walking in the ground of the ground? Job.38.17 have the gates of death you opened, and have you seen the gates of the sheol? Job.38.18 have you overcooned the larg of the earth? tell me if you know all this. Job.38.19 where is it to dwells the light, and where is the darkness where is his place? Job.38.20 to bring it to their land, and do you know their paths? Job.38.21 do you know that then you had been born, and the number of your days are much. Job.38.22 have you come on the treasures of sneed, and have you seen the treasures of hagels, Job.38.23 which i reason for the time of the enemy, to the day of war and quarreling? Job.38.24 where does the south come out, where the south spreads into the ground? Job.38.25 who has prepared for a rook for the reason, and the road for the guilt, Job.38.26 to make rain on a desolate land, upon a wilderness where there is no man, Job.38.27 so that a desolate plass and desolate, and to grow the ground of grass? Job.38.28 has a rain a father, or who has born the gate of the row? Job.38.29 out of the man of whose child come out, and who has taken birth the fish of heaven? Job.38.30 flores like a watter water, and the face of the bottomless pit becomes grave. Job.38.31 can you lign the bound of the bound? do you strike the surrounding bound? Job.38.32 do you leave the ignorant of his time, and bring them a food with his villages? Job.38.33 do you recognize the ruins of heaven? do you help it in the earth? Job.38.34 shall you call his voice to a light, and a flood of water will be revealed for you? Job.38.35 you will send out ears, and they will go, and you will say, what is it? Job.38.36 who gave the measure wisdom, or who made disseading knowledge? Job.38.37 who number the clouds with wisdom, and who carries the heavens of heaven, Job.38.38 when the earth shult out with beasts, and the stones shult with them? Job.38.39 will you strike for the lions to the lion, and do you reply the souls of lepers? Job.38.40 when they sit in their directs, they sit in their close in the leading? Job.38.41 who prepare for the girl his garing, when his childs cries to god and deceives by food? Job.39.1 do you know the times of the rock of the rock? do you keep the anguish of the salf? Job.39.2 when they are numbering their months, and do you rebuke the furts of their winter? Job.39.3 they deceive their children out, and sends their wheaks. Job.39.4 their children grow, they grow up in the ground, they come out and return to them. Job.39.5 who has distributed the district of a district, and who has distributed his chains? Job.39.6 for i made a desolate place for his dwelling, and the steppe for his dwelling? Job.39.7 he calls to the ground of the city, and they do not listen to the entrance of the labor. Job.39.8 he calls for the mountains his ground, he seek after all the grass. Job.39.9 do a bock will do for you to serve, or to sit in your mord? Job.39.10 are you bound in the round of his food, or will he strike for you in the ground? Job.39.11 do you consider him because his power is great? are you performed to him your work? Job.39.12 do you believe that he will repay your seed and bring it in your bound? Job.39.13 the flock of the vindness of neelas, are it gathering the ax and the round? Job.39.14 for he would leave her hoes into the earth, and lead it in the ground, Job.39.15 it has forgotten that a foot is districted, and the wild beasts of the field destroy them. Job.39.16 he has performed her children, so that it is not for it; she has labored in vain, without fear. Job.39.17 for god has kept her for wisdom, and has not divided her in his understanding, Job.39.18 but when she grows up, it lains, the horse and the ruin of it. Job.39.19 have you put power to a horse, puts his neck with fear? Job.39.20 do you think it with all his furts? the glory of his heart is greater. Job.39.21 he grows in the ground and grows, he brings out out of their power. Job.39.22 it shints with a belong, i dishonor, not turn from a iron. Job.39.23 over him is a golf, a bound and a sword. Job.39.24 with wrath and wrath, he destroy the earth, and does not believe in the trumpet of the trumpet. Job.39.25 as he call on the trumpet, he says, ah, ha! far out, the fight, and a cry, and crying out. Job.39.26 if your insight comes out of your intelligence, puts out their wings to the south? Job.39.27 does he grow on your law as an ear, and he wicked on the top of his nests? Job.39.28 in the rocks of the rock and in the secret. Job.39.29 from there he seek their food, his eyes see in a distance, Job.39.30 his women bloves with blood, and where there are dead, there is there. Job.40.1 and the lord answered job, Job.40.2 do not be condemned with a condemnation? he who revives god will answer him. Job.40.3 then job answered the lord, and said: Job.40.4 behold, i am a certain man; how can i give my hand on my mouth? Job.40.5 i have spoken once, and i will not more do anything. Job.40.6 then the lord answered job from a district and said: Job.40.7 bind your lends as a man; i will ask you, and make you belonging to me. Job.40.8 do you destroy my condemnation, show me, so that you may be justified? Job.40.9 do you have a little arm as god, and do your voice come out as he is? Job.40.10 show yourself with majesty and majeste, show honor and majesty. Job.40.11 send wrath out of his wrath, and triste all the arrogant. Job.40.12 open the arrogant of the arrogant, and put down to the ungodly. Job.40.13 hide them all in the ground, keep them together in the ground. Job.40.14 then i will praise that your right hand can save. Job.40.15 for behold, there is a beast in the hand of you, and food eats as a bound. Job.40.16 behold, his power are in his loss, and his power in the entrance of his womb. Job.40.17 he reis his wheat as a bound, the seeds of his seeds are wicked. Job.40.18 his knows are like bronze of bronze, its bellers as a heat of iron. Job.40.19 it is the beginning of the things of god; it is set to strike him by his hand. Job.40.20 the field of it grows the ground, and all the wilds of the wilds becomes joy. Job.40.21 on the surrounding trees he lives in a root, a robe and a rosting. Job.40.22 look, looking for him, are looking for him? Job.40.23 if a flock does not be shaken, it is faithful, so that the jordan ships into his mouth. Job.40.24 he receives him in his own eye, looking for a beast? Job.41.1 have you not carried out the leviatan with a brid, or can you strike his beast to it? Job.41.2 do you strike a conde in his nack, or will you strike his harp with a springe? Job.41.3 will he speak to you much prayery? shall he spoke for you? Job.41.4 he will keep a covenant with you, to take him to be a servant of eternal? Job.41.5 he will strike to him like a vogel, do you bound him for his servants? Job.41.6 he will strike the gweasts of his women? they will strike him as a district? Job.41.7 do you strike his one in a tear, or his head with a tear? Job.41.8 find the hand to him, remember the war, and do not be still. Job.41.9 behold, it is faithful for him, and do not show him as it is directed. Job.41.10 no one belong to him. how can one stand before me? Job.41.11 who has been ready for me, that i might remain? whatever is in heaven is my. Job.41.12 i will not be silent of his sake, nor of his power, or of his district. Job.41.13 who deceives his clothing? who can enter his spite? Job.41.14 who will open the gates of his face? at all his teeth there are fear. Job.41.15 his deeds are wicked as a burden, its minds like a stone of stone. Job.41.16 as for one one he attacks, and the spirit does not passe through them. Job.41.17 there are a man to his brother, they are attacking, and they will not be taken away. Job.41.18 in his stark is light a light, and his eyes are like the morning of the morning. Job.41.19 out of his mouth proceeds a flamme, the branches of fire are broken up. Job.41.20 a smoke comes out of his rouchs, a smoke from a furn ardened with fire. Job.41.21 there is his soul as charbons, and a flame comes out of his mouth. Job.41.22 in his nack there is a power, and in his presence grows a destruction. Job.41.23 he has taken up the flesh of his body, and they are directed on it, so that they cannot be shaken. Job.41.24 his heart is like a stone, like a stone of stone. Job.41.25 as he grow off, they are troubled, and they are restrained. Job.41.26 the hand of god is like a sour, a spig, a speast, a speast. Job.41.27 a iron is carried as a paat, and the bronze like a tree's tree. Job.41.28 a bound not will strike him, a rock of bronze is for him. Job.41.29 a stone has been counted as a old, and he stricks to the winds of winds. Job.41.30 his shaks is twicked in shaks, and in all his winds it is like a brid. Job.41.31 he bears the botch as a basket, it bears the sea as a treasure. Job.41.32 he leave his journey as a least, and the bottomless pit is like a back. Job.41.33 there is no one in the earth like it, which has been reason for him. Job.41.34 he sees all that is high, he is king of all the waters in the water. Job.42.1 then job answered the lord, and said: Job.42.2 i know that you are all things, i know that nothing will be for you. Job.42.3 who is it who defends the conseless of words? so, as i did not know what i did not know? these things are great, which i did not know. Job.42.4 hear me, and i will speak; i will ask you, and belong me. Job.42.5 i had heard you a hearing of the mount, but now my eye has seen you. Job.42.6 so i despise me and look in asep and aske. Job.42.7 after the lord had spoken these words to job, the lord said to eliphaz of teman, my wrath a wrath against you and your two friends, for you have not spoken of me what is true, as my servant job. Job.42.8 now take seven tyre and seven judges and go to my servant job and offer offerings for you, and my servant job shall pray for you, and my servant job shall pray for you. for i will receive him and do not destroy you, because you have not told you what is true according to my servant job. Job.42.9 so eliphaz of teman, bildad of shuach, and sofar of naamy went and did as the lord had said to them, and the lord rejected job. Job.42.10 and the lord rejected job, when he prayed for his friends. and the lord gave to job the double things all that he had had. Job.42.11 then all his brothers and all his sisters and all who had known with him first, and they were eating with him in his house and encouraged him, and consoled him over all the things that the lord had brought over him, and they gave him each one a gardered and a golden ring. Job.42.12 and the lord blessed the last of job more than the first. he had four thousand sheep, six thousand cammels, 1000 par oxen and 1000 esels. Job.42.13 he had seven sons and three daughters. Job.42.14 he called the first jemima, the second cassia, and the third keren-happuk. Job.42.15 in all the land there was not belonging to the daughters of job in all the land, and their father gave them a inheritance among their brothers. Job.42.16 after this job had leved 140 years, and saw his sons and the sons of his sons, in the fourth generation. Job.42.17 and soob, the man of naamah, who was read in edom, was a vigher. after him was sam, who was a ruler in edom ( he was roi of all the things who were in aramh ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ( he ) was king of abib, who was a son, who was the name of all the of the water, in the region of edom on the district of edom in the region of edom. Ps.1.1 blessed is the man who does not go in the plan of the ungodly, nor stand on the way of sinners, and neither sit on the seated of disputs, Ps.1.2 but his will is in the law of the lord, and in his law he medits day and night. Ps.1.3 he will be like a tree planted by the waters of water, which give his fruit at his time, and his blass will not be broken, and whatever he does will prospere. Ps.1.4 so not the ungodly so, but they are like a grave that the wind cast out. Ps.1.5 therefore the ungodly will not rise in the judgment, nor sinners in the country of the righteous. Ps.1.6 for the lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly perishes. Ps.2.1 why are the nations unstricked, and the people plot in vain? Ps.2.2 the kings of the earth set themselves, the rulers gathered together, against the lord and against his anointed: Ps.2.3 let us strike their chains and throw them away from us. Ps.2.4 he who dwell in heaven rives, the lord spread them. Ps.2.5 then he will speak to them in his wrath, and in his wrath he will trouve them: Ps.2.6 " i have made my king on zion, his holy mountain. Ps.2.7 i will proclaim the commandment. the lord said to me, you are my son, today i have begotten you. Ps.2.8 ask me, and i will give you the nations to your inheritance, and the end of the earth to your possession. Ps.2.9 you will shepherd them with a iron scepter, you will brise them as a jar of fight. Ps.2.10 consider now, you kings, understand, o judges of the earth! Ps.2.11 serve the lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Ps.2.12 draw the child, that he may not anger, and you may perish from the way, when soon his wrath brings up. blessed are all who confids in him! Ps.3.1 a salm of david, when he drew drew from his son absalom. o lord, what many are my enemies, many who arise against me. Ps.3.2 how many say to me, there is no salvation for him in god. ( sela. ) Ps.3.3 only, o lord, you are a turn, my glory, and who exalts my head. Ps.3.4 with my voice i crie to the lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain. ( sela. ) Ps.3.5 i fell down and sowed; i am revealed, for the lord remains me. Ps.3.6 i will not fear for many thousand of people, who are along around me. Ps.3.7 o lord, rise, save me, my god! for you have killed all my enemies in vain, and you have broken the teeth of sinners. Ps.3.8 o god is your salvation, and your blessing upon your people. ( sela. ) Ps.4.1 to the musiekleier, on the instruments to the instruments to the instruments of psalms. of david. when i call, you have heard me, you, god of my righteousness, listen to me. have mercy on me and hear my prayer. Ps.4.2 you people, how long will you keep your greatness? how long do you love false things and seek false things? ( sela. ) Ps.4.3 do you see that the lord has shown his holy one. the lord will listen when i call him. Ps.4.4 let your regard, and do not grant, tell in your hearts on your łożs. ( sela. ) Ps.4.5 offer sacrifice of righteousness, and confid in the lord. Ps.4.6 many say, who will show us the good? o lord, let the light of your face come upon us! Ps.4.7 i gave my heart joy, as long as their wine and their wine are multiplied. Ps.4.8 i will grow and sleep in peace, for you only, o lord, set me in hope. Ps.5.1 to the musice of the musiekleier. of david. incline. listen to my words, o lord, listen to me the voice. Ps.5.2 listen to me, o my king and my god, for i am praying to you. Ps.5.3 look, o god, hear my voice, at the morning i will stand before you, and i will see. Ps.5.4 o god, you are not a god who desires a evil; evil will not abide you. Ps.5.5 for you are no encourage for your eyes, you hates all those who do evil. Ps.5.6 you will not destroy those who speak false; the lord abomines the man of blood and deceive. Ps.5.7 but by your great mercy i will enter your house, and i will worship at your holy temple in your fear. Ps.5.8 so, o lord, lead me in your righteousness for the sake of my enemies. make your way right in my presence. Ps.5.9 for in their mouth there is no truth, their heart is deceive; their struck is a open grave, with their tongues they deceive. Ps.5.10 inquire them, o god, let them fall because of their thoughts. grow them out for their number of their deeds, for they rebelled against you. Ps.5.11 let those who confids in you may rejoice in all time, and you will have their dwelling with them, and they will rejoice in you those who love your name. Ps.5.12 for you, o god, will blessed the righteous, you will belong us with your pleasure as with sour. Ps.6.1 to the musice of the musitors, with neginoth. by the eighth. psalm of david. o lord, do not rebuke me in your wrath, do not discipline me in your wrath. Ps.6.2 fear me, o lord, for i am weak; heal me, o lord, for my bene are troubled. Ps.6.3 so my soul is greatly troubled, and you, lord, how long? Ps.6.4 and i, o lord, return, save my soul, save me for your mercy. Ps.6.5 neither, in the death there is no remember of you, and who will confess you in the sheol? Ps.6.6 for in the life of my god is i beared, in every night i puts my bed, i will break my bed in my tears. Ps.6.7 i am troubled in a moment, my eye is devealed for all my enemies. Ps.6.8 depart from me, you all who do evil! for the lord has heard the voice of my weeping. Ps.6.9 o lord, hear my supplication, the lord receives my prayer. Ps.6.10 all my enemies will be put to shame and be greatly troubled; they will return and be at shame at confusion. Ps.7.1 a salm of david, whom he canted to the lord for the words of cushai, the son of benjamin. o lord, my god, to you i have turned. save me from all who persecute me and deliver me. Ps.7.2 let me not destroy my soul like a lion, so that no one is help or help. Ps.7.3 o lord, my god, if i have done this, if there is violence in my hands, Ps.7.4 if i have done evil to those who belongs to me, if i had taken back from my enemies, Ps.7.5 so let the enemy persecute my life and receive it, hold my life in the earth and make my glory in the ground. ( sela. ) Ps.7.6 rise, o lord, in your wrath! be exalted against the wrath of my enemies! rise, here, in the way that i have commanded. Ps.7.7 let the multitude of the people walk around you, and return for this more. Ps.7.8 let the lord judge the people. judge me, lord, according to my righteousness and my innocence. Ps.7.9 let the evil of evil be finished, and help the righteous, for you, o god, deceives the heart and the nives. Ps.7.10 let my help come from god, who save those who are right in heart. Ps.7.11 god is a judge of righteous, a strong god, which continues every day. Ps.7.12 god is a god of god, and god is a god of god. god is a god of god. Ps.7.13 he has prepared for him mords of death, has done his piles for those who burd. Ps.7.14 behold, he has beared violence, has taken violence with difficulty, and she has been born ungodly. Ps.7.15 he has founded a grave and spread it, and he will fall into the ground that he has done. Ps.7.16 his wrong will turn into his head, and his wrongdoing descends on his head. Ps.7.17 i will praise the lord according to his righteousness, and will sing loving the name of the lord the most high. Ps.8.1 to the lord, our lord, how much more is your name in all the earth! for you have put up your majesty above the heavens. Ps.8.2 out of the mouth of children and infants you have prepared praise for the sake of your enemies, to destroy your enemy to destroy your enemy. Ps.8.3 when i looked your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you made, Ps.8.4 so i see, o man, that you remember him, what is the son of man that you remember him? Ps.8.5 what do you have made him for a little while, and you have crowned him with glory and honor. Ps.8.6 you have made him reason for the work of your hands, you have set everything under his feet. Ps.8.7 you carried all of sheep and sheep, even the beasts of the field, Ps.8.8 the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, whatever passes arores of the sea. Ps.8.9 o lord, our lord, how much is your name in all the earth! Ps.9.1 to the musiekleier, on the muilding of the son. of david. i will praise the lord with all my heart, i will tell all your wonders. Ps.9.2 i will celebrate and rejoice in you, i will sing your name, o most high. Ps.9.3 because my enemies turn back, they fall and perish for your presence. Ps.9.4 for you make my judgment and my defense, you sat on the throne, judge of righteousness. Ps.9.5 for you rejected the nations, you destroy the ungodly, you has made his name forever and forever. Ps.9.6 you have devored the enemies, their name has destroyed for eternal time. Ps.9.7 but the lord remains forever, he has prepared his throne for judgment. Ps.9.8 he will judge the world with righteousness, will judge the people with righteousness. Ps.9.9 and the lord will be a nature for the poor, a help in the times of tribulation. Ps.9.10 so they will confie on you those who know your name, for you, lord, have not left those who seek you. Ps.9.11 they will juble, o lord, who dwells in zion, proclaim in the nations his things. Ps.9.12 say to those who dwell the blood, remember them, and he does not forgive the cry of the poor. Ps.9.13 let me have mercy, o lord, see my affliction from my enemies, who exalts me from the gates of death, Ps.9.14 let me proclaim all your prayers through the gates of the daughter of zion. i will rejoice in your salvation. Ps.9.15 i will declare the nations in the ground that they had done. their foot has been taken in the net that they had caken. Ps.9.16 god has been recognized, he has done a judgment; the ungodly has been taken in the works of his hands. sela. Ps.9.17 the gottloses will return to the sheol, all the nations who forces god. Ps.9.18 for the poor will never vergesse, and the endurance of the poor will never perish. Ps.9.19 rise, o lord, let no man be strengthened; the nations will be judged in your presence. Ps.9.20 let the people fear them, o lord, let the nations know that they are people. ( sela. ) Ps.10.1 why, o lord, you stand in a distance, why are you set in the times of tribulation? Ps.10.2 in the arrogance of the impie, the poor is burned. let them arrest in the plants that they are deceived. Ps.10.3 for the ungodly praise the desires of his soul, and the ungodly blessed is blessed. Ps.10.4 the ungodly, in his great wrath, do not seek god. there is no god in his sight. Ps.10.5 his ways are directed in every time; your judgments are above from him, he domines in all his enemies. Ps.10.6 he says in his heart, i will not be shaken, never will i have evil. Ps.10.7 his mouth is full of curse and deceit and deceit; under his tongue is evil and bad. Ps.10.8 he sit in the ambush in the close places, to kill the unjust in the secret. his eyes show the poor. Ps.10.9 he clings in the secret as a lion in his tree, he clothes to plunder the poor, he puts the poor in his hair. Ps.10.10 he deceives, and the poor cast, and the poor man fall in his hands. Ps.10.11 he says in his heart, god has died, he has covered his face, he will never see. Ps.10.12 rise, lord, bear your hand, o god, do not neglect the poor. Ps.10.13 why does the ungodly provoke god? he says in his heart, you will not seek. Ps.10.14 you see it, for you look at your pain and wrath, to give them in your hand. the poor is set for you, you are a helper for the orfless. Ps.10.15 destroy the arm of the gottlose and evil, seek his transgression, and you will never be found. Ps.10.16 the lord is king forever and forever, the nations will be destroyed from his land. Ps.10.17 you have heard the desires of the poor, o lord, you are preparing their heart, you will bear your ears, Ps.10.18 to judge the weak and the poor, so that a man of earth may no longer be excellent. Ps.11.1 to the musice of david. in david. i am confidence in the lord. how can you say to my soul, come at the mountains like a sparor? Ps.11.2 for behold, the deeds are strengthened the bound, they spend their bele into a cert, to strong in darkness to those who are right in the heart. Ps.11.3 as the waves are destroyed, why will the righteous do? Ps.11.4 the lord is in his holy temple, the throne of his throne is in heaven; his eyes show, his eyes break the people. Ps.11.5 the lord deceives the righteous, but him who loves ungodly hates his soul. Ps.11.6 he will rain on the sinners a snare, fire and sulfur, and a temptful spirit is the portion of their cup. Ps.11.7 for the lord is righteous, he loves justice; the right person sees his face. Ps.12.1 to the musice to the musice. to the eighth. psalm of david. save me, o lord, for holy are unless the faithful have been left among the sons of man. Ps.12.2 rejoice, o man, to his neighbor, with false lips, in heart and in heart they speak. Ps.12.3 let the lord destroy all lawless lips, the tongue that thus minds. Ps.12.4 those who say, we make our tongue great; our lips are with us; who is lord for us? Ps.12.5 for the affliction of the poor, for the groaning of the poor, now i will rise, says the lord, i will make a salvation for him, which will proclaim in him. Ps.12.6 the words of the lord are a pure questions, a silver reproved in the ground of earth, cleansed seven times. Ps.12.7 they will keep us, o lord, and keep us from this generation forever. Ps.12.8 the ungodly walk around, as long as your ground are multiplied the people. Ps.13.1 to the musice. psalm of david. how long, o lord, you will forgive me? how long will you keep your face before me? Ps.13.2 how long will i have a purpose in my heart, hard in my heart for day? how long will my enemy be exalted over me? Ps.13.3 how much more will i have belonging to me, o lord, my god! bring my eyes to light, lest i desure to death. Ps.13.4 let my enemies not say to him, i have strengthened him, and let my enemies rejoice if i wands. Ps.13.5 let me have confidence in your mercy, my heart will rejoice in your salvation. Ps.13.6 but i will change the lord, for he has done me. Ps.14.1 to the musice. si of david. the foolish said in his heart, there is no god. they have destroyed, they have become abomined in their deeds. there is no one who does good. Ps.14.2 the lord looks from heaven to the people, to see whether there was one who is understanding and seeking god. Ps.14.3 they all drew away, they have become worthless, there are no one who does good doing. their keel is open, their keal is open, their tongues is deceived by their tongues. a sculf of aspid is under their lips, their mouth are full of curse and destruction in their own ways; there is no fear of god before their eyes. Ps.14.4 do not know all those who do wrongdoing, who devour my people, as they eat bread, and not call the lord. Ps.14.5 there they grow fear, for god is in the generation of the righteous people. Ps.14.6 you have put to shame the purpose of the poor, for the lord is his hope. Ps.14.7 o, if the salvation of israel comes from zion! when the lord turn back his people, jacob will rejoice and israel rejoice. Ps.15.1 of david. o lord, who will dwell in your tent? who will dwell on your holy mountain? Ps.15.2 he who walks indeed and does what is right and speaks the truth in his heart, Ps.15.3 who does not speak in his tongue and does not do evil to his neighbor, nor rejects reproach against his neighbor. Ps.15.4 he is dishonor in his sight, but glorifies those who fear the lord, who swears by his neighbor, and does not dispute. Ps.15.5 he does not give his money to usure, nor receives gift against innocent. whoever does these things will never be shaken. Ps.16.1 of david. beware me, o lord, for i have conquered in you. Ps.16.2 i said to the lord, you are my lord, i have no need of my good. Ps.16.3 to the saints who are in the earth, they have directed all his desires in them. Ps.16.4 the weak of those who are with others will be multiplied, i will not bring their offerings of blood, and their name will not be remembered by my lips. Ps.16.5 the lord is the part of my inheritance and my cup, you are the one who repay my inheritance. Ps.16.6 a cords has fallen for me in a strength, and my inheritance is for me. Ps.16.7 i will bless the lord who shows me, even in the night my hears keeps me. Ps.16.8 i have set the lord always before me, for he is at my right hand, i will not be shaken. Ps.16.9 this is why my heart rejoiced, and my tongue rejoices, and my flesh will dwell in hope. Ps.16.10 for you will not forgive my life in sheol, you will not let your holy one see corruption. Ps.16.11 you will show me the way of life; it is full of joy for your face, a reason for life in your right hand. Ps.17.1 a prayer of david. o lord, hear the righteousness, accuse my supplication, listen to my prayer, to my prayer, which is not with deceive. Ps.17.2 let my judgment come out of your presence, let my eyes see what is right. Ps.17.3 you have approved my heart, visited the night; you have purified me, and i will not be found in me. Ps.17.4 so that my mouth might not speak in the works of men, for the words of your lips i keep on the way of disobedience. Ps.17.5 i make my pass in your passions, so that my pass may not be shaken. Ps.17.6 i am crying out, o god, for you have heard me. incline to me your ear, and listen to my word. Ps.17.7 show the mercy of your mercy, you who save those who hope in you from those who resist your right hand. Ps.17.8 beware me as a eye of an eye, beg me in the shadow of your wings, Ps.17.9 for the impies of those who destroy me, for the enemies of my soul who obtaines me. Ps.17.10 they are clothed with their fett, they speak with their mouth arrogant. Ps.17.11 they now walk around me, they set their eyes to deceive on the earth. Ps.17.12 it is like a lion ready for hair, like a leoning, who is in secret. Ps.17.13 rise, o lord, come up to them and strike him. deliver my life from the ungodly with your sword. Ps.17.14 from the men of the people, o lord, from the people, whose divisions are in their life, and whom their bobes are filled with your hidden. they are satisfied with the sons, and they left their rest to their children. Ps.17.15 but i will show your face in righteousness, i will be satisfied by your appearance. Ps.18.1 to the musiekleier, to the servant of the lord david, which the words of this lied spoke to the lord on the day when the lord delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies and out of saul. he said, i will love you, o lord, my power. Ps.18.2 o lord, my helper, my burder and my deliverer, my god, my helper, of whom i will conquer, my bound and the horn of my salvation, my bound. Ps.18.3 i will call the lord to a praise, and i will be saved from my enemies. Ps.18.4 the winds of death drew around me, the springs of lawlessness beared me. Ps.18.5 the weasures of the sheol walked around me, the snare of death arrived upon me. Ps.18.6 in my affliction i called the lord, and to my god i cried out. from his temple he heard my voice, and my cry came in his presence. Ps.18.7 then i cried out and became trembling, the foundation of the mountains were troubled, and they were shaken, for god was indignant. Ps.18.8 there appeared the smoke from his wrath, and fire descended from his presence, charkles carried up from him. Ps.18.9 he broke up heaven and went down, and a cloud was under his feet. Ps.18.10 and he fell on a cherubim and spread, and he sprang on the wings of the wind. Ps.18.11 he made darkness for his secret, his tent in darkness, darkness of water, the cloud of air. Ps.18.12 from the cloud in his presence, the clouds carried out of hail and glound of fire. Ps.18.13 and the wrath came from the heavens, the most high gave his voice. Ps.18.14 and he cried out their pigs, and distributed them, and flashes of lightning, and destroyed them. Ps.18.15 so the springs of the waters appeared, and the foundation of the world were revealed because of your reason, o lord, from the spirit of your wrath. Ps.18.16 he turned from heaven and took me, lifted me out of many waters. Ps.18.17 he delivered me from my held enemy and from those who hated me, for they were strengthened. Ps.18.18 he delivered before me on the day of my affliction, but the lord was my enstrength. Ps.18.19 and he led me out into a street, he delivered me, for he pleased me. he delivered me from my held, and from those who hate me. Ps.18.20 god rejected me according to my righteousness, according to the purification of my hands he will repay me. Ps.18.21 for i have kept the ways of the lord, and i did not turn away from my god. Ps.18.22 for i rejected all his judgments, and i did not refuse his commandments. Ps.18.23 for before him i was perfect, and i kept from my deeds. Ps.18.24 so the lord reward me according to my righteousness, according to the purification of my hands before his eyes. Ps.18.25 so to the holy one you have been holy, with a man innocent you will be innocent. Ps.18.26 to the pure, you are pure, and to him who is performed. Ps.18.27 for you will save the humble people, and humble eyes you have humilied. Ps.18.28 for you rejects my lamp, o lord, my god, bright my darkness. Ps.18.29 for you, o god, escape my course, and by my god will i make a mure. Ps.18.30 for your own god is perfect, the word of the lord is purified. he is a bound for all who confids in him. Ps.18.31 for who is god except the lord, and who is god except our god? Ps.18.32 he is the god who cings me with power and put my way innocent? Ps.18.33 he makes my feet like the cerves, and shows me on my offerings. Ps.18.34 he tears my hands to make war, and my hands has made a baskets of bronze. Ps.18.35 you gave me my salvation of your salvation, and your right hand helked me, and your instruct rejected me. Ps.18.36 i have distributed my pass under me, and my deeds have not crown. Ps.18.37 i have persuaded my enemies and reconciled them, and i did not turn, until i were destroyed. Ps.18.38 i wounded them, and they were not able, they fell under my feet. Ps.18.39 i kept me with power for battle, you put down all my adversaries under me. Ps.18.40 for you rejected my enemies to me, and you have destroyed those who hates me. Ps.18.41 i cried out, but there was not one who save, to the lord, but he did not listen to them. Ps.18.42 they wounded them like stof before the wind, i took them up as a brid of larg. Ps.18.43 so i set me from the adversary of the people, you set me a ruler of nations; a people that i did not know has served me. Ps.18.44 when they hear me, they obeyed me, others who are strangers obey me. Ps.18.45 others departed and departed, and departed from their tribes. Ps.18.46 let the lord live, and blessed be my god, and be exalted the god of my salvation. Ps.18.47 let god be god, who gives my wrath and subject people under me, Ps.18.48 you who deliver me from my enemies. you exalted me from my adversaries, you deliver me from a man who has wrong against me. Ps.18.49 so i will praise you among the nations, o lord, and sing to your name. Ps.18.50 he has granted the salvation of his king, and shows mercy to his christ, to david and to his offspring forever. Ps.19.1 to the musice. cantied of david. the heavens proclaim the glory of god, and the strength declares the work of his hands. Ps.19.2 a day proclaimed a word, and the night declares knowledge. Ps.19.3 a day is not proud, nor words, which their voies does not listen. Ps.19.4 their voice has gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. in the sun he has set his tent. Ps.19.5 so it is as a bridegroom coming out of his household, it is rejoicing as a braves to corry his way. Ps.19.6 the passion of it is from a end of heaven, and his course is at the ends of heaven, and there is no one who finds his course. Ps.19.7 the law of the lord is perfect, he turn the soul. the testimony of the lord is faithful, she deceives children. Ps.19.8 the righteous deeds of the lord are right, they rejoice the heart. the commandment of the lord is pure, it is full of eyes. Ps.19.9 the commandments of the lord are pure, they continues forever. the judgments of the lord are true, they are just justified. Ps.19.10 they are means more than gold, and more of honor, and dulked than honey and honning. Ps.19.11 as much is that your servant guard them, so as to keep them, is a great reward. Ps.19.12 who recognies the trespasses of them? purify me from my secret. Ps.19.13 give attention to the deeds of your servants, and show me not. then i will be perfect and be clean from a great sin. Ps.19.14 let my word and my heart be pleasure in your presence, o lord, my held and my redemptor. Ps.20.1 to the musice. psalm of david. o lord, let the lord listen to you on the day of tribulation, the name of the god of jacob will be encouraged you. Ps.20.2 let your help come from the holy places and help you from zion! Ps.20.3 he must remember all your sacrifices, and give fast your holocauste. ( sela. ) Ps.20.4 let him give you according to your heart, and fulfill all your plan. Ps.20.5 so we will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our god we will magnify our god. let the lord fulfill all your deeds. Ps.20.6 now i know that the lord has salvated his anointed, he will exaudi him from his holy heaven, by the strength of salvation of his right hand. Ps.20.7 indeed, these are in their chars, some in hors, but we glorify the name of the lord our god. Ps.20.8 they drew down and fell, but we are remained, and we are set fast. Ps.20.9 o lord, save your king, and exaud us on the day when we call. Ps.21.1 to the musice. a salm of david. o lord, the king will rejoice in your power, and you will rejoice at your salvation. Ps.21.2 you gave him the desires of his soul, and you gave him not the desire of his lips. ( sela. ) Ps.21.3 for you have come before him with blessed blessing, you put on his head a crown of precious crowns. Ps.21.4 you asked you a life, and you gave him a longer of days forever. Ps.21.5 in your salvation was great glory, you gave him glory and majesty. Ps.21.6 for you have given him a blessing forever, you have rejoiced him with joy with your face. Ps.21.7 for you rejoices in the lord, and because of the mercy of the most high he will not be shaken. Ps.21.8 your hand will find your hand to all your enemies, your right hand will leave those who hates you. Ps.21.9 you will put them in the flame of fire, in the time of your face. the lord will strike them in his wrath, and fire will consume them. Ps.21.10 you will destroy their fruit from the earth, and their offspring from the sons of men. Ps.21.11 for they have taken evil against you, disputed its consels, they cannot find it. Ps.21.12 for you will put them in beyond the winds, you will prepare their face to your winds. Ps.21.13 be exalted, o lord, by your power; we will singe and loving your strength. Ps.22.1 to the lord, my god, why do you left me? why are you far longer from my salvation, the words of my trespasses? Ps.22.2 my god, i am crying out day, and you will not listen. and in the night i will not make my open. Ps.22.3 but you are holy, you who dwells in the praise of israel. Ps.22.4 so our fathers confided in you, they confied, and you delivered them. Ps.22.5 they cried out to you and were saved, they confided in you, and they were not entrusted. Ps.22.6 so i am a warm, and not a man, dishonor of people and despising people. Ps.22.7 but i, a man who looks about me, spot with their lips, deceive out, saying, Ps.22.8 they have been confidence in the lord; let him save him, let him save him, for he desires him. Ps.22.9 for you are the one who drew me out of the child, my hope in the bord of my mother. Ps.22.10 you have carried out over you from the moot, from the moot of my mother you are my god. Ps.22.11 do not be away from me, for tribulation is near, for there is no helper. Ps.22.12 fear, o lord, do not be alarmed, for there is no helper for me. Ps.22.13 they open their mouth against me, like a leating leating and broken. Ps.22.14 i have flored out like water, and all my bears are scattered, my heart is like a horn, i have been strailed in my womb. Ps.22.15 i am wicked as a tongeer, and my tongue hold fast to my mouth, and you have brought me down in the ground of death. Ps.22.16 for hunds are around me, a multitude of evil are carried around me, they grow my hands and my feet. Ps.22.17 for they look off all my bene, they show me and show me. Ps.22.18 they make my garments among themselves, and on my clothing they cast lots. Ps.22.19 but you, o lord, do not be distress; have my help to help me. Ps.22.20 o god, escape my life from the sword, my only birdence from the doir. Ps.22.21 save me from the mouth of a lion, and my affliction from the horns of the builds. Ps.22.22 let me tell your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation i will sing your praise. Ps.22.23 i will tell you, you who fear the lord, glorify him, all the offspring of jacob, glorify him, all the offspring of israel. Ps.22.24 for he does not despise or despise the affliction of the poor; he did not cast his face from him, and when he cried to him, he heard. Ps.22.25 for he has rejected my honor in a great church, and i will pay my gelves before those who fear him. Ps.22.26 the poor will eat and be saved, those who seek him will love the lord. their hearts shall live forever. Ps.22.27 the honor of the people will remember and turn to the lord. all the families of the nations will worship you. Ps.22.28 for the kingdom is of the lord, and he is dominer over the nations. Ps.22.29 all the ones of the earth will eat and worship, all who descends on the ground will fall before him, and they will not live in his life. Ps.22.30 the offspring will serve him, and the lord will preach the day of coming. Ps.22.31 they will proclaim his righteousness to the people that will be born, for he has done it. Ps.23.1 a salm of david. the lord is my shepherd, nothing will be lacking. Ps.23.2 he dwells me in wealth of graves, he grows me upon the rest of rest. Ps.23.3 he turn my soul. he guides me on the sends of righteousness for his name. Ps.23.4 even if i go in the midst of the shadow of death, i will not fear evil, for you are with me. your scepter and your back do me console me. Ps.23.5 you prepares a table for me before my enemies, you anointed my head with olie, my cup is grained. Ps.23.6 yet all the days of my life and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of the lord for long days. Ps.24.1 of david. the earth is the lord and the fullness of it, the world and those who dwell in it. Ps.24.2 for he has created it on the sea, and has prepared it on the rivers. Ps.24.3 who will go up on the mountain of the lord, and who will stand in his holy place? Ps.24.4 he who is innocent hands and pure in heart, who does not keep his soul against vain, and does not swear in deceit. Ps.24.5 he will receive a blessing from the lord, and righteousness from the god of his savior. Ps.24.6 this is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, o god of jacob. ( sela. ) Ps.24.7 arise, o gates, your rulers, and learn of eternal, leave, and the king of glory enter. Ps.24.8 who is this king of glory? the lord, strong and strong, the lord, strong in war. Ps.24.9 arise, o gates, your rulers, and learn of eternal, leave, and the king of glory enter. Ps.24.10 who is this king of glory? the lord of heirs, he is the king of glory. ( sela. ) Ps.25.1 of david. to you, o lord, i liffe my soul. Ps.25.2 o god, i hope in you. do not be put to shame, let my enemies not shame on me. Ps.25.3 no one who endures you will be put to shame, they will be put to shame, they will be ashamed. Ps.25.4 o lord, tell me your ways, teach me your paths. Ps.25.5 lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the god of my salvater. i look in you all the day. Ps.25.6 remember, o lord, of your mercy and of your mercy, for they are from age. Ps.25.7 do not remember the sins of my little, or of my deeds. remember me in your mercy, for your bondness, o lord. Ps.25.8 the lord is good and right, therefore he lears the sinners in the way. Ps.25.9 he will guide the devout in judgment, and learing the devout his way. Ps.25.10 all the ways of the lord are mercy and truth for those who do his covenant and his testimony. Ps.25.11 for your name, o lord, forgive my sins, for it is great. Ps.25.12 who is the man who fear the lord? he will learn him in the way that he will deny. Ps.25.13 his soul will live in good things, and his offspring will inherit the earth. Ps.25.14 the power of the lord is for those who fear him, and his covenant show them. Ps.25.15 my eyes are always set to the lord, for he will escape my feet from the snare. Ps.25.16 turn up to me and have mercy on me, for i am only and poor. Ps.25.17 the afflictions of my heart are worshiped, led me out of my affliction. Ps.25.18 consider my affliction and my moil, and forgive all my sins. Ps.25.19 see my enemies, for they are many, and they hated me with false hair. Ps.25.20 keep my soul and deliver me, do not be put to shame, for i am confidence in you. Ps.25.21 let innocence and reason keep me, for i am waiting on you. Ps.25.22 o god, redey israel from all his afflictions. Ps.26.1 of david. judge me, o lord, for i am walking in my innocent. i hope in the lord, i will not fall. Ps.26.2 experies me, lord, and test me, reprove my nives and my heart. Ps.26.3 for your mercy is before my eyes, and i have walking in your truth. Ps.26.4 i did not sit with foolish people, i will not come with foolish people. Ps.26.5 i hated the church of the evil ones, and with the ungodly i do not sit. Ps.26.6 i wash my hands in innocent, and i will walke on your altar, o lord, Ps.26.7 to hear the voice of praise and to tell all your wonders. Ps.26.8 o lord, i loved your house, the place where your glory dwells. Ps.26.9 do not destroy my soul with the ungodly, neither with the sinners of blood. Ps.26.10 in their hands their deeds are wrong, and their right hand is full of gift. Ps.26.11 but i am going in my innocence; redey me and have mercy on me. Ps.26.12 my foot stood in the right way; in the churches i will praise the lord. Ps.27.1 of david. the lord is my light and my salvation; of whom shall i fear? the lord is my helper, for whom shall i fear? Ps.27.2 when the evil people draw near to eat my flesh, my enemies and my enemies, they fall and fall. Ps.27.3 if a least attacks against me, my heart will not fear; if a bath rise against me, i will hope. Ps.27.4 for one i asked from the lord, this i will seek, that i may dwelling in the house of the lord all the days of my life, to see the guard of the lord and respect his temple. Ps.27.5 for he will keep me in his tent in the day of evil, he will keep me in the secret of his tent, he exalts me on a rock. Ps.27.6 now my head will be exalted over my enemies who are around me, and i will offert on his tent sacrifice of jubling, i will sing and praise the lord. Ps.27.7 o lord, hear my voice, when i cries, have mercy on me and listen to me. Ps.27.8 my heart said to you, seek my face! i will seek your face, o lord. Ps.27.9 do not escond your face from me, do not turn in wrath to your servant. you are my helper, do not forgive me and do not forgive me, o god of my salvation. Ps.27.10 for my father and my mother have forgiven me, but the lord will receive me. Ps.27.11 teach me, lord, your way, and lead me in a right strae for the sake of my enemies. Ps.27.12 do not overgive me to the soul of my enemies, for false witnesses stood up against me and the false food. Ps.27.13 i do not believe that i should see the good of the lord in the land of living. Ps.27.14 expect the lord, be strong, and let your heart be strengthened, and expect the lord. Ps.28.1 of david. to you, lord, i am crying out, my god, do not be silent from me. if you have silent from me, i may be like those who are down into the well. Ps.28.2 hear the voice of my supplication, when i am crying out to you, when i bear my hands to your holy temple. Ps.28.3 do not destroy me with the gottloses and with those who do ungodly, who speak peace to his neighbor, but evil is in their hearts. Ps.28.4 give them according to their deeds and according to the malice of their deeds. give them according to the work of their hands, pay them their reward. Ps.28.5 for they do not understand the works of the lord or the works of his hands, he will destroy them and not build them. Ps.28.6 blessed be the lord, for he has heard the voice of my prayers. Ps.28.7 the lord is my helper and my escud, my heart has confied in him, and i was helped. so my flesh will be excellent, and by my sang i will praise him. Ps.28.8 the lord is his strength, and he is a salvation of salvation for his anointed. Ps.28.9 save your people, and blessed your inheritance, and weide them and lead them forever. Ps.29.1 a psalm of david. give to the lord, you sons of god, give to the lord glory and praise. Ps.29.2 give to the lord the glory of his name, worship the lord in a holy glory. Ps.29.3 the voice of the lord is upon the waters, the god of glory donds, the lord over many waters. Ps.29.4 the voice of the lord is with power, the voice of the lord is glory. Ps.29.5 the voice of the lord brise cedres, and the lord brise the seders of liban. Ps.29.6 and he stricks them as a kalf, liban and sirion as a best bound. Ps.29.7 the voice of the lord spreads a flame of fire. Ps.29.8 the voice of the lord shakes the wilderness, the lord bears the wilderness of cades. Ps.29.9 the voice of the lord produces a cers, and he deceives the ters. in his temple every one says glory. Ps.29.10 the lord remains on the flood, and the lord remains as a king forever. Ps.29.11 the lord will give power to his people, the lord blessed his people in peace. Ps.30.1 to the musice. a salmon for the indication of the house. o lord, i will bear you up, for you have received me and did not rejoice my enemies against me. Ps.30.2 o lord, my god, i cried out to you, and you have healed me. Ps.30.3 o lord, you brought my soul out of the sheol, you gave me away from those who are descended into the doil. Ps.30.4 psalmsing to the lord, you his saints, and thank his holy name. Ps.30.5 for his wrath is a wrath, but in his will is life. in the soir there will be weeping, and in the morning a joy. Ps.30.6 for i, in my reason, i said, i will never wands. Ps.30.7 o lord, by your will you have kept my call for my power. you looked up your face, and i was troubled. Ps.30.8 to you, o lord, i cried out to you, and i was prayed to the lord. Ps.30.9 what profit will have in my blood, when i come down in the ground? will the spring praise you? will he proclaim your truth? Ps.30.10 hear, o lord, and have mercy on me, o lord, be my helper. Ps.30.11 rejoice, o god, and please me! here, be my god! Ps.30.12 so that my glory may sing to you and not burn. o lord, my god, i will praise you forever. Ps.31.1 to the musice of the musiekleier. of david. at you, o lord, i turn. let me never be ashamed, red me in your righteousness. Ps.31.2 bring your hand to me, keep quickly to save me. be for me a excellence, a house of refuge, to save me. Ps.31.3 let me be my burden and my burn, and for your name you will lead me and walk me. Ps.31.4 led me out of the net that they have caken for me, for you are my helper. Ps.31.5 in your hand i will put my spirit. you have delivered me, o lord, god of the truth! Ps.31.6 in your hand i bring my hand, o god, for you have lifted up your hand, o god. Ps.31.7 i will rejoice and rejoice in your mercy, for you saw my affliction. you have made my soul in the affliction of my soul. Ps.31.8 and you will not cease me in the hand of enemy, you have put my feet in a further place. Ps.31.9 o god, have mercy on me, for i am in tribulation; my eye is troubled in my heart, my soul and my body. Ps.31.10 fear me, o lord, for in angustia is my life, and my years in suffering. my power has beaten in my affliction, and my bodies are troubled. Ps.31.11 i have become a reproach for all my enemies, in reproach for my neighbors, and fear for my known, those who see me outside. Ps.31.12 i have been hardened as a dead in his heart, i have become a destructed vase. Ps.31.13 for i hear the ground of many, surrounding rest around, when they gathered together against me, they desire to receive my life. Ps.31.14 but i, o lord, i turn on you, i said, you are my god. Ps.31.15 yet i, o lord, i look to you; i say: you are my god. Ps.31.16 in your hand be strengthened for your servant, save me by your mercy. Ps.31.17 o lord, let it not be put to shame, for i am called you. the ungodly be put to shame and fall down in the sheol. Ps.31.18 let the false lips share, those who speak against the righteous with fieress and despise. Ps.31.19 what much is your kindness, which you have hidden for those who fear you and have made good to those who dwell on you before the people. Ps.31.20 how much do you occupe them in the hidden of your face for the trouble of people, you will woil them in the tent for the discussion of tongues. Ps.31.21 blessed be the lord, for he has directed his mercy in a belonging city. Ps.31.22 in my expectation i said, i have been taken away from your presence. but you heard the voice of my supplication, when i cried out to you. Ps.31.23 love the lord, all his holy. the lord requers the truth, and he repay the ground to those who do arrogant. Ps.31.24 be strong, and let your hearts be strong, you all who hope in the lord. Ps.32.1 a calling of david. blessed is the one whom their deeds have forgiven, whose sins are covered. Ps.32.2 blessed is the man where the lord does not count his sin and in whom his mouth is no deceit! Ps.32.3 when i was silent, my bears were shaken, since i was crying out all the day. Ps.32.4 for day and night your hand was carried upon me, my ruck has rushed in the wildness of thorns. ( sela. ) Ps.32.5 i made known to you my sin, and i did not count my deeds. i said, i will proclaim my deeds to the lord. and you have forgiven the transgression of my sins. ( sela. ) Ps.32.6 for this time everyone who is holy will be praying to you in the time of reason. only when many waters brings, they will not come to him. Ps.32.7 you are my refusion, you will walk me out of tribulation, with a joy of redemption. ( sela. ) Ps.32.8 i will instruct you and give you the way that you will go. i will show my eyes on you. Ps.32.9 do not be like a horse or as a muild, which are not understanding, which their baskets are with burn and gate, so that they may not come near to you. Ps.32.10 the deeds of the ungodly are many, but the one who confids in the lord will warn his mercy. Ps.32.11 rejoice in the lord, and rejoice, you righteous, and rejoice, you righteous hearts. Ps.33.1 rejoice in the lord, you righteous, for the righteous is the praise of praise. Ps.33.2 give thanks to the lord with a harp, sing to him with the instruments of the tenth. Ps.33.3 sing to him a new sang, proclaim good with joy. Ps.33.4 for the word of the lord is right, and all his works are faithful. Ps.33.5 he loves justice and judgment. the earth is full of the mercy of the lord. Ps.33.6 by the word of the lord the heavens were made strong, and with the spirit of his mouth all their power. Ps.33.7 he gather the water of the sea as in a burg, he put the ground in the treasures. Ps.33.8 let all the earth fear the lord, let all the inhabitants of the world be treated for him. Ps.33.9 for he said, and it was; he commanded, and it was created. Ps.33.10 the lord destroy the will of the nations, he despise the thoughts of the people. Ps.33.11 the plan of the lord abides forever, the thoughts of his heart for every generation. Ps.33.12 blessed is the people where the lord is his god, the people that he has chosen for his inheritance. Ps.33.13 the lord looks from heaven, he sees all the children of man. Ps.33.14 from his dwelling place he looks on all who dwell in the earth. Ps.33.15 he who has forced their hearts for all, who understand all their works. Ps.33.16 the king does not escape through great power, the held does not escape by the great power. Ps.33.17 the horse is false for salvation, and by his great power he will not escape. Ps.33.18 behold, the eyes of the lord are upon those who fear him, on those who hope in his mercy. Ps.33.19 for to deliver their souls from death and to keep them in life in food. Ps.33.20 our soul endures the lord, he is our help and our scuth. Ps.33.21 for in him our heart will rejoice, for we have confidence in his holy name. Ps.33.22 let your mercy be upon us, as we have confidence in you. Ps.34.1 of david, when he could share his face before abimelech, he released him and went away. i will bless the lord in every time, his praise in my mouth continuing. Ps.34.2 in the lord my soul will be commended, the deeds hear and rejoice. Ps.34.3 glorify the lord with me, and we will exalts his name in all things. Ps.34.4 i were seeking the lord, and he answered me, and he delivered me from all my distress. Ps.34.5 i respected him, and they were revealed, and their faces will not be put to shame. Ps.34.6 this poor man cried out, and the lord heard, and he saved him out of all his afflictions. Ps.34.7 the angel of the lord dwells around those who fear him and deliver them. Ps.34.8 let your regard and see that the lord is good! blessed is the man who confies in him! Ps.34.9 fear the lord, you his saints, for there is no need to those who fear him. Ps.34.10 let the rich fall and hungry, but those who seek the lord do not fease anything that is good. Ps.34.11 so come, children, hear me; i will teach you the fear of the lord. Ps.34.12 who is it who desires life and loves good days to see good? Ps.34.13 do you keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. Ps.34.14 let your regard from evil and do good; seek peace and follow it. Ps.34.15 let the eyes of the lord be upon the righteous, and his ears as their prayers. Ps.34.16 the face of the lord is against those who do evil, to destroy their member from the earth. Ps.34.17 the righteous cries, and the lord lives, and he delivered them from all their afflictions. Ps.34.18 the lord is near those who are broken heart, and he will save those who are afflicted by the spirit. Ps.34.19 many are the affliction of the righteous, but from all him remains he. Ps.34.20 god remains all his benefit, no one of them will be broken. Ps.34.21 he will destroy the evil people, and those who hates the righteous will be wrong. Ps.34.22 at an opportunity the lord redees the soul of his servants, and no one who confies in him will be wrong. Ps.35.1 of david. justify, lord, with those who belong me; strive to those who strives me. Ps.35.2 take a pig and a scut, and rise to my help. Ps.35.3 break a sword and shut out the people who persecute me, tell to my soul, i am your salvation. Ps.35.4 let them be ashamed and turn, those who seek to me! let them return and be put to shame, those who reason for evil to me. Ps.35.5 let them be like pell before the wind, and the angel of the lord strike them out. Ps.35.6 let their way be darkness and hard, and the angel of the lord persecute them. Ps.35.7 for without paying they have caken for me their netch, for without cause they have caken for my life. Ps.35.8 let him come to them a strict that he does not know, and the strick that they have caken let him take him, and let him fall in his snare. Ps.35.9 but my soul will rejoice in the lord, will be rejoiced in his salvation. Ps.35.10 all my bears will say, lord, who is like you, who deliver the poor from him who is greater than he, and the poor and the poor from the who plunder him? Ps.35.11 false witnesses stood up, they ask me what i do not know. Ps.35.12 they give me evil for good, and my soul is dishonor. Ps.35.13 now while they were afflicted, i was clothed with sack, i wounded my life with fasting, and my prayer turned to my side. Ps.35.14 i was doing, as though i was a neighbor and a brother, i walked as a mourn. Ps.35.15 but when they were rejoicing, they rejoiced, and they gathered together. stricked people gathered against me, and they did not know them. they were scattered, and they did not cease. Ps.35.16 by defiling me, they deceive me with spot, directed their teeth against me. Ps.35.17 o lord, how long you will see? repay my life from their affliction, my only people from the leons. Ps.35.18 i will praise you in the great congregation, in a great people i will praise you. Ps.35.19 let not those who hates me rejoice in me, and let those who hates me without cause. Ps.35.20 for they do not speak of peace, but deceive deceit against those of the land. Ps.35.21 they break their mouth against me, they say, ha, ha, our eyes saw it! Ps.35.22 you have seen it, o lord, do not silence; o lord, do not be deceived from me. Ps.35.23 rise and expect me for my judgment, my god and my lord, in my judgment. Ps.35.24 judge me according to your righteousness, o lord, my god, and let them not rejoice with me. Ps.35.25 let them not say in their hearts, ha, our life! do not say: we have devored him. Ps.35.26 let those who rejoice on my affliction be put to shame and be ashamed. let them be put in shame and in shame those who grows against me. Ps.35.27 let those who desire my righteousness will rejoice and rejoice, and let them always say, magnified be the lord, who desires the peace of his servant! Ps.35.28 and my tongue will proclaim your righteousness, and your praise every day. Ps.36.1 to the musice. to david, the servant of the lord. the believing man says to sin in himself, there is no fear of god before his eyes. Ps.36.2 for he is pleased in his presence, that his lawlessness will find out and hating. Ps.36.3 the words of his mouth is ungodly and deceit, he was not willing to understand and do good. Ps.36.4 he deceives evil on his bed, it is a deceive that is not good, he does not turn of evil. Ps.36.5 o lord, your mercy is in heaven, and your truth until the cloud. Ps.36.6 your righteousness is like the mountain of god, your judgments is a great pit. o lord, you save people and beast. Ps.36.7 how much is your mercy, o god! and the sons of men are hope in the shadow of your wings. Ps.36.8 what is difficulty for your own god, you give them drink in the spring of your delivering. Ps.36.9 in you are the spring of life, and in your light we see light. Ps.36.10 for in your way we are reconciled to those who know you, and your righteousness to those who are right in the heart. Ps.36.11 let no opportunity come upon me, and the hand of the gottloses do not shaken me. Ps.36.12 there fall the workers of lawlessness, they are broken, and they cannot stand. Ps.37.1 of david. do not provoke up for those who do evil, do not jealousy those who do evil. Ps.37.2 for soon as grass will they turn quickly, and like a grain of grass will they fall. Ps.37.3 confid in the lord and do good, live in the land and be honged in his riches. Ps.37.4 be glad in the lord, and he will give you the prayers of your heart. Ps.37.5 put your way to the lord, and confie in him, and he will do it. Ps.37.6 and he will bring your righteousness out as light and your judgment like the midday. Ps.37.7 be suffering before the lord and suffer him. do not provoke out because of the one who is prospered in his way, for the man who does out of lawlessness. Ps.37.8 keep away from wrath and forgive your wrath, do not provoke up, so that it may be doing evil. Ps.37.9 for the evil people will be destroyed, but those who endures in the lord will inherit the earth. Ps.37.10 still a little while and the sinner will not be, and you will seek for his place, and he will be not found. Ps.37.11 but the deeds will inherit the earth, and they will rejoice in many peace. Ps.37.12 the ungodly directs against the righteous and stricks against him with his teeth. Ps.37.13 the lord rives for him, for he sees that his day comes. Ps.37.14 the deeds are saved a sword and spend their boog, to throw down the poor and poor, to strike those who are right in the heart. Ps.37.15 but their sword will enter their hearts, and their bogen will be broken. Ps.37.16 the little one of the righteous is better than the riches of many people. Ps.37.17 for the arms of the impies will be broken, but the lord endures the righteous. Ps.37.18 the lord knows the ways of the sincere, and their inheritance will be forever. Ps.37.19 they will not be put to shame in time of evil, and in the days of famine they will be satisfied. Ps.37.20 for the sinners will perish, and the enemies of the lord will shame as the rops of the smoke, they destroy like smoke. Ps.37.21 the ungodly pronows and does not repay, but the righteous is mercy and gives. Ps.37.22 for those who bless him will inherit the earth, but those who curse him will be destroyed. Ps.37.23 the passions of a man is made from the lord, and he desires his way. Ps.37.24 if he falls, it will not be thrown away, for the lord opposes his hand. Ps.37.25 i was a young, and i was raised, but i did not see the righteous left, nor his offspring seeking bread. Ps.37.26 he has continued on all days and lained, and his offspring are in blessing. Ps.37.27 keep away from evil and do the good, and you will live forever. Ps.37.28 for the lord loves the judgment, and he does not forgive his saints. they will be kept forever, but the offspring of the impies will be destroyed. Ps.37.29 the righteous will inherit the earth and live forever in it. Ps.37.30 the mouth of the righteous spread wisdom, and his tongue speaks of judgment. Ps.37.31 the law of his god is in his heart, his passions will not be shaken. Ps.37.32 the ungodly consider the righteous and seek to put him to death. Ps.37.33 but the lord does not forgive him in his hand, and he will not condemne him when he judges. Ps.37.34 expect the lord and keep his way, and he will bear you up to inherit the earth. you will see, when the impies are destroyed. Ps.37.35 i saw a impie who was excellent and districted as a ground ground. Ps.37.36 but he went away, and behold, it was not there; i were seeking him, but he was not found. Ps.37.37 consider the innocent and see the right, for there is the rest of a man of peace. Ps.37.38 but the transgressions will be destroyed together, the rest of the impies will be destroyed. Ps.37.39 the salvation of the righteous is from the lord, he is their salvation at the time of tribulation. Ps.37.40 and the lord help them and deliver them, and he will deliver them from the impies and save them, for they confids in him. Ps.38.1 of david. to remember of the sabbath. o lord, do not rebuke me in your wrath, nor do you discipline me in your wrath. Ps.38.2 for your pights have turned upon me, and your hand is strengthened upon me. Ps.38.3 there is no healing in my flesh for your wrath. there is no peace for my bonds, because of my sins. Ps.38.4 for my deeds are exalted my head, like a burden burd, they were greatly carried. Ps.38.5 my deeds are thoned and threw, because of my foolish. Ps.38.6 i am afflicted and taken off, i am walking in the whole day. Ps.38.7 for my foolis are filled, and there is no healing in my flesh. Ps.38.8 i have been afflicted and greatly afflicted, i am broken in my hearts of my heart. Ps.38.9 o lord, all my desires are before you, and my groaning is not skjult for you. Ps.38.10 i am troubled in my heart, my power has left me, and the light of my eyes is not with me. Ps.38.11 my daughter and my neighbor drew near from my presence, and my neighbors resist from a distance. Ps.38.12 those who seek to me belongs to me, and those who seek to me speak for me, they speak in deceitfulness all the day. Ps.38.13 but i, the one who lives, are not listen, and as a certle who does not open his mouth. Ps.38.14 i am like a man who does not listen and in whom his mouth is no reproach. Ps.38.15 i, o lord, i turn in you, you will answer, lord my god. Ps.38.16 i think, not that my enemies may rejoice over me, and when my feet shakes, they magnify against me. Ps.38.17 for i am reason to be stricked, and my wheat is always before me. Ps.38.18 for i proclaim my deeds, and i will be anxious for my sin. Ps.38.19 but i do, my enemies live and are strengthened, and those who hates me are many. Ps.38.20 those who repay evil for good are me, because they persecuted what is right. Ps.38.21 i do not forgive me, lord, my god, do not depart from me. Ps.38.22 let not keep me to help, o lord, my salvation! Ps.39.1 to the musice to the musice. of jeduthun. of david. i said, i will keep my ways, so that i may not sin in my tongue. i have kept my mouth in guard, when the gottlose stand in my presence. Ps.39.2 i was afraid, and i was silent, and i was silent in what was good, and my affliction was tounded. Ps.39.3 i was wicked in my heart, when i was about, a fire was burned. so i spoke with my tongue, Ps.39.4 my passion is known to me, lord, and how is the number of my days, so that i may know how i am lacking. Ps.39.5 behold, you have made an old time for my days, and my course is not in your presence. all people are to live at all things. ( sela. ) Ps.39.6 look, a man has passed in a bilder; only in vain they are troubled, it holds up, and no one knows what he will gather. Ps.39.7 now how is my endurance, o lord? my steadfastness is in you. Ps.39.8 deliver me from all my deeds, do not put me to the reproach of a foolish. Ps.39.9 let my regard, and i will not open my mouth, for you are the one who has done me. Ps.39.10 take away your plagues from me, for the strength of your hand i am consumed. Ps.39.11 so when you punish a man for his wrongdoing, you destroy him as a hair. only all people are turn. ( sela. ) Ps.39.12 hear my prayer, o lord, and listen to my prayer. do not silence in my tears, for i am a fremder among you, a stranger, as all my fathers. Ps.39.13 leave me, that i may keep down before i go from, and i will not be still. Ps.40.1 to the musice. by david. a salm. i have continued in attention to the lord, and he began attention to me and heard my supplication. Ps.40.2 he lifted me up from a burning grave, from the brod of lood, and he set my feet on a rock, and has prepared my passions. Ps.40.3 he put in my mouth a new sang, a sing for our god. many will see it and fear, and they will hope in the lord. Ps.40.4 he has encouraged for the lord, for his prayers is blessed, and he does not looke on the devout ones of god! Ps.40.5 how much do you do, o lord, my god, your wonders and your thoughts. no one will be like you? i proclaim and spoke, they are many than a number. Ps.40.6 sacrifices and offerings you did not please; you have prepared my ears; holocauste and sacrifice you did you not ask. Ps.40.7 so i said, behold, i am come; in the rook of the book it is written about me. Ps.40.8 i desire your will, o god, i desire, and your law is in my heart. Ps.40.9 i have preached righteousness in a great church, behold, i do not keep my lips, o lord, you know it. Ps.40.10 i did not keep your righteousness in my heart, i told your truth and your salvation, i did not keep your mercy and your truth from a great multitude. Ps.40.11 u not be afraid, o lord, your mercy from me! your mercy and your truth keep me always. Ps.40.12 for unnumber of number of number belong around me, my deeds have welcomed me, and i was not able to see; they are many than the hair of my head, and my heart has forgiven me. Ps.40.13 please me, lord, to deliver me. show, o lord, to help me. Ps.40.14 let them be put to shame and turn at honor those who seek to me to destroy it. let them return and be humilied those who desire to do me evil! Ps.40.15 let them be restrained by their shame those who say of me, ha, ha! Ps.40.16 let all who seek your salvation rejoice and rejoice over you. let those who love your salvation say always: magnified be the lord! Ps.40.17 o lord, i am a poor and poor, the lord rebuked me. you are my help and my helper, my god, do not spend. Ps.41.1 to the musice. psalm of david. blessed is the one who consiste to the poor and to the poor. on the day of evil the lord will deliver him. Ps.41.2 god will guard and love him, and he will blessed him in the earth, and you will not give him in the hand of his enemies. Ps.41.3 the lord will help him on the bed of anguish, you will turn all his sound in his affliction. Ps.41.4 i said, o lord, have mercy on me, heal my life, for i have sinned against you. Ps.41.5 i said, o, my enemies, saying to me, how will he die, and his name will perish? Ps.41.6 though it comes to see me, he speak in vain; his heart has gathered wrong for himself, he goes out outside and speaks. Ps.41.7 in my case they mourn all my adversaries against me; they deceive evil against me. Ps.41.8 so they direct evil against me, and though he has fallen asleep, he will never rise. Ps.41.9 the one who dwells in my life, which i have confiaved, who ate my bread, has taken up their calves against me. Ps.41.10 yet i, o lord, have mercy on me and rebuke me, and i will repay them. Ps.41.11 by this i know that you have mercy on me, that my enemy will not turn upon me. Ps.41.12 but i help me in my innocent, and you have put me in your presence forever. Ps.41.13 blessed be the lord, the god of israel, from ever and forever! amen and amen. Ps.42.1 to the musiekleier, to gathering to the sons of coré. it is the way of my soul at the waters of the waters. so my soul draws for you, o god. Ps.42.2 so my soul thirst god, the living god. when will i come and appear to the face of god? Ps.42.3 my tears have been for me day and night, when every day they said to me, where is your god? Ps.42.4 i remembered these things, and delivered my soul on me, since i went on the place of a tent, in the house of god with the voice of joy and praise, with the ground of feast of feast. Ps.42.5 why are you troubled, my soul, and why are you troubling in me? hope on god, for i will praise him, the salvation of my face and my god. Ps.42.6 o god, my life is troubled for me, therefore i remember you from the land of the jordan and the hermonites, from the hill mountain. Ps.42.7 i call the bottomless pit to the shum of your winds; all your wings and your shults passed over me. Ps.42.8 in the day the lord will command his mercy, and in the night it will be with me, prayer for the god of my life. Ps.42.9 i will say to god, my helper: why have you have forgotten me? why do i go in weaking because of the enemy of the enemy? Ps.42.10 i will break my ligs, so i say to me, when they say to me every day: where is your god? Ps.42.11 why are you troubled, my soul, and why are you troubling in me? hope on god, for i will praise him, the salvation of my face and my god. Ps.43.1 judge me, o god, and justify my defense against a ungodly nation. red me from a man of ungodly and deceive. Ps.43.2 for you are the god of my power, why have you rejected me? why do i go in weaking because of the oppression of the enemy? Ps.43.3 send your light and your truth, that they may lead me and bring me to your holy mountain and to your dwelling place. Ps.43.4 so i will come to the altar of god, to the god of my joining, and i will praise you with a harp, o god, my god! Ps.43.5 why are you troubled, my soul, and why are you troubling in me? hope on god, for i will praise him, the salvation of my face and my god. Ps.44.1 to the musice. the sons of coré. change. o god, we have heard in our ears, our fathers told us the work that you have done in their days, in the beginning of the beginning. Ps.44.2 o god, we have trouble the nations, and you have planted them. you have defiled people and stricted them. Ps.44.3 for they did not inherit the land with their sword, and their arm was not saved them, but your right hand and your arm and the light of your face, because you had been pleased in them. Ps.44.4 o god, you are my king, command the salvation of jacob. Ps.44.5 in your hand we make our enemies, with your name we will despise our adversaries. Ps.44.6 in our hand we will not turn, and my sword will not save me. Ps.44.7 for i deliver us from our enemies, and you have put to shame to those who hates us. Ps.44.8 in god we will praise every day, and we will confess your name forever. ( sela. ) Ps.44.9 yet we have put down and put us to shame, and you will not go out among our held. Ps.44.10 you have taken us away from our enemies, and those who hates us roes for themselves. Ps.44.11 you gave us to eat as sheep, and you scattered us among the nations. Ps.44.12 you have delivered your people without a proce of honor, and you have no number in their changes. Ps.44.13 you make us reproach for our neighbors, spotter and spotter for those who dwell around us. Ps.44.14 you have made us a proverbe among the nations, to share of head among the people. Ps.44.15 for all the days i shame on my face, so i show me the shame of my face. Ps.44.16 for the voice of reproach and deliver, because of the enemy and a wraak. Ps.44.17 all these things they have come upon us, and we did not forgive you, and we did not wrong your covenant. Ps.44.18 we did not deceive our heart, and we have deceived our paths from your way. Ps.44.19 we have defiled us in the place of affliction, and has covered us in the shadow of death. Ps.44.20 but we have denied the name of our god, and have stretched our hands to another god, Ps.44.21 do we not find this god? for he knows the secret of the heart. Ps.44.22 do we not be death for your sake all the day, we are counted as sheep for a slaughter. Ps.44.23 rise! why are you sleeping, lord? rise, do not put away in the end. Ps.44.24 beg your face, why are you hard of our affliction and of our tribulation? Ps.44.25 why do we strick our heart to the ground, our light attacks to the earth? Ps.44.26 rise, o lord, help us, and redeem us for your name. Ps.45.1 to the musice to the musice. to gatheroth. a musik of the sons of coré. o instrumenty of a beloved. my heart is graved in a good word. i say, i do to the king my works, my tongue is a call of a scroll. Ps.45.2 nevertheless, you is beautiful than the sons of man. grace is poured out of your lips. so god blessed you forever. Ps.45.3 show yourself, o god, for your sake is well made, for the glory of god is your god. Ps.45.4 let your right hand be held in your strength, for the truth, the gentleness and the righteousness, and your right hand will lead you astray. Ps.45.5 your power is directed, the nations will fall under you, in the heart of the enemies of the king. Ps.45.6 o god, your throne is forever, the scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of proud. Ps.45.7 you loved righteousness and hates wrath; therefore god, your god, has anointed you with the oil of joy than your companions. Ps.45.8 you love god of god, for god has hated your god, your god has made your god the god of the god of your god. Ps.45.9 the daughter of kings are in your strength, the reine stood at your right hand with or of gold. Ps.45.10 o daughter, hear, see, incline your ear, and forge your people and the house of your father, Ps.45.11 look, o king, your belonging, for he is your lord. Ps.45.12 and the daughter of tyre will be offered with gifts, and the rich man of your people will keep your face to him. Ps.45.13 the daughter of the king is in all his glory; his clothing is in the strength of gold. Ps.45.14 there will be carried for the king, daughters after her, her neighbors will be carried up to you. Ps.45.15 they will cast out with joy and joy, they will come in the palace of the king. Ps.45.16 they will come your father in the place of your fathers, you will set them rulers over all the earth. Ps.45.17 i will remember your name in every generation. therefore the people will celebrate you forever and forever. Ps.46.1 to the musice. on the sons of coré. to the salith. o calling. god is our refuge and strength, our help in a strength of tribulation. Ps.46.2 so we will not fear, since the earth is troubled, and the mountains turn in the heart of the sea, Ps.46.3 look, o god, and beat, so that the mountains were in his strength. ( sela. ) Ps.46.4 so the flores of their beeds will rejoice the city of god, the holy place of the most high place. Ps.46.5 god is in the midst of her, she will not be shaken, god will help her the morning. Ps.46.6 the nations grow, the reign shaken, he gave his voice, and the earth becomes troubled. Ps.46.7 the princes of god are with us, the god of jacob is our refuge. ( sela. ) Ps.46.8 come, see the works of the lord, which he has made wonders on the earth. Ps.46.9 he stricks for the war to the end of the earth, destroy the bound and destroy waves, and burn brings in fire. Ps.46.10 depart and know that i am god, i will be exalted among the nations, i will be exalted in the earth. Ps.46.11 the lord of israel is with us, the god of jacob is our rower. ( sela. ) Ps.47.1 to the musice of the musice. of the sons of core. sald. o all nations, strik out the hands, crying out to god with the voice of joy! Ps.47.2 o god, the most high is terrible, a great king over all the earth. Ps.47.3 for he has made kings under us, and nations under our feet. Ps.47.4 he has chosen us our inheritance, the glory of jacob, whom he loved. ( sela. ) Ps.47.5 god went up with joy, the lord in the sound of the trumpet. Ps.47.6 psalmsing to god, psalmsing, psalmsing to our king, psalmsing. Ps.47.7 psalmsing, o god, king of all earth, psalmsing with knowledge. Ps.47.8 god really real among the nations, god sit on his holy throne. Ps.47.9 the rulers of the people gathered together with the god of abraham. for the dominers of the earth is god. he is exalted. Ps.48.1 a psalmsing for the sons of coré. a high day of the sabbath. great is the lord and a great praise in the city of our god, in his holy mountain. Ps.48.2 great is the temple and the glory of all the earth is good, the city of the great king. Ps.48.3 in the strangers of it, god, is knowledge as a stranger. Ps.48.4 for behold, the kings are gathered together, they gathered together. Ps.48.5 for behold, when they saw it, they were astonished, they were troubled and troubled. Ps.48.6 trembling became there there, weasures as a child. Ps.48.7 by a further wind you will brise the boats of tarsis. Ps.48.8 as we heard, so we saw in the city of the lord of the armées, in the city of our god. god will fundament it forever. ( sela. ) Ps.48.9 o god, we have received your mercy in the midst of your temple. Ps.48.10 as for your name, o god, so your praise is at the end of the earth. your right hand is full of righteousness. Ps.48.11 so be glad the mountain of zion, let the daughters of judah rejoice for your judgments. Ps.48.12 walk around, walk over it, declate out of its tors. Ps.48.13 put your hearts to her power, dispute its strangers, so that you may tell another generation. Ps.48.14 for this god is our god forever and forever, he will pas us forever. Ps.49.1 to the musice. a sald for the sons of coré. hear this, all nations, hear this, you all who dwell in the world! Ps.49.2 hear this, all the people, always rich and poor, Ps.49.3 i will speak wisdom with wisdom, and my mind is for knowledge. Ps.49.4 i will preach my ear to a parable, i will open my piece with psaltery. Ps.49.5 why do i fear on the day of evil, when my oppression around me? Ps.49.6 those who confids in their power and rejoice in the ground of their riches, Ps.49.7 they will refere no one of his brother, nor give god his propitiation, Ps.49.8 for the redemption of his soul is honor, and the redemption of his soul. Ps.49.9 so that he will live forever and live forever, for he does not see the corruption, when he sees the wise in death. Ps.49.10 for he will not be reason for no end, as well as a single, as a foolish person, and leave others their riches. Ps.49.11 for knowledge of them are that their household are forever and their dwells from generation to generation. they called their name on their ground. Ps.49.12 yet in honor and in honor is not understanding, he is like the beast that brings away. Ps.49.13 this is their way, they are a stumbling block, and after them they are pleasure in their mouth. ( sela. ) Ps.49.14 they will come as sheep in sheol, death is their shepherd. the righteous people will domine over them to the morning, and their help will come in the sheol, from their glory. Ps.49.15 so god will redese my life from the power of the sheol, for he receives me. ( sela. ) Ps.49.16 he will not fear when a man is rich, when the glory of his household will be multiplied. Ps.49.17 be not in his morning he will receive anything, and his glory will not come down to him. Ps.49.18 for in his life he will be blessed in his life, and he will praise you when you do good. Ps.49.19 he will leave the generation of his fathers, and they will never see light. Ps.49.20 those who are in honor, which does not understand, is like the beast that brings away. Ps.50.1 a salm of asaf. the god of god, the lord, has spoken and called the earth from the east of sun to the west. Ps.50.2 from zion, the majesty of his majesty, god appears in appearance. Ps.50.3 our god comes, and he will not silence; fire is bringing before him, and around him is a great storm. Ps.50.4 he is called to the heavens above and the earth to judge his people: Ps.50.5 gather my holy people to him, who have done his covenant with sacrifice. Ps.50.6 and the heavens will preach his righteousness, for god is a judge. ( sela. ) Ps.50.7 hear, my people, and i will speak, israel, and i will testify against you. i am god, your god. Ps.50.8 i will not reproach you for your sacrifices, and your brandoffers are always before me. Ps.50.9 i will not take money from your house or boats from your sheep. Ps.50.10 for mine are all beasts of the woud, the beast in the mountains and boves. Ps.50.11 i know all the birds of the air, and all things of the field are with me. Ps.50.12 if i was hungry, i will not say to you, for the world is me and its fullness. Ps.50.13 do i eat oxen of oxen? shall i drink the blood of bodes? Ps.50.14 offer to god the sacrifice of praise, and pay your profts to the most high. Ps.50.15 and call me on the day of tribulation, and i will deliver you out, and you will glorify me. Ps.50.16 but to the impio god says, what do you say to my commandments and to take my covenant in your mouth? Ps.50.17 you who hates discipline and threws my words back. Ps.50.18 if you see a thief, you beat with him, and you have been divided with adultery. Ps.50.19 you spread your mouth for evil, and your tongue deceives deceitfulness. Ps.50.20 you sit down against your brother, you spoke against the son of your mother. Ps.50.21 these things you have done, and i was silent; you have received that i was like you. i will convicte you and put it before your face. Ps.50.22 understand these things, you who have forgotten god, that i may not be broken and there be no one who deliver you. Ps.50.23 he who offer thanks will glorify me, and the one who is his way will show the salvation of god. Ps.51.1 to the musice of the musiekleier. of david, when nathan, the prophet, came to him, when he entered bath-sheba. have mercy on me, o god, according to your great mercy, utter my transgression. Ps.51.2 show me from my unrighteousness, and purify me from my sins. Ps.51.3 do i do not know my wrongdoing, and my sin is always before me. Ps.51.4 against you, only, i have sinned against you, and i have done what is evil in your eyes, that you may be justified in your word and to share when you are judged. Ps.51.5 for i have been born in sin, and in sin my mother my mother has been directed me. Ps.51.6 behold, you have loved the truth in the sight, and in secret you you show your wisdom. Ps.51.7 let me provoke with ysop, and i will be clean; wash me, and i will be white than a sneg. Ps.51.8 let me hear me with joy and gladness, so that the bene that has been struck will be glad. Ps.51.9 let me keep your face from my sins, and dely my sins out of all. Ps.51.10 show in me a pure heart, o god, and rend in me a right spirit in my near. Ps.51.11 do not throw me away from your presence, and do not take away your holy spirit from me. Ps.51.12 bring to me the joy of your salvation, and strengthen me in the holy spirit. Ps.51.13 do not keep me from your own affection, and ungodly will return to you. Ps.51.14 save me from the blood, o god, god of my salvation, and let my tongue rejoice of your righteousness. Ps.51.15 o lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim your praise. Ps.51.16 for you are not willing sacrifice, i have given it; you do not please offerings. Ps.51.17 for god is a offering offering spirit, a bright and bright heart, god, you will not despise. Ps.51.18 give good to zion in your pleasure, build the mures of jerusalem. Ps.51.19 then you will have pleasure the sacrifice of righteousness, offerings and sacrifices. then they will offert tyre on your altar. Ps.52.1 to the musice. making of david. when doeg of edom came and spoke to saul, saying to him, david has come in the house of ahimelech? why do you burn in the evil doing, o power of god? Ps.52.2 your tongue imagined evil, it is like a brid bridden, which deceives a deceit. Ps.52.3 you have loved the evil more than good, more than to speak righteousness. ( sela. ) Ps.52.4 you love all difference, o false tongue! Ps.52.5 so god will destroy you forever, he will destroy you and take you away from your tent, and set you up from the land of the living. ( sela. ) Ps.52.6 and the righteous will see it and fear, and they will shame of him, saying, Ps.52.7 so behold, it is a man who did not put god to his strength, but set in the ground of his riches, and he was strengthened in his destruction. Ps.52.8 but i am like a grain of olives, in the house of god. i hope in the mercy of god forever and forever. Ps.52.9 i will praise you forever for that you has done, and i will endure your name, for it is good in the presence of your holy ones. Ps.53.1 to the musice of the musice. as for mahalath, a matter of david. the foolish said in his heart, there is no god. they are corrupted, they have become abominable in their abominations. there is no one who do good. Ps.53.2 god looks from heaven to the people, to see whether there is one who is understanding, who seek god. Ps.53.3 god looks in the case of god, understand of god to know, all who see of it is not one. Ps.53.4 do not know all those who do wrong? those who eat my people, as they eat bread, and not call god? Ps.53.5 so they were afraid of fear, where there was no fear, for god has scattered the knowledge of those who charged them. they are dishonished, for god has rejected them. Ps.53.6 o, if the salvation of israel comes from zion! when the lord turn back his people, jacob will rejoice and israel rejoice. Ps.54.1 to the musice of the musice. to neginoth. maskil of david, when the zifites came and said to saul, is david not kept hidden among us? o god, save me in your name, and judge me by your power. Ps.54.2 when people came to saul, they said to him, have no defense to me, o god! Ps.54.3 for others stood up against me, and strangers seek to me. they do not put god in their sight. ( sela. ) Ps.54.4 o god, be my helper, o god, the bound of my soul. Ps.54.5 he will turn up evil against my enemies, destroy them in your truth. Ps.54.6 behold, god is my helper. god is my helper. Ps.54.7 for he has delivered me out of all tribulation, and my eye looked upon my enemies. Ps.55.1 to the musice of the musice. by neginoth. maskil of david. o god, listen to my prayer, and do not keep my supplication. Ps.55.2 listen to me, and listen to me! i am treated in my affliction, and i am troubled. Ps.55.3 for the rop of the enemy, for in the affliction of the ungodly; for they deceive a wrongdoing against me, and in wrath they direct me. Ps.55.4 let my heart be troubled in me, and death of death fell on me. Ps.55.5 fear and trembling came upon me, and fear bears me. Ps.55.6 i said, o, if i have flores like a dove, i will flee, and i will rest. Ps.55.7 behold, i flee off, i fell in the wilderness. ( sela. ) Ps.55.8 i would turn away from the winds, from the winds and the storm. Ps.55.9 destroy, lord, and divorce their tongues, for i see false and discussion in the city. Ps.55.10 beyond day and night they walk on her wall, food and labore is in the midst of it. Ps.55.11 in the time there is trouble, and deceit and deceit are not out of her streets. Ps.55.12 for not enemy was rejected me, i would bear. if anyone who hated me grows against me, i kept hidden from him, Ps.55.13 but i, o human man, my ruler and my known, Ps.55.14 as though we were walking in a matter, we went in someone in the house of god. Ps.55.15 let death come upon them, and let them come down living in the sheol, for evil are in their tractices and among them. Ps.55.16 i do, i will cry out to god, and the lord will listen to me. Ps.55.17 on the evening, and in the morning, and in the midday i will tell, and he will hear my voice. Ps.55.18 the morning and morning, i will raise my life from the coming to me, for they have many things with me. Ps.55.19 god will hear them and destroy them, who is before the ages. ( sela. ) for they are not encouraged, and they do not fear god. Ps.55.20 he stretches his hand against those who would give him, he profaned his covenant. Ps.55.21 his mouth is better than olive, but his heart is distributed. his words are better than oliven, but they are sown. Ps.55.22 let your merk throw on the lord, and he will keep you. he will not never sald the righteous. Ps.55.23 but you, o god, will throw them down to the well of corruption. people of blood and deceives will not mean the half of their days, but i will turn on you. Ps.56.1 to the musice to the musice. to the people of the holy places, at david, when the filisteos seized him in gath. have mercy on me, o lord, for a man holds me, on the day all the day, they oppress me. Ps.56.2 let my enemies lead me on all the day, for many are those who belongs to me from high way. Ps.56.3 as long as i fear, i turn on you. Ps.56.4 in god i will glorify my words, in god i turn, and i will not fear. what can the flesh do to me? Ps.56.5 every day they deceive my words; all their thoughts are against me to evil. Ps.56.6 they are encouraged, they takes my course, as they expect my life. Ps.56.7 they threw them in their wrath, o god, let my people come down in your wrath. Ps.56.8 have you rejected my life, put my tears before you, are it in your promise? Ps.56.9 in the day when i call, my enemies will turn back. i know that god is with me. Ps.56.10 in god i will praise the word, in the lord i will praise the word. Ps.56.11 in god i turn, and i will not fear. what can a man do to me? Ps.56.12 my prayers are in me, god, i will give you a praise. Ps.56.13 for you have delivered my life from death, my feet from a mood, to go before god in the light of the living. Ps.57.1 to the musice of: do not destroy. o david, when i ran away from saul into the spelonce. have mercy on me, o god, have mercy on me, for in you my soul is confident, and in the shadow of your wings i turn, until the transgression passes. Ps.57.2 i am crying out to the god, the most high god, to god who practices me. Ps.57.3 he will send out of heaven and salf me, he will set my oppresses. ( sela. ) god send his mercy and his truth. Ps.57.4 he has delivered my life among the leoners, i lay down among people, their dends is a help and sail, and their tongue is a sharp sword. Ps.57.5 be exalted, o god, over heaven, and your glory over all the earth. Ps.57.6 they have prepared a snare for my feet, my soul fell down. they grave a ground before my face, but they fell into him. ( sela. ) Ps.57.7 my heart is ready, o god, my heart is ready; i will singe and change. Ps.57.8 i am revealed, my glory, rise, psalterier and harpa. i will be raised earnestly. Ps.57.9 let my cloak praise you, o god! i will change you among the nations. Ps.57.10 for your mercy is granted until the heavens, and your truth until the cloud. Ps.57.11 be exalted, o god, over the heavens, and your glory over all the earth. Ps.58.1 to the musice to: do not destroy. o instrumenty of david. do you say, do you speak righteousness? do you judge, o people? Ps.58.2 yet in your heart you do wrongly, in the earth you make wrong in the earth. Ps.58.3 they deceive the evil people from the mourn, deceive false things from the womb. Ps.58.4 their deeds are like the morning of serpent, like a mound aspid that bears his ears, Ps.58.5 for they do not listen to the voice of master of sorcers, who is as a difficulty. Ps.58.6 o god, break their teeth in their mouth, o god, struck their dends in their mouth! Ps.58.7 o god, destroy them, o god! lust their boves, o god! Ps.58.8 let them be districted as a wicked horn, so let fire fall, and not see the sun. Ps.58.9 let them be wicked as a stear; it is as a food that does not grow in your wrath. Ps.58.10 let the righteous rejoice when he see a wraak; he will wash his hands in the blood of the ungodly. Ps.58.11 o god, i will say, if the righteous is grain for the righteous, there is god who judges in the earth. Ps.59.1 to the musice to: do not destroy. o david, when saul sent out and guarded the house to put him to death. deliver me out of my enemies, o god, and deliver me from my adversaries. Ps.59.2 let me escape from those who do wrong, save me from the means of blood, Ps.59.3 o god, let me escape for my life, strengtheners agree against me, not for my transgression or of my sin, o lord! Ps.59.4 though they do not be wrong, they ran and goods. come up, indeed, and see. Ps.59.5 me, o lord, god of the mighty, god of israel, avoid to visite all the nations. do not be mercy with any who do wrong! Ps.59.6 they turn to evening, they rose like chyrs, and walk around the city. Ps.59.7 they rings out their mouths, they are like a slander. they are like a slander of their hands. Ps.59.8 so, o lord, you will belong of them, you will despise all the nations. Ps.59.9 but you, o god, keep my hand, and put out of all people. Ps.59.10 my god, his mercy will come before me, god will show me in my enemies. Ps.59.11 do not kill them, so that my people none, and strike them in your power and destroy them, o lord, my sald. Ps.59.12 beware of their mouth, for the word of their lips. let them be conceived in their arrogant, so as for a curse and a liar who proclaim them. Ps.59.13 destroy them in wrath, destroy them in their wrath, so that they may know that god domines over jacob, at the end of the earth. ( sela. ) Ps.59.14 they turn to evening, they rose like chyrs, and walk around the city. Ps.59.15 they come in the midst of the soil, and if they do not be satisfied, they will grumble. Ps.59.16 they will change your power, and in the morning i will juble your mercy, for you have been my bound and a refuge in the day of my affliction. Ps.59.17 he will calling to you, my helper, for god is my turn, my god of my mercy. Ps.60.1 to the musice to the instruments to the saloth.on david, as was a teaching of david. when he put up in mesopotamia and arams of soba, joab returned and killed the beast of the saloth, 12,000. o god, you have rejected us, you have rejected us, so you have become encouraged. Ps.60.2 when he had taken up the land and distributed it; heal her shaks, for she bears back. Ps.60.3 you have made your people a hard sight; you have given us to drink a waken wine. Ps.60.4 you have given it to shame to those who fear you, that they might escape for the bound. ( sela. ) Ps.60.5 so let your beloved be saved, save my right hand and exaud me! Ps.60.6 god has spoken in his holy place: i will rejoice, i will teise shem, and i will measure the vall succoth. Ps.60.7 a galaad is my, and manasseh is my, ephraim is the holiness of my head, judas is my helper. Ps.60.8 moab is my casting, on edom will i cast my sandle. against edom will i call my cloak. Ps.60.9 gilead is my, and edom is my gard; moab is my helper, moab is my helper. Ps.60.10 o god, who leads us away? do not go out, god, with our armées? Ps.60.11 give us a help from persecution, for deceive is the salvation of man. Ps.60.12 in god we will make power, and he will despise our enemies. Ps.61.1 to the musice of the musice. by neginoth. of david. hear my prayer, o god, listen to my prayer. Ps.61.2 from the end of the earth i crie to you, when my heart is troubled. show me in a rock that is exalted me. Ps.61.3 so you are a reason for my hope, a strong turn for the enemy. Ps.61.4 i will stay in your tent forever, i will be directed in the shadow of your wings. ( sela. ) Ps.61.5 for you, o god, has heard my prayers, you has given the inheritance to those who fear your name. Ps.61.6 so you will increase days for the days of the king, his years are long as many generations. Ps.61.7 he will live forever in the presence of god; may show mercy and truth for him. Ps.61.8 so i will sing to your name forever, so that i will give my voats every day. Ps.62.1 to the musice of the musice. to jeduthunoth. psalm of david. my soul is not subject to god, my salvation is with him. Ps.62.2 only he is my round and my salvation, my turn. i will not be shaken. Ps.62.3 how long was you, o man, to kill you? you will all be murdered, like a district wall, and a difficulty. Ps.62.4 he intends to dispute my honor, so they ran in a liar, they bless with their mouth, and in their heart they curse. ( sela. ) Ps.62.5 let my soul be patient in god, for from him is my endurance. Ps.62.6 he is my god and my salvation, my turn, and i will not turn. Ps.62.7 in god is my salvation and my glory, my god of my help and my hope. Ps.62.8 make your confidence in him, o people; gide your hearts before him, god is our helper. ( sela. ) Ps.62.9 only, sincere are the sons of man, a false things are false. in the weak they are to shame, they are in all things of vain. Ps.62.10 i do not hope in unrighteousness and not turn to grain. if riches are greatly, do not rebuke your heart. Ps.62.11 god has spoken once, two things i have heard of god: Ps.62.12 and to you, lord, is the mercy, for you will repay each one according to his works. Ps.63.1 of david, while he was in the wilderness of judah. o god, you is my god. in the morning i decid, my soul thirst you, my flesh is your flesh in a wilderness and in a wilderness and in a wilderness. Ps.63.2 so i appeared to you in the holy place, to see your power and your glory. Ps.63.3 for your mercy is better than life, my lips will praise you. Ps.63.4 so i will blessed you in my life, in your name i will raise my hands. Ps.63.5 my soul will be filled with my heart, so i will praise my mouth with joy of joy. Ps.63.6 if i remember you on my bed, i remember you in the morning of morning. Ps.63.7 for you have been a help for me, and in the shadow of your wings i will rejoice. Ps.63.8 i have kept my soul after you, your right hand has helped me. Ps.63.9 yet those who seek on me will seek my life, they will come in the district of the earth. Ps.63.10 they will be delivered into the hand of the sword, they will be parts of dors. Ps.63.11 but the king will rejoice in god, everyone who swears by him will be made glory, for the mouth of those who speak unrighteous. Ps.64.1 to the musice. psalm of david. o god, hear my voice when i call, red my life from the fear of a enemy. Ps.64.2 beware me from the stricking of the evil ones, from the crowds of those who do evil! Ps.64.3 strive your minds as a sword and spend their bound as words of bitterness, Ps.64.4 so that they may strike in secret; suddenly they strike him, and they will not fear. Ps.64.5 they are strengthened with evil words, deceive to spend snare. they say, who will see them? Ps.64.6 they turn in sinning, turn out in food: let a man and the heart along off. Ps.64.7 but god shows them as a belong, their plagues are grave. Ps.64.8 so they fall their tongues against them, and all who see them tremble. Ps.64.9 and all people will be afraid, and they will tell the works of god, and they will understand what he has done. Ps.64.10 the righteous will rejoice in the lord and hope in him, and all the righteous hearts rejoice. Ps.65.1 to the musice. of david. a psalm. a psalm of david. at you, o god, is faithful to you in zion, and your prayer will be given to you in jerusalem. Ps.65.2 you who hear prayer, all flesh will come to you. Ps.65.3 you are expected, o god, all our prayers. Ps.65.4 blessed is the one whom you are chosen and accused, for he will dwell in your forts! we will be filled with the good of your house, of your holy temple. Ps.65.5 we will answer us, o god of our salvation, our hope, the hope of all the ends of the earth and the far far far. Ps.65.6 you who appointed the mountains with his power, clothed with strength. Ps.65.7 who grows the waves of the sea, the ground of its wealts, and the crowds of the nations, Ps.65.8 so that those who dwell in the extrems will fear of your signs, you will keep watch of morning and evening. Ps.65.9 you are complete the land and cast it up, you make it increasing. the river of god is full of water; you have prepared their food, for so you are prepared. Ps.65.10 you wicked up the ground of her ground, you make it grow in the ground of the ground, you grow up the ground of her ground. Ps.65.11 you cast the ground of your kindness, and your strangers are full of piece. Ps.65.12 they accuse the passions of the wilderness, and the hauts are clothed with joy. Ps.65.13 the sheep puts around the sheep, and the dal are full of wheat. they cries, and they sing on their praise. Ps.66.1 to the musice of the instruments. a psalm. a psalmsing. acknowledge to god, all the earth! Ps.66.2 praise the glory of his name, give glory to his praise. Ps.66.3 say to god, how terrible are your works! by your great power your enemies will turn to you. Ps.66.4 all the earth shall worship you and loving you, they will change your name. ( sela. ) Ps.66.5 come and see the works of god; it is terrible in generations for the people. Ps.66.6 he turned the sea to drow land, they went through the river, and we rejoiced in him. Ps.66.7 he domines in his might forever, his eyes are looked over the nations; let the rebeldes not be exalted. ( sela. ) Ps.66.8 blessed, you nations, our god, and give out the voice of his praise. Ps.66.9 he who has set my life in life, and has not allowed my feet to waise. Ps.66.10 for you have purified us, o god, you have purified us as a silber of silver. Ps.66.11 you have brought us into the snare, you put a affliction on our winds. Ps.66.12 you put people on our heads, we went through fire and water, but you carried us to be back. Ps.66.13 i will come in your house with brandoffers, i will pay you my profts, Ps.66.14 which i departed my lips, and my mouth spoke in my affliction. Ps.66.15 holocauste offers will i bring to you with incense of oints, i will give you oxen and boves. ( sela. ) Ps.66.16 come and hear, all who fear god, and i will tell all that he has done for my soul. Ps.66.17 i cried out to him with my mouth, and i was exalted by my tongue. Ps.66.18 if i had done wrong in my heart, the lord did not listen. Ps.66.19 but god has heard me, he looked to the voice of my supplication. Ps.66.20 blessed be god, who did not turn to my prayer, nor has received his mercy from me. Ps.67.1 to the musice of the musice. by neginoth. salmon. o god, let us be pitied and blessed us, show his face to us. ( sela. ) Ps.67.2 let us know your conduct in the earth, your salvation among all the nations. Ps.67.3 let people praise you, o god, all people may praise you. Ps.67.4 let the nations rejoice and rejoice, for you will judge the people with right way, and you will lead nations in the earth. ( sela. ) Ps.67.5 let people praise you, o god, all people may love you. Ps.67.6 let god provide its fruit, god, our god, blessed us. Ps.67.7 god will blessed us, and all the extrems of the earth will fear him. Ps.68.1 to the musice. psalm of david, a salm. let god rise, and his enemies may be scattered, and those who hates him flew from his presence. Ps.68.2 let the people escape, as a smoke puts out, as a horn bears from the fire, so the sinners fall out of the presence of god. Ps.68.3 so let the righteous rejoice in the presence of god, and they will rejoice in the presence of god. Ps.68.4 singe god, change his name, do your name to him who ascends on the west. the lord is his name, and rejoice in his presence! Ps.68.5 a god is a father of orphs and a judge of the widow, god in his holy place. Ps.68.6 god deceives the children in his house, he carries the bonds in their way. but the trespasses dwells in the ground. Ps.68.7 o god, when you went out before your people, when you went up in the wilderness. ( sela. ) Ps.68.8 so the earth trembled, when the heavens were shaken from the presence of god, so sinai became in the presence of god, the god of israel. Ps.68.9 o god, god of god, has escaped for the wrath of your god, the god of god's god. Ps.68.10 your strength became in it, you, god, has prepare for the poor in your goodness. Ps.68.11 o god has directed the word, great is the power of those who preach the good news. Ps.68.12 the prinds of armées are his beloved, and those who are in the house divided spor. Ps.68.13 as you were asleep in the district, if you have failed the ailes of pigeons, clothed with gold, the flood of gold. Ps.68.14 when the heavenly one distributed kings in it, it was wicked as a furdsel in salmon. Ps.68.15 in god was the mountain of basan, o great mountain, o mountain of basan. Ps.68.16 why do you grow, o great mountains, to the mountain that god has pleased to dwelling in it? yet the lord will dwells in it forever. Ps.68.17 the waves of god are thousand thousand, thousands of thousand. the lord is among them, in the holy place, in sinai. Ps.68.18 god has gone in their hands, you have put captive to captive, you received gifts for people, and those who are disobedient to dwells the lord god. Ps.68.19 god be blessed day, day after day, our salvation, god of our salvation. ( sela. ) Ps.68.20 let god be our god of salvation, and the lord, the lord, is the coming of death. Ps.68.21 god will strike the head of his enemies, the top of hidden of those who passes in their trespasses. Ps.68.22 god said, i will turn from basan, i will turn from the dives of the sea. Ps.68.23 so that your foot should be broken in blood, so that the tongue of your hunds belong from your enemies. Ps.68.24 they have seen your prostitutes, o god, the prostitutes of my god, of my king, in the holy place. Ps.68.25 o god, your god, o god, your god, o god of god! Ps.68.26 in the churches praise god, you who are of the spring of israel. Ps.68.27 there is benjamin, the younger in his direction, the rulers of judah and their generations, the rulers of zebulun and the rulers of naphtali. Ps.68.28 your god has committed your power; help, o god, what you have done for us. Ps.68.29 so, in your temple in jerusalem, the kings will bring you gifts. Ps.68.30 rebuke the wild beast, the multitude of the oxen, with the beyers of the people, that they may not be rejected for silver. scattery the nations that desires on war. Ps.68.31 they will come a messengers out of egypt, the etiopians will stretch out her hand to god. Ps.68.32 the crowds of the earth, sing to god, psalmsing to the lord, sela. Ps.68.33 to god who ascends on the heavens of the heavens. behold, he give his voice in a power of power. Ps.68.34 give glory to god. his majesty is upon israel, and his power is in the clouds. Ps.68.35 god is amazing in his woning; the god of israel is he who give power and power to his people. blessed be god! Ps.69.1 to the lord, o god, let me save, for water has come to my soul. Ps.69.2 i turned into a beast, and there is no help. i come in the depth of the sea, and the storm shakes me. Ps.69.3 i have sounded to crying out, my keal is waken, my eyes are consumed, when i hope on my god. Ps.69.4 my worship is greater than the hair of my head, those who hates me without cause. my enemies, who punish me unjust are strengthened. Ps.69.5 o god, you know my foolish, and my deeds are not delivered from you. Ps.69.6 do not be ashamed for me, o lord, lord of the power! do not shame on me those who seek you, o god of israel! Ps.69.7 so that in your sake i bear a smack, a spot has covered my face. Ps.69.8 for i am made a excellence for my brothers, a strange to the sons of my mother. Ps.69.9 for a jealousy for your house has consumed me, and the reproach of those who reproach you fell on me. Ps.69.10 for i have directed my life in fasting, and it has become a reproach for me. Ps.69.11 i had put a sack for my garment, and i were a proverb for them. Ps.69.12 i mean about me those who sit at the gate, and those who drinking of the wine are in me. Ps.69.13 i pray to you, o lord, an time of pleasure, o god, by your great mercy, exaudi me in the truth of your salvation. Ps.69.14 save me from a deep, so that i may not mourn. let it be saved from those who hates me and from the debt of water. Ps.69.15 let me not cast the waterflood of water, let the wealth not devore me, neither may a well put his mouth upon me. Ps.69.16 neither, o god, listen to me, for your mercy is good, show me in the great mercy of your mercy. Ps.69.17 let your face not turn from your servant, for i am in tribulation; come quickly to me. Ps.69.18 let your regard to my soul and redey it. red me for the sake of my enemies. Ps.69.19 let me know my reproach, my shame and my shame. all my enemies are before you. Ps.69.20 you know my course, and i am destroyed; i was encouraged, and i was not more, and i encouraged them, but they found not. Ps.69.21 they gave me violence in my food, and in my thirsty they gave me a sword. Ps.69.22 so let their table become for their eyes to a snare, to a turn and a stumbling block. Ps.69.23 so let their eyes be darkened, so that they may not see, and turn their spies always. Ps.69.24 let your wrath out upon them, and the wrath of your wrath let them come. Ps.69.25 let their labor become desolate, and let no one dwells in their tends. Ps.69.26 let them be persecuting the one you have killed, and they have addressed the sound of those who have killed. Ps.69.27 for they have defrauded their wrongdoing, and let them not enter your righteousness. Ps.69.28 let them be removed from the book of living, and let them not be written with the righteous. Ps.69.29 let me be poor and wrong, your salvation, o god, let me help. Ps.69.30 so i will celebre the name of god with sang, i will magnify him with praise. Ps.69.31 i will give him a praise of god, as a god with his praise. Ps.69.32 the poor will see it and rejoice; your soul will live, you who seek god. Ps.69.33 for the lord lives to the poor, and he does not despise his captives. Ps.69.34 for the sea and the earth shall love him, the sea and all that within them. Ps.69.35 god will save zion, and they will build the city of judea, and they will dwell in it and inherit it. Ps.69.36 and the offspring of his servants will come it in, and those who love his name will dwell in it. Ps.70.1 to the musice of the musice. to david, to remember. make me help, o god, to help me. Ps.70.2 let them be shame and turn, those who seek my life! let those who desire to me turn back and be put to shame. Ps.70.3 let them return for their dishonors, those who say to me, ha, ha! Ps.70.4 let those who seek your salvation rejoice and rejoice in you, and let those who love your salvation say always: be magnified god! Ps.70.5 for i, o god, is poor and poor, help me. you are my help and my deliver, o lord, do not spend. Ps.71.1 to you, o god, i turn; let him never be ashamed. Ps.71.2 red me in your righteousness and red me. incline your ear to me, and save me. Ps.71.3 be for me a scroll and a place for my place! you have commanded me to save, for you are my round and my burning. Ps.71.4 o my god, deliver me from the hand of the ungodly, from the hand of foolish and violent. Ps.71.5 for you are my hope, o lord, o lord, my hope from my youth. Ps.71.6 you have been rejected by you from the moot of my mother, you have kept me from my mother's womb. in you will my praise be continued. Ps.71.7 i was as a woning for many, but you are my strong held. Ps.71.8 let my mouth be fulfilled of your praise, the whole day of your majestous. Ps.71.9 do me not throw me down in the time of the elders, do not forgive me in the sting of my might. Ps.71.10 for my enemies say to me, and those who keep my life consults together, Ps.71.11 saying, god has left him; persecute and take him, for there is no one. Ps.71.12 o god, do not be taken from me, my god, make my help to help me. Ps.71.13 let them be ashamed and destroy the adversaries of my life. let them be put in shame and in shame those who seek to me the evil. Ps.71.14 but i will certainly have hope, and i will show all your praise. Ps.71.15 my mouth will proclaim your righteousness, all the day your salvation, for i do not know as well. Ps.71.16 i will come in the power of the lord, the lord, i will remember your righteousness, only. Ps.71.17 o god, you have taught me from my youth, and to now i tell your wonders. Ps.71.18 do not forgive me, o god, as long as in old and alders, until i tell your power to the coming generation, your might to all those who are coming. Ps.71.19 o god, it is as high. you have done great things. o god, who is like you? Ps.71.20 you who showed me many afflictions and afflictions, yet you will turn me up and bring me again from the abises of the earth. Ps.71.21 show your majesty, and turn and exhort me, and you bring me up from the abisses of the earth. Ps.71.22 so i will praise you with harp, your truth, my god. i will sing to you with a harp, o holy one of israel. Ps.71.23 my lips will rejoice, when i will sing to you, and my soul that you have delivered. Ps.71.24 my tongue also will proclaim your righteousness every day, for those who were seeking to me have become ashamed, for they were ashamed. Ps.72.1 of solomon. o god, give to the king your judgment, and your righteousness to the son of the king. Ps.72.2 he will judge your people with righteousness and your poor in judgment. Ps.72.3 the mountains will bring peace to the people, and the coll in righteousness. Ps.72.4 he will judge the poor of the people, he will save the sons of the poor, and he will defile the oppressor. Ps.72.5 they will be afraid from generation to day, as there will be sun and moon. Ps.72.6 he will come down as a rain on the wicked ground, like a rain, who sweep the earth. Ps.72.7 in his days righteousness will grow up, and great peace will be, until the moon does not find. Ps.72.8 he will domine from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the world. Ps.72.9 in his presence the people will fall down the people, and his enemies will leave the ground. Ps.72.10 the kings of tarsis and the island will offer gifts, the kings of sheba and sheba will offer gifts. Ps.72.11 all the kings will worship him, all the nations shall serve him. Ps.72.12 for he will deliver the poor who rows, and the poor who has no helper. Ps.72.13 he will spare the poor and the poor, and he will save the souls of the poor. Ps.72.14 he will deliver their soul from violence and violence, and their honor will be precious in his sight. Ps.72.15 he will live and give him of the gold of sheba, and they shall pray for him continuly, and they will blessed him every day. Ps.72.16 there will be grain of ground in the land, at the top of the mountains, its fruit will be excellent as the food, and the people will blow from the town like the grass of the earth. Ps.72.17 his name shall be blessed forever, before the sun will be continued. in him shall all the nations be blessed, and all the nations will blessed him blessed. Ps.72.18 blessed be the lord god, the god of israel, who alone do wonders! Ps.72.19 and blessed be the name of his glory forever, and all the earth shall be filled with his glory. amen, amen. Ps.72.20 all the prayers of david, the son of isaï, perished. Ps.73.1 a salm of asaf. god is good for israel, for those who are sinful of heart. Ps.73.2 but a little while my feet were shaken, my pass were back for a little while. Ps.73.3 for i was provoked to the ungodly, when i saw the peace of the gottloses. Ps.73.4 for there is no answer for their death, and their boldness is in strength. Ps.73.5 they are not in labors of people, and they are not plagging with people. Ps.73.6 therefore the fierness bears them in strength, a deceiver around them as a robe. Ps.73.7 their deeds direct out of grain, their hearts turn into the entrance of their hearts. Ps.73.8 they deceive and speak in wrong of evil, they speak in high things. Ps.73.9 they put their mouth to heaven, and their tongue proceeds on the earth. Ps.73.10 so will their people return at this way, and many days they were waken with them. Ps.73.11 and they say, how can god know, and may the most high be knowledge? Ps.73.12 behold, these are sinners, and they are ready forever, they have devored the riches. Ps.73.13 in vain i was taught my heart, and i washed my hands in innocent. Ps.73.14 for all the day i was struck, and my reason is at the first time. Ps.73.15 if i had said, i will tell this; behold, i have unformed the generation of your sons. Ps.73.16 so i began to recognize this, but it was trouble before me, Ps.73.17 until i went into the holy places of god and considered the end of them. Ps.73.18 nevertheless, you put them in false places, you throw them down in destruction. Ps.73.19 how did they become desolate, suddenly destroyed! they were destroyed, and they were destroyed. Ps.73.20 like a son when he arose, o lord, when you arise, do you despise their image. Ps.73.21 for my heart was burned, and i were wicked in my nives, Ps.73.22 so i was despised, and i did not know it; i was a beast for you. Ps.73.23 yet i am always with you; you have seized my right hand. Ps.73.24 you will lead me through your conseless, and after your glory you will receive me. Ps.73.25 what am i in heaven? there is no means than you in the earth. Ps.73.26 my flesh and my flesh are consumed, but god is the god of my heart and my part forever. Ps.73.27 for behold, those who are away from you will perish, you destroy all who committs you. Ps.73.28 but it is good for me to hold fast to god. i lay my hope in the lord, the lord, to proclaim all your prayers. Ps.74.1 a matter of asaf. why, god, has thrown away for always? why does your wrath wrath against the sheep of your weide? Ps.74.2 remember your synagogue that you had received from the beginning, which you rended to the scepter of your inheritance, the mountain of zion, where you have died in it. Ps.74.3 hef your hands up to the end of their violence, all that the enemy has done in the holy places. Ps.74.4 your haters rejoiced in the midst of your feast, they put their signs in signs. Ps.74.5 it was like a district in the entrance, as in the entrance of the ground. Ps.74.6 they threw the door of wealth in wealts, they cut up their door with a pell and a wick. Ps.74.7 they have broken your holy places in fire, they have profaned the tent of your name. Ps.74.8 they said in their heart, we will burn them together. they burned all the feast of god in the land. Ps.74.9 we do not see our signs. there is no prophet there, and any of us who does not know again. Ps.74.10 how long, o god, the enemy haws? will the adversary provoke your name forever? Ps.74.11 why do you strike your hand and your right hand? leave it out of your boot, and destroy it! Ps.74.12 god is my king forever, he has done salvation in the earth. Ps.74.13 you made the sea in your power, you broken the heads of the dragon on the water. Ps.74.14 you stricked the heads of the dragon, you gave him a food for the people of etiopians. Ps.74.15 you have broken springs and springs, you became drowful flores. Ps.74.16 your is the day, your is the night; you have prepared the light and the sun. Ps.74.17 you have made all the regions of the earth, you has made something and winter. Ps.74.18 remember this: a enemy has insulted the lord, and a foolish people has provoked your name. Ps.74.19 do not give to the wild best the soul of your belonging, do not neglecte the soul of your fathers. Ps.74.20 consider your covenant, for the darments of the earth are full of deeds of violence. Ps.74.21 let not the mourn return to be ashamed; let the poor and the poor praise your name. Ps.74.22 rise, o god, justify your defense. remember that the foolish of foolish is your reproach for all the day. Ps.74.23 do not neglect the voice of your daughts, the arrogance of your adversaries be always ascended against you. Ps.75.1 to the musice of the instruments. to not destroying. salmo of asaph. we will celebrate you, o god, we will thank you, your name is known. Ps.75.2 i will proclaim all your wonders, for i am judged with right way. Ps.75.3 the land and all who dwells in it are disrumped, i have strengthened its piles. ( sela. ) Ps.75.4 i said to the believers, do not be wrong, and to the sinners, do not bear a horn. Ps.75.5 do not break your horn to high, do not speak evil against god! Ps.75.6 for neither from west, nor from the west, nor from the wilderness of the mountains. Ps.75.7 but god is a judge, he humilies one, and he exalts him. Ps.75.8 for the cup in the hand of the lord is a cup, full of further wine, full of a cup. so, all the sinners of the earth will drink and drink, so that it will drink. Ps.75.9 but i will rejoice forever, i will sing the god of jacob. Ps.75.10 all the horn of the impies i will cut off, but the horns of the righteous will be exalted. Ps.76.1 to the musice of the musitors. with neginoth. saloth of asaph. here. god is known in judea, his name is great in israel. Ps.76.2 in zion his place is peace, and his dwelling in zion. Ps.76.3 there he broke the waves of the bound, the waken and the sword and the war. ( sela. ) Ps.76.4 you was excellent, great, greater than the eternal mountain. Ps.76.5 the treasures of their heart were troubled, they fell in their sound, and all the riches did not find their hands. Ps.76.6 at your charge, o god of jacob, the hors and the hors were drew off. Ps.76.7 you are terrible, and who will stand before you, when your wrath comes? Ps.76.8 from heaven you produced justice, the earth was afraid and remained, Ps.76.9 when god rose up to judgment, to save all the devout of the earth. ( sela. ) Ps.76.10 when the wrath of a person becomes your glory, you will celebrate the surrounding wrath. Ps.76.11 for you will recognize and repay the lord your god, all who are around him will bring gifts. Ps.76.12 he will rebuild the furth of the rulers, he is fear for the kings of the earth. Ps.77.1 to the musice of the musice. to jeduthun. of asaf. i am calling with my voice to god, i crie my voice to god, and he has listened to me. Ps.77.2 in the day of my affliction i have seeking the lord; my hands was in the night, and i was not trampled. my soul has taken encouraged. Ps.77.3 i remember god and i rejoiced; i remember, and my spirit suffered. ( sela. ) Ps.77.4 i will think my eyes, i am troubled, and i am not spoken. Ps.77.5 i discute the days of old, the years of evident. Ps.77.6 i myself minds with my heart in the night, i minds my heart, and my spirit is pleased. Ps.77.7 i will not trouble the lord forever, and shall he no more please? Ps.77.8 shall his mercy be destroyed forever? shall his mercy be removed from generation to generation? Ps.77.9 has god forgeted his mercy? has his mercy in his wrath toward him? ( sela. ) Ps.77.10 has i said, this is my reason, that the right hand of the most high is rejected. Ps.77.11 i remember the works of the lord, for i remember your wonders from the beginning. Ps.77.12 i will about all your works, i will deceive in your deeds. Ps.77.13 o god, your way is holy; who is a great god, like our god? Ps.77.14 o god, you are the god who do wonders! you have made known your power among the nations. Ps.77.15 you have delivered your people in your hand, the sons of jacob and of joseph. ( sela. ) Ps.77.16 the water saw you, o god, water saw you and were afraid, and the botch were troubled. Ps.77.17 the winds carried out a voice, the clouds were given, and your pigs were carried out. Ps.77.18 the voice of your tond was in the round, the bless appeared the world, the earth was shaken and beared. Ps.77.19 your conduct was in the sea, your paths was in the great waters, and your foot did not be known. Ps.77.20 you led your people as a sheep, by the hand of moses and aaron. Ps.78.1 a matter of asaf. pay attention to my law, my people, listen to the words of my mouth! Ps.78.2 i will open my mouth in parables, i will speak a district from the beginning. Ps.78.3 what we have heard and know, and which our fathers told us, Ps.78.4 we will not escape from their children, declaring to the other generation the praise of the lord, and his power, and his mighty things that he has done. Ps.78.5 he raised a testimony in jacob and put a law in israel, which he commanded our fathers to tell them to their children, Ps.78.6 so that the other generation may know, the sons who becomes birth. they will rise and tell them to their children. Ps.78.7 so that they may lay their hope to god and not harm the works of god, but keep his commandments, Ps.78.8 so that they may not be like their fathers, a gentle and rebelde generation, a generation that did not keep her heart, and whose spirit was not faithful in god. Ps.78.9 the sons of ephraim, strangers of bound, turned on the day of war. Ps.78.10 they did not keep the covenant of god, and they refused to go in his law. Ps.78.11 they have forgotten his deed and his wonders, which he had shown them. Ps.78.12 in the presence of their fathers he did wonders in the land of egypt, in the field of zoan. Ps.78.13 he distributed the sea and brought them through, and he set water as a ground. Ps.78.14 he led them in a cloud day and all the night with a flame of fire. Ps.78.15 he opened the rock in the wilderness and gave them drink as in many differs. Ps.78.16 he brought water out of the rock and flowed water as flores. Ps.78.17 but they continued still to sin against him, they were rebelled against the most high in the wilderness. Ps.78.18 and they tempted god in their hearts, to ask food for their souls. Ps.78.19 and they spoke against god, saying, can god prepare a table in the wilderness? Ps.78.20 he has killed the rock and water flowed and bears bears. can he also give bread, or he has prepared a table for his people? Ps.78.21 therefore the lord heard and appeared, and fire was bringing up against jacob, and a wrath came up against israel, Ps.78.22 for they did not believe in god, and did not confie in his salvation. Ps.78.23 but he gave his instructions from above, and opened the door of heaven, Ps.78.24 and he turned for them the manna to eat, and he gave them the bread of heaven. Ps.78.25 people ate the bread of angels, he sent them food for satience. Ps.78.26 he put out the south from heaven, and brought the south through his power. Ps.78.27 he made the flesh upon them like a ground, and birds like the sand of the sea. Ps.78.28 he put down in the midst of their tender, around their tends. Ps.78.29 so they ate and were filled, and he gave them what they had desire. Ps.78.30 they were not confirmed from their desires, their food was still in their mouth, Ps.78.31 when the wrath of god came upon them, and he killed the elect of them, and destroyed the elect of israel. Ps.78.32 by all these things they still sinned and did not believe his wonders. Ps.78.33 so he desoled their days in vain, and their years in hail. Ps.78.34 when he killed them, they were seeking to him, and returned and prayed god. Ps.78.35 they remembered that god was their helper, and god the most high was their redemptor. Ps.78.36 but they deceived him with their mouth, and mentized him with their tongue. Ps.78.37 for their heart was not right with him, and they were not faithful in his covenant. Ps.78.38 but he was merciful and forgive their sins, and he did not destroy them, yet he continued to turn his wrath and did not burn all his wrath. Ps.78.39 for he remembered that they were flesh, a wind that leads and not turn. Ps.78.40 how often they had provoked against him in the wilderness and provoked him in the wilderness! Ps.78.41 they returned and tempted god, and provoked the holy people of israel. Ps.78.42 they did not remember his hand, the day when he redeed them from the enemy, Ps.78.43 when he made his signs in egypt and his wonders in the field of zoan, Ps.78.44 he turned their rivers into blood, and their flores, so that they might not drink. Ps.78.45 he sent among them fretters, who devoured them, and frogs, who destroyed them. Ps.78.46 he gave their fruit to the ground, and their labores to the locuste. Ps.78.47 he killed their vineyard with hail and their figs with hagel. Ps.78.48 he gave their feet to the hail and their possessions to the fire. Ps.78.49 he sent into them the wrath of his wrath, wrath, wrath and tribulation, a sending of evil angels. Ps.78.50 he made a journey to his wrath, he did not spare their soul from death, but laid their loves to death. Ps.78.51 he killed all the firstborn in egypt, the firstfruits of their hands in the tenders of cham. Ps.78.52 but he led his people as a sheep and brought them as a sheep in the wilderness, Ps.78.53 and he led them by hail, and they were not afraid, and the sea opened their enemies. Ps.78.54 he brought them into his holy region, to this mountain that his right hand had given. Ps.78.55 he drew out the nations before them, and delivered them in division for the division, and set in their tends the tribes of israel. Ps.78.56 but they tempted god, the most high god, and did not keep his testimony, Ps.78.57 but they turned and departed as their fathers, they turned away like a district bound. Ps.78.58 they provoked him to anger by their offers, and provoked him by their idols. Ps.78.59 god heard it and turned up, and he rejected israel greatly. Ps.78.60 he rejected the tent of silo, the tent that he had set among people. Ps.78.61 and he gave their power to captive, their glory in the hand of a enemy. Ps.78.62 and he carried out his people in the sword and continued over his inheritance. Ps.78.63 the fire consumied their young men, and their virgins were not troubled. Ps.78.64 their priests fell for the sword, and their widows did not weep. Ps.78.65 then the lord was raised as a sound, like a mighty held that cried up from the wine. Ps.78.66 and he killed his enemies in their rends, gave them eternal dishonor. Ps.78.67 but he devasted the tent of joseph and did not chose the tribe of ephraim, Ps.78.68 but he chose the tribe of judah, the mountain of zion, whom he loved. Ps.78.69 he built his sanctuarion like the founds, as the earth that he has funded up forever. Ps.78.70 he chose david, his servant, and took him from the sheep of the sheep, Ps.78.71 he took him back after the sheep, to shepherd jacob, his people, and israel, his inheritance. Ps.78.72 and he was doing them in the sincerity of his heart, and he guided them by the measure of his hands. Ps.79.1 a salm of asaf. o god, the nations have come into your inheritance, they have defiled your holy temple, they have put jerusalem in home. Ps.79.2 they put the dead of your servants to food for the birds of heaven, the flesh of your holy people to the beast of the earth. Ps.79.3 they have poured out their blood as water around jerusalem, and there was no one to burie them. Ps.79.4 we were a reproach for our neighbors, a spose and reason for those who dwell around us. Ps.79.5 how long, lord, shall you always wrath? how long will your jealousy burn like fire? Ps.79.6 let your wrath out on the nations who do not know you and on the kingdom who do not call your name. Ps.79.7 for they have devored jacob and destroyed his place. Ps.79.8 do not remember our sins of the olds. your mercy be soon soon soon, for we are greatly distressed. Ps.79.9 help us, o god of our savior, for the glory of your name. and deliver us and forgive our sins for your name. Ps.79.10 why may the nations say, where is their god? let us be known among the nations before our eyes, the avenge wrath of the blood of your servants, which has been poured out. Ps.79.11 let the groaning of the prisoners come in your presence, according to the majesty of your hand, to keep the people of death. Ps.79.12 and pay to our neighbors seven times in their side the reproach that they have insulted you, o lord. Ps.79.13 but we, your people and the sheep of your weide, we will praise you forever, and in every generation we will tell your praise. Ps.80.1 to the musice of the musice. to gatheroth. a testimony of asaf. intend out, o shepherd of israel! you who lead joseph as a sheep, you who sit on the kerubs, appear. Ps.80.2 show your power before ephraim, benjamin and manasseh, and come and save us! Ps.80.3 let us return, o god, and show your face, and we will be saved. Ps.80.4 o lord, god of the armées, how long will you provoke at the prayer of your servant? Ps.80.5 you have given us a bread of tears, and you gave us drink with tears in the measure. Ps.80.6 you have made us a discussion for our neighbors, and our enemies spoke on us. Ps.80.7 o god of armées, bring us return, show your face, and we will be saved. Ps.80.8 let the vineyard come out of egypt, you stricked the nations and planted it. Ps.80.9 you set a root before it, and he planted its root and filled the earth. Ps.80.10 the mountains were opened with its shadow, and its treasures were the cedres of god. Ps.80.11 its branches did out of the sea, and its branches until the river. Ps.80.12 i have distributed her seal, so that all who passes on the way do it? Ps.80.13 why has defiled her in the wilderness, and the wilds of wild wild rost it out? Ps.80.14 o god of heirs, return, see from heaven, and see and visits this vineyard. Ps.80.15 o god of the ones that you have planted, and the son of man that you made up for you. Ps.80.16 it is burned with fire, it is broken. they will perish because of the reason of your face. Ps.80.17 let your hand be over the man of your right hand, over the son of man that you made up for you. Ps.80.18 let us not escape from you. give us life, and we shall call your name. Ps.80.19 o god of heirs, bring us return, show your face, and we will be saved. Ps.81.1 to the musice of the musice. to gittith. of asaf. calling out to the god of our help, rejoice to the god of jacob. Ps.81.2 jow, o god, and joy to your god, o god of our god! Ps.81.3 blow a trumpet in a feast, in a sign, in the day of our feast. Ps.81.4 so it is a law for israel, a law for the god of jacob. Ps.81.5 he made him a testimony in joseph, when he went out of the land of egypt. i heard a tongue that i did not know: Ps.81.6 i have distributed his district from the back, his hands were taken off. Ps.81.7 i called me in the tribulation, and i delivered you. i heard you in the secret of the storm, i put you to the water of meriba. ( sela. ) Ps.81.8 hear, my people, and i will testify to you. israel, if you hear me, Ps.81.9 let us not be a new god in you, and do not worship another god. Ps.81.10 i am the lord your god, who brought you out of the land of egypt. open your mouth, and i will fulfill it. Ps.81.11 but my people did not listen to my voice, and israel did not listen to me. Ps.81.12 but i gave them away according to the purpose of their hearts, and they were walking in their deeds. Ps.81.13 o, if my people have heard me, and israel should walk in my ways! Ps.81.14 i would do uncertainly destroy their enemies, and put my hand on their adversaries. Ps.81.15 yet i, who hates the lord, turn against him, and their time will be forever. Ps.81.16 and i feed them from a grain of wheat, and heading them with honey from the rock. Ps.82.1 a salm of asaf. god stood in the synagogue of god, he will judge in the midst of the devout gods. Ps.82.2 how long you will judge unrighteousness and receive sinners face? ( sela. ) Ps.82.3 give justice to the poor and to the weak, give justice to the poor and poor. Ps.82.4 deliver the poor and the poor, red him from the hand of the ungodly. Ps.82.5 they do not know nor understand, they walk in darkness, all the foundation of the earth are shaken. Ps.82.6 i said, you are gods, you are all the sons of the most high. Ps.82.7 but you will die like people, and you will fall like one of the rulers. Ps.82.8 rise, god, judge the earth, for you will inherit all the nations. Ps.83.1 a instrument of asaf. o god, do not be silent, do not be silent, o god! Ps.83.2 o god, do not be held, o god! do not be help, o god! Ps.83.3 for you look your trouble against your people, and they consider your pleasures. Ps.83.4 they said, come, let us destroy them from people, so that the name of israel may not be remembered. Ps.83.5 for they desire together with one accord, set a covenant against you. Ps.83.6 for they directed the tends of edom and the ismaelites, moab and the hagarites, Ps.83.7 jebal, ammon, amalec, the philisth with the habitants of tyre. Ps.83.8 assur was also with them, and they were a helper for the sons of lot. ( sela. ) Ps.83.9 do to them as you did to midian, as to sisera, as to jabin, at the spring of kison, Ps.83.10 let them be destroyed in endor, and they were like a ground for the earth. Ps.83.11 put their rulers like oreb and zeeb, and all their rulers as zeba and salmuna, Ps.83.12 for they said, we will inherit the secret of god for ourselves. Ps.83.13 my god, lay them as a robe, like a rop before the wind. Ps.83.14 o god, let them be like a flame, as a flame that brings down the mountains, Ps.83.15 so persecute them with your winds, and destroy them in your wrath. Ps.83.16 show their faces with dishonor, that they may seek your name, o lord. Ps.83.17 let them be ashamed and trouble forever, let them be ashamed and depart. Ps.83.18 and let them know that only your name is the lord, the most high among all the earth. Ps.84.1 to the musice of the musice. to gittith. a psalmsing for the sons of core. how beloved are your dwelling, o lord of the armées! Ps.84.2 my soul draws and short in the courders of the lord, my heart and my flesh rejoice on the living god. Ps.84.3 for the passers found a house and a turn to it, where he puts its nestings, your altars, lord of the armée, my king and my god. Ps.84.4 blessed are those who dwell in your house, forever and ever will love you. ( sela. ) Ps.84.5 blessed are the man whose helper are in you! they do in his heart, o lord! Ps.84.6 as it is in the dal of weeping, they set it in a place, and the laining rejects it with blessing. Ps.84.7 they go away from power to power, they appeares to god in zion. Ps.84.8 o lord, god of god, hear my prayer, listen to me, o god of jacob! ( sela. ) Ps.84.9 look, o god, our aspid, and look at the face of your anointed. Ps.84.10 for one day in your forts is better than thousand. i have chosen it to be exacted in the temple of your god, than to abide in the tends of sinners. Ps.84.11 for the lord god is a mercy and faithful, the lord god will give grace and glory, and he will not give good for those who walk in innocent. Ps.84.12 o lord of armées, blessed is the man who confids in you! Ps.85.1 to the king of coré. salm. o lord, you have been pleased of your land, you have turn up the captives of jacob. Ps.85.2 you have forgiven your people your sins, you have deceived all their sins. sela. Ps.85.3 you have rended all your wrath, you have turned away from your wrath. Ps.85.4 bring us return, o god of our salvation, and turn your wrath from us. Ps.85.5 let us keep your wrath forever, do your wrath from generation to generation? Ps.85.6 do you not turn again to us? shall your people rejoice in you? Ps.85.7 show us, o lord, your mercy, and give us your salvation. Ps.85.8 i will hear what god god will say, for he will speak with peace to his people and to his saints, so that they do not turn to their heart. Ps.85.9 so his salvation is near those who fear him, so that glory will dwell in our land. Ps.85.10 mercy and truth belong, righteousness and peace have kissed. Ps.85.11 a truth comes from the earth, and righteousness look out from heaven. Ps.85.12 god will give good things, and our land will give its fruit. Ps.85.13 righteousness will go before him, and he will put his passions on the way. Ps.86.1 a prayer of david. incline, o lord, your ear and exaud me, for i am poor and poor. Ps.86.2 beware my soul, for i am holy. you, my god, save your servant who confies in you. Ps.86.3 have mercy on me, o lord, for i am crying out for you all the day. Ps.86.4 rejoice the life of your servant, for to you, o lord, bear my soul. Ps.86.5 for you, lord, are good and gentle, and great of mercy for all who call on you. Ps.86.6 listen to my prayer, o lord, and listen to the voice of my supplication. Ps.86.7 in the day of my tribulation i crie to you, for you will listen to me. Ps.86.8 no one is like you among the dives, o lord, and no works is like your works. Ps.86.9 all the nations that you have done will come and worship you, o lord, and glorify your name. Ps.86.10 for you are great, and you do wonders. you are god alone. Ps.86.11 lead me, lord, your way, and i will go in your truth. show my heart to fear your name. Ps.86.12 i will confess you, lord, my god, with all my heart, and i will glorify your name forever. Ps.86.13 for your mercy is great upon me, and you have saved my life from the deep sheep. Ps.86.14 o god, foolish people have come up against me, and a crowd of violent seek my life. they do not put you before them. Ps.86.15 but you, lord, are god of mercy and mercy, patience and great of mercy and true. Ps.86.16 turn to me and have mercy on me, give your power to your servant, and save the son of your slave. Ps.86.17 do a sign to me to good, so that my haters see and be ashamed, for you, lord, have helped me and comfort me. Ps.87.1 of the sons of coré. a psalmlied. his foundation is in the saints mountains. Ps.87.2 the lord loves the gates of zion more than all the dwells of jacob. Ps.87.3 glorious things was spoken of you, o city of god. ( sela. ) Ps.87.4 i will remember rahab and babylon to those who know me. behold, the philistin and tyre and the ethioph, these have become there. Ps.87.5 but of zion he will say, one and one has been born in it, and the most high he will keep it. Ps.87.6 the lord will raise in the scripture of the people: this has been born in it. ( sela. ) Ps.87.7 they will say, all these wonders are in you, all i dwelling in you. Ps.88.1 a change of the sons of coré. to the musice of the musix. on the musice of the musith. o instrumenty of heman the ezrahita. o lord, god of my salvation, i cry day and night before you. Ps.88.2 o god, bring your minds to you, incline your oor to my supplication. Ps.88.3 for my soul is full of evil, and my life drew near to the sheol. Ps.88.4 for mine has been strengthened with those who are descended into the well, i was a man who could not be free. Ps.88.5 i have been broken like those who are hered in the tomb, which you are not remembered again, and they are rejected from your hand. Ps.88.6 you have put me in the hontal grave, in the darkness and in the doil of death. Ps.88.7 you have beared your wrath upon me, and you have carried down all your tives. ( sela. ) Ps.88.8 you have taken away my knowledge from me, they have put me a abomination for them. i am encouraged, and i will not go out. Ps.88.9 i have break my eyes from the affliction; all the day i call to you, o lord, and lay my hands to you. Ps.88.10 i do utter the dead for the dead? will the leasters rise up and praise you? ( sela. ) Ps.88.11 can your mercy raise in the tomb, and your truth in the destruction? Ps.88.12 shall your wonders be known in the darkness, and your righteousness in the land of direction? Ps.88.13 do, o lord, i crie to you, and my prayer comes in the morning. Ps.88.14 o lord, why do you escape my life, why do you cast your face from me? Ps.88.15 for you, o god, is afflicted, and i have been distressed from my youth. Ps.88.16 a trouble of your burns has come upon me, your growful deeds have distributed me. Ps.88.17 they hard around me as water all the day, they are together around me. Ps.88.18 i bears the friends and the friends from me, and my known is from grain. Ps.89.1 a matter of ethan the ezrahita. i will pray for forever the mercy of god. in the generation of generation i will tell your truth in my mouth. Ps.89.2 i will say, the mercy will be builed forever, your truth will ready in the heavens. Ps.89.3 for i have made a covenant with my elect, i have swore to david my servant, Ps.89.4 i will make your offspring forever, and i will build your throne from generation to generation. ( sela. ) Ps.89.5 so the heavens will praise your wonders, o lord, and your truth in the church of the saints. Ps.89.6 in the heavens who can be like the lord, and who will be like the lord among the sons of god? Ps.89.7 for who are in the purpose of the saints, great, and terrible among all who are around him. Ps.89.8 o lord, god of the armées, who is held like you, lord? and your truth belong you. Ps.89.9 o lord, god of the power of our god, how much is you, o god of our god. Ps.89.10 you have demolized the arrogant like a herd, and by your power you have scattered your enemies. Ps.89.11 you have made the heavens, and you is the earth. you have funded the world and its fullness. Ps.89.12 at the north and the sea you have created, tabor and hermon rejoice in your name. Ps.89.13 your hand is strong, your hand is strong, your right hand is exalted. Ps.89.14 your hand is power with power, your power is strength, mercy and truth go before your face. Ps.89.15 a near of the people who knows the ground. o lord, they will go in the light of your face. Ps.89.16 in your name they will rejoice on the whole day, and in your righteousness they will be exalted. Ps.89.17 for you are the glory of their power, and in your purpose our horn will be exalted. Ps.89.18 for god is our reason, and our king is the holy of israel. Ps.89.19 then in a vision you spoke to your holy ones, and you said, i have made a help at a held, i have exalted a chosen of my people. Ps.89.20 i have found my servant david; i have anointed him with my holy oleo. Ps.89.21 i have rejected my hand with him, and my arm will strength him. Ps.89.22 i will not shame in him a enemy, and the son of evil will not destroy him. Ps.89.23 and i will strike his enemies from his face, and i will strike those who hates him. Ps.89.24 my heart and my mercy will be with him, and in my name his horn will be exalted. Ps.89.25 i will make his hand to the sea, and his right hand on the rivers. Ps.89.26 he will calling me, o father, you are my father, my god and the bound of my salvation. Ps.89.27 he will make him a firstborn, a high man than the kings of the earth. Ps.89.28 i will keep him forever, and my covenant will be faithful for him. Ps.89.29 i will make his offspring forever and his throne like the days of heaven. Ps.89.30 when his sons left my law and does not go in my judgments, Ps.89.31 if my law would keep my commandments and do not keep my commandments, Ps.89.32 then their hands will i punish with the scepter, and their sins with plagues. Ps.89.33 but i will not break my mercy from him, and i will not defile my truth. Ps.89.34 but i will not profane my covenant, and i will not despise what is coming through my lips. Ps.89.35 once more i swore by my holy place, i shall do not lie to david. Ps.89.36 his offspring abides forever, and his throne as the sun in my presence, Ps.89.37 he will be continued forever as the moon, and a witness in heaven is faithful. ( sela. ) Ps.89.38 but you have defiled him and rejected, you have rejected your salvede. Ps.89.39 for you have rejected the covenant of your servant, you have defiled his sanctuary in the earth. Ps.89.40 you have destroyed his hand, your treasure have you destroyed. Ps.89.41 all his trouble destroyed him, he has become a reproach for his neighbors. Ps.89.42 you have taken up the right hand of his enemies, you have rejoiced all his enemies. Ps.89.43 you have set his course of his sword, and you did not help him in the war. Ps.89.44 you have cut down his torn, and have set his throne in the ground. Ps.89.45 you have deceived the days of his time, you put him in shame. ( sela. ) Ps.89.46 o lord, how long shall you turn to all? shall your wrath brings up like fire? Ps.89.47 remember, how is my reason, how is it that you have created all the people? Ps.89.48 what is the man who will live and not see death? who will save his soul from the hand of the sheol? ( sela. ) Ps.89.49 where is there your foresta mercy, o lord, who has sworn to david in your truth? Ps.89.50 o lord, remember the reproach of your servants, which i have rejected many nations in my heart. Ps.89.51 your regard, o lord, have insulted your enemies, which they have insulted your salvation. Ps.89.52 blessed be the lord forever. amen, and amen. Ps.90.1 a prayer of moses, man of god. o lord, you was our refuge in generation and generation. Ps.90.2 before the mountains were born and made the earth and the world, and from ever to ever, you are god. Ps.90.3 you turn no man to the grow, and you say, return, children of men! Ps.90.4 for a thousand years is in your eyes like the day of gister, which has passed through, and like a guard in the night. Ps.90.5 you cast them out, they are like a spur; in the morning they are like a grass. Ps.90.6 in the morning it grow and grow, the evening it bears and is withered. Ps.90.7 for we are consumed in your wrath, and in your wrath we are troubled. Ps.90.8 you put our sins in your sight, our sins in the light of your face. Ps.90.9 for all our days are finding out in your wrath. we find our years like a waken. Ps.90.10 the days of our age are seven years, and if in strengthents, eighty years, and the ground of them is moeite and violence, for it brings away, and we leave them. Ps.90.11 who knows the power of your wrath, your wrath from your fear? Ps.90.12 declare that we may number your right matter, so that we may have the hearts of wisdom. Ps.90.13 return, lord! how long? and exhort your servants! Ps.90.14 gaid us in the morning with your mercy, and we will rejoice and rejoice in all our days. Ps.90.15 rejoice us for the days that you afflicted us, the years that we saw evil. Ps.90.16 let your work be for your servants and your works for their children. Ps.90.17 let the bright of the lord our god be upon us, and recline to us the work of our hands. Ps.91.1 he who abides in the help of the most high, he abides in the shadow of the god of heaven. Ps.91.2 i will say to the lord, my refuge and my burn, my god, in whom i turn. Ps.91.3 for he will deliver me from the strik of the lover, from the peste of trouble. Ps.91.4 with his flores he will close you, and under his wings you will be confident, his truth is a shild. Ps.91.5 you will not fear the fear of the night, not for a belonging to the day, Ps.91.6 not the pestilence that gust in darkness, of pestilence that divorces on midday. Ps.91.7 1000 will fall on your side and many thousand at your right hand, but he will not come near to you. Ps.91.8 yet with your eyes you see, and you will see the reward of the gottloses. Ps.91.9 for you, lord, are my refuge, for the most high you have made your refuse. Ps.91.10 no evil will come upon you, and a plage will not come to your tent. Ps.91.11 for he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. Ps.91.12 they will bear you on their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone. Ps.91.13 you will trede on a lion and a dragon, you will trample on the lion and the dragon. Ps.91.14 for he has set my confidence on me, and i will deliver him. i will spend him, for he has known my name. Ps.91.15 he shall call me, and i will answered him. i am with him in tribulation, i will deliver him and glorify him. Ps.91.16 i will filled him with long days, and will show him my salvation. Ps.92.1 a psalmsing for the day of sabbath. it is good to celebrate the lord, and to change your name, o most high. Ps.92.2 in the morning you will proclaim your mercy, and your truth in the night, Ps.92.3 to the instruments of the third, with the harp, with the instruments of harp. Ps.92.4 for you rejoiced me, o lord, by your work, and i will rejoice in the works of your hands. Ps.92.5 how great are your works, o lord! your thoughts are greatly distressed. Ps.92.6 what foolish person does not know, and the foolish do not understand this. Ps.92.7 when the impies are increased like a grass, and all those who do wrongdoing wrong, so that they may be destroyed forever. Ps.92.8 but you, o lord, are high forever. Ps.92.9 for behold, your enemies, here, behold, your enemies will perish, and all who do evil will be scattered. Ps.92.10 for behold, your lord, o god, behold, behold, your deeds have taken up as a horch of sald. Ps.92.11 i will show my eye to my enemies, my ear will hear the evil things who rise against me. Ps.92.12 i will liffe the righteous like a palm, like a cedre in the libano will be multiplied. Ps.92.13 they are planted in the house of the lord, they will blow in the piles of our god. Ps.92.14 in the ground of honor they are ground, they will be wicked and ground, Ps.92.15 for they will proclaim that the lord is right; he is my god, and there is no unrighteousness in him. Ps.93.1 the lord has ready. he is clothed in glory. the lord has clothed his power, has put around his power, and the world is made strong, it will not be shaken. Ps.93.2 your throne is ready from time, from eternal time you are. Ps.93.3 the rivers grow, o lord, the rivers brings up their voces. Ps.93.4 was the lord in the heavenly place, more than the ground of many waters, the lord in the heavenly place. Ps.93.5 your testimony are greatly faithful. the holy things belongs to your house, o lord, for all days. Ps.94.1 o god of vengeance, o lord, god of vengeance, show off. Ps.94.2 be exalted, o judge of the earth, give your reward to the arrogant. Ps.94.3 how long, lord, the sinners, how long will the ungodly boast? Ps.94.4 they speak, speak of lawlessness, all those who do evil will speak. Ps.94.5 they afflict your people, o lord, and they afflict your possession. Ps.94.6 they killed the widow and the proselyte, they struck the waise. Ps.94.7 and they say, the lord does not see, the god of jacob does not understand. Ps.94.8 understand, o foolish among the people! and you foolish, when you will be wise? Ps.94.9 does not he who plants the ood do not listen? he who has forted the eyes does not see? Ps.94.10 he who disciples the gentiles will not punish, he who teaches people knowledge? Ps.94.11 the lord knows the thoughts of the people, that they are vain. Ps.94.12 blessed is the man whom you disciplines, o lord, and teaching him by your law, Ps.94.13 to give him back from the days of evil, until the ground is broken for the impio. Ps.94.14 for the lord does not depute his people, and he will not forgive his inheritance. Ps.94.15 for justice will return to righteousness, and all who are right in his heart will follow it. Ps.94.16 who will stand up for me against those who do evil? who will stand before me against those who do evil? Ps.94.17 if the lord had not been help to me, my soul was present in a long time. Ps.94.18 when i said, my foot short, your mercy, o lord, help me. Ps.94.19 in the multitude of my angusts in my heart, your comfort have loved my life. Ps.94.20 will there be with you a throne of ungodly throne, who makes violence for the law? Ps.94.21 they respect the life of the righteous, and they condemn innocent blood. Ps.94.22 but the lord was a refuse for me, and my god is a helper of my hope. Ps.94.23 he will repay them their deeds, and in their malice he will destroy them. the lord our god will destroy them. Ps.95.1 come, let us rejoice to the lord, let us juble for the god of our savior. Ps.95.2 let us come before his face with blessing, let us juble for him with psalms. Ps.95.3 for the lord is a great god, and great king over all god. Ps.95.4 in his hand are the crowds of the earth, and the upports of the mountains are his. Ps.95.5 his is the sea, for he has made it, and his hands have forced the land. Ps.95.6 come, let us worship and worship him, and let us weep before the lord who has made us. Ps.95.7 for he is our god, and we are the people of his weide and the sheep of his hand. today, if you hear his voice, Ps.95.8 do not harden your hearts as in meriba, as in the day of massa in the wilderness, Ps.95.9 where your fathers tempted me, they tempted me and saw my works. Ps.95.10 for 40 years i was provoked with that generation, and i said, they are a people who deceives in their heart, and they do not know my ways. Ps.95.11 so i swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest. Ps.96.1 sing to the lord, o new sang! sing to the lord, all earth! Ps.96.2 sing to the lord, blessed his name, proclaim his salvation for day. Ps.96.3 proclaim in the nations his glory, in all the nations his wonders. Ps.96.4 for the lord is great and greater praise, it is terrible over all god. Ps.96.5 for all the gods of the nations are many, but the lord has made the heavens. Ps.96.6 majestät and majestess are before him, majesteit and glory in his holy place. Ps.96.7 give to the lord, you heirs of nations, give to the lord glory and praise. Ps.96.8 give to the lord the glory of his name, bring offers and come into his courters. Ps.96.9 worship the lord in the holy courth, beed in his presence, all the earth. Ps.96.10 say among the nations: the lord regies, and the world is firmed, that it will not be shaken. he will judge the people with reason. Ps.96.11 let the heavens rejoice and the earth may rejoice; let the sea shuri and its fullness. Ps.96.12 let the veld rejoice and all that is in it! then all the puts of the woud will rejoice, Ps.96.13 before the lord, for he comes, for he comes to judge the earth. he will judge the world with righteousness and the nations in his truth. Ps.97.1 the lord reges, let the earth rejoice, let many strands rejoice. Ps.97.2 cloud and cloud are around him, righteousness and judgment are the reason of his throne. Ps.97.3 fire walks before him and brings down his enemies. Ps.97.4 his flashes appeared to the world; the earth see it and tremble. Ps.97.5 the mountains cast like a horn from the face of the lord, before the lord of all earth. Ps.97.6 the heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the nations saw his glory. Ps.97.7 let all those who worship the idols will be shame, those who boast in idols. worship him, all the angels. Ps.97.8 zion heard it and was glad, and the daughters of judah rejoices, o lord, for your judgments. Ps.97.9 for you, o lord, is the most high on all the earth, you is greatly exalted than all the gods. Ps.97.10 you who love the lord, hated the evil. he guard the souls of his saints, he deliver them from the hand of the gottloses. Ps.97.11 a light has revealed to the righteous, and joy for those who are right in the heart. Ps.97.12 rejoice in the lord, you righteous, and thank his holy name. Ps.98.1 a psalm of david. sing to the lord a new sang, for he has done wonders. his right hand and his holy arm has been saved. Ps.98.2 the lord has made known his salvation, he has opened his righteousness before the gentiles. Ps.98.3 he remembered his mercy and his truth to the house of israel. all the pers of the earth saw the salvation of our god. Ps.98.4 joy to the lord, all the earth! exult, rejoice and psalmsing, Ps.98.5 psalmsing to the lord with a harp, with a harp and with the sound of harp. Ps.98.6 with trumpets and trumpet of trumpet, rejoice before the king, the lord. Ps.98.7 let the sea shuri and what is in it, the world and those who dwell in it! Ps.98.8 let the rivers strike their hands, let the mountains rejoice in it, Ps.98.9 before the lord, for he comes to judge the earth. he will judge the world with righteousness and the people with reason. Ps.99.1 the lord is regering, the nations bears, he is seated on the cherubim, let the earth be shaken. Ps.99.2 great is the lord in zion, and he is exalted over all the nations. Ps.99.3 let them praise your great and terrible name, for he is holy. Ps.99.4 and the honor of the king loves justice. you have prepared the right, you have done justice and righteousness in jacob. Ps.99.5 exalted the lord our god, and worship the footstool of his feet, for he is holy. Ps.99.6 moses and aaron among his priests, and samuel among those who invoked his name. they called the lord, and he answered them. Ps.99.7 he spoke to them in a cloud of cloud, they kept his testimony and the commandments that he had given them. Ps.99.8 o lord our god, you have heard them, you was for them a god who has forgiven them, but you have vended on their deeds. Ps.99.9 along the lord our god, and worship on his holy mountain, for the lord our god is holy. Ps.100.1 a psalm of confession. grow joy to the lord, all the earth. Ps.100.2 serve the lord with joy, enter his presence with joy. Ps.100.3 know that the lord is god. he has made us, and we we are his, his people and the sheep of his weide. Ps.100.4 enter his gates with thanksgiving, to his cours with hymns. praise him, look his name. Ps.100.5 for the lord is good, his mercy dura forever, and his truth forever. Ps.101.1 of david. i will sing mercy and judgment, to you, o lord, i will sing. Ps.101.2 i will understand in a sincere way. when shall you come to me? i will go in my house with a sincere heart. Ps.101.3 i will not put an opportunity before my eyes, i hate their mends to wrong. Ps.101.4 a scroll heart will depart from me, i will not know the evil. Ps.101.5 whoever makes his neighbor in the service of his neighbor, i will not destroy him. Ps.101.6 my eyes are at the faithful of the land, that they should sit with me. he who walks in a sincere way, he will serve me. Ps.101.7 whoever does disobedience does not abide in my house; whoever speaks unrighteous does not stand before my eyes. Ps.101.8 in the morning i will destroy all the sinners of the land, to destroy them from the city of the lord those who do evil. Ps.102.1 a prayer of the poor, when he is faithful and shows his supplication before the lord. o lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to you. Ps.102.2 do not cast your face to me on the day of my affliction, incline your oor to me. as long as i call, listen to me quickly. Ps.102.3 for my days are consumed like a smoke, and my bears like a rook. Ps.102.4 my heart is broken and withered like a grass, for i have forgotten to eat my bread. Ps.102.5 because of the rop of my groaning my cloak hold fast to my flesh. Ps.102.6 i was like pelikan in the wilderness, i was like a robor in the wilderness. Ps.102.7 i am asleep, and i was like a foor only on the household. Ps.102.8 so i do, my enemies insult me every day; those who dress me, swears against me. Ps.102.9 for i am eating the seed like a bread, and i spring up my wish with weeping, Ps.102.10 for the ground of your wrath and of your wrath, for you have taken up and thrown me up. Ps.102.11 my days are like a hidden flood, and i am withered like grass. Ps.102.12 so, o lord, you are forever, and your remember from generation to generation. Ps.102.13 you will rise and have mercy on zion, for the time is for you to have mercy, for there is time. Ps.102.14 indeed, your servants pleased its stones, and they have mercy on her stof. Ps.102.15 so the nations will fear the name of the lord, and all the kings of the earth your glory. Ps.102.16 as long as the lord will build zion, he appears in his glory. Ps.102.17 when he appears at the prayers of the poor, he has not rejected their prayers. Ps.102.18 it will be written for the next generation, and the people who will be created will love the lord, Ps.102.19 so that he looked out from his holy hoogts, the lord looked from heaven to earth, Ps.102.20 so that he will listen the ground of the prisoners, to destroy the imperishable. Ps.102.21 for they will proclaim in zion the name of the lord, and his praise in jerusalem, Ps.102.22 when the people are gathered together, and the kingdom, to serve the lord. Ps.102.23 he has directed his strength in the way, i have defiled my days. Ps.102.24 i said, o god, do not rebuke me in the half of my days. your years are in every generation. Ps.102.25 i said, o god, do not be lifted up the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Ps.102.26 they will perish, but you will continue; they will all come like a robe, you will change them as a robe, and they will change them. Ps.102.27 but you are the same, and your years will not be consumed. Ps.102.28 the sons of your servants will dwell, and their offspring will be made right. Ps.103.1 blessed, my soul, to the lord, and all that is in me, his holy name. Ps.103.2 blessed, my soul, the lord, and do not harm all his practices. Ps.103.3 he who forgive all your deeds, who hears all your diseases. Ps.103.4 who redeses your life from destruction, who crows you with mercy and mercy, Ps.103.5 who sast your desires with good, so that your younger will be revealed like an eagle. Ps.103.6 the lord does to give justice and judgment for all who are wrong. Ps.103.7 he made known to moses his ways, his desires to the children of israel. Ps.103.8 mercy and mercy is the lord, patience and great in mercy. Ps.103.9 he will not find his wrath forever, neither will he remain forever. Ps.103.10 he has not done for us according to our sins, nor has he reward us according to our sins. Ps.103.11 for as the heavens is exalted from the earth, so great is his mercy for those who fear him. Ps.103.12 as long as the east comes from the west, so he has divided our transgressions from us. Ps.103.13 just as the father compasse his children, so the lord shows those who fear him. Ps.103.14 for he knows our former, he remember that we are stol. Ps.103.15 the days of man is like grass, it blows like a flower of the field. Ps.103.16 when the wind draws over it, he is not more, and his place is not recognized again. Ps.103.17 but the mercy of the lord is from ever and forever over those who fear him, and his righteousness to the sons of children, Ps.103.18 to those who keep his covenant and remember his commandments, to do them. Ps.103.19 the lord has prepared his throne in heaven, and his kingdom heads over all things. Ps.103.20 blessed the lord, his angels, you strong held, who do his word, and listen to the voice of his word! Ps.103.21 blessed the lord, all his armées, you his ministers, who do his will! Ps.103.22 blessed the lord, all his works, in all the places of his domination. blessed, my soul, the lord. Ps.104.1 blessed, o my soul, to the lord. o lord, my god, you are very great; you are clothed in majesty and glory. Ps.104.2 you stricks with light as a clothing, stretched heaven as a tentain. Ps.104.3 you put his robes on the water, show the clouds for his course, he walks on the vings of the wind. Ps.104.4 he who make his messengers spirits and their ministers a flame fire, Ps.104.5 he has funded the earth on its ground, it will never be founded forever. Ps.104.6 you put it to the bottomless pit as a robe; the water stood on the mountains. Ps.104.7 from your reason they were fleed, for the voice of your thunder were they escaped. Ps.104.8 the mountains became up, the valds fell down to the place that you had made for them. Ps.104.9 you have made a region, which they will not pass away, neither will they return to shut the earth. Ps.104.10 you who sent springs in the valles, they direct water among the mountains, Ps.104.11 they give drink all the beast of the field, the bears of vill give their thirsty. Ps.104.12 by them the birds of the air dwells, in the midst of the rocks they give their voice. Ps.104.13 you give out the mountains out of your upports, the earth will be satisfied from the fruit of your works. Ps.104.14 you make grass to the beast and the grass for the service of man, to bring bread from the earth. Ps.104.15 and wine, who rejoice the heart of man, to show the face of olive, and a bread that strengthen the heart of man. Ps.104.16 the drans of the earth will be filled, the zeders of the libano, which he has planted. Ps.104.17 in which the passers grow nests, the storm their house is in their ground. Ps.104.18 the high mounts are for the heavens, the rock for the leeps. Ps.104.19 he has made the moon for the time. the sun knows his course. Ps.104.20 you put darkness, and it is night, in which all the beasts of the woud drew through it. Ps.104.21 the jeuners weeps to grave, and to seek for god their food. Ps.104.22 the sun rises, they are gathered, and in their alts they will lay down. Ps.104.23 the man went out to his work and to his work, until evening. Ps.104.24 how great are your works, o lord! you have done all things with wisdom, the earth is fulfilled of your possessions. Ps.104.25 this is the great and further sea; there are reptiles that is not in number, little living and great living. Ps.104.26 there passes the boats, the dragon that you have forced to strike him. Ps.104.27 they all look at you, to give them their food in their time. Ps.104.28 you give them, they gather; you openes your hand, they are filled with good things. Ps.104.29 you show your face, they were troubled, you take their spirit, they depart and return into their ground. Ps.104.30 you send your spirit, and they were created, and you rends the face of the earth. Ps.104.31 let the glory of the lord abide forever, the lord rejoice in his works. Ps.104.32 he looks on the earth, and it trembs; he touch the mountains, and they rook. Ps.104.33 in my life i will sing for the lord, i will sing my god as long as i am. Ps.104.34 let my reason be amazed for him, i will rejoice in the lord. Ps.104.35 let the sinners away from the earth, and the sinners do not be. blessed, o my soul, the lord. Ps.105.1 celebring the lord, call his name, tell among the nations his works. Ps.105.2 sing to him, psalmsing to him, tell all his wonders. Ps.105.3 rejoice in his holy name, let the hearts of those who seek the lord. Ps.105.4 seek for the lord and his might, seek for always his face. Ps.105.5 remember his wonders that he has done, his wonders and the judgments of his mouth, Ps.105.6 you offspring of abraham, his servant, you sons of jacob, his elect. Ps.105.7 he is the lord our god, his judgments are in all the earth. Ps.105.8 he remember forever his covenant, the word that he commanded for a thousand generation, Ps.105.9 which he made with abraham, and his oath to isaac. Ps.105.10 he set it for jacob as a law, for israel as eternal covenant, Ps.105.11 saying, i will give you the land of canaan as heirs of your inheritance. Ps.105.12 while they were a little number, little, and strangers in it, Ps.105.13 they went from a nation to a nation, from a kingdom to another people. Ps.105.14 he did not allow anyone to harm them, and he reasoned kings for their sake, Ps.105.15 do not touch my salvede, and do not do evil to my prophets. Ps.105.16 and he called a famine to the land and broke all the bold of bread. Ps.105.17 he sent a man before them, joseph was sold as a servant. Ps.105.18 they were afflicted his feet in chains, his soul was broken of iron. Ps.105.19 until his word came, the giving him the word of the lord. Ps.105.20 the king sent and divorced him, the ruler of the people gave him away. Ps.105.21 he made him lord for his house and ruler over all his possession, Ps.105.22 so that he might discipline his rulers as himself and give instruction to his elders. Ps.105.23 so israel went into egypt, and jacob was persecuting in the land of cham. Ps.105.24 and he made his people forte and strengthened him more than his enemies. Ps.105.25 he turned their hearts to hate his people, to do false against his servants. Ps.105.26 he sent moses, his servant, and aaron whom he had chosen. Ps.105.27 they made among them the words of his sign and wonders in the land of cham. Ps.105.28 he sent darkness and was darkness, and they did not provoke his words. Ps.105.29 he turned their water into blood, and killed their fish. Ps.105.30 their land was broken off, in the sidst of their kings. Ps.105.31 he said, and mouchs came, shaks in all their regions. Ps.105.32 he gave them hail, a flame fire in their land. Ps.105.33 he struck their vineyards and their fig tree and broke the tree of their region. Ps.105.34 he told, and the heiners came and broined, without number. Ps.105.35 they devored the whole grass in their land, and they devored the fruit of their land. Ps.105.36 he killed all the firstborn in their land, the firstfruits of all their possessions. Ps.105.37 and he led them out with silver and gold, and among their tribes there was no weak. Ps.105.38 egypt was glad when they went out, for their fear fell upon them. Ps.105.39 he brevered a cloud to short, and fire to light for the night. Ps.105.40 they asked, and he brought spices, and he filled them with the bread of heaven. Ps.105.41 he opened the rock, and water flowed, and the river went in as a river. Ps.105.42 for he remembered his holy word, of abraham his servant. Ps.105.43 he brought his people out with joy, his elect with joy. Ps.105.44 and he gave them the regions of the nations, and they became possessions of the labores of the people, Ps.105.45 so that they may keep his commandments and keep his law. halleluja! Ps.106.1 celebrate the lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever. Ps.106.2 who will pray the strength of the lord? who will pray all his praise? Ps.106.3 blessed are those who keep justice, who practice righteousness in every time! Ps.106.4 remember me, o lord, because you please to your people, remember me by your salvation, Ps.106.5 that i may see the good of your elect, to rejoice in the joy of your nation, that i may praise with your inheritance. Ps.106.6 we have sinned with our fathers, we have wronged, we have wronged. Ps.106.7 our fathers did not understand your wonders in egypt; they did not remember your great mercy, but were rebeled by the sea, at the schilde sea. Ps.106.8 but he saved them for his name's sake, to make known his might. Ps.106.9 he rebuked the schilde sea, and it withered away, and he led them by the ground as in the wilderness. Ps.106.10 and he saved them from the hand of him who hated them, and delivered them from the hand of the enemy. Ps.106.11 the water opened their enemies, not one of them was left. Ps.106.12 then they believed in his words, and they prayed his praise. Ps.106.13 but immediately they had forgotten his works, they did not warn his plan, Ps.106.14 but they were desired of desires in the wilderness, and they tempted god in the wilderness. Ps.106.15 so he gave them what they asked, but sent beyond their souls. Ps.106.16 they provoked provoke to moses in the camp, and against aaron, the holy one of the lord. Ps.106.17 the earth opened and swallowed dathan, and she covered abiram the synagogue of abiram. Ps.106.18 and fire was bringing in their ground, a flame destroyed the sinners. Ps.106.19 they made a kalf in horeb and worshiped a image. Ps.106.20 they rejected their glory in the likeness of a boves who eats the grass. Ps.106.21 they vergayed god, their save, who had done great things in egypt, Ps.106.22 wonders in the land of cham, terribles at the schilde sea. Ps.106.23 so he said to destroy them, but moses, his elect, stood not in the plague before him, to turn his wrath to destroy them. Ps.106.24 they despised the desire land, they did not believe his word. Ps.106.25 and they murmured in their tends, they did not listen to the voice of the lord. Ps.106.26 so he raised up his hand to them to throw them down in the wilderness, Ps.106.27 and to throw their offspring among the nations and scatters them in the lands. Ps.106.28 they were finished with baal-peors and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Ps.106.29 so they provoked him up by their deeds, and a fall was multiplied among them. Ps.106.30 but finehas stood up and made justice, and the plague remained. Ps.106.31 and it was counted to him as righteousness, from generation to generation, forever. Ps.106.32 they provoked him at the waters of meriba, and moses was afflicted for them. Ps.106.33 for they were provoked against his spirit, and he spoke with his lips. Ps.106.34 they did not destroy the nations that the lord had spoken to them. Ps.106.35 but they defiled among the nations, and learned their works. Ps.106.36 they served their idols, and they were a stumbling block for them. Ps.106.37 and they offered their sons and their daughters to the demons, Ps.106.38 they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and of their daughters, which they offered to the idols of canaan, and the land was defiled by blood. Ps.106.39 so they were defiled by their works, and they sexual immorality with their idols. Ps.106.40 so the wrath of the lord was burned against his people, and he was abomined of his heredity. Ps.106.41 and he delivered them into the hands of the nations, and their haters domined them. Ps.106.42 their enemies afflicted them, and they were afflicted under their hands. Ps.106.43 many times he delivered them, but they were rebeldes in their purpose, and they were afflicted in their wrongdoing. Ps.106.44 but he saw in their affliction, when he heard their supplication. Ps.106.45 and he remembered his covenant, and was repented because of his great mercy. Ps.106.46 and he gave them to mercy in the presence of all who had brought them captive. Ps.106.47 save us, lord our god, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, to boast in your praise. Ps.106.48 blessed be the lord, the god of israel, from ever and forever! and all the people shall say, amen. Ps.107.1 celebrate the lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever. Ps.107.2 let the redempts of the lord say, those who he has delivered from the hand of the enemy, Ps.107.3 and gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and sea. Ps.107.4 they were deceived in the wilderness, for they did not find a city to dwelling. Ps.107.5 they were hungry and thirsty, their soul was consumed in them. Ps.107.6 then they cried out to the lord in their affliction, and he delivered them out of their afflictions, Ps.107.7 and he led them to the right way, to go into a town in dwelling place. Ps.107.8 let them praise the lord for his mercy and for his mighty works for the people. Ps.107.9 for he has satisfied the sound life, and the hungry life has filled with good good. Ps.107.10 those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, captive in poor and iron, Ps.107.11 for they had rebellied against the words of god, and provoked the purpose of the most high, Ps.107.12 so he humilied their hearts with affliction, they fell, and there was no one to help. Ps.107.13 then they cried out to the lord in their affliction, and he saved them out of their afflictions. Ps.107.14 he led them out of darkness and of death, and distributed their imprisonments. Ps.107.15 let them praise the lord for his mercy and for his mighty works for the people. Ps.107.16 for he broke the gates of bronze, and broke the sound of iron. Ps.107.17 they were strengthened for their wicked way, and for their deeds they were afflicted. Ps.107.18 their soul abounded every food, and they drew near to the gates of death. Ps.107.19 then they cried out to the lord in their affliction, and he saved them out of their afflictions. Ps.107.20 he sent his word and healed them, and he delivered them out of their ground. Ps.107.21 let them praise the lord for his mercy, and for his mighty works for the people. Ps.107.22 so let they offer thanks of praise, and proclaim his works with joy. Ps.107.23 those who sleep into the sea with boats, doing work in many waters, Ps.107.24 they saw the works of the lord and his wonders in the wealth. Ps.107.25 he said, and there stood a storm of storm, which lifted up the waves of it. Ps.107.26 they went up to heaven, descended into the bottomless pit; their soul shined in evil things. Ps.107.27 they were troubled and treated as a drunk, and all their wisdom were consumed. Ps.107.28 then they cried out to the lord in their affliction, and he led them out of their afflictions. Ps.107.29 he turned the storm and stood in the winds, and its wores were silent. Ps.107.30 they rejoiced because they were still, and he led them to the town of their will. Ps.107.31 let them praise the lord for his mercy, and for his mighty works for the people. Ps.107.32 let them be exalted in the congregation of the people, and love him in the council of the elders. Ps.107.33 he put flores into a wilderness, and waterroes in thirsty, Ps.107.34 the fruit of fruit for grain for the boosheid of those who dwell in it. Ps.107.35 he made the wilderness into a water of water, the wilderness into waterflores. Ps.107.36 he made those who were hungry there and set a city to abide. Ps.107.37 they semped lands and planted vineyars, and bear fruit for fruit. Ps.107.38 he blessed them, and they were greatly multiplied, and he did not divorce their beast. Ps.107.39 then they were small and defiled, because of affliction, evil and weak. Ps.107.40 he has poured up despise on the rulers and deceives them in foolish wood. Ps.107.41 but he held the poor from the poor, and put their fathers as sheep. Ps.107.42 the righteous see it and rejoice, and all deeds will splender her mouth. Ps.107.43 who is wise, let him guard these things, and they will understand the mercy of the lord. Ps.108.1 a waiting for david. my heart is ready, o god, i will sing, i will sing on my glory. Ps.108.2 rise, psaltery and harpa! i will come up earnestly. Ps.108.3 i will sing you, o lord, among the nations, and i will sing to you among the nations. Ps.108.4 for great is your mercy for the heavens, and your truth bis to the cloud. Ps.108.5 be exalted over the heavens, o god, and your glory over all the earth. Ps.108.6 let your beloved be saved, save my right hand and exauce me. Ps.108.7 god has spoken in his holy place: i will be exalted, i will divise sichem, and i will measure the vall succoth. Ps.108.8 gilead is my, and manasseh is my, and ephraim is the helper of my head, judas is my helper. Ps.108.9 moab is my weasure, over edom will i put my sandals. over philisters i will change my cloak. Ps.108.10 moab is my helper, moab is my ruler, edom is the robor of edom. Ps.108.11 o god, who rejected us, and not go out, god, with our armées? Ps.108.12 give us help from our persecution, for deceive is the salvation of man. Ps.108.13 in god we will make power, and he will despise our enemies. Ps.109.1 to the musice. psalmos of david. o god of my praise, do not silence. Ps.109.2 for the mouth of ungodly and a mouth of deceiver has opened against me, they spoke against me with a false tongue. Ps.109.3 they went around me with words of hail, and attacked me without a cause. Ps.109.4 for my love they show me, but i pray. Ps.109.5 they have put up against me evil for good, and hair for my love. Ps.109.6 put a gottlose man over him, and a satan stand at his right hand. Ps.109.7 when he is judged, let him be condemned, and his prayer be for sin. Ps.109.8 let his days become little, and let another take his office. Ps.109.9 let his children become women and his wife a widow! Ps.109.10 let his sons be deceived, and let them leave, and let them be cast from their household. Ps.109.11 let the lainer sought all that he has, and let others plunder his labored. Ps.109.12 let no one have a mercy for him, and let no one be merciful for his orphs. Ps.109.13 let his children be destroyed, his name be exalted in the first generation. Ps.109.14 let the transgression of his fathers remember the lord, and let not the sin of his mother be destroyed. Ps.109.15 let them always be before the lord, and let their member be destroyed from the earth. Ps.109.16 because he did not remember the mercy of mercy, but persecuted a poor and poor man and inflicted heart to put to death. Ps.109.17 he loved a curse, and it came to him; he was not willing to be blessed, and it will be leading from him. Ps.109.18 he put in a curse like his garment, and the curse has gone in his inside and like a olive in his beasts. Ps.109.19 let it be to him as a robe that he has clothed, and as a belt that he finds always! Ps.109.20 this is the work of my adversaries from the lord, and from those who speak evil against my soul. Ps.109.21 but you, lord, lord, do with me for your name's sake, for your mercy is good. Ps.109.22 for i am poor and poor, and my heart is troubled within me. Ps.109.23 i am carried away like a shadow, i cast away like a springe. Ps.109.24 my kings cast off because of fasting, and my flesh was broken with oil. Ps.109.25 i have been a reproach for them, when they see me, they beat their heads. Ps.109.26 help me, lord, my god, save me according to your mercy. Ps.109.27 so let they know that this is your hand, that you, lord, have done it. Ps.109.28 let them curse, but you shall blessed; when they rise, they be ashamed, but your servant will rejoice. Ps.109.29 let my adversaries be put in clothing, and let their shame be clothed as a mantel. Ps.109.30 in my mouth i will praise the lord, and in the midst of many i will praise him. Ps.109.31 for he is standing at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those who persecute my life. Ps.110.1 of david. the lord said to my lord, sit at my right hand, until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet. Ps.110.2 the scepter of your power will the lord send from sion. domine in the midst of your enemies. Ps.110.3 your power will come with you in the day of your power, in the holy faces, out of the mourn of the morning, your daughter will come to you. Ps.110.4 the lord has sworn and will not repent: you are a priest forever, after the order of melchizedek. Ps.110.5 the lord at your right hand will strike kings in the day of his wrath. Ps.110.6 he will judge among the nations, fulfill the fish; he will strike heads of heads on many earth. Ps.110.7 he will drink from the spring in the way, therefore he will exalts his head. Ps.111.1 halleluja! i will praise the lord with all my heart, in the purpose of the godds and in the congregation. Ps.111.2 great are the works of the lord, seeking all who desires them. Ps.111.3 his work is majesty and majesty, and his righteousness abides forever. Ps.111.4 he has done for his wonders to remember; the lord is mercy and mercy. Ps.111.5 he gave food to those who fear him, he will remember his covenant forever. Ps.111.6 he declared to his people the power of his works, that he gave them the inheritance of the nations. Ps.111.7 the works of his hands are truth and judgment, all his commandments are faithful. Ps.111.8 they are established forever and forever, having been made in truth and right. Ps.111.9 he sent redemption for his people, he has commanded his covenant forever. he is holy and terrible. Ps.111.10 the beginning of the wisdom is the fear of the lord. good understanding are for all who do it. his praise remains forever. Ps.112.1 halleluja! blessed is the man who fear the lord, who desires in his commandments! Ps.112.2 his offspring will be strong in the earth, the generation of the godly will be blessed. Ps.112.3 great and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Ps.112.4 in the darkness the light grow light; he is mercy, mercy, and righteous. Ps.112.5 good is the man who shows and shows, he will share his words in judgment. Ps.112.6 for he will never wands, the righteous will be remembered forever. Ps.112.7 he will not fear evil from evil hearing, his heart is ready and hope in the lord. Ps.112.8 his heart is strengthened, he will not fear, until he look upon his enemies. Ps.112.9 he has crown, he has given to the poor; his righteousness abides forever, his horn will be exalted in glory. Ps.112.10 the impies will see and look, he will strike his teeth and turn. the desires of the impies will perish. Ps.113.1 halleluja! praise, o servants of the lord, praise the name of the lord! Ps.113.2 let the name of the lord be blessed from now and forever. Ps.113.3 from the sun of sun until it comes, the name of the lord may be loved. Ps.113.4 the lord is exalted over all nations, his glory is upon the heavens. Ps.113.5 who is like the lord our god, who dwells in high, Ps.113.6 he who grow down in the heavens and on the earth? Ps.113.7 he who arise the poor from the ground, and exalts the poor from the bound, Ps.113.8 to set him with the rulers, with the rulers of his people. Ps.113.9 he who divided the barren in a house, rejoicing mother of children. halleluja! Ps.114.1 when israel went out of egypt, the house of jacob from a native people, Ps.114.2 juda was his holy place, israel his domination. Ps.114.3 the sea saw it and fled, the jordan turned back. Ps.114.4 the mountains spring like hypocrites, the coll like lamb. Ps.114.5 what is it to you, o sea, that you are escaped? jordan, why you turned back? Ps.114.6 you mountains, why you spring like hypocrites, the coll, like lamb? Ps.114.7 tremble, earth, for the face of the lord, for the face of the god of jacob, Ps.114.8 he who turned the rock into a water of water, the rock to a spring water. Ps.115.1 do not to us, lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, because of your mercy and your truth. Ps.115.2 why do the nations say, where is their god? Ps.115.3 our god is in heaven; he has done all that he desires. Ps.115.4 the idols of the nations are silver and gold, works of hands of men. Ps.115.5 they have mouth but does not speak, they have eyes but cannot see, Ps.115.6 they have ears, but neither hear; they have kings, and they do not call. Ps.115.7 they have hands but do not touch; they have feet, but not walk, they will not call in their keal. Ps.115.8 those who do them will become them like them, and all who confids in them. Ps.115.9 o israel, confid in the lord! he is their help and their scuth. Ps.115.10 o house of aaron, confid in the lord! he is their help and their scuth. Ps.115.11 you who fear the lord, confie in the lord! he is their help and their bound. Ps.115.12 the lord remember us and blessed us, he will blessed the house of israel, he will blessed the house of aaron. Ps.115.13 he will blessed those who fear the lord, both small and great. Ps.115.14 the lord must increase you, you and your children. Ps.115.15 you are blessed in the lord, who created heaven and earth. Ps.115.16 the heavens of heaven is for the lord, but the earth he has given to the people. Ps.115.17 the dead will not love the lord, nor no one who leads down in the sheol. Ps.115.18 but we, we will love the lord from now on and forever. halleluja! Ps.116.1 i loved the lord, for he has heard my voice and prayers. Ps.116.2 for he turned his ear to me, and in my days i will call him. Ps.116.3 the weasures of death have kept around me, the angusts of the sheol have found me. i found tribulation and affliction. Ps.116.4 then i called the name of the lord, saying, o lord, deliver my life! Ps.116.5 the lord is mercy and righteous, and our god is mercy. Ps.116.6 the lord guard the children; i was distressed, but he saved me. Ps.116.7 return, my soul, to your rest, for the lord has done good for you. Ps.116.8 for you have saved my life from death, my eyes from tears and my feet from a mood. Ps.116.9 i will go before the lord in the land of the living. Ps.116.10 i believed, therefore i said, i am greatly afflicted. Ps.116.11 i said in my angusting, all people are a liar. Ps.116.12 what shall i give to the lord for all his good things that he has done to me? Ps.116.13 i will receive the cup of salvation, and i will call the name of the lord. Ps.116.15 honor in the presence of the lord the death of his saints. Ps.116.16 o lord, i am your servant, i am your servant, the son of your slave. you have distributed my chains. Ps.116.17 i will offer to you the sacrifice of praise, and i will addresse the lord. Ps.116.18 i will pay my profts to the lord before all his people. Ps.116.19 in the parts of the house of the lord, in your midst, jerusalem. halleluja! Ps.117.1 look him, all the nations, look him, all the nations. Ps.117.2 for his mercy is strengthened over us, and the truth of the lord abides forever. Ps.118.1 celebrate the lord, for he is god, for his mercy is forever. Ps.118.2 let israel say that his mercy are forever. Ps.118.3 let the house of aaron say, his mercy are forever. Ps.118.4 let all who fear the lord say, his mercy dura forever. Ps.118.5 in tribulation i called the lord, and he answered me, so i directed me. Ps.118.6 the lord is with me, i will not fear. what can a man do to me? Ps.118.7 the lord is with me, he is my helper, and i will see my enemies. Ps.118.8 it is better to confidence in the lord than to confid in man. Ps.118.9 it is better to hope in the lord than to hope in rulers. Ps.118.10 all the nations kept around me, but in the name of the lord i will destroy them. Ps.118.11 they walked around me, but in the name of the lord i will destroy them. Ps.118.12 they walked around me like measures, they shaken as fire in thorns. in the name of the lord i will destroy them. Ps.118.13 you striked me, and i fell to fall, but the lord helped me. Ps.118.14 the lord is my power and my praise, and he was my salvation. Ps.118.15 a voice of joy and salvation is in the tends of the righteous, the right hand of the lord does power. Ps.118.16 the right hand of the lord is exalted, the right hand of the lord does power. Ps.118.17 i will not die, but live and tell the works of the lord. Ps.118.18 the lord rebuked me, but he gave me not to the death. Ps.118.19 open to me the gates of righteousness, that i may enter them and praise the lord. Ps.118.20 this is the door of the lord; the righteous will enter it. Ps.118.21 i will praise you because you have heard me and became my salvation. Ps.118.22 the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Ps.118.23 this was the lord's doing, it is marvely in our eyes. Ps.118.24 this is the day that the lord has done; let us rejoice and rejoice in it. Ps.118.25 o lord, save me! o lord, proclaim it! Ps.118.26 blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord! we give you blessed from the house of the lord. Ps.118.27 the god is god, and he has appeared to us. strike the feast with feasts to the corns of the altar. Ps.118.28 you are my god, and i will give you thanks. you are my god, and i will bear you up. Ps.118.29 give thanks to the lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever. Ps.119.1 blessed are those who live in the way, those who walk in the law of the lord! Ps.119.2 blessed are those who keep his testimony, who seek him with all his heart, Ps.119.3 those who do not do wrong, they go in his voies. Ps.119.4 you have commanded your commandments to keep greatly. Ps.119.5 o, if my ways were encouraged, to keep your commandments! Ps.119.6 then i will not be ashamed when i see all your commandments. Ps.119.7 i will praise you with reason in heart, when i learn your righteousness of righteousness. Ps.119.8 i will keep your insight, do not forgive me. Ps.119.9 how will the young man ready his way? in the guard of your word. Ps.119.10 i am seeking you with all my heart, do not put me away from your commandments. Ps.119.11 i have hidden your word in my heart, that i may not sin against you. Ps.119.12 blessed are you, o lord; teach me your commandments. Ps.119.13 in my lips i proclaim all the judgments of your mouth. Ps.119.14 i am kept in the way of your testimony, as for all the riches. Ps.119.15 i will warn your commandments, and i will consider your ways. Ps.119.16 i will turn in your deeds, i do not neglect your word. Ps.119.17 do good to your servant, that i may live and keep your word. Ps.119.18 opened my eyes, and i will show the wonders of your law. Ps.119.19 i am a stranger in the earth. do not hidden your commandments from me. Ps.119.20 my soul is distributed for the desire of your judgments in every time. Ps.119.21 you rebuked the arrogant, you cursed, who deceive from your commandments. Ps.119.22 leave the reproach and despise from me, for i am seeking your testimony. Ps.119.23 even the rulers sit and speak against me, but your servant deceives your commandments. Ps.119.24 as well as your testimony, it is my reason, and my council. Ps.119.25 my soul is attacked at the ground; vivify me according to your word. Ps.119.26 i told my ways, and you answered me; teach me your commandments. Ps.119.27 give me understanding the way of your commandments, and i will remember your wonders. Ps.119.28 my soul rivers in the ground. rebuild me because of your word. Ps.119.29 leave the way of unrighteousness from me, and have mercy on me your law. Ps.119.30 i have chosen the way of the truth, i have rejected your judgments. Ps.119.31 i am hold to your testimony, o lord, do not be put to shame. Ps.119.32 i will ran the way of your commandments, for you have directed my heart. Ps.119.33 tell me, lord, the way of your commandments, and i will keep it always. Ps.119.34 give me understanding, and i will keep your law, and i will keep him with all my heart. Ps.119.35 led me in the way of your commandments, for i am pleasing to it. Ps.119.36 incline my heart to your testimony, and not for gentle. Ps.119.37 turn away my eyes from look in vain, hold me in your way. Ps.119.38 do your word proclaim to your servant, as it is for your fear. Ps.119.39 taken away my reproach that i have suffered, for your judgments are good. Ps.119.40 behold, i have desired your commandments; hold me in your righteousness. Ps.119.41 let your mercy come upon me, o lord, and your salvation according to your word. Ps.119.42 so i will give an answer to those who reproach me, for i hope on your word. Ps.119.43 do not depart from my mouth a word of truth, for i have conquered your judgments. Ps.119.44 and i will keep your law forever and forever. Ps.119.45 and i go in large place, for i have seeking your commandments. Ps.119.46 i will speak of your testimony before kings, and we will not be ashamed. Ps.119.47 i will have mercy on your commandments, which i have loved. Ps.119.48 i will liffe my hands to your commandments, which i have loved, and i will deceive in your commandments. Ps.119.49 remember the word that you have spoken to your servant, for you have made me hope. Ps.119.50 this is my consolation in my affliction, that your word has made me life. Ps.119.51 the soberden have become greatly put to me, but from your law i do not refuse. Ps.119.52 i remember your righteous judgments, o lord, and i was consoled. Ps.119.53 there is a desolate influence for the gottloses, who forgive your law. Ps.119.54 your righteous deeds are for me in the place of my household. Ps.119.55 in the night i remember your name, o lord, and i have kept your law. Ps.119.56 this is my thing, for i have seeking your commandments. Ps.119.57 the lord is my part, i said, i have decided to keep your commandments. Ps.119.58 i have prayed for you with all my heart; have mercy on me, according to your word. Ps.119.59 i thought my ways, and i turned my feet to your testimony. Ps.119.60 i have kept, and i am not troubled, to keep your commandments. Ps.119.61 the cords of deeds me cast around me, but i have not lifted your law. Ps.119.62 in midnight we will rise and celebrae you because of your righteousness of righteousness. Ps.119.63 i am partner with all those who fear you and of those who keep your commandments. Ps.119.64 the earth is full of your mercy, o lord; teach me your commandments. Ps.119.65 you have done good to your servant, o lord, according to your word. Ps.119.66 teach me the good knowledge and knowledge, for i have believed in your commandments. Ps.119.67 before i was afflicted, i became greater; but now i keep your word. Ps.119.68 you are good, and in your kindness, teach me your commandments. Ps.119.69 the arrogant becomes false against me, but i am seeking your commandments with all my heart. Ps.119.70 their heart is shalling like a milk, but i means your law. Ps.119.71 it was well for me that i was afflicted, so that i might learn your deeds. Ps.119.72 the law of your mouth is better for me than many thousand gold and silver. Ps.119.73 your hands have made me and forted me; give me understanding, that i may learn your commandments. Ps.119.74 those who fear you will see me and rejoice, for i have hope in your word. Ps.119.75 i know, o lord, that your judgments are righteousness, and at truth you afflicted. Ps.119.76 let your mercy be exhorted, according to your word to your servant. Ps.119.77 let your mercy come upon me, that i may live, for your law is my pleasure. Ps.119.78 let the arrogant be ashamed, for they have deceived me unjust. but i will remember your commandments. Ps.119.79 let those who fear you return to me, and those who know your testimony. Ps.119.80 let my heart be perfect in your commandements, so that i may not be ashamed. Ps.119.81 my soul takes away for your salvation, and i have hope in your word. Ps.119.82 my eyes are wicked for your word, saying, when will you console me? Ps.119.83 for i was like a botch in a rop, but i have not lifted your practices. Ps.119.84 how long are the days of your servant? when will you do judgment on those who persecute me? Ps.119.85 the deeds has spoken for me, they who are not like your law. Ps.119.86 all your commandments are truth; they persecute me unjust. help me. Ps.119.87 they have turned away quickly in the land, but i have not left your commandments. Ps.119.88 bely me according to your mercy, and i will keep the testimony of your mouth. Ps.119.89 for forever, o lord, your word abides in heaven. Ps.119.90 your truth is from generation to generation; you have funded the earth, and it continues. Ps.119.91 as for your insight, it continues even on the day, for all things are your servants. Ps.119.92 if your law was not my leading, then i would have been destroyed in my affliction. Ps.119.93 i will never forgive your commandments, for by them you have conserved me. Ps.119.94 i am god, save me, for i am seeking your instructions. Ps.119.95 the sinners remaines to destroy me, but i consider your testimony. Ps.119.96 i have seen a end of all destruction, but your commandment is greatly directed. Ps.119.97 how is i love your law! it is my charge all the day. Ps.119.98 your commandments show me than my enemies, for they are forever to me. Ps.119.99 i am understanding than all my teachers, for i desire your testimony. Ps.119.100 i am understanding than the elders, for i keep your commandments. Ps.119.101 i have kept my feet from every evil way, so that i may keep your word. Ps.119.102 i did not depart from your judgments, for you are instructed to me. Ps.119.103 how duld are your words to my struck, more than honey for my mouth! Ps.119.104 by your commandments i have understanding understanding, therefore i hated every way of unrighteousness. Ps.119.105 your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light for my way. Ps.119.106 i have loved and have guarded, that i keep your righteousness of righteousness. Ps.119.107 i am greatly afflicted, o lord, bely me according to your word. Ps.119.108 thank me, lord, the offerings of my mouth, and teach me your judgments. Ps.119.109 my soul is in my hand always, and i have not listened to your law. Ps.119.110 the deeds have put a snare for me, but i have not deceived from your commandments. Ps.119.111 i have received your testimony forever, for they are the joy of my heart. Ps.119.112 i have called my heart to do your commandments forever, forever. Ps.119.113 samech. i hate foolish, but i love your law. Ps.119.114 you are my help and my bound, i hope in your word. Ps.119.115 depart from me, you evil, and i will keep my god's commandments. Ps.119.116 strengthen me according to your word, that i may live, and do not be put to shame by my hope. Ps.119.117 help me, and i will be saved, and i will remember always in your insight. Ps.119.118 you despise all those who depart from your commandments, for their deeds is wrong. Ps.119.119 we discute all the sinners of the earth, so i love your testimony. Ps.119.120 i keep my flesh as a fear of you, and i am afraid of your judgments. Ps.119.121 i have done condemnation and righteousness, do not overgive me to those who make me violence. Ps.119.122 receive your servant to the good, so that the arrogant may not oppresse me. Ps.119.123 my eyes are wicked for your salvation and the word of your righteousness. Ps.119.124 do with your servant according to your mercy, and teach me your commandments. Ps.119.125 i am your servant; give me understanding, and i will know your testimony. Ps.119.126 it is time for do the lord, for they have deceived your law. Ps.119.127 therefore i have loved your commandments more than gold, more than gold. Ps.119.128 therefore i obey all your commandments, and i hate every way of unrighteous way. Ps.119.129 great are your testimony, for this is my soul to keep them. Ps.119.130 the opening of your words appears, and shows the devout people. Ps.119.131 i opened my mouth and beared me, for i desire your commandments. Ps.119.132 turn to me and have mercy on me, according to the purpose of those who love your name. Ps.119.133 show my passions according to your word, and let no ungodliness domine over me. Ps.119.134 redey me from human oppression, and i will keep your commandments. Ps.119.135 show your face to your servant, and teach me your instructions. Ps.119.136 waters of water descends down of my eyes, because they do not keep your law. Ps.119.137 you are righteous, lord, and your judgment are right. Ps.119.138 you have commanded your testimony to righteousness and great truth. Ps.119.139 my zealous anger has destroyed me, for my enemies have forgotten your words. Ps.119.140 your word is greatly purified, and your servant loves it. Ps.119.141 i am a young and despised, but i have not listened to your commandments. Ps.119.142 your righteousness is eternal righteousness, and your law is truth. Ps.119.143 tribulation and tribulation have found me, but your commandments are my pleasure. Ps.119.144 the righteousness of your testimony are forever; give me understanding, and i will live. Ps.119.145 i am crying out with all my heart, exaudi me, o lord, and i will keep your commandments. Ps.119.146 i cried out to you, save me, and i will keep your testimony. Ps.119.147 i ran beforehand, and i cried out, i hope to your word. Ps.119.148 my eyes are prevented at the morning, to remember your word. Ps.119.149 hear my voice according to your mercy, o lord, hold me in live according to your judgment. Ps.119.150 those who persecutes the ungodly draw near, they are directed from your law. Ps.119.151 you are near, o lord, and all your commandments are truth. Ps.119.152 as long as i knew your testimony, that you have made them up forever. Ps.119.153 consider my affliction and deliver me, for i have not uneding your law. Ps.119.154 judge my judgment and redey me. vivify me because of your word. Ps.119.155 the salvation is far far from the impies, for they do not seek your commandments. Ps.119.156 o lord, your mercy are many; hold me in live according to your judgment. Ps.119.157 many are my adversaries and afflictors, but i wide not from your testimony. Ps.119.158 i saw unbelievers, and i directed them, for they did not keep your word. Ps.119.159 see that i love your commandments. o lord, vivify me in your mercy. Ps.119.160 the beginning of your word is truth, and all your righteous judgments are forever. Ps.119.161 the rulers persecuted me without a cause, but my heart was afraid of your words. Ps.119.162 i will rejoice over your word, as one who find a great buit. Ps.119.163 i hated and abomined the unrighteousness, but i love your law. Ps.119.164 i commend you seven times in the day because of your righteousness of righteousness. Ps.119.165 for those who love your law are great peace, and there is no cause for them. Ps.119.166 i look at your salvation, o lord, and i love your commandments. Ps.119.167 my soul keep your testimony, and i loved them greatly. Ps.119.168 i keep your commandments and your testimony, for all my ways are before you. Ps.119.169 let my supplication draw near to you, o lord, give me understanding according to your word. Ps.119.170 let my prayer come before you; red me according to your word. Ps.119.171 let my lips grow praise, for you would teach me your commandments. Ps.119.172 let my tongue speak of your word, for all your commandments are righteousness. Ps.119.173 your hand be to help me, for i have chosen your commandments. Ps.119.174 i desire your salvation, o lord, and your law is my pleasure. Ps.119.175 let my soul live and love you, and your judgments help me. Ps.119.176 i have deceived as a lost sheep. seek your servant, for i have not forgiven your commandments. Ps.120.1 in my affliction i cried out to the lord, and he answered me. Ps.120.2 o lord, deliver my life from the unjust, from the false tongue. Ps.120.3 what will he give you, or what will he give you, o false tongue? Ps.120.4 strong strans of the held, with the charbons of woill. Ps.120.5 woe to me, that i dwell in mesech, at dwelling in the tents of kedar! Ps.120.6 my soul dwells in there with those who loves any food. Ps.120.7 i am peace, but i say, they are for fight. Ps.121.1 a waited. i looked up my eyes to the mountains, from where will my help come? Ps.121.2 my help comes from the lord, who made the heaven and the earth. Ps.121.3 he will not give to shame your foot, your guarder will not drew. Ps.121.4 behold, the guardant of israel does not drew neither and neither sleeps. Ps.121.5 the lord is your guarder, the lord is your shadow at your right hand. Ps.121.6 the sun will not burn you day, nor the moon in the night. Ps.121.7 the lord will keep you from all evil, he will keep your soul. Ps.121.8 the lord will keep your coming and your coming from now and forever. Ps.122.1 a cantaried. of david. i rejoiced when they said to me, we shall go in the house of the lord. Ps.122.2 our feet are standing in your gates, o jerusalem. Ps.122.3 jerusalem, being built up as a city that is debled with them, Ps.122.4 where the tribes went up, the tribes of the lord, a testimony for israel, to praise the name of the lord. Ps.122.5 for there they have sit thrones for judgment, the thrones of the house of david. Ps.122.6 pray for peace for jerusalem! be right to those who love you. Ps.122.7 peace be in your power, peace in your gards. Ps.122.8 for my brothers and your neighbors i will say, peace be in you! Ps.122.9 for the house of the lord our god i will seek your good things. Ps.123.1 to you i looft my eyes, o god, who dwells in heaven! Ps.123.2 behold, as the eyes of servants are at the hand of their master, as the eyes of the servant in the hand of her master, so our eyes regard to the lord, our god, until he compasse us. Ps.123.3 have mercy on us, o lord, have mercy on us, for we are many of despising. Ps.123.4 our life is filled with the reproach of those who are sinning, the despise of the arrogant. Ps.124.1 a waitance. of david. if the lord was with us, so let israel say, Ps.124.2 if the lord had not been with us, when people stood up against us, Ps.124.3 then they had consummed us living in the wrath of their wrath against us, Ps.124.4 then the water increased us, a spring has passed over our life, Ps.124.5 so the open water has passed through our soul. Ps.124.6 blessed be the lord, who did not give us a harm for their dends. Ps.124.7 our soul has escaped as a passed from the snare of the looks. a strik has been broken, and we were escaped. Ps.124.8 our help is in the name of the lord, who made the heaven and the earth. Ps.125.1 a sang making. those who confids in the lord are like the mountain of zion, which will not be shaken, but abides forever. Ps.125.2 the mountains are around it, so the lord around his people from now on and forever. Ps.125.3 for the scepter of sinners will not leave on the lot of the righteous, so that the righteous might not break their hands out of unrighteousness. Ps.125.4 show good, o lord, to the good and to those who are right in their heart. Ps.125.5 but those who deceive to their ruins will the lord leave with those who do wrongdoing. peace be upon israel! Ps.126.1 a waiting. when the lord turned back the captives of zion, we were like burdeners. Ps.126.2 then our mouth was filled with joy, and our tongue with joy. then they said among the nations, the lord has made great things for them. Ps.126.3 the lord has made great things for us, we were glad. Ps.126.4 o lord, bring down our captives, like the bears in the midst. Ps.126.5 those who sows with tears shall sow with joy. Ps.126.6 they go out and weep, bearing the offspring. but he will come with joy, bringing their garments. Ps.127.1 a waiting of gracions. of solomon. if the lord does not build the house, the builders turn velly. if the lord does not guard the city, in vain the guarder wait. Ps.127.2 it is turning to you that you go early in the morning, to eat the bread of anguish. so that he give to his beloved a sound. Ps.127.3 behold, the children are a herd of the lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Ps.127.4 like pigs in the hand of a held, so are the sons of the child. Ps.127.5 blessed is the man who filled his clothing with them! they will not be put to shame, when they speak to their enemies by the gath. Ps.128.1 a waitance. blessed is the one who fear the lord, who walks in his ways! Ps.128.2 you will eat the work of your fruit. blessed are you, and it will be well for you. Ps.128.3 your wife is like a fructive vineyard in your house. your sons are as a olives of olives around your table. Ps.128.4 behold, so will be blessed the man who fear the lord. Ps.128.5 let the lord blessed you from zion, and you may see the good of jerusalem all the days of your life. Ps.128.6 and you will see the sons of your sons. peace be upon israel! Ps.129.1 a lied for david.many time have they attained me from my youth, so let israel say: Ps.129.2 they have much persecuted me from my youth, but they were not able. Ps.129.3 they have broken the deeds on my back, they feeded their transgressions. Ps.129.4 the lord is righteous, he cut down the strick of the gottloses. Ps.129.5 let all those who hates zion be ashamed and turn back. Ps.129.6 let them become as grass on the housetop, which is withered before it is cut out, Ps.129.7 the reaper does not reply his hand, nor is the one who gather the garbe. Ps.129.8 and those who pass do not say, the blessing of the lord be upon you. we give you blessed in the name of the lord! Ps.130.1 a waitance. from the deep i cried out to you, o lord. Ps.130.2 o lord, hear my voice, let your ears attenden to the voice of my supplication. Ps.130.3 if you, lord, refuses your transgressions, who will stand, lord? Ps.130.4 but with you there is forgiveness, so that you may fear god. Ps.130.5 i expected the lord, my soul remaines, and i reason in my word. Ps.130.6 my soul confids on the lord, than the guards of the morning, from the guards of the morning. Ps.130.7 o israel, be in the lord, for by the lord is mercy, and with him there is great redemption. Ps.130.8 and he will redese israel from all his deeds. Ps.131.1 a sang making. of david. o lord, my heart is not exalted, my eyes are not exalted, i am not walking in great, neither in great things for me. Ps.131.2 though i was distributed and exalted my soul, i have been like a district kind in his mother, as a divided kind in my life. Ps.131.3 o israel, hope in the lord from now on and forever. Ps.132.1 a waiting. remember, lord, of david, and of all his gentleness. Ps.132.2 as he swore to the lord and granted to the god of jacob, saying, Ps.132.3 i will not enter my house, i will not ascend on the bed of my bed, Ps.132.4 i will not give something something to my eyes, and night to my spies, Ps.132.5 until i find a place for the lord, a tent for the god of jacob. Ps.132.6 we heard it in ofra, we found it in the field of the terebinthe. Ps.132.7 let us go in his tent, we will worship, to the place where his feet are appointed. Ps.132.8 rise, lord, to your rest, you and the ark of your holiness. Ps.132.9 your priests shall put on the righteousness, and your holy people shall rejoice. Ps.132.10 for the sake of david your servant do not turn the face of your anointed. Ps.132.11 the lord has sworn to david the truth and will not revile it: by the fruit of your womb i will put on your throne. Ps.132.12 if your sons keep my covenant and my testimony that i will teach them, so will their sons also live forever on your throne. Ps.132.13 for the lord chose zion, he begged it to his dwelling place: Ps.132.14 this is my rest for ever, here, here will i abide, for i have asked it. Ps.132.15 i will praise the ground of her ground, i will grave her poor with bread. Ps.132.16 i will put his priests in salvation, and her holy people will rejoice with joy. Ps.132.17 there i will strike a horn of david, i have prepared a lamp for my anointed. Ps.132.18 i will put his enemies in shame, but on him he will strike his holiness. Ps.133.1 a piece of opportunity. of david. behold, what is good and what good is that to dwelling brothers in the same way. Ps.133.2 it is as a part of ointment on the head, descending on the barba, the barba of aaron, which come down at the rop of his clothing. Ps.133.3 it is like the dauw of hermon, which comes down on the mountains of zion, for there the lord has commanded the blessing, the life forever. Ps.134.1 may you blessed the lord, all the servants of the lord, who stand in the house of the lord in the forts of the house of our god. Ps.134.2 lift your hands to the holy places, and blessed the lord. Ps.134.3 let the lord blessed you from zion, the created heaven and earth. Ps.135.1 halleluja! praise the name of the lord! praise, o servants of the lord, Ps.135.2 who stand in the house of the lord, in the piles of the house of our god. Ps.135.3 praise the lord, for the lord is good; psalmsing to his name, for it is good. Ps.135.4 for the lord has chosen himself jacob, israel to his possession. Ps.135.5 for i know that the lord is great, and our lord is than all the gods. Ps.135.6 all that the lord desires, he has done in heaven and in earth, in the sea and in all the abises. Ps.135.7 he carries the clouds from the ends of the earth, produces fulds and rain, brings out the wind from his treasures, Ps.135.8 he who killed the firstborn of egypt, from man and animal. Ps.135.9 he sent signs and wonders in your midst, o egypt, against pharaon and for all his servants. Ps.135.10 who killed many nations and distributed great kings, Ps.135.11 sihon, the king of the amorites, and og, the king of basan, and all the kingdoms of canaan, Ps.135.12 and gave their land in inheritance, an inheritance to israel his people. Ps.135.13 o lord, your name is forever, o lord, your remember from generation to generation. Ps.135.14 for the lord will judge his people, and he will comfort his servants. Ps.135.15 the idols of the nations are silver and gold, works of hands of men. Ps.135.16 they have mouth but are not speaking, they have eyes but cannot see, Ps.135.17 they have ears, but neither clings; they have kings, but do not duke. they have feet, but neither walk; they have feet, but not walk; they do not call in their mouth, and there is no spirit in their mouth. Ps.135.18 those who do them will become like them, and everyone who confids in them. Ps.135.19 o house of israel, blessed the lord. o house of aaron, blessed the lord. Ps.135.20 o house of levi, blessed the lord. you who fear the lord, blessed the lord. Ps.135.21 blessed be the lord from zion, he who dwells in jerusalem! halleluja! Ps.136.1 celebrate the lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.2 give thanks to the god of god, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.3 give thanks to the lord of the lord, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.4 him who only does great great wonders, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.5 him who made the heavens with understanding, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.6 who made the earth on the waters, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.7 him who made great light, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.8 the sun, to macht over the day, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.9 the moon and the stars, to authority in the night, for his mercy dura forever. Ps.136.10 who killed the firstborn of egypt, for his mercy dura forever. Ps.136.11 and brought israel out of their midst, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.12 with a sterke hand and strength arm, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.13 who divided the schilde sea in parties, for his mercy dura forever. Ps.136.14 and brought israel through it, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.15 and distributed pharaon with his power into the schilde sea, for his mercy dura forever. Ps.136.16 who made his people in the wilderness, for his mercy is forever, he who carried out water from the rocked rocks, for his mercy dura forever, Ps.136.17 him who struck the great kings, for his mercy is forever, Ps.136.18 and killed great kings, for his mercy is forever, Ps.136.19 sihon, the king of the amorites, for his mercy is forever; Ps.136.20 and og, the king of basan, for his mercy is forever, Ps.136.21 and gave their land in inheritance, for his mercy dura forever. Ps.136.22 in inheritance to israel his servant, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.23 he remembered us in our humiliation, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.24 and redeed us from our enemies, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.25 who give food to every flesh, for his mercy is forever. Ps.136.26 thank the god of heaven, for his mercy dura forever. give thanks to the lord of the lord, for his mercy is forever. Ps.137.1 on the rivers of babylon, we sat down, and we were weeping, when we remembered zion. Ps.137.2 on the itch that is in the midst we called our instruments. Ps.137.3 for there those who had brought us captive asked us for a reason, and those who sold us in praise, say, change us out of the way of zion! Ps.137.4 how can we sing the song of the lord on a fremde land? Ps.137.5 if i vergeet you, jerusalem, let my right hand have been glemt. Ps.137.6 let my tongue hold fast to my keal, unless i remember you, unless i put jerusalem in the beginning of my joy. Ps.137.7 remember, lord, of the sons of edom the day of jerusalem, who said, destroy, despise it until the foundation of it. Ps.137.8 you daughter, o daughter of babylon! blessed is the one who will repay you for your reward, which you have done to us! Ps.137.9 blessed is the one who will seize your children and strike them on the rock! Ps.138.1 of david. i will praise you with all my heart, in the presence of the angels i will sing to you. Ps.138.2 i will worship at your holy temple, and i will confess your name for your mercy and your truth, for you have made your name great upon all your name. Ps.138.3 on the day when i cried out, you answered me, you gave me power in my soul. Ps.138.4 all the kings of the earth will praise you, o lord, when they hear the words of your mouth. Ps.138.5 and they will sing for the ways of the lord, for the glory of the lord is great. Ps.138.6 for the lord is exalted, yet he looks to the devout, and he recognies the high. Ps.138.7 if i go in the midst of tribulation, you will live me. you stretches out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand will save me. Ps.138.8 the lord will repay for me. o lord, your mercy is forever! do not break the works of your hands. Ps.139.1 to the musice of the instruments. salmo of david. o lord, you appointed me and know me. Ps.139.2 you know my sit and my resurrection, you understand my thoughts from far away. Ps.139.3 you are seeking my way and my long, and you do knowledge all my ways. Ps.139.4 for there is no word in my tongue, how, here, you know it. Ps.139.5 you have conquered me, o lord, you know me, and you laid your hand on me. Ps.139.6 this knowledge has been married for me, it is strong, i cannot be able to it. Ps.139.7 where shall i go from your spirit? and where will i escape from your face? Ps.139.8 if i ascend into heaven, you are there; if i lay down in the sheol, you are there. Ps.139.9 if i take the winds of the morning, i will dwell on the last of the sea, Ps.139.10 even there your hand will lead me, and your right hand will set me. Ps.139.11 if i say, then the darkness will shurn me, and the light will be in my light, Ps.139.12 even darkness will not be darkened for you, and the night will light like day, and the darkness is like the light. Ps.139.13 for you have kept my nives, you has kept me in the child of my mother. Ps.139.14 i will give you thanks, for i am amazed of amazing things. wonders are your works, and my soul knows it very. Ps.139.15 my boud did not be covered from you, when i was made in secret, when i was standing in the debth of the earth. Ps.139.16 your eyes saw my integrity, and in your book were all written the days that they had been done, while there was no one of them. Ps.139.17 how difficulty are for me your thoughts, o god, how difficult is their reason! Ps.139.18 if i have numbered them, they are more than the sand. i am waken, and i am still with you. Ps.139.19 o god, if you kill the sinners, o god, depart from me, o means of blood, Ps.139.20 they speak in your mighty question, your daughts bears your mighty question. Ps.139.21 he do not hate those who hates you, o lord? and do we not happen to those who do against you? Ps.139.22 i hates them with perfect hair, they have become my enemies. Ps.139.23 examine me, o god, and know my heart; expray me and know my sens. Ps.139.24 and see whether there is a way of evil in me, and lead me on the eternal way. Ps.140.1 to the musice of the musice. of david. deliver me out, lord, from a evil man, red me from a man who does wrong! Ps.140.2 avoid me, o god, from evil people, deceive me from all the days. Ps.140.3 they keep their tongues like a serpent, the worse of aspides is under their lips. ( sela. ) Ps.140.4 beware me, o lord, from the hand of the ungodly, keep me from false people, who thought to shame my pass. Ps.140.5 beware, cack for me a snare and snare, they cast a snare for my feet, are put to me a falling. ( sela. ) Ps.140.6 i said to the lord, you are my god. listen to me, lord, the voice of my supplication. Ps.140.7 o lord, lord, you is the power of my salvation, you have huiled my head in the day of war. Ps.140.8 o lord, do not give to the man who desires to evil, do not forgive his thoughts, that they may not be exalted. ( sela. ) Ps.140.9 let the head of the one who walks around him, the labor of their lips will deceive them. Ps.140.10 let their cloaks fallen upon them. they will throw them down in fire, in burdens that they may not grow. Ps.140.11 let an opportunity not be strengthened on the earth. he will strike a evil man to destroy. Ps.140.12 i know that the lord will execute the judgment of the poor, the defense of the poor. Ps.140.13 the righteous will give thanks to your name, the righteous will dwell in your presence. Ps.141.1 a salm of david. o lord, i am crying out to you. listen to me, hear my voice, when i am calling to you. Ps.141.2 let my prayer be directed before you as a incense, the healing of my hands as the evening. Ps.141.3 do, lord, a guard for my mouth, guard the door of my lips. Ps.141.4 do not deceive my heart to evil things, to do wrong in wrongdoing with people who do wrongdoing, and that i may not be put in their feasures. Ps.141.5 let the righteous me discipline, he is a mercy, and he will rebuke me. it is a little olive for my head. for my prayer is still in their deeds. Ps.141.6 their judges are broken down at the rops of the rock, and they will hear my words, for they are able. Ps.141.7 as if a ross arose and distribut the earth, so our women are scattered by the doil of sheol. Ps.141.8 for to you, lord, lord, my eyes are show; i turn on you, do not turn my soul. Ps.141.9 beware me from the snare that they have set for me, and for the stricts of those who do evil. Ps.141.10 let the sinners in their nets fall alone, while i am passing away. Ps.142.1 a prayer of david, while he was in the spelonk. i am crying out with my voice to the lord, i pray with my voice to the lord. Ps.142.2 i will change my cloak before him, i will tell him my tribulation before him. Ps.142.3 when my spirit fell of me, you know my sends. in the way that i went they have caken a net for me. Ps.142.4 when i looke at my right hand and see, there is no one who knows me. there is a nature for me, and there is no one who seeks my life. Ps.142.5 i am crying out to you, o lord, i said, you are my hope, my part in the land of living. Ps.142.6 listen to my fear, for i am greatly afflicted; deliver me from those who persecute me, for they are strong than i. Ps.142.7 let my soul out of the prison, to praise your name. the righteous will stay in me, when you repay me. Ps.143.1 a salm of david. o lord, hear my prayer, obey my supplication. exaudi me in your truth, in your righteousness. Ps.143.2 and do not enter your servant to judgment, for no living one will be justified in your presence. Ps.143.3 for the enemy persecute my life, he has afflicted my life into the earth, and has set me in darkness, as those who have been dead. Ps.143.4 my spirit is troubled in me, my heart is troubled in me. Ps.143.5 i remember the days of old, i remember all your works, i remember the works of your hands. Ps.143.6 i break my hands to you. my soul is during you like a wild land. ( sela. ) Ps.143.7 listen to me quickly, o lord, my spirit has turned. do not cast your face from me, that i may be like those who fall into the ground. Ps.143.8 show me to the morning your mercy, for in you i have confidence. show me the way i will go, for i liffe my soul to you. Ps.143.9 save me from my enemies, o lord, for i fall to you. Ps.143.10 teach me to do your will, for you are my god. your good spirit lead me in the right land. Ps.143.11 for your name, o lord, live me. in your righteousness you will bring my soul out of tribulation. Ps.143.12 and by your mercy destroy my enemies, and destroy all who afflict my soul, for i am your servant. Ps.144.1 of david. blessed be the lord, my god, who teaches my hands to belong, my fingers to belong. Ps.144.2 he is my mercy and my refuge, my turn and my liberer, my bound, to whom i turn, who subjects my people under me. Ps.144.3 lord, what is the man that you know him, the son of man that you regard him? Ps.144.4 a man is like a vain, his days are like a shadow that passes. Ps.144.5 o lord, incline your heavens and come down, touch the mountains, and they shall smoke. Ps.144.6 make flashes of lightning and scroll them; let your pights go, and destroy them. Ps.144.7 stretch out your hand from the high, red me and deliver me from many waters, from the hand of others, Ps.144.8 their mouth speaks, and their right hand is a hand of unrighteousness. Ps.144.9 god, i will sing for you a new song, i will sing to you with the instruments of tithes. Ps.144.10 you who give the king a salvation, who rededes david, his servant, from the evil sword. Ps.144.11 save me and red me from the hand of others, their mouth speaks false, and their right right hand is a right hand. Ps.144.12 so let our sons be like plants who are hidden in their youth, and their daughters are like a covering covered for a temple. Ps.144.13 let our ground be full of full error, so that our sheep may increase firm and money in our ground, Ps.144.14 let their boves be grain, and there is no loss, and there is no loss, and there is no cry in their streets. Ps.144.15 blessed is the people who does this! blessed is the people where the lord is his god! Ps.145.1 of david. i will bear you up, my god, my king, and i will blessed your name forever and forever. Ps.145.2 in every day i will love you, and i will praise your name forever and forever. Ps.145.3 great is the lord and a great praise, and his majesty is not performed. Ps.145.4 a generation will praise your works for a generation, and they will tell the power of your power. Ps.145.5 they will speak in the glory of your glory, of your majesty and of your wonders. Ps.145.6 they will speak of the power of your terribility, and i will tell your great majesty. Ps.145.7 they will preach the remembrance of your great goodness, and they will rejoice of your righteousness. Ps.145.8 may the lord be mercy and mercy, patience and great in mercy. Ps.145.9 the lord is good for all, and his mercy on all his works. Ps.145.10 all your works will give you, o lord, and your holy ones look you. Ps.145.11 they will speak of the glory of your kingdom, and speak of your power, Ps.145.12 to give known to the people your power, the glory of the majesty of your kingdom. Ps.145.13 your kingdom is a kingdom of all ages, and your dominion in every generation. faithful is the lord in all his words, and holy in all his works. Ps.145.14 the lord is strengthened all who are falling, and he raised all those who are set. Ps.145.15 the eyes of all look on you, and you give them their food in the time. Ps.145.16 you open your hand and filled all living things your pleasure. Ps.145.17 the lord is just in all his ways, and holy in all his works. Ps.145.18 the lord is near to all who call him, to all who call him in truth. Ps.145.19 he do the will of those who fear him, and he hears their supplication and save them. Ps.145.20 the lord bears all who love him, but he will destroy all the sinners. Ps.145.21 my mouth will proclaim the praise of the lord, and all flesh will love his holy name forever and forever. Ps.146.1 alelujah. look the lord, o my soul! Ps.146.2 i will praise the lord while i live, i will sing my god as i am. Ps.146.3 do not confie in rulers, in the son of man, in whom there is no salvation. Ps.146.4 his spirit comes out, he turn into his land, at that very day their thoughts perishes. Ps.146.5 blessed is the one whom the god of jacob is his help, whose hope is in the lord his god, Ps.146.6 who has made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, who keep the truth forever. Ps.146.7 he makes justice to those who sink, who gives food to the hungry. the lord relears the prisoners. Ps.146.8 the lord rejects the blind men, the lord rejects the blind; the lord loves the righteous. Ps.146.9 the lord bears the proselyts, he holds the weak and the weduve, but he destroy the way of sinners. Ps.146.10 the lord is king forever, your god, o sion, for generation and generation. halleluja! Ps.147.1 halleluja! it is good for the lord, for it is good for the sing to our god. the praise is excellent. Ps.147.2 the lord rebuild jerusalem, he gather the disperses of israel. Ps.147.3 he hears those who are defiled the heart, and binds their breasts. Ps.147.4 he number the number of stones, and he calls them all in name. Ps.147.5 our lord is great, and great is his power, and his understanding is no number. Ps.147.6 the lord remains the devout, but humilies the sinners until the earth. Ps.147.7 change the lord with blessing, sing to our god with a harp, Ps.147.8 he who cloths heaven with clouds, preparing rain for the earth, and produces the grass on the hels. Ps.147.9 he give to the animals their food, to the children of the girl who call on him. Ps.147.10 he does not desire the power of the horse, and he does not please in the muses of the man. Ps.147.11 the lord is pleasing in those who fear him, among those who hope in his mercy. Ps.147.12 o jerusalem, glorify the lord, look your god, o zion! Ps.147.13 for he has strengthened the rides of your gates, he blessed your children in you. Ps.147.14 he set peace in your regions, he filled you with grain of wheat. Ps.147.15 he sent his message to the earth, his word draws quickly. Ps.147.16 he gives the sneed like woll, he strailes the close like as a cendle. Ps.147.17 he cast his cloak as graves; who will stand before his fish? Ps.147.18 he send his word and bread them; he break his wind, and the water flows. Ps.147.19 he proclaim his word to jacob, his commandments and his judgments to israel. Ps.147.20 he did not do so to every nation, and they did not know his judgments. halleluja! Ps.148.1 halleluja! praise the lord from heaven, look him in the highest! Ps.148.2 praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his mighty works. Ps.148.3 praise him, sun and moon, look him, all the light star! Ps.148.4 praise him, you heavens of heaven, and you water that are above heaven! Ps.148.5 let them praise the name of the lord, for he commanded, and they were created. Ps.148.6 and he has set them forever and forever, he gave a commandment that not will pass away. Ps.148.7 praise the lord from the earth, you serpents and all the botch, Ps.148.8 fire and hail, sneg and clothing, storm of storm, who do his word, Ps.148.9 you mountains and all the coll, fruit of fruit and all cedres, Ps.148.10 you wild beast and all the animals, reptiles and reptiles, Ps.148.11 you kings of earth and all nations, rulers and all the judges of the earth, Ps.148.12 young women and virgins, old and young. Ps.148.13 let them praise the name of the lord, for only his name is exalted, his majesty comes upon earth and heaven. Ps.148.14 he has exalted the horn of his people, loved for all his saints, of the sons of israel, a people belonging to him. halleluja! Ps.149.1 hallelujah! sing to the lord a new sang, his praise in the church of the holy ones! Ps.149.2 let israel rejoice over his creator, let the sons of zion juble over their king. Ps.149.3 let they praise his name in dans, loving him with timpans and psalterios. Ps.149.4 for the lord is pleasing in his people, he exalts the devout in salvation. Ps.149.5 let the holy ones rejoice in glory, rejoice in their lives. Ps.149.6 let the glory of god be in their keel, and a double sword in their hands, Ps.149.7 to execute wrath over the nations, reproach among the nations, Ps.149.8 to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with iron chains, Ps.149.9 to do for them the judgment that was written. this is the glory of all his saints. halleluja! Ps.150.1 halleluja! praise god in his holy saints, praise him in his power of power. Ps.150.2 praise him for his strength, praise him according to his great majesty. Ps.150.3 praise him with the trumpet of trumpet, look him with psalterio and harpa. Ps.150.4 praise him with tambur and dans, praise him with instruments and instruments. Ps.150.5 praise him with beasting cymblings, praise him with cymbles of clanging. Ps.150.6 so i sent his angel, and raised me from the sheep of my father, i delivered me in the oil of my father. what is mighty in the mighty instruments of my father. he was mighty in the house of my father, who passed the sheep of my father? my hands did the instruments of my father? Prov.1.1 provers of solomon, son of david, king of israel, Prov.1.2 to know wisdom and instruction, to understand the words of understanding, Prov.1.3 to accept deceit to understand, righteousness, judgment, and sincerity, Prov.1.4 to give the ungodly knowledge, to the children knowledge and understanding. Prov.1.5 a wise man, when he hears, will be wise, and the understanding bears self-control, Prov.1.6 to understand the parable and the proverbe, the words of the wise and their enigts. Prov.1.7 the beginning of the wisdom is the fear of the lord. good knowledge rejects the wisdom and discipline. Prov.1.8 hear, my son, the instruction of your father, and do not depute the instruct of your mother, Prov.1.9 for they will be a burn of grace for your right, and a call for your near. Prov.1.10 my son, if ungodly people deceive you, do not be willing. Prov.1.11 if they say, come here with us, let us keep in blood unjust. Prov.1.12 let us devour them in live as sheol, and carry as those who come down in the tomb; Prov.1.13 we will receive all strangers of honor, we will filled our house with buit, Prov.1.14 put your lot among us, all we will have a moneybag for all. Prov.1.15 my son, do not go on the way with them, keep your foot from their voies, Prov.1.16 for their feet flew to the evil, and hate to spare blood. Prov.1.17 for the fish of the pinds do not break false. Prov.1.18 for their own hands are turn for their own hands, and they turn for their own sinds. Prov.1.19 so are the way of everyone who acknowledge lawlessness, and it rejects the life of his own person. Prov.1.20 the wisdom speaks on the root, he calls out their voies on the streets, Prov.1.21 it proclaim in the ground of large places, in the entrance of the gates, it says: Prov.1.22 " how long, o sinners, do you show the sincere, how long do the foolish, how long do the foolish, how long do the foolish hating knowledge? Prov.1.23 return to my reproach! behold, i will put to you my spirit, and i will learn you of my words. Prov.1.24 because i called, and you did not listen, i striked my hand, and you did not inquire, Prov.1.25 you refused all my purpose, and did not pronounce my reproach, Prov.1.26 so i also rejoice of your destruction, i rejoice, when your destruction comes, Prov.1.27 when your destruction comes like a storm and your destruction come like a storm, when tribulation and affliction will come upon you. Prov.1.28 then they will cry me, but i will not listen; they will seek me, but they will not find me. Prov.1.29 because they hated wisdom and did not proclaim the fear of the lord, Prov.1.30 they did not keep my answer, rejected all my reproach. Prov.1.31 so they will eat the fruit of their own ways, and they will be filled with their own own ways. Prov.1.32 for the devout people murders, and the deceitfulness of ungodly destroy them. Prov.1.33 but whoever hears me will dwell in confidence, and will abide without fear from evil. Prov.2.1 my son, if you receive my words and keep my commandments against you, Prov.2.2 that your ear obey the wisdom and turn your hearts to knowledge, Prov.2.3 for if you call out the wisdom and give your voice to the intelligence, Prov.2.4 if you seek her like silver and seek it as treasures, Prov.2.5 then you will understand the fear of the lord and find the knowledge of god. Prov.2.6 for the lord gives wisdom, from his hand comes knowledge and understanding. Prov.2.7 on the righteous one calling salvation, he is a walger for those who are in sinning. Prov.2.8 to keep the ways of righteousness and guards the way of his strangers. Prov.2.9 then you will understand the righteousness and the judgment and the purification, all good axious. Prov.2.10 for wisdom comes into your mind, and knowledge will be of honor for your soul, Prov.2.11 an opportunity will guard you, understanding will keep you, Prov.2.12 so that he may save you from evil way, from man who speaks trouble, Prov.2.13 of those who left the straight ways, to go in the ways of darkness, Prov.2.14 who rejoices to do evil and rejoice in malice difficulty, Prov.2.15 whom their voies are torning and who wives in their voies. Prov.2.16 that he will deliver you from fremde woman, from fremde woman, which striks with their words, Prov.2.17 which forces the doctrine of his daughter and forces the covenant of his god. Prov.2.18 for her household leads to death, and its passions to the dodes. Prov.2.19 those who go to her neither will return, nor find the way of life. Prov.2.20 so that you go in the way of good, and learn the voies of righteousness. Prov.2.21 for the righteous will dwells the earth, and the sincere remains there. Prov.2.22 but the impies will be destroyed from the earth, and the sinners will be cut out of it. Prov.3.1 my son, do not neglect my instructs, and your heart keep my hearts. Prov.3.2 for they will give you a longer of life, years of life and peace. Prov.3.3 not let mercy and faithfulness do not deceive you; bind them on your neck and find them in your neck. Prov.3.4 so you will love good and good in the sight of god and of people. Prov.3.5 confid to god with all your heart, and do not confid on your wisdom. Prov.3.6 consider him in all your ways, and he will proclaim your ways. Prov.3.7 do not be wise in your own sight, fear the lord and keep away from evil. Prov.3.8 it will be well of your body and reason for your bones. Prov.3.9 honor the lord with your possessions, with the offering of all your fruits. Prov.3.10 so your treasures will be filled with abundance, and your winepress belongs to the wine. Prov.3.11 my son, do not forgive the discipline of the lord, and do not refuse when you reproach him. Prov.3.12 for the lord disciplines the son whom he loves, the son whom he loves. Prov.3.13 blessed is the man who found wisdom, and the man who finds wisdom! Prov.3.14 for it is better than gold, than gold, than silver. Prov.3.15 she is more precious than perl stones, and all diseases is not worthy by her. Prov.3.16 for in her right hand it is longer and years of life, and with her left wealth the riches and glory. Prov.3.17 its ways are wicked ways, and all its ways belonging to it. Prov.3.18 she is a tree of life for those who hold it to it, those who are encouraged it. Prov.3.19 the lord made the earth with wisdom, he has prepared heaven with mind. Prov.3.20 by his knowledge the ground distributed, and the nurs grow daughts. Prov.3.21 my son, do not be deceived, keep counsel and intelligence. Prov.3.22 so that your soul may live and grace to your cerk, and your needs will be a gentle for your own flesh and self-control for your hearts. Prov.3.23 so you will go in confidence in your ways, and your foot will not stumble. Prov.3.24 somehow, you will be without fear, if you sleeps, you will be something of sound. Prov.3.25 you will not be afraid of destruction, nor of destruction of impious, when he comes. Prov.3.26 for the lord will be your confidence, and he will strike your foot that you may not be shaken. Prov.3.27 do not be abandoned with good good, when your hand has to pray. Prov.3.28 do not say to your neighbor, go and return, and tomorrow i will give it! Prov.3.29 do not grumble evil against your neighbor, when he confident in confidence with you. Prov.3.30 do not be against a man without a cause, though he does not have done for you evil. Prov.3.31 do not be accused with a man of dishonor, and do not accuse any of his ways. Prov.3.32 for the false person is trouble to the lord, but his control is in the righteous. Prov.3.33 the curse of the lord is in the house of the impii, but the desolate place of the righteous. Prov.3.34 the lord rejects people, but he gives grace to the humble. Prov.3.35 the wise are the glory of the wise, but the sinners exalts dishonor. Prov.4.1 hear, children, the instruction of the father, and consider to know knowledge. Prov.4.2 for i give you a good gift. do not forgive my law. Prov.4.3 for i was a son of my father, a beloved and a beloved in the face of my mother, Prov.4.4 he said, my word is spoken in your heart, and do not understand me. Prov.4.5 keep attention to the commandments, do not neglect, do not respect the words of my mouth. Prov.4.6 do not leave her, and she will keep you. love her, and she will keep you. Prov.4.8 share, and he will exaltare you, you will honor it, so that she may keep you. Prov.4.9 it will put a grace of grace to your head, a delivered crown will he put on you. Prov.4.10 hear, my son, and receive my words, and the years of your life will be multiplied. Prov.4.11 i do learing you the way of wisdom, i put you to treasures of right. Prov.4.12 if you go, your passions will not be shaken, and when you come, you will not be cut off. Prov.4.13 keep a discipline, do not leave it. keep it, for it is your life. Prov.4.14 do not go on the way of the ungodly, do not respect the way of evil. Prov.4.15 leave him, do not go over, depart from it and go through. Prov.4.16 for they are not asleep, unless they do evil; their sound is taken away if they do not do. Prov.4.17 for they eat the bread of ungodliness, and drink the wine of violence. Prov.4.18 but the way of the righteous is like a bright of light, which lears until the day is made. Prov.4.19 the way of the ungodly is as a darkness, they do not know how they fall. Prov.4.20 my son, look attention to my words, incline your oor to my words. Prov.4.21 let them not be away from your hearts, keep them in your heart. Prov.4.22 for it is life for those who find them, and healing for all their flesh. Prov.4.23 keep your heart every guard, for from him the life comes out of life. Prov.4.24 keep away from you a torn of mouth, and keep away from you the unrighteousness of the lips. Prov.4.25 let your eyes see at right, and your weasures let the righteous face to you. Prov.4.26 leave the way of your feet, and all your ways be faithful. Prov.4.27 do not decliny at the right hand or at the left, keep your foot from the evil way's way, for god knows the straight way on the right way. Prov.5.1 my son, listen to my wisdom, ligge your oor to my understanding, Prov.5.2 so that you may keep your right knowledge, and your lips should keep your knowledge. Prov.5.3 for the lips of a sexual immorality means the honning of the woman of sexual immorality. Prov.5.4 but later it is bitter as a lamp, a bitter sword as a double sword. Prov.5.5 its feet come down to death, her feet leads to sheol. Prov.5.6 for she does not go in the way of life, her trouble is perplexed, and she does not know. Prov.5.7 now then, children, hear me, and do not divorced the words of my words. Prov.5.8 leave your way from her, and do not drew near to the door of her house, Prov.5.9 that you may not give to others your life, and your living days without mercy. Prov.5.10 so that others may not be filled with your strength, and your labores enter a strong house, Prov.5.11 and you will repent at the last, when your flesh and your body grow, Prov.5.12 and say, how did i hate discipline, and my heart has deceived the reproach, Prov.5.13 i did not listen to the voice of my instructor, not listened to my instructors. Prov.5.14 i was still in every wrong in the midst of the congregation and the congregation. Prov.5.15 drink water of your neighbor, and water that bears from your well. Prov.5.16 may your springs open in your streets, and the waters of water turn into the streets? Prov.5.17 let it be for you only and not for others. Prov.5.18 let your spring be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. Prov.5.19 the love of love and grain of grace, love for you in all times! let her love be in all times, and be granted in your love. Prov.5.20 why, o son'e, do not be looking for others? why, o son, you do not boast for a others? Prov.5.21 for the ways of man is before the eyes of god, and he observes all his ways. Prov.5.22 the transgression bears the transgressores of his own sins, and he bears his own sins. Prov.5.23 he will die because of a discipline of discipline, and for the multitude of his deveat will be destroyed. Prov.6.1 my son, if you stricked against your neighbor and gave his hand to the enemy, Prov.6.2 if you have been striked by the words of your mouth, caken by the word of your mouth. Prov.6.3 do this, my son, and save yourself, for you have come into the hand of your friends: go and direcce your friends, Prov.6.4 do not give a sound to your eyes, nor belong to your eyes. Prov.6.5 save as a gazelle from the old and like birth from the fish. Prov.6.6 go to the harm, you foolish, see his ways and be wise. Prov.6.7 there is no one, nor ruler, nor ruler, Prov.6.8 he prepare for a soir the food. in the flock he will proclaim what he has committed. do, go to the best, and learn it as a laborer. it is the wisdom of the wisdom, and it is honor for all. Prov.6.9 how long will you sit, o look, how shall you arise out of your sound? Prov.6.10 a little while, asking for a little while, a little while putting his hands in something, Prov.6.11 so the poor, the poor, has come as a burd, and a poor, as a brud man. Prov.6.12 a foolish person, a believing man, go in no good way, Prov.6.13 with his eyes, he deceives with his feet, shows with his fingers, Prov.6.14 what is deceived in his heart, he plants evil, in every time. Prov.6.15 therefore his destruction comes suddenly; he will be broken up, and no one has held. Prov.6.16 these things hates the lord, and seven are his soul: Prov.6.17 arrogant eyes, false tongue, hands that spars of righteous blood, Prov.6.18 a heart that plants evil thoughts, feet, which draws to do evil, Prov.6.19 a false witness spread false witness, and the false witness among the brothers. Prov.6.20 my son, keep the commandments of your father and do not depute the instruct of your mother. Prov.6.21 bind them always in your heart, bind them for your neck. Prov.6.22 when you walk, he will keep you, and when you are sleeping, it will keep you, and when you rise, he will speak with you. Prov.6.23 for the commandment is a lamp, the law is light, and instruction is the way of life. Prov.6.24 to keep you from evil woman, from deceive of idee language. Prov.6.25 do not strike her in her belong, and do not be distributed in your sight. Prov.6.26 for a honor of sexual immorality bears one bread, and a woman of husbands becomes honorable souls. Prov.6.27 can anyone bear fire in his side, and his clothes not burn? Prov.6.28 will anyone walk in glound of fire, and his feet will not burn? Prov.6.29 so is the one who comes to the wife of his belonging, no one who touch her. Prov.6.30 a thief is not directed, though he stears to betate his life, when he is hungry. Prov.6.31 but if he is taken, he will give better for seven things, and give himself all his possessions. Prov.6.32 but the adultery, who commits adultery, does his soul destroy. Prov.6.33 he will bear back and dishonor, and his dishonor will never be broken. Prov.6.34 for zealous is the wrath of man, and he will not spare the day of judgment. Prov.6.35 he will not acknowledge someone, nor will he acknowledge with many offerings. Prov.7.1 my son, keep my words, and keep my commandments with yourself. honor the lord and be able, and only fear him not. Prov.7.2 keep my commandments, and live, and keep my commandments as the treasure of your eyes. Prov.7.3 put them on your finger, write them on the plass of your heart. Prov.7.4 tell the wisdom, you are your sister, and do the intelligence a parenth, Prov.7.5 that they keep you from a fremde woman, for a wicked woman, which speaks with his words. Prov.7.6 for i looked by the fenster of my house, Prov.7.7 and i looked for the foolish, i saw a piece of a little child. Prov.7.8 he passed around the gate in the journey of her house, Prov.7.9 in the evening, in the evening of the night, when the night and the light was. Prov.7.10 and behold, a woman was gathered together to him with a prostitute of sexual immorality. Prov.7.11 it was excellent and innocent, her feet are not still in her house. Prov.7.12 for when it is outside, for it is in the streets, at all the ginocks. Prov.7.13 she took him and kissed him, and with reason he said to him, Prov.7.14 " i have been a sacrifice of peace, today i have rejected my prayers. Prov.7.15 therefore i came out to salute you, how can i find your face, and i have found you. Prov.7.16 i have distributed my bed with teading clothing in egypt, Prov.7.17 i have passed my bed with myrra, aloe and kanel. Prov.7.18 come, let us look with love until the morning, and let us rejoice in love. Prov.7.19 for my husband is not in his house, he has gone far on a distance way, Prov.7.20 he took a money of silver in his hand; at a next day he will return to his house. Prov.7.21 he deceived him with a great discernment, deceived him with their words. Prov.7.22 he has followed her as a bate, like a ox that comes to a slaughter, like a sheep for the bound, Prov.7.23 as a fish causes his garment, so as a birds is spinded into a snare, and not knowing that it is against his soul. Prov.7.24 now then, children, hear me, hold attention to the words of my mouth. Prov.7.25 do not deceive your heart to her ways, Prov.7.26 for for many has distributed many people, and many are those who had died. Prov.7.27 its house is a root of sheol, coming down to the room of death. Prov.8.1 are not wisdom proclaim, and the wisdom do not listen? Prov.8.2 in the top of the heavens, in the midst of the wicked, it stand. Prov.8.3 by the door, by the door, by the door, at the gust, they sing out, Prov.8.4 you people, i appeal to you, and my voice is for the sons of people. Prov.8.5 understand, o sinners, the knowledge, and do not understand your hearts! Prov.8.6 listen, for i will say right, and i will bring out of my lips what is right. Prov.8.7 for the truth declare the truth, and false lips is a abomination for my lips. Prov.8.8 all the words of my mouth is righteous, in them there is no false or false. Prov.8.9 they are all glad for those who understand and rights to those who finds knowledge. Prov.8.10 take my discipline, and not the silver, and knowledge above the pure gold. Prov.8.11 for wisdom is better than perd, and all precious things is not worthy for her. Prov.8.12 i, wisdom, dwell with discernment, and i am calling with knowledge and understanding. Prov.8.13 the fear of the lord hates the evil. the arrogant, the arrogance, the evil ways and the evil way. Prov.8.14 i am control and self-control; i am my mind, and i am my power. Prov.8.15 through me reign the kings, and the rulers are instructed the righteousness. Prov.8.16 through me grows the rulers and rulers, the rulers of the earth. Prov.8.17 i love those who love me, and those who seek me will find me. Prov.8.18 there are riches and glory for me, much possession and righteousness. Prov.8.19 my fruit is better than gold and precious gold, and my fruit better than a chosen silver. Prov.8.20 i walk in the way of righteousness, in the way of righteousness, Prov.8.21 so that i may share those who loves me and have full the treasures of their treasures. if i tell you what is day, i remember the things that are for the age. Prov.8.22 the lord made me the beginning of his way, the beginning of his works. Prov.8.23 before the age i have made up me in the beginning. Prov.8.24 before the difts had been done, when there was no springs of water. Prov.8.25 before the mountains were scattered, before the hauds, i was born, Prov.8.26 when he had made land and land, or the ground of the ground of the earth. Prov.8.27 when he prepared the heavens, i was there, when he made his throne over the winds, Prov.8.28 when he was strengthened the cloud above, when he was strengthened the springs of the earth, Prov.8.29 and he strengthened the foundation of the earth, Prov.8.30 then i was with him as a meager, and i was his rejoicing day day, rejoiced in his presence every time, Prov.8.31 rejoiced in its ground the world, and my joy was in the sons of people. Prov.8.32 now, my son, hear me. Prov.8.34 blessed is the man who listens to me, waiting for my door every day and keeps the pigs of my gates! Prov.8.35 for whoever go me finds life and finds a desire of god. Prov.8.36 but whoever sinds against me does wrong his soul; all who hates me love death. Prov.9.1 the wisdom has built her house, has made seven piles. Prov.9.2 she has slassed her offerings, preached her wine, and has prepared her table. Prov.9.3 she sent his servants, calling out with the top of preach, saying: Prov.9.4 who is foolish, let this come to me! to those who are unclean say this: Prov.9.5 come, eat of my bread and drink the wine that i have preached. Prov.9.6 perish the foolish, and you will live, and go in the way of intelligence. Prov.9.7 he who discipline dishonor, receives himself dishonor, and who reproach a impio is defiled himself. Prov.9.8 do not rebuke evil, that he may not hate you. rebuke the wise, and he will love you. Prov.9.9 give to the wise, and he will be saved; tell the righteous, and he will accuse his opportunity. Prov.9.10 the beginning of the wisdom is the fear of the lord, and knowledge of the holy things is understanding. Prov.9.11 for by me will your days be multiplied, and the years of your life will be added. Prov.9.12 my son, if you are wise, you will be wise, and your neighbor will be wise, but if he carries out against false wild, he charges the wind in the wilderness. Prov.9.13 a woman foolish woman is faithful and troubled, and not knowledge. Prov.9.14 she sit down at the door of her house, at a sever, in a direct place. Prov.9.15 to calling those who passes and walks in their voies: Prov.9.16 " who is foolish, let this come to me! and to the unkind of understanding says: Prov.9.17 a sound water is makeed, and sald water is duld. Prov.9.18 and he does not know that you have been delivered by her, and that you are overcome to the rock of the sheol. but you will depart, do not spend in the place, and do not break your eyes to her, for so you will pass to others water. Prov.10.1 a wise son person rejoices the father, and a foolish son is sorrow for his mother. Prov.10.2 the treasures of sin does not prove, but righteousness deliver from death. Prov.10.3 the lord does not provoke the righteous life, but the life of the ungodly destroy. Prov.10.4 the poor man has been afflicted, but the hand of marrious will be rich. Prov.10.5 a understanding son is scattered, but a deceive in the somer is a believing son. Prov.10.6 blessed are the blessing on the head of the righteous, but the mouth of the ungodly bears violence. Prov.10.7 the remember of the righteous are self-controlled, but the name of the ungodly shakes. Prov.10.8 the wise heart receives the commandments, but false women will be shaken. Prov.10.9 whoever walks in content will go in confidence, but who deceives his ways will be known. Prov.10.10 whoever blows with his eyes becomes sorrowful, and the dispreaching the eyes will be destroyed. Prov.10.11 the mouth of the righteous is a sound of life, but the mouth of the ungodly covers the destruction. Prov.10.12 hail bears food, but love deceives all things. Prov.10.13 in the mouth of wisdom is a wisdom, but a scepter becomes a scepter. Prov.10.14 the wise dends knowledge knowledge, but the mouth of discursing mouth drew near. Prov.10.15 the possession of rich is his strength, and the fall of sinners is a fall. Prov.10.16 the work of righteous is life, the fruit of ungodly is sin. Prov.10.17 the way of life bears the way of life, but discipline beyond dispute. Prov.10.18 who count enemy, are righteous lips, but who spreads food is foolish. Prov.10.19 by the district does not escape sin, but who deceives his lips is wise. Prov.10.20 the tongue of righteous is a silber, but the heart of the ungodly is trouble. Prov.10.21 the lips of the righteous are performed, but the foolish mords with his brighty. Prov.10.22 the blessed blessing the head of the righteous, and sorrow will not increase her. Prov.10.23 the trouble of foolish do evil, but wisdom for a man who is knowledge. Prov.10.24 in destruction is the impio, and the desires of the righteous is blessed. Prov.10.25 as a storm passes, the impio is destroyed, but the righteous endures forever. Prov.10.26 the knowledge for their dends and smoke for the eyes, so is a reason for those who make it. Prov.10.27 the fear of the lord increases days, but the years of ungodliness are districted. Prov.10.28 the hope of the righteous is glad, but the hope of the righteous is destroyed. Prov.10.29 the fear of the holy one is the fear of the lord, but destruction for those who do evil. Prov.10.30 the righteous will never turn, but the ungodly does not dwell on the earth. Prov.10.31 the mouth of the righteous bears wisdom, but a false tongue will be destroyed. Prov.10.32 the lips of the just knows belonging, but the mouth of the ungodly divorces. Prov.11.1 false food is a abomination for the lord, but the gewice of right is acceptable to him. Prov.11.2 when sobering comes, there comes dishonor, but with the humble are wisdom. Prov.11.3 the sincere of the righteous will keep them, but the trouble of their deeds will destroy them. Prov.11.5 the righteous righteousness deceives his way, but wrong fall falls in his own injustice. Prov.11.6 the righteousness of home deliver them, but their deeds are rejected in their destruction. Prov.11.7 when the righteous man dies, his hope is not destroyed, and the hope of the ungodly destroy. Prov.11.8 the righteous will escape from anguish, and the ungodly comes in his place. Prov.11.9 by the mouth of ungodly drew his neighbor, but the knowledge of the righteous is right. Prov.11.10 in the good things of the righteous is directed the city. Prov.11.11 the clothing of the goddelose will be destroyed. Prov.11.12 the false person discees his neighbor, but a wise man remains. Prov.11.13 a married man deceives the country, but the faithful spirit krupts the way. Prov.11.14 while neighbor is not faithful, but there is salvation in the great conseil. Prov.11.15 evil is wronging to the righteous, but a difficulty has a hail. Prov.11.16 a woman of thanksgiving produces honor, and a sorrow of dishonor produces the riches. Prov.11.17 a mercy person does good for his soul, but a severe destroy his body. Prov.11.18 the ungodly works produces unrighteous, but the offspring of the righteous reward. Prov.11.19 who is right for life for life, but the direcce of the impiece will come to death. Prov.11.20 the rejected ways is a abomination to the lord, but those who are perfect in their voies are acceptable. Prov.11.21 the hand of his hand will not be condemned, but the offspring of righteousness will be excellent. Prov.11.22 as a garle of or in gold, so is a woman belonging to difficulty. Prov.11.23 the desires of the righteous is good, but the hope of the ungodly perishes. Prov.11.24 there is one who sows to his own ground, and there is more more than one, and one is difficulty. Prov.11.25 a sound person is restrained, and the one who makes foolish, will not be encouraged. Prov.11.26 whoever sows the wheat rejects the nations, but blessing will be blessed on the head of him who bears it. Prov.11.27 whoever does good seek a good benefit, but the seeking of evil will attacke him. Prov.11.28 whoever confies in his riches will fall, but the righteous will grow off as a grain. Prov.11.29 the one who carries his house will inherit wind, and the foolish will serve the wise. Prov.11.30 the fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and the one who wives souls his souls. Prov.11.31 behold, the righteous will be saved in the land, even even the ungodly and the sinner! Prov.12.1 whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but the who hates reproach is foolish. Prov.12.2 a good person has find grace in the hand of the lord, but a faithful person will be silent. Prov.12.3 a man is not ready by sin, but the root of the righteous will not be broken. Prov.12.4 a marrious woman is a crown for her husband, but a devout woman is a crowle in his hands. Prov.12.5 the thoughts of the righteous are condemnation, the thoughty of the ungodly. Prov.12.6 the words of the ungodly deceives, but the mouth of home lives them. Prov.12.7 the deeds of the impies are destroyed, and the houses of the righteous are continued. Prov.12.8 his mouth belongs to the one who is encouraged, but a devout person is brightened. Prov.12.9 a better person is better than a servant, than a honor of honor than a bread. Prov.12.10 the righteous reason for the life of his beast, but the heart of the ungodly is without mercy. Prov.12.11 whoever does his land will be filled with bread, but the one who pursue foolish, is faithful. Prov.12.12 the ingodly desires the ungodly, but the root of the godsgodly bears. Prov.12.13 the sin of sinners falls into the snare of sinners, but the righteous will escape from him. Prov.12.14 from the fruit of his mouth belongs the good, and the reward of his lips will be given to him. Prov.12.15 the way of foolish is right in their sight, but wise a wise hears. Prov.12.16 a foolish person charges his wrath, but wise deceives his dishonor. Prov.12.17 a speech of faith deceives righteous, but a false witness is false. Prov.12.18 there is a one who speaks for a sword, but the tongue of the wise is held. Prov.12.19 the words of true becomes fast in the testimony, but a false tongue bears quickly. Prov.12.20 a deceit is in the heart of those who do evil, but who desires peace will rejoice. Prov.12.21 the righteous does no wrong to the righteous, but the impies are full of evil. Prov.12.22 the false lips is a abomination for the lord, but whoever does believing faith is acceptable to him. Prov.12.23 a wise man deceives knowledge, but the heart of foolish spread foolish. Prov.12.24 the hand of honor will be strengthened, but the false will be grain. Prov.12.25 a fear of a man carries it in his heart, but a good message rejoice him. Prov.12.26 the righteous indeed bears his friend, but the way of the ungodly deceives them. Prov.12.27 the false person does not leave his household, but a declare of honor is a pure man. Prov.12.28 in the way of righteousness is life, and in the way of life is death. Prov.13.1 the son of wise obey the father, but a irriger person does not obey. Prov.13.2 by the fruit of righteousness eat his good, but the souls of deeds insults. Prov.13.3 whoever keep his mouth guards his life, but the one who speaks out of his lips is removed. Prov.13.4 his sound is a desire of a desire, but the hand of difficulty is satter. Prov.13.5 the righteous hates a mentira of lawlessness, but the impio is ashamed and turn. Prov.13.6 the righteousness guard the sincerity, but the ungodly bears the sin. Prov.13.7 there is one who enriches yourself, having nothing, yet there is one who afflict himself, and has much riches. Prov.13.8 his riches is a scepter of soul, but the poor does not understand. Prov.13.9 the light of the righteous are continuing out, but the light of the ungodly shakes. Prov.13.10 with influence is evil, but their knowledge is wise. Prov.13.11 the possession of worldly food is shaken, but the one who gather with his hand will be multiplied. Prov.13.12 a belonging worthy help the heart, but a kind of life is a tree of life. Prov.13.13 whoever despises the way will be condemned, but the one who fear the commandment is well. Prov.13.14 the law of wise is a sound of life, which lives by the snare of death. Prov.13.15 a good intelligence gives grace, but the way of sinners is in destruction. Prov.13.16 everyone who is wise does knowledge with knowledge, but the foolish spread evil. Prov.13.17 a meniger angel fall into evil, but a faithful angel is a help. Prov.13.18 a poor and dishonor takes away the discipline, but the who guard the reproach will be glorified. Prov.13.19 the desires of godliness are performed for life, but a wicked works is far away from knowledge. Prov.13.20 whoever goes with the wise will be wise, but who belongs to the wise will be known. Prov.13.21 the sinners persecuds evil, but the righteous will find good. Prov.13.22 a god inherit the children in his inheritance, but the riches of the ungodly gives the righteous. Prov.13.23 many days are grain for the righteous, but the false will destroy the sincere. Prov.13.24 whoever defers his back hates his son, but the one who loves it discipline him. Prov.13.25 the righteous may eat, but the soul of the impies is faithful. Prov.14.1 the wise woman builds his house, but the foolish destroy it with her hand. Prov.14.2 whoever walks in his way belongs to the lord, but who is trouble on his ways is dishonor. Prov.14.3 by the mouth of the foolish is the bright of sobering, but the words of the wise guards them. Prov.14.4 where there is bound, food is clean, but the force of ground has the power of the bound. Prov.14.5 a faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness speaks false. Prov.14.6 the false seek wisdom and find no way, but wise are knowledge of knowledge. Prov.14.7 go away from a foolish man, for you do no knowledge for knowledge. Prov.14.8 the wisdom of foolish is knowledge of their way, but the malice of foolish is wicked. Prov.14.9 the believers deceives with purification, but in the house of righteous is acceptable. Prov.14.10 the heart knows his source, and his joy is not afraid in his joy. Prov.14.11 the household of the ungodly will be destroyed, and the clothing of those who are innocent will stand. Prov.14.12 there is a journey that is right for a person, but out of it is a way of death. Prov.14.13 even in a joy a sorrow is directed, and the end of joy is in mourning. Prov.14.14 a gentle of deeds will be filled with his own ways, and good man from his own thoughts. Prov.14.15 a innocent believes in every word, but the wise letters his mind. Prov.14.16 a wise man is afraid and declined from evil, but a foolish person is trouble and directed. Prov.14.17 a hidden man is dishonoring, and a foolish person is trouble. Prov.14.18 the foolish departs of evil, but the wise seized knowledge. Prov.14.19 the evil will be short before the good, and the impies at the door of the righteous. Prov.14.20 the poor hates hates his friend, but many his friends are many. Prov.14.21 whoever defiles the poor person does sin, but the mercy of the poor is blessed. Prov.14.22 do not deceive those who do evil? but mercy and truth are to those who finds good. Prov.14.23 in every way are sufficient, but the reason of deeds is for false. Prov.14.24 the crown of wise are wisdom, but the sending of foolish are malice. Prov.14.25 a faithful witness deliver the souls, but a false witness deceives. Prov.14.26 in the fear of the lord there is a strong confidence for his children. Prov.14.27 the instruction of the lord is a spring of life, so that he may escape from the snare of death. Prov.14.28 in the district of a people is the glory of the king, and in a trouble of people is bright of violent. Prov.14.29 the patience is great intelligence, but difficulty is a faithful. Prov.14.30 the sinful heart is sinful heart, but a knowledge is a bride of knowledge. Prov.14.31 whoever oppress the poor dishonor his creator, but the honor of the poor means him. Prov.14.32 in his malice the imgodly will be removed, but the righteous in his own deeds has made confidence. Prov.14.33 in the heart of man is wisdom, and in the heart of foolish is knowledge. Prov.14.34 the righteousness rebuild a nation, but sin is greater of tribes. Prov.14.35 an ignorant servant is acceptable to the king, but for his dishonor becomes dishonor. Prov.15.1 a district answer the wrath, but a deceitful word turn a wrath. Prov.15.2 the tongue of wise deceives knowledge, but the mouth of foolish speaking evil. Prov.15.3 the eyes of the lord are in every place, watch on those who do evil and good. Prov.15.4 a direct tongue is a tree of life, but the false tongue bears the spirit. Prov.15.5 a foolish instead the discipline of his father, but who keeps the commandments is foolish. Prov.15.6 in the house of righteous there is great power, but in the purpose of the ungodly perishes. Prov.15.7 the lips of wise seizes knowledge, but the hearts of foolish is not directed. Prov.15.8 the sacrifice of ungodliness is a abomination for the lord, but his prayers of godliness is acceptable. Prov.15.9 the ways of ungodly is a abomination for the lord, and the hearing of righteousness loves. Prov.15.10 a desolate discipline is made known to the one who leads; the one who hates reproach must die. Prov.15.11 sheol and destruction are opened before the lord, how can the hearts of the people! Prov.15.12 a discipline does not love him who rebuke him, and he will not go with the wise. Prov.15.13 a glad heart carries face face, but in sinful smarring is gentle. Prov.15.14 the heart of honor seek knowledge, but the mouth of discipline knows knowledge. Prov.15.15 all the days of evil are bad, but the free heart is a reason for always. Prov.15.16 better little with the fear of the lord than great treasures with violence. Prov.15.17 it is better of food with love, than a guard of a kalf with enemy. Prov.15.18 a human man produces quarreling, but a patience destroy the things that are to be perplexed. Prov.15.19 the way of a deeds is wicked for thorns, but the way of the marrious is brid. Prov.15.20 a wise son person rejoices the father, but a fool rejects his mother. Prov.15.21 a false person is a reason for dishonors, but a faithful man does walking. Prov.15.22 the plans there passes, not finding country, but in the hearing of conseirs they will be controlled. Prov.15.23 a man belong to his appearance, and what good is the message of the time! Prov.15.24 the way of life is a way of understanding, so that he will escape from the toil. Prov.15.25 the house of arrogant destroy the lord, but strengts the region of widows. Prov.15.26 the thoughts of false thoughts are a abomination for the lord. Prov.15.27 the speaster destroy his own home, but whoever hates his gift is escaped. Prov.15.28 the heart of righteous are discerning of a faithful, but the mouth of the ungodly divorces evil. Prov.15.29 god has far away from the ungodly, and the prayers of the righteous obey. it is better for god for his passions. Prov.15.30 a direct sight rejoice the heart, a good appealing puts the back. Prov.15.32 whoever rejects discipline rejects himself, but the one who hears the reproach loves his life. Prov.15.33 the fear of the lord is discipline of wisdom, and by the glory comes the message. Prov.16.1 the fear of the lord is discipline of wisdom, and by the glory comes the message. Prov.16.2 all the works of his man is clean in his own sight, but the lord rejects them. Prov.16.5 everyone who is exalted is wrong to the god; he does not be restrained by the hand. Prov.16.7 when the ways desires to do the righteous, he means with him as his homes. Prov.16.8 difficulty find a knowledge with righteousness, than a gentle with righteousness with righteousness. Prov.16.9 the mind of his man deceives his way, but the lord sends his passions. Prov.16.10 a instruction is at the lips of the king; his mouth will not be deceived by the judgment. Prov.16.11 the waage of the weak and the waves are from the lord; all the waves of worse are his deeds. Prov.16.12 the abomination of the jews is a abomination for evil, for by righteousness will the throne be prepared. Prov.16.13 the righteous lips accept the king, and the discussing words he loves. Prov.16.14 the wrath of king is a messenger of death, but a wise man deceives him. Prov.16.15 in the light of life the king is life, and his acception is like a bright of splendor. Prov.16.16 the plant of wisdom are better than gold, and directy of understanding are more than silver. Prov.16.17 the passes of life deceive from evil, and the longer of life is in the way of life. whoever keeps his conduct bears wisdom. Prov.16.18 a arrogant comes before the destruction, and the arrogant comes before the fall. Prov.16.19 it is better to gentle with the humble, than to divided a prisoning with arrogant. Prov.16.20 anyone who does understanding finds good, and the who confids in the lord is blessed. Prov.16.21 one of the wise is called knowledge, and the duld of words will be greatly accused. Prov.16.22 knowledge is for those who belongs to life, but the discipline of foolish is malice. Prov.16.23 the heart of wise does understand his mouth, and in his lips produces knowledge. Prov.16.24 utter words is better of honning, sald for soul and healing for soul. Prov.16.25 there is a journey that is right for a man, but the end of him are in death. Prov.16.26 the laborer of a labored carries for himself, for his mouth belongs to him. Prov.16.27 a false man builds evil, and in his lips is a flaming of fire. Prov.16.28 a false man separats false, and a brighter separates his friends. Prov.16.29 the man belongs his friends, and leads him to a good journey. Prov.16.30 he who establish his eyes, thinks perversities; he who lives in their lips becomes all the evil. Prov.16.31 a honor crown is a coroning, finding in the way of righteousness. Prov.16.32 the irritable man is better than a strong man, but the stranger of his wrath better better a city. Prov.16.33 in the boot draws the ground, but the reason from god is the way. Prov.17.1 better a droom of bread with peace than a house full of better sacrifice with quarreling. Prov.17.2 a ignorant servant will receive dominion of foolish, and divises for brothers in the district. Prov.17.3 a silber for silver and silver for gold, but the hearts experies the lord. Prov.17.4 a evil obey the false tongue, and the false hearts obey the false lips. Prov.17.5 whoever disows the poor exhorts his maker, and the one who rejoice in his destruction will not be restrained. Prov.17.6 the crown of gers are children of children, and glory of children are their fathers. Prov.17.7 no faithful is to a foolish lips, not a righteous face to false lips. Prov.17.8 a sald reward is for those who acknowledge, and whatever he turn will it prospery. Prov.17.9 whoever takes away love seeks love, but whoever hates a distribution distribues his friends. Prov.17.10 a difficulty remains on a wise than of a foolish flood. Prov.17.11 a discussing charge does a evil man, but a severe angel will sends against him. Prov.17.12 knowledge will fall against a man with a knowledge, but the foolish speaking out of evil. Prov.17.13 the one who repay evil for good will not be removed from his house. Prov.17.14 the beginning of lawlessness is as a dominion of reason, so so is a distribution of reason. Prov.17.15 the one who judges the unrighteous and who judges the righteous are difficulty for the lord. Prov.17.16 why do it be more than the word of a foolish? for for to buy wisdom, though he is unfruitful. Prov.17.17 a friend is in all time, and a brother has been born in anguish. Prov.17.18 a man of foolish person gives his hand and means for his neighbor. Prov.17.19 for a sincerier rejoices mighty things. Prov.17.20 the hard of heart does not find good; a man with a language tongue will fall into evil. Prov.17.21 if a person for a foolish is bearing her, and the father of a foolish son does not rejoice. Prov.17.22 the gladness of joy is faithful, but a sorrow of sorrow wicks the back. Prov.17.23 the gottlose take gifts in the boot, to deceive the ways of righteousness. Prov.17.24 the face of a understanding is a wise man, but the eyes of the foolish are at the ends of the land. Prov.17.25 a foolish child is wrath for his father, and affliction for his father. Prov.17.26 no good is to do the righteous man, nor good to consider those who are righteous. Prov.17.27 who defiles his word is a knowledge, and a faithful man is faithful. Prov.17.28 even a sinner, when he demands, will be counted for wisdom, and who deceives his mouth is wise. Prov.18.1 honor seek a man who desires to separate his conduct, and in all opportunity he is faithful. Prov.18.2 a false person does no need of wisdom, but more to give his knowledge. Prov.18.3 when the ungodly comes, comes even the dispreaching, and with the dishonor of dishonor. Prov.18.4 the words of the heart of man is debt of deep water, a soul of life is a spring of life. Prov.18.5 no good is to show the ungodly, not to deceive the righteous in his judgment. Prov.18.6 the lips of the foolish leads to evil, and his mouth cries for sword. Prov.18.7 the mouth of a foolish is his fall, and his lips is a strick for his life. Prov.18.8 the foolish persons are as a singer, and in their directs are a district for the soulers. Prov.18.9 the one who is held in his work is brother of the destroying. Prov.18.10 the name of the lord is a strong held, and the righteous becomes beyond him. Prov.18.11 the possession of the rich is its strength, and great a waves of his glory. Prov.18.12 before destruction, the heart of man is exalted, and before the glory is humilied. Prov.18.13 one who answered, before he heard, is foolish and dishonor for him. Prov.18.14 the anger of man endures his sound, but who will endure a sound person? Prov.18.15 the heart of wise bears knowledge, and the ears of wise seeks knowledge. Prov.18.16 a gift of man deceives him, and leads him to the helds of helds. Prov.18.17 the righteous is his accuser in the first condemnation, but when his adversary comes, he is punished. Prov.18.18 the lot becomes trouble and deceives the helds of helds. Prov.18.19 a brother belonging to a fellow city is like a befestisht city, and the strengthents are like wealth. Prov.18.20 by the fruit of the mouth the man filled his wheak, he will be satisfied by the fruit of his lips. Prov.18.21 death and life are in the hand of a tongue, and those who hold it will eat its fruit. Prov.18.22 he who found a good woman found giving better, but he took foolish from the lord. Prov.19.3 the destoinness of man deceives his conduct, but his heart is trouble to the lord. Prov.19.4 riches gives many friends, but the poor has removed from his friends. Prov.19.5 a false witness will not be condemned, and whoever does false witness will not escape. Prov.19.6 many seek the appearance of kings, and all are honor of hostier. Prov.19.7 all the brothers of the poor hates him. how much more are his vights far him far off, but his words do not escape. Prov.19.8 the one who bears the knowledge loves himself, and whoever watter mind will find good. Prov.19.9 a false witness does not be condemned, and whoever brings false will perish. Prov.19.10 a food is not better for a foolish, not even to a slave slain over rulers. Prov.19.11 the mercy of man is patient, and his glory comes to transgression. Prov.19.12 the course of the king is like lion of a lion, but his mercy is like a ross on the grass. Prov.19.13 a confusion for his father is a foolish son, and a condemnation for his father is a deceive. Prov.19.14 a house and possession is a direction of fathers, but a certain wife is from the lord. Prov.19.15 a direct sentence is in his direction, and a sound person is hungry. Prov.19.16 whoever keep the commandment bears his life, but whoever disregards his way will perish. Prov.19.17 whoever has mercy on the poor is given to the lord, and he will repay him for his practice. Prov.19.18 discipline your son, while there is hope, but do not strike his life for him. Prov.19.19 the dishonor of a hard will turn, and if you refish it, he will increase his life. Prov.19.20 hear the instruction of the discipline, that you may be wise in your last. Prov.19.21 many thoughts are in the heart of man, but the plan of the lord remains forever. Prov.19.22 a fruit of man is his righteousness, and a poor man is better than false. Prov.19.23 the fear of the lord is to give life, so that there will be nourished in there and revealed no knowledge. Prov.19.24 the false hand takes his hand in the boot, yet does he not bring his mouth to the mouth. Prov.19.25 he who stricks the foolish, the foolish is astonished, and if he rebuke a wise, he will understand knowledge. Prov.19.26 whoever dishonor father and put his mother is amazed and dishonor. Prov.19.27 o son, not keeping attention to the discipline of the father, and do a new difficulty. Prov.19.28 a foolish servant deceives the right, and the mouth of the ungodly bears violence. Prov.19.29 slanderers are prepared for slander, and foolish for the slander of foolish. Prov.20.1 the wine is broken, a means of wick, and no one who belongs to it is wise. Prov.20.2 the course of the king is like a lion of leons. whoever provoke him has sin sinned against his own life. Prov.20.3 the glory of a man is directed for slander, but every foolish person is directed. Prov.20.4 the foolish reproach, but he does not be ashamed, even when he remove a wheat in the hidden. Prov.20.5 a conselt water is a conselk in the heart of man, but a wise man draws it out. Prov.20.6 many people proclaim his mercy, but who finds a believing man? Prov.20.7 the righteous person wands in his indeed, blessed are the servants of him. Prov.20.8 king, seated on the throne, deceives all evil with his eyes. Prov.20.9 who can say, i made my heart pure, i was clean from my own sins? Prov.20.10 two plages, a double efa, both difficulty for the lord. Prov.20.11 even an young man knows by his works, whether his way is pure and right. Prov.20.12 ears hearing and eye that sees, both do the lord. Prov.20.13 do not love something, so that you may not be broken. open your eyes, and be satisfied with bread. Prov.20.20 whoever calls his father and his mother will shame in his lamp in the darkness of darkness. Prov.20.21 a part that has haken at first will be blessed in the end will not be blessed. Prov.20.22 do not say, i will give evil. expect the lord, and he will help you. Prov.20.23 two weasures is a abomination for the lord, and false food is not good. Prov.20.24 by the lord is the passions of man; how can a man understand his ways? Prov.20.25 it is a strict for a man to keep his own holy things, and after to proclaim their proceeds are performed. Prov.20.26 the wise king disputs the ungodly and throws them a round. Prov.20.27 the sound of the lord is the light of god, who deceives the divisions of the womb. Prov.20.28 mercy and truth bears the king, and through righteousness wald his throne. Prov.20.29 the glory of a daughter is wisdom, and the glory of the elders is grain. Prov.20.30 knowledge and distribution commits evil, and plagues are in the insight of the boot. Prov.21.1 the heart of the king is in the hand of god as water of water; he wicks it, where he will. Prov.21.2 every man is righteous in his presence, but the lord rejects the heart. Prov.21.3 to do right and right is pleasing for the lord more than sacrifice. Prov.21.4 difficulty and sober-minded, the lamp of the ungodly, is sin. Prov.21.6 the treasures of treasure with false tongue is a desolate opportunity for death. Prov.21.7 the ruse of the gottloses will be destroyed, for they do not want to do the right. Prov.21.8 the way of a pure person is worthy, but his conduct is right. Prov.21.9 it is better to live in a gone of food than with a district manner in a district house. Prov.21.10 the soul of the impiece person does not have mercy on the person. Prov.21.11 when a boast bears, the unbeliever is headly, and when the wise understand knowledge the knowledge. Prov.21.12 the righteous will understand the heart of the ungodly, and he deceive the ungodly in evil. Prov.21.13 whoever calls his ears for a cry of the weak, he also will cry, but there will be no answer. Prov.21.14 a deceitful gift produces wrath, and a offering gift produces mighty wrath. Prov.21.15 it is a joy of the righteous to do judgment, but those who are evil are unclean. Prov.21.16 a man who deceives from the way of righteousness remains in the synagogue of the strangers. Prov.21.17 a poor man loves joy, and loves wine and wine. Prov.21.18 indeed, the purpose of the righteous, indeed. Prov.21.19 it is better to live in a wilderness than with a marriage and stumbling woman. Prov.21.20 desire treasure and further treasure are in the mouth of wise, but a foolish men devour him. Prov.21.21 who finds righteousness and praise finds life and glory. Prov.21.22 the wise treasures the mighty cities and destroy the treasure in which their confidence are. Prov.21.23 whoever keep his mouth and his tongue bears his life from tribulation. Prov.21.24 a manner of home is a trouble of honor, and a deceitful person is a trouble. Prov.21.25 the desires of foolish will kill, for his hands are not pleased to do. Prov.21.26 on the whole day he desires dishonorable, but the righteous give and does not please. Prov.21.27 the sacrifice of ungodliness is a abomination, and as for unbelievers they offers them. Prov.21.28 a false witness destroy, and a lawful person will speak. Prov.21.29 the ungodly person shows his face, but the righteous knows his conduct. Prov.21.30 no wisdom, no wisdom, nor conseil, nor consider. Prov.21.31 a horse is prepared for the day of war, but help is the help of the lord. Prov.22.1 a good name is than much riches, and good grace than silver and gold. Prov.22.2 rich and poor belong one another, the lord has made both. Prov.22.3 the wise see evil and deceives the strength, but the foolish go gone and seek. Prov.22.4 the generation of wisdom and fear of the lord is riches, glory and life. Prov.22.5 trouble and snere are in the way of false; the one who loves his life is removed from them. Prov.22.7 the rich dominer over the poor, and a deber for his own master. Prov.22.8 the one who sows evil will reap evil, and the mocse of his work will find out. Prov.22.9 the one who has mercy on the poor will remain, for he has given his bread to the poor. Prov.22.10 drive out the reason, and the course will come out, and the course and the confusion will come. Prov.22.11 whoever loves a reason of heart, who is acceptable with his lips, is the king. Prov.22.12 the eyes of the lord observes knowledge, but he deceives the words of a believing. Prov.22.13 the lawful says, a lion is in the road; i will be killed in the streets. Prov.22.14 a fool of deep is a district of a disonced, but the one who hates by the lord fall on him. Prov.22.15 foolish short is to the heart of a child, but the scepter of discipline has leading it from him. Prov.22.16 whoever belongs to the poor means his own things, and whoever gives to the rich has directed him. Prov.22.17 listen your ears and hear words of the wise, and put your heart to your knowledge. Prov.22.18 for it is greater, if you do them in your heart, they are together at your lips. Prov.22.19 so that your hope may be in the lord, i would tell you his way. Prov.22.20 have i not written to you three years, with decision and knowledge, Prov.22.21 to declare you knowledge of the truth, that you may judge the words of truth to those who are sent to you. Prov.22.22 do not burn the poor, for he is a poor, and do not turn the poor in the porte, Prov.22.23 for the lord judges his reason, and he stricks his people to strike them. Prov.22.24 do not be a fellow worker with a stumble man, and do not be quarreling with a hidden man, Prov.22.25 that you may not learn his ways and take your souls for your soul. Prov.22.26 do not grant yourself to the belonging to the face of his face. Prov.22.27 for if you do not have how to betray, how will they take your bed under your back? Prov.22.28 do not depart the eternal region, which your fathers laid. Prov.22.29 do you see a man belonging to his work? he will stand before kings, and he will not stand there for sinners. Prov.23.1 when you sit to eat with a ruler, consider what is before you, Prov.23.2 and put a cloak to your cloak, if you have a question. Prov.23.3 do not desire his garments, for it is a false life. Prov.23.4 do not be directed to direct rich, avoid your mind. Prov.23.5 do you break your eyes to it, there is no further, for it will make it wings, like an equile, which turn into the land. Prov.23.6 do not eat the hidden man and do not desire his food. Prov.23.7 for so as for the hidden of the hars eats and drinks so, Prov.23.8 the foot that you eat will you cut out, and your good words will you destroy. Prov.23.9 do not speak to the ears of a foolish, for he will brise your wise words. Prov.23.10 do not deturn the eternal region, and do not enter the treasure of the women, Prov.23.11 for their redemptor is strong, he will judge their judgment against you. Prov.23.12 put your heart to discipline, and your ears for knowledge of knowledge. Prov.23.13 do not refuse the child to discipline, for if you strike him with a rock, he will not die. Prov.23.14 you will strike him with the rock, and you will red his soul from death. Prov.23.15 my son, if your heart is wise, my heart is glad. Prov.23.16 and my heart will grow, if your lips speak what is right. Prov.23.17 let your hearts not be zealous for sinners, but in the fear of the lord all the day, Prov.23.18 for there is a excession, and your hope will not be rejected. Prov.23.19 hear, my son, and be wise, and find your heart to the sincere. Prov.23.20 do not be with a drunkard, not with those in means of good. Prov.23.21 for a drunkard and a drunkard will be afflicted, and sound will put in broken clothes. Prov.23.22 hear your father, who has born you, and do not despise your mother as he has gathered. Prov.23.24 the father of the righteous rejoice well, and the son of wise rejoice his soul. Prov.23.25 let your father and your mother rejoice, and let your father rejoice. Prov.23.26 give me your heart, my son, and let your hearts keep your ways. Prov.23.27 for foolish house is a trouble, and a fremde wife is a district well. Prov.23.28 for he perishes as a control, and perceives for the indeed of the believers. Prov.23.29 whose wood is woe? whose reason is a reason? to whom brings without oppression? whose break are their eyes? Prov.23.30 those who long in the wine, those who come for a waken drink. Prov.23.31 do not be drunk with wine, as the cup comes in the cup, how it puts in the cup and cup. Prov.23.32 in the last, he stricks as a serpent, and as a serpent puts it as a serpent. Prov.23.33 your eyes will see in strength, and your mouth will speak wrong. Prov.23.34 you will be aspect as in the heart of the sea, like a master of a wol. Prov.23.35 they said, they struck me, yet i did not swerp, stricked me, but i did not understand. when i will go, i will seek them. Prov.24.1 do not provoke evil people, nor desire to be with them, Prov.24.2 for their heart deceives, and their lips speaks of affliction. Prov.24.3 in wisdom it builds a house, and by understanding are being strengthened, Prov.24.4 with knowledge the room gathered with all the precious and good riches. Prov.24.5 the wise man is strong, and a man of intelligence has a great country. Prov.24.6 for opportunity comes jng, and help is the help of consels. Prov.24.7 wisdom is for a difficulty for wisdom; in the gate he does not deceive the mouth. Prov.24.8 whoever thinks evil does direct course. Prov.24.9 a sin of foolish is a sin, and a belonging to people is abominable. Prov.24.10 if you have been distressed on the day of anguish, do your influence. Prov.24.11 let you escape those who are leading death, and do not spare those who are directed. Prov.24.12 if you say, behold, we do not know this. the one who takes his heart knows all things, and does he repay to each according to his work. Prov.24.13 eat the honey, my son, for it is good, so that your sorrow is doubt. Prov.24.14 this is the knowledge of wisdom for your soul. if you find it, you will have good, and your hope will not be left. Prov.24.15 do not leave the unrighteous in the place of the righteous, do not destroy his ground. Prov.24.16 for for seven things the righteous will fall and rise, but the ungodly fall fall in evil. Prov.24.17 do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not rejoice in his foot, Prov.24.18 that the lord will see it and do not please, and he will turn his wrath from him. Prov.24.19 do not be glad for those who do evil, do not provoke the sinners. Prov.24.20 for the evil one does not have, the lamp of the ungodly lives. Prov.24.21 fear god, son, and king, and do not be disobedient with one another. Prov.24.22 for suddenly will burn the ungodly, but who sight do for two, who will know? it is a speech of a menear, a son of destruction is seated. accept it, let him receive the word of the king, and nothing false is of his tongue. Prov.24.23 even these things they say to the wise. there are respect persons in judgment. Prov.24.24 he who says to the unrighteous, it is righteous! they will curse people and hate the nations. Prov.24.25 but those who reproach will be deceived, and a good blessing will come upon them. Prov.24.26 the one who sends good words will kiss the lips. Prov.24.27 prepare your work in the room and ready for me in the field, and then rebuild your house. Prov.24.28 do not be false witness against your neighbor, or make you blot with your lips? Prov.24.29 do not say, just as he has done to me, i will do to him, i will give him what he has done. Prov.24.30 i went by the vineyard of a false man, like a vineyard of a false man, Prov.24.31 and behold, it was full of all winds, and the gate of the stings were broken up. Prov.24.32 after this i repented, i looked, i looked for discipline, Prov.24.33 a little while, a little while sleeping, a little striking with the hands, Prov.24.34 so your poor will come as a trouble, and your indigent like a hard man. Prov.25.1 these are the transgressions of solomon, which the men of ezechiah, the king of judah, have set up. Prov.25.2 the glory of god is in secret the reason, but the glory of the king is to honor the things. Prov.25.3 the heavens of heaven and the debth of the earth, and the hearts of the king are unreason. Prov.25.4 take the mourn out of the silver, and the grain will come out for a silber. Prov.25.5 take the ungodly from the king, and his throne will be confirmed in righteousness. Prov.25.6 do not be arrogant in the presence of the king, and do not sit in the plass of the elders. Prov.25.7 for it is better to say to you, come up to me, than that you be humilied before the prince, which your eyes have seen. Prov.25.8 do not come to a moment quickly, for that you may have nothing to do in the last when your neighbor would reproach you. Prov.25.9 remove your way against your proper, but do not despise the district of your own people, Prov.25.10 let not your friend insult you, and your fight and your enemy shall not touch, but it will be to you with death. Prov.25.11 as golds of gold in silver, so is a word spoken in a message. Prov.25.12 as a golden ring for a ring, it is a golden ring for a golden ring. Prov.25.13 it is a faithful angel for those who send him: it is a faithful angel for those who sends him. he shows his lord's soul. Prov.25.14 as a wind and wind without rain, so is he who boast of false gift. Prov.25.15 with patience is a reason for reason, and a small tongue destroy ossa. Prov.25.16 if you have found honey, eat what is long, so that you may not be filled and cast it up. Prov.25.17 let your foot enter your neighbor, that he may not be filled with you and hate you. Prov.25.18 the man who testify false witness against his friend is a false testimony and a sword. Prov.25.19 as a wicked food and a wicked foot is a trouble in an opportunity. Prov.25.20 as one who directes his clothing, as one who makes his clothing in a moment, so is the one who cants a change for a bright. Prov.25.21 if your enemy is hungry, give him to drink, if he has thirsty, give him drink. Prov.25.22 for so you will show glound of fire on his head, and the lord will repay you. Prov.25.23 the nordwind bring wind to the wind, and a straight face a irrice face. Prov.25.24 it is better to live in the entrance of the household than with a certain woman in a marriage house. Prov.25.25 as a wicked water for a thirsty person, so is a good message from a distance land. Prov.25.26 the righteous man, which fell in the presence of ungodly water, so is a righteous person who leads before the ungodly. Prov.25.27 it is not good to eat a great honning, and the honor of honor is not honor. Prov.25.28 it is a man who does not acknowledge the wall and the wall, so is a man who does not keep his purpose. Prov.26.1 as a ross in the harm and a rain in the somer, so do not be honor for a foolish person. Prov.26.2 as a vogel floke and as a passering so, so is a desolate sword that no one draws. Prov.26.3 a plage for a horse, a gate for a donkey, the scepter for the violent nation. Prov.26.4 do not answer a near to his folly, so that you may not be like him. Prov.26.5 answered the foolish according to his deveat, that he may not be wise in his own presence. Prov.26.6 the one who sends word by a foolish angel will drink his feet. Prov.26.7 as for the muses of the muss, so is a proverbe in the mouth of foolish. Prov.26.8 it is the one who binds a stone in a seal, so is the one who gives glory to a foolish. Prov.26.9 as a thorn that grows in the hand of a drunk, so is a sentence in the mouth of the foolish. Prov.26.10 the one who deceives all things is as one who leads the foolish, and the one who lears foolish foolish. Prov.26.11 as a cyx, when it comes on his own household, so is a foolish, so a foolish person does return for his own sin. Prov.26.12 has you seen a man who is wise in himself? it is more hope than one of him. Prov.26.13 the late says, a lion is in the way; a lion is in the road. Prov.26.14 the door turns on his bed, so the luiaard on his bed. Prov.26.15 the rest endures his hand in the boot, he is not able to bring it out to his mouth. Prov.26.16 the luiaard is wise for himself than yourselves, than those who deceive knowledge. Prov.26.17 the one who directes a doir is like a slander of a honor, which calls in a distribution of condemnation. Prov.26.18 it is like a district who blows with words for people, so who, when they encouraged the word, first will be shaken. Prov.26.19 so is a man who deceives his friend and say, i have wronged it. Prov.26.20 whenever the tree are grow, the fire grows, and if there is no divided, the fight remaines. Prov.26.21 as a charcoal charg and a tree for fire, so a widly man produces a held. Prov.26.22 the words of the builder are like people, and they fall in the entrance of the heart. Prov.26.23 a breck of silver with sound is like a clay, the listige lips and a desolate heart. Prov.26.24 the enemy revies with their lips, but in his heart he means false. Prov.26.25 if he calls with his voice, do not believe him, for seven abominations are in his heart. Prov.26.26 when his enemy is covered with deceit, his own sins will be opened in the council. Prov.26.27 whoever graves a grave will fall into it, and whoever roll a stone rows on it. Prov.26.28 a false tongue hates their case, and a false mouth produces violence. Prov.27.1 do not burn the next day, for you do not know what the day will bear. Prov.27.2 let another be loved you, not your mouth, a stranger, not your own lips. Prov.27.3 a stone is tung, and a sand is hard, but the wrath of a foolish is greater than both. Prov.27.4 a wrath is without mercy, and wrath a wrath; but who can stand before jealousy? Prov.27.5 a reproach is better than deceive than love. Prov.27.6 the murts of a neighbor is faithful, but the kiss of a enemy is faithful. Prov.27.7 a mourning soul is scarried, but for a pure person all bitterness is duld. Prov.27.8 as a birds that move from his nesting is like birth, so is a man who leads from his place. Prov.27.9 sald and incense bears the heart, so the better of honor for a freedom. Prov.27.10 do not forgive your friends or the friend of your father, and in the house of your brother do not enter the house of your brother. for a certain friend is better than a brother far far. Prov.27.11 be wise, my son, and rejoice my heart, that i may give account to him who loves me. Prov.27.12 the wise seek evil and esconds, but the foolish come into the way and seeks. Prov.27.13 take his garment, for he has come for a stranger, and take him for the strangers. Prov.27.14 he who blessed his friend with a loud voice, so will he be excellent in a curse. Prov.27.15 a stear that cast out a man in the day of tempth, so it is a district woman from his own house. Prov.27.16 whoever causes it remains the wind, and the right hand is calling in his right hand. Prov.27.17 a iron bears a iron, and a man spread the face of his freund. Prov.27.18 whoever guards a fig tree will eat its fruit, and whoever keep his master will be honored. Prov.27.19 it is like a favor for face for face, so the heart of man is in the heart of man. Prov.27.20 the sheol and the destruction is not deceived, so even the eyes of people are divorced. Prov.27.21 the temptation for a silver and the gold for the gold, so the man is prote by the mouth of him who loves him. Prov.27.22 if you strike a foolish in a robe in a robe, his foolish person will not be taken from him. Prov.27.23 show yourself to know your sheep, and keep your heart to your sheep, Prov.27.24 for power is not forever, and the power has not been delivered from generation to generation? Prov.27.25 when the grass is taken and the grass grows, and the grass of the mountains are gathered. Prov.27.26 the lamb are for your garment, and the lamb for a heat. Prov.27.27 you have a gentle of belonging to your life, as for your life and for the life of your servants. Prov.28.1 the ungodly flew, though no one are persecuting, but the righteous are confident as a lion. Prov.28.2 for the transgression of his people are violent, but for man of understanding and intelligence is encouraged. Prov.28.3 a poor man who oppress the poor is like a rain that puts and does not have water. Prov.28.4 those who abandoned the law praise the ungodliness, but those who love the law attacks them. Prov.28.5 evil people do not understand the judgment, but those who seek to the lord understand everything. Prov.28.6 better is a poor who walks in the truth than a rich man who walks in the truth. Prov.28.7 the one who keep the law is a understanding son, but who belongs to the dealers dishonor his father. Prov.28.8 whoever multipliks his riches with usup and excellence, he gathered him to the one who has received the poor of the poor. Prov.28.9 whoever deceives his ear from hearing the law, his prayer is abominable. Prov.28.10 whoever deceives the righteous on a evil way will fall into his ground, but the ungodly gives good things. Prov.28.11 the rich man is wise in his own presence, but a poor who is understanding understand him. Prov.28.12 when the righteous are held, glory is great; but when the ungodly grow, people grows. Prov.28.13 the one who covers his transgression does not prospere, but whoever deceives them will be loved. Prov.28.14 blessed is the man who continues in fear, but who hard his heart will fall in evil things. Prov.28.15 a leoning least and a district wolk is a reason for a poor man. Prov.28.16 a brighter king is great in oppression, but the one who hates evil longer his days. Prov.28.17 as for a man who comes in the purpose of a murder, he will be strengthened, but there was no belonging. discipline the son, and he will love you, and he will give your soul a pleasure, and he does not obey the people of contempt. Prov.28.18 the one who walks in the right will be held, but the who is worthy in their ways will fall in short. Prov.28.19 the one who obtaines his land will be filled with bread, but the one who seek back will be full of necessity. Prov.28.20 a faithful man will be blessed in blessing, but the faithful will not be revealed. Prov.28.21 it is not good for appearance, for a false person is for a single bread. Prov.28.22 a married man haws to above rich, and he does not know that a mercy will come upon him. Prov.28.23 whoever rebuke a person will have more please than the one who does a tongue. Prov.28.24 the one who takes away his father or mother and says, it is not a sinful. he is a partner of a transgressor. Prov.28.25 a devout person deceives food, but the one who confids in the lord will be excellent. Prov.28.26 whoever confids in his heart is a fool, but whoever walks in wisdom will be saved. Prov.28.27 whoever gives to the poor will not be lacking, but whoever takes away his eyes will be greatly perplexed. Prov.28.28 when the impies grow, the people grows; but when they grow, the righteous are multiplied. Prov.29.1 a man who rebuke a hard becomes a hard, will be destroyed suddenly, and there is no helper. Prov.29.2 when the righteous are engranced, the people rejoices, but when the ungodly comes, the people grows. Prov.29.3 a man who loves wisdom rejoice his father, but whoever goes with sexually immoral bears his riches. Prov.29.4 the king appoints the land in righteousness, but the oppressed people destroy it. Prov.29.5 a man who put his friend against his neighbor, put a net for his own feet. Prov.29.6 in the sinning of a great man is a strik, but the righteous rejoice and rejoice. Prov.29.7 the righteous knows to judge the poor, but the ungodly does not understand knowledge. Prov.29.8 wise men deceives the city, but wise deceives his wrath. Prov.29.9 if a wise man judges with a devout man, so he plants and lains, and there is no one. Prov.29.10 a devout men hates a holy person, but the righteous seek his life. Prov.29.11 a foolish person produces his whole wrath, but the wise separates it. Prov.29.12 a king who obey false words, all his servants are sinful. Prov.29.13 a poor and a gentner gathered together, the lord shows them both to the two. Prov.29.14 a king who judges for the poor will judge for the poor, his throne will be established. Prov.29.15 a moot and reproat give wisdom, but a young servant is put to shame on his parents. Prov.29.16 when the impies are many, the sin is multiplied, but the righteous will see their fall. Prov.29.17 discipline your son, and he will give you rest, and he will give reason to your soul. Prov.29.18 there is no offense for the people, but blessed is the one who keep the law. Prov.29.19 a servant does not discipline discipline, for if he understand, he does not obey. Prov.29.20 has you seen a man crying out in his words? he has more hope than one of him. Prov.29.21 whoever direkts his servant from a child will be at last, he will be in the last. Prov.29.22 a indignant man provoks quarreling, and a indignant man produces sins. Prov.29.23 the arrogant of a man afflict him, but the poor in honor will be made glory. Prov.29.24 whoever divided with a divided hates his soul; he hears an oath and does not tell him. Prov.29.25 the fear of a person is slain, but the one who confids in the lord will be saved. Prov.29.26 many seek the appearance of the ruler, but the righteousness of one person is from the lord. Prov.29.27 unrighteous man is a abomination for the righteous, and a abomination for the ungodly is a abominable. Prov.30.1 the words of agur, the words of agur, the word of agur. the man said to itiel, for itiel and ukal. Prov.30.2 for i am of a foolish person, and i have no mind of man. Prov.30.3 i did not teach the wisdom, and i know the knowledge of the saints. Prov.30.4 who has ascended into heaven and descended? who has gathered the wind in his side? who has gathered the water in his garment? who has departed all the extrems of the earth? what is his name, and what is the name of his child, when you know it? Prov.30.5 all the words of god are purified, he is a turn for those who loves him. Prov.30.6 do not be added to his words, that he may not punish you, and you may be false. Prov.30.7 two things i ask you, do not direcce me before i died: Prov.30.8 leave and false word far far from me. do not give me neighbor or riches, give me the fruit that is for me, Prov.30.9 so that i may not be filled with false things and say, who is me? or i must steal and steal the name of my god. Prov.30.10 do not trouble your master to the hand of his master, so that you may not curse you and be destroyed. Prov.30.11 there is a parents who curse his father and does not blessed his mother. Prov.30.12 a offspring, which is innocent for himself, but does not be washed with his excellence. Prov.30.13 there is a generation that shows his eyes and which shows his eyes! Prov.30.14 a generation, whose dents are swords, and whose mills are swords, so that they may eat the poor from the earth and the poor among people. Prov.30.15 the bloot has two daughters, give her: give! give! these three do not draws, and the fourth is not saying, sufficient! Prov.30.16 the sheol and the beyond woman, the earth that does not filled with water, and fire that does not say: it is sufficient. Prov.30.17 the eye who deceits to the father and dishonor the mother of her mother, the girl from the beast destroy him, and the ears of ears will eat it. Prov.30.18 three things are impossible for me, and four do i not know: Prov.30.19 the way of an equile learing, the way of serpent on the rock, the way of a district by a district, the way of a man with his daughter. Prov.30.20 such is the way of a adulterous woman. when he commises, she does nothing: no wrong! Prov.30.21 in three things the earth bears, and a four cannot bear, Prov.30.22 a servant, though he really remains, and a foolish full of wheat, Prov.30.23 for a hidden wife, when she is hated, and a daughter who directes her master. Prov.30.24 vier are in the land four, but these are wise of the wise: Prov.30.25 the myrts are no power, but are prepared their food in the somer, Prov.30.26 the ground, a mighty nation, but they make their house in the rock, Prov.30.27 the gresshopps have no king, and only they walk in order; Prov.30.28 a cloak puts with hands, but is in the palaces of the king. Prov.30.29 for three things are wicked, and a four, which passes well: Prov.30.30 a leoning, strong than animals, who does not despise anyone. Prov.30.31 a roosting round, a bopreter, and the king in his crowd. Prov.30.32 if you lifted out your own sight and distributed yourself, do your wicked hand against a man. Prov.30.33 for the break of the milk bears food, and the scepter of food brings the blood, and the spor of the ignorance brings out the fight. Prov.31.1 the words of lemuel, king of lemuel, which was instructed his mother. Prov.31.2 what do i say, my son, what do i say, son of my women? what will i say, son of my prayers? Prov.31.3 do not give to the women your riches, not your dolores to those who destroy the country. Prov.31.4 no god, o lemuel, do not the rulers drink, nor for the rulers to drink wine, Prov.31.5 so that they may drink and harm the wisdom and leave the judgment for those who are weak. Prov.31.6 give bitter to those who are bitter, and wine to those who are in anguish, Prov.31.7 so that he may leave his poor and do not remember his anguish. Prov.31.8 open your mouth for the knowledge of god for the judge of all gentle. Prov.31.9 open your mouth, judge just, and judge the poor and the poor. Prov.31.10 what man will find a devout woman? it is more precious than perse. Prov.31.11 the heart of her husband is faithful in her, and he will not divorce a but. Prov.31.12 she has done good to her husband, all his days. Prov.31.13 she sought a wolle and a linen, and thus sufferes with their hands. Prov.31.14 she is like a marss of foot, he turn his life from distance. Prov.31.15 in the night he grow, and gives food to his household and an opportunity for their servants. Prov.31.16 he see a vineyard and bears it, and from the fruit of her hands he plants a vindle, Prov.31.17 she calls her lends with strength and strengts his arms to work. Prov.31.18 she goes that her work is good, and her lamp does not escape in the night. Prov.31.19 she stretters his hand to the block, and her hand bears the rock of the hand. Prov.31.20 he openes his hands to the poor, and spends his hand to the poor. Prov.31.21 she does not think for her household, for all her household are put in clothing. Prov.31.22 she make itters for her husband; her clothing is fine linen and purple. Prov.31.23 her husband is directed in the gates, while he sit in council with the elders of the earth. Prov.31.24 he has made linen and sold, and belonging to the cananeans. Prov.31.25 with honor and honor is her mouth, and her day is a day of day. Prov.31.26 his mouth is deceived with majesty, and disobedience is in his direction. Prov.31.27 he consider your household for his household, and no food of lawless bread. Prov.31.28 her children rise up and praise it, her husband will praise and say: Prov.31.29 many daughters have performed for many, but you are trouble for all. Prov.31.30 beautiful is its pleasure, and glory is turn; but a woman who fear the lord will be loved. Prov.31.31 give her out of the fruit of her hands, that her husband may praise in the gates. Eccl.1.1 the words of the prediking, the son of david, king in jerusalem. Eccl.1.2 vanitness of vain, says the prediker, turning of vain! all things are hidden. Eccl.1.3 what abundance has a man with all his streining that he has trained under the sun? Eccl.1.4 a generation go, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. Eccl.1.5 and the sun rises, and the sun comes, and it goes to the place where it goes. Eccl.1.6 the wind turns to the south and walks to sever, it turns around, and the wind turns to his rob. Eccl.1.7 all the bears bears into the sea, and the sea is not filled. the place where the bears goes, there they return to go. Eccl.1.8 all things are defiled, and no one can speak; the eye does not filled with someone, neither will the ear be filled with hearing. Eccl.1.9 what has happened it will be done, and what has happened it will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Eccl.1.10 may it be a new who will say, see, this is a new! it has already been in the ages that had been before us. Eccl.1.11 there is no remember of the first, and there will not be remembering of those who will come after the last. Eccl.1.12 i, the prediker, was king over israel in jerusalem. Eccl.1.13 and i kept my heart to seek and to experies in the wisdom all things that are done under heaven. this is a evil way that god has given to the sons of man to be carried in it. Eccl.1.14 i saw all that do become done under the sun, and behold, all are turning and a hair of wind. Eccl.1.15 what is drew, cannot appear, and what is lacking cannot be numbered. Eccl.1.16 i spoke in my heart that i said, behold, i have granted greater wisdom than all who were before me in jerusalem, and my heart has seen much wisdom and knowledge. Eccl.1.17 and i turned my heart to know wisdom and knowledge of lawlessness and knowledge. i knew that even this was a reason of spirit. Eccl.1.18 for in many wisdom is a multitude of knowledge. whoever gatheres knowledge mears more smart. Eccl.2.1 i said in my heart: come, i will tempt you with joy, and see with good things. but behold, this is in vain. Eccl.2.2 i have told upportunity, and for the joy: why do you do? Eccl.2.3 i kept in my heart to share my flesh in wine, and that my heart might lead with wisdom, and that i might hold out of folly, until i see what is good for the sons of the people to do under the sun for all the days of their life. Eccl.2.4 i was granted, i built up house, i planted me women, Eccl.2.5 i made for me gardens and gardens and planted in them every fruit of fruit. Eccl.2.6 i made water of water for drink from them the terebinthing bows. Eccl.2.7 i became servants and slave, and i had a native of house. i had a great possession and a flock more than all who were before me in jerusalem. Eccl.2.8 i gathered to me even silver and gold, and customs of kings and country. i made for me canters and changes, and the gifts of the sons of men, defilers and vinants. Eccl.2.9 i was granted and increasing than all those who had been before me in jerusalem, and my wisdom was standing with me. Eccl.2.10 and whatever my eyes begeered, i did not defile them, i did not defile my heart of any joy, for my heart was glad in all my fliking. and this was my part from all my flict. Eccl.2.11 but when i looked at all my works that my hands had done, and the flict that i had trud to practice, behold, all were futility and a hair of spirit, and there is no abundance under the sun. Eccl.2.12 then i looked, to see the wisdom and the foolish things and the foolish. for what can do the man who comes after the will? whatever has done? Eccl.2.13 and i saw that the wisdom has been more more than the foolish, as the light is more than darkness. Eccl.2.14 the wise are his eyes in his head, but the foolish walks in darkness. but i knew that there was a part for them all. Eccl.2.15 so i said in my heart, that it is as the foolish of the foolish, so i will come to me. why then i had happened this more? and i said in my heart, that this is in vain. Eccl.2.16 for there is no remember for the wise, as for the foolish, for in the coming days all will be forgiven. and how must the one who is wise, even the foolish. Eccl.2.17 so i hated the life, for what was done under the sun is bad to me, for all things are hidden and a hair of wind. Eccl.2.18 so i hated all my labord that i was trud under the sun, for i should leave him to the man who is after me. Eccl.2.19 and who knows whether he will be wise or foolish? and he will be domined in all my strein that i have carried out and have been divided under the sun. this is also vain vain. Eccl.2.20 so i turned to depart with my heart for all the flict that i had committed under the sun. Eccl.2.21 for there is a man who has worked with wisdom and knowledge and gentle, and he will give to the one that has not been hard with it. this is also turning and great affliction. Eccl.2.22 for what does the man be in all his strein and in the strength of his heart, which he bears under the sun? Eccl.2.23 for all his days are torning, and his greeting is wrath. even in the night his heart does not lose. this is also an vain. Eccl.2.24 there is no good for anyone to eat and drink and to show his soul by his strein? yet i saw that it is from the hand of god. Eccl.2.25 for who can eat and who fears only with him? Eccl.2.26 for he gave the man who is good in his presence, wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to sinner he has granted and gathering to give the good to him who is god's good. even this is turning and a hair of wind. Eccl.3.1 there is time for all, and a time for every thing under heaven. Eccl.3.2 there is time for bear, and temply for death; a time for plant and a time for plant the planted. Eccl.3.3 temps for kill and time for heal; temply for destroy and time for building up; Eccl.3.4 temply for weeping, and time for rider; temply for be to plunder and temply for sound. Eccl.3.5 temply for throw stones, and temply to gather stones. a time for turn and a time for depart from boldness. Eccl.3.6 a time for seeking and a time for destroy; temply for guard and time for cast; Eccl.3.7 temper for disroll, and time for shaken; a time for silence and a time for speak. Eccl.3.8 a time for kissing and a time for hating; time for fight, and time for peace. Eccl.3.9 what abundance has have of anyone with what he has trained? Eccl.3.10 i have seen the greeting that god gave the people to abstain in it. Eccl.3.11 he has done all things good in his time, and the world he has put in their hearts, so that the man may not find the work that god has done from the beginning to the end. Eccl.3.12 i know that there is no good for them than to rejoice and to do good in his life. Eccl.3.13 and even if anyone eat and drink and does good in all his streining, it is a gift of god. Eccl.3.14 i knew that all that god does forever will be forever. there is nothing to adtain, and there is nothing to take away. and god has done so that they may fear him. Eccl.3.15 what had been, it is already, and whatever is to take, it is already happened, and god will seek what is being persecuted. Eccl.3.16 i saw still under the sun: in the place of judgment, there was ungodly, and in the place of righteousness there is ungodly. Eccl.3.17 i said in my heart: god will judge the righteous and the unrighteous, for there is time for every thing and for every thing. Eccl.3.18 i said in my heart about the divisions of the sons of man, that god will separate them, and that they may see that they are both animals. Eccl.3.19 for the part of the sons of men and the part of the beast becomes one same. as one death, so death death. all have a spirit. and the person has nothing more than the beast, for all are hidden. Eccl.3.20 all go into one place. all things were made from the ground, and all returns into the ground. Eccl.3.21 who knows, if the spirit of the people ascends on above and the spirit of the animals descends down down toward the earth? Eccl.3.22 so i saw that there is no more than that man may rejoice in his works, for it is his part. for who will bring him to see what has happened after him? Eccl.4.1 then i turned and saw all the affliction that are done under the sun, and behold, the tears of those that are oppressed, and there were no exhortation for them, and in the hand of their oppresseurs are power, and there was no exhortation for them. Eccl.4.2 so i changed the dead who had been dead, more than those who are alive now. Eccl.4.3 but more than the two was one who has not yet been made, who has not seen the evil things done under the sun. Eccl.4.4 then i looked at all the labound and all the working of the work, that the nidness of a man is with his neighbor. this is turning and a hair of wind. Eccl.4.5 the foolish puts his hands and eat his flesh. Eccl.4.6 better is a fullness of rest than two fish of flict and a hair of spirit. Eccl.4.7 then i looked, and i saw a vain under the sun: Eccl.4.8 there is one, and there is no one, yet he has no son or brother, and there is no end for all his streem, and his eye does not drink of the riches. and why do i tray, and i make my life from good? this is also an vain and a evil greeting. Eccl.4.9 two are better than one, for they have a good reward of their labor. Eccl.4.10 for if they fall, one will raise up his fellow servant. but woe to the one who falls, and there is no one who leads him up! Eccl.4.11 even if two lives, they are ward; but how can the one warn? Eccl.4.12 and if one can be strengthened to one, two will stand before him, and a fold a third will not be thrown down. Eccl.4.13 a good and wise servant is better than a elder and a foolish king, who does no more understand. Eccl.4.14 for out of the prison has come out to reign, though a poor man was born in his kingdom. Eccl.4.15 i saw all who were living who walked under the sun with the young man who will stand in his place. Eccl.4.16 there is no end for all the people, those who were before him. yet the last will not rejoice in him. even this is an vain and a hair of wind. Eccl.5.1 do not keep your foot when you go to the house of god. for you are near to hear it more than the sacrifice of the foolish, for they know not to do evil. Eccl.5.2 do not be haste in your mouth, and your heart do not soon to bring a word before god, for god is in heaven, and you are on the earth. so make your words only. Eccl.5.3 when a droom comes in a multitude of greeting, the voice of a foolish word in many words. Eccl.5.4 when you proclaim a prof to god, do not spend to pay it, for it is not a will of those who please. do you pay whatever you wish. Eccl.5.5 it is better to do not proclaim than to proclaim and not to pay. Eccl.5.6 do not give your mouth to sink your flesh, and do not say before god that it is a ignorance. so that god may be indignant by your voice and destroy the work of your hands? Eccl.5.7 for in a multitude of demons, in many words and in many words, but fear god. Eccl.5.8 if you see in the country the affliction of the poor and a robling of judgment and righteousness in the country, do not marvel at this thing. for high one is more, but more than one. Eccl.5.9 the honor of the earth is for all things, the king is in the field of the field. Eccl.5.10 whoever loves the money does not filled with silver, and who loves the greater hungry of them. even this is a vain. Eccl.5.11 when the giving of the good is much, those who eat it are multiplied. and what means of the one that is in it, except in the time of his eyes? Eccl.5.12 a sound for the sound of the servant is duld, whether he will eat a little or much; but the rich man does not leave him to sleep. Eccl.5.13 there is a greb that i have seen under the sun: a riches being kept for his own doing, for his own doing. Eccl.5.14 so that the river of that riches will be destroyed, and he has been born a son, and there is nothing in his hand. Eccl.5.15 so how he has come from the child of his mother, so he will return to go as there was, and nothing will take with his streining that he should go in his hand. Eccl.5.16 and this is a bad sword, as he has come, so he will go away. and what abundance has been for him that he has trained for the wind? Eccl.5.17 even in all his days he is in darkness, and in great wrath, and in sick and sound. Eccl.5.18 and whatever i saw it is good and good to eat and drink and to show good in all his streem that he has done under the sun for the number of the days of life that god has given to him, for it is his part. Eccl.5.19 and whatever god gave her riches and possessions, and he gave him authority to eat of it and take his part and to rejoice in his streem, this is a gift of god. Eccl.5.20 for he will not remember many days of his living days, for god shows him with joy of his heart. Eccl.6.1 there is a bad that i have seen under the sun, and it is great among people: Eccl.6.2 a man to whom god give riches and possessions and glory, and there is no need of his soul from any things that he desires, but god does not allow him to eat it, but a fremder will eat it. this is turnity and a lowful sick. Eccl.6.3 if a man has been born of hundred women and live many years, and the days of his years are much, but his soul does not be filled with the good, and though he does not have been a tomb, i say that a moot is better than he. Eccl.6.4 for it has come in vain and go in darkness, and his name is opened in darkness. Eccl.6.5 he did not see the sun and do not know. this is more reason than this. Eccl.6.6 and even if he remained a thousand years, yet did not see good. does not all go to one place? Eccl.6.7 all the flict of the person is for his mouth, and yet his soul does not fulfill. Eccl.6.8 for what does the wise have more than the foolish? for the poor who knows to go before the life of life? Eccl.6.9 a good appearance is better than soffering. so is this turning and a hair of wind. Eccl.6.10 what has been done has now been called, and knowledge that it is a man, and that he cannot be condemned with him who is more than he. Eccl.6.11 for there is many things multipliing false things. what better has the man? Eccl.6.12 for who knows what is good for a person in the life, at the number of the days of his vain, which has done for it as a shadow? for who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun? Eccl.7.1 the good name is better than good oil, and the day of death more than the day of birth. Eccl.7.2 it is better to go in a house of mourn than to go in a festing house, for this is the end of every person, and the living will put it into his heart. Eccl.7.3 it is better than a gill, for in the direction of the face the heart is good. Eccl.7.4 the heart of wise is in a house of mourn, but the heart of the foolish in the house of joy. Eccl.7.5 it is better to hear the reason of wise, than to hear a singing of foolish. Eccl.7.6 for as a voice of thorns under the rook, so is the labor of the foolish. even this is a vain. Eccl.7.7 for understanding bears a wise man, and a difficulty destroy his heart. Eccl.7.8 the last end of the word is better than his beginning; a patience is better than high spirit. Eccl.7.9 do not be spinted in your spirit to be burned, for a wrath remains in the sending of foolish. Eccl.7.10 do not say, why are the first days more than these? ", for you did not ask this man with wisdom. Eccl.7.11 wisdom is good with the lot, and more for those who see the sun. Eccl.7.12 for in the shadow of the wisdom is as a shadow of silver, yet influence of knowledge is that the wisdom gives life to those who have her. Eccl.7.13 see the work of god! for who can defile what he has done? Eccl.7.14 in the day of good be good, and on the day of malice see, for god has done such as this, so that the man may not find anything after him. Eccl.7.15 all this i have seen in my vain days: a righteous person who loses in his justification, and there is ungodly who dwell in his malice. Eccl.7.16 do not be much righteous, and do not be directed for yourself, so that you may not become perplexed. Eccl.7.17 do not be ungodly ungodly, and do not be wrong, so that you may not die at your time? Eccl.7.18 it is good that you hold you in this way, and not keep your hand from one another, for whoever fear god comes out of all things. Eccl.7.19 the wisdom means the wise more than ten authorities who are in the city. Eccl.7.20 for there is no righteous person in the earth who does good and do not sin. Eccl.7.21 do not put your heart to all the things that they speak, so that you may not hear your servant who curse you. Eccl.7.22 for your hearts know that you also have cursed others. Eccl.7.23 all these i tempted in wisdom, and i said, i will be saved. Eccl.7.24 what is far, that is far, and tief, deep. who will find it? Eccl.7.25 i have around my heart to know, and to contempt, and to seek wisdom and wisdom, and to recognize the ungodliness of folly and a disobedience. Eccl.7.26 and i found that she was bitter than death: the woman who is a curse and its heart, a back and hands. a worthy of god will be delivered from her, but a sinner will be conceived in her. Eccl.7.27 behold, this i have found, said the prediker, one of the one, to find plants. Eccl.7.28 which my soul has sought, yet i did not find. one man from a thousand found, but a wife in all these i did not find. Eccl.7.29 look, this i have found that god made human being, but they were seeking many thoughts. Eccl.8.1 who is the wise, and who can understand the question? the wisdom of a man brives his face, and the appearing of his face will be hated. Eccl.8.2 i do, keep the mouth of king because of the oath of god. Eccl.8.3 do not be present from his presence, do not be present in a evil word, for whatever he desires will he do. Eccl.8.4 for the word of the king is authority, and who will say to him, what shall you do? Eccl.8.5 the one who keep the commandment does not know evil, and the heart of wise knows a time of judgment. Eccl.8.6 for in every way there is time and judgment, for the knowledge of a person is great upon him. Eccl.8.7 for he does not know what there will be, and who will tell him what there will be? Eccl.8.8 a man does not have authority over the spirit to defile the spirit, and there is no authority over the day of death, and there is no sending in the war, and the ungodly will not save his one who has. Eccl.8.9 all this i saw, and i turned my heart to all what is done under the sun: in that time a man is authorities over a man for his evil. Eccl.8.10 then i saw the ungodly in burial, and they went away from the holy place and were troubled in the city that they did so. this is also an vain. Eccl.8.11 for it is not soon by the evil doing soon. therefore the heart of the sons of man is fulfilled to do the evil things. Eccl.8.12 though an sinner does taking evil evil and belongs to him, yet i know that those who fear god are good for those who fear him. Eccl.8.13 but to the ungodly there will not be good, and he will not leave the days as a shadow, since he does not fear god. Eccl.8.14 there is any vain that is done on the earth: that there is righteous, to whom it comes as by the working of the impies, and there are ungodly, to whom it means the works of the righteous. i said, even this is a vain. Eccl.8.15 so i encouraged the joy, for there is no good for the person under the sun, except to eat and drink and to be glad. this will be recognized for him in the days of his life, which god gave him under the sun. Eccl.8.16 when i kept my heart to know wisdom and to see what is done on the earth — that even day or night there has seen a sound for his eyes — Eccl.8.17 then i saw all the works of god, that a person does not can find the work that is done under the sun. as much as the man bate to seek, he will not find it. even even if the wise says that he knows, he cannot find it. Eccl.9.1 for all this i have put in my heart to all this, that the righteous and the wise and their works are in the hand of god, even love or hair is not known of all that is before them. Eccl.9.2 all things are a turning for all. one accord is to the righteous and to the ungodly, to the good and bad and to the unclean, to him who offer sacrifice, as the good, as the sinner, the one who swears as one who fears the oath. Eccl.9.3 this is evil in everything that is done under the sun, that there is one sort for all. so that the heart of the sons of men is fully filled with evil, and in their heart there is grain in their hearts, and then they come to the dead. Eccl.9.4 for one who is partner with all who are alive is hope, for the living hund is better than a dead lion. Eccl.9.5 for the living people know that they shall died, but the dead know nothing, and they have no reward more, for their remember has been chosen. Eccl.9.6 their love, their hair and their jealousy are already destroyed, and they have no part again in anything that is done under the sun. Eccl.9.7 come, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a good heart, for god has already pleased your works. Eccl.9.8 let your garments be in every time white, and let the oil not be lacking on your head. Eccl.9.9 give life with the woman that you loves, all the days of your futility life, which you has given you under the sun, all the days of your vain. for this is your part in the life and in your trup that you trul under the sun. Eccl.9.10 whatever your hand finds to do, do with your power, for there is no work, nor thoughty, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the sheol where you are going. Eccl.9.11 then i looked and saw under the sun, that the hair is not for the strangers, and not the held to the strong, nor bread for the wise, both riches for the understanding, nor grace for those who know, for time and encouragement remains to all. Eccl.9.12 for even the man does not know his time, like the fish that causes in a bad net and as the birds that cast in a snare. so the sons of man causes into a evil time, when suddenly fall against them. Eccl.9.13 even this i saw wisdom under the sun, and it was great for me, Eccl.9.14 there was a little city and there were a little man, and a great king came upon it, and they turned around it and built up great wealts. Eccl.9.15 in this man found a poor man who was wise, and he saved the city with his wisdom, but no one remembered that man was a poor man. Eccl.9.16 then i said, wisdom is better than power, but wisdom of the poor is despised, and his words will not hear. Eccl.9.17 the words of the wise are hearing in reason than the cry of the authorities among the foolish. Eccl.9.18 wisdom is better than great waves, but one sinful destroy much good. Eccl.10.1 the fish of death brings back the food of the boldness. a little difficulty becomes difficulty for wisdom. Eccl.10.2 the heart of wise is at his right hand, but the heart of a foolish is at his left. Eccl.10.3 even as a fool goes in the way, his heart is lacking, and he tells all that he is a foolish. Eccl.10.4 if the authority of the governor comes against you, do not forgive your place, for directs rejects great sins. Eccl.10.5 there is a bad that i have seen under the sun, a minity that has gone from the authorities: Eccl.10.6 the foolish is made in great high places, and the rich sit in the humble place. Eccl.10.7 i have seen servants on hors and rulers going as servants on the earth. Eccl.10.8 whoever graves a grave will fall in him, and whoever destroys a vall will receive it. Eccl.10.9 the one who takes a stone differs among them, who defiles a tree belongs to them. Eccl.10.10 if the iron struck, and that it does not show, is the strength of power. but wisdom of directy is wisdom. Eccl.10.11 if the serpent tears when it is not further, the master has no abundance. Eccl.10.12 the words of the wise word grace, and the lips of the foolish destroy him. Eccl.10.13 the beginning of the words of his mouth is sentence, and the end of his mouth is bad of evil. Eccl.10.14 the foolish speaks many things, yet no man knows what will take place. who will tell him what is after him? Eccl.10.15 the fliction of foolish rejects them, for he does not know in the city to go. Eccl.10.16 woe to you, city, where your king is a young, and your rulers eat beforehand! Eccl.10.17 blessed are you, o land, when your king is a child and your rulers feast for a while, for power and not for shame! Eccl.10.18 by foolish short it is the reason, and in the violence of the hands the house grows. Eccl.10.19 to the ground they produces bread, and the wine rejoice the life, and the silver exceeds to all. Eccl.10.20 do not curse a king in your conscience, and not both in your somer you shall curse the rich, for the birds of the air will bring the voice, and the flock of vinds will deceive your word. Eccl.11.1 send your bread on the water, for in many days you will find it. Eccl.11.2 give a fellow paying to the seven and even to eight, for you do not know what evil will be upon the earth. Eccl.11.3 if the cloud are fulfilled, they sow rain on the earth, and if a tree falls on the midst or to the nord, in the place where the tree falls, there will it be. Eccl.11.4 he who sees the wind does not sow, and who sees in the clouds he will not reap. Eccl.11.5 just as you do not know what is the way of the wind, nor do you know the bene in the child of child, so you will not know the works of god who does all things. Eccl.11.6 in the morning sow your offspring, and neither let your hand be leaving in the evening, for you do not know what belongs to the same or that that is the two. Eccl.11.7 the light is bad, and it is good for the eyes to see the sun. Eccl.11.8 for if a man live many years, he shall rejoice in all them and remember the days of darkness, for it will be many. all that comes is hidden. Eccl.11.9 rejoice, young man, in your young life, and let your heart be glad in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart and in the vision of your eyes, but know that for all these things god will bring you to judgment. Eccl.11.10 keep wrath from your heart, and carry the evil from your flesh, for the young and the youth is hidden. Eccl.12.1 remember your creator in the days of your youth, until the evil days come, and the years of which you shall say, i have no will in them. Eccl.12.2 until the sun and the light and the moon and the stars were darkened, and the cloud turn after the rain. Eccl.12.3 on the day when the guards of the house drew, and the weakers of the power are shaken, and the women will discute because they have been for little, and those who see in the fenkls bears darkness, Eccl.12.4 and the gates will shut in the plass, when the sound of the moil is shaken, and the voice of the passe will rise up, and all the daughters of the asse will be afflicted, Eccl.12.5 even when they will see from high place, and there are fear in the way, and a lamp will lead up, and the locuste will be broken, and the rook will be broken, for the man is going to his eternal house, and the weepers are walking in the marketplace. Eccl.12.6 until the money of the silver would be broken up, and the golden back trevers down, and the watch will be broken on the fontein and the rute will be broken in the cisterna, Eccl.12.7 and the stock will return to the land, as it was, and the spirit returns to god who gave him. Eccl.12.8 turning of turnities, said the prediker, all is vain vain. Eccl.12.9 even more that the prediker was wise, he taught the people understand of knowledge. he inquired and inquired, complished a parable of parables. Eccl.12.10 the prediker sought to find good question, and written in opportunity the words of the truth. Eccl.12.11 the words of the wise are the words of the wise, and the complete of their fellow workers are like shaks. they were given from one shepherd. Eccl.12.12 my son, keep attention to do many little scroll, not finding findness, and great earthly distribution of flesh. Eccl.12.13 let us hear the end of all things: fear god and keep his commandments, for this is all the people. Eccl.12.14 for god will bring all doing in judgment, with everyone that is seen, whether it is good or evil. and keep the malice from your heart, and keep the evil away from your flesh. for the young and the youth is hienness. Song.1.1 a cantike of musices, which is for solomon. Song.1.2 he must kiss me with love of his mouth, for your love is better than wine. Song.1.3 your salf is a fragrance of your salves, your name is a excellent sald. therefore the young servants loves you. Song.1.4 lead me back after you. we will corry. the king has brought me into his room. we will rejoice and rejoice in you, we will love your love more than wine. the proceeds you loves you. Song.1.5 i am wicked, but good is your daughter, o daughters of kedar as a tail of solomon. Song.1.6 do not see me that i am grain, for the sun has looked on me. the sons of my mother directed me, they put me up in the vineyard, i did not keep my vineyard. Song.1.7 tell me the one whom my soul loves, where are you to make? where are you to lay in the midi, so that i may not be like a garing around your neighbors? Song.1.8 if you do not know it, o herself among the women, go out in the rules of the sheep and make your boats at the tends of the shepherds. Song.1.9 i belong you, o my neighbor, with the horse of pharaons. Song.1.10 your kinds are belonging to thods, your cloak as graves. Song.1.11 we will make you a chance of gold with monds of silver. Song.1.12 while the king is at his table, my nardus has given his food. Song.1.13 my beloved is to me a mirle of mirres, it will stay in my pierts. Song.1.14 my beloved is for me a grain of cyprus in the vineyard of en-gedi. Song.1.15 how good are you, my neighbor, how good is you! your eyes are a dove. Song.1.16 look, you are well, my beloved, and difficulty; our bed is grain. Song.1.17 the plans of our house are cedres, our stings are cypress. Song.2.1 i am a flock of saron, the flock of the valles. Song.2.2 as a lilte among the thorns, so is my neighbor among the daughters. Song.2.3 as a mell among the tree of the woud, so is my beloved among the sons. i desire and sit in his shadow, and his fruit is duld for my keans. Song.2.4 he brought me into the wine of wine, and his reason upon me is love. Song.2.5 strengthen me with ropes, grow me with mels, for i am districted by love. Song.2.6 his left hand is under my head, and his right hand close me. Song.2.7 i conjure you, you daughters of jerusalem, that you may not raise and despise the love, until it desires. Song.2.8 the voice of my beloved! behold, he comes, rusted over the mountains, stricking over the collines. Song.2.9 my beloved is like a gazelle or a young peur. behold, he is standing after our wall, looking out through the fenster, looking out through the torn. Song.2.10 my beloved answered me, rise, my neighbor, my fager, and come! Song.2.11 for behold, the winter has passed, the rain has passed, and it has gone. Song.2.12 the flames appeared in the land, the time of feast has come, the voice of turtures is heard in our land. Song.2.13 the fig tree has carried out its fish, the vineyars grows, they give reason. rise, my neighbor, my fager, and come! Song.2.14 o my dove, in the rots of the rock, in the streal of the rock, show me your appearance, let me hear your voice, for your voice is free, and your aspect is grain. Song.2.15 arrest the fish, a little fish, who destroy vineyars, and our vineyars are in flod. Song.2.16 my beloved is for me, and i am his. he is shepherd among the lilies. Song.2.17 until the day break and the shadow beds, return, my beloved, be like a gazel or a young peur on the monts of daughter. Song.3.1 in my bed night i sought him whom my soul loved; i sought him, but did not find him. Song.3.2 i will rise and walk in the city, in the marketplaces and in the places, i will seek him, whom my soul has loved. i sought him, but did not find him. Song.3.3 the guards who walked in the city found me, they said, did you see him whom my soul loves? Song.3.4 a little while after i had passed from them, i found him whom my soul has loved. i seized him and would not leave him, until i brought him into my mother's house and into the room of the one who sent me. Song.3.5 i conjure you, you daughters of jerusalem, that you do not raise and despise the love, until it desires. Song.3.6 who is this that comes from the wilderness as a rop of smoke, full of myrrh and incense, with all back of fruments? Song.3.7 behold, the bed of solomon, seven helds around it, some of the helds of israel. Song.3.8 they all belong in sword, instructed in war, each one with his sword at his hanch for the times of the night. Song.3.9 the king solomon made for himself a charge from the tree of liban. Song.3.10 his piles he made for silver, its crostings of gold, his cloak of purple, the inside of the daughter of the daughters of jerusalem. Song.3.11 come out, yourselves, and look at the king solomon with the crown that his mother has shoned him on the day of his bridegroom and the day of joy of his heart. Song.4.1 how good are you, my neighbor, look, you are good! your eyes are answer, beside your clothing. your hair is like a herd of sheep, which are revealed from the land of galaad. Song.4.2 your teeth are like a sheep of lamps, which comes from the bad. all are twicked, and there is no children among them. Song.4.3 your lips is like a purple robe, and your speech is grain. your minds are like a rop of rock above your wealth. Song.4.4 your cloak is like the tower of david, built up for district. a thousand schilde bears on him, all waves of helds. Song.4.5 your two bors are like two gazes, four gazes of gazes, who passes among the lilies. Song.4.6 until the day comes and the shadow bears, i will go to the myrra-mountain and to the coll of the incense. Song.4.7 you are all good, my neighbor, and there is no food in you. Song.4.8 come from libano, my bridegroom, come from liban, go and go from the beginning of faith, from the head of senir and hermon, from the leads of leons, from the mounts of leopartes. Song.4.9 you recognized us, my sister, o bridegroom! you have made me heart with one of your eyes, with one near of your neck. Song.4.10 how belonging is your love, my sister, daughter! how is your better better than wine, and the reuk of your salben than all arores! Song.4.11 your daughter, your daughter, belong with honning and milk under your tongue, and the reuk of your garments is like the reins of liban. Song.4.12 a garden garden is my sister, o bridegroom, a garden clothed, a quant of sealed. Song.4.13 your plans are a grain of granaatappelen, with fellow fruits, cyprus with nardus, Song.4.14 nard and safran, kanel and kanel, with all the tree of the food, myrra and aloe, with all unseasing sald. Song.4.15 a soul of grain, a well of living water, the spring from the liban. Song.4.16 arose, o north, and come, o strangers! break out my garden and let my spices come. my beloved come into his garden and eat its grain fruit. Song.5.1 i came in my garden, my sister, a bridegroom, i have defiled my myrrh and my balsams, i ate my bread and my mel, drink my wine with my milk. eat, below, drink and drunk, brothers! Song.5.2 i sleep, but my heart is sleeping. the voice of my beloved, who knocks: open to me, my sister, my neighbor, my dove, my perfect, for my head is full of ross, my hars full of the hair of the night. Song.5.3 i have broken my cloak, how shall i put him on his clothing? i have washed my feet. how will i defile them? Song.5.4 my beloved made his hand out of the struck, and my wheat was troubled for him. Song.5.5 i stand up to open to my beloved, and my hands distributed mirra, my fingers with myrrh of myrrh on the hand of the close. Song.5.6 i opened to my beloved, but my beloved was passed away. my soul came out when he said. i sought him, but i found him not. i called him, but he did not listen to me. Song.5.7 the guards who walked about the city found me, they killed me, they killed me. the guards of the wall took my harm from me. Song.5.8 i conjure you, you daughters of jerusalem, if you find my beloved, what shall you tell him? that i am dead of love. Song.5.9 what is your beloved than a beloved, you fager among women? what is your beloved than the beloved, that so you beat us? Song.5.10 my beloved is white and burd, districted from thousand. Song.5.11 his head is worse of gold, his hars are blottes, small like a girl. Song.5.12 his eyes are like daughts at the waters of water, women in milk, sitting at water. Song.5.13 his back are like wonders of around, like specerides of woning. his lips are lilies, they grow full of salry. Song.5.14 his hands are like golden places, full of tharsis. his wheat is like a marfim of elfenbest, with safir. Song.5.15 his flores are marmors of marmors, created on baskets of gold. his appearance is like the libano, chosen as cedros. Song.5.16 his charge is duld, and all wild desires. so is my beloved, and this is my beloved, o daughter of jerusalem. Song.6.1 where has your beloved go, o good among the women? where has your beloved respected? we will seek him with you. Song.6.2 my beloved has come down to his garden, to the shaks of the aromate, to shepherd in the gards and to gather lilies. Song.6.3 i am of my beloved, and my beloved is me, he who passes among the lilies. Song.6.4 you are a good belong, my neighbor, like tirsa, beautiful as jerusalem, treated as many strangers. Song.6.5 turn your eyes from me, for they turn me. your hair are like a herd of sheep that draws from the land of galaad. Song.6.6 your teeth are like a sheep of lamps, which comes from the bad. all are twicked, and there is no children among them. Song.6.7 your lips is like a purple robe, and your speech is grain. your minds are like a rop of rock above your wealth. Song.6.8 there are sixty servants and eighty women, and a young woman without number. Song.6.9 there is one woman my dove, my perfecte, the one is for her mother, a elect of her who has given her birth. the daughters saw her and blessed her, the king and daughters will praise her. Song.6.10 who is it that goes like a morning, eager like a moon, calling like the sun, treated as many people? Song.6.11 i went down down to see in the gifts of the torr, to see if the vineyard has flowed and the rowels shut. there i will give you my believing. Song.6.12 i did not recognize my soul the cars of amminadab. Song.6.13 return, return, sulammith, return, return, and we will see you. why do you see with shulamith, like a plan of the tends? Song.7.1 what beautiful are your passions in the sandals, o daughter of nadab! the customs of your muses are like furts, a work of tearch. Song.7.2 your winive is as a rop that does not depart, your womb is a lamb of wheat, stopped among the lilies. Song.7.3 your two bors are like two kinds of gazes. Song.7.4 your bock is like a toring of elfenbone, your eyes are as the lake of hesbon, at the door of bat-rabbim. your nong is like a turn of the libano, watering before damascus. Song.7.5 your head is upon you as karmel, and the haves of your head are like purple, the king is bound in the entrance. Song.7.6 what belonging you are and what belonging you, o love, in your turtures! Song.7.7 your magnifice is like palm, and your breasts are like graves. Song.7.8 i said, i will ascend in the palm, i will seize his ground, and your bors will be like graves of vineyard, and the fragrance of your ox as a grain. Song.7.9 and your keeling like a good wine, which proceeds to my beloved, who are wicked in the lips of their lips. Song.7.10 i am of my beloved, and his reason is upon me. Song.7.11 come, my beloved, let us go out into the field, let us stay in the village. Song.7.12 let us go earnestly to the vineyard, let us see whether the vineyard has flowed and the rowels grow. there i will give you my believing. Song.7.13 the mandragorores give boy, and at our door are every ground, new and old. my beloved, i have kept for you. Song.8.1 o, how was you my beloved, who wish the bries of my mother? if i have found you outside, i would love you, and they do not despise me. Song.8.2 i would take you and bring you into my mother's house, and you would receive me. i would give you a drinking wine, from my granatha. Song.8.3 his left hand is under my head, and his right hand close me. Song.8.4 i conjure you, you daughters of jerusalem, do not rebuke or rebuke the love, until it desires. Song.8.5 who is she that comes up from a rost, strengthening on her beloved? under a mell i raised you. there was your mother beading you, there was your father who became birth of you. Song.8.6 lay me like a seal on your heart, like seal on your arm, for love is strong as death, and her jealousy is hard like sheol. its flame are a flame of fire, a flame of fire. Song.8.7 many water cannot ugast the love, and flores will not shake it. if a man give all his living things to love, they would be despised him. Song.8.8 we have a little sister, who has not look. what shall we do to our sister on the day when he is spoken with her? Song.8.9 if she is a mur, we will build for it a silver of silver, but if she is a door, we will warn it with a cedre. Song.8.10 i am a mur, and my bors are like taars, and i was in his eyes as one who found peace. Song.8.11 solomon had been a vineyard in baal-hamon, he gave his vineyard to the guards; every one will bring for his fruit a thousand silver. Song.8.12 my vineyard is before me. the thousand are for you, salomo, and two hundred who keep his fruit. Song.8.13 you who sit in the gards, the freunds hear your voice, let me hear me. Song.8.14 flee, my beloved, and be like a gazel, or for the a young peur on the hard mounts. Isa.1.1 the vision of jesaja, the son of amos, which he saw about juda and jerusalem, in the days of uzzia, jotham, ahaz and ezechiah, the rulers of judah. Isa.1.2 hear, heaven, and listen to the earth, for the lord has spoken. i have been born and exalted, but they have deceived me. Isa.1.3 the oxe know his possessorer, and a donkey the phy of his master, but israel does not know, my people does not understand. Isa.1.4 woe to a sinful people, a people full of sins, a offspring of evil, children of evil! they have left the lord and provoked the holy people of israel. Isa.1.5 how do you still be mocked and increasing? all head is inflicted, and all the heart is triste. Isa.1.6 from the feet to the head there are neither healed, west, winter, further wound, which is not distributed, nor be bound with oliven. Isa.1.7 your land is a desolate, your towns are burned of fire, your land are food for your presence, and it has been desoled, destroyed by others. Isa.1.8 the daughter of zion has been left as a tent in a vineyard, as a call in a wick, like a belonging city. Isa.1.9 if the lord of armée had not forgiven us a offspring, we were like sodom, we were like gomorrah. Isa.1.10 hear the word of the lord, you rulers of sodom, beware of the law of god, o people of gomorra! Isa.1.11 what have i to have with your many sacrifices? says the lord. i am full of sacrifices of money, the grass of the money. the blood of oxen and boves i do not want. Isa.1.12 when you come to appeared to me, who sought this from your hands that you suffer my course? Isa.1.13 do not bring any fure of food, food is for me a abomination. the feaks and the sabbats and the great day i do not rebuke a feast of fasting. Isa.1.14 my soul hates your new and your feast. they have been for me, i have been for me. Isa.1.15 when you break your hands, i will keep my eyes from you, and if you give many prayers, i will not listen, for your hands are full of blood. Isa.1.16 wash, purify yourselves, take away your evil things from my eyes, keep away from your evil things. Isa.1.17 learn good to do, seek justice, leave the oppressed, judge the weak, and give justice to a widow. Isa.1.18 so come, and let us dispute, says the lord. if your sins are like a palm, it will be white as a snep, and if they have a scarlet, it will be white as a wolle. Isa.1.19 if you are willing and hears, you will eat the good of the earth. Isa.1.20 but if you refuses and obey me, it will be consumed with the sword, for the mouth of the lord has spoken. Isa.1.21 how came a faithful city, a faithful city! it was full of judgment, righteousness fell in it, and now murderers! Isa.1.22 your silver has been defiled, your wine was broken with water. Isa.1.23 your rulers are disobedient, participants of a thief. they love gift and pursue gain; to orfless people do not judge, and the judgment of the widow does not consider. Isa.1.24 therefore, so says the lord, the lord of god, the strong of israel: woe! for i will make my wrath against my adversaries, and i will make my judgment against my enemies. Isa.1.25 and i will turn my hand against you, and i will show you as a ground, so that i will take all your ungodly. Isa.1.26 and i will set your judges like the first, and your council like the beginning. then you will be called the city of righteousness, a faithful city. Isa.1.27 your captive will be saved by judgment, and as for righteousness will it be saved. Isa.1.28 but the sinners and sinners are together, and those who left the lord will be destroyed. Isa.1.29 for they will be ashamed because of the idols that you desired, and you will be ashamed for the gards that you had desired. Isa.1.30 for you will be like a terebince that leads off, and as a garden that does not have water. Isa.1.31 and the power will be like a stone, and his work like a flame, and they will burn together together, and there will be no one to stone. Isa.2.1 the word that came to isaiah, the son of amos, concerning judea and jerusalem. Isa.2.2 in the last days the mountain of the house of the house will be made in the top of the mountains and be exalted above the coll, and all nations will come upon him. Isa.2.3 many nations will go and say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the lord, to the house of the god of jacob, and he will tell us his ways and go in his way. for from zion shall the law come, and the word of the lord from jerusalem. Isa.2.4 and he will judge among the nations and rebuke many people. they will strike their swords for winds and their spies as winds. no nation will bring a sword against a nation, and they shall no longer learn to make war. Isa.2.5 come, o house of jacob, and let us walk in the light of the lord. Isa.2.6 for you have removed your people, the house of israel, because they are fully filled from the beginning, and share as the philistins, and share with the children of the people. Isa.2.7 their land was filled with silver and gold, and their treasures are not in number. their land is filled with hors, and there are no number of their chars. Isa.2.8 their land is filled with idols, they worship the work of their hands, which their fingers did. Isa.2.9 and the man is looked, and the man is afflicted, and i will not rebuke them. Isa.2.10 enter the rock and slēp in the ground for the fear of the lord and for the glory of his glory. Isa.2.11 the exalted eyes of man will be humilied, and the healing of men will be humilied, and the lord only will be exalted on that day. Isa.2.12 for the day of the lord of god will come against all arrogant and arrogant, and against all who is exalted, and they will be humilied, Isa.2.13 and against all the cedres of the libanon, the high and exalted, and against all the treasures of basan, Isa.2.14 against all the high mountains and against all high coll, Isa.2.15 against every high torn and against every great burg, Isa.2.16 on all the sea of tarsis, and against all belonging to difficulty. Isa.2.17 and the health of human people will be afflicted, and the health of men will be exalted, and the lord alone will be exalted. Isa.2.18 the idols will be broken in every way. Isa.2.19 and people will enter the cavers of the rocks and in the ground of the earth for the fear of the lord and for the glory of his majesteit, when he rise and beat the earth. Isa.2.20 in that day the man will throw out his silver and gold, which they had done for worship, Isa.2.21 and to enter the roshes of the rocks and in the rumples of the rocks, for the fear of the lord and for the glory of his glory, when he rise up to strict the earth. Isa.3.1 for behold, the lord, the lord of god, will take away from jerusalem and juda the ground and the ground, all the fruit of bread and all the ground of water, Isa.3.2 the helden and the belong, the judge and the prophet, the wahrsager and the elders, Isa.3.3 on a capitant, a feast, a mighty one, a fellow worker and instructer. Isa.3.4 and i will give young men to their rulers, and scoffers will domine them. Isa.3.5 and the people becomes home, each against another, and every one against his neighbor. the child will fall against the old, the ungodly against honor. Isa.3.6 when a man receives his brother in the household of his father, saying, you have a robe, be our ruler, and let this body be under you. Isa.3.7 but he will answered in that day, i will not be encouraged, for in my house there is no bread or clothing. do not make me a ruler of this people. Isa.3.8 for jerusalem cast down, and juda fell, for their tongues and their deeds are against the lord, so that their glory is now afflicted. Isa.3.9 the shame of their faces testify against them, and their sins tell them as sodom, and they do not show. woe to their soul, for they do evil against themselves! Isa.3.10 say to the righteous that it will be well for us, for they will eat the fruit of their works. Isa.3.11 woe to the impio! it will be wrong for the works of his hands. Isa.3.12 my people are foolis of children, and detulers are hearing over you. my people, you who are your blessed will make you wash and turn to the way of your foot. Isa.3.13 the lord ready for judgment, and stand to judge his people. Isa.3.14 the lord will come to judgment with the elders of the people and with his rulers: you have devored the vineyard. the roof of the poor is in your house. Isa.3.15 why do you wrong my people and turn the face of the poor? Isa.3.16 and the lord said, because the daughters of zion are exalted, and they go with a high near and with the eye of eyes, so that they back together with his feet and sweep with their feet, Isa.3.17 so the lord will destroy the burn of the daughters of zion, and the lord will deceive their shame. Isa.3.18 in that day the lord will take away the excellence of their garments, their robes and the robes, Isa.3.19 the rostings, the rostings, and the crowds, Isa.3.20 the brambs, and the brambs, and the baskets, and the baskets, and the baskets, Isa.3.21 the baskets and the baskets, Isa.3.22 the clothes and the shakes, and the piedes, and the piedes, Isa.3.23 the fine linen, the fine linen, the fine linen, the fine fine clothing, with gold and fine clothes. Isa.3.24 then in place of the fragrance there will be a stof, and in place of sound a cordel, and in place of the burden of gold is bright, and in place of a linen rop a sack of sack. Isa.3.25 your servants will fall for the sword, and your held in the held. Isa.3.26 and his ports shall mourn and mourn, and she will be surrounded in the ground. Isa.4.1 and seven women will come to one man, saying, we will eat our bread, and we are clothed with our garments. only let we be called your name on us, take away our reproach. Isa.4.2 in that day the glory of the lord will be grain and glory, and the ground of the earth to be exalted and glorious to the rest of israel. Isa.4.3 and the residents in zion and the rest of jerusalem shall be called holy, all who are written to life in jerusalem. Isa.4.4 when the lord waves the deeds of the daughters of zion and clear his blood out of them by the spirit of judgment and of the spirit of fire. Isa.4.5 and all the mountain of zion and all who are around it will make a cloud day and smoke of day and a flame of fire in the night. for all glory will be covering. Isa.4.6 and it will be a shadow for a shadow, for a scroll and a secret from the hardness and the rain. Isa.5.1 i will sing to my beloved a sang of my beloved for my vineyard. my beloved had a vineyard in a best room. Isa.5.2 and he distributed it and made it a stone and planted it in a grain of soins and built a tower in it, and created that he might make ground, but he made drures. Isa.5.3 now, o people of jerusalem and men of judah, judge, judge with me and my vineyard. Isa.5.4 what can i do for my vineyard, and did not do it for it? why i kept to make graves, and he made torns? Isa.5.5 now i will tell you what i will do for my vineyard: i will take his pieces, and it will be grain. i will destroy his wand, and it will be treated. Isa.5.6 and i will destroy it. it will not be cut off nor calling, but it will come in thorns and thorns, and i will command the clouds that he might not rain to it. Isa.5.7 for the vineyard of the lord of the armées is the house of israel, and the people of judah are a faithful treasure. he continued to execute justice, and behold, a clamor has done. Isa.5.8 woe to those who gather house to house and keeps a field to the field, so that there is neither more, in which you are only in the land! Isa.5.9 in my ears the lord of the armées has been reported, so that many hures will be deserte and greatly, and there will be no dwelling. Isa.5.10 for ten bath of money will give one bat, and a homer of homer will give one efa. Isa.5.11 woe to those who arise early in the morning and passes for a drank, who are in the next day, when the wine burns them! Isa.5.12 harfy, harpe, timpane, flots and wine are with their drink, but they do not see the work of the lord, and they do not consider the work of his hands. Isa.5.13 so my people will be carried captive for no knowledge, and the multiers of his dead will be hungry, and his multitude are thirsty of soif. Isa.5.14 so the sheol breits up his sound and opened his mouth, so that his glory, the great, and all who are in it, and all who are in it will come down. Isa.5.15 and the man will be humilied, and man will be troubled, and the eyes of their wicked eyes will be humilied, Isa.5.16 but the lord of the armées will be exalted with judgment, and the holy god will be glorified in righteousness. Isa.5.17 and the garderers are fish in the passion, and the rustless lamps will eat the rustless people. Isa.5.18 woe to those who gathery sin with cords of wickedness and the sin with a cordel of boves, Isa.5.19 who say, let him come near what he has done, that we may see, and let the council of the holy people of israel come to come, so that we may know. Isa.5.20 woe to those who call evil good and good in evil, who make the darkness light and the light in darkness, who make the bitter duld and the duld bitter! Isa.5.21 woe to those who are wise in his own sight and understanding for their eyes! Isa.5.22 woe to those who are strong to drink wine and held in means of drinking of drink, Isa.5.23 who justify the impie for a gift and bear the right of the righteous. Isa.5.24 therefore, just as a glow of fire brings the stoph and the flame brings out the flame, so their wortel will be like please, and their flower will come like stone, because they have provoked the law of the lord of heirs and have provoked the word of the holy one of israel. Isa.5.25 so blameless the wrath of the lord against his people, and he stretched his hand against him and struck it, so that the mountains were astonished, and their aas were like burn among the roes. in all these things his wrath has not turn, but his hand is still being stretched. Isa.5.26 and he will bear a banner for the people distands and shows them from the ends of the earth, and behold, they come soon and hair. Isa.5.27 there is no honor and home, they do not drew nor dorm, neither will their bows be cut off, and the rip of their sandals will not be broken. Isa.5.28 their sails are sound, and all their bogen gespaned. the feet of their horses are like a roman rock, and the roes of their chars like a storm. Isa.5.29 his round is like a lion. they grow like a leoning, it grows and griws the beast and throw them out, and there is no one who deliver them. Isa.5.30 on that day it will cry out for them on that day, like the round of the sea. and when they see on the earth, behold, there is darkness, and short darkness in their darkness. Isa.6.1 in the year of the death of the king uzzia i saw the lord sitting on a high and exalted throne, and its round was full of the house. Isa.6.2 serafs stood by him. each one had six wings, with two bears his face, and with two cowed his feet, and with two flowed they. Isa.6.3 and they cried out one to another and said, holy, holy, holy, holy; all the earth is full of his glory. Isa.6.4 and the winds were taken up from the voice of his crying out, and the house was filled with smoke. Isa.6.5 then i said, alas me, for i am destroyed! for i am a man with unclean lips and live in a people with unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the king, the lord of the jews. Isa.6.6 so one of the serafins came to me, and in his hand he had a charcoal fire, which he had taken with the habits from the altar, Isa.6.7 and he touched my mouth and said, behold, this has touched your lips, your iniquity has been removed, and your sins is forgiven. Isa.6.8 then i heard the voice of the lord saying, who shall i send, and who will go to this people? and i said, i am here, send me. Isa.6.9 and he said, go and tell this people: you will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive. Isa.6.10 deceive the heart of this people, and deceive their ears, and clay their eyes, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn and heal and heal. Isa.6.11 and i said, how long, lord? and he said, until the city will be desoled, without dwelling, and houses without people, and the land will be desoled in a desolate place. Isa.6.12 and the lord will leave others, and the rest of it will be multiplied in the land. Isa.6.13 and in it there will be the tenth, and then it will be a roof. it will be like a terebince and a widle, when it will cast out of his wealth. Isa.7.1 in the days of ahaz, the son of jotham, son of uzzia, king of judah, rezin, the king of aram, and peka, the son of remalia, king of israel, went up to jerusalem, to strike against it, but they were not able to strike it. Isa.7.2 when they told the house of david that syria had gathered together to ephraim, his life and the life of his people were shaken, just as the tree of the tree shakes by the wind. Isa.7.3 and the lord said to isaiah, go out to meet ahaz, you and your son shear-jasub, at the way of the foundation above, at the way of the field of the foll, Isa.7.4 and say to him, keep your guard, and do not be afraid, and do not be afraid with your heart because of these two roins of fuming fire, for the wrath of my wrath of rezin and remaliah'a wrath. Isa.7.5 because the syrians, syria and the son of remalia have made evil plan against you, saying, Isa.7.6 let us go to judea and recognize them and make them return to us and make a son of tabeel on her. Isa.7.7 so says the lord, this man will not remain, neither will it be. Isa.7.8 for the head of syria is damascus, and the head of syria is damascus, and the kingdom of ephraim will be defiled from people. Isa.7.9 and the head of ephraim is samaria, and the head of samaria is the son of remalja. if you do not believe, you will not understand. Isa.7.10 and the lord again spoke to ahaz, saying, Isa.7.11 ask for you a sign from the lord your god in deep or in high place. Isa.7.12 but ahaz said, i will not ask, i will not tempt the lord. Isa.7.13 and he said, hear me, o house of david! is it not a little district for people, that you may keep your god? Isa.7.14 therefore the lord himself will give you a sign. behold, the virgin will be grave and bear a son, and you shall call his name immanuel. Isa.7.15 food and honey he will eat, before he knows to take away evil and to choose the good. Isa.7.16 for before the child knows to disobedient the evil and to choose the good, the earth that you are afraid will be left for the two kings. Isa.7.17 but the lord will bring to you and to your people and to the house of your father days days that they have not come from the day when ephraim withdrew from judah. Isa.7.18 in that day the lord will spot to the mounds that is in the ends of the rivers of egypt, and to the bate that is in the land of assyrien. Isa.7.19 and they will come and rest, and they will rest in the streets of country and in the round of the rock, and in all dors and in all food. Isa.7.20 in that day the lord will raise the great roak, which is on the other side of the river, the king of assyrie, with the head and the hair of the feet, and even the barbe. Isa.7.21 in that day a man will give a hidden hidden and two sheep Isa.7.22 and in the time of the leat of the leat will eat food and honning all who are left in the land. Isa.7.23 in that day every place where there will be a thousand vineyard of thousand thousand of silver, will become thorns and thorns. Isa.7.24 with pil and bound they will come there, for all the earth will become thorns and thorns. Isa.7.25 and all the mountains that are arranced will be shaken, and there will be no fear from the thorns and thorns, for a feast for the sheep and the bound of sheep. Isa.8.1 and the lord said to me, take for you a great toll and write in it a letter of man: maher-shalal-hash-baz. Isa.8.2 then i gave me faithful witnesses, both urija and zechariah the son of jeberechias. Isa.8.3 and i came to the prophecy, and she became child and became a son. and the lord said to me, call him maher-shalal-hash-baz. Isa.8.4 for before the child knows to call his father or mother, the power of damascus and the roof of samaria will be carried before the king of assyrien. Isa.8.5 and the lord spoke again to me, saying, Isa.8.6 because this people defiled the water of siloah, which grows in shore, and rejoices in resin and the son of remalia, Isa.8.7 so behold, the lord bring up over you the water of the river, the mighty and the great, the king of assur and all his glory; and he will ascend over all his springs and walk over all his wall, Isa.8.8 and he comes throughout the jewish, and he will flew, and comes into the winds, and the break of your furts will be full of the breadth of your land, o emanuel! Isa.8.9 direct your knowledge and the people, listen, listen to the end of the earth! be strong, beware, and be strengthened. Isa.8.10 consider conseless, but it will be destroyed, speaking the word, but it will not remain, for god is with us. Isa.8.11 for so said the lord to me when they were strengthened with my hand, so that he did not marry the way of this people, saying, Isa.8.12 do not say what this people call for hard, and fear of what this people speaks, and do not fear his fear, nor be troubled. Isa.8.13 sanctify him the lord, and he will be your fear. Isa.8.14 and he will be a holy place, but a rocked stone for the people of israel, a snare and a snare for the people of jerusalem. Isa.8.15 many among them will weak, and they will fall and destroy, being gathered and bound. Isa.8.16 bind the instruct and seal the law among my disciples. Isa.8.17 and i will set to the lord, who skjult his face for the house of jacob, and i will confie in him. Isa.8.18 behold, i and the children god gave me, are signs and wonders in israel from the lord of the armées who dwells on the mountain of zion. Isa.8.19 and if they say to you, seek the devingers and the magilders, who calls out and calls? does not a nation seek to his god? shall the dead seek for the living? Isa.8.20 to the law and to the instruction! " if they do not speak so as this, there is no gift for him. Isa.8.21 and they will draw around, hard and hard; and when they are hungry, they will sorrow and curse your ruler and his god. and they will looke up to heaven, Isa.8.22 and they will see to the earth, and behold, there is tribulation, darkness and darkness, and they will not see in darkness. Isa.9.1 but it will not be performed that there is in angusts, while the land of zebulun and the land of naphtali it will find quickly in the way of the sea, on the other side of the jordan, the galilee of the nations. Isa.9.2 the people who walk in the darkness is seen a great light; to those who dwell in the land of the shadow of death, light shines. Isa.9.3 you have granted the people, you carried out your joy. they rejoice in your presence, as they rejoiced in the feast, as they rejoices in a roof. Isa.9.4 for the joch that was carried on him, the scepter that puts on their rock, the scepter of those who shined him, so as at the day of midian. Isa.9.5 for all gathered clothes, which are gathered in business, and a robe, which are distributed, will be burned of fire. Isa.9.6 for a child has been born for us, a son is given to us, and the beginning will be in his oil, and his name will be called, country, council, god of peace, ruler of peace, ruler of peace. Isa.9.7 he will be great, and his peace is not more, on the throne of david and of his kingdom, to restore it and establish it in righteousness and justice from now on and forever. the jealousy of the lord of the armées will do these things. Isa.9.8 the lord sent a message against jacob, and it came upon israel. Isa.9.9 all the people will know, ephraim and those who dwell in samaria, who are sobering and exalted with heart, saying, Isa.9.10 the bricks have fallen, but we will build with stones, figs of figs, but we will build seders. Isa.9.11 so the lord will destroy their adversaries over the mountain of zion, and he will brise their enemies. Isa.9.12 the syrians from the east, and the greeks from the west, and they will eat israel with all their mouth. all these did his wrath not have turned, and his hand is still strengthened. Isa.9.13 but the people did not turn to him who calls him, and did not seek the lord of israel. Isa.9.14 so the lord cut away from israel a head and a rock, a great and a mox, in one day. Isa.9.15 an old man is the old, and a prophet who tears a defense. Isa.9.16 for those who leads of this people are deceived, and those who are deceived to devour them. Isa.9.17 therefore the lord will not rejoice over their young men, and he will not have mercy on their orphs and widows, for they all are wrong and evil, and every mouth speaks evil. with all this his wrath has not taken away, his hand is still strengthened. Isa.9.18 for the wrath brings as fire, the shaks and the heads of food will be consumed, and they brings up in the best of the bows, and the worths of the coll will consume. Isa.9.19 for the wrath of the lord of god will the land burn, and the people are as a flame of fire. no one will spare his brother. Isa.9.20 they turn at the right hand, and is hungry; they eat on their left, but will not be filled. every one will eat the flesh of his arm. Isa.9.21 manasseh will eat the ephraim, and ephraim for manasseh, and together they will strike juda. with all this his wrath has not fallen, and his hand is still strengthened. Isa.10.1 woe to those who are written of evil things, who write evil things, Isa.10.2 for deceive the poor of the poor and destroy the right of the poor of my people, that the widows should be a plundering, and to plunder the orfless women! Isa.10.3 and what will you do on the day of visitation, the affliction that comes from a distance? to whom will you flee for to be help, and where would you have left your glory? Isa.10.4 for no one falles to fall in home. with all this does his wrath not have turned, and his hand is still uttered. Isa.10.5 woe to assur, the scepter of my wrath! my wrath is in their hands! Isa.10.6 i will send his wrath against a unrighteous nation, and against the people of my wrath i will send him to plunder and to plunder and to trample them in a town. Isa.10.7 but so he does not so desire, and his heart is not so performed, but his mind will destroy and destroy many nations. Isa.10.8 for he says: are not my rulers only rulers? Isa.10.9 is not kalno as karkememis? has it not like arpad as arpad? has samaria not come as damascus? Isa.10.10 as my hand has received the rulers of the treasures, even as jerusalem and samaria were huiled, Isa.10.11 shall i do not do so with jerusalem and its idols, as did i do to samaria and its idols? Isa.10.12 but when the lord has finished all his doing in the mountain of zion and in jerusalem, i will bring to the great mind of the ruler of the ruler of the ruler of his eyes. Isa.10.13 for he said, i made with his power and with the wisdom of my knowledge: i have taken away the region of the nations and broken their ground and stricked the towns of the beasts. Isa.10.14 so i carried with my hand the whole world, as a nesting of nesting, and the one who has left the ground, and there has no one to escape my hand. Isa.10.15 will a tear glory be glorified by the one who wait in it? will a scepter be exalted from the one who has conquered him? how can one take a scepter or a tree? Isa.10.16 so the lord, the lord of the armées will send his honor into the ground of his honor, and a flame of fire will burn. Isa.10.17 the light of israel will be a fire, and his holy holy fire, which will burn and consume its dors and dors in one day. Isa.10.18 and he will destroy the ground of his tree, from the soul to the flesh and to the flesh. and he will be like one who burns for a flame. Isa.10.19 the levening of them will be number, and a child will write them. Isa.10.20 in that day the rest of israel and those who are saved of the house of jacob will no longer look at him who belongs to them, but they will be confident in the lord, the holy one of israel. Isa.10.21 the rest will come, the rest of jacob, to the strong god. Isa.10.22 for even if your people, israel, would be like the sand of the sea, only a rest of them will be saved, for the destruction is performed and gathered in righteousness. Isa.10.23 for the lord cebaot, the god of israel, will destroy in all the world. Isa.10.24 therefore so says the lord, the lord of the heavens, do not be afraid, my people who dwell in zion! he will strike you with the scepter, the stock of his hand against you. Isa.10.25 for even a little while, and my wrath will taken away, and my wrath will be bringing against them. Isa.10.26 and the lord of god will raise up against him as at the plage of midian in the room of oreb, and his stock will be over the sea, like the way against egypt. Isa.10.27 in that day his last will be taken away from your old, and his joke from your joy, and the yoke will be destroyed from your schulds. Isa.10.28 he comes in aiat-aid, passed through migron, and in mikmas he will put his waves. Isa.10.29 they passed around a room, in geba in geba. rama grows, gibea of saul flees. Isa.10.30 exaudi, daughter, o daughter, you listen to anathoth. Isa.10.31 madmena escaped, the residents of gebim will escape. Isa.10.32 today it will continue in nob, he strengts out his hand to the daughter of the daughter of zion, the coll of jerusalem. Isa.10.33 behold, the lord, the lord of the armées, destroy the ground with ground, and the high ones will be broken, and the high will be humilied. Isa.10.34 it will destroy the ground of the sour, and the liban will fall in the ground of the high. Isa.11.1 and a root will come out of isais's root, and a flood comes out of his foot. Isa.11.2 and in him will be leading the spirit of god, the spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the spirit of purpose and of power, the spirit of knowledge and godliness. Isa.11.3 the fear of the fear of god will be filled; he will not judge according to the right, and do not reach what is a talk. Isa.11.4 but he will judge the devout with judgment and rebuke the poor of the land. he will strike the earth with the word of his mouth, and with the spirit of his mouth he will kill the impio. Isa.11.5 righteousness will be gathered for his lends, and truth belonging his boods. Isa.11.6 so a wolf will dwell with a lamb, and a leopard remaines in feast, a kalf and a lion, there will be weight, and a little child will bring them. Isa.11.7 the sheep and the sheep will shepherd together, their women will be together, and the lion will eat foot as the ox. Isa.11.8 the child's child leads on the clothing of aspid, and a child will put his hand on the bed of aspids. Isa.11.9 they will never do wrong or destroy any one in my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the lord, as the water cows the sea. Isa.11.10 in that day the root of isai will come, who will arise as a ruler for the nations, and his rest will be honor. Isa.11.11 in that day the lord will raise up his hand to show his rest of his people, which will remain from assur and egypt, and pathry, and ethioph, and from elam, and from elam, and from elam, and from elam, and from elam, and from shinan land. Isa.11.12 and he will bear a sign for the nations, and he will gather the departed of israel and gather the departed of judah from the four winds of the earth. Isa.11.13 the jealousy of ephraim will be away, and the enemies of juda will perish. ephraim will not provoke juda, and juda will not afflike ephraim. Isa.11.14 they will flee at the country of the filistyne on the sea, together they will plunder together, both edom and moab. they will put their hands on edom and moab, and the sons of ammon will obey them. Isa.11.15 and the lord will destroy the sea of egypt, and he will stretch his hand on the river with the wind, and he will strike it in seven bears, so that he should passe in sandals. Isa.11.16 there will be a straight way for his rest of his people in egypt, as was for israel on the day when he went out of the land of egypt. Isa.12.1 in that day you will say, i will bless you, o lord, for you were indignant against me, but your wrath has turned, and you have received me mercy. Isa.12.2 behold, god is my salvater, i will be confident and will not fear him, for the lord, the lord, is my glory and my praise, and he has become my salvation. Isa.12.3 you will grow water with joy from the spring of salvation. Isa.12.4 and you will say in that day, praise the lord, call his name, proclaim in the nations his things, remember that his name is exalted. Isa.12.5 sing to the lord, for he has done great things; let this be known throughout all the earth. Isa.12.6 rejoice and rejoice, o inwoners of zion, for great is the holy one of israel in its midst. Isa.13.1 a vision that isaja, the son of amoz, saw babylon. Isa.13.2 bear a sign on a hill mountain, grow a voice to them, exhort his hand to open the rulers of the rulers. Isa.13.3 i have commanded my sanctified, i called my helper to fulfill my wrath, who rejoiced at my wrath. Isa.13.4 there is a voice of many nations on the mountains, like a sound of many nations. there is a voice of kings of nations, gathered. the lord of armées compands a warn of sold. Isa.13.5 they come from a distance, from the extrece of the heavens, the lord and the held of his held, to destroy all the world. Isa.13.6 ull, for the day of the lord is near, it will come as a destruction from god. Isa.13.7 therefore all hands will be broken, and all human soul will be destroyed. Isa.13.8 they will be troubled, angusts and weasures will come them, they will come as a beasting for a woman who is beyond birth. their face grow, and their face is like flame. Isa.13.9 for behold, the day of the lord is coming, coming, a wrath, and a wrath of wrath, to destroy the world in a wilderness and destroy it the sinners. Isa.13.10 for the stars of heaven and their territoire will not give their light, the sun will be darkened in the light, and the moon will not give his light. Isa.13.11 i will recognize the world for their evil, and for the ungodly their sins. i will destroy the arrogant of the dealers, and i will destroy the arrogance of the arrogant. Isa.13.12 i will put a man more precious than gold, and people will be precious than the gold of ofir. Isa.13.13 so i shake heaven, and the earth will shaken from its ground for the wrath of the lord of the armées, for the day of his wrath. Isa.13.14 and it will be like a certain gazel, like a sheep that does not gather, everyone will return to his people, and they will persecute every one into his country. Isa.13.15 whatever has taken will be destroyed, and everyone who is gathered will fall for the sword. Isa.13.16 their children will be broken before their eyes, their houses will be rubled, and their women will be broken. Isa.13.17 behold, i rebuke them means, who show no silver, nor need of gold. Isa.13.18 their bound will brise the young man, and they will not have mercy on their children. their eyes will not spare the children. Isa.13.19 and babylon, the glory of the glory of the chaldeans, will be like sodom and gomorra, as god destroyed sodom and gomorrah. Isa.13.20 it will never dwell and never dwell for many generations. the arabier will not dwell there neither, neither will a shepherd there rest there. Isa.13.21 and wilds will remain there, and their hures will be filled with their houses, and struffings there will rest there, and demons will burn there. Isa.13.22 treasures bears in their hushs and defilers in their houses. soon comes soon, and it will not be need. Isa.14.1 for the lord will have mercy on jacob and choose him still to israel and remain in their land, and others will come to them, and they will be added to the house of jacob. Isa.14.2 and the nations will take them and bring them into their place, and the house of israel will have their possession in the land of god as servants and servants. they will be caught in captive those who have brought them captive and share over their dominers. Isa.14.3 and in the day that the lord will give you rest from your affliction and of your wrath and of the hard serving, which you have made your service, Isa.14.4 you will take this plaining on the king of babel, and you will say, how has the tending remained, how is the tending remained! Isa.14.5 the lord broken the scepthing of the gottloses, the joke of the rulers, Isa.14.6 who distributed people with wrath, beared people with wrath of wrath, which did not spare. Isa.14.7 all the earth remains and grow, they cries with joy. Isa.14.8 even the zeders of liban rejoices for you, and the zeders of liban, saying, from that you have fallen asleep, there has no one ascend to us. Isa.14.9 the sheol has been shathed down for you, to find out for you, all the strangers of the earth, who raised from their thrones all the kings of the nations. Isa.14.10 they all will answer you, and they will say to you, you have become like we! Isa.14.11 your glory has descended into the sheol, your hardness of joy. your steadth bears back, and your veil bears. Isa.14.12 how has you fallen from heaven, you morning morning, o day of morning! how are you broken to the earth, you who directed the nations! Isa.14.13 and you said in your mind, i will ascend into heaven, over the stars of heaven i will put my throne, and i will sit on the mountain of the heavenly mountain. Isa.14.14 i will go up above the clouds, i will be like the most high. Isa.14.15 but you will descend into the sheol, to the ground of the toil. Isa.14.16 those who see you grows at you, and say, this is the man who stricked the earth and shakes kings, Isa.14.17 he put the world to be a wilderness and destroyed his cities, who did not repay his officers? Isa.14.18 all the kings of the nations grow in honor, every one in his house, Isa.14.19 but you are thrown down out of your sheep, like a modle district, like a modle of dead, being thrown down with the sword, falling down in the sheol. Isa.14.20 you will not be numbered with them forever, for you have destroyed your land and killed my people. the offspring of evil will never be encouraged. Isa.14.21 make your children slain for the sins of their fathers, so that they may not rise and inherit the earth and filled the earth with towns. Isa.14.22 i will rise against them, says the lord of the armées, and i will destroy him name and rest, and offspring, says the lord. Isa.14.23 and i will put it in a desolate place, a desolate shaks, and i will destroy it with violence of destruction, diras the lord of the people. Isa.14.24 so the lord, the lord of the armées, says, so will it be; as i delivered me, so will it be. Isa.14.25 so i will destroy the assyrie in my land, and in my mountains i will trample under them, and their yoke will be taken away from their schulds. Isa.14.26 this is the decision of the lord against all the world, and this is the hand that is stretched over all the nations. Isa.14.27 for the lord of god has condemned, who will destroy? his hand is exalted, who will turn? Isa.14.28 in the age in which the king ahaz died was this: Isa.14.29 do not be glad, all the people of israel, so that the jock that belongs to you has been broken. for from the serpent of serpent will come a serpent, and the offspring will come a flyvende serpent. Isa.14.30 and the poor of the poor will rest in peace, and the poor of the poor will rest in peace. but i will destroy your offspring with hunger, and your rest will he kill. Isa.14.31 ull, porths! cry, o city! weep, o whole land! for smoke comes from the nord, and there is no helper. Isa.14.32 and what shall the kings of the nations answer? for the lord has funded zion, and through him will the poor of the people escape. Isa.15.1 a message about moab. in the night moab is destroyed. in the night ar-moab has been destroyed in night. Isa.15.2 they went up against dibon and to dibon, to weep, to weep; moab huws over nebo, on nebo. all their head are please, and all arms are destroyed. Isa.15.3 in its streets they gathered sackle, on the housetop of the household and in the streets of all it grows, with weeping. Isa.15.4 heshbon and eleale cries, their voice is heard until jahaz. so people of moab weeps, his soul is knowledge. Isa.15.5 my heart cries for moab, their people weep to soar, to eglat-shelishiah, for they ascends with weeping on the ascense of luhith, for on the road of horonaim they cries a grain of destruction. Isa.15.6 for the waters of nimrim will be desolate, the grass is defiled, the grass was divorged, there is no ground. Isa.15.7 so they return for the passions, and they carried to the path of the arabier. Isa.15.8 for the roar is gathered for the region of moab, its ground like eglaim, its ground like beer-elim. Isa.15.9 for the water of rimmon will be filled with blood, for i will bring difficulty to dimon, a leating for the residents of moab and to the rest of the land. Isa.16.1 send a devaster to the land, from a rock to a wilderness for the mountain of zion. Isa.16.2 for as birthless birds, in broken robe, will the daughter of moab belonging to the beast of arnon. Isa.16.3 consider you more, do your steadfastness for all times in the midst. flew, escape, do not be trampled. Isa.16.4 let the triviers dwell among you, moab! be to you a short for the persecutor, for the burn has been removed, the desoler is destroyed, the destructor is destroyed. Isa.16.5 and the throne will be strengthened with mercy, and there will sit in him in truth in the tent of david, being judged, seeking judgment and agree in righteousness. Isa.16.6 we have heard about the arrogance of moab, a great enemy, your arrogance and your arrogance, that is not so. Isa.16.7 so moab huws over moab, all they will huise. they will grow weep for the treasures of kir-hareseth. Isa.16.8 for the regions of hesbbon were broken, the vineyard of sibma. the treasures of the nations treated and trampled its vineyards as by jazer, deceived the wilderness, their treasures carried out and passed over the wilderness. Isa.16.9 therefore i will weep for jaser the vineyard of sibma, i will weep your trees, hesbon and eleale, for on your vineyard and over your vineyard will be treated down. Isa.16.10 the joy and the joy will be taken up from the vineyard, and in the vineyard there will not be glad, and the wine will not tread in the sursounding. Isa.16.11 therefore my wheak bears like a harp for moab, and my heart for kir-heres. Isa.16.12 and it will come that when moab has worked in the offers and comes in his temple to pray, yet he will not escape him. Isa.16.13 this is the word that the lord once spoke to moab. Isa.16.14 now this is the message of the three years: the glory of moab will be dishonor in all the great riches, and there will be only little and not honor. Isa.17.1 a message about damascus. behold, damascus will be removed as a town, and it will be a burn. Isa.17.2 around arosheth, around the sheep, and there will be rest, and there will no one persecute. Isa.17.3 there will be no strength to escape ephraim and the kingdom of damascus, and the rest of syria will be destroyed, as the glory of the sons of israel, says the lord of the armées. Isa.17.4 in that day the glory of jacob will perish, and the piece of his glory will be shaken. Isa.17.5 it will be like when a lamb gathered the grain, and in his hand the grain fears. it will be like when a grain gats in the dal of refaim. Isa.17.6 yet there will be remaining in it, as by the robling of olives: two or three in the top of olives, both four or five in its branches, says the lord, the god of israel. Isa.17.7 in that day a man looks on his creator, and his eyes will see on the holy of israel, Isa.17.8 and he will not looke at the altars, the work of their hands, and do not see what their fingers did, or the treasures of trees. Isa.17.9 in that day his district cities will become, just as the amorites and the amorites have distributed before the sons of israel, and there will be a desolate place. Isa.17.10 for you have left the god of your savior, and did not remember the god of your strength. therefore you will plante unbelievers, and you will plant unbelieving plants. Isa.17.11 on the day, when you plants, you are planted, and to the morning you will blow, and in the day of belonging will it be grain, and a beyond kindness will be grain for your children. Isa.17.12 woe to the multitude of many nations! for it grows like the sea, and the sound of many nations grows as many waters. Isa.17.13 the nations grows, like the trouble of great waters, but he rejects them, and they persecutes, and it will persecute as a soir against the wind, like stol for the storm of storm. Isa.17.14 to the evening it will be a weasting, before the morning is not there. this is the part of those who plunder you and the inheritance for those who destroy you. Isa.18.1 woe to the land of flores of wings, around the rivers of etiop, Isa.18.2 he who sent a messenger out in the sea, with brights in district by the water! go, you strangers messengers, to a district and excellent people, to a distributed and distributed people, to the nation of the flock of the earth. Isa.18.3 you all who dwells in the inhabitants, you who dwells in the land, seek as a sign from the mountain, and hear the sound of the trumpet. Isa.18.4 for so the lord said to me, i will be strengthened in my mighty place, like a tear in the middal, like a tear of ross in the heavens of the heavens. Isa.18.5 for before the harvest when the flock has taken up and the blod has taken up in a grain, he will take away the grave graves with the sickle and takes down the graves and cut down. Isa.18.6 they will be left together with the birds of the air and to the wilds of the earth, and the birds of the air will come upon them, and all beasts of the earth will come upon them. Isa.18.7 in that time will be offered a gift to the lord of the armées from a district and bright, from a people from long ago and forever, a nation of exhortation, which belongs to the land of his land, to the place of the name of the lord of the armées, to the mountain of zion. Isa.19.1 a vision of egypt. behold, the lord sit on a nove cloud and come to egypt. the idols of egypt bears trembling before him, and the heart of egypt bears in them. Isa.19.2 i will arise egypt against egypt, and each will strike against his brother and brother against his neighbor, city against city, country against law. Isa.19.3 and the spirit of egypteners will be troubled in them, and i will brive their plan. so they will ask their deeds and the magigners and the magigners. Isa.19.4 and i will deliver egypt into the hand of a hard lord, and a hard king will domine over him, says the lord, the lord of the people. Isa.19.5 the waters of the sea will drink, and the river will shaken and drow. Isa.19.6 the rivers will shaken, the floods of the river will shaken, and the robes of the water will seke, a garf and a milf. Isa.19.7 the floods around the river of the river, and all the spring by the river will be sicked, and the wind grow up. Isa.19.8 the fishermen will grow, and all who cast a angel in the river will grow weeping, and those who cast bad in the river will be mourn. Isa.19.9 those who work in clothing will be shamed, and those who labor in fine clothing. Isa.19.10 the treasures of them will be in beasting, and all who practices their souls will be treated. Isa.19.11 the rulers of soan are foolish, the wisdom of the wise counselor of the king belongs to him! how can you say to the king: i am a son of understanding, son of fortes kings? Isa.19.12 where are now your wise? let them tell you, and let them know what the lord of the armées has decided against egypt. Isa.19.13 the rulers of soan departed, the rulers of nof shaken, and the people of egypt deceives by their tribes. Isa.19.14 the lord has sounded in them a spirit of deceitful, and they deceived egypt in all his works, as a drunker leads up in their way. Isa.19.15 there will be no work for the egyptian, which will make the head or the rock, the turn or the rook. Isa.19.16 in that day the egyptians will be like women, and they will be trembling and trembling because of the hand of the lord of the armées, which he will cast against them. Isa.19.17 the land of the jews will become a fear for the egyptians. everyone who remember it will be afraid for the plot that the lord of god has delivered against it. Isa.19.18 in that day there will be five cities in egypt, saying in the tongue of canaan and swears by the lord of israel. one shall be called by a city. Isa.19.19 in that day there will be a altar for the lord in the land of egypt and a robe by the region of it to the lord. Isa.19.20 and it will be a sign and a sight to the lord of egypt in the land of egypt, for they shall cry to the lord for his afflictors, and he will send them a help who judges and will save them. Isa.19.21 and the lord will be known to the egyptians, and the egyptians will know the lord on that day and bring offerings and sacrifices, and give profts to the lord and pay them. Isa.19.22 and the lord will strike the egyptians, and he will heal them, and they will return to the lord, and he will listen to them and heal them. Isa.19.23 in that day there will be a straight way from egypt to ashuur, and assur will come into egypt and the egyptians to ashuur, and the egyptians will serve the assyrian. Isa.19.24 in that day israel will be the third with egypt and ashuur, a blessed in the land. Isa.19.25 for the lord of the armées will be blessed, saying, blessed be my people in egypt and assur, my hands, and israel my inheritance! Isa.20.1 in the year when tartan sent to asdod, when sargon, king of assyrie, sent to ashdod and attacked it, Isa.20.2 in that time the lord spoke to isaiah the son of god, saying, go, take the sack from your lends and take your sandals from your feet. and he did so, walking naked and bark. Isa.20.3 then the lord said, just as my servant isaiah has gone naked and barment for three years a sign and a sign for the egyptian and the ethiopia, Isa.20.4 so the king of assyrien will bring the captive of egypt and of etiopians, young and old, naked and barment, clothed with shame for the shame of egypt. Isa.20.5 and they will be ashamed and shamed for the ethiopes, who were their confidence and of egypt, their glory. Isa.20.6 and the residents of this island will say, here, this is our confidence, which we have made to escape to help, and to be saved from the king of ashuur, and how shall we be saved? Isa.21.1 the appearance of the wilderness is like a storm through the wilderness, coming from the wilderness, coming from the land of fear. Isa.21.2 a hard vision has been revealed to me: the transgressor destroy, and the destructor destroy. come, elam, belong, media! all suffering i will share. Isa.21.3 therefore my lums are filled with weak, and angusts received me as a food. i have wronged me when i did not hear it, i was greatly troubled, so i did not see it. Isa.21.4 my heart is perplexed, and shaking me; trembling, my soul has come in fear. Isa.21.5 prepare the table for you to drink, eat, and rise, rulers, and prepared food. Isa.21.6 for so said the lord to me, go, put a warm, and tell him whatever you see. Isa.21.7 then i saw two cavaliers, ascending for a donkey, a soir of camel, and a splendor of a camel. Isa.21.8 and he called as a round: o lord, i stand for always, day, and in my guard i stand all the night. Isa.21.9 and behold, there comes a horse, a warn of hels. and he answered, fallen, fallen, babylon, and all its idols are broken down in the earth. Isa.21.10 o mine of my moundation and your child, hear what i have heard from the lord of the armées, the god of israel. Isa.21.11 the vision of edom is calling to me from seir, do your guards to strike. Isa.21.12 i observe the morning and the night; if you seek, seek, and let it find. Isa.21.13 prophesy of arabia. around in arabia. there are in arabs of arabians. Isa.21.14 bring water to the thirsty! you who dwells in the country of teman, follow bread with bread. Isa.21.15 for the fear that they flees, for the anner of sword, by the sword of sword, and for the violent bound of the war. Isa.21.16 for so the lord said to me, there is a year, as a year of a neighbor, and all kedars will be excellent. Isa.21.17 the rest of the mighty bound of kedars will be little, for the lord, the god of israel, has spoken. Isa.22.1 word the message of the vall of zion. what is it for you, that you have all ascended on the builders? Isa.22.2 you belonging, o beasting city, o beasting city? your dead are not killed with sword, nor did your dead be dead in war. Isa.22.3 all your rulers have escaped, and those who had hard have escaped. those who belongs to you have been bound, and those who belongs to you have escaped. Isa.22.4 therefore i said, leave me, i will weep bitterly; do not be strong to console me because of the destruction of the daughter of my people. Isa.22.5 for there is a day of troubling, of destruction, of reason, and a reason from the lord, the lord of the armées, in the beast of zion. Isa.22.6 elam took leading course, men with hors, and horse, and shefel gathered. Isa.22.7 your elect bears filled with waves, and the ruiters were stopped in the gates. Isa.22.8 so he distributed the town of judah, and you looked at that day to the straighty of the house of the city. Isa.22.9 and you saw that the round of the country of david are more, and you rejected the water of the further bag. Isa.22.10 you have put down the house of jerusalem, and delivered the house to burn. Isa.22.11 and you made a water among the two mures as water for the beginning of the beginning. but you did not see him to him who had done it, and you did not see him to the one who had done it. Isa.22.12 and in that day the lord of god called weeping and weeping, to shut out and to wish of sackcloth. Isa.22.13 and behold, it is a joy and a joy, slaves sheols, sacrifice for sheep and drink wine, saying, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. Isa.22.14 and the lord of the armées has rejected for my ears, that this sake will not be forgiven, until you died. Isa.22.15 so says the lord, the lord of the armées, go to the kammer, to shebna the room, and say to him, Isa.22.16 what are you here, and who are you here, that you have cut for you a tomb here? you have made a tomb in the high place, calling a tent for yourself in a rock? Isa.22.17 behold, the lord will strike out you, o man, out of a man, and he will defile you. Isa.22.18 he will broke you in a moment and throw you to a great country. there you will die, and there will your bonds carry, o dishonor of the house of your master. Isa.22.19 i will take you away from your place, and you will cast you out of your place. Isa.22.20 in that day i will call my servant eliakim, the son of hilkia, Isa.22.21 and i will put him in your clothes and put to him your crowle, and i will give your power in his hand, and he will be a father for the residents of jerusalem and for the house of judah. Isa.22.22 i will give him the glory of david, and it will be grain, and no one will help him. Isa.22.23 i will put him as a ruler in a faithful place, and he will be a throne of glory for the house of his father. Isa.22.24 there will be upon him all the glory of the house of his father, the best and the best, all the mights and all the gifts. Isa.22.25 in that day, says the lord degli armées, the one who has been strengthened in a trouble, will fall and fall, and the glory that is upon him will be destroyed, for the lord has spoken. Isa.23.1 as for the vision of tyre, huil, o boats of tarsis, for it has been destroyed. from the land of kittim they will not come captive. Isa.23.2 share, habitants of the island! the crowds of sidon, passing out of the sea, became like one. Isa.23.3 by many waters, the offspring of honor, the mother of honor. Isa.23.4 be ashamed, sidon! for the sea said, the power of the sea said, i am not bearing, i have not been born, nor have i made young children. Isa.23.5 as it is heard in egypt, they will treeme out of direction for tyre. Isa.23.6 go to tarsis, huil, you inwoners of the island! Isa.23.7 is this your arrogant, which is from the beginning, before it has been put in the hand. Isa.23.8 who has rejected these things against tyre, the marrier, whose merchants were rulers, whose merchants were rulers of the earth? Isa.23.9 the lord of god has decided to defile the arrogant of all the glory, to dishonor every glory in the earth. Isa.23.10 come for your land as a bound, o land of tarsis! there is no furth mehr. Isa.23.11 he has strengthened his hand against the sea, has shaken kings. the lord has commanded it concerning canaan, to destroy its riches. Isa.23.12 he said, you do no longer shakes, you daughter, daughter of sidon! come, go to kittim, and there you will have no rest. Isa.23.13 for the land of the chaldeans yet it is desoled, and there is there a desolate place, and its wall has died. Isa.23.14 ulling, o boats of tarsis, for your festing has become destroyed. Isa.23.15 in that day the tyre will be left for seven years as many days of a king. after the seventh years will tyre be at tyre as a singer of a prostitute: Isa.23.16 take a harp and put out of the city, o districted sexual immorality! do much harp, so that you may remember you. Isa.23.17 and after the seventh years, the lord visits tyre, and he will return to the times, and it will be treated with all the kingdoms of the world. Isa.23.18 but her wealth and its reward will be made holy for the lord, and they will not be gathered, but its wealth will be for those who dwell in the presence of the lord, to eat and drink and be filled in complete. Isa.24.1 behold, the lord destroy the world and destroy it, despise its face and destroy her dwelling. Isa.24.2 and as to the people, so to the priest, to the servant, to the master as to his master, to his daughter, to the master, to the lainer, to the lainer as to the lainer. Isa.24.3 the earth will be destroyed and destroyed, for the lord has spoken this things. Isa.24.4 the earth grow and grow, the world grows, the treasures of the earth grows. Isa.24.5 and the earth has become violent for those who dwell in it, because they deceived the law, deceived the commandments, defiled the eternal covenant. Isa.24.6 therefore a curse will eat the earth, and the dwellers of it will become sinning; therefore the dwellers of the earth will fall down, and a little person is left. Isa.24.7 the wine grows, the vineyard grows, all the rejoicing of life will grow. Isa.24.8 the joy of the timpans became restrained, the rejoicing of the harps have finished the sound of harpists. Isa.24.9 no wine bears wine, even bitterness is bittered for those who drink. Isa.24.10 a desolate city has become desolate, not to enter a house. Isa.24.11 the wine is shorched for the wine, all the joy of the ground has taken away. Isa.24.12 in the city there has been rest, and the hures are destroyed. Isa.24.13 for so it will be in the land, in the midst of the nations, just as when the oliven flood as when the vineyard comes. Isa.24.14 these shall cry their voice, they will rejoice in the glory of the lord, the waters of the sea rejoices. Isa.24.15 therefore glorify the lord in the island of the sea the name of the lord, the god of israel. Isa.24.16 from the wings of the earth we have heard wonders for the good sight, and we will say, woe to those who dishonor the law! Isa.24.17 fear and grow and lack on you, o dwelling in the earth! Isa.24.18 and whoever flees from the fear of fear will fall into the pit, and the one who comes out of the ground will be caken by the set, for the fish of the heavens were opened, and the foundation of the earth will be shaken. Isa.24.19 the earth grows and grows, the earth grows, the earth grows. Isa.24.20 the earth belongs and bears as a betrunk, and its wicked will be strengthened on her, and she will fall and never rise. Isa.24.21 in this time the lord will strike the crowds of the heavens, and the kings of the earth on the earth. Isa.24.22 they will gather and shut in the prison, and they will be closed in prison, and after many days they will be visited. Isa.24.23 the bright will shine, and the wall will fall, because the lord of god will reign in zion and in jerusalem, and the glory of his elders will be glorified. Isa.25.1 lord, you are my god, i will glorify you, look your name, for you have done wonders. you are true things, true and true. Isa.25.2 for you have put a city in destruct, a burnt city to destroy it. the burts of the transgressions were not being built up, never will it be built up. Isa.25.3 therefore the peoples people will blessed you, the city of violent people will be blessed you. Isa.25.4 for you were a strong held, a help for his needing, a walk from slander, a tribe for a turn, for a storm of violenters. Isa.25.5 as a trouble of honor in zion will they be blessed, as many people in zion. Isa.25.6 and the lord of the armées will make out of all the nations in this mountain a joy of joy, a drink wine of wine, Isa.25.7 and he will strive on this mountain the ground, which calls up all the nations, and the ground that calls on all the nations. Isa.25.8 he will destroy death for great. and the lord god cut up the tears from every face, and he will take the oproar of his people out of the whole earth. for the lord has spoken. Isa.25.9 and they will say in that day, behold, our god, which we hope, we will rejoice and rejoice in our salvation. Isa.25.10 for the hand of the lord remains on this mountain, but moab will trample down in his hand, just as the path bears in the gard. Isa.25.11 and he will stretch his hands on him, just as he drew headly to destroy, but he will destroy his arrogant with the debt of his hands. Isa.25.12 he will throw down and throw down to the ground of your wall, will throw down and throw down to the ground. Isa.26.1 in that day this sang will singe in the land of judah: we have a strong city, salvation will give our salvation and burn. Isa.26.2 open the gates, and let the righteous people come in, who keep the truth. Isa.26.3 to help the truth, guard peace, for in you. Isa.26.4 turn in the lord forever, for the lord, the god of eternal, is a eternal god. Isa.26.5 he destroy those who dwells in the heavenly place, you destroy his strength, and throw down to the ground. Isa.26.6 the feet of the humble, the feet of the humble. Isa.26.7 the way of godlious is right, your godliness is ready for god. Isa.26.8 we set your judgment on the way of the lord, we hope in your name and your remember. Isa.26.9 my soul desires you in the night, my spirit are reason in my spirit to you. for when your commandments are upon the earth, the world learing righteousness. Isa.26.10 if an impio lears righteousness, he does not learn to righteousness. in the land of godly he does ungodly, and he does not see the glory of the lord. Isa.26.11 o lord, your arm is exalted, but they do not see it. your jealousy will be ashamed for the people, and they will consume fire for your enemies. Isa.26.12 o lord, you give us peace, for you have brought us all things. Isa.26.13 lord, our god, although others we have commanded us, yet besides you, we do not know your name. Isa.26.14 dead do not find life, markeness are not raised, because you have carried out and destroyed them and carried up all their male. Isa.26.15 show evil, o lord, show evil to all the glorious of the earth. Isa.26.16 lord, in tribulation they remembered you, o lord, in a little tribulation, when you disciplined you. Isa.26.17 like a child child, when she is at child, crying out and crying out, so we were for your beloved, o lord. Isa.26.18 we were conceived, we were in birth, and we had been birth of wind. we did not make your salvation on the earth, and the dwellers of the earth fell. Isa.26.19 your dead will rise, your dead will rise. rise, you who are in the tombs! rejoicing and rejoice, you who are in the ground! for your daughter is a daught, and the earth will cast the dead. Isa.26.20 go, my people, enter into your room and shut your door to you, sect for a little while while the wrath pass away. Isa.26.21 for behold, the lord comes from his place, to bring wrath over those who dwell in the earth. and the earth will defile her blood, and he will not count those who were killed. Isa.27.1 in that day the lord will scarge with his great, great and strength, the leviatan, a serpent serpent, and over the leviatan, a serpent serpent; and he will kill the dragon that is in the wind. Isa.27.2 on that day clook for the vineyard of desire. Isa.27.3 i, here, i would have the city belonging to it, and i would give it furth of night. and as for day, the wall will fall. Isa.27.4 i am not belonging to me. which would keep me in shaks and hars, so i will set them up and burn them up. Isa.27.5 those who dwells in it shall cry, let us make peace for him. Isa.27.6 coming up the children of jacob, israel flores and flows, and the world will be filled with its fruit. Isa.27.7 has not killed the one who struck him? so were killed as he distributed him? Isa.27.8 by mighty way you distributed him, when you had carried him out with his hard spirit in the heavens of the wind. Isa.27.9 therefore the transgression of jacob will be taken away, and this will be the ground that he will take away his sins, when they have put down all the stones of the altar like a conquering stone, and the trees and the idols do not remain. Isa.27.10 for the beyond trouble will be distributed, it will be like a desolate sheep, and there there will be a large place there, and there they remain there. Isa.27.11 when the ground is drowed, it will burn. women come and brings them. for it is no people of understanding, therefore his maker will not spare him, and who has formered them will not have mercy on them. Isa.27.12 in that day the lord will scroll from the spring of the river to the flock of the river, and you, the sons of israel, will gather one of them. Isa.27.13 in that day they will trumpet on the great trumpet, and those who were destroyed in the land of assyrien and the defenders in egypt, and they will worship the lord on the holy mountain in jerusalem. Isa.28.1 woe to the sobering crown of ephraim, for the grain flod of his glory, who is in the top of the grain mountain of those who drans of wine! Isa.28.2 behold, the lord has come a strong and strong, like a hair of hagel, like a burning storm, like a great watching water, he will make out the earth with his hands. Isa.28.3 in the feet there will be trampled the crostful crowds of the rulers of ephraim. Isa.28.4 and the blow of honor of his glory of glory, which is at the top of the high mountain, will be like the food of the fig tree, which, when it see it, will it receive it before it is in his hand. Isa.28.5 in that day the lord of the armées will be a glorious crown and a majesty of glory for the rest of his people, Isa.28.6 they are abandoned by the spirit of judgment for judgment, and the strength of holiness to destroy. Isa.28.7 even these are deceived in the wine, they deceive from a drunk, the priest and a prophet are deceived by the drink. they deceive in the dry of drinking, deceives in a short, they deceives in a short. Isa.28.8 for all their offers are unclean, and all there is sinds of foolish. Isa.28.9 to whom can he proclaim, and to whom can he proclaim? those who are deputed from milk, who are taken away from the breast? Isa.28.10 as for tribulation, it is a tribulation, a hope in hope, a little while, a little while. Isa.28.11 so because of slander women and in another tongue they will speak to this people, Isa.28.12 this is the rest of those who fears, and this is the rosting. but they were not willing to hear. Isa.28.13 so the word of the lord bears them a tribulation, the message, the message, the reason, the reason, the reason, it is a little while, a little while, a little while, so that they may go and fall down and fall and cast them. Isa.28.14 therefore hear the word of the lord, you dismosed, o rulers of this people that is in jerusalem! Isa.28.15 for you say, we made a covenant with the sheol, and with the sheol we make a covenant. if a flowing storm comes back, it will not come upon us, for we have set a liar to our hope, and to deceive we will be covered. Isa.28.16 therefore so says the lord the lord: behold, i put in the foundation of zion a stone, a excellent stone, a precious ecken for the foundation. whoever believes will not be put to shame. Isa.28.17 and i will put justice for a tear, and justice for the shaks. and a turn will destroy food of lawlessness, and the flock will destroy the storm. Isa.28.18 your covenant with death will be taken away, and your hope with the sheol will not remain. if the flowing flood comes out, you will be treated. Isa.28.19 when he passes, he will take you. in the morning you will go on the day and in the night. there will be a evil hope to hear. Isa.28.20 for knowledge is not to be held, and we are wicked for the one that is stumbling. Isa.28.21 for he will rise like the mountain of perazim, and he will be wrath as in the vall of gabaons, for he will make his work, a strangly work, and to make his work in extresion. Isa.28.22 so do not be glad, that your chains may not be strengthened, for i have heard from the lord, the lord of the armées against all the earth. Isa.28.23 consider and hear my voice, beware and hear my word. Isa.28.24 do the plowing are plowing for every day? will he grow off and calling his ground? Isa.28.25 does not when it has distributed her face, he sow in a mindle with dill, and sows a fever, and a jew, and a zeat in your region? Isa.28.26 and he discipline god in his judgment, and instruct him. Isa.28.27 for it does not be distributed with roll the dill, nor does dill the troll on the comp, but with the stok it distribues with a roll, and the comming with the stok. Isa.28.28 a bread is broken, but it does not forever forever. so i do not burn with the rop of my mourn. Isa.28.29 even this comes from the lord of the armées, his completion is great, and god is excellent. Isa.29.1 woe to ariel, ariel, city of david! gather an year for a year, for every year may you eat. Isa.29.2 for i will triste ariel, and there will be her power and riches. Isa.29.3 i will walke around you as david, and i will set around against you and put burres against you. Isa.29.4 you will be deceived, you will speak in the ground, and your speech will come in the ground of the ground, and your voice will come out of the ground out of the ground. Isa.29.5 but your treasures will be like a stof of trouble, and the multitude of the shaks will come like a beasting bound, and it will come in a moment at once. Isa.29.6 from the lord of the armées will be visited with thunder and earthquake and a loud voice, turn and stors and flame of fire. Isa.29.7 and the multitude of all the nations who walks against ariel will be like a songe, a droom of all the nations who walks against ariel, all who walk against it and her strangers. Isa.29.8 it will be like one who eats in a droom, though he drinks and eats, and his soul is trouble, and as a thirst drew that he drink, and he rose, and behold, he is thirsty. so will the multitude of all the nations that strives against the mountain of zion. Isa.29.9 keep out, and you will be reaseled, and you will hold fast, not from drink, nor from wine. Isa.29.10 for the lord gave you a spirit of notice, and deceived your eyes, the prophets, and your rulers, the sewers. Isa.29.11 and all this belonging to you will be like the words of this sealed that is sealed for one who knows letters, saying, read this, and he will say, i cannot read, for it is sealed. Isa.29.12 and if the book is given in hand of anyone who does not understand, and say to him, lead this, and he will say, i cannot know letter. Isa.29.13 and the lord said, since this people drew near to me with their lips and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, and their fear they fear me, teaching the commandments of men, Isa.29.14 therefore, behold, i will make all this people become dishonors and deceive, and the wisdom of the wise men will destroy, and the intelligence of his understanding will be shaken. Isa.29.15 woe to those who deceive their plants for the lord, and their works are in darkness, and they say, who sees us, and who knows us? Isa.29.16 do your question is counted as a teep of the pottener? is the former say to him who has made it: he has not made me? will it say to his maker: he does not understand? Isa.29.17 yet for a little while the libanon will be changed in a garten, and a garten will be counted as a best. Isa.29.18 in that day the gluths will hear the words of the book, and the eyes of blind in the darkness and the darkness will see. Isa.29.19 and the poor of the poor will rejoice in the lord, and the poor of people rejoice in israel. Isa.29.20 for the imperishable perishes, and the arrogant are destroyed, and those who committs of evil are destroyed. Isa.29.21 those who do a sinning against a man in a sentence, they will put a stumbling block to those who reproach in the gates, and deceive the righteous in unrighteousness. Isa.29.22 therefore the lord, who delivered abraham, says to the house of jacob: jacob will not now be ashamed, even now his face will not be turn. Isa.29.23 for when he see my children, the work of my sake, they will sanctify my name, and they will sanctify the holy one of jacob and fear the god of israel. Isa.29.24 those who are deceived by the spirit shall know understanding, and those who murmures will learn to hear knowledge. Isa.30.1 alas, rebeldes children! so says the lord, those who plant conseless, but not by me, and strict together, but not by my spirit, to adtain a sin to sin. Isa.30.2 who go down into egypt, but do not ask me, so that they may be help by pharaon and to escape the tent of egypt. Isa.30.3 for the shadow of pharaon will be to shame, and the confidence in the shadow of egypt in confusion. Isa.30.4 for their rulers are in zoan, and his messengers have come to hanes. Isa.30.5 as for a people who does not provide them, nor to help, nor for profit, but for shame and confusion. Isa.30.6 the vision of the beasts in the wilderness: in the tribulation and in the tribulation, where there are a lion and a lion's least, a aspid and a fluip of vliing aspid. they bring their riches on the heads of a sheep and their riches upon a nation of cammels, to a nation that they will not prove. Isa.30.7 for egypt is a deceive and turn; so i told them that your trouble is hidden. Isa.30.8 therefore sit, write these things on the rook, and write it in a scroll, that it may be ready for these days forever and forever. Isa.30.9 for it is a disobedient people, false children, children, who do not want to hear the law of god. Isa.30.10 who say to the visions, do not see it! and to those who are visible, do not speak to us, speak in discerniment for us, declare good things to us, Isa.30.11 turn from the way, take away from the way, take away from us the holy people of israel! Isa.30.12 therefore so says the holy of israel, because you rejected these words and set your confidence in lawlessness and lawlessness and put your confidence, Isa.30.13 therefore this reason will be for you as a large wall that cast off in a destruct wall, which a corruption leads up at once. Isa.30.14 he will destroy it like to destroy a jar of tondle, so that there will be defiled, so that there will not find anything in piece with a fire that may take the fire in to take the water. Isa.30.15 for so said the lord, the holy god of israel: in returning and steadfastness you will be saved, and in confidence and confidence will be your power. but you did not want it. Isa.30.16 you said, we will flee on horses, therefore you will flee, and you say, we will raise up on loves. so will those who persecute you will be strong. Isa.30.17 one man will flee because of the voice of one, and for the share of four you will flee, until you are left as a path on the head of the mountain and like a tearch on the coll. Isa.30.18 therefore the lord remains to have mercy on you, and therefore he will be exalted to have you mercy, for the lord is a god of judgment. blessed are those who abide in him! Isa.30.19 for you, people in zion, dwelling in jerusalem, do you weep. he will have mercy on you, when you are crying out, he will listen to you. Isa.30.20 and the lord will give you a bread of tribulation and water of tribulation, but your deceiciers will no longer be learned to you, but your eyes will see your instructors. Isa.30.21 when you comes at the right hand or at the left, your ears will hear the words that comes after you, saying, this is the way, go in it! Isa.30.22 so you will cut off the idols of your wealth and idols of gold, and you will scroll them out as a defiling water, and you will say to them: Isa.30.23 then he will give rain for your offspring, which will see your land, and the bread of the ground of the land, which will be abundantly and gentle. your beasts in that day will be weight in passores. Isa.30.24 and the oxen and the boves who are working of the earth will eat food, which is broken with food and food. Isa.30.25 on every high mountain and on every exalted coll will there be water that dress water in the day of great destruction, when the tors will fall. Isa.30.26 the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seventy, as the light of the sun, as the light of seven days, as the light of the sun. Isa.30.27 behold, the name of the lord comes from time, his wrath brings up, and his question is glow. his lips is full of wrath, and his mouth is like a consuming fire. Isa.30.28 his spirit is like a spring, a spring of water, which comes toward the hill, to deceive the nations in deceive of deceive, and he will persecute them in deceive, and he will take them in their presence. Isa.30.29 you will be glad as at a feast, like in a feast of feast, and your joy like a joy that enter the mountain of the lord, to the god of israel. Isa.30.30 and the lord will show his loud voice, and show his arm in the wrath of his wrath, with the flame of wrath, with a flame that devour, a storm, a water, and a hail of hail. Isa.30.31 for by the voice of the lord will assur fall away by the plage, which he will strike. Isa.30.32 and whatever help that the help of the help that he set upon him will be with flots and harpes, and he will strike against him with sound. Isa.30.33 for before days it is prepared, it is prepared for a king, a depth of deep, with fire and holz. the wrath of the lord is burned as a beast of sulfur. Isa.31.1 woe to those who come down to egypt to help and turn on hors and confids in chars, for they are many, and the hors, for they are a great multitude. but they refuse to the holy of israel and do not seek the lord. Isa.31.2 yet he is wise, and he bring a evil way, and his word does not reject. but he will rise against the house of the evil people and against those who are sinful in their hope. Isa.31.3 egypt is man and not god, and their horses are flesh and not a help. the lord will stretch out his hand, and the helper will wase, and the helper will fall, and all will perish. Isa.31.4 for so the lord said to me, just as a leoning or a leoning cries against his beast, when they cries against her, as the mountain becomes founded for his voice and do not share in their ground, so the lord of dunameon will come down to strike against the mountain of zion and for its mountains. Isa.31.5 as the birds fluxs, so the lord god bows jerusalem, and he will deliver and save and save. Isa.31.6 return, you who have made evil plans and wrongers. Isa.31.7 for that day people will deny their silver and idols of gold, which their hands have made for your hands. Isa.31.8 and assur will fall down not by a man, not by a man, and a sword of a man will devour him. he will flee from the sword, and his young men will become slain. Isa.31.9 the rost of his further will be treated, and his rulers will fall from back, says the lord, which has a offspring in zion and a splender in jerusalem. Isa.32.1 behold, king will reign, and rulers will reign with judgment. Isa.32.2 every one will be as a secret in a ground and a secret for a flowing water, like a river in a grow land, like a great river in a torning land. Isa.32.3 and the eyes of those who will see do no longer, and the ears of their ears will hear. Isa.32.4 the heart of those who are weak will understand to understand, and the tongue of demons will speak quickly to speak. Isa.32.5 the foolish will no longer be made ruler, and the foolish will not be called a ruler. Isa.32.6 for the foolish speaks foolish, and his heart does deceive to do wrong, and to speak ungodly to the lord, to scattery the sound of honor and the soif to defile the soif. Isa.32.7 the deceitful share is bad, he decids to destroy the poor in words of unrighteous, so that the poor is speaking in judgment. Isa.32.8 but the godliness consider foolish things, and it remains in foolish places. Isa.32.9 rise and hear my voice, you wicked daughters, hear my word. Isa.32.10 for a year, for a year, you will turn, you will be trouble, for the fruit is taken, and the ground will not come. Isa.32.11 drew out, be treated, your confidence, shurn! be naked, clothed your lends with sackcloth! Isa.32.12 you will weep on the pierts for the desires of desires, for the vineyard of fruits. Isa.32.13 in the land of my people, which grow thorns and thorns, and in all the huise of joy in the surrounding city. Isa.32.14 for the house will be forgiven, the ground of the city will be forgiven, the house of difficulty will be desolate forever, a joy for diseases, foot for shepherds. Isa.32.15 until the spirit comes upon you from the heavens, and the wilderness will become a garten, and the garten will be counted as a tree. Isa.32.16 and justice will sit in the wilderness, and righteousness will dwell in the carmely. Isa.32.17 the work of righteousness will be peace, and the work of righteousness will be peace and confidence forever. Isa.32.18 and my people will dwell in a city of peace, in habits of confidence, and in rest in reason. Isa.32.19 but the hail will come upon you, and the city who dwells in the wilderness will come in the wilderness. Isa.32.20 blessed are those who sows on all water, which passes oxen oxen and sheep, Isa.33.1 woe to you who destroy, how no one is destroyed, and who has wrong, you will not be destroyed! when you have destroyed, you will be destroyed. Isa.33.2 o lord, have mercy on us, we have set our confidence. be your salvation at tribulation and our salvation in tribulation. Isa.33.3 for the rop of your held the people cast, because of your fear the nations are scattered. Isa.33.4 your roof will be gathered, just as the heuschrecken gather, so they will strike against you. Isa.33.5 the lord is holy, for he dwells in high. he filled zion with judgment and righteousness. Isa.33.6 and there will be granted in your treasures, your salvation is wisdom and understanding, and the fear of the lord will be the treasure of righteousness. Isa.33.7 look, in your fear they will fear; the messes of peace weeps bitterly weeping bitterly. Isa.33.8 the roes are deserted, the roads has become desolate. he has destroyed the covenants, destroyed the covenants, never rejected people. Isa.33.9 the land grows, it wut, the libano is shaken, saron has become a healing, saron and karmel grow wealth. Isa.33.10 now i will rise, says the lord, now i will glorify, and now i will be exalted. Isa.33.11 you are stopped, you will be wicked, the force of your spirit is fire, who consudes you. Isa.33.12 the nations will be burned in a flame, like burnished thorns, being burned in fire. Isa.33.13 hear, you distance, what i have done! the neighbors, know my power! Isa.33.14 the ungodliness of zion becomes trembling, trembling becomes trembling. who can belong among you, a flaming fire? who can remain among you in eternal place? Isa.33.15 who walks in righteousness and speaks the right, deceive the way who hacees a wrong, deceives his hands from a gift, stopped his ears, so that he may not listen to listen with blood, and deceives the eyes not to see evil. Isa.33.16 he will dwell in the heavenly place, it will be made difficulty; his bread will be given, and his water is faithful. Isa.33.17 your eyes will see the king in his glory, they will see a longer land. Isa.33.18 your soul will deceive your fear: where is the scribes, where is the secreter? where is the number of corners? Isa.33.19 you do not see the people belonging to the people, a food that you do not understand. this is a dispreaching people, which cannot understand. Isa.33.20 see to zion, the city of our salvation. your eyes will see jerusalem, a belonging place, a tente that never will be shaken, whothe passe will never be shaken, and whoits shnures will not be divorced. Isa.33.21 for there will be great lord great for you, a place for you are flores of rivers and larges roes, where there will not go a great boat. Isa.33.22 for the lord is our judge, the lord is our ruler, the lord is our king, he who will save us. Isa.33.23 your back are distributed, they do not be strengthened the back and do not grow the plan. so will be delivered in a plundering, and the lame will bring a plundering. Isa.33.24 and no one who dwells in it shall not say: i am defiled. the people there will be forgiven their sins. Isa.34.1 draw up, you nations, and hear, you nations! let the earth hear, and all that is in it, the world and all that is in it! Isa.34.2 for the wrath of the lord is against all the nations, and their wrath against all their number. he will destroy them and give them to be slain. Isa.34.3 and their erdes will be thrown away, and their dead boats will come up. the mountains will be broken from their blood. Isa.34.4 the heavens will be shaken like a scroll, the heavens like a scroll, and all the stars will fall, as folies of vineyard. Isa.34.5 for my sword is drinking in heaven. behold, it will come down to edom and against the people of my destruction, with judgment. Isa.34.6 the sword of the lord is filled with blood, be deceived by the back of the ardes and of the grain of boats and lamb, for the offering of the lord is in besor, and a great sword in the land of edom. Isa.34.7 and fish will share with them, the oxes and the oxes. their land will be drunk of blood, and their earth will be filled with their grass. Isa.34.8 for it is a day of judgment for the lord, a years of reward for sion. Isa.34.9 and its bears will be turned in pick, its land in sulfur, and its land will be burdened as a pig. Isa.34.10 neither will it stone night or day, and its smoke will ascend forever. in generation there will be desolate, for no longer there will be desolate. Isa.34.11 but pelikan and pelikan will dwell it, and the soil and the corl shall dwell in it, and he will cast on it a scepter of desolation. Isa.34.12 there will be rulers of her rulers, and there will be no ruler at her rulers and all her rulers. Isa.34.13 in their palts bears thorns, and in its burghts bears thorns. it will be a desolate place for a struggle, a palace for strudes. Isa.34.14 there will draw out demons of beasts, and a man call out to one. there there will rest the beast, and they find rest for them. Isa.34.15 there the mourier lives and shaues, and the ground shalling their children, there will the yours gone there and look his face against one another. Isa.34.16 seek for the number of people, and let not one of them be perished, they do not seek one of them, for the lord has commanded them, and his spirit has gathered them. Isa.34.17 he has thrown for them the lot, and his hand has divided it for them. they will inherit it forever, and in every generation they will rest in it. Isa.35.1 a wilderness rejoice in sound, a wilderness will rejoice, and it will be broken as a flog. Isa.35.2 it will blow in groan and rejoice and rejoice, and the glory of the libano is given to it, the glory of karmel and karmel. they will see the glory of the lord, the glory of my god. Isa.35.3 strengthen yourselves with hands, and strengthening knees. Isa.35.4 say to the angusts of your heart: be able, do not be afraid. behold, your god, the reward will come, reward. he will come and save us. Isa.35.5 then the eyes of the blind will open, and the ears ears will be opened. Isa.35.6 then the lame will weak as a harf, and the tongue of the muill will change. for water will open in the wilderness, and bears in the wilderness. Isa.35.7 the wildly land will become a gold, and a spring of water is a spring of water. there are the ground of the birds, where they remained, will be a rip and a rid. Isa.35.8 there will be a clear way, and a way called a holy way; no unclean will pass over there, and there will be a way of unclean, and those who are scattered will go on them, and they will not deceive. Isa.35.9 there will not be a lion, and a evil beast will not ascend on it, nor there will be found, but the redemptors will go in it. Isa.35.10 and the being gathered from the lord will return and come to zion with joy, and eternal joy will be on their head. joy and joy will find them, and pain and groan will escape. Isa.36.1 in the fourteenth of the fourth years of king, sanherib, king of assyrien, went up against all the midst of judah, and took them. Isa.36.2 and the king of assyrie sent rabsake with a great power from lachis to jerusalem, to the king of jezekia, with a great power, and he stood by the waterwater of the waterstak above, on the way of the field of the waterstok. Isa.36.3 then eliakim, the son of hilkia, the palastsarner, and shebna the scribes and joah, the son of asaph, the chancerer. Isa.36.4 and rabsake said to them, tell ezekias, so says the great king, the king of assyrien: what confids you? Isa.36.5 i do not say with conseless or speech of winter, and now you have confidence in what you have been encouraged? Isa.36.6 behold, you confies in egypt, this rute robe that has been broken, who will come in his hand and enter it. so is pharaon, the king of egypt, for all who confids in him. Isa.36.7 if you say to the lord our god, we have confidence. Isa.36.8 now let you be greatly greatly with my lord, the king of assyrien, and i will give you two thousand hors, if you can give many hors over them. Isa.36.9 and how can you turn to a fellow servant of one fellow servants, you who confies in egypt for cabs and swers. Isa.36.10 now did we not go on this country by the lord, to strike against it. Isa.36.11 then eliakim and shebna and joah said to rabsacs, speak to your servants in aramaic, for we hear it. do not speak to us in jews in the ears of the men who is on the wall. Isa.36.12 but rabshake said, have my master sent me to speak these words to your lord and to you? is it not to the people who are sitting on the wall, so that they may eat his first and drink their water with you? Isa.36.13 then rabshake stood up and cried out with a loud voice in jews, saying, hear the words of the great king, the king of assyrien! Isa.36.14 so says the king, let ezechia not deceive you, for he will not be able to save you. Isa.36.15 so let ezekias not speak to you, so that the lord will deliver you from, and this city will not be delivered in the hand of the king of assyrien. Isa.36.16 do not hear ezechiah. for so says the king of assyrie: come to be blessed to me and come out to me, and each of you may eat his vineyard and the fig tree and drink every water of your cisterny, Isa.36.17 until i come and take you into a land like your land, a land of wheat and of wine, the land of bread and of vineyard. Isa.36.18 let not ezekias deceive you, saying, the lord will deliver you. have the gods of the nations made his land from the hand of the king of assyrien? Isa.36.19 where are the god of hamath and arpad? where are the god of sefarvaim? can they deliver samaria from my hand? Isa.36.20 which of all the gods of these nations has delivered his land from my hand, that the lord would red jerusalem from my hand? Isa.36.21 but they were silent, and no one answered him a word, for the king had commanded that they would not answer him. Isa.36.22 so eliakim, the son of hilkia, the palasher, and shebna, the scribes, and joah, the son of asaph, the chancerer, came to hiskia with the tunics and told him the words of rabshake. Isa.37.1 when herod the king heard this, he deceived his garments, clothed a sackcloth and went up to the house of the lord. Isa.37.2 and he sent the ruler eliakim and the scribes shebna and the elders of the priests, clothed in sackcloth, to the prophet isaiah, the son of amos. Isa.37.3 and they said to him, so says jezekia: this is a day of tribulation, of reproach, of reproach, for the children are coming to the woman, but there is no power to give birth. Isa.37.4 may the lord your god hear the words of rabshake, whom the king of assyrien sent to hair the living god and reproach the words that the lord, your god, has heard. pray for the rest of those who are still. Isa.37.5 when the servants of king came to isaiah, Isa.37.6 and isaiah said to them, so say to your lord: so says the lord: do not fear the words that you have heard, with which the messengers of the king of assyrien have insulted me. Isa.37.7 behold, i will put in him a spirit, and when he hear a charge, he will return into his country, and i will put in his land with a sword. Isa.37.8 so rabsaces returned and welcomed the king of assyrien at libna, for he heard that it was. Isa.37.9 so tirhaha, king of the etiopians, went out to destroy him. and when he heard this, he sent messengers to ezekias, saying, Isa.37.10 so say to ezechiah, the king of judah, saying, let your god not touch you in which you confies, saying, jerusalem will not be delivered into the hand of the king of assyrien. Isa.37.11 did you not hear what the kings of assur did all the land, so how they were destroyed? Isa.37.12 have the gods of the nations who my fathers destroyed, they set them, gozan, haran, rezef, and eden, who are in telassar? Isa.37.13 where is the king of hamath, the king of arpad, the king of the city of sefarvaim, hene and iva? Isa.37.14 and jezekia took the scroll from the angels and opened it before the lord. Isa.37.15 and hiskija prayed to the lord, saying, Isa.37.16 o lord of the armées, god of israel, who sit on the cherubim, you only are god of all the kingdoms of the world. you have made heaven and earth. Isa.37.17 hear, lord, see and see the words that sennacherib has sent to insult the living god. Isa.37.18 truly, here, the kings of assyrien have destroyed all the world and their country, Isa.37.19 they have broken their idols into the fire, for they were not gods but works of men, a tree and a stone. so they destroyed them. Isa.37.20 yet now, o lord our god, save us from his hand, so that all the kingdom of the earth may know that you are god alone. Isa.37.21 so isaiah, the son of amos, sent to hiskias, saying to him, so says the lord, the god of israel: what you have prayed to me about sanherib, king of assyrien, Isa.37.22 this is the word that the lord spoke to him: a virgin daughter, daughter of zion, despise you, the daughter of jerusalem bries on you. Isa.37.23 whom have you spoken and provoked? and against whom has you raised your voice and lifted up your eyes? against the holy god of israel! Isa.37.24 through your messengers you have spoken the lord, and you said, with my many chars i went up on the heavens of the mountains, to the last of the libano. i cut up his great cedres, his majesty of cypresses. Isa.37.25 i looked in the ground and distributed the waters, and all the ground of water. Isa.37.26 did you not hear that i have done long ago, in longer days i have commanded it? but now i have directed this, that you are destroyed in burghless towns. Isa.37.27 their hands grow, and they withered, and they were like grain, wicked on the ground and the graves. Isa.37.28 but i know, when you leads, when you comes, or when you enter me. Isa.37.29 because you have taken your wrath against me, and your trouble has drawn up to me, i will put a bag in your inside and a cald in your lips, and i will turn you on the way that you have come. Isa.37.30 and this will be for you the sign: in this year you will eat what is sown, the third years of sown, and in the third years you will sow, and plant vineyars and eat the fruit of them. Isa.37.31 and the rest of the people of juda who will escape will come radix along and will make offspring above. Isa.37.32 for from jerusalem comes the rest, and those who are saved from the mountain of zion will come out of jerusalem. the jealousy of the lord of god will do this. Isa.37.33 therefore so says the lord about the king of assyrie: he will not enter this city, nor will he throw a pil in it, nor will he strike a call against it, nor will he set wealth against it. Isa.37.34 but in the way that he has come, it will return, says the lord. Isa.37.35 for my sake and for my servant's sake i will save this city to save it. Isa.37.36 and the angel of the lord went and killed in the camp of the assyrians a hundred and five thousand. when they rose the morning, they saw all the dead bodies. Isa.37.37 then the king of assyrien turned and departed, and went at nineve. Isa.37.38 and as he worshiped in the house of his god nisroch, his sons adrammelech and sareser killed him with the sword, and escaped into the land ararat. and his son esarhaddon reged in his place. Isa.38.1 in that time ezekia was afflicted to death. and the prophet isaiah, the son of amos, came to him and said to him, so says the lord: order your household, for you will die, and you will not live. Isa.38.2 so he turned his face to the wand and prayed to the lord, Isa.38.3 and said, o lord, remember, how i have walking before you in truth and in a true heart and done what is pleasing in your sight. and hiskija weeped more. Isa.38.4 and the word of the lord came to isaias, saying, Isa.38.5 go and tell jezekia: so says the lord, the god of your father david: i have heard your prayer, i saw your tears. behold, i will put to your time fourteen years. Isa.38.6 and i will save you and this city from the hand of the king of assyrien, and i will bound this city. Isa.38.7 and this will be a sign for you from the lord that the lord will do what he has said: Isa.38.8 behold, i will turn the springhter of the graves, which the sun has come down, will i turn the sold as ten graves. so the sun turned ten grain from the graves, which it had fallen. Isa.38.9 this was the prayer of ezechiah, king of judah, when he was bound and was raised from his sick, Isa.38.10 i said in the ground of my days: in the entrance of the sheol i will leave the rest of my years. Isa.38.11 i said, i will no longer see the salvation of the lord in the land, i will no longer see any man. Isa.38.12 my life has taken away and departed from me as a tent of food. i have rejected my life as a tear of leating. in the day i will be rejected. Isa.38.13 as for the morning, it is like a least. he broke all my feet from the day to the night. Isa.38.14 as a cup, so i am calling, it is like a grave. my eyes are strailed to see in the health of heaven. o lord, i have defiled me, o god! Isa.38.15 so he has taken my soul for me. Isa.38.16 lord, of her has been told, and you have rebuked my soul, and you are being encouraged and lives. Isa.38.17 for you have stricked my soul, so that he might not perish, and you have put down after me all my sins. Isa.38.18 for the sheol will not praise you, the death will not praise you. those who are in the town will not hope your alms. Isa.38.19 the living, the living, will blessed you, as i am now. the children shall proclaim to children your righteousness. Isa.38.20 he was god of my salvation, and we will sink all the days of my life in the temple of the lord. Isa.38.21 and jesaja had been told, take a fish of fig, and put it in food, and he will be healed. Isa.38.22 and jezekia said, what is the sign that i will go up in the house of the lord? Isa.39.1 in that time merodak-baladan, the son of baladan, the king of babel, sent letters and gift to ezekias, for he had heard that he had been healed and had been healed. Isa.39.2 and ezechia was glad over them and showed them his treasures, the silver and the gold, the gold and the gold, all his waves and all his treasures, and all that was in his treasures. there was not anything in his house and in all his treasure that hiskija did not show them. Isa.39.3 so the prophet isaiah came to the king, and said to him, what have these men said, and from where have they come to you? and jezekia said, they have come to me from a distance land, from babel. Isa.39.4 and he said, what did they see in your house? and ezechia said, they saw whatever was in my house, and there is nothing in my treasures that i did not see them. Isa.39.5 and isaiah said to him, hear the word of the lord of the armées: Isa.39.6 behold, the days are coming when all that is in your house and whatever your fathers gathered to this day will come to babylon, and nothing will be left, says the lord. Isa.39.7 and from your children, whom you will become of you will take, and they will make eunuchs in the palace of the king of babel. Isa.39.8 and jezekia said to isaiah, the word of the lord is good, which you have spoken. in my days there will be peace and right. Isa.40.1 exhort, encourage my people, says your god. Isa.40.2 speak to the hearts of jerusalem, declate to it that her plague has been filled, that her sin has been revealed, for he has received out of the hand of the lord for all his sins. Isa.40.3 a voice of one crying in the wilderness: prepare the way of the lord, make the paths for our god. Isa.40.4 every vall shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be humilied, and the crowds shall become crowds, and the crooked shall become low. Isa.40.5 and the glory of the lord will appear, and all flesh will see, for the lord has spoken. Isa.40.6 a voice is saying, call out! and i said, what shall i call? all flesh is grass, and all glory like a flower of grass. Isa.40.7 the grass drows and the flower blow, Isa.40.8 a flock of our god remains forever. Isa.40.9 come up on a high mountain, o preaching of zion! exalta with power your voice, o preach of jerusalem! grow, do not be afraid. tell the towns of judah, behold your god! Isa.40.10 behold, the lord, the lord, comes with power, and his arm is dominion. behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. Isa.40.11 he passes his sheep as a shepherd and gathering lamb to his arm, and he will encourage them in bears of child. Isa.40.12 who has measured the water with his hand and measured the heavens of the heavens, and who has taken up the ground of the earth and put in wealth the mountains? Isa.40.13 who has recognized the spirit of the lord and who made him a council? Isa.40.14 to whom has he decided and made him understanding? who has shown him justice, and who has made him knowledge the way of understanding? Isa.40.15 behold, the nations are like a stup of deep, and are in the measure of the weak. behold, the sandings cast it as a sandle. Isa.40.16 the libano is not sufficient for burn, and his animals are not sufficient for the whole offering. Isa.40.17 all the nations belongs to him for nothing, and all nations are expected for nothing. Isa.40.18 to which do you compare the lord, and what will you be like him? Isa.40.19 a idol bears a image, and a golder bears a golf of gold and count it with gold. Isa.40.20 for a man who does not think a tree is chosen a tree, and a wise man seeks how he will put his image, so that he does not shaken. Isa.40.21 do you not know, do you not hear? is it not known from the beginning? did you not recognize the foundation of the earth? Isa.40.22 he who leads at the ground of the earth, and those who dwell in it are like locusts; he set heaven like a call and spend it like a tent to dwelling in it. Isa.40.23 he put the rulers to nothing, and deceives the rulers of the earth. Isa.40.24 though they were planted or planted, their wortel is not shaken in the earth, so he wut on them, and they wicks, and the storm brings them as stroom. Isa.40.25 what then will you compare me and be exalted? says the holy one. Isa.40.26 leave up your eyes to the ground and see: who has made these things? he who carry out his crowds in number, calling them all in name, for the great glory and the strength of his strength there is nothing. Isa.40.27 why do you say, jacob, and what does you say, israel, my way is hidden for the lord, and my judgment is removed from my god? Isa.40.28 did you not know, whether you did not hear, that eternal god, the god, who has made the extreces of the earth, does not be hungry nor feed, his sentence is not directed. Isa.40.29 he gives the honor to those who are hungry, and his power to be strengthened. Isa.40.30 the young men are hungry, and young, and the young men cast off. Isa.40.31 but those who endures to god bears power, they shakes as ears, they corry and will not grave, they will go and not be hungry. Isa.41.1 belong to me, o island, for the rulers change their power. let them come and speak, then let them proclaim judgment. Isa.41.2 who has rebuked from the east the right, who called him for his feet? who gave him the nations and reject kings? who would give their swords in a ground, the bogen of their arms like a stroom. Isa.41.3 he persecut them, treated through peace the way of his feet. Isa.41.4 who has done and done this, who called the generations in the beginning? i, the lord, is the first and the last. Isa.41.5 the nations saw it and were afraid, the ends of the earth were afraid; they drew near and came. Isa.41.6 they were help one to his neighbor and say to his brother: help! Isa.41.7 a cover has strengthened a changer, a burdener stricked with the spixer, and say to one: it is a good cloak! he puts it up with a cerch, so that it wands not. Isa.41.8 but you, israel, my servant, jacob, whom i chose, the offspring of abraham, my beloved. Isa.41.9 you whom i took from the top of the earth and called you from its crowds, and i said to you, you are my servant, i have chosen you and not forgiven you, Isa.41.10 do not be afraid, for i am with you. do not be alarmed, for i am your god. i have strengthened you and help you, and i will strength you with my right right. Isa.41.11 behold, all your adversaries will be ashamed and turn, and all your adversaries will be destroyed. Isa.41.12 you will seek them, and you will not find those who belongs to you. for those who belongs to you will be like no more and trouble. Isa.41.13 for i, your god, hold your right hand, who says to you, do not be afraid. Isa.41.14 jacob, a little man of israel, i have helped you, says the god, your redemptor, israel. Isa.41.15 behold, i have made you a new wish, a new women, and you will brise the mountains and destroy the coll, and you will lay the colts like the new. Isa.41.16 you will scroll them, and the wind will take them, and a storm will scatter them. but you will rejoice in the holy things of israel. Isa.41.17 the poor and lawless people seek water, and there is no one, their tongue wies out of the thirsty. i, the lord, will listen, i, the god of israel, i will not forgive them. Isa.41.18 i will open flores on the mountains, springs in the midst of valds. i will make the wilderness to a teep and the thirsty land with waterwaters. Isa.41.19 i will lay in the wilderness a land of cypress and seed and myrter and cypresse, Isa.41.20 so that they may see and know, and understand and understand that the hand of the lord has done these things, and the holy one of israel has made it. Isa.41.21 drew your judgment, says the lord, leave your builds, says the king of jacob. Isa.41.22 let them come and tell us what there is coming, or tell us what was first, and let us understand the proper things, and let us know which the last is, and tell us the things that are coming. Isa.41.23 tell us what will come to last, and let us know that you are gods. do good and harm, and we will marvel and see it. Isa.41.24 behold, you are no way, and your work is from no way; a abomination is which you chose. Isa.41.25 i raised him from north, and he comes, from the east of the sun, he will call my name, and he will trample rulers like a teep, like a tearch who trample the pell. Isa.41.26 who declared from the beginning, that we might know, the first, and say that it was true, and there was no one telling it, nor one who heard your words? Isa.41.27 i will give the beginning of zion, and jerusalem i will encourage the way. Isa.41.28 i looked, and there was no one, and from their idols there was no instructer, so that i may ask them, and they would not answer me. Isa.41.29 for there are those who do you do, and without cause those who lead you astray. Isa.42.1 behold, my servant, i set him, my chosen one, whom my soul has received him. i have laid my spirit on him, he will carry justice to the nations. Isa.42.2 he will not cry nor raise, nor will his voice hear in the outside. Isa.42.3 no broken root will he brise, and a roweled wick he will not ugasi, he will bring the judgment in truth. Isa.42.4 he will not be taken and be not broken, until he set justice on the earth, and the nations will hope in his name. Isa.42.5 so says the god, the god who made the heavens and opened it, who created the earth and what was in it, who gives a sound to the people that dwell on it and the spirit to those who dwell on it: Isa.42.6 i, the lord, i called you in righteousness, and i will seize your hand and strength you, and i will make you a covenant for the people, to the light of the nations, Isa.42.7 to open the eyes of the blind, to carry out the prisoners, from the prison who sit in darkness. Isa.42.8 i am the lord. this is my name, and i will not give my glory to another, and my praise to the idols. Isa.42.9 behold, the things that are beginning, behold, they have come. i will preach the new things before you come up. Isa.42.10 sing to the lord a new splening, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who are coming on the sea and all that are in it, the island and those who dwell in them! Isa.42.11 deserte the wilderness and its towns, the villages that dwells in kedar! let the ones who dwell in the rock of the mounts shall they crying out. Isa.42.12 they give glory to the lord, and they will proclaim his praise in the island. Isa.42.13 the lord, the god of held, will come out as a held in a quarreling, he will crie out and crying out out of strength against his enemies. Isa.42.14 i kept silent, and indeed i am silent. i think it like a food, i will grow and drow up together. Isa.42.15 i will put flores into the slanders and the scepter of tors. Isa.42.16 i will bring the blind in a way that they did not know, the ways that they did not know them will i make them. i will make the darkness to light for them, and the crowds in direcce. these things i will do, and i will not leave them. Isa.42.17 they will turn back and will be ashamed those who confids in idols, who say to the idols, you are our gods. Isa.42.18 you gluths, hear, and you blind, see that you see. Isa.42.19 who is blind except my servant and blind? who is blind as my lord? who is blind as i who is blind? who is blind as i who is blind? Isa.42.20 you have seen much, but did not keep you; the ears opened, but you did not listen. Isa.42.21 the lord desired to justify and excellence his praise. Isa.42.22 but this is a desolate and delivered people. they are walking in a ground, and in a ground they have caken them. they have become a plundering, and there is no one who deliver them, a roof, and there is no one who says, pay return! Isa.42.23 who of you will hear this? who will listen to the coming? Isa.42.24 who gave jacob to be a plundering and israel to the plangers? did not the lord, against whom we have sinned? they did not go in his ways to go, nor to hear his law? Isa.42.25 so he punished upon them the wrath of his wrath, and a health was strengthened, so that he could not recognize him, yet he did not recognize him. Isa.43.1 but now so says the lord, your creater, jacob, who forted you, o israel: do not be afraid, for i have delivered you. i have called you the name, you are my. Isa.43.2 if you passes through water, i am with you, and the riviers will not strike you, and if you passes through fire, you will not be burned, and a flame will not burn you. Isa.43.3 for i am the lord your god, the holy of israel, your helper. i have made egypt for your change, etiopian and seba for your behalf. Isa.43.4 since you are precious in my eyes, you are glorified, and i love you, so i give many people on your behalf and people for your sake. Isa.43.5 do not be afraid, for i am with you. i will bring your offspring from the east, and from the west i will gather you. Isa.43.6 i will say to the north, come, and to the west: do not divorce. bring my sons from a distance and my daughters from the ends of the earth, Isa.43.7 everyone who is called to my name, which i have made for my glory, which i have prepared and made it. Isa.43.8 bring out the blind people, who are eyes, and some who are ears. Isa.43.9 all the nations are gathered together, the rulers will come together. who can tell these things from the beginning? let them bring their witnesses and let them be justified, and let them say, it is true. Isa.43.10 you are my witnesses, says the lord, my servant, whom i have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that i am it. before me there has not been god, and after me there will never be. Isa.43.11 i, i am the lord, and there is no help from me. Isa.43.12 i have spoken and delivered, and i proclaim, and there was no one among you. you are my witnesses, says the lord, and i am god. Isa.43.13 yet i was in the beginning of the beginning, and there is no one remaining from my hand. i will do, who will turn to him? Isa.43.14 so says the lord, your redemptor, the holy of israel: for your sake i am sending to babylon and reject all who are escaped, and the chaldeans will bind in the boats. Isa.43.15 i am the lord, your holy one, the creator of israel, your king. Isa.43.16 so says the lord, who gave a way on the sea and the way in a strong water, Isa.43.17 who carried out chars and hors, a mighty people; they fell asleep and are not realized, they were scrolled as a leat. Isa.43.18 do not remember the former things, and do not think the former things. Isa.43.19 behold, i do a new thing; now he grows, and you will understand it? i will make a way in the wilderness, and flores in the wilderness. Isa.43.20 the beast of the field will be blessed me, shakals and strubes, for i have given water in the wilderness and flores in the wilderness, to give drink for my people, my elect. Isa.43.21 this people i have forced for my people, to tell my praise. Isa.43.22 and not now i called you, jacob, and i did not show you, o israel. Isa.43.23 you did not give me the sheep of your offering offering, and with your sacrifices you did not glorify me. i did not practice you with incense. Isa.43.24 you did not look for me a incense for money and did not look me with the grass of your sacrifices. but you rejected me with your sins, me rejected me with your wrongdoing. Isa.43.25 i, i am the one who dels your abominations for me, and i will not remember your iniquities. Isa.43.26 remember me, and let us be judged, tell you, so that you may be justified. Isa.43.27 your first father became trouble, and your rulers became trouble against me. Isa.43.28 so i have defiled the rulers of the holy places, and delivered jacob to destroy, and israel to sin. Isa.44.1 but now hear, my servant jacob, and israel, whom i have chosen. Isa.44.2 so says the lord, your creater, and who has forced you from the moil, now you will help you, fear not, my servant jacob, and you, jesurun, whom i have chosen. Isa.44.3 for i will water water on the thirsty and water in the wilderness. i will cast my spirit on your offspring and my blessing upon your children. Isa.44.4 and they will grow like grass among the water, as graves at the waters of water. Isa.44.5 he will say, i am the lord; one will call in the name of jacob, another will write on the name of god, and in the name of israel. Isa.44.6 so says the lord, the king of israel, his redemptor, the lord of heirs: i am the first and i am the first, and only there is no god. Isa.44.7 who is it like i? let him see and proclaim it, from which i have made a man forever, and let them tell you the things that are coming. Isa.44.8 do not be troubled, do not be deceived from the beginning and told you. you are witnesses, whether there is any god except me. Isa.44.9 all they are hidden and duld, all who do their practices, who do not provide them, but they will be ashamed. Isa.44.10 one who forced god and is duld, so that there is no means? Isa.44.11 all their deeds are withered, and the wicked people will escape. let all be gathered and grow; let them be ashamed and shamed. Isa.44.12 a tear has trained a iron, produces it with tears and makes it with a tear, makes it in his strength with his strength. he is hungry and becomes food, he does not drink water and burn. Isa.44.13 a teading child put in a measure, put in a measure, calling in harmels, calling it in a means, made it like a managing food, like an appearance of man, to put in his house. Isa.44.14 he cut up a tree from the woud, which the lord had planted, and a rain that he had planted. Isa.44.15 it is for a man to burn, and he take it and wart him and break bread in it and break bread on it and worship it for a god and worship it. Isa.44.16 the half of it he brings in fire, the half of the good, he feeds a flesh and will eat. so he remaines and says, ah, i have warned, i have seen a fire! Isa.44.17 to the rest he made a idol of idols, and worshiped him and prayed, saying, red me, for you are my god. Isa.44.18 they do not know and do not understand, for they were rejected for their eyes to see, and their hearts to understand. Isa.44.19 he does not consiste of him, nor has knowledge, nor knowledge, saying, a half of it i have brænted in fire, i have broken bread in his kohts, i kept the flesh and ate. and do i do broken to the rest of it for a abomination? Isa.44.20 he has deceived that it is a seed, they deceive him, and no one can save his soul and say, is no false in my right hand? Isa.44.21 remember these things, jacob and israel, for you are my servant. i have made you a servant, and you, israel, do not neglect me. Isa.44.22 i have cast your sins as a cloud, and your sins like a cloud. return to me, for i have delivered you. Isa.44.23 rejoice, o heavens, for the lord has done! rejoice, o foundation of the earth! grow out, o mountain, in joy, you mountain, and all that is in them! for the lord has delivered jacob and glorified in israel. Isa.44.24 so says the lord, your redemptor, who forced you from the moil of the womb: i am the lord, who makes all things break out the heavens, and i made the earth firm. Isa.44.25 he destroy the signs of the spirits, and deceive the adivents. i put the wise drew back and deceives their wisdom. Isa.44.26 who rejects his servant the word of his servant and deceive the plan of his angels. i who says to jerusalem, you will be dwelling, and to the towns of judah you will be built up. Isa.44.27 who says to the bottomless pit, and i wicks your rives. Isa.44.28 who says to cyrus, he is my regard, and all my desires will he do, saying to jerusalem, you shall be built up, and i will burn the temple of my temple. Isa.45.1 so says the lord to his anointed cyro, whom i seized by his right hand, to keep nations before him, and to short the power of kings, and i will open the door before him, and portes will not be shut. Isa.45.2 i will go before you and rebuild the mountains, i will brise the desils of bronze and break a sound of iron. Isa.45.3 and i will give you the treasures of darkness, and the treasures of visions, that you may know that i am the lord god who calls your name, the god of israel. Isa.45.4 for the sake of my servant jacob and israel, my elect, i called you in your name, i welcomed you, though you did not know me. Isa.45.5 for i am the lord, and there is no god except me. i do not know me, and you did not know me. Isa.45.6 so that from the east of the sun might know that there is no other than me. i am the lord, and there is no one. Isa.45.7 i who build the light and does darkness, who does peace and cread evil. i am the lord, who do all these things. Isa.45.8 flow, you heavens from above, and the cloud raise the righteousness. let the earth grow, and give justice to be grown. i, the lord, have created it. Isa.45.9 alas to the one who defiles to his potter! what does the teep say to the potcher: what do you do to the pottemager: what do you do? for you have no work? Isa.45.10 who says to the father, why do you bear, and why are you in the mother's mother? Isa.45.11 so says the lord, the holy one of israel and his maker: asked me of the things that are coming, ask me concerning my children and the work of my hands. Isa.45.12 i have made the earth and made man on it. i have made the heavens in my hand, and i have commanded all his stars. Isa.45.13 i raised him in righteousness, and in all his ways i will make it right. he will build my city and turn my captives, not as a scepter or a gift, says the lord of heirs. Isa.45.14 so says the lord of israel: the treasure of egypt, the wealth of etiopian, and the seba, men of high, will come over you, they will be your. they will follow you, in chains, they will worship you and pray you, saying, it is in you god, and there is no other god except you. Isa.45.15 yet you, o god of israel, you who are savior, are you god. Isa.45.16 they will be ashamed and turn, all who are attacked to him. they will go in confusion, o islands. Isa.45.17 but israel will be saved by the lord for a eternal salvation. you will not be confunded nor beaten, forever and ever. Isa.45.18 for so says the lord, who created heaven, this is the god, who made the earth and made it: he has created it, yet has not made it in vain, but make it in dwelling: i am the lord, there is no one. Isa.45.19 i have not spoken in secret, in a darkness of earth. i did not say to the offspring of jacob, you seek me in vain. i, the lord, speak the righteousness, declare the truth. Isa.45.20 gather and come out, gather together, you who are saved from the nations! they do not know those who bear their tree, and pray to god who does not save. Isa.45.21 let them understand, draw near, so that they may know together! who has heard these things from the beginning? do that there is known to you? i am god! there is no one except me. god is righteous and salvater except me. Isa.45.22 return to me and be saved, you all of earth! for i am god, and there is no other. Isa.45.23 i have sworned by myself, righteousness came out of my mouth, a word that does not turn: every knee shall bow before me, every tongue will boast to me. Isa.45.24 god says, righteousness and glory will come to him, and all who seek themselves will be ashamed. Isa.45.25 in the lord will be justified and be glorified, all the offspring of israel. Isa.46.1 bel fell, nebo is broken, their idols has become in beast and beasts. you will take them bound, uncovered for a bowle. Isa.46.2 they drew down and carried together, they cannot escape the war, and themselves go in captive. Isa.46.3 hear me, o house of jacob, and all the rest of israel, who takes away from the womb and carry from child. Isa.46.4 as for your elders, i am it. as long as you are old, i will recognize you. i have done, and i will bear, i will take up and save you. Isa.46.5 to which do you compare me? you will show, you deceives! Isa.46.6 those who show gold from the sack and puts the money in the weak and guide an gold and make it a god, and they worship them and worship. Isa.46.7 they bear him on the schulth, they brings him and lay him on his place, and it remains not from his place. they cries to him, he does not listen, neither will he save him from his distress. Isa.46.8 remember these things and repent, repent, you deceives, repent in your heart. Isa.46.9 remember the former things from the age, for i am god, and there is no other. Isa.46.10 i proclaim beforehand the last, and before it was performed, i say, my decision will stand, and i will do whatever i have made. Isa.46.11 i am called a birds from the east, and from a distance from a land that i have delivered me. i have spoken and bring it out, i have made it good. Isa.46.12 hear me, you people of heart, who are far away from the righteousness: Isa.46.13 i have brought my righteousness near, and my salvation does not break. i give salvation in zion, and my glory to israel. Isa.47.1 come down and sit on the earth, daughter, daughter of babylon, sit down in the ground, o daughter of chaldee! for you will no longer be called a heat and a deliver. Isa.47.2 take a stone and dress mel, deceive your veil, declare your cloak, deceive the pigs, go over the riviers. Isa.47.3 your shame will be revealed, your shame will be revealed. i will take justice, and i will not show anyone. Isa.47.4 our redemptor is the lord of the heads, the holy of israel. Isa.47.5 sit around and go in the darkness, o daughter of caldea! for you will no longer be called the great kingdom. Isa.47.6 i was provoked at my people, i defiled my inheritance and gave it in your hand, but you did not show them mercy, on the elder you carried a great last. Isa.47.7 and you said, i will be a ruler forever. you did not take this things in your heart, nor did you remember the last. Isa.47.8 now hear this, o belonging, which dwell in confidence, who say in his heart: i am, and there is no other. i will not sit widow and do not know to waise. Isa.47.9 now these two things will come upon you suddenly, at one day, a widle and a widow. suddenly they will come upon you, with all your trouble, for the strength of your mages. Isa.47.10 for you hope in your malice, you said, no one see me. your wisdom and your wisdom became dishonor for you. you said in your heart, it is i, and there is no other. Isa.47.11 so a destruction will come upon you, and you will not recognize a rop, and a destruction will come upon you, that you will not be rejected, and a destruction will come upon you suddenly and you do not know it. Isa.47.12 stand here in your mages and with your great sorge, which you have encouraged from your youth, can you be strengthened. Isa.47.13 you have stopped in your builds. let them rise and salve you, the guards of heaven, who lives out the stars, and let you know what is about you to come. Isa.47.14 behold, they are like strain; they will burn down with fire, they will not deliver their life from the flaming. there is no glound for fire to sit in them. Isa.47.15 so so will you have been your strengts, which you labored from your youth. each one deceives in his own way, there there will be no salvation for you. Isa.48.1 hear this, o house of jacob, you who are called by the name of israel, and who are coming out of judah, who swears by the name of the lord and remember the god of israel, not in truth or righteousness, Isa.48.2 for they call on the holy city, and are strengthening against the god of israel, the lord of the armées is his name. Isa.48.3 i told still the things, and out of my mouth has come out, and i heard them at once, and so they came. Isa.48.4 because i knew that you are hard, and that your stirn is a fern of iron and your forehead of bronze, Isa.48.5 so i told you long ago, before it was coming, i told you before you had come to you, so that you might not say, my idol have done it, my image and my image commanded it. Isa.48.6 you have heard all this, and you do not understand this? from now on i will proclaim for you new things, which you did not know. Isa.48.7 now it is done, and not long ago, and not in the time you heard them. do not say, i know it. Isa.48.8 you did not know nor recognized, nor have i opened your ears from the beginning. for i knew that you were astonished, and that from the womb he was called to be called. Isa.48.9 for my name's sake i will show my wrath, and for my glory i will make my glory, that i might not destroy you. Isa.48.10 behold, i have delivered you, but not as a silver, i delivered you out of the piece of affliction. Isa.48.11 for my sake i will do to you, for my name is profaned, and i will not give my glory to another. Isa.48.12 hear me, jacob, and israel, whom i am called: i am the first, and i am the first. Isa.48.13 my hand has made the ground of the earth, and my right hand has created heaven. i shall call them, and they will stand together. Isa.48.14 gather, all, and hear, which of them has told these things? he who loves you will do your will against babylon and have the offspring of the chaldeans. Isa.48.15 i spoke, and i called him, i brought him, and i pleased his way. Isa.48.16 come up to me, hear this: from the beginning i have spoken in secret. when it happened, i was there. and now the lord, the lord, sent me and his spirit. Isa.48.17 so says the lord, your redemptor, the holy of israel: i am the lord your god, who shows you to find the way that you will go. Isa.48.18 o, if you obeyed my commandments! then your peace would be like a river and your righteousness like the woal of the sea, Isa.48.19 your offspring would be like sand, your offspring like the sand. your name will not be destroyed and destroyed in my presence. Isa.48.20 go out of babylon, flew from the chaldeans, proclaiming with a loud voice, declared this, declate it to the end of the earth, saying, the lord has delivered his servant jacob. Isa.48.21 they were thirsty, when he brought them during the wilderness. he stricked for them water from a rock, he broke a rock, and water flowed. Isa.48.22 for for the ungodly there is no peace, says the lord. Isa.49.1 hear me, you islands, and take attention, o strands of times! the lord has called my name from the boot of my mother. Isa.49.2 he made my mouth it like a sharp sword, in the shadow of his hand he made me hidden, and has set me in his sorrow, Isa.49.3 and he said to me, you are my servant, israel, and in you i will be glorified. Isa.49.4 but i said, in vain i have labored, and in vain and in vain i gave my power. but my judgment is from the lord, and my reason is before my god. Isa.49.5 and now says the lord who had forced me from the boot for his servant, to bring jacob to him, and israel will gather to him. i will be glorified in the presence of the lord, and my god is my power. Isa.49.6 he said, it is much for you that you would be my servant to make the tribes of jacob and turn to return the scattering of israel. i have made you a light for the gentiles, that you may be my salvation until the end of the earth. Isa.49.7 so says the lord, your redemptor, the god of israel, his holy one who defiles him, to the servant of the rulers: kings will see it and rise, rulers will worship for the sake of the lord, who is faithful, for the sake of the holy one of israel, who chose you. Isa.49.8 so says the lord: in the acceptable time i have heard you, and in the day of salvation i have helped you, and i will give you a covenant for the nations, to destroy the land and destroy the desolate error. Isa.49.9 to say to the prisoners: come out! to those who are in the darkness: be revealed! in the ways they will weight, and in all the heavens their rest will be weight. Isa.49.10 they do not hungry, neither thirst; the heuning and sun will not strike them, but their mercy will make them encourage, and he will bring them by waters of water. Isa.49.11 i will put all my mountains to way, and my voies will be made trouble. Isa.49.12 behold, these are coming from distance, these are from the north and from the sea, and others from the land of persia. Isa.49.13 rejoice, o heavens, and rejoice, o earth, break out of joy, o mountains! for the lord has compassed his people and consoled his devout. Isa.49.14 but zion said, the lord has forgiven me, and the lord has forgotted me. Isa.49.15 shall a woman vergeet her child, so that she may not have mercy on the child of her womb? and even if they have unlifted, i will not vergeet you. Isa.49.16 behold, i have put you in the hands, your wall are always before me. Isa.49.17 your children will come quickly, your desolers and your desolaters will come out of you. Isa.49.18 leave your eyes and see at all: they are gathered together, they come to you. so i live, says the lord, you will put them all in the clothing, and you will put them out as a bridegroom. Isa.49.19 for your ruins and your destruct, and your rushed land will now be grain for those who dwell in it, and those who devour you will be taken away. Isa.49.20 you will say in your ears your children, which have been destroyed, the place is for me. do to me a place that i may dwell. Isa.49.21 and you will say in your heart, who gave me these? i was without children and widow, but who has forgiven them? behold, i was left one. where were they? where were they? Isa.49.22 so says the lord, behold, i will raise my hand to the nations, and i will raise my banner to the nations, and they will bring your sons in the sench and bear your daughters on the schults. Isa.49.23 and kings will be your honor, and your rulers your foolis. on the face of the earth they will worship you and leave the stof of your feet. and you will know that i am the lord, and they will not be ashamed. Isa.49.24 will anyone take a roof from the helper, or the captive will escape by captive? Isa.49.25 for so so says the lord: even the captive will be saved, and the weaster of the held will be saved, and i will judge with your deeds, and i will deliver your children. Isa.49.26 and i will eat your afflictors their flesh and drink their blood as a wine. and all flesh will know that i am the lord, your redemptor, and your redemptor, the strong of jacob. Isa.50.1 so says the lord: where is the letter of distribution of your mother, with which i had sent it? or to which of my believers i have delivered you? for for your sins you were sold, and for your abominations your mother has been sent. Isa.50.2 why was there not one man when i came? why was no one who called? did not my hand be strengthened to deliver, or i have no strength to escape? behold, in my disobedience i destroy the sea, i put the rivers in desolate place, their fish, because there is no water, and they mortos in soifs. Isa.50.3 i west heaven with darkness and put in sackcloth his clothing. Isa.50.4 the lord gave me a tongue of children, that i may know at the time when i ought speaking the word. he lay them early in the morning and allowed me to hear. Isa.50.5 the lord, the lord has opened my ears, and i was not disobedient, i did not resist. Isa.50.6 i have given my teep to the striking, and my wands to strike. i did not turn my face to shame and spit. Isa.50.7 for the lord, the lord, has helped me, therefore i did not be humilied. i have set my face like a rock, and i know that i will not be ashamed. Isa.50.8 near is one who justify me. who can judge with me? let him stand together. who is the one who contends with me? let him come to me! Isa.50.9 behold, the lord lord helks me. who will forgive me? behold, all you will become old as a robe, the moth will devore you. Isa.50.10 who among you fear the lord, and listen to the voice of his servant? who walks in darkness and does not have light? make it confidence in the name of the lord and set your strength at god? Isa.50.11 behold, you all are burned of fire and carried a flame, go in the light of your fire and in the flame that you have carried out. this is your reason for me, you will dorm in sorrow. Isa.51.1 hear me, you who seek to the right, you who seek to the lord! see to the rock that you have taken up, and to the ground of the cistern that you have caken out. Isa.51.2 look at abraham, your father, and to sara who became birth of you! for in one man i called him, and i blessed him and multiplied him. Isa.51.3 for the lord consoles sion, he consoles all its desolate places, he will make its wilth like a garden and its wilderness like the paradid of the lord. joy and joy will find in it, a praise and the voice of praise. Isa.51.4 hear me, my people, listen to me, my people! for the law will come from me, and my judgment will be to light for the nations. Isa.51.5 my righteousness comes near, my salvation will come as a light, and my arms will expect nations. the islands will endure me, and they will hope in my arm. Isa.51.6 lead up your eyes to heaven, and look at the earth below, for the heavens will come like a smoke, and the earth will come like a robe, and the dwells of the earth will sterwe, as these things. but my salvation will be forever and my righteousness will not turn. Isa.51.7 hear me, you who know justice, o people in whom my law is my law! fear not the reproach of men and do not be afraid for their tribes. Isa.51.8 for the fish will eat them as a robe, and a west will be consumed as a wolle, but my righteousness will be forever and my salvation for generations. Isa.51.9 rise, wake, and put on the ground of your arm! be waken as you were in the beginning of the age. are not you? Isa.51.10 did you not desolate the sea, the water of a great direcce, which distributed the debt of the sea for a journey of those who deliver them? Isa.51.11 so the redempts of the lord will return and come to zion with joy, and eternal joy will be upon their head. joy and joy will find them, and anguish and weeping will flee. Isa.51.12 i, i am the one who exhorts you. who is you that you fear of a man who is dead and of the son of man, who is like the grass? Isa.51.13 and you have forgotten the lord, your maker, who has made heaven and themelet the earth, and at all days fear you every day for the wrath of the oppressor, when he decided to destroy you? where is the wrath of the oppressor? Isa.51.14 for in your salvation there will not be suffered, neither will it be necessary. Isa.51.15 for i am the lord your god, who built the sea, and its waves are with it. the lord of the armées is my name. Isa.51.16 i lay my words in your mouth, and under the shadow of my hand i will keep you, while i made the heavens and to fund the earth and say to zion: you are my people. Isa.51.17 rise up, waise up, rise, jerusalem, you who made out the cup of his wrath from the hand of the lord, for you have drinking the cup of the bearing of the bearing of the bear. Isa.51.18 from all the children that she has enfanted there is no one who delivered it to her, from all the children who he has taken up. Isa.51.19 these two things belongs to you, who bears you a grief, a ruck, a famine and a sword. who will encourage you? Isa.51.20 your sons were troubled, around at the ends of all gathers, as a antilop in an antilow, full of the wrath of the lord, belonging to your god. Isa.51.21 so hear this, you district and drunk, but not of wine. Isa.51.22 so says the lord your god, your god, who judge his people: behold, i have take the cup of the destruction out of your hand, the cup of my wrath. you shall no longer drink it. Isa.51.23 i will put it in the hand of those who afflicted you, who said to you, turn, so that we may go through. and you laid your foot like the earth, and for those who are going out. Isa.52.1 arise, be waken, put on your ground, o zion, put on your glory, jerusalem, holy city! for no uncircumcised and unclean man will never come in you. Isa.52.2 short the stof, rise and sit down, jerusalem! defile your cloak, o captive daughter of zion! Isa.52.3 for so says the lord said: you were sold without food, and you will be redeed by silver. Isa.52.4 for so says the lord says, my people went down to egypt at the first time, to dwelling there, and ashuur devoted him. Isa.52.5 and now what is it that i am here? for my people has been taken for nothing without a cause? it is looking for it, says the lord, and my name is blasphemed always for every day. Isa.52.6 therefore my people will know my name in that day, that i am the one who says, behold, i am. Isa.52.7 how great are the feet on the mounts, the feet of the gospel who preach peace, who preach good news, who preach salvation, saying to zion, your god is king! Isa.52.8 there is a voice of your guards, they grow their voice, together they rejoice, for they will see in his eyes, when the lord will turn to zion. Isa.52.9 clothing, rejoicing together, o ruines of jerusalem! for the lord has compassed her and delivered jerusalem. Isa.52.10 the lord opened his holy arm in the presence of all the nations, and all the extreces of the earth will see the salvation of god. Isa.52.11 depart, go, go out from there, do not touch what is unclean, go out of her, depart, you who bring the wages of the lord! Isa.52.12 for you will not go out in wait and not go in nature, for the lord will go before you, and the god of israel will go with you. Isa.52.13 behold, my servant will understand and be exalted, and he will be glorified in great glory. Isa.52.14 as many were expected for you, so was your appearance unexpected, and your aspect was like the people. Isa.52.15 so many nations will marry at him, and kings will gather their mouth, for they will see what they did not proclaim, and they will understand what they did not have heard. Isa.53.1 who believed what we heard, and to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed? Isa.53.2 he turned before him like a child, like a wortel in a ground land. there was no appearance of him, nor glory. we saw him, and he was not belonging to him. Isa.53.3 he was defiled with his knowledge, a man of plague and knowledge of soffering. he was despised, and we were not regarded. Isa.53.4 yet he carried our dolores and carried our dolores. but we thought that he was being afflicted, being afflicted and afflicted. Isa.53.5 but he was hered for our trespasses, being bound for our sins. the discipline of our peace was upon him, and for his winter we were healed. Isa.53.6 we deceived all, like sheep, we deceived all his way, and the lord gave him away for all our sins. Isa.53.7 he was afflicted, and was afflicted, and he was not opened his mouth. like a sheep he was led at a slaughter, and like a sheep before him who strives him, so he was not opening his mouth. Isa.53.8 in his humiliation he was carried away, and who has told his generation? for he has taken away from the land of life? for he was carried away from the ground of my people? Isa.53.9 his tomb was made for the evil, but in his death he was in his death, because he did not do wrong, nor was a deceit found in his mouth. Isa.53.10 and the lord was willing to make him clean for his plague. if you would give your soul for a sinning, he will see a offspring, and the lord desires to take it away. Isa.53.11 for the moot of his soul he will show it and be done. by his understanding the righteous servant will justify many things, and he will bring their sins. Isa.53.12 therefore i will give his possession for many, and with the mighty will he give a striking, because he has delivered his life to death, and he was counted by the ungodliness. he has carried the sin of many and has delivered his sins. Isa.54.1 rejoice, o barren, you who does not bear, rejoice and cry, you who are not in birth! for the children of the desolate children are more than those who have a husband, says the lord. Isa.54.2 open the place of your tent, despise the tends of your tent. do not spare, make your cords longer and be strengthened your pigs. Isa.54.3 for you will break on the right hand and at the left, and your offspring will inherit nations and burn in desolate cities. Isa.54.4 do not be afraid, for you will not be ashamed, do not be ashamed. for you will vergeet for the shame of eternal, and you will not remember your widows. Isa.54.5 for your master is your master, the lord of the heads is his name, and your redemptor is the god of israel, he is called to all the earth. Isa.54.6 for as a district and defiled woman called you the lord, not as a woman of birth, which was defiled, said your god. Isa.54.7 a little while i have left you, but with great mercy i will have you mercy. Isa.54.8 in a little wrath i have cast my face from you in a little wrath, but with eternal mercy i will have mercy on you, says the lord, your redemptor. Isa.54.9 for this is for me as the water of noah, since i looked that long time to the earth, so i swore that no further will be wrath upon you and not provoke you. Isa.54.10 for the mounts will turn and the coll wanders, but my mercy will not escape from you, and the covenant of my peace will not wands, says the lord, who is your mercy. Isa.54.11 you mighty, rusting, wicked, not widly! behold, i will prepare your stone in burn, and in safir your foundation. Isa.54.12 i will put your rostings in rubin, and your gates with kristalls, and all your district of precious stones. Isa.54.13 all your children will be taught of the lord, and great are the peace of your children. Isa.54.14 in righteousness you will build, you will be removed from violence, and you will not fear, and trembling will not be held to you. Isa.54.15 behold, the proselyts will come to you for my sake, and they will flee against you. Isa.54.16 behold, i have created a cover who tears a chargone and brings a vase for his work, and i have created the destruction to destroy. Isa.54.17 no one vessel that brings against you will be prospered, and every voice that will rise against you for judgment, you will receive them. this is the inheritance of the servants of the lord, and their righteousness is for me, says the lord. Isa.55.1 you who are thirsty, go on the water, and you who do not have silver, go, buy and drink, without money of silver and silver. Isa.55.2 why are you encouraged for money, and your moil to do not be satisfied? hear me, and you will eat my good, and your soul becomes good in the good. Isa.55.3 listen to your ears, and come to me! hear, and your soul shall live. and i will make a eternal covenant with you, the faithful things of david. Isa.55.4 behold, i have given him a testimony among the nations, a ruler and ruler for the nations. Isa.55.5 behold, you shall cry nations, which you did not know, and people, who do not know you will flee to you for the sake of the lord, your god, and for the holy of israel, for he glorified you. Isa.55.6 seek the lord while he finds it, cry him while he is near. Isa.55.7 let the ungodly forgive his way, and the ungodly his purpose, and let him turn to the lord, and he will be mercy, and to our god, for he will forgive for much. Isa.55.8 for my mind are not your mind, and your ways are not my ways, says the lord. Isa.55.9 for as heaven are above more than the earth, so are my ways larg than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isa.55.10 for as a rain and a sneg comes down from heaven and does not return, but drunk the earth and produces it and grow it up, and give offspring to the sower and bread for the food, Isa.55.11 so will my word, which has gone out of my mouth: he will not return to me, but does out of what i am willing, and give prospere to what i have commanded. Isa.55.12 for with joy you will come out, and in joy you will be instructed, the mountains and the coll will crie out with joy for you, and all the tree of the country plunder in the hands. Isa.55.13 in the place of the ruin there will grow cypress, in the place of the stear will take a myrten up. and it will be a name of the lord, a eternal sign, which will not be destroyed. Isa.56.1 so says the lord: keep justice and do justice, for my salvation is at hand, and my mercy is revealed. Isa.56.2 blessed is the man who does this and the man who hold this, who guards the sabbath, so that he does not profane and strength his hand from do no wrong! Isa.56.3 let not the extranjert who has come to the lord do not say, the lord will separate me from his people. and the eunuch do not say, i am a withered tree. Isa.56.4 for so says the lord so to the eunuchs who keep my sabbath and choose what i want, and hold fast by my covenant, Isa.56.5 i will give them in my house and in my mures a place and a name of more than sons and daughters. i will give them a eternal name, which will not be destroyed. Isa.56.6 and the others who are alienated to the lord to serve him and to love the name of the lord, to be his servants, all who keep the sabbath, so that they should not profane it and hold fast on my covenant, Isa.56.7 them i will bring into my holy mountain and rejoice them in my house of prayer. their sacrifices and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar, for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations. Isa.56.8 so says the lord who gathered the disperses of israel, for i will gather a crowd against them. Isa.56.9 all the beasts of the wilderness, come and eat, all the beasts of the woud! Isa.56.10 all they are looking out, they have not recognized, they are all burning. they are not able to lay, sleeping mounds, love looking. Isa.56.11 and these hundred hungs who do not be satisfied, and these are those who do not know understanding. all they are following their voies, each one for his own affection. Isa.57.1 the righteous is destroyed, and no one receives it in his heart. the righteous men are carried away, and no one knows, for the righteous is taken away from the presence of evil. Isa.57.2 he will come in peace, in peace, they come away in their midst. Isa.57.3 but come here to you, little children, o offspring of adultery and sexual immorality. Isa.57.4 against whom you shult you? against whom open your mouth, and against whom spread your tongue? are you not children of foolish, a offspring of transgression? Isa.57.5 you who are charged with idols under every ground tree, slaining your children in the beast, among the rocks? Isa.57.6 it is your part, it is your lot, so you are your lot, and for them you gave the drink, and offered sacrifices to them. so i will not be indigned by these? Isa.57.7 on a high mountain, you have your bed, and there you ascends to offer sacrifices. Isa.57.8 after the peasting of your door you laid your remember; for if you had taken away from me, you would love it more, you loved those who fell with you. Isa.57.9 and you went down to the king with a sald, and you multiplied your district. you sent your messengers on your country, and you were humilied to the sheol. Isa.57.10 you were strengthened for your crowds, but you did not say: " there is a mode! for you have sold these things, therefore you did not have revealed me. Isa.57.11 for whom did you fear and fear, for you have been deceived, and you did not remember me and not take me in your heart? do i do not belonging to me at any longer, and you did not fear me? Isa.57.12 i will preach your righteousness of your righteousness, which they will not prove for you. Isa.57.13 when you cries, let the people red you in your affliction, and the wind will take them all, and the wind will take them all. but the one who hold fast to me will inherit the earth and inherit my holy mountain. Isa.57.14 he will say, clean, let your way clean, take break from the way of my people! Isa.57.15 for so says the most high god, who dwell in the age, who dwell in eternal place, which is holy in the holy place, suffering and reason in holiness, and to give life to the defiled heart. Isa.57.16 for i will not dømme you forever, and i will not be encouraged for all time, for the spirit will come from my spirit and the souls that i did. Isa.57.17 for the sentence of their sake i indigned him, and i distributed him, i turned my face and was distressed, but he went away, afterward in his way. Isa.57.18 i have seen his ways and heal, and i will heal him and give him a trouble of faithful. Isa.57.19 i will give peace for peace, to peace for those who are far away and for those who are near. Isa.57.20 but the unrighteous will sweep, and they will not find rest. Isa.57.21 for to the ungodly there is no peace, says my god. Isa.58.1 call out with power, do not spare, expect your voice like a trumpet, and tell my people their sins, and to the house of jacob their sins. Isa.58.2 they seek me every day and desires to know my ways as a people who does good in righteousness and not forgive the judgment of his god. they ask me righteous judgment, desires to draw near to god. Isa.58.3 why have we fasted, and you do not see it? why are we humilied our souls, and you do not know it? behold, in the days of your fasting you will find your desire and destroy all your strength. Isa.58.4 behold, you fasting for condemnation and quarreling, and to strike with the human winds. you do not fast so as this, so that your voice may be heard in the cry. Isa.58.5 is not this fasting that i have chosen, the day when a man afflict his soul, that lay down your cloak like a burg and put a sack and a seed, do you call a fasting of fasting and fasting? Isa.58.6 is not such the fasting that i have chosen, so that you release the chains of unrighteousness, deceive the bands of the violence, and send away those who are distributed, and despise every despise? Isa.58.7 do you not break your bread with the honger and bring the poor people in your house as you see a naked and clott it from your household. Isa.58.8 then your light will break as earnestly, and your healing will come soon. your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the lord will provide you. Isa.58.9 then you will cry, and the lord will listen, while you are still speaking, he will say, behold, i am! if you have taken away a rop from you, and a strict and a discussion, Isa.58.10 if you give your soul to the hungry and replete the sound soul, then your light will light in the darkness, and your darkness will be like midday. Isa.58.11 and the lord will be for you always, and he will emply your soul like a grave, and he will strength your bears, and you will be like a garden of water, like a spring that water does not defile. Isa.58.12 the ruins of you will build the eternal round, and you will burn the foundation of generations in generations, and you will be called the builder of district and the direct round in the district. Isa.58.13 if you turn your foot from the sabbath, so that you do not do your desires on the holy day, and you shall call the sabbath a feast, holy day of the lord, when you are holy in the day of the day, as it is holy for the lord. Isa.58.14 then you will be faithful in the lord, and i will bring you up to the ground of the land, and i will give you the inheritance of your father jacob. for the mouth of the lord has spoken. Isa.59.1 behold, the hand of the lord is not for strong to save, nor has his ear bearted to hear, Isa.59.2 but your sins are divided among you and your god, and your sins have cast his face from you, so that he would not find mercy. Isa.59.3 for your hands are ground with blood, and your fingers with sins. your lips proclaim lawlessness, your tongue deceives lawlessness. Isa.59.4 no one deceives to justify, nor is condemnation for true. they fall on vain and speak in vain, they beat wicked and produces violence. Isa.59.5 they cars ofes of serpents and tears a tear of wheat. the one who eat of their eights will eat, and if he brises, there is a read. Isa.59.6 their gards will not be a robe, and they will not be clothed by their works. their works are lawlessness. Isa.59.7 their feet springs to evil, and they rapid to verse blood, their thoughts are thoughts of foolish, a destroying and destroying is in their ways. Isa.59.8 the way of peace they do not know, and there is no judgment on their roads. their voies are torning. whatever go on them does not know peace. Isa.59.9 therefore the judgment is away from them, and righteousness will not find us. we endure light, and behold, it is darkness, and we walk in darkness. Isa.59.10 we call the wall as blind, are looking as eyes who are not in eyes. they fall in the midst, like in the midnight, we are like morning. Isa.59.11 we are together like a doir and like a dove; we bear justice, but there is no salvation, there is far away from us. Isa.59.12 for our rebelious are great before you, and our sins testify against us, for our sins are against us, and our wrongdoing we know. Isa.59.13 we have deceived and denounced god and depart from our god. we have spoken false and disobedient, performed and rejected false words against our god. Isa.59.14 so the judgment turned back, and the righteousness stand from far away, for the truth dwell in the road, and the right is not able to come. Isa.59.15 so the truth is removed, and the person is removed from understanding. and the lord saw it, and it was not pleasing in him that there was no judgment. Isa.59.16 and he saw that there was no one, and he considered that there was no one to help. so his hand hawed him, and his righteousness was strengthened. Isa.59.17 and he put the righteousness as a panzer, and put on his head a helm of salvation. he defiled the cloak of wrath and the clothing. Isa.59.18 so how a reward will repay for the adversary of their enemies. Isa.59.19 then they will fear the name of the lord from west, and the glory of his glory from the east. for he will come as a district flood, the wrath of the lord will destroy them. Isa.59.20 and for zion he will come who deliveres, and turn away from jacob the ungodliness. Isa.59.21 and this is my covenant with them, says the lord: my spirit that is on you, and the words that i have put in your mouth do not depart from your mouth or of the mouth of your offspring, says the lord, from now on and forever. Isa.60.1 rise, be light, for your light comes, and the glory of the lord has come upon you. Isa.60.2 for behold, darkness cows earth and light, and over you the lord appears, and his glory appeares upon you. Isa.60.3 the nations will go in your light, and kings to your bright. Isa.60.4 lift your eyes around and see: all are gathered, they come to all. your sons come from a distance, your daughters will be carried on the hombro. Isa.60.5 then you will see and fear, and your heart will be treated, for the riches of the sea will turn into you, and the nations will come to you. Isa.60.6 kames of camel will deceive you, a cammels of midian and epha. all they will come from sheba, bringing gold and incense and preach the praise of the lord. Isa.60.7 all the sheep of kedar shall come together to you, the judges of nebajoth will come to you. they will be offered as acceptable on my altar, and i will glorify the house of my glory. Isa.60.8 who are those who flew like nubes and like pigeons with his daughters? Isa.60.9 for me look the island, and the boats of tarsis at first, to bring your children from the distance, their silver and gold with them for the name of the lord your god and for the holy of israel, for he glorify you. Isa.60.10 and others will build your mures, and their kings will be your servants. for in my wrath i have killed you, but in my mercy i have received you mercy. Isa.60.11 your ports will be continued always, and day and night they will not shut, that the power of the nations may bring to you and bring their kings. Isa.60.12 for the nations and the kingdom who will not serve you will perish, and the nations will be destroyed. Isa.60.13 the glory of the liban will come to you, cyprus and cyprus and cypress, to share the place of my holy things. Isa.60.14 and a mighty man who afflict you will go to you and provoke you, and you will be called the city of the lord, to zion, the holy of israel. Isa.60.15 for you have been forgiven and hated, and there was no one to help you, i will make you a eternal large, a joy of generations in generations. Isa.60.16 you will wish the milk of the nations, and you will eat the abundance of the kings, and you will know that i, the lord, is your save, and who deliver you out, o god of israel. Isa.60.17 in place of bronze i bring gold, and tkht of iron i will bring you silver, and place of tree bronze and stone for stones. i will give your rulers peace and righteousness for your overseers. Isa.60.18 there will be no further fame heard in your land, violence and destruction in your regions, but you will call your mures salvation and your gates a praise. Isa.60.19 the sun will not be light for you in day, nor even the moon will light you in the night, but the lord will be your eternal light, and your god will be your glory. Isa.60.20 your sun will not come down, and your moon will not short, for the lord will be your eternal light, and the days of your mourn will be fulfilled. Isa.60.21 your people will have all righteous, and they will inherit the earth for ever. they will keep my plant, the work of his hands as glory. Isa.60.22 the malor will become many, and the least will become a great nation. i, the lord, will recognize them in his time. Isa.61.1 the spirit of the lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to preach the poor, he sent me to heal those who are distributed by the heart, to preach the forgiveness and the blind reason, Isa.61.2 to call the year of the lord acceptable and day of reward, to encourage all who mourn, Isa.61.3 and give to the mourn of zion a glory for seed, a excellence of joy for the weasting of joy, a reason of glory for the spirit of grain. they shall called the generations of righteousness, a plant of the lord to glory. Isa.61.4 they will build the desolate desolate desolate desolate places, they will restore the wildings of desolate places in generations. Isa.61.5 others will come and shepherd your sheep, and others will be shepherds and vineyards. Isa.61.6 but you shall be called the priests of the lord, a minister of god. you will eat the power of the nations, and be amazed in their riches. Isa.61.7 so they will inherit the land in the second time and a eternal joy on their head. Isa.61.8 for i, the lord, loves the righteousness, hates a rop of violence, and i will give to them their violence and make a eternal covenant with them. Isa.61.9 and their offspring will be known among the nations, and their offspring among the nations; all who see them will know that they are a offspring of blessed by the lord. Isa.61.10 i will rejoice in the lord, my soul will rejoice in my lord, for he put me in the robes of salvation, the robe of salvation, as a bridegroom put on me as a bridegroom and a bridegroom as a bridegroom. Isa.61.11 for as the earth produces his ground, and as a garden produces his offspring, so the lord, the lord, will give up righteousness and praise before all nations. Isa.62.1 because of zion i will not silence, and for jerusalem i will not be silent, until my righteousness comes like a light and my salvation like a flame of fire. Isa.62.2 the nations will see your righteousness, and all the kings your glory. they will call you a new name, which the lord will proclaim. Isa.62.3 you will be a belong crown in the hand of the lord and a diadema of kingdom in the hand of your god. Isa.62.4 you will no longer be called there, and your land will not be called a wilderness, for you will be called your will and your land in house. Isa.62.5 for as a young man houses with a virgin, so your sons will live with you. as the bridegroom rejoices of his bridegroom, so your god will rejoice over you. Isa.62.6 on your mures, jerusalem, i set guards; all the day and all the night they will not silence, you who remember the lord. Isa.62.7 and let him not be reason to make up jerusalem, so as he will make it a reason on the earth. Isa.62.8 the lord has swore by his right hand and by his strong arm: i will no longer give your wine the food for your enemies, and others will not drink your wine in which you have been borined. Isa.62.9 but those who are gathered will eat it and praise the lord, and those who are gathered will drink it in my holy laces. Isa.62.10 go, go through the gates, make the way to the people! struck, exact the way, leave the stones, take a bander for the nations! Isa.62.11 behold, the lord has heard to the end of the earth: say to the daughter of zion: behold, your savior is coming. behold, his reward are with him, and his work before him. Isa.62.12 and they shall call them the holy people, the redempts of the lord, and you shall be called a seeking city, not left. Isa.63.1 who is this who comes from edom, a rop of round from bosor? this is a visice of violence for his strength? i am act of righteousness, which is a reason for salvation? Isa.63.2 why is your garment schild and your garments like one of the one who suffers in the winepress? Isa.63.3 " i was filled with mourn, both of the nations was not with me. i treated them in my wrath, and i trampled them in my wrath, and i trampled them with my wrath. Isa.63.4 for the day of reward was reason for them, and the year of redemption has come. Isa.63.5 i looked, but there was no helper, i turned, but there was no one to help. then my arm was delivered them, and my wrath came upon them. Isa.63.6 so i treated them in my wrath and brought their blood down in the ground of my wrath. Isa.63.7 i will remember the mercy of the lord, the praise of the lord in all the things that the lord has done to us, to the house of israel, which he gave us according to his mercy, according to his great mercy. Isa.63.8 he said, they are my people, children, who are not rejected. so he was their salvation. Isa.63.9 in all their afflictions he was afflicted, and the angel of his own presence has save them. by their love and love he redeed them, and he took them and took them all the days of the age. Isa.63.10 but they were contempted and provoked his holy spirit. so he turned to their enemy and was against them. Isa.63.11 and for an eternal time he remembered the sheep of the sheep of the sheep of the sheep. where is he who has laid the holy spirit in them? Isa.63.12 who brought the glory of his glory in the right hand of moses, who stricked the water before them, to make it a eternal name? Isa.63.13 who brought them through the bottomless pit, as a horse in the wilderness, and they did not burn? Isa.63.14 as a beast descends down in the vallée, the spirit of the lord learned them. so you brought your people to make for you a glory of glory. Isa.63.15 see from heaven, and see from your holy and glorious house. where is your jealousy and your might? the multitude of your mercy and your mercy are reason for me. Isa.63.16 for you are our father, for abraham does not know us, and israel has not recognized us. you, lord, are our father, our deliverer from the beginning. Isa.63.17 why, o lord, you have deceived us from your ways, and endured our heart, so that we may not fear you? turn back for your servants, the tribes of your heirs. Isa.63.18 for a little while your holy mountain was inherit, our enemies has trampled your sanctuarity. Isa.63.19 we were like one who you did not began, as you did not call your name. Isa.64.1 we were like one who you did not began, as you did not call your name. Isa.64.2 as a fire burned out of fire, the fire brings out your adversaries, so that the name of your name be opened for your enemies, and the nations trembling for your presence! Isa.64.3 when you made such things, we were trembling, the mountains were taken from your presence. Isa.64.4 as for the age, we did not heard, neither heard no sight any god except you, which will do to those who expect him. Isa.64.5 we have appointed the righteous things who do just, and remember your ways. behold, you were indignant, and we have sinned, therefore we have deceived. Isa.64.6 we all were like unclean, and all our righteousness are like a means of seed. we have become all like a blass, and our deeds brought us like wind. Isa.64.7 yet there is no one who call on your name, who has remembered to be strengthened to you, for you have cast your face from us, and you have delivered us over our sins. Isa.64.8 yet now, o lord, you are our father, we are leem, and we are gone, and we are all the work of your hands. Isa.64.9 do not be angry, o god, and do not remember our sins in time. see, see that we are all your people. Isa.64.10 your holy city has become a wilderness, siion has become a wilderness, jerusalem a desolate place. Isa.64.11 our holy and glory, our holy house, which our fathers blessed, was burned of fire, and all our reason is destroyed. Isa.64.12 do you still remain, o lord? do you keep silent, and you will afflict us greatly? Isa.65.1 i found those who did not ask me, i found those who did not ask me. i said, behold, i am here! i have told the nation that they did not call my name. Isa.65.2 i stretched my hands on the whole day to a disobedient people, who walk on a wicked way after their deeds. Isa.65.3 people who continually provoked me in my presence, offering sacrifices in the ĝardens and burn incense on the cegs, Isa.65.4 who leads in the tombs and lives in the spits, those who eat eating of glass and their weasures is full of foolis. Isa.65.5 they say, leave me, do not draw near to me, for i am clean. this is a rook for my wrath, a fire that burns for all days. Isa.65.6 behold, it is written in my presence: i will not silence, until i pay to their side. Isa.65.7 their sins and the sins of their fathers, says the lord, who offered incense on the mountains and insulted me in the collines. i will repay them their works in their boot. Isa.65.8 so says the lord: as it finds a druck in a druck, so they say, do not destroy it, for there is a blessing in it. so i will do for my servants, not to destroy them all. Isa.65.9 and i will bring offspring from jacob, and from judah the inheritance of my mountains. and my elect will inherit it, and my servants will dwell there. Isa.65.10 and sharon will be a leating bound, and the beast of achor for a rest of sheep, for my people who were seeking me. Isa.65.11 but you who left me and vergeet my holy mountain, who prepared table for the demons and complete the bank for a banch, Isa.65.12 i will give you in the sword, and you will all fall to sword, for i called you, and you did not obey. i have spoken to what was evil in my eyes, and you chose what was evil in my eyes. Isa.65.13 therefore so says the lord, behold, my servants will eat, but you shall hungry; my servants will drink, but you will thirst; my servants will rejoice, but you will be ashamed. Isa.65.14 behold, my servants will rejoice in your joy, but you will cry on the mourn of your heart, and you will waise out of the affliction of the spirit. Isa.65.15 and you will left your name to my elect to my elect, and the lord lord will kill you. but he will call his servants a new name. Isa.65.16 the one who will be blessed in the land will be blessed in the god of true, and whoever swears in the earth will swear by the true god. for the first tribulation will be forgotten and look on my eyes. Isa.65.17 for behold, i do a new heaven and a new earth, and the former will not be remembered, and they will not come in their hearts. Isa.65.18 but rejoice and rejoice in this, for behold, i will make jerusalem a joy and my people for joy. Isa.65.19 i will rejoice over jerusalem and rejoice over my people, and no longer will be heard in it any voice of weeping or a voice of cry. Isa.65.20 there will no man be there a little, or an old man who does not fulfill his days, for the young child will be a hundred years, and a sinner of hundred years will be cursed. Isa.65.21 they will build houses and abide in them, and plant vineyards and eat their fruit. Isa.65.22 they will not build others, and others dwell there. they will not plant and others eat, for the days of my people will be as the days of a tree, and my people will turn the works of their deeds. Isa.65.23 they will not think in vain and bear children for a curse, for they will be the offspring of the blessed of the lord, and their descends will be with them. Isa.65.24 before they cries, i will listen, while they still speak, i will listen. Isa.65.25 wolf and lamb will weight together, the lion will eat foot as the ox, and the serpent will be a ground of serpent. they will not turn or destroy on my holy mountain, says the lord. Isa.66.1 so says the lord: heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. what is the house that you build for me, and where is the place of my rest? Isa.66.2 for my hand has done all these things, and so all these things were made, says the lord. but i will see to the humble and silent, and who treasures on my word. Isa.66.3 the one who sacrifices a oxen, though a hund beat a hund, who offerds a hund, who offers a fish, as a blood of round. he gave the incense to remember, as a blasphemer. they chose their ways, and their soul desires their abominations. Isa.66.4 so i will chosen them their deeds and repay them for their sins, for i called them, and they did not listen to me, i spoke, and they did not listen, but did what was evil in my eyes, and chose what they did not want. Isa.66.5 hear the word of the lord, you who treasure for his word! say, our brothers, those who hates us and abomines for the name of the lord, let him be glorified in their rejoicing, but they will be ashamed. Isa.66.6 a voice of cry from the city, a voice from the temple! the voice of the lord who repay reward his adversaries. Isa.66.7 before she was anguish, she became child; before his anguish came, she beat a male child. Isa.66.8 who has heard such a thing? who has seen such? the earth has distributed the land in one day, or a nation has been born again? for zion has beared and born her children? Isa.66.9 do i give the birth of the children, and do not give children? says the lord. will i give birth and give children? says your god. Isa.66.10 rejoice in jerusalem, and rejoice in it all who love it! rejoice in it, all who sure in it! Isa.66.11 so that you may want you and be satisfied by the brust of her comfort, so that you may defile and turn from the entrance of her glory. Isa.66.12 for so says the lord says, behold, i will take up peace to them as a river and the glory of the gentiles as a bearing flood. they will take their children in the hombro, and on their knees they will encourage. Isa.66.13 as one who consoles his mother, so i will comfort you, and in jerusalem you will be consoled. Isa.66.14 you will see it and rejoice, and your hearts will rejoice as a grain. and the hand of the lord will know his servants, and he will warn your rebeldes. Isa.66.15 for behold, the lord will come in fire, and his waves are like a storm, to give out his wrath in his wrath and his defense with a flame of fire. Isa.66.16 for with fire and with his sword will the lord judge all flesh, and many will be dead of the lord. Isa.66.17 those who purifies and cleanse for the gards and in the inside of the country, who eat widly flesh and abominations, and now they will be consumed, says the lord. Isa.66.18 for i know their works and their thoughts. i will come to gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see my glory. Isa.66.19 and i will show signs among them and send some of them who were being saved to the nations, to tarsis, pul and lud, those who belong to lud, to tubal and javan, to the distance of far, who have not heard my name, nor saw my glory, and they will proclaim my glory among the nations. Isa.66.20 and they will bring all your brothers from all the nations, a offering to the lord, at hors and chars, in waves and in muilds, to my holy city, to jerusalem, as the sons of israel bring their sacrifices with harp in the house of the lord. Isa.66.21 and from them i will receive priests and levites, says the lord. Isa.66.22 for as the new heavens and the new earth that i do will stand in my presence, says the lord, so will your offspring and your name be continued. Isa.66.23 it will be a month from a month and a sabbath from the sabbath, all flesh will come to worship before me, says the lord. Isa.66.24 and they will come out and see the dead of the people who have turned against me. for their worm will not die, and their fire will not apage, and they will become a appearance for all flesh. Jer.1.1 the words of jeremia, the son of hilkia, one of the priests in anatot, in the land of benjamin, Jer.1.2 the word of god came to him in the days of josia, the son of amos, king of judah, in the thiventh years of his kingdom. Jer.1.3 so was it in the days of joiakim, son of josia, the king of judah, until the twelve years, the son of josia, king of judah, until the fifth of jerusalem had been led captive in the fifth monato. Jer.1.4 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Jer.1.5 before i had conquered you in your womb, i recognized you, before you came out of the moot, i sanctified you, i gave you a prophet for the nations. Jer.1.6 and i said, o lord, lord, i do not know to speak, for i am young man. Jer.1.7 but the lord said to me, do not say, i am young; for to whatever i send you to go, and speak whatever i command you. Jer.1.8 fear not for them, for i am with you and will save you, says the lord. Jer.1.9 and the lord stretched his hand and touched my mouth, and the lord said to me, behold, i have put my words into your mouth. Jer.1.10 behold, i have set you this day against nations and kingdoms, to strike and destroy and destroying, to build and planted you, Jer.1.11 the word of the lord came to me, saying, what do you see, jeremia? and i said, i see a rosting back. Jer.1.12 and the lord said to me, you have seen well, for i am waiting over my word to do. Jer.1.13 and the word of the lord came to me a second time, saying, what do you see? and i said, i see a wicked robe, and his face is from the nordside. Jer.1.14 and the lord said to me, from the nord the evil will be bringing upon all who dwell in the land. Jer.1.15 for behold, i am calling all the regions of the regions of the north, declares the lord, and they will come and lay each one his throne at the inside of the gates of jerusalem and against all its mures around, and against all the towns of judah. Jer.1.16 and i will make judgment on them for all their malice, because they have forgiven me and offered sacrifices to others and worshiped the work of their hands. Jer.1.17 and you, cinging your loss and rise and tell them all that i command you. do not be afraid for them, that i may not be destroyed in their presence. Jer.1.18 for behold, i have set you this day as a befestigt city and a wealth of bronze for all the regions of judah, against his rulers, against his rulers and against the people of the land. Jer.1.19 they will strike against you, but they will not help you, for i am with you to save you, says the lord. Jer.2.1 they will strike against you, but they will not help you, for i am with you to save you, says the lord. Jer.2.2 and he said, so says the lord: i remember the mercy of your youth and of the love of your perfection, that you will follow the holy place of israel, says the lord. Jer.2.3 israel was holy for the lord, the beginning of his fruit. all who devoured him were wrong, evil will come upon them, says the lord. Jer.2.4 hear the word of the lord, o house of jacob, and all the families of the house of israel! Jer.2.5 so says the lord: what transgression have your fathers found in me, because they departed from me and followed the vain and were perplexed? Jer.2.6 they did not say, where is the lord who brought us from the land of egypt, who made us walk in the wilderness, in a land of wilderness and of wilds, in a land of wilderness and of growness, in a land where no one has passed, and where no one dwelled there? Jer.2.7 i brought you into a carmelige land for to eat its fruit and its good. but when you have come in, you have defiled my land and made my inheritance to abomination. Jer.2.8 the priests did not say, where is the lord? those who hold the law did not know me, the shepherds worshiped me, and the prophets prophesy for baal and followed those who does not profit. Jer.2.9 therefore i will judge still with you, says the lord, and with the sons of your sons i will judge. Jer.2.10 for go on the island of kittim and see, and sends to kedar and understand greatly, and see whether such is done. Jer.2.11 can a gentiles change their gods, even these did not be gods? but my people has forced his glory in which it is not profit. Jer.2.12 drew, you heavens, beware for this, and beat greatly, says the lord. Jer.2.13 for i, my people, has done two evil things: they have left me, a spring of life to life, and they have grown for themselves well of cisternes, which are not able to strike water. Jer.2.14 is israel a servant? is a native child? why is he become a roof? Jer.2.15 a lion wearned on him, they give their voice, and they made his land in a wilderness, and his towns are burned, so that there was no dwelling. Jer.2.16 even the sons of nof and tachpanhes calls your cloak. Jer.2.17 did not this be done for you because you have left me, says the lord, your god? Jer.2.18 and now, what are you to make the way of egypt to drink the water of geheon? and why are you in the way of assur to drink the water of the river? Jer.2.19 your bose will discipline you, and your malice will punish you. know and see how it is bitter and bitter that you have left the lord, your god, and i have no pleasure in you, says the lord, the lord of the armées. Jer.2.20 for from always you have broken your yock and distributed your chains, and you said, i will not serve. yet on every high mountain and under every ground tree will you break in your sexual immorality. Jer.2.21 i planted you a fruit of fruitful vineyard, every true vineyard. how did you have return to a excellent vineyard? Jer.2.22 even if you wish with water and multiplies yourself, you would have been left your wrongdoing before me, says the lord, the lord. Jer.2.23 how can you say, i have not defiled, i did not follow the baals? see your conduct in the dal, know what you have done, a shelling waken that you make, Jer.2.24 you wicked trouble on the wildness of desolate wildness of her. who calls her? all who seek it will not mourn, and they will find it in her time. Jer.2.25 keep your foot from sleep, and your hard from thirsty. but you say, it is no measure, for i loves others, and after them i will go. Jer.2.26 as a thief is ashamed when he has taken place, so will the children of israel shame, they, their kings, their rulers, their priests and their prophets, Jer.2.27 they say to the tree, you are my father, and to the stone: you have made me a father. for they have turned up for me, not face to face, but at the time of their affliction they will say, rise and save us! Jer.2.28 and where are your gods, whom you have made for you? let them rise and save you at the time of your affliction! for according to the number of your towns are your gods, o judah. Jer.2.29 why do you speak to me? you all have wronged against me, says the lord. Jer.2.30 in vain i have struck your children, they did not receive discipline; your prophet has consumed your prophets as a destroying lion. Jer.2.31 o people, hear the word of the lord. have i become a wilderness for israel, or a land of district? why do my people say, we will be domined, and we will not come to you still? Jer.2.32 will a daughter choisi his money, or a bright her a robe? but my people has forgotten me in days without number. Jer.2.33 how do you find your way to seek your beloved! so do you make your voies for unclean. Jer.2.34 in your hands there finds blood of unjust of unjust. they did not find them by divisions, but in all your divisions. Jer.2.35 yet you say, i am innocent, his wrath has turned from me. behold, i will judge with you because you said, i have not sinned. Jer.2.36 why have you greatly directed your ways? you will be ashamed from egypt as you were shaken from assyrien. Jer.2.37 even from there you shall come out with your hands on your head, for the lord rejected your hope, and you will not prospere in it. Jer.3.1 he said: if a man send his wife, and she has departed from her and becomes a man to another, will he still return to him? will that woman not be defiled? but you have sexual immorality committed sexual immorality, and have you returned to me, says the lord. Jer.3.2 lift your eyes into the desolate places and see: where did you not burn? you sat on the ways sitting for them as a arab in the wilderness, and you have defiled the earth with your sexual immorality and your malice. Jer.3.3 so there were a great shepherd to become a stumbling block, but you were a appearance of a sexual immorality. you did not turn for all. Jer.3.4 did you not call me, my father! you are a ruler of your daughter? Jer.3.5 will he remain forever and be kept forever? behold, you are speaking, and you have done this evil and has could have done. Jer.3.6 and the lord said to me in the days of the king josia: have you seen what the rebellion, israel, has done? he went on every high mountain and under every ground tree and prostituted there. Jer.3.7 and when she had done all these things, i said, return to me. but she did not return. and her foolish judah saw her foolish. Jer.3.8 and i saw that for all the trouble that the treated of israel had divided her, i gave her out and gave her a sever of divorce. but the trester judas, his foolish, was not afraid, but she went and sexually immoral. Jer.3.9 in sexual immorality with her sexual immorality, she defiled the tree and the stone. Jer.3.10 and in all this her foolish, her foolish husband, did not turn to me with all her heart but with false mind, diras the lord. Jer.3.11 and the lord said to me, the foolish israel has been justified from the unbelieving judah. Jer.3.12 go and proclaim these words to the nordside, and say, return, o rebellier israel, says the lord, i will not turn my face to you, for i am mercy, says the lord, and i will not live forever. Jer.3.13 only know your wrongdoing, that you have transgressed to the lord your god, and distributed your ways to others under every ground tree, and you did not obey my voice, says the lord. Jer.3.14 return, you lawless sons, says the lord, for i am your lord, and i will take you one of the city and two of the families, and i will bring you to zion. Jer.3.15 i will give you a shepherd according to my heart, and they will shepherd you with intelligence and intelligence. Jer.3.16 and as you increase and increase on the earth in those days, says the lord, no more will say, the ark of the covenant of israel will not speak in his heart. they will not be called, nor will be visited, and no one will be done still. Jer.3.17 in that time they shall call jerusalem the throne of the lord, and all the nations will gather to it in jerusalem, in jerusalem, and they shall not go again after the idol of their evil heart. Jer.3.18 in those days the house of judah will come with the house of israel, and they will come together from the country in the land that i delivered to your fathers. Jer.3.19 and i said, so that i will make you to children and give you a pleased land, the inheritance of the almighty nations. and i said, you shall call me father, and you will not turn from me. Jer.3.20 nevertheless, as a woman directed his husband, so have you defiled me, o house of israel, says the lord. Jer.3.21 a voice is heard from the lips, the weeping of the people of israel, for they have sinned their ways, have forgotten the lord, their god. Jer.3.22 return, you returning sons, and i will heal your break. behold, we will come to you, for you are the lord our god. Jer.3.23 truly, it is faithful in the coll and in the power of the mountains. nevertheless, in the lord our god is the salvation of israel. Jer.3.24 but the shame has devored the flict of our fathers from our youth, their sheep and their sheep, their sons and their daughters. Jer.3.25 we fell in our shame, and our dishonor has covered us, for we have sinned before the lord our god, we and our fathers from our youth to this day, and we did not obey the voice of the lord our god. Jer.4.1 if you turn, o israel, says the lord, return to me, and if you put away the abominations of my mouth from my face, Jer.4.2 and you shall sweak, so how the lord lives in truth, in judgment and in righteousness, and the nations will be blessed in him and in him they will praise. Jer.4.3 for so says the lord said to the men of judah and of jerusalem: beat infants for yourselves, and do not sow among thorns. Jer.4.4 circumcised the lord, and circumcised the uncircumcised of your hearts, you men of judah and habitants of jerusalem, so that my wrath may not come out as fire and be burned, and there is no one to stone for the evil of your deeds. Jer.4.5 tell it in juda and proclaim in jerusalem, and tell the trumpet on the earth, cryd out in a loud cry, crying out in a loud cry, gather, and let us go in the surrounding cities. Jer.4.6 take up, flee for zion, flee, do not stand, for i will bring a evil coming from the nord and great destruction. Jer.4.7 a lion ascend from his daughter, the destroyer of the nations has carried out, coming out of his place, to make your land in a desolate place. your towns will be destroyed, so that there is no dwelling. Jer.4.8 therefore be clothed with sackcloth, james and joy, for the wrath of the wrath of the lord has not deturned from you. Jer.4.9 in that day, says the lord, the heart of the king and the heart of the rulers will perish, and the priests will be astonished, and the prophets will be astonished. Jer.4.10 and i said, o, lord, lord! yet you have deceived this people and jerusalem, saying, you will have peace, and the sword has touched the soul. Jer.4.11 in that time they will say to this people and to jerusalem: a wind of deceives in the wilderness is against the daughter of my people, not to clean or to clean. Jer.4.12 a further spirit will come upon me. now i will tell them judgment. Jer.4.13 behold, it will come like a cloud, and his waves are like a storm, his horses are more than eags. woe to us, for we are destroyed! Jer.4.14 wash from evil your heart, jerusalem, so that you may be saved. how long will your slegte thoughts dwelling in you? Jer.4.15 for a voice proclaim from dan and proclaim evil from the mountain of ephraim: Jer.4.16 proclaim to the nations, see, declare to jerusalem: belong are coming from a distance land, and their voice draws upon the towns of judah. Jer.4.17 it was as the guarders of the field around it, because he rejected me, says the lord. Jer.4.18 your ways and your works have done these things to you. this is your malice, for it is bitter, that it has touched your heart. Jer.4.19 o my womb, my womb! i am quarreling for my heart! my heart grows, i will not tie. for you, my soul, heard the sound of a trumpet, a rop of war. Jer.4.20 there is a destruction for a destruction, for all the earth is destroyed. suddenly my tent are broken, my tents are broken up. Jer.4.21 how long shall i see the nation, hear the sound of the trumpet? Jer.4.22 for my people belongs to me, they do not know me; they are foolish sons and not understanding. they are wise for do to do evil, but to do well they do not know. Jer.4.23 i looked on the earth, and behold, it was above, and in heaven, and there was no light. Jer.4.24 i saw the mountains, and behold, they were treated, and all the coll were treated. Jer.4.25 i looked, and behold, there was no man, and all the birds of the air were broken down. Jer.4.26 i saw, and behold, the karmel was a wilderness, and all his cities were destroyed from the face of the lord, for the wrath of his wrath. Jer.4.27 for so says the lord says, the whole earth will be desolate, but i will not destroy it. Jer.4.28 for this reason the earth shall mourn, and the heavens above, for i have spoken, and i will not repent and do not turn from it. Jer.4.29 for the rop of ran and bound, the whole city withdrew. they enter the ground and ascends on the rocks, all the city are forgiven, and no one dwells in them. Jer.4.30 and you, destroying you, what do you make? if you are clothed in a purple cloth, you will close your eyes with gold, your aspect is turning. your liebers have devasted you, they seek your life. Jer.4.31 for i hear a voice like a dourid child, your groaning like the firstborn, the voice of a daughter of zion: it will be shaken and strengthening her hands, saying, alas to me, for my soul is distributed for those who are destroyed! Jer.5.1 drew around the gates of jerusalem, and see and know, and seek in its streets, if you find a man who does what is right and seek faith, and i will forgive them. Jer.5.2 he says, the lord lives, therefore they swears not to lie. Jer.5.3 o lord, your eyes are showing faith, you stricked them, but they did not see them. you have finished them, but they were not willing to accept discipline. they stricked their faces than a rock, they refused to turn. Jer.5.4 so i said, it is although they are poor, for they do not know the way of the lord, the judgment of his god. Jer.5.5 i will go to the country and speak to them, for they know the way of the lord, the judgment of his god. but they were together broken the yoke and departed the chains. Jer.5.6 therefore a lion of the woud destroy them, a wolf in the house he destroy them, a leopard watch on their cities. everyone who comes out of them will be destroyed, for their trespasses are multiplied, their rebelles are multiplied. Jer.5.7 how can i forgive you? your sons have forgiven me and swore by those who are not gods. i have satisfied them, and they were adultered and overcome in a hure of sexual immorality. Jer.5.8 they have become wicked hors, each belongs to the wife of his neighbor. Jer.5.9 shall i not visite these things? says the lord, and do not punish my soul against such a nation? Jer.5.10 come up to its mights and destroy them, but do not destroy it. take its bords away, for they are not of the lord. Jer.5.11 for the house of israel and the house of judah have troubled against me, says the lord. Jer.5.12 they have falsed to the lord and said, he is not, evil will not come upon us, we shall not see sword or honger. Jer.5.13 and the prophets are a wind, and the word is not in them. so will it be done to them. Jer.5.14 therefore so says the lord, the god of the armées, because you have spoken this saying, behold, i will put my words in your mouth to fire and for this people a tree, and it will consume them. Jer.5.15 behold, i will bring a new nation upon you, o house of israel, says the lord, a nation that you did not hear the voice of his tongue. Jer.5.16 all people are strangers. Jer.5.17 they will devour your harvest and your bread, they will eat your sons and your daughters, they will eat your sheep and your boves, they will devour your vineyard and your fig tree. they will destroy your treasure cities in which you are confidence. Jer.5.18 but even in those days i will do not destroy you. Jer.5.19 and if you say, why has the lord our god done for us all these things? you shall antwoord them, because you have served me and served others, in your land, so you will serve others in the land that is not to you. Jer.5.20 tell these things in the house of jacob, and let it be heard in judah, saying, Jer.5.21 hear this, you foolish people and without heart, who are eyes and sees, who are ears, yet you do not hear! Jer.5.22 shall you not fear me, says the lord, will not be afraid for my presence? i have put a sand for the sea a eternal station, which will not be overcome. they will shaken, and it will not be able, and its waves bears, but they will not overcome it. Jer.5.23 but this people has been a heart of disobedient and disobedient, they have turned away and go away. Jer.5.24 they did not say in their heart, let us fear the lord our god, who give us rain, earnestly and reason in time, and has kept for us the order of the harvest of the harvest. Jer.5.25 your deeds have deceived these things, and your sins have removed the good from you. Jer.5.26 for among my people there are ungodly people, they stood in a snare and set men to destroy. Jer.5.27 like a struck full of births, so are their hures full of deceit. so they were granted and rich. Jer.5.28 they refused to pass, they did not judge the right of the weak, they did not judge the judgment of the widows. Jer.5.29 shall i not visite these things? says the lord, shall my soul not visite such a nation like this? Jer.5.30 furthless things and growless things have become in this land: Jer.5.31 the prophets prophesies false things, and the priests do in their hands, and my people loves it. what then will you do at the end of this? Jer.6.1 be strong, o sons of benjamin, from jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in tekoa, and take a sign for beth-kerem. for evil has fallen from the nord and great destruction. Jer.6.2 the daughter of zion will be distributed, the daughter of zion. Jer.6.3 a shepherds with their sheep will come to her, they will set their tentes around it, each one will shepherd by his hand. Jer.6.4 prepare a wart against her! rise, and let us go up on midnight. woe to us! for the day is broken, for the shadow of the evening are spended. Jer.6.5 rise, and let us go in the night, and let us destroy its palaces! Jer.6.6 for so says the lord of israel: cut out the tree, brings out it against jerusalem. this is a trouble of city, there is all violence in it. Jer.6.7 as a cistering brings down their water, so it brings out her evil. violence and destroying is heard in it, my sight and plagues are continually before. Jer.6.8 be instructed, jerusalem, that my soul may not turn from you, that i may make you a desolate land, a land that is not abide. Jer.6.9 so says the lord of the armées: the rest of israel will change the restance of israel as a vineyard. turn your hand to the roin of the vineyard. Jer.6.10 to whom i will speak and testify, that they hear? their ears are uncircumcised, and they cannot hear. behold, the word of the lord is a reproach for them, they do not please him. Jer.6.11 so i have filled the wrath of my wrath, and i do not find it. giew it out over the children outside and on the together of the young men. for a man and a woman will be conceived, an elder and a full of days. Jer.6.12 their house will become to others, their lands and women, for i will stretch out my hand against those who dwell in this land, says the lord. Jer.6.13 for from the minor to the greatest they all turn, and from the prophet like a priest are all lawful. Jer.6.14 they look the break of my people, despising them, saying, peace, peace! and there is no peace. Jer.6.15 they are ashamed because they were defiled, but they did not be ashamed, they did not know their dishonors. therefore they will fall in their affliction, and in the time of their visitation they will destroy, declares the lord. Jer.6.16 so says the lord: stand on the ways and see, and ask for the eternal ways, which is the good way, and go on it, and you will find a purification for your souls. but they said, we will not go. Jer.6.17 i have put officers over you, hear the voice of the trumpet. but they said, we will not listen. Jer.6.18 therefore hear, you nations, and know, you nations, which are with them. Jer.6.19 hear, o earth! behold, i bring evil over this people, the fruit of their rejection, for they have not attended to my words, and have forgiven my law. Jer.6.20 what is to me, the food that comes from sheba, and the breaster that comes from a far land? your brandoffers are not acceptable, and your sacrifices are not means to me. Jer.6.21 therefore so says the lord so: behold, i will give this people a weak, and the fathers and children will fall in it, the neighbor and his neighbor will perish. Jer.6.22 so says the lord, behold, a people comes from the north, and the nations will come up from the ends of the earth. Jer.6.23 they carry a bound and spide, they are restrained and without mercy. their voice is like the sea, and they are closed on hors, like a wart to fight against you, o daughter of zion. Jer.6.24 we heard the faming of them, our hands were strengthened; tribulation has taken us, food as a woman who is birth. Jer.6.25 do not go out to the field, and not go on the roads, for the sword of enemies is trouble around. Jer.6.26 daughter of my people, cings with sack, grow in the aspers; make a mourning of beloved for a beloved. for suddenly a destroyer will come upon you. Jer.6.27 i have made you a certain testing among my people, to know me and to test their way. Jer.6.28 all are lawless people, walking in bright, with bronze and iron; all are corrupted. Jer.6.29 the winds shakes, the poor has taken away from fire; in vain have the bows taken away, for the evil things did not be divided. Jer.6.30 a preaching money called you, for the lord rejected them. Jer.7.1 a preaching money called you, for the lord rejected them. Jer.7.2 hear the word of the lord, all judea! Jer.7.3 so says the lord of the people of israel: turn your ways and your deeds, so i will make you dwelling in this place. Jer.7.4 do not confide in false words, saying, it is the temple of the lord, the temple of the lord, the temple of the lord is it. Jer.7.5 for if you revile your ways and your works, if you do doing right among a man and his neighbor, Jer.7.6 if you do not oppresse the proselyte, the waisen and the widow, and do not give innocent blood in this place, and do not follow others others to do to you. Jer.7.7 so i will make you abide in this place, in the land that i have given your fathers forever and forever. Jer.7.8 behold, you are confident in false words, which will not be faithful. Jer.7.9 do you destroy, murder, adultery, and swear false, and bring incense to baal and follow others, whom you do not know. Jer.7.10 and you will come and stand before me in this house that is called my name, and say, we are saved, and you will do do all these abominations. Jer.7.11 is this house where my name is called by a robber of robbers? behold, i have seen it, says the lord. Jer.7.12 go also to my place in shilo, where i had set my name before, and see what i have done for him because of the malice of my people israel. Jer.7.13 and now, because you did all these works, since i spoke to you and did not listen to me, though i called you, and you did not answer, Jer.7.14 so i will make to this house that is called my name, in which you are confidence, and to the place that i gave to you and your fathers, as i did to silo. Jer.7.15 and i will throw you away from my face, as i broke all your brothers, all the offspring of ephraim. Jer.7.16 but do not be praying for this people, do not be lawful for them or prayer or pray to me, for i will not listen to them. Jer.7.17 do you not see what they do in the towns of judah and in the gates of jerusalem? Jer.7.18 the sons gather a tree, and the fathers burns fire, and the women bears food to make brod for the power of heaven and spend drankoffers to others, to provoke me to provoke me. Jer.7.19 do they provoke me? says the lord, are not themselves, so that they may shame their faces? Jer.7.20 therefore so says the lord, the lord, behold, my wrath and my wrath will be brought upon this place, over people and bears, over the tree of the field and over the fruit of the earth, and they will burn and never extinguish. Jer.7.21 so says the lord of the allmächtige god of israel: bring your brandoffers with your sacrifices and eat the flesh. Jer.7.22 for i have not spoken to your fathers, and i did not command them on the day when i led them out of the land of egypt, concerning holocaustos and sacrifices, Jer.7.23 but this saying i commanded them, hear my voice, and i will be your god, and you will be my people, and go on all the ways i command you, so that it may be well for you. Jer.7.24 but they did not listen to me and not inclined their ears, but were walking in the customs of their evil heart, and they turned back and not before. Jer.7.25 from the day when their fathers came out of the land of egypt until this day, i have sent to you all my servants, the prophets, as long as i sent earnestly. Jer.7.26 but they did not listen to me and did not listen their ears, but endured their neam, they did more than their fathers. Jer.7.27 you shall tell them all these words, but they will not listen to you, and you shall cry them, but they will not speak. Jer.7.29 strik your head and throw it away, and take a klagesing on the leads, for the lord has rejected and forgiven the generation that has done this. Jer.7.30 for the sons of judah have done what is evil in my eyes, says the lord. they have laid their abominations in the house that is called by my name, to defile him. Jer.7.31 they have built the altar of topheth, which is in the dal of the son of hinnom, to burn their children and their daughters with fire, which i have not commanded and that it was not made in my heart. Jer.7.32 therefore, behold, the days are coming, declares the lord, in which there will be no place more to topheth or the vall of the son of hinnom, but vall of mort. and they will buried in topheth, since there is no place. Jer.7.33 and the dead of this people will become food for all the birds of the heavens and the beast of the earth, and no one will throw them away. Jer.7.34 i will destroy from the towns of judah and from the straten of jerusalem a voice of joy and a voice of rejoicing, the voice of bridegroom and a voice of bridegroom, for the land will become a desolate place. Jer.8.1 in that time, says the lord, they will cut out of their tombs the ossa of the kings of judah and the bene of his rulers, the bene of the priests and the bene of the prophets and the bene of the inwoners of jerusalem from their tombs, Jer.8.2 and they will breke them before the sun and the moon and all the strong of heaven, which they have loved and served, which they followed, whom they followed, which they were worshiped and worshiped, they will not be broken and buried, and they will be a exemple on the face of the earth. Jer.8.3 and the death will be excellent than life to all the rest that are left from that generation, in every place where i set them out, says the lord of the people of israel. Jer.8.4 for so says the lord, though it has fallen, he does not rise, or who turns back does not turn? Jer.8.5 why do this people of me turn from a desolate way? they hold fast in their deceive, they refused to return. Jer.8.6 i have listened and heard, they speak not as they speak. no one repent of his malice, saying, what did i do? all returned at his course as a horse rushed in the strength. Jer.8.7 even the ax in the heavens knows his time, a turning, a turn, and a turn keep the time of their coming, but my people does not know the judgment of the lord. Jer.8.8 how can you say, we are wise, and the law of the lord is with us? look! the false places of the scribes came to vain. Jer.8.9 the wise are shaken, they are troubled and defiled. behold, they have rejected the word of the lord, which is their wisdom? Jer.8.10 therefore i will give their wives to others and their lands to the heirs. Jer.8.13 i will recognize their fruit, says the lord, there will not be a drup in the vineyard, and there is no fig in the fig tree, and the blast will leave them. Jer.8.14 why are we sitting there? gather, and let us enter the burnt cities and throw it away, for the lord our god has put us down and give us a drink water to drink, for we have sinned against him. Jer.8.15 we gathered peace, but no good; the time of healing, and behold, there is earthness. Jer.8.16 from dan be heard the sound of his horses; by the shurn of the starce of his stars becomes all the earth. they come and devour the earth and its fullness, the city and those who dwell in it. Jer.8.17 for behold, i send to you serpents who are dead, which are not lawful, and they will receive you. Jer.8.18 bearing you, o god, with fear of your hearts. Jer.8.19 behold, the voice of a cry of my daughter is from a distance land: is not the lord in zion? does not there be his king? why have they provoked me to anger with their idols, with strangers of others? Jer.8.20 a harvest has passed, the reason has passed, and we were not escaped. Jer.8.21 because of the affliction of the daughter of my people i have shaken, i am darkened. anguish has been strengthened as a birth. Jer.8.22 is there not balsam in galaad? is there no leasting there? why is not a healing for the daughter of my people? Jer.9.1 o, how would my head be water, and my eyes a fontein of tears! day and night i will weep for the dead of the daughter of my people. Jer.9.2 o, if i had in the wilderness a distribution in the wilderness, so i would leave my people and depart from them! for they are all adulterous, a company of dishonors. Jer.9.3 they spend their tongue as a bound, so it is no faithful in the earth. for they come out of evil to evil, but they know me not, diras the lord. Jer.9.4 keep guard each one of his neighbor, and do not confie on his brothers, for every brother is a deceive, and every friend goes a deceive. Jer.9.5 they deceive each one of his friends, do not speak the truth. they have learned their tongues to speak false things, they deceive to turn. Jer.9.6 you are belonging to deceit in deceit; at deceit they do not want to know me, says the lord. Jer.9.7 therefore so says the lord of the people: behold, i will purifike them and test them, for how shall i do for the daughter of my people? Jer.9.8 their tongue is a strong strong, their tongue is deceive; their mouth speaks to his neighbor with his neighbor, but in his own presence he makes his enemy. Jer.9.9 shall i not visite these things? says the lord, will my soul not visite such a people as these? Jer.9.10 over the mountains i will change a weep, and a lamenting for the passions of the wilderness. for they are defiled, so that there is no one, they do not hear the voice of belonging, the birds of the heavens and the beast, so they went away. Jer.9.11 and i will make jerusalem a desolate place, a dwelling place for draws, and i will make the towns of judah a desolate place, so that there will be no dwelling. Jer.9.12 who is the wise man, who understand this? and to which the mouth of the lord has spoken to him, that he might tell you? why is the earth destroyed, being destroyed like a wilderness, so that there is no one after it? Jer.9.13 and the lord said, because they left my law that i gave before them and did not listen to my voice, Jer.9.14 but followed the purpose of their evil heart and following the idols, which their fathers taught them. Jer.9.15 therefore so says the lord of the people of israel: behold, i will give them the people of this people mankind and give them water to drink. Jer.9.16 i will scattery them among the nations that they and their fathers did not know, and i will send a sword against them, until i have destroyed them. Jer.9.17 so says the lord of the people: call out the lamentakers, that they come. send sent to the wisdom, so let them come. Jer.9.18 so let they take a klagesing over you, and let your eyes turn down with tears, and let their weasures wase water. Jer.9.19 for a row voice has heard in zion: how have we become destroyed! we are greatly ashamed, for we have left the earth, for they have broken down our dwelling. Jer.9.20 hear then, you women, the word of god, and let your ears receive the word of his mouth, and teach your daughter a plaining, and one for his neighbor a klagesing. Jer.9.21 for death has ascended through your fenests, has entered your land, to destroy the children in the rute, the young men out of the street. Jer.9.22 so say so: so says the lord says: the dead of men will be an example on the field of the field and as a grain after the reaper, and no one gather them. Jer.9.23 so says the lord: let the wise not boast in his wisdom, let the strong not boast in his power, let the rich not boast in his riches. Jer.9.24 but let the one who boast may boast about this, that he may understand and know that i am the lord who does mercy on mercy, justice and righteousness on the earth. for in these things i am desire, says the lord. Jer.9.25 behold, the days are coming, says the lord, that i will visite all who are circumcised and uncircumcised: Jer.9.26 egypt, and judea, and edom, and the sons of ammon, and moab, and all those who direct drew in the wilderness, who dwell in the wilderness. for all the nations is uncircumcised, but all the house of israel is uncircumcised. Jer.10.1 hear the word that the lord says to you, o house of israel! Jer.10.2 so says the lord: do not learn the ways of the nations, and fear not for the signs of heaven, for the gentiles are afraid of them. Jer.10.3 for the instructions of the nations are deceive. it is a tree casting in the terebinthe, a work for a craftor and a scepter. Jer.10.4 they call them with silver and gold, strengthening them with furts and closes, so that they may not grow. Jer.10.5 they will be carried, for they will not enter. do not fear them, for they will not do evil and no good in them. Jer.10.9 a breasfast money of tarsis will come from tarsis, the gold of mephaz, the work of a covering. they will put them in purple and purple silver. Jer.10.11 so say to them, the gods who did not do heaven and earth shall depart from the earth and from there. Jer.10.12 he who made the earth with his power, has made the world in his wisdom, and by his mind he made heaven. Jer.10.13 when he lives, there is a multitude of water in heaven, and he brings the cloud from the ends of the earth. he makes flashes of lightning and brings out the light from his treasures. Jer.10.14 all people are founded from knowledge, all golden will be put to shame with his image, for his idol is false, and there is no spirit in them. Jer.10.15 it is foolish, lawless works; in the time of visitation they will perish. Jer.10.16 the part of jacob is not like it, for he is the former of all things, and he is the royal of his inheritance. the lord is his name. Jer.10.17 gather your cloak outside, you who dwells in the belonging. Jer.10.18 for so says the lord, behold, i will cut off the inhabitants of this land, and will afflike them, so that they will find your plague. Jer.10.19 woe for my bright! a bold is a bold! but i say, this is my bold, and it will receive me. Jer.10.20 my tent is destroyed, and all my telts are broken. my sons has gone away from my sheep, and they are no one. there is no one who leads my tent and set my teep. Jer.10.21 for the shepherds were founded, and they did not seek the lord. therefore they did not find their mercy, and all their feet were scattered. Jer.10.22 there is a voice of hearing, behold, there comes a great earthquake from the country of the nordland, to make the towns of judah a desolate place, a costing for strudes. Jer.10.23 i know, lord, that the person is not his way, neither one who go and ready for his journey. Jer.10.24 punish me, lord, but with judgment, not in your wrath, that you may not make me little. Jer.10.25 break your wrath out over the nations that do not know you and over the generations that do not call your name. for they have devored jacob and devoured him, and destroyed him and destroyed his place. Jer.11.1 the word that came to jeremia from the lord, saying, Jer.11.2 hear the words of this covenant, and speak to the men of judah and to the inwoners of jerusalem, Jer.11.3 and tell them, so says the lord, the god of israel, cursed be the man who does not listen to the words of this covenant, Jer.11.4 which i commanded your fathers when i led them out of the land of egypt, from the iron of iron, saying, hear my voice and do whatever i command you, and you will be my people, and i will be your god, Jer.11.5 so that i may make the oath that i swore to your fathers to give them a land that tears the milk and honning, as it is this day. and i answered, amen, lord! Jer.11.6 and the lord said to me, proclaim all these words in the towns of judah and out of jerusalem, saying, hear the words of this covenant and do them. Jer.11.8 they did not do it. Jer.11.9 and the lord said to me, there is a conjuration among the people of judah and among the habitants of jerusalem. Jer.11.10 they have returned to the ungodliness of their fathers who did not listen to hear my words, and they followed others god and serve them. the house of israel and the house of judah have rompt my covenant that i made with their fathers. Jer.11.11 therefore so says the lord: behold, i will bring a sword from which they will not come out, and they shall cry to me, but i will not listen to them. Jer.11.12 then the towns of judah and the inwoners of jerusalem will go and cry to the gods to whom they incense, but they will not save them at the time of their affliction. Jer.11.13 for the number of your towns are your gods, o judah. and at the number of the gates of jerusalem you have set altars for the incense for baal. Jer.11.14 and you, do not pray for this people and do not bring prayer or prayer for them, for i will not hear when they call on me at the time of their affliction. Jer.11.15 what does my beloved have done in my house, when it has done divisions? does the holy flesh take your booces from you? if you do, you will escape. Jer.11.16 the lord called you a grain olive tree, belonging to growful ground, the lord called you. for the voice of a great rook he brought fire upon it, and its branches were puffed up. Jer.11.17 for the lord, your god, who planted you, has spoken of evil against you for the boosheid of the house of israel and the house of judah, who they had done for themselves, to provoke me to provoke incense to baal. Jer.11.18 here has made me known, and so i will know. then i saw their deeds. Jer.11.19 and i was like a sincere lamb bringing to be slain, and i did not know that they thought evil against me, saying, let us strike a tree against his bread, and let us destroy him from the land of the living, so that his name may not be remembered. Jer.11.20 but, lord of the righteous judge, who approves the nives and the heart! let us see your wrath over them, for to you i have revealed my right. Jer.11.21 therefore, so says the lord about the people of anatoth who seek your life, saying, do not prophesy in the name of the lord, that you may not die in our hand! Jer.11.22 therefore so said the lord of israel: behold, i will visite them; their young men will put in the sword, and their sons and their daughters shall die in hunger. Jer.11.23 they shall not have rest of them, for i will bring a evil upon the people of anatot in the year of their visions. Jer.12.1 you are righteous, o lord, for i am encouraged with you, yet i will speak to you only. why are the way of ungodly conduct, why are all ungodly trouble? Jer.12.2 you planted them, and they were rooted, they bears up and bear fruit. you are near in their mouth, but far far from their soberbs. Jer.12.3 yet you, o god, you know me. you have made my heart in your presence. purify them to the day of their slain. Jer.12.4 how long will the land surre and all the grass of the country? for the evil of those who dwell in it will be destroyed, beating beasts and birds, for they say, he will not see our way. Jer.12.5 you are looking for your feet and destroy you. how can you have ready with horses? and if you have been confidence in a land of peace, how can you do in the cross of the jordan? Jer.12.6 for even your brothers and your father's house, even these have deceived you, and they were crying out after you. do not believe them, when they speak good to you. Jer.12.7 i have left my house, i have forgiven my inheritance, i have given the beloved of my life in the hand of her enemies. Jer.12.8 my inheritance became for me as a lion in the terebinthe, he raised my voice against me, therefore i hated it. Jer.12.9 is my inheritance for me a fresh of glass, which belong around it? go, gather all the beast of the country, come for to eat it. Jer.12.10 many shepherds destroyed my vineyard, destroyed my acker, have put my desire feld into a desolate wilderness. Jer.12.11 it has become a desolate place, a desolate place for me. all the earth is destroyed, for there is no one who direct his heart. Jer.12.12 over all treasures of the wilderness at the wilderness came destroyed, for the sword of the lord will devore from one end of the land to the other. there is no peace for any flesh. Jer.12.13 you have sown tritish, but you reap thorns, and they have no profit. you will be ashamed of your boasts, because of the reproach of the lord. Jer.12.14 so says the lord about all my evil neighbors who touch the heirs that i have distributed to my people israel, behold, i will throw them away from their land, and i will throw judas out of their midst. Jer.12.15 but after i have thrown them out, i will return and have mercy on them and bring them return, each to his inheritance and each to his land. Jer.12.16 and if they learn the way of my people, to swear by my name, so how the lord lives, as they taught my people swear by baal, so they will be built in the midst of my people. Jer.12.17 but if they do not turn, then i will destroy this nation and destroy it, Jer.13.1 so said to me the lord: go and buy you a linen bate and put it on your loss, but let him not come in water. Jer.13.2 so i bought the best, according to the word of the lord, and put it on my lends. Jer.13.3 then the word of the lord came to me, saying, Jer.13.4 take the belt that you could have, which was at your lends, and rise and go to the euphrates and versteck it there in a round of the rock. Jer.13.5 so i went and hid it at the euphrates, as the lord had commanded me. Jer.13.6 after many days the lord said to me, rise, go to eufrat and take the white that i have commanded you to keep there. Jer.13.7 so i went to eufrat and ground and took the belt from the place where i had hidden it. and behold, the belt was destroyed and was not lawful for anything. Jer.13.8 then the word of the lord came to me, saying, Jer.13.9 so says the lord: so i will destroy the arrogant of juda and the arrogant of jerusalem. Jer.13.10 this great people, who would not listen to obey my words, which walks after others, to serve them and worship them, it will be like this belte, which will not be good for anything. Jer.13.11 for just as the white leads at the lends of the man, so i attacked all the house of israel and all the house of judah, declaring to be my people, my name, my praise and my glory, but they did not listen to me. Jer.13.12 so say to these people, so says the lord, the man of israel will be filled with wine. and if they say to you, shall we not know that every wish will be filled with wine? Jer.13.13 then you shall say to them, so says the lord: behold, i will enfile all the habitants of this land and the kings who dwell on the throne of david, and the priests and the prophets and all the habitants of jerusalem. Jer.13.14 i will destroy them one for another, the fathers and the children together, says the lord, i will not spare them nor spare, and i will destroy them. Jer.13.15 hear, and take your ear, do not be deceived, for the lord has spoken. Jer.13.16 give the lord your god glory before he is dared in darkness and before your feet fall on the darkness of darkness, and you will continue to light, and he will make it a shadow of death, and in darkness of death. Jer.13.17 but if you do not hear it, your soul will weep in secret for encourage, and your eyes will weep with tears, because the sheep of the lord is broken to it. Jer.13.18 say to the king and to the prince: sit down, sit down, for the crown of your glory will be cut down from your head. Jer.13.19 the mighty cities are shut, and there is no one who opened. all judah has been carried away, captive captive. Jer.13.20 leave your eyes and see those who are coming from the north. where is the sheep that was given to you, your glorious sheep? Jer.13.21 what shall you say when he visits you, and you have taught them to belonging to you as a ruler? do not weak back you as a woman who bears birth? Jer.13.22 and if you say in your heart, why have these things happened to me? because of your number of your wickedness has been revealed, your mantels were broken up. Jer.13.23 will a ethioph change his hair, or a leopard his wealth? so can you do good, having deceived the evil things. Jer.13.24 so i will scattery them as the stroom that brings out the wind of the wilderness. Jer.13.25 this is your lot, your part is for me, says the lord, for you have forgotten me and have set your confidence on the liars. Jer.13.26 so i will reveal your back on your face, and your dishonor will appear. Jer.13.27 your adulterous, your gentle, your sexual immorality, your sexual immorality, your sexual immorality in the mountains, i have seen your abominations. woe to you, jerusalem! you will not be cleansed! how long more? Jer.14.1 now the word of the lord came to jeremia in opportunity. Jer.14.2 juda weep, and its ports are wicked, they are darkened in the ground, and the cry of jerusalem grow up. Jer.14.3 the great men sent their younds to water. they come to the well and find no water, and turn away with vain. Jer.14.4 for the ground of the earth is destroyed, because there was no rain. the tenants shaken, they covered their head. Jer.14.5 even a grain in the field has produced his birth, because there is no grain. Jer.14.6 a wild sheep goes on the heads, they wicks as a wind, their eyes are wicked, because there is no grain. Jer.14.7 if our sins testify against us, o lord, do it for your sake, for our sins are many, we have sinned against you. Jer.14.8 o endurance of israel and his salvater in the times of evil! why are you like a fooner in the land, like a married man who draws to look? Jer.14.9 why do you be like a sound man, like a helper that cannot escape? yet you are in us, o lord, and we are called your name upon us. do not keep us. Jer.14.10 so says the lord to this people: they love to move their feet, and they did not spare them. yet god did not please in them. now he will remember their deeds and remember their deeds. Jer.14.11 and the lord said to me, do not pray for this people to good. Jer.14.12 even if they fast, i will not listen to their supplications, and if they offer sacrifices and sacrifices, i will not please them, but i will destroy them by sword, with famine and pestilence. Jer.14.13 and i said, ach, lord god! behold, the prophets say to them, you will not see a sword, and there will be no famine for you, but i will give you a true peace in this place. Jer.14.14 and the lord said to me, the prophets propheces fals in my name. i have not sent them and have not commanded them, and i have not spoken to them. they prophesy to you a false vision, a deceiving, a deceiver of their heart. Jer.14.15 therefore so says the lord about the prophets who prophesy in my name, though i did not send them, and they say, no sword and famine shall be in this land: by a sword and with a famine the prophets will destroy. Jer.14.16 and the people to whom they prophesy, will be thrown in the straten of jerusalem for hunger and sword, and there will not be one who will begrave them, their women, their sons and their daughters, and i will show their evil upon them. Jer.14.17 and you shall say to them this saying: my eyes fall down day and night, and let them not lose, for a daughter, a daughter, a daughter, a daughter of my people is broken in a great plague. Jer.14.18 if i go into the field, behold, those who are heried by sword, and if i enter the city, behold, there are a sword of honger. for a prophet and a priest go into a land that they do not know. Jer.14.19 have you rejected judas? have your soul rejected zion? why did you struck us, and we have no healing for us? we return for peace, but good is no good, the time of healing, and behold, there is earthness. Jer.14.20 we know, lord, our deeds, the unrighteousness of our fathers, for we have sinned before you. Jer.14.21 do not keep it for your name, do not destroy the throne of your glory. remember, do not destroy your covenant with us. Jer.14.22 are it not among the idols of the nations the rain? are the heavens to give water? are not you the lord, our god? we will continue on you, for you have done all these things? Jer.15.1 and the lord said to me, if moses and samuel stand before my face, my soul is not for this people. let them go from my presence, and let them go. Jer.15.2 and if they say to you, where shall we depart? then you shall say to them, so says the lord, the one who is to death, to death, and as for a sword, to the sword, and all who are captive to captive. Jer.15.3 and i will strike for them for four things, says the lord: a sword to slaughter, the hunds to destroy them, and the birds of the air to eat and destroy them. Jer.15.4 and i will give them into affliction for all the kingdom of the earth, because of manasseh, the son of jezekia, king of judah, for all that he has done in jerusalem. Jer.15.5 who will spare you, jerusalem, and who will fear you, or who will return for your peace? Jer.15.6 you have rejected me, says the lord, you have rejected me. so i stretched my hand against you, and i would destroy you. Jer.15.7 i will scroll them in beasting through the portes of my people, i destroy them and destroy my people, because they did not turn. Jer.15.8 their widows multiplike more than the sand of the sea, i put upon their young mother's mother, a destruction in the midst. i have thrown down upon it suddenly, trouble and earnestness. Jer.15.9 the seven who enfants has escaped, her soul is removed, her sun has come down while it was still in the day; she was put to shame and be troubled. the rest of them will give to the sword in the presence of their enemies. Jer.15.10 woe to me, my mother, how did you bear me, a man who is divided and discussed in all the land! i have not provided, and no one has gained to me. Jer.15.11 the lord said, though it was well, i will make the enemy to you in the time of evil and in the time of tribulation, Jer.15.12 can a iron be knowledge and a covering of bronze, Jer.15.13 your treasure and your treasures i will give to a plundering, indeed, for all your sins and in all your region. Jer.15.14 and i will make you slain with your enemies in a land that you do not know, for fire has come in the wrath of my wrath, and will burn on you. Jer.15.15 o lord, remember me and visit me and rends me from those who persecute me, do not be at patience. know how i have received reproach for you. Jer.15.16 when your words came, i feed them, and your word was a joy and a joy of my heart, for i have called your name, o lord, god of the armée. Jer.15.17 i did not sit it in the country of those who mocked me, but i rejoiced for your sake alone, for you have filled me with bitterness. Jer.15.18 why is my weak without reason, and my plague is faithful, so not that i may heal? you are so a day for me as a false water, unbelieving water? Jer.15.19 therefore so says the lord: if you turn, i will return you, and you will stand before my face, and if you bring the precious things from which you are unworthy, you will be like my mouth. they will return to you, but you will not return to them. Jer.15.20 and i will make you a great burg of bronze for this people, and they will strike against you, but they will not be able to you, for i am with you to save you and to save you. Jer.15.21 i will deliver you out of the hand of evil, and i will redeze you from the hand of belongers. Jer.16.1 and the prophet came to me, saying, Jer.16.2 you shall not be married by you or have sons or daughter in this place. Jer.16.3 for so says the lord about the sons and the daughters that becomes in this place and concerning their mothers who bear them, and of their fathers who are birted them in this land: Jer.16.4 they will put in a distressed death, they shall not be wained and not be buried; they will be an example on the face of the earth. they will be consumed by sword and hunger, and their sops will be for the beasts of the beasts of the earth. Jer.16.5 for so says the lord said: do not enter the sound and do not go to mourn and do not mourn them, for i have lifted my peace from this people, sabi the lord, my peace. Jer.16.6 they will not cut them neither, neither will they make their commandments, and do not burn them. Jer.16.7 they will not break bread in their mourning for consolation for a dead, and they will not give it to drink a cup of consolation for his father or his mother. Jer.16.8 do not enter a house of food to sit with them to eat and drink. Jer.16.9 for so says the lord of the people of israel: behold, i will leave this place before your eyes and in your days the voice of joy and a voice of joy, the voice of bridegroom and the voice of bridegroom. Jer.16.10 when you tell this people all these things, they will say to you, why do the lord spoke all these things upon us? what is our wrongdoing, and what is our sin that we have committed before the lord our god? Jer.16.11 then you shall say to them, because your fathers left me, says the lord, and followed others god and worshiped them and worshiped them, but left me and did not keep my law. Jer.16.12 and you have done more evil than your fathers, and behold, you walk each one after the purpose of your evil heart, so that they do not obey me. Jer.16.13 so i will throw you out of this land into a land that you and your fathers did not know, and there you will serve others, for you will not give you mercy. Jer.16.14 therefore, behold, the days come, says the lord, when they no longer will say, so how the lord who has brought the israelites out of the land of egypt, Jer.16.15 but: so how as the lord lives who brought the people of israel from the land of the north and from all the country where he brought them out. and i will repay them into their land that i gave to their fathers. Jer.16.16 behold, i will send many fishermen, says the lord, and they will fish them, and after this i will send many fish, and they will reap them from every mountain and from every coll and out of the rots of the rock. Jer.16.17 for my eyes are at all their ways, they are not hidden, and their wrongdoing would not be hidden from my eyes. Jer.16.18 so i will repay for two other their sins and their sins, because they have profaned my land with the dead of their abominations, and for their abominations they have committed my inheritance. Jer.16.19 o lord, my power and my help and my strength on the day of affliction! the nations will come to you from the last of the earth and say, my fathers have received false things, foolish idoles, and there is no profit for them. Jer.16.20 will a man do for himself gods, who are not gods? Jer.16.21 therefore, behold, i will tell them in this time, my hand and my power, and they will know that my name is the lord. Jer.17.1 therefore, behold, i will tell them in this time, my hand and my power, and they will know that my name is the lord. Jer.17.2 therefore, behold, i will tell them in this time, my hand and my power, and they will know that my name is the lord. Jer.17.3 therefore, behold, i will tell them in this time, my hand and my power, and they will know that my name is the lord. Jer.17.4 therefore, behold, i will tell them in this time, my hand and my power, and they will know that my name is the lord. Jer.17.5 so says the lord: cursed be the man who confies in man and strengts the flesh with his arm, and whose heart has taken away from the lord. Jer.17.6 he will be like a district in the wilderness, he will not see when the good comes, but he dwell in lows in the wilderness, in a salried land, where there is no dwelling. Jer.17.7 blessed is the man who confies in the lord, and whose hope is the lord. Jer.17.8 for he will be like a tree stretched by water, which puts his winds on the mood, and it will not fear when the heat comes, and it will have a grow ground, and in a pater he will not fear, and he does not refuse to bear fruit. Jer.17.9 the heart is more than all, and difficulty; who can know him? Jer.17.10 i, the lord, seek the heart, approve the nives, to give to each according to his ways and according to the fruit of his works. Jer.17.11 the ruths, which is gathered in which it has not born, he who does divided wealth is not with judgment; in the helf of his days it will leave him, and in his last time it will be foolish. Jer.17.12 a throne of glory is high, our holiness is great. Jer.17.13 o endurance of israel, o lord! all who left you will be ashamed, those who remains on the earth write, because they have left the soul of life to the lord. Jer.17.14 heal me, lord, and i will be healed; save me, and i will be saved, for you are my boasting. Jer.17.15 behold, they say to me, where is the word of the lord? let him come. Jer.17.16 yet i did not refuse to follow you, nor did i desire a day of man. you know that what was coming out of my lips is before you. Jer.17.17 do not be delivered for me, you who is my helper on the day of evil. Jer.17.18 let those who persecute me be put to shame, and do not be put to shame. fall them, and do not be afflicted; bring on them a day of evil, destroy them to two breasts. Jer.17.19 so said the lord to me, go and stand in the pide of the sons of the people, by which the kings of judah come and out of them, and in all the gates of jerusalem, Jer.17.20 and say to them, hear the word of the lord, you kings of judah and all judea and all the people of jerusalem, who enter these portes! Jer.17.21 so says the lord: beware of your souls, and do not bear burden on the sabbath, and do not enter the gates of jerusalem, Jer.17.22 do not carry carry out of your household on the sabbath day, and do not work any work, but sanctify the day of the sabbath, as i commanded your fathers. Jer.17.23 but they did not listen and not receive discipline, but endured their neck, so that they did not listen and do not receive discipline. Jer.17.24 if you hear me, declares the lord, so that you may not bring carry through the gates of this city in the sabbath day, but sanctify the day of the sabbath, and do not do any work of work, Jer.17.25 then the kings of this city will enter kings of this city rulers and rulers seated on the throne of david, rising on cars and hors, they and their rulers, the people of judah and the inwoners of jerusalem, and this city will be dwelling forever. Jer.17.26 and they will come out of the towns of judah and from the surrounding country of jerusalem and from the land of benjamin and from the region and from the mountain, bringing sacrifices and sacrifices, and sacrifices, and incense, and offering blessing to the house of the lord. Jer.17.27 but if you do not listen to me to sanctify the day of the sabbath, so that you may not bear last and enter the gates of jerusalem on the sabbath day, i will burn fire in its gates, and he will consume the palats of jerusalem, and it will not extinguish. Jer.18.1 the word that came to jeremia from the lord, saying, Jer.18.2 rise and come down to the house of the potier, and there i will hear my words. Jer.18.3 so i went down to the house of the potier, and behold, he was doing a work on the pieces. Jer.18.4 and if the vase, which he made in his hand, fell in his hand, and he made another vase, just as it was pleased to do. Jer.18.5 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Jer.18.6 do i not can do so as this potier, o house of israel? behold, you are in my hand as the wald of the potier. Jer.18.7 finally i will speak to a nation or a kingdom to destroy it and destroy and destroying, Jer.18.8 but if that nation returns from their own evil, i will repent of the evil things that i thought to do to them. Jer.18.9 a while i will speak to a nation and to a kingdom to build and to plant it, Jer.18.10 but if he does do what is evil in my eyes, not hearing my voice, i will repent of the good that i had spoken to do to them. Jer.18.11 therefore say to the people of judah and to the inwoners of jerusalem, so says so, so i make evil against you and intend a plan against you. return, therefore, each from his evil way, and make your handels and your handels. Jer.18.12 but they said, it is performed, for we will go after our dealers, and we will do each of our evil heart. Jer.18.13 therefore so says the lord: ask, ask among the nations, who has heard such such? the virgin of israel has done greatly. Jer.18.14 the sneg of the lebanon will not turn away from the rock of the lebanon? shall the levenless waters spring away, bringing away? Jer.18.15 but my people have forgotten me, they offered incense for vain. they were distributed in their voies, with eternal passions, so that they were going on the straight way, Jer.18.16 to make their land a desolate ground and eternal spoke. everyone who passes by it will be astonished and mourn their head. Jer.18.17 as a wind, i will scattery them before the enemies, i will show them the day of their destruction. Jer.18.18 they said, come, we deceive plants against jeremia, for the law is not destroyed from the priest, the decision of the wise, and a word from the prophet. come, let us strike him with a tongue and let us not listen to all his words. Jer.18.19 hear me, o lord, and listen to the voice of my adversaries. Jer.18.20 will anyone repay evil for evil? for they have caken for my soul. remember that i was standing before you and to speak good for them, to turn your wrath from them. Jer.18.21 therefore give their sons to a famine and give them in the hand of the sword, and let their women become children and widows, and their men be distributed by death, and their young men fall to death in war. Jer.18.22 let there be a cry in their families when you come a reason upon them in reason, for they have carried out a reason for to help me, and set a snare for me. Jer.18.23 but you, o lord, know all their plants against me to death. do not release their wrongdoing, do not delt their sins from your presence, but let them be falled before you. do to them at the time of your wrath. Jer.19.1 so said the lord: go and kup a burn of tongeon, and bring some of the elders of the people and of the elders of the priests, Jer.19.2 and go out to the vall of the son of hinnom, which is at the entrance of the gather, and proclaim there the words that i will speak to you. Jer.19.3 and say: hear the word of the lord, o kings of judah and inwoners of jerusalem! so says the lord of the people of israel: behold, i will bring a bad upon this place, so that everyone who hears will shore his ears. Jer.19.4 because they have forgiven me and provoked this place and offered in it for others, whom they, their fathers, and the kings of judah did not know, they and their fathers, and the kings of judah. they have filled this place with the blood of unjust. Jer.19.5 they have built up offerings for baal, to burn their children with fire, what i have not commanded or spoken, nor has i been laid in my heart. Jer.19.6 therefore, behold, the days are coming, says the lord, that this place will not be called tofet or hinnom of ben-hinnom, but daughter of slaughter. Jer.19.7 for i will destroy the plan of juda and of jerusalem in this place, and i will put them in the hand of their enemies and with the hand of those who are seeking their souls. and i will give their dead to food to the birds of the air and to the beast of the earth. Jer.19.8 and i will make this city a desolation and a fluck; everyone who passes by it will be troubled and spoke for all his plagues. Jer.19.9 and i will give them the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they will eat each one of their own flesh in the surround and in the belonging to which their enemies and their enemies will strike them. Jer.19.10 then destroy the burn in the eyes of the men who are coming with you, Jer.19.11 and say, so says the lord, so i will brise this people and this city, as a jar of tongeer is broken up, so that it will not be able to be healed. Jer.19.12 so i will make this place, says the lord, and to his dwelling place, to make this city like tofet. Jer.19.13 the households of jerusalem and the households of the kings of judah will be unclean like the place of tofet, all the household on which they have bringing incense to the whole heavens of heaven and offered gations to others. Jer.19.14 so jeremia came from tofet, where the lord had sent him to prophesy, and he stood in the courtyard of the house of the lord and said to all the people, Jer.19.15 so says the lord of the armées, the god of israel, says, behold, i will bring to this city and all its villages all the evil that i have spoken against it, because they have endured their neck and did not listen to my words. Jer.20.1 now the priest pashur, the son of immer, who was a ruler of the house of the lord, heard jeremias prophesy these words. Jer.20.2 and pashur killed jeremiah and put him into the block who was at the guard of the oberen temple in the temple of the lord. Jer.20.3 but the next day pashur led jeremia out of the block. and jeremia said to him, the lord has called not pashur, but magor-missabib. Jer.20.4 for so says the lord says, behold, i will give you all your friends and all your friends, and they will fall by the sword of their enemies, and your eyes will see it. all judah i will give in the hand of the king of babel, who will leave them and destroy them with the sword. Jer.20.5 i will give all the power of this city and all the treasures of it, and all the treasures of the king of judah will give in the hand of his enemies, and they will bring them to babylon. Jer.20.6 and you, pashur, and all who dwell in your house will go in captive, and you will go in babylon and there die, and there you will be buried, you and all your friends, to whom you have prophesy false propheces. Jer.20.7 you have fooned me, o lord, and i was trampled. you are greated, and i was strengthened for every day. Jer.20.8 for as i spoke, so i crie; i crie of violence and destruction, for the word of the lord has come to me a reproach and a ruin for every day. Jer.20.9 and i said, i will not remember him and do not speak in his name. but in my heart it was like a flaming fire, clothed in my osses, and i strengthened to spend it, but i was not able. Jer.20.10 for i have heard a distribution of many, striking at all times: let us be revealed, and we will accuse it. all his friends watch at his steak, whether it will be deceived, and we will give him justice from him. Jer.20.11 but the lord is with me as a strong held, therefore they will persecute and understand me. they will be greatly confunded, for they were not convinced, and their dishonor is not forgivened. Jer.20.12 but, o lord of god, who approves the righteous, see the nives and the heart! let us see your wrath over them, for to you i have revealed my defense. Jer.20.13 sing to the lord, look to him, for he has delivered the life of the poor from the hand of the evil. Jer.20.14 be cursed the day in which i became. the day in which my mother became birth may not be blessed! Jer.20.15 blessed is the man who preached the good news to my father, saying, a male male has been given to you! Jer.20.16 let that man be like the towns that the lord turned and did not repent. let him hear a cry to the morning and a loud cry on the midnight, Jer.20.17 because he did not kill me in the mother of my mother, so that my mother became a tomb for me, and that their mother became a eternal birth. Jer.20.18 why then i came out of the mount, to see labors and laboring, and that my days are finished in shame? Jer.21.1 the word that came to jeremia from the lord, when zedekias, the king, sent to him pashur, the son of malkijah, and zefanja, son of maaseja, the priest, to him, saying, Jer.21.2 interroga the lord about us, for the king of babel has come upon us. do the lord of babel will do with us according to all his wonders, and he will go away from us. Jer.21.3 and jeremia said to them, so shall you say to zedekias: Jer.21.4 so says the lord, the god of israel: behold, i will take off the wages that are in your hands, which you will strike against the chaldeans and the chaldeans, who belongs to you outside the mure, i will take them in the midst of this city. Jer.21.5 and i will strike against you with a hand excellent and with a strength arm, with wrath and wrath and great anger. Jer.21.6 and i will strike the residents of this city, both people and beast. they will be killed with a great death. Jer.21.7 and after this, says the lord, i will give sedekia, king of judah, and his servants, and the people who are left in this city from the death, the hunger and the famine will give in the hand of those who are seeking their souls, and in the hand of those who seek their souls, and in the hand of those who seek their souls. and he will destroy them with the sword, and he will not spare them and do not spare them. Jer.21.8 and to this people you shall say, so says the lord: behold, i have set before you the way of life and the way of death. Jer.21.9 whoever abides in this city will die death, hunger and hunger, and whoever comes out and comes to the chaldeans who belongs to you will live and have his life to be a buit. Jer.21.10 for i have set my face against this city to evil and not to good, it will be delivered into the hand of the king of babylon, and he will burn it with fire. Jer.21.11 to the house of the king of judah, hear the word of the lord: Jer.21.12 o house of david, so says the lord: judge for the morning judgment, and deliver the greeting from the hand of his oppressor, so that my wrath may not come like fire and burn, and there is no one to stone. Jer.21.13 behold, i am against you, you who dwell in the vall, o royal land. you who say, who will destroy us? who will enter our dwelling place? Jer.21.14 so i will burn fire in its burns, and all who are around it will eat. Jer.22.1 so says the lord: come down to the house of the king of judah and tell there this word, Jer.22.2 and say, hear the word of the lord, o king of judah, who sit on the throne of david, you and your servants and your people, who enter these portes. Jer.22.3 so says the lord: do justice and righteousness, and deliver the greeting from the hand of who is violent, and do not oppress the proselyte, the waising and the weduve, and do not shurn innocent blood in this place. Jer.22.4 for if you do these things, they will come in the gates of this house kings who sit on the throne of david, rising on chars and hors, they and their servants and their people. Jer.22.5 but if you do not do these words, i swears by myself, says the lord, that this house shall become desolate. Jer.22.6 for so says the lord said to the house of the king of judah: you are for me galaad, the ruler of liban. but i will make you a desolate place, a city that does not abide. Jer.22.7 and i will bring a destroyer against you, each with his arms, and they will cut out your elect cedres and throw them into the fire. Jer.22.8 many nations will passe through this city and say to one of his neighbor: why did the lord do so to this great city? Jer.22.9 and they will say, because they devoted the covenant of the lord their god and worshiped others and served them, Jer.22.10 do not weep for the dead and mourn him not. weep for the one who comes out, for he will not be returned again and will not see the land of his father. Jer.22.11 for so says the lord about shallum, the son of josia, who realled in the place of his father josia, who came out of this place: he will not again return there, Jer.22.12 but in the place where they have brought him captive, there he will die and never see this land. Jer.22.13 woe he who build his house with no righteousness and his robes by unjustified, who builds his neighbor without answer, and does not give him his reward, Jer.22.14 who says: i will build yourself a house of belasting plants, distributed fensters and clothed in cypress and uncovered in milet. Jer.22.15 shall you reign because you are shining with achaz? your father did not eat and drink, and was doing right and righteousness? then she was well. Jer.22.16 he judged the right of the poor and the poor, and so was it. does not this be to know me, says the lord. Jer.22.17 but your eyes and your heart are not for your covetousness and to giet innocent blood, and to do violent and violence. Jer.22.18 therefore, so says the lord over jehojakim, the son of josia, the king of judah: he shall not weep for this man! o brother, and they shall not weep for him, o lord! Jer.22.19 he will be buried as a tomb of oxe. he will be broken down and thrown into the region of jerusalem. Jer.22.20 come up to the libano and crie, and give your voice in basan and cry on the other side of the sea, for all your beloved have been broken. Jer.22.21 i told you in your trespassion, but you said, i will not listen. this is your way from your youth, you did not listen to my voice. Jer.22.22 the wind will shepherd all your herders, and your love will go in captive; then you will be ashamed and ashamed for all your deeds. Jer.22.23 you who dwells in liban, sitting in the zeders, grow in your ground, when you come birth, as a woman who is birth? Jer.22.24 so live as i live, says the lord, if jechonija, the son of jehojakim, king of judah, had a seal on my right hand, i will escape you. Jer.22.25 and i will deliver you into the hand of those who are seeking your life, for whom you are set before them, and into the hands of the chaldeans. Jer.22.26 and i will throw away you and your mother who had given you, into a land where you did not be born, and there you will die. Jer.22.27 but to the land where they will keep their souls to return, they will not turn. Jer.22.28 it is beared for jechonija as a vase that is not necessary for it, for it was carried away. it is thrown into a land that he did not know. Jer.22.29 o land of earth, hear the word of the lord. Jer.22.30 so declares this man to beast of people, so that there will not be grown of his offspring, a man seated on the throne of david, and reign in juda. Jer.23.1 ve to the shepherds who destroy and destroy the sheep of my pâths, diras the lord. Jer.23.2 therefore so says the lord, the god of israel, to the shepherds of my people: you have scattered my sheep and brought them out, and you did not see them. behold, i will punish you for the evil things of your deeds, diras the lord. Jer.23.3 and i will gather the rest of my people from all the land where i have carried out them, and i will put them up to their better, and they will grow fructify and be multiplied. Jer.23.4 and i will rebuke them a shepherd, who will shepherd them, and they shall not fear no longer, says the lord. Jer.23.5 behold, the days are coming, declares the lord, that i will raise up david a righteous short, and he will reign, and will make justice and righteousness in the land. Jer.23.6 in his days judah will be saved and israel will dwell in confidence. and this is the name that he will call him: the lord, our reason. Jer.23.7 therefore, behold, the days come, says the lord, when they no longer will say, so how the lord who has brought the israelites out of the land of egypt, Jer.23.8 but: so how as the lord lives who brought up the offspring of israel from the land of the north and from all the country where he had cast them out. and they will live in their land. Jer.23.9 concerning the prophets. my heart is broken in me, all my benefit bears trembling, i was like a district man, like a man gathered from wine, for the face of the lord and for the prayers of his glory. Jer.23.10 for the ground of the wilds of the wilds, for the land grows, the passores of the wilderness is withered, and their drowds is bad, and their power is not so. Jer.23.11 for a prophet and a prophet are defiled, and in my house i have seen their wrongdoing, diras the lord. Jer.23.12 therefore their way will be for them as a distinction in the darkness, and they will be shaken and fallen in it, for i will bring evil upon them at the year of their visitation, says the lord. Jer.23.13 in the prophets of samaria i saw false things: they prophesy through baal and deceived my people israel. Jer.23.14 but in the prophets of jerusalem i have seen greatly: they commits adultery and walk in liars, strengthening the hands of the evil people, so that no one should turn from his evil way. all they were done for me as sodom, and its inhabitants as gomorrah. Jer.23.15 therefore so says the lord of the prophets of israel: behold, i will give them a mourn, and i will give them water drink, for from the prophets of jerusalem the abomination has gone out for all the land. Jer.23.16 so says the lord of the armées, do not hear the words of the prophets, as they share themselves. they speak in a vision of their hearts, not from the mouth of the lord. Jer.23.17 they say to those who directs the word of the lord: you will have peace, and to all who walks in the irrice of his heart, they say, evil will you not come upon you. Jer.23.18 for who stood in the steadfasting of the lord? who heard and heard his word? who heard and heard? Jer.23.19 behold, the wrath of the lord comes in a wrath, a storm of wrath will come upon the rulers of the gottloses. Jer.23.20 the wrath of the lord will not turn, until he has done and made his hearts of his heart. in the last days they will understand it. Jer.23.21 i did not send the prophets, but they were perplexed. i did not speak to them, but they were prophesy. Jer.23.22 if they were standing in my steadfastness, they would have heard my words to my people, they would turn them away from their evil things and from their evil deeds. Jer.23.23 i am a god who is near, says the lord, and is not a god from afar? Jer.23.24 shall a man keep in secret, so that i will not see him? does not i have filled heaven and earth? says the lord. Jer.23.25 i have heard what the prophets prophesies, prophesy in my name, saying, i saw a droom. Jer.23.26 how long will it be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy false propheces, prophesy of their hearts? Jer.23.27 do they think that my law may be forgotten of my name by their sny that they charge each one to his neighbor, just as their fathers have forgotten my name for baal? Jer.23.28 the prophet who has been a songe rather to tell the son, and the one who has my word told my word in truth. what have the pail with the wheat? says the lord. Jer.23.29 is not my words like a fire, declaring the lord, and like a rop that destroy a rock? Jer.23.30 therefore, behold, i am against the prophets who steal my words one from his neighbor. Jer.23.31 behold, i am charged with the prophets, who stricks their tongues. Jer.23.32 behold, i am against those who prophesy false dreves, diras the lord, and deceive them and deceive my people with their lies and their deceives, though i have not sent them and gave them no instruction, and they have no profit to this people, spreek the lord. Jer.23.33 if this people or a prophet or a prophet ask you, what is the last of the lord? you shall say to them, what is the last? i will raise you out, says the lord. Jer.23.34 and the prophet and the priest and the people who say, a last of the lord, i will punish this man and his household. Jer.23.35 so say each one to his neighbor and each to his brother, what has the lord answered, and what has the lord spoken? Jer.23.36 but do not call the last of the lord, for the message that is coming to the man is his word. Jer.23.37 why do the lord our god spoke? Jer.23.38 but because that so says the lord, the lord, so as you say this saying, a last of the lord ", because i sent to you, saying, you will not say, the phortion of the lord's last, Jer.23.39 therefore, behold, i will take you away and reject you and the city that i gave you and your fathers. Jer.23.40 and i will put on you eternal reproach and eternal dishonor, which will not be denied. Jer.24.1 the lord showed me, behold, two rod of fight laid down before the temple of the lord, after nebukadressar, king of babel, had removed jechonija, the son of jehojakim, king of judah, and the rulers and the artifices of jerusalem and brought them to babylon. Jer.24.2 the one korb was a great fig fig, as in the first fig tree, and the other korb was a great fig tree that would not be consumed. Jer.24.3 and the lord said to me, what do you see, jeremiah? and i said, figs. the good figs are very good, and the evil are greatly, so evil that they cannot eat. Jer.24.4 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Jer.24.5 so says the lord, the god of israel, like these good figs, so i will recognize the captive of judah, whom i sent from this place to the land of the chaldeans. Jer.24.6 i will show my eyes against them to good, and will return them into this land, and i will rebuild them and not destroy them and plant them and not rose them out. Jer.24.7 and i will give them heart to know me that i am the lord, and they will be my people, and i will be their god, for they will turn to me with all their heart. Jer.24.8 but as the evil figs that cannot eat, so says the lord, so i will give jedekia, king of judah, and his rulers and the rest of jerusalem who are left in this land and those who dwell in the land of egypt. Jer.24.9 and i will give them to be destroyed, in all the kingdoms of the earth, to dishonor and a proverbe, a curse, a curse and a curse in every place where i have carried them out. Jer.24.10 i will send to them the sword, the famine and the pest, until they are destroyed from the land that i have given them and their fathers. Jer.25.1 the word that came to jeremia about all the people of judah in the fourth years of jehojakim, son of josias, king of judah, at the fourth years of judah. Jer.25.2 as he spoke to all the people of judah and to all the residents of jerusalem, saying, Jer.25.3 in the thiventh years, the son of amos, king of judah, until this day is 23 years. and i spoke to you in the morning, and i said, Jer.25.4 now the prophets sent out to you all his servants, the prophets, but you did not listen and did not listen your ears. Jer.25.5 they said, let each return from his evil way and from your evil deeds, and live in the land that he gave you and your fathers for eternal time. Jer.25.6 do not follow others god to serve them and to worship them, and do not provoke my anger with the works of your hands, and do not do evil of you. Jer.25.7 you did not listen to me. Jer.25.8 therefore so says the lord of israel, because you did not believe my words, Jer.25.9 behold, i will send a message, and i will take them out of the country of the north and will bring them to this land and to those who dwell in it, and against all the nations that are around it, and i will destroy them, and i will make them a desolate place, a spott, a curse for eternal. Jer.25.10 i will destroy them the voice of joy and the voice of joy, the voice of bridegroom and the voice of bride, the voice of mute and a light of lamp. Jer.25.11 and the whole land will become a desolate place, and the nations will serve seven years. Jer.25.12 when the seventh years were ended, i will punish that nation, declares the lord, and i will make them a eternal desolate place. Jer.25.13 and i will bring to that land all my words that i have spoken against it, all that it is written in this book, Jer.25.15 for so said the lord, the god of israel: take this cup of the wine of the further wine from my hand and give it to all the nations to which i am sending you to them. Jer.25.16 they will drink and shame and be deceived because of the sword that i send among them. Jer.25.17 then i took the cup from the hand of the lord and gave it drink all the nations to which the lord sent me, Jer.25.18 jerusalem and the towns of judah, and his kings, and his rulers, so that they might make them a desolate place, a desolate place and a fluit, so as at the same time, Jer.25.19 pharaon, king of egypt, and his servants, and his rulers, and all his people, Jer.25.20 all the regioners of the country, and all the kings of the people of israel, and to askalon and to gaza and to ekron and to the rest of asdod, Jer.25.21 on edom, and to moab, and to the ammonites, Jer.25.22 all the kings of tyre and all the kings of sidon and the kings of those who are in the other side of the sea, Jer.25.23 didan, and teeman, and buz, and all who puts around his food, Jer.25.24 all the rulers of arabia, and all the people of arabia, who dwells in the wilderness, Jer.25.25 and all the kings of elam, and all the kings of elam, Jer.25.26 all the kings of the heavenly regions who are far off and near, each with his brother, and all the kingdoms of the earth who are on the earth. Jer.25.27 and tell them, so says the lord, the god of israel, the god of israel, tell you, drink and drunk, and fall and fall and never rise, because of the sword that i will send among you. Jer.25.28 and if they do not want to take the cup from your hand to drink, you shall say to them, so says the lord of the people of israel: you shall drink. Jer.25.29 for behold, in the city where my name is called, i rebuke to do evil, and you will not be cleansed? you will not be cleansed, for i shall call a sword against all the habitants of the earth, says the lord of the people of israel. Jer.25.30 you also shall prophesy them all these things, and say to them, the lord will grow from the high country, he will give his voice from his holy woning. he will grow out against his place, he will grow out as a grain, against all the habitants of the earth. Jer.25.31 the destruction will come to the end of the earth, for the lord has a judgment among the nations, he will judge with every flesh, and the ungodly gives to the sword, says the lord. Jer.25.32 so says the lord of the armées: behold, a evil coming from nation to nation, and a great storm comes from the ends of the earth. Jer.25.33 and those who have been hered of the lord in the day will be from the ends of the earth to the other. there will not be saken and not be shaked, and there will be a misture on the face of the earth. Jer.25.34 call out, you shepherds, and cry, and weep, you rulers of the sheep! for the days of your day is fulfilled, you will be destroyed, and you will fall like a chor chor. Jer.25.35 so there will be escape for the shepherds and salvation for the sheep of the sheep. Jer.25.36 hear the cry of the shepherds, the ground of the sheep of the sheep, for the lord has destroyed their herd. Jer.25.37 the rest of peace will be removed for the wrath of my wrath. Jer.25.38 he has left his foundation as a lion, for their land has become a desolate for the wrath of his wrath, for the wrath of his wrath. Jer.26.1 in the beginning of the king of jehojakim, son of josias, king of judah, came this message from the lord: Jer.26.2 so says the lord: stand in the courtyard of the house of the lord, and say to all the jews who are coming to worship in the house of the lord, all the words that i have commanded you to say to them. do not take nothing. Jer.26.3 can they hear it and return each from his evil way, and then i will turn of the evil things that i intend to do to them for the evil sake of their deeds. Jer.26.4 and say to them, so says the lord: if you do not listen to me and do in my law that i have set before you, Jer.26.5 to hear the words of my servants, the prophets, whom i send to you, earnestly and sent, and you did not listen to them, Jer.26.6 so i will make this house like silo, and i will make this city a curse for all the nations of the earth. Jer.26.7 the priests, the prophets and all the people heard jeremias speaking these words in the house of the lord. Jer.26.8 when jeremia had finished speaking all that the lord had commanded him to speak to all the people, the priests and the prophets and all the people took him and said, you shall die death. Jer.26.9 why you have prophesy in the name of the lord, saying, this house will be like shilo, and this city will be desoled, so that there will be no dwelling? and all the people gathered against jeremias in the house of the lord. Jer.26.10 when the rulers of judah heard these things, they went up from the house of the king to the house of the lord and sat down at the inside of the new porte of the lord. Jer.26.11 then the priests and the prophets said to the rulers and to all the people, saying, this man has deserted death, for he has prophesy against this city, just as you heard with your ears. Jer.26.12 and jeremia said to all the rulers and to all the people, the lord sent me to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words that you have heard. Jer.26.13 so now make your ways and your works, and listen to the voice of the lord, your god. and the lord will turn of the evil one that he has spoken against you. Jer.26.14 but i, behold, i am in your hands. do to me what is right and right in me. Jer.26.15 but know that if you kill me, you will give a innocent blood on you and on this city and on those who dwell in it, for the lord sent me to you to speak in your ears all these words. Jer.26.16 then the rulers and all the people said to the priests and the prophets: this man does not have a defense of death, for he has spoken to us in the name of the lord our god. Jer.26.17 then some of the elders of the land stood up and told all the crowd of the people, saying, Jer.26.18 micha of moreseth declared in the days of ezekias, king of judah, and said to all the people of judah, saying, so said the lord of the people of israel: sion will be aried as a field, and jerusalem will become a desolate place, and the mountain of the house a boasts. Jer.26.19 did ezechia, king of judah, and all the people of judah distributed him? did not they fear the lord and welcomed the lord, so that the lord turned to the evil that he had spoken against them? and we have done great evil against our souls. Jer.26.20 there was also a man who prophesied in the name of the lord, urija, the son of semaja, from kiriath-jearim, and he prophesied about this land and this land as all the words of jeremia. Jer.26.21 when the king jehojakim and all his rulers and all the rulers heard his words, the king were seeking to kill him. when urija heard it, he turned and went into egypt. Jer.26.22 so the king jehojakim sent men into egypt, a king of judah. Jer.26.23 and they took urijah from urijah and brought him to the king jehojakim. and he killed him with the sword and put into the tomb of the people of people. Jer.26.24 now ahikam, the son of shafan, was with jeremia, so that he would not deliver him into the hand of the people to kill him. Jer.27.1 now ahikam, the son of shafan, was with jeremia, so that he would not deliver him into the hand of the people to kill him. Jer.27.2 so said the lord to me, do for you a prisoner and a jock and put it on your neck, Jer.27.3 and send them to the king of edom and to the king of moab and to the king of the sons of ammon, and to the king of tyre and to the king of sidon by the hands of those who came to jerusalem to sedekias, king of judah. Jer.27.4 and command them to their masters that they say, so says the lord of the people of israel: so shall you say to your masters: Jer.27.5 i have made the earth, the man and the others that are at the earth with my great power and my strong arm, and i give it to whom i means. Jer.27.6 and now all these lands i have given to nebukadressar, king of babylon, to serve him, and even the wild beasts of the field i gave him to serve. Jer.27.8 but even the nation and the kingdom that will not make their neck under the yoke of the king of babel, i will visite them by sword and hunger, declaring them, declaring the lord, until they will destroy them by his hand. Jer.27.9 so do not listen to your prophets, of your wróthers, of your drowds, of your charges and of your sorcerers, who say to you, you will not work to the king of babel. Jer.27.10 for they prophesy for you, for they will leave you from your land, and so i destroy you. Jer.27.11 but the nation who put his neck under the yock of the king of babel and serves him, i will left him in his land, declaring it and abide in it. Jer.27.12 i spoke to sedekias, king of judah, all these words, saying, put your neck before him, and keep your sake to him. Jer.27.14 do not proclaim to the king of babel, for they prophesy for you. Jer.27.15 for i have not sent them, declares the lord, and they prophesy unjust in my name, that i may destroy you and to perish you and the prophets who prophesy to you. Jer.27.16 i spoke to the priests and to all this people, saying, so says the lord: do not listen to the words of your prophets who prophesy to you saying, behold, the vessels of the house of the lord will return from babylon. for they prophesy evil to you. Jer.27.18 if they are prophets, and if the word of the lord is in them, let them be encouraged. Jer.27.19 for so says the lord of the armées, god of israel, and of all the treasures, Jer.27.20 the king of babel did not take it, when he had carried jekonia from jerusalem. Jer.27.22 in babylon he will come, says the lord. Jer.28.1 in the fourth year of sedekias, king of judah, in the fourth month, ananias, the son of azor, the prophet, who was from gabaon, told me in the house of the lord in the presence of the priests and of all the people, saying, Jer.28.2 so says the lord of the allmächtige god of israel: i tore the joke of the king of babel. Jer.28.3 for two years i will return to this place all the waves of the house of god, which he carried to this place. Jer.28.4 even jechonija and the captive of judah, for i will brise the yoke of the king of babel. Jer.28.5 and the prophet jeremia said to hananja, before the priests and all the people who were standing in the temple of the lord, Jer.28.6 and the prophet jeremia said, amen, so may the lord do. let the lord make your words that you prophesy and bring the vessels of the house of the lord and all the captive from babylon to this place. Jer.28.7 but hear this word that i speak to your ears and to the ears of all the people: Jer.28.8 the prophets who had been before me and before you from the age, they prophesied against many country and great kingdoms. Jer.28.9 the prophet who prophesy of peace will know that the prophet will know the prophet whom the lord has sent by faith. Jer.28.10 and ananias, the prophet, took the joch from the cloak of jeremia, and broke it. Jer.28.11 and ananias said in the presence of all the people, saying, so says the lord of israel: so i will brise the yoke of the king of babel from the nack of all the nations. and the prophet jeremia went on his way. Jer.28.12 and the word of the lord came to jeremia, after ananias's yoke had broken the yoke from the hall of jeremia, saying, Jer.28.13 go and say to hananja, so said the lord: you have brisit the joke of tree, but you will make a jook of iron in their place. Jer.28.14 for so says the lord of the people: a heat of iron i have laid on the neck of all the nations to work for the king of babel. Jer.28.15 and the prophet jeremia said to ananias, hear, ananias, the lord has not sent you, and you have made this people confidence in mentira. Jer.28.16 therefore so says the lord: behold, i will send you out of the face of the earth. this year you will die, for you have been reconciled. Jer.28.17 so the prophet hananja died in the seventh day. Jer.29.1 now these are the words of the letter that the prophet jeremia sent from jerusalem to the elders of the captive, and to the priests and the prophets and all the people that nebukadressar had brought captive from jerusalem to babylon, Jer.29.2 ( after the king jechoniah and the king, and the eunuchs, the officers, the rulers of jerusalem and jerusalem, and the craftsmen and the crafts. Jer.29.3 by elasa, the son of shafan, and gemarja, the son of hilkia, whom sedekias, king of judah, sent to babylon to the king of babel, saying, Jer.29.4 so says the lord cebaot, the god of israel, to all those who have brought away from jerusalem to babel: Jer.29.5 build house and dwelln in it, plant paradis and eat their fruit, Jer.29.6 take wives and bear children and daughter; take children for your sons and give your daughters to marry, so that they should give children and daughter, so that they may increase children and daughter. Jer.29.7 and seek the peace of the city where i have carried you away to you, and pray for him to the lord, for in its peace you will have your peace. Jer.29.8 for so says the lord of the armées, the god of israel: let not your prophets, who are among you, and your magirs do not cause you, and do not listen to your drewns that you do. Jer.29.9 for they prophesy to you unjust in my name. i have not sent them, spreek the lord. Jer.29.10 for so says the lord: when seven years are fulfilled with babylon, i will visite you and do upon you my words to turn to this place. Jer.29.11 for i remind you the thoughts of peace and not of evil, that i may give you their thoughts. Jer.29.12 then you will pray and pray to me, and i will listen to you. Jer.29.13 you will seek me and find me because you seek me with your whole heart. Jer.29.14 i will appear to you, and i will show you. Jer.29.15 for you say, the lord has made prophets over us in babylon. Jer.29.21 so says the lord, the god of israel, of achiab and sedekias, the lord of israel says, behold, i will give them in the hand of the king of babel, and he will strike them in your eyes. Jer.29.22 and from them they will take a curse in all the captive of judah in babel, saying, the lord make you as sedekia and ahab, whom the king of babylon has put in fire. Jer.29.23 for which they did wrongdoing in israel, destined with the women of their neighbors and spoke a word in my name, which i did not command them. i know it, and i am witness, declares the lord. Jer.29.24 and to shemaias the nehelamita shall you say, Jer.29.25 i have not sent you in my name, to sophonia, the son of maaseja, the priest, to say, Jer.29.26 the lord has made you a priest in the place of the priest jehojada, that you may have officers in the house of the lord for every man who bears a prophet, and you must put him into the block and in the block. Jer.29.27 why do you not show jeremijah of anatot, who prophesy to you? Jer.29.28 for this reason he sent a message to you to babylon, saying, it is far longer. build houses and abide, plant gardens and eat their fruit. Jer.29.29 and zefanja, the king, read this scroll in the ears of the prophet jeremia. Jer.29.30 then the word of the lord came to jeremia, saying, Jer.29.31 send a message to all those who are captive, saying, so says the lord about semaja of nehelam: for shemaias has prophesy for you, though i did not send him, and has made you confidence in unjust, Jer.29.32 therefore so says the lord: behold, i will visite shemacja, nehelamiten, and his offspring. no one will be among him, and he will not see the good that i do to do for my father, diz the lord, for he has spoken against moses. Jer.30.1 this is the word that came to jeremia from the lord, saying, Jer.30.2 so says the lord, the god of israel, saying, write in the book all the words that i have spoken to you. Jer.30.3 for behold, the days are coming, declares the lord, when i will turn away the captive of my people israel and judah, declaring the lord, and i will bring them to the land that i gave to their fathers, and they will share it. Jer.30.4 this is the words that the lord spoke of israel and of judah: Jer.30.5 so says the lord: we hear a voice of fear, fear and no peace. Jer.30.6 ask and see, whether a male child has been born? why do i see every man with his hands on his lombs, as a child has gathered? Jer.30.7 ah! for great is that day, and there is not such like it. it is a time of anguish for jacob, but he will be saved from it. Jer.30.8 in that day, declares of the lord of israel, i will brise the yoke of your bock and disrumpe their chains, and others will not bear them more. Jer.30.9 but they will serve the lord their god and their king david, whom i will rise to them. Jer.30.12 for so says the lord: your break is unquenched, your plague is greater. Jer.30.13 there is no one to judge your reason; you have no means of healing. Jer.30.14 all your friends have forgotten you, they do not ask you, for i have put you to the plage of a enemy, with discipline of distress, for your sins are many. Jer.30.16 therefore all who eat you will be consumed, and all your enemies, all you will be delivered in bound, and those who destroy you will become in plundering, and those who plunder you will be delivered. Jer.30.17 for i will leave your health and heal you from your plagues, says the lord, for they called you a winter, so that there is no one who seeks it. Jer.30.18 so says the lord: behold, i will turn the captive of the people of jacob and have mercy on his divisions. the city will be built up in his treasure, and the temple will be recovered according to what he has been charged. Jer.30.19 and from them will come changes and the voice of joiners. i will multiplike them, and they will not be distributed. i will increase them, and they will not be distributed. Jer.30.20 and their sons will be like the first, and their testimony will be strengthened before me, and i will visite all who afflict him. Jer.30.21 and his ruler will come out of him, and his ruler will come out of him, and i will gather him, and he will return to me. for who is this who has put his heart to return to me, says the lord. Jer.30.23 behold, a wrath of the lord, a wrath out of the wrath out of the wrath of the ungodly. Jer.30.24 the wrath of the wrath of the lord will not turn, until he has done and fulfilled his hearts. in the last days you will know it. Jer.31.1 in that time, says the lord, i will be the god of all the nations of israel, and they shall be my people. Jer.31.2 so says the lord, a treasure in the wilderness has found a course in the wilderness. i will go, and i will not destroy israel. Jer.31.3 the lord appeared to him at a distance, i said, i have loved you with eternal love, therefore i have trained you with mercy. Jer.31.4 i will build you again, and you will be built, o virgin of israel! you will take your tambores, and you shall go out with the sanginers. Jer.31.5 you will plant a vineyard on the mountains of samaria; the planthers will plant and will praise. Jer.31.6 for a day is coming, when the calling cries on the mountain of ephraim, rise and go up to sion to the lord our god. Jer.31.7 for so says the lord so: rejoice over jacob with joy and proclaim to the head of the nations. proclaim, praise and say, o lord, save your people, the rest of israel. Jer.31.8 behold, i bring them out of the country of the country and gather them from the ends of the earth. there will be passed and lamb and children, a great crowd will return here. Jer.31.9 they will come with weeping, but in comfort i will bring them. i will bring them on waterwaters, in a severe way, where they will not be deceived. for i have been a father for israel, and ephraim is my firstborn. Jer.31.10 hear the word of the lord, o nations, and proclaim in the island who are far off, and say, he who has scattered israel will gather him and guard him as a herd his flock. Jer.31.11 for the lord has delivered jacob and delivered him from the hand of him who is greater than he. Jer.31.12 and they will come and rejoice on the mountain of zion, and they will come on the good of the lord, to the wheat of the wheat and of the wine and of the fruit and of the sheep. their soul will be like a fructive tree, and they shall no longer be hungry. Jer.31.13 then the daughter will rejoice in a ground, a young and an old man will rejoice. i will turn their mourn into joy, and i will rejoice them and rejoice them. Jer.31.14 and i will eneble the souls of the priests, and my people will be filled with my good things, diras the lord. Jer.31.15 so says the lord: a voice was heard in rama, a weeping of weeping and a mourning. rachel weeps his children, she refuses to remain for their children, for they are not. Jer.31.16 so says the lord, listen your voice from weep and your eyes from tears, for there is a reward for your work, diz the lord, and they will return from the land of the enemy. Jer.31.17 you are belonging to your children, so it is that it does speak to your children. Jer.31.18 i have heard a disobedience of ephraim: you have disciplined me, and i have been instructed as a kalf without understanding. turn me, and i will return, for you are the lord, my god. Jer.31.19 for when i was arrested, i repented, and when i recognized, i cried up. i was shamed and shame, for i received the reproach of my youth. Jer.31.20 is ephraim a beloved son for me, a wicked child? for as i have said about him, i will remember him. so i share in him, i will have mercy on him, i will have mercy on him, says the lord. Jer.31.21 repay for yourself, make divisions, make your heart to the rock that you have gone, return, o virgin of israel, return to your towns. Jer.31.22 how long, you daughter, o dishonor daughter? for the lord created a new thing in the land. woman will walk in salvation. Jer.31.23 so says the lord of the armées, the god of israel, will even say this word in the land of judah and in his towns, when i turn his captive: blessed be the lord, o holy place, o holy mountain! Jer.31.24 and juda and all his country shall dwells together, the tenants and those who leads with the sheep. Jer.31.25 for i deliver a sound life, and all those who are hungry i will reply. Jer.31.26 so i was waken and saw, and my sound was well for me. Jer.31.27 behold, the days are coming, declares the lord, when i will seed the house of israel and the house of judah in offspring of man and offspring of beast. Jer.31.28 and as i were waiting over them to destroy and destroy and destroy, so i will watch over them to build and plant, says the lord. Jer.31.29 in those days they will not say, the fathers ate food, and the teeth of the children feed their teeth. Jer.31.30 but each one will die for his own deeds. for the one who fears the ground grains will have their teeth. Jer.31.31 behold, the days come, says the lord, when i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah. Jer.31.32 not like the covenant that i made with their fathers on the day when i took them by the hand and brought them out of the land of egypt. they kept my covenant, and i was not their covenant, said the lord. Jer.31.33 but this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days, declares the lord: i will put my law into their heart and write them on their hearts, and i will be their god, and they will be my people. Jer.31.34 and they will not teach no one his neighbor or each one his brother, saying, know the lord, for they shall all know me, from the minor to the greatest of them. for i will forgive their wrongdoing and no more remember their sins. Jer.31.35 so says the lord, who put the day for the day to the day, the day of the day and of the light for the light, who calls out its roes, the lord of his armées is his name: Jer.31.36 if this procession is uncertainly, says the lord, then, even the offspring of israel will be leading for my own sight. Jer.31.37 so says the lord, if there may be broken the ground of the ground and the ground of the ground of the ground, so i will keep all the offspring of israel for all the days. Jer.31.38 behold, the days are coming, says the lord, when the city will be built up for the lord from the turn of hananeel like to the gate of the knie. Jer.31.39 and the measure shall direct the measure from the way to the coll of gareb and turn on goa. Jer.31.40 and all the vallées of the field, and the crowds of all, and all the beasts of the field of the hors from the east will be sanctified to the lord, and they will never be destroyed and never destroy. Jer.32.1 the word that came to jeremia from the lord in the tiende year of sedekias, king of judah, that was the eighth years of the king of babylon. Jer.32.2 so the power of the king of babel belonged jerusalem, and the prophet jeremia was kept in the courtyard of the prison in the house of the king of judah. Jer.32.3 now sedekias, king of judah, had cloken him, saying, why do you prophesy, saying, so says the lord: behold, i give this city in the hand of the king of babel, and he will take it. Jer.32.4 and sedekias, king of judah, will not escape from the hand of the chaldeans, but he will be delivered into the hand of the king of babylon, and he will speak a mouth to his mouth, and his eyes will see his eyes. Jer.32.5 and sedekias will come to babel, and there he will sit there. Jer.32.6 and jeremia said, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Jer.32.7 behold, hanamel, the son of shallum your father, comes to you, saying, buy my field that is in anatot, for you have a defense to compare it. Jer.32.8 and hanamel, the son of my brother shallum, came to me in the courtyard of the prison and said to me, compare my field that is in anathoth in the land of benjamin, for you have the judgment of to compense and the proceeds of your company. so i perceived that it was the word of the lord. Jer.32.9 and i compred the field of hanamel, the son of my father, the field of anatot, and i appointed him seven sicles of silver. Jer.32.10 i wrote it in a scroll and sealed it, and i testified witnesses, and i put the money in the joy. Jer.32.11 then i took the scrolling scroll, the sealed and the offspring, and the offspring, Jer.32.12 and i delivered it to baruch, the son of neria, the son of maaseja, in the presence of hanamel, my brother, and in the eyes of those who stood in the charge of compense, and in the presence of all the jews who were in the courtyard of the prison. Jer.32.13 and i commanded baruch before them, saying, Jer.32.14 so says the lord of the armées, the god of israel, take this scroll and this open scroll and this open scroll, and put it in a tongeon, so that they may live many days. Jer.32.15 for so says the lord of the people of israel: in this land there will receive lands and lands and vineyars. Jer.32.16 after i had given the scroll of the compense to baruch the son of neria, we prayed to the lord, saying, Jer.32.17 ah, lord god! behold, you have made the heaven and the earth with your great power and with your strong arm, there is nothing for you. Jer.32.18 you who show mercy to the thousand and repay the transgression of the fathers to their children after them. you great and mighty god, whom is the lord of israel, his name, Jer.32.19 great in council and strong in work, your eyes are show over all the ways of the people, to give to each one according to his way and according to the ground of his works. Jer.32.20 you who has done signs and wonders in the land of egypt until this day, both in israel and among others, and you have made a name for you as it is this day. Jer.32.21 and led your people israel out of the land of egypt with signs and wonders, with a sterke hand and strength arm and great aspect. Jer.32.22 and you gave them this land that you gave to their fathers to their fathers, a land that tears of milk and heuning. Jer.32.23 and they came and took it, but did not listen to your voice and did not go in your commandments. they did not do whatever i had commanded them. so you did to bring them all this evil. Jer.32.24 behold, there are a large crowd in this city to arrest it, and the city is given in the hand of the chaldeans who belongs to it, for a sword and a famine is given in the hands of the chaldeans. Jer.32.25 yet you, o lord, said to me, kaup for you a field for money and testify witnesses, and the city is given in the hand of the chaldeans. Jer.32.26 then the word of the lord came to me, saying, Jer.32.27 " behold, i am the lord, the god of all flesh. is anything that means for me? Jer.32.28 therefore so says the lord, behold, i will give this city into the hand of the king of babel and in the hand of the king of babel, and he will take it. Jer.32.29 and the chaldeans who belongs to this city will come, and they will burn this city with fire and burn them up, with the household that they have bringing incense to baal and offered gations for others, to provoke me at anger. Jer.32.30 for the sons of israel and the sons of judah have doing what is evil in my eyes from their youth, diras the lord. Jer.32.31 for this city was for my wrath and wrath from the day that they were built, until this day, that i might take it away from my presence, Jer.32.32 for all the evil things of the sons of israel and of the jews, which they did to provoke me, they and their kings and their rulers, their priests and their prophets, the jews and the inwoners of jerusalem. Jer.32.33 they have turned back to me, and not face to face, and i taught them earnestly, but they did not listen to receive instruction. Jer.32.34 they have laid their abominations in the house that is called my name, to defile him. Jer.32.35 they have build the altars of baal that are in the vall of the son of hinnom, that they might bring their sons and their daughters to the sacrifice of moloch, which i did not have commanded them, and that it was not ascended in my heart to do this abomination and have committed judas to sin. Jer.32.36 now therefore so says the lord, the god of israel, about this city that you say will be delivered in the hand of the king of babel by sword and hunger and pestilence: Jer.32.37 behold, i will gather them out of all the land where i have scattered them in my wrath and in my wrath and in great wrath, and i will bring them return to this place and make them abide in confidence. Jer.32.38 and they will be my people, and i will be their god. Jer.32.39 and i will give them a other and another way, that they may fear me all the days, to be good for them and their children after them. Jer.32.40 and i will make an eternal covenant with them, that i would not turn back to them, and i will put my fear in their hearts, so that they would not depart from me. Jer.32.41 and i will rejoice of them to give them good, and i will plant them in this land with faith with all my heart and with all my soul. Jer.32.42 for so says the lord: as i brought upon this people all these great things, so i will bring upon them all the good things that i have spoken against them. Jer.32.43 and lands will be compered in this land that you say is a desolate place, not man or beast, it is delivered in the hand of the chaldeans. Jer.32.44 they will compare country for silver and write a scroll, and will scroll the testimony, in the land of benjamin and in the surrounding country of jerusalem and in the towns of judah and in the towns of the mountain and in the towns of the shefh and in the towns of the wilderness, for i will turn their captives, lyder the lord. Jer.33.1 then the word of the lord came to jeremia a second time, while he was still bound in the courtyard of the prison, saying, Jer.33.2 so says the lord, who does the earth, the lord who created it to confirme it, the lord is his name, Jer.33.3 call to me, and i will answer you, and i will tell you great and strong things that you do not know. Jer.33.4 for so says the lord, the god of israel, concerning the house of this city and for the household of the king of judah, which are turned for burdens and belongs, Jer.33.5 they are coming to strike against the chaldeans, but to replete it with the dead of people, which i have killed in my wrath and in my wrath, and for all their evil things i have cast my face against it. Jer.33.6 behold, i will bring it back and healing, and i will heal them, and i will make them well of peace and faith. Jer.33.7 and i will turn the captive of judah and the captive of israel, and i will build them up as in the time. Jer.33.8 i will cleanse them from all their wrongdoing, which they have sinned against me, and i will forgive them all their deeds, which they have sinned against me and departed against me. Jer.33.9 and this city will be a large praise, a praise and glory for all the people of the earth, which will hear all the good that i will make for them, and they will fear and fear for all the good and all the peace that i will make for them. Jer.33.10 so says the lord: in this place, about which you say is deserte, except people and animals, in the towns of judah and in the rudes of jerusalem, which are desoled, unless there is others and beast, Jer.33.11 there is a voice of joy, a voice of joy, the voice of bridegroom and the voice of bride, the voice of those who say, give thanks to the lord of the ones, for the lord is good, for his mercy is forever. and they will bring offers to the house of the lord, for i will turn all the cautives of that land as before, said the lord. Jer.33.12 so says the lord of the armées: in this place that is deserte, so that there will be no man and beast, and in all his towns will have a rest of shepherds to lay the sheep. Jer.33.13 in the towns of the mountains, in the towns of the luwal country, in the land of benjamin and in the surrounding country of jerusalem and in the towns of judah will the sheep still pass over the hand of who is number, says the lord. Jer.34.1 the word that came to jeremia from the lord, when nebukadressar, king of babel, and all his armées and all the regions of the earth, who were under his beginning, and all the land walked against jerusalem and all his towns, saying, Jer.34.2 so says the lord, god of israel, go and tell him, so says the lord: behold, i will deliver this city into the hand of the king of babel, and he will burn it with fire. Jer.34.3 and you will not escape of his hand, but you will be saken and given in his hand, and your eyes will see the eyes of babel, and he will speak with your mouth to the mouth, and you will enter babylon. Jer.34.4 but hear the word of the lord, sedekias, king of judah! so says the lord in jerusalem: you shall not lose them for death. Jer.34.5 in peace you will die, and as they weeped the fathers of your fathers who were before you, so they will weep you, and they will weep you, for i have spoken the word, says the lord. Jer.34.6 and the prophet jeremia spoke all these words to zedekias, king of judah, in jerusalem, Jer.34.7 when the power of the king of babel belonged to jerusalem and against all the towns of judah, who had resight, against lachis and azeka, for these towns had left the towns of the towns of judah. Jer.34.8 this is the word that came to jeremia from the lord after the king sedekia had done a covenant with all the people of jerusalem, in order to call forgiveness, Jer.34.9 so that each one should release his servant and his slave daughter, hebrew or hebrew, so that no one might serve sin of judah. Jer.34.10 the rulers and all the people who had gone in the covenant were returned, so that each one might release his servant and his slave. Jer.34.11 but they kept them to be slaves and slaves, and kept them to serving and slaves. Jer.34.12 then the word of the lord came to jeremia, saying, Jer.34.13 so says the lord, the god of israel, i made a covenant with your fathers on the day when i led them out of the land of egypt, from the house of service, saying, Jer.34.14 when the six years are fulfilled, you shall send your brother hebrew who was sold to you, and he will serve you six years, and then you must send him back. but your servants did not listen to me and did not flew their ears. Jer.34.15 you have returned now to do what is right in my eyes to proclaim the forgiveness to each one of his neighbor, and have done a covenant before me in the house that is called my name. Jer.34.16 but then you have returned and profaned my name, since each one has released his servant or his slave, which you had sent free in their way and destined them to you as slaves and slaves. Jer.34.17 therefore so says the lord: you did not listen to me to proclaim forgiveness, each to his neighbor. behold, i call forgiveness to you for a sword, to the death and to the famine, and i will give you to be destroyed for all the kingdoms of the earth. Jer.34.18 and i will give those men who have departed my covenant, who did not hold the words of the covenant that they made before me, as they departed the kalf, Jer.34.19 the rulers of judah, the rulers, the priests and the people, Jer.34.20 i will give them to the hands of their enemies and in the hand of their enemies, and their aas will be a food for the birds of the air and to the beast of the earth. Jer.34.21 i will give sedekia, king of judah, and his rulers, i will give in the hand of their enemies and in the hand of the power of the king of babylon, who are going away from them. Jer.34.22 behold, i will command, says the lord, and i will bring them to this land, and they will strike against it and take it and burn it with fire, and i will give the city of judah in desolate place, that there will be no dwelling. Jer.35.1 the word that came to jeremia from the lord in the days of jehojakim, son of josias, king of judah, saying, Jer.35.2 come to the house of the rekabites and speak to them, and bring them in the house of the lord in one of the places and give them wine to drink. Jer.35.3 then i took jaazanja, the son of jeremia, the son of habassiniah, and his brothers and all his children and all the house of the rechabites, Jer.35.4 and i brought them into the house of the lord, into the kammer of the sons of hanan, son of jigdalia, man of god, which was near the house of the rulers, over the race of maaseja, the son of sallum, the guardant of the courtyard. Jer.35.5 and i put parts of wine before them, women of wine and bears, and i said to them, drink wine! Jer.35.6 but they said, we will not drink wine, for jonadab, the son of recab, our father, has commanded us, saying, you and your sons shall never drink wine, Jer.35.7 you must not build house, and you shall not sow no offspring and no vineyard and do not have it, but you shall live in tents all your days, so that you may live many days in the land in which you are videzed. Jer.35.8 we have obeyed our father jonadab, the son of recab, our father, at all our commandments, that we do not drink wine in all our days, we, our women, and our sons and our daughters, Jer.35.9 and not build house to dwelling there, and we have no vineyard or field or offspring. Jer.35.10 but we dwell in tents, and we heard and did in whatever our father jonadab had commanded us. Jer.35.11 but when nebukadressar, king of babel, went up to the land, we said, come and enter jerusalem from the power of the chaldeans and the power of the power of the assyrians. so we dwell in jerusalem. Jer.35.12 then the word of the lord came to jeremia, saying, Jer.35.13 so says the lord sebaot, the god of israel, go and say to the people of judah and to jerusalem: will you not take discipline and hear my words? Jer.35.14 the words of jonadab, the son of recab, which he commanded his children to drink wine, and they do not drink it. i have spoken to you earnestly, and you did not listen to me. Jer.35.15 i have sent to you all my servants, the prophets, saying, return each one from his evil way and make your doing good, and do not follow others god to serve them, and you will live in the land that i gave you and your fathers. but you did not listen to your ears and do not listen to me. Jer.35.16 the sons of jonadab, the son of recab, have hold the commandment of their father, which he commanded, but this people did not listen to me. Jer.35.17 therefore so says the lord of the people of israel: behold, i will bring all the evil that i have spoken against them. Jer.35.18 and to rechab of rechab, the king of israel, the god of israel: since you have obeyed the commandment of jonadab, the son of recab, and do all the commandments that he commanded you, Jer.35.19 so so says so, the lord of israel, god of israel, will not turn to jonadab, the son of recab, who stand in my presence all the days. Jer.36.1 in the fourth year of jehojakim, son of josias, king of juda, the word came to jeremia, saying, Jer.36.2 take to you a rol of book and write on it all the words that i have spoken to you against jerusalem and juda and against all the nations, from the day when i spoke to you, from the days of josias to this day. Jer.36.3 can the house of judah hear all the evil things that i intend to do for them, so that they may turn every one from their evil way, and i will forgive their wrongdoing and their sins. Jer.36.4 then jeremia called baruch, the son of neria, and baruch wrote in the rol of the scroll of jeremia all the words that the lord had spoken to him. Jer.36.5 and jeremia commanded baruch, saying, i am not able to enter the house of the lord. Jer.36.6 so go you to listen with the rogrest that i have carried out of my words in the ears of the people in the house of the lord on the day of fast. also in the ears of all the jews who are coming from their town lies to them. Jer.36.7 may their mercy fall down before the lord, and they will return from their evil way; for great is the wrath and the wrath that the lord has spoken against this people. Jer.36.8 and baruch, the son of judah, did all that jeremia had commanded him, to lecture in the book the words of the lord in the house of the lord. Jer.36.9 in the sixth year of joiakim, son of joiakim, king of judah, in the ninth month, they gathered a fast before the lord all the people in jerusalem and all the people of the people who had come to jerusalem from jerusalem. Jer.36.10 so baruch read in the book the words of jeremiah in the house of the lord, in the house of gemariah, the son of shafan, the scribe, in the head of the new courth of the new porth of the house of the lord. Jer.36.11 when michaja, the son of gemarja, the son of shafan, heard of all the words of the lord in the book, Jer.36.12 then he went down to the house of the king, to the scribes of the scribes, and behold, there were sitting all the rulers: elishama the scribes and delaia, the son of shemaja, and elnathan, the son of acbor, and gemarja, the son of shafan, and sedekias, the son of hananja, and all the rulers. Jer.36.13 and micha told them all the words that he heard when baruch was read in the listen of the people. Jer.36.14 then all the rulers sent to baruch jehudi, son of nethanja, the son of selemja, the son of cushai, to baruch, saying, take in your hand the rol with which you read before the people and come. so baruch, the son of nerja, took the rol into his hand and came to them. Jer.36.15 and they said to him, return and read for us. and baruch read it in their ears. Jer.36.16 when they heard all these things, they rejoiced at one another, and they said to baruch, we will tell the king all these words. Jer.36.17 and they asked baruch, what did you scrie all these words? Jer.36.18 and baruch said to them, he told me all these words, and i wrote them with a book in the book. Jer.36.19 and the rulers said to baruch, go and hide you and jeremia, and let no one know where you are. Jer.36.20 so they went to the king into the courtyard, but the rol they laid in the house of elishama, the ruler, and reported all the words to the king. Jer.36.21 so the king sent jehudi to take the rol, and he took it out of the temple of elishama, the ruler. and jehudi lest it in the ears of the king and for all the rulers who stood about the king. Jer.36.22 the king was sitting in the tempth of the wine, and the fire was in the face of fire. Jer.36.23 and as jehudi had listened three or four robes, the king carried them with the scroll of the scribes and throwed it into the fire that was in the jow, until all the joy had taken away in the fire that was in the round. Jer.36.24 the king and all his servants who heard all these words did not rose their garments, but did not rose their garments. Jer.36.25 but when elnathan and delaja and gemarja preached the king not to burn the rol, but he did not expect them. Jer.36.26 and the king ordered jerameel, the son of the king, and seraja, the son of azriel, and seraja, the son of azriel, to capture baruk and the prophet jeremia. but the lord hidden them. Jer.36.27 after the king had burned the rol and the words that baruch had written from the mouth of jeremias, the word came to jeremia, saying, Jer.36.28 take you again a other rol and write all the words of the rulers, which was in the ruler that the king of joiakim has burned. Jer.36.29 and of jehojakim, king of judah, shall you say, so says the lord of israel: you have bringing this rol, saying, why have you wrote in it, saying, the king of babylon will come in and destroy this land and destroy it people and beast? Jer.36.30 therefore so declares the lord about jehojakim, king of judah, so that he will not have no one seated on the throne of david, and his body will be thrown down in the back of the day and in the hair of the night. Jer.36.31 and i will visite him and his offspring and his servants for their evil things, and i will bring upon them and over the inwoners of jerusalem and on the people of judah all the evil that i have spoken to them, but they did not hear them. Jer.36.32 so he took the other rol baruch and wrote in it the rulle of jeremia, all the words of the scroll that jehojakim, king of judah, was bringing, and they were added with them many many words. Jer.37.1 and sedekias, the son of josia, took up in the place of joiakim, son of joiakim, whom nebukadressar, king of babylon, made a king of judah. Jer.37.2 but not he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land heard the words of the lord that he spoke by the hand of jeremia. Jer.37.3 and the king sedekias sent jechal, the son of selemija, and zefanja, the son of maaseja, the priest, to jeremia, saying, pray for us to the lord our god! Jer.37.4 now when jeremia had come and passed through among the city, they had not put him into the prison. Jer.37.5 the power of pharaon went out of egypt, and when the chaldeans who belonged to jerusalem heard about them, they departed from jerusalem. Jer.37.6 then the word of the lord came to jeremia, saying, Jer.37.7 so says the lord, the god of israel: so shall you say to the king of judah who sent you to ask me: behold, the power of pharaon, which has come out to you to help will return to the land of egypt. Jer.37.8 and the chaldeans will return and strike against this city, and they will seize it and burn it with fire. Jer.37.9 so says the lord of israel: do not keep your souls, saying, the chaldeans will go away from us, for they will not go. Jer.37.10 even if you strike all the power of the chaldeans who belongs to you and have left among them some who are distributed, each one will rise in his place and burn this city with fire. Jer.37.11 now when the power of the chaldeans went up from jerusalem for the sake of the power of pharaon, Jer.37.12 jeremia went out from jerusalem to go to the land of benjamin, to leave them there in the midst of the people. Jer.37.13 but when he was at the door of benjamin, there was a office of the guarding of jirija, the son of selemija, the son of hananja. he took jeremias, the king, saying, you will flee to the chaldeans. Jer.37.14 and jeremia said, it is false; i will not go to the chaldeans. but he did not listen to him and took jeremias and brought him to the rulers. Jer.37.15 the rulers were provoked at jeremia, and they killed him, and they put him into a prison, the scribe, for they had made this in prison. Jer.37.16 when jeremia had gone in a town and in the calls, and jeremia remained there for many days, Jer.37.17 and sedekias sent out and called him. and the king asked him in secret, if there is a word from the lord? and jeremia said, it is. you will be delivered in the hand of the king of babel. Jer.37.18 and jeremia said to the king, what have i committed you and your servants and this people, that you have put me into the prison? Jer.37.19 and where are your prophets who prophesied to you, saying, the king of babylon will not come to you or against this land? Jer.37.20 now do now, my lord, o king, let my prayer fallen before your face, and do not send me away in the house of jonatan the scribes, that i may not die there. Jer.37.21 so the king sedekia became charge, and they put jeremiah in the courtyard of the prison, and gave him one bread on the day in the straff, until the whole bread was removed in the city. so jeremia remained in the courtyard of the prison. Jer.38.1 shefatja, the son of matan, and gedalias, the son of pashur, and juchal, the son of shelemja, and pashur, the son of shelemja, the words that jeremia spoke to all the people, saying, Jer.38.2 so says the lord: whoever abides in this city will die death and hunger and pest. but whoever comes to the chaldeans shall live, and he will have his life as a district and will live. Jer.38.3 so says the lord: this city will be delivered into the power of the power of the king of babel, and he will seize it. Jer.38.4 and the rulers said to the king, let this man be death, for he deliver the hands of the soldiers who are left in this city and the hands of all the people, saying these words to them. this man does not please the peace of this people, but evil. Jer.38.5 and the king said, see, he is in your hands, for the king cannot do against you. Jer.38.6 so they took jeremiah and throw him into the cistern of malchijah, the son of the king, who was in the courtyard of the prison. so they cailed jeremian in the cistern, but in the cistern was not water, but drew, and jeremia was in the mire. Jer.38.7 when ebed-melek, the etiopets, one who was in the house of the king heard that they had put jeremian into the cisterna, while the king was standing at the door of benjamin, Jer.38.8 and ebed-melek went out of the king and spoke to the king, saying, Jer.38.9 o lord, you have done what you did to kill this man from the famine, since there are no bread in the city. Jer.38.10 and the king commanded ebed-melec ebedmelech, saying, take up thirty men from here and take him out of the cistern, so that he might die. Jer.38.11 so ebed-meled, a man, took the men and entered in the house of the king in the surrounding place, and took there a old rock and old robes and throwed them down to jeremia in the cisterny. Jer.38.12 and he said to jeremia, lay down under the back under the back. and jeremia did so. Jer.38.13 then they dragged him with the back and led him out of the cistern. so jeremia sat in the courtyard of the prison. Jer.38.14 then the king sedekia sent and invited jeremia to himself in the third house of the temple of the lord. and the king said to him, i will ask you a question, do not hidden anything from me. Jer.38.15 and jeremia said to the king, if i tell you, do you not put me to death. and if i give you a counsel, you will not listen to me. Jer.38.16 and the king said to him, so how as the lord lives who gave us this life, i will not kill you or give you in the hand of these men who are going to your life. Jer.38.17 and jeremia said to jeremijah, so says the lord, the god of israel, god of israel: if you come out to the rulers of the king of babel, your life will live, and this city will not be burned with fire, and you and your house shall live. Jer.38.18 but if you do not go out, this city will be given into the hands of the chaldeans, and they will burn it with fire, and you will not escape of their hands. Jer.38.19 and the king said to jeremia, i am afraid of the jews who have escaped to the chaldeans, that i may have delivered me in their hands and they will share me. Jer.38.20 and jeremia said, they will not deliver you. hear the word of the lord, which i say to you, and it will be well for you, and your soul shall live. Jer.38.21 but if you do not want to go out, this is the word that the lord has shown me. Jer.38.22 behold, all the women who are left in the house of the king of judah will be brought to the rulers of the king of babel, and they will say, your believers have deceived you and preached you, and your feet fell in the stone, and they have turned away from you. Jer.38.23 they will take all your women and your children to the chaldeans, and you will not escape of their hands, but you will be saken by the hand of the king of babel, and this city will be burned up. Jer.38.24 and sedekias said to him, let no one know these words, and you shall not die. Jer.38.25 if the rulers hear that i have spoken to you and come to you and say to you, tell us what you said to the king, do not keep it from us, and we will not kill you. and what did the king say to you? Jer.38.26 you shall say to them, i have showed my mercy before the king, that he might not bring me into the house of jonathan to die there. Jer.38.27 then all the rulers came to jeremia and asked him, and he told them all the words that the king had commanded him. and they were silent, for the word was not reported. Jer.38.28 so jeremia remained in the courtyard of the prison until the day that jerusalem was taken. Jer.39.1 in the ninth year of sedekias'king of judah, in the tiende month, nebukadressar, the king of babylon, with all his armée came against jerusalem and belongs to it. Jer.39.2 in the elonth year of sedekias, in the fourth day of the fourth day of the month, the city was distributed. Jer.39.3 so all the rulers of the king of babel came and sat at the midst of the midst, nergal-sarezer, samgar-nevo, sarsekim, nergal-sarezer, nergal-sarezer, rab-mag, and all the other rulers of the king of babel. Jer.39.14 they sent and took jeremian from the courtyard of the prison and gave him to gedalja, the son of ahikam, the son of shafan, that should take him out. so he remained among the people. Jer.39.15 now the word of the lord came to jeremia in the courtyard of the prison, saying, Jer.39.16 go and tell the etiopians ebed-melech, saying, so says the lord of the people of israel: behold, i will bring my words on this city to evil and not to good. Jer.39.17 but i will save you in that day, and you will not be given in the hand of the men whom you fear. Jer.39.18 for i will save you, and you will not fallen for the sword, but you will have your soul as a sword, because you have confided in me, declares the lord. Jer.40.1 this is the word that came to jeremia from the lord, after nebuzaradan, the ruler of the guard, had sent him away from rama, when he had been took him with chains among all the captive of judah and judah, who were brought to babylon. Jer.40.2 the ruler of the guardiers took jeremijah and said to him, the lord your god has spoken this evil upon this place. Jer.40.3 and the lord did so, for you have sinned against him and did not obey his voice. Jer.40.4 behold, i have sent you from your hands, if it was right for you to come with me to babylon, come and lay my eyes to you. Jer.40.5 and when he had not turned, he said, return to gedalja, the son of ahikam, the son of shafan, whom the king of babel has set over the region of judah, and live with him among the people, or go to go where you would go to go. and the ruler of the boats gave him a giving and gifts and sent him. Jer.40.6 so jeremia went to gedalia, the son of ahikam, to micpa, and remain among the people who had left the land. Jer.40.7 when all the officers of the sold, who were in the country, they and their men, heard that the king of babel had set gedalia, son of ahikam, the governor of the land, and delivered to him men and women, who had not been brought captive to babylon, Jer.40.8 so they came to gedalja to micpa: ismaël, the son of nethaniah, and johanan and jonathan, the sons of careah, seraja the son of tanhumeth, the sons of efah of netofa, and jezanja, the son of maachathai, they and their men. Jer.40.9 and gedalja, son of ahikam, son of shafan, swore to them and to their men, saying, do not fear the chaldeans. abide in the land and serve the king of babylon, and it will be well for you. Jer.40.10 and i, behold, i am sit in micpa, to stand before the chaldeans who will come to you. but you gather wine and women and olive, and put it into your garments, and stay in your towns, which you have taken fast. Jer.40.11 all the jews who were in moab, among the sons of ammon and in edom and in all the land, when they heard that the king of babylon had left judah a rest and set over them gedalia, the son of ahikam, the son of shafan. Jer.40.12 then the whole people went away from all the district, and they returned to the land of judah to micpa, and they gathered wine and hostless wine. Jer.40.13 but johanan, the son of kareah, and all the officers of the heir who were in the country came to gedalia to mizpa, Jer.40.14 and said to him, do you know that baalis, the king of the ammonites, has sent ismael, the son of nethany, to strike you? but gedalja, son of ahikam, did not believe them. Jer.40.15 and johanan, kareah, said in secret to gedalias in mitspa, saying, let me go and kill ismael, the son of nethanja, and let not one know. why he will strike you? so that all the jews who are gathered together to you will be scattered, and the rest of judah will perish? Jer.40.16 but gedalias, the son of ahikam, said to johanan, the son of kareah, do not do this, for you speak false things about ismael. Jer.41.1 now in the seventh month ismael, the son of netanja, the son of elishama, of the rulers of the king, came to gedalia, the son of ahikam, to micpa, and they ate there with bread in micpa. Jer.41.2 and ismael, the son of nethanja, rose up with the ten men who had been with him, and killed gedalja, the son of ahikam, whom the king of babylon had set over the land. Jer.41.3 he distributed all the jews who were with him in micpa, and the chaldeans who were there who were there. Jer.41.4 on the second day when he had killed gedaliah, though there was no one knowledge, Jer.41.5 there came a men from shechem, from silo and samaria, who had broken back and districted the garments and their garments, and were in their hands sacrifices and incense, to bring them into the house of the lord. Jer.41.6 and ismael, the son of nethanja, went out to them, walking and greatly, and he said to them, come to gedalja, son of ahikam. Jer.41.7 and as they came into the midst of the city, saul distributed them in the well. Jer.41.8 but among them there were ten men who said to ismael, do not kill us, for we have treasures on the field, women and horse, and honey and honey. so he departed and distributed them not among their brothers. Jer.41.9 the well, in which ismael had thrown down all the people that he had killed, was this a great put, which the king asa made for baasa, the king of israel. this was ismael, son of nethanja, filled with erders. Jer.41.10 so ismael distributed all the people that were left in micpa, the daughters of the king, which nebusaradan, the ruler of the guard, put to gedalia, the son of ahikam, and distributed them, and went to the country of the sons of ammon. Jer.41.11 but when johanan, the son of kareah, and all the officers of the heir who were with him heard all the evil that ismael, the son of nethaniah, had done, Jer.41.12 then they took all their men and went and went to attack him, and they found him at the great water that was in gibeon. Jer.41.13 when all the people who were with ismael saw johanan, the son of kareah, and all the officers of the heirs who were with him, they rejoiced. Jer.41.14 and when they returned to johanan, they returned to johanan, Jer.41.15 but ismael, the son of nethaniah, escaped with eight men of man and went to the ammonites. Jer.41.16 then johanan, syn of kareah, and all the officers of the heir who were with him took away all the rest of the people that he had turn from ismael, the son of nethanja, who had carried out of ismael, the son of nethanja, who he had carried away from gibeon. Jer.41.17 and they went and went in the country of chimham, which is near bethlehem, to go and go into egypt, Jer.41.18 for the chaldeans, for they were afraid of them, because ismael, the son of nethania, killed gedaliah, son of ahikam, whom the king of babel had set over the land. Jer.42.1 then all the rulers of the sold and johanan, the son of careah, and jezechariah the son of hosaïa and the whole people, from the minor to the greatest, Jer.42.2 and said to the prophet jeremias, let us flee our prayer before you, and pray for us to the lord your god for all this rest, for we have been overcome for many of many, as your eyes see. Jer.42.3 so let the lord your god tell us the way we will go, and what we will do. Jer.42.4 and the prophet jeremia said to them, i have heard. i will pray to the lord your god according to your words. and whatever the lord answered you will tell you, i will never keep you anything. Jer.42.5 and they said to jeremia, let the lord be a faithful and faithful witness among us, except in all the words that the lord, your god, will send you to us. Jer.42.6 if it is good or evil, we will hear the voice of the lord our god, to whom we send you to send, so that it may be well for us, when we obey the voice of the lord our god. Jer.42.7 after ten days the message came to jeremia the word of the lord. Jer.42.8 and he called johanan, the son of kareah, and all the rulers of the power, who were with him, and all the people, from the minor to the greatest, Jer.42.9 and he said to them, so says the lord: Jer.42.10 if you remain in this land, i will build you and not destroy you, plant you and not cut out, for i have reason over the evil things that i have done to you. Jer.42.11 do not fear the king of babel that you are afraid. fear him not, says the lord, for i am with you, to save you and to save you out of his hand. Jer.42.12 and i will show you mercy, and he will have mercy on you and turn you to your land. Jer.42.13 but if you say, we will not sit in this land, and do not listen to the voice of the lord your god, Jer.42.14 saying, not, we will go into the land of egypt, where we will not see war war, and we will not hear the sound of a trumpet or be hungry with bread, and there we will live. Jer.42.15 therefore hear the word of the lord, o god of israel: so says the lord of the people of israel: if you do your face to egypt and enter there to dwelling there, Jer.42.16 the sword that you fear will find you in the land of egypt, and the honger that you fear will leave you in egypt, and there you will die. Jer.42.17 and all those who will set their face to egypt to dwelling there, will perish by the sword, by the famine and by the famine, and there will be no one who will escape and escape the evil that i bring against them. Jer.42.18 for so says the lord of the armées, the god of israel: as my wrath and my wrath has come upon the habitants of jerusalem, so my wrath will come upon you, when you enter egypt, and you will be a desolate ground and a desolate, and you will never see this place. Jer.42.19 the rest of judah has spoken to you, o rest of judah: do not enter egypt. let you know this now and know it. Jer.42.20 for you did wrong in your souls, when you sent me out, saying, pray for us to the lord our god and to all the things that the lord, our god, do to you, we do. Jer.42.21 so i did not listen to the voice of the lord, your god, which he sent me to you. Jer.42.22 now therefore let you know that in the place where you desire to go in and dwell in the place where you desire to enter there and dwelling there. Jer.43.1 when jeremia had finished saying to all the people all the words of the lord, their god, which the lord, their god, sent him to them, Jer.43.2 and azarja, the son of hosaja, and johanan, the son of careah, and all the devout people said to jeremia, you speak. the lord our god did not send you to say, do not enter egypt for there to live there, Jer.43.3 but baruch, the son of neria, calls you against us, so that he may give us into the hands of the chaldeans, so that they may put us to death or put us captive to babylon. Jer.43.4 so johanan, the son of kareah, and all the officers of the heir and all the people did not obey the voice of the lord to live in the land of judah. Jer.43.5 so johanan, the son of kareah, and all the rulers of the heir took all the rest of the people of judah, who had returned, to dwelling there in the land, Jer.43.6 the men, both men, both women, the children, the daughters of the king, and all those whom nebuzaradan, the ruler of the officers, had left with gedalia, son of shafan, the son of shafan, and the prophet jeremia and baruch, the son of neria, Jer.43.7 and they went into the land of egypt, for they did not listen to the voice of the lord. so they went to tahpanhes. Jer.43.8 then the word of the lord came to jeremia in tahpanhes, saying, Jer.43.9 take for you great stones and hide them in a secret by the entrance of the door of the house of pharaoh in tahpanhes, in the sight of the jews. Jer.43.10 and say to them, so declares the lord of the god of israel, god of israel: behold, i will send nebukadressar, king of babel, a king of babylon, and he will put his throne above these stones that i have taken down. Jer.43.11 and he will come and kill the land of egypt. those who are for death to death, and those for captive to captive, and those who are for the sword, to the sword. Jer.43.12 and i will burn fire in the household of their gods, and he will burn them and take them away. and he will strike out the land of egypt, as a shepherd deceives his cloak, and he will go out in peace. Jer.43.13 he will destroy the colonne of elijah, the king of israel, and burn their houses will he burn in fire. Jer.44.1 the word that came to jeremia for all the jews who were in egypt, who dwell in migdol, in tahpanhes, in nof and in the land of pathrus, saying, Jer.44.2 so says the lord cebaot, the god of israel: you have seen all the evil things that i brought upon jerusalem and all the towns of judah; and behold, they are a desolate place, and there are no house, Jer.44.3 because of their evil bad, which they did to provoke me, to go to incense others, which you did not know. Jer.44.4 i have sent to you all my servants, the prophets, always and sent, saying, do not do this abomination that i hate. Jer.44.5 but they did not listen and do not inclined their ears to turn from their evil things, not to incense others. Jer.44.6 so my wrath and my wrath have come and taken up in the towns of judah and in the rues of jerusalem, and they became a desolate and a desolate place, as it is this day. Jer.44.7 and now so says the lord, the god of israel, god of israel: why do you make great evil things against your souls, to destroy you both men and wife, children and infants, from the midst of judah, so that no one left you. Jer.44.8 you have provoked my anger in the works of your hands, bringing incense to others gods in the land of egypt, where you have entered to live there. so you will be destroyed and become a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the earth? Jer.44.9 have you glemed the deeds of your fathers, the evil of the kings of judah, the evil of your women, the evil of your servants, and the evil things of your women, which they did in the land of judah and in the ruets of jerusalem? Jer.44.10 they did not cease, as long as this day, and they did not keep them and do not obey my law and my commandments that i gave you and your fathers. Jer.44.11 therefore so says the lord of the people of israel: behold, i reject my face against you. Jer.44.12 and i will destroy the rest of egypt, and they will fall in sword and in famine, from the minor to the greatest, and they will become a reproach, a destruction, and a curse. Jer.44.13 for i will visite those who dwell in the land of egypt, as i visited jerusalem with sword, with hunger and with pestilence. Jer.44.14 and no one will escape or escape among the rest of judah who are coming in the land of egypt, who will come in the land of egypt, for they will return to the land of judah, where their souls they will turn to turn there. they will not return except those who escape. Jer.44.15 then all the men who knew that their women were bringing incense to others, and all the women who were there, a great multitude, and all the people who dwelled in the land of egypt in pathrus, answered jeremijah, saying, Jer.44.16 we shall not listen to you the word that you told us in the name of the lord. Jer.44.17 but we will do doing all the word that comes from our mouth, to offer incense to the king of heaven and offering a drink for her, just as we did, we and our fathers, our kings and our rulers, in the towns of judah and in the ruets of jerusalem. and we were filled with bread, and we were well, and we did not see evil. Jer.44.18 but as we left offering incense to the king of the heavens and give offering offering for her, we were all unmined, and we have consumed through death and hunger. Jer.44.19 and when we burned incense to the king of the heavens and became offering to her drankoffers, did we not have done for her back with our men, and offered offerings for her? Jer.44.20 and jeremia said to all the people, to the men and to the women and to all the people who had answered him the message, Jer.44.21 the incense that you offered in the towns of judah and in the rues of jerusalem, you and your fathers, your kings and your rulers and the people of the land, did not remember the lord, and has not recognized it on his heart? Jer.44.22 so the lord could no more bear for the evil things of your deeds, because of the abominations that you have done. so your land became a desolate and a desolate and a desolate place, as it is in this day. Jer.44.23 because you offered incense and have sinned against the lord, and did not obey the voice of the lord, nor did you walk in his law and in his commandments and in his testimony, so that this mal is coming over you. Jer.44.24 and jeremia said to all the people and to all the women, hear the word of god, all who are in jerusalem. Jer.44.25 so says the lord, the god of israel, the god of israel, say, you and your wives have spoken with your mouth and have fulfilled with your hands, saying, we will fulfill our confessions, which we have confessed, to offert incense for the king of heaven and to utter to her drankoffers. so do doing your prayers and do so. Jer.44.26 therefore hear the word of the lord, you jews, who are in the land of egypt! behold, i have swore by my great name, says the lord, that my name shall be no more in all the land of judah to say, so as as the lord, the lord, lives. Jer.44.27 behold, i am waken over them to destroy them and not to do good, and all the people of judah who are in the land of egypt will perish by the sword and in the famine, until they are destroyed. Jer.44.28 yet few people will return from the sword and return to the land of judah a little number. so the rest of judah who has come down in the land of egypt to dwelling there, whose word belongs to remain there. Jer.44.29 and this will be a sign for you, that i will visite you in evil things. Jer.44.30 so says the lord: behold, i will give farao hofra, king of egypt, into the hand of his enemies and into the hand of those who seek his life, just as i have given sedekia, king of judah, into the hand of nebukadressar, king of babel, his enemy, who seeking his life. Jer.45.1 the word that the prophet jeremia spoke to baruch, the son of neriah, when he written these words in the book from the mouth of jeremia in the fourth years of jehojakim, son of josias, king of judah, Jer.45.2 so says the lord, the god of israel, to you, o baruch: Jer.45.3 you say, woe to me! for the lord has added a moil for my weak. i have fallen in my ground, i find no rest. Jer.45.4 tell him, so says the lord: behold, what i have made i destroy, and what i have planted i destroy. Jer.45.5 and you seek for you great things. do not seek, for behold, i bring evil on every flesh, says the lord, but i will give you your life as a present place in every place where you will go. Jer.46.1 and you seek for you great things. do not seek, for behold, i bring evil on every flesh, says the lord, but i will give you your life as a present place in every place where you will go. Jer.46.2 about egypt. against the power of pharaon necho, king of egypt, who was at the river euphrates in karkemis, which nebukadressar, king of babylon, killed in the fourth years of jehojakim, son of josias, king of judah. Jer.46.3 help a cloak and a aspid, and leave to the bath. Jer.46.4 spy the hors, and come up, o cavaliers, and set you at helm. cast the spies, put the pants. Jer.46.5 why do i see, they fall and turn back? their helds are falled, and they are escaped in fugging, and not return. there is earthly around, says the lord. Jer.46.6 the low may not escape, the strong may not escape. on the north, at the near of the euphrates, they fall and fall. Jer.46.7 who is this who ascends as a river, and the waters brings like flores? Jer.46.8 the water of egypt ascends like a river, and it says, i will rise, i will cover the earth and destroy those who dwell in it. Jer.46.9 come up, chers, and take out the waves! let the helds come out, etiopians and libites, walking with waves, and ludians, strangers with l'bound! Jer.46.10 this day is the lord, the lord of the armées, a day of vengeance, to visitail for his enemies. the sword will eat and be satisfied and drunk with their blood, for the lord, the lord of the armées, is a sacrifice for the lord, the lord of the armées, in the land of nordness, by the river euphrates. Jer.46.11 come up to galaad, and take a balsam, o virgin daughter of egypt! in vain do you multiplike your healing, there is no means for you. Jer.46.12 the nations hear your ground, and your crying out is filled the earth, for a mighty man sounded at a held, both fell together. Jer.46.13 the word that the lord spoke to the prophet jeremia about the coming of nebukadressar, king of babel, to destroy the land of egypt. Jer.46.14 proclaim in migdol, proclaim in migdol, proclaim in nof and in nof, and say, come up and ready, for the sword has devored your dwelling. Jer.46.15 why are your strengthened? they did not remain, for the lord stricked him. Jer.46.16 he has distributed many people, and they fell on one another, and they said, rise, let us return to our people and to our heirs, before the jewish sword. Jer.46.17 they calling the name: pharaoh, the king of egypt, has been carried out. Jer.46.18 so long as i live, says the king of the armées, the lord of god, he will come as tabor among the mountains and as karmel on the sea. Jer.46.19 you daughter, daughter of egypt, do for captive for captive. for memphis will become a desolate place, it will be born, and there will be no dwelling in it. Jer.46.20 a belonging feast is egypt, but a healing comes from the nordside. Jer.46.21 even her hoviers in it will be like fattened calves, for they also have turned away, escaped together. they did not stand, for the day of their destruction has come upon them, the time of their visions. Jer.46.22 his voice is like a serpent, for they will go with sold, and they will come upon it with axs as wealders. Jer.46.23 they will cut her woud, says the lord, for it is not lawful. for they are more than akrides, and they are no number. Jer.46.24 be ashamed, o daughter of egypt; it is given in the hand of the people of the north. Jer.46.25 behold, i will pune amon, her son, against pharaon and for those who set in him. Jer.46.27 but do not fear, my servant jacob, and do not be afraid, o israel; for behold, i will save you from a distance, and your offspring from the land of their captivitness. and jacob will return and be sailed, and there will be no one who deliveres him. Jer.46.28 do not fear, my servant jacob, says the lord, for i am with you. for i will destroy all the nations where i have cut you out, but i will not destroy you. i will discipline you with judgment, and i will not give you innocent. Jer.47.1 against the philistins. Jer.47.2 so says the lord: behold, water ascends from nord, and it will be a flowing stroom, and they will burn the earth and its fullness, the city and those who dwell in it. people shall cry, and all who dwell in the earth will weep. Jer.47.3 for the voice of the passion of the waves of his feet, for the shaking of his chars, the sound of his rues, the fathers did not turn to their children, because their hands are broken, Jer.47.4 for the day that comes for to destroy all the philistins, to destroy to tyre and sidon all the rest of their help. for the lord will destroy the philistins, the rest of the town of the island. Jer.47.5 gald has come upon gaza, askalon has been thrown away, even the rest of the anakites. how long will you burn? Jer.47.6 o a sword of the lord! how long do you not be quiet? go in your bed, rest and be still! Jer.47.7 but how can it be ro, when the lord has commanded it? against ascalon and against the sea of sea he has commanded it. Jer.48.1 of moab. so says the lord of the armées, the god of israel: woe to nebo, for it is destroyed; kiriat-jearim will be taken, and it is distributed. Jer.48.2 there is no longer reason for moab; in heshbon they thought evil against it: let us destroy it from nation, and you, madmena, be destroyed, o sword! Jer.48.3 a voice calling from horonaim: destruction and great destruction! Jer.48.4 moab is distributed, moab is deceived to the ground of sound. Jer.48.5 for on the way of luhith they ascends with weeping, and on the way of horonaim you hear a loud cry of destruction. Jer.48.6 flee, save your souls, and be like a wild tree in the wilderness! Jer.48.7 for because you have confided in your treasures and your treasures, you also will be carried. and kemosh will go in captivitness, with his priests and his rulers. Jer.48.8 the destruction will come upon every city, and no city will escape. the vall will perish, and the shefel will be destroyed, just as the lord said. Jer.48.9 give signs to moab, for it will leave, and its cities will become a desolate place, there will be no residents. Jer.48.10 cursed be he who does hard to do the work of the lord, and cursed be the one who takes his sword from blood. Jer.48.11 moab was remained from a child, and was reasoned in his ground, he was not poured out out of a vase into a vase and was not departed to captive. so it was in this time his gusting, and his old has not defiled. Jer.48.12 therefore, behold, the days are coming, declares the lord, when i send a leaters to him who will deceive it, and they will brise his goods and destroy his horns. Jer.48.13 and moab will be put to shame, as the house of israel was ashamed for bet-el, their hope that they had made confidence. Jer.48.14 how can you say, we are strong men and men of held? Jer.48.15 moab is destroyed, his city is destroyed, and his elect young down to slaughter. Jer.48.16 the day of moab is near to come, and his evil evil is greatly. Jer.48.17 mourn him, you all who are around him, all who know his name! say, how has been broken the scepter of honor, a great scepter! Jer.48.18 come down from your glory and sit in the ground, you habitante, daughter of dibon! for a destroyer of moab has ascended against you and destroy your treasures. Jer.48.19 stand on the way and see and drink, you who dwell in aroer. ask those who are escaped and escape, and say, what has happened? Jer.48.20 moab is ashamed, for it is bright. huil and crie, tell in arnon that moab is destroyed. Jer.48.21 a judgment came to the field of the field, over holon, over jahaz, and over mefaat, Jer.48.22 and on dibon, and to nebo, and on beth-diblataim, Jer.48.23 and over kiriathaim, and over beth-gamul, and over beth-meon, Jer.48.24 over kerioth, and against bosor, and upon all the towns of moab, who are far off and far near. Jer.48.25 the horn of moab has been broken, and his arm is broken, dice the lord. Jer.48.26 get it droning him, for he has granted against the lord, and moab may be broken in his hand, and he also will be a labor. Jer.48.27 and did israel not be provided for you? whether he was found among the loves, that you have spoken of him? Jer.48.28 leave the city and abide in the rocks, o inwoners of moab, and be like a dove, who plants down in the rock of the doil. Jer.48.29 we have heard of the arrogance of moab, who belong greatly, his arrogance, his arrogance, his arrogance and his arrogance. Jer.48.30 i know knowledge of him, diras the lord, and his deceive is not so. Jer.48.31 therefore i will mourn over moab, and for all moab will i wait; for the men of kir-heres will mourn. Jer.48.32 as i weep jazer, i will weep for you, o vineyard of sibma, your branches passed around the sea of jazer, at your fruits at your vineyard, a destruct fell down. Jer.48.33 and joy and joy draws from the country of moab, and from the land of moab, and from the land of moab; i do not trample wine of vineyard, neither will there be trouble. Jer.48.34 for the cry of hesbon, until eleale, as long as eleale, they gave their voice from zoar to horonaim, to eglat-shelishja, for even the water of nimrim will be destroyed. Jer.48.35 i will destroy moab, says the lord, who brings up the altar and incense his gods. Jer.48.36 therefore my heart will crying out as a flute for moab, my heart will crying out like a flut for the people of kir-heres, for the things that they have performed has perished. Jer.48.37 for every head will be raken, and every foot is raken, and in all hands they are calling, and on the lends there is a sack. Jer.48.38 on all the household of moab and on all his gates, for i have brished moab like a vase that is not necessary. Jer.48.39 how is it broken, o moab! how is it broken! how has moab turned back to shame! moab is become labor and desolation for all who are around it. Jer.48.40 for so says the lord, the god of israel: Jer.48.41 kerioth has been taken, and the treasures it has taken weak. Jer.48.42 and moab will be destroyed from a crowd, because it has become great against the lord. Jer.48.43 fear and grow and grave on you, o dwelling of moab, diras the lord. Jer.48.44 whoever flees from the fear will fall into the pit, and whoever comes out of the pit will be taken into the set, for i will bring over moab the year of his visitation, declares against moab. Jer.49.1 concerning the children of ammon. so says the lord: have israel no sons, or does he have no possession? why then malkam received gad, and his people dwells in the towns? Jer.49.2 therefore, behold, the days come, says the lord, when i will hear a warn of bath against rabba of the moabites, and they will become a desolate place, and its boats will be burned up with fire, and israel will arry those who belongs to him. Jer.49.3 weep, hesbon, for ai is destroyed! cried out, you daughters of rabba, crush up with sackcloth, calling and beat in the daughts, for malkhom will come in captivitness, with his priests and his rulers. Jer.49.4 why do you rejoice in the vallés, your anacked daughter, o district daughter on your treasures, saying, who will come against me? Jer.49.5 behold, i will bring a fear upon you from all your surrounding country, and you will be scattered, each for his face, and there will no one gather. Jer.49.7 concerning edom. so says the lord of the people: is there no further wisdom in teman? has been destroyed for those who are understanding? does their wisdom come? Jer.49.8 flew, flew, turn down in plants, you who dwell in dedan! for i will bring esau down to him the time that i have visited him. Jer.49.9 if vineyards come to you, they would not have abandoned anything? if a thief in the night, they will raise their hands. Jer.49.10 for i have revealed esau, i have revealed his secret, and he will not escape. his own brothers, his brothers and his neighbors will be destroyed, and there is no one. Jer.49.11 let your women left me, i will live in live, and your widows rejoice on me. Jer.49.12 for so said the lord: behold, those who have not been rejected to drink the cup, you will drink, and you will not be without innocent, for you will drink it. Jer.49.13 for i have sworn by myself, says the lord, that bosra will be a desolate place, a rusting, a rusting, and a banvloek will be in it, and all its women will become a forever forever. Jer.49.14 i have heard a fame from the lord, and a messenger has been sent to the nations: gather, and come against it, and rise to the war. Jer.49.15 for behold, i have made you a little among the nations, despised among people. Jer.49.16 your arrogant has taken you, your arrogant of your heart, you who dwells in the rots of the rock, you who belongs to the coll of the hill. when you have exalted his nesting like a angel, i will cut you down from there, diras the lord. Jer.49.17 and edom will become a desolate place; everyone who passes by it will spot and spoke over all his furts. Jer.49.18 just as sodom and gomorrah and its neighbors, said the lord, there will no one dwelling there and a son of man shall not dwell there. Jer.49.19 behold, it is like a lion that comes from the stread of the jordan against a treated place, for i will persecute them soon from it, and he who is elect will i set over it. for who is like i? and who will restore for me? and who is this shepherd who will stand before my face? Jer.49.20 therefore hear the plan of the lord that he has delivered against edom, and his thoughts that he has thought against the habitants of teman: though the least of the sheep will be destroyed, and their tribes will be destroyed for them. Jer.49.21 from the voice of their fall bears the earth, and a cry has been heard by the sea of the sea. Jer.49.22 behold, it will come like a vuln and break out their wings against bozra, and the heart of the mighty men of edom will be in that day like the heart of a woman that is in anguish. Jer.49.23 concerning damascus. hamat and arpad were confud, for they heard a evil word. they were taken up, they will not be strengthened. Jer.49.24 damascus has been removed, he turned into nature, and trembling became belonging for it. Jer.49.25 how has not abandoned the city of my beloved, the city of my beloved! Jer.49.26 therefore your young men will fall out in his streets, and all the soldiers will fall in this time, declares the lord of the allmächtige. Jer.49.27 i will burn fire on the mures of damascus, and it will consume the palats of ben-hadad. Jer.49.28 concerning kedar and the reiers of hasor, which nebukadressar, the king of babel, struck. so says the lord: rise and go against kedar, and destroy the people of the beast. Jer.49.29 they will take their tents and their sheep, their tents and all their instrument, and their camels will they take for themselves, and they shall call them: there will be surrounding. Jer.49.30 flee, escape, depart in deep, habitants of hasor, for the king of babel has made plans against you, and he has decided against you a thoughty. Jer.49.31 rise and go against a strong people who dwell in beautiful sight, diras the lord; they have no deal, nor ribe, they dwells only. Jer.49.32 their cameles will be a plundering, and the multitude of their beast will be a roof, and i will scrush them in every spirit, who are carried out before them, and from all their district i will bring their confusion, says the lord. Jer.49.33 and hasor shall be a bander for the passions, a desolate place for ever. no one will dwell there, and a son of man shall not dwell there. Jer.49.34 ( as did the prophet jeremia prophesy against elama, the king of judah, saying: Jer.49.35 so says the lord of the people: behold, i will destroy the bound of elam, the beginning of their power. Jer.49.36 and i will bring against elam the four winds from the four winds of heaven and scatters them in all these winds, and there there will be no nation where the devout of elam did not come there. Jer.49.37 and i will destroy them before their enemies and before those who seek their life. i will bring a evil upon them the wrath of my wrath, and i will send a sword after them, until i will destroy them. Jer.49.38 i will set my throne in elam, and i will destroy the king and rulers there, diras the lord. Jer.49.39 in the last days i will turn out the captives of elam, says the lord. in the beginning of the beginning of zedekias, king of judah, was this message concerning elam. Jer.50.1 this is the word that the lord spoke to babel of babel, as did the word of jeremia: Jer.50.2 tell all the nations, proclaim among the nations, proclaim, proclaim, do not kruke, say, babel has taken up, belong belong, merodach is troubled, merodach have been defiled. Jer.50.3 for a nation comes against it from the nord, which will make its land a desolate place, so that no one dwells in it, both man and beast. Jer.50.4 in those days and in that time, declares, the sons of israel will come together, they and the sons of judah together; they will go and weep and seek the lord their god. Jer.50.5 they will ask the way to sion, here will keep their face here. they will come and bring to the lord a eternal covenant that he will not be forgotten. Jer.50.6 my people was become a lost sheep, their shepherds deceived them. they deceived them on the mountains, they went away from mountain to a coll, they have forgotten their bed. Jer.50.7 all who found them devoured them, and their enemies said, we will not be reconciled, for they have sinned against the lord, the place of righteousness, to the lord, the place of their fathers. Jer.50.8 go away from the land of babel, and go out of the land of the chaldeans, and be like the sheep before the sheep. Jer.50.9 for behold, i will raise up against babylon a multitude of many nations from the land of the nord, and they will strike against it. there they will cast himself. it is as a stran held of held, he will not turn velly. Jer.50.10 and chaldea will become a plundering, all who plunder it will be filled, spreek the lord. Jer.50.11 for you rejoiced, for you rejoiced, you who plunder my inheritance, for you walked as a hidden of the grass, and stricked as fish, Jer.50.12 your mother has become greatly troubled, your mother for good. the last among the nations is deserte, deserth. Jer.50.13 for the wrath of the lord it will not be dwelled, but it will be a desolate place. everyone who passes through babylon will be washed and spoke on all its plagues. Jer.50.14 strive against babylon around, you all who spend l'bound. strong it, do not spare your bound, for you have sinned against you. Jer.50.15 griw out against it, for it has come, her hands has come, its wall fell, its wall fell down. for it is the wrath of the lord. avenge it for it! do for it, do it as she has done. Jer.50.16 destroy a offspring from babylon, who proceeds the sickle in the time of harvest. for the great sword they will return, each to his people, and flee each to his land. Jer.50.17 israel is a deceive sheep, a leoning bringed him. first the king of assyrien had eaten him, and later the king of babel did his benefit. Jer.50.18 therefore so says the lord of the people of israel: behold, i will punish the king of babel and his land, as i rejected the king of assyrien. Jer.50.19 and i will return the israel to his weide, and he will weid in karmel and in basan, and his soul will be filled in the mountain of ephraim and in galaad. Jer.50.20 in those days and in that time, it will seek the transgression of israel, and it will not be, and the sins of judah, and they will not find them, for i will forgive those who would left. Jer.50.21 drack against it and against the residents of pekod! destroy and destroy them, says the lord, and do whatever i commanded you. Jer.50.22 there is a voice of war in the land, and great destruction. Jer.50.23 how is it broken and bright, the hamp of all the earth! how has babylon become a desolate place among the nations! Jer.50.24 i have attacked you, and you were taken, babylon, and you did not know it. you were found and received, for you have attained the lord. Jer.50.25 the lord opened his treasure and carried out his wrath of his wrath, for it is a work for the lord, the lord of the people, in the land of the chaldeans. Jer.50.26 come up against it, coming out of its crowds, open its cloths, destroy it like spices and destroy it, so that there may be no rest of it. Jer.50.27 destroy her all its gards, let them come to slaughter. woe to them! for their day has come, the time of their wrath. Jer.50.28 listen of those who are escaped and escaped from the land of babel, to proclaim in zion the wraak of the wrath from the lord our god. Jer.50.29 call out to babylon to belong, to all who spend l'bound! set up around it, and let no one escape. repay her according to her work. do it done for it as he has done, for it has done against it against the lord, against the holy ones of israel. Jer.50.30 therefore its young men will fall in its streets, and all her soldiers will fall in the time, declares the lord of israel. Jer.50.31 behold, i am against you, o arrogant, says the lord, the lord of god, for your day is coming, the time of your punishment. Jer.50.32 the arrogant will fall and fall, and there will be no one who will bear it up. i will burn fire in her city, and it will devore all who are around it. Jer.50.33 so says the lord of the people of israel: the sons of israel and the sons of judah are violent, and those who have brought them captive are strengthened, they refused to send them away. Jer.50.34 but their redemptor is strong, the lord of the armées is his name. he will judge their accusations, so that he may destroy the earth and turn for those who dwell in babylon. Jer.50.35 a sword is upon the chaldeans, diras the lord, and upon the habitants of babylon, and upon her rulers, and over her wise men! Jer.50.36 a sword come upon its helds, and they will be stricked. Jer.50.37 a sword upon their horses and their chars, and against all the district who belongs to it, and they shall be like women! a sword will be over her treasures, and they will be broken. Jer.50.38 flood on its waters, and they will be shaken. for it is a land of idols, and they rejoices in their divisions. Jer.50.39 therefore leopardes will dwell in the strangers, and daughters there will abide in it, and no longer will be set in live forever. Jer.50.40 as god destroyed sodom and gomorrah and their neighbors, said the lord, there will no one dwelling there and a son of man shall not dwell there. Jer.50.41 behold, a people comes from the nord, a great nation, and many kings will come out from the ends of the earth. Jer.50.42 they have a bound and a ward, they are without mercy, their voice is like the sea, and they ran on hors, being prepared as a ward for a ward, against you, o daughter of babylon. Jer.50.43 the king of babylon heard the fame of them, and his hands are strengthened. anguish has attacked him, angusts as a child. Jer.50.44 behold, it is like a lion who comes from the torn of the jordan against the surrounding place, for i will persecute them soon from it. and i will set in it all who are chosen. for who is like i? who will restore for me? and who is this shepherd who will stand before my face? Jer.50.45 therefore hear the plan of the lord, which he has delivered against babylon, and his thoughts that he has thought against the chaldeans: though the little children of the sheep will destroy them, and their treasures will be destroyed for them. Jer.50.46 from the voice of the burn of babylon bears the earth, and a cry is heard among the nations. Jer.51.1 so says the lord: behold, i will raise up a wind against babylon and against those who dwell in the city. Jer.51.2 and i will send messengers to babylon, and they will despise it and destroy its land, for they will come against babylon from all side at the day of affliction. Jer.51.3 let the slanderer fleke his bound against him, and against him who is in his wailing. neither spare her young men, destroy her whole power. Jer.51.4 and those who are hered will fall in the land of the chaldeans and burned outside it. Jer.51.5 for israel and juda are not distributed from their god, the lord of the ejércitos, though their land was filled with wrong against the holy people of israel. Jer.51.6 flee from the midst of babylon, let each one escape his life. do not be thrown away in her violence, for it is the time of vengance for the lord, he will repay for it. Jer.51.7 babylon was a golden cop in the hand of the lord, who drank all the earth. the nations became drink of its wine, therefore the nations became beating. Jer.51.8 babylon fell down and was broken. weep for it, take balsam for her ground, how can it be healed! Jer.51.9 we have healed babylon, but she was not healed. forgive her, and let us go, each one to his land, for its judgment is drew into heaven, and has taken up to the star. Jer.51.10 the lord has carried out our judgment. come, and let us tell in zion the work of the lord our god. Jer.51.11 strong the pils, filled the pils! the lord has raised the spirit of the king of medi, for his wrath is against babylon to destroy it, for it is the wraak of the lord, justice for his people. Jer.51.12 arise a sign against the mures of babylon, lead officers, set guards, prepare officers, for the lord has performed and done what he has spoken against the inwoners of babel. Jer.51.13 you who dwells in the great water, great treasures, your end is coming, your crowds has come. Jer.51.14 the lord of the armées has swore by himself, saying, i will fulfill you with people like de locusts, and they will cry out on your wrath. Jer.51.15 he made the earth with his power, prepared the world in his wisdom, and made heaven in his understanding. Jer.51.16 as he hears, there is the sound of water in heaven, and he leads up the cloud from the ends of the earth. he makes flashes of lightning and brings out the wind out of his treasures. Jer.51.17 all people are distributed by knowledge, all golden will be put to shame with his idol, for his idol is false, and there is no spirit in them. Jer.51.18 it is foolid, a work of difficulty; at the time of their visions they will perish. Jer.51.19 the part of jacob is not like it, for he is the former of all things, and the father of his heirs is the lord of the ones. Jer.51.20 you was a tromping for me, instruments for a belonging, with you i will strike nations, and with you i destroy kings. Jer.51.21 with you i will scattery hors and carryers in you, and with you i will scattery ran and ran in you. Jer.51.22 by you i will destroy husband and wife, and by you i destroy a young and a virgin, and by you i destroy a young and a virgin. Jer.51.23 by you i will destroy the shepherd and his sheep, with you i will brise the tenants and his tenger, and by you i will destroy governors and rulers. Jer.51.24 yet i will repay babylon and all the dwellers of the chaldeans all their evil things that they did to zion for your eyes, says the lord. Jer.51.25 behold, i am against you, o destructed mountain, declaring all the earth. i will stretch my hand against you and throw you down from the rocks, and i will make you a brone mountain. Jer.51.26 they will not take of you a stone in home or stone for foundation, but you will be a desolate place forever, says the lord. Jer.51.27 arise a sign in the land, blow a trumpet among the nations, sanctificed the nations against it, call against it the kings of ararat, minni and ashkenaz. prepare officers against it, bring horses up like a great saranced. Jer.51.28 sanctify against it nations, the king of medien, his rulers and all his governor and all his governor. Jer.51.29 and the earth will be treated and treated, for the thoughts of the lord has come against babylon, to make the land of babylon to be a desolate place, so that there is no dwelling. Jer.51.30 the helds of babylon departed to strike, they sit in their neighbors, their power has been destroyed, they become like women. they have burned up their dwells, its grends have been broken. Jer.51.31 a drager follows a dragon, a message means the angel to tell the king of babylon that his city has been taken away, Jer.51.32 as they were born, they were taken away, and their burts were burned with fire, and the soldiers grow out. Jer.51.33 for so declares the lord of the people of israel: the household of the king of babylon is like a grain in the district. still a little while, and its reason will come. Jer.51.34 nebukadressar, king of babel, has consumed me, he has overtaken me a wicked instrument. it has lifted me as a dragon, filled his womb with my food, and delivered me out. Jer.51.35 the violence of my violence and my violence will come to babylon, will say the dwelling in zion, and my blood on the residens of kaldea, will say jerusalem. Jer.51.36 therefore so says the lord: behold, i will judge your defense, i will punge your wrath. i will desolate her sea and despise its soul. Jer.51.37 and babylon will become a wilderness and a desolate place, for there will be no dwelling. Jer.51.38 they grow together like a lion, they spring like a leoning of leons. Jer.51.39 when they are healing, i will give them a drink, and i will eneble them, so that they may be sounded and be sounded in eternal sound, and they will not be raised, says the lord. Jer.51.40 i will bring them down as lamps to be slain, like monds with boats. Jer.51.41 how has babylon been taken and taken up the boasting of all the earth! how is babylon become a desolate place among the nations! Jer.51.42 the sea has ascended over babylon, with the wealth of its hings is covered. Jer.51.43 its cities have become a wilderness, a wild land and a wilderness, a land in which no one dwells, and in which a son of man does not leave. Jer.51.44 i will punish babylon, and bring out of his mouth what he has engluted, and the nations will no longer be gathered to it. Jer.51.49 so, in babel, the dead people will fall, so in babel will fall the dead of all the earth. Jer.51.50 you who are escaped from the land, go and do not be standing, remember the lord in the distance, and let jerusalem be in your heart. Jer.51.51 we have been ashamed, for we have heard our reproach. dishonor has covered our face, for others came in the holy places of the house of the lord. Jer.51.52 therefore, behold, the days come, says the lord, that i will punish their idols, and in all its land will those who are hered fall. Jer.51.53 even if babylon will rise up to heaven, and if he turn to the ground of her heast, the destroyers will come from me from me, says the lord. Jer.51.54 there is a voice of cry in babylon and a great destruction in the land of the chaldeans. Jer.51.55 for the lord destroy babylon and destroy her the loud voice. the sound of them are like many waters, the voice of their voies will be ground. Jer.51.56 for a destruction has come over babylon, and its helds are uncovered, their bound are broken, for the god of reward is the god of reward, he will repay. Jer.51.57 i will drunk their rulers and wise, their magistrates and magistrates, and they will drink their rulers, and they will be drunk. it is the lord of the armées. Jer.51.58 so says the lord of the people of babylon: the large wall of babylon will be burned down, and its high ports will be bringed in fire, and the people will not turn for vain, and the nations will burn in their beginning. Jer.51.59 the word that the prophet jeremia gave to seraja, son of neria, the son of machseja, when he went with sedekias, king of judah, to babylon in the fourth years of his regering. seraja was a ruler of offering. Jer.51.60 and jeremia wrote all the evil things that had come to babylon in one book, all these words that are written on babylon. Jer.51.61 and jeremia said to seraja, when you are coming to babylon, see that you read all these words. Jer.51.62 and say, o lord, you have told this place to destroy him, so that there will be no dwelling in him, from man and beast, for it will be a desolate place forever. Jer.51.63 and when you have finished read this scroll, bind a stone in it and throw it into the euphrates, Jer.51.64 and say, so will babylon be shaken and will not rise from the evil one that i will bring against it. Jer.52.1 sedekia was eventh years when he was a king, and he regered ten years in jerusalem. his mother was hamutal, a daughter of jeremia from libna. Jer.52.4 in the ninth year of his regering, in the tiende month, at the third day of the month, nebukadressar, the king of babel, came with all his armée against jerusalem, and they set around it and sitting around it. Jer.52.5 so the city was distributed until the elvighty years of king was there. Jer.52.6 now in the ninth day of the night, at the ninth day, the famine was made in the city, and the people of the land had no bread. Jer.52.7 and the city was broken up, and all the soldiers carried out and went out of the city in the night by the door of the door, which was in the garden of the king, while the chaldeans were around the city, and they went in the way of the araba. Jer.52.8 but the armée of the chaldeans followed the king and arrived him in the region of jericho, and all his sold were scattered from him. Jer.52.9 so they took the king and brought him to the king of babel to ribla, at hamatha, and he condemned him to judgment. Jer.52.10 the king of babel killed sedekias'sons before his eyes, and he killed all the rulers of judah in ribla. Jer.52.11 and he looked up the eyes of zedekias, and bound him with chains, and the king of babylon brought him to babylon and put him into a tember until the day of death he died. Jer.52.12 in the fourth day of the fixth day of the fixth day, nebusaradan, the ruler of the guard, who was standing before the king of babel, came to jerusalem. Jer.52.13 he broke the house of the lord and the house of the king, and all the houses of the city, and all the great house he burned with fire. Jer.52.14 and the whole armée of the chaldeans who was with the ruler of the guard distributed the whole wall of jerusalem. Jer.52.16 but on the rest of the people left nebusaradan, the ruler of the guards, left them to vineyards and tenants. Jer.52.17 the chaldeans broke the colonne of bronze in the house of the lord, the baskets and the bronze of bronze that was in the house of the lord, and they took all their bronze to babylon. Jer.52.18 they took the bowls and the bowls and the bowls and the ropes and the bowls and all the bronze, which were being serving in the service. Jer.52.19 the ruler of the guardiers took the serpents and the serpents and the serpents and the serpents, which were of gold or silver, the ruler of the guardiers took to him. Jer.52.20 the two colonne, the one sea and the twelve baskets of bronze, which were under the sea, which the king solomon had done for the house of the lord, the bronze was not to punish. Jer.52.21 the household of the one column was about five thousand, and a measure of twelve hour was walking around him, and the fish of it was of four fingers. Jer.52.22 on it was a kapitel of bronze, and the bound of the one kapitel was five of thousand, and a net and romãs around the kapitel, all was of bronze. so was the second robe, so as as the romãs. Jer.52.23 there were 96 roogs in the gifts, and all the granaatapper around the nets was hundred. Jer.52.24 the ruler of the bewars prit seraia, the high priest, and zefanja, the second priest, and the three guards of the guard. Jer.52.25 and of the city brought a eunuch, who was an administer for the soldiers, and seven men of those who were found in the city who were found in the city, and the scribes of the armée, who instructed the people of the land, and seven men of the people of the land who were found in the city. Jer.52.26 the ruler of the guardiers nebusaradan took them and brought them to the king of babel to ribla. Jer.52.27 and the king of babel killed them in ribla, in the land of hamath. Jer.52.31 in the three and seven years of joiakin, king of judah, in the twelve years of the twelve years, evil-merodak, king of babel, in the year of his regering, he took up the head of jehojakim, king of judah, and brought him out of the prison. Jer.52.32 he spoke with him and gave his throne above the throne of the kings who were with him in babylon. Jer.52.33 he broke his prison of prison and had eating continuing bread before him on all the days of his life. Jer.52.34 and as for his companion, the king of babylon has continued for him for every day, until he was dead. and you shall say, so will babylon be put down and not rise from the evil one that i bring against it. Lam.1.1 how then, as the city that was distributed in a desolate place, it was like a widow, a dominer among the nations, a ruler in the country. Lam.1.2 she weep weeping in the night, and its tears are at her wands. she has no encourage for her among all her love. all her daughters were trouble against her and become her enemies. Lam.1.3 juda has departed, because he was afflicted, and for a great serving. he has sat among the gentiles and found no rest. all her persecutakers have overtaken it in the district. Lam.1.4 the ways of zion mourn, because there is no one who comes to the feast. all her portes are destroyed, its priests suspire, its virgin are bearing, and she is amazed. Lam.1.5 her hostiers were a head, and her enemies belongs to it. for the lord has afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions. her children have gone in captivitness before the enemy. Lam.1.6 and all her glory is out of the daughter of zion. its rulers were like sheep who does not find pastures, and they walked without power before the persecutor. Lam.1.7 jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and earthly days, all the desires of things that she had from the days of old. when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and there was no one to help. the enemies, when they saw it, encouraged her. Lam.1.8 jerusalem has sinned a sinning, therefore she has become a share. all who glorified it have defiled her, for they saw her sham. she also grows and turn back. Lam.1.9 her impurity is for her feet. she did not remember its last, but she has learned it, and there is no one who exhort it. look, o lord, my affliction, for enemy is increasing. Lam.1.10 the distress laid out his hands to all its desires. he saw the nations coming into her holy place, which you commanded that they should not enter your church. Lam.1.11 all her people grows, seeking bread, they give their desires to food, to turn of life. look, lord, and see that i have been dishonished. Lam.1.12 are not to you, all who passes by way? see and see, whether a weak is like my weak, which the lord has spoken on me on the day of his wrath of wrath. Lam.1.13 from the high he sent fire in my beasts, and he carried it down. he breathed a net for my feet, he turned me back and gave me a desolate place toward the whole day. Lam.1.14 in my hand he was waken for my ungodly. they grow in my hand and ascended on my neck. he has made my power. the lord has given it in the hands of me, i cannot stand up. Lam.1.15 the lord has destroyed all my strong among me. he called a time against me to destroy my elect. the lord treated in a winepress, a daughter, the daughter of judah. Lam.1.16 so i write, my eye, my eye, that my eye is trouble from me, who wives my life. my sons are destroyed, for the enemy has been strengthened. Lam.1.17 sion break his hands, but there is no encourage. the lord commanded his enemies to jacob at all his surrounding. jerusalem has become a defiled among them. Lam.1.18 the righteous is god, for i was rebeld to his mouth. hear, you all, people, and see my affliction. my daughter and my young men went in captive. Lam.1.19 i called my beloved, but they rejected me. my priests and my elders were consumed in the city because they were seeking a food for to turn their soul. Lam.1.20 see, o lord, that i am in affliction! my womb is troubled, my heart is turned in me, for i was rebeld. from outside a sword has distributed me, a death is in the house. Lam.1.21 they hear that i grow, but there is no encourage. all my enemies have heard my evil and rejoiced that you have done it. you will bring the day that you had called, and they will be like me. Lam.1.22 let all their evil things enter you, and make to them what you have done for me for all my sins! for many are my groaning, and my heart is suffering. Lam.2.1 how has the lord looked in his wrath the daughter of zion! he throw down from heaven to earth the glory of israel, and did not remember his footstool in the day of his wrath. Lam.2.2 the lord destroyed; he did not spare all the district of jacob. in his wrath he distributed the treasures of the daughter of judah. he has profaned the burn and the rulers. Lam.2.3 in the wrath of his wrath he has broken up all the horn of israel, he turned his right hand from the enemy and set up in jacob like a flame of fire, which destroy all around. Lam.2.4 he has spended his bound like a enemy, strengthened his right hand as a adversary, and distributed all the desires of my eyes. in the tent of the daughter of zion he has poured out his wrath like a fire. Lam.2.5 the lord was come as a enemy, destroyed israel, destroyed all its palats, destroyed his treasures and multipliked the daughter of judah. Lam.2.6 he distributed his tent like a vineyard, destroyed his feast, the lord has rejected in zion the feast and the sabbath, and has put in the wrath of his wrath a king and a priest. Lam.2.7 the lord rejected his altar, distributed his holiness. he has thrown in the hand of a enemy the mures of her burts. they gave a voice in the house of the lord as at a feast of feast. Lam.2.8 the lord had turned to destroy the wall of the daughter of zion, he stretched the measure, he did not turn his hand from holding. so he distributed the muurts and the mures, they were sinned together. Lam.2.9 her gates have turned into the earth, he destroyed and brished her riegs. its king and rulers are among the nations; the law is not, and its prophets did not see a vision from the lord. Lam.2.10 the elders of the daughter of zion sit down in the ground, they put a stust on their head, clothed in sackcloth; the virgin of jerusalem have put down their rulers to the earth. Lam.2.11 my eyes are strailed by tears, my heart is troubled, my glory is broken down in the ground of the daughter of the daughter of my people, because children and infants are uttering in the streets of the city. Lam.2.12 they say to their mother: where is the wheat and the wine? so that they were carried out as dead who were in the streets of the city, when their souls turned into the senk of their tombs. Lam.2.13 what shall i testify to you, or what shall i compare to you, o daughter of jerusalem, who will save you and console you, o virgin daughter of zion? for great is the cup of your destruction, who will heal you? Lam.2.14 your prophets saw you deceive and foolish things, and they did not reveal your wrongdoing, so that they might turn your captive, and they saw you deceitful greatings and excellences. Lam.2.15 all the passing by way out against you their hands, they stricked and shult their heads against the daughter of jerusalem, saying, this is the city that they spoke a crowing of glory, the joy of all the earth? Lam.2.16 all your enemies opened their mouth against you, they stricked and teep their teeth, and said, we have devored it. this is the day that we kept. we found it, and we saw it. Lam.2.17 the lord did what he had desired, has finished his words, which he had commanded the days of old. he distributed, he did not spare them, and made your enemies glad over you, exalted the horn of your enemies. Lam.2.18 their heart cry to the lord, o mure of zion! come down my tears as a torr day and night, do not give yourself ro, do not be silent the daughter of your eye. Lam.2.19 rise, rejoice in the night, at the beginning of the prison. break your heart as water before the face of the lord. take up your hands to him for the life of your children, who fall of famine at the beginning of all the gates. Lam.2.20 look, o lord, and consider to whom you have done so! will the women eat their women of their bodies, the children who fears love? may it be killed by the holy place of the lord a priest and a prophet? Lam.2.21 a young and old child leads on the roads. my daughters and my young men fell in sword. you have killed in the day of your wrath, you killed without compassion. Lam.2.22 you called the day of feast, my rest around around. and on the day of the wrath of the lord was not escaped and escaped, when i called my enemies and multiplied my enemies. Lam.3.1 i am the man who saw a poor in the scepter of his wrath. Lam.3.2 i brought me and led me into darkness and not in light. Lam.3.3 only, on me return his hand, all the day. Lam.3.4 he has unformed my flesh and my hair, he broke my hues. Lam.3.5 he has built up against me and put around my head and hard. Lam.3.6 he has set me in the darkness as many dead. Lam.3.7 he has being carried up against me, and i will not go out. he has burden my bronze on me. Lam.3.8 even if i am crying out and crying out, he has stopped my prayer. Lam.3.9 he has taken up my ways, stopped my paths. Lam.3.10 he is a leating back for me, a lion in secret. Lam.3.11 he has persecuted me, despied me and laid me a desolate place. Lam.3.12 he has spänted his bound and made me a bound for a pill. Lam.3.13 he has brought down to my reins the people of his strangers. Lam.3.14 i was made a gate for all my people, their psalms all the day. Lam.3.15 he filled me with bitterness, engraved me with crime. Lam.3.16 he has cut down my teeth, putting me in asp. Lam.3.17 i have rejected my soul from peace, i have forgotten good. Lam.3.18 i said, my reason is lost, and my hope is for the lord. Lam.3.19 remember my affliction and my persecution, a bitter and the lame. Lam.3.20 my soul will remember and divorced in me. Lam.3.21 this will i have in my heart, so i will hope: Lam.3.25 the lord is good for those who expects him, for the soul who seek him is good. Lam.3.26 right is sufficient for the salvation of the salvation of the lord. Lam.3.27 it is good for a man to take a joke in his youth. Lam.3.28 let he sit alone and still, because he has taken it upon him. Lam.3.30 he will give to the builder, he will be satisfied in reproach. Lam.3.31 for the lord has not put away forever. Lam.3.32 for if he has afflicted, he rejoices in his great mercy. Lam.3.33 for he does not agree in his heart and afflict the children of man. Lam.3.34 so that all the prisoners of the earth are afflicted by his feet, Lam.3.35 to deceive the judgment of man before the holy face, Lam.3.36 when man condemn in his judgment, the lord does not know? Lam.3.37 who has said this, and was done, that no lord has commanded? Lam.3.38 do not come out of the mouth of the most, the evil and the good? Lam.3.39 why do a man grumble in the living man, a man for his sin? Lam.3.40 let us find out and pray, and let us return to the lord. Lam.3.41 let us bear our heart and hands to god in heaven, Lam.3.42 we did sinned, and we did ungodly, and you were not forgiven. Lam.3.43 you have kept in wrath and persecuted us, you killed, you did not spare. Lam.3.44 you have clothed a cloud for yourself, for the prayer of prayer. Lam.3.45 you have made we to shame and turn in the midst of the people. Lam.3.46 all our enemies opened their mouth against us. Lam.3.47 fear and wrath have come upon us, destruction and destruction. Lam.3.48 waters of waters brings down my eye for the fall of the daughter of my people. Lam.3.49 my eye grows, and i am not silent, since there is no rest, Lam.3.50 until the lord looks and see from heaven. Lam.3.51 my eye grows for my soul for all the daughters of my city. Lam.3.52 my enemies deceive me as a sparer without paying. Lam.3.53 they put my life in the well and laid stone upon me. Lam.3.54 water flowed over my head, i said, i have defiled me. Lam.3.55 i called your name, lord, from the diver ground. Lam.3.56 you have heard my voice, do not kruck your ears for my round. Lam.3.57 when i called you, you drew near, you said, fear not. Lam.3.58 you have persuaded, o lord, the divisions of my soul, you delivered my life. Lam.3.59 you saw, lord, my trouble, judge my judgment. Lam.3.60 you saw all their wrath, all their thoughts against me. Lam.3.61 you have heard their reproach, you all their thoughts against me, Lam.3.62 the lips of my adversaries and their minds against me all the day. Lam.3.63 look at their sight and their resurrection, i am their sight. Lam.3.64 you must repay them, o lord, according to the works of their hands. Lam.3.65 give them the bold of the heart, your reason for them. Lam.3.66 persecute them in wrath and destroy them under the heavens of the lord. Lam.4.1 how the gold was distributed, the good silver short! the stones of the saints have been poured out in the beginning of all gathers. Lam.4.2 the sons of zion, the precious people, treated with gold, how were they counted as a soldier, a work of fight! Lam.4.3 even shaks brings their bounds and want their children, but my people, a daughter of my people, is wicked as the passows in the wilderness. Lam.4.4 the tongue of the wish is attacked to the during of soifs. the children asked bread, but there is no one for them. Lam.4.5 those who eat a turn are destroyed in the straits; those who were distributed in a purple wood were clothed. Lam.4.6 the transgression of the daughter of my people was greater than the transgression of sodom, which was destroyed as a hair, and they had no hand upon her. Lam.4.7 her nazireans were cleansed than a sneg, the brights was restrained than the lead, their hair were greater than safir. Lam.4.8 yet now their appearance is more district, they are not recognized in the strate. their hair bears on their hues, it is withered like a tree. Lam.4.9 there were those who have been hered for the sword, than those who have been slained for a famine, because they were distributed by the ground of the field. Lam.4.10 the hands of mercy women gathered their children, they were to eat for them in the destruction of the daughter of my people. Lam.4.11 the lord has finished his wrath, poured out his wrath of his wrath, and he burned fire in zion, and he devored its foundation. Lam.4.12 the kings of the earth and all the inhabitants of the world did not believe that enemy and enemy might enter the gates of jerusalem. Lam.4.13 for the sins of her prophets, the injustice of its priests, who spared the blood of righteous ones in their midst. Lam.4.14 they became swicked in the straten, unpurified with blood, so that they could not touch their clothes. Lam.4.15 go away, unclean, call them, depart, go, do not touch, for they were carried out, and they were shaken. tell among the nations: they will not leave to live. Lam.4.16 the face of the lord directed him, he will not see them more. they have not received the appearance of priests, not have compassion of old. Lam.4.17 while we were still, our eyes were persuaded for utter help. so we seemed attention to a nation that no help. Lam.4.18 we kept our small people, so that we would not go out in our streets. our time has come, our days are fulfilled, our time has come. Lam.4.19 our persecutori were greater than shaks of heaven. on the mountains they set us out, in the wilderness they put on us. Lam.4.20 the spirit of our face, the christ of the lord, has been taken in their ground, about whom we said, we shall live in his shadow among the nations. Lam.4.21 rejoice and rejoice, o daughter of edom, which dwells in the land! even you will the cup come, you will be drunk and gide. Lam.4.22 your transgression, o daughter of zion, has finished. he will not leave you again. he will see your abominations, o daughter of edom, and opened your trespasses. Lam.5.1 remember, lord, what was happened for us, see and see our reproach. Lam.5.2 our inheritance has turned to others, our houses for strangers. Lam.5.3 we were west, we have no father, our mothers are like widows. Lam.5.4 as for our days we come, our tree proceeds on preaching. Lam.5.5 we are persecuted on our neck, we are performed, and we are not lawful. Lam.5.6 you have given hand to egypt and assur for satter. Lam.5.7 our fathers have sin sinned, and they are not. we endure their deeds. Lam.5.8 servants domined over us, and no one deliver us from their hands. Lam.5.9 in our souls we bring our bread, because of the sword of the wilderness. Lam.5.10 our hair has come like a furn from the wrath of food. Lam.5.11 devoted wives in zion, daughters in the towns of judah. Lam.5.12 rulers are treated by their hands, the elders did not be glorified. Lam.5.13 young men carried out of mourn, and the young men shined under the sculk. Lam.5.14 the old are rushed by the gates, the elect back from their psalms. Lam.5.15 the joy of our heart has turned, our labor has turned into mourning. Lam.5.16 the crown of our head fell. woe to us, for we have sinned! Lam.5.17 for this reason our heart has become torn, because of this our eyes are darkened, Lam.5.18 for the mountain of zion that it is destroyed, dors passed through. Lam.5.19 but you, o lord, live forever, your throne is of generation to generation. Lam.5.20 why do you choose us for forever, you will forgive us for longer? Lam.5.21 return us, lord, to you, and we will return, rends our days as before. Lam.5.22 when you are put away, you will cast us away, and be wrath against us, so that your iniquity, o daughter of zion, has turned away. he will no longer leave you, o daughter of edom, has opened your trespasses. Ezek.1.1 in the three years, in the fourth day of the fourth day of the fourth, when i was among the captives by the river chebar, the heavens were opened, and i saw a vision of god. Ezek.1.2 in the cinth of the month, this was the fourth years of the captive of the king of joiakim, Ezek.1.3 the word of the lord came to ezechiel, the son of busi, the priest, in the land of the chaldeans by the river chebar, and the hand of the lord was upon him. Ezek.1.4 then i looked, and behold, a storm wind came from the north, a great cloud and a gloar of fire, and a bright around it, and in his midst was like a passion of gold in the midst of the fire. Ezek.1.5 and in the midst in the midst of the four living creatures were like four living creatures. Ezek.1.6 and every had had four face, and every had had four wings. Ezek.1.7 their feet were right, and their feet were like a food of the fish, and they were like a bright of bronze. Ezek.1.8 there were human hands under their wings on their cuatro district, and their face were all of the four. Ezek.1.9 they did not turn, as they were walking; they were walking along each of them, as they were going. Ezek.1.10 the appearance of their faces were a face of man, and the face of a lion at the right hand was for the four, and at the left were the face of a oxe. Ezek.1.11 and their wings and their wings were strailed from above. each of them had two wings with one another, and two covered their body. Ezek.1.12 they went on the way, although the spirit was going, they were going, and they did not return. Ezek.1.13 the vision of the living creatures was like a flame of fire burning, like facts of lamps. the fire drew among the living creatures, and the fire was bright, and the fire came out of the fire. Ezek.1.15 and i looked, and behold, there was a rose on the earth, around the living creatures. Ezek.1.16 the image of the rues was like the appearance of tarsis, and all them had a figure of the four, and their traits were like one round in the round. Ezek.1.17 when they went, they went on their four winds; they did not turn when they were going. Ezek.1.18 their cloths were headly, and they saw them. all their four were full of eyes around the four. Ezek.1.19 and as the living creatures went, the roes followed them, and when the living creatures rose from the earth, the round rose themselves. Ezek.1.20 where the spirit was going to go, they accompanied the living creatures, and the rats rose up with them, for the spirit of life was in the rodes. Ezek.1.21 as they went, they went, and as them stand they stood, and when them stand from the earth, the roes rose themselves, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the rodes. Ezek.1.22 around the head of the living creatures was like a throne, like a aspect of cristally, straffing on their heads from above. Ezek.1.23 under the firmament their wings were flored down, another for the other. each of them was two wings, clothed their bodies. Ezek.1.24 and i heard the voice of their wings as the sound of many waters, like the voice of many waters, as the voice of great waters. and as they stand, their wings fell down. Ezek.1.25 and behold, there was a voice from the hest that was on their head. Ezek.1.26 as the aspect of a saphir of sapphir was the image of a throne, and on the sight of the throne were like a appearance of a man from above. Ezek.1.27 and i saw like a modle of mood, from the mount of his lends and above, from a vision around, i saw it like a fire of fire and a glans around. Ezek.1.28 as the aspect of a bound that was in the cloud on the day of rain, so was the aspect of the glans around. this was the appearance of the glory of the lord. and when i saw it, i fell on my face and heard a voice that spoke. Ezek.2.1 and he said to me, son of man, stand at your feet, and i will speak to you. Ezek.2.2 and when he spoke to me, the spirit came in me and raised me on my feet, and i heard him speaking to me. Ezek.2.3 and he said to me, son of man, i send you to the people of israel, to the rebelles people, who have rebeled against me, they and their fathers. Ezek.2.4 and say to them, so says the lord. Ezek.2.5 do they hear or do, for they are a trespassion. and they will know that there is a prophet among them. Ezek.2.6 and you, son of man, do not fear them, and do not be afraid of their words, because you are strangers and scorchs, and you are in the scorpions. fear not their words and fear not for their presences, for they are a trespass. Ezek.2.7 you shall tell them my words, if they hear or do, for they are trespassing people. Ezek.2.8 but you, son of man, hear what i speak to you. do not be rebeld as the trespasses house. open your mouth and eat what i give you. Ezek.2.9 and i looked, and behold, a hand came out to me, and in it was a book of book. Ezek.2.10 and he distributed it before me, and it was written back and back, and in it were written weeping and weeping and woe. Ezek.3.1 and he said to me, son of man, eat this rol and go and speak to the people of israel. Ezek.3.2 so i opened my mouth, and he gave me the rop. Ezek.3.3 and he said to me, the son of man, filled your wheat and filled your wheak with this rol that i give you. so i ate, and it was sweet as honey in my mouth. Ezek.3.4 and he said to me, son of man, go to the house of israel and tell them my words. Ezek.3.5 for you are not sending to a people with burden and people of burden, but to the house of israel, Ezek.3.6 not to many nations, strangers of language, with language of tongue, which you do not understand. if i sent you to such people, they would listen to you. Ezek.3.7 but the house of israel will not listen to hear you, for they would not listen to me. for all the house of israel are hard and hard heart. Ezek.3.8 behold, i have put your face like their face, and your stirn like their fresh. Ezek.3.9 it will be greater than a stealder as a rotter. do not fear them, and do not be afraid for them, for they are a trespassion. Ezek.3.10 and he said to me, son of man, take in your heart all the words that i will say to you, and hear with your ears. Ezek.3.11 so go and go to the captive, to the children of your people, and speak to them and say to them, so says the lord, the lord. Ezek.3.12 and the spirit took me, and i heard hinter me a loud earthquake, saying, blessed is the glory of the lord from his place! Ezek.3.13 i saw the voice of the wings of the living creatures, which walked with one another, the sound of the roes around them, and the voice of earthquake. Ezek.3.14 and the spirit took me and took me, and i went in greatly in the hard of my spirit, and the hand of the lord was strong upon me. Ezek.3.15 so i went to the captive of tel-abib, who dwelled by the river chebar, and i sit there in there seven days districted among them. Ezek.3.16 after the seven days the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.3.17 you son of man, i have given you a warm for the house of israel. if you have heard a word from my mouth, you will dispise them from me. Ezek.3.18 as i say to the ungodly, you will die death, and you do not adquire him and not speak to deceive the gottlose from his wrong, so that you may live by his life, but he will seek his blood from your hand. Ezek.3.19 but if you deceive the ungodly, and he does not turn from his transgression or from his unrighteous way, he will die in his iniquice, but you have delivered your life. Ezek.3.20 and if a righteous person turn away from his righteousness and does wrongdoing, i will put a trouble before him, he will die. if you have not directed him, in his sins he will die, for his righteousness that he has done will not be remembered, but his blood will seek from your hand. Ezek.3.21 but if you addresses the righteous that the righteous does not sins, and he does not sink, he will live because he has directed him, and you have saved your soul. Ezek.3.22 the hand of the lord was upon me, and he said to me, rise, go out to the field, and there i will speak to you. Ezek.3.23 so i rose and went into the field, and behold, the glory of the lord stood there, as the glory that i had seen by the river chebar. and i fell on my face. Ezek.3.24 and the spirit came in me and set me at my feet, and he spoke to me and said to me, enter and be closed in your house. Ezek.3.25 and you, son of man, behold, they will give you a chains and bind you in them, and you will not come out of them. Ezek.3.26 i will bind your tongue and be wicked, and you will not be to reproach, for they are a trespassing house. Ezek.3.27 but when i speak to you, i will open your mouth, and you shall say to them, so says the lord, the hearing, let him hear, and the one who does not obey do not obey, for they are a rebelde house. Ezek.4.1 and you, son of man, take a match and put it before you and write on it a city, jerusalem. Ezek.4.2 and put belagering against it, and build burdes against it and put burse against it, and set belongs to it, and set belongs to it around it and set belongs to the rest around it. Ezek.4.3 and take you a seat of iron and put it in a iron wall among you and the city and face your face against it, and it will be belonging to it, and you shall belong it. this shall be a sign for the house of israel. Ezek.4.4 so sit on your left side and put the transgression of the house of israel on it. in the number of the days, as you sit on it, you will bear their wrongdoing. Ezek.4.5 for i have reason for you the number of their wrongdoing, to the number of days, about 990 days, and you will take the unrighteousness of the house of israel. Ezek.4.6 when you have finished all these things, you shall sit on your right side and take the transgression of the house of judah for 40 days, day for a year. Ezek.4.7 then show your face and your arm against the belonging of jerusalem and prophesy against it. Ezek.4.8 and behold, i lay you a chains, and you will not turn from one side to the other, until you have finished the days of your belonging. Ezek.4.9 and take you a fand, a gerley, a bound, the bound, the bound and the wealth, and put them in a vase, and make them for yourself for the number of the days that you sleep on your side, 190 days you shall eat them. Ezek.4.10 your food that you will eat will be in gewig, twenty-sikly for day, for time to eat it. Ezek.4.11 and water drink in measure, the sixth of a hin, from time to time. Ezek.4.12 you will eat it for their eyes as a grain of horb. you will cut it in their eyes as a human being. Ezek.4.13 and the sons of israel will eat that they will eat what is unclean among the nations, where i will destroy them. Ezek.4.14 and i said, ach, lord god, behold, my soul has not been defiled. from my birth until now i have not eaten dead or dissicsed, and no unclean flesh has entered my mouth. Ezek.4.15 and he said to me, behold, i have given you a bote of oxen in the stone of man, and you will make your bread on it. Ezek.4.16 and he said to me, son of man, behold, i will brise the food of bread in jerusalem, and they will eat bread with gewig and with anguish, and water will drink with measure and with destruction. Ezek.4.17 so that they may be lacking of bread and water and be destroyed both one and other, and they will turn because of their wrongdoing. Ezek.5.1 and you, son of man, take for you a sharp sword, take it as a barrable brid, and put it in your head and your barba. then take a bag and depart them. Ezek.5.2 a fourth bread burn in the city, as the days of belonging is fulfilled. a tredjedel take and cut in the city the fourth. the fourth shall you scattery in the wind, and i will strike a sword after them. Ezek.5.3 but take some of them in number and put them in your cloak. Ezek.5.4 and take some of these and throw them into the fire and burn them in fire. from it shall fire come out to all the house of israel. Ezek.5.5 so says the lord the lord: this is jerusalem. i have set it in the midst of the nations and regions around it. Ezek.5.6 but it was trouble my commandments greatly than the nations, and my instructions from the lands around it, for they devoted my commandments and did not follow my instructions. Ezek.5.7 therefore so says the lord, the lord: because you have been greater than the nations that are around you, because you did not walk in my instructions and did not do my practices, nor did you do according to the customs of the nations that are around you, Ezek.5.8 therefore so says the lord, behold, i am coming against you, and i will make judgment on you in the presence of the nations. Ezek.5.9 for all your abominations, i will do with you what i did not find even more, because of all your abominations. Ezek.5.10 therefore the fathers will eat children in your midst, and children will eat their fathers. i will keep judgment on you and scattery your rest into all winds. Ezek.5.11 therefore, so long as i live, says the lord, even because that you have defiled my holy things with all your abominations, i will defile you, my eye will not spare me, and i will not have mercy. Ezek.5.12 a fourth of you will be brought in death, and in your midst will be consumed through hunger, a fourth will fall by the sword around you, and a third will scatters them into all winds, and i will strike a sword after them. Ezek.5.13 so my wrath will be fulfilled, and my wrath will be fulfilled. and they will know that i, the lord, have spoken in my jealousy when i fulfill my wrath against them. Ezek.5.14 and i will make you a desolate place, and in the presence of everyone who passes around you. Ezek.5.15 and you will be a grow and despise among the nations that are around you, when i do judgment to you with wrath and wrath. i, the lord, have spoken. Ezek.5.16 for i will send their pesters of hunger upon them, and i will be for destroying, and i will destroy your sound of bread. Ezek.5.17 i will send you a famine and wilds, who will share you, and death and blood will passe through you, and i will bring a sword upon you. i, the lord, have said. Ezek.6.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.6.2 son of man, turn your face to the mountains of israel and prophesy against them, Ezek.6.3 and say, o mountains of israel, hear the word of the lord god. so says the lord, the lord, to the mountains and the colles, to the dealings and the valles: behold, i will bring a sword upon you and destroy your offers. Ezek.6.4 your altars will be broken, your treasure will be broken, and i will lay down your murderers before your idols. Ezek.6.5 and i will scroll your feet around your altars. Ezek.6.6 in all your dwelling place the cities will be defiled, and your healts will be destroyed, so that your altars may be destroyed and destroyed, your idols will be broken and your divisions be destroyed. Ezek.6.7 those who are dead will fall among you, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.6.8 but i will keep some of you who are escaped from the sword among the nations, when you are scattered in the lands. Ezek.6.9 and those who escapes will remember me among the nations where they were carried captive, i will remember me in their sexual immorality who departed from me and their eyes who are sexual immorality after their idols. and they will share their faces because of all their abominations. Ezek.6.10 and they will know that i, the lord, have spoken. Ezek.6.11 so says the lord, struck your hands out and strike with your foot, and say, alas for all the abominations of the house of israel! for they will fall for death, hunger and hunger. Ezek.6.12 the one who are far away will fall for death, the one who are far away will fall through death, and the one who are leave will be put to death, and i will complete my wrath upon them. Ezek.6.13 and you will know that i am the lord, when your heriers will be in the midst of your idols around your altars, on every high coll and under every grow tree, which they gave a fragrant odound for all their idols. Ezek.6.14 and i will stretch my hand against them and make the land become a desolate and a desolate place from the wilderness of ribla, in all their dwelling place. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.7.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.7.2 you, son of man, so says the lord, the lord, to the land of israel is coming: the end has come upon the four winds of the earth. Ezek.7.3 now comes the end upon you, and i will send my wrath against you, and i will punge you for your ways, and will give you all your abominations. Ezek.7.4 my eye will not spare you, i will not spare you, for i will give your ways on you, and your abominations will be in your midst. and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.7.5 so so says the lord, the god of israel: Ezek.7.6 the end is coming, the end is coming. Ezek.7.7 the time comes upon you, o dwelling in the land. the time is coming, the day is come, there is no trouble, neither with trouble. Ezek.7.8 now i will giew my wrath upon you, and i will complete my wrath against you, and i will judge you because of your ways, and will give you all your abominations. Ezek.7.9 my eye will not spare, i will never spare, for i will give your ways on you, and your abominations will be in your midst. and you shall know that i am the lord who struck. Ezek.7.10 behold, the day comes! it comes, the day is coming, the scepter turned, and the fierness grow up. Ezek.7.11 and the boldness of lawlessness will be broken, not a trouble or a trouble. Ezek.7.12 the time has come, the day is coming; let the accuser not rejoice, and the collector do not rejoice. Ezek.7.13 for the building one will not return to the beytor, and no one belongs to the eye of his life. Ezek.7.14 blow in the trumpet and judge the things things. Ezek.7.15 outside the sword, and in the inside there is a famine, the one who is in the field will die for the sword, and the one in the city will destroy famine and pestilence. Ezek.7.16 and if some of them escape and escape, they will be in the mountains, as many in the mountains. each one will destroy in his wrongdoing. Ezek.7.17 all hands are shaken, and all kners will be defiled. Ezek.7.18 they will change sactle, and fear will coke them, and on every face they will be confuse, and on all their heads a cald. Ezek.7.19 their silver will throw out in the plass, and their gold will have their gold. their gold and their gold will not be filled, and their stomach will not be filled, because it was a torment for their wrong. Ezek.7.20 they made the wealth of the wealth of the world, and they did out of them the image of their abominations and defilers. therefore i rejected it to them as a purification. Ezek.7.21 and i will give them in the hands of others to plunder, and to the strangers of the earth to destroy it, and they will profane it. Ezek.7.22 i will turn my face from them, and they will defile my oppression, and people will enter them and profane them. Ezek.7.23 make food, for the earth is full of violence, and the city is full of violence. Ezek.7.24 so i will turn their strength, and their holy things will be defiled. Ezek.7.25 there will come a short, and they will seek peace, but there will be no. Ezek.7.26 there will be a woe for a held, and a messenger will come upon a notice. they will seek a vision from the prophet, and the law remains from the priest, and the conseless of the elders. Ezek.7.27 a ruler will put on a ruler, and the hands of the people of the land will be shaken. i will do to them according to their ways, and i will punish them according to their judgments, and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.8.1 in the sixth year, in the sixth day of the sixth day of the sexth day, i sat in my house, and the elders of judah were sitting before me, the hand of the lord god fell upon me. Ezek.8.2 and i looked, and behold, there was a bilder of a man around his hope and near, and from his bouts it was like a moment of gold. Ezek.8.3 he stretched a bilder of hand and took me by my head, and the spirit took me among the earth and heaven and brought me in the vision of god to jerusalem at the inside of the inside of the inside, which was at the nordside, where the idol of a food was in the provoking of a idol of jealousy. Ezek.8.4 and behold, there was the glory of the god of israel, as was the vision that i had seen in the field. Ezek.8.5 and he said to me, son of man, lift your eyes to the nord. and i looked at the nordside, and behold, at the nord at the oost-poort was at the midst. Ezek.8.6 and he said to me, do you see what they do? they do great abominations here to take away from my holy places, and you will see still the greatest. Ezek.8.7 so he brought me to the entrance of the courtyard. Ezek.8.8 and he said to me, son of man, grave a ground! and i graves, and behold, there was a door. Ezek.8.9 and he said to me, enter and see the abominations that they do here. Ezek.8.10 so i went and saw, and behold, all the idols of abominations and all the idols of the house of israel were broken down at all the surrounding side. Ezek.8.11 seven men of the elders of the house of israel stood before them, and jaazanja the son of shafan stood by them, and each of them had his incense in his hand, and a rook of the incense came up. Ezek.8.12 and he said to me, have you seen what the elders of the house of israel do in their officers, each in his direcce? for they say, the lord has not seen, the lord has forgiven the land. Ezek.8.13 and he said to me, you will see still the greatest abominations that they do. Ezek.8.14 and he brought me to the inside of the norte of the house of the lord, and behold, there were sitting there, weeping the tammuz. Ezek.8.15 and he said to me, do you see, son of man? you will see still the greatest things greater than these. Ezek.8.16 and he brought me into the inside courth of the house of the lord, and behold, at the inside of the temple of the lord, among the temple and the altar, about twenty-thousand men, their deeds at the temple of the lord, and their faces at the bari, and they worshiped the sun. Ezek.8.17 and he said to me, you have seen, son of man? is there a little parte of the house of judah to do the abominations that they have done here? for they have filled the earth with violence, and behold, they are rejected. Ezek.8.18 so i will make them in wrath, my eye will not spare them, and i will not spare them. Ezek.9.1 and he cried out to my ears with a loud voice, saying, come near, o venger of the city, and each with his destroyed in his hand. Ezek.9.2 and behold, six men came from the way of the high inside, which was at the nown, each one with his shamp in his hand. one man was in their midst, clothed in long robes, with a shake to the robes. and they came and stood by the bronze of bronze. Ezek.9.3 and the glory of the god of israel came up from the kerubin, which was on him, to the inside of the house. and he called the man who was clothed in the robes, which was at his cloak. Ezek.9.4 and he said to him, passe through the city of jerusalem and make a sign on the district of the men who grows and grows for all the abominations that are done in the midst. Ezek.9.5 and to the other he said to my hearing, go on the city and struck, and let your eyes not spare, and do not have mercy. Ezek.9.6 put, young, betrothed, children, children and women, but do not draw near to any of whom the sign becomes near, and beginning with my holy things. and they began from the elders who were inside the house. Ezek.9.7 and he said to them, defile the house unclean, and filled the rute of dead. go out and destroy. Ezek.9.8 as they were beaten and they were left, i fell on my face and cried out, o lord, lord! will you destroy the rest of israel in the wrath of your wrath on jerusalem? Ezek.9.9 and he said to me, a deceit of the house of israel and judas is greatly great, and the land is full of unrighteousness, and the city is full of unrighteousness. for they say: the lord has forgiven the land, and the lord sees not. Ezek.9.10 so then my eye will not spare and have no mercy; i will give their ways on their heads. Ezek.9.11 and behold, the man who was clothed in linen robes, who had around his cloak, answered, i have done so as you have commanded me. Ezek.10.1 then i looked, and behold, on the ground that was over the head of the cherubim was like a stone of sapphir, a image of a throne. Ezek.10.2 and he said to the man who was clothed in the robe, and said, come in the midst of the rues under the cherubim, and filled your dracks with kohden of fire from among the cherubim and scatters it over the city. and he went in my presence. Ezek.10.3 the cherubim were standing at the right hand of the house when the man entered, and the cloud filled the inside courth. Ezek.10.4 then the glory of the lord turned from the kerubin to the inside of the house, and the house was filled with the cloud, and the courtyard was filled with the glans of the glory of the lord. Ezek.10.5 and the rop of the wings of the cherubim was heard until the extrey courth, as the voice of a god of god, when he speaks. Ezek.10.6 and when he commanded the man who was clothed in the robes, saying, take fire from the roes among the kerubs, and he went and stood by the roes. Ezek.10.7 then a cherubim stretched out his hand to the fire that was among the kerubs, and took it and gave it into the hands of him who was clothed in the robe. and he took it and went out. Ezek.10.8 then the cherubim saw a image of human hand under their wings. Ezek.10.9 then i looked, and behold, there were four roes around the cherubim, a rad around one cherubin, and the appearance of the roes were like a stone of charboning. Ezek.10.10 all the four had appearance. the four appearance was like a rad among the roes. Ezek.10.11 as they were going to their four winds, they did not turn when they were going, but to the place where the beginning had looked, they were going, they did not turn when they were going. Ezek.10.12 and all their women and their light and their hands and their wings and their rodes were full of eyes around the four rodes. Ezek.10.13 now these roes were called a rogel, when i heard. Ezek.10.15 and the cherubim became up. this was the living creature that i saw by the river chebar. Ezek.10.16 as the cherubim were walking, the roes also went along them, and when the cherubs hef their wings from the earth to rise from the earth, the roes did not turn back with them. Ezek.10.17 as they stand, they stood up, and when they grow, they grow up with them, for the spirit of life was in them. Ezek.10.18 then the glory of the lord went out from the household of the temple and stood over the cherubim. Ezek.10.19 and the kerubs picked up their wings and were taken up from the earth in my presence, and the roes around them, and they stood at the inside of the soom of the soom of the house of the lord, and the glory of the god of israel was above them. Ezek.10.20 this was the living creature that i saw under the god of israel by the river chebar, and i knew that it was cherubim. Ezek.10.21 every person had four face, and every had had four wings, and under their wings was a image of men of man. Ezek.10.22 and the appearance of their faces were like the faces that i had seen by the river kebar. each of them went before their sight. Ezek.11.1 then the spirit took me and brought me to the oosting of the house of the lord, which was toward the ooste. and behold, at the inside of the city there was about twenty-five men. in their midst i saw jaazanja, the son of azur, and pelatja, son of benaja, rulers of the people. Ezek.11.2 and he said to me, son of man, these are the men who plants evil and plants evil in this city. Ezek.11.3 they say, it is not next day to build the house. this is the least, and we are the flesh. Ezek.11.4 therefore prophesy against them, prophesy, son of man! Ezek.11.5 and the spirit of the lord fell on me and said to me, say, so says the lord: so you say, o house of israel, and i know what is in your spirit. Ezek.11.6 you have multiplied your dead dead in this city, and you have enched her ways with murdered. Ezek.11.7 therefore so says the lord, the dead of you, which you have killed in the midst of it are the flesh, and it is the least. but i will bring you out of her. Ezek.11.8 you fear, and i will bring a sword upon you, says the lord. Ezek.11.9 i will bring you out of her, and i will deliver you into the hands of others, and i will do judgment over you. Ezek.11.10 you will fall for the sword, in the region of israel i will judge you, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.11.11 this is not for you in a rook, and you will not be a flesh in it. in the region of israel i will judge you. Ezek.11.12 and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.11.13 while i was prophesy, pelatia, the son of benaja, died. and i fell on my face and cried out with a loud voice, and i said, ah, lord lord! will you destroy the rest of israel? Ezek.11.14 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.11.15 meneing, your brothers, your brothers, your brothers, the people of your captive, and all the house of israel, all these who the inwoners of jerusalem said to them, have you leave from the lord, for us is the earth given in inheritance. Ezek.11.16 therefore say: so says the lord, the lord, though i have thrown them away to the nations and scattered them into all the lands, i will be a little place for them in the lands where they enter. Ezek.11.17 therefore say, so says the lord, the lord: i will gather them from the nations and gather them from the country in which you were scattered, and i will give them the land of israel. Ezek.11.18 and they will come there and take away all her abominations and all her abominations. Ezek.11.19 and i will give them a other heart, and an new spirit i will give in them, and i will take the stone heart from their flesh and give them a flesh of flesh, Ezek.11.20 so that they may walk in my commandments and keep my commandments and do them. and they will be my people, and i will be their god. Ezek.11.21 but those who follow their abominations and their abominations, they will put their ways on their heads, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.11.22 then the cherubs rose their wings, and the roes around them, and the glory of the god of israel was above them. Ezek.11.23 and the glory of the lord went up from the midst of the city and stood on the hill toward the city. Ezek.11.24 and the spirit took me and brought me to the captives, in a vision, by the spirit of god. and the vision that i had seen came went up. Ezek.11.25 and i told the captive all the things that the lord had shown me. Ezek.12.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.12.2 the son of man, you abide in the midst of a gentle, who have eyes to see, but not see, and ears to hear, and they hear not, for they are a rebelde house. Ezek.12.3 and you, son of man, do for yourself the goods of captive, and be brought captive from your place to another place in their sight, so that they may see that they are a trespassing house. Ezek.12.4 you shall take out your waves like the waves of captive, day for their eyes, and you shall go out the day in their presence, as man comes in the captivitness. Ezek.12.5 prop for their eyes to the wand and go out through it. Ezek.12.6 carry up their eyes on their eyes and go out in secret. count your face, and you shall not see the earth, for i have given you a sign for the house of israel. Ezek.12.7 i did so, just as he had commanded me, and i carried out a waves for the day, while i were carried out in the wand in the wand, and in the hidden i took up them in the schuldle before their eyes. Ezek.12.8 in the morning the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.12.9 o son of man, does not the house of israel, the trespassing house, said to you, what do you do? Ezek.12.10 tell them, so says the lord, the lord, this message is this: the ruler in jerusalem and all the house of israel that is in their midst. Ezek.12.11 say, i am a sign in her. as i did, so will it be with them: they will go in captive and go in captivitness. Ezek.12.12 and the ruler who is among them will take his food in the schuldle and go out in secret; he will break out the wand to go out by it. he will declare his face, so that he will not see the earth with his eye. Ezek.12.13 but i will breke my nets upon him, and he will be saken in my burn, and i will bring him to babylon in the land of the chaldeans, but he will not see it, and there he will die. Ezek.12.14 and all who are around him, his help and all his helper will i scroll into all winds, and i will strike a sword after them. Ezek.12.15 and they will know that i am the lord, when i will scattery them among the nations and disperse them in the lands. Ezek.12.16 yet some of them i will left them from the sword, the famine and the pestilence, that they may tell all their abominations among the nations where they will come. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.12.17 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.12.18 son of man, eat your bread with beating, and drink your water with trembling and with beating. Ezek.12.19 and say to the people of the land, so says the lord, the lord, to the habitants of jerusalem in the land of israel: they will eat their bread with entrance and drink their water with desolate drink, for their land will be destroyed, because all who dwell in it will be destroyed. Ezek.12.20 the beasts that dwells will be destroyed, and the earth will become a desolate place. and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.12.21 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.12.22 the son of man, what is this parable for you in the land of israel, saying, the days is far longer, and all visions perishes? Ezek.12.23 therefore tell them, so says the lord, i will do this parable, and they will no longer say this parable in israel, but you shall say to them, the days is at hand, and the word of all vision. Ezek.12.24 for there will not be any false visions and a false wahrsaging in the house of israel. Ezek.12.25 for i, the lord, will speak; i will speak, and no more, for in your days, a trespassing house, i will speak a word, and i will do it, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.12.26 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.12.27 mensence, behold, the house of israel say, the vision that this visit is for many days, and he prophesy for long time. Ezek.12.28 therefore say to them, so says the lord, the lord says, my words shall no longer grow away. i will speak, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.13.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.13.2 mensenkind, prophesy against the prophets of israel, who prophesy, and say to them, hear the word of the lord! Ezek.13.3 so says the lord, alas to the prophesiers of their hearts, who does not see what they will see! Ezek.13.4 your prophets, o israel, are like dors in the desolate places. Ezek.13.5 you did not stand in the district, nor did you leave the house of israel at the strength, in the day of the lord. Ezek.13.6 they see a lie and deceive false diviness, saying, the lord, and the lord has not sent them, and they began to resting the word. Ezek.13.7 you did not see false visions, and false diviness you have told. Ezek.13.8 therefore, so says the lord, the lord says, because you have spoken false things and have seen look, therefore, behold, i am against you, says the lord, Ezek.13.9 my hand will be against the prophets who looks false things and show false things. they will not be in the instruction of my people, nor shall they write in the scripture of the house of israel, and they will not enter the land of israel, and you shall know that i am the lord, the lord. Ezek.13.10 because they deceived my people, saying, peace! and there is no peace, and so he builds a wall, and they deceive it with burn. Ezek.13.11 say to those who are puffed up with winds, that it will fall. there will be a great storm, and i will give stones in their winds, and a storm of storm will be broken up. Ezek.13.12 and behold, when the wand has fallen, they will not say to you, where is the best that you made? Ezek.13.13 therefore so says the lord, the lord says, in my wrath i will break a stormwind with wrath, and in my wrath there will be a wrath of temptations in my wrath, to destroy them. Ezek.13.14 i will destroy the wand that you burned and fall, and i will lay it on the ground, and its foundation will be opened. so you will fall and become with them, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.13.15 so i will turn my wrath against the wand and against those who are clothed with it, and i will say to you, the wand is not, and those who strike it, Ezek.13.16 the prophets of israel, who prophesy about jerusalem and saw it a peace, yet there is no peace, says the lord. Ezek.13.17 and you, son of man, vend your face against the daughters of your people, who prophesy of their hearts, and prophesy against them, Ezek.13.18 and say, so says the lord, the lord, woe to those who take bail on all hands and make banke on the head of all lives for to shut the souls! do you strike the souls of my people and carry your souls? Ezek.13.19 you profane me among my people for a dragon of gerley and for broken pieces of bread, so that you may destroy the souls that would not die, and beat souls that you not ought to live, having speaking to my people, who hears false things. Ezek.13.20 therefore so says the lord, the lord, behold, i am against your banse in which you feeds the souls. i will cut them out of your hands, and i will send the souls that you cast the souls. Ezek.13.21 i will destroy your cloak, and i will deliver my people out of your hand, and they will be no more in your hands, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.13.22 because you deceive the heart of the righteous, though i did not turn him, and have strengthened the hands of the unrighteous, that he would not turn from his evil way and keep him in life, Ezek.13.23 therefore you will not see false things and not break falsels. i will deliver my people out of your hand, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.14.1 then some of the elders of israel came to me and sat down before me. Ezek.14.2 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.14.3 " son of man, these men laid their idols into their hearts and put in their presence the punishment of their wrongdoing before their face. can i repay them? Ezek.14.4 therefore say to them and say to them, so says the lord, so says the lord, if a man of the house of israel put his idols in his heart and put before his presence the punishment of his transgression, and comes to the prophet, i, the lord, will answer him in the sight of his idols, Ezek.14.5 so that i may receive the house of israel in their hearts, because they were abandoned from me because of their idols. Ezek.14.6 therefore tell the house of israel: so says the lord, the lord: turn, and turn away from your idols, and turn your face from all your deeds. Ezek.14.7 for if anyone of the house of israel or of the proselyts who dwell in israel depart from me and lay his idols in his heart and lay before his face the plage of his unrighteousness before his face, and comes to the prophet to ask me for me, i, the lord, will give answer to me. Ezek.14.8 i will turn my face against that man and make him a desolate and a desolate place, and i will destroy him out of my people. and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.14.9 and if a prophet deceives and speaks, i, the lord, have deceived this prophet, and i will stretch my hand against him and destroy him out of my people israel. Ezek.14.10 and they will take their wrongdoing, the transgression of the man who asked, so will the prophet be so. Ezek.14.11 so that the house of israel may not be deceived from me, and that they may not be defiled in all their trespasses. they may be my people, and i will be their god, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.14.12 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.14.13 " son of man, if a land has committed sin against my trespass and strengts up my hand against it and tore the food of bread, and i will send there a famine and destroy it people and beast, Ezek.14.14 and if these three men were in the midst of her, noah, daniel and job, they by their righteousness were saved by their righteousness, declares the lord, the lord. Ezek.14.15 if i bring a evil beast on the land and destroy it, that it may become a desolate place, and there will be no desolate for the beast, Ezek.14.16 so these three men among them, so long as i live, declares the lord, the lord says, they were not saved neither sons or daughters, they only shall escape, and the earth would be destroyed. Ezek.14.17 or if i bring a sword against that land and tell it, a sword, through the land, and destroy there people and beast, Ezek.14.18 and these three men among her, so long as i live, says the lord, they will not save neither sons nor daughters, they only shall escape. Ezek.14.19 or if i send a pestilence on that land and utter my wrath on it in blood, so that you may destroy people and beast, Ezek.14.20 and noah and daniel and job were among her, so long as i live, says the lord, they would not escape both sons or daughters. they themselves will save their souls by their righteousness. Ezek.14.21 for so says the lord, the lord, even as i send my four visions, sword, hunger, wild beasts and pestilence, to destroy among them people and beast, Ezek.14.22 yet behold, there will be remains among you, who are carried out from it, sons and daughters. behold, they will come to you, and you will see their ways and their deeds, and you will repent over the evil that i have brought upon jerusalem, all that i have brought upon it. Ezek.14.23 they will console you because you see their ways and their thoughts, and you will know that i have not done nothing to do all that i have done in it, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.15.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.15.2 o son of man, what has the tree of the vineyard more than all the tree, the steal that is among the tree of the woud? Ezek.15.3 will he receive a tree of it for work for a service? will they take a passe for it to hange any wealth? Ezek.15.4 behold, it is given to fire to consume. the fire are consumed in the same time, and the fire is broken up. does it be necessary for a service? Ezek.15.5 behold, while he was still indeed, it was not to work for him, even if a fire has consumed it and consumed it, do that there may be something to work? Ezek.15.6 therefore so says the lord, the lord says, as it is the tree of the vineyard among the tree of the tree, which i have given to the fire to consume, so i will give the residents of jerusalem. Ezek.15.7 i will turn my face against them, they will come out of the fire, and fire will consume them. and you will know that i am the lord when i turn my face against them. Ezek.15.8 and i will make the land a wilderness for the sake of their trespasses, says the lord, the lord of israel. Ezek.16.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.16.2 & lt; aaa see, lord, to jerusalem their abominations, Ezek.16.3 and say, so says the lord, the lord to jerusalem, your offspring and your offspring is from the land of canaan. your father was a amorit, and your mother heth. Ezek.16.4 and so as to your genealoging, on the day that you became birth did not taken your cloak, nor was you broken to water with water, so that you were not broken with salt and not have been shaken in sown. Ezek.16.5 no eye spared to you, to do for you one of these things to do for you, but you were carried out on the field, because your soul was punished in the day of your birth. Ezek.16.6 so i went on you and saw you in your blood, and i said to you, you will live in your blood. Ezek.16.7 i have multiplied you like the foot of the field, and you were multiplied and increasing, and you came in a district. your bors became graves, and your hair has grown, but you were naked and blod. Ezek.16.8 and when i passed through you, i saw you, and behold, your time was the time of destruction. and i opened my flock on you and covered your naked. so i swore to you and entered a covenant with you, says the lord, the lord, and you were my. Ezek.16.9 i broken you with water and wiped your blood from you and anointed you with oliven. Ezek.16.10 i put you in clothes, clothed you in fine clothes, clothed you in fine linen and clothed you with fine cloths. Ezek.16.11 i stricked you with splendor, put a baskets on your hands and a back on your neck. Ezek.16.12 i put a ring on your nong, a rombs for your ears, and a great crowing on your head. Ezek.16.13 you covied you with gold and silver, and your clothes were fine linen, clothes, and fish of fish, and of honey, and of honey. so you was greatly prevened. Ezek.16.14 and your name came out among the nations because of your called, for it was excellent in the majesty that i had put on you, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.16.15 but you feed your trouble and committed sexual immorality in your name. your sexual immorality has distributed your sexual immorality with everyone who passed by. Ezek.16.16 you took out of your garments and made for you rabs of rabs and were sexually immoral sexual immorality. so you did not take sexual immorality or come. Ezek.16.17 you took my boasts, my gold and my silver, which i had given you, and done for yourself children and committed sexual immorality. Ezek.16.18 you took your broken robes and wicked them, and you laid my oil and my incense before them. Ezek.16.19 and my bread that i gave you, a fleur of farine, the oil and the honey that i gave you to eat, and you laid them in the presence of them for a soffering. so it happened, declares the lord the lord. Ezek.16.20 and you took your sons and your daughters, which you had born, and has offered them for them to be consumed. was it still a little prostitution? Ezek.16.21 so you died your children and gave them to the offering for them? Ezek.16.22 and in all your sexual immorality and your sexual immorality you did not remember the days of your little birth, when you were naked and open and wrapped in your blood. Ezek.16.23 and after all your malice, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.16.24 you have built up sexual immorality and made upportunity for yourself in every street. Ezek.16.25 on the beginning of every way you have built up your sexual immorality, and have deceived your glory to every journey, and have multiplied your sexual immorality. Ezek.16.26 you committed sexual immorality with the children of egypt, your great ones, and you multiplied your sexual immorality to provoke me. Ezek.16.27 and behold, i stretched my hand against you and destroyed your instruct and delivered you into the soul of those who hates you, the daughters of the filisters of the philisters who have deceived you from your wicked way. Ezek.16.28 you did sexual immorality with the daughters of assur, and you were sexual immorality with your sexual immorality. Ezek.16.29 and you multipliked your covenants to the land of the chaldeans, and so you did not be filled with them. Ezek.16.30 how is your free, says the lord, the lord, when you have done all these things, works of a prostitute. Ezek.16.31 when you built your sexual immorality at every journey, and have made your back in every place, and did not be like a prostitute, since you have gathered a recompense. Ezek.16.32 as a sexual immorality is a sexual immorality with her husband. Ezek.16.33 to all the sexually immoral sexual immorality, but you gave your hoviers to all your love and showed them, that they should come to you around, to your sexual immorality. Ezek.16.34 in your sexual immorality in your sexual immorality was that in your sexual immorality, and that in your sexual immorality you would give, and you were not given in the same way. Ezek.16.35 therefore, o prostitute, hear the word of the lord. Ezek.16.36 so says the lord, the lord, because you have poured out your brid and your shame has been opened in your sexual immorality with your love, and for all your idols idols, and for the blood of your children that you gave them, Ezek.16.37 therefore, behold, i will gather all your liebers, with whom you had loved, and all whom you loved, with all whom you hated, and i will gather them against you around, and i will declare your shame before them, so that they will see all your shame. Ezek.16.38 i will punish you for the judgment of adultery and of blood, and i will put you in the blood of wrath and jealousy. Ezek.16.39 and i will give you into their hands, and they will destroy your sexual immorality and destroy your best. they will cut out your robes and take your boasts and leave you naked and naked. Ezek.16.40 they will bring a crowd against you, and they will stone you and strike you with their lands. Ezek.16.41 they will burn your house with fire and make justice to you in the presence of many women. so i will turn you from your sexual immorality and you shall no longer give a recompense. Ezek.16.42 so i will turn my wrath upon you, and my jealousy will be taken away from you. i will rest, and i will never be anxious. Ezek.16.43 because you did not remember the day of your infance, but have grieved me in all these, behold, i also will put your ways on your head, says the lord, the lord. so you did not make all your abominations for all your abominations. Ezek.16.44 behold, every one who speaks a parable against you: as the mother, so the daughter. Ezek.16.45 you are a daughter of your mother, who devasted her husband and her children, and you are a sister of your sisters, who devasted their men and their children. your mother was a heth, and your father a amorit. Ezek.16.46 your little sister is samaria, she and her daughters, who dwell at your left, and your younger sister who dwells at your right hand is sodom and her daughters. Ezek.16.47 yet you did not go in their ways and do not do as they did, for a little while, and so you were greater in all your ways. Ezek.16.48 so live as i live, says the lord, your brother sodom and her daughters has not done so as you did, you and your daughters. Ezek.16.49 behold, this was the transgression of your sister sodom: arrogant, abundance of bread and belonging to her daughter, she and her daughters, and they did not help the hand of the poor and neor. Ezek.16.50 they were magnified and did wrongdoing before me, and i wicked them, as i saw. Ezek.16.51 samaria has not sinned the half of your sins. you have multiplied your abominations than they, and have justified your sisters in all your abominations that you have done. Ezek.16.52 so take yourself your schande, when you have committed your sisters for your sins, which you have done more than them, they are justified than you. so be to be ashamed and take your dishonor, because you have justified your sisters. Ezek.16.53 and i will turn their captives, the captive of sodom and her daughters, the captive of samaria and her daughters, and i will turn your captive among them, Ezek.16.54 so that you may bear your schande and be troubled for all that you have done, because you have been provoked to me. Ezek.16.55 your sisters, sodom and her daughters will return to their former age, and samaria and her daughters will return to their beginning, and you and your daughters will return to your beginning. Ezek.16.56 even your sister sodom was heard in your mouth in the days of your arrogance, Ezek.16.57 before your malice was revealed, as now the daughter of the daughters of syria and all who are around her, the daughters of the philistins, who rejected you around, Ezek.16.58 you will receive your ungodliness and your abominations, says the lord. Ezek.16.59 for so says the lord, the lord, i will do to you, just as you have done, you who defiled my covenant and transgressed my covenant. Ezek.16.60 but i will remember my covenant with you in the days of your infance, and i will make a eternal covenant with you. Ezek.16.61 and you will remember your ways and be troubled when you take your sisters, the elders and the younger, and i will give them to you as sons, but not by your covenant. Ezek.16.62 i will make my covenant with you, and you will know that i am the lord, Ezek.16.63 so that you may remember and be ashamed and do not open your mouth for your dishonor, when i make my propitiation for all that you have done, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.17.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.17.2 & lt; aaa see a told, and tell a parable to the house of israel, Ezek.17.3 and say, so says the lord, the lord, the great equila, with great ships, a long shiph, full of divisions, came in the libano and took the divisions of the zeder. Ezek.17.4 he distributed the extremits of his handle and brought it into the land of canaan, in a mighty city. Ezek.17.5 then he took some of the offspring of the land and gave it in a natural field, put it in a great water. Ezek.17.6 and it recognized and became a wicked vineyard, a little grow vineyard, and its branches were under it, and its worts were under it. so it became a vineyard and produced branches and stretched branches. Ezek.17.7 and there was a other angel, a great shaking, with difficulty, and behold, this vineyard drew his wurzels to him and sent its branches to him for the ground of which she was planted. Ezek.17.8 it was planted in a good camp by many waters, to make harpes and bear fruit and become a great vineyard. Ezek.17.9 say, so says the lord, the lord says, will it be right? will not the radix of its radix be cut, and the fruit will cut up, and the ground of its ground will be aried, and not with great arm or much people, so that they will cut it out of its radix. Ezek.17.10 and behold, it is grave; does it not be right? will not, as the heuning wind touched it will drow up? in the stone where she comes, it will seke. Ezek.17.11 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.17.12 say to the rebelde house, do you not know what these things belong? say, the king of babylon has come to jerusalem and took her king and her rulers and brought them to himself to babylon. Ezek.17.13 and he took one of the offspring of the kingdom and made a covenant with him and brought him by an oath, and the rulers of the land he took. Ezek.17.14 that the kingdom should be weak and not be rejected, so that they might keep his covenant and be continued in it. Ezek.17.15 but he turned against him and sent out his messagers into egypt to give him hors and many people. will he be right? will anyone who do so will be scattered? and who destroy a covenant will be saved? Ezek.17.16 so live as i live, says the lord, that in the place of the king who has made him a king, whom he has broken the sword and turned my covenant with him, in the midst of babylon he will die. Ezek.17.17 and pharaon will not do to him with a great power or much crowd, when they will burn and build a back, to destroy many persons. Ezek.17.18 for he had broken an oath to transgresse the covenant, and behold, he had given his hand and done all these things. he will not escape. Ezek.17.19 therefore so says the lord, the lord says, so long as i leef, and my covenant that he has dishonored, i will put in his head. Ezek.17.20 and i break my nets upon him, and they will cast it in his burn. Ezek.17.21 in all his quarreling they will fall by the sword, and the rest will be scattered into all winds. and you will know that i, the lord, have spoken. Ezek.17.22 so says the lord the lord, and i will take of the top of a zeder from the top of their heart and plant it, and i will plant it on a high and high mountain. Ezek.17.23 on the mount of the country of israel i will plant it, and he will take branches and bear fruit and become a great seder. there will be remained under it all birth and all birth. under his shadow will remain in the shadow of his branches. Ezek.17.24 and all the tree of the country will know that i, the lord, have afflicted the high tree and exalted the poor tree, and i turned the wicked tree. i, the lord, have said, and i will do. Ezek.18.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.18.2 what do you mean this parable in the land of israel, saying, the fathers ate sours, and the teeth of the children defiled? Ezek.18.3 so live as i live, says the lord, even still you will be told this parable in israel. Ezek.18.4 behold, all zides are mine; as the soul of the father so and the soul of the son are mine. the soul that sins is dead. Ezek.18.5 if anyone is righteous and does doing right and righteousness, Ezek.18.6 in the mountains he does not eat, and not looks his eyes to the idols of the house of israel, does not defile the wife of his neighbor and do not come to a woman in his foundation, Ezek.18.7 he does not oppresse any man, he will give his debt to his schuldner, neither graves, but give his bread to the honger and put a naked to the naked, Ezek.18.8 he does not give to usure and accept no greater, does he turn his hand from unrighteousness, doing righteous judgment among man and man, Ezek.18.9 in my commandments he walks and keep my righteous practices, it is a righteous man, he will live and live, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.18.10 but if anyone has been a son of slander who bears blood and does sins, Ezek.18.11 in the way of his father he does not go, but eats on the mountains, has defiled the wife of his neighbor, Ezek.18.12 oppress the poor and to the poor, ruiled a roof, does not give return, lift his eyes to the idols, do wrong, Ezek.18.13 look for wrong and receives greater, does he live? does he not live. he has done all these abominations. he will be put to death. his blood must be upon him. Ezek.18.14 but behold, if he has born a son who see all the sins of his father, which he has done, look at fear and do not do such as these, Ezek.18.15 he does not eat on the mountains and keep his eyes not to the idols of the house of israel, does not defile the wife of his neighbor, Ezek.18.16 he does not oppresse anyone, does not take garn, but rejects no grain, but gives his bread to the honger and put a naked to the naked, Ezek.18.17 he stretters his hand from wrongdoing, does not receive usup or grew, does does do in my commandments and walk in my commandments, he will not die because of the wrongdoing of his father, he will live. Ezek.18.18 but his father, because he has distributed tribulation and was carried off, he has done in his people so that he should die because of his wrongdoing. Ezek.18.19 but you say, why does the son not take the iniquity of the father? for the son has done righteousness and righteousness, kept all my commandments and do them, he will live. Ezek.18.20 the person who sins will died, the son shall not take the iniquity of the father, nor the father will take the iniquity of the son. the righteousness of the righteous will be upon him, and the ungodly of the ungodly will be upon him. Ezek.18.21 but if the law turn away from all his trespasses that he has done and keep my commandments and do to do right and righteousness, he will live, he will not die. Ezek.18.22 all his trespasses that he has done will not be remembered; in his righteousness that he has done shall he live. Ezek.18.23 shall i desire the death of the ungodly? says the lord, the lord. is it not so, that he should turn from his own way and live? Ezek.18.24 and if the righteous turn away from his righteousness and does wrongdoing, according to all the abominations that the ungodly has done, will he live? shall not all his righteousness that he has done will not be remembered. in his trespass that he has committed and in his sins that he has committed, in them he will die. Ezek.18.25 but you say, the way of the lord is not right. hear, o house of israel! does my ways not be right? does not your ways be right? Ezek.18.26 if the righteous turn away from his righteousness and does wrongdoing, and so he dies in his trespass that he has done. Ezek.18.27 and if a impio turn away from his lawlessness and does what is right and right, he will keep his life. Ezek.18.28 for he has turned away from all his ungodliness that he has done, he will live, he will not die. Ezek.18.29 but the house of israel says, the way of the lord is not right. are my ways not right, o house of israel? is it not your ways that you do not be right? Ezek.18.30 so i judge you, o house of israel, each one of you will judge according to his ways, says the lord, turn and turn away from all your deeds, and you will not be revealed for you. Ezek.18.31 throw away from yourselves all your transgressions that you have committed, and make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. and why are you to die, o house of israel? Ezek.18.32 for i do not want the death to die, says the lord. Ezek.19.1 and you, take a klagesing over the rulers of israel, Ezek.19.2 and say, what was your mother? a jeunish leoning was in the midst of leons, multipliced her jeuners among the leons. Ezek.19.3 he departed one of her women, there was a lion, and learned to take grain, he ate people. Ezek.19.4 when the nations heard about him, he was taken in their ground, and they brought him with bows to the land of egypt. Ezek.19.5 and when she saw that she was distributed and that her steadfastness was destroyed, she took another of her women and made him a least. Ezek.19.6 he was distributed among the leons, he was a lion, and learned to take grain, he ate people. Ezek.19.7 he remained their plants and destroyed their cities, and the earth and all that was in it devasted for the voice of his weeping. Ezek.19.8 so the nations from the region around him and spread their nets on him, and it was taken in their ground. Ezek.19.9 they put him in bound, and they carried him up to the king of babel, and they brought him in a guard, so that his voice was not heard about the mountains of israel. Ezek.19.10 your mother was like a vineyard planted at the water, planted by water, its fruit and its blass was at the great water. Ezek.19.11 there were great roves for the rulers of the rulers, and its excellence was exalted in the midst of the branches and saw the ground of her glory, with the multitude of her women. Ezek.19.12 but it was broken in wrath and thrown down to the ground, and the healing wind increased its fruits, its wealth were torned up and withered up, fire has consumed it. Ezek.19.13 now now he has planted in the wilderness, in a wilderness and in a wilderness. Ezek.19.14 and fire came out of her scepter, and it has consumed it, and there was no strong strong in it, a tribe for a reason. it is a klagesang, and it will be a weeping. Ezek.20.1 in the seventh year, in the third day of the fifth, some of the elders of israel came to ask the lord, and they sat down before me. Ezek.20.2 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.20.3 meneing, speak to the elders of israel, and say to them, so says the lord, the lord says, do you come to ask me? so long as i live, i will not answer you, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.20.4 will you judge them, do you judge, o son of man? tell them the transgressions of their fathers, Ezek.20.5 and tell them, so says the lord, the lord, when i called israel, i made my hand up to the offspring of the house of jacob and made me known to them in the land of egypt, and strengthened my hand to them, saying, i am the lord your god. Ezek.20.6 on that day i raised my hand to them that i might bring them out of the land of egypt to the land that i had prepared for them, which flows of milk and honning, which is a glory of all the lands. Ezek.20.7 and i said to them, let each one throw away the abominations of his eyes and do not defile with the idols of egypt. i am the lord your god. Ezek.20.8 but they rebellied against me and did not listen to me. they did not throw away the abominations of their eyes and did not depart the idols of egypt. so i intended to verse my wrath upon them, to fulfill my wrath upon them in the land of egypt. Ezek.20.9 but i made so for my name so that it might not be profaned in the presence of the nations in which they were, and before whom i was made known to them to bring them out of the land of egypt. Ezek.20.10 so i led them out of the land of egypt and brought them into the wilderness. Ezek.20.11 i gave them my commandments and told them my commandments, which a person who does them shall live by them. Ezek.20.12 i gave them my sabbats to be a sign among me and them, that they might know that i am the lord who sanctifies them. Ezek.20.13 but the house of israel became trouble against me in the wilderness, but did not go in my commandments and rejsed my commandments, which a man who does them shall live by them, and my sabbath they have complete. so i told that i might gide my wrath upon them in the wilderness, to destroy them. Ezek.20.14 but i made this for my name, so that it might not be profaned in the presence of the nations whom i had brought them out before their eyes. Ezek.20.15 yet i raised up my hand to them in the wilderness, that i might not bring them into the land that i had given them, a land that tears of milk and honning, which is a glory of all the lands, Ezek.20.16 because they devoted my deeds and did not follow my commandments and profaned my sabbath, for their hearts followed their idols. Ezek.20.17 but my eye showed them to destroy them, and i did not destroy them in the wilderness. Ezek.20.18 and i said to their children in the wilderness, do not walk in the layses of your fathers and do not keep their practices, nor be defiled by their idols. Ezek.20.19 i am the lord your god. walk in my commandments, keep my instructions and do them. Ezek.20.20 sanctify my sabbath, and they shall be a sign among me and you, that you may know that i am the lord your god. Ezek.20.21 but the children rebellied against me, they did not go in my commandments and do not keep my commandments, so that the person who does them shall live by them, and they profaned my sabbats. so i told that i might gide my wrath over them in the wilderness, to fulfill my wrath upon them in the wilderness. Ezek.20.22 but i made this for my name, so that it might not be profaned in the presence of the nations whom i had brought them out before their eyes. Ezek.20.23 yet i raised up my hand to them in the wilderness, to scattery them among the nations and scatters them in the lands, Ezek.20.24 because they did not do my deeds and rejected my commandments and profaned my sabbath, and their eyes followed the idols of their fathers. Ezek.20.25 so i gave them instructions not good, and instructions by which they would not live. Ezek.20.26 i put them in their tails, when i passed all who opened the mourn, so that i might destroy them. Ezek.20.27 therefore say to the house of israel, son of man, and say to them, so says the lord, the lord, so even this have your fathers provoked me, because they turned against me. Ezek.20.28 when i brought them into the land that i had lifted up my hand to give them. they saw every high coll and every ground tree, they offered there their offerings, and they offered there their offers, and they offered there their offers, and they offered there their offers, and they offered there their offers. Ezek.20.29 and i said to them, what is it to be the offerte that you are going on? and it is named abama, even to this day. Ezek.20.30 therefore tell the house of israel, so says the lord, the lord: do you defile you in the abominations of your fathers and do sexual immorality after their abominations? Ezek.20.31 in the offering of your offers, in the field of your own offerings, you defiled you in all your idols until this day, and i do to answer you, o house of israel? so Hy that i live, says the lord, the lord of god, i do not answer me. Ezek.20.32 and it will not be so, as you say, we will be like the nations and like the tribes of the earth, to serve lign and stones. Ezek.20.33 so as i live, says the lord, the lord of god, with a strong hand, with strong arm and strong wrath, i will reign over you. Ezek.20.34 and i will bring you out of the people and gathering you from the country in which you were scattered, with a sterke hand and strong arm and strong wrath. Ezek.20.35 and i will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there i will discute with you face to face, Ezek.20.36 as i was judged with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of egypt, so i will judge you, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.20.37 so i will passe you out of the scepter and bring you in the midst of the scepter. Ezek.20.38 i will utter the ungodly and those who have sinned from you, for from their dwelling place i will bring them out, but into the land of israel they will not enter. and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.20.39 and you, o house of israel, so says the lord, let you go to each one of your idols. but after this you do not listen to me, and no longer profanes my holy name with your offerings and your idols. Ezek.20.40 for on my holy mountain, on the high mountain of israel, declares the lord, there they will serve me all the house of israel, all things. there i will accept it, and there i will visite your offerings and the offers of your offerings in all your holy places. Ezek.20.41 i will receive you as a soave day, when i bring you out of the people and gather you from the country in which you were scattered, and i will be holy among you before the people. Ezek.20.42 and you will know that i am the lord, when i bring you into the land of israel, to the land that i made my hand to give to your fathers. Ezek.20.43 there you will remember your ways and all your deeds where you have defiled you by them. and you will share your face for all your evil things that you have committed. Ezek.20.44 and you will know that i am the lord, when i do to you for my name's sake, not according to your new ways and your destructed works, o house of israel, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.20.45 then the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.20.46 the son of man, tourn your face to the negev and prophesy on the midst, and prophesy against the terebinthe of the country of the miest. Ezek.20.47 and say to the terebinthe of the miest: hear the word of the lord. so says the lord, the lord, behold, i will burn fire in you, and it will consume every grow tree and all wicked tree. the flame of the flame will not be stone, and every face from the foundation to the nord will burn in it. Ezek.20.48 and all flesh will know that i, the lord, have burned it. it will not be slucked. Ezek.20.49 and i said, ach, lord, lord! they say to me, is it not a parable saying about it? Ezek.21.1 then the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.21.2 the son of man, tourn your face against jerusalem, and prophesy against the holy places and prophesy against the land of israel, Ezek.21.3 and say to the land of israel: so says the lord of israel: behold, i am against you, and i will trave my sword out of his sword, and i will destroy from you the unjust and the impie. Ezek.21.4 for i will destroy from you the unjust and the unrighteous, my sword will come out of his sword against every flesh from the foundation to the nord. Ezek.21.5 and all flesh will know that i, the lord, have drawn my épée out of his sword, and he will not turn again. Ezek.21.6 yet you, son of man, suspire, weeping for their eyes with bright and weak, suffering for their eyes. Ezek.21.7 and if they say to you, why do you sure, you shall say, for the sending that it comes. all heart will be shaken, and all hands will be shaken, and every flesh and every spirit will be shaken with water. behold, it comes, and it will be, says the lord lord. Ezek.21.8 then the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.21.9 o son of man, prophesy and say, so says the lord: say, a sword, a sword is provoked, and is broken. Ezek.21.10 it is reviled, so that i may slain, so that it may be bright. are we recognized? why will the hand of my son despise every tree. Ezek.21.11 he gave it to be ready to strong in his hand, a sword has been stricked and ready to give it into the hand of one who destroy it. Ezek.21.12 cry and weep, o son of man, for it is against my people, it is against all the rulers of israel. they will be set for their people for the sword, so be striking on the hand. Ezek.21.13 for it has been justified. and how will it be without desobedience? it will not be done, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.21.14 yet you, son of man, prophesy and struck your hands on their hands, and let the sword be treated on the third, a sword of dead. it is a sword, a great sword, which will strike them. Ezek.21.15 for that the heart may be broken and those who are weak will be multiplied in all their gates. in all their gates he has given a sword of sword. Ezek.21.16 go in, strik at the right hand, make at the left, where your face will be recognized. Ezek.21.17 so i will strike my hands with my hand, and i will keep my wrath. i, the lord, have said. Ezek.21.18 then the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.21.19 and you, son of man, direct for you two ways for the sword of the king of babel. by one region the two shall come out, and set a hand at the beginning of the way of a city. Ezek.21.20 do a way for the way that a sword comes to rabba of the ammonites and at judah, at jerusalem, in the midst of jerusalem. Ezek.21.21 for the king of babel remains on the gate of the way, at the beginning of the two ways, to make diviness. he rejects the back, asked the sculptiles, search at his right hand. Ezek.21.22 for the charge is charge, at jerusalem, to set belongs, to open a mouth in belonging, bringing his voice in a cry, to set belongs for the gates, to set belongs for the gates, building up vall, to build belongs. Ezek.21.23 but it will be a divinced of divination before their eyes, but he will remember their iniquity, that they should remember. Ezek.21.24 therefore so says the lord, the lord, because you have rejected your transgressions, because your transgressions will be revealed, and your sins will see in all your idols, because you have remembered, you will be treated up with you. Ezek.21.25 and you, o foolish prince, o ruler of israel, the day where the day comes in the time of their wrong. Ezek.21.26 so says the lord, led away the turn and put the crown. it will not be so. it will be exalted the exalted, and the high will be exalted. Ezek.21.27 i will put it for wrong, i will put it up. it will not be so, until the one who is there will come, and i will give it. Ezek.21.28 and you, son of man, prophesy and say, so says the lord, the lord, about the sons of ammon and of their reproach, and say, a sword, a sword is woiled for a building, so that he may blive, so that he may blive. Ezek.21.29 when your false vision is looking for you and deceive you false vidences, so that they will give you on the hill of the people of those who have been murdered, which the day has come in the time of their unrighteousness. Ezek.21.30 return your food! in the place where you was born in the land of your household, i will judge you. Ezek.21.31 i will utter my wrath over you, with the fire of my wrath i will burn on you, and i will deliver you into the hands of burdens, plants of destruction. Ezek.21.32 you will be a food for the fire, your blood will be in the land, and you will never remember, for i, the lord, have spoken. Ezek.22.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.22.2 and you, son of man, will you judge? do you judge the town of blood, and show her all his abominations. Ezek.22.3 and say, so says the lord lord: o city that spars blood in its midst, that its time may come, and shows idols against it, to defile it. Ezek.22.4 by your blood, which you have poured out, you have rejected, and with your idols that you have done you you have defiled, and you have drew your days to come, and you have brought you the time of your years. therefore i make you a proproach for the nations and a spot for all the lands. Ezek.22.5 those who are near and those who are far far from you will share in you, you who are unclean name and great in district. Ezek.22.6 behold, the rulers of israel are in you, each one with his relative, so that they might open the blood. Ezek.22.7 in you they defile father and mother, in you they have committed violence to the proselyte in you, orphans and widow are oppressed in you. Ezek.22.8 you have despised my holy things and have profaned my sabbath. Ezek.22.9 there are robbers in you that they may open blood, and in you they eat on the mountains. in your midst they have done ungodly. Ezek.22.10 in you they deceive the shame of the father, and in your unclean impurity they was afflicted. Ezek.22.11 each one has defiled the wife of his neighbor, each has defiled his daughter, each with his sister, his daughter, his daughter. Ezek.22.12 in you they have received gifts for proliing blood; you received usup and increasing, and you have forced your malice with violence, and you have forgotten me, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.22.13 and behold, i strike my hand because of the ground that you have made, and for your blood that has been in your midst. Ezek.22.14 will your heart continue, will your hands be strengthened in the days when i do against you? i, the lord, have said, and i will do. Ezek.22.15 i will scattery you among the nations and scatters you in the lands, and i will defile your impurity from you. Ezek.22.16 i will share in you in the presence of the nations, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.22.17 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.22.18 menehold of man, the house of israel was made to me. they are all with bronze, iron, zinn, and plumbo in the midst of silver. Ezek.22.19 therefore so says the lord, the lord, since you all became a confusion, therefore, behold, i will gather you in the midst of jerusalem. Ezek.22.20 as it gather a silver, a bronze, a iron, the zinn and the blew in the ovn, to brone fire into it, so i will gather you in my wrath and in my wrath and in my wrath. Ezek.22.21 i will show you out to you with the fire of my wrath, and you will be broken in it. Ezek.22.22 just as the silver lives in the ofn, so you will be burned in it. and you will know that i, the lord, have poured out my wrath upon you. Ezek.22.23 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.22.24 the son of man, tell her, you are a land that has not been shaken, and there is no rain on the day of wrath. Ezek.22.25 the rulers of her within it is like a rouped lion, who plunder grain. they devour the souls, receives honor and honor, have multiplied your widows in your midst. Ezek.22.26 her priests despise my law and profane my sanctuarious things. they do not deceive to the holy and profane, they do not show distinction among the unclean and the clean, and show their eyes from my sabbath, and so i am profaned among them. Ezek.22.27 its rulers among it are like wolves who plunder grain, to spare blood, so that they may find greater wish, so that they may find wealth. Ezek.22.28 and its prophets breatters them, they fall false orders and deceive false diviness, saying, so says the lord, and the lord has not spoken. Ezek.22.29 the people of the land oppress violence and plunder grain, are oppressed to the poor and poor, and against the extranjers they do not turn in judgment. Ezek.22.30 i were seeking among them a man who should burn the bide and stand in the destruction before me in the time, so that i might not destroy it, but did not find it. Ezek.22.31 so i have poured out on them my wrath, with the fire of my wrath to destroy them. i will put their ways on their heads, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.23.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.23.2 son of man, there were two women, daughters of one mother. Ezek.23.3 they committed sexual immorality in egypt, in their youth they were sexual immorality. there were broken their daughts. Ezek.23.4 their names was ohola, and her sister oholiba. so they were mine and became children and daughters. the name of them was samaria, and oholiba is jerusalem. Ezek.23.5 ohola became sexual immorality with me, and became sexual immorality for his amans, the assyrians, who were near to her, Ezek.23.6 clothed in fine robes, rulers and officers, all chosen young men, horse horse. Ezek.23.7 and she gave her sexual immorality with them, all the elect of the sons of ashuur, and they defiled them in all her idols. Ezek.23.8 she did not leave her sexual immorality with egypt, for they had fallen with her in her young birth, and they had married her daughter and poured out their sexual immorality. Ezek.23.9 therefore i delivered her into the hands of her amans, in the hands of the assyrians, where she was seated. Ezek.23.10 they revealed her shame, they took her sons and her daughters, and her killed they killed with the sword, and she became a speech for wives, when they did justice against her. Ezek.23.11 and her sister oholiba saw this, and she distributed her sexual immorality than her, and her sexual immorality with her sexual immorality. Ezek.23.12 she belonged to the sons of assur, rulers and officers, who were near, belonging to pulk, chariers, ratting on hors, all chosen young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young child. Ezek.23.13 i saw that they were defiled, one of the two was unclean. Ezek.23.14 but she continued again for her sexual immorality, and when she saw men crying out on the wand, images of chaldeans, clothed in pieces, Ezek.23.15 with white robes on their bouts, a distributed bate on their heads, as they were an appearance for all, the image of the chaldeans, the land of their fathers, Ezek.23.16 when she saw them, she appointed them, and she sent messengers to them in chaldean. Ezek.23.17 and the sons of babylon came to her in a bed of sexual immorality, and defiled her with her sexual immorality. so she was defiled with them, and her soul departed from them. Ezek.23.18 and when she opened her sexual immorality, she opened her baal, so that my soul departed from her, just as my soul was removed from her sister. Ezek.23.19 but she multiplied your sexual immorality to remember the days of his youth, while she had committed sexual immorality in the land of egypt. Ezek.23.20 and it became belonging to the chaldeans, whose flesh were like mouths, and their sword is as a building of horses. Ezek.23.21 so you remembered the boldness of your youth, when the egyptians became your breasts in the brysting of your young bors. Ezek.23.22 therefore, oholiba, so says the lord the lord: behold, i will raise your love against you, from whom your soul has taken away, and i will bring them against you from all the district, Ezek.23.23 the sons of babel and all the chaldeans, pekod, shua, and koa, and with them all the sons of ashuur, a chosen young man, rulers and magistrates, gathers and names, horse of horse. Ezek.23.24 they will come against you with waves, waves and roes, with a crowd of people, with schilde and schilde and closels they will bring against you all dwelling. i will give them the judgment, and they will judge you according to their judgments. Ezek.23.25 and i will make my jealousy in you, and they will make a wrath against you. they will take away your back and your ears, and your rest will fall down by the sword. they will take your sons and your daughters, and your rest will consume fire. Ezek.23.26 they will shate out you your garments, and they will take your boasts. Ezek.23.27 so i will turn your sexual immorality and your sexual immorality in the land of egypt. you shall not leave your eyes to them and never remember egypt. Ezek.23.28 for so says the lord, the lord, behold, i will deliver you into the hands of those whom you hates, with the hands of whom your soul has taken away. Ezek.23.29 they will do with you with hating, and they will take all your arbeid and take you naked and despise, and your shame of sexual immorality and your sexual immorality will be revealed. Ezek.23.30 this is what you will do because of your sexual immorality after the nations, and have defiled you with their idols. Ezek.23.31 in the way of your sister you went, and i will give her cup in your hand. Ezek.23.32 so says the lord lord: you shall drink the cup of your sister, the deep and the large wood, and you will drink. Ezek.23.33 you will be filled with difficulty, a cup and destruction, the cup of your sister samaria. Ezek.23.34 you are drinking, and you will drink the feast and destroy her garments, for i have spoken, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.23.35 therefore so says the lord here: because you have forgotten me and throwed me down after your bodies, so also take your sexual immorality and your sexual immorality. Ezek.23.36 and the lord said to me, son of man, will you judge ohola and oholiba? tell them their abominations. Ezek.23.37 for they have committed adultery and blood in their hands, and they have committed adulterous their idols and their children that they had given me. Ezek.23.38 even these things they did to me, they defiled my holy places and profaned my sabbath. Ezek.23.39 for as they sacrificed their children for their idols, they went into my holy places to profane it, and behold, so they did in my house. Ezek.23.40 even for those who were coming at a distance, they sent a message to them, and behold, they came. you shalled your eyes and shalled your eyes, Ezek.23.41 you sat on a drong bed, before it was adorned a table, and on them you laid my incense and my oil. Ezek.23.42 they were carried out with a voice of boldness, and to the people of the multitude of people were carried out of the wilderness from the wilderness, and they put spices on their hands and crowful crowns on their heads. Ezek.23.43 then i said, they do not commit adultery with such a sexual immorality. Ezek.23.44 and they came to her, as they enter a prostitute. so they came to ohola and oholiba, the prostitutes. Ezek.23.45 yet righteous men will punish them for the judgment of adultery and justice for blood, for they are adultery and blood in their hands. Ezek.23.46 for so says the lord lord says, i will bring a crowd against them, and they will give them trouble and burn. Ezek.23.47 and the crowd will stone them with stones, and strike them with their hushs. they will kill their sons and their daughters and burn their house in fire. Ezek.23.48 so i will turn a ungodliness in the land, and all the women will be instructed, and they will not do like their deeds. Ezek.23.49 and your trespasses will put to you, and you will receive the sins of your idols. and you will know that i am the lord, the lord. Ezek.24.1 in the ninth year, in the tixth day of the maand, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.24.2 the son of man, write to you this day, this is the day of this day, as the king of babel has withdrawn to jerusalem. Ezek.24.3 and tell a parable to the rebelde house, and say to them, so says the lord god: lay the kotel, put it up, and storing water in it. Ezek.24.4 put his pieces into it, all good pieces, the bute and the small, cack them out of the benes. Ezek.24.5 take the gifts of the beast, and put up the back under it, so that the beat will be broken in it. Ezek.24.6 therefore, so says the lord, so, o blood of blood, a robe in which is a rost, and the rost that does not come out of it! cast out it according to its robes, and not cast lots on it. Ezek.24.7 for its blood is in her. he has put it in a rock of rock, she has not poured out it on earth, that there might be covered with earth. Ezek.24.8 for to rise the wrath to be punished, i have put its blood on a rock of rock, so that it would not be covered. Ezek.24.9 therefore so says the lord of god, and i will magnify the leopard. Ezek.24.10 put the tree up, burn the fire, burn the flesh, beat the flesh, and let the small be broken up. Ezek.24.11 so put it up in their charbons, so that her coin may be broken and its bronze wander, and its impurity may be broken in it, and its rost may be broken. Ezek.24.12 its rosting has not come out of it, her rost rost! her rost will be put to shame. Ezek.24.13 because you have defiled yourself, and why did you not clean, but you would not be cleansed, until i have filled my wrath. Ezek.24.14 i, the lord, have said. it will come, and i will do. i will not depart and never spare; i will judge you according to your ways and your deeds, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.24.15 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.24.16 meneing, behold, i will taken away from you the desires of your eyes, but you shall not weep and do not weep, and do not weep. Ezek.24.17 stand in the ground of blood, and do not have mourn, put your cloak on your cloak, and put your sandals in your feet, and do not eat the bread of the men. Ezek.24.18 and i spoke to the people the morning, and the day was dead my wife. and in the morning i did just as it was been commanded to me. Ezek.24.19 and the people said to me, do you not tell us what these things are that you do? Ezek.24.20 i said to them, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.24.21 say to the house of israel, so says the lord, behold, i will profane my holy things, the pleasure of your strength, the desires of your eyes, the desires of your souls, and your sons and your daughters, which you have left, will fall for the sword. Ezek.24.22 and you will do just as i have done: you will not fall their mouth and do not eat the bread of the men, Ezek.24.23 your bound will be on your head, and your sandals in your feet. you will not mourn nor weep, but be wicked for your unrighteousness and exhort one for one. Ezek.24.24 and jezechiel will be a sign for you. you will do whatever he did. when this comes, you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.24.25 and you, son of man, will not be this on the day when i take their power from them, their glory and praise, the desires of their eyes and the healing of their soul, their sons and their daughters, Ezek.24.26 on that day a escape will come to you, to tell you in your ears. Ezek.24.27 in that day your mouth will be opened for the escape, and you will speak, and you shall not be stumbled again, and you will be a sign for them, and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.25.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.25.2 the son of man, turn your face to the ammonites and prophesy them, Ezek.25.3 and say to the sons of ammon, hear the word of the lord, the lord. so says the lord, the lord, so that you have rejoiced in my holy places, because it was profaned, and over the land of israel, because they went into captive, Ezek.25.4 therefore, behold, i will give you to the bearing of the beast to inheritance, and they will make their tends in you and lay their tends in you. they will eat your fruit and drink your milk. Ezek.25.5 and i will make rabba a passe for cammels and the children of ammon a shepherd for sheep, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.25.6 for so says the lord, the lord, since you stricked out your hands and broken with your feet and rejoiced in your soul for the land of israel, Ezek.25.7 therefore i will stretch out my hand against you and give you to be a plundering for the nations, and i will destroy you from the people and destroy you from the country, and i will destroy you. and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.25.8 so says the lord, the lord, because moab and seir said, behold, the house of judah is like all the nations, Ezek.25.9 therefore, behold, i will take down the old of moab from his counts, from the country of the earth, the district of the earth, bet-jesimot, baal-meon, and kiriath-jearim. Ezek.25.10 to the sons of the beast, with the sons of ammon, i gave them into inheritance, so that the sons of ammon may not be remembered. Ezek.25.11 i will make wrath over moab, and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.25.12 so says the lord, the god of edom, because edom visited their wrath over the house of judah, so that they were wrong and punished their wrath, Ezek.25.13 therefore so says the lord god: i will stretch my hand against edom and destroy from it people and beast, and i will make it a desolate place. from teman to dedan they will fall for death. Ezek.25.14 and i will give my wraak over edom by the hand of my people israel, and they will do at edom according to my wrath and according to my wrath, and they will know my wraak, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.25.15 so says the lord, the lord: because the people did out of vengeance, with wrath of soul, with wrath of soul, to destroy them forever, Ezek.25.16 therefore so says the lord, behold, i will stretch my hand against the philistins, and i will destroy the krans, and destroy the rest of the sea. Ezek.25.17 i will make great wrath over them, and they will know that i am the lord when i give my wraak upon them. Ezek.26.1 in the elonth year, in the first day of the town, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.26.2 son of man, because tyrus said to jerusalem, aha, the gentiles are broken; he has turned to me, i have been full of desolate. Ezek.26.3 therefore so says the lord, the lord, behold, i am against you, o tyre, and bring many nations against you, as the sea brings up their wores. Ezek.26.4 they will throw down the mures of tyrus and destroy your taars, and i will defile its stof from it and put it to a rock of rock. Ezek.26.5 it will be a hair of shaks in the midst of the sea, for i have spoken, says the lord lord. and it will be a roof for the nations. Ezek.26.6 and her daughters in the field will be killed with a sword, and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.26.7 for so says the lord, the lord of israel, behold, i will bring nebukadressar, king of babylon, a king of kings, with horses, with chars, with hors, and with a great multitude of many nations. Ezek.26.8 he will destroy your daughters in the country with the sword, and he will set a wal against you, and set burse against you. Ezek.26.9 he will strike your burns against your burns and throw down your burns with his sword. Ezek.26.10 for the multitude of his hors will their stone shut you. for the rop of the horse and the roes and the carros will your mures shaken, when he enter your gates, like one who enter a beating city. Ezek.26.11 with the waves of his horses they will trample all your streets, he will kill your people with the sword, and your strength, which are in your strength, will fall down on the ground. Ezek.26.12 they will plunder your power and destroy your possessions, they destroy your wall and destroy your desirounds and destroy your desire house. your stones, your tree, your stof will throw into the sea. Ezek.26.13 i will break the harp of your instruments, and the sound of your psalters will never be heard. Ezek.26.14 i will make you a rock to a rock, a sight of shaks. you will not be built again, for i have spoken, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.26.15 so says the lord, the lord, to thor, the island will be shaken from the voice of your fall, when the herders grows, when the sword bears in your midst, the island are trembling? Ezek.26.16 and all the rulers of the sea will come down from their thrones, and they will take their turn and put out their broked garments. they will clothe with amazement, they will sit on the earth and fear their bunds and grow at you. Ezek.26.17 they will take a klagesing on you and say to you, how did you come down in the sea, you belonging by the sea, you belonging to all who dwell in it! Ezek.26.18 the strands of your falls will be afraid in the day of your fall. Ezek.26.19 for so says the lord, the lord: when i make you a desolate city, like the towns that are not dwelling, when i bring the bottomless pit upon you, and great water will shurn you, Ezek.26.20 so i will bring you down to those who dwell down in the ground, to the people of ever, and i will make you dwelling in the deep ground, with those who are down into the ground, so that you will not be dwelling, and i will not remain in the land of life. Ezek.26.21 i will give you in destruction, and you will never be forever, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.27.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.27.2 & lt; aaa see & gt; Ezek.27.3 and say to tyre, who dwell at the inside of the sea, dringing handel with the people by many islands, so says the lord the lord: o tyre, you say, i am act of glory. Ezek.27.4 your burns are in the way of the sea, your builders laid up your pleasure. Ezek.27.5 they have built all your pattes of cypress from senir, they took the cypars from the libano to do for you a district. Ezek.27.6 they have made your burts from basans of basan, they made your wealds from elfenbest, a builder from the islands of the kittim. Ezek.27.7 a fine fine fine of egypt was your letter, so that it was a daste for you. she was of fine purple and purple, from the island of elisiah was your clothing. Ezek.27.8 the inwoners of sidon and arvad were your belongers; your wise, o tyre, were in you, o tyre. Ezek.27.9 the elders of gebal and their wise men were in you for utter your plan. all the sea of the sea and their seaders were in you for make your plan. Ezek.27.10 persai, lydians and libytes were in your power, your soldiers. they carried out in you the pell and the helm. they gave your glory. Ezek.27.11 the sons of arvad with your power were against your mures around, and the prisoners around your taars. they healed their garments around your rings around. these they perfected your glans. Ezek.27.12 tarsis was handel with you because of the multitude of all your strength, they gave your mars with silver, iron, cood and bly. Ezek.27.13 javan, tubal and mesech were your merchers. they gave your merchants with human souls and bronze. Ezek.27.14 out of the house of togarma they gave your possessions hors and cavaliers. Ezek.27.15 the sons of dedan were your merchants. many island were treated your handel. they gave you back of elfenbest and divorce. Ezek.27.16 the people marchaned with you because of the multitude of your divisions, they gave your wealth, a purpur, a broken robe, a robe, a robe, and a robe. Ezek.27.17 judas and the people of israel were your merchants. they offered for you with wheat of wheat, of honey, honey, olive, and balsam. Ezek.27.18 damask was a sexually immoral of you because of your great multitude, a wine of helbon and a wolle of mileth. Ezek.27.19 dan, javan and javan, directed wine, preaching for you. Ezek.27.20 dedan was gathered with you with a best beast for waves. Ezek.27.21 arabia and all the rulers of kedar were handel with you in your hand, a lamb, the judges and the lamb. Ezek.27.22 the merchants of sheba and raama treasured with you; they offered for your marks with unclean balsams, with precious stones and gold. Ezek.27.23 haran and kanne and eden, the merchants of assur, assur and kilmad gathered with you. Ezek.27.24 they brought a bound of purple clothes and treasures of chose, bound in shaks and bound. Ezek.27.25 the ships of tarsis was your treasure. so you were filled and greatly greatly in the heart of the sea. Ezek.27.26 your deveners led you out in many waters. the wind of the south broke you in the heart of the sea. Ezek.27.27 your wealds and your belonging and your belonging and your strangers and your slanderers, your companers and your handel, and all your soldiers who are in you, and all your belonging in you in the day of your fall will fall in the heart of the sea on the day of your fall. Ezek.27.28 as for the rop of your rop, your slanderers will fear with fear. Ezek.27.29 and all your ruilers, the seaders and all the maters of the sea descends from their boats, and they will stand in the land. Ezek.27.30 they will rejoice over you with their voice, and they will cry bitterly, they will lay earth on their heads and strike in asep. Ezek.27.32 and their sons will weep over you a klagesing and a klagesing for you. Ezek.27.33 when your acts came out from the sea, you wicked with many nations. with your great multitude and your weaking you rended the kings of the earth. Ezek.27.34 now when you were broken in the sea, in the deep of the water, your companier and all your ground have fallen in your midst. Ezek.27.35 all the residents of the islands share on you, and their kings are greatly troubled, their faces are shaken. Ezek.27.36 the merchants of the nations shows for you; you have become a destruction, and you will never be forever. Ezek.28.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.28.2 the son of man, tell to the ruler of tyre, so says the lord, the lord says, because your heart is exalted, and you said, i am god, i have set in the heart of the sea in the heart of the sea, and you are a man and not god, yet you have put your heart like a god of god. Ezek.28.3 behold, you are wise than daniel, no mind rebuked you. Ezek.28.4 by your mind and intelligence you have made power, and in your treasures you have made gold and silver. Ezek.28.5 in your great faithness and in your wealth you have granted your power, your heart was exalted because of your power. Ezek.28.6 therefore so says the lord, the lord, since you have given your heart as a god's heart, Ezek.28.7 therefore, behold, i will bring others, the strangers of the nations, and they will strike their swords against the glans of your intelligence, and they will destroy your glans. Ezek.28.8 they will bring you down, and you shall die death of error in the heart of the sea. Ezek.28.9 do you say, i am god? in the presence of those who put you to death, you are a man and not god, in the presence of those who put you to death? Ezek.28.10 uncircumcised he will bring in the hands of strangers, for i have spoken, says the lord. Ezek.28.11 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.28.12 meneyard, call a klagesing over the ruler of tyre and say to him, so says the lord the lord: you are the sight of sincerity and a crowful crowns. Ezek.28.13 you was in eden, the parain of god, you was made. all precious stones were prepared: karneol, topas and jaspis, diamant, jaspis, jaspis, jaspis, jaspis, onyx and jaspis. in the day when you were created, were prepared. Ezek.28.14 i set you with the cherubim. i saw you in the holy mountain of god, you was made in the mighty stone. Ezek.28.15 you was perfect in your days from the day that you was created, until the wrongdoing was found in you. Ezek.28.16 for the ground of your treasure you filled with wrong, and you were sinned. so i distributed you out of the mountain of god and carried you out, o cherubim, from the mighty stones. Ezek.28.17 your heart was exalted because of your belonging, you have destroyed your faithness for your belonging. i have thrown you down on the ground, i gave you before the kings to show you. Ezek.28.18 because of your number of your sins, for the unrighteousness of your treasure you have profaned your sanctuarions. so i brought fire out of your midst, which will consume you, and i have made you a seed on the earth before all who looked you. Ezek.28.19 all who know you among the nations becomes trembling for you. you have become a desolate place, and you will never be forever. Ezek.28.20 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.28.21 son of man, turn your face to sidon and prophesy against it, Ezek.28.22 and say, so says the lord, the lord, behold, i am against you, sidon, and i will glorify in your own presence. and they will know that i am the lord, when i am judged in you and be sanctified in you. Ezek.28.23 so i bring death and death in your streets, and kings will fall by the sword around you, around you. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.28.24 and there will not be any torn of bitterness or distress thorns among all who are around them, who dishonors them. and they will know that i am the lord, the lord. Ezek.28.25 so says the lord, the lord: when i am gathering the house of israel from the nations where they are scattered, and i will be sanctified in them in the presence of the nations, and they will dwell in their land that i have given to my servant jacob. Ezek.28.26 they will dwell in it in hope and build houses and plantera vineyars. they will dwell in hope, when i do justice against all those who dishonor them around them. and they will know that i am the lord their god. Ezek.29.1 in the sixth year, in the tixth day of the month, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.29.2 son of man, turn your face against pharaon, the king of egypt, and prophesy against him and against all egypt. Ezek.29.3 saying, so says the lord god: behold, i am against pharaon, o pharao, the great dragon, who is among his rivers, who say, the river is my, and i have made it. Ezek.29.4 i will put fish in your back, and i will strike the fish of your fish to your flores, and i will bring you out of your fish, with all the fish of your fish. Ezek.29.5 i will put you down in the tomb, you and all the fish of your flores. you will fall on the field, you will not be gathered or gathered; to the beast of the earth and to the birds of the air i will give you a food. Ezek.29.6 and all the inhabitants of egypt shall know that i am the lord, because they were a row scepter for the house of israel. Ezek.29.7 when they received you in your hand, you broke and broke their boves on them, and when they remained on you, you were broken, and you have broken them all their lombs. Ezek.29.8 therefore so says the lord, the lord, behold, i will bring a sword upon you and destroy from you people and beast. Ezek.29.9 the land of egypt will be a desolate and a desolate place, and they will know that i am the lord. for they said, the river is my, and i have made it. Ezek.29.10 therefore, behold, i am coming against you and your rivers, and i will make the land of egypt in a desolate wilderness and a destruction, from migdol to seene and to the region of etiopian, Ezek.29.11 no food of a man will pass through it, and a foot of a beast will pass through it, and there will be no dwelling for 40 years. Ezek.29.12 and i will make egypt in a desolate place in the midst of desolate country, and its towns will be in a desolate place for forty years. and i will scattery the egypt among the nations and scroll them into the lands. Ezek.29.13 for so says the lord of god: after forty years i will gather the egypties from the nations where they were scattered, Ezek.29.14 and i will turn the captive of egypt and bring them into the land patros, in the land of their possession, and they will be a great beginning. Ezek.29.15 it will be exalted from all the rulers, and they shall not be exalted over the nations, and i will defile them, that they may not be more among the nations. Ezek.29.16 and they will no longer be hope for the house of israel, remembering their transgressions, when they follow them. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.29.17 in the thirventh year, in the first year, in the first year, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.29.18 menewise, o son of man, nebukadressar, the king of babel, has treated his power at a great serving against tyre. every head has taken heep and every old divorced. yet reward for tyre and his power did not have taken reward of tyre for the service that he has made against it. Ezek.29.19 so, the lord the lord says, behold, i give to nebukadressar, king of babel, the land of egypt, and he will take the round of it and take the roof of her, and it will be a reward for his power. Ezek.29.20 for his service that he has served on tyre i have given to him the land of egypt, so says the lord, the lord. Ezek.29.21 in that day i will take up the horn of the house of israel, and i will give you a open mouth among them, and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.30.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.30.2 the son of man, prophesy and say, so says the lord, the lord, says, Ezek.30.3 for the day of the lord is near, the day of confusion of the nations will come. Ezek.30.4 there will come a sword against egypt, and there will be trouble in the ethioph, when the dead man will fall in egypt and burn the foundation of its foundation. Ezek.30.5 etiopans, put and lud, and all the district people, and kub, and the sons of the people of the covenant and the sons of the people of my covenant will fall with them for the sword. Ezek.30.6 so the adversaries of egypt will fall, and the arrogance of her power will fall down. from migdol to sevenah they will fall by them, says the lord, the lord of israel. Ezek.30.7 and they will be deserted in the wilderness of desolate country, and their cities will be in the midst of desolate towns. Ezek.30.8 and they will know that i am the lord when i put fire on egypt and all its helpers will be broken. Ezek.30.9 on that day a messenger will come out by hair, to destroy the people of etiopian, and there will be turn for them on the day of egypt, for behold, there is there. Ezek.30.10 so says the lord, the lord, i will destroy the multitude of the egyptians by the hand of nebukadressar, king of babylon. Ezek.30.11 he and his people with him, the rest of the nations, will be sent to destroy the land. they will strike their swords against egypt and filled the land with dead. Ezek.30.12 i will make their flores in desolate, and i will destroy the land and its fullness in the hands of others. i, the lord, have spoken. Ezek.30.13 for so says the lord, the lord: i will destroy the rulers from nof and the rulers from the land of egypt, and there will be no ruler more. Ezek.30.14 i will destroy patros and give fire on zoan, and i will execute wrath in no. Ezek.30.15 i will giew my wrath on sin, the power of egypt, and i will destroy the multitude of no. Ezek.30.16 i will burn fire on egypt; no further hair will be troubled, and no off will be taken off. Ezek.30.17 the young men of on and pibeseth will fall for the sword, and the people will go in captive. Ezek.30.18 in tachpanches the day will be darkened, when i brise there the scepter of egypt, and its arrogant will come to there. a cloud will cover it, and its daughters will be brought captive. Ezek.30.19 so i will do justice to egypt. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.30.20 in the elonth year, in the first year, in the seventh day of the monate, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.30.21 meneyard, i have broken the arms of pharaon, the king of egypt, and behold, it has not been carried up to be healed and to be carried up with a sword. Ezek.30.22 therefore so says the lord, the lord, behold, i am against pharaon, the king of egypt, and i will brise his arm, the strong and the district, and i will put the sword out of his hand. Ezek.30.23 and i will scolp the egyptians among the nations, and i will scrush them in the lands. Ezek.30.24 i will strong the arms of the king of babel and give my sword in his hand, and i will strike the arms of the king of babel, so that the arms of the king of babylon plunder for him. Ezek.30.25 i will strong the arms of the king of babel, but the arms of pharaon will fall. and they will know that i am the lord, when i give my sword into the hand of the king of babel, and he will break it against the land of egypt. Ezek.30.26 i will scrush egypt among the nations and scroll them into the lands. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.31.1 in the elonth year, in the third day of the third day, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.31.2 the son of man, tell to pharaon, the king of egypt, and to his multitude, to whom are you like in your majesty? Ezek.31.3 behold, assur was a cedre on the libanon, a stealder ground and grave grow, and his heast was in the midst of the cloud. Ezek.31.4 the water growed him, the bottomless pit was exalted, its flores were carried around his natural, and sent their flores to all the tree of the country. Ezek.31.5 therefore his magnifice was exalted than all the tree of the field, and his branches were distributed by the great water. Ezek.31.6 in his branches all the birds of the air grow in his branches, all the beasts of the field became birth in his branches, all the large nations dwelled in his shadow. Ezek.31.7 it was well in his ground, in the ground of his branches, for his wortel was at a great water. Ezek.31.8 cypars in the paradide of god was not like him, cypress were not like his branches, and platters were not like his branches. no tree in the paradide of god was like him. Ezek.31.9 i show him with all his branches, so that all the tree of edens in the paradise of god showed him. Ezek.31.10 therefore so says the lord, the lord, since it was greatly greatly, and he has carried his cloak among the clouds, and so they were exalted, because he was exalted, Ezek.31.11 so i delivered him into the hand of the ruler of nations, so that he did to destroy him. Ezek.31.12 others, the times of the nations, have destroyed him and throw him down. his branches fell in the mountains and in all the valles his branches fell, and his branches were broken in all the beast of the earth. and all the nations of the earth went down from his shadow and departed him. Ezek.31.13 in his ground all the birds of the air fell down, and all the wild beasts of the field were surrounded. Ezek.31.14 so that all the boves of the water, which are in the water, may not be exalted in their ground, in the midst of the clouds, and so all the drink of the water do not stand up by their ground. for all they were given to death to death in the directh of the earth, in the midst of the people, to those who come down in the ground. Ezek.31.15 so says the lord, the lord: on the day when he went down to the sheol, i wrapped to him the bottomless pit, i shaked its rives, and many waters were shaken, and the food of the water were shaken for him, and all the tree of the field were shaken for him. Ezek.31.16 for the voice of his fall they were treated the nations, when i brought him down to the sheol, with those who are descended into the toil. in the ground all the tree of eden and the elect of the libano, all that drink water. Ezek.31.17 even they went down with him to the sheol, to those who were killed by sword, and his offspring, who dwelled in his shadow in the midst of their life. Ezek.31.18 what is your common? come down and come down with the trees of eden in a depth, in the depth of the land, in the midst of uncircumcised, in the midst of uncircumcised. so you, o pharao and all his great multitude, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.32.1 in the twelve years, in the twelve month, in the first day of the town, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.32.2 meneing, take a klagesang over pharaon, the king of egypt, and say to him, you was like a leone among the nations, and you are like a dragon in the sea, and you spread in your rivers, and you troubled the water with your feet and trampled your rivers. Ezek.32.3 so says the lord lord: i will put a netter on you in my nets, in the midst of many people, and they will put you out with my fish. Ezek.32.4 i will throw you out on the land, i will throw you up on the field, and i will rebuke on you all the birds of the air, and i will filled with you the beast of all the earth. Ezek.32.5 i will put your flesh on the mountains, and i will filled with your blood. Ezek.32.6 i will drink the ground of your ground for the mountains to the mountains, and the springs will filled with you. Ezek.32.7 when i bears you, i will cover heaven and darke his stars. i will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not light his light. Ezek.32.8 all the light of light in heaven will keep darkness over you, and i will give darkness over your land, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.32.9 i will provoke the heart of many people, when i bring your captive to the nations, in lands that you did not know. Ezek.32.10 and i will shame out for you many nations, and their kings will be troubled for you, when i strike my sword before them, and they will wait for their fall at the day of your fall. Ezek.32.11 for so says the lord, the sword of the king of babel will come to you. Ezek.32.12 i will cast your ground by the sword of held, all the rest of the people. they will destroy the arrogant of egypt, and all its large country will be destroyed. Ezek.32.13 i will destroy all its beast by the great waters, and the foot of a man will not turn them again, and the foot of the animals will not trample them. Ezek.32.14 then i will share their waters, and their flores will walk as oil, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.32.15 when i make egypt in a desolate land and desoled the land with its fullness, when i destroy all who dwell in it, they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.32.16 this is a klagesang, and you will weep him. the daughters of the nations will change it. they will weep for egypt and over all her larg, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.32.17 in the twelve years, in the fourteenth day of the mois, the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.32.18 the son of man, weep klaining over the ground of egypt, and bring it down, it is with the daughters of many nations in the debth of the earth, with those who are coming down in the ground. Ezek.32.20 they will fall in the midst of those who were killed. they will fall with him in the midst of the sword. Ezek.32.21 the helper will say to him in the entrance of his helpers: you have come down and fallen with uncircumcised among those who have been killed with sword. Ezek.32.22 there is assur and all his crowd, there are his tombs, with his tombs around his tombs. all they have been hered, fallen with the sword. Ezek.32.23 for you who give their fear on the earth of life, Ezek.32.24 there is elam with all his belonging, around his tombs. all they are dead, fallen in the sword, uncircumcised, coming down in the depth of the earth. they put their fear on the land of life, and bear their shame with those who are down into the ground. Ezek.32.25 in the midst of those who have dead. Ezek.32.26 there is mesech and tubal and all their large, around his tombs. all they are uncircumcised, killed by sword, because they made their fear on the land of life. Ezek.32.27 they are not asleep with the helper who are fallen from the age, which have descended to the sheol with their soldiers, they laid their swords under their heads, and their abominations were on their ostores, for the held of the helper were in the land of life. Ezek.32.28 and you, here, are in the midst of uncircumcised, you will ligge with those who were killed by a sword. Ezek.32.29 there will be the rulers of assur, the rulers of his power, with the sword of sword. they leads with those who are dead, with those who are down into the doil. Ezek.32.30 there are the rulers of the country, all the rulers of assur, who are coming down in death, in their strength, and in their power. uncircumcised they fell down, uncircumcised, with those who were killed with sword, and led their shame with those who are down into the doil. Ezek.32.31 but pharaon will see them, and he will exhort on all their larges, says the lord the lord. Ezek.32.32 for i have made his fear on the land of the living, and in the midst of uncircumcised with those who have been killed by sword, pharaoh and all his multitude, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.33.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.33.2 meneing, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, if i bring a sword on a land, and the people of the land will take one of them and put him to himself as a warm, Ezek.33.3 and if he see the sword coming upon the earth and trumpets with the trumpet and seek the people, Ezek.33.4 and if anyone hear the sound of the trumpet and does not keep it, and the sword comes and take him away, his blood shall be upon his head. Ezek.33.5 he heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not keep him. his blood will be upon him. if he kept guarded, he will escape his life. Ezek.33.6 but if the wächter see the sword coming and does not blow in the trumpet, and the people does not keep it, and a sword comes and take a life of them, it will be taken for his iniquity, but my blood will i seek from the hand of the warm. Ezek.33.7 and you, son of man, i have given you a warm to the house of israel, and you will hear the word of my mouth. Ezek.33.8 if i say to the gottlose, o man, you will die death! and you do not speak in the way of him to keep the impie from his way, the impie will die in his impiece, but his blood will i seek from your hand. Ezek.33.9 but if you answer the ungodly for his way, that he should turn from it, and he does not turn from his way, he will die for his iniquity, but you have escaped your life. Ezek.33.10 and you, son of man, say to the house of israel, you say, our wrongdoing and our sins are upon us, and we are in them, and how shall we live? Ezek.33.11 tell them, so i live, says the lord, i do not want to the death of the ungodly, but that the impio should turn from his way and live. turn, return from your ways. why may you die, o house of israel? Ezek.33.12 and you, son of the people, say to the sons of your people: the righteousness of the righteous will not deliver him in the day of his deceit, and the ungodly of the righteous will not defile him on the day when he turn from his transgression. Ezek.33.13 if i say to the righteous that he will live, yet he does confidence in his righteousness and doing wrongdoing, all his righteous things will not be remembered, but in his unrighteousness that he has done in it will die man die. Ezek.33.14 and if i say to the ungodly, you will die death, and he turn from his sin and does what is right and right, Ezek.33.15 even a conquering repay, selber repay, walks in the commandments of life, and does not do wrong, he will live, and he will not die. Ezek.33.16 all his sins that he has committed shall not be remembered, for he has done right and righteousness, shall he live. Ezek.33.17 but the sons of your people will say, the way of the lord is not right, but their way is not right. Ezek.33.18 when the righteous turn away from his righteousness and does wrongdoing, he will die in them. Ezek.33.19 and if a impio turn away from his transgression and does what is right and right, he will live in them. Ezek.33.20 yet you say, the way of the lord is not right. i will judge each one of you in his ways, o house of israel. Ezek.33.21 in the twelve years of our captive, in the twelve month, the fifth of the fourth day of our captive, a devout man from jerusalem came to me, saying, the city has been taken. Ezek.33.22 the hand of the lord was upon me on the evening before the people came, and he opened my mouth, until it came to me in the morge. and my mouth was opened, and i was not still conceived. Ezek.33.23 then the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.33.24 " son of man, those who dwell in the desolate places of the land of israel say, abraham was one, and he possessed the land, but we are many, for us the earth has been given as possession. Ezek.33.25 therefore tell them, so says the lord, the lord: Ezek.33.27 so says the lord said: so so, as i live, those who are in the desolate places will fall for the sword, and those who are on the field will be given to death. Ezek.33.28 i will make the land in a desolate wilderness, and the arrogant of her power will be destroyed, and the mountains of israel will be destroyed, so that there will be no one. Ezek.33.29 and they will know that i am the lord, when i make the land in desolate and desolate for all their abominations, which they did. Ezek.33.30 and you, son of man, the sons of your people speak about you at the wall and in the gates of the household, and say one to another, come, and let us hear what is coming from the lord. Ezek.33.31 and they come to you, as a people goes, and sit in your presence as a people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them. for their mouth is false in their mouth, and their heart follows their deeds. Ezek.33.32 and behold, you are for them as a voice of mustful instrument and faithful instruments. they hear your words, but do not do them. Ezek.33.33 but when it comes, behold, there is coming, they will know that a prophet was among them. Ezek.34.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.34.2 meneing, prophesy against the shepherds of israel, prophesy and tell them to the shepherds, so says the lord, the lord, say to the shepherds of israel who passes themselves? does the shepherds not strike the sheep? Ezek.34.3 you ate the milk, put on the woll, you slain the bright, but you do not call the sheep. Ezek.34.4 you were not strengthened the sick, and you did not escape the sick, and rejected the bright you did not turn, and the lost you did not seek, but you have treated them with hard and with violence. Ezek.34.5 so they were dispersed because they were no shepherd, and were become food for all the beasts of the field, and were dispersed. Ezek.34.6 my sheep were spread on every mountain and on every high coll, and my sheep were spread on the whole earth, and there is no one who seek them, nor who seeks them. Ezek.34.7 therefore, a shepherds, hear the word of the lord: Ezek.34.8 so live as i live, says the lord, the lord, since my sheep have become a roof, and my sheep were a food for all the beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, and my shepherds did not seek my sheep, but my shepherds passed themselves, but did not weid my sheep, Ezek.34.9 because of this is a shepherd. Ezek.34.10 so says the lord god: behold, i am over the shepherds, and i will seek my sheep from their hands and bring them away to make my sheep. the shepherds will not meer weid them. i will deliver my sheep from their mouth, and they will not be to be their food. Ezek.34.11 for so says the lord the lord: behold, i will seek my sheep and visite them. Ezek.34.12 as a shepherd seek his sheep on the day when it is among the passed sheep, so i will seek my sheep and leave them from every place where they have been scattered in a day of cloud and darkness. Ezek.34.13 i will bring them out of the nations and gather them from the country and bring them into their land, and i will weide them on the mountains of israel, in the beatings and in all the dwelling place in the land. Ezek.34.14 in a good weide i will weide them, and on the high mountain of israel will their daughters be there. there they will rest in a good treasure, and in a grave weide they will weid on the mountains of israel. Ezek.34.15 i will lay my sheep, and i will make them rest, and they will know that i am the lord, the lord. Ezek.34.16 i will seek the lost, i will turn the deceive, the bright i will bind, and the small will i give strength, but the strength i will keep. i will weid them with judgment. Ezek.34.17 and you, my sheep, so says the lord the lord, behold, i will judge among the sheep and the sheep, the money and the bodes. Ezek.34.18 is it not sufficient for you that you are passed in the good pail, and do you trample the rest of your weide with your feet? do you show the pure water, so that you turn the rest with your feet? Ezek.34.19 and my sheep are to eat what they have treated in your feet, and drink what have been troubled by your feet? Ezek.34.20 therefore so says the lord, the lord, so, behold, i will judge among the great sheep and the small sheep. Ezek.34.21 because you are distributed with the side and with the side and strike with your horns and cast them out all that you have born them, Ezek.34.22 so i will save my sheep, and they will not be again in a roof, and i will judge among a sheep and a sheep. Ezek.34.23 and i will set against them one shepherd, and he will shepherd them, my servant david, and he will be their shepherd. Ezek.34.24 and i, the lord, will be their god, and i, david, will be a ruler among them. i, the lord, have spoken. Ezek.34.25 and i will make a peace of peace with them, and i will destroy the evil beasts from the land, and they will dwell in the wilderness and sleep in the ters. Ezek.34.26 i will give them around my mountain, and i will give your rain to you, a rain of blessing. Ezek.34.27 the tree of the field will give their fruit, and the earth will give their fruit, and they will abide in their land in peace. and they will know that i am the lord, when i brise their yoke of their yoke and red them from the hand of those who serve them. Ezek.34.28 they will not be graved for the nations, and the wilds of the earth will not eat them, but they will dwell in beautiful place, and no one will fear them. Ezek.34.29 and i will restore a plant of peace to them, and they shall no longer be destroyed by famine in the land and never bring the reproach of the nations. Ezek.34.30 and they will know that i am the lord their god, and they are my people, o house of israel, says the lord. Ezek.34.31 you are my sheep and the sheep of my sheep, and i am the lord your god, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.35.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.35.2 son of man, turn your face to the mountain of seir, and prophesy against it, Ezek.35.3 and saying, so says the lord, the lord, behold, i am against you, o mountain of seir, and i will stretch out my hand against you, and i will make you a desolate and a desolate place. Ezek.35.4 i will make your towns in wildness, and you will be desolate, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.35.5 because you had been a eternal enemige, and you gave their hands on the people of israel at the time of their wrong in the time of their violence, Ezek.35.6 therefore, so as i live, says the lord, even by blood he will persecute you, and blood persecute you. Ezek.35.7 i will make the mountain of seir a desolate and desolate, and i will destroy from it people and beast. Ezek.35.8 i will filled with their dead dead. by your mountains and in your beatings and in all your beast will they fall who were sütted by the sword. Ezek.35.9 i will make you a eternal desolate place, and your towns shall never dwell. and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.35.10 because you had said, the two nations and the two lands will be my, and we will inherit them, even as the lord was there, Ezek.35.11 therefore, so as i live, says the lord, i will do to you according to your enemy, and i will be known to you when i judge you. Ezek.35.12 and you will know that i, the lord, have heard your blasphemous words, as you said to the mountains of israel, it has been given to us for food. Ezek.35.13 and when you had spoken with your mouth against me, i heard. Ezek.35.14 so says the lord the lord: when the whole earth rejoices, i will make you a desolate place. Ezek.35.15 there will be a wilderness of the mountain of seir, and all edom will be destroyed, and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.36.1 you, son of man, prophesy about the mountains of israel, and say, o mountains of israel, hear the word of the lord. Ezek.36.2 so says the lord, the lord, because the enemy said to you, ha, the ewiges wilds has become our possession! Ezek.36.3 therefore prophesy and say, so says the lord, the lord: because you were dishonored and turned around, so that you may be a possession for the rest of the nations and have come up in the tongue of the tongues and the reproach of the nations, Ezek.36.4 therefore, o mountains of israel, hear the word of the lord the lord. so says the lord, the lord, to the mountains and the coll, to the beatings and the bears, and to the forgiveness towns, which has become a plundering and a despassion for the rest of the nations around, Ezek.36.5 therefore so says the lord, the lord, so that in the fire of my wrath i have spoken against the rest of the nations and against all edom, who have given themselves my land in possession with joy and honor of soul, to destroy it and destroy it. Ezek.36.6 therefore prophesy about the land of israel, and say to the mountains and the colles, to the dealings and the valles, so says the lord the lord: behold, i have spoken in my jealousy and in my wrath, because you have brought you the reproach of the nations. Ezek.36.7 therefore, so said the lord, i lifted my hand to the nations that are around you, they will bear their dishonor. Ezek.36.8 but you, o mountains of israel, will bear your fruit and bear your fruit for my people israel, for they are near to come. Ezek.36.9 for behold, i am coming upon you, and i will turn to you and be sown and sown. Ezek.36.10 i will multiplike people upon you, all the household of israel. the towns will be dwelling and the desolate place be built up. Ezek.36.11 i will multiplike people and beast, and they will multiplike. and i will make you live as in your beginning, and i will make you good than before you. and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.36.12 i will put people on you, my people israel, and they will inherit you, and you shall be their possession, and you will no longer leave them. Ezek.36.13 so says the lord, the lord: because they said to you, you are foolish people, and you have been defiled of your nation, Ezek.36.14 therefore you will no longer eat others and do not despise your nation, says the lord the lord. Ezek.36.15 and no longer will be heard about you, o dishonor of the nations, and the reproach of the people will not be carried up, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.36.16 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.36.17 meneing, when the house of israel dwelled in their land, they defiled it with their ways and deeds. their ways was before me as a impurity of a monthing. Ezek.36.18 i have poured out my wrath upon them. Ezek.36.19 and i scattered them among the nations, and they were scattered in the country. i judged them according to their ways and their deeds. Ezek.36.20 and when they came to the nations where they came, they profaned my holy name, because the people said to them, these are the people of the lord, and they came out of his land. Ezek.36.21 so i spared my holy name, which the house of israel had profaned among the nations where they came. Ezek.36.22 therefore say to the house of israel, so says the lord, the lord: i do not do this for you, o house of israel, but for my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you enter. Ezek.36.23 i will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the nations, which you have profaned among them. and the nations will know that i am the lord, as i sanctify in you before their eyes. Ezek.36.24 for i will take you out of the nations and gather you from all the lands and bring you into your land. Ezek.36.25 then i will sprend pure water on you, and you will be cleansed. from all your unclean and from all your idols i will cleanse you. Ezek.36.26 i will give you a new heart, and an new spirit i will give in you, and i will take the stone heart from your flesh and give you a flesh of flesh. Ezek.36.27 i will give my spirit in you, and i will do that you may walk in my commandments and keep my judgments and do. Ezek.36.28 you will dwell in the land that i gave your fathers, and you will be my people, and i will be your god. Ezek.36.29 i will save you from all your unclean, and i will call the wheat and multiplike him, and i will not give you a famine. Ezek.36.30 i will multiplike the fruit of the tree and the fruit of the field, so that you may not bear the reproach of famine among the nations. Ezek.36.31 then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that did not be good, and you will turn for yourselves for your trespasses and your abominations. Ezek.36.32 i do not do this for your sake, says the lord lord, it will be known to you. be ashamed and be ashamed for your ways, o house of israel. Ezek.36.33 so says the lord the lord: on the day when i cleanse you from all your trespasses, i will burn the towns and the rusts be built up. Ezek.36.34 the desolate land will be done, because there was a desolate place in the eyes of all who passes. Ezek.36.35 and they will say, that land that was destroyed has become like a garden of eden, and the desolate and desolate and destroyed are strengthened and dwelling. Ezek.36.36 and the nations that are rest around you will know that i, the lord, have built the secret and planted the desolate places. i, the lord, have spoken, and i will do. Ezek.36.37 so says the lord, even this i will seek the house of israel to do for them: i will multiplike them like a sheep. Ezek.36.38 as the holy sheep, as the sheep of jerusalem at the feast of the feast, so the desolate towns will become full of people. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.37.1 the hand of the lord was upon me, and he led me out in the spirit of the lord and laid me in the field, which was full of beasts. Ezek.37.2 and he brought me around them around, and behold, they were very many in the field of the open country, and behold, they were very trouble. Ezek.37.3 and he said to me, son of man, shall these bene live? and i said, lord, you know this. Ezek.37.4 and he said to me, prophesy about these bons and say to them, you wicked bears, hear the word of the lord! Ezek.37.5 so says the lord the lord to these bons: behold, i will bring the spirit into you, and you will live. Ezek.37.6 i will give you seak, and i will raise up flesh and wish on you, and i will give my spirit into you, and you will live. and you will know that i am the lord. Ezek.37.7 so i prophesy, just as it was commanded me. and as i was prophesy, behold, there was a earthquake, and the beat came along with his back. Ezek.37.8 i saw, and behold, in them were seeds, and the flesh became flood, and a hair became up on them, but the spirit was not in them. Ezek.37.9 and he said to me, prophesy against the spirit, prophesy, son of man, and say to the spirit, so says the lord god: come out of these four spirits and shut in these dead people, that they may live. Ezek.37.10 i prophesy, as it had commanded me, and the spirit came into them, and they were living, and stood up on their feet, a great multitude. Ezek.37.11 and he said to me, son of man, these bene are the house of israel. behold, they say, our bene are withered, and our hope is lost, we are perished. Ezek.37.12 therefore prophesy and say to them, so says the lord, behold, i will open your tombs and bring you out of your tombs, and i will bring you into the land of israel. Ezek.37.13 and you will know that i am the lord, when i opens your tombs and bring you out of your tombs, my people. Ezek.37.14 i will put my spirit in you, and you will live, and i will make you in your land, and you will know that i, the lord, have spoken and done, says the lord. Ezek.37.15 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.37.16 so, son of man, take a scepter and write daarop: for juda and for the sons of israel who are his friends. and take a second scepter and write daarop: for joseph, a scepter of ephraim and all the people of israel who are gathered to him. Ezek.37.17 and put them together to one another as one for the same, that they may be one in your hand. Ezek.37.18 and when the sons of your people say to you, do you not tell us what these things belong to you? Ezek.37.19 so say to them, so says the lord, behold, i will take the scepter of joseph that is in the hand of ephraim and the tribes of israel who are gathered with them, and i will put them with the scepter of judah, and they will become one in the hand of judah. Ezek.37.20 and the scepter on which you have written in your hand will be in your hand, Ezek.37.21 and say to them, so says the lord, the lord: behold, i will take the israelites out of the nations to which they came, and i will gather them from all their surrounding and bring them into their land. Ezek.37.22 i will make them a one nation in the land, on the mountains of israel, and one king will be their ruler, and they shall not be again two nations, and no longer will be divided in two kingdom. Ezek.37.23 they shall not be defiled again with their idols and idols. i will deliver them from all their trespasses, which they have sinned, and i will purifie them. and they will be my people, and i will be their god. Ezek.37.24 my servant david will be a ruler over them, and they will have all a shepherd. they will walk in my commandments and keep my judgments and do them. Ezek.37.25 they will abide in the land that i have given to my servant jacob, where their fathers dwelled, and they will live in it, they their children and their children forever, and my servant david will be their ruler forever. Ezek.37.26 i will make a bund of peace with them, a eternal covenant will be with them, and i will make my holy places in their midst forever. Ezek.37.27 my tent will be in them, and i will be their god, and they will be my people. Ezek.37.28 and the nations will know that i am the lord who sanctify them, when my holy place will be in their midst forever. Ezek.38.1 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Ezek.38.2 saramyi son, turn your face to gog the land of magog, the ruler of rosh, mesech and tubal, and prophesy against him, Ezek.38.3 and say: so says the lord, behold, i am against you, gog, ruler of rosh, mesech and tubal. Ezek.38.4 i will gather you and all your leading people with hors and cavaliers, clothed with horse, with horse, calling, and swords. Ezek.38.5 pers, etiopians and libites, all with helm and helm, Ezek.38.6 gomer and all his benants, the house of togarma, from the end of the nord, with all his companions, many nations with you. Ezek.38.7 be prepared and prepare yourself, you and all your multitude who are gathered together with you, and be a guarding for me. Ezek.38.8 after many days you will be prepared, and at the last days you will come to the land that had been removed from a sword, gathered from many nations, against the country of israel, which had been desoled always, but he has come out of the nations, and they all will abide in peace. Ezek.38.9 you will come up like a rain, you will come like a cloud to cover the earth, you and all your household and many nations who are with you. Ezek.38.10 so says the lord, the lord says, in that day there will come out of your hearts, and you will make evil thoughts, Ezek.38.11 you will say, i will ascende against a land that is districted, i will come to those who dwell in quiet, who dwell in all dwelling land, which are not more, nor rides, nor portes. Ezek.38.12 to take a plundering and to take a plundering, to turn your hands to the desolate place that is distributed, and against a nation gathered from the nations, which are being gathered in possessions and possessions, who dwell in the ground of the earth. Ezek.38.13 sheba and dedan and the merchants of tarsis and all their companions will say to you, are you coming to take roof? has you gathered your companions to take silver and gold, to take silver and gold, to take possessions and possession. Ezek.38.14 therefore prophesy, o son of man, and say to gog, so says the lord god: in that day, when my people israel dwell in peace, you shall not understand? Ezek.38.15 you will come from your place from the ends of the north, you and many nations with you, all who come on hors, a great crowd and great power. Ezek.38.16 you will come up against my people israel as a cloud to cover the earth. at the last days it will come, and i will bring you up to my land, so that the nations may know me when i sanctify in you before their eyes. Ezek.38.17 so says the lord, the lord, are you the one of whom i spoke in the former days by my servants, the prophets of israel, who spoke in those days, that i will bring you upon them? Ezek.38.18 but in that day, when gog comes against the land of israel, says the lord the lord, my wrath will come up. Ezek.38.19 in my jealousy, in the fire of my wrath, i said, in that day there will be a great earthquake in the land of israel. Ezek.38.20 and the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the beast of the field, and all reptiles that rows on the earth and all the people who are on the face of the earth. the mountains will shaken, and the beasts will fall, and every wall will fall on the ground. Ezek.38.21 and i will call on him all fear, says the lord, the sword of every one will be against his brother. Ezek.38.22 i will judge him with death and blood, and i will break storm and hagels, fire and sulfur, with fire and sulfur, with fire and sulfur, with fire and sulfur. Ezek.38.23 so i will be great and holy and be known before many nations. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.39.1 you, son of man, prophesy against gog and say, so says the lord, behold, i am against you, gog, ruler of rosh, mesech and tubal. Ezek.39.2 i will lead you and lead you and lead you from the last of the north and bring you up on the mountains of israel. Ezek.39.3 i will destroy your bound from your left hand and put your pils from your right hand. Ezek.39.4 you will fall on the mountains of israel, you and all your soldiers and the nations who are with you. i will give you to eat every birth and all the beast of the field. Ezek.39.5 you will fall on the field, for i have spoken, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.39.6 i will send fire to gog and to those who dwell in the island in peace. and they will know that i am the lord. Ezek.39.7 and i will know my holy name in the midst of my people israel, and i will not be profaned again my holy name. and the nations will know that i am the lord, holy in israel. Ezek.39.8 behold, it is coming, and it will come, says the lord, this is the day that i have spoken. Ezek.39.9 then the residents of the towns of israel will come out and burn, they will burn the waves, the waves and the waves, the bound and the pil, and they will burn with them for seven years. Ezek.39.10 they will not take a tree out of the field and not cut out of the boats, but will burn with the waves. so they will plunder those who plunder them and plunder those who striked them, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.39.11 in that day i will give to gog a place for toms, a tomb in israel, the vall of the passions, at the end of the sea, and they will teach the plass of the vall, and there they will begrave gog and his whole multitude, and they will be called the vall of gogs of gog. Ezek.39.12 the house of israel will share them to cleanse the land in six months. Ezek.39.13 and all the people of the land will share them, and they will be a name in the day when i am glorified, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.39.14 they will leave some people, going on the land, to begraw those who are left on the face of the earth, so that they might purify it, after the sixth days they will seek. Ezek.39.15 and when those who passes through the land will see a knowledge of a man, he will build a sign by it, until the buriers will buried it in the vall of gogs of gog. Ezek.39.16 even one of the town shall be named hamona. so they will purifike the land. Ezek.39.17 and you, son of man, so says the lord, the lord, say to all the birds and all the beast of the field, gather and come, gather around my sacrifice that i have offered for you, a great sacrifice on the mountains of israel, and you may eat a flesh and drink blood. Ezek.39.18 you will eat the flesh of gifts, and you will drink the blood of the rulers of the earth, money, boves, bodes and boves. Ezek.39.19 you will eat the grain to be satisfied and drink the blood with my sacrifice that i offered for you. Ezek.39.20 you will be filled by my table with horses and cabs, helper and all soldiers, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.39.21 i will make my glory among you, and all the nations will see my judgment that i has done, and my hand that i have put on them. Ezek.39.22 for from this day and from that day the house of israel will know that i am the lord their god. Ezek.39.23 and the nations will know that the house of israel had been carried captive because they had been rebeled against me, i cast my face from them and delivered them into the hands of their enemies, and they all fell for sword. Ezek.39.24 according to their unpurity and their deeds i did to them, and i have cast my face from them. Ezek.39.25 therefore so says the lord, the lord: now i will turn away the captive of jacob and have mercy on all the house of israel, and i will be jealousy for my holy name. Ezek.39.26 and they will take their dishonors and all their wrongdoing, which they have done against me, as they dwell in their land in peace, and there will be no fear. Ezek.39.27 when i bring them return from the nations and gathering them from the country of their nations, i will be sanctified in them in the presence of the nations. Ezek.39.28 and they will know that i am the lord their god when i show them among the nations. Ezek.39.29 i will not grow my face again from them, because i have poured out my wrath on the house of israel, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.40.1 in the tyventh years of our captive, in the first day of the first, in the fourth day of the monate, in the fourteenth year after the town of the city, in that day the hand of the lord was upon me, and he brought me. Ezek.40.2 in the vision of god he brought me into the land of israel and laid me on a great high mountain, and on it was like a town of a city. Ezek.40.3 and when he brought me there, behold, there was a man who saw the appearance like a coper, and in his hand was a corn of builder and a measure of measure, and he stood by the door. Ezek.40.4 and the man said to me, son of man, see with your eyes and hear with your ears and put in your heart whatever i show you, for you have come here to show you. show all that you see to the house of israel. Ezek.40.5 and behold, there was a mur outside the house around the temple, and the measure of the man was in the hand of the man a measure of seed, six ellen in a longer, and a robe. Ezek.40.6 then he entered the door, which was in the oosting, with seven traits, and he measured the portich of the city, one roede. Ezek.40.7 every camh was one rood of longer and one rood in large, and in the midst of the entrance, in the midst of the inside, there was one root. Ezek.40.8 he measured the neighbor of the day to the day, one roede. Ezek.40.9 then he mearched the vestibole of the door, eight coudées, and his piles, two kyynärää. the vestibole of the city was in the inside. Ezek.40.10 the camper by the oosted were three, one from one side, and three measures. the three measures were one measure, and a measure from one side were a measure. Ezek.40.11 and he measured the large side of the door, ten couth, and the breedte of the gates, treghth. Ezek.40.12 the leading course before the waves were out of one side, and the devout places, six cours from one side and six cours. Ezek.40.13 then he measured the door from the back of the entrance to the entrance of the passover. it was five years of large cuod, a gate for a door. Ezek.40.14 he made the portich of sexty-six courtenes, to the inside of the inside of the inside. Ezek.40.15 and as for the inside of the inside of the inside, to the inside of the inside of the inside was about five cours. Ezek.40.16 there were fenster in the piles and in the piles in the inside of the town around, and so to the vestibuls. the fenster around the inside was around, and on the piles were palms. Ezek.40.17 then he brought me into the inner courtyard, and behold, there were straff and treasure around the courtyard. treinta kambers were in the town. Ezek.40.18 the state was around the inside of the gates. it was according to the longer of the gates. this was the back that was under. Ezek.40.19 and he measured the breedte from the inside of the inside to the inside, to the inside of the inside. it was a hundred hour to the ooster and brought me to the nordside. Ezek.40.20 and he mediged her the longer and the breadth. Ezek.40.21 there were three cámars from one side and three from one side, and its pilarers and its vestibuls were like the same measure by the oosted. the lengte was fifty cours, and the breedte was about five. Ezek.40.22 and the fenster and the vestibuls of the palms and the palms were like the inside's door, and with seven tribes ascended on it, and the tour was in the inside. Ezek.40.23 in the inside, there was a porta of the inside toward the norddoor of the nordside. and he measured from a gate to the other, hundred cours. Ezek.40.24 then he brought me to the soutt, and behold, there was a door to the miest, and he measured the piliers and the torws according to these measures. Ezek.40.25 the fenster and the vestibuls of the city were all around, just as the fenster. the longer was five ellen, and the large round of four. Ezek.40.26 the seven traves was for it, and their torws was within, and there were palms of palmer, one from one, and one on the other side. Ezek.40.27 in the inside, there was a port for the inside. and he measured from a gate to the new, at the miest, a hundred hour. Ezek.40.28 then he brought me into the inside tower by the soom porth, and he measured the sound, the same measures as these. Ezek.40.29 the cámars, the pilarers, and the toilers, were like these measures. and it was fenestres for her and its vestibuls, all around. the longer was fifty hour, and the breasure were twenty-five. Ezek.40.31 the tour was at the outside to the outside, and there were palms for the piles. in eights were eight tribes. Ezek.40.32 then he brought me to the oost-door at the east, and he measured the osting measure, the same measures. Ezek.40.33 and its back, and its pilarers, and their torws were like these measures. and it was fenestres for her and its vestibuls, all around. the longer was five ellen, and the breedte of twenty-five cubiti. Ezek.40.34 the tour was to the inside tower, and there were palms by the piles from one and one of the other side. and in the piles there were eight tribes. Ezek.40.35 then he brought me to the nordside, and he measured the next measure. Ezek.40.36 the cámars, the murderers, and the tour, and the fenster around it were all around. the longer was five ellen, and the breedte of five thousand. Ezek.40.37 the vestibuls of the tour was to the outside, and there were palms by the piles, one and one. and in it were eight tribes. Ezek.40.38 there was a cloak with the door and his torws by the ports. there was a single meal. Ezek.40.39 at the second time there was a reason, so that they might slain the sacrifice for the sins and the offering offerings. Ezek.40.40 and at the next directh of the portice, which was at the norderside, were two tables. in the second side, at the portice of the city, were two tables. Ezek.40.41 vier tables from one side and four tables from one side, by the region's side, eight taars, on which were slasting the sacrifice. Ezek.40.42 the four tables for the whole offering were of branched of stone, the longer of a cubiti and a half a half and a half of high. on them they were laid the vessels that they slain the sacrifice and the sacrifices. Ezek.40.43 there were a gate around a gate around the town around, and on the tables the offers of the offering offering. Ezek.40.44 in the inside of the inside, there was two cambers in the inside courth, one at the inside side of the nordside, leading to the south, one at the other side of the south. Ezek.40.45 and he said to me, this treasure that is looked at the miest is for the priests who keep the guard of the house. Ezek.40.46 the race also, which is looked at the nord, is for the priests who are ministering for the altar. these are the sons of zadok, who are the sons of levi who are drew near to the lord, to serve him. Ezek.40.47 and he measured the courtyard. it was a longer of hundred hour, and the breedte was hundred. the altar was before the temple. Ezek.40.48 then he brought me into the vestibole of the temple, and he measured the pilare of the vestibule, five kyynärää from one side, and the breedte of the door were three cubiti from one side. Ezek.40.49 the longer of the portice was twenty coudées, and the breedte, twelve courders. and they ascended to the treasures, one on the one side, and one on the other. Ezek.41.1 then he brought me into the temple, and he measured the vestibuls, six cours in the other side, and six alen in the large side. Ezek.41.2 the breedte of the door was ten couth, and the robes of the door, five ellen from one side, and five alen from the one side. he measured his lengte, 40 coudées, and the large. Ezek.41.3 then he entered the inside, and measured the courhold of the door two coudées, and the door six couth, and the robes of the door seven cours. Ezek.41.4 and he measured the lengte of the door, twenty cours, and a breedte for the temple. and he said to me, this is the holy place. Ezek.41.5 then he measured the wall of the house, six cours, and the breedte of the side, four cubiti, all around. Ezek.41.6 the seeds, the treasures, were at one side, treinta in three places, and were in the wall of the house in the wall around the plagues, which were in the wall around the places, so that they might be suffered, but they did not lead in the wall of the house. Ezek.41.7 and the plants of the wealth was surrounded, so that the temple was surrounded, for the surrounding way around the temple, so that the temple was directed from above. and in the dehorth they went up to the camper, in the midst, at the third. Ezek.41.8 then i saw the household of the house around the region, the divisions of the waves, one roede, about six cours. Ezek.41.9 the large side of the wand, which was outside, was five cubiti, and the devout places around the plagues of the temple. Ezek.41.10 and among the treasures there was a breedte of twenty course, all around the house. Ezek.41.11 the door of the treasures were to the rest of the devout places: one door to the north, and the other a door to the sudo, and the large breasure of the belonging to the rest was five couth in all around. Ezek.41.12 the leading build, which was appointed at the sea, was seventy-six cours, and the wall of the build was a large hour of large cuod around, and his longer was night. Ezek.41.13 then he measured the house, a longer of hundred cours. the devout places, the building and the wall, were a longer of hundred cours. Ezek.41.14 the large place in the way of the house and the present places arose was a hundred cours. Ezek.41.15 and he measured the longer of the edifice, which was before the call, which was after that, and the devout places from one and from one side was hundred alen. the inside of the temple, and the vestibuls of the inside. Ezek.41.16 the fenster and the fenster and the fenster and the fenster rings around the three, so that the temple and their neighbors were brecked around around, from the earth until the fenster, and the fenster were closeled. Ezek.41.17 from the inside of the inside, to the outside and on the whole wall around, in the inside, in the outside and outside, Ezek.41.18 it was made a cherubim and palm, and there were palms among the cherubim and cherubim, each cherub had two faces. Ezek.41.19 the appearance of a person came to the palm toward the palm, and the face of a lion to the palm toward the palm. so was being done in all the house all around. Ezek.41.20 from the ground to the gate of the temple were the cherubim and palms, in the temple of the temple. Ezek.41.21 the sanctuary of the temple were four rocks, and the face of the holy places was like appearance. Ezek.41.22 a altar of tree, three courders of high, and his lengte was two, and his breadth, and his back and his wall were of tree. and he said to me, this is the table who is before the lord. Ezek.41.23 the temple and the holy places were two. Ezek.41.24 for the second door had two dealers, which were divided. each door had two dealers, and two door for the second. Ezek.41.25 there were done on them, on the door of the temple, kerubim and palme, just as the things was made. in the outside of the portice, in outside. Ezek.41.26 there was distributed fenster in the other and to the other side, to the back of the vestibule, and in the customs of the house and belonging to the temple. Ezek.42.1 then he led me out into the inside courtyard, from the nordside, and learned me, and behold, there were the cámars leading at the near, which was around the edifice. Ezek.42.2 the longer was of a hundred könyök, the large breasure, and the bredden of the large. Ezek.42.3 in the direct course, at the inside, at the inside, and at the crowle that was at the extrece courtyard, was at the contrary of the three robes. Ezek.42.4 in the midst of the kameren there was a gate of 10 cours, and in longer a hundredfold. their door were at the nordside. Ezek.42.5 the upportunity were greatly distributed, for the waves were taken away from them from beyond the district and the devout places. Ezek.42.6 for they were in three times, and they had no coll as the colonne of the inside. therefore they were strengthened from the district and the midst from the earth. Ezek.42.7 the food that was outside, was at the direct course, at the outside of the country, the longer of a direct longer. Ezek.42.8 for the longer of the treasures who were in the inside courtyard were five couths, and at the presence of these places were a hundred coudées. Ezek.42.9 and in these directs there was the inside of the least, when it came in the next courtyard. Ezek.42.10 in the direction of the, in the region of the region, in the face of the district, and before the direction, there were exacts. Ezek.42.11 the room before them was like the district of the treasures, which was at the nordside. it was like the longer and large, and all their extremes, as they were, and their passions and their door. Ezek.42.12 in the divisions of the camper, which was at the miest, was like the door in the beginning of the journear, which was at the distribution of a robe from ooste, as they went in. Ezek.42.13 and he said to me, the räverts severes and the cambers of the sudo, which are before the distinction, are the holy roats where the priests who drew near to the lord will eat the pleasure of the holy places. there they will lay the holy things of the holy places, the sacrifice of sacrifice and the sacrifice for sinning, for the place is holy. Ezek.42.14 when the priests comes in, they shall not go out of the place of the holy place into the extrey courth, but they may not touch their robes with which they are ministering, for they are holy, and they should put in other robes, and so come to the people. Ezek.42.15 when he had finished the measure of the inside place, he brought me out of the way to the osting side, and measured the next measure. Ezek.42.16 he measured the côté oriental, five hundred robes, with the measure of measure. Ezek.42.17 he measured the nordside, five hundred robes, with the meed of measure. Ezek.42.18 he measured the sea, and he maß five hundred cans with the meed of measure. Ezek.42.19 he turned and meedeed the messure, five hundred robes with the measure of measure. Ezek.42.20 he directed it in the four directs. it was about five hundred robes, and the breedte of five hundred, to separate the holy things of the holy places. Ezek.43.1 then he brought me to the gate, the port that looked at the sea. Ezek.43.2 and behold, the glory of the god of israel came from øst, and their voice was like the roar of many waters, and the earth was shaken from his glory. Ezek.43.3 now the vision that i had seen was like the vision that i saw when i came to destroy the city. it was like the vision that i had seen by the river chebar. so i fell on my face. Ezek.43.4 and the glory of the lord went into the house by the way of the osting door. Ezek.43.5 and the spirit took me and brought me into the inner place. and behold, the glory of the lord was full of the house. Ezek.43.6 and i heard a voice speaking to me from the house, and a man stood by me. Ezek.43.7 and he said to me, you son of man, this is the place of my throne, the place of my feet, which i will dwell among the people of israel forever. the house of israel and their rulers will no longer profane my holy name, they and their people, with their sexual immorality and with the mords of their rulers among them. Ezek.43.8 when they laid their focks by my gate and their palts along by my food, so that a wand was among me and them, and they profaned my holy name by their abominations, which they did, and i have destroyed them in my wrath. Ezek.43.9 now they will depart from me their sexual immorality and the murders of their rulers, and i will dwelling among them forever. Ezek.43.10 you, son of man, show the house of israel the house, that they may share for their sins, so that they may share their sight. Ezek.43.11 and if they acknowledge all that they have done, then tell them the instruct of the house and his excellence and its exacts, and all his exacts and all his instructions and all his instructions, and tell them in their presence, that they may keep in their presence, so that they may keep all his commandments and all his instructions and do them. Ezek.43.12 this is the law of the house: on the top of the mountain, all his regions around, is the holy things. this is the law of the house. Ezek.43.13 and these are the measure of the altar in a peat of a single hour, a bag of a single hour, a district at a single hour, and a rock around the rand of the altar around a spy. this was the hoogte of the altar. Ezek.43.14 from the botch, which was at the wild side, was two couths, and the breedte of a cubiti. and from the little plain to the great capt there will be four el, and the breedte of a cubiti. Ezek.43.15 the altar shall be four cubiti, and from the ariel above the horns of many horns. Ezek.43.16 the ariel shall have twelve coudées of longer, and twelve couths. it was vierkant in his four district. Ezek.43.17 the decliness: four coudées in length, and fourteen alen bread at all his fings, and the gate around it will be a half of a single hour, and the robes around the gate around. Ezek.43.18 and he said to me, son of man, so says the lord, the god of israel: these are the commandments of the altar in the day when he will make it out, to offer offerings on him and to sprend blood for him. Ezek.43.19 you shall give the priests, the priests, who are of the offspring of cadok, who draw near to me, say the lord, the lord. Ezek.43.20 and you shall take some of his blood and stryke it on the four corns of the altar and the four corners around the altar. so you shall purifike it and make the propitiation for him. Ezek.43.21 then you take the sacrifice for sin and burn it in the inheritance of the house outside the holy places. Ezek.43.22 and on the second day you may take a fish without blemish in sacrifice for sin, and they shall purifike the altar just as they purified the oxen. Ezek.43.23 when you have finished the propitiation, you must bring a feast without mannagh and a schafge from the sheep. Ezek.43.24 you shall bring them before the lord, and the priests will throw salt on them and bring them as sacrifices to the lord. Ezek.43.25 for seven days you sacrifice every day a bode for sin, and a feast and a schafe from the sheep do sincere. Ezek.43.26 for seven days they may make propitiation for the altar and purify it and fulfill it. Ezek.43.27 when these things have come, from the eighth day and then, the priests will offer your holocaustos and your dankoffers on the altar, and so i will accept you, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.44.1 so he brought me return to the exortive gates of the holy places, which was at the sea, and it was cloken. Ezek.44.2 and the lord said to me, this gate shall be certained, she will not be opened, and no one will pass through it, for the lord god of israel will come through it. so it will be cloken. Ezek.44.3 for the ruler will sit in it, to eat bread for the lord. in the way of the portice of the city he will enter, and in the same way he shall come out. Ezek.44.4 then he brought me by the nordside, before the temple, and i saw, and behold, the glory of the lord was full of the house of the lord, and i fell on my face. Ezek.44.5 and the lord said to me, son of man, consider your heart and see with your eyes and hear with your ears all that i tell you of all the commandments of the house of the lord and all his instructions. keep your heart to the coming in the house and all the exacts of the holy places. Ezek.44.6 and say to the rebelles house to the house of israel: so says the lord, the lord, be sufficient for all your abominations, o house of israel! Ezek.44.7 you have brought others who are uncircumcised, uncircumcised of heart and uncircumcised of the flesh, that they might be in my holy place, so that you might profane them when you offered my bread, the grain and the blood, and you defiled my covenant in all your abominations. Ezek.44.8 so put your guards to keep the guards in my holy places. Ezek.44.9 so says the lord, the lord: no one else, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised of the flesh will not enter my holy places, not to enter my holy places. Ezek.44.10 but the levites who departed from me when israel was deceived from me, following their idols, they will receive their wrongdoing. Ezek.44.11 they shall be ministers in my holy places, at the gates of the house and ministers in the house. they will slage the sacrifices and the sacrifices for the people, and they will stand in the presence of the people, to serve them. Ezek.44.12 because they have served them before their idols and were for the household of their wrongdoing to the house of israel, so i raised up my hand against them, says the lord, the lord, and they will bear their hands. Ezek.44.13 they will not come up to me, to serve me the priesthood, nor to bring to my holy things, as they were holy, but they will take their dishonors and deceitful things that have done. Ezek.44.14 i will put them to guard the guard of the house, all his work and whatever they will do. Ezek.44.15 but the priests, the levites, the sons of zadok, who kept the guard of my sanctuary when the people of israel were deceived from me, they will come to me, to serve me, and they will stand before me, to offer me the fett and the blood, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.44.16 they shall enter my holy places and come to my table for ministry to me and keep my guard. Ezek.44.17 when they enter the gates of the inside, they will put in linen robes, and they shall not be put in linen robes, while they serve in the inside of the inside tower and in the inside tower. Ezek.44.18 they may have a lin of linen cloths on their heads and linen cloths on their boods, and they shall not change their close clothes. Ezek.44.19 and when they come out to the outside courtyard, they will take out their robes in which they are ministering, and let them sit in the holy places and put in others robes, so that they may not sanctify the people with their robes. Ezek.44.20 they shall not raise their heads and do not strike their villages, but they shall strike their heads. Ezek.44.21 any priest shall not drink wine when they enter the inner courth. Ezek.44.22 they shall not take widows or rejected wife, but only a virgin of the offspring of the offspring of israel or a widow who has been a widow. Ezek.44.23 they shall teach my people to discern what is holy and profane, and give them known to what is unclean and clean. Ezek.44.24 as for discussion, they will proclaim to judge, and to judge my judgments. they shall keep my instructions and my commandments in all my feast, and they shall sanctify my sabbath. Ezek.44.25 they shall not enter one person to be defiled, but only for father and mother, both son and daughter, brother or sister, which is not married for a marriage man. Ezek.44.26 after he is cleansed, he will number seven days. Ezek.44.27 and on the day when they enter the inside courtyard, to serve in the holy place, they will bring a propitiation, says the lord, the god. Ezek.44.28 and it will be their inheritance. i am their inheritance, and you shall not give them a possession in israel. i am their possession. Ezek.44.29 the sacrifice, the sacrifice for sin and the sins they will eat, and all that is rejected in israel shall be their. Ezek.44.30 the best of all the best of all, and all your offerings of all your offerings will be for the priests, and the best of your best will give the priest to make blessing on your house. Ezek.44.31 the priests shall not eat anything that is dead or divided or districted. the priests shall not eat any of the birds or the beast. Ezek.45.1 when you reparate the land in a district, you shall separate the offering to the lord, a holy part from the earth, a longer of five thousand, and a breedte of many thousand. it will be holy in all his region. Ezek.45.2 from this means there will be to the holy place, five hundred, about four hundred, and all the district around a district. Ezek.45.3 from this measure you will measure the longer of twenty-five thousand, and in the breedte of 1,000. in it shall the holy place belongs to the holy place. Ezek.45.4 this must be of the earth for the priests who serve in the holy place, who drew near to ministry to the lord. this shall be for them a place for their house and place for the holy places. Ezek.45.5 twenty-five thousand of length and four thousand breasures shall have the levites who serve the house to the house, to their possessions. Ezek.45.6 to the possession of the city you will give in breedte five thousand, and in length about five thousand, as the holy offering. it will be for all the house of israel. Ezek.45.7 to the ruler will have this region, from one and then, to the offering of the holy places and the possession of the city, before the holy offerings and the hand of the possession of the city, by the west, and from the sea to the east, and the length shall be like one of the district, from the district of the sea. Ezek.45.8 this shall have his possession in israel, and my rulers shall no longer oppresse my people, but they shall give the land to the house of israel according to their tribes. Ezek.45.9 so says the lord god: sufficient for you, o rulers of israel! take away violence and destruction, and do right and righteousness, bringing violence for my people, says the lord, the lord. Ezek.45.10 you may have a righteous weasure, a righteous epha and righteous bath. Ezek.45.11 the efa and the bat shall have one measure, so that bat may receive the tenth of the homer, and the efa is a tithes of the homer. so the efa may have to the homer. Ezek.45.12 the gewicht of the gewig shall be twenty gera, twenty-siks, four sikly, and twelve sicles shall be for you. Ezek.45.13 this is the offering that you will pay, the sixth of a efa from a homer of trigo, and the sixth of a efa from the homer homer. Ezek.45.14 the stature for the oil was a log of oliven for ten log, for homer are ten bath of homer. Ezek.45.15 a sheep from the sheep of the sheep, from all the families of israel, to sacrifice, to holocauste and to peace, to make propitiation for them, declares the lord, the lord. Ezek.45.16 all the people of the people will give this offering offering to the ruler of israel. Ezek.45.17 but the ruler will have the brandoffers, the sacrifices, and the drankoffers, in the feast, in the moon, and in the sabbath, in all the feast of the house of israel. he will offer the sacrifice for sin and the sacrifice sacrifice and the brandopfer and the sacrifices pacifics, to make propitiation for the house of israel. Ezek.45.18 so says the lord, the lord: in the first month, on the first day of the monate, you shall take a feast without defiling a feast for the holy places. Ezek.45.19 and the priest will take some of the blood of the propitiation and stryke it on the foreheads of the house and at the four corners of the altar, and on the food of the inside of the inside courtyard. Ezek.45.20 so do you do in the seventh day of the seventh day of the monyws you will have for one who has been deceived, and so you may make propitiation for the house. Ezek.45.21 in the first month, in the fourteenth of the beginning, you will have the passover feast. it is a feast for seven days. Ezek.45.22 in that day the ruler will eat for himself and for all the people of the land a giovene in sacrifice for sin. Ezek.45.23 and for the seven days of the feast he will offer to the lord seven bulle and seven værs without devange, every day for the seven days, and for a sacrifice every day a bode. Ezek.45.24 as for a sacrifice, a efa for sin and a efa for the judge, and a hin of oliven for a efa. Ezek.45.25 in the seventh day of the seventh day of the seventh day of the seventh day of the feast, in the feast, in the feast for seven days. Ezek.46.1 so says the lord, the gate of the inside on the inside day will be certained for the six days of working, but on the sabbath day it shall be opened, and in the next day it shall be opened. Ezek.46.2 and the ruler will come in the way of the portich of the inside, and stand at the inside of the door, and the priests will make his holocauste and his sacrifice offerings, and he will worship at the inside of the door and go out, and the door shall not be clothed until evening. Ezek.46.3 and the people of the earth shall worship at the gate of that city in the sabbats and the lunats. Ezek.46.4 the holocauste that the ruler will bring to the lord on the sabbath, will be six corderless lamb and a feast without manfection, Ezek.46.5 the sacrifice for a efa is a efa for the judge, and for the lamb a sacrifice of his hand, and a hin of oliven for a efa. Ezek.46.6 as for the day of the new feast, a feast without tax, and six lamb and a schaffe; Ezek.46.7 so as a efa for the money and a efa for the oxe, and a efa for the lamb, as his hand has offered, and a hin of oliven for a efa. Ezek.46.8 and when the ruler comes in, he shall go in the way of the portice of the city and go on the way of the door. Ezek.46.9 but when the people of the land comes before the lord in the festes, the one who enter the nordtors of the nordtor to worship, shall come out by the midst of the soom, and let the one who enter by the soom porth shall come out by the nordtor. he shall not return by the door of which he has entered, but shall come out by the way. Ezek.46.10 and the ruler shall go in among them when they enter, and as they will go out, he shall go out. Ezek.46.11 at the feast and the solemnities the sacrifice will be a efa for an oxe and a efa for a schaffe, and for the lamb as his hand has offered, and a hin olie for a efa. Ezek.46.12 if the ruler offers a offering of confession or a sacrifice of salvation to the lord, then he may open the door to him that sees on the orient, and he may offer his holocauste and his sacrifices, as he does in the day of the sabbath. then he shall go out and shut the door after his coming. Ezek.46.13 every day to the lord sacrifice a years of an an an eating, every day, for the lord. Ezek.46.14 and on the morge, with a six of a meat, a third of a efa and a third of a hin of an hin to bring the fine of farine. this is a sacrifice for the lord, a reason for reason. Ezek.46.15 so they offer the lamb and the sacrifice and the oil for the morning for always. Ezek.46.16 so says the lord, the lord, if the ruler give a gift to one of his sons, it will be this for his sons. this will be his possession. Ezek.46.17 but if he give a gift to one of his servants, it will be to him until the jubeljaar, and he will repay to the ruler. only he will have the inheritance of his sons. Ezek.46.18 the ruler will not take anything of the inheritance of the people, to destroy them. from his possession he will give his children in inheritance, so that no one of my people may be scattered from his possession. Ezek.46.19 then he brought me to the inside, which belongs to the inside of the door, to the holy places of the priests, who were directed to the north place. and behold, there was a place for there. Ezek.46.20 and he said to me, this is the place where the priests will koke the sacrifice for sin and the sacrifice for sin, and in which they will koke the sacrifice, so that they should not bring them into the outside courtyard, to sanctify the people. Ezek.46.21 then he brought me out into the outside courtyard and brought me around the vier winds of the courtyard, and behold, in every side of the courtyard there was a cour. Ezek.46.22 in the quattuor winds of the courtyard there were a little parts, a longer of forty cubiti and a large breasure. all the four measures had a measure. Ezek.46.23 and there were rings around them along all the four, and there were food around the robes around the robes. Ezek.46.24 and he said to me, these are the cubes, where the servants of the house will koke the sacrifice of the people. Ezek.47.1 so he brought me to the door of the house, and behold, water were carried down from beyond the hide of the house, for the face of the house was learing at the ooste, and the water flowed down from the right side of the house, from the söder side of the altar. Ezek.47.2 then he brought me out by the nordside and put me on the room outside to the courtyard of the courtyard, which was in the orient. and behold, the waters spring down from the right side. Ezek.47.3 when a man went on the hand, he had a measure in his hand, and he measured a thousand of the measure, and he divided me by the water. Ezek.47.4 and he measured a thousand and went through the water, water to the district. and he measured a thousand and distributed me to the bound. Ezek.47.5 and he measured a thousand, and he could not go, because the water were straight, like a flock of a spring that they would not preach. Ezek.47.6 and he said to me, have you seen, son of man? and he brought me and brought me to the rand of the river. Ezek.47.7 and when i returned, behold, at the rand of the river there were great trees from one side. Ezek.47.8 and he said to me, this water comes into the oost-country and descends into the wilderness and come into the sea. when it has come into the sea, the water will be saved. Ezek.47.9 and every living creature living creature, in whatever there comes the river will live, and there will be great fish; for when this water comes there, it will be made well, and all shall live in whatever this flood comes. Ezek.47.10 and fishermen will stand there, from en-gedi to en-eglaim, they will have torn of fish. its fish will be in the same way, like the fish of the great sea, a great multitude. Ezek.47.11 but the robes and his robes and his waves shall not be healed, they will give to salt. Ezek.47.12 and by the river, at his bords of one and from the other, will grow every tree of food. their fruit will not be shaken, and the fruit of them will not be cut up. in every year he will bear, for the water of them comes out of the holy places, and their fruit will be to eat and their fods for healing. Ezek.47.13 so says the lord god: this will be the region that you will inherit the land to the twelve tribes of israel, for the twelve tirs. Ezek.47.14 you shall inherit it, each like one, as he lifted up my hand to give it to your fathers, so that this land will be your inheritance. Ezek.47.15 and this will be the region of the country: by the great sea, from the great sea, at the way of hetlon, by the coming to sedad, Ezek.47.16 hamat, berota, sibraim, which is among the region of damascus and the region of hamath, haser-hattik, which is toward the region of hauran. Ezek.47.17 this is the region from the sea, from hasar-enan, the region of damascus, and the region of damascus, and the nordside. Ezek.47.18 and the orient side: to hauran and damascus, and the galaad and the land of israel, the jordan. this is the jordan. Ezek.47.19 the next region, from tamar to the water of meriba kades, to the great sea, to the great sea. this will be the süden of the south. Ezek.47.20 the west of the great sea will be the great sea, from next country to the region of hamath. this is the west. Ezek.47.21 this land you will divise for them for the tribes of israel. Ezek.47.22 and pay it in inheritance for you and for the proselyts who dwells among you, who have born children among you. they shall be for you like natural among the sons of israel, and they will eat with you in possession among the tribes of israel. Ezek.47.23 in the tribe, in which the proselyte dwelling, there you will give them his inheritance, says the lord god. Ezek.48.1 these are the names of the tribes: from the nordside to the region of hetlon, at the region of hamath, hasar-enan, the region of damascus, at the nordside of hamath, and there will be for them the oosting and west, dan one. Ezek.48.2 langs the region of dan, from the oost-beginning to the west, asher, one. Ezek.48.3 langs the region of aser, from the anatolice country to the west, naphtali, one. Ezek.48.4 langs the region of neftali, from the oost-beginning to the west, manasseh one. Ezek.48.5 langs the region of manasseh, from the anatolice country to the west, ephraim one. Ezek.48.6 langs the region of ephraim, from the anatolice country to the west, ruben, one. Ezek.48.7 langs the region of ruben, from the oost-beginning to the west, judas one parts. Ezek.48.8 langs the region of judah, from the oosting to the west, will be the offering that you may pay, four and five thousand in breast, and a longer like one of the district from the oosting and to the west. and the holy places shall be in the midst. Ezek.48.9 the offering that you will take to the lord will have the longer of twenty-five thousand, and in breedte seven thousand. Ezek.48.10 this is the distribution of the holy places, to the priests, to the north, five thousand, and west, twelve thousand, and west, four thousand, and in the miest 25 thousand. and the holy place of the temple will be in the midst. Ezek.48.11 these priests who are sanctified among the sons of zadok, who kept the guard of the house, who did not deceive, as the sons of israel deceived, as the levites deceived. Ezek.48.12 and their offering will be given from the offering of the earth, a holy place, at the region of the levites. Ezek.48.13 the levites will have the district by the region of the priests, twenty-five thousand, and a breedte of thousand. the whole longer will have four thousand, and the breedte of thousand. Ezek.48.14 they shall not smelt from it, nor be distributed, nor will the best of the earth be removed, for it is holy for the lord. Ezek.48.15 the five thousand, which are overflowing in the breast, about the five and five thousand, will be for the city to abide and to defense, and the city shall be in the midst. Ezek.48.16 and these are the measures of the district: the nostside, five thousand and five thousand, and from the ooste four thousand and four thousand, and the west side four thousand and five hundred. Ezek.48.17 and the district of the city will be a district of two hundred, and in the miest 250 and on the sea two hundred, and to the sea two hundred. Ezek.48.18 the rest of the measure that belongs to the holy parts, will be ten thousand in the ooste and ten thousand in the sea, and the distribution of the holy places will be for bread for the laborers of the city. Ezek.48.19 the laborers of the city will have their food from all the tribes of israel. Ezek.48.20 the whole offering, twenty-five thousand, about five and five thousand, you will repay the holy offering, with the possession of the city. Ezek.48.21 the remaining of this will have to the ruler, from this and from the district of the country, to the ruler of the country, and to the country of the city, and the sanctuary of the house shall be in the midst of the rulers. the offering of the saints and the sanctuary of the house shall be in the midst. Ezek.48.22 and from the possession of the levites and from the possession of the city, which is in the midst of the ruler, among the region of judah and the region of benjamin, to the ruler. Ezek.48.23 to the rest of the tribes from the oosting until the west, benjamin, one. Ezek.48.24 langs the region of benjamin, from the east to the west, for simeon, one. Ezek.48.25 langs the region of simeon, from the oost-place to the west, issachar, one. Ezek.48.26 langs the region of issachar, from the oost-beginning to the west, zebulun, one. Ezek.48.27 langs the region of zebulon, from the oost-beginning to the west, gad one. Ezek.48.28 at the region of gad, to the next region, the region will be from tamar to the water of meriba at cades-cades, and to the great sea. Ezek.48.29 this is the land that you will throw in sorth for the tribes of israel, and these are their divisions, says the lord god. Ezek.48.30 now these are the treasures of the city: the norderside, four thousand, and five thousand. Ezek.48.31 the gates of the city will be numbered in the name of the tribes of israel. three portes on the north: the porth of ruben one, the door of judah one, the gate of levi one. Ezek.48.32 as for the leading side, there will be four thousand and four hundred, and three gates: the porth of joseph one, the portar of benjamin one, the tor of dan one. Ezek.48.33 the next side there will be four thousand and five hundred measures, and three portes: the poort of simeon, one, the gation of issachar, one. Ezek.48.34 by the west, three thousand and five hundred measures, and three portes: the gate of gad one, the port of asher one, the tor of neftali one. Ezek.48.35 walking around eighteen thousand thousand, and from that day the name of the city will be the name, and in the tribe of the extranjers who are among them shall be there, so you will give it his inheritance, says the lord, the lord. Dan.1.1 in the third regeringsaar of jehojakim, king of judah, nebukadressar, the king of babylon, came to jerusalem and belonged it. Dan.1.2 and the lord gave in his hand jojakin, the king of judah, and one of the vessels of the house of god, and he brought them to the land of shinar, in the house of his god, and he brought the waves in the treasure of his god. Dan.1.3 and the king told aspenaz, the ruler of his eunuchs, to bring some of the children of israel and of the offspring of the kingdom, Dan.1.4 young men, which had no food, a belong to appearance, who were wise in all wisdom, who may understand knowledge and understanding and understanding to stand in the palace of the king, and to teach them the letters and a tongue of the chaldeans. Dan.1.5 so the king commanded them every day from the reward of the king and of the wine that he had to drink, and they would give them three years to stand in the presence of the king. Dan.1.6 among them were one of the sons of juda: daniel, hananja, misael and azarja. Dan.1.7 the ruler of the eunuchs gave them the name of daniel, beltsasar, and ananias shadrach, to misael mesach, and for azarias abed-nego. Dan.1.8 but daniel remained in his heart not to be contamined by the table of the king or with the wine of his drink. so he begged the ruler of the eunuchs that he might not be contamined. Dan.1.9 and god gave daniel a mercy and mercy in the presence of the ruler of the eunuchs. Dan.1.10 and the ruler of the eunuchs said to daniel, i fear the king, my lord, who has commanded your food and your drink, so that he may see your faces greater than the other young men of your fellow servants, you will justify my head to the king. Dan.1.11 then daniel said to the ruler, whom the ruler of the eunuchs had made over daniel, hananja, misael and azariah: Dan.1.12 obey your servants as ten days, and let them give us something to eat and water to drink. Dan.1.13 then let us see our appearance and the appearance of the servants who eat the food of the king, and do with your servants as you see. Dan.1.14 and he heard them, and he tempted them ten ten days. Dan.1.15 when the ten days had finished, their faces were better and greater than all the children who were eating the food of the king. Dan.1.16 so the offier remained their feast and the wine that they had to drink and gave them offspring. Dan.1.17 and god gave these four young men a understanding and intelligence in every secretion and wisdom. and daniel recognized every vision and something. Dan.1.18 after the end of the days that the king had commanded them to bring them out, the ruler of the eunuchs brought them before nebukadnecars. Dan.1.19 and the king spoke with them, and there was no one among them like daniel, ananias, mishael and azarja. so they stood before the king. Dan.1.20 in every reason of wisdom and intelligence that the king asked them, he found them a tithes more than all the magirs and wise in all his kingdom. Dan.1.21 and daniel was still until the first year of king. Dan.2.1 in the second year of the kingdom of nebukadneccar, nebucadnetsar had something a son, and his spirit was troubled, and he was still in his sound. Dan.2.2 then the king commanded the mages and the mages and the magirs and the chaldeans to tell the king his dreams. and they came and stood before the king. Dan.2.3 and the king said to them, i have sounded a son, and my spirit is treated to know the droom. Dan.2.4 and the chaldeans said to the king in aramaic, o king forever! tell the son to your servants, and we will tell the interpretation. Dan.2.5 the king answered the chaldeans, my word is deceived: if you do not tell me the son and his interpretation, you will be caught in rupe, and your households will be destroyed. Dan.2.6 but if you tell me the son and his interpretation, you will receive gifts and gift and great honor from me, so tell me the son and his interpretation. Dan.2.7 they answered the second time, and the king said, let the king tell his servants the son, and we will tell him the interpretation. Dan.2.8 the king answered, i know truly, that you are looking for a time, because you know that the word has escaped from me. Dan.2.9 so if you do not tell me the droom, i know that you are conceived in my presence as a false and corrupted things to say before me, until the time is passed away. tell me the son, then i will know that you tell me his interpretation. Dan.2.10 the chaldeans answered the king, there is no man on the land that can proclaim the word of the king, but no king, great and ruler, has not asked such a thing of a magier, a magier or a chaldean. Dan.2.11 for what the king asks is greater, and there is no one who will tell him before the king, except the gods, whose woning are not with the flesh. Dan.2.12 so the king grew and was wrath, and he commanded them to destroy all the wise of babylon. Dan.2.13 when the demand had gone out, the wise were killed, and daniel and his friends were seeking to kill. Dan.2.14 then daniel answered arjoch, the ruler of the guardiers of the king, who went out to kill the wise men of babylon. Dan.2.15 he asked arjoch, the ruler of the king, saying, why is this reason from the king? so arjok made known to daniel the saying. Dan.2.16 so daniel went in and questioned the king to give him a time, and he would tell him the interpretation to the king. Dan.2.17 so daniel went home and told his friends ananias, mishael and azarja, his friends, Dan.2.18 that they might pray mercy of the god of heaven for this mystery, so that daniel and his friends might not perish with the rest of the wise wise wise men. Dan.2.19 then the mystery was reveled to daniel in a vision of the night, and daniel blessed the god of heaven. Dan.2.20 daniel said, blessed be the name of god forever and forever, for the wisdom and his power belong him. Dan.2.21 he defile the times and the times, he set kings and leads kings, gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who know understanding. Dan.2.22 he revealed what is different and secret; he knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with him. Dan.2.23 you, god of my fathers, i thank and praise that you gave me wisdom and power, and now you have made known to me what we asked you, for you have made known to me the order of the king. Dan.2.24 so daniel went to arjok, whom the king had commanded the wise men of babel. he said to him, do not destroy the wise of babylon. bring me to the king, and i will tell the king the interpretation. Dan.2.25 then arjok brought danielin to the king and said to him, i have found a man of the captives of judah, who will declare the interpretation to the king. Dan.2.26 the king answered daniel who was called beltsasar: can you tell me the son that i have seen and its interpretation? Dan.2.27 daniel answered the king, the mystery, which the king asks, are not wise, astray, astray and astray not to tell the king. Dan.2.28 but there is a god in heaven, who opens the secrets, and he has made known to king nebukadnecars what must take place in the last days. your son and the vision of your head in your bed were this: Dan.2.29 you, o king, have your thoughts ascended on your bed, what must take place after these things, and he who opened the mysters declared to you what must take place. Dan.2.30 and this mystery has been reveled to me not because of the wisdom that i have more than all who are alive, but for the sake of that the interpretation is made to the king, and that you may know the thoughts of your heart. Dan.2.31 you, o king, saw, and behold, there was a great image. that image was great, and its appearance was great. it stood before you, and its appearance was terrible. Dan.2.32 the head of the image was of pure gold, its mouth and arme were of silver, his womb and their buts of bronze, Dan.2.33 the muses of iron, his feet a parte of iron and a parte of sail. Dan.2.34 you saw it, while a stone was taken from a mountain, not with hands, and struck the image in the feet of iron and clay and broke them. Dan.2.35 then the iron, the bronze, the silver, the silver and the gold were conturned, and they were like a stone from the sommer of sommer. the wind carried them out and found no place for them, but the stone who struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. Dan.2.36 this was the son, and we will tell the king his interpretation. Dan.2.37 you, o king, are king of kings, whom the god of heaven has given a kingdom, power, power, and honor. Dan.2.38 in every place where people dwells, beasts of the field and the birds of the air, he gave you in your hand and made you the lord over them all. you are the golden head. Dan.2.39 after you will rise a other kingdom, more than you, and a third kingdom, that is a bronze, which will domine over the whole earth. Dan.2.40 the fourth kingdom will be strengthened as a iron, as a iron bris and bris all things, so it will brise and destroy all things. Dan.2.41 and that you saw the feet and the fingers, a parter of tondle and a parts of iron, it will be a division of kingdom, but in it there will be of the food of the iron, just as you saw a iron stricking with ler. Dan.2.42 and as the fingers of the feet were parte of iron and part of lers, the kingdom will be part of part, and in part it will be bright. Dan.2.43 that you saw the iron moined with pieces, they will be encouraged with human offspring, but they will not belong to one another, just as a iron show not with the bars. Dan.2.44 and in the days of those kings, the god of heaven will restore a kingdom that never will be destroyed, and that it will not lives to another people. it will destroy and destroy all these kingdoms, and it will be continued forever. Dan.2.45 as you saw that a stone was cut from the mountain without the hands, and destroyed the iron, the bronze, the bronze, the silver and the gold. the great god made known to the king what must take place after this. the son was true, and his interpretation is faithful. Dan.2.46 then the king nebukadnecars fell on his face and worshiped daniel and told him sacrifice and offers. Dan.2.47 and the king said to daniel, your god is god of god and lord of the kings and revealed of the mystery, for you have able to reveal this mystery. Dan.2.48 then the king increased daniel and gave him many great gifts and made him governor over all the province of babel and a ruler of rulers over all the wise of babylon. Dan.2.49 and daniel asked from the king and put shadrach, mesach and abed-nego over the work of the province of babel, but daniel was in the courtyard of the king. Dan.3.1 the king nebukadnezar made a golden image, whose hair was sexaginta, its large six cours, and set it in the field of dura in the province babylon. Dan.3.2 then the king nebukadressar sent to gather the officers, the officers, the governor, the rulers, the governor, the rulers, the rulers, and all the rulers of the country, to come to the inscription of the image that the king nabucodonozor had set. Dan.3.3 then the officers, the officers, the governor, the governor, the rulers, the rulers, the rulers, the rulers and all the rulers of the country gathered to the indication of the image that the king nebukadnecars had raised, and they stood before the image that nebukadressar had set. Dan.3.4 and the preacher cried out in power, people, nations and tongues, say to you, Dan.3.5 in the time when you hear the sound of the trumpet, of flute, of harpa, of sambuk, of psalterios, of every instrument of musik, you will fall down and worship the golden image that the king nebukadnezar has set. Dan.3.6 whoever does not fall and worship it, in the same time he will be thrown into the flame of fire. Dan.3.7 so when all the people heard the sound of the trumpet, of flute, of harfy, of sambuk, of psalterios, of every instrument of musik, all the people, natives and tongues, and worshiped the golden image that the king nebukadnezar had set. Dan.3.8 then some chaldeans came and divided the jews. Dan.3.9 they said to nebukadressar, king, forever you! Dan.3.10 you, o king, has commanded every man who hears the sound of the trumpet, of fluth, of arfy, of psalterios, of psalterios, of musik and of every instrument of musik, Dan.3.11 and whoever does not fall down and worship it will be thrown into the flame of fire. Dan.3.12 there are jews who have set up for the deeds of the province of babylon, shadrac, mesach and abed-nego. those men men did not listen to you, o king, to your god they will not serve your gods and not worship the golden image that you have set. Dan.3.13 then nebukadnecars in wrath and wrath said to bring sadrach, mesach and abed-nego. so they brought to the king. Dan.3.14 and nebukadnezar answered them, is it truly, shadrac, mesach and abed-nego, that you do not serve my gods and do not worship the golden image that i have set? Dan.3.15 now now, if you have ready, as you hear the sound of the trumpet, of flinding, of citara, of psalterios, of psalterios, of psalterios, of all instruments of muzikal instruments, you may fall down and worship the image that i have done. but if you do not worship, you will be thrown into the burn of fire, which is burn, and who is the god who will deliver you out of my hand? Dan.3.16 shadrach, mesach and abed-nego answered the king, king, we have not need to answer you about this reason. Dan.3.17 if our god, whom we serve, is able to deliver us out of the flame of fire, and he will deliver us out of your hand, o king. Dan.3.18 and if not, let it be known to you, o king, that we will not serve your gods and not worship the golden image that you have set. Dan.3.19 then nebukadressar was filled with wrath, and the appearance of his face was shemed over shadrach, meshach and abed-nego, and he told that the furn might be broken seven times more than they were burned up. Dan.3.20 and he spoke to men of the strengtheners of his power to put shadrach, mesach and abed-nego, and to put them into the flame of fire. Dan.3.21 then those men men were bind with their garments, their cloths, their garments and their garments, and they were thrown into the burning of fire that was burned. Dan.3.22 since the word of the king was strong, and the furth were burned from more. Dan.3.23 but when these three men were shadrakh, meshach and abed-nego, fell into the flame of fire that was burned. so they were walking in the city, hymning god and blessing the lord. Dan.3.24 and the king nebukadnezzar marveled and arose at earnestly, and said to his rulers, did we not put three men cast in the fire in the fire? they said to the king, it is truly, o king! Dan.3.25 he said, behold, i see four men walking and walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no destruction, and the vision of the fourth is like a son of god. Dan.3.26 then nebukadressar came up to the door of the burning of fire, which was burned, and said, shadrac, mesach and abed-nego, servants of the most high god, come out and come! so shadrac, mesach and abed-nego came out of the fire. Dan.3.27 the authorities, the governor, the governor, the governor and the governor of the king gathered together, and they saw the men that the fire had not domined their body, that the hair of their head did not be shaken, the hair of their head did not be shaken, and neither was a tear of fire among them. Dan.3.28 and nabucodonozor answered, blessed be the god of shadrach, mesach and abed-nego, who sent his angel and saved his servants, who were confided in him, and rejected the word of the king and gave their bodies, so that they would not serve or worship any god except their god. Dan.3.29 so i give a decreation, that every people, a tribe, or a tongue will say against the god of shadrakh, mesach and abed-nego, will be destroyed to be destroyed, and their households to be destroyed; for there is no other god who can escape so. Dan.3.30 then the king brought shadrach, mesach and abed-nego in the province of babylon and divided them to be held by all the jews who were in his kingdom. Dan.4.1 king nebukadnezar to all the nations and nations and tongues that dwells on the whole earth. peace be in your multitude! Dan.4.2 i was glad to tell you the signs and wonders that the most god has done for me. Dan.4.3 how great was his domination, how great are his kingdom! his authority is eternal kingdom and his authority from generation to generation. Dan.4.4 i, nebukadnezar, was right in my house and faithful in my household. Dan.4.5 i saw a son who had afraid me, and the vision of my head were troubled in my bed and the vision of my head. Dan.4.6 so i commanded a decreation to bring before me all the wise of babylon, that they might tell me the interpretation of the son. Dan.4.7 there came the mages, the astrolows, the chaldeans and the astrologes, and i told me the son, but they did not show me his interpretation. Dan.4.8 until there came to me daniel, whose name was beltsasar, according to the name of my god, and in whom the spirit of the holy gods has been in himself, and i told him the droom: Dan.4.9 beltsasar, ruler of the mages, for i know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you, and no mystery is impossible for you. tell me the vision of the songe that i have seen and its interpretation. Dan.4.10 i saw it in my bed, i saw, and behold, a tree was in the midst of the earth, which was great. Dan.4.11 the tree was granted and was strong, and his hair came down to heaven, and it was belonging to the end of all the earth. Dan.4.12 his foot were grain and its fruit much, and in it was food for all. under it the wild beasts of the wild creatures around it, and the birds of the air dwelled in his branches, and every flesh was beared from it. Dan.4.13 i saw in the vision of my bed at my bed, and behold, a holy or holy descended from heaven. Dan.4.14 he cried out with power, and so he said, cut out the tree and cut out its branches, short his leaves and destroy its fruit. let the beast that is under him and the birds from his branches. Dan.4.15 nevertheless, make the food of his worths in the land, and in chains of iron and bronze, in the grass outside, and in the ross of the heavens you will have in the ground of the heavens and be with the beast in the grass of the earth. Dan.4.16 his heart will be deceived from man, and a heart of beast will be given to him, and seven times will be changed over him. Dan.4.17 this is a reason for the reasoning, and the question of the saints has been granted, so that the living ones know that the most high is over the kingdom of man, and he give it to whom he will show, and a despise of men will set up over it. Dan.4.18 this was the songe that i saw, king nebukadnecars. and you, beltsasar, tell the interpretation, for no wise of my kingdom cannot declare to me the interpretation. but you can be able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in you. Dan.4.19 then daniel, whose name was beltsasar, was turned up about one hour, and his thoughts troubled him. the king replied, beltsasar, let not the songe and interpretation to you! beltsasar answered, my lord, let the son be to those who hates you and his interpretation to your enemies. Dan.4.20 the tree that you saw, great and greatly, whom the hair has come into heaven and was shown into all the earth, Dan.4.21 the foot of the creatures and its fruit were many, and in it was food for all, under whom the wild beast of the wild creatures dwelled in his branches, and in its branches beared the birds of the air, Dan.4.22 it is you, o king, who has been granted and granted, and your majesty has become great and gone into heaven, and your dominion forever the end of the earth. Dan.4.23 and that the king saw a holy and holy coming down from heaven and said, cut out the tree and destroy it, but let the food of his worths set in the land, and in a chase of iron and bronze in the grass of the ross. in the ross of the heavens will he be in the ross of heaven, and his part must be with the beast of the field, until there are seven times upon him. Dan.4.24 this is the interpretation of this, o king, and the defense of the most high, which has come upon my lord, the king: Dan.4.25 you will be persecuted from men, and your dwelling place will be with the wild beast. you will give you foot as the boves, and you will be spening from the dauw of the heavens, and seven times will be changed over you, until you know that the most high domins over the kingdom of men and give it to whom he will. Dan.4.26 and that you have told the food of the rops of the tree, your kingdom will abide to you, since you know that the heavenly authority is authority. Dan.4.27 therefore, o king, let my plan be pleased for you, and repay your sins with alms and your unrighteousness by mercy of the poor. may it be longy for your trespasses. Dan.4.28 all these things arrived at the king of nebukadnezar. Dan.4.29 after the twelve months, as he walked by the palace of his kingdom in babylon, Dan.4.30 the king answered, is not this babylon the great, which i have built to be a house of kingdom with the strength of my power and for the glory of my glory? Dan.4.31 now the saying was still in the mouth of the king, when a voice came from heaven, you said, o king, king, the kingdom has come from you. Dan.4.32 you will persecute you from men, and your dwelling place will be with the wilds of field, and you will give you food as the boves, and seven times will come upon you, until you know that the most high domins over the kingdom of men and give it to whom he will. Dan.4.33 in the same hour the word was finished over nebukadnecars, and he was carried out of the people, and he was eating a grass like the oxen, and his body was broken in the ross of the heavens, until his flores were greatly granted, and his flores were like birth. Dan.4.34 but at the end of the days i, nebukadnecars, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my mind returned against me, and i blessed the most high and glorified and glorified him who live forever, for his authority is eternal authority and his kingdom is in every generation. Dan.4.35 and all who dwells in the earth were counted to nothing. he does do according to his will with the power of heaven and with the dwelling in the earth, and there is no one who would make his hand and say to him, why do you do? Dan.4.36 in the same time my purpose returned to me, and for the honor of my kingdom, my majesty and my glans came return to me. my masters and my rulers were seeking me, and i was strengthened in my kingdom, and a greater majesty was added to me. Dan.4.37 now i, nebukadnecars, look and magnifike and glorifike the king of heaven, for all his works are true, and his ways are judgment, and he can humble those who walk in the fierness. Dan.5.1 the king belshazzar made a great feast for his thousand men and drink wine in the presence of the thousand. Dan.5.2 by the gusting of the wine belshassar had commanded the golden and silver that his father nabucodonozor had carried out from the temple of jerusalem, so that the king and his rulers, his nevests and his nevests might drink among them. Dan.5.3 so they brought the golden vessels, which he had brought out of the temple of the temple of god in jerusalem, and the king and his great authorities and his women became drink by them. Dan.5.4 they drinked on wine and prayed the gode of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood and stones. Dan.5.5 in that very hour the fingers of a man came out and wrote contrary to the lamp at the burn of the wall of the palace of the king. and the king saw the hand of the hand that was written. Dan.5.6 then the face of the king was shaken, and his thoughts became troubled for him, and the chains of his lends were distributed, and his kings were bearing with one another. Dan.5.7 the king cried out with a power to bring the magiers, the chaldeans and the astrolows. the king cried out and said to the wise men of babylon, whoever will preach this scripture and teach me the sight, he will be put in purple, the golden back will be put on his hals, and he will be the third in the kingdom. Dan.5.8 then all the wise of the king went in, but they could not read the scripture nor do known to the king the interpretation. Dan.5.9 then the king belshassar was greatly troubled, and his face was broken, and his great ones were troubled. Dan.5.10 then the reine and the governor came into the house of the food, and she said, o king, let it be forever! let not your thoughts be troubled from you, and let your face not be deceived. Dan.5.11 there is a man in your kingdom, in your kingdom, in whom is the spirit of your god. in the days of your father there was found and understanding, and your father nabucodonozor, your father, set him as ruler of mages, magiers, chaldeans and astrolows. Dan.5.12 for there was a excellent spirit, and knowledge, and knowledge, deceiving something, deceiving and uncovered. daniel, the king, whom he gave the name beltsasar, therefore let this be called daniel, and he will tell you the interpretation. Dan.5.13 then daniel was brought in before the king. and the king said to daniel, are you daniel, one of the jewish captives, which the king, my father, has brought out of judea? Dan.5.14 i have heard about you that the spirit of god is in you, and that in you there was found and understanding and abundance wisdom. Dan.5.15 now the wise and astray came before me, so that they might lead this scripture and teach me the interpretation, but they could not tell me the interpretation. Dan.5.16 and i have heard about you that you can give interpretation and interpretation. now if you can read the scripture and tell me its interpretation, you will be clothed in purple, a golden back will be on your neck, and you will be treated the third in the kingdom. Dan.5.17 then daniel answered the king, give your gift to you, and give your gift to another, but i will lead the scripture to the king, and i will tell you the interpretation. Dan.5.18 o king, the most high god gave your father nebukadnecars the kingdom and majesty, honor and glory. Dan.5.19 and because of the majesty that he had given him, all people, nations and tongues were trembling and fear him. he killed whom he wanted and put to whom he wanted, and whom he wanted he exalted, and whom he wanted he humilied. Dan.5.20 but when his heart was exalted and his spirit was strengthened to be arrogant, he was carried down from the throne of his kingdom and was carried away from him. Dan.5.21 he was carried out of the people, and his heart was given as the beast, and his dwelling place was with the beast, and they gave him grass as the boves, and his body was broken from the ross of heaven, until he recognized that the most high god domins over the kingdom of men and give it to whom he will. Dan.5.22 yet you, belshazzar, his son, did not afflike your heart, since you knew all these things, Dan.5.23 but you have been exalted against the lord of heaven, and they have brought for you the vessels of his house, and you and your great ones, your women and your concubine became wine in them. and you have glorified the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, of iron, of tree, of tree and stone, which are not seen, nor hear, and not know. and the god in whose hand your sown is in his hand and in whom are all your ways, you have not glorified. Dan.5.24 so it has been sent from his presence, and this scripture has been written. Dan.5.25 and this is the scripture that is written: mene, mene, tekel, uparsin. Dan.5.26 this is the interpretation of the words: mene: god has divided your kingdom and filled it. Dan.5.27 tekel — you was set in a back and found in need. Dan.5.28 peres: your kingdom is distributed and given to medes and persas. Dan.5.29 then belshassar told, and they put daniel in purple, and a golden rock they put on his neck and proclaimed that he might be the third of the kingdom. Dan.5.30 in that very night belsasar, the king of the chaldeans, was districted. Dan.5.31 and darius, the media, took the kingdom, while he was sexty-two years of age. Dan.6.1 darius was pleasing, and he set over the kingdom a hundred satraps, who was in all his kingdom. Dan.6.2 and over them three rulers, which daniel was one of them, to give them the satrap a reason, so that the king might not grumble. Dan.6.3 and daniel was more utter than daniel, for in him there was a greater spirit, and the king could put him over all the kingdom. Dan.6.4 so the authorities and the satters were seeking to find an opportunity against daniel, but they found no opportunity or transgression in him, because he was faithful and ungodly. Dan.6.5 so the rulers said, we will not find trouble against daniel, except in the law of his god. Dan.6.6 then the rulers and satrapen came to the king, and they said to him, king darius, live forever! Dan.6.7 all the rulers of the kingdom, the officers, the rulers, the governor and the governor were counted, so that there might be covened for a king, and to make authority, so that whoever for thirty days will ask anything of any god or man except from you, o king, be thrown into the cisterny of the lions. Dan.6.8 now, o king, confirm the inscription and lay the scripture, so that it may not be deceived by the law of media and persia, so that it may not be deceived. Dan.6.9 so the king darius commanded the inscription and the inscription. Dan.6.10 when daniel recognized that the decreation was commanded, he went in his house, and the fenster were opened in his winds before jerusalem, and he knew three times in the day, praying and confessing the god's god, just as he did before. Dan.6.11 then those men men departed, and they found daniel asking and supplicating his god. Dan.6.12 and they came and said to the king, do you not have commanded a condemnation, that everyone who for thirty days will ask from any god or a person except from you, o king, he will be thrown into the cisterny of the lions? and the king said, it is true, according to the decree of media and persers has not gone. Dan.6.13 then they reported and said to the king, daniel, who is of the captive of judah, is not rejected to you, o king, or to the determination that you have commanded, but three times in the day he will ask his prayers. Dan.6.14 when the king heard this, it was greatly troubled, and he directed daniel to deliver him, and even to the next day he sounded to deliver him. Dan.6.15 when those men men had come to the king, they said to the king, know, o king, that a decreation of medes and persas are not ought to change any condemnation of the king. Dan.6.16 then the king said, they brought daniel and put him into the rob of the lions. and the king said to daniel, your god, to whom you continuly worship, will deliver you out. Dan.6.17 so they brought a stone and laid it on the cisterna of the cistern, and the king were sealed with his ring and with the ring of his rulers, so that no thing might be deceived by daniel. Dan.6.18 so the king went home and fell in his house, and he fell in a distance, and they brought no garment to him. and the sound was away from him. so god rejected the mouths of the leones, and they did not persuaded to daniel. Dan.6.19 the morning of the day the king rose up, and he went in earnestly to the cisterny of the lions. Dan.6.20 and as he drew near to the cistern, he called daniel with a loud voice, saying, daniel, o servant of the living god, your god, whom you continuly worship, has able to deliver you out of the lions? Dan.6.21 so daniel said to the king, o king, live forever! Dan.6.22 my god has sent his angel and stopped the mouths of the lions, so that they did not deceive me, for i have found my purpose in his presence, and even before you, o king, i have done no wrong. Dan.6.23 then the king was greatly greatly accused, and he told daniel to take out of the cistern. so daniel had taken up from the well and was not found any destruction in him, because he had believed in his god. Dan.6.24 then the king had commanded those men who had determined daniel, and they were thrown into the rook of the lions, they and their sons and their women, and they did not come to the ground of the cisterny, while the leons had domined over them, and they broken all their wonders. Dan.6.25 then the king darius wrote to all the people, people and tongues that dwell on the whole earth: peace be with you. Dan.6.26 this is commanded that in all the beginning of my kingdom will be treated and fear before the god of daniel, for he is the living god and abide forever, and his kingdom will not be destroyed and his domination forever. Dan.6.27 he remains and remains, and has done signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, who has saved daniel from the hand of the lions. Dan.6.28 and daniel was ready in the kingdom of darius and in the kingdom of cyrus, the perse. Dan.7.1 in the first year of belshassar, king of the chaldeans, daniel saw a son and the vision of his head on his bed. so he wrote the droom. Dan.7.2 daniel said, now i saw in my vision in the night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were broken into the great sea, Dan.7.3 and many great beasts were coming out of the sea, divided one of one. Dan.7.4 the first was like a lion, but had anner as ears. i saw that its bears were broken up, and it was taken up from the earth and stood on a feet as a man, and a heart of man was given to it. Dan.7.5 and behold, a second beast was like a rod. it was standing in the same side, and there was in the mouth three copper among her teeth. so they said to her, rise and eat much flesh. Dan.7.6 after this i looked, and behold, another beast was like a leopard, and it was a four birth of birth. the beast had four heads, and authority was given to it. Dan.7.7 after this i looked, and behold, a fourth beast, terrible, treated and greatly, with great iron teeth. it was eating and broken and trampled the rest with his feet, and it was excellent from all the beast that was before him, and it had ten ten corns. Dan.7.8 i saw the horns, and behold, another little horn came up among them, and three of the first horns were cut away from his presence. and behold, in this horn there were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth that spoke great things. Dan.7.9 i saw that thrones were made, and a old days sat. his garment was a white, and the hair of his head was white, and the hair of his head was like pure wolle. his throne was a flame of fire, his wiele was a flame of fire. Dan.7.10 a flame of fire drew before him, a thousand thousand served to him, and many thousands stood before him. a judge sat, and the letters were opened. Dan.7.11 i saw then, because of the voice of the great words that the horn spoke, i saw, until the beast was killed, and his body was destroyed and given to be burned to fire. Dan.7.12 to the rest of the beast were received the authority, but the longer of life was given to them as to time and time. Dan.7.13 i saw in the vision of the night, and behold, with the clouds of heaven was coming like a son of man, and he came to the old of days and brought to him. Dan.7.14 and his authority and honor and kingdom was given to him, and all nations, nations and tongues shall serve him. his authority is eternal authority, which will not pass away, and his kingdom will not be destroyed. Dan.7.15 i, daniel, beared my spirit in my course, and the vision of my head were troubled by me. Dan.7.16 then i came to one of those who stood there, and asked him about this question of these things, and he told me the interpretation of these things, Dan.7.17 these great beast, which are four, are four roins, which will rise out of the earth. Dan.7.18 but the saints of the most high will receive the kingdom and keep it forever and ever. Dan.7.19 so i sought to search about the fourth beast, which was different from all, more terrible, with tears of iron and of bronze of bronze, who ate and broke and treated the rest with his feet, Dan.7.20 and concerning the ten horns that was at his head, and of the other horn that had ascended and for whom three were shaken, that was, the horn that had eyes and a mouth that spoke greatly, and which was greater than the rest. Dan.7.21 i saw that that horn walked against the saints and was strengthened them, Dan.7.22 until the old day came and the judgment was given to the saints of the most high, and the time came, and the saints received the kingdom. Dan.7.23 so he said, the fourth beast, a fourth kingdom will be in the earth, which will be greater than all the kingdoms. it will devour the whole earth and trample it and destroy it. Dan.7.24 the ten horns of the ten horns are ten kings who will rise, and after them there will rise another, who will be greater than the first, and will afflict three kings. Dan.7.25 he will speak the words to the most high and destroy the saints of the most high. he will expect to despise the time and the law, and they will be given in his hand to one time and times and a half time. Dan.7.26 then the judgment will sit, and he will take away his ruler, to destroy and destroy until the end. Dan.7.27 but the kingdom and the authority and the majesty of the rules under heaven will be given to the saints of the most high. his kingdom is a eternal kingdom, and all the rulers will serve him and obey him. Dan.7.28 this is the end of the things. i, daniel, greatly troubled my thoughts, and my face was restrained. but i kept the word in my heart. Dan.8.1 in the third day of the king of belshassar, i, daniel, appeared a vision after the time that had appeared to me at first. Dan.8.2 and i saw in a vision, which was in the province elams, i saw in a vision, we were on the jol. Dan.8.3 i lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, a judge stood before the joy, with horns. the horns were high, but the one was more more than the other, and the high was at last. Dan.8.4 i saw the oinaar proclaiming west, and norden and süden, and not any beast was standing before him, and no one was escaped from his hand, and he did according to his will and increased. Dan.8.5 as i recognized, behold, a bopreter came from the west over the face of all the earth, and he was not touching the earth. and the bock had a teating horn among his eyes. Dan.8.6 he came to the judge with the two horns that i had seen standing before the joy, and ran to him in the strength of his might. Dan.8.7 i saw him coming to the judge and turned up against him, and he struck the money and broke his two horns. the judge had no power to stand in his presence, and he broke him on earth and trampled him. there was no one who red the oiney from his hand. Dan.8.8 the bock was great granted, and when he was strengthened, the great horn was broken, and four horns came up under him to the four winds of the heavens. Dan.8.9 from one of them a great horn came out, and it was greatly granted to the south and to the east and to the power of the power. Dan.8.10 he granted up to the power of heaven and cut down on the ground some of the power and of the stars and trampled them. Dan.8.11 he departed even to the ruler of the armée, and for him was carried out the sacrifice of sacrifice, and the holy places was destroyed. Dan.8.12 and on the sacrifice of sin was given to sin, and the righteousness was thrown down to the ground, and he did and prospered. Dan.8.13 then i heard a holy one speaking, and a holy holy said to the one who was speaking, how long will the vision be standing at the present sacrifice and the desolation of desolation, and the holy place and the power will be trampled under? Dan.8.14 and he said to me, i will have two thousand years and morning, and the holy place will be clean. Dan.8.15 when i, daniel, saw the vision and were seeking to understand, behold, there stood before me the appearance of a man. Dan.8.16 and i heard a voice of man among the olai, and he called, gabriel, show this vision. Dan.8.17 so he came and stood by my place. and when he came, i was troubled and fell on my face. and he said to me, understand, son of man, for the vision is at the end of the end. Dan.8.18 while he was speaking with me, i fell down with face to the earth. but he touched me and raised me up. Dan.8.19 and he said, behold, i will tell you what will be in the last of the wrath, for the vision is for the end of the end. Dan.8.20 the judge that you saw, with the horns of media and persia, Dan.8.21 the bound of the cish is the king of greeks, and the great horn that is among his eyes is the first king. Dan.8.22 and that it was broken, and that four feet stood down, four kings will rise from the nation, but not with his power. Dan.8.23 at the last time of their kingdom, when their sins are fulfilled, a king of appearance and understanding will rise up. Dan.8.24 and his power will be strengthened, not by his power, and he will destroy wonderful and destroy, and he will destroy the strength and the people of the holy things. Dan.8.25 in his purpose will deceive his deceit in his hand, and in his heart he will be granted. he will destroy many people in belonging to many. he will stand against the prince of the ones, but will not be destroyed by the hand of the hand. Dan.8.26 the vision of the evening and the first time, which was spoken, is true. but do you seal the vision, for it is for many days. Dan.8.27 and i, daniel, was asleep and was afflicted every day. then i rose and made the work of the king. and i was astonished to the vision, but there was not one of them. Dan.9.1 in the first year of darius, the son of hasuerus, of the offspring of media, who was regering over the kingdom of the chaldeans, Dan.9.2 in the one year of his kingdom, i, daniel, understood in the book the number of the years, which the word of the lord was spoken to the prophet jeremia to be fulfilled of the desolation of jerusalem. Dan.9.3 and i turned my face to the lord god to ask prayer and prayer, in fasting and sack and aspery. Dan.9.4 and i prayed to the lord my god and confessed, and said, o lord, you great and terrible god, who keep the covenant and the mercy to those who love you and keep your commandments! Dan.9.5 we have sinned and wronged, we have wronged and deceived. we have deceived from your commandments and your commandments. Dan.9.6 we did not listen to your servants, the prophets, who said in your name to our kings and our rulers and our fathers and to all the people of the land. Dan.9.7 to you, o lord, is righteousness, and for us is the shame of the face, as it is this on this day, to the people of judah and to the residents of jerusalem and for all israel, who are near and far in all the land where you have scattered them for their dishonors that they did against you. Dan.9.8 lord, for us is the shame of the face, and to our kings and our rulers and our fathers, for we have sinned against you. Dan.9.9 but to the lord our god are the mercy and the propitiation, for we were rebeldes. Dan.9.10 we did not listen to the voice of the lord our god, to go in his commandments that he gave before us by his servants, the prophets, Dan.9.11 all israel departed your law and turned away from hearing your voice. so the curse and the oath that was written in the law of moses, the servant of god, for we have sinned against him. Dan.9.12 and he rejected his words that he spoke against us and against our judges who were judged us, to bring upon us great evil, which has not been done under heaven, as has happened in jerusalem. Dan.9.13 as it is written in the law of moses, all this mal has come upon us. but we did not please the lord our god to turn from our deeds and to understand your truth. Dan.9.14 so the lord was watching and brought them upon us, for the lord our god is just in all his doing that he has done, but we did not listen to his voice. Dan.9.15 and now, o lord our god, who led your people out of the land of egypt with a sterke hand and made for you a name like this day, we have sinned, we have become wrong. Dan.9.16 o lord, by all your righteousness, let your wrath and wrath return from your city jerusalem, your holy mountain, for we have sinned and because of our fathers the sins of our fathers jerusalem and your people become a reproach for all who are around us. Dan.9.17 and now, our god, hear the prayer of your servant and his prayers, and show your face to your desolate sanctuary for the sake of the lord. Dan.9.18 let your god call your ears and hear! open your eyes and see our desolate place and the city that is called to your name. for we deceive our mercy in your presence, but because of your great mercy. Dan.9.19 o lord, hear! lord, forgive! lord, listen and do! do not spend, for your sake, my god, for your city and your people are called to your name. Dan.9.20 while i was still speaking and prayed and confessed my sins and the sin of my people israel and played my prayer before the holy mountain of my god, Dan.9.21 while i was still speaking in the prayer, the man gabriel, whom i had seen in the vision in the beginning, turned and touched me at the hour of the evening. Dan.9.22 and he instructed me and spoke to me, and said, daniel, now i have gone out to make you understanding. Dan.9.23 in the beginning of your supplication came a word, and i have come to tell you, for you are a desire man. consider the word and understand the vision. Dan.9.24 seven seeds are complete over your people and for your holy city, so that the sake of sin may be fulfilled and the transgression of sins, and to make propitiation for unrighteousness, to bring eternal righteousness, and to seal the vision and the prophet, and to anoint the holy things. Dan.9.25 so know and understand: from the coming of a speech to be rebuked and to build jerusalem, until the ruler's ruler will be seven seeds, and seven two seeds. then he will be built up, and the gates and the gates will be built up. Dan.9.26 and after the sexty-two seeds, the anointing will be destroyed and there will be no condemnation. and the city and the holy place will destroy the city and the holy place, but for a flood, and to the end of wrath will be destroyed. Dan.9.27 and he will make a covenant with many one the first, and in the midst of the seventh day the sacrifice and the sacrifice will be taken up, and at the temple the abomination of desolation will be destroyed, until the end of a end will be brought in the desolate place. Dan.10.1 in the third anno of cyro, king of persia, a word was revealed to daniel, whose name was called beltsasar. the word was true and was great power. he recognized the vision. Dan.10.2 in those days i, daniel, were mouring three tights days. Dan.10.3 in desire bread i did not eat, women and wine did not enter my mouth, and i anointed me no wine, until the three woats of days were fulfilled. Dan.10.4 on the third and the fourth day of the first money, i was at the side of the great river, that is hiddekel, Dan.10.5 and i looked up my eyes and saw, and behold, there was a man clothed in linen robe, and his hope was around with gold of uphaz. Dan.10.6 his body was like tarsis, his face was like a speer of flashes, his eyes were like a flame of fire, his hands and his feet were like a fine bronze, and the voice of his words was like the voice of a great crowd. Dan.10.7 only i, daniel, saw the vision, but the men who were with me did not see this vision, but great fear fell on them, and they fled in fear. Dan.10.8 so i left me alone, and i saw this great vision, and there was not a power in me, and my glory was turned in a destruction, and i did not have had a strength. Dan.10.9 and i heard the voice of his words. and when i heard the voice of his words i became trembling with my face to the earth. Dan.10.10 and behold, a hand touched me and raised me on my knees. Dan.10.11 and he said to me, daniel, man of desire, understand the words that i am saying to you and stand here. for now i am sent to you. and while he spoke to me this saying, i stand trembling. Dan.10.12 and he said to me, do not be afraid, daniel, for from the first day when you put your heart to understand and to shame before your god, your words were heard, and i have come in your words. Dan.10.13 but the ruler of the kingdom of persia stood against me for twenty-one day. and behold, michael, one of the first rulers, came to help me, and i left there with the rulers of persia. Dan.10.14 so i came to tell you what has happened to your people at the last days, for the vision is still for days. Dan.10.15 while he had spoken these words to me, i looked at the earth and died. Dan.10.16 and behold, a man like a son of men touched my lips. then i opened my mouth and spoke, and i said to him who stood before me, my lord, by the vision my ground turned around me, and i had no power. Dan.10.17 and how can this servant, my lord, to speak with this master of me? for from now on there was no power in me, and no food has left me. Dan.10.18 then the one who had a sight of a man touched me and strengthened me. Dan.10.19 and he said, do not be afraid, o loved man, peace be with you. be strong, and be able. and when he spoke to me, i became strong. and i said, look, my lord, for you have made me strength. Dan.10.20 and he said, you know why i have come to you? now i will return to strike against the ruler of persia, and when i am going out, the ruler of greeks will come. Dan.10.21 but i will tell you what was commanded in the scripture of truth. and there is no one who hold fast with me against these, except michael your ruler. Dan.11.1 i stood in the first year of cyrus, to be strengthening and strengthening. Dan.11.2 and now i will tell you the truth. behold, there will be three kings in persia, and the fourth will be rich more than all, and when he has seized his riches, he will raised all against the kingdom of greeks. Dan.11.3 and there will rise a strong king, and he will domine with great dominion and do according to his will. Dan.11.4 but as he has standing, his kingdom will be broken and divided to the four winds of heaven, but not to his last, or not according to his dominion that he had domined, for his kingdom will be broken and will be divided for others except these. Dan.11.5 and the king of the south will be strong, and one of his rulers will be strong than one, and his authority will be great dominion. Dan.11.6 and after a next years they will be encouraged, and the daughter of the soom will come to the king of the nordland to make fellowship. but he will not endure the strength of his arm, and the daughter will be delivered up, and her daughter will be delivered, and it will be delivered, and it will be delivered in the time. Dan.11.7 but a spring from the food of her foot will come in his place, and he will come to the power, and will enter the strength of the king of the nord and will make it out with them and be strengthened. Dan.11.8 even their gods, their idols with their idols, their desires of silver and gold will he take captive into egypt, and he will remain for the king of the north. Dan.11.9 so he will come into the kingdom of the king of the south, but will return into his land. Dan.11.10 yet his sons will recognize a great crowd of great armées, and they will come as a storm and come down, and he will come down and happen to his strength. Dan.11.11 then the king of the south will be troubled, and he will go and strike against the king of the nordland, and he will set a great crowd, and the crowd will be delivered in his hand. Dan.11.12 and he will take the crowd, and his heart will be exalted, and he will destroy many thousand, but he will not be able. Dan.11.13 for the king of the nord will return and bring a great crowd more than the first, and at a end of some years he will come in with great power and great wealth. Dan.11.14 in those times many many will rise against the king of the south, and the shorders of your people will lead up, for the vision will remain, but they will fall. Dan.11.15 and the king of the nord will come and cast a rock and gather a befestisht city, and the arms of the south will not stand up, and his elect, and no power will be able to stand. Dan.11.16 and the one who comes against him will do according to his will, and no one will stand before him. he will stand in the faithful land and be destroyed in his hand. Dan.11.17 and he will make his face to come in the power of all his kingdom, and turn will he do with him, and he will give him a daughter of women to destroy it, but he will not have nothing and will not be for him. Dan.11.18 then he will turn to the island and gather many. but a ruler will turn his spor and turn for him. Dan.11.19 and he will turn his face to the ground of his land, but he will fall and fall and be not found. Dan.11.20 and in his place there will rise a distribution of a reason over the glory of the kingdom. but only in those days it will be broken, not by appearance or by war. Dan.11.21 on his place will there be a despised, and they will not give the glory of the kingdom. but he will come in effection and will help the kingdom with violence. Dan.11.22 and the arm of storm will be broken down from his face and be destroyed, and the ruler of the covenant. Dan.11.23 and as they are reconciled to him, he will make a deceit, and will rise and be strengthened with a little nation. Dan.11.24 in belonging to the ground of the country will he come and do what his fathers and the fathers of his fathers did not do. he will scattery their roof and buy, and plant his thoughts against egypt, even to a time. Dan.11.25 and he will set up his power and his heart against a king of the south with a great armée, and the king of the south will strike to the war with a great and great power, but he will not stand, because they will complete plants against him. Dan.11.26 they will eat his coming and destroy him, and his power will burn, and many will fall, and many will fall. Dan.11.27 both of the two kings will have their hearts to evil, and on one table they will speak false things, but they will not be right, for the end is still for a time. Dan.11.28 and he will return to his land with great possession, and his heart will be against the holy covenant. he will do and return into his land. Dan.11.29 in the time time he will return and come to the midst, but the last time will not be like the first. Dan.11.30 for the coming of kittim will come in him, and he will be afflicted, and will return and wrath against the holy covenant. and he will return and consider those who have left the holy covenant. Dan.11.31 and they will rise of his offspring, and they will profane the holiness of his power and defile the continuo offering, and they will give a abomination of abomination. Dan.11.32 the transgressions of the covenant will put in moundation, and the people who know his god will be strengthened and will do. Dan.11.33 the wise of the people will understand many things, and they will fall for sword and a flame, a captive and a robling days. Dan.11.34 and in their weakness they will help a little help, and many will increase them with difficulty. Dan.11.35 and from the wise people will weak, to purifike them and to choose and to be revealed until the end of the end, for it will be still for a while. Dan.11.36 and he will do according to his will, and the king will be exalted, and he will be granted over all god and speak excellent things. and he will pray, until the wrath has finished, for it will come to the end. Dan.11.37 he will not understand of all the deeds of his fathers or the desires of women, nor will he understand any god, for he will be magnified over all. Dan.11.38 but on his place he will glorify the god that his fathers did not know. he will glorify with gold and silver, with precious stones and precious things. Dan.11.39 and he will make to the treasures of those who are strengthened with another god. and he will make great glory and make them many under, and he will call the land with gifts. Dan.11.40 but in the end of the end the king of the south will be accused with him, and the king of the nordland will burn against him with kolesnits and horses and many sears, and he will come in the land and broke and pass away. Dan.11.41 he will come into the glorious land, and many will fall, and these will escape from his hand: edom and moab and the beginning of the sons of ammon. Dan.11.42 he will stretch out his hand against lands, and the land of egypt will not escape. Dan.11.43 he will share in the secrets of gold and silver and in all the desires of egypt. the libians and the etiopians will be in their treasures. Dan.11.44 but a hearing from the east and from the north will fear him, and he will come in great wrath to destroy and destroy many. Dan.11.45 he will set his palts among the sea and the mount of the holy mountain. but he will come to his part, and no one will help him. Dan.12.1 in that time michael, the great ruler who is standing with the sons of your people will rise, and there will be a time of tribulation that there has not been since there was a nation from that time to that time. but in that time your people will be saved, all who are found in the book. Dan.12.2 and many of those who sleeps in the ground of the earth will be raised, others to eternal life and others to shame and eternal confusion. Dan.12.3 and those who understand will shine like the bright of the throne, and those who justify many will shine as the stars forever and ever. Dan.12.4 but you, daniel, call the words and seal the scroll to the end of the end. many will belong, and the knowledge will be multiplied. Dan.12.5 and i, daniel, looked, and behold, two other stood standing, one on the other side of the river, and the other on the other side of the river. Dan.12.6 and one said to the man who was clothed in linen robes, which was over the water of the river: how will the end be the end of these wonders? Dan.12.7 and i heard the man who was clothed in linen clothing, who was on the water of the river, he exalted his right hand and his left hand to heaven and swore by the one who lives forever, that for a time, times, and a hald time, and a half of the hands of the holy people will be fulfilled. Dan.12.8 and i heard, but did not understand, and i said, lord, what will the last of these have? Dan.12.9 and he said, come, daniel, for the words are sealed and sealed until the end of the end. Dan.12.10 many will be broken and broken, and many will be broken. the unrighteous will defile, and no unrighteous will understand, but the wise will understand. Dan.12.11 from the time when the continuing offering will pass away and the abomination of desolation will be made, there will be 1290 days. Dan.12.12 blessed is the one who remains and comes for 1335 days. Dan.12.13 but you, come, and remain still for a day, as long as a feast will be fulfilled, and you will rise in your lot for all days. and he will set his shabs among the sea and the mount of the holy mountain. yet he will come to his part, and there is no one who will help him. Hos.1.1 the word of the lord that came to hosea, the son of beeri, in the days of uzzia, jotham, ahaz, and ezequias, kings of judah, and in the days of jerobeam, the son of joas, king of israel. Hos.1.2 the beginning of the word of the lord with hosea. and the lord said to hosea, go and take for yourself a woman of sexual immorality and children of sexual immorality, for the land bears sexual immorality from the lord. Hos.1.3 so he went and took gomer, a daughter of diblaim. and she became conceived and gave him a son. Hos.1.4 and the lord said to him, call his name jezreel, for for a little while i will punish the blood of jezreel over the house of jehu, and i will restore the kingdom of the house of israel. Hos.1.5 in that day i will broke the bound of israel in the dal of jezreel. Hos.1.6 and she became conceived and became a daughter. and he said to him, call her name lo-ruhama, for i will never have mercy on the house of israel, but refere them. Hos.1.7 but i will have mercy on the sons of judah, and i will save them by the lord their god, and i will not save them by bogen or sword or by wars or hors. Hos.1.8 and when she had carried lo-ruhama, she became birth and became a son. Hos.1.9 and he said, call his name lo-ammi, for you are not my people, and i am not your people. Hos.1.10 yet the number of the sons of israel will be like the sand of the sea, which will not be numbered or number. and it will be that in the place where it was said to them, you are not my people. they shall say to them, you are sons of the living god. Hos.1.11 and the sons of judah and the people of israel will gather together and make one ruler for themselves, and they will come up from the land, for great will be the day of jezreel. Hos.2.1 say to your brothers, ami, and your sister, marma. Hos.2.2 judge with your mother, judge, for she is not my wife, and i am not her husband. let her sexual immorality from your presence and her sexual immorality from his mights, Hos.2.3 so that i may deal her naked and reject it, as she was when she became birth. i will make her like a wilderness and put her like a wilderness and kill her by thirsty. Hos.2.4 i will not have mercy on her children, for they are children of sexual immorality. Hos.2.5 for their mother has committed sexual immorality, he who had born them has committed sexual immorality, for she said, i will follow my love who gives me my bread and my water, my linen clothing and my wine and my oil. Hos.2.6 therefore, behold, i will strike her way with a dorn, and i will rebuild its way, and she will not find her home. Hos.2.7 he will follow her liebers, but will not overcome them. he will seek them, but he will not find them. then she will say, i will go to my first husband, for it was well for me in that time than now. Hos.2.8 and she did not know that i had given her the wheat and the wine and the olive, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they did to baal. Hos.2.9 therefore i will return and take my wheat for his time, and my wine in his time, and i will take away my clothing and my linen cloth-clothing. Hos.2.10 now i will reveal her shine in the presence of her liebs, and no one will deliver her from my hand. Hos.2.11 so i will turn all her joy, its feast, her feast, her sabbath, and all her feast. Hos.2.12 i will destroy her vineyard and its fig tree, of which she said, it is my reward, which my beloved have given me. i will make them a beast, and the wild beasts of the country will eat them. Hos.2.13 and i will visite her for the days of the baals, when she offered offering for them, and put on her arms and her garments, and followed her liebers, but she forgeed me, says the lord. Hos.2.14 therefore, behold, i will share her and put her into the wilderness and speak in her heart. Hos.2.15 and i will give her her possessions from there, and the dal of achor to open her wisdom, and she will be humilied there, as at the days of her child, as at the day of her coming out of the land of egypt. Hos.2.16 in that day, says the lord, you will call me, my husband, and you shall not call me, baalol. Hos.2.17 i will take the names of the baals from her mouth, and their name shall no longer be remembered. Hos.2.18 in that day i will make a covenant with them with the beast of the field and with the birds of the air and with the reptiles of the earth. i will brise the bound and the sword and the war from the earth, and i will make you live in hope. Hos.2.19 i will remember you forever, and i will remember you in righteousness and judgment, in mercy and mercy. Hos.2.20 i will remember you in faith, and you will know the lord. Hos.2.21 in that day i will exaudi, says, i will listen to heaven, and they will listen to the earth. Hos.2.22 and the earth will listen to the wheat and the wine and the olive, and these will listen to jizreel. Hos.2.23 and i will seed it for me on the land, and i will have mercy of lo-ruhama. i will say to lo-ammi, you are my people. and they will say, you are my god. Hos.3.1 and the lord said to me, go still and love a woman who love a widow and adultery, as the lord loves the children of israel, but they look at others god and love oeps. Hos.3.2 so i delivered him for me for fourty sicles of silver and a homer homer and a burg of ex. Hos.3.3 and i said to her, long day you will sit on me. do not sexual immorality and do not be directed to another man, and i too will be with you. Hos.3.4 for in many days the sons of israel will be without king, without ruler, without sacrifice, without efod and idol. Hos.3.5 after this the people will return and seek the lord their god and david their king, and they will be treated at the lord and to his good good at the last days. Hos.4.1 hear the word of the lord, you children of israel, for the lord has a judgment against the habitants of the earth, since there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of god on the earth. Hos.4.2 so there will be false and false and murder and adultery and adultery, and blood brings against blood. Hos.4.3 therefore the land will be mourned, and all who dwell in it will be unquented, with the beast of the field, with the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea will cast away. Hos.4.4 but no one condemn, nor rebuke anyone, for your people are as a contradictor of a priest. Hos.4.5 so you will fall on the day, and a prophet will fall with you in the night, and i will strike your mother. Hos.4.6 my people has like a knowledge of knowledge, for you have thrown away knowledge, and i will leave you, so that you may not be my priesthood. you have forgotten the law of your god, and i will have your children. Hos.4.7 as they were, so they did sinned against me; they will make their glory in dishonor. Hos.4.8 they eat the sins of my people, and by their wrongdoing they will bear their souls. Hos.4.9 so the priest will be like the people, and i will visite him for his ways, and i will repay him for his deeds. Hos.4.10 they will eat and never be sawn, they will sexual immorality and not be directed, for they have left the lord to keep him. Hos.4.11 sexual immorality, wine, and wine bears the heart. Hos.4.12 my people ask him by his cloak, and in his scepter they proclaim. the spirit of sexual immorality deceived, and they prostituted from their god. Hos.4.13 they brings offering offerings on the top of the mountains and brings on the coll under a terebinthe and a white and a terebince, for it is a good short. therefore your daughters will sexual immorality, and your daughters commits adultery. Hos.4.14 i will not visite your daughters as they are sexual immorality, nor your bries when they commits adultery, for they yourselves brings away with the prostitutes and brings offering offering with the prostitutes. so the people who does not understand will fall to fall. Hos.4.15 if you, israel, do not defile, not even juda. do not go in to gilgal and not go up to the house of on, and do not swee, so how the lord is living. Hos.4.16 for israel has been carried as a beast beast; now the lord will feed them as a lamb in a leading place. Hos.4.17 ephraim has been distributed with idols. put it to him! Hos.4.18 the kana who committed sexual immorality, deceived their sexual immorality. Hos.4.19 the wind bread them in their pinds, and they will be shamed by their sacrifices. Hos.5.1 hear this, you priests, and take attention, o house of israel, and listen to the house of the king! for your condemnation is to you, for you were a strik to mispa and a net that is caught on tabor. Hos.5.2 the accusers ruiled in a harm, but i punish them with discipline. Hos.5.3 i know ephraim, and israel is not leave of me, for now you have committed sexual immorality, israel is defiled. Hos.5.4 their deeds do not grant to return to their god, for the spirit of sexual immorality is in them, and they have not recognized the lord. Hos.5.5 the arrogant of israel bears his face against him, and israel and ephraim will fall because of their wrongdoing, and judas will fall with them. Hos.5.6 with their sheep and tyre they will go to seek the lord, but they will not find him, for he departed from them. Hos.5.7 they have devoted the lord for his own children, for they have been born children. now the day will consume them and their families. Hos.5.8 blow in the trumpet in gibea, a trumpet on gibea, crying out in bet-aven, you, benjamin! Hos.5.9 ephraim will become a desolate day in the day of reproach. among the tribes of israel i have shown faithful. Hos.5.10 the rulers of judah have become as those who born the region. i will giew my course upon them as water. Hos.5.11 ephraim is afflicted, companed with condemnation, for he has began to follow the suffering. Hos.5.12 so i will come to ephraim as a trouble, and for the household for the house of judah. Hos.5.13 when ephraim saw his sick and juda his bowle, ephraim went to assur, and he sent to a king of jareb, but he could not heal you, nor will he heal you. Hos.5.14 for i will be like a lion to ephraim, like a lion for the house of judah. i, i will ran and go, and i will take away, and no one will save. Hos.5.15 i will go and return to my place, until they will leave and seek my face. in their affliction they will rise to me. Hos.6.1 let us go and return to the lord, for he has divided and healed us; he will strike and bound us. Hos.6.2 after two days he will save us. on the third day he will rise, and we will live in his presence. Hos.6.3 let us know, we will seek to know the lord, as earthly earthness we will find him. he will come as a rain for us, a gentle and reason for the earth. Hos.6.4 what shall i do with you, o ephraim, what shall i do to you, juda? your mercy is like the morning of the morning and the daughter that turn back. Hos.6.5 therefore i have distributed the prophets, i killed them by the words of my mouth, and my judgment will come as light. Hos.6.6 for i desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and knowledge of god than holocauste. Hos.6.7 but they encouraged my covenant as a man, there they rejected me. Hos.6.8 galaad is a city of workers of idol, bearing water. Hos.6.9 as for a strong man is your strength, the priests asleep for the journey of shepem, for they do wrongdoing. Hos.6.10 in the house of israel i have seen diseasness. there is the sexual immorality of ephraim, israel is defiled. Hos.6.11 even for you, judas, has come a harvest when i turn the captive of my people. Hos.7.1 while i heal israel, so was revealed the transgression of ephraim and the evil of samaria, for they are doing false things. a thief enter him, a robber of robbers are in his way. Hos.7.2 they do not think in their hearts that i remember all their booces. now their deeds are around them, they are before my face. Hos.7.3 they rejoice the king with their own malice, and with their false rulers the rulers. Hos.7.4 they all commits adultery, like a furn burned for a basket, which puts away from the bright, when the grain has taken up until it is loved. Hos.7.5 in the time of your king the rulers began to share in the wine of the wine, he stretches his hand to the slander. Hos.7.6 for they carry their hearts as a ovn, so that their hearts brings up all night, and in the morning it brus like a flame of fire. Hos.7.7 they all are warned as a ovn, and they eat their judges. all their kings fell down, there is no one among them who call to me. Hos.7.8 ephraim deceives with the people. ephraim has been distributed, which is not removed. Hos.7.9 others devored his strength, but he does not know it. his harm have been carried out, and he does not know it. Hos.7.10 the arrogant of israel is directed against him, but they will not turn to the lord their god, and do not seek him in all these things. Hos.7.11 ephraim is like a dove without heart, who calls in heart. they call to egypt, they go to assyrien. Hos.7.12 as they go, i will set my nets upon them, like the birds of the air i will throw them down. i will discipline them as it was heard of their affliction. Hos.7.13 woe to them, for they departed from me! destroy them, for they have deceived me. i delivered them, and they spoke false things against me. Hos.7.14 they were not crying out to me in their hearts, as they wait on their leges. they gather for wheat and wine, but they were punished against me. Hos.7.15 i strengthened their hands, and they thought evil against me. Hos.7.16 they turn, but neither, they are like a companed bound. their rulers will fall for the sword for the reason of their tongue. so they will be contempted in the land of egypt. Hos.8.1 leave the sheep! it will come like a angel against the house of the lord, because they have transgressed my covenant and have deceived my law. Hos.8.2 you cries, god, we know you. Hos.8.3 israel has removed good; his enemy will persecute. Hos.8.4 they made rulers, but not of me, they made kings, but i did not know them. their silver and gold they have made idoles for themselves, so that they might be destroyed. Hos.8.5 your oxe, samaria, is turned. my wrath has become wrath against them. how long will they do not be cleansed? Hos.8.6 for israel it is, the child has made it, and it is not god. for the kalf of samaria will come in deceive. Hos.8.7 for they have semped wind, and the wind will raise it. a garp does not have garn, and if it comes, others will devour it. Hos.8.8 israel is consummed! now they are now among the nations like a good vase. Hos.8.9 for they went up to assur, excellent for himself. ephraim loves love. Hos.8.10 yet they will be delivered among the nations, now i will gather them, and they will shame for a little while to anoint the king of the rulers. Hos.8.11 for ephraim has made many altars for sin. they were altars for sin. Hos.8.12 i write to him all his instructions, but they were counted as a stranger. Hos.8.13 though they offert sacrifice, they eat a flesh and eat, the lord does not accept them. now he will remember their deeds and visits their sins. they will return into egypt. Hos.8.14 for israel has forgotten his maker and built palts, and judas has multiplied greatly cities, but i will send fire into his city and consume their palats. Hos.9.1 do not rejoice, israel, and rejoice like the people, for you have committed sexual immorality from your god. you have loved gifts on every ground of wheat. Hos.9.2 winning and winepress they will not recognize them, and the wine will deceive them. Hos.9.3 they will not dwell in the land of the lord, but ephraim will return into egypt and to eat unclean thing. Hos.9.4 they will not sow offering wine for the lord, and their sacrifices will not be offered for him, they will be for them as a bread of mourn. all who eat it will be defiled, for their bread is for their souls, they will not enter the house of the lord. Hos.9.5 what will you do at the feast of feast, in the day of the feast of the lord? Hos.9.6 for this reason they will go out of destruction. egypt will raise them out, memphis will buriry them. their money will inherit their silver, thorns will be in their tenders. Hos.9.7 the days of wrath came, the days of reward have come. israel will understand this. the prophet is a devout man, a man of spiritual, because of your great iniquitate and greatness. Hos.9.8 a guard of ephraim is with god, a prophet is a strik of rook on all his ways, a deceiving in the house of his lord. Hos.9.9 they are destroying, as long as the days of gibea. he remember his iniquity, and visits his sins. Hos.9.10 i found israel as women in the wilderness, i saw your fathers as the eager in the fig tree, they saw their fathers. but they came to baal-peor and were devoted to shame, and they were worthy as the beloved. Hos.9.11 ephraim, like a birds is set out of their glory, from anguish, from gentle and gentle. Hos.9.12 even if they show their children, i will defile them from people, for woe to them when i come from them! Hos.9.13 ephraim, just as i saw it, are set in a district, but ephraim will take his children to the household. Hos.9.14 give them, lord, what you will give them? give them a district back and droogt cloths. Hos.9.15 all their booces is at gilgal, for there i have hated them because of their malice of deeds. i will cast them out of my house, i will not love them. all their rulers are disobedient. Hos.9.16 ephraim has been destroyed, his rod is withered, they will not bear fruit. if they have been born, i will kill the desire of their womb. Hos.9.17 their god will leave them, because they did not listen to him, and they will be deceived among the nations. Hos.10.1 israel was planted a vineyard vineyard. according to the multitude of his fruit he increased the altars; how much more is his land, he bears images. Hos.10.2 their heart is distributed, now they are desoled. he will destroy their altars and destroy their bilds. Hos.10.3 for now they will say, we have no king, for we did not fear the lord, and what shall the king do to us? Hos.10.4 they speak words, deceive false; they will keep an covenant. the judgment will increase as a wick on the ground of the field. Hos.10.5 the inwoners of samaria will weep for the oxe of bet-aven, for his people will weep over it, and his people will weep for him for his glory, because it has departed from him. Hos.10.6 he also will come to assyrien, a gift to the king of jareb. ephraim will be ashamed, and israel will be ashamed for his purpose. Hos.10.7 samaria has broken down, its king is like a flag on the watch of water. Hos.10.8 the helts of on, the sin of israel, will be broken up. thorns and disteln will come up on their altares. they will say to the mountains, cover us, and to the colles, fall on us. Hos.10.9 from the time of gibea you have sinned, israel. there they stood. a strict against the children of unrighteousness will not leave them in gibeah. Hos.10.10 so i am coming to discipline them, and people will gather against them, when they punish them in their two wrongdoing. Hos.10.11 ephraim is a beast instructed, as he love a harp, but i will go on its very halk. i will strike ephraim. judas will shurn, and jacob will burn. Hos.10.12 seed for yourselves for righteousness, turn for the fruit of life. find light for yourselves, for knowledge to the lord, until he comes and produces for you righteousness. Hos.10.13 you have silenced the ungodliness, calling your unrighteousness, you have eaten the fruit of lie, for you have set your confidence in your people, in the number of your power. Hos.10.14 so a destruction will rise against your people, and all your forts and all your forts will be destroyed, as salman distributed the house of jerubbaal in the days of a war. mother was destroyed with children. Hos.10.15 so so will a house of israel make for you for your malice. earnestly will the king of israel be destroyed. Hos.11.1 when israel was a child, i loved him, and from egypt i called his son. Hos.11.2 as i called them, so they departed from me. they offered offers to the baals and offered offers for idols. Hos.11.3 i learned ephraim to lead, and i took him for my hands. but they did not know that i had healed them. Hos.11.4 by human cords i put them out, by the chains of love, and i was for them as those who feeds on his winds, and i could look at them. Hos.11.5 he will live in egypt, but assur will be his king, for they are not willing to turn. Hos.11.6 a sword will fall in his cities, he will fall in his hands and eat for their thoughts. Hos.11.7 my people are strengthened to me from my dwelling, and any do not raise him up. Hos.11.8 how can i give you, ephraim? how can i give you, israel? how do i give you as adma, i will make you like seboim? my heart has turned, and my repentance is troubled. Hos.11.9 i will not do the wrath of my wrath, i will not destroy ephraim. for i am god and not a man, holy in you, and i will not enter a city. Hos.11.10 they will go after the lord, as a lion rows, for he rows, and the children are restored of water. Hos.11.11 they will be treated as birth from egypt, and like a dove from the land of ashsyria, and i will bring them in their tends, says the lord. Hos.11.12 ephraim walked around me, and the house of israel in violence. but judah has now recognized them, and god is a holy people. Hos.12.1 ephraim persecuts the wind, will persecute the wind; on the whole day he multipliks foolish and deceives, and makes a covenant with assur and brings olivet in egypt. Hos.12.2 and the lord has a judgment against judas, and he will punish jacob according to his ways, according to his deeds he will repay him. Hos.12.3 in the womb he conquered his brother, and in his labor he was strengthened with god. Hos.12.4 he was strengthened with an angel and could help. he was weeping and prayed me. in beth-on he found me, and there he spoke to him. Hos.12.5 the lord is the god of the almighty, he is his memorial. Hos.12.6 so you turn to your god, keep mercy and judgment, and rejoice in your god always. Hos.12.7 canaan, in his hand is a false food, he loves to wrong. Hos.12.8 and ephraim said, though i have died, i have found my sight for me. they will not find any means of wrong that i have committed. Hos.12.9 but i, the lord your god, have brought you out of the land of egypt. i will put you still in telts as in a feast of feast. Hos.12.10 i spoke to the prophets, i multipliked many vision, and by the prophets i have been like a image. Hos.12.11 if gilead has been faithful, they were faithful. in gilgal they offered sacrifices, and their altars like clocks on the ground of the field. Hos.12.12 jacob withdrew in the country of syria, and israel served for a woman, and for a woman he kept guard. Hos.12.13 but for a prophet the lord led israel out of egypt, and for a prophet he was being kept. Hos.12.14 ephraim has provoked up a provoking, but his blood will be broken upon him, and the lord will repay him his reproach. Hos.13.1 when ephraim spoke, there was a reason, he became greater in israel, but he distributed them to baal and died. Hos.13.2 yet in the time they continued to sin, they made idol of their silver, idols in their bilds, a work of artifices. they say to them, you will sacrifice people, for they have offered a kalf. Hos.13.3 therefore they will be like the morning of morning, like the ross that turn back, like nation that cast from the aia, and as a rook from a daste. Hos.13.4 but i, the lord your god, is created from the land of egypt, and you do not know any god except me, and there is no salvation except me. Hos.13.5 i passed you in the wilderness, in the land of sleating land. Hos.13.6 as they were weith, they were satisfied, but they were satisfied, and their hearts became greater; therefore they have forgotten me. Hos.13.7 so i was for them as a lion, like a leopard by the road. Hos.13.8 i will strike them as a leating bound, i will disrumpe their hearts, and i will devour them there as a jew, the beast of the field will destroy them. Hos.13.9 in your ground, israel, who will help? Hos.13.10 where is your king? let him save you in all your towns, and your judges, of whom you said, give me a king and rulers? Hos.13.11 i gave you a king in my wrath, and i took him in my wrath. Hos.13.12 the transgression of ephraim is distributed, his sin is hidden. Hos.13.13 dolores of birth will come to him. he is a faithful son, for he has not ready in the morning of child. Hos.13.14 i will deliver them from the sheol, from death i will redeze them. o death, where is your ground, o death! where is your ground, o sheol? there is hidden for my eyes. Hos.13.15 even if he is distinct among the brothers, a wind will come, a wind, a wind of the lord, will come out from the wilderness, and his spring will seek, and his springs will drow up, all his desires of idols. Hos.13.16 samaria will be destroyed, for she has turned against her god. they will fall for the sword, their children will be broken, their women will be broken. Hos.14.1 return, israel, to the lord your god, for you have fall out because of your wrongdoing. Hos.14.2 take your words and return to the lord. tell him, do not receive all wrongdoing and take good things, and let us repay fruit of our lips. Hos.14.3 beware will not save us, we will not ascende on hors, and we will not say, our god, to the works of our hands. for in you the waise will have mercy on you. Hos.14.4 i will heal their dwelling place, i will love them greatly, for my wrath has turned from them. Hos.14.5 i will be as a ross to israel, he will cast it like a flood, and his root will cast it like the libano. Hos.14.6 i will breke his branches, and his fruit will be like a olives, and his wood like the libano. Hos.14.7 they will return and sit at his schatten, they will live and drunk of wheat, and it will blow like a vineyard. his member will be like the wine of liban. Hos.14.8 they will say to ephraim, which are i still with idols? i am afflicted him, and i will show him. i will be like a vighter of fish; from me will your fruit be found. Hos.14.9 who is wise and understand these things? who is wise and understand this? for the ways of the lord is right, and the righteous will go in them, and the ungodly will fall in them. Joel.1.1 the word of the lord that came to joel, the son of petuel. Joel.1.2 hear this, you elders, and listen to you, all who dwell in the land! has such things happened in your days or in the days of your fathers? Joel.1.3 tell you to your children, and your children to their children, and their children to the other generation. Joel.1.4 the rest that left it devoured the gresshopps, and what was left of the gresshopps, the robyer devoured, and what was left of the gresshopps, it has devoured. Joel.1.5 draw out, you drunk, and weep, and weep, all who drinking wine, for the wine is removed from your mouth. Joel.1.6 for a nation has ascended on my land, a mighty and unnumerable. its teeth are a teeth of a lion, and their teeds are like a leoning. Joel.1.7 he has distributed my vineyard and distributed my fig tree. it threw it and throw it down; its branches were shaken. Joel.1.8 weep as a betrothed, clothed in sack for her husband of virgin. Joel.1.9 the sacrifice and the drink offering are removed from the house of the lord, the priests, ministers of the altar. Joel.1.10 the field has shaken, the earth is mourned, for the wheat has been destroyed, the wine is withered, the oliven is broken. Joel.1.11 the tenants are rushed, o tenants! weep out for a fever and a gerge, for the turn of the field is destroyed. Joel.1.12 the vineyard has withered, the fig tree is wicked, the robell, the palme, the mell, and all the tree of the field is withered, for the joy has been shaken for the people. Joel.1.13 around and weep, you priests, weep, o ministers of the altar, come, lign in sackcloth, ministers of god, for sacrifice and drunk have been carried out from the house of your god. Joel.1.14 sanctify a fast fast, proclaim a healing, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the earth to the house of your god, and cry to the lord. Joel.1.15 woe for the day! for the day of the lord is near, and it will come as a destruct from god. Joel.1.16 did not be destroyed for your eyes the food, the joy and joy from the house of your god? Joel.1.17 treasures grow in their cloths, the treasures destroyed, the winepress shaken, for the wheat is withered. Joel.1.18 so how is the beat of bears, so that there is no treasure for them, and the sheep of the sheep are destroyed. Joel.1.19 to you, lord, i cry, for fire has taken up the passores of the wilderness, and a flame straigned all the tree of the field. Joel.1.20 even the beast of the field draws to you, for the waters of water are torned, and fire has consumed the passores of the wilderness. Joel.2.1 blow in the trumpet in zion, preach the trumpet on my holy mountain, let all who dwell in the land, for the day of the lord is near. Joel.2.2 a day of darkness and of darkness, a day of cloud and darkness. as the morning has gone over the mountains, a great and mighty people, such as he has never been, and after him there will never be until many generations. Joel.2.3 before him consudes a fire, and after him a flame brings. the earth is before him as a garden of eden, and after him there is a wilderness of desolate place, and there there will be no escape for him. Joel.2.4 their face are like horses, and like horse they will persecute. Joel.2.5 it is like a rop of kolesnits, go out on the top of the mountains, like the roar of a flame of fire that devour the stoph, like a mighty people, set up for battle. Joel.2.6 for his presence the people shakes, all face drew. Joel.2.7 they flees like helds, like soldiers they ascends on the wall, and each one will go on his way, not learing their paths. Joel.2.8 they will not refuse each one from his brother, they will walk in their waves, they will fall in their wealds, and they will not be taken up. Joel.2.9 they go in the city, they curry on the mures, they ascends on the houses and enter the fenster as a thief. Joel.2.10 before them drew the earth, the heavens bears, the sun and the moon shakes, and the stars share their light. Joel.2.11 and the lord gives his voice before his power, for his tender is very great, for he is strong, who practices his word. for great and terrible is the day of the lord, and who will be sufficient for it? Joel.2.12 yet even now the lord says, return to me with all your heart, with fast, with weeping and with weeping! Joel.2.13 tore your hearts and not your garments, and turn to the lord your god, for he is mercy and mercy, patience and great of mercy, and he repent of evil. Joel.2.14 who knows, whether he will turn and remains after him a blessing, a sacrifice and a drunk to the lord our god? Joel.2.15 blow in the trumpet in zion, proclaim fasting, proclaim good. Joel.2.16 gather the people, sanctify the church, gather the elders, gather children and brights. let bridegroom come out of his kamer and bridegroom from her kamer. Joel.2.17 in the midst of the altar and the altar shall weep the priests, the ministers of the lord, and say, show, o lord, your people, and do not give your inheritance in dishonor, to destroy them nations. why may they say among the nations, where is their god? Joel.2.18 so the lord turned to his land and spare his people. Joel.2.19 and the lord answered to his people, behold, i will send you the wheat and the wine and the oil, and you will be filled with them, and i will not make you a reproach among the gentiles. Joel.2.20 and i will leave the nordland from you, and i will cast him out into a wilderness and a wilderness, his face into the first sea, and his district into the last sea. and his shaking will come up, and his food will ascend, for he has done great things. Joel.2.21 fear the earth, rejoice and rejoice, for the lord has made great things. Joel.2.22 fear not, you beast of fugle, for the beast of the wilderness blow, for the tree bear its fruit, a fig tree and a fig tree give their ground. Joel.2.23 and rejoice, children of zion, and rejoice in the lord your god, for he has given you the fruit to righteousness, and he will rain to you rain, earnestly and splendly, as in the first time. Joel.2.24 the tressores will be filled with wheat, and the winepress will be broken with wine and olive. Joel.2.25 and i will repay you for the years that the gresshopps, the gresshopper, the debt and the depeat, my great power that i have sent against you. Joel.2.26 you will eat, and you will be filled, and you will praise the name of the lord your god, which he has done mighty things with you. and my people will never be put to shame. Joel.2.27 and you will know that i am in israel, and that i am the lord your god, and there is no other. and my people will never be put to shame. Joel.2.28 and after this i will shut out my spirit on every flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your elders shall drew enupniers, and your young men shall see visions. Joel.2.29 even over the servants and servants, in those days i will vide my spirit. Joel.2.30 and i will give wonders in heaven and on earth: blood, fire and rouchs of smoke. Joel.2.31 the sun will be removed in darkness and the moon in blood, before the day of the lord comes, the great and terrible day. Joel.2.32 and whatever invoks the name of the lord will be saved, for on the mountain of zion and in jerusalem will be being saved, as the lord has said, and in the gospel those whom the lord is called. Joel.3.1 for behold, in those days and in that time, when i will turn judas and jerusalem, Joel.3.2 i will gather all the nations, and i will bring them down into josafat-dalen, and there i will strike with them there for my people and for my heir israel, which they have scattered among the nations, and delivered my land. Joel.3.3 they cast lots for my people, and they gave the child for a sexual immorality, and they sold a girl for wine, and they drink. Joel.3.4 and what do you say to me, tyre and sidon and all the district of the philistins? do you repay me as a reward? or do you repay me. soon and soon i will repay your reward on your heads. Joel.3.5 because you received my silver and my gold, and the good things you have brought into your temple. Joel.3.6 you delivered the sons of judah and the people of jerusalem to the sons of the greeks, so that you might drew them out of their regions. Joel.3.7 behold, i will raise them out from the place where you delivered them, and i will repay your reward on your head. Joel.3.8 i will betray your sons and your daughters into the hands of the sons of judah, and they will give them to captive, a new nation, for the lord has spoken. Joel.3.9 proclaim these things among the nations, sanctify a bath, rebuke the helds, come up and go up, all the soldiers. Joel.3.10 drew your winds to sword and your drepes in swords. let the enemy say, i am mighty. Joel.3.11 come together and come, all the nations around, and gather! there, o god, let your helds be here! Joel.3.12 let all the nations rise and go up to the dal of jehosafat, for there i will sit for judge all the nations around. Joel.3.13 send a sickle out, for the vineyard has come. come, tread, for the winepress are full, the winepress grow up, for their evil things has come. Joel.3.14 trouble, fish in the dal of district, for the day of the lord is at the dal of distribution. Joel.3.15 the sun and the moon dares, and the stars share their light. Joel.3.16 and the lord will cry from zion, he will give his voice from jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth will bear. but the lord will be a strong for his people, and the strength for the children of israel. Joel.3.17 and you will know that i am the lord your god, who dwell in zion, my holy mountain. and jerusalem will be holy, and others will not pass through it. Joel.3.18 in that day the mountains will stone most of wine, the coll will teak the wone, and all the springs of judah will cast water, and a sound will come out of the house of the lord and give water to the spring of sittim. Joel.3.19 egypt will become a desolate place, and edom will be in a desolate land, because they departed to the sons of judah, because they poured out a righteous blood in their land. Joel.3.20 but juda will be abidden forever, and jerusalem in every generation. Joel.3.21 and i will visite their blood, and i will not be innocent, and the lord will dwell in zion. and every one who invoks the name of the lord will be saved, for in the mountain of zion and in jerusalem will be escape, as the lord has told, and in jerusalem those who is called. Amos.1.1 the words of amos, one of the shepherds of tekoa, which he saw about jerusalem in the days of uzzia, king of judah, and in the days of jerobeam, the son of joas, king of israel, two years before the earthquake. Amos.1.2 and he said, the lord brings out from zion, he brings his voice from jerusalem, and the ships of the shepherds weep, and the foot of karmel wies away. Amos.1.3 so says the lord said: for three transgressions of damascus, and for four, i will not refuse him, because they have broken galaad with a ears of iron. Amos.1.4 so i will send fire into the house of hazael, and it will consume ben-hadads palats. Amos.1.5 i will brise the rides of damascus, and i will destroy the dwelling in bet-aven, and i will destroy a tribe among the people of haran, and the people of syria will be brought captive to kir, says the lord. Amos.1.6 so says the lord: for three transgressions of gaza, and for vier i will not refuse them, for they have brought a captive captive and sold them to edom, Amos.1.7 so i will send fire on the mure of gaza, and it will consume its palaces. Amos.1.8 i will destroy the inwoners of asdod and the tribe of ascalon, and i will turn my hand against ekron, and the rest of the filistyne will perish, says the lord, the lord. Amos.1.9 so says the lord: for three transgressions of tyre, and for four, i will not turn it away, because they have carried out all captives to edom and did not remember the brother of the brothers, Amos.1.10 so i will send fire on the mure of tyre, and it will consume its palaces. Amos.1.11 so says the lord: for three transgressions of edom, and for four, i will not refuse them, for he has persecuted his brother with the sword and consumed his defense, and continued his anger forever. Amos.1.12 so i will send fire into teman, and it will consume the palaces of bozra. Amos.1.13 so says the lord: for three transgressions of ammon, and for four, i will not refuse him, for they have distributed the women of galaad, so that they might break their region. Amos.1.14 so i will burn fire on the mury of rabba, and it will consume its palats with crying out in the day of war, with fire in the day of destruction. Amos.1.15 and their king will go in captive, him and his rulers together, says the lord. Amos.2.1 so says the lord: for three transgressions of moab, and for four, i will not refuse him, because they have bringing the osses of the king of edom to beat, Amos.2.2 so i will send fire on moab, and it will consume kerioth of kerioth, and moab will die in quarreling, by cry and a sound of a trumpet. Amos.2.3 i will destroy the judge from there, and all her rulers i will kill with him, says the lord. Amos.2.4 so says the lord: for three transgressions of judah, and for vier i will not refuse him, for they have devoted the law of the lord and did not keep his commandments, and their deceives, which their fathers followed, deceived them, Amos.2.5 so i will send fire on judah, and it will consume the palaces of jerusalem. Amos.2.6 so says the lord: for three transgressions of israel, and for vier i will not refuse him, for they have sold the righteous money and the poor for a sandald, Amos.2.7 they deceive the stone of the earth on the head of the poor, and deceive the way of the poor. the son and his father go to one child to profane the name of my god. Amos.2.8 they are dressed at every altar the garments in bound, and wine in the house of their gods they drink the wine of afflicted wine. Amos.2.9 and i did destroy the amorites before them, whose heavens was like the heast of seders, and he was strengthened like the terebinthe. and i destroyed his fruit from above and his root along. Amos.2.10 so i led you out of the land of egypt and put you in the wilderness for forty years, so that you might inherit the land of the amorites. Amos.2.11 and i took some of your sons as prophets and some of your young men as holy prophets. is it not so, you children of israel? says the lord. Amos.2.12 but you gave the nasiriers wine to drink, and to the prophets you commanded, you shall not prophesy. Amos.2.13 behold, i will broke down under you, like the waves full of a gard, full of branches. Amos.2.14 so that the strength refuses to escape, the strong will not escape his strength, and the held will not save his life. Amos.2.15 the bound will not stand up, and the belonging with his feet will not escape, neither will the cavalier save his life. Amos.2.16 and the wicked man of held will persecute naked on that day, says the lord. Amos.3.1 hear this word that the lord has spoken against you, you of israel, against all the tribe that i have brought out of the land of egypt, saying, Amos.3.2 only you have known among all the tribes of the earth, therefore i will visite you for all your sins. Amos.3.3 will two walk together, unless they are made known? Amos.3.4 rows, if a lion rows in the woud, if he has no grain? shall a leoning give his voice from his daim, if he does not take anything? Amos.3.5 will a oiseau fall fall on the ground, though there is not a garn? will a strik leave on the land without finding anything? Amos.3.6 shall a trumpet call in the city, and the people will not fall? if there is evil in a city that the lord has not done? Amos.3.7 for the lord god does not do anything unless he revealed his opportunity to his servants, the prophets. Amos.3.8 a lion rows, who can not fear? the lord, the lord, speaks, who shall not prophesy? Amos.3.9 tell it in the places of ashdod, and to the regions of the land of egypt, and say, gather on the mountains of samaria, and see how many things are in the midst of it and the violence in it. Amos.3.10 they do not understand to do what is done, says the lord, they who gathered up violence and destruction in their places. Amos.3.11 therefore, so says the lord, the enemy around the land, and he will destroy your power, and your palats will be plunder. Amos.3.12 so says the lord: as the shepherd cut out of the mouth of the lion two benions or a rop of a ear, so will be saved the people of israel who dwell in samaria in the region of a tribe and in damascus. Amos.3.13 hear and bear witness to the house of jacob, says the lord, the god of the armées, Amos.3.14 for in the day when i punish israel for their trespasses, i will visite the altars of bet-el, and the horns of the altar will burn and fall to the earth. Amos.3.15 i will strike the sound house and the sommer house, and many hures of elfenbest will be destroyed, and many houses will be destroyed, says the lord. Amos.4.1 hear this word, you boves of basan, which are on the mountain of samaria, who destroy the poor and destroy the poor, saying to their masters, give us, that we may drink! Amos.4.2 the lord, the lord, swears by his holy hand, that behold, days will come to you, when they will take you with haken and your manner to a robe. Amos.4.3 and you will be carried out for one another, and you will throw away to the money of rimmon, says the lord. Amos.4.4 come to bet-el and wrong, and to gilgal, sink more wrong, and bring your sacrifices to the morning, your tithes in the third day. Amos.4.5 offert offering offering offering offering for the law, proclaim offering offerings. for this is your beloved, the sons of israel, says the lord god. Amos.4.6 so i gave you food of teeth in all your towns and false bread in all your regions. but you did not turn to me, says the lord. Amos.4.7 so i did not repay the rain among you, as long as three months before the turning. i gave it rain on one town, and over one city i did not rain. one part was broken up, and the other in which it did not rain it will seke. Amos.4.8 and two or three towns gathered to one city to drink water, and you were not satisfied. yet you did not turn to me, says the lord. Amos.4.9 i have killed you with burn and burn; you have multiplied many of your gardens and your vineyards and your figs and your olives, and you did not return to me, declares the lord. Amos.4.10 i sent to you death, in the way of egypt. i have distributed your young men with the sword and brought your horses in captive. and you did not return to me, says the lord. Amos.4.11 i turned you, just as god turned down sodom and gomorrah, and you were like a old tied from fire. yet you did not return to me, says the lord. Amos.4.12 therefore, so i will do to you, o israel, so that i will do so to you. prepare, o israel, to call your god. Amos.4.13 for behold, he who creads the mountain and creads the wind, who declares to man his christ, who does the morning and the morning and goes on the heavens of the earth. the lord god of the armées is his name. Amos.5.1 hear this word, which i proclaim for you, o house of israel! Amos.5.2 a virgin daughter has fallen, she will not rise again. she is set in her land, there is no one who raised her. Amos.5.3 for so says the lord, the lord, the city where there has gone out of thousand will be left for hundred, and from which they went out of hundred will be left for the house of israel. Amos.5.4 for so says the lord said to the house of israel, seek me, and you will live. Amos.5.5 do not seek bet-el and do not enter gilgal and do not go to beer-sheba, for gilgal will be brought captive, and bet-el will be made to nothing. Amos.5.6 seek the lord, and you will live, so that he may not fall like a fire on the house of joseph and consume it, and there there will be no one to stone in israel. Amos.5.7 you who do the right in the ground and put the righteousness to the ground. Amos.5.8 he who has done the ground and the morning, and brings the shadow into the morning and finds the day in the night, who calls the waters of the sea and cast it out on the face of the earth. the lord is his name. Amos.5.9 he carries a destruction over the power, and destroying destruction is upon the strength. Amos.5.10 they hated the reason to rebuke the way, and they deceive the deceitful word. Amos.5.11 for this reason, because you wrong the poor and receives from him gifts of gifts, you will not abide in them, you have planted ears of desire, but you will not drink the wine of them. Amos.5.12 for i know that your sins are great, and your sins are great. you destroy the righteous and accept change and deceive the poor in the porte. Amos.5.13 therefore the understanding silent in that time, for it is a bad time. Amos.5.14 seek the good, but not the evil, that you may live. and the lord, the god of the armées, will be with you, as you say. Amos.5.15 hated the evil, and love the good, and make justice at the gates. may the lord, the god of the armées, have mercy on the rest of joseph. Amos.5.16 therefore so says the lord, the god of the allmächtige, so: in every street there will be grain, and in every way it will say, alas, alas! the tenants shall be called to mourning, and for those who know a lament. Amos.5.17 in every way there will be a ground, for i will go through you, says the lord. Amos.5.18 woe to those who desire the day of the lord! for what will you have the day of the lord? it is darkness and not light. Amos.5.19 it is like when a man escape from a lion and fall to him a wheat, or when he comes in his house and put his hands on the wand, and a serpent tears him. Amos.5.20 do not the day of the lord be darkness and not a light, and a darkness without a light? Amos.5.21 i hate, i dispute your feast, and i do not turn for your feast. Amos.5.22 even if you offered to me sacrifices and your sacrifices, i will not receive them, and even your offerings of your offering sacrifices i will not see. Amos.5.23 take away from me the instrument of your instruments, i will not listen to the psalms of your instruments. Amos.5.24 but justice be walking as water, and righteousness like a wildness of desolate flood. Amos.5.25 have you offered for me sacrifices and sacrifices in the wilderness for forty years, o house of israel? Amos.5.26 you took up the tent of your moloch, and rexan, your god, the stars of your god, which you did for yourselves. Amos.5.27 so i will take you away beside damascus, says the lord, the god of the allmächtige is his name. Amos.6.1 woe to those who are despected in zion and confidence on the mountain of samaria, the rulers of the rulers of the nations, whom the house of israel enter! Amos.6.2 come over to kalne and see, and go from there to the great hamath, and come down to the gath of the philistins. are it better than these kingdoms? whether their region is more than your land? Amos.6.3 you who belongs to the day of evil, and leave the day of violence. Amos.6.4 you who leed on a bed of elfenbone and think in their leads, eating the lamps from the sheep and the boves from the beast. Amos.6.5 who cloak for the instruments of instruments, thinking with instruments like david. Amos.6.6 those who drinking wine with wine and oints with the first oints, but do not please in the destruction of joseph. Amos.6.7 therefore they will now be carried captive from the beginning of the rulers, and the gentle of horse will be taken away. Amos.6.8 the lord the lord svor by himself: i have defiled the arrogance of jacob and hate his country, and i will destroy a town with all his dwelling. Amos.6.9 and whatever ten men are left in one house, they will die. Amos.6.10 and a fellow one of them will take his benefit from the house and say to those who are in the house, are there still there? and he will say, there is no more. and he will say, no. and he will say, silent, for no name will be named of the name of the lord. Amos.6.11 for behold, the lord commands, and he will strike the great house with broken, and the little house with pieces. Amos.6.12 will the hors persecute the rocks, or do they keep them by women? for you have turned the judgment to the wrath, and the fruit of righteousness for bitterness? Amos.6.13 you who rejoices in no questions, you who say, are not with our power we have made horns? Amos.6.14 for behold, i will arise a nation against you, o house of israel, diras the lord, the god of god, a nation, and they will afflict you from entering hamath to the beast of the west. Amos.7.1 so the lord showed me, and behold, it was belonging to the gresshopper at the wind, and behold, a rowle was at gog, the king. Amos.7.2 and when they had finished to eat the grass of the earth, i said, lord, lord, forgive! how will jacob rise, for he is a little. Amos.7.3 so the lord turned to this thing. it will not be, says the lord. Amos.7.4 this showed me the lord, the lord. and behold, the lord was called to a distribution with fire, and he devored the great pit and devored the tithes. Amos.7.5 and i said, lord, look still! who will raise jacob? he is for a little man. Amos.7.6 so the lord turned to this. so it will not be done, declares the lord. Amos.7.7 so he showed me, and behold, the lord stood on a rorable mure, with a lot in his hand. Amos.7.8 and the lord said to me, what do you see, amos? and i said, a lot. and the lord said, behold, i will put a lot in the midst of my people israel; i will no longer leave him. Amos.7.9 the offers of isaac will be destroyed, and the offerings of israel will be destroyed, and i will rise against the house of jerobeam with the sword. Amos.7.10 and amazja, the priest of bet-el, sent a message to jerobeam, the king of israel, saying, amos made a conjuration against you in the midst of the house of israel. the land cannot endure all his words. Amos.7.11 for so said amos: jerobeam shall die for the sword, and israel will be brought captive from his land. Amos.7.12 and amaziah said to amos, your seeing, go and go into the land of judah, and eat there your food, and prophesy there. Amos.7.13 but in bet-el do you no longer prophesy, for it is the holy place of the king and a house of kingdom. Amos.7.14 amos answered amaziah, i was not a prophet, nor a son of a prophet, but i was a best, and i carry figs. Amos.7.15 but the lord took me from the sheep, and the lord said to me, go and prophesy to my people israel. Amos.7.16 so hear then the word of the lord: you say, do not prophesy against israel, and do not prophesy against the house of jacob. Amos.7.17 therefore, so says the lord so: your wife will take sexual immorality in the city, and your sons and your daughters will fall for the sword, and your earth will be distributed with the corder, and you shall died in a unclean land, and israel will be brought in captive from his land. Amos.8.1 so the lord showed me, and behold, a coin of grain. Amos.8.2 and he said, what do you see, amos? and i said, a covening of fruits. and the lord said to me, the end is coming upon my people israel. i will no longer pass over him. Amos.8.3 the sangers of the temple will be grow in that day, says the lord the lord. there will be many who are fallen. in every place will they throw in silence. Amos.8.4 hear this, you who destroy the poor and destroy the poor in the land, Amos.8.5 saying, when will the feast passe through, that we might belongs, and the sabbath, and to open the treasures, to make a measure to make the measure, to grander the wages and make unjust? Amos.8.6 for to bette the poor for silver and the poor for a sandals, and to preach from fruit? Amos.8.7 the lord has swore by the majesty of jacob: i will never forgive all your works. Amos.8.8 will not the earth be troubled for these things, and all who dwells in it shall mourn? it will come down as a river, and it will come down as the river of egypt? Amos.8.9 in that day, declares the lord, i will put down the sun on midnight, and i will dark the earth in a light day. Amos.8.10 i will turn your feast in mourning, and all your practices in lament. i will put in every lender a sack and sur every head a roir. i will make it like a mourn of a beloved, and the end of him will be a day of anguish. Amos.8.11 behold, the days are coming, says the lord, when i will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread or thirsty of water, but a famine to hear the word of the lord. Amos.8.12 and they will shaken from sea to sea, and from north to the east, they will walk, seeking the word of the lord, but they will not find it. Amos.8.13 in that day the worse virginges and the young daughters will fall in soif, Amos.8.14 those who swears by the propitiation of samaria and say, the god of you, dan! and so long as the god of beer-sheba lives! they will fall and never rise again. Amos.9.1 i saw the lord standing at the altar and said, strik at the guard, so that the gates becomes trembling, and strike them in the rules of all. i will kill the rest of them with the sword. no one will escape, and not one of them will escape. Amos.9.2 if they escape in the sheol, my hand will strike them from there, and if they rise into heaven, i will throw them down from there. Amos.9.3 if they keep them in the top of karmel, i will seek and take them away. if they keep them in the depth of the sea, i will command the dragon, and it will receive them. Amos.9.4 and if they go in captive before their enemies, i will command the sword, and he will kill them. i will show my eyes against them to evil and not for good. Amos.9.5 for the lord, the lord of the leads, deceives the earth, and all who dwell in it shall mourn, and it will come up as a river, and she will descend like the river of egypt. Amos.9.6 he who built his ascende into heaven and laid his promise on the earth. he calls the water of the sea and flows it on the face of the earth. the lord is his name. Amos.9.7 are you not for me as the sons of the ethiopes, you, children of israel? says the lord. did i not bring israel out of the land of egypt and the philistins from caftor and the syrians from kir? Amos.9.8 behold, the eyes of the lord god are against the sinful kingdom, and i will destroy it from the earth. nevertheless, i will never destroy the house of jacob, says the lord. Amos.9.9 for behold, i will command and scroll the house of israel among all the nations, as it wicks in a sied, so that no flock fell on the ground. Amos.9.10 for the sword, all the sinners of my people will died for the sword, who say, evil will not come upon us. Amos.9.11 in that day i will raise up the tent of david that has fallen, and i will rebuild its ruck, and i will rebuild its ruck, and i will build it as it was in the old days. Amos.9.12 so that they may keep the rest of man and all the nations in which my name is called, says the lord, who does these things. Amos.9.13 behold, the days are coming, says the lord, when the vineyard will find the vineyard to the grain, and the mountains will stone of most wine and all the colles share. Amos.9.14 then i will turn the captive of my people israel, and they will build the desolate towns and dwell in them, and plant vineyards and drink their wine, and will plant gardes and eat their fruit. Amos.9.15 i will plante them in their land, that they no longer will be taken from their land that i gave them, declares the lord, the god of the people, who swears by the propitiation of samaria and say, so as the lord, your god, live. and so they will fall and never rise again. Obad.1.1 a vision of obadja. so says the lord, the lord of edom: we have heard a fame from the lord, and a message has been sent to the nations: rise, let us rise against it to belong. Obad.1.2 behold, i have made you a little among the nations, you are greatly dishonor. Obad.1.3 the arrogant of your heart carried out you, you who dwells in the roves of the rocks, in your upportunity, saying in your heart, who will descend me on the earth? Obad.1.4 if you make your nesting like a angel and lay down your nesting among the stars, i will throw you down from there, says the lord. Obad.1.5 if a thief came to you, or a robbers of the night, how would you be destroyed? they would not see what is sufficient for them? if vindservants came to you, they would not have left repress? Obad.1.6 how is esau directed, and his secret have been removed! Obad.1.7 all the men of your covenant have distributed you to the region, your friends were strengthened to you, your believers have put in back for you. there is no understanding for them. Obad.1.8 in that day, says the lord, i will destroy the wise of edom and understanding from the mountain of esau. Obad.1.9 your helds, teman, will be destroyed, so that a man will be destroyed from the mountain of esau. Obad.1.10 for the shame against your brother jacob will shame your shame, and you will be destroyed forever. Obad.1.11 on the day when you stood up against it, on the day when others led his power captive, when others went in his gates and heired jerusalem, you were like one of them. Obad.1.12 and do not look at the day of your brother at the day of their destruction, and do not rejoice over the sons of judah on the day of their destruction, and do not make your greatness in the day of tribulation. Obad.1.13 do not enter the gates of your people in the day of their destruction, and do not see their share on the day of their destruction, and do not burn with their power at the day of their destruction. Obad.1.14 nor do you stand in the divisions to destroy those who escape him and not surre those who escape him on the day of tribulation. Obad.1.15 for the day of the lord is near all the nations; as you have done, so will it be done for you. your reward will repay on your head. Obad.1.16 for as you were drinking on my holy mountain, all the nations will drink with wine, and they will drink and come down and become as though they were not. Obad.1.17 but on the mountain of zion there will be salvation, and it will be holy, and the house of jacob will inherit their possessions. Obad.1.18 and the house of jacob will be a fire, and the house of joseph a flame, and the house of esau will be a stopped, and they will burn in them and consume them. no one will come in the house of esau, for the lord has spoken. Obad.1.19 they will inherit the mountain of esau, those in the country, the philistins, and they will inherit the country of ephraim and the field of samaria, and benjamin will inherit galaad. Obad.1.20 and the deportation of this beginning to israel will inherit the land of canaan to sarepta, and the deported of jerusalem, who is in sefarad, will inherit the towns of the negev. Obad.1.21 and men who are saved will come up from the mountain of zion to visite the mountain of esau, and the kingdom will be for the lord, and i will plant them in their land, and they shall no longer be cut out of their land that i have given them, says the lord, the god of the allmächtige. Jonah.1.1 the word of the lord came to jonah, the son of amittai, saying, Jonah.1.2 rise and go to nineve, the great city, and preach for it, for her malice has come up to me. Jonah.1.3 but jonah stood up to escape from the face of the lord to tarsis, and went down to joppa and found a boat who was going to tarsis. and he gave his seat and got into him to go with them to tarsis, from the presence of the lord. Jonah.1.4 but the lord raised a great wind into the sea, and there was a great storm in the sea, and the boat was shaken to destroy. Jonah.1.5 and the marriers were afraid, and they cried out each one to his god, and they carried out into the sea the vessels that was in the boat, so that he had escaped for them. but jonah had descended into the vesel of the boat and sat down and was asleep. Jonah.1.6 and the officers came to him and said to him, what are you to waken? rise and call to your god, so that god may warn us and we do not perish. Jonah.1.7 then they said to one another, come, let us throw lots, and let us know for whom this malice has been done. so they cast lots, and the lot fell on jonah. Jonah.1.8 and they said to him, tell us, for which of this destruction has been done for us? what is your work and where comes you? what is your country and from which people are you? Jonah.1.9 he said to them, i am a servant, and i worship the lord, the god of heaven, who has made the sea and the land. Jonah.1.10 and the men were afraid of great fear and said to him, why have you done? for the men knew that he had escaped from the face of the lord, that he had told them. Jonah.1.11 and they said to him, what shall we do to you, so that the sea drew for us? for the sea continued up even more. Jonah.1.12 and he said to them, take me and throw me into the sea, and the sea will burn for you. i know that this great storm has come upon you. Jonah.1.13 but the men pleased to turn to return to the land, but they could not, because the sea continued to increase them. Jonah.1.14 then they cried out to the lord and said, ach, lord, let us not perish for the life of this man and do not give us blood innocent, for you, lord, has done just as you desire. Jonah.1.15 so they took jonah and threw him into the sea, and the sea became up. Jonah.1.16 then the men were afraid with great fear to the lord, and they offered a sacrifice to the lord and gave a profts. Jonah.1.17 and the lord commanded a great fish to devour jonah. and jona was in the womb of the fish three days and three nights. Jonah.2.1 and jona prayed to the lord his god from the boot of the bate, Jonah.2.2 and said, in my tribulation i cried to the lord, and he answered me. from the child of the sheol i cried out, and you have heard my voice. Jonah.2.3 you have put me down in the deep, in the heart of the sea, and flores around me. all your wonders and your shults passed through me. Jonah.2.4 i said, i have defiled me from your eyes. then i will see more to your holy temple. Jonah.2.5 the water drew around me until the soul, the bottomless pit rounded around my head. Jonah.2.6 i went down to the ground of the ground, the rides of her was made down eternal, but you brought my life in the corruption, o lord, my god. Jonah.2.7 when my soul was cut off, i remembered the lord, and my prayer came to you, to your holy temple. Jonah.2.8 those who keep sin of deceive, abandoned their mercy. Jonah.2.9 but i will offer to you with the voice of praise, i will repay all that i have prayed. salvation is for the lord. Jonah.2.10 then he commanded the fish, and it stretched jonah on the ground. Jonah.3.1 and the word of the lord came to jonas a second time, saying, Jonah.3.2 rise and go to nineve, the great city, and preach for it the preach that i have spoken to you. Jonah.3.3 then jona rose and went to nineve, according to the word of the lord. nineve was a great city for god, a journey of three days. Jonah.3.4 and jona began to enter the city, about one day, and proclaimed, saying, for three days and nineve will be turned. Jonah.3.5 and the men of nineveh believed god, and they proclaimed a fast, and were clothed in sackcloth, from the great and the least of them. Jonah.3.6 when the message drew near to the king of nineve, he rose from his throne, hidden his robes from himself, clothed in sack and sat down in a seed. Jonah.3.7 and he preached in nineve, by the king and his rulers, saying, people and animals and boves and sheep should not taste anything, neither let them be weight or drink water. Jonah.3.8 but let people and the beast be clothed with sackcloth, and always crie out to god. let each one turn from his evil way and from the unrighteousness that is in their hands, saying, Jonah.3.9 who knows, whether god will repent and turn from the wrath of his wrath, and we will not perish. Jonah.3.10 and god saw their works that they had turned from their evil way, and god repented of the evil things that he had spoken to do them, and he did not do it. Jonah.4.1 and jonah became greatly distressed, and he was troubled. Jonah.4.2 and he prayed to the lord and said, ah, lord, is not this what i said, while i was still in my land? therefore i went before to tarsis, for i knew that you are a mercy and mercy, patient and great of mercy, and you repent of evil. Jonah.4.3 and now, lord, take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live. Jonah.4.4 and the lord said, would you be greatly distressed? Jonah.4.5 and jona went out of the city and sat down at the face of the city, and he made for himself a tent and sat down under it in the shadow, until he saw what shall be done to the city. Jonah.4.6 then god god commanded a ricince, which was ascended over jonah, to be shadow over his head, so that they might wake him from his wrong. so jonah rejoiced at the ricince with great joy. Jonah.4.7 but on the next day, at the next day, god commanded the ricince, and it wicked. Jonah.4.8 and as the sun rose out, god commanded a hidden wind, and the sun struck on the head of jonah, so that he was amazed. so he questioned his life and said, it is better for me to die than to live. Jonah.4.9 but god said to jonah, have you greatly distressed at the ricince? and he said, i have been distressed to death. Jonah.4.10 and the lord said, you spare the ricince that you did not complete, and who has not grown it, which has been born in a night and was destroyed in one night. Jonah.4.11 and i will not spare ninive, the great city, in which there are more than twelve thousand people who do not know their right hand or their left hand, and many beast? and god has seen their deeds, because they have turned away from their evil ways, and god repented of the evil things that he had spoken to do for them, and did not do. Mic.1.1 the word of the lord come to micha the moreseth in the days of jotham, ahaz, and ezechiah, kings of judah, which he saw samaria and jerusalem. Mic.1.2 hear, all people, consider, o earth and all that is in it! and the lord, the lord, will be witness against you, the lord from his holy house. Mic.1.3 for behold, the lord comes out of his place, he descends and ascends on the ground of the earth. Mic.1.4 the mountains will shaken under him, the dols shaks like a tear from the fire, like water, which springs down in food. Mic.1.5 for the transgression of jacob all these are, and for the sin of the house of israel. what belongs to jacob is not samaria? and who is the sin of the house of judah? does not jerusalem? Mic.1.6 so i will put samaria to a ground in the country of the country, for a ground for vineyard. i will broke her stones into the vall and reveal its foundations. Mic.1.7 all its idols will be broken, and all its dages will be burned with fire, and all its idols i will make it a desolate place, for out of sexual immorality she has gathered together, and with sexual immorality they will return. Mic.1.8 therefore i will mourn and plunder, i will go back and naked, i will make a weep as a dragon and a weering like a struggle. Mic.1.9 for her plague is wicked, for it has come to juda, has touched to my people, to my people, to jerusalem. Mic.1.10 do not speak to gath, do not grow greatly. in bet-leafra, in bet-leafra. Mic.1.11 go utter, o habitante of cafir! go not out, o dwelling house of caanan. it will take from you a mourn of mourn. Mic.1.12 for the dwelling in marot has come to good, for evil came from the lord at the gates of jerusalem. Mic.1.13 be sail for chars and horse, you dwelling in lachis. it is the ruler of sin for the daughter of zion, for in you were found the transgressions of israel. Mic.1.14 therefore you will give sentence to moreset-gath. the house of akzib will be in vain for the rulers of israel. Mic.1.15 even to the inheritance i bring to you, o habitante of maresh. the glory of israel will come to adullam. Mic.1.16 share and rose yourself for the children of your delivered children. break your back like a vuln, for they have been carried away from you. Mic.2.1 alas to those who consider evil and do evil in their łożs! at the morning of day they are complete, for they are in their hand. Mic.2.2 they desire sela and grive them, house and household, and strive them. they strive a man and his house, a man and his inheritance. Mic.2.3 therefore so says the lord, behold, i regard a evil one against this tribe, from which you will not take your hals, and you will not go in morning, for it is a evil time. Mic.2.4 in that day it will spread a parable against you, and there will be a lament of lament, saying, we have been destroyed, we have been distributed. he has distributed the part of my people. he has distributed the part of my people. he has distributed the part of my people. Mic.2.5 therefore you do not have any one who throws a corth in a short in the church of the lord. Mic.2.6 do not grumble in tears, and do not grumble about these things, for there is no reproach. Mic.2.7 o you who says, o house of jacob, does the spirit of the lord provoke? is this his deeds? are not his words good for him who walks in the morning? Mic.2.8 but before me, my people, have drayed as enemy. in the way of your peace you take the spig from the one who dwell on the bath of the war. Mic.2.9 the daughts of my people you throw away from their treasures of their children, for their evil deeds you carried out for my forever. Mic.2.10 rise and go away, for this rest will not be reason for impurity. you will be destroyed with corruption. Mic.2.11 if anyone who is persecuting and deceives a false spirit declares to you: for wine and drunkenness you will present, so that there will be a gentle for this people. Mic.2.12 i will gather all israel, o jacob, i will gather all the rest of israel, i will put them together as sheep in a sheep, like a sheep in the midst of them, and they will be destroyed among people. Mic.2.13 there will be briefly before them, they will strike off and go through a door and went out through it. their king will come before them, and the lord will be for them. Mic.3.1 and i said, hear, you rulers of jacob and rulers of the house of israel! is it not for you to know the judgment? Mic.3.2 you who hates the good and seek the evil, you stricks their hair from them and their flesh from their feet, Mic.3.3 you who eat the flesh of my people and break their hair from their feet and strike their hues and broke it in a topf, like a money in a platter, like flesh. Mic.3.4 so they shall cry to the lord, but he will not listen to them, and he will cast his face to them in that time, because they have done evil. Mic.3.5 so says the lord against the prophets who deceives my people, who dwell in their dends, saying, peace! but if anyone does not give them in their mouth, they make a war against them. Mic.3.6 therefore it will be a night for you, from visions, and darkness will be for you, from divination. the sun will put on the prophets, and the day will darrow upon them. Mic.3.7 the sewers will be ashamed, and the diviners will be ashamed, and they all will burn their cloak, for there will not be answer of god. Mic.3.8 but i am full of power in the spirit of the lord, of judgment and power, to tell jacob his transgression, and to israel his sin. Mic.3.9 hear this, you rulers of the house of jacob and rulers of the house of israel, you who do justice and deceive all what is right! Mic.3.10 being built up zion with blood and jerusalem with unrighteousness. Mic.3.11 its rulers judge for gift, its priests judge for reward, and her prophets sead for a money, and for the lord they revies, saying, is not the lord among us? evil will not come upon us. Mic.3.12 therefore for your sake zion will arise as a field, and jerusalem will become a ground of ground, and the mountain of the house will be a means of a boast. Mic.4.1 in the last days the mountain of the house will be made clear at the top of the mountains and be removed above the coll, and people will come to him. Mic.4.2 many nations will go and say, come, let us go on the mountain of the lord, to the house of the god of jacob, and he will show us his way, and we will go in his paths. for from zion shall the law come, and the word of the lord from jerusalem. Mic.4.3 and he will judge among many nations, and he will convict many nations, from far off to far longer. and they will burn their swords to winds, and their spices as winds. no nation will bring sword against nation, and they shall no longer learn to make war. Mic.4.4 they will sit each one under his vineyard and under his fig tree, and no one will fear, for the mouth of the lord of the armées has spoken. Mic.4.5 for all the nations walk, each one in the name of his god, but we will walk in the name of the lord our god forever and forever. Mic.4.6 in that day, says the lord, i will gather the bright, and i will gather the uttered, and those we have rejected. Mic.4.7 and i will make the broken to rest and the defiled to be a mighty nation. and the lord will reign over them on the mountain of zion from now on and forever. Mic.4.8 and you, torn of the sheep, a storm of the daughter of zion, to you will come, and the beginning of the beginning will come in, the kingdom of the daughter of jerusalem. Mic.4.9 why do you think? why do you not have a king? have your decision perished, because angusts has seized you, as a woman who is birth? Mic.4.10 weep and wide, o daughter, o daughter, o daughter! for now you will come out of the city and dwell in the field, and you shall come to babylon. there you will be saved, and there will the lord redese you out of the hand of your enemies. Mic.4.11 now many nations has gathered against you, saying, let it be content, and let our eyes see on zion. Mic.4.12 but they do not know the thoughts of the lord, nor understand his conseless, that he has gathered them together as garbes in the bound. Mic.4.13 rise and tread, o daughter of zion, for i will put your horns of iron, and your waves will i put of bronze, and you will destroy many people. and i will bless their multitude to the lord, and their large to the lord of all the earth. Mic.5.1 you shall be looking for now, o daughter, o daughter! i has carried upon us. they will strike with the back the tribe of israel. Mic.5.2 and you, betlehem efrath, you are a little man of among the thousand of judah, from you shall come to me the one who is to be ruler in israel. his coming will be from the beginning, from the days of the age. Mic.5.3 therefore he will give them to the time when she will bear birth, and the rest of their brothers will return to the children of israel. Mic.5.4 and he will stand, and he will shepherd his sheep in the power of the lord and in the glory of the name of the lord their god. and they will live, for now he will be great like the top of the earth. Mic.5.5 and he will be a peace. when assur comes in your land and comes in our land, we will set against him seven shepherds and eight men of men. Mic.5.6 they will shepherd the land of assyrien with the sword, and the land of nimrod in its tombs. so he will escape from the assyrian when he comes in your land and coming on your regions. Mic.5.7 the rest of jacob will be among many people, as a dauw, which comes from the lord, like a gate on a grave, so that no one gathers, nor remains among men. Mic.5.8 the rest of jacob will be among the nations, in the midst of many people, as a lion among many people, like a lion among the beast of sheep, as a leoning among the sheep of sheep, as when he passes and dispreces and destroy, and there is no one who deliver them. Mic.5.9 your hand will be exalted over your adversaries, and all your enemies will be destroyed. Mic.5.10 in that day i will destroy, says the lord, i will destroy your hors from your midst and destroy your waves. Mic.5.11 i will destroy the towns of your land and destroy all your treasures. Mic.5.12 and i will destroy your guests from your hand, and you will not be in your household. Mic.5.13 i will destroy your idols and your statue from your midst, and you will no longer worship the work of your hands. Mic.5.14 i will cut down your bounds from your midst, and i will destroy your cities. Mic.5.15 in wrath and wrath i will make wraak over the nations that they did not listen. Mic.6.1 hear what the lord says, rise, be judged with the mountains, and the coll hear your voice. Mic.6.2 hear the judgment of the lord, you plants of the foundation of the earth! for the lord has complete judgment against his people, and with israel he performs. Mic.6.3 my people, what did i do to you, and why have i provoked you? answered me. Mic.6.4 for i brought you out of the land of egypt and delivered you out of the household, and i sent moses, aaron and mirjam before you. Mic.6.5 my people, remember what balak, king of moab, has decided, and what has balaam, beor of beor, answered him, from sittim to gilgal, so that you may know the righteousness of the lord. Mic.6.6 with what shall i come before the lord and bring to the most high god? will i bring him down with holocaustos, with an anner of an an year? Mic.6.7 will the lord accept acception for thousand of monds, of thousands of money? shall i give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my boot for the sin of my soul? Mic.6.8 he has told you, man, what good is, and what is the lord required from you, except to do the right and love the mercy and to walk in the way with your god? Mic.6.9 the voice of the lord calls to the city, and you who fear his name belongs to his name: hear a tribe and who call the city! Mic.6.10 has do not sit in the house of sinful house the treasures of ungodly treasure, Mic.6.11 will i be justified by unrighteous wealth and a deceive of deceive? Mic.6.12 for their riches are full of dishonors, and the inwoners of it speak false things, and their tongue is arrogant in their mouth, Mic.6.13 so i will strike you and destroy you for your sins. Mic.6.14 you will eat, and you will not be saved, and there will be darkened in you, and you will break out, and you will not escape, and what you will escape will give to the sword. Mic.6.15 you will seed, but you will not reply. you will drink olive, but you will not sald you with olive, and you will not drink wine. Mic.6.16 for you have observed the instructions of zimri and all the work of the house of achab, and you walked in their builds, so that i will give you a desolate place, and those who dwell in it will be excellent, and you will receive the reproach of your people. Mic.7.1 woe to me! for i am like a grain of grain, like a grain of vineyard: there is no grass for to eat, not a yours, which is my soul. Mic.7.2 the devout men has been destroyed from the earth, and no right is among others. they all strive in blood, each one tremble his neighbor. Mic.7.3 for evil are their hands, they are prepared for evil. the ruler ask, and the judge are performed. the ruler of his soul is preaching, and they are perplexed. Mic.7.4 the good one of them is like a treasting, the better as a tear. the day of treasures, your vending has come, your vending will come. Mic.7.5 do not believe a friend, do not believe his friends, keep your course from your neighbor. Mic.7.6 for the son dishonor father, a daughter respects against mother, a bridegroom against her daughter, the enemies of a man are his husbands. Mic.7.7 but i will look at the lord, i will endure the god of my savior. my god will listen to me. Mic.7.8 do not rejoice in me, my enemy! for i have fallen, and i will rise; if i sit in darkness, the lord is my light. Mic.7.9 i will endure the wrath of the lord, for i have sinned against him, until he has justified my judgment and execute my judgment. he will bring me out to the light, and i will see his righteousness. Mic.7.10 and my enemy will see it and shame with shame, which said to me, where is the lord, your god? my eyes will see it, now he will be trampled under the root of the roads. Mic.7.11 there will be the day of your bright, that day will repay your instruct. Mic.7.12 in that day they will come to you, from assur to land, and from the sea to the river, from sea to sea and from a town. Mic.7.13 but the earth will become a wilderness for those who dwell in it, for the fruit of their deeds. Mic.7.14 shepherd your people with your scepter, the sheep of your inheritance, who dwells in the best, in the midst of the carmels. let them weide in basan and galaad as in the old days. Mic.7.15 as for your days, when you come out of egypt, i will show wonders. Mic.7.16 the nations will see it and be put to shame because of all their strength, they will lay his hands on their mouth, their ears will be revealed. Mic.7.17 they will listen the staub as serpent, as the serpents of the earth. they will dress their cloaks at the lord our god, and they will fear you. Mic.7.18 who is a god like you, who forgive iniquity and passes the transgression of his heirs? he does not hold his wrath to witness, for he desires to show mercy. Mic.7.19 he will return and have mercy on us, he will despee our unrighteousness, and you will throw down in the deep of the sea all our sins. Mic.7.20 give the truth to jacob, so as you lived to our fathers in the former days, and have observed the instructions of zimri and all the work of the house of achab, and you walking in their builds, so that i may give you a desolate place, and those who dwell in it will be excellent, and you will receive the reproach of your people. Nah.1.1 prophecy of nineve. the scroll of the vision of nahum the elcusites. Nah.1.2 a god jealousy and wraak is the lord; the lord is a wraak and a wrath. the lord avends his adversaries and rejects his enemies. Nah.1.3 the lord is patient in patience, but in great power he does not lose innocent. his way is in a storm and in a storm, and a cloud is the stof of his feet. Nah.1.4 he disobede the sea and drow it away, and all the rivers he shakes. basan and karmel untied, and the grass of liban disrumps. Nah.1.5 the mountains shakes for him, and the coll are shaken, and the earth grows from his presence, the country and all who dwell in it. Nah.1.6 who will stand before his wrath, and who will stand for the wrath of his wrath? his wrath brings up as curse, and the rocks are distributed from him. Nah.1.7 the good is the lord, who dwells in the day of tribulation, and he knows those who love him. Nah.1.8 but in a distribution for a district will he destroy his conduct, and darkness will persecute his enemies. Nah.1.9 what do you think against the lord? he will destroy, affliction will not be punished again. Nah.1.10 for even as they were wicked and gathered as swisiers, they will be consumed as torchless stroh. Nah.1.11 from you came a opportunity against the lord, a countor of wrong. Nah.1.12 so says the lord: he will break off many waters, and so they will be distributed, and your hearing will not be heard. Nah.1.13 now i will broke his stock from you, and i will rupe your chains. Nah.1.14 yet for you the lord will command, that no longer will be sown of your name. from the house of your god i will destroy the idols and the idols. i will make your tomb, for you are quickly. Nah.1.15 behold, on the mountains the feet of the preaching of the gospel, who proclaim peace. celebraw your feast, o judah, pay your profts, for there will no longer pass through you a desolate way, it has been destroyed. Nah.2.1 a stranger ascends against you, look at your face! watch out the way, call out the way, be strengthened, strength with great power! Nah.2.2 for the lord rejects the arrogance of jacob as the arrogant of israel, for they stricked them and destroyed their garments. Nah.2.3 the instruments of their strength, elders of held, gathered with fire, their chars are bringing with fire in the day of his preparation, and the rusts will be shaken. Nah.2.4 the waves are straight, and the waves are shaken in the places, their aspect are like a flaming of fire, like flashes of flashes. Nah.2.5 he will remember their rulers, they will flew at their journear, they will spy at the mure and prepare their guard. Nah.2.6 the ports of the rivers are opened, and the kingdom is broken down. Nah.2.7 and the reason has been revealed, it will be revealed, and her daughters will be revealed as a dove, drawing them in their hearts. Nah.2.8 nineve was like a rowle of water, and they are fled. stand not, stand! but there is not one who looks. Nah.2.9 draw out the silver, robe the gold! and there is no ends for the crowds. they are grain of all the desires of precious instruments. Nah.2.10 treated and divorced and defiled, and the heart grow, and kings bears, the winds bears, the face of all bears, and the face of all are wicked. Nah.2.11 where is the dwelling of the lions, the passover for the leoners, where a lion went, a lion, a lion, and no one treated them? Nah.2.12 a lion ropered for the ground for his leoners, distributed to his leoners, and filled his birds with grave, and his leating ground. Nah.2.13 behold, i am against you, says the lord of the armées, i will burn your multitude with smoke, and the sword will consume your leads, and i will destroy your harvest from the earth, and your harvest shall never be heard. Nah.3.1 o city of blood! all false ungodliness is full, the mortal will not taken away. Nah.3.2 there is a voice of plagues, the voice of rues of rues, the hors searing, and ran of waves, Nah.3.3 cavaliers ascends, splends of sword, flashes of sword, a multitude of dead, hungry of dead. there is no finding for the people, they fall in their bodies. Nah.3.4 for the number of the sexual immorality of a good sexual immorality, the governor of sorcers, who sold nations with her sexual immorality, and tribes with her charges. Nah.3.5 behold, i am against you, says the lord of the armées, i will declare your back over your face, and i will show the nations your shame and the kings your dishonor. Nah.3.6 i will throw abominations on you, i will put you up and make you a exemple. Nah.3.7 and everyone who looks you will depart from you, and they will say, ninive has been destroyed! who will keep it? where will i seek for encourage? Nah.3.8 are you better than no-amon, who was directed among the rivers, with water around, which had the sea, and the water was his mure? Nah.3.9 etiopia and egypt were her power, and there was no end. put and libytes were to help. Nah.3.10 even she had been deported in the captivitness, and its children were broken down at the ruler of all the gates, and on its glory they were thrown lots, and all her great ones were bound with chains. Nah.3.11 so you will be drunk and be bound, and you will seek a distinction for the enemy. Nah.3.12 all your burghts are fig of fig tree, so that they wands and fall into the mouth of one who eat. Nah.3.13 behold, your people among you are women, the portes of your land are opened for your enemies. fire consume your riegs. Nah.3.14 gather the water for belonging to you, strengt your treasures. come in the mud and suffer in the barch, strengt the cegs. Nah.3.15 there will fire consure you, a sword will destroy you, it will devore you as a sprinkled, and you will be greatly burned. Nah.3.16 you have multipliked your merchants than the stars of the heavens. the rost broke and break out. Nah.3.17 your companiers are like locures, your belongers are like a gresshopper, which are seated on seed in the days. when the sun rise, they grow away, and they do not know where there is. Nah.3.18 your pastores, o king of assur, have drew down, your strangers. your people are broken on the mountains, and there is no one who call out. Nah.3.19 your plague is not belonging to your bright. all who hears your instruction will strike your hands, they will strike their hands against you, for for any time your malice has not overcome. so, i am against you, says the lord of the leads. i will destroy your ground in the smoke, and your leads will destroy in smoke, and your leads will destroy out of the rook. Hab.1.1 the last, which the prophet habacuk saw. Hab.1.2 how long, lord, i cries and you do not listen? i will cry on you, you who are wrong, and you will not help. Hab.1.3 why did you show me wrong, and what you see to see? it is a destroyer and violence from my presence, and there has become judgment and judgment. Hab.1.4 therefore the law is broken, and the judgment is not performed, for the imperishable oppress the righteous, so the right justice drew away. Hab.1.5 see among the people, and see, and direct mighty things, for in your days i will do a work that you will not believe, if one tells it. Hab.1.6 for behold, i will raise the chaldeans, a bitter and trouble nation, which walks over the plants of the earth, to inherit dwells, which is not his own. Hab.1.7 it is beautiful and terrible, from whom his judgment and his belonging comes out of it. Hab.1.8 the hors of leopard are greater than leopard, greater than lows in the arab, and its cavaliers will draw down from far place, they will flee like a eagle that goes to eat. Hab.1.9 they will come for violence, their faces are against contrary, and they will gather captive like a sand. Hab.1.10 they deceive the kings, the rulers are a exemple for them. they rejects all strength, throw food and hold it. Hab.1.11 then he brings away the wind, and it passes and brings. this is my power for my god. Hab.1.12 are you not from the beginning, o lord, my holy god? we will not die. you, o lord, has set them for judgment. you, o god, have given me to rebuke. Hab.1.13 your eyes are clean, so you do not able the evil, and you do not be able to see for a tribe. why do you see at the desolate people, when the impio turn the righteous of his righteous? Hab.1.14 do you make people like the fish of the sea, like reptiles that are not a ruler? Hab.1.15 he takes them up with a angel, he drew them in his garn and gathered them in his garn. so he rejoices and rejoice. Hab.1.16 therefore he offer sacrifice to his garn and incense to his garn, for with them his part is grawful and the food of his food. Hab.1.17 why will he strike his harm always and kill many nations without compassion? Hab.2.1 i will stand at my guard, i will rise on the rock and expect me to see what he will say to me, and what shall i answer my reason. Hab.2.2 and the lord answered me, write the vision and write it on a teep, so that one may read it. Hab.2.3 for the vision is still for a time, but leads to the end, and it does not turn. if it remains, endure him, for he will come. he will not remain. Hab.2.4 look, my soul is not pleasing in him, but the righteous shall live by his faith. Hab.2.5 indeed, it is a desolate man, a wrong man is not abandoned, for he has distributed his soul like the sheol and is not filled as death, and gather all nations against him, and he gather for him all the nations. Hab.2.6 will they not all take this parable against him and a reason for a reason, and they will say, woe to him who multipliks his things that are not of him! how long? and so will they burn his cloak! Hab.2.7 will not suddenly rise your devout, and your reason will raise up, and you will be their roof? Hab.2.8 for you have striked many nations, so will all the rest of the people plunder you, for the blood of men and for the transgression of the land and of all who dwell in it. Hab.2.9 alas to the one who grows greater wealth for his household, to make his nesting in high, to escape him from the hand of evil. Hab.2.10 you have planted confusion for your household, destroying many people, and have sinned your soul. Hab.2.11 for a stone will crie out from the wall, and the round of the tree will proclaim it. Hab.2.12 woe to him who build a city with blood and prepare a city with unrighteousness! Hab.2.13 behold, does not this be from the lord of the almighty, and the nations are sufficient for fire and nations? Hab.2.14 for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord, as the water cows them. Hab.2.15 likewise the one who drinks to his neighbor bears your neighbor and drinks to see his foolish. Hab.2.16 you are filled with dishonor, from glory. drink you also, and be disrosed. the cup of the right hand of the lord will walk on you, and dishonoring will be upon your glory. Hab.2.17 for the violence of the liban will shurn you, and the destruction of beast will destroy you, for the blood of men, for the violence of the earth, the city and all who dwells in it. Hab.2.18 what shall it profit a sculptile idol, that an idol has shalling it, a image of false bilder, that the former has set in his former to do such idols? Hab.2.19 woe to the one who says to the trein: come up! and to the stone, rise, be revealed! for this is a reason for gold and silver, and there is no spirit in him. Hab.2.20 but the lord is in his holy temple; all the earth may fear for him. Hab.3.1 a prayer of abakuk the prophet. Hab.3.2 lord, i have heard what you heard, and was afraid. o lord, consider your work in the midst of the years, be known in the midst of the years. in your wrath remember the mercy. Hab.3.3 god comes from teman, the holy from the mountain of paran. his glory was covered up the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise. Hab.3.4 his glans is like a light, and there are horns in his hands, and for his strength is his strength. Hab.3.5 before him go a message, and a food comes in his feet. Hab.3.6 he stood up and bears the earth, he looked and divided the nations; many mountains shakes, and the ewiges coll shakes. Hab.3.7 i saw the tents of ethioph, and the tends of the land of midian treasures. Hab.3.8 has you indigned, o lord, against the riviers your wrath? of the sea your wrath, that you come down on your hors and against your salvation? Hab.3.9 your bound has been revealed, slander your bound. ( sela. ) ( sela. ) Hab.3.10 the people saw you and threw, the scorching water shines, the bottomless land has made his voice, their healts grew up. Hab.3.11 the sun and the moon stared in its household, by the light of your soils, to the light of your bliksing waves. Hab.3.12 in your wrath you will strike the land, in wrath you will strike the nations. Hab.3.13 you went out to save your people, to save your anointed. you have thrown down the head of the impiece of the impiece, despise the burts like the hall. ( sela. ) Hab.3.14 you have distributed the heads of their helds, they will tremble in it. they will open their copper coins as though they were eating the poor in secret. Hab.3.15 you carried out to the sea with your hors, with the trouble of great waters. Hab.3.16 i heard it, and my wheat were troubled, my lips were greatly perplexed, my lips has come in my wonders, and in my place i am troubled. i will remain in the day of tribulation, when the people will draw up against my people. Hab.3.17 for the fig tree will not bear up, and there will be no grain in the vineyards, the working of olives will turn, and the field will not give food, the sheep are departed from the sheep, and there are no bound in the blound. Hab.3.18 but i will rejoice in the lord, i will rejoice in the god of my savior. Hab.3.19 the lord, the lord, is my power, he has put my feet as a stone, and made me to the offers of my treasures. to the instruments of my instruments. so for the instruments of my instruments. Zeph.1.1 the word of the lord that came to zefanja, son of cusi, the son of gedalja, son of amarja, the son of jezekia, in the days of josia, the son of amon, king of judah. Zeph.1.2 i will destroy all things from the face of the earth, says the lord. Zeph.1.3 i will defile people and beasts, destroy the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, and destroy people from the face of the earth, says the lord. Zeph.1.4 and i will stretch my hand against judah and against all the habitants of jerusalem, and i will destroy from this place the name of baal and the name of the priests with the priests, Zeph.1.5 those who worship on the household to the power of heaven, and those who worship god and swears by their king, Zeph.1.6 and those who have turned away from the lord, those who did not seek the lord and do not seek him. Zeph.1.7 fear for the lord, the lord! for the day of the lord is near, for the lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has sanctified those who were called. Zeph.1.8 in the day of the sacrifice of the lord i will punish the rulers and the sons of the king and all who are puts in women of strangers. Zeph.1.9 in that day i will punish all who are punished at the gates, those who complete the house of their lord with violence and deceit. Zeph.1.10 in that day, says the lord, there will be a voice of crying out from a town, a rop from the second, and great break from the coll. Zeph.1.11 weep, o habitants of the burn, for all the treasures of canaan are destroyed, all the treasures of silver are destroyed. Zeph.1.12 in that day i will show jerusalem with lamp, and i will punish the men who are seated on their directs, who say in their hearts, the lord will not do good nor do evil. Zeph.1.13 so their power will become a plundering, and their house will become a desolate place. they will build houses and never abide in them, and they will plant vineyards, but will not drink their wine. Zeph.1.14 near is the great day of the lord, near and greatly! a voice of the day of the lord is bitter, and the held cries out. Zeph.1.15 that day is a wrath of wrath, a day of tribulation and of affliction, a day of destruction and of desolate day, a day of darkness and of darkness, Zeph.1.16 a day of trumpet and crying out against the befestigte towns and against the high winds. Zeph.1.17 and i will afflict people, and they will go as blind, because they have sinned against the lord. their blood will be poured out as stone, and their flesh like food. Zeph.1.18 their silver and their gold will not have able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the lord, but the whole earth will be devored by the fire of his jealousy, for he will complete all the habitants of the land. Zeph.2.1 gather, and gather, o natural nation, Zeph.2.2 before the wrath of the wrath comes from, before the wrath of the lord comes upon you, before the day of the wrath of the lord has come upon you. Zeph.2.3 seek to the lord, all you affliction of the land, who do his judgment. seek righteousness and examine them, so that you may be deceived on the day of the wrath of the lord. Zeph.2.4 for gaza will be rejected, and askalon will become a desolate, ashdod will be cut in the midst, and ekron will be thrown up. Zeph.2.5 woe to those who dwell in the strangers of the sea, people of the flesh! the word of the lord is against you, canaan, earth of the philistins! i will destroy you from dwelling place. Zeph.2.6 the treasure there will be a large country for the sheep and food for the sheep. Zeph.2.7 and the distribution for the rest of the house of judah will be there. they will weight in them in the house of ascalon, for the lord their god will visite them and turn their captives. Zeph.2.8 i have heard the reproach of moab and the reason of the sons of ammon, when they insulted my people and magnified over my region. Zeph.2.9 therefore, so long as i live, says the lord of the heavens, the god of israel, moab will be like sodom, and the sons of ammon as gomorrah, a ground of sald, a ground, a destruct forever, the rest of my people will destroy them, and the rest of my nation will inherit them. Zeph.2.10 this will be for them because of their arrogant, for they have spoken and granted against the lord of the armées. Zeph.2.11 the lord is terrible for them, for he will destroy all the devout gods of the earth. they will worship him, each from his place, all the island of the nations. Zeph.2.12 you also, ethiopes, will be killed by my sword. Zeph.2.13 he will stretch out his hand against the nordness and destroy assur and make ninive in a desolate place, a wilderness like a wilderness. Zeph.2.14 the sheep and all the wild beasts will be in its midst, pelikan and defiler will leep in its plants. a rop will cry in the roogs, the mouris in the gates, for the sedering is taken up. Zeph.2.15 this is the great city that dwelled in confidence, which said in his heart, i is, and there is no one. how has it become a desolate place, a place for beast! everyone who passes through it will spot and waise out his hands. Zeph.3.1 weh of the disonced and defiled, o district city! Zeph.3.2 she has not heard the voice, he has not received discipline, she does not confie in the lord, not drew near to her god. Zeph.3.3 its rulers in it are broken lion, its judges are like wolves in the sea, who does not leave to the morning. Zeph.3.4 her prophets are deceive, sinful men, her priests profans the holy things, they wrong the law. Zeph.3.5 the lord is righteous in the midst of it, he does not do wrong. early in the morning he will give his judgment to light and does not escape. but the unjust does not know in reason. Zeph.3.6 i have destroyed the fierges, their winds have become desolate; i have destroyed their ways, so that there is no one, their cities are defiled, so that there is no one, there are no dwelling. Zeph.3.7 i said, only you will fear me and accept discipline, and they will not be destroyed by all that i have done for it. but they were ready, and all their deeds are destroyed. Zeph.3.8 therefore endure me, says the lord, to the day when i rise up for a charge, for my judgment is to gather the nations, to gather the kings, to verse on them my wrath, all the wrath of my wrath. for the fire of my zealous will be consumed the whole earth. Zeph.3.9 for then i will turn for people a generation, so that all will call the name of the lord and serve him with one joke. Zeph.3.10 by the ends of the rivers of cus they will bring the offers of my sacrifices. Zeph.3.11 in that day you will not be ashamed by all your deeds with which you have transgressed against me, for then i will depart from you the brighly of your sobering, and you will no longer be greatly engranced on my holy mountain. Zeph.3.12 but i will leave among you a human and humble people, and they will look at the name of the lord. Zeph.3.13 the rest of israel will not do wrong, they will not speak in vain, and in their mouths there will not find false tongue in their mouth, but they will weight and lay down, and no one will treve them. Zeph.3.14 rejoice, o daughter of zion, juw, o israel! rejoice and juble with all your heart, o daughter of jerusalem! Zeph.3.15 the lord distributed your crime, he has taken away your enemies. the king of israel, the lord, is in your midst. you do no longer see evil. Zeph.3.16 in that time the man will say to jerusalem, do not be afraid, o sion, let your hands not fall. Zeph.3.17 the lord your god is in you, strong save to save. he will rejoice over you with joy, he will calling in his love, he will rejoice over you with joy as in a feast. Zeph.3.18 i will recognize those who are broken, the one who will take reproach against it. Zeph.3.19 behold, i will do at all your tribes in that time, and i will save the hinkeness and gather the dispute, and i will make them a boast and name in all the land in which they were divided. Zeph.3.20 in that time i will shame in the time, when i will gather you, and at the time, when i will gather you, for i will give you a name and a glory among all the nations of the earth, when i turn your captive before you, says the lord. Hag.1.1 in the second year of king darius, in the sixth day of the sixth month, the word of the lord was made by the prophet haggai to zerubbabel, the son of shealtiel, governor of judah, and to josua, the son of josadak, the high priest,, saying, Hag.1.2 so says the lord of the armées, this people say, the time is not coming, the time that comes to build the house of the lord. Hag.1.3 then the word of the lord was spoken by the prophet hagai, saying, Hag.1.4 is it for you a time to live in your wicked houses, while this house is a desolate. Hag.1.5 and now so says the lord of the armée: consider your ways! Hag.1.6 you sow many, and brought a little; you eat, but do not be satting. you drinking, and you will not be saken. you are clothed, but you will not be warned. the one who gather a reward is gathered in a defense. Hag.1.7 so says the lord of the allmächtige: put your hearts to your ways. Hag.1.8 come up to the mountain and bring tree and build the house, and i will be pleased in it, and i will be glorified, says the lord. Hag.1.9 you have looked on many, but behold, it was a little. you brought to the house, and i disfliced it out. why? says the lord of the armées, because my house is deserte and you are persecuting each one to his own household. Hag.1.10 for this reason the heavens remained from ross, and the earth reject its ground. Hag.1.11 and i have charged a sword over the land, over the mountains, over the wheat and on the wine and on the olive wine, and over all that the earth produces, both over people and people and over all the laboot of their hands. Hag.1.12 and zerubbabel, the son of shealtiel, and josué, the son of josadak, the high priest, and all the rest of the people heard the voice of the lord their god and the words of the prophet hagai, as the lord their god sent him to them, and the people were afraid of the lord. Hag.1.13 and haggai, the angel of the lord, said to the people, i am with you, says the lord. Hag.1.14 and the lord raised up the spirit of zerubbabel, the son of shealtiel, governor of judah, and the spirit of jesus, the son of josadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the rest of the people, and they came and made work in the house of the lord of the allmächtige, their god, Hag.1.15 the fourth day of the sixth day of the sixth day, in the second year of king darius. Hag.2.1 in the seventh day of the seventh day of the seventh day of the sexth day of the prophet haggai, saying, Hag.2.2 say to serubbabel, the son of sealtiel, governor of judah, and to josua the son of josadak, the high priest, and to the rest of the people, saying, Hag.2.3 who is there among you who have seen this house in his first glory, and how do you see it now? is it not like one in your eyes? Hag.2.4 but be able, serubbabel, says the lord, be strong, jesus, son of josadak, the high priest, and be able, all the people of the land, says the lord, and do, for i am with you, says the lord sebaot. Hag.2.5 and my spirit has come in your midst, do not fear. Hag.2.6 for so says the lord of the armées, yet once more, i will shaken heaven and earth, sea and land. Hag.2.7 and i will tremble all the nations, and the fruits of all the nations will come, and i will filled this house with glory, says the lord sebaot. Hag.2.8 for us is the silver, and my is the gold, says the lord of the armées. Hag.2.9 the glory of this last house will be more than the first, says the lord sebaot. and in this place i will give peace, says the lord sebaot. Hag.2.10 in the fourth day of the night, in the second year of darius, the word of the lord came to the prophet haggah, saying, Hag.2.11 so says the lord of the armées, ask the priests of the law, saying, Hag.2.12 if a man receives a holy flesh in the man of his garment and touch his garment of bread or bread or wine or wine or anything food, will it be made holy? so the priests answered, no. Hag.2.13 and hagai said, if a devout person touched anything of these things to touch, if it is unclean? and the priests answered, it will be clean. Hag.2.14 and haggai answered, so is this people, and so this nation before me, says the lord, and so all the work of their hands, and whatever they offers there will be defiled. Hag.2.15 and now do your hearts, from this day to above, before it was laid a stone upon a stone in the temple of the lord, Hag.2.16 what was it to come, when you came to the measure of a measure of twenty measures, and there were a measure, when you came to the winepress to draw fifty measures, and there were twenty. Hag.2.17 i killed you with ground and rumbling and with hagel all the work of your hands, but you did not return to me, declares the lord. Hag.2.18 consider your hearts from this day and again, from the fourventh day of the night, from the day when the temple of the lord was funded the foundation of the temple of the lord, consider your hearts. Hag.2.19 is it still in the grain? is the vineyard and the fig tree and the robell and the oliventree do not bear fruit. from this day i will be blessed. Hag.2.20 then the word of the lord turned a second time to hagai, the fourventh of the day, saying, Hag.2.21 say to serubbabel, the governor of judah, saying, i will shaken heaven and earth. Hag.2.22 i will turn the thrones of kings and destroy the power of the nations of the nations, i will turn waves and waves, and the hors and their carryers will fall down each one with the sword. Hag.2.23 in that day, says the lord sebaot, i will take you, serubabel, son of shealtiel, my servant, says the lord, and i will make you as a seal, for i have chosen you, says the lord sebaot. Zech.1.1 in the eighth monyws of darius, the word of the lord came to zechariah the son of berechija, the son of iddo, the prophet, saying, Zech.1.2 the lord was a great wrath against your fathers. Zech.1.3 and say to them, so says the lord of the armées: return to me, and i will return to you, says the lord of the armées. Zech.1.4 do not be like your fathers, to whom the premiers prophets called, saying, so says the lord of the armées, turn away from your evil ways and your evil deeds! but they did not listen to listen to me, says the lord. Zech.1.5 your fathers where are they? and the prophets, shall they live forever? Zech.1.6 nevertheless, my words and my commandments that i commanded to my servants, the prophets, have they not recognized your fathers? and they turned and said, as the lord of the armées desired to do to you according to your ways and according to your deeds, so he has done to you. Zech.1.7 in the fourth day of the elventh month, that is the month of shebat, in the second year of darius, the word of the lord came to zachariah, son of berechias, the son of iddo, saying, Zech.1.8 i saw in the night, and behold, a man red on a torn horse, and he was in the midst of the myrts who were in the luck, and following him were fever, fever, white and white. Zech.1.9 and i said, what are these, my lord? and the angel who was spoken to me said to me, i will show you what these things are. Zech.1.10 and the man who was standing among the mirts answered me, these are those whom the lord sent out to depart the earth. Zech.1.11 and they answered the angel of the lord who stood among the mirten and said, we have walked about the earth, and behold, the whole earth dwells in quiet. Zech.1.12 and the angel of the lord answered, lord of the ones, how long do you not have mercy on jerusalem and the towns of juda, which you have continued over for these seventy-years? Zech.1.13 and the lord answered the angel who spoke to me, words of good, words of comfort. Zech.1.14 and the angel who spoke to me said to me, cry out, so says the lord of the armées, i am jealousy for jerusalem and for zion. Zech.1.15 and with a great wrath i am encouraged the nations, for i was encouraged a little, but they turned to evil. Zech.1.16 therefore so says the lord says, i will turn to jerusalem with mercy, and my house will be built in it, says the lord of the armées, and the measure will be surrounded at jerusalem. Zech.1.17 crying out, do still, saying, so says the lord of the armées, my towns will still share in good things, and the lord will mercy again zion, and he will choose again jerusalem. Zech.1.18 then i looked up my eyes and saw, and behold, there were four horns. Zech.1.19 and i said to the angel who spoke to me, what are these things? and he said to me, these are the horns that have scattered juda and israel. Zech.1.20 and the lord showed me four corderers. Zech.1.21 and i said, what do these ones are to do? and he said to me, these are the horns that have scattered juda, so that no one has taken up their head. so these men came to destroy them, to destroy them in their hands the four horns of the nations who have stirred up their horn on the land of judah, to destroy it. Zech.2.1 then i lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, there was a man with a measure of measure. Zech.2.2 i asked him, where are you to go? and he said to me, to meat jerusalem, that i may see what its breedte and what its length is. Zech.2.3 and behold, the angel who spoke to me was standing, and another angel went out to stone him. Zech.2.4 and he said to him, ran and speak to this young woman, saying, jerusalem will be made a desolate place because of the multitude of people and animals in the midst. Zech.2.5 and i, says the lord, will be a fire of fire around it, and i will be glory in its midst. Zech.2.6 o one, flee from the land of the nord, says the lord, for i have set you out of the four winds of heaven, says the lord. Zech.2.7 so, sion, escape, you who abides in the daughter of babylon. Zech.2.8 for so says the lord of the people: after the glory he sent me to the nations who distributed you, for he who touch you touch the back of his eye. Zech.2.9 for behold, i will raise my hand against them, and they will be a buit for those who serve them, and you will know that the lord of heirs has sent me. Zech.2.10 rejoice and rejoice, o daughter of zion! for behold, i am coming and i will dwelling in your midst, says the lord. Zech.2.11 many nations will come in the lord on that day, and they will be his people, and i will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the lord of the armées has sent me to you. Zech.2.12 and the lord will inherit juda in his district in the holy land, and he will choose jerusalem. Zech.2.13 be still, all flesh, from the presence of the lord, for he has come up from his holy things. Zech.3.1 and he showed me jesus, the high priest, standing before the angel of the lord, and satan standing at his right hand to help him. Zech.3.2 and the lord said to satan, the lord rebuke you, satan! let the lord, who has chosen jerusalem, rebuke you. is this not a stumbling ooper out of fire? Zech.3.3 and jesus was clothed in fine clothing and stood before the angel. Zech.3.4 and he answered those who stood before him, saying, take away the branches robes from him. and he said to him, behold, i have taken your sins from you and put you in a robes of robes. Zech.3.5 and i said, put an clean mied on his head. so they laid a pure mitra on his head and put on him his garments. and the angel of the lord stood standing. Zech.3.6 and the angel of the lord testified to jesus, saying, Zech.3.7 so says the lord of the armée, if you walk in my ways and keep my commandments, you will also judge my house and keep my course, and i will give you returning among those who are standing here. Zech.3.8 hear, therefore, josué, the high priest, you and your neighbors who sit before you, for they are a mighty men, for behold, i will bring my servant, the short. Zech.3.9 for behold, the stone that i put before jesus: on the one stone there is seven eyes; behold, i will grave the ground of it, says the lord of the armées, and i will declare the iniquice of that land in one day. Zech.3.10 in that day, says the lord of the armées, you will call one another under a vineyard and under the fig tree. Zech.4.1 the angel who spoke to me turned and rebuked me, just as a man was raised from his sound. Zech.4.2 and he said to me, what do you see? and i said, i see, and behold, a lamp of gold, with its lamp above, and its seven lampen on it, and seven lamps for the lamp who are above. Zech.4.3 and two olives on it, one at the right hand of the lamp and one on the left. Zech.4.4 and i asked the angel who spoke to me, saying, what are these things, my lord? Zech.4.5 and the angel who spoke to me answered me, do you not know what these things are? i said, no, my lord. Zech.4.6 and he answered me, this is the word of the lord to zerubbabel, saying, not with power or with power, but with my spirit, says the lord sebaot. Zech.4.7 who are you, o great mountain, before serubbabel? you will make the town of the inheritance raise out, grace, grace for it! Zech.4.8 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Zech.4.9 the hands of zerubbabel have funded this house, and his hands will make it perfect. and you will know that the lord of the armées has sent me to you. Zech.4.10 for who despises the day of little way? they rejoice, and they will see the stone in the hand of zerubbabel? these seven are the eyes of the lord who draws on the whole earth. Zech.4.11 then i answered him, what are these two olives at the right hand of the stand and at the left? Zech.4.12 then i asked him a second time and said to him, what are the two branches of olives that are in the hands of the two golden treasures of gold? Zech.4.13 and he said to me, you do not know what these things are? i said, no, lord. Zech.4.14 and he said, these are the two boasts who stand before the lord of all the earth. Zech.5.1 then i looked up and looked, and behold, a rook rosed. Zech.5.2 and he said to me, what are you seeing? and i said, i see a robling rook, a longer of twenth, and a breedte of thousand. Zech.5.3 and he said to me, this is the maledition that comes out over the whole earth. for every thief will be set out from one thing to death, and every one who looks will be rejected from this end to death. Zech.5.4 i have brought it out, says the lord of the armées, and he will enter the house of the thief and to the house of him who looks false in my name. and he will depart in his house and destroy him, with his tree and his stones. Zech.5.5 and the angel who spoke to me came out and said to me, take your eyes out and see what it is that is coming. Zech.5.6 and i said, what is it? and he said, this is the measure that comes out. and he said, this is their trespass in all the earth. Zech.5.7 and behold, a loobs was taken up, and there was a woman sitting in the measure. Zech.5.8 and he said, this is the lawlessness. and he threw it into the meat of the epha and put the loots in the mouth. Zech.5.9 then i lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, two women came out, and the wind was in their vings, and they had ailes like the winds of a drink. so they took the efa among the earth and the heavens. Zech.5.10 then i said to the angel who spoke to me, where will they bring the efa? Zech.5.11 and he said to me, they will build for him a house in the land of babel, and when it has been prepared, they will lay it there on his place. Zech.6.1 then i looked, and i looked, and behold, vier chars came out of the midst of two mountains, and the mountains were a money of bronze. Zech.6.2 for the first wagen were round horse, and for the second char were a warm horse, Zech.6.3 for the third ran white, and in the fourth of the fourth horses of various women. Zech.6.4 then i answered the angel who spoke to me, what are these things, my lord? Zech.6.5 and the angel answered me, these are the four winds of heaven, who come out from the lord of all the earth. Zech.6.6 the charives horses are going out to the land of the nordside, and the white went out after them, and the white went out to the land of the south. Zech.6.7 the beasts went out, and they were seeking to go on the land. and he said, go out, walk on the earth! and they went on the land. Zech.6.8 and he cried out and said to me, behold, those who went out to the land of the nordland have rejected my course in the land of the nordland. Zech.6.9 and the word of the lord came to me, saying, Zech.6.10 take the things of the captive, from heldai, tobia and jedaja, and come in that day, you in the house of josia, the son of zefanja, who came from babel, Zech.6.11 you take the silver and gold and make crowds and put it on the head of jesus the son of josadak, the high priest, Zech.6.12 and say to him, so says the lord sebaot: behold, a man whose name is orient, and in his way he grows, and he will build the house of the lord. Zech.6.13 he will call the temple of god, and he will take a dominion and sit on his throne, and he will be a priest at his throne, and a council of peace will be among both. Zech.6.14 the crowns will be for helem, tobia, jedaja, and helem, the son of zefanja, as a toward in the house of the lord. Zech.6.15 and those who are far will come and build the temple of the lord, and you will know that the lord of the armées has sent me to you. and it will be that if you hear the voice of the lord your god. Zech.7.1 in the fourth years of king darius the word of the lord came to zechariah the fourth day of the night, in the night. Zech.7.2 the people of bet-el sent sareser and regem-melech with his men to supplike the lord Zech.7.3 and to the priests who were in the house of the lord of the armées and the prophets, saying, shall i go in the fourth month and be held as i have done for many years? Zech.7.4 the word of the lord of the armées came to me, saying, Zech.7.5 say to all the people of the land and to the priests, saying, if you were fasting and weeping in the fifth and in the seventh years, and now seven years, have you fast for me? Zech.7.6 and when you eat and drink, did you not eat and drink? Zech.7.7 are not these the words that the lord spoke by the prophets of the first prophets, when jerusalem was abid and ready, with its towns around, and the mountain and the laeving country were dwelling? Zech.7.8 and the word of the lord came to zechariah, saying, Zech.7.9 so says the lord of the armée, judge the right judgment, and show mercy and mercy each one to his brother. Zech.7.10 do not oppresse widows, women, proselyte and poor, and show no evil in your hearts a evil one against your brother. Zech.7.11 but they refused to keep attention, and deturned their ears and burned their ears, so that they would not hear. Zech.7.12 they laid their heart as disobedient, so that they did not listen to the law and the words that the lord of the allmächtige sent by his spirit by the first prophets. so there was a great wrath from the lord of the allmächtige. Zech.7.13 and as he cried out and did not listen, so they cried out, and i did not listen, says the lord sebaot. Zech.7.14 so i cast them out among all the nations that they did not know, and the earth there was desolate after them, so that no one was perishing or returned, and they make the great land become a desolate place. Zech.8.1 and the word of the lord of the almighty said, Zech.8.2 so says the lord of the armée, i am jealousy for zion with great jealousy, and with great wrath i have acceited it. Zech.8.3 so says the lord: i will return to zion and dwell in jerusalem, and jerusalem shall be called the true city, and the mountain of the lord of the allmächtige will be called a holy mountain. Zech.8.4 so says the lord of the armée: many elders and elders will sit in the ruets of jerusalem, each with his staff in his hand for the number of days. Zech.8.5 and the streets of the city will be filled with children and daughts, crying out in its streets. Zech.8.6 so says the lord of the armée, if it is impossible in the sight of this rest of this people in those days, will it be impossible in my presence, says the lord of the armées. Zech.8.7 so says the lord of the armée, behold, i will save my people from the land of the east and from the land of the west. Zech.8.8 and i will bring them, and they will dwell in jerusalem, and they will be my people, and i will be their god in truth and righteousness. Zech.8.9 so says the lord sebaot: be strong, o your hands, you who hear in these days these words from the mouth of the prophets, from the day when the foundation of the house of the lord of the armées were being built up. Zech.8.10 for before those days there was not a reward for man, nor belonging to the beast, nor was there for the one who went out or entered, for i was sent all people, each one against his neighbor. Zech.8.11 yet now i will do to the rest of this people so as in the former days. Zech.8.12 for there will be a grain of peace, the vineyard will give its fruit, the earth will give its fruit, and heaven will give his daughter, and i will inherit the rest of this people all these things. Zech.8.13 and as you were a curse among the nations, o house of judah and house of israel, so i will save you and be a blessing. do not fear, and be strong in your hands. Zech.8.14 for so says the lord of the armée: as i could agree to do you, when your fathers provoked me to provoke me, says the lord sebaot, and i did not repent, Zech.8.15 so i have ready in these days to do well to do for jerusalem and the house of judah. fear not. Zech.8.16 these are what you will do: speak the truth to one another, judge in your gates a condemnation of peace. Zech.8.17 do not rebuke one against one evil in your hearts, and do not love false oath, for all these things i have hated, says the lord. Zech.8.18 the word of the lord of the almighty came to me, saying, Zech.8.19 so says the lord of the allmächtige: the fasting of the fourth, the fasting of the fifth, the fasting of the seventh and the fasting of the third will have become a joy and a joy and a good feast, but love the truth and the peace. Zech.8.20 so says the lord of the armées, the people will come again and the habitants of many towns. Zech.8.21 and the inhabitants of two towns will come to the one city and say, let us go to appeal to the lord, and to seek the lord of the almighty. Zech.8.22 so many nations and many nations will come to seek the lord of the almighty in jerusalem and to make propitiation for the lord. Zech.8.23 so says the lord sebaot: in those days ten men from all the tongues of the nations will receive the fringe of a jewish man and say, we will go with you, for we have heard that god is with you. Zech.9.1 a break of the word of the lord in the land of shadrach, and of damascus his offering. for the lord is searing for people and all the tribes of israel. Zech.9.2 on hamat also in its region, tiros and sidon, because they were greater. Zech.9.3 and tyre became a strength of holiness and made silver like stof and gold as brid on the roads. Zech.9.4 he will destroy it, and he will strike her power into the sea, and it will be consumed with fire. Zech.9.5 askalon will see it and fear, and gaza, and will be treated greatly, and ekron, because his trespassing trespass has been shaken, and the king of gaza will perish, and askalon will not be dwelled. Zech.9.6 others will dwell in asdod, and i will destroy the arrogant of the philistins. Zech.9.7 i will take the blood out of their mouth and their abominations from their teeth, and so he will remain to our god, and he will be like a ruler in judah, and ekron will be like the jebusus. Zech.9.8 i will make a guard against my house against people, against those who passes and walks, and the exacting will no longer come upon them, for now i have seen in my eyes. Zech.9.9 rejoice, o daughter of zion, juw, o daughter of jerusalem! behold, your king comes to you. he is a righteous and salvater, and ascending on a asno and on a colt. Zech.9.10 and i will destroy carros of ephraim and horses from jerusalem, and the archers of belonging will be destroyed. he will make peace among the nations, and his domination be from sea tot the sea, and from the rivers to the crostings of the land. Zech.9.11 and even for the blood of the covenant i will release your prisoners out of a cistern without water. Zech.9.12 return to the surround, o prisoners of the congregation! even at the same time i will give you thirty. Zech.9.13 for i have stranged me juda as a bound, i filled ephraim, and rebuild your children, zion, against your children, o greek, and put you like a sword of held. Zech.9.14 and the lord will be upon them, and his bound will come out like a lightning, and the lord, the lord, will blound in the trumpet and go to the storm of the storm. Zech.9.15 the lord of the armées will help them, and they will consume them, and they will cut in seading stones, and they will drink as wine, and they will filled as offerings for the altar. Zech.9.16 and the lord, their god, will save them on that day as a sheep of his people, for they are in his land as holy stones. Zech.9.17 for how much is his good, and what is his good? a wheat for the young women and the wine a wine! Zech.10.1 ask from the lord a rain in the time of reason, the lord has made reveas, and he will give them rain in reason, to each grain in the field. Zech.10.2 for the dealers spoke false, and the magirs show false appearances, speaking false dreves, deceive food. therefore they were carried away like sheep, departed, because there was no healing. Zech.10.3 against the shepherds my wrath has become wrath, and for the lamb i will visite. the lord sebaot visits his sheep, the house of judah, and will make them like his majestous hors in war. Zech.10.4 from him will the guard come, from it the guard, from it the arch of wrath, from him all the rulers. Zech.10.5 and they will be like a held, who bread a call on the road in the war, and they will strike, for the lord is with them, and the ran of horses will be put to shame. Zech.10.6 and i will strengthen the house of judah, and i will save the house of joseph, and i will bring them to live, for i have loved them. and they will be like though i did not have rejected them. for i am the lord their god, and i will listen to them. Zech.10.7 and ephraim will be like a held, and their hearts will rejoice as by wine. their children will see it and rejoice, their hearts rejoice in the lord. Zech.10.8 i will show them and gather them, for i delivered them, and they will be multiplied as they were many. Zech.10.9 i will see them among people, and they will remember me in the distance, and they will leave their children and return. Zech.10.10 i will turn them out of the land of egypt, and i will gather them from assur, and i will bring them into the land of galaad and the libano, and there will not be remained for them. Zech.10.11 they will passe through the great sea, and they will strike the hars in the sea, and all the dives of the rivers will shaken, and the arrogant of assyrie will be taken away, and the scepter of egypt will be destroyed. Zech.10.12 and i will strengthen them in the lord, and they will boast in his name, says the lord. Zech.11.1 open your door, o liban, and let the fire consume your cedres. Zech.11.2 ull, o cypresse, for the seder has fallen, for the great ones are devasted! huil, o wald of basan, for the best wald is destroyed. Zech.11.3 it is a voice of lamenting for shepherds, for their magnificence has been destroyed. it is a voice of lions of leons, for the cross of the jordan has been destroyed. Zech.11.4 so said the lord, my god, shepherd the sheep of the slain, Zech.11.5 their possessions destroy them, and they are not rejected, and those who sold them say: blessed be the lord, for i have perplexed, and their shepherds do nothing against them. Zech.11.6 for i no longer will spare the inhabitants of the land, says the lord. behold, i will give all people in the hand of his neighbor and into the hand of his king, and they will destroy the land, and i will not deliver them out of their hands. Zech.11.7 so i fed a sheep for the slainers of the slages. and i took to me two roves, the one i called a pleased, and the other called i a prisoning, and i fed the sheep. Zech.11.8 and i destroyed the three shepherds in one monyws, and my soul was harden with them, and they also defiled me. Zech.11.9 so i said, i will not shepherd you. let the one who is dead let die die, and the rest let one eat, each one may eat the flesh of his neighbor. Zech.11.10 then i took my scepter well and throw it away to destroy my covenant that i had made with all the people. Zech.11.11 and it was broken in that day, and the sheep of the sheep who were guarded know that it was the word of the lord. Zech.11.12 then i said to them, if it is good for your eyes, give me my reward, but if it is not, you should give my reward thirty pieces of silver. Zech.11.13 and the lord said to me, throw them to the burn of gold, which they have been excellent for them. so i took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them in the burn of gold. Zech.11.14 then i throw down the second sceptery, so that i might broke the possession among judah and israel. Zech.11.15 and the lord said to me, take yourself for a devout shepherd. Zech.11.16 for behold, i will raise a shepherd on the land, who does not visits the dispersing; he will not seek the dispersed, does not heal the broken, neither will he spend the best, but will eat the flesh of the elect and break their best. Zech.11.17 woe to the false shepherd, who abandoned the sheep! let the sword fall on his arm and for his right eye! let his arm be sicted and his right eye be wicked. Zech.12.1 a letter of the word of the lord against israel. so says the lord, who made heaven and made the foundation of the earth and forced the spirit of a man in him: Zech.12.2 behold, i will put jerusalem as a beast of wandering for all the nations around, and even for judah will it be at belonging to jerusalem. Zech.12.3 in that day i will make jerusalem a stone stone for all the nations; all who will sweep it will be shaken, and all the nations of the earth will gather against it. Zech.12.4 in that day, says the lord, i will strike all hors with stud and his rythers with food, but over the house of judah i will open my eyes, and i will strike all the hors of the people with blind. Zech.12.5 and the rulers of judah will say in their hearts, the inwoners of jerusalem are to me in the lord of the almighty god. Zech.12.6 in that day i will make the rulers of judah like a flame of fire among a tree and like a flame of fire in old, and they will consume all the people around, at the right hand and at the left. and jerusalem will be in his place in jerusalem. Zech.12.7 and the lord will save the tends of judah in the beginning, so that the boasting of the house of david and the glory of the inwoners of jerusalem may not be granted over judas. Zech.12.8 in that day the lord bows the inwoners of jerusalem, and the weak among them in that day will be like david, and the house of david will be like god, like the angel of the lord before them. Zech.12.9 in that day i will seek to destroy all the nations that will come against jerusalem. Zech.12.10 and i will shame out over the house of david and over the inwoners of jerusalem the spirit of grace and of mercy, and they will see to me whom they have carried up. they will weep over him as it is over one beloved, and they will weep over him a mourning, as he is over the firstborn. Zech.12.11 in that day a plant will be granted in jerusalem as a plant for hadadrimmon in the field of megiddo. Zech.12.12 and the land will mourn, every tribe for himself, the tribe of the house of david apart, and their women for himself, the tribe of the house of nathan for himself, and their women for himself, Zech.12.13 the tribe of the house of levi apart, and their women for themselves; the family of simeon for himself, and their women for themselves, Zech.12.14 all the other tribes, every tribe for himself, and their women for themselves. Zech.13.1 in that day there will be open place for the house of david and for people of israel. Zech.13.2 in that day, declares the lord of the people, i will destroy the name of the idols from the land, and they will no longer remember them, and i will take the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land. Zech.13.3 and if a man prophesy, his father and his mother who had been born of him will say to him, you will not live, because you have spoken false in the name of the lord. and his father and his mother who had born him will teach him while he prophesy. Zech.13.4 in that day the prophets will be put to shame, each one of his vision, as he prophesy, and they will not put a hair of harb, for they have been deceived. Zech.13.5 he will say, i am not a prophet, i am a fellow worker, for a man has been born of me from my youth. Zech.13.6 and if one say to him, what are these plagues on your hands? he will say, i have been better in the house of my beloved. Zech.13.7 come out, o espada, against my shepherd, and against the man who is my fellow man, says the lord of heirs, strik the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, and i will raise my hand against the shepherds. Zech.13.8 and in all the land, says the lord, two partes will be destroyed and destroy, but a third of them will be left. Zech.13.9 and i will bring a third of the fire through fire and purifike them as the silver belong, and approve them as they approve the gold. they shall call my name, and i will listen to it. i will say, it is my people, and they will say, the lord is my god. Zech.14.1 behold, the day comes of the lord, and your roof will be divided among you. Zech.14.2 for i will gather all the nations to belonging to jerusalem, and the city will be saken, the house will be plunder and the women defiled. the half of the city will come in captive, but the rest of the people will not be destroyed of the city. Zech.14.3 and the lord will go out and strike against those nations, just as he was attacked on the day of war. Zech.14.4 in that day his feet will stand at the mount of olives, which is before jerusalem at the east, and the mount of the olive will be divided for the held, and to the west, a great hail, and a half of the mountain will turn to sever and the other to the miest. Zech.14.5 and you will flee in the beast of my mountains, for the beast of the mounts will flew to asel. you will flee, just as you fured by the earthquake in the days of uzzia, king of judah. and the lord, my god, will come with all the saints with him. Zech.14.6 in that day there will be no light, there will be sound of sound. Zech.14.7 it will be one day, known to the lord; there will be no day or night, and on the evening there will be light. Zech.14.8 in that day living water will come out of jerusalem, the helf of it to the first sea and the other to the west sea. in sommer and in winter it will be so. Zech.14.9 and the lord will be king over all the land. in that day the lord will be one, and his name is one. Zech.14.10 the whole land will become like the wilderness, from geba to rimmon to the midi of jerusalem, and he will be exalted and remain in his place, from the pordego of benjamin to the place of the first port, to the hood of the parents, and from the turn of hananeel to the winepress of the king. Zech.14.11 they will dwell in it, and no curse will be again, and jerusalem will abide in confidence. Zech.14.12 and this will be the fall that the lord will destroy all the people that they will strike against jerusalem: the flesh of them will turn when they are standing at their feet, and their eyes will escape in their deeds and their tongue in their mouth. Zech.14.13 in that day there will be a great confusion of the lord against them, so that each one will take the hand of his neighbor, and his hand will escape against the hand of his neighbor. Zech.14.14 even judas will belong in jerusalem, and the riches of all the people around will gather, gold and silver and garments in great multitude. Zech.14.15 this is the plague of the hors, of the muilds, of the cammels and of the jumen and of all the beast that will be in these tenders. Zech.14.16 all the rest of those of all the nations who are coming to jerusalem will come up every year to worship the king, the lord of the armées, and to celebrate the feast of tents. Zech.14.17 and whatever some of the tribes of the earth will not come up to jerusalem to worship the king, the lord of the armées, they will not rain upon them. Zech.14.18 and if the tribe of egypt does not ascend and not come, there will be the plague with which the lord will strike the nations that will not come up to celebrate the feast of tents. Zech.14.19 this will be the sin of egypt and the sin of all the nations who will not come up to celebrate the feast of tents. Zech.14.20 in that day there will be on the baskets of the hors: holy for the lord. and the pods in the house of the lord will be like leaps before the altar. Zech.14.21 every pot in jerusalem and in judah will be holy for the lord of the armées, and all who sacrifices will come, and they will receive them and cover them. in that day there will be no kananeer in the house of the lord of the armées in that day, and i will make a third in the temple of the lord of the armées. Mal.1.1 a carriage word of the word of the lord against israel by the hand of his angel. Mal.1.2 i loved you, says the lord, and you said, in what you have loved us? was esau not a brother of jacob? says i loved jacob. Mal.1.3 and i hated esau, and i made his land a desolate place, and his inheritance for the desolate places of the wilderness. Mal.1.4 if edom say: we are destroyed, but we will burn the desolate places, so says the lord of the armée: they will build, and i will burn. they will be called the country of ungodly and a people on which the lord is rejected forever. Mal.1.5 your eyes will see it, and you will say, the lord has become great above the region of israel. Mal.1.6 a son glorifies his father, and a servant does his master. if i am a father, where is my glory? and if i am lord, where is my fear? the lord sebaot says to you, you priests, who disregards my name. but you say: in what did we despise your name? Mal.1.7 you bring bread in my altar with unclean bread. and you say, in what we have defiled them? so that you say, the table of the lord is despised. Mal.1.8 for if you bring a blind man to a sacrifice, is it no evil, and if you bring a lame or a sick, you will bring it to your ruler, will he receive it, and will he receive you? Mal.1.9 and now, pray for god, so that you may be encouraged. this is in your hands that he will receive you? says the lord of the armée. Mal.1.10 though one of you are clothed to the door, so that you may not burn for my altar without cause. i am not willing of me, says the lord of the armée, and i will not accept sacrifice from your hands. Mal.1.11 for from the short to the sun, my name will be great among the nations, and in every place the offering offering to my name, a pure sacrifice, for my name is great among the nations, says the lord sebaot. Mal.1.12 but you profane it by saying, the table of the lord is defiled, and the eating of his food is rejected. Mal.1.13 and you say, what is something of suffering! and you break them out, says the lord sebaot, and you brings out a grain, the toil and the bold, and bringing the sacrifice, do i accept it from your hand? says the lord. Mal.1.14 cursed be the man who belongs to a male manner and has a manner and offer a offering for the lord. for i am a great king, says the lord sebaot, and my name is terrible among the nations. Mal.2.1 now now, o priests, this commandment is to you. Mal.2.2 if you not hear, and if you do not put in your heart to give glory to my name, says the lord sebaot, i will send a curse upon you and curse your blessing, and i will curse it, because you do not put it to your heart. Mal.2.3 behold, i will put the schuldle to you, and i will scroll the rook on your face, the stone of your feast, and i will take you into one. Mal.2.4 and you will know that i have sent this commandment to you, that my covenant might be with levi, says the lord sebaot. Mal.2.5 my covenant with him was life and peace, and i gave it to him, to fear me, and he was afraid for my name. Mal.2.6 the law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was found in his lips. he went with me in peace and right, and turned back for many. Mal.2.7 for the lips of the priest guards knowledge, and the law will seek from his mouth, for he is an angel of the lord of the armées. Mal.2.8 but you have turned from the way, inflicted many in the law, destroyed the covenant of levi, says the lord sebaot. Mal.2.9 so i make you despised and despised for all the nations, because you do not keep my ways, but accept persons in the law. Mal.2.10 have we all not one father? has not one god created us? why do we depart each one against his brother and profane the covenant of your fathers? Mal.2.11 juda has been forgiven, and a abomination becomes in israel and in jerusalem, because judas has profaned the holy things of the lord, which he loved and had given a god of others. Mal.2.12 the lord destroy the man who does these things from the tenders of jacob and those who offert sacrifice to the lord of the armée. Mal.2.13 you have done this: you have broken the altar of the lord with tears, with weeping and weeping, so that you are still looking to the sacrifice and do not accept acceptable from your hands. Mal.2.14 and you say, why? why the lord has testified among you and the wife of your youth, which you have destined, and she is your fellow marriage and a wife of your covenant. Mal.2.15 did not one do so, even a rest of his spirit. and what is it for one? he seek a offspring of god. therefore keep attention in your spirit, and do not trouble the wife of your youth. Mal.2.16 for i hate a defense, declares the lord, the god of israel, and ungodly count his idol, says the lord of the armée. therefore keep attention in your spirit and do not deceive it. Mal.2.17 you would provoke the lord in your words. but you say, with what did we provoke him? by saying, everyone who does evil is good in the presence of the lord, and in them he is pleasing. or where is the god of righteousness? Mal.3.1 behold, i send my messenger, and he will put a way before me. and suddenly there will come into his temple the lord whom you seek, and the angel of the covenant that you wish. behold, he is coming, says the lord of the armées. Mal.3.2 but who will endure the day of his coming? or who will stand when he is appearing? for he is like a fire of gold and like a means of winds. Mal.3.3 he will sit, briking and cleaning the silver and cleanse the sons of levi and show them as gold and silver, and they will bring to the lord offerings in righteousness. Mal.3.4 and the sacrifice of judah and jerusalem will be pleased for the lord as in the days of the age and as in the former years. Mal.3.5 and i will come to you in judgment, and i will be soon witness against the sorcerers, over the adulteres and against those who answers false in my name and against those who punish the reward of the reward, the widows and the waising, and those who deceive the extreme, and no fear of me, says the lord of the armées. Mal.3.6 for i, the lord, i refuse not, and you, sons of jacob, are not abandoned. Mal.3.7 for the deeds of your fathers you have deceived my instruct, and you did not keep it. return to me, and i will turn to you, says the lord of the armées. and you say, how shall we return? Mal.3.8 will a man break god? for you revile me. and you say, in what we have objected you? the tithes and the offerings are with you. Mal.3.9 you were afflicted, for you are afflicted me, all this nation. Mal.3.10 bring all the tithes into the treasures, so that it may be grain in my house, and inquire me in this way, says the lord of the armées, if i do not open to you the furts of the heavens and give you a blessing in sufficient for you. Mal.3.11 and i will depart for you as a food, and he will not destroy you the fruit of the earth, and the vineyard of the field in the field will not become of you, says the lord of the armées. Mal.3.12 and all the nations will blessed you, for you will be a land of wildness, says the lord sebaot. Mal.3.13 your words became greatly against me, says the lord. but you say, what did we speak against you? Mal.3.14 you said, it is a vain who serve god. what more is more that we have kept his commandments and have followed worthy before the lord of the armées? Mal.3.15 now we are blessed others blessed, and all who do sinning will be rebuked, and they accept god, and they were saved. Mal.3.16 then those who fear the lord speak to one another, and the lord looked and heard, and a remember scroll was written before him to those who fear the lord and love his name. Mal.3.17 and they will be for me, says the lord of the armées, to the day that i do, i will make them belonging to them, as a man means his son who serve him. Mal.3.18 then you will return and see zwischen righteous and unrighteous, among the one who serve god and the one who does not serve him. Mal.4.1 for behold, the day comes, burning as a horn, and all the strangers and all who do evil will be like stoph, and the coming day will burn them, says the lord sebaot, and there will not be left of them a wortel nor a branch. Mal.4.2 but for you who fear my name will come the sun of righteousness and the healing in his vinds, and you will come out and joy like sheep from chase. Mal.4.3 and you will trample the sinners, for they will be aspers under your feet in the day that i am doing, says the lord sebaot. Mal.4.4 remember the law of moses my servant, which i commanded him at horeb, the commandments and instructions. Mal.4.5 behold, i send to you elijah the people, before the day of the lord comes, the great and terrible day. Mal.4.6 he will turn the hearts of the father to the children and the heart of the children to their children, so that i may not come and strike the land with a sword.